Cleanup - unused files / unused exports / duplicate exports
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / organization / PassPolicies.tsx
1 import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import { CircleLoader } from '@proton/atoms';
6 import Info from '@proton/components/components/link/Info';
7 import Toggle from '@proton/components/components/toggle/Toggle';
8 import SettingsLayout from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsLayout';
9 import SettingsLayoutLeft from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsLayoutLeft';
10 import SettingsLayoutRight from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsLayoutRight';
11 import SettingsParagraph from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsParagraph';
12 import SettingsSection from '@proton/components/containers/account/SettingsSection';
13 import { PassLockSelector } from '@proton/components/containers/pass/PassLockSelector';
14 import useErrorHandler from '@proton/components/hooks/useErrorHandler';
15 import useLoading from '@proton/hooks/useLoading';
16 import { usePassBridge } from '@proton/pass/lib/bridge/PassBridgeProvider';
17 import type { OrganizationGetResponse } from '@proton/pass/types';
18 import { BitField, type Maybe } from '@proton/pass/types';
19 import type { OrganizationSettings } from '@proton/pass/types/data/organization';
20 import { PASS_APP_NAME } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
22 import GenericError from '../error/GenericError';
24 const getPolicies = (): { setting: keyof OrganizationSettings; label: string; tooltip: string }[] => [
25     {
26         setting: 'ShareMode',
27         label: c('Label').t`Disable sharing outside the organization`,
28         tooltip: c('Info')
29             .t`If this option is turned on, organization members will only be able to share vaults within the organization`,
30     },
31     {
32         setting: 'ExportMode',
33         label: c('Label').t`Disable data export for organization members`,
34         tooltip: c('Info')
35             .t`By default, organization members can only export vaults where they are the owners. If this option is turned on, they won't be able to export any data`,
36     },
39 const PassPolicies = () => {
40     const { organization } = usePassBridge();
41     const [loading, withLoading] = useLoading(true);
42     const handleError = useErrorHandler();
44     const policies = getPolicies();
45     const [organizationSettings, setOrganizationSettings] = useState<Maybe<OrganizationGetResponse>>();
47     const touched = useRef<keyof OrganizationSettings>();
48     const didLoad = useRef(false);
50     useEffect(() => {
51         const fetchOrganizationSettings = () =>
52             organization.settings.get().then((settings) => {
53                 setOrganizationSettings(settings);
54                 didLoad.current = true;
55             });
57         withLoading(fetchOrganizationSettings()).catch(handleError);
58     }, []);
60     const handleToggle = async (checked: boolean, setting: keyof OrganizationSettings) => {
61         touched.current = setting;
62         const value = checked ? BitField.ACTIVE : BitField.DISABLED;
63         withLoading(organization.settings.set(setting, value).then(setOrganizationSettings)).catch(handleError);
64     };
66     const handleLockChange = async (ttl: number) => {
67         touched.current = 'ForceLockSeconds';
68         withLoading(organization.settings.set('ForceLockSeconds', ttl).then(setOrganizationSettings)).catch(
69             handleError
70         );
71     };
73     return (
74         <>
75             <SettingsSection>
76                 <SettingsParagraph>
77                     {c('Info').t`You can define the policies of ${PASS_APP_NAME} for the organization members.`}
78                 </SettingsParagraph>
79                 {organizationSettings && (
80                     <>
81                         <ul className="unstyled relative">
82                             {{ setting, label, tooltip }) => (
83                                 <li key={setting} className="mb-4 flex items-center flex-nowrap gap-4">
84                                     <Toggle
85                                         checked={organizationSettings.Settings?.[setting] === BitField.ACTIVE}
86                                         id={`${setting}-toggle`}
87                                         onChange={({ target }) => handleToggle(target.checked, setting)}
88                                         disabled={loading || !organizationSettings.CanUpdate}
89                                         loading={touched.current === setting && loading}
90                                     />
91                                     <label htmlFor={`${setting}-toggle`}>
92                                         <span className="mr-1">{label}</span>
93                                         {tooltip && <Info title={tooltip} />}
94                                     </label>
95                                 </li>
96                             ))}
97                         </ul>
98                         <SettingsLayout>
99                             <SettingsLayoutLeft>
100                                 <label className="text-semibold" htmlFor="pass-lock-select" id="label-pass-lock-select">
101                                     <span className="mr-1"> {c('Label').t`Lock app after inactivity`}</span>
102                                     <Info
103                                         title={c('Info')
104                                             .t`After being locked, organization members will need to unlock ${PASS_APP_NAME} with their password or PIN etc.`}
105                                     />
106                                 </label>
107                             </SettingsLayoutLeft>
108                             <SettingsLayoutRight>
109                                 <PassLockSelector
110                                     value={organizationSettings?.Settings?.ForceLockSeconds}
111                                     disabled={loading || !organizationSettings.CanUpdate}
112                                     onChange={handleLockChange}
113                                 />
114                             </SettingsLayoutRight>
115                         </SettingsLayout>
116                     </>
117                 )}
118             </SettingsSection>
120             {!didLoad.current && loading && <CircleLoader />}
121             {!loading && !organizationSettings && <GenericError className="mt-16" />}
122         </>
123     );
126 export default PassPolicies;