Merging lars changes for PsN course
[PsN.git] / bin /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use strict;
4 use XML::LibXML;
5 use XML::XPath;
6 use XML::XPath::XMLParser;
8 my $xp = XML::XPath->new(filename => $ARGV[0]);
9 my $format = $ARGV[1];
10 my $only_class = $ARGV[2];
13 #my $suffix = defined $format ? '.'.$format : '.txt';
14 my $suffix = '.pod';
16 # Get the dia objects in this file
17 my $objectset = $xp->find('/dia:diagram/dia:layer/dia:object[@type=\'UML - Class\' or '.
18 '@type=\'UML - LargePackage\']');
19 my $classset = $xp->find('/dia:diagram/dia:layer/dia:object[@type=\'UML - Class\']');
20 my $objecttypeset = $xp->find('/dia:diagram/dia:layer/dia:object[@type=\'UML - Class\' or '.
21 '@type=\'UML - LargePackage\']/@type');
22 my $positionset = $xp->find('/dia:diagram/dia:layer/dia:object[@type=\'UML - Class\' or '.
23 '@type=\'UML - LargePackage\']/dia:attribute[@name=\'obj_pos\']/dia:point/@val');
24 my $rectangleset = $xp->find('/dia:diagram/dia:layer/dia:object[@type=\'UML - Class\' or '.
25 '@type=\'UML - LargePackage\']/dia:attribute[@name=\'obj_bb\']/dia:rectangle/@val');
26 my $nameset = $xp->find('/dia:diagram/dia:layer/dia:object[@type=\'UML - Class\' or '.
27 '@type=\'UML - LargePackage\']/dia:attribute[@name=\'name\']/dia:string/text()');
28 my ($path_ref, $classpath_ref, $packagepath_ref) = &set_paths( $objecttypeset, $nameset, $positionset, $rectangleset );
29 my @paths = @{$path_ref};
30 my @classpaths = @{$classpath_ref};
31 my @packagepaths = @{$packagepath_ref};
34 system( 'export MANPATH=/users/lasse/PsN/Diagrams/doc' );
37 my $i = 0;
38 my $doc_root_path = `pwd`.'/doc';
39 foreach my $classnode ($classset->get_nodelist) {
40 my $nameset = $classnode->find('dia:attribute[@name=\'name\']/dia:string/text()');
41 my @nodes = $nameset->get_nodelist;
42 my $raw_name = $nodes[0] -> getValue;
43 my $name = $raw_name;
44 $name =~ s/#//g;
46 my $attributeset = $classnode->find('dia:attribute[@name=\'name\']/dia:string[text()=\''.
47 $raw_name.'\']/parent::*/parent::*/dia:attribute[@name='.
48 '\'attributes\']');
49 # '\'attributes\']/dia:composite[@type=\'umlattribute\']');
50 my $methodset = $classnode->find('dia:attribute[@name=\'name\']/dia:string[text()=\''.
51 $raw_name.'\']/parent::*/parent::*/dia:attribute[@name='.
52 '\'operations\']/dia:composite[@type=\'umloperation\']');
53 my $method_name_set = $classnode->find('dia:attribute[@name=\'name\']/dia:string[text()=\''.
54 $raw_name.'\']/parent::*/parent::*/dia:attribute[@name='.
55 '\'operations\']/dia:composite[@type=\'umloperation\']'.
56 '/dia:attribute[@name=\'name\']/dia:string/text()');
58 my %module_doc = &get_documentation( 'lib/'.$classpaths[$i].'/'.$name.'',
59 $doc_root_path );
60 my ( $m_n_ref, $m_a_ref ) = &get_method_arguments( $methodset, $method_name_set );
61 my @method_names = @{$m_n_ref};
62 my @method_attributes = @{$m_a_ref};
63 my $c_a_ref = &get_class_attributes( $attributeset );
64 my @class_attributes = @{$c_a_ref};
66 # foreach my $name ( @method_names ) {
67 # print "MNAME: $name \n";
68 # }
69 # foreach my $m ( @class_attributes ) {
70 # while ( my ($key, $value) = each %{$m}) {
71 # print "$key = ",join(' ',@{$value}),"\n";
72 # }
74 # foreach my $row ( @{$m} ) {
75 # print "Aname, type, value: ", join("\t",@{$row}), "\n";
76 # }
77 # }
78 # die;
79 if ( defined $classpaths[$i] and
80 $classpaths[$i] ne '' and
81 not -e 'doc/'.$classpaths[$i] ) {
82 my $acc_path;
83 foreach my $part ( split('/', $classpaths[$i]) ) {
84 print "PART: $part \n";
85 unless ( -e 'doc/'.$acc_path.$part ) {
86 mkdir 'doc/'.$acc_path.$part or die "Could not create directory doc/".$acc_path.$part,"\n"; ;
88 $acc_path = $acc_path.$part.'/';
92 open( DOC, ">doc/".$classpaths[$i].'/'.$name.$suffix );
