removed lobnd initialisation in init_option
[PsN.git] / lib /
1 # {{{ include
3 start include statements
4 use ext::Parallel::ForkManager;
5 use strict;
6 use Cwd;
7 use File::Copy 'cp';
8 use OSspecific;
9 use Storable;
10 use Math::Random;
11 use ui;
12 use Data::Dumper;
13 use Config;
14 our $AUTOLOAD;
15 if ( $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'use_database'} ) {
16 # Testing DBD::mysql:
17 require DBI;
19 end include
21 # }}} include statements
23 # {{{ new
25 start new
27 # The I<retries>, I<picky>, I<nm_version>, I<seed> and I<threads>
28 # attributes can be specified as either a scalar or as an
29 # array. The scalar value will be applied to all models whereas
30 # the array holds values per model. If an array is given it must
31 # be of the same length as the number of models.
33 # The I<directory> is the folder where the tools stores
34 # temporary data and runs subtools (or in the modelfit case,
35 # runs NONMEM). If unsure of what this means, leave it undefined
36 # and a default will be used, e.g. modelfit_dir3 or something.
38 # The base_directory refers to the directory where the tool
39 # should place its own directory. Default is current directory.
41 # A more interresting attribute is I<threads> which sets how many
42 # parallel executions of NONMEM that will run. Some tips are:
43 # Setting the number of threads higher than the number of nodes in
44 # your cluster/supercomputer can make your runs slower. The
45 # biggest limiting factor is the amount of memory needed by
46 # NONMEM. With smaller runs, just set the thread number to the
47 # number of nodes available.
49 # The I<directory> is the folder where the tools stores
50 # temporary data and runs subtools (or in the modelfit case,
51 # runs NONMEM). Each NONMEM run will have its own sub directory
52 # NM_run[X] where [X] is an index running from 0 to the number of
53 # runs-1. If unsure of what this means, leave it undefined and a
54 # default will be used, e.g. modelfit_dir3 or something.
56 # Next, the I<compress> attribute are good
57 # if you want to save some hard disk space. I<compress> set to 1
58 # will put all NONMEM output in to an tar/gz archive named
59 # I<problem_files.tgz> placed in the I<NM_run[X]> directory
60 # described above.
62 # I<retries> is the number of times L</run> will alter initial
63 # values and (re)execute NONMEM when executions fail. I<retries>
64 # can either be an integer, specifying the number of retries for
65 # all models, or it can be an array with the number of retries
66 # specific for each modelfile as elements. The default value is
67 # B<5>. The algorithm for altering the initial values works
68 # roughly like this: For each each new try, a random new initial
69 # value is drawn from a uniform distribution with limits +-n*10%
70 # of the original intial estimate and where n i equal to the retry
71 # number. I.e. the first retry, the borders of the distribution
72 # are +-10%. The algorithm ensures that the new values are within
73 # specified boundaries.
75 # =begin html
77 # For a full dexcription of the algorithm, see <a
78 # href="model/problem/record/init_option.html#set_random_init">set_random_init</a>
79 # of the <a
80 # href="model/problem/record/init_option.html">init_option
81 # class</a>.
83 # =end html
85 # =begin man
87 # For a full dexcription of the algorithm, see I<set_random_init>
88 # of the I<init_option> class.
90 # =end man
92 # If I<picky> is set to 1, the output from NONMEM will be checked
93 # more thoroughly. If any of the lines below are found in the
94 # minimization message, a rerun is initiated.
101 # I<nm_version> is a string with the version number of NONMEM that
102 # will be used. The installed versions of NONMEM must be specified
103 # in, the class responsible for system specific
104 # features settings.
106 # I<logfile> specifies the name of the logfile.
108 # If I<debug> is set to 1(true), (many!) debug messages will be
109 # printed.
111 # I<extra_files> is an array of strings where each string is a
112 # file needed for NONMEM execution. Those file will be moved
113 # to the I<NM_run[X]> directory.
115 # I<seed> is just a way to set a seed number.
117 # If a directory is given as argument to a tool, it will extract
118 # all information about what has already been run in this
119 # directory and continue there. If nothing is left to do, it will
120 # still produce the output as a normal run would. This is useful
121 # both for resuming crashed runs as well as for extracting
122 # information form an old run.
124 $this -> {'seed'} = defined $parm{'seed'} ? $parm{'seed'} : random_uniform_integer(1,0,10000000);
126 #Initiate the random generator if a seed is given (which it is, see above)
127 random_set_seed_from_phrase( $this -> {'seed'} );
129 # The base_directory refers to the directory where the tool should place its own
130 # directory
131 if ( defined $parm{'base_directory'} ) {
132 $this -> {'base_directory'} = $parm{'base_directory'};
133 } else {
134 my ($uniquePath, $file) = OSspecific::absolute_path( '', '' );
135 $this -> {'base_directory'} = $uniquePath;
138 my @tool_name_full = split( '::', ref $this );
139 my $tool_name = $tool_name_full[$#tool_name_full];
141 # The directory is the folder where the tools stores temporary data and
142 # runs subtools (or in the modelfit case, runs NONMEM)
143 if ( defined $parm{'directory'} ) {
144 my $dummy;
145 ( $this -> {'directory'}, $dummy ) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $parm{'directory'}, '');
146 } else {
147 my $file;
148 $this -> {'directory'} =
149 OSspecific::unique_path( $tool_name.'_dir' ,
150 $this -> {'base_directory'} );
154 # Create my temporary directory
155 $this -> _make_dir;
156 if ( $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'use_database'} ) {
157 my( $found_log, $found_tool_id ) = $this -> read_log;
159 $this -> register_in_database unless ( $found_tool_id );
161 $this -> log_object unless ( $found_log and $found_tool_id );
164 debug -> die( message => "No model specified!" )
165 unless ( defined $this -> {'models'} and scalar @{$this -> {'models'}} > 0 );
166 foreach my $mod ( @{$this -> {'models'}} ) {
167 debug -> die( message => "Supplied argument model is not defined" )
