Cleanup - unused files / unused exports / duplicate exports
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / gmailSyncModal / GmailSyncModal.tsx
1 import { c } from 'ttag';
3 import { SYNC_G_OAUTH_SCOPES, SYNC_SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION } from '@proton/activation/src/constants';
4 import useOAuthPopup from '@proton/activation/src/hooks/useOAuthPopup';
5 import type { EASY_SWITCH_SOURCES, OAuthProps } from '@proton/activation/src/interface';
6 import { ImportProvider } from '@proton/activation/src/interface';
7 import { useEasySwitchDispatch, useEasySwitchSelector } from '@proton/activation/src/logic/store';
8 import { changeCreateLoadingState, createSyncItem } from '@proton/activation/src/logic/sync/sync.actions';
9 import { selectCreateSyncState } from '@proton/activation/src/logic/sync/sync.selectors';
10 import { Button } from '@proton/atoms';
11 import type { ModalProps } from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/Modal';
12 import ModalTwo from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/Modal';
13 import ModalContent from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/ModalContent';
14 import ModalHeader from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/ModalHeader';
16 import GmailSyncModalAnimation from './GmailSyncModalAnimation';
17 import SignInWithGoogle from './SignInWithGoogle';
19 interface Props extends ModalProps {
20     source: EASY_SWITCH_SOURCES;
21     reduceHeight?: boolean;
22     onSyncCallback?: (hasError: boolean) => void;
23     onSyncSkipCallback?: () => void;
24     noSkip?: boolean;
27 const GmailSyncModal = ({ onSyncCallback, onSyncSkipCallback, source, reduceHeight, noSkip, }: Props) => {
28     const dispatch = useEasySwitchDispatch();
29     const syncState = useEasySwitchSelector(selectCreateSyncState);
30     const loading = syncState === 'pending';
32     const { triggerOAuthPopup, loadingConfig } = useOAuthPopup({
33         errorMessage: c('loc_nightly:Error').t`Your sync will not be processed.`,
34     });
36     const handleGoogleSync = () => {
37         triggerOAuthPopup({
38             provider: ImportProvider.GOOGLE,
39             scope: SYNC_G_OAUTH_SCOPES.join(' '),
40             callback: async (oAuthProps: OAuthProps) => {
41                 const { Code, Provider, RedirectUri } = oAuthProps;
42                 dispatch(changeCreateLoadingState('pending'));
43                 const res = await dispatch(
44                     createSyncItem({
45                         Code,
46                         Provider,
47                         RedirectUri,
48                         Source: source,
49                         notification: SYNC_SUCCESS_NOTIFICATION,
50                     })
51                 );
53                 const hasError = res.type.endsWith('rejected');
54                 if (!hasError) {
55                     rest?.onClose?.();
56                 }
57                 onSyncCallback?.(hasError);
58             },
59         });
60     };
62     const handleSyncSkip = () => {
63         onSyncSkipCallback?.();
64         rest?.onClose?.();
65     };
67     const handleClose = () => {
68         onSyncSkipCallback?.();
69         rest?.onClose?.();
70     };
72     return (
73         <ModalTwo size="xlarge" fullscreenOnMobile {} onClose={handleClose}>
74             <ModalHeader />
75             <ModalContent className="m-8 mt-0 flex flex-row items-center flex-nowrap gap-7">
76                 <div className="flex flex-column flex-1 gap-7">
77                     <h1 className="text-break text-4xl">
78                         <strong>{c('Gmail forwarding').t`Automatically forward`}</strong>
79                         &nbsp;
80                         <br className="lg:hidden" />
81                         {c('Gmail forwarding').t`Gmail messages to your inbox`}
82                     </h1>
83                     <div className="lg:hidden grow-2">
84                         <GmailSyncModalAnimation reduceHeight={reduceHeight} />
85                     </div>
86                     <div className="flex flex-column items-center gap-4">
87                         <SignInWithGoogle
88                             onClick={handleGoogleSync}
89                             loading={loading}
90                             disabled={loadingConfig}
91                             fullWidth
92                         />
93                         {!noSkip && (
94                             <Button shape="ghost" color="norm" fullWidth onClick={handleSyncSkip}>{c('Action')
95                                 .t`Skip`}</Button>
96                         )}
97                     </div>
98                 </div>
99                 <div className="hidden lg:block w-6/10">
100                     <GmailSyncModalAnimation reduceHeight={reduceHeight} />
101                 </div>
102             </ModalContent>
103         </ModalTwo>
104     );
107 export default GmailSyncModal;