94 print DOC "\n=begin pod\n\nUpdated ".`date`."\n=end pod\n\n";
95 print DOC &format_name($name, $classpaths[$i], $module_doc{'include'}, $format);
96 print DOC &format_description($module_doc{'description'}, $format) if defined $module_doc{'description'};
97 # print DOC &format_synopsis( $name, \@method_names, \@method_attributes, $format);
98 print DOC &format_synopsis($module_doc{'synopsis'}, $format) if defined $module_doc{'synopsis'};
99 print DOC &format_accessors( $name, \@class_attributes, \@method_names, $format);
100 print DOC &format_methods( $name, \@method_names, \@method_attributes, \%module_doc, \@class_attributes, $format);
101 print DOC &format_examples($module_doc{'examples'}, $format) if defined $module_doc{'examples'};
102 print DOC &format_see_also($module_doc{'see_also'}, $format) if defined $module_doc{'see_also'};
103 print DOC &format_author;
105 close( DOC );
106 if ( $format eq 'html' ) {
107 system( "pod2html --title ".$name." doc/".$classpaths[$i].'/'.$name.$suffix.' >doc/'.$classpaths[$i].'/'.$name.'.html' );
108 system( "rm doc/".$classpaths[$i].'/'.$name.$suffix );
110 if ( $format eq 'man' ) {
111 system( "pod2man doc/".$classpaths[$i].'/'.$name.$suffix.' >doc/'.$classpaths[$i].'/'.$name.'.man' );
113 $i++;
116 sub format_accessors {
117 my ( $class_name, $c_a_ref, $m_n_ref, $format ) = @_;
118 my @class_attr = @{$c_a_ref};
119 my @method_names = @{$m_n_ref};
120 my $form_str;
121 my @extra_names = ();
123 if ( $#class_attr >= 0 and defined $class_attr[0]->{'name'} ) {
124 for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @class_attr; $i++ ){
125 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
126 $form_str = "=head1 ACCESSORS\n\n";
127 } else {
128 $form_str = "ACCESSORS\n\n";
130 foreach my $method_name ( @method_names ) {
131 push( @extra_names, $method_name ) if ( $method_name eq $class_attr[$i]->{'name'} );
132 print "Found method $method_name that matches accessor name\n" if ( $method_name eq $class_attr[$i]->{'name'} );
134 $form_str = $form_str.' '.$class_attr[$i]->{'name'}."\n";
136 # if ( defined $class_attr{'name'} ) {
137 # if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
138 # $form_str = "=head1 ACCESSORS\n\n";
139 # } else {
140 # $form_str = "ACCESSORS\n\n";
142 # for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$class_attr{'name'}}; $i++ ){
143 # foreach my $method_name ( @method_names ) {
144 # push( @extra_names, $method_name ) if ( $method_name eq $class_attr{'name'}[$i] );
145 # print "Found method $method_name that matches accessor name\n" if ( $method_name eq $class_attr{'name'}[$i] );
147 # $form_str = $form_str.' '.$class_attr{'name'}[$i]."\n";
149 $form_str = $form_str."\n";
150 $form_str = $form_str."All class attributes should only be accessed through the attribute ".
151 "accessors. The default behaviour of the accessors is to return the current value of ".
152 "the attribute or to set it to a new value if an argument is given.\n\n".
153 " \$value = $class_name -> accessor\n\n".
154 " $class_name -> accessor( \$new_value )\n\n";
155 if ( $#extra_names >= 0 ) {
156 $form_str = $form_str."Accessors that do not behave like this are listed below and a ".
157 "description of these can be found in the L</METHODS> section\n\n";
158 foreach my $extra_name ( @extra_names ) {
159 $form_str = $form_str."L</".$extra_name.">\n";
161 $form_str = $form_str."\n";
164 return $form_str;
167 sub format_author {
168 return '=head1 SUPPORT/AUTHOR'."\n\n"."Copyright 2004 Lars Lindbom and Niclas Jonsson.\n".
169 'This module is free software and comes AS IS with NO '.
170 'WARRANTY. You may distribute the software according to the terms'.
171 ' of the Gnu GPL.'."\n\n".'For support see the documentation and bug'.
172 ' reports at L<>'."\n\n".
