Cleanup - unused files / unused exports / duplicate exports
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / payments / bitcoin / Bitcoin.tsx
1 import type { ReactNode } from 'react';
2 import { useEffect } from 'react';
4 import { c } from 'ttag';
6 import { Button } from '@proton/atoms';
7 import Alert from '@proton/components/components/alert/Alert';
8 import Bordered from '@proton/components/components/container/Bordered';
9 import Loader from '@proton/components/components/loader/Loader';
10 import Price from '@proton/components/components/price/Price';
11 import type { BitcoinHook } from '@proton/components/payments/react-extensions/useBitcoin';
12 import { MAX_BITCOIN_AMOUNT, MIN_BITCOIN_AMOUNT } from '@proton/payments';
14 import BitcoinDetails from './BitcoinDetails';
15 import type { OwnProps as BitcoinQRCodeProps } from './BitcoinQRCode';
16 import BitcoinQRCode from './BitcoinQRCode';
18 export type Props = BitcoinHook;
20 const Bitcoin = ({
21     amount,
22     currency,
23     processingBitcoinToken,
24     bitcoinPaymentValidated,
25     model,
26     loading,
27     error,
28     request,
29     billingAddress,
30 }: Props) => {
31     useEffect(() => {
32         void request();
33     }, [amount, currency, billingAddress?.CountryCode, billingAddress?.State]);
35     if (amount < MIN_BITCOIN_AMOUNT) {
36         const i18n = (amount: ReactNode) => c('Info').jt`Amount below minimum (${amount}).`;
37         return (
38             <Alert className="mb-4" type="warning">
39                 {i18n(
40                     <Price key="price" currency={currency}>
41                         {MIN_BITCOIN_AMOUNT}
42                     </Price>
43                 )}
44             </Alert>
45         );
46     }
47     if (amount > MAX_BITCOIN_AMOUNT) {
48         const i18n = (amount: ReactNode) => c('Info').jt`Amount above maximum (${amount}).`;
49         return (
50             <Alert className="mb-4" type="warning">
51                 {i18n(
52                     <Price key="price" currency={currency}>
53                         {MAX_BITCOIN_AMOUNT}
54                     </Price>
55                 )}
56             </Alert>
57         );
58     }
60     if (loading) {
61         return <Loader />;
62     }
64     if (error || !model.amountBitcoin || !model.address) {
65         return (
66             <>
67                 <Alert className="mb-4" type="error">{c('Error').t`Error connecting to the Bitcoin API.`}</Alert>
68                 <Button onClick={request} data-testid="bitcoin-try-again">{c('Action').t`Try again`}</Button>
69             </>
70         );
71     }
73     const qrCodeStatus: BitcoinQRCodeProps['status'] = (() => {
74         if (processingBitcoinToken) {
75             return 'pending';
76         }
77         if (bitcoinPaymentValidated) {
78             return 'confirmed';
79         }
80         return 'initial';
81     })();
83     const btcAmountBold = (
84         <span className="text-bold" key="btc-info-amount">
85             {model.amountBitcoin} BTC
86         </span>
87     );
89     return (
90         <Bordered className="p-6 rounded" data-testid="bitcoin-payment-data">
91             <div>
92                 <span>
93                     {c('Info').jt`To complete your payment, please send ${btcAmountBold} to the address below.`}
94                 </span>
95                 <div className="my-6 flex justify-center">
96                     <BitcoinQRCode
97                         className="flex items-center flex-column"
98                         amount={model.amountBitcoin}
99                         address={model.address}
100                         status={qrCodeStatus}
101                     />
102                 </div>
103             </div>
104             <BitcoinDetails amount={model.amountBitcoin} address={model.address} />
105         </Bordered>
106     );
109 export default Bitcoin;