5 ### Brand new 🎉 and super duper 🔥
7 - refactor all design system arbo ^^
8 - refactor numerous namespaces ^^
13 - tons of new custom properties!
14 - styles for new phone input
15 - styles for theming/new taxonomy
24 - calendar invitation styles
27 - new `modal--tiny` and `modal--intermediate` modifier for Signup
28 - add table new style `alternate-table-bg-row-rounded`
29 - remove CSS SVG sprite
33 - added `z-index`, `min-w7e`, `onmobile-min-h0`, `mr-2e`, `flex-flex-items-center`, `w3e` helpers
34 - added `tv`, `broken-link`, `keyboard`, `netshield`, `nologs`, `world`, `sort`, `parent-folder-filled`, `folder-filled`, `exclamation-circle-filled`, `stop` icons
35 - added `pm-field-icon-container-empty` class (to avoid layout shift for Drive)
36 - added `bg-global-muted-dm-on-hover` class
37 - added `on-hover-opacity-100` and `opacity-65` helpers
38 - added negative margin helpers: `mt-0-5` and `mb-0-5`
39 - added `on-tinymobile-p(l/r/b/t)0`, `on-tinymobile-w100` `on-tinymobile-text-left` helpers
40 - added `flex-item-grow-1-8` helper
41 - added `border-block-end-children` helper
42 - added `absolute-only` helper
46 - fix variable override
48 - fix vocalisation of toggle
49 - fix minicalendar range border radius
50 - fix focus style for radio/checkboxes in dark mode
51 - hotfix for Drive - `icon-110p`
52 - fix failing specificity for Drive
53 - extract `item-icon` for Calendar
54 - hotfix - back to mailbox button in Dark mode
55 - change `is-thin` meterbar class
56 - fixes for new select
59 - hotfixed `text-capitalize` helper
60 - udpated `hover-same-color` to work with `color-currentColor`
61 - fixed tab header layout
62 - added `remote-content` icons
63 - fixed `select` with centered content for Chrome
66 - reworked toggle structure
70 - fix SVGO temporary issue
71 - fix CI - design-system is included in branch pipelines 🎉
73 # [1.8.6] - 2020-12-18
77 ### Brand new 🎉🎉
79 - added Android CSS reset
80 - added `pm-editableSection` fragment (Mail autoreply & filters)
83 - limit nested blockquote to 5 levels
84 - Feat - attachment preview rework
88 - added new typographic helper `strike`
89 - added `borderColor-primary` helper
90 - added `sticky-top` and `sticky-bottom` helpers
91 - added `hyphens` helper (only hyphenation, no `word-break`)
92 - added `bg-global-muted-dm` (dark-mode-friendly alias of `bg-global-muted`) + custom prop
93 - added `onmobile-no-border` helper
94 - added inline-grid helper
98 - added `--width-conversation-column` CSS custom property
99 - added Gmail and Yahoo logos
100 - added some images for Import
101 - added new icons `globe`, `caret-double-left`, `tour`, `outbox`, `scheduled-box`, `attention-circle`, `chrome`, `calendar-today`
105 - fixed overflow for `select`s in Safari 🤪
106 - fixed padding around `.appsDropdown-button` to make it square
107 - events participants in the calendar event popover
108 - fixed text cut off in navigation
109 - fix for Firefox strange behaviour around `input checkboxes`
110 - updated height of row view in compact mode
111 - fix hover over area around item in compact mode
112 - added white border to qr codes for dark mode
113 - fixed warning badge - contrast color issue
114 - added `pm-button--primaryborderEvenInDarkMode`: a `pm-button--primaryborder` that stays the same even on Dark mode
115 - fixed display on Design system website
116 - fixed double border for quotes
117 - display of past unanswered events in month view
118 - update list view and message view layouts
119 - changed event popover sizes
120 - added a testcase for `optgroup`s
121 - fixed attachment icon in dark mode
122 - hotfixed `pm-field--tiny`, `pm-field--small`, `pm-field--large`/textarea and account fields that were broken
123 - fixed icon list to make it more maintanable
124 - added icon size of `60`
125 - fixed template to get rid of `vh`, thanks Safari
127 - factorised some mixins
128 - added `max-width` values
129 - fixed `eventpopover` `z-index`
130 - cleaned up CSS custom props references
131 - fixed account display
132 - remove mime icons sprite because they aren’t used
133 - Hotfix - loading state of conversations
134 - fixed display on website (modal page was broken)
136 # [1.8.5] - 2020-09-30
142 - new label stack component/rework transitions
143 - add helper in `LabelStack` to remove max width
144 - new overview page design 🎉
145 - new event styles for Calendar
146 - added SSO login styles + multi-account support
150 - added `ellipsis-two-lines` helper
151 - added `semibold` helper
152 - added `tiny-shadow-container` helper, made it dark mode friendly
153 - added `button-showOnHover` and `.button-showOnHover-element` helper (to display something when hovering a parent)
154 - added `flex-flex-children` helper
155 - added `bottom` and `centered-absolute-horizontal` helpers
156 - added `min-h5e`, `w11e` helpers
160 - tiny reset for `mark` tag
161 - fix meterBar component background color in dark mode
162 - fix links default underline style
163 - improve buttons loading state
164 - hover effect for conversation row
165 - added `.pm-button--pill` modifier
166 - fix - `table` reset for Mail - added a Sass variable to trigger it or not (Mail is the special case, newsletter compatibility ftw)
167 - remove italic for placeholders text in fields
171 - documentation for responsive helpers, 2-columns list and sizing helpers
172 - add “broken file” image
173 - add “TOR”, “P2P”, `empty-folder`, `proton-account`, `contact-full` icons
179 - fix Safari dumb and 💩 behaviour (scrolling caused by `sr-only` 🤪 🤪 🤪 )
180 - fix Safari đź’© and crazy behaviour on `main-area--noHeader`
181 - fix Safari bug on modal footers
185 - fix - cursor on scroll track in Chrome with textarea
186 - revamped a bit `pm-field--linkSelect` stuff
187 - fix `item-weight` display in row mode
188 - fix - notifications display on mobile
189 - fix autogrid margin behaviour on mobile
190 - fix - delete action in dropdown should be red - added modifier for it
191 - remove duplicate code
192 - fix - firefox multi-selection of emails
193 - fix - attachment icon display
194 - update - documentation for label stack component
195 - update conversation display
196 - update appsDropdown sizing way and values
197 - updated tooltip fragment to allow creating colored tooltips easily
198 - fixed `pm-button--small` loading state
199 - fixed fields with text positionned above (@protonmail.com)
200 - fix several regressions: overflow on some fields (`field-icon-container`), composer, etc.
