Remove payments API routing initialization
[ProtonMail-WebClient.git] / packages / components / containers / contacts / view / RecipientDropdownItem.tsx
1 import type { MouseEvent, ReactNode } from 'react';
3 import { c } from 'ttag';
5 import Copy from '@proton/components/components/button/Copy';
6 import ProtonBadgeType from '@proton/components/components/protonBadge/ProtonBadgeType';
7 import ContactImage from '@proton/components/containers/contacts/ContactImage';
8 import useNotifications from '@proton/components/hooks/useNotifications';
9 import { getInitials } from '@proton/shared/lib/helpers/string';
10 import type { Recipient } from '@proton/shared/lib/interfaces';
12 interface Props {
13     label: string;
14     recipient: Recipient;
15     bimiSelector?: string;
16     closeDropdown: () => void;
17     displaySenderImage: boolean;
18     simple?: boolean;
19     additionalAction?: ReactNode;
22 const RecipientDropdownItem = ({
23     displaySenderImage,
24     bimiSelector,
25     label,
26     recipient,
27     closeDropdown,
28     simple = false,
29     additionalAction,
30 }: Props) => {
31     const { createNotification } = useNotifications();
33     // Label value can contain :
34     //  - Contact Name if the recipient is a contact, or Recipient Name or Recipient Address on PM
35     //  - Recipient Name or Recipient Address on EO
36     // Recipient might not have a Name or a Contact Name, and by default we put the Address
37     // In this case, we don't want to display the Address field twice
38     const hasName = label !== '' && label !== recipient.Address;
40     const handleCopyEmail = () => {
41         createNotification({
42             type: 'success',
43             text: c('Success').t`Email address copied to clipboard`,
44         });
46         closeDropdown();
47     };
49     // Prevent closing dropdown if click inside the recipient info
50     const handleClick = (e: MouseEvent) => {
51         e.stopPropagation();
52     };
54     return (
55         <div className="flex flex-nowrap items-center p-2" onClick={handleClick}>
56             <span className="item-icon flex shrink-0 rounded mx-2" aria-hidden="true">
57                 <span className="m-auto">
58                     {simple ? (
59                         <>{getInitials(label)}</>
60                     ) : (
61                         <ContactImage
62                             email={recipient.Address}
63                             name={label}
64                             className="rounded"
65                             bimiSelector={bimiSelector}
66                             displaySenderImage={displaySenderImage}
67                         />
68                     )}
69                 </span>
70             </span>
71             <div className="flex flex-column flex-1 px-2" data-testid="recipient:dropdown-item--contact-name">
72                 <span className="text-ellipsis inline-block max-w-full user-select" title={label}>
73                     {label}
74                     {!simple && recipient && <ProtonBadgeType recipient={recipient} />}
75                 </span>
76                 {hasName && (
77                     <span className="color-weak text-ellipsis inline-block max-w-full user-select">{`<${recipient.Address}>`}</span>
78                 )}
79             </div>
80             {additionalAction}
81             <Copy
82                 value={recipient.Address}
83                 className="mr-2 shrink-0"
84                 onCopy={handleCopyEmail}
85                 tooltipText={c('Action').t`Copy email to clipboard`}
86                 shape="ghost"
87                 data-testid="recipient:dropdown-item--copy-address-button"
88             />
89         </div>
90     );
93 export default RecipientDropdownItem;