1 import { BrowserWindow, Menu, type Session, Tray, app, nativeImage, nativeTheme, session, shell } from 'electron';
2 import logger from 'electron-log/main';
3 import { join } from 'path';
5 import { ForkType } from '@proton/shared/lib/authentication/fork/constants';
6 import { APPS, APPS_CONFIGURATION } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
7 import { getAppVersionHeaders } from '@proton/shared/lib/fetch/headers';
8 import { getAppUrlFromApiUrl, getSecondLevelDomain } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/url';
9 import noop from '@proton/utils/noop';
11 import * as config from './app/config';
12 import { WINDOWS_APP_ID } from './constants';
13 import { migrateSameSiteCookies, upgradeSameSiteCookies } from './lib/cookies';
14 import { ARCH } from './lib/env';
15 import { setApplicationMenu } from './menu-view/application-menu';
16 import { startup } from './startup';
17 import { certificateVerifyProc } from './tls';
18 import type { PassElectronContext } from './types';
19 import { SourceType, updateElectronApp } from './update';
20 import { isMac, isProdEnv, isWindows } from './utils/platform';
22 const ctx: PassElectronContext = { window: null, quitting: false };
24 const DOMAIN = getSecondLevelDomain(new URL(config.API_URL).hostname);
26 const createSession = () => {
27 const partitionKey = ENV !== 'production' ? 'app-dev' : 'app';
28 const secureSession = session.fromPartition(`persist:${partitionKey}`, { cache: false });
30 const filter = { urls: [`${getAppUrlFromApiUrl(config.API_URL, APPS.PROTONPASS)}*`] };
32 secureSession.setPermissionRequestHandler((_webContents, _permission, callback) => callback(false));
35 // Always use system DNS settings
36 app.configureHostResolver({
37 enableAdditionalDnsQueryTypes: false,
38 enableBuiltInResolver: true,
43 // Use certificate pinning
44 if (config.SSO_URL.endsWith('proton.me')) secureSession.setCertificateVerifyProc(certificateVerifyProc);
46 secureSession.webRequest.onHeadersReceived({ urls: [`https://*.${DOMAIN}/*`] }, (details, callback) => {
47 const { responseHeaders = {}, frame } = details;
48 const appRequest = frame?.url?.startsWith('file://') ?? false;
50 /** If the request is made from a `file://` url: migrate ALL `SameSite` directives
51 * to `None` and allow cross-origin requests for the API. If not then only upgrade
52 * EMPTY `SameSite` cookie directives to `None` to preserve `Session-ID` cookies */
54 migrateSameSiteCookies(responseHeaders);
55 responseHeaders['access-control-allow-origin'] = ['file://'];
56 responseHeaders['access-control-allow-credentials'] = ['true'];
57 responseHeaders['access-control-allow-headers'] = Object.keys(details.responseHeaders || {});
58 } else upgradeSameSiteCookies(responseHeaders);
60 callback({ cancel: false, responseHeaders });
64 const clientId = ((): string => {
67 switch (process.platform) {
69 return config.windowsClientID || config.clientID;
71 return config.macosClientID || config.clientID;
73 return config.linuxClientID || config.clientID;
75 return config.clientID;
79 secureSession.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders(({ requestHeaders }, callback) =>
83 ...getAppVersionHeaders(clientId, config.APP_VERSION),
88 // Intercept SSO login redirect to the Pass web app
89 secureSession.webRequest.onBeforeRequest(filter, async (details, callback) => {
90 if (!ctx.window) return;
92 const url = new URL(details.url);
93 if (url.pathname !== '/login') return callback({ cancel: false });
95 callback({ cancel: true });
96 const nextUrl = `${MAIN_WINDOW_WEBPACK_ENTRY}#/login${url.hash}`;
97 await ctx.window.loadURL(nextUrl);
100 return secureSession;
103 const createWindow = async (session: Session): Promise<BrowserWindow> => {
104 if (ctx.window) return ctx.window;
106 ctx.window = new BrowserWindow({
111 autoHideMenuBar: true,
115 contextIsolation: true,
116 nodeIntegration: false,
117 disableBlinkFeatures: 'Auxclick',
118 devTools: Boolean(process.env.PASS_DEBUG) || !isProdEnv(),
