Lsf fixes
[PsN.git] / lib /
1 # TODO: All: 2004-09-06 Fix absolute paths for data and output files. (under both
2 # windows and unix)
4 # {{{ Include
6 start include statements
7 # A Perl module for parsing and manipulating NONMEM model files
9 my $VERSION = '1.00';
10 use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
11 use Cwd;
12 use File::Copy 'cp';
13 use Config;
14 use OSspecific;
15 use Storable;
16 use Data::Dumper;
17 use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
18 end include statements
20 # }}} include statements
22 # {{{ description, synopsis and see_also
24 # No method, just documentation
25 start description
26 # The model class is built around the NONMEM model file. This is an
27 # ordinary ASCII text file that, except for the data, holds all
28 # information needed for fitting a non-linear mixed effect model
29 # using NONMEM. Typically, a model file contains specifications
30 # for a pharmacokinetic and/or a pharmacodynamic model, initial
31 # estimates of model parameters, boundaries for model parameters
32 # as well as details about the data location and format.
34 # =begin html
36 # Note that the functionality for actually running NONMEM has been
37 # moved to <a href="tool/modelfit.html">tool::modelfit</a>.
39 # =end html
41 # =begin man
43 # Note that the functionality for actually running NONMEM has been
44 # moved to I<tool::modelfit>.
46 # =end man
47 end description
49 start synopsis
50 # use model;
52 # my $mod_obj = model -> new ( filename => 'run1.mod' );
54 # $mod_obj -> datafiles ( new_names => ['test040314.dta'] );
56 # $mod_obj -> initial_values ( parameter_type => 'theta',
57 # parameter_numbers => [[1,3]],
58 # new_values => [[1.2,34]] );
59 end synopsis
61 start see_also
62 # =begin html
64 # <a HREF="data.html">data</a>, <a HREF="output.html">output</a>
65 # <a HREF="tool/modelfit.html">tool::modelfit</a>,
66 # <a HREF="tool.html">tool</a>
68 # =end html
70 # =begin man
72 # data, output, tool::modelfit, tool
74 # =end man
75 end see_also
77 # }}}
79 # {{{ accessor_text
81 start accessor_text
83 end accessor_text
85 # }}}
88 # {{{ new
90 start new
92 # Usage:
94 # $model = model -> new( filename => 'run1.mod' )
96 # This is the simplest and most common way to create a model
97 # object and it requires a file on disk.
99 # $model = model -> new( filename => 'run1.mod',
100 # target => 'mem' )
102 # If the target parameter is set to anything other than I<mem>
103 # the output object (with file name given by the model
104 # attribute I<outputfile>) and the data objects (identified by
105 # the data file names in the $DATA NONMEM model file section)
106 # will be initialized but will contain no information from
107 # their files. If information from them are requiered later
108 # on, they are read and parsed and the appropriate attributes
109 # of the data and output objects are set.
111 # =begin man
113 # See I<data> and I<output> for details.
115 # =end man
117 # =begin html
119 # See <a href="data.html">data</a> and <a href="output.html">
120 # output</a> for details.
122 # =end html
124 if ( defined $parm{'problems'} ) {
125 $this -> {'problems'} = $parm{'problems'};
126 } else {
127 ($this -> {'directory'}, $this -> {'filename'}) =
128 OSspecific::absolute_path( $this -> {'directory'}, $this -> {'filename'} );
129 $this -> _read_problems;
130 $this -> {'synced'} = 1;
133 if ( defined $parm{'active_problems'} ) {
134 $this -> {'active_problems'} = $parm{'active_problems'};
135 } elsif ( defined $this -> {'problems'} ) {
136 my @active = ();
137 for ( @{$this -> {'problems'}} ) {
138 push( @active, 1 );
140 $this -> {'active_problems'} = \@active;
143 if ( defined $this -> {'extra_data_files'} ){
144 for( my $i; $i < scalar @{$this -> {'extra_data_files'}}; $i++ ){
145 my ( $dir, $file ) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $this -> {'directory'}, $this -> {'extra_data_files'} -> [$i]);
146 $this -> {'extra_data_files'} -> [$i] = $dir . $file;
150 my $subroutine_files = $this -> subroutine_files;
151 if( defined $subroutine_files and scalar @{$subroutine_files} > 0 ){
152 push( @{$this -> {'extra_files'}}, @{$subroutine_files} );
155 if ( defined $this -> {'extra_files'} ){
156 for( my $i; $i < scalar @{$this -> {'extra_files'}}; $i++ ){
157 my ( $dir, $file ) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $this -> {'directory'}, $this -> {'extra_files'} -> [$i]);
158 $this -> {'extra_files'} -> [$i] = $dir . $file;
162 # Read datafiles, if any.
163 unless( defined $this -> {'datas'} and not $this -> {'quick_reload'} ){
164 my @idcolumns = @{$this -> idcolumns};
165 my @datafiles = @{$this -> datafiles('absolute_path' => 1)};
166 # my @datafiles = @{$this -> datafiles('absolute_path' => 0)};
167 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#datafiles; $i++ ) {
168 my $datafile = $datafiles[$i];
169 my $idcolumn = $idcolumns[$i];
170 my ( $cont_column, $wrap_column ) = $this -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> cont_wrap_columns;
171 my $ignoresign = defined $this -> ignoresigns ? $this -> ignoresigns -> [$i] : undef;
172 my @model_header = @{$this -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> header};
173 if ( defined $idcolumn ) {
174 push ( @{$this -> {'datas'}}, data ->
175 new( idcolumn => $idcolumn,
176 filename => $datafile,
177 cont_column => $cont_column,
178 wrap_column => $wrap_column,
179 #model_header => \@model_header,
180 ignoresign => $ignoresign,
181 directory => $this -> {'directory'},
182 ignore_missing_files => $this -> {'ignore_missing_files'} ||
183 $this -> {'ignore_missing_data'},
184 target => $this -> {'target'}) );
185 } else {
186 'debug' -> die( message => "Model -> new: Both idcolumn and datafile must ".
187 "be specified to create a model object." );
192 # Read outputfile, if any.
193 if( ! defined $this -> {'outputs'} ) {
194 unless( defined $this -> {'outputfile'} ){
195 ($this -> {'outputfile'} = $this -> {'filename'}) =~ s/\.mod$/.lst/;
197 push ( @{$this -> {'outputs'}}, output ->
198 new( filename => $this -> {'outputfile'},
199 directory => $this -> {'directory'},
200 ignore_missing_files =>
201 $this -> {'ignore_missing_files'} || $this -> {'ignore_missing_output_files'},
202 target => $this -> {'target'},
203 model_id => $this -> {'model_id'} ) );
206 end new
208 # }}} new
210 # {{{ register_in_database
212 start register_in_database
214 if ( $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'use_database'} ) {
215 # Backslashes messes up the sql syntax
216 my $file_str = $self->{'filename'};
217 my $dir_str = $self->{'directory'};
218 $file_str =~ s/\\/\//g;
219 $dir_str =~ s/\\/\//g;
221 # md5sum
222 my $md5sum = md5_hex(OSspecific::slurp_file($self-> full_name ));
224 my $dbh = DBI -> connect("DBI:mysql:host=".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'database_server'}.