173 'Lars Lindbom,'."\n\n";
176 sub format_methods {
177 # Big sub routine, I know
178 my ( $class_name, $m_n_ref, $m_a_ref, $m_d_ref, $c_a_ref, $format ) = @_;
179 my @method_names = @{$m_n_ref};
180 my @method_attributes = @{$m_a_ref};
181 my %module_doc = %{$m_d_ref};
182 my @class_attr = @{$c_a_ref};
183 my $form_str;
185 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
186 $form_str = "=head1 METHODS\n\n";
187 } else {
188 $form_str = "METHODS\n\n";
191 # Constructor
192 $form_str = $form_str."=head2 new\n\n new(";
193 if ( $#class_attr >= 0 and defined $class_attr[0]{'name'} ) {
194 $form_str = $form_str.' ';
195 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#class_attr; $i++ ){
196 if ( defined $class_attr[$i]{'value'} and
197 $class_attr[$i]{'value'} ne '' ) {
198 $form_str = $form_str.'[';
200 $form_str = $form_str.$class_attr[$i]{'name'}.' => ';
201 my @type = split(' ', $class_attr[$i]{'type'});
202 if ( defined $type[0] ) {
203 if ( $type[0] eq 'array' ) {
204 $form_str = $form_str.'\@'.$type[2];
205 } elsif ( $type[0] eq 'hash' ) {
206 $form_str = $form_str.'\%'.$type[2];
207 } else {
208 $form_str = $form_str.'$'.$type[1];
210 } else {
211 $form_str = $form_str.'undefined type';
213 if ( defined $class_attr[$i]{'value'} and
214 $class_attr[$i]{'value'} ne '' ) {
215 $form_str = $form_str.']';
217 $form_str = $form_str.",\n " unless ( $i == $#class_attr );
219 $form_str = $form_str.' ';
221 $form_str = $form_str.')';
222 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
223 # Constructor attribute default values:
224 if ( $#class_attr >= 0 ) {
225 my $tmp_str;
226 for ( my $k = 0; $k <= $#class_attr; $k++ ) {
227 if ( defined $class_attr[$k]{'value'} and
228 $class_attr[$k]{'value'} ne '' ) {
229 $tmp_str = $tmp_str.' '.$class_attr[$k]{'name'}.
230 ' ' x (40-length($class_attr[$k]{'name'})).$class_attr[$k]{'value'}."\n";
233 if ( length($tmp_str) > 0 ) {
234 $form_str = $form_str."=head3 Default values\n\n";
235 $form_str = $form_str."$tmp_str\n";
238 # Add text for constructor:
239 if ( defined $module_doc{'new'} ) {
240 foreach my $line ( @{$module_doc{'new'}} ) {
241 $line =~ s/^\ //;
242 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
244 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
248 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#method_names; $i++ ) {
249 # Do not print any documenation on privat methods:
250 next if ( $method_names[$i] =~ /^_/ );
251 my @out_args = ();
252 my @out_types = ();
253 my @out_values = ();
254 my @in_args = ();
255 my @in_types = ();
256 my @in_values = ();
257 for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{$method_attributes[$i]}; $j++ ) {
258 if ( $method_attributes[$i][$j]{'kind'} == 2 ) {
259 push( @out_args, $method_attributes[$i][$j]{'name'} );
260 push( @out_types, $method_attributes[$i][$j]{'type'} );
261 push( @out_values, $method_attributes[$i][$j]{'value'} );
262 } else {
263 push( @in_args, $method_attributes[$i][$j]{'name'} );
264 push( @in_types, $method_attributes[$i][$j]{'type'} );
265 push( @in_values, $method_attributes[$i][$j]{'value'} );
268 # for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{$method_attributes[$i]{'kind'}}; $j++ ) {
269 # if ( $method_attributes[$i]{'kind'}[$j] == 2 ) {
270 # push( @out_args, $method_attributes[$i]{'name'}[$j] );
271 # push( @out_types, $method_attributes[$i]{'type'}[$j] );
272 # push( @out_values, $method_attributes[$i]{'value'}[$j] );
273 # } else {
274 # if( $method_names[$i] eq 'case_deletion' ) {
275 # print "Arg name: ",$method_attributes[$i]{'name'}[$j],"\n";
276 # print "Arg value: ",$method_attributes[$i]{'value'}[$j],"\n";
277 # print "Arg type: ",$method_attributes[$i]{'type'}[$j],"\n";
279 # push( @in_args, $method_attributes[$i]{'name'}[$j] );
280 # push( @in_types, $method_attributes[$i]{'type'}[$j] );
281 # push( @in_values, $method_attributes[$i]{'value'}[$j] );
284 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
285 $form_str = $form_str."=head2 ";
286 } else {
287 $form_str = $form_str." "
289 $form_str = $form_str.$method_names[$i]."\n\n";
290 if ( $#out_args >= 0 ) {
291 if ( $#out_args >= 1 ) {
292 $form_str = $form_str.' ( ';
293 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#out_args; $j++ ) {
294 my @type = split(' ', $out_types[$j]);
295 if ( $type[0] eq 'array' or $type[0] eq 'hash' ) {
296 $form_str = $form_str.'$'.$out_args[$j].'_ref';
297 } else {
298 $form_str = $form_str.'$'.$out_args[$j];
300 $form_str = $form_str.', ' unless ( $j == $#out_args );
302 $form_str = $form_str.' ) =';
303 # $form_str = $form_str.' ( $'.join( ', $', @out_args )." ) =";
