Remove payments API routing initialization
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / contacts / edit / ContactEditProperty.tsx
1 import type { Ref } from 'react';
2 import { forwardRef } from 'react';
4 import { c } from 'ttag';
6 import DropdownActions from '@proton/components/components/dropdown/DropdownActions';
7 import Icon from '@proton/components/components/icon/Icon';
8 import OrderableHandle from '@proton/components/components/orderable/OrderableHandle';
9 import type { ContactEmail, ContactEmailModel } from '@proton/shared/lib/interfaces/contacts';
10 import type { VCardContact, VCardProperty } from '@proton/shared/lib/interfaces/contacts/VCard';
11 import clsx from '@proton/utils/clsx';
13 import ContactGroupDropdown from '../ContactGroupDropdown';
14 import type { ContactGroupEditProps } from '../group/ContactGroupEditModal';
15 import type { ContactGroupLimitReachedProps } from '../modals/ContactGroupLimitReachedModal';
16 import type { ContactImageProps } from '../modals/ContactImageModal';
17 import ContactEditLabel from './ContactEditLabel';
18 import ContactFieldProperty from './fields/ContactFieldProperty';
20 interface Props {
21     vCardProperty: VCardProperty;
22     vCardContact: VCardContact;
23     onChangeVCard: (vCardProperty: VCardProperty) => void;
24     onRemove: (value: string) => void;
25     sortable?: boolean;
26     isSubmitted?: boolean;
27     actionRow?: boolean;
28     fixedType?: boolean;
29     labelWidthClassName?: string;
30     filteredTypes?: string[];
31     contactEmail?: ContactEmailModel;
32     onContactEmailChange?: (contactEmail: ContactEmailModel) => void;
33     onUpgrade: () => void;
34     onSelectImage: (props: ContactImageProps) => void;
35     onGroupEdit: (props: ContactGroupEditProps) => void;
36     onLimitReached?: (props: ContactGroupLimitReachedProps) => void;
39 const ContactEditProperty = (
40     {
41         vCardProperty,
42         vCardContact,
43         onChangeVCard,
44         onRemove,
45         sortable = false,
46         isSubmitted = false,
47         actionRow = true,
48         labelWidthClassName,
49         fixedType,
50         filteredTypes,
51         contactEmail,
52         onContactEmailChange,
53         onUpgrade,
54         onSelectImage,
55         onGroupEdit,
56         onLimitReached,
57     }: Props,
58     ref: Ref<HTMLInputElement>
59 ) => {
60     const { field, value } = vCardProperty;
61     const canDelete = !(field === 'photo' && !value);
63     const list = [];
65     // Delete is always available (except when primary and no image). Primary name has action row disabled.
66     if (canDelete) {
67         list.push({
68             color: 'weak',
69             shape: 'outline',
70             text: <Icon name="trash" className="m-auto" alt={c('Action').t`Delete`} />,
71             onClick: () => {
72                 if (vCardProperty.uid) {
73                     onRemove(vCardProperty.uid);
74                 }
75             },
76         });
77     }
79     const handleUpdateContactGroups = (changes: { [groupID: string]: boolean }) => {
80         if (contactEmail && onContactEmailChange) {
81             let LabelIDs = [...contactEmail.LabelIDs];
82             Object.entries(changes).forEach(([groupID, checked]) => {
83                 if (checked) {
84                     LabelIDs.push(groupID);
85                 } else {
86                     LabelIDs = contactEmail.LabelIDs.filter((id: string) => id !== groupID);
87                 }
88             });
89             onContactEmailChange({ ...contactEmail, LabelIDs, changes: { ...contactEmail.changes, ...changes } });
90         }
91     };
93     // The data-contact-property-id is used to focus on the element in ContactEditProperties
94     return (
95         <div className="flex flex-nowrap shrink-0" data-contact-property-id={vCardProperty.uid}>
96             {sortable ? (
97                 <OrderableHandle key="icon">
98                     <div className="cursor-row-resize mr-2 flex shrink-0 mb-4 mt-0.5">
99                         <Icon name="text-align-justify" className="mt-2" />
100                     </div>
101                 </OrderableHandle>
102             ) : (
103                 <div className="mr-2 flex items-center shrink-0">
104                     <Icon name="text-align-justify" className="visibility-hidden" />
105                 </div>
106             )}
107             <div className="contact-modal-field relative flex flex-nowrap flex-column md:flex-row w-full items-stretch md:items-start">
108                 <span
109                     className={clsx([
110                         'contact-modal-select flex flex-nowrap mb-2 md:mb-4 items-start',
111                         labelWidthClassName || 'md:w-3/10',
112                     ])}
113                 >
114                     <ContactEditLabel
115                         vCardProperty={vCardProperty}
116                         onChangeVCard={onChangeVCard}
117                         fixedType={fixedType}
118                         filteredTypes={filteredTypes}
119                     />
120                 </span>
122                 <div className="flex flex-nowrap items-startoupas md:flex-1 shrink-0">
123                     <span className="flex-1 mb-4">
124                         <ContactFieldProperty
125                             ref={ref}
126                             vCardProperty={vCardProperty}
127                             vCardContact={vCardContact}
128                             onChangeVCard={onChangeVCard}
129                             isSubmitted={isSubmitted}
130                             onSelectImage={onSelectImage}
131                         />
132                     </span>
133                     {actionRow && (
134                         <span className="mb-4 ml-2 flex">
135                             {list.length > 0 && (
136                                 <div
137                                     className={clsx([
138                                         'flex shrink-0 h-4',
139                                         field,
140                                         (field === 'photo' ||
141                                             field === 'note' ||
142                                             field === 'logo' ||
143                                             field === 'adr') &&
144                                             'items-start',
145                                     ])}
146                                 >
147                                     {field === 'email' && (
148                                         <ContactGroupDropdown
149                                             icon
150                                             color="weak"
151                                             shape="outline"
152                                             className="mr-2"
153                                             contactEmails={[contactEmail as unknown as ContactEmail]}
154                                             onDelayedSave={handleUpdateContactGroups}
155                                             tooltip={c('Title').t`Contact group`}
156                                             onGroupEdit={onGroupEdit}
157                                             onLimitReached={onLimitReached}
158                                             onUpgrade={onUpgrade}
159                                         >
160                                             <Icon name="users" alt={c('Action').t`Contact group`} />
161                                         </ContactGroupDropdown>
162                                     )}
163                                     <DropdownActions icon list={list} />
164                                 </div>
165                             )}
166                         </span>
167                     )}
168                 </div>
169             </div>
170         </div>
171     );
174 export default forwardRef(ContactEditProperty);