Merge branch 'feat/inda-383-daily-stat' into 'main'
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / styles / scss / utilities / _flex.scss
1 @use 'sass:map';
3 .\*\:items-center > * {
4         align-items: center;
7 .\*\:self-center > * {
8         margin-block: auto;
9         align-self: center;
12 // Create an empty map to make it reachable outside of loops
13 $dummy-map: ();
15 // Add `flex-direction` utilities to the map
16 @each $direction in (row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse) {
17         $dummy-map: map.merge(
18                 $dummy-map,
19                 (
20                         flex-#{$direction}:
21                                 (
22                                         flex-direction: $direction,
23                                 )
24                 )
25         );
28 // Add `justify` utilities to the map
29 @each $justify in (start, center, end, space-between, space-around, space-evenly) {
30         // Remove prefix when 'start' and 'end' will be recognized by browsers
31         $prefix: if($justify == start or $justify == end, 'flex', '');
32         $dummy-map: map.merge(
33                 $dummy-map,
34                 (
35                         justify-#{$justify}:
36                                 (
37                                         justify-content: #{dash-join($prefix, $justify)},
38                                 )
39                 )
40         );
43 // Add `flex-wrap` utilities to the map
44 @each $wrap in (wrap, wrap-reverse, nowrap) {
45         $dummy-map: map.merge(
46                 $dummy-map,
47                 (
48                         flex-#{$wrap}:
49                                 (
50                                         flex-wrap: #{$wrap},
51                                 )
52                 )
53         );
56 // Add `order` utilities to the map
57 // Use a for in case we need more
58 @for $i from 0 through 3 {
59         $dummy-map: map.merge(
60                 $dummy-map,
61                 (
62                         order-#{$i}:
63                                 (
64                                         order: #{$i},
65                                 )
66                 )
67         );
70 @each $order in (initial) {
71         $dummy-map: map.merge(
72                 $dummy-map,
73                 (
74                         order-#{$order}:
75                                 (
76                                         order: #{$order},
77                                 )
78                 )
79         );
82 // Add `align-items` utilities to the map
83 @each $align in (start, center, end, baseline, stretch, inherit) {
84         // Remove prefix when 'start' and 'end' will be recognized by browsers
85         $prefix: if($align == start or $align == end, 'flex', '');
86         $dummy-map: map.merge(
87                 $dummy-map,
88                 (
89                         items-#{$align}:
90                                 (
91                                         align-items: #{dash-join($prefix, $align)},
92                                 ),
93                         self-#{$align}:
94                                 (
95                                         align-self: #{dash-join($prefix, $align)},
96                                 )
97                 )
98         );
101 // Serialize the responsive utilities creation with the map to avoid any cascade ordering issues
102 @include responsive-classes($dummy-map);
104 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
106 @include responsive-classes(
107         (
108                 flex-1: (
109                         // Do not use `0%` for basis:
110                         // Percentage depends on explicit size of the container, which causes issues with auto height
111                         flex: 1 1 0,
112                 ),
114                 flex-auto: (
115                         flex: 1 1 auto,
116                 ),
118                 flex-initial: (
119                         flex: 0 1 auto,
120                 ),
122                 flex-none: (
123                         flex: none,
124                 ),
126                 grow: (
127                         flex-grow: 1,
128                 ),
130                 grow-2: (
131                         flex-grow: 2,
132                 ),
134                 grow-0: (
135                         flex-grow: 0,
136                 ),
138                 grow-custom: (
139                         flex-grow: var(--#{'[BPN]' + 'grow-custom'}),
140                 ),
142                 shrink: (
143                         flex-shrink: 1,
144                 ),
146                 shrink-0: (
147                         flex-shrink: 0,
148                 ),
149         )