1 import type { Action } from 'redux';
2 import type { Task } from 'redux-saga';
3 import { call, cancel, cancelled, fork, put, select, take, takeLeading } from 'redux-saga/effects';
5 import { ACTIVE_POLLING_TIMEOUT } from '@proton/pass/lib/events/constants';
6 import type { EventManagerEvent } from '@proton/pass/lib/events/manager';
7 import { channelAcknowledge, wakeupSuccess } from '@proton/pass/store/actions';
8 import { channelRequest } from '@proton/pass/store/actions/requests';
9 import type { RequestEntry } from '@proton/pass/store/request/types';
10 import { selectRequest } from '@proton/pass/store/selectors';
11 import type { RootSagaOptions } from '@proton/pass/store/types';
12 import type { Maybe } from '@proton/pass/types';
13 import { logger } from '@proton/pass/utils/logger';
14 import { epochToMs, msToEpoch } from '@proton/pass/utils/time/epoch';
15 import { wait } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/promise';
16 import noop from '@proton/utils/noop';
18 import type { EventChannel } from './types';
20 /* generic worker over an EventChannel : responsible for polling
21 * the underlying redux-saga event channel and triggering the
22 * appropriate callback generators. Closes the channel if the
23 * parent task is canceled */
24 export function* channelEventsWorker<T extends {}>(eventChannel: EventChannel<T>, options: RootSagaOptions): Generator {
25 const { channel, onEvent, onError, manager } = eventChannel;
29 manager.setInterval(options.getPollingInterval());
30 const event = (yield take(channel)) as EventManagerEvent<T>;
31 yield call(onEvent, event, eventChannel, options);
32 yield put(channelAcknowledge(channelRequest(eventChannel.channelId)));
33 } catch (error: unknown) {
34 logger.warn(`[Saga::Events] received an event error`, error);
35 if (onError) yield call(onError, error, eventChannel, options);
39 if (yield cancelled()) channel.close();
43 /* This worker will call the event manager immediately and
44 * on every wakeupSuccess action coming from the pop-up in
45 * in order to sync as quickly as possible. Take the leading
46 * wakeup call in order to avoid unnecessary parallel calls */
47 export function* channelInitWorker<T extends {}>(
48 { manager, channelId }: EventChannel<T>,
49 options: RootSagaOptions
51 const init = (yield fork(function* () {
52 const request: Maybe<RequestEntry<'success'>> = yield select(selectRequest(channelRequest(channelId)));
53 const interval = msToEpoch(options.getPollingInterval());
54 const delay: number = options.getPollingDelay?.(interval, request?.requestedAt) ?? 0;
55 yield wait(epochToMs(delay));
56 yield manager.call().catch(noop);
60 (action: Action) => wakeupSuccess.match(action) && action.meta.receiver.endpoint === 'popup',
63 yield manager.call().catch(noop);
64 /* wait the channel's interval to process
65 * the next wakeupSuccess in case user is
66 * repeatedly opening the pop-up */