225 ";databse=".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'},
226 $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'user'},
227 $PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'password'},
228 {'RaiseError' => 1});
230 my $sth;
232 my $select_arr = [];
234 if ( not $force ) {
235 my $sth = $dbh -> prepare( "SELECT model_id FROM ".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'}.
236 ".model ".
237 "WHERE filename = '$file_str' AND ".
238 "directory = '$dir_str' AND ".
239 "md5sum = '".$md5sum."'" );
240 $sth -> execute or 'debug' -> die( message => $sth->errstr ) ;
242 $select_arr = $sth -> fetchall_arrayref;
245 if ( scalar @{$select_arr} > 0 ) {
246 'debug' -> warn( level => 1,
247 message => "Found an old entry in the database matching the ".
248 "current model file" );
249 if ( scalar @{$select_arr} > 1 ) {
250 'debug' -> warn( level => 1,
251 message => "Found more than one matching entry in database".
252 ", using the first" );
254 $self -> {'model_id'} = $select_arr->[0][0];
255 } else {
256 my ( $date_str, $time_str );
257 if( $Config{osname} eq 'MSWin32' ){
258 $date_str = `date /T`;
259 $time_str = ' '.`time /T`;
260 } else {
261 # Assuming UNIX
262 $date_str = `date`;
264 chomp($date_str);
265 chomp($time_str);
266 my $date_time = $date_str.$time_str;
267 $sth = $dbh -> prepare("INSERT INTO ".$PsN::config -> {'_'} -> {'project'}.
268 ".model (filename,date,directory,md5sum) ".
269 "VALUES ('$file_str', '$date_time', '$dir_str','".
270 $md5sum."' )");
271 $sth -> execute;
272 $self -> {'model_id'} = $sth->{'mysql_insertid'};
274 $sth -> finish if ( defined $sth );
275 $dbh -> disconnect;
277 $model_id = $self -> {'model_id'} # return the model_id;
279 end register_in_database
281 # }}} register_in_database
283 # {{{ shrinkage_stats
285 start shrinkage_stats
287 if ( $#problem_numbers > 0 and ref $enabled eq 'ARRAY' ){
288 if ( $#problem_numbers != ( scalar @{$enabled} - 1 ) ) {
289 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problem_numbers ".($#problem_numbers+1).
290 "and enabled/disabled shrinkage_stats ".scalar @{$enabled}.
291 " do not match" );
294 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
295 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
297 my @en_arr;
298 if( ref \$enabled eq 'SCALAR' ) {
299 for ( @problem_numbers ) {
300 push( @en_arr, $enabled );
302 } elsif ( not ref $enabled eq 'ARRAY' ) {
303 debug -> die( message => 'enabled must be a scalar or a reference to an array, '.
304 'not a reference to a '.ref($enabled).'.' );
307 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
308 my $j = 0;
309 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
310 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
311 if ( defined $en_arr[ $j ] ) {
312 if( $en_arr[ $j ] ) {
313 $problems[ $i-1 ] -> shrinkage_module -> enable;
314 } else {
315 $problems[ $i-1 ] -> shrinkage_module -> disable;
317 # my $eta_file = $self -> filename.'_'.$i.'.etas';
318 # my $eps_file = $self -> filename.'_'.$i.'.wres';
319 # $problems[ $i-1 ] -> {'eta_shrinkage_table'} = $eta_file;
320 # $problems[ $i-1 ] -> {'wres_shrinkage_table'} = $eps_file;
321 } else {
322 push( @indicators, $problems[ $i-1 ] -> shrinkage_module -> status );
324 } else {
325 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
327 $j++;
330 end shrinkage_stats
332 # }}} shrinkage_stats
334 # {{{ wres_shrinkage
336 start wres_shrinkage
338 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
339 foreach my $problem ( @problems ) {
340 push( @wres_shrinkage, $problem -> wres_shrinkage );
343 end wres_shrinkage
345 # }}} wres_shrinkage
347 # {{{ eta_shrinkage
349 start eta_shrinkage
351 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
352 foreach my $problem ( @problems ) {
353 push( @eta_shrinkage, $problem -> eta_shrinkage );
356 end eta_shrinkage
358 # }}} eta_shrinkage
360 # {{{ nonparametric_code
362 start nonparametric_code
364 if ( $#problem_numbers > 0 and $#enabled > 0 ){
365 if ( $#problem_numbers != $#enabled ) {
366 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problem_numbers ".($#problem_numbers+1).
367 "and enabled/disabled nonparametric_code ".($#enabled+1).
368 "do not match" );
371 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
372 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
374 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
375 my $j = 0;
376 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
377 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
378 if ( defined $enabled[ $j ] ) {
379 $problems[ $i-1 ] -> nonparametric_code( $enabled[ $j ] );
380 } else {
381 push( @indicators, $problems[ $i-1 ] -> nonparametric_code );
383 } else {
384 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
386 $j++;
389 end nonparametric_code
391 # }}} nonparametric_code
393 # {{{ add_nonparametric_code
395 start add_nonparametric_code
397 $self -> set_records( type => 'nonparametric',
398 record_strings => [ 'MARGINALS UNCONDITIONAL' ] );
399 $self -> set_option( record_name => 'estimation',
400 option_name => 'POSTHOC' );
401 my ( $msfo_ref, $junk ) = $self ->
402 _get_option_val_pos( name => 'MSFO',
403 record_name => 'estimation' );
404 my @nomegas = @{$self -> nomegas};
406 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#nomegas; $i++ ) { # loop the problems
407 my $marg_str = 'ID';
408 for( my $j = 0; $j <= $nomegas[$i]; $j++ ) {
409 $marg_str = $marg_str.' COM('.($j+1).')=MG'.($j+1);
411 $marg_str = $marg_str.' FILE='.$self->filename.'.marginals'.