201 - fix display of attachment size
202 - improve button backgrounds management to avoid conflicts between states
203 - Drive - move the fab a little higher when the transfer manager is there
204 - added new type of media-query to `respond-to` mixin
205 - cursor pointer on select fields
206 - add `onmobile-w33` helper and fixed `onmobile-aligncenter` for some `th`
208 # [1.8.4] - 2020-07-28
213 - add `swipe`, `pause`, `resume`, `question-nocircle` icons
214 - added helper `onmobile-flex-self-start` and `onmobile-p0-5/pl0-5/pt0-5/etc.` stuff
216 - new tab switcher component
217 - global structure change (for banners)
218 - added new minor breakpoint (medium-landscape, ~1100, will be documented soon)
219 - add Sass variable for default height fields
220 - added “initial hover over circle” styles (Mail)
221 - added `shape-file-txt` mime icon
222 - added `.caret-like` helper for icons inside buttons
223 - added `no-wrap` helper
224 - added `pre` helper and example
225 - added some mobile helpers
226 - better element list with placeholders
227 - new design for header links
228 - add scss fragment dedicated to mail reset styles
229 - fix - `td` and `img` reset for Mail - added some Sass variables to trigger them or not (Mail is the special case, newsletter compatibility)
230 - huge fix - vocalization of all checkboxes/radios/toggle
232 - new ellipsis-loader component
233 - new loading placeholders in discussion view
237 - added shadow and bold text for unread/collapsed mail
238 - fixed style for circle-bar chart
239 - updated Drive icon 🎉
240 - update of event popover layout
241 - fix bigger shape examples doc for icons (thanks @mmiskinis !)
242 - hotfixed navigation icon styles
243 - hotfixed and reworked meter and progress elements next to Chrome 83 update
244 - remove gradient in navigation
245 - remove pointer-events on disabled buttons
246 - fix selected/last element border in dropDown
247 - fix unread message selected
248 - fix - unread item in row mode
249 - fix - limitated modal full-width for very big screens.
250 - fix - some missing `!default`
251 - hotfix - warning and attention buttons didn’t keep their color in dark mode
252 - fix loading (dark mode)
253 - fixes for transfer manager
254 - added some exceptions for iframe challenge
255 - updated container sticky behaviour/values
256 - fix - event modal redesign
257 - fix - icon alignment
258 - fix dropdown sizes on search
259 - fix - remove Safari padding-fix on Calendar
260 - fix - calendar popover tweaks
261 - fix - star button custom property
262 - fix - `z-index` on `main` for Safari 🤪 and 💩-fixed positionning
263 - fix - badge borders and row view
264 - fix - navigation on laaaaarge viewports
265 - fix - mail list in dark mode
266 - fix - increase clickable area around list checkbox
267 - hotfix - primary button in disabled state in dark mode
268 - fix - `.trashed-messages` styles added
269 - fix modal scroll shadow! (not yet fixed on Design system website)
270 - fix - crazy combination of `.pm-button--redborder` mixed with `.pm-button--link` and `.pm-button`
271 - fix - bgcolor of read messages/labels/again
272 - fix - move file preview styles from proton-drive
273 - fix - added possibility to hide arrow for dropdown
274 - moved breadcrumbs component from drive to shared
275 - fix - added `input type="number"` for Design team
276 - hotfix - `checkbox` issue with Safari (need a `relative` container)
277 - fix - meterbars in Chrome
279 - fix - dark mode “primaryborders-buttons”
283 - fix some stuff on Design system website, shame on me for not taking care of you, my dear website.
