1 import { c } from 'ttag';
3 import { Button } from '@proton/atoms';
11 } from '@proton/shared/lib/constants';
12 import onboardingDiscover from '@proton/styles/assets/img/onboarding/discover.svg';
14 import type { Props as OnboardingContentProps } from './OnboardingContent';
15 import OnboardingContent from './OnboardingContent';
16 import OnboardingStep from './OnboardingStep';
17 import type { OnboardingStepRenderCallback } from './interface';
19 interface Props extends Omit<OnboardingContentProps, 'decription' | 'img'>, OnboardingStepRenderCallback {}
21 const OnboardingDiscoverApps = (props: Props) => {
25 title={c('Onboarding Proton').t`Discover all ${BRAND_NAME} services`}
26 description={c('Onboarding Proton')
27 .t`Use the app selector in the top left to access all ${BRAND_NAME} services: ${MAIL_SHORT_APP_NAME}, ${VPN_SHORT_APP_NAME}, ${CALENDAR_SHORT_APP_NAME}, ${DRIVE_SHORT_APP_NAME} and ${PASS_SHORT_APP_NAME}.`}
29 <img src={onboardingDiscover} alt={c('Onboarding Proton').t`Discover all ${BRAND_NAME} services`} />
33 <footer className="flex flex-nowrap">
34 <Button size="large" className="mr-4" fullWidth onClick={props.onBack}>{c('Action').t`Back`}</Button>
35 <Button size="large" color="norm" fullWidth onClick={props.onNext}>
36 {c('Action').t`Get started`}
43 export default OnboardingDiscoverApps;