Merge branch 'feat/inda-383-daily-stat' into 'main'
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / styles / scss / components / _minicalendar.scss
1 .minicalendar {
2         // Size of each cell width and height when `fixedSize`property is set.
3         --fixed-cell-size: #{em(34)};
5         min-inline-size: rem(150);
6         max-inline-size: rem(400);
7         font-size: rem(12);
9         &-grid,
10         &-weeknumbers,
11         &-weekdays,
12         &-monthdays {
13                 display: grid;
14         }
16         &-weeknumbers,
17         &-weekdays,
18         &-monthdays {
19                 grid-gap: 1px 0;
20                 user-select: none;
22                 & > * {
23                         display: flex;
24                         justify-content: center;
25                         align-items: stretch;
26                         inline-size: var(--cell-width, auto);
28                         // Chrome since v94 has a jiggling bug provoked by a cascade of minicalendar re-sizings at
29                         // the threshold for the scrollbar to appear in the sidebar.
30                         // We use a rather edgy browser check to avoid using aspect-ratio in Chrome because of this bug
31                         @supports (aspect-ratio: 1 / 1) and (-moz-appearance: none) {
32                                 aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
33                         }
35                         @supports (not (aspect-ratio: 1 / 1)) or (not (-moz-appearance: none)) {
36                                 block-size: var(--cell-height, initial);
37                         }
38                 }
39         }
41         &-grid {
42                 grid-gap: 1px;
44                 &:not(.with-weeknumbers) {
45                         grid-template-columns: 7fr; // It could be 1fr, but well… just for you to understand ^^
46                         grid-template-rows: auto;
47                         /* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties */
48                         grid-template-areas:
49                                 'weekdays'
50                                 'monthdays';
51                 }
53                 &.with-weeknumbers {
54                         grid-template-columns: 1fr 1px 7fr;
55                         grid-template-rows: auto;
56                         /* stylelint-disable-next-line declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties */
57                         grid-template-areas:
58                                 'weeknumbers rule weekdays'
59                                 'weeknumbers rule monthdays';
60                 }
62                 &.is-fixed-size {
63                         --cell-width: var(--fixed-cell-size);
64                 }
66                 // Chrome since v94 has a jiggling bug provoked by a cascade of minicalendar re-sizings at
67                 // the threshold for the scrollbar to appear in the sidebar.
68                 // We use a rather edgy browser check to avoid using aspect-ratio in Chrome because of this bug
69                 @supports (not (aspect-ratio: 1 / 1)) or (not (-moz-appearance: none)) {
70                         // Ensure the aspect ratio while waiting for aspect-ratio property
71                         --cell-height: var(--computed-cell-width, var(--fixed-cell-size));
72                 }
73         }
75         &-weeknumbers {
76                 grid-area: weeknumbers;
77                 grid-template-columns: 1fr;
78                 grid-template-rows: repeat(var(--week-count, 4), 1fr);
79         }
81         // Use a vertical rule instead of a border the use the grid gaps for spacing
82         &-vr {
83                 grid-area: rule;
84         }
86         &-weekdays {
87                 grid-area: weekdays;
88                 grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--weekdays-count, 7), 1fr);
89                 grid-template-rows: auto;
90                 color: var(--text-weak);
92                 & > * {
93                         // No buttons for weekdays, so no need to stretch
94                         align-items: center;
95                 }
97                 .current-weekday {
98                         color: var(--mini-calendar-today-color);
99                 }
100         }
102         &-monthdays {
103                 grid-area: monthdays;
104                 grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--cols, 7), 1fr);
105                 grid-template-rows: repeat(var(--rows, 4), 1fr);
106         }
108         &-weeknumber,
109         &-day {
110                 @extend .interactive-pseudo;
112                 position: relative;
113                 inline-size: 100%;
114                 border-radius: var(--border-radius-sm);
116                 &[aria-pressed='true'] {
117                         background: var(--interaction-weak);
118                         color: var(--text-norm);
120                         &:hover {
121                                 background: var(--interaction-weak-hover);
122                         }
124                         &:active {
125                                 background: var(--interaction-weak-active);
126                         }
127                 }
128         }
130         &-day {
131                 // This is the 'selected' and 'current' marker, placed below the number by z-index
132                 &::before {
133                         content: '';
134                         position: absolute;
135                         inset: 0;
136                         z-index: 0;
137                         border-radius: var(--border-radius-sm);
138                         border: 1px solid transparent;
139                         pointer-events: none;
140                         transition: 0.15s easing(ease-out-quad);
141                 }
143                 &-number {
144                         position: relative;
145                         z-index: 1;
146                 }
148                 &--selected {
149                         &::before {
150                                 background: var(--interaction-norm);
151                         }
152                 }
154                 &--selected:hover,
155                 &--selected:focus-visible {
156                         &::before {
157                                 background: var(--interaction-norm-hover);
158                         }
159                 }
161                 &--selected:active {
162                         &::before {
163                                 background: var(--interaction-norm-active);
164                         }
165                 }
167                 &--selected &-number {
168                         font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
169                         color: var(--interaction-norm-contrast);
170                 }
172                 &[aria-current='date'] {
173                         font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);
174                         color: var(--mini-calendar-today-color);
176                         &::before,
177                         &::after {
178                                 border-color: var(--mini-calendar-today-color);
179                         }
180                 }
182                 &--out-of-month {
183                         color: var(--text-weak);
185                         // Separate style of days out of month from the other ones when part of a range
186                         &[aria-pressed='true'] {
187                                 background: var(--background-weak);
188                                 color: var(--text-weak);
189                         }
190                 }
192                 &--range:not(#{&}--range-bound-start) {
193                         border-start-start-radius: 0;
194                         border-end-start-radius: 0;
195                 }
197                 &--range:not(#{&}--range-bound-end) {
198                         border-start-end-radius: 0;
199                         border-end-end-radius: 0;
200                 }
201         }