3 This package contains [icon set](https://design-system.protontech.ch/?path=/docs/core-concepts-icons--icons) used across Proton's products.
5 There are 2 ways of consuming this package:
7 - Using the auto-generated React components (recommended)
8 - Using the sprite file
10 ## Consuming the Icon React components
13 import { IcGlobe } from '@proton/icons';
15 const MyComponent = () => <IcGlobe size={6} />;
18 Icons are tree shaken, so any icons you do not use will not be included in the bundle.
20 ## Using the SVG sprite
22 You can use the `Icons.tsx` component to import the sprite.
24 Then you can use the [Icon component](https://design-system.protontech.ch/?path=/docs/components-icon--basic).
28 In case some icons need to be changed/added, the process is:
30 - edit the `assets/sprite-icons.svg` file (making the relevant changes there)
31 - run `yarn workspace @proton/icons build` to generate the React components