285 # [1.8.3] - 2020-05-18
289 - add `pre-wrap` text helper
290 - added styles for printed version react
291 - add `protondrive`, `nospam`, `attention-plain` icon
292 - add new lock icons (18Ă—18)
293 - add new selected state on calendar events
294 - new URL for accessing Design System: https://design-system.protontech.ch/ 🎉
295 - enabled custom scrollbar design everywhere (can be activated/not via `$custom-scroll`)
296 - added `pm-modal--heightAuto` modifier for modals
297 - added `width`s helpers in `rem`
298 - compact/comfort view styles
299 - added `bordered-container--error` modifier
300 - add `min-w1-4e` helper
302 - added `$use-ie-calc-font-fallback` Sass variable to remove IE11 font-reset fix
303 - added some examples for vertical centering with flex 🎉
304 - added group button for primary colors
305 - fix icons sizing from 25px to 24px
306 - remove fixed width for tooltips, min and max width instead
307 - added `boxes-placeholder-container` container (well, took it back from Angular)
308 - added new conversation styles and moved some CSS stuff here
309 - added new `.pm-simple-table--isHoverable` flag to enable row hovering effect
310 - added new `.pm-simple-table-stickyRow` flag settable on any table row to enable itself to stick the top when scrolling
311 - added `covered-absolute` helper
312 - added `flex-self-end` helper
313 - added collapsed label styles
314 - added easing functions
315 - added helpers `ontablet-hideTd2`, `ontablet-hideTd3`, `onmobile-hideTd2` to `onmobile-hideTd5` (on a `tr`) to hide `td`s
316 - primary buttons now keep their color when disabled
320 - add variable for composer autocomplete hover
321 - close button modal font size
322 - fix placeholder and add class for it
323 - fixed redirections for Netlify update: https://community.netlify.com/t/changed-behavior-in-redirects/10084
324 - hotfix print version on Firefox
325 - fixed `optgroup` styling in dark mode
326 - moved link reset styles to reset (to avoid color bug in Mail button/links)
327 - fixed blockquote print version (allowed page-break inside, for Mail)
328 - fixed harmonization between Chrome/Firefox for monospace-d elements
329 - hotfixed `pm-button--currentColor` with `pm-button--link`
330 - fix em width helper
331 - fix labels max-width
332 - fixed contrast colour for email in dark mode (added `--bgcolor-unread-item-column-list` CSS custom property)
333 - fixed loading state for SVG icons
334 - fixed dark mode notification links
335 - fixed print version in dark mode
336 - fixed date size in mail extra-details
337 - updated `circle-bar--` modifiers class names
338 - fixed decoration of topnav links
339 - updated icon `calendar-repeat` to `repeat`
341 # [1.8.2] - 2020-03-19
346 - Quill Sass files + Dark mode for it and bugfixes at the same time 🎉
347 - add Sass variable `$input-shadow-color` for input shadow color
348 - add `parent-folder` icon
349 - add `size-40` helper (card layout)
350 - add `0.4` margin helpers
351 - add helper for rtl mirroring content `on-rtl-mirror` (icons mostly)
352 - add placeholder images
353 - revamped sections and FE helpers
354 - add `ratio-container-5-1` helper and improved doc for it
355 - add `border-block-end--currentColor` helper
356 - add dark-mode friendly bank logos/icons
357 - add `fill-white-dm` and `fill-global-highlight` aliases (dark mode)
358 - refactor `<Icon/>` fill
359 - set default color of labels, buttons, inputs and selects to `currentColor`
360 - added `shape-file-edit`, `shape-file-upload`, `shape-folder-new`, `shape-folder-upload` icons
361 - loader animation rework for less blury effect and more customization / random feeling
362 - added new responsive helpers: `ontinymobile-flex-self-start`/`ontinymobile-flex-column` and `ontinymobile-m1/mt1/mr1/mb1/ml1`
363 - new animation for Calendar event loading
364 - drag and drop image for Drive
365 - add `min-h16e` helper (`min-height` in em helper)
366 - add `react-intl-tel-input` styles
370 - fix for recurring frequency in popover
371 - remove dirty fix for SVGs in `button`s
372 - fix Quill editor in Dark mode (placeholder)
373 - fix subnavigation links in dark mode
374 - fix elliptical shape for `dropDown-logout-text`
375 - fix horizontal scrolling case for `customScrollBar-container`
376 - fix `row--orderable` helper to be dark-mode friendly
377 - fix `--paddingFix` stuff (for iOS/VPN settings)
378 - fix `tree-view` stuff
379 - add hover state for `dropDown-item`
380 - fixed dark mode stuf
381 - fixed Angular star issue
382 - fixed `.toolbar-select` issue in Dark Mode
383 - fix arrow colors (mini-calendar)
384 - add exception for `pm-button--link` and `nodecoration`
385 - fix import/export icons
386 - increase dropdown width on default and narrow states, for time options
388 # [1.8.1] - 2020-01-31
392 - added `gift` and `calendar-repeat` icons
393 - made `bg-global-border` dark-mode friendly
394 - add `progress-contact--success`/`progress-contact--error`/`progress-contact--warning` modifiers
395 - add new subnav styles
396 - add `w120e`, `w140e`, `w220e` helpers
397 - add `ontablet-w25`, `ontablet-mw100`, `ontablet-wauto`, `onmobile-w25`, `ontinymobile-wauto` helpers
398 - add `--bgcolor-highlight` CSS custom property
399 - added Assets section (with list of images/flags/etc.)
400 - add new margin helpers
401 - add `pm-simple-table--bordered` modifier (for tables)
402 - add `pm-radio--onTop` modifier (alignment)
403 - add `flex-noMinChildren` class
404 - add `pm-modal--auto` modifier
405 - add `flex-self-start` helper
406 - add helpers for display/hide on dark mode and doc about it in helpers
407 - add arrow for dark mode and rtl in CSS sprite
408 - add helper `color-global-grey-dm` (dark-mode friendly)
409 - add `day-checkbox` component (for Calendar)
410 - add label styles for React
411 - add `mt0-5r` and `mr0-5r` helpers
416 - fix mobile week selectors
417 - fix caret icon positionning for alignment when rotated
418 - fix time indicator display
419 - fix display event on Safari Mac
420 - update time-indicator in Calendar
421 - fix `pm-button--warning`/`pm-button--error` display when used with `pm-button`
422 - fix conversation item selector hover state
423 - fix display of conversations
424 - fix `pm-button--primaryborder`
425 - fix `disabled` state for `pm-button--primary`
426 - update calendar now hour line indicator and added CSS variable `--bgcolor-calendar-now-indicator`
427 - fixed toggle dark mode design
428 - fixed calendar selected/current day display
429 - fix `fill-currentColor` in dark mode
430 - fix selective/current day on mini-calendar/calendar
431 - fix `pm-label` for credit card autogrid issue (`width` was too large for small modals)
432 - fix inconsistency for mini-calendar colors (current/selected day)
433 - fix display of outside modifier (calendar)
435 - first round of updates for placeholder images
436 - fix modal close button position
437 - second round of updates for placeholder images
438 - fix advanced search (clear button)
439 - increased `container-section-sticky` max-width
440 - fix expand caret in toolbar-button--dropdown
441 - fix `day-icon` on tiny breakpoint (recurring)
447 # [1.8.0] - 2019-12-20
451 - added css-arrow-right in css svg sprite
452 - hover styles for minicalendar
453 - added `pm-modal--full` modifier
455 - padding fix for settings/calendar
456 - added `pm-form--iconLabels` modifier (for Calendar)
457 - added `border-block-start--dashed` modifier
458 - added `fixed` (`position: fixed`)
459 - added `onmobile-static` (`position: static` on… mobile!!!)