168 unless defined $mod;
170 # Make sure that the filenames are absolute and collect model_ids
171 my @model_ids;
172 foreach my $model ( @{$this -> {'models'}} ) {
173 my $model_id = $model -> model_id;
174 if( not defined $model_id ) {
175 $model_id = $model -> register_in_database;
177 my $datas = $model -> datas;
178 if( defined $datas ) {
179 foreach my $data ( @{$datas} ) {
180 my $data_id = $data -> data_id;
181 if( not defined $data_id ) {
182 $data -> register_in_database;
187 push( @model_ids, $model -> model_id );
188 my ($directory, $filename) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $model -> directory, $model -> filename );
189 $model -> filename( $filename );
190 $model -> directory( $directory );
191 if ( defined $model -> outputs ) {
192 my @outputs = @{$model -> outputs};
193 foreach my $output ( @outputs ) {
194 my ($directory, $filename) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $outputs[0] -> directory, $outputs[0] -> filename );
195 $output -> filename( $filename );
196 $output -> directory( $directory );
199 if ( defined $model -> datas ) {
200 my @datas = @{$model -> datas};
201 foreach my $data ( @datas ) {
202 my ($directory, $filename) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $datas[0] -> directory, $datas[0] -> filename );
203 $data -> filename( $filename );
204 $data -> directory( $directory );
208 $this -> {'model_ids'} = \@model_ids;
209 if ( not -e $this -> {'directory'}."done.database.tool_models" ) {
210 $this -> register_tm_relation( model_ids => \@model_ids,
211 prepared_models => 0 );
212 open( DB, ">".$this -> {'directory'}."done.database.tool_models" );
213 print DB "";
214 close( DB );
217 end new
219 # }}} new
221 # {{{ log_object
223 start log_object
225 open( OLOG, '>',$self -> {'directory'}.'object.txt' );
226 $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 1;
227 print OLOG Dumper $self;
228 $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 0;
229 close( OLOG );
231 end log_object
233 # }}} log_object
235 # {{{ read_log
236 start read_log
238 if( -e $self -> {'directory'}.'object.txt' ) {
239 $found_log = 1;
240 open( OLOG, '<'.$self -> {'directory'}.'object.txt' );
241 my @olog = <OLOG>;
242 my $str = "(";
243 for ( my $i = 1; $i < $#olog; $i++ ) {
244 $str = $str.$olog[$i];
246 $str = $str.")";
247 my %tmp = eval( $str );
249 if( exists $tmp{'tool_id'} ) {
250 $self -> {'tool_id'} = $tmp{'tool_id'};
251 $found_tool_id = 1;
253 close( OLOG );
256 end read_log
257 # }}} read_log
259 # {{{ register_in_database
261 start register_in_database
263 if ( $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'use_database'} ) {
264 my @tool_name_full = split( '::', ref $self );
265 my $tool_name = $tool_name_full[$#tool_name_full];
266 my ( $date_str, $time_str );
267 if ( $Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32' ) {
268 $date_str = `date /T`;
269 $time_str = ' '.`time /T`;
270 } else {
271 # Assuming UNIX
272 $date_str = `date`;
274 chomp($date_str);
275 chomp($time_str);
276 my $date_time = $date_str.$time_str;
277 # Backslashes messes up the sql syntax
278 my $dir_str = $self->{'directory'};
279 $dir_str =~ s/\\/\//g;
281 my $dbh = DBI -> connect("DBI:mysql:host=".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'database_server'}.
282 ";databse=".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'},
283 $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'user'},
284 $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'password'},
285 {'RaiseError' => 1});
286 my $sth;
287 if ( defined $self -> {'parent_tool_id'} ) {
288 # print "INSERT INTO tool (parent_tool_id,name,date,directory) ".
289 # "VALUES (".$self -> {'parent_tool_id'}.", '".
290 # "$tool_name', '$date_time', '$dir_str' )\n";
291 $sth = $dbh -> prepare("INSERT INTO ".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'}.
292 ".tool (parent_tool_id,name,date,directory) ".
293 "VALUES (".$self -> {'parent_tool_id'}.", '".
294 "$tool_name', '$date_time', '$dir_str' )");
295 } else {
296 $sth = $dbh -> prepare("INSERT INTO ".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'}.
297 ".tool (name,date,directory) ".
298 "VALUES ('$tool_name', '$date_time', '$dir_str' )");
300 $sth -> execute;
301 $self -> {'tool_id'} = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
302 $sth -> finish;
303 $dbh -> disconnect;
306 end register_in_database
308 # }}} register_in_database
310 # {{{ register_tm_relation
312 start register_tm_relation
313 if ( $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'use_database'} and
314 defined $self -> {'tool_id'} and $#model_ids >= 0 ) {
315 my $dbh = DBI -> connect("DBI:mysql:host=".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'database_server'}.
316 ";databse=".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'},
317 $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'user'},
318 $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'password'},
319 {'raiseerror' => 1});
320 my $sth;
321 my $values;
322 my $columns = "( tool_id, model_id, prepared_model )";
323 foreach my $model_id ( @model_ids ) {
324 if ( defined $model_id ) {
325 $values = $values."," if ( defined $values );
326 if( $prepared_models ) {
327 $values = $values."(".$self -> {'tool_id'}.", $model_id, 1 )";
328 } else {
329 $values = $values."(".$self -> {'tool_id'}.", $model_id, 0 )";
333 $sth = $dbh -> prepare( "INSERT INTO ".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'}.
334 ".tool_model $columns VALUES $values" );
335 $sth -> execute;
336 $sth -> finish if ( defined $sth );
337 $dbh -> disconnect;
339 end register_tm_relation
341 # }}} register_tm_relation
343 # {{{ copy
345 start copy
347 #%{$tool} = %{$self};
348 #$tool -> {'models'} = undef;
349 #$tool -> {'tools'} = undef;
350 #@{$tool -> {'models'}} = ();
351 #@{$tool -> {'tools'}} = ();
352 #foreach my $model ( @{$self -> {'models'}} ) {
353 # push( @{$tool -> {'models'}}, $model -> copy );
355 #foreach my $subtool ( @{$self -> {'tools'}} ) {
356 # push( @{$tool -> {'tools'}}, $subtool -> copy );
358 #bless( $tool, ref( $self ) );
360 # ! NOTE ! This is not a deep copy ! NOTE !
361 # This function has now been replaced with "copying" the "reference object" in new().
