functionalized version 2, implemented version 1 using functions in version 2
[PsN.git] / bin / scm
1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
3 use FindBin qw($Bin);
4 use lib "$Bin/../lib";
6 # Don't edit the line below, it must look exactly like this.
7 # Everything above this line will be replaced #
9 use PsN;
10 use file;
11 use model;
12 use tool::scm;
13 use tool::scm::config_file;
14 use debug;
15 use strict;
16 use Getopt::Long;
17 use Cwd;
18 use common_options;
19 use ui;
21 my $cmd_line = $0 . " " . join( " ", @ARGV );
23 my %options;
25 my %required_options = ( "config_file:s" => '');
27 my %optional_options = ( "fix" => '',
28 "search_direction:s" => 'forward|backward|both',
29 "gof:s" => '',
30 "global_init:s" => '',
31 "logfile:s" => '',
32 "model:s" => '',
33 "backwards_dir:s" => '',
34 "p_value:s" => '',
35 "p_forward:s" => '',
36 "p_backward:s" => '',
37 "do_not_drop:s" => '');
39 my $res = GetOptions( \%options,
40 @common_options::get_opt_strings,
41 keys(%required_options),
42 keys(%optional_options)
44 exit unless $res;
46 common_options::set_globals( \%options, 'scm' );
47 common_options::get_defaults( \%options, 'scm' );
48 common_options::sanity_checks( \%options, 'scm' );
50 my %help_text;
51 $help_text{Pre_help_message} = <<'EOF';
52 <h3 class="heading1">scm</h3>
54 Perl script for stepwise covariate model building from NONMEM models.
56 <h3 class="heading1">Usage:</h3>
57 EOF
59 $help_text{Description} = <<'EOF';
60 <style type="text/css">
61 <!--
62 .style5 {font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; }
63 -->
64 </style>
65 <h3 class="heading1">Description:</h3>
67 The Stepwise Covariate Model (SCM) building tool of PsN implements
68 Forward Selection and Backward Elimination of covariates to a
69 model. In short, one model for each relevant parameter-covariate
70 relationship is prepared and tested in a univariate manner. In the
71 first step the model that gives the best fit of the data according
72 to some criteria is retained and taken forward to the next
73 step. In the following steps all remaining parameter-covariate
74 combinations are tested until no more covariates meet the criteria
75 for being included into the model. The Forward Selection can be
76 followed by Backward Elimination, which proceeds as the Forward
77 Selection but reversely, using stricter criteria for model
78 improvement.
80 <br><br>
82 The Stepwise Covariate Model building procedure is run by the PsN
83 tool <span class="style5">scm</span>. The options to <span
84 class="style5">scm</span> can (and should) be rather complex to
85 describe all features of a covariate model building procedure. To
86 make it easier for the user, a configuration file should be
87 written for each scm run. The options can be specified in this
88 file instead of the command line.
91 <!--/>Read more on our homepage:<-->
93 EOF
95 $help_text{Examples} = <<'EOF';
96 <h3 class="heading1">Examples:</h3>
98 Execute an SCM using parameters set in the config file
99 'phenobarbital.scm'.
101 <p class="style2">$ scm -config_file=phenobarbital.scm</p>
103 Execute an SCM using parameters set in the config file
104 'phenobarbital.scm'. But override the retries and the seed
105 parameter.
107 <p class="style2">$ scm -config_file=phenobarbital.scm -retries=5 -seed=12345 phenobarbital.mod</p>
110 $help_text{Options} = <<'EOF';
111 <h3 class="heading1">Options:</h3>
113 The options are given here in their long form. Any option may be
114 abbreviated to any nonconflicting prefix. The -threads option may
115 be abbreviated to <span class="style2">-thr</span> but <span class="style2">-debug</span> may not be abbreviated to <span class="style2">-d</span>
116 because it conflicts with <span class="style2">-debug_packages</span> and <span class="style2">-debug_subroutines</span>.
118 The following options are valid:
121 $help_text{-h} = <<'EOF';
122 <p class="style2">-h | -?</p>
124 With -h or -? scm will print a list of options and exit.
127 $help_text{-help} = <<'EOF';
128 <p class="style2">-help</p>
130 With -help scm will print this, longer, help message.
133 $help_text{-config_file} = <<'EOF';
134 <p class="style2">-config_file</p>
136 A path and file name to an scm configuration file.
139 $help_text{-fix} = <<'EOF';
140 <p class="style2">-fix</p>
143 $help_text{-search_direction} = <<'EOF';
144 <p class="style2">-search_direction</p>
146 Which search task to perform: backward, forward or both is allowed.
149 $help_text{-gof} = << 'EOF';
150 <p class="style2">-gof</p>
153 $help_text{-global_init} = << 'EOF';
154 <p class="style2">-global_init</p>
157 $help_text{-logfile} = << 'EOF';
158 <p class="style2">-logfile</p>
160 The name of the logfile.
163 $help_text{-model} = << 'EOF';
164 <p class="style2">-model</p>
166 The name of the basic model file, without any parameter-covariate
167 relations included.
170 $help_text{-p_value} = << 'EOF';
171 <p class="style2">-p_value</p>
173 Use this option to set the p_value for both forward and backward
174 steps.
177 $help_text{-p_forward} = << 'EOF';
178 <p class="style2">-p_forward</p>
180 Using the p_forward option, you can specify the p-value to use for
181 the forward selection.