460 - added `lock-alone`, `lock-check`, `lock-warning`, `lock-write`, `pen` icons (for composer)
461 - added `pm-simple-table--alternate-bg-row` modifier to have alternate background colors for rows in a table
462 - added alias for `bg-global-light`, `bg-white`: `bg-global-highlight`, `bg-white-dm` (dark mode friendly)
463 - added `ontablet-flex-column` helper
464 - added `blocked-content`, `payments-type-amex`, `payments-type-cash`, `payments-type-discover`, `payments-type-mastercard`, `payments-type-visa`, `p2p`, `servers-country`, `speed-fast`, `speed-low`, `speed-medium`, `vpn-connx`
469 - fix selected element in contact
470 - fix dropdown link display
471 - hover styles for minicalendar
472 - a lot of fixes for calendar styles
473 - fix shorter labels display on mobile
474 - update tiny-breakpoint value
475 - fixed selected conversation item
476 - fix modal display in case of low viewport height
477 - fix `z-index`es for Calendar
478 - add `min-width` to `pm-checkbox-fakecheck`
479 - removed `bg-global-light` class in table examples for `pm-plans-table-row--highlighted` (more darkmode-friendly)
480 - updated Calendar/Contacts icon
481 - fixed mini-calendar range display in responsive view
482 - fixed disabled buttons
484 # [1.7.7] - 2019-11-21
488 - added `circle`, `calendar`, `clock` and `target` icons
489 - added mini-calendar styles
490 - added `toolbar-select` styles
491 - added `mw8e` helper
492 - added `filter-blur` helper
493 - added `w50p` helper
494 - added `.pm-modal--shorterLabels` modifier
495 - added `calendar-grid` fragment
496 - added `atomLoader-text` styles
497 - added calendar event loader/skeleton loading anim styles
498 - added `bg-inherit` helper class
500 - added mini calendar range selection styles
501 - added `flex-justify-center` helper
502 - added `border-currentColor` helper
503 - added `onmobile-remain-sticky` modifier for sticky title
504 - added `blackfriday` icon
505 - added `ellipsis-four-lines` helper
506 - added `alignsub` helper
510 - added custom scrollbar in Firefox.
511 - fixed text cut off in user drop down
512 - fix `main-area-withToolbar` stuff ^^
513 - fix `protonmail_quote` styles
514 - fix `no-result-folder` image (removed artifact)
515 - added a fix for Angular bug with Safari
516 - removed “global” hover state for conversations
517 - updated `protoncalendar`/`protoncontacts` icon
518 - fixed mini calendar icon color/removed transitions
519 - fixes for (mini) calendar display
520 - fix issue with `pm-button--link`
521 - fix for Safari slow perf (filter CSS)
524 - fix Chrome bug for selects
525 - fix standard modal width
526 - added a `max-width` on user drop down display name
527 - fix path not closed properly in SVG (thanks @johBerlin !)
531 # [1.7.6] - 2019-10-24
535 - added `pm-button--currentColor` modifier (used in notification area for example)
536 - added `navigation__refresh` classes (for mail)
537 - added `pm-button--for-smallicon` modifier
538 - added placeholder images (no result)
539 - added helper `color-currentColor` (for notification zone)
540 - added CSS custom property `--label-width`
541 - added more border and max width options
542 - hover state for conversations
543 - add protoncontacts icon
545 - added new responsive navigation styles
546 - added rem margin-block-start helper (will enhance it later)
548 - added option on `respond-to` (`$query-type == "height"`)
550 - added `0.75` margin helpers
551 - added `selectall` icon
555 - fix special case for `block-info`
556 - fixed conversations and `main-area--withToolbar`
557 - fixed cursor value for modals (Edge bug)
558 - fixed header structure of website
559 - fixed top navigation
560 - fixed selected conversation state
561 - fixed settings icon
562 - fixed toggle margins
563 - increased width of `pm-label`
564 - fixed padding of `item-container`/added some flex for proper rendering in conversations
565 - fixed `line-height` of text in user dropdown
566 - fixed drop down example on design system website
567 - splitted `global-structure` into several fragments
568 - hotfix form error with AngularJS
569 - fixed special case of long inputs in modal (rich text edition, etc.) using `pm-field-container--full`
570 - fixed notification display on mobile
571 - added `compose-fab--inBackground` modifier
572 - fixed height issues on contact containers (`items-column-list--mobile`, `view-column-detail`)
573 - fix tooltip background color
574 - updated `reload` icon
576 # [1.7.5] - 2019-09-27
580 - added `flex-item-start` helper
581 - added modifier `pm-button--whiteborder`
582 - added `right-icon` helper
583 - added “field with icon” container styles (`pm-field-icon-container` and `pm-field-icon-container--invalid`)
584 - added circle bar styles (see in dropdown to see the bigger version)
585 - added storage dropdown styles
586 - added `smallest` helper (~9px)
587 - added some bank icons
588 - added `flex-item-noflex` helper (`flex: 0`)
592 - added a modifier for invalid password container `.password-revealer-container--invalid`
593 - fixed some bugs with Firefox error zone display
594 - updated `loadingAnimation-circle--pm-blue` class to `loadingAnimation-circle--pm-primary`
595 - fixed flicker effect when tapping on modal
596 - fixed a display bug on Safari for password revealer
597 - added modifier `pm-field-container--address` (container for address on contacts)
598 - fixed vertical centering of logo/added modifier for logo without plan
599 - fixed password revealer outline issue
600 - removed outline on `pm-field`s
601 - removed password revealer code (same behaviour as `pm-field-icon-container`)
602 - fixed navigation icon hover color (for blue theme)
603 - fixed color image `upgrade.svg`
604 - fixed `hover-same-color`/`primary-link` helpers
605 - fixed `navigation__counterItem` padding
606 - updated badges CSS code to better fit to mail constraints
607 - fixed searchbar layout
609 # [1.7.4] - 2019-09-12
613 - added `$list-max-width-ch` Sass variable, ex. `.mw70ch`: `max-width: 70ch`
614 - added `flex-justify-start` helper
615 - added `onmobile-wauto` and `min-w5e` helper classes
616 - added `scroll-horizontal-if-needed` for horizontal scrolling
618 - padding helper with `3`: `pt3`, etc.