363 # my $all_parameters = {};
365 # foreach my $valid_p ( keys %{ $self -> {'__valid_parameters'} } ){
366 # if( defined $self -> {$valid_p} ) {
367 # $all_parameters -> {$valid_p} = $self -> {$valid_p};
368 # }
371 # %{$all_parameters} = (%{$all_parameters}, %parameters);
373 # use Data::Dumper;
374 # $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 3;
375 # print Dumper( $all_parameters );
376 # $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 0;
378 # my $tool_string = ref $self;
380 # $tool = "$tool_string" -> new( %{$all_parameters} );
382 end copy
384 # }}} copy
386 # {{{ pre_fork_setup
388 start pre_fork_setup
390 # Runs the pre_fork_setup specific for the subtool
391 my $sub_pre_fork_setup = $self -> {'subtools'} -> [0];
392 if ( defined $sub_pre_fork_setup ) {
393 $sub_pre_fork_setup = $sub_pre_fork_setup.'_pre_fork_setup';
394 if ( defined( $self -> can( $sub_pre_fork_setup ) ) ) {
395 $self -> $sub_pre_fork_setup;
399 end pre_fork_setup
401 # }}} pre_fork_setup
403 # {{{ print_results
405 start print_results
408 # Print results created by 'prepare_results' methods specific to the
409 # tools. prepare_results and print_results are usually called from
410 # the tool scripts (e.g. bin/bootstrap)
412 my $sub_print_results = $self -> {'subtools'} -> [0];
414 if ( defined $sub_print_results ) {
416 # Only if we have a subtool, which we allways do, 'modelfit' is as
417 # usual the inner tool in the basic case.
420 ### get_dim subroutine recurses through arrays of arrays and
421 ### returns the number of levels (assumes the same number of
422 ### levels in alls subarrays).
424 ### 1st argument is the reference to the toplevel array.
425 ### 2nd argument is a starting level.
426 ### 3rd argument is an array giving the size of the arrays at each
427 ### level (assuming same size arrays at each level)
429 sub get_dim {
430 my $arr = shift;
431 my $dim = shift;
432 my $size_ref = shift;
433 $dim++;
434 if ( defined $arr and ref($arr) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
435 push( @{$size_ref}, scalar @{$arr} );
436 ( $dim, $size_ref ) = get_dim( $arr->[0], $dim, $size_ref );
438 return ( $dim, $size_ref );
441 ### format_value returns a string for a given number. If the value
442 ### is not defined it is returned as NaN or NA, depending on the
443 ### output_style configured. Numbers without decimals get 10
444 ### digits, Numbers with decimals get 10 digis and 5 decimal
445 ### values.
447 sub format_value {
448 my $val = shift;
449 if ( not defined $val or $val eq '' ) {
450 return sprintf("%10s",$PsN::out_miss_data).',';
451 } else {
452 $_ = $val;
453 my $nodot = /.*\..*/ ? 0 : 1;
454 $_ =~ s/\.//g;
455 if ( /.*\D+.*/ or $nodot) {
456 return sprintf("%10s",$val).',';
457 } else {
458 return sprintf("%10.5f",$val).',';
464 ### format_label does the same thing as format value, but does not
465 ### print out "NA" or "NaN" in case of missing data.
467 sub format_label {
468 my $val = shift;
469 if ( not defined $val or $val eq '' ) {
470 return ',';
471 } else {
472 $_ = $val;
473 my $nodot = /.*\..*/ ? 0 : 1;
474 $_ =~ s/\.//g;
475 if ( /.*\D+.*/ or $nodot) {
476 return sprintf("%10s",$val).',';
477 } else {
478 return sprintf("%10.5f",$val).',';
483 ### The main part of the method will loop through the 'own'
484 ### results, each element of the 'own' array is a hash with three
485 ### keys:
487 ### 'name' of the result, will be used as header (only if
488 ### values are defined).
489 ###
490 ### 'values' either a single value, a list of values or a table of
491 ### values.
493 ### 'lables' either a single value(?), a list of values used as
494 ### header for the 'values' list or table. It can be a table, Then
495 ### the first row will be printed before each row in the values
496 ### table, and the second row will be the header.
498 debug -> die( message => "No results_file defined" )
499 unless ( defined $self -> {'results_file'} );
501 open ( RES, ">".$self -> {'directory'}.$self -> {'results_file'} );
503 if ( defined $self -> {'results'} ) {
504 my @all_results = @{$self -> {'results'}};
506 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#all_results; $i++ ) {
507 if ( defined $all_results[$i]{'own'} ) {
508 my @my_results = @{$all_results[$i]{'own'}};
510 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#my_results; $j++ ) {
511 # These size estimates include the problem and sub_problem dimensions:
512 my ( $ldim, $lsize_ref ) = get_dim( $my_results[$j]{'labels'}, -1, [] );
513 my ( $vdim, $vsize_ref ) = get_dim( $my_results[$j]{'values'}, -1, [] );
514 print RES $my_results[$j]{'name'},"\n" if ( $vdim > 1 );
516 if ( defined $my_results[$j]{'values'} and
517 scalar @{$my_results[$j]{'values'}} >= 0 ) {
518 my @values = @{$my_results[$j]{'values'}};
519 my @labels;
520 if ( defined $my_results[$j]{'labels'} and
521 scalar @{$my_results[$j]{'labels'}} >= 0 ) {
522 @labels = @{$my_results[$j]{'labels'}};
525 # Print Header Labels
526 if ( $ldim == 0 ) {
527 my $label = \@labels;
528 print RES ','.format_label($label),"\n";
529 } elsif ( $ldim == 2 ) {
530 print RES ',';
531 for ( my $n = 0; $n < scalar @{$labels[1]}; $n++ ) {
532 my $label = $labels[1][$n];
533 print RES format_label($label);
535 print RES "\n";
538 # Print the values (with labels on each row if ldim == 2:
539 if ( $vdim == 0 ) {
540 print RES ','.format_value(\@values),"\n";
541 } elsif ( $vdim == 1 ) {
542 for ( my $m = 0; $m < scalar @values; $m++ ) {
543 my $label = $labels[$m];
544 print RES ','.format_label($label);
545 my $val = $values[$m];
546 print RES ','.format_value($val),"\n";
548 } elsif ( $vdim == 2 ) {
549 for ( my $m = 0; $m < scalar @values; $m++ ) {
550 my $label;
551 if ( $ldim == 1 ) {
552 $label = $labels[$m];
553 } elsif ( $ldim == 2 ) {
554 $label = $labels[0][$m];
556 print RES format_label($label);
557 if( defined $values[$m] ){
558 for ( my $n = 0; $n < scalar @{$values[$m]}; $n++ ) {
559 print RES format_value($values[$m][$n]);
562 print RES "\n";
570 close( RES );
571 } else {
572 debug -> warn( level => 2,
573 message => "No subtools defined".
