Remove payments API routing initialization
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / contacts / lists / ContactRow.tsx
1 import type { CSSProperties, ChangeEvent, DragEvent, MouseEvent } from 'react';
2 import { useState } from 'react';
4 import { c } from 'ttag';
6 import { Button } from '@proton/atoms';
7 import Copy from '@proton/components/components/button/Copy';
8 import Icon from '@proton/components/components/icon/Icon';
9 import Tooltip from '@proton/components/components/tooltip/Tooltip';
10 import useNotifications from '@proton/components/hooks/useNotifications';
11 import { addPlus } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/string';
12 import type { Recipient } from '@proton/shared/lib/interfaces';
13 import type { ContactFormatted, ContactGroup } from '@proton/shared/lib/interfaces/contacts';
14 import type { SimpleMap } from '@proton/shared/lib/interfaces/utils';
15 import clsx from '@proton/utils/clsx';
17 import ItemCheckbox from '../../items/ItemCheckbox';
18 import ContactGroupLabels from '../group/ContactGroupLabels';
19 import { ContactRowItemFirstLine, ContactRowItemSecondLine } from './ContactRowItem';
21 interface Props {
22     checked: boolean;
23     onClick: (ID: string) => void;
24     onCheck: (event: ChangeEvent) => void;
25     style: CSSProperties;
26     hasPaidMail: boolean;
27     contactGroupsMap: SimpleMap<ContactGroup>;
28     contact: ContactFormatted;
29     draggable?: boolean;
30     onDragStart?: (event: DragEvent) => void;
31     onDragEnd?: (event: DragEvent) => void;
32     dragged?: boolean;
33     index: number;
34     onFocus: (index: number) => void;
35     onGroupDetails: (contactGroupID: string) => void;
36     isDrawer?: boolean;
37     onCompose?: (recipients: Recipient[], attachments: File[]) => void;
40 const ContactRow = ({
41     checked,
42     style,
43     hasPaidMail,
44     contactGroupsMap,
45     contact,
46     onClick,
47     onCheck,
48     draggable,
49     onDragStart,
50     onDragEnd,
51     dragged,
52     index,
53     onFocus,
54     onGroupDetails,
55     isDrawer = false,
56     onCompose,
57 }: Props) => {
58     const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
59     const { ID, Name, LabelIDs = [], emails = [] } = contact;
60     const [hasFocus, setHasFocus] = useState(false);
62     const contactGroups = => contactGroupsMap[ID] as ContactGroup);
64     const handleFocus = () => {
65         setHasFocus(true);
66         onFocus(index);
67     };
69     const handleBlur = () => {
70         setHasFocus(false);
71     };
73     const handleCopyEmail = () => {
74         if (emails[0]) {
75             createNotification({
76                 type: 'success',
77                 text: c('Success').t`Email address copied to clipboard`,
78             });
79         }
80     };
82     const handleCompose = (e: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement>) => {
83         e.stopPropagation();
84         if (onCompose && emails[0]) {
85             const recipient: Recipient = { Name: contact.Name, Address: emails[0] };
86             onCompose([recipient], []);
87         }
88     };
90     return (
91         <div
92             style={style}
93             key={ID}
94             onClick={() => onClick(ID)}
95             draggable={draggable}
96             onDragStart={onDragStart}
97             onDragEnd={onDragEnd}
98             className={clsx(
99                 'contact-item-container item-contact flex cursor-pointer bg-global-white group-hover-opacity-container interactive-pseudo-inset interactive--no-background',
100                 isDrawer && 'item-in-drawer',
101                 dragged && 'item-dragging',
102                 hasFocus && 'item-is-focused'
103             )}
104             onFocus={handleFocus}
105             onBlur={handleBlur}
106             tabIndex={-1}
107             data-element-id={contact.ID}
108             data-shortcut-target="contact-container"
109             data-testid={`contact-item:${Name}`}
110         >
111             <div className="flex flex-nowrap w-full h-full my-auto items-start">
112                 <ItemCheckbox ID={ID} name={Name} checked={checked} onChange={onCheck} />
113                 <div className="flex-1 ml-2 conversation-titlesender">
114                     <ContactRowItemFirstLine ID={ID} Name={Name} className={!!LabelIDs.length ? 'pr-4' : ''} />
115                     <ContactRowItemSecondLine title={emails.join(', ')}>
116                         {emails.length ? (
117                             addPlus(emails as any)
118                         ) : (
119                             <span className="placeholder">{c('Info').t`No email address`}</span>
120                         )}
121                     </ContactRowItemSecondLine>
122                     {hasPaidMail && contactGroups && (
123                         <ContactGroupLabels
124                             contactGroups={contactGroups}
125                             className="mt-0.5"
126                             onDetails={onGroupDetails}
127                             leftToRight
128                             maxNumber={4}
129                         />
130                     )}
131                 </div>
132                 {emails[0] && (
133                     <span className="flex gap-4">
134                         {onCompose && (
135                             <div className="contact-item-hover-action-buttons">
136                                 <Tooltip title={c('Action').t`Compose`}>
137                                     <Button color="weak" shape="ghost" icon onClick={handleCompose}>
138                                         <Icon name="pen-square" alt={c('Action').t`Compose`} />
139                                     </Button>
140                                 </Tooltip>
141                             </div>
142                         )}
143                         <div className="contact-item-hover-action-buttons">
144                             <Copy
145                                 value={emails[0]}
146                                 className={clsx(isDrawer && 'mr-1')}
147                                 onCopy={handleCopyEmail}
148                                 tooltipText={c('Action').t`Copy email to clipboard`}
149                                 shape="ghost"
150                             />
151                         </div>
152                     </span>
153                 )}
154             </div>
155         </div>
156     );
159 export default ContactRow;