413 $self -> add_records( problem_numbers => [($i+1)],
414 type => 'table',
415 record_strings => [ $marg_str ] );
416 $self -> remove_option( record_name => 'abbreviated',
417 option_name => 'COMRES' );
418 $self -> add_option( record_name => 'abbreviated',
419 option_name => 'COMRES',
420 option_value => ($nomegas[$i]+1),
421 add_record => 1 ); #Add $ABB if not existing
423 $self -> add_marginals_code( problem_numbers => [($i+1)],
424 nomegas => [ $nomegas[$i] ] );
427 if( not defined $msfo_ref ) {
428 for( my $i = 0; $i < $self -> nproblems; $i++ ) {
429 $self -> add_option( record_name => 'estimation',
430 option_name => 'MSFO',
431 option_value => $self -> filename.'.msfo'.($i+1) );
433 } else {
434 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$msfo_ref}; $i++ ) {
435 if( not defined $msfo_ref->[$i] or not defined $msfo_ref->[$i][0] ) {
436 $self -> add_option( record_name => 'estimation',
437 option_name => 'MSFO',
438 option_value => $self -> filename.'.msfo'.($i+1) );
443 end add_nonparametric_code
445 # }}} add_nonparametric_code
447 # {{{ flush_data
449 start flush_data
451 if ( defined $self -> {'datas'} ) {
452 foreach my $data ( @{$self -> {'datas'}} ) {
453 $data -> flush;
457 end flush_data
459 # }}} flush_data
461 # {{{ full_name
463 start full_name
465 $full_name = $self -> {'directory'} . $self -> {'filename'};
467 end full_name
469 # }}}
471 # {{{ sync_output
473 start __sync_output
475 unless( defined $self -> {'outputfile'} ){
476 'debug' -> die( message => "No output file is set, cannot synchronize output" );
478 @{$self -> {'outputs'}} = ();
479 push ( @{$self -> {'outputs'}}, output ->
480 new( filename => $self -> {'outputfile'},
481 ignore_missing_files => $self -> {'ignore_missing_files'},
482 target => $self -> {'target'},
483 model_id => $self -> {'model_id'} ) );
485 end __sync_output
487 # }}} sync_output
489 # {{{ add_marginals_code
491 start add_marginals_code
493 # add_marginals_code takes two arguments.
495 # - problem_numbers is an array holding the numbers of the problems in
496 # which code should be added.
498 # - nomegas which is an array holding the number of (diagonal-element)
499 # omegas of each problem given by problem_numbers.
501 # For each omega in each problem, verbatim code is added to make the
502 # marginals available for printing (e.g. to a table file). COM(1) will
503 # hold the nonparametric density, COM(2) the marginal cumulative value
504 # for the first eta, COM(2) the marginal cumulative density for the
505 # second eta and so on.
507 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
508 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
511 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
512 my $j = 0;
513 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
514 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
515 $problems[$i-1] -> add_marginals_code( nomegas => $nomegas[ $j ] );
516 } else {
517 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist.");
519 $j++;
522 end add_marginals_code
524 # }}} add_marginals_code
526 # {{{ add_records
528 start add_records
530 # add_records is be used to add a record to a problem. The
531 # I<record_strings> argument should be a NONMEM-formatted
532 # record block. The type string is any of the record classes
533 # found in the problem directory. I<problem_number> is the
534 # index to the subproblem in the modelobject that is
535 # modified.
537 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
538 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
541 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
542 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
543 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
544 # if( defined $self -> {'problems'} ){
545 # if( defined @{$self -> {'problems'}}[$problem_number - 1] ){
546 # my $problem = @{$self -> {'problems'}}[$problem_number - 1];
547 # $problem -> add_records( 'type' => $type,
548 # 'record_strings' => \@record_strings );
549 $problems[$i-1] -> add_records( 'type' => $type,
550 'record_strings' => \@record_strings );
551 } else {
552 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist.");
555 # else {
556 # 'debug' -> die( message => "Model -> add_records: No Problems in model object.") ;
559 end add_records
561 # }}} add_records
563 # {{{ set_records
565 start set_records
567 # set_records is be used to set a record in a problem. The
568 # new record replaces all existing record of the same type
569 # in the specified problem. The I<record_strings> argument
570 # should be a NONMEM-formatted record block. The type
571 # string is any of the record classes found in the problem
572 # directory. I<problem_number> is the index to the subproblem
573 # in the modelobject that is modified.
575 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
576 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
579 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
580 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
581 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
582 # if( defined $self -> {'problems'} ){
583 # if( defined @{$self -> {'problems'}}[$problem_number - 1] ){
584 # my $problem = @{$self -> {'problems'}}[$problem_number - 1];
585 # $problem -> set_records( 'type' => $type,
586 # 'record_strings' => \@record_strings );
587 $problems[$i-1] -> set_records( 'type' => $type,
588 'record_strings' => \@record_strings );
589 } else {
590 'debug' -> die( "Problem number $i does not exist." );
593 # else {
594 # 'debug' -> die( "No Problems in model object.") ;
597 end set_records
599 # }}} set_records
601 # {{{ remove_records
603 start remove_records
605 # set_records is be used to set a record in a problem. The
606 # new record replaces all existing record of the same type
607 # in the specified problem. The I<record_strings> argument
608 # should be a NONMEM-formatted record block. The type
609 # string is any of the record classes found in the problem
610 # directory. I<problem_number> is the index to the subproblem
611 # in the modelobject that is modified.
613 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
614 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
617 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
618 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
619 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
620 # if( defined $self -> {'problems'} ){
621 # if( defined @{$self -> {'problems'}}[$problem_number - 1] ){
622 # my $problem = @{$self -> {'problems'}}[$problem_number - 1];
623 # $problem -> remove_records( 'type' => $type );
624 $problems[$i-1] -> remove_records( 'type' => $type );
625 } else {
626 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i, does not exist" );
629 # else {
630 # 'debug' -> die( message => "No Problems in model object." );
633 end remove_records
635 # }}} remove_records
637 # {{{ copy
639 start copy
641 # Copy produces a new modelfile object where the I<filename>
642 # argument is the name of the file which will be used if
643 # model::write is called on the new object.
644 # The default behaviour of model -> copy will be to also copy
645 # the data and output objects that are connected to the model
646 # object. To prevent this the I<copy_data> and I<copy_output> options
647 # may be set to 0.
648 # The values of data_filenames, unless given,
649 # will be the modelfilename but with '.mod' exchanged for
650 # '_$i.dta', where $i is the problem number.
651 # Since output objects are meant to be read-only, no
652 # output_filename can be specified and the output object copy
653 # will reside in memory only.
656 # PP_TODO fix a nice copying of modelfile data
657 # preferably in memory copy. Perhaps flush data ?
659 # Check sanity of the length of data file names argument
660 if ( scalar @data_file_names > 0 ) {
661 'debug' -> die( message => "model -> copy: The number of specified new data file " .
662 "names ". scalar @data_file_names. "must\n match the number".
663 " of data objects connected to the model object".
664 scalar @{$self -> {'datas'}} )
665 unless ( scalar @data_file_names == scalar @{$self -> {'datas'}} );
666 } else {
667 my $d_filename;
668 ($d_filename = $filename) =~ s/\.mod$//;
669 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$self -> {'datas'}}; $i++ ) {
670 # Data filename is created in this directory (no directory needed).
671 push( @data_file_names, $d_filename."_data_".$i."_copy.dta" );
675 # Check sanity of the length of extra_data file names argument
676 if ( scalar @extra_data_file_names > 0 ) {
677 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of specified new extra_data file ".