304 } else {
305 my @type = split(' ', $out_types[0]);
306 if ( $type[0] eq 'array' or $type[0] eq 'hash' ) {
307 $form_str = $form_str.' $'.$out_args[0].'_ref =';
308 } else {
309 $form_str = $form_str.' $'.$out_args[0].' =';
311 # $form_str = $form_str.' $'.$out_args[0]." =";
314 $form_str = $form_str."\n \$$class_name -> ".$method_names[$i];
315 if ( $#in_args >= 0 ) {
316 $form_str = $form_str.'( ';
317 for ( my $k = 0; $k <= $#in_args; $k++ ) {
318 if ( defined $in_values[$k] and
319 $in_values[$k] ne '' ) {
320 $form_str = $form_str.'[';
322 $form_str = $form_str.$in_args[$k].' => ';
323 my @type = split(' ', $in_types[$k]);
324 if ( $type[0] eq 'array' ) {
325 $form_str = $form_str.'\@'.$type[2];
326 } elsif ( $type[0] eq 'hash' ) {
327 $form_str = $form_str.'\%'.$type[2];
328 } else {
329 $form_str = $form_str.'$'.$type[1];
331 if ( defined $in_values[$k] and
332 $in_values[$k] ne '' ) {
333 $form_str = $form_str.']';
335 $form_str = $form_str.",\n ".' ' x length($class_name.' -> '.$method_names[$i]) unless ( $k == $#in_args );
337 $form_str = $form_str.' )';
338 } else {
339 $form_str = $form_str.'()';
341 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
342 if ( $#out_args >= 0 ) {
343 my $deref = 0;
344 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#out_args; $j++ ) {
345 my @type = split(' ', $out_types[$j]);
346 if ( $type[0] eq 'array' ) {
347 $form_str = $form_str.' @'.$out_args[$j].' = @{$'.$out_args[$j]."_ref}\n";
348 $deref++;
349 } elsif ( $type[0] eq 'hash' ) {
350 $form_str = $form_str.' %'.$out_args[$j].' = %{$'.$out_args[$j]."_ref}\n";
351 $deref++;
354 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n" if $deref;
356 # Add the default values
357 if ( $#in_args >= 0 ) {
358 my $tmp_str;
359 for ( my $k = 0; $k <= $#in_args; $k++ ) {
360 if ( defined $in_values[$k] and
361 $in_values[$k] ne '' ) {
362 $tmp_str = $tmp_str.' '.$in_args[$k].
363 ' ' x (40-length($in_args[$k])).$in_values[$k]."\n";
366 if ( length($tmp_str) > 0 ) {
367 $form_str = $form_str."=head3 Default values\n\n";
368 $form_str = $form_str."$tmp_str\n";
372 # Add the text from the code
373 if ( defined $module_doc{$method_names[$i]} ) {
374 foreach my $line ( @{$module_doc{$method_names[$i]}} ) {
375 $line =~ s/^\ //;
376 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
378 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
381 return $form_str;
384 sub format_see_also {
385 my $text = shift;
386 my $format = shift;
387 my $form_str;
389 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
390 $form_str = "=head1 SEE ALSO\n\n";
391 if ( defined $text ) {
392 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
393 $line =~ s/^ //;
394 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
396 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
398 } else {
399 $form_str = "SEE ALSO\n\n";
400 if ( defined $text ) {
401 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
402 $line =~ s/^ //;
403 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
405 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
408 return $form_str;
411 sub format_synopsis {
412 my $text = shift;
413 my $format = shift;
414 my $form_str;
416 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
417 $form_str = "=head1 SYNOPSIS\n\n";
418 if ( defined $text ) {
419 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
420 $line =~ s/^ //;
421 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
423 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
425 } else {
426 $form_str = "SYNOPSIS\n\n";
427 if ( defined $text ) {
428 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
429 $line =~ s/^ //;
430 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
432 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
435 return $form_str;
438 sub format_examples {
439 my $text = shift;
440 my $format = shift;
441 my $form_str;
443 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
444 $form_str = "=head1 EXAMPLES\n\n";
445 if ( defined $text ) {
446 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
447 $line =~ s/^ //;
448 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
450 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
452 } else {
453 $form_str = "EXAMPLES\n\n";
454 if ( defined $text ) {
455 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
456 $line =~ s/^ //;
457 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
459 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
462 return $form_str;
465 sub format_synopsis_old {
466 my ( $class_name, $m_n_ref, $m_a_ref, $format ) = @_;
