DRVDOC-1129: Clicking on editor margins should focus editor
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / styles / scss / base / _fonts.scss
1 @use '~inter-ui/default' with (
2         $inter-font-path: '~inter-ui/web'
3 );
5 @use '~inter-ui/variable' with (
6         $inter-font-path: '~inter-ui/variable'
7 );
9 /*
10 Only include font faces that we need.
11 Only used by outdated browsers/os
12 Minimises the number of font requests made which is then duplicated by the challenge script. This can be removed when the challenge script no longer makes style requests.
14 @include default.weight-400-normal;
15 @include default.weight-500-normal;
16 @include default.weight-600-normal;
17 @include default.weight-700-normal;
19 @include variable.all;
21 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 OpenDyslexic font face definition for font face setting
26 $opendyslexic-font-path: '~@proton/styles/assets/fonts';
28 @font-face {
29         font-family: OpenDyslexic;
30         font-style: normal;
31         font-weight: normal;
32         font-display: swap;
33         src:
34                 local('OpenDyslexic'),
35                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Regular.woff2') format('woff2'),
36                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Regular.woff') format('woff');
39 @font-face {
40         font-family: OpenDyslexic;
41         font-style: italic;
42         font-weight: normal;
43         font-display: swap;
44         src:
45                 local('OpenDyslexic'),
46                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Italic.woff2') format('woff2'),
47                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Italic.woff') format('woff');
50 @font-face {
51         font-family: OpenDyslexic;
52         font-style: normal;
53         font-weight: 600;
54         font-display: swap;
55         src:
56                 local('OpenDyslexic'),
57                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Bold.woff2') format('woff2'),
58                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Bold.woff') format('woff');
61 @font-face {
62         font-family: OpenDyslexic;
63         font-style: italic;
64         font-weight: 600;
65         font-display: swap;
66         src:
67                 local('OpenDyslexic'),
68                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Bold-Italic.woff2') format('woff2'),
69                 url('#{$opendyslexic-font-path}/OpenDyslexic-Bold-Italic.woff') format('woff');
72 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 :root {
75         --font-weight-normal: 400;
76         --font-weight-semibold: 600;
77         --font-weight-bold: 700;
80 $fallback-fonts: system-ui, sans-serif;
82 html,
83 .apply-font {
84         // Set fallback font stack as default
85         font-family: var(--setting-font-family, var(--optional-font-family, #{$fallback-fonts}));
86         font-synthesis: none;
87         font-weight: var(--font-weight-normal);
88         font-style: normal;
90         /* stylelint-disable */
91         -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
92         -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
93         font-smoothing: antialiased;
94         /* stylelint-enable */
96         // If the browser supports `@supports`, set Inter static if it doesn't support variable fonts
97         @supports not (font-variation-settings: normal) {
98                 font-family: var(--setting-font-family, var(--optional-font-family, 'Inter', #{$fallback-fonts}));
99         }
101         // If the browser supports `@supports`, set Inter variable if it supports variable fonts
102         @supports (font-variation-settings: normal) {
103                 font-family: var(--setting-font-family, var(--optional-font-family, 'InterVariable', #{$fallback-fonts}));
104         }