619 - added `h100v` helper
620 - added `ontablet-mw100` helper
621 - added aliases `pm-button--primaryborder`, `pm-button--primaryborder-dark` (based on `$pm-primary` value)
622 - added `header-height-anchor` for scrolling issues
623 - added `badgeLabel-primary` and set this one by default
624 - added `flex-item-fluid-auto` helper: `flex: 1 1 auto`
625 - added `onmobile-flex-wrap` and `onmobile-min-w100` helpers
626 - added `rounded-none`, `rounded-none-left` and `rounded-none-right` helpers
627 - added title style for VPN signup
631 - fixed `height` of `select` (alignment in settings)
632 - rwd adaptation for sticky title/space between sections
633 - rwd adaptation of navigation
634 - added some margin helpers on mobile
635 - fixed `textarea` with `pristine` class (Firefox bug)
636 - updated `pm-buttons` (replaced `@extend .nodecoration` to `text-decoration: none`) to fix a crazy bug on Edge 🥴
637 - update table plan responsive behaviour
638 - fixed contrasts of placeholder, yeah!
639 - fixed blurry modals/updated modal positionning/fixed on design system website
640 - fixed `meter` display on Chrome
641 - fixed password revealer
642 - updated `.pm-field-container` with use case of `auto`
643 - fixed `error-zone` display (with `password-revealer` container and classic `pm-field`)
644 - fixed drop down logout display
645 - fixed `pm-toggle` `aria-busy="true"` and `disabled` states
646 - fixed responsive issues with flex helpers
647 - increased mobile breakpoint value
649 # [1.7.3] - 2019-08-30
653 - added `$vpnplus` and `$vpnbasic` plan colors
654 - added `pm-simple-table--has-actions` modifier to right-align “action” column (design rule)
655 - added `stroke-*` classes (for SVG `stroke` properties)
656 - added paypal logo in bank images
657 - added `$pm-primary`, `$pm-primary-light`, `$pm-primary-dark` Sass variables (aliases for main colors)
658 - added class aliases for primary colors: `color-primary`, `bg-primary`, `fill-primary`, `stroke-primary`
659 - added styles for toolbar elements (and clean up a bit this mess)
660 - added `flex-justify-end` helper
662 - updated searchbar styles: if there is no search bar, the next element (navigation) is pushed to the right (VPN/settings/etc.)
663 - login page in responsive
664 - added svg illustrations
665 - added `fill-beta` color and styles
669 - increased `z-index` of notifications, in order for them to be on the top of modals :)
670 - added styles for “info” notification
671 - moved some styles to exceptions (only for Design System)
672 - fixed `checked` state of `item-icon`
673 - fixed logout dropdown display
674 - increased small modal width
675 - fixed password revealer (added a `background-color`)
676 - if `searchbox-container` is empty, set up its `width` to 0
677 - removed `z-index` from active `pm-group-button`
678 - fixed badge `font-size` to use rem to avoid inheritance on mail
679 - fixed `padding-inline-end` value on `navigation__link` (alignment with compose button)
680 - fixed navigation icons/display
681 - fixed star button color
682 - fixed a bug for `caption` tag on Firefox
683 - removed responsive adaptation for top navigation (might add it only for Mail or project that do really need it)
684 - fixed issue in `pm-simple-table--has-actions`
685 - fixed some RTL stuff
686 - fixed password revealer
687 - fixed active state for error/warning button aliases
688 - update `disabled` state for buttons
689 - added `max-width` to modals and fixed !_%_!!$\* safari mobile bugs
691 # [1.7.2] - 2019-08-15
695 - new loading images/animations
696 - fixed toggle “slow `aria-busy`” state animation
698 - added small toggle: add `pm-toggle-label--small` to `pm-toggle-label` and maaaagic
699 - added class `container-section-sticky-section` to increase margin between sections
701 - added documentation for square container/`ratio-container-*` helpers (padding-hack technique, use it wisely young jedis)
702 - added documentation for `nodecoration`, `underline` and `underline-hover`
706 - remove `settings` icons in left sidebar
707 - fixed Chrome bug with `.spacebar` (autoprefixer issue)
708 - updated DropDown react styles
709 - added disabled state for toolbar button
710 - added alias `question` for `what-is-it` icon (to merge)
711 - added example of image in conversations
712 - fixed `.cut` class for Chrome
713 - added `cursor-row-resize` helper
714 - added `1.25` value to `padding` helpers
715 - updated top nav design
716 - add state `disabled` to `pm-button--link`
717 - documentation for absolute/relative helpers + `opacity` helpers
718 - fixed `alignright` helper of `th` element
719 - added `max-width` to sidebar (equiv 220px max)
720 - fixed `background-color` of search field
721 - updated logout dropdown layout (with caret icon on hover, etc.)
723 # [1.7.1] - 2019-08-06
727 - added `dashed` and `dashed-container` containers
728 - added `language`, `timezone1`, `timezone2`, `linux`, `windows`, `alias`, `calendar`, `cc`, `check-circle`, `key`, `user-storage` icons
729 - added bank icon images (discover/jcb to clean up)
730 - added `pm-button--noborder` modifier
731 - add plan colors/classes
732 - add `no-outline` helper (god, please forgive me for having created this)
733 - add class `mw100` on `navigation` element (fixes ellipsis bug in some cases)
734 - fixed “button” active state when applied to `div` and triggered by dropdowns inside
736 - added react dedicated styles (and notes/documentation about them)
737 - added `lh-standard` class (standard `line-height`)
738 - added `$list-max-width-em` feature (needed for composer)
739 - added flags files in `assets/img/illustrations/flags`
740 - added `pv-indicator` css file (and notes/documentation about `pv-styles`)
741 - added `.underline-hover` helper
745 - added exception on `main-area` with `no-scroll`
749 - added icons in left bar
750 - has to change CSP policies (Firefox, when do you will fix this CSP bug for CSS in SVG images?)