467 my @method_names = @{$m_n_ref};
468 my @method_attributes = @{$m_a_ref};
469 my $form_str;
471 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
472 $form_str = "=head1 SYNOPSIS\n\n";
473 } else {
474 $form_str = "SYNOPSIS\n\n";
477 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#method_names; $i++ ) {
478 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
479 $form_str = $form_str.' ';
480 } else {
481 $form_str = $form_str.' ';
483 my @out_args = ();
484 my @out_types = ();
485 my @out_values = ();
486 my @in_args = ();
487 my @in_types = ();
488 my @in_values = ();
489 for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{$method_attributes[$i]{'kind'}}; $j++ ) {
490 if ( $method_attributes[$i]{'kind'}[$j] == 2 ) {
491 push( @out_args, $method_attributes[$i]{'name'}[$j] );
492 push( @out_types, $method_attributes[$i]{'type'}[$j] );
493 push( @out_values, $method_attributes[$i]{'value'}[$j] );
494 } else {
495 push( @in_args, $method_attributes[$i]{'name'}[$j] );
496 push( @in_types, $method_attributes[$i]{'type'}[$j] );
497 push( @in_values, $method_attributes[$i]{'value'}[$j] );
500 if ( $#out_args >= 0 ) {
501 if ( $#out_args >= 1 ) {
502 $form_str = $form_str.'( $'.join( ', $', @out_args )." ) = ";
503 } else {
504 $form_str = $form_str.'$'.$out_args[0]." = ";
507 $form_str = $form_str."\n \$$class_name -> ".$method_names[$i];
508 if ( $#in_args >= 0 ) {
509 $form_str = $form_str.'( ';
510 for ( my $k = 0; $k <= $#in_args; $k++ ) {
511 if ( defined $in_values[$k] and
512 $in_values[$k] ne '' ) {
513 $form_str = $form_str.'[';
515 $form_str = $form_str.$in_args[$k].' => ';
516 my @type = split(' ', $in_types[$k]);
517 if ( $type[0] eq 'array' ) {
518 $form_str = $form_str.'\@'.$type[2];
519 } elsif ( $type[0] eq 'hash' ) {
520 $form_str = $form_str.'\%'.$type[2];
521 } else {
522 $form_str = $form_str.'$'.$type[1];
524 if ( defined $in_values[$k] and
525 $in_values[$k] ne '' ) {
526 $form_str = $form_str.']';
528 my $pad = length($method_names[$i])+length($class_name);
529 $form_str = $form_str.",\n ".' ' x $pad unless ( $k == $#in_args );
531 $form_str = $form_str.' )';
532 } else {
533 $form_str = $form_str.'()';
535 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
537 $form_str = $form_str."\n";
538 return $form_str;
541 # Måste justeras så att undef attribut registreras, dvs som get_method_parameters
542 sub get_class_attributes {
543 my $attribute_set = shift;
544 my @arguments = ( 'name', 'type', 'value' );
545 my @attr = ();
546 # my %part;
547 foreach my $attribute_node ($attribute_set->get_nodelist) {
548 # Should be only one node in attribute_set
549 my $part_set = $attribute_node -> find('dia:composite');
550 foreach my $node ($part_set->get_nodelist) {
551 my %parts = ();
552 foreach my $arg ( @arguments ) {
553 my $attribute = $node -> find('dia:attribute[@name=\''.$arg.'\']'.
554 '/dia:string/text()');
555 my @attribute_node = $attribute->get_nodelist;
556 # Should only be one element in @attribute_node
557 if ( $#attribute_node < 0 ) {
558 $parts{$arg} = undef;
559 # print "UNDEF $arg\n";
560 } elsif ( $#attribute_node == 0 ) {
561 my $name = $attribute_node[0] -> getValue;
562 $name =~s/#//g;
563 $parts{$arg} = $name;
564 # print "$arg = $name\n";
565 } elsif ( $#attribute_node > 0 ) {
566 die "Problem reading $arg nodes, too many matching\n";
569 # my $part_set = $attribute_node -> find('dia:composite[@type=\'umlattribute\']'.
570 # '/dia:attribute[@name=\''.$arg.'\']'.
571 # '/dia:string/text()');
572 # $part{$arg} = [];
573 # foreach my $node ($part_set->get_nodelist) {
574 # my $name = $node -> getValue;
575 # $name =~s/#//g;
576 # push( @{$part{$arg}}, $name );
577 # print "TYPE: $arg:\t$name\n";
579 push( @attr, \%parts );
582 return ( \@attr );
585 sub get_method_arguments {
586 my $method_set = shift;
587 my $method_name_set = shift;
588 my @method_names = ();
589 my @method_attributes = ();
591 my $idx = 0;
592 my $cd = 0;
593 foreach my $node ($method_name_set->get_nodelist) {
594 my $name = $node -> getValue;
595 $name =~s/#//g;
596 push( @method_names, $name );
597 $cd = $idx if $name eq 'case_deletion';
598 $idx++;
601 $idx = 0;
602 foreach my $method_node ($method_set->get_nodelist) {
603 my (@attr_names, @attr_types, @attr_values) = ((),(),());
604 my @arguments = ( 'name', 'type', 'value' );
605 my @attr = ();
606 my $attr_set = $method_node -> find('dia:attribute[@name=\'parameters\']/dia:composite');
607 foreach my $node ($attr_set->get_nodelist) {
608 my %parts = ();
609 foreach my $arg ( @arguments ) {
610 my $attribute = $node -> find('dia:attribute[@name=\''.$arg.'\']'.