678 "names ". scalar @extra_data_file_names, "must\n match the number".
679 " of problems (one extra_data file per prolem)".
680 scalar @{$self -> {'extra_data_files'}} )
681 unless( scalar @extra_data_file_names == scalar @{$self -> {'extra_data_files'}} );
682 } else {
683 if ( defined $self -> {'extra_data_files'} ) {
684 my $d_filename;
685 ($d_filename = $filename) =~ s/\.mod$//;
686 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$self -> {'extra_data_files'}}; $i++ ) {
687 # Extra_Data filename is created in this directory (no directory needed).
688 push( @extra_data_file_names, $d_filename."_extra_data_".$i."_copy.dta" );
693 ($directory, $filename) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $directory, $filename );
695 # New copy:
697 # save references to own data and output objects
698 my $datas = $self -> {'datas'};
699 # $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
700 # die "MC1: ", Dumper $datas -> [0] -> {'individuals'};
701 my $outputs = $self -> {'outputs'};
702 my %extra_datas;
703 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
704 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#problems; $i++ ) {
705 if ( defined $problems[$i] -> {'extra_data'} ) {
706 $extra_datas{$i} = $problems[$i] -> {'extra_data'};
710 my ( @new_datas, @new_extra_datas, @new_outputs );
712 $self -> synchronize if not $self -> {'synced'};
714 # remove ref to data and output object to speed up the
715 # cloning
716 $self -> {'datas'} = undef;
717 $self -> {'outputs'} = undef;
718 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#problems; $i++ ) {
719 $problems[$i] -> {'extra_data'} = undef;
722 # Copy the data objects if so is requested
723 if ( defined $datas ) {
724 my $i = 0;
725 foreach my $data ( @{$datas} ) {
726 if ( $copy_data == 1 ) {
727 push( @new_datas, $data ->
728 copy( filename => $data_file_names[$i]) );
729 } else {
730 # This line assumes one data per problem! May be a source of error.
731 my ( $cont_column, $wrap_column ) = $self -> problems -> [$i] -> cont_wrap_columns;
732 my $ignoresign = defined $self -> ignoresigns ? $self -> ignoresigns -> [$i] : undef;
733 my @model_header = @{$self -> problems -> [$i] -> header};
734 push @new_datas, data ->
735 new( filename => $data -> filename,
736 directory => $data -> directory,
737 cont_column => $cont_column,
738 wrap_column => $wrap_column,
739 #model_header => \@model_header,
740 target => 'disk',
741 ignoresign => $ignoresign,
742 idcolumn => $data -> idcolumn );
744 $i++;
748 # Copy the extra_data objects if so is requested
749 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#problems; $i++ ) {
750 my $extra_data = $extra_datas{$i};
751 if ( defined $extra_data ) {
752 if ( $copy_data == 1 ) {
753 push( @new_extra_datas, $extra_data ->
754 copy( filename => $extra_data_file_names[$i]) );
755 } else {
756 push( @new_extra_datas, extra_data ->
757 new( filename => $extra_data -> filename,
758 directory => $extra_data -> directory,
759 target => 'disk',
760 idcolumn => $extra_data -> idcolumn ) );
766 # Clone self into new model object and set synced to 0 for
767 # the copy
768 $new_model = Storable::dclone( $self );
769 $new_model -> {'synced'} = 0;
771 # $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 3;
772 # die Dumper $new_datas[0] -> {'individuals'};
774 # Restore the data and output objects for self
775 $self -> {'datas'} = $datas;
776 $self -> {'outputs'} = $outputs;
777 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#problems; $i++ ) {
778 if( defined $extra_datas{$i} ){
779 $problems[$i] -> {'extra_data'} = $extra_datas{$i};
783 # Set the new file name for the copy
784 $new_model -> directory( $directory );
785 $new_model -> filename( $filename );
787 # {{{ update the shrinkage modules
789 my @problems = @{$new_model -> problems};
790 for( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @problems; $i++ ) {
791 $problems[ $i-1 ] -> shrinkage_module -> model( $new_model );
794 # }}} update the shrinkage modules
796 # Copy the output object if so is requested (only one output
797 # object defined per model object)
798 if ( defined $outputs ) {
799 foreach my $output ( @{$outputs} ) {
800 if ( $copy_output == 1 ) {
801 push( @new_outputs, $output -> copy );
802 } else {
803 my $new_out = $filename;
804 $new_out =~ s/\.mod$/\.lst/;
805 push( @new_outputs, output ->
806 new ( filename => $new_out,
807 directory => $directory,
808 target => 'disk',
809 ignore_missing_files => 1,
810 model_id => $new_model -> {'model_id'} ) );
815 # Add the copied data and output objects to the model copy
816 $new_model -> datas( \@new_datas );
818 if ( $#new_extra_datas >= 0 ) {
819 my @new_problems = @{$new_model -> problems};
820 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#new_problems; $i++ ) {
821 $new_problems[$i] -> {'extra_data'} = $new_extra_datas[$i];
822 if ( $copy_data == 1 ){
823 $new_problems[$i] -> {'extra_data_file_name'} = $extra_data_file_names[$i];
828 $new_model -> {'outputs'} = \@new_outputs;
830 $new_model -> _write;
832 $new_model -> synchronize if $target eq 'disk';
834 end copy
836 # }}} copy
838 # {{{ covariance
840 start covariance
842 if ( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
843 if ( $#problem_numbers != $#enabled ) {
844 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problem_numbers ".($#problem_numbers+1).
845 "and enabled/disabled covariance records ".($#enabled+1).
846 "do not match" );
849 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
850 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
852 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
853 my $j = 0;
854 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
855 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
856 if ( defined $enabled[ $j ] ) {
857 $problems[ $i-1 ] -> covariance( enabled => $enabled[ $j ] );
858 } else {
859 push( @indicators, $problems[ $i-1 ] -> covariance );
861 } else {
862 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
864 $j++;
867 end covariance
869 # }}} covariance
871 # {{{ datas
873 start datas
875 my $nprobs = scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}};
876 if ( defined $parm ) {
877 if ( ref($parm) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
878 my @new_datas = @{$parm};
879 # Check that new_headers and problems match
880 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problems $nprobs and".
881 " new data ". $#new_datas+1 ." don't match in ".
882 $self -> full_name ) unless ( $#new_datas + 1 == $nprobs );
883 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
884 for( my $i = 0; $i < $nprobs; $i++ ) {
885 $self -> _option_name( position => 0,
886 record => 'data',
887 problem_number => $i+1,
888 new_name => $new_datas[$i] -> filename);
890 } else {
891 'debug' -> die( message => "No problems defined in ".
