Merge branch 'feat/inda-383-daily-stat' into 'main'
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / applications / drive / src / app / components / SharedPage / Bookmarks / SaveToDriveButton.tsx
1 import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import { Button } from '@proton/atoms';
6 import { Icon, Spotlight, Tooltip } from '@proton/components';
7 import useLoading from '@proton/hooks/useLoading';
8 import { getAppHref } from '@proton/shared/lib/apps/helper';
9 import { APPS, DRIVE_APP_NAME, DRIVE_SHORT_APP_NAME } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
10 import { openNewTab } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/browser';
11 import clsx from '@proton/utils/clsx';
13 import { usePublicSessionUser } from '../../../store';
14 import {
15     needPublicRedirectSpotlight,
16     publicRedirectSpotlightWasShown,
17     setPublicRedirectSpotlightToShown,
18 } from '../../../utils/publicRedirectSpotlight';
19 import { Actions, countActionWithTelemetry } from '../../../utils/telemetry';
20 import { useSignupFlowModal } from '../../modals/SignupFlowModal/SignupFlowModal';
22 interface Props {
23     onClick: () => Promise<void>;
24     alreadyBookmarked: boolean;
25     className?: string;
26     loading?: boolean;
27     customPassword?: string;
29 export const SaveToDriveButton = ({ className, alreadyBookmarked, customPassword, loading, onClick }: Props) => {
30     const [isAdding, withAdding] = useLoading();
31     const [signupFlowModal, showSignupFlowModal] = useSignupFlowModal();
32     const [showSpotlight, setShowSpotlight] = useState(needPublicRedirectSpotlight());
33     const { user } = usePublicSessionUser();
34     const buttonText = alreadyBookmarked
35         ? c('drive:action').t`Open in ${DRIVE_SHORT_APP_NAME}`
36         : c('drive:action').t`Save for later`;
38     useEffect(() => {
39         if (showSpotlight) {
40             setPublicRedirectSpotlightToShown();
41         }
42     }, [showSpotlight]);
43     return (
44         <>
45             <Spotlight
46                 show={showSpotlight}
47                 content={c('Spotlight')
48                     .t`A link to this item has been saved in your drive. You can access it later in the 'Shared with me' section.`}
49                 originalPlacement="bottom-end"
50             >
51                 <Tooltip
52                     title={
53                         alreadyBookmarked
54                             ? ''
55                             : c('Tooltip').t`Add this shared file to your ${DRIVE_APP_NAME} for easy access later.`
56                     }
57                 >
58                     <Button
59                         loading={loading || isAdding}
60                         className={clsx('flex items-center', className)}
61                         onClick={async () => {
62                             if (!user) {
63                                 countActionWithTelemetry(Actions.AddToBookmarkTriggeredModal);
64                                 showSignupFlowModal({ customPassword });
65                             } else if (alreadyBookmarked) {
66                                 openNewTab(getAppHref('/shared-with-me', APPS.PROTONDRIVE));
67                             } else {
68                                 await withAdding(onClick);
69                                 if (!publicRedirectSpotlightWasShown()) {
70                                     setShowSpotlight(true);
71                                     setPublicRedirectSpotlightToShown();
72                                 }
73                             }
74                         }}
75                         color="norm"
76                         data-testid="save-in-drive-button"
77                     >
78                         {!isAdding && <Icon className="mr-2" name="folder-arrow-in" />}
79                         {isAdding ? c('Info').t`Saving...` : buttonText}
80                     </Button>
81                 </Tooltip>
82             </Spotlight>
83             {signupFlowModal}
84         </>
85     );