Cleanup - unused files / unused exports / duplicate exports
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / organization / OrganizationPasswordSection.tsx
1 import type { MutableRefObject } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import { useAddresses } from '@proton/account/addresses/hooks';
6 import { useOrganizationKey } from '@proton/account/organizationKey/hooks';
7 import { Button } from '@proton/atoms';
8 import Alert from '@proton/components/components/alert/Alert';
9 import Loader from '@proton/components/components/loader/Loader';
10 import Table from '@proton/components/components/table/Table';
11 import TableBody from '@proton/components/components/table/TableBody';
12 import TableHeader from '@proton/components/components/table/TableHeader';
13 import TableRow from '@proton/components/components/table/TableRow';
14 import SettingsParagraph from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsParagraph';
15 import SettingsSection from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsSection';
16 import { getKnowledgeBaseUrl } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/url';
17 import type { Organization } from '@proton/shared/lib/interfaces';
18 import {
19     OrganizationKeyMode,
20     OrganizationKeyState,
21     getOrganizationKeyInfo,
22 } from '@proton/shared/lib/organization/helper';
24 import useDisplayOrganizationKey from './useDisplayOrganizationKey';
25 import useOrganizationModals from './useOrganizationModals';
27 interface Props {
28     organization?: Organization;
29     onceRef: MutableRefObject<boolean>;
32 const OrganizationPasswordSection = ({ organization, onceRef }: Props) => {
33     const [organizationKey, loadingOrganizationKey] = useOrganizationKey();
34     const [addresses] = useAddresses();
35     const organizationKeyInfo = getOrganizationKeyInfo(organization, organizationKey, addresses);
36     const displayOrganizationKey = useDisplayOrganizationKey(organizationKey);
37     const { modals, info, handleChangeOrganizationPassword, handleChangeOrganizationKeys } =
38         useOrganizationModals(onceRef);
40     const tableHeaders = [c('Header').t`Organization key fingerprint`, c('Header').t`Key type`];
42     const loading = !organization || loadingOrganizationKey;
44     return (
45         <>
46             {modals}
47             {(() => {
48                 if (loading) {
49                     return <Loader />;
50                 }
52                 // Organization is not setup.
53                 if (!organization?.HasKeys) {
54                     return (
55                         <Alert className="mb-4" type="warning">{c('Info').t`Multi-user support not enabled.`}</Alert>
56                     );
57                 }
59                 return (
60                     <SettingsSection>
61                         <SettingsParagraph learnMoreUrl={getKnowledgeBaseUrl('/organization-key')}>
62                             {c('Info')
63                                 .t`Your organization's emails are protected with end-to-end encryption using the organization key. This fingerprint can be used to verify that all administrators in your account have the same key.`}
64                         </SettingsParagraph>
65                         <div className="mb-4">
66                             {organizationKeyInfo.state === OrganizationKeyState.Active && (
67                                 <>
68                                     {organizationKeyInfo.mode !== OrganizationKeyMode.Passwordless && (
69                                         <Button
70                                             color="norm"
71                                             onClick={handleChangeOrganizationPassword}
72                                             className="mr-4 mb-2"
73                                         >
74                                             {c('Action').t`Change password`}
75                                         </Button>
76                                     )}
77                                     <Button className="mb-2" onClick={() => handleChangeOrganizationKeys()}>
78                                         {c('passwordless').t`Change organization key`}
79                                     </Button>
80                                 </>
81                             )}
82                             {info}
83                         </div>
84                         {displayOrganizationKey.fingerprint && (
85                             <Table responsive="cards">
86                                 <TableHeader cells={tableHeaders} />
87                                 <TableBody colSpan={2}>
88                                     <TableRow
89                                         labels={tableHeaders}
90                                         cells={[
91                                             <code key={1} className="max-w-full block text-ellipsis">
92                                                 {displayOrganizationKey.fingerprint}
93                                             </code>,
94                                             displayOrganizationKey.algorithm,
95                                         ]}
96                                     />
97                                 </TableBody>
98                             </Table>
99                         )}
100                     </SettingsSection>
101                 );
102             })()}
103         </>
104     );
107 export default OrganizationPasswordSection;