611 '/dia:string/text()');
612 my @attribute_node = $attribute->get_nodelist;
613 # Should only be one element in @attribute_node
614 if ( $#attribute_node < 0 ) {
615 $parts{$arg} = undef;
616 } elsif ( $#attribute_node == 0 ) {
617 my $name = $attribute_node[0] -> getValue;
618 $name =~s/#//g;
619 $parts{$arg} = $name;
620 } elsif ( $#attribute_node > 0 ) {
621 die "Problem reading $arg nodes, too many matching\n";
624 # Different handling of 'kind':
625 my $attribute = $node -> find( 'dia:attribute[@name=\'kind\']'.
626 '/dia:enum/@val');
627 my @attribute_node = $attribute->get_nodelist;
628 # Should only be one element in @attribute_node
629 if ( $#attribute_node < 0 ) {
630 $parts{'kind'} = undef;
631 } elsif ( $#attribute_node == 0 ) {
632 $parts{'kind'} = $attribute_node[0] -> getValue;
633 } elsif ( $#attribute_node > 0 ) {
634 die "Problem reading kind nodes, too many matching\n";
636 push( @attr, \%parts );
638 # foreach my $arg ( @arguments ) {
639 # my $attr_set = $method_node -> find('dia:attribute[@name=\'parameters\']'.
640 # '/dia:composite/dia:attribute[@name=\''.$arg.'\']'.
641 # '/dia:string/text()');
642 # $attr{$arg} = [];
643 # foreach my $node ($attr_set->get_nodelist) {
644 # my $name = $node -> getValue;
645 # $name =~s/#//g;
646 # push( @{$attr{$arg}}, $name );
647 # print "$arg\t$name\n" if $cd == $idx;
650 # # Different handling of 'kind':
651 # my $attr_set = $method_node -> find('dia:attribute[@name=\'parameters\']'.
652 # '/dia:composite/dia:attribute[@name=\'kind\']'.
653 # '/dia:enum/@val');
654 # $attr{'kind'} = [];
655 # foreach my $node ($attr_set->get_nodelist) {
656 # my $name = $node -> getValue;
657 # push( @{$attr{'kind'}}, $name );
659 push( @method_attributes, \@attr );
660 $idx++;
662 return ( \@method_names, \@method_attributes );
665 sub format_description {
666 my $text = shift;
667 my $format = shift;
668 my $form_str;
670 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
671 $form_str = "=head1 DESCRIPTION\n\n";
672 if ( defined $text ) {
673 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
674 $line =~ s/^ //;
675 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
677 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
679 } else {
680 $form_str = "DESCRIPTION\n\n";
681 if ( defined $text ) {
682 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
683 $line =~ s/^ //;
684 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
686 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
689 return $form_str;
692 sub format_name {
693 my $name = shift;
694 my $path = shift;
695 my $text = shift;
696 my $format = shift;
697 my $form_str;
699 if ( defined $path ) {
700 $path =~ s/\//::/g;
701 $path = $path.'::';
704 if ( defined $format and ( $format eq 'pod' or $format eq 'html' ) ) {
705 $form_str = "=head1 NAME\n\n".$path.$name;
706 if ( defined $text ) {
707 $form_str = $form_str.' - ';
708 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
709 $line =~ s/^\s*//;
710 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
713 } else {
714 $form_str = uc($path.$name)."\n";
715 if ( defined $text ) {
716 foreach my $line ( @{$text} ) {
717 $line =~ s/^\s*//;
718 $form_str = $form_str.$line;
722 $form_str = $form_str."\n\n";
723 return $form_str;
726 sub get_documentation {
727 my $filename = shift;
728 my $doc_root_path = shift;
730 my %doc;
731 open( FILE, $filename );
732 my @file = <FILE>;
733 close( FILE );
734 for ( @file ) {
735 print if /doc_root_path/;
736 s/doc_root_path/$doc_root_path/g;
738 my $in_sub = 0;
739 my $sub;
740 foreach ( @file ) {
741 next unless ( /^start/ or $in_sub );
742 if ( /^start/ ) {
743 $in_sub = 1;
744 my @row = split;
745 $sub = $row[1];
746 # print "$sub\n";
747 next;
749 unless ( /^\s*\#/ or /^\s*\{/ ) {
750 $in_sub = 0;
751 next;
753 unless ( /^\s*\{/ ) {
754 s/^\s*\#//;
755 push( @{$doc{$sub}}, $_ );
758 return %doc;
761 sub set_paths {