574 ", using default printing routine" );
577 end print_results
579 # }}} print_results
581 # {{{ post_fork_analyze
583 start post_fork_analyze
585 # Runs the post_fork_analyze specific for the subtool
586 my $sub_post_fork_analyze = $self -> {'subtools'} -> [0];
587 if ( defined $sub_post_fork_analyze ) {
588 $sub_post_fork_analyze = $sub_post_fork_analyze.'_post_fork_analyze';
589 if ( defined( $self -> can( $sub_post_fork_analyze ) ) ) {
590 $self -> $sub_post_fork_analyze;
593 if ( defined $self -> {'results_file'} ) {
594 #$self -> print_results;
597 end post_fork_analyze
599 # }}} post_fork_analyze
601 # {{{ setup
603 start setup
605 $self -> _prepare_model( model_number => $model_number );
607 # Run the setup specific for the subtool
608 my $sub_setup = $self -> {'subtools'} -> [0];
609 if ( defined $sub_setup ) {
610 $sub_setup = $sub_setup.'_setup';
611 $self -> $sub_setup( model_number => $model_number );
613 end setup
615 # }}} setup
617 # {{{ _make_dir
619 start _make_dir
621 mkdir( $self -> {'directory'} ) unless ( -e $self -> {'directory'} );
623 end _make_dir
625 # }}} _make_dir
627 # {{{ run
629 # {{{ documentation
631 # results structure:
633 # {results}
635 # |->[0] First model
636 # | |
637 # | |->{own} The results from this tool on the first model
638 # | | |
639 # | | |->[0]
640 # | | | |
641 # | | | |->{name} e.g. 'parameter.estimates'
642 # | | | |
643 # | | | |->{labels}
644 # | | | | |
645 # | | | | |->[0]... e.g. ['TH1', 'TH2', 'TH3'] indexed on problem and sub problem
646 # | | | | |->[1]
647 # | | | | |...
648 # | | | | |->[#problems]
649 # | | | |
650 # | | | |->{values}
651 # | | | |
652 # | | | |->[0] e.g. [0.21, 20.3, 3] indexed as above
653 # | | | |->[1]
654 # | | | |...
655 # | | | |->[#problems]
656 # | | |
657 # | | |->[1]
658 # | | | |
659 # | | | |->{name} e.g. 'standard.errors'
660 # | | | |->{labels}
661 # | | | |->{values}
662 # | |->{subtools} The results from the subtools on the first model
663 # | |
664 # | |->[0] First sub tool
665 # | | |
666 # | | |->[0] First model of the prepared models sent to the first sub tool
667 # | | | |
668 # | | | |->{own} The first sub tools results on the first model
669 # | | | | |
670 # | | | | |->[0] First result type
671 # | | | | | |
672 # | | | | | |->{name}
673 # | | | | | |->{labels}
674 # | | | | | |->{values}
675 # | | | | |
676 # | | | | |->[1] Second result type
677 # | | | | | |
678 # | | | | | |->{name}
679 # | | | | | |->{labels}
680 # | | | | | |->{values}
681 # | | | |->{subtools} Another tool level
682 # | | | | ...
683 # | | |->[1] Second model of the prepared models sent to the first sub tool
684 # | | | |
685 # | | | |->{own} The first sub tools results on the second model
686 # | | | | |
687 # | | | | |->[0] First result type
688 # | | | | | |
689 # | | | | | |->{name}
690 # | | | | | |->{labels}
691 # | | | | | |->{values}
692 # | | | | |
693 # | | | | |->[1] Second result type
694 # | | | | | |
695 # | | | | | |->{name}
696 # | | | | | |->{labels}
697 # | | | | | |->{values}
698 # | | | |->{subtools} Another tool level
699 # | | | | ...
700 # | | | |...
701 # | | |->[#prepared models] Last model of the prepared models sent to the first sub tool
702 # | | | |
703 # | | | |->{own} The first sub tools results on the last model
704 # | | | | |
705 # | | | | |->[0] First result type
706 # | | | | | |
707 # | | | | | |->{name}
708 # | | | | | |->{labels}
709 # | | | | | |->{values}
710 # | | | | |
711 # | | | | |->[1] Second result type
712 # | | | | | |
713 # | | | | | |->{name}
714 # | | | | | |->{labels}
715 # | | | | | |->{values}
716 # | | | |->{subtools} Another tool level
717 # | | | | ...
718 # | |->[1] Second sub tool
719 # | |...
720 # | |->[#tools] Last sub tool
721 # |
722 # |->[1] Second model. All above repeated for this model.
723 # |...
724 # |->[#models] Last model. As above.
726 # Prepared_models structure:
728 # {prepared_models}
730 # |->[0] First model
731 # | |
732 # | |->{own} The prepared models of this tool using the first model as base
733 # | | |
734 # | | |->[0] First prep model
735 # | | |->[1] Second prep model
736 # | | |...
737 # | | |->[#prep_models] Last prep model
738 # | |
739 # | |->{subtools} The prepared models of the subtools on the first model. Only one sub tool per prepared model above.
740 # | |
741 # | |->[0] First model of the models (prepared above) sent to the first sub tool
742 # | | |
743 # | | |->{own} The first sub tools prepared models on its first model
744 # | | | |
745 # | | | |->[0] First prep model
746 # | | | |->[1] Second prep model
747 # | | | |...
748 # | | | |->[#prep_models]Last prep model
749 # | | |
750 # | | |->{subtools}
751 # | |
752 # | |->[1] Second model of the models (prepared above) sent to the first sub tool
753 # | | |
754 # | | |->{own} The first sub tools prepared models on its second model
755 # | | | |
756 # | | | |->[0] First prep model
757 # | | | |->[1] Second prep model
758 # | | | |...