752 # [1.7.0] - 2019-07-12
756 - added `android`, `apple`, `facebook`, `github`, `instagram`, `linkedin`, `mastodon`, `reddit`, `youtube` (updated `twitter` one)
757 - added design for checkbox for “select all”
758 - added `w15` width helper
759 - added icon `shape-contract-window` (for composer)
763 - fixed `dropDown-item` border display
764 - add exception for `pm-button` with `p0` (needed for dropdowns)
765 - remove `margin` for `item-icon` (more reusable), replaced by a helper (`mr1-5`)
766 - fixed some button designs for more stability for hover states
767 - fixed notification container positionning
768 - updated top nav responsive behaviour for better matching v4’s one.
769 - removed `padding-inline-start/right` for `pm-button--link`
773 - added subsections for containers and helpers pages
774 - enhanced responsive of Design System website
776 # [1.6.18] - 2019-06-27
780 - `toolbar-separator` styles + `toolbar` design details
784 - removed `.toolbar svg` for `.toolbar-icon` selector (limit depth of applicability for styles, always)
785 - update selector for modal button display
787 # [1.6.18] - 2019-06-27
791 - added `dropDown-content--wide` modifier (super large drop down, for advanced search)
792 - added `break` helper
793 - added `no-pointer-events-children` helper
797 - fixed `pm-label` to accept `auto` helper (`width: auto`)
799 # [1.6.17] - 2019-06-25
803 - added `rotateZ-90` and `rotateZ-270` helpers
804 - added Sass variables for `max-width` in percentages
805 - added helper `flex-row`
806 - added modifier `pm-modal--wider` for… wider modals.
808 # [1.6.16] - 2019-06-19
812 - added `progress` styles for exporting contacts
813 - added `fill-currentColor` class for SVG
817 - updated reset for `progress`
818 - added Sass variable for `meter` tag (space bar)
819 - vertical alignment for checkboxes and radios
820 - fix for logout dropdown (if there is only one letter inside)
822 # [1.6.15] - 2019-06-07
826 - added `border-block-end--dashed` modifier
827 - added helper `underline`
828 - added `icon-w40p` size
829 - added cursor helper classes
833 - exception for applying `pt0` to `pm-label`
834 - missing scroll in conversations on Design System website
836 # [1.6.14] - 2019-06-05
841 - updated `flex-items-end` helper and added example (renamed it, was `flex-item-end`, not consistent)
842 - fixed color of ProtonMail version text
843 - fixed navigation padding (added partial `exceptions` ONLY for Design System website)
844 - fixed logout expand on Design system website
846 # [1.6.13] - 2019-06-04
853 - added helpers `opacity-30`, `lh100`, `bordered` container
854 - commented some stuff (`q` styles)
855 - updated “How to use the Design system” (new partial)
859 - updated drop downs (`max-height` limit, plus shadows/etc.)
860 - updated classnames for conversation lists (for `item-`, more generic, as it is used in contacts)
861 - fixed `viewbox` for some icons/simplified documentation
862 - renamed some classes for CSS multicolumns (consistency)
863 - renamed some Sass variables for better consistency
864 - added documentation about width helpers
866 # [1.6.12] - 2019-05-29
870 - added `alignbaseline` helper class
874 - fixed big screen adaptation
878 - Add SVG illustrations
880 # [1.6.11] - 2019-05-28
884 - added `--width-sidebar`, `--width-subnav` and `--body-fontsize` CSS variables
885 - added `pm-field--highlight` modifier
886 - added `meter` bars styles for settings
887 - POC screen adaptation for very large screens (to test)
891 - added state class `is-disabled` for buttons
892 - increased tooltips width
893 - fix icon positionning in aside bar
895 # [1.6.10] - 2019-05-23
899 - added icon `shape-lock`
900 - added `block-info-success`/`block-info-standard-success` in containers
904 - Updated fake checkbox in conversations (WIP)
905 - Reseted `figure` default browsers styles
907 # [1.6.9] - 2019-05-22
911 - sticky header for settings (using `.sticky-title` class, and `sticky-title--onTop` modifier to remove `box-shadow` at the top, has to be managed via JS)
912 - added container `container-section-sticky` class for pages using sticky header (for each section)
913 - also added modifier `container-section-sticky--fullwidth` modifier class to remove `max-width` if needed.
914 - updated smooth scrolling feature on Design System website (used https://github.com/zengabor/zenscroll)
918 - update modal positionning (WIP for Safari bugs)
919 - updated `pm-label` class (set up to `width` to avoid bad alignments and add `padding` to the right)
920 - removed decoration from `pm-buttons` (except for `.pm-button--link`)
921 - added examples of vertical centering in forms
923 # [1.6.8] - 2019-05-19
927 - add `capitalize` helper
929 # [1.6.7] - 2019-05-14
933 - fixed bug on button group with 2 buttons `last/first-of-type`
934 - revamped drop down code (removed class, simplified, choosed classname more generic)
935 - also moved button classes to drop down and generalised `focus-within`
936 - added group button example with colors
937 - fixed color management for caret
938 - updated leftArrow/rightArrow to modifier classes
942 - added modifier `wizard-container--noTextDisplayed` for wizard (hides the current step)
943 - fixed button--link modifier (background transparent
944 - documentation for drop down in button groups
946 # [1.6.6] - 2019-05-13
951 - add `shadow-container` class
952 - updated/standardized animations and classnames
953 - update notifications/modals after discussion with @mmso
954 - documentated in namespacing classes
955 - added mention of modifier convention
956 - documented modal modifier `pm-modal--inBackground` and animation names for modals
960 - add `block-info-standard-warning` class
961 - fix `aligncenter` helper on `th`
962 - update reduce motion MQ (compatibility with `animationEnd` listener)
964 # [1.6.5] - 2019-05-08
968 - add `650` value to `$list-max-width`
972 - set search image as content image
973 - removed CSS variable for it
975 - updated blue and light theme
976 - updated theme config
977 - updated documentation
979 # [1.6.4] - 2019-05-07
985 - added scroll inside modal
987 - added shadows in case of long content
989 - cleanup, positionning, RTL tests, comments
993 - added `no-pointer-events` helper class
994 - added `border-block-end` helper class
996 # [1.6.3] - 2019-05-03
1000 - manage a list of notifications
1001 - added flexbox helper `flex-items-center`
1003 # [1.6.2] - 2019-05-03
1007 - Update theme scss files for WebPack.