762 my ( $objecttypeset, $nameset, $positionset, $rectangleset ) = @_;
763 my @packages = ();
764 my @names = ();
765 my @positions = ();
766 my @rectangles = ();
768 foreach my $node ($objecttypeset->get_nodelist) {
769 my $type = $node -> getValue;
770 if ( $type eq 'UML - LargePackage' ) {
771 push( @packages, 1 );
772 } else {
773 push( @packages, 0 );
777 foreach my $node ($nameset->get_nodelist) {
778 my $name = $node -> getValue;
779 $name =~s/#//g;
780 push( @names, $name );
783 foreach my $node ($positionset->get_nodelist) {
784 my @position = split(',',$node -> getValue);
785 push( @positions, \@position );
788 foreach my $node ($rectangleset->get_nodelist) {
789 # print "TYPE: ",$node -> getNodeType,"\n";
790 my @rectangle = split(/[,;]/,$node -> getValue);
791 push( @rectangles, \@rectangle );
794 sub find_dep {
795 my ( $pac_ref, $names_ref, $pos_ref, $rec_ref, $only_test ) = @_;
796 my @packages = @{$pac_ref};
797 my @names = @{$names_ref};
798 my @pos = @{$pos_ref};
799 my @bb = @{$rec_ref};
801 # print "Called with ",scalar @{$pos_ref}," positions\n",
802 # "\t",scalar @bb," rectangles and ", scalar @names," names\n";
803 # print "Names: @names\n";
804 # print "Position 0: @{$pos[0]}\n";
805 my @paths = ();
806 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#pos; $i++ ) {
807 next if ( defined $only_test and $only_test != $i );
808 my $width = undef;
809 my $holding_id = undef;
810 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#bb; $j++ ) {
811 next if ( $j == $i or not $packages[$j] );
812 if ( $pos[$i][0] > $bb[$j][0] and $pos[$i][0] < $bb[$j][2] and
813 $pos[$i][1] > $bb[$j][1] and $pos[$i][1] < $bb[$j][3] ) {
814 # Found a package that holds the given position
815 # print "WIDTH: ",$bb[$j][2] - $bb[$j][0],"\n";
816 if ( not defined $width or
817 ($bb[$j][2] - $bb[$j][0] < $width) ) {
818 $width = $bb[$j][2] - $bb[$j][0];
819 $holding_id = $j;
820 # print "YES! $names[$i] in $names[$j]\n";
824 if ( defined $holding_id ) {
825 my (@nc, @nn, @np, @nr) = ((),(),(),());
826 my $l = 0;
827 my $test_only;
828 for ( my $k = 0; $k <= $#names; $k++ ) {
829 next if ( $k == $i );
830 # print "Pushing ",$names[$k],"\n";
831 push( @nc, $packages[$k] );
832 push( @nn, $names[$k] );
833 push( @nr, $bb[$k] );
834 push( @np, $pos[$k] );
835 $test_only = $l if ( $k == $holding_id );
836 $l++;
838 my @innerpath = &find_dep( \@nc, \@nn, \@np, \@nr, $test_only );
839 if ( defined $innerpath[0] ) {
840 push( @paths, $innerpath[0].'/'.$names[$holding_id] );
841 } else {
842 push( @paths, $names[$holding_id] );
844 # print "$names[$i] PATH: $paths[$#paths]\n";
845 } else {
846 push( @paths, undef );
849 return @paths;
852 my @paths = &find_dep( \@packages, \@names, \@positions, \@rectangles );
853 my ( @cl_paths, @pac_paths ) = ((),());
854 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#paths; $i++ ) {
855 if ( $packages[$i] ) {
856 push( @pac_paths, $paths[$i] );
857 } else {
858 push( @cl_paths, $paths[$i] );
860 # print "$packages[$i]\t$names[$i]:\t$paths[$i]\n";
862 return ( \@paths, \@cl_paths, \@pac_paths );
865 die;
868 # DOM TYPE specifications
869 # UNKNOWN_NODE (0) The node type is unknown (not part of DOM)
871 # ELEMENT_NODE (1) The node is an Element.
872 # ATTRIBUTE_NODE (2) The node is an Attr.
873 # TEXT_NODE (3) The node is a Text node.
874 # CDATA_SECTION_NODE (4) The node is a CDATASection.
875 # ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE (5) The node is an EntityReference.
876 # ENTITY_NODE (6) The node is an Entity.
877 # PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE (7) The node is a ProcessingInstruction.
878 # COMMENT_NODE (8) The node is a Comment.
879 # DOCUMENT_NODE (9) The node is a Document.
880 # DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE (10) The node is a DocumentType.
881 # DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE (11) The node is a DocumentFragment.
882 # NOTATION_NODE (12) The node is a Notation.