759 # | | | |->[#prep_models]Last prep model
760 # | | |
761 # | | |->{subtools}
762 # | |
764 # }}}
766 start run
768 my $return_dir = getcwd();
769 chdir( $self -> {'directory'} );
771 $self -> pre_fork_setup;
773 my @models = @{$self -> {'models'}};
774 # Use the thread number of this tool level:
775 my $threads = ref( $self -> {'threads'} ) eq 'ARRAY' ?
776 $self -> {'threads'} -> [0] : $self -> {'threads'};
778 # No point in using more threads than models
779 $threads = $#models + 1 if ( $threads > $#models + 1);
781 # Currently parallel execution is not supported on windows platforms
782 $threads = 1 if( $Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32' );
784 # Create new forkmanager
785 my $pm = ext::Parallel::ForkManager -> new($threads) if ( $threads > 1 );
786 my $aborting = 0;
787 $pm -> run_on_finish( sub { my ( $pid, $exit_code, $ident ) = @_;
788 if( $exit_code ){
789 debug -> die( message => "Subtool died, exiting." );
791 } ) if ( $threads > 1 );
793 # Store some globals for single-thread mode to make each loop
794 # over the models see the same (fresh) prepared attributes as
795 # in the parallel mode.
796 my @pre_fork_tools;
798 # THREAD if ( $threads == 1 ) {
799 # THREAD if ( defined $self -> {'tools'} ) {
800 # THREAD @pre_fork_tools = @{$self -> {'tools'}};
801 # THREAD }
802 # THREAD }
804 # Loop over the models
805 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @models; $i++ ) {
806 # Spawn new processes
807 $pm -> start and next if ( $threads > 1 );
809 # model_number is a member that tells the tool which model
810 # it is currently working on.
811 $self -> model_number( $i );
813 # Reset some globals: (only needed for threads==1)
814 # THREAD if ( $threads == 1 && defined $self -> {'tools'}) {
815 # THREAD @{$self -> {'tools'}} = @pre_fork_tools;
816 # THREAD }
818 # Make sure that each process gets a unique random sequence:
819 random_set_seed_from_phrase(random_uniform_integer(1,0,10000*$i));
820 # srand(rand()*10000*$i);
822 # First, run setup
823 $self -> setup( model_number => $i );
825 # Run the subtools
826 my @tool_results = ();
827 my @tool_models = ();
828 if ( defined $self -> {'tools'} ) {
829 foreach my $tool (@{$self -> {'tools'}}){
830 # There is to date (2004-01-27 no tool that creates more than one internal
831 # tool. Hence this is a loop of one cycle. But to be general, again...
832 # Run the tool:
833 my( $returns, $prep_models ) = $tool -> run;
834 # push the sub tool's return values
835 push ( @tool_results, $returns );
836 if ( defined $prep_models ) {
837 push ( @tool_models, $prep_models );
838 } else {
839 'debug' -> warn(level => 1,
840 message => "inside " . ref($self) . " but no prep_models defined from $tool $i");
842 $self -> post_subtool_analyze;
845 } else {
846 debug -> warn( level => 2,
847 message => "No tool object to run from tool object." );
850 $self -> {'results'}[$i-1]{'subtools'}= \@tool_results;
851 $self -> {'prepared_models'}[$i-1]{'subtools'} = \@tool_models;
853 # Analyze the results
854 $self -> analyze( model_number => $i );
856 Storable::store( $self -> {'prepared_models'},
857 $self -> {'directory'}."/m$i/prepared_models.log" );
858 if ( $threads > 1 ) {
859 Storable::store( $self -> {'results'},
860 $self -> {'directory'}."/m$i/results.log" );
861 # Maybe redundant to transfer back both prepared_models as well as tools
863 # Actually, by principle everything interesting for
864 # a parent should be placed in "results" or possibly
865 # "prepared_models".
867 #Storable::store( $self -> {'tools'},
868 # $self -> {'directory'}."/m$i/tools.log" );
870 $pm -> finish if ( $threads > 1 );
872 $pm -> wait_all_children if ( $threads > 1 );
874 for( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$self -> {'models'}}; $i++ ) {
875 my @prepared_models = @{Storable::retrieve( $self -> {'directory'}.
876 "/m$i/prepared_models.log" )};
877 unlink( $self -> {'directory'} . "/m$i/prepared_models.log" );
878 $self->{'prepared_models'}[$i-1] = $prepared_models[$i-1];
881 if ( $threads > 1 ) {
882 for( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$self -> {'models'}}; $i++ ) {
883 my @model_results = @{Storable::retrieve( $self -> {'directory'}.
884 "/m$i/results.log" )};
885 # It is important to keep the number of dimensions: push the first value, not the
886 # whole array!
887 $self->{'results'}[$i-1] = $model_results[$i-1];
889 # Read comment aboud tools.log near storable above.
891 #push( @{$self -> {'tools'}},
892 # Storable::retrieve( $self -> {'directory'}.
893 # "/m$i/tools.log" ) );
898 # Perform analyses that need to be done after all models have
899 # been run and processed. Also write a result file if one is
900 # defined.
