Cleanup - unused files / unused exports / duplicate exports
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / messages / MessagesSection.tsx
1 import { useState } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import Info from '@proton/components/components/link/Info';
6 import useApi from '@proton/components/hooks/useApi';
7 import useEventManager from '@proton/components/hooks/useEventManager';
8 import useNotifications from '@proton/components/hooks/useNotifications';
9 import { FeatureCode, useFeature } from '@proton/features';
10 import { useLoading } from '@proton/hooks';
11 import { useMailSettings } from '@proton/mail/mailSettings/hooks';
12 import { updateSpamAction, updateStickyLabels, updateViewMode } from '@proton/shared/lib/api/mailSettings';
13 import { getKnowledgeBaseUrl } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/url';
14 import type { SPAM_ACTION } from '@proton/shared/lib/mail/mailSettings';
15 import { DEFAULT_MAILSETTINGS, STICKY_LABELS, VIEW_MODE } from '@proton/shared/lib/mail/mailSettings';
16 import { useFlag } from '@proton/unleash';
18 import SettingsLayout from '../account/SettingsLayout';
19 import SettingsLayoutLeft from '../account/SettingsLayoutLeft';
20 import SettingsLayoutRight from '../account/SettingsLayoutRight';
21 import StickyLabelsToggle from '../layouts/StickyLabelsToggle';
22 import ViewModeToggle from '../layouts/ViewModeToggle';
23 import AlmostAllMailToggle from './AlmostAllMailToggle';
24 import AutoDeleteSetting from './AutoDeleteSetting';
25 import EmbeddedToggle from './EmbeddedToggle';
26 import { PageSizeSelector } from './PageSizeSelector';
27 import RequestLinkConfirmationToggle from './RequestLinkConfirmationToggle';
28 import ShowMovedToggle from './ShowMovedToggle';
29 import SpamActionSelect from './SpamActionSelect';
31 const MessagesSection = () => {
32     const [
33         {
34             ViewMode,
35             StickyLabels,
36             HideEmbeddedImages,
37             ConfirmLink,
38             SpamAction,
39             AutoDeleteSpamAndTrashDays,
40             AlmostAllMail,
42     ] = useMailSettings();
43     const [hideEmbeddedImages, setHideEmbeddedImages] = useState(HideEmbeddedImages);
44     const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
46     const isAlmostAllMailEnabled = !!useFeature(FeatureCode.AlmostAllMail).feature?.Value;
47     const isPageSizeSettingEnabled = useFlag('WebMailPageSizeSetting');
49     const { call } = useEventManager();
50     const api = useApi();
52     const [loadingViewMode, withLoadingViewMode] = useLoading();
53     const [loadingStickyLabels, withLoadingStickyLabels] = useLoading();
54     const [loadingSpamAction, withLoadingSpamAction] = useLoading();
56     const handleChangeHideEmbedded = (newValue: number) => setHideEmbeddedImages(newValue);
58     const notifyPreferenceSaved = () => createNotification({ text: c('Success').t`Preference saved` });
60     const handleToggleStickyLabels = async (value: number) => {
61         await api(updateStickyLabels(value));
62         await call();
63         notifyPreferenceSaved();
64     };
66     const handleChangeViewMode = async (mode: VIEW_MODE) => {
67         if (mode === VIEW_MODE.SINGLE) {
68             await api(updateStickyLabels(STICKY_LABELS.DISABLED));
69         }
70         await api(updateViewMode(mode));
71         await call();
72         notifyPreferenceSaved();
73     };
75     const handleChangeSpamAction = async (spamAction: SPAM_ACTION | null) => {
76         await api(updateSpamAction(spamAction));
77         await call();
78         notifyPreferenceSaved();
79     };
81     return (
82         <>
83             <SettingsLayout>
84                 <SettingsLayoutLeft>
85                     <label htmlFor="embeddedToggle" className="text-semibold">
86                         <span className="mr-2">{c('Label').t`Auto show embedded images`}</span>
87                         <Info
88                             url={getKnowledgeBaseUrl('/images-by-default')}
89                             title={c('Info')
90                                 .t`When disabled, this prevents image files from loading on your device without your knowledge.`}
91                         />
92                     </label>
93                 </SettingsLayoutLeft>
94                 <SettingsLayoutRight isToggleContainer>
95                     <EmbeddedToggle
96                         id="embeddedToggle"
97                         hideEmbeddedImages={hideEmbeddedImages}
98                         onChange={handleChangeHideEmbedded}
99                     />
100                 </SettingsLayoutRight>
101             </SettingsLayout>
102             <SettingsLayout>
103                 <SettingsLayoutLeft>
104                     <label htmlFor="showMovedToggle" className="text-semibold">
105                         <span className="mr-2">{c('Label').t`Keep messages in Sent/Drafts`}</span>
106                         <Info
107                             title={c('Tooltip')
108                                 .t`Messages in the Sent or Drafts folder will continue to appear in that folder, even if you move them to another folder.`}
109                         />
110                     </label>
111                 </SettingsLayoutLeft>
112                 <SettingsLayoutRight isToggleContainer>
113                     <ShowMovedToggle id="showMovedToggle" />
114                 </SettingsLayoutRight>
115             </SettingsLayout>
116             <SettingsLayout>
117                 {isAlmostAllMailEnabled && (
118                     <>
119                         <SettingsLayoutLeft>
120                             <label htmlFor="almostAllMail" className="text-semibold">
121                                 <span className="mr-2">{c('Label').t`Exclude Spam/Trash from All mail`}</span>