884 # ELEMENT_DECL_NODE (13) The node is an ElementDecl (not part of DOM)
885 # ATT_DEF_NODE (14) The node is an AttDef (not part of DOM)
886 # XML_DECL_NODE (15) The node is an XMLDecl (not part of DOM)
887 # ATTLIST_DECL_NODE (16) The node is an AttlistDecl (not part of DOM)
893 my $nodeset;
894 foreach my $node ($nodeset->get_nodelist) {
895 print "FOUND\n\n",
896 XML::XPath::XMLParser::as_string($node),
897 "\n\n";
902 my $parser = XML::LibXML -> new;
904 my $doc = $parser -> parse_file( $ARGV[0] );
906 my $root = $doc -> getDocumentElement;
911 #&traverse_elements( $root );
913 my @object_layer;
914 if ( $root -> hasChildNodes ) {
915 my @rchildren = $root -> getChildnodes;
916 foreach my $rchild ( @rchildren ) {
917 if ( $rchild -> getName eq 'dia:layer' and
918 $rchild -> getAttribute( 'name' ) eq 'Background' ) {
919 print "found Background\n";
920 @object_layer = $rchild -> getChildnodes;
925 my @classes;
926 foreach my $perhaps_object ( @object_layer ) {
927 if ( $perhaps_object -> getName eq 'dia:object' ) {
928 print "Object of type ",$perhaps_object -> getAttribute( 'type' ),"\n";
929 if ( $perhaps_object -> getAttribute( 'type' ) eq 'UML - Class' ) {
930 push( @classes, [ $perhaps_object, &get_path( $perhaps_object, \@object_layer )] );
935 sub get_attr {
936 my $type = shift;
937 my $class = shift;
938 print "type $type\n";
939 print "TYPE: ",$class -> getAttribute('type'),"\n";
940 # my @attributes = $class -> getChildnodes;
941 my @attributes = $class -> childNodes; # equiv to getChildnodes?
942 print "ATTRIBUTES: ",scalar @attributes,"\n";
943 my $i =1;
944 foreach my $attr ( @attributes ) {
945 print $i++,"\t",ref($attr),"\n";
946 if ( ref( $attr ) eq 'XML::LibXML::Element' ) {
947 print "NAME: ",$attr -> getAttribute( 'name' ),"\n";
948 } elsif (ref( $attr ) eq 'XML::LibXML::Text' ) {
949 print "TEXT: ",$attr -> textContent,"\n";
951 if ( ref( $attr ) eq 'XML::LibXML::Element' and
952 $attr -> getAttribute( 'name' ) eq $type ) {
953 my @attr_children = $attr -> getChildnodes;
954 my $j = 1;
955 foreach my $attrchild ( @attr_children ) {
956 print "Child ",$j++,"\t",ref($attrchild),"\n";
957 if ( ref( $attrchild ) eq 'XML::LibXML::Element' ) {
958 print "NAME: ",$attrchild -> getAttribute( 'name' ),"\n";
959 print "Value: ",$attrchild -> nodeValue,"\n";
962 print "DIA NAME: ",$attr_children[1] -> getName,"\n";
963 if ( $attr_children[1] -> getName eq 'dia:string' ) {
964 print "Value2: ",$attr_children[1] -> getValue,"\n";
965 return $attr_children[1] -> nodeValue;
966 } else{
967 return $attr_children[1] -> getAttribute( 'val' );
973 sub get_path {
974 my $perhaps_object = shift;
975 my $position = &get_attr( 'obj_pos', $perhaps_object);
976 my $obj_ref = shift;
977 my @objects = @{$obj_ref};
978 my @pos = split(',', $position);
979 my $width = undef;
980 my $inner_package = undef;
981 foreach my $object ( @objects ) {
982 next if $object -> isSameNode( $perhaps_object );
983 if ( $object -> getName eq 'dia:object' and
984 $object -> getAttribute( 'type' ) eq 'UML - LargePackage') {
985 my @bb = split(/[,;]/,&get_attr( 'obj_bb', $object ));
986 print "POS: ",$pos[0],',',$pos[1],"\n";
987 print "X: ",$bb[0],',',$bb[2],"\n";
988 print "Y: ",$bb[1],',',$bb[3],"\n";
989 if ( $pos[0] > $bb[0] and $pos[0] < $bb[2] and
990 $pos[1] > $bb[1] and $pos[1] < $bb[3] ) {
991 # Found a package that holds the given position
992 print "WIDTH: ",$bb[2] - $bb[0],"\n";
993 if ( not defined $width or
994 ($bb[2] - $bb[0] < $width) ) {
995 $width = $bb[2] - $bb[0];
996 $inner_package = $object;
997 print "YES!\n";
1002 my $path;
1003 if ( defined $inner_package ) {
1004 $path = &get_attr( 'name', $inner_package );
1005 print "PATH: ",$path,"\n";
1006 my $deep_path = &get_path( $inner_package, $obj_ref );
1007 $path = defined $deep_path ? $path.'/'.$deep_path : $path;
1009 print "Returning path: $path\n";
1010 return $path;
1014 print scalar @object_layer,"\n";
1016 sub traverse_elements {
1017 my $elem = shift;
1018 print "REF: ",ref( $elem ),"\n";
1019 # if ( ref( $elem ) eq 'XML::LibXML::Element' ) {
1020 print "NAME: ",$elem -> getName,"\n";
1021 print "TEXT: ",$elem -> getValue,"\n";
1022 # print "DATA: ",$elem -> getData,"\n";
1026 if( $elem -> hasChildNodes ) {
1027 my @children = $elem -> getChildnodes;
1028 foreach my $child ( @children ) {
1029 &traverse_elements( $child );