Merge branch 'feat/inda-383-daily-stat' into 'main'
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / applications / drive / src / app / components / modals / ShareLinkModal / PublicSharing / PublicSharing.tsx
1 import { useRef } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import { Avatar, Button, Input } from '@proton/atoms';
6 import { Icon, Toggle, useNotifications } from '@proton/components';
7 import useLoading from '@proton/hooks/useLoading';
8 import type { SHARE_URL_PERMISSIONS } from '@proton/shared/lib/drive/permissions';
9 import { textToClipboard } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/browser';
10 import clsx from '@proton/utils/clsx';
12 import { PermissionsDropdownMenu } from '../PermissionsDropdownMenu';
14 interface Props {
15     publicSharedLink: string;
16     publicSharedLinkPermissions: SHARE_URL_PERMISSIONS;
17     onChangePermissions: (permissions: number) => Promise<void>;
18     createSharedLink: () => void;
19     deleteSharedLink: () => void;
20     isLoading: boolean;
21     viewOnly: boolean;
23 export const PublicSharing = ({
24     publicSharedLink,
25     publicSharedLinkPermissions,
26     onChangePermissions,
27     createSharedLink,
28     deleteSharedLink,
29     isLoading,
30     viewOnly,
31 }: Props) => {
32     const contentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
33     const [isPermissionsLoading, withPermissionsLoading] = useLoading(false);
34     const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
35     const handleCopyURLClick = () => {
36         if (contentRef.current) {
37             textToClipboard(publicSharedLink, contentRef.current);
38             createNotification({
39                 text: c('Success').t`Secure link copied`,
40             });
41         }
42     };
44     const handleUpdatePermissions = (permissions: SHARE_URL_PERMISSIONS) => {
45         return withPermissionsLoading(() => onChangePermissions(permissions));
46     };
48     const handleToggle = () => {
49         if (publicSharedLink) {
50             deleteSharedLink();
51         } else {
52             createSharedLink();
53         }
54     };
56     return (
57         <div className="w-full" ref={contentRef} data-testid="share-modal-shareWithAnyoneSection">
58             <div className="flex justify-space-between items-center mb-6">
59                 <h2 className="text-lg text-semibold mr">{c('Info').t`Create public link`}</h2>
60                 <Toggle checked={!!publicSharedLink} loading={isLoading} onChange={handleToggle} />
61             </div>
62             <div className={clsx('flex items-center justify-space-between mb-4', !publicSharedLink && 'opacity-30')}>
63                 <div className="flex items-center">
64                     <Avatar color="weak" className="mr-2 shrink-0">
65                         <Icon name="globe" />
66                     </Avatar>
67                     <p className="flex-1 flex flex-column p-0 m-0">
68                         <span className="text-semibold">{c('Label').t`Anyone with the link`}</span>
69                         <span className="color-weak">{c('Label')
70                             .t`Anyone on the Internet with the link can view`}</span>
71                     </p>
72                 </div>
73                 {viewOnly ? (
74                     <div className="hidden sm:block shrink-0">{c('Label').t`Viewer`}</div>
75                 ) : (
76                     <PermissionsDropdownMenu
77                         disabled={!publicSharedLink || isLoading}
78                         isLoading={isPermissionsLoading}
79                         selectedPermissions={publicSharedLinkPermissions}
80                         onChangePermissions={handleUpdatePermissions}
81                         publicSharingOptions
82                     />
83                 )}
84             </div>
85             {!!publicSharedLink ? (
86                 <div className="w-full flex justify-space-between">
87                     <Input
88                         readOnly
89                         value={publicSharedLink}
90                         className="overflow-hidden text-ellipsis bg-weak border-weak color-weak"
91                         data-testid="share-anyone-url"
92                         disabled={!publicSharedLink}
93                     />
94                     <Button
95                         color="norm"
96                         shape="outline"
97                         icon
98                         id="copy-url-button"
99                         onClick={handleCopyURLClick}
100                         className="ml-3"
101                         disabled={!publicSharedLink}
102                         data-testid="share-anyone-copyUrlButton"
103                     >
104                         <Icon name="squares" />
105                     </Button>
106                 </div>
107             ) : null}
108         </div>
109     );