892 $self -> full_name );
894 } else {
895 'debug' -> die( message => "Supplied new value is not an array" );
899 end datas
901 # }}}
903 # {{{ datafile
905 start datafile
907 # datafile either retrieves or sets a new name for the datafile in the first problem of the
908 # model. This method is only here for compatibility reasons. Don't use it. Use L</datafiles> instead.
910 if( defined $new_name ){
911 $self -> _option_name( position => 0,
912 record => 'data',
913 problem_number => $problem_number,
914 new_name => $new_name);
915 my ( $cont_column, $wrap_column ) = $self -> problems -> [$problem_number-1] ->
916 cont_wrap_columns;
917 my $ignoresign = defined $self -> ignoresigns ?
918 $self -> ignoresigns -> [$problem_number-1] : undef;
919 my @model_header = @{$self -> problems -> [$problem_number-1] -> header};
920 $self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_number-1] = data ->
921 new( idcolumn => $self -> idcolumn( problem_number => $problem_number ),
922 ignoresign => $ignoresign,
923 filename => $new_name,
924 cont_column => $cont_column,
925 wrap_column => $wrap_column,
926 #model_header => \@model_header,
927 ignore_missing_files => $self -> {'ignore_missing_files'},
928 target => $self -> {'target'} );
929 } else {
930 $name = $self -> _option_name( position => 0, record => 'data', problem_number => $problem_number );
933 end datafile
935 # }}} datafile
937 # {{{ datafiles
939 start datafiles
941 # The datafiles method retrieves or sets the names of the
942 # datafiles specified in the $DATA record of each problem. The
943 # problem_numbers argument can be used to control which
944 # problem that is affected. If absolute_path is set to 1, the
945 # returned file names are given with absolute paths.
947 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
948 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
950 if ( scalar @new_names > 0 ) {
951 my $i = 0;
952 my @idcolumns = @{$self ->
953 idcolumns( problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers )};
954 foreach my $new_name ( @new_names ) {
955 if ( $absolute_path ) {
956 my $tmp;
957 ($tmp, $new_name) = OSspecific::absolute_path('', $new_name );
958 $new_name = $tmp . $new_name;
961 $self -> _option_name( position => 0,
962 record => 'data',
963 problem_number => $problem_numbers[$i],
964 new_name => $new_name);
965 my ( $cont_column, $wrap_column ) = $self -> problems ->
966 [$problem_numbers[$i]-1] -> cont_wrap_columns;
967 my $ignoresign = defined $self -> ignoresigns ? $self -> ignoresigns -> [$i] : undef;
968 my @model_header = @{$self -> problems -> [$i] -> header};
969 $self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_numbers[$i]-1] = data ->
970 new( idcolumn => $idcolumns[$i],
971 ignoresign => $ignoresign,
972 filename => $new_name,
973 cont_column => $cont_column,
974 wrap_column => $wrap_column,
975 #model_header => \@model_header,
976 ignore_missing_files => $self -> {'ignore_missing_files'},
977 target => $self -> {'target'} );
978 $i++;
980 } else {
981 foreach my $prob_num ( @problem_numbers ) {
982 if ( $absolute_path ) {
983 my ($d_dir, $d_name);
984 ($d_dir, $d_name) =
985 OSspecific::absolute_path($self -> {'directory'}, $self ->_option_name( position => 0,
986 record => 'data',
987 problem_number => $prob_num ) );
988 push( @names, $d_dir . $d_name );
989 } else {
990 my $name = $self -> _option_name( position => 0,
991 record => 'data',
992 problem_number => $prob_num );
993 $name =~ s/.*[\/\\]//;
994 push( @names, $name );
999 end datafiles
1001 # }}} datafiles
1003 # {{{ des
1005 start des
1007 # Returns the des part specified subproblem.
1008 # TODO: Even though new_des can be specified, they wont be set
1009 # in to the object.
1011 my @prob = @{$self -> problems};
1012 my @des = @{$prob[$problem_number - 1] -> get_record('des') -> code}
1013 if ( defined $prob[$problem_number - 1] -> get_record('des') );
1015 end des
1017 # }}} des
1019 # {{{ eigen
1020 start eigen
1022 $self -> {'problems'} -> [0] -> eigen;
1024 end eigen
1025 # }}} eigen
1027 # {{{ error
1029 start error
1031 # Usage:
1033 # @error = $modelObject -> error;
1035 # Returns the error part specified subproblem.
1036 # TODO: Even though new_error can be specified, they wont be set
1037 # in to the object.
1038 my @prob = @{$self -> problems};
1039 my @error = @{$prob[0] -> get_record('error') -> code}
1040 if ( defined $prob[0] -> get_record('error') );
1042 end error
1044 # }}} error
1046 # {{{ extra_data_files
1048 start extra_data_files
1050 my @file_names;
1051 # Sets or retrieves extra_data_file_name on problem level
1052 my $nprobs = scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1053 if ( defined $parm ) {
1054 if ( ref($parm) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
1055 my @new_file_names = @{$parm};
1056 # Check that new_file_names and problems match
1057 'debug' -> die( message => "model -> extra_data_files: The number of problems $nprobs and" .
1058 " new_file_names " . $#new_file_names+1 . " don't match in ".
1059 $self -> full_name ) unless ( $#new_file_names + 1 == $nprobs );
1060 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
1061 for( my $i = 0; $i < $nprobs; $i++ ) {
1062 $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> extra_data_file_name( $new_file_names[$i] );
1064 } else {
1065 'debug' -> die( message => "No problems defined in " .
1066 $self -> full_name );
1068 } else {
1069 'debug' -> die(message => "Supplied new value is not an array.");
1071 } else {
1072 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
1073 for( my $i = 0; $i < $nprobs; $i++ ) {
1074 if( defined $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> extra_data_file_name ) {
1075 push ( @file_names ,$self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> extra_data_file_name );
1080 return \@file_names;
1082 end extra_data_files
1084 # }}}
1086 # {{{ extra_data_headers
1088 start extra_data_headers
1090 my @headers;
1091 # Sets or retrieves extra_data_header on problem level
1092 my $nprobs = scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1093 if ( defined $parm ) {
1094 if ( ref($parm) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
1095 my @new_headers = @{$parm};
1096 # Check that new_headers and problems match
1097 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problems $nprobs and".
1098 " new_headers " . $#new_headers+1 . " don't match in ".
1099 $self -> full_name) unless ( $#new_headers + 1 == $nprobs );
1100 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
1101 for( my $i = 0; $i < $nprobs; $i++ ) {
1102 $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> extra_data_header( $new_headers[$i] );
1104 } else {
1105 'debug' -> die( message => "No problems defined in " . $self -> full_name );
1107 } else {
1108 'debug' -> die( message => "Supplied new value is not an array" );
1110 } else {
1111 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
1112 for( my $i = 0; $i < $nprobs; $i++ ) {
1113 push ( @headers, $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> extra_data_header );
1117 return \@headers;
1119 end extra_data_headers
1121 # }}} extra_data_headers
1123 # {{{ factors
1125 start factors
1127 # Calls <I>factors</I> on the data object of a specified
1128 # problem. See <I>data -> factors</I> for details.