121 ...(isMac ? { titleBarStyle: 'hidden', frame: false } : { titleBarStyle: 'default' }),
122 trafficLightPosition: {
130 setApplicationMenu(ctx.window);
132 ctx.window.on('close', (e) => {
139 ctx.window.on('closed', () => (ctx.window = null));
141 await ctx.window.loadURL(MAIN_WINDOW_WEBPACK_ENTRY);
148 const createTrayIcon = (session: Session) => {
149 const trayIconName = (() => {
150 switch (process.platform) {
152 return 'trayTemplate.png';
160 const trayIconPath = join(app.isPackaged ? process.resourcesPath : app.getAppPath(), 'assets', trayIconName);
161 const trayIcon = nativeImage.createFromPath(trayIconPath);
162 const tray = new Tray(trayIcon);
163 tray.setToolTip('Proton Pass');
165 const onOpenPassHandler = async () => {
166 const window = await createWindow(session);
170 const contextMenu = Menu.buildFromTemplate([
171 { label: 'Open Proton Pass', click: onOpenPassHandler },
172 { type: 'separator' },
173 { label: 'Quit', role: 'quit', click: app.quit },
176 tray.setContextMenu(contextMenu);
178 if (process.platform === 'win32') tray.on('double-click', onOpenPassHandler);
181 const onActivate = (secureSession: Session) => () => {
182 if (ctx.window) return ctx.window.show();
183 if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) return createWindow(secureSession);
186 if (!app.requestSingleInstanceLock()) app.quit();
190 // This method will be called when Electron has finished
191 // initialization and is ready to create browser windows.
192 // Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.
193 app.addListener('ready', async () => {
194 const secureSession = createSession();
195 const handleActivate = onActivate(secureSession);
197 // Use dark title bar
198 nativeTheme.themeSource = 'dark';
201 createTrayIcon(secureSession);
203 // On OS X it's common to re-create a window in the app when the
204 // dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.
205 app.addListener('activate', handleActivate);
207 // On Windows, launching Pass while it's already running shold focus
208 // or create the main window of the existing process
209 app.addListener('second-instance', handleActivate);
211 // Prevent hiding windows when explicitly quitting
212 app.addListener('before-quit', () => (ctx.quitting = true));
214 await createWindow(secureSession);
217 session: secureSession,
219 type: SourceType.StaticStorage,
220 baseUrl: `https://proton.me/download/PassDesktop/${process.platform}/${ARCH}`,
225 app.addListener('web-contents-created', (_, contents) => {
226 contents.addListener('will-attach-webview', (evt) => evt.preventDefault());
228 const allowedHosts: string[] = [
229 new URL(config.API_URL).host,
230 new URL(config.SSO_URL).host,
231 getAppUrlFromApiUrl(config.API_URL, APPS.PROTONPASS).host,
234 contents.addListener('will-navigate', (evt, href) => {
235 if (href.startsWith(MAIN_WINDOW_WEBPACK_ENTRY)) return;
237 const url = new URL(href);
239 // Prevent opening URLs outside of account
240 if (!allowedHosts.includes(url.host) || !['/authorize', '/login'].includes(url.pathname)) {
241 evt.preventDefault();
242 logger.warn(`[will-navigate] preventDefault: ${url.toString()}`);
246 // Open Create account externally
247 if (url.searchParams.has('t') && url.searchParams.get('t') === ForkType.SIGNUP) {
248 evt.preventDefault();
249 logger.warn(`[will-navigate] openExternal: ${url.toString()}`);
250 return shell.openExternal(href).catch(noop);
254 contents.setWindowOpenHandler(({ url: href }) => {
255 const url = new URL(href);
257 // Shell out to the system browser if http(s)
258 if (['http:', 'https:'].includes(url.protocol)) shell.openExternal(href).catch(noop);
260 // Always deny opening external links in-app
261 return { action: 'deny' };
265 // Quit when all windows are closed, except on macOS. There, it's common
266 // for applications and their menu bar to stay active until the user quits
267 // explicitly with Cmd + Q.
268 app.addListener('window-all-closed', () => !isMac && app.quit());
269 app.addListener('will-finish-launching', () => isWindows && app.setAppUserModelId(WINDOWS_APP_ID));