Cleanup - unused files / unused exports / duplicate exports
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / organization / OrganizationScheduleCallSection.tsx
1 import { c } from 'ttag';
3 import { useGetScheduleCall } from '@proton/account/scheduleCall/hooks';
4 import { useUser } from '@proton/account/user/hooks';
5 import { Button, Href } from '@proton/atoms';
6 import SettingsSection from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsSection';
7 import useLoading from '@proton/hooks/useLoading';
8 import { openCalendlyLink } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/support';
9 import { getKnowledgeBaseUrl } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/url';
10 import illustration from '@proton/styles/assets/img/illustrations/account-support-phone.svg';
12 interface Props {
13     onOpenChat?: () => void;
16 const OrganizationScheduleCallSection = ({ onOpenChat }: Props) => {
17     const [user] = useUser();
18     const [generatingCalendlyLink, withGeneratingCalendlyLink] = useLoading();
19     const getScheduleCall = useGetScheduleCall();
21     const handleScheduleCallClick = async () => {
22         const { CalendlyLink } = await getScheduleCall();
24         openCalendlyLink(CalendlyLink, user);
25     };
27     const boldPhoneCall = (
28         <b key="bold-phone-call">{
29             // translator: Full sentence is 'Request a phone call or Zoom meeting with one of our support specialists, ...'
30             c('Info').t`Request a phone call`
31         }</b>
32     );
34     const boldZoomMeeting = (
35         <b key="bold-zoom-meeting">{
36             // translator: Full sentence is 'Request a phone call or Zoom meeting with one of our support specialists, ...'
37             c('Info').t`Zoom meeting`
38         }</b>
39     );
41     const boldLiveChat = (
42         <b key="bold-live-chat">{
43             // translator: Request a phone call or Zoom meeting with one of our support specialists, or open a Live chat for chat support.'
44             c('Info').t`Live chat`
45         }</b>
46     );
48     return (
49         <SettingsSection className="border rounded-lg p-4 lg:p-6 flex flex-column lg:flex-row items-center lg:items-start flex-nowrap text-center lg:text-left gap-4">
50             <img src={illustration} alt="" className="w-custom shrink-0" style={{ '--w-custom': '3rem' }} />
51             <div>
52                 <h2 className="text-lg text-bold mb-4">{c('Headline').t`Contact us`}</h2>
53                 <p className="mb-5">
54                     {onOpenChat
55                         ? // translator: Full sentence is 'If you’re having trouble, we’re here to help. Request a phone call or Zoom meeting with one of our support specialists, or open a Live chat for chat support.'
56                           c('Info')
57                               .jt`If you’re having trouble, we’re here to help. ${boldPhoneCall} or ${boldZoomMeeting} with one of our support specialists, or open a ${boldLiveChat} for chat support.`
58                         : // translator: Full sentence is 'If you’re having trouble, we’re here to help. Request a phone call or Zoom meeting with one of our support specialists.'
59                           c('Info')
60                               .jt`If you’re having trouble, we’re here to help. ${boldPhoneCall} or ${boldZoomMeeting} with one of our support specialists.`}{' '}
61                     <Href className="inline-block" href={getKnowledgeBaseUrl('/request-b2b-phone-support')}>
62                         {c('Link').t`Learn more`}
63                     </Href>
64                 </p>
65                 <div className="flex gap-4 justify-center lg:justify-start">
66                     <Button
67                         onClick={() => withGeneratingCalendlyLink(handleScheduleCallClick)}
68                         color="norm"
69                         shape="outline"
70                         loading={generatingCalendlyLink}
71                     >
72                         {c('Action').t`Request a call`}
73                     </Button>
74                     {onOpenChat && (
75                         <Button color="norm" shape="outline" onClick={onOpenChat}>
76                             {c('Action').t`Start live chat`}
77                         </Button>
78                     )}
79                 </div>
80             </div>
81         </SettingsSection>
82     );
85 export default OrganizationScheduleCallSection;