1129 my $column_number;
1130 my $extra_data_column;
1131 if ( defined $column_head ) {
1132 # Check normal data object first
1133 my ( $values_ref, $positions_ref ) = $self ->
1134 _get_option_val_pos ( problem_numbers => [$problem_number],
1135 name => $column_head,
1136 record_name => 'input',
1137 global_position => 1 );
1138 $column_number = $positions_ref -> [0];
1139 # Next, check extra_data
1140 my $extra_data_headers = $self -> extra_data_headers;
1141 if ( defined $extra_data_headers and defined $extra_data_headers -> [0] ) {
1142 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$extra_data_headers->[0]}; $i++ ) {
1143 $extra_data_column = $i if ( $column_head eq $extra_data_headers->[0][$i-1] );
1146 'debug' -> die( message => "Unknown column \"$column_head\"" )
1147 unless ( defined $column_number or defined $extra_data_column );
1148 } else {
1149 $column_number = $column;
1151 if ( defined $column_number) {
1152 %factors = %{$self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_number-1] ->
1153 factors( column => $column_number,
1154 unique_in_individual => $unique_in_individual,
1155 return_occurences => $return_occurences )};
1156 } else {
1157 %factors = %{$self -> {'problems'} -> [$problem_number-1] -> extra_data
1158 -> factors( column => $extra_data_column,
1159 unique_in_individual => $unique_in_individual,
1160 return_occurences => $return_occurences )};
1163 end factors
1165 # }}}
1167 # {{{ fractions
1169 start fractions
1171 # Calls <I>fractions</I> on the data object of a specified
1172 # problem. See <I>data -> fractions</I> for details.
1173 my $column_number;
1174 my $extra_data_column;
1175 if ( defined $column_head ) {
1176 # Check normal data object first
1177 my ( $values_ref, $positions_ref ) = $self ->
1178 _get_option_val_pos ( problem_numbers => [$problem_number],
1179 name => $column_head,
1180 record_name => 'input',
1181 global_position => 1 );
1182 $column_number = $positions_ref -> [0];
1183 # Next, check extra_data
1184 my $extra_data_headers = $self -> extra_data_headers;
1185 if ( defined $extra_data_headers and defined $extra_data_headers -> [0] ) {
1186 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$extra_data_headers->[0]}; $i++ ) {
1187 $extra_data_column = $i if ( $column_head eq $extra_data_headers->[0][$i-1] );
1190 'debug' -> die( "Unknown column \"$column_head\"" )
1191 unless ( defined $column_number or defined $extra_data_column );
1192 } else {
1193 $column_number = $column;
1195 if ( defined $column_number) {
1196 %fractions = %{$self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_number-1] ->
1197 fractions( column => $column_number,
1198 unique_in_individual => $unique_in_individual,
1199 ignore_missing => $ignore_missing )};
1200 } else {
1201 %fractions = %{$self -> {'problems'} -> [$problem_number-1] -> extra_data
1202 -> fractions( column => $extra_data_column,
1203 unique_in_individual => $unique_in_individual,
1204 ignore_missing => $ignore_missing )};
1207 end fractions
1209 # }}}
1211 # {{{ fixed
1213 start fixed
1215 # Sets or gets the 'fixed' status of a (number of)
1216 # parameter(s). 1 correspond to a parameter being fixed and
1217 # 0 not fixed. The returned parameter is a reference to a
1218 # two-dimensional array, indexed by problems and parameter
1219 # numbers.
1220 # Valid parameter types are 'theta', 'omega' and 'sigma'.
1222 @fixed = @{ $self -> _init_attr
1223 ( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1224 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
1225 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
1226 new_values => \@new_values,
1227 attribute => 'fix')};
1229 end fixed
1231 # }}} fixed
1233 # {{{ have_missing_data
1235 start have_missing_data
1237 # Calls <I>have_missing_data</I> on the data object of a specified
1238 # problem. See <I>data -> have_missing_data</I> for details.
1239 my $column_number;
1240 my $extra_data_column;
1241 if ( defined $column_head ) {
1242 # Check normal data object first
1243 my ( $values_ref, $positions_ref ) = $self ->
1244 _get_option_val_pos ( problem_numbers => [$problem_number],
1245 name => $column_head,
1246 record_name => 'input',
1247 global_position => 1 );
1248 $column_number = $positions_ref -> [0];
1249 # Next, check extra_data
1250 my $extra_data_headers = $self -> extra_data_headers;
1251 if ( defined $extra_data_headers and defined $extra_data_headers -> [0] ) {
1252 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$extra_data_headers->[0]}; $i++ ) {
1253 $extra_data_column = $i if ( $column_head eq $extra_data_headers->[0][$i-1] );
1256 'debug' -> die( message => "Unknown column \"$column_head\"" )
1257 unless ( defined $column_number or defined $extra_data_column );
1258 } else {
1259 $column_number = $column;
1261 if ( defined $column_number) {
1262 $return_value = $self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_number-1] ->
1263 have_missing_data( column => $column_number );
1264 } else {
1265 $return_value = $self -> {'problems'} -> [$problem_number-1] ->
1266 extra_data -> have_missing_data( column => $extra_data_column );
1269 end have_missing_data
1271 # }}}
1273 # {{{ idcolumn
1275 start idcolumn
1277 # Usage:
1279 # @idcolumns = @{$modelObject -> idcolumns( problem_numbers => [2,3] );
1281 # idcolumns returns the idcolumn index in the datafile for the
1282 # specified problem.
1284 my $junk_ref;
1285 ( $junk_ref, $col ) = $self ->
1286 _get_option_val_pos( name => 'ID',
1287 record_name => 'input',
1288 problem_numbers => [$problem_number] );
1290 if ( $problem_number ne 'all' ) {
1291 $col = @{$col}[0];
1294 end idcolumn
1296 # }}} idcolumn
1298 # {{{ idcolumns
1300 start idcolumns
1302 # Usage:
1304 # @column_numbers = @{$modelObject -> idcolumns( problem_numbers => [2] )};
1306 # idcolumns returns the idcolumn indexes in the datafile for the
1307 # specified problems.
