Update selected item color in Pass menu
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / pass / hooks / useNotificationEnhancer.tsx
1 import { type FC, useCallback } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import { CircleLoader, InlineLinkButton } from '@proton/atoms';
6 import { Icon, NotificationButton } from '@proton/components';
7 import { usePassCore } from '@proton/pass/components/Core/PassCoreProvider';
8 import { AccountPath } from '@proton/pass/constants';
9 import { useNavigateToAccount } from '@proton/pass/hooks/useNavigateToAccount';
10 import type { Notification } from '@proton/pass/store/actions/enhancers/notification';
11 import { NotificationKey } from '@proton/pass/types/worker/notification';
13 import { usePassConfig } from './usePassConfig';
15 type NotificationEnhancerOptions = { onLink: (url: string) => void };
17 const ReactivateLink: FC<NotificationEnhancerOptions> = ({ onLink }) => {
18     const { SSO_URL } = usePassConfig();
20     return (
21         <InlineLinkButton
22             key="reactivate-link"
23             className="text-semibold"
24             onClick={() => onLink(`${SSO_URL}/encryption-keys`)}
25         >
26             {c('Action').t`Learn more`} <Icon name="arrow-out-square" />{' '}
27         </InlineLinkButton>
28     );
31 export const useNotificationEnhancer = () => {
32     const { onLink } = usePassCore();
33     const navigateToAccount = useNavigateToAccount(AccountPath.ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_2FA);
35     return useCallback((notification: Notification): Notification => {
36         const reactivateLink = <ReactivateLink onLink={onLink} key="reactactivate-link" />;
38         switch (notification.key) {
39             case NotificationKey.INACTIVE_SHARES: {
40                 return {
41                     ...notification,
42                     text: (
43                         <div>
44                             {c('Error')
45                                 .jt`Some vaults are no longer accessible due to a password reset. Reactivate your account keys in order to regain access. ${reactivateLink}`}
46                         </div>
47                     ),
48                 };
49             }
50             case NotificationKey.ORG_MISSING_2FA: {
51                 return {
52                     ...notification,
53                     text: (
54                         <>
55                             <span>{c('Info')
56                                 .t`Your account is restricted because your organization has enforced two-factor authentication. Please enable two-factor authentication in your Account Settings or contact your administrator.`}</span>
57                             <NotificationButton onClick={navigateToAccount}>
58                                 {c('Action').t`Setup 2FA`}
59                             </NotificationButton>
60                         </>
61                     ),
62                 };
63             }
64             default:
65                 return {
66                     ...notification,
67                     showCloseButton: notification.showCloseButton && !notification.loading,
68                     text: notification.loading ? (
69                         <>
70                             {notification.text} <CircleLoader />
71                         </>
72                     ) : (
73                         `${notification.text}${notification.errorMessage ? ` (${notification.errorMessage})` : ''}`
74                     ),
75                 };
76         }
77     }, []);