Merge branch 'feat/inda-383-daily-stat' into 'main'
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / pass / components / Onboarding / FamilyPlanPromo2024.tsx
1 import { type FC, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react';
2 import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
4 import { c } from 'ttag';
6 import { Button } from '@proton/atoms';
7 import { getSimplePriceString } from '@proton/components/components/price/helper';
8 import img from '@proton/pass/assets/upsell/family-plan-2024.png';
9 import type { BaseSpotlightMessage } from '@proton/pass/components/Spotlight/SpotlightContent';
10 import { UpsellRef } from '@proton/pass/constants';
11 import { useNavigateToUpgrade } from '@proton/pass/hooks/useNavigateToUpgrade';
12 import { selectUser, selectUserPlan } from '@proton/pass/store/selectors';
13 import type { MaybeNull } from '@proton/pass/types';
14 import { pipe } from '@proton/pass/utils/fp/pipe';
15 import { DEFAULT_CURRENCY } from '@proton/payments';
16 import { PASS_APP_NAME, PASS_SHORT_APP_NAME } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
17 import { PASS_LAUNCH_OFFER } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/subscription';
18 import noop from '@proton/utils/noop';
20 import './FamilyPlanPromo2024.scss';
22 enum FamilyPlanCohort {
24     PASS_PLUS = 2,
25     FREE = 3,
28 const FamilyPlanUpsellRefs = {
29     [FamilyPlanCohort.EARLY_SUPPORTER]: UpsellRef.PASS_FAMILY_1LT_299,
30     [FamilyPlanCohort.PASS_PLUS]: UpsellRef.PASS_FAMILY_PLUS_399,
31     [FamilyPlanCohort.FREE]: UpsellRef.PASS_FAMILY_FREE_399,
34 export const FamilyPlanPromo2024: FC<BaseSpotlightMessage> = ({ onClose = noop }) => {
35     const planNameJSX = <strong key="plan-name">{`${PASS_SHORT_APP_NAME} Family`}</strong>;
36     const userPlan = useSelector(selectUserPlan);
37     const user = useSelector(selectUser);
39     const cohort = useMemo<MaybeNull<FamilyPlanCohort>>(() => {
40         const isPass2023 = userPlan?.InternalName === 'pass2023';
41         const isFree = userPlan?.InternalName === 'free';
42         const isPassLaunch = userPlan?.SubscriptionOffer === PASS_LAUNCH_OFFER;
44         if (isPass2023 && isPassLaunch) return FamilyPlanCohort.EARLY_SUPPORTER;
45         if (isPass2023) return FamilyPlanCohort.PASS_PLUS;
46         if (isFree) return FamilyPlanCohort.FREE;
48         return null;
49     }, [userPlan]);
51     const price = getSimplePriceString(
52         user?.Currency ?? DEFAULT_CURRENCY,
53         cohort === FamilyPlanCohort.EARLY_SUPPORTER ? 299 : 399
54     );
56     const upgrade = useNavigateToUpgrade({
57         coupon: cohort === FamilyPlanCohort.EARLY_SUPPORTER ? 'PASSEARLYSUPPORTER' : 'PASSFAMILYLAUNCH',
58         cycle: '12',
59         offer: true,
60         plan: 'passfamily2024',
61         upsellRef: cohort ? FamilyPlanUpsellRefs[cohort] : undefined,
62         email: user?.Email,
63     });
65     useEffect(() => {
66         /* If the user upgraded in the background */
67         if (!cohort) onClose();
68     }, [cohort]);
70     return (
71         <>
72             <div className="flex items-center w-full z-up">
73                 <div className="flex flex-column text-sm gap-2 w-3/5">
74                     <h4>{c('FamilyPlanPromo2024').jt`Introducing ${planNameJSX}`}</h4>
75                     <div>
76                         <span className="block">
77                             {c('FamilyPlanPromo2024').t`All premium features. 6 users. 1 easy subscription.`}
78                         </span>
79                         <span className="block">
80                             {cohort === FamilyPlanCohort.EARLY_SUPPORTER
81                                 ? c('FamilyPlanPromo2024').t`Exclusive offer for ${PASS_APP_NAME} early supporters.`
82                                 : c('FamilyPlanPromo2024').t`Limited-time offer only.`}
83                         </span>
84                     </div>
85                 </div>
87                 <div className="flex-1 text-center">
88                     <Button
89                         className="button pass-family-plan-banner--btn"
90                         size="medium"
91                         type="button"
92                         onClick={pipe(onClose, upgrade)}
93                         pill
94                     >
95                         {c('FamilyPlanPromo2024').t`Get it for ${price}/month`}
96                     </Button>
97                 </div>
98             </div>
99             <img src={img} className="pass-family-plan-banner--img" alt="" />
100         </>
101     );