Update selected item color in Pass menu
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / pass / store / request / middleware.ts
1 import { type Middleware, isAction } from 'redux';
3 import { selectRequest } from '@proton/pass/store/selectors';
4 import { getEpoch } from '@proton/pass/utils/time/epoch';
6 import { requestInvalidate } from './actions';
7 import type { RequestState } from './types';
8 import { isActionWithRequest } from './utils';
10 export const requestMiddleware: Middleware<{}, { request: RequestState }> =
11     ({ getState, dispatch }) =>
12     (next) => {
13         return (action: unknown) => {
14             if (isAction(action)) {
15                 if (!isActionWithRequest(action)) return next(action);
17                 const { request } = action.meta;
18                 const { status, id } = request;
20                 if ((status === 'success' && !request.maxAge) || status === 'failure') {
21                     /** request data garbage collection : on a request success or failure,
22                      * if it not persistent, dispatch an acknowledgment action in order to
23                      * clear the request data for this particular request id.*/
24                     setTimeout(() => dispatch(requestInvalidate(id)), 500);
25                 }
27                 if (status === 'start') {
28                     if (request.revalidate) return next(action);
29                     const pending = selectRequest(id)(getState());
31                     switch (pending?.status) {
32                         case 'start' /* if there is an ongoing `start`, omit this action */:
33                             return;
35                         case 'success':
36                             /* if there is a request result with a `maxAge` property,
37                              * skip the action if not invalidated */
38                             const now = getEpoch();
39                             if (pending.maxAge && pending.requestedAt + pending.maxAge > now) return;
40                             else return next(action);
42                         default: /* if there is no pending request, process it */
43                             return next(action);
44                     }
45                 }
47                 return next(action);
48             }
49         };
50     };