901 $self -> post_fork_analyze;
903 chdir($return_dir);
904 if( $self -> {'clean'} >= 3 and not $self -> {'top_tool'} ){
906 my $top_dir = $self -> {'directory'};
907 foreach my $dir ( <$top_dir/m*> ){
908 if( $dir =~ /m[0123456789]+/ ){
909 unlink( <$dir/*> );
910 rmdir( $dir );
914 my $dir = $self -> {'directory'};
915 unlink( <$dir/*> );
916 rmdir( $dir );
918 # @results = @{$self -> {'results'}};
919 # @prepared_models = @{$self -> {'prepared_models'}};
921 end run
923 # }}} run
925 # {{{ _prepare_model
927 start _prepare_model
930 my ($newdir, $newfile) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $self -> {'directory'} . '/m'.$model_number, '' );
931 debug -> warn( level => 2,
932 message => "Making directory\t\t" . $newdir );
933 mkdir( $newdir );
934 if ( defined $self -> models() ) {
935 my @models = @{$self -> models()};
936 if ( defined $models[$model_number - 1] ) {
937 my $model = $models[$model_number - 1];
938 # copy the msfi files
939 my @new_names;
940 if( defined $model -> msfi_names() ){
941 foreach my $msfi_files( @{$model -> msfi_names()} ){
942 foreach my $msfi_file( @{$msfi_files} ){
943 if ( defined $msfi_file ) {
944 my ( $dir, $filename ) = OSspecific::absolute_path($model -> directory,
945 $msfi_file );
946 cp( $dir.$filename, $newdir.$filename );
947 push( @new_names, $filename );
948 } else {
949 push( @new_names, undef );
953 $model -> msfi_names( new_names => \@new_names );
958 end _prepare_model
960 # }}} _prepare_model
962 # {{{ analyze
964 start analyze
966 $self -> {'raw_results'}[$model_number-1] =
967 $self -> {'tools'} -> [0] -> raw_results if( defined $self -> {'tools'} -> [0] );
968 my $sub_analyze = $self -> {'subtools'} -> [0];
969 if ( defined $sub_analyze ) {
970 $sub_analyze = $sub_analyze.'_analyze';
971 if( defined $self -> can( $sub_analyze ) ){
972 $self -> $sub_analyze( model_number => $model_number );
976 end analyze
978 # }}} analyze
980 # {{{ _modelfit_raw_results_callback
982 start _modelfit_raw_results_callback
984 my ($dir,$file) =
985 OSspecific::absolute_path( $self -> {'directory'},
986 $self -> {'raw_results_file'}[$model_number-1] );
987 my ($dir,$nonp_file) =
988 OSspecific::absolute_path( $self -> {'directory'},
989 $self -> {'raw_nonp_file'}[$model_number-1] );
990 $subroutine = sub {
991 my $modelfit = shift;
992 $modelfit -> raw_results_file( $dir.$file );
993 $modelfit -> raw_nonp_file( $dir.$nonp_file );
995 return $subroutine;
997 end _modelfit_raw_results_callback
999 # }}} _modelfit_raw_results_callback
1001 # {{{ read_raw_results
1002 start read_raw_results
1004 undef $self -> {'raw_results_header'};
1005 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$self->{'models'}}; $i++ ) { # All models
1006 if ( -e $self -> {'directory'}.'raw_results'.$i.'.csv' ) {
1007 open( RRES, $self -> {'directory'}.'raw_results'.$i.'.csv' );
1008 my @file = <RRES>;
1009 close( RRES );
1010 map { chomp; my @tmp = split(',',$_); $_ = \@tmp } @file ;
1011 $self -> {'raw_results_header'} -> [$i-1] = shift @file;
1012 $self -> {'raw_results'} -> [$i-1] = \@file;
1014 if ( -e $self -> {'directory'}.'raw_nonp_results'.$i.'.csv' ) {
1015 open( RRES, $self -> {'directory'}.'raw_nonp_results'.$i.'.csv' );
1016 my @file = <RRES>;
1017 close( RRES );
1018 map { chomp; my @tmp = split(',',$_); $_ = \@tmp } @file ;
1019 $self -> {'raw_nonp_results'} -> [$i-1] = \@file;
1023 end read_raw_results
1024 # }}} read_raw_results
1026 # {{{ create_raw_results_rows
1027 start create_raw_results_rows
1030 unless( $model -> outputs -> [0] -> parsed ){
1031 $model -> outputs -> [0] -> abort_on_fail(0);
1032 $model -> outputs -> [0] -> _read_problems;
1035 if( $model -> outputs -> [0] -> parsed_successfully ){
1036 my @probs = @{$model -> outputs -> [0] -> problem_structure};
1037 my $np = scalar @probs; # #probs
1038 my $model_row = 0;
1039 # ------------ Push model, problem and sub-problem numbers --------------
1041 for( my $j = 0; $j < $np; $j++ ) {
1042 my $ns = $probs[$j]; # #subprobs
1043 for( my $k = 0; $k < $ns; $k++ ) {
1044 my $row = $model_row++;
1045 push( @{$return_rows[$row]}, ($model_number,($j+1),($k+1)) );
1049 # --------------------- Loop all result categories ----------------------
1051 foreach my $category ( @{$self -> {'raw_results_header'}},'npomega' ){
1052 next if( $category eq 'model' or $category eq 'problem' or $category eq 'subproblem' );
1053 my ( $accessor, $res );
1055 # {{{ Get the values for the category
1057 if ( $category eq 'theta' or $category eq 'omega' or $category eq 'sigma' or
1058 $category eq 'setheta' or $category eq 'seomega' or $category eq 'sesigma' or
1059 $category eq 'npomega' or $category eq 'eigen' ) {
1060 $accessor = $category.'s';
1061 $res = $model -> {'outputs'} -> [0] -> $accessor;
1062 } elsif ( $category eq 'shrinkage_etas' ) {
1063 # Shrinkage does not work for subproblems right now.
1064 $res = $model -> eta_shrinkage;
1065 } elsif ( $category eq 'shrinkage_wres' ) {
1066 # Shrinkage does not work for subproblems right now.