122                                 <Info title={c('Info').t`Not yet available in our Android mobile app.`} />
123                             </label>
124                         </SettingsLayoutLeft>
125                         <SettingsLayoutRight isToggleContainer>
126                             <AlmostAllMailToggle id="almostAllMail" showAlmostAllMail={AlmostAllMail} />
127                         </SettingsLayoutRight>
128                     </>
129                 )}
130             </SettingsLayout>
131             <SettingsLayout>
132                 <SettingsLayoutLeft>
133                     <label htmlFor="requestLinkConfirmationToggle" className="text-semibold">
134                         <span className="mr-2">{c('Label').t`Confirm link URLs`}</span>
135                         <Info
136                             title={c('Tooltip')
137                                 .t`When you click on a link, this anti-phishing feature will ask you to confirm the URL of the web page.`}
138                         />
139                     </label>
140                 </SettingsLayoutLeft>
141                 <SettingsLayoutRight isToggleContainer>
142                     <RequestLinkConfirmationToggle confirmLink={ConfirmLink} id="requestLinkConfirmationToggle" />
143                 </SettingsLayoutRight>
144             </SettingsLayout>
146             <SettingsLayout>
147                 <SettingsLayoutLeft>
148                     <label htmlFor="viewMode" className="text-semibold">
149                         <span className="mr-2">{c('Label').t`Conversation grouping`}</span>
150                         <Info
151                             title={c('Tooltip')
152                                 .t`Group emails in the same conversation together in your Inbox or display them separately.`}
153                         />
154                     </label>
155                 </SettingsLayoutLeft>
157                 <SettingsLayoutRight isToggleContainer>
158                     <ViewModeToggle
159                         id="viewMode"
160                         viewMode={ViewMode}
161                         loading={loadingViewMode}
162                         onToggle={(value) => withLoadingViewMode(handleChangeViewMode(value))}
163                         data-testid="appearance:conversation-group-toggle"
164                     />
165                 </SettingsLayoutRight>
166             </SettingsLayout>
168             <AutoDeleteSetting settingValue={AutoDeleteSpamAndTrashDays} onSaved={notifyPreferenceSaved} />
170             <SettingsLayout>
171                 <SettingsLayoutLeft>
172                     <label htmlFor="stickyLabelsToggle" className="text-semibold">
173                         <span className="mr-2">{c('Label').t`Sticky labels`}</span>
174                         <Info
175                             title={c('Tooltip')
176                                 .t`When you add a label to a message in a conversation, it will automatically be applied to all future messages you send or receive in that conversation.`}
177                         />
178                     </label>
179                 </SettingsLayoutLeft>
180                 <SettingsLayoutRight isToggleContainer>
181                     <StickyLabelsToggle
182                         id="stickyLabelsToggle"
183                         stickyLabels={StickyLabels}
184                         loading={loadingStickyLabels}
185                         onToggle={(value) => withLoadingStickyLabels(handleToggleStickyLabels(value))}
186                         data-testid="appearance:sticky-labels-toggle"
187                         disabled={ViewMode !== VIEW_MODE.GROUP}
188                     />
189                 </SettingsLayoutRight>
190             </SettingsLayout>
192             <SettingsLayout>
193                 <SettingsLayoutLeft>
194                     <label htmlFor="spamActionLabelSelect" className="text-semibold">
195                         <span className="mr-2">{c('Label').t`Auto-unsubscribe`}</span>
196                         <Info
197                             title={c('Tooltip')
198                                 .t`When you move an email to spam, you’ll automatically be unsubscribed from the sender’s mailing lists.`}
199                         />
200                     </label>
201                 </SettingsLayoutLeft>
202                 <SettingsLayoutRight>
203                     <SpamActionSelect
204                         id="spamActionLabelSelect"
205                         value={SpamAction}
206                         onChange={(value) => withLoadingSpamAction(handleChangeSpamAction(value))}
207                         loading={loadingSpamAction}
208                     />
209                 </SettingsLayoutRight>
210             </SettingsLayout>
212             {isPageSizeSettingEnabled && (
213                 <SettingsLayout>
214                     <SettingsLayoutLeft>
215                         <label htmlFor="pageSizeSelector" className="text-semibold" id="label-pageSizeSelector">
216                             <span className="mr-2">
217                                 {ViewMode === VIEW_MODE.GROUP
218                                     ? c('Label').t`Conversations per page`
219                                     : c('Label').t`Messages per page`}
220                             </span>
221                         </label>
222                     </SettingsLayoutLeft>
223                     <SettingsLayoutRight>
224                         <PageSizeSelector id="pageSizeSelector" />
225                     </SettingsLayoutRight>
226                 </SettingsLayout>
227             )}
228         </>
229     );
232 export default MessagesSection;