1009 # [1.6.1] - 2019-05-02
1013 - added password revealer in forms
1018 - Fix documentation of Sass partials
1020 # [1.6.0] - 2019-05-01
1024 - added CSS custom properties
1025 - added generation of static CSS files for themes surcharge
1026 - added previsualisation in Design system website
1027 - added documentation for all of these
1028 - added `pm-field--tiny` modifier
1032 - Fix mismatch for `pm-button--link` when used with `pm-button`
1033 - also fixed layout of top nav #95
1037 - remove inline-styles for space bar (this is bad)
1038 - removed 'unsafe-inline' for CSS for design system website
1040 # [1.5.18] - 2019-04-25
1044 - added pagination drop down
1045 - added button drop down
1046 - added class `.increase-surface-click` class (needed for pagination drop down, and could be used for other cases, to increase tap zone)
1047 - add `rotateX-180` helper
1051 - fixed documentation in group buttons
1053 # [1.5.17] - 2019-04-24
1057 - add `prefers-reduced-motion: reduce` MQ (for vestibular disorder)
1061 - set up max width for input/select/textarea
1062 - fix select text overflow
1063 - updated `ng-valid` to `is-valid` (byebye Angular)
1064 - fix `pm-label` alignment
1066 # [1.5.16] - 2019-04-18
1070 - add warning styles for input (contrast to enhance)
1072 # [1.5.15] - 2019-04-17
1076 - add error styles (using `aria-invalid="true"` and CSS transforms)
1077 - add `details`/`summary` styles
1078 - add `scroll-smooth-touch` class
1082 - fixed a minification issue with `::placeholder` for `searchbox-container` styles
1083 - updated reference for CSS icons `css-caret-close`
1084 - fix topnav “shrink” icons in rwd
1088 - had to activate `unsafe-inline` for CSP `style-src` for design system website (bugs on Firefox/inline style)
1090 # [1.5.14] - 2019-04-10
1094 - remove `flex-item-grow-1-5` item to `flex-item-grow-2`.
1096 # [1.5.11] - 2019-04-10
1100 - update badge height (Chrome bug)
1101 - add `flex-item-grow-1-5` item.
1104 # [1.5.11] - 2019-04-10
1108 - conversation row class
1110 # [1.5.10] - 2019-04-09
1114 - add missing CSS fragment in how to use the design system.
1117 # [1.5.9] - 2019-04-05
1121 - add selected state for conversation styles
1126 - fixed a display bug in code sections with Prism
1127 - fixed a display bug in conversations
1129 # [1.5.8] - 2019-04-05
1133 - conversation styles
1134 - add class `w0` (`width: 0`)
1138 - reordered padding/margin helpers
1140 # [1.5.7] - 2019-04-04
1148 - fix small bug/cleanup
1149 - fixed color wrong values
1151 # [1.5.6] - 2019-04-03
1155 - add example of settings layout
1156 - add `aria-busy="true"` state to toggle
1160 - fixed RTL for top search and navigation
1161 - fixed logo plan with RTL
1162 - fixed sidebar display
1163 - splitted/cleanup some SCSS files
1164 - fixed white mode poc
1166 # [1.5.5] - 2019-04-02
1170 - top search bar styles
1171 - top navigation styles
1175 - splitted main template in several files for Design System website
1176 - update documentation page on Sass variables
1178 # [1.5.4] - 2019-04-01
1182 - put variables in `design-system-config`
1183 - rewamped color pages
1185 - added documentation page on Sass variables
1189 - add missing color in icons
1192 # [1.5.3] - 2019-03-29
1198 # [1.5.2] - 2019-03-27
1202 - styles for conversations
1206 - “caret” has a single “r”.
1207 - added modifier `.pm-button--for-icon` (for group button made of icons)
1208 - add missing ` !default` to some variables
1209 - add `shape-burger` icon (for design system website)
1211 # [1.5.1] - 2019-03-26
1215 - remove `progress` tag to `meter` (for space used)
1216 - added `white` classes (`fill-white` & `bg-white`)
1217 - added `opacity-50` class (=> `opacity: .5`)
1218 - doc for `flex-nowrap` class
1220 # [1.5.0] - 2019-03-25
1224 - detect scroll on main navigation/display gradient
1225 - add `disabled` style for toggle
1226 - add `indeterminate` style for checkbox
1230 - Update button aliases to modifiers.
1232 # [1.4.9] - 2019-03-22
1237 - WIP: detect scroll on main navigation
1241 - Update toggle component, also fixed it in RTL version
1243 # [1.4.7] - 2019-03-21
1249 - added class `.mirror` in `sprite-for-css-only.svg` and in `_design-system-layout-modules.scss`
1253 - Missing paths `$path-images` in `_pm-loadingcontent.scss`
1257 - Fixed CSP issue on SVG sprite for CSS (Firefox… you really start to stress me up!)
