Cleanup - unused files / unused exports / duplicate exports
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / organization / ActivatePasswordlessOrganizationKey.tsx
1 import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
2 import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
4 import { c } from 'ttag';
6 import type { AcceptOrganizationKeyInvitePayload } from '@proton/account';
7 import { acceptOrganizationKeyInvite, prepareAcceptOrganizationKeyInvite } from '@proton/account';
8 import { useOrganization } from '@proton/account/organization/hooks';
9 import { useOrganizationKey } from '@proton/account/organizationKey/hooks';
10 import { Button, Card, CircleLoader } from '@proton/atoms';
11 import Icon from '@proton/components/components/icon/Icon';
12 import type { ModalProps } from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/Modal';
13 import ModalTwo from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/Modal';
14 import ModalTwoContent from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/ModalContent';
15 import ModalTwoFooter from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/ModalFooter';
16 import ModalTwoHeader from '@proton/components/components/modalTwo/ModalHeader';
17 import getBoldFormattedText from '@proton/components/helpers/getBoldFormattedText';
18 import useApi from '@proton/components/hooks/useApi';
19 import useErrorHandler from '@proton/components/hooks/useErrorHandler';
20 import useNotifications from '@proton/components/hooks/useNotifications';
21 import { useLoading } from '@proton/hooks';
22 import { useDispatch } from '@proton/redux-shared-store';
23 import { getSilentApi } from '@proton/shared/lib/api/helpers/customConfig';
24 import { BRAND_NAME } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
25 import noop from '@proton/utils/noop';
27 import useVerifyOutboundPublicKeys from '../keyTransparency/useVerifyOutboundPublicKeys';
29 interface Props extends Omit<ModalProps, 'buttons' | 'title' | 'children'> {
30     onResetKeys?: () => void;
33 const ActivatePasswordlessOrganizationKey = ({ onResetKeys, }: Props) => {
34     const [organizationKey] = useOrganizationKey();
35     const [organization] = useOrganization();
36     const organizationName = organization?.Name || '';
37     const adminEmail = organizationKey?.Key.SignatureAddress || '';
38     const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
39     const dispatch = useDispatch();
40     const errorHandler = useErrorHandler();
41     const verifyOutboundPublicKeys = useVerifyOutboundPublicKeys();
42     const [payload, setPayload] = useState<AcceptOrganizationKeyInvitePayload | null>(null);
43     const silentApi = getSilentApi(useApi());
45     const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading();
46     const [loadingInit, withLoadingInit] = useLoading(true);
48     useEffect(() => {
49         withLoadingInit(
50             dispatch(
51                 prepareAcceptOrganizationKeyInvite({
52                     api: silentApi,
53                     adminEmail,
54                     verifyOutboundPublicKeys,
55                 })
56             )
57                 .then(setPayload)
58                 .catch((e) => {
59                     errorHandler(e);
60                     rest.onClose?.();
61                 })
62         );
63     }, []);
65     const handleSubmit = async () => {
66         if (payload?.state === 'verified') {
67             try {
68                 await dispatch(acceptOrganizationKeyInvite({ api: silentApi, payload }));
69                 createNotification({ text: c('passwordless').t`Organization key activated` });
70                 rest.onClose?.();
71             } catch (e: any) {
72                 errorHandler(e);
73             }
74         } else {
75         }
76     };
78     const handleClose = loading ? noop : rest.onClose;
80     return (
81         <ModalTwo open {} onClose={handleClose}>
82             <ModalTwoHeader title={c('Title').t`Activate organization key`} {} />
83             <ModalTwoContent>
84                 {(() => {
85                     if (payload === null || loadingInit) {
86                         return (
87                             <div className="text-center">
88                                 <CircleLoader />
89                             </div>
90                         );
91                     }
92                     const intro = (
93                         <div className="text-break mb-2">
94                             {getBoldFormattedText(
95                                 c('passwordless')
96                                     .t`You have been made administrator of the organization **${organizationName}** by`
97                             )}
98                         </div>
99                     );
100                     const getCard = (icon: ReactNode) => {
101                         return (
102                             <Card rounded className="text-break">
103                                 <div className="flex justify-space-between gap-1">
104                                     <div className="flex-1">{adminEmail}</div>
105                                     <div className="shrink-0">{icon}</div>
106                                 </div>
107                             </Card>
108                         );
109                     };
111                     if (payload.state === 'verified') {
112                         return (
113                             <>
114                                 {intro}
115                                 {getCard(<Icon name="checkmark-circle-filled" className="color-success" />)}
116                                 <div className="mt-2 color-weak">
117                                     {c('passwordless')
118                                         .t`We have verified the authenticity of this sender and invitation.`}
119                                     <br />
120                                     <br />
121                                     {c('passwordless')
122                                         .t`To enable administrator rights on your account, activate the organization key.`}
123                                 </div>
124                             </>
125                         );
126                     }
128                     return (
129                         <>
130                             {intro}
131                             {getCard(<Icon name="info-circle-filled" className="color-danger" />)}
132                             <div className="mt-2 color-danger">
133                                 {c('passwordless')
134                                     .t`We couldn't verify the security of this sender's address key. Sometimes there is a delay in updating the sender's information. Try again later. If you do not trust the validity of this invitation or sender, contact ${BRAND_NAME} Customer Support.`}
135                             </div>
136                         </>
137                     );
138                 })()}
139             </ModalTwoContent>
140             <ModalTwoFooter>
141                 {payload === null || payload.state === 'verified' ? (
142                     <>
143                         <Button disabled={loading} onClick={handleClose}>
144                             {c('Action').t`Cancel`}
145                         </Button>
146                         <Button
147                             color="norm"
148                             loading={loading}
149                             onClick={() => {
150                                 withLoading(handleSubmit());
151                             }}
152                         >
153                             {c('Action').t`Activate`}
154                         </Button>
155                     </>
156                 ) : (
157                     <>
158                         <div />
159                         <Button color="norm" disabled={loading} onClick={handleClose}>
160                             {c('Action').t`Got it`}
161                         </Button>
162                     </>
163                 )}
164             </ModalTwoFooter>
165         </ModalTwo>
166     );
169 export default ActivatePasswordlessOrganizationKey;