1309 my ( $junk_ref, $col_ref ) = $self ->
1310 _get_option_val_pos( name => 'ID',
1311 record_name => 'input',
1312 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers );
1313 # There should only be one instance of $INPUT and hence we collapse
1314 # the two-dim return from _get_option_pos_val to a one-dim array:
1316 foreach my $prob ( @{$col_ref} ) {
1317 foreach my $inst ( @{$prob} ) {
1318 push( @column_numbers, $inst );
1322 end idcolumns
1324 # }}} idcolumns
1326 # {{{ ignoresigns
1328 start ignoresigns
1330 # Usage:
1332 # @ignore_signs = @{$modelObject -> ignoresigns( problem_numbers => [2,4] )};
1334 # ignoresigns returns the ignore signs in the datafile for the
1335 # specified problems
1337 my ( $ignore_opt_ref, $junk_ref ) = $self ->
1338 _get_option_val_pos( name => 'IGNORE',
1339 record_name => 'data',
1340 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers );
1342 # There should only be one instance of $DATA and hence we collapse
1343 # the two-dim return from _get_option_pos_val to a one-dim array:
1344 foreach my $prob ( @{$ignore_opt_ref} ) {
1345 foreach my $inst ( @{$prob} ) {
1346 $inst = '#' unless defined $inst;
1347 push( @ignore, $inst );
1351 end ignoresigns
1353 # }}} ignoresigns
1355 # {{{ indexes
1357 start indexes
1359 # Usage:
1361 # @indexArray = @{$modelObject -> indexes( 'parameter_type' => 'omega' )};
1363 # A call to I<indexes> returns the indexes of all parameters
1364 # specified in I<parameter_numbers> from the subproblems
1365 # specified in I<problem_numbers>. The method returns a reference to an array that has
1366 # the same structure as parameter_numbers but for each
1367 # array of numbers is instead an array of indices. The method
1368 # uses a method from the model::problem class to format the
1369 # indices, so here are a few lines from the code comments in
1370 # model/ that describes the returned value:
1372 # <snip>
1373 # The Indexes method calculates the index for a
1374 # parameter. Off-diagonal elements will get a index 'i_j', where i
1375 # is the row number and j is the column number
1376 # </snip>
1378 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
1379 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
1381 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1382 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
1383 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
1384 push( @indexes,
1385 $problems[ $i-1 ] ->
1386 indexes( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1387 parameter_numbers => $parameter_numbers[ $i-1 ] ) );
1388 } else {
1389 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
1393 end indexes
1395 # }}} indexes
1397 # {{{ initial_values
1399 start initial_values
1401 # initial_values either sets or gets the initial values of
1402 # the parameter specified in "parameter_type" for each
1403 # problem specified in problem_numbers. For each element
1404 # in problem_numbers there must be a reference in
1405 # parameter_numbers to an array that specify the indices
1406 # of the parameters in the subproblem for which the initial
1407 # values are set, replaced or retrieved.
1409 # The add_if_absent argument tells the method to add an init
1410 # (theta,omega,sigma) if the parameter number points to a
1411 # non-existing parameter with parameter number one higher
1412 # than the highest presently included. Only applicable if
1413 # new_values are set. Valid parameter types are 'theta',
1414 # 'omega' and 'sigma'.
1416 @initial_values = @{ $self -> _init_attr
1417 ( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1418 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
1419 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
1420 new_values => \@new_values,
1421 attribute => 'init',
1422 add_if_absent => $add_if_absent )};
1424 end initial_values
1426 # }}} initial_values
1428 # {{{ is_option_set
1430 start is_option_set
1432 # Usage:
1434 # if( $modelObject -> is_option_set( record => 'recordName', name => 'optionName' ) ){
1435 # print "problem_number 1 has option optionName set in record recordName";
1438 # is_option_set checks if an option is set in a given record in given problem.
1440 my ( @problems, @records, @options );
1441 my $accessor = $record.'s';
1442 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
1443 @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1444 } else {
1445 'debug' -> die( message => "No problems defined in model" );
1447 unless( defined $problems[$problem_number - 1] ){
1448 'debug' -> warn( level => 2,
1449 message => "model -> is_option_set: No problem number $problem_number defined in model" );
1450 return 0; # No option can be set if no problem exists.
1453 if ( defined $problems[$problem_number - 1] -> $accessor ) {
1454 @records = @{$problems[$problem_number - 1] -> $accessor};
1455 } else {
1456 'debug' -> warn( level => 2,
1457 message => "model -> is_option_set: No record $record defined" .
1458 " in problem number $problem_number." );
1459 return 0;
1462 unless(defined $records[$instance - 1] ){
1463 'debug' -> warn( level => 2,
1464 message => "model -> is_option_set: No record instance number $instance defined in model." );
1465 return 0;
1468 if ( defined $records[$instance - 1] -> options ) {
1469 @options = @{$records[$instance - 1] -> options};
1470 } else {
1471 'debug' -> warn( level => 2,
1472 message => "No option defined in record: $record in problem number $problem_number." );
1473 return 0;
1475 foreach my $option ( @options ) {
1476 $found = 1 if ( defined $option and $option -> name eq $name );
1479 end is_option_set
1481 # }}} is_option_set
1483 # {{{ is_run
1484 start is_run
1486 # Usage:
1488 # is_run returns true if the outputobject owned by the
1489 # modelobject has valid outpudata either in memory or on disc.
1490 if( defined $self -> {'outputs'} ){
1491 if( @{$self -> {'outputs'}}[0] -> have_output ){
1492 $return_value = 1;
1494 } else {
1495 $return_value = 0;
1498 end is_run
1499 # }}} is_run
1501 # {{{ is_simulation
1503 start is_simulation
1505 my $problems = $self -> {'problems'};
1506 if( defined $problems -> [$problem_number - 1] ) {
1507 my $problem = $problems -> [$problem_number - 1];
1508 # If we don't have an ESTIMATION record we are simulating.
1509 $is_sim = 1 unless( defined $problem -> {'estimations'} and
1510 scalar( @{$problem-> {'estimations'}} ) > 0 );
1512 # If we have a ONLYSIM option in the simulation record.
1513 $is_sim = 1 if( $self -> is_option_set ( name => 'ONLYSIM',
1514 record => 'simulation',
1515 problem_number => $problem_number ));
1517 # If max evaluations is zero we are simulating
1518 $is_sim = 1 if( defined $self -> maxeval(problem_numbers => [$problem_number]) and
1519 defined $self -> maxeval(problem_numbers => [$problem_number])->[0][0] and
1520 $self -> maxeval(problem_numbers => [$problem_number])->[0][0] == 0 );
1522 # Anything else?
1524 # If non of the above is true, we are estimating.
1525 } else {
1526 'debug' -> warn( level => 1,
1527 message => 'Problem nr. $problem_number not defined. Assuming no simulation' );
1528 $is_sim = 0;
1531 end is_simulation
1533 # }}}
1535 # {{{ lower_bounds
1537 start lower_bounds
1539 # lower_bounds either sets or gets the initial values of the
1540 # parameter specified in the argument parameter_type for
1541 # each problem specified in problem_numbers. See L</fixed>.
