4 /* Introduce `--setting-font-size` to make the font size setting possible. */
6 /* chosen size * browser default size / app default size * 100% / browser default size */
7 font-size: calc(var(--setting-font-size) * #{math.div(16, 14) * math.div(100%, 16)});
11 color: var(--text-norm);
12 line-height: $base-line-height;
13 font-size: em($base-font-size, $root-default-font-size);
16 @each $tag, $size in $title-sizes {
22 font-weight: var(--font-weight-normal);
26 /* Hyphenation: Thou shalt not pass (Moïse or Gandalf, don’t remember) */
27 @if $hyphenation == true {
37 word-break: break-word;
39 @supports (-webkit-hyphens: auto) or (hyphens: auto) {
41 @include vendor-prefix(hyphens, auto, webkit);