184 $help_text{-p_backward} = << 'EOF';
185 <p class="style2">-p_backward</p>
187 Using the p_backward option, you can specify the p-value to use
188 for the backward deletion.
191 $help_text{-do_not_drop} = << 'EOF';
192 <p class="style2">-do_not_drop</p>
194 Since the number of columns are restricted to 20 for NONMEM it is
195 necessary to minimize the number of undropped columns. The scm
196 utility uses the '=DROP' syntax of NONMEM to exclude the covariate
197 columns that are not used. If some covariates are used in the PK
198 or PRED code in the basic model you must list them using the
199 do_not_drop option to prevent them from being dropped.
202 $help_text{Post_help_message} = <<'EOF';
203 Also see ' -help' for a description of common options.
206 common_options::online_help( 'scm', \%options, \%help_text, \%required_options, \%optional_options);
208 if ( $options{'config_file'} eq '' ){
209 print "Please specify a config file \n";
210 exit;
213 my $config_file;
214 if( -e $options{'config_file'} ){
215 my $file = file -> new( name => $options{'config_file'}, path => '.' );
216 $config_file = 'tool::scm::config_file' -> new ( file => $file );
218 foreach my $option ( keys %{$config_file -> valid_scalar_options} ){
219 if( $options{$option} ) {
220 $config_file -> $option($options{$option});
224 foreach my $option ( keys %{$config_file -> valid_code_options} ){
225 if( $options{$option} ){
226 $config_file -> $option(eval($options{$option}));
230 foreach my $option ( keys %{$config_file -> valid_array_options} ){
231 if( $options{$option} ){
232 my @arr = split( /,/ , $options{$option});
233 $config_file -> $option(\@arr);
237 } else {
238 print "Error: config file $options{'config_file'} is missing.\n" ;
239 exit;
242 # Moved here as a quick fix. Consider automating option handling from
243 # the config file diagram.
244 common_options::get_defaults( \%options, 'scm' );
246 my $eval_string = common_options::model_parameters(\%options);
248 if( defined $config_file and $config_file -> extra_data_files ){
249 foreach my $extra_data_file ( keys %{$config_file -> extra_data_files} ){
250 push( @{$options{'extra_data_files'}}, $extra_data_file );
251 push( @{$options{'extra_data_headers'}}, $config_file -> extra_data_files -> {$extra_data_file} );
255 if( defined $config_file -> gof ) {
256 use lib getcwd();
257 my $tmp = $config_file -> gof;
258 require $tmp.".pm";
259 # $tmp =~ s/\.pm//;
260 $tmp = $tmp.'::test';
261 $config_file -> gof( \&$tmp );
264 my $models_array = [ model -> new ( eval $eval_string,
265 filename => $config_file -> model,
266 target => 'disk' ) ] ;
268 my $direction = $config_file -> search_direction;
270 my $scm;
272 if( $direction eq 'forward' or $direction eq 'both' ){
273 print ui -> print( category => 'scm',
274 message => "Starting scm forward search" );
276 my $orig_ofv;
277 my $orig_p_value;
278 if( -e $options{'config_file'} ){
280 if( defined $config_file -> ofv_forward ){
281 $orig_ofv = $config_file -> ofv_change;
282 $config_file -> ofv_change($config_file -> ofv_forward);
285 if( defined $config_file -> p_forward ){
286 $orig_p_value = $config_file -> p_value;
287 $config_file -> p_value( $config_file -> p_forward );
292 $config_file -> search_direction( 'forward' );
294 $scm = tool::scm ->
295 new ( eval( $common_options::parameters ),
296 models => $models_array,
297 config_file => $config_file );
298 open(CMD, ">", $scm -> directory . "/command.txt");
299 print CMD $cmd_line, "\n";
300 close(CMD);
302 $scm -> run;
304 #$scm -> print_results;
306 if( -e $options{'config_file'} ){
307 if( defined $orig_ofv ){
308 $config_file -> ofv_change( $orig_ofv );
311 if( defined $orig_p_value ){
312 $config_file -> p_value( $orig_p_value );
315 if( defined $scm -> base_criteria_values ){
316 $config_file -> base_criteria_values( @{$scm -> base_criteria_values}[0] );
319 if( defined $scm -> included_relations ){
320 $config_file -> included_relations( @{$scm -> included_relations}[0] );
325 if( $direction eq 'backward' or $direction eq 'both' ){
327 if( -e $options{'config_file'} ){
328 if( defined $config_file -> ofv_backward ){
329 $config_file -> ofv_change( $config_file -> ofv_backward );
332 if( defined $config_file -> p_backward ){
333 $config_file -> p_value( $config_file -> p_backward );
338 $config_file -> search_direction( 'backward' );
340 my $scm_back = tool::scm ->
341 new ( eval( $common_options::parameters ),
342 # included_relations => $scm -> included_relations,
343 directory => ( defined $options{'backwards_dir'} and
344 $options{'backwards_dir'} ne '' ) ? $options{'backwards_dir'} : $config_file -> directory,
345 models => $models_array,
346 config_file => $config_file );
348 ui -> print( category => 'scm',
349 message => "Starting scm backward search" );
351 open(CMD, ">", $scm_back -> directory . "/command.txt");
352 print CMD $cmd_line, "\n";
353 close(CMD);
355 $scm_back -> run;
357 #$scm_back -> print_results;
360 ui -> print( category => 'scm',
361 message => "Done" );