1543 @lower_bounds = @{ $self -> _init_attr
1544 ( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1545 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
1546 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
1547 new_values => \@new_values,
1548 attribute => 'lobnd')};
1550 end lower_bounds
1552 # }}} lower_bounds
1554 # {{{ labels
1556 start labels
1558 # Usage:
1560 # @labels = @{$modobj -> labels( parameter_type => 'theta' )};
1562 # This basic usage takes one arguments and returns matched names and
1563 # estimated values of the specified parameter. The parameter_type argument
1564 # is mandatory. It returns the labels of all parameters of type given by
1565 # $parameter_type.
1566 # @labels will be a two-dimensional array:
1567 # [[label1][label2][label3]...]
1569 # $labels -> labels( parameter_type => 'theta',
1570 # problem_numbers => [2,4] );
1572 # To get labels of specific problems, the problem_numbers argument can be used.
1573 # It should be a reference to an array containing the numbers
1574 # of all problems whos labels should be retrieved.
1576 # $modobj -> labels( parameter_type => 'theta',
1577 # problem_numbers => [2,4],
1578 # parameter_numbers => [[1,3][4,6]]);
1580 # The retrieval can be even more specific by using the parameter_numbers
1581 # argument. It should be a reference to a two-dimensional array, where
1582 # the inner arrays holds the numbers of the parameters that should be
1583 # fetched. In the example above, parameters one and three from problem two
1584 # plus parameters four and six from problem four are retrieved.
1586 # $modobj -> labels( parameter_type => 'theta',
1587 # problem_numbers => [2,4],
1588 # parameter_numbers => [[1,3][4,6]],
1589 # generic => 1 );
1591 # To get generic labels for the parameters - e.g. OM1, OM2_1, OM2 etc -
1592 # set the generic argument to 1.
1594 # $modobj -> labels( parameter_type => 'theta',
1595 # problem_numbers => [2],
1596 # parameter_numbers => [[1,3]],
1597 # new_values => [['Volume','Clearance']] );
1599 # The new_values argument can be used to give parameters new labels. In
1600 # the above example, parameters one and three in problem two are renamed
1601 # Volume and Clearance.
1604 my ( @index, $idx );
1605 @labels = @{ $self -> _init_attr
1606 ( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1607 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
1608 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
1609 new_values => \@new_values,
1610 attribute => 'label' )};
1612 # foreach my $prl ( @labels ) {
1613 # foreach my $label ( @{$prl} ) {
1614 # print "Label: $label\n";
1619 @index = @{$self -> indexes( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1620 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
1621 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers )};
1622 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#labels; $i++ ) {
1623 for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{$labels[$i]}; $j++ ) {
1624 $idx = $index[$i][$j];
1625 $labels[$i][$j] = uc(substr($parameter_type,0,2)).$idx
1626 unless ( defined $labels[$i][$j] and not $generic );
1630 end labels
1632 # }}} labels
1634 # {{{ maxeval
1636 start maxeval
1638 # Usage:
1640 # @maxev = @{$modobj -> maxeval};
1642 # This basic usage takes no arguments and returns the value of the
1643 # MAXEVAL option in the $ESTIMATION record of each problem.
1644 # @maxev will be a two dimensional array:
1645 # [[maxeval_prob1][maxeval_prob2][maxeval_prob3]...]
1647 # $modobj -> maxeval( new_values => [[0],[999]];
1649 # If the new_values argument of maxeval is given, the values of the
1650 # MAXEVAL options will be changed. In this example, MAXEVAL will be
1651 # set to 0 in the first problem and to 999 in the second.
1652 # The number of elements in new_values must match the number of problems
1653 # in the model object $modobj.
1655 # $modobj -> maxeval( new_values => [[0],[999]],
1656 # problem_numbers => [2,4] );
1658 # To set the MAXEVAL of specific problems, the problem_numbers argument can
1659 # be used. It should be a reference to an array containing the numbers
1660 # of all problems where the MAXEVAL should be changed or retrieved.
1661 # If specified, the size of new_values must be the same as the size
1662 # of problem_numbers.
1667 my ( $val_ref, $junk ) = $self ->
1668 _option_val_pos( name => 'MAX',
1669 record_name => 'estimation',
1670 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
1671 new_values => \@new_values,
1672 exact_match => $exact_match );
1673 @values = @{$val_ref};
1675 end maxeval
1677 # }}} maxeval
1679 # {{{ median
1681 start median
1683 # Calls <I>median</I> on the data object of a specified
1684 # problem. See <I>data -> median</I> for details.
1685 my $column_number;
1686 my $extra_data_column;
1687 if ( defined $column_head ) {
1688 # Check normal data object first
1689 my ( $values_ref, $positions_ref ) = $self ->
1690 _get_option_val_pos ( problem_numbers => [$problem_number],
1691 name => $column_head,
1692 record_name => 'input',
1693 global_position => 1 );
1694 $column_number = $positions_ref -> [0];
1695 if ( not defined $column_number ) {
1696 # Next, check extra_data
1697 my $extra_data_headers = $self -> extra_data_headers;
1698 if ( defined $extra_data_headers and defined $extra_data_headers -> [0] ) {
1699 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$extra_data_headers->[0]}; $i++ ) {
1700 $extra_data_column = $i if ( $column_head eq $extra_data_headers->[0][$i-1] );
1704 'debug' -> die( message => "Unknown column \"$column_head\"" )
1705 unless ( defined $column_number or defined $extra_data_column );
1706 } else {
1707 $column_number = $column;
1710 if ( defined $column_number) {
1711 $median = $self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_number-1] ->
1712 median( column => $column_number,
1713 unique_in_individual => $unique_in_individual );
1714 } else {
1715 $median = $self -> {'problems'} -> [$problem_number-1] -> extra_data ->
1716 median( column => $extra_data_column,
1717 unique_in_individual => $unique_in_individual );
1720 end median
1722 # }}}
1724 # {{{ max
1726 start max
1728 # Calls <I>max</I> on the data object of a specified
1729 # problem. See <I>data -> max</I> for details.
1730 my $column_number;
1731 my $extra_data_column;
1732 if ( defined $column_head ) {
1733 # Check normal data object first
1734 my ( $values_ref, $positions_ref ) = $self ->
1735 _get_option_val_pos ( problem_numbers => [$problem_number],
1736 name => $column_head,
1737 record_name => 'input',
1738 global_position => 1 );
1739 $column_number = $positions_ref -> [0];
1740 if ( not defined $column_number ) {
1741 # Next, check extra_data
1742 my $extra_data_headers = $self -> extra_data_headers;
1743 if ( defined $extra_data_headers and defined $extra_data_headers -> [0] ) {
1744 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$extra_data_headers->[0]}; $i++ ) {
1745 $extra_data_column = $i if ( $column_head eq $extra_data_headers->[0][$i-1] );
1749 'debug' -> die( message => "Unknown column \"$column_head\"" )
1750 unless ( defined $column_number or defined $extra_data_column );
1751 } else {
1