1067 # get ofv just to get the prob-subp structure
1068 $res = $model -> wres_shrinkage;
1069 } else {
1070 $accessor = $category;
1071 $res = $model -> {'outputs'} -> [0] -> $accessor;
1074 # {{{ Create entry in raw_line_structure
1075 if( defined $res and ref $res eq 'ARRAY' and $category ne 'npomega' ){
1076 my $prob_num = 0;
1077 foreach my $prob ( @{$res} ){
1078 if( defined $prob and ref $prob eq 'ARRAY' ){
1079 if( defined $prob -> [0] and ref $prob -> [0] eq 'ARRAY' and
1080 defined $return_rows[$prob_num] ){
1082 # The last check in the IF above could be put there to
1083 # avoid a bug. If "output::problem_structure" is
1084 # correct and output::accessor is correct,
1085 # $return_rows[$prob_num] should allways be
1086 # defined. TODO
1088 my $tmp = scalar @{$return_rows[$prob_num]} . ",". scalar @{$prob -> [0]};
1089 $raw_line_structure -> {$model_number} -> { $category } = $tmp;
1091 } elsif( defined $prob -> [0] and defined $return_rows[$prob_num]) {
1092 my $tmp = scalar @{$return_rows[$prob_num]} . ",1";
1093 $raw_line_structure -> {$model_number} -> { $category } = $tmp;
1096 $prob_num++;
1100 # }}}
1102 # }}} Get the values for the category
1103 my $return_array_ref;
1104 if( $category eq 'npomega' ){
1105 $return_array_ref = \@nonp_return_rows;
1106 next;
1107 } else {
1108 $return_array_ref = \@return_rows;
1111 my $model_row = 0; # Need to mask previous definition of model_row
1113 if( defined $res ) {
1114 for( my $j = 0; $j < $np; $j++ ) {
1115 my $ns = $probs[$j]; # #subprobs
1116 if( defined $res -> [$j] ) {
1117 for( my $k = 0; $k < $ns; $k++ ) {
1118 my $row = $model_row++;
1119 if( ref $res -> [$j] eq 'ARRAY' ){
1120 if( defined $res -> [$j][$k] ) {
1121 if ( ref $res -> [$j][$k] eq 'ARRAY' ) {
1122 push( @{$return_array_ref -> [$row]}, @{$res -> [$j][$k]} );
1123 push( @{$return_array_ref -> [$row]},
1124 (undef) x ($max_hash -> {$category} - scalar @{$res -> [$j][$k]}) );
1125 } else {
1126 push( @{$return_array_ref -> [$row]}, $res -> [$j][$k] );
1128 } else {
1129 push( @{$return_array_ref -> [$row]},
1130 (undef) x $max_hash -> {$category} );
1132 } else {
1133 push( @{$return_array_ref -> [$row]},
1134 $res -> [$j] );
1137 } else {
1139 # {{{ Push undefs for missing subprobs
1141 for( my $k = 0; $k < $ns; $k++ ) {
1142 my $row = $model_row++;
1143 push( @{$return_array_ref -> [$row]},
1144 (undef) x $max_hash -> {$category} );
1147 # }}} Push undefs for missing subprobs
1152 } else {
1154 # {{{ Push undefs for missing probs/subprobs
1156 for( my $j = 0; $j < $np; $j++ ) {
1157 my $ns = $probs[$j]; # #subprobs
1158 for( my $k = 0; $k < $ns; $k++ ) {
1159 my $row = $model_row++;
1160 push( @{$return_array_ref -> [$row]},
1161 (undef) x $max_hash -> {$category} );
1165 # }}} Push undefs for missing probs/subprobs
1171 $raw_line_structure -> {$model_number} -> {'line_numbers'} = scalar @return_rows;
1173 } else {
1174 # Output not parsed successfully.
1175 $return_rows[0] = [ $model_number.
1176 ",run failed - Could not parse the output file: ".
1177 $model -> {'outputs'} -> [0] -> filename ];
1180 end create_raw_results_rows
1181 # }}}
1183 # {{{ post_subtool_analyze
1185 start post_subtool_analyze
1187 my $sub_analyze = $self -> {'subtools'} -> [0];
1188 if ( defined $sub_analyze ) {
1189 $sub_analyze = $sub_analyze.'_post_subtool_analyze';
1190 if( defined $self -> can( $sub_analyze ) ){
1191 $self -> $sub_analyze( model_number => $model_number );
1195 end post_subtool_analyze
1197 # }}} analyze
1199 # {{{ harvest_output
1201 start harvest_output
1204 # harvest_output is a complement to AUTOLOAD below. AUTOLOAD is
1205 # currently used to find the AUTOLOAD:ed accessor in any
1206 # existing subtool, model, data or outputobject. It is
1207 # inefficient in that it will have to be called for once for
1208 # each accessor. harvest_output will take a list of accessors
1209 # that it will search for in each object, saving time and
1210 # foremost; memory. Also it will take arguments such as
1211 # "search_models", "search_subtools" that will make things more
1212 # efficient if you know where to search.
1214 unless( $search_models + $search_output + $search_data <= 1 ){
1215 'debug' -> die( message => "This is a PsN bug: Only one of the 'search_' options can and must be specified.".
1216 "\t search_models: $search_models\n".
1217 "\t search_data: $search_data\n".
1218 "\t search_output: $search_output");
1221 if ( $search_subtools ) {
1222 'debug' -> warn( level => 1,
1223 message => "\n\nSearching subtools, which is a very untested functionality!!\n\n" );
1225 # if ( defined $self -> {'tools'} ) {
1226 # my @tools = @{$self -> {'tools'}};
1227 # foreach my $tool_ref ( @tools ) {
1228 # foreach my $tool ( @{$tool_ref} ) {
1229 # if ( $tool -> can( $accessor ) ) {
1230 # push( @result, $tool -> $accessor( %accessor_parameters ) );
1231 # } else {
1232 # 'debug' -> die(message => "Accessor $accessor is not available in the tool " . ref($tool) );
1236 # } else {
1237 # 'debug' -> warn( level => 1,
1238 # message => "Supposed to be run by the sub tools but no sub tools were defined" );
1241 } else {
1243 sub models_traverse2 {
1244 my %parameters = @_;
1245 my @models = $parameters{'models'} ? @{$parameters{'models'}} : ();
1246 my $search_models = $parameters{'search_models'};
1247 my $search_output = $parameters{'search_output'};
1248 my $search_data = $parameters{'search_data'};
1249 my $accessor_parameters = $parameters{'accessor_parameters'};
1250 my $accessors = $parameters{'accessors'};
1251 my %results;
1253 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar (@models); $i++ ){
1255 foreach my $model ( @{$models[$i]{'own'}} ) {
1257 foreach my $accessor( @{$accessors} ) {
1259 if( $search_models and $model -> can( $accessor ) ) {
1260 push( @{$results{$accessor}[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> $accessor( %{$accessor_parameters} ) );
1262 } elsif( $search_data and $model -> datas -> [0] -> can( $accessor ) ) {
1263 push( @{$results{$accessor}[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> datas -> [0] -> $accessor( %{$accessor_parameters} ) );
1265 } elsif( $search_output and $model -> outputs -> [0] -> can( $accessor ) ) {
1266 push( @{$results{$accessor}[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> outputs -> [0] -> $accessor( %{$accessor_parameters} ) );
1268 } else {
1269 'debug' -> die( message => "Neither model, data, output have a method for $accessor" );
1272 if ( defined $models[$i]{'subtools'} ) {
1273 push( @{$results{$accessor}[$i]{'subtools'}}, models_traverse2( models => $models[$i]{'subtools'} ) );
1277 if( $search_data ){
1278 $model -> datas -> [0] -> flush();
1280 if( $search_output ){
1281 $model -> outputs -> [0] -> flush();
1286 return \%results;
1290 my @models;
1292 if ( $search_original_models ) {
1293 @models = @{$self -> {'models'}};
1294 } elsif ( defined $self -> {'prepared_models'} ) {
1295 @models = @{$self -> {'prepared_models'}};
1296 } else {
1297 'debug' -> warn( level => 2,
1298 message => "Trying @accessors, but no prepared models available" );
1299 return {};
1302 %result = %{models_traverse2( models => \@models,
1303 search_models => $search_models,
1304 search_output => $search_output,
1305 search_data => $search_data,
1306 accessor_parameters => \%accessor_parameters,
1307 accessors => \@accessors )};
1310 end harvest_output
1312 # }}}
1314 # {{{ AUTOLOAD
1316 start AUTOLOAD
1318 debug -> warn( level => 2,
1319 message => "Caught method $AUTOLOAD" );
1320 debug -> warn( level => 2,
1321 message => "arguments: @_" );;
1322 my %parm = @_;
1323 my $original_models = $parm{'original_models'};
1324 delete( $parm{'original_models'} );
1325 my $class = $parm{'class'};
1326 $AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*://;
1327 return if $AUTOLOAD eq 'DESTROY';
1329 # TODO: Kolla att orginalmodellen körs med submetod i run!!!!! kolla också var resultaten
1330 # läggs!!!