1259 # [1.4.6] - 2019-03-19
1263 - conversation styles (WIP)
1265 # [1.4.5] - 2019-03-18
1269 - added new images useful in settings (in `assets/img/pm-images`)
1273 - added disabled styles for `radio`/`checkbox`
1274 - added new color on `block-info-standard`: `block-info-standard-error`
1275 - added ProtonMail icon with “native” viewbox of 16×16
1277 # [1.4.4] - 2019-03-15
1281 - added class `dash2x` to make path bigger on SVGs
1285 - added example/fix on icons in `button`/`a`.
1287 # [1.4.3] - 2019-03-12
1291 - added class `rounded-50` (`border-radius: 50%`)
1292 - made design system more RTL-friendly (WIP)
1293 - added examples of integration in icons
1298 - removed duplicate SVG icon
1299 - moved some classes that are specific to design system website
1302 # [1.4.2] - 2019-03-11
1306 - used relative path for images (for webpack)
1307 - added documentation for variables
1308 - added missing `!default` on variables of the design system
1309 - updated `styles-pm` comments and “how to use design system” for variables
1312 # [1.4.1] - 2019-03-08
1316 - added “domain breadcrumb” styles (in containers)
1317 - added “Information panels” styles (in containers)
1318 - added `#shape-drag` and `#shape-reload` icons (not definitive icons)
1322 - updated asset structure
1323 - fixed overflow on Chrome
1324 - also “fixed” a iOS Safari bug
1326 # [1.3.8] - 2019-03-07
1330 - fixed `padding`s on `block-info-warning`
1334 - Added documentation for `unstyled` class
1336 # [1.3.6] - 2019-03-04
1340 - added `.italic` class
1341 - added SVG sprite for CSS use only (with doc)
1342 - added `.bold` alias for `.strong`
1343 - added animation on `radio`/`checkbox`
1347 - Fixed CSP issue on SVG sprite for CSS (Firefox)
1349 # [1.3.5] - 2019-03-01
1353 - added `input type="radio/checkbox/search"` in forms
1354 - added SVG sprite for CSS use only
1355 - added `.strong` and reset for `b` and `strong`
1359 - `select` enhanced but WIP
1364 - created templates for issues/PR, labels, etc.
1366 # [1.3.4] - 2019-02-18
1370 - added alias `.pm-button-redborder` in buttons
1372 - added `pm-modal--smaller` class and example
1376 - remove margin on `textarea`
1378 # [1.3.3] - 2019-02-18
1382 - added simple horizontal `flex-autogrid` examples in flexbox helpers
1384 # [1.3.2] - 2019-02-15
1388 - added `block-info-*` examples in containers
1389 - added `ratio-container-*` examples (in "icons tests", also useful for responsive `iframes`/etc. with keeping ratios)
1393 - mentionned new `scss` files in “how to use the design system”
1395 # [1.3.0] - 2019-02-14
1399 - added loading content page/templates
1400 - added drop downs (WIP)
1401 - added design for `progress` bar in navigation (remaining size)
1402 - added `information-block` style in container section
1403 - added aliases for buttons: `pm-button-(primary/link/error/warning/info)`
1404 - added class `.link` (same style as for `a` tag)
1405 - added class `.scroll-if-needed`, to apply `overflow: auto` on an element
1409 - adapted height of buttons/status/input/table cells (from Keven input)
1410 - updated: default case for `main-area` is without the toolbar, exception is now `main-area--withToolbar`
1411 - increased speed of all animations/transitions
1412 - moved `.rounded` class to global layout
1413 - enhanced Flexbox documentation section (mention of `flex-item-noshrink`, `flex-item-nogrow` and `flex-self-vcenter` classes)
1417 - added meta descriptions and keywords for all pages
1418 - bugfixes: IE11 JS fix (arrow functions are too modern for IE11, f\*\*\*)
1419 - added another stupid joke on 404 page
1422 # [1.2.0] - 2019-01-24
1426 - added login page/template
1427 - added class `main-area--noToolbar` (main area without toolbar)
1428 - added class `main-full` (full-height page for login)
1429 - splitted `pm-layout` into separate components
1430 - added list/documentation on each module in “How to use the Design System”
1434 - renamed status to badges (including classes)
1435 - tables (used more `extend`s to factorise)
1436 - add cache buster for JS file
1439 # [1.1.0] - 2019-01-22
1443 - added sub navigation (buttons + IntersectionObserver stuff)
1444 - refactored group buttons
1445 - added classes `is-hover` and `is-active` for buttons
1446 - added exception for main content without toolbar (`main-area--noToolbar`)
1447 - styled buttons in left toolbar (PM, PVPN, Burger, etc.)
1451 - renamed svg sprite
1452 - updated modal code
1453 - fixed print version
1454 - reordered import to have helper working properly on `Hx` stuff
1457 # [1.0.0] - 2019-01-14
1459 The design system for Proton projects is here. A quick look?
1461 ## Features of the Design System
1463 - A global reference for design: colors, SVG icons available, buttons styles, etc.
1464 - A documentation to share front-end best practices (conventions, DOs/DONTs, etc.)
1465 - Some sets of re-usable classes (helpers) for front-end: typographic/hiding/etc. helpers, positionning helpers, etc.
1466 - A mini Flexbox micro-framework for achieving most common positionning.
1467 - To be notified of updates, a RSS is available.
1471 Here are goals of this tool:
1473 - Having a more consistent experience for users
1474 - Having a consistent reference for all the teams, and mutualizing some elements on all Proton projects in order to save time
1475 - Improving/simplifying work discussions between design and devs, and between all front-end team (same language, same conventions, same objectives)
1476 - Improving/simplifying Front-End maintenability/scalability, by not reinventing the wheel: the goal is to reduce drastically the CSS weight on PM V4 - target is to reduce it by half
1477 - Facilitating the onboarding of newcomers in the team.
1481 This will be first the main place to implement design of the V4 of PM. Real assets will come quickly, and project will be updated on a regular basis.
1483 In a near future, there will be other projects (click on the VPN icon to get a nice message)