1332 if ( $class =~ /tool::/ ) {
1333 delete( $parm{'mod_array'} );
1334 delete( $parm{'original_models'} );
1335 delete( $parm{'class'} );
1336 @_ = %parm;
1337 if ( defined $self -> {'tools'} ) {
1338 my @tools = @{$self -> {'tools'}};
1339 my $accessor = $AUTOLOAD;
1340 foreach my $tool_ref ( @tools ) {
1341 foreach my $tool ( @{$tool_ref} ) {
1342 if ( $tool -> can( $accessor ) ) {
1343 push( @result, $tool -> $accessor( @_ ) );
1344 } else {
1345 'debug' -> die(message => "Accessor $accessor is not available in the tool " . ref($tool) );
1349 } else {
1350 print "AUTOLOAD in ",ref($self)," caught tool $AUTOLOAD. It was ",
1351 "supposed to be run by the sub tools but no sub tools were defined\n";
1353 } else {
1354 my @models;
1355 my @prep_models;
1356 if ( $original_models ) {
1357 @models = @{$self -> {'models'}};
1358 } elsif ( defined $self -> {'prepared_models'} ) {
1359 'debug' -> warn(level => 1,
1360 message => "Using prepared models" );
1361 @prep_models = @{$self -> {'prepared_models'}};
1362 } else {
1363 print "WARNING: tool -> AUTOLOAD: Trying $AUTOLOAD, but no prepared models available\n";
1366 sub models_traverse {
1367 my %parm = @_;
1368 my $mod_array_ref = $parm{'mod_array'};
1369 my $class = $parm{'class'};
1370 delete( $parm{'mod_array'} );
1371 delete( $parm{'class'} );
1372 @_ = %parm;
1373 my @mod_array;
1374 @mod_array = defined $mod_array_ref ? @{$mod_array_ref} : ();
1375 my @inner_result = ();
1376 # my $i = 0;
1377 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#mod_array; $i++ ) {
1378 foreach my $model ( @{$mod_array[$i]{'own'}} ) {
1379 unless ( defined $class ) {
1380 my $mod_can = defined $model -> can( $AUTOLOAD ) ? 1 : 0;
1381 my $out_can = (defined $model -> outputs and
1382 defined $model -> outputs -> [0] and
1383 defined $model -> outputs -> [0] -> can($AUTOLOAD))
1384 ? 1 : 0;
1385 my $dat_can = (defined $model -> datas and
1386 defined $model -> datas -> [0] and
1387 defined $model -> datas -> [0] -> can($AUTOLOAD))
1388 ? 1 : 0;
1389 if ( ($mod_can + $out_can + $dat_can) > 1 ) {
1390 my $classes;
1391 $classes = 'model ' if $mod_can;
1392 $classes = $classes.'output ' if $out_can;
1393 $classes = $classes.'data ' if $dat_can;
1394 'debug' -> die( message => "Accessor $AUTOLOAD available in multiple classes: $classes" );
1396 if ( $mod_can + $out_can + $dat_can == 0 ) {
1397 'debug' -> die( message => "Accessor $AUTOLOAD is not available in any of the model, ".
1398 "output or data classes OR no output or data object available".
1399 " through this model" );
1401 if ( $mod_can ) {
1402 push( @{$inner_result[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> $AUTOLOAD( @_ ) );
1403 } elsif ( $out_can ) {
1404 push( @{$inner_result[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> outputs -> [0] -> $AUTOLOAD( @_ ) );
1405 } elsif ( $dat_can ) {
1406 push( @{$inner_result[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> datas -> [0] -> $AUTOLOAD( @_ ) );
1408 } else {
1409 if ( $class eq 'model' ) {
1410 push( @{$inner_result[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> $AUTOLOAD( @_ ) );
1411 } else {
1412 my $class_accessor = $class.'s';
1413 push( @{$inner_result[$i]{'own'}}, $model -> $class_accessor -> [0] -> $AUTOLOAD( @_ ) );
1417 # $i++;
1418 if ( defined $mod_array[$i]{'subtools'} ) {
1419 push( @{$inner_result[$i]{'subtools'}},
1420 models_traverse( mod_array => $mod_array[$i]{'subtools'},
1421 class => $class,
1422 %parm ) );
1425 return \@inner_result;
1427 if ( $original_models ) {
1428 debug -> warn( level => 2,
1429 message => "Traversing ".scalar $models[0]{'own'}." model(s)" );
1430 @result = @{models_traverse( mod_array => \@models,
1431 %parm )};
1432 } else {
1433 @result = @{models_traverse( mod_array => \@prep_models,
1434 %parm )};
1438 end AUTOLOAD
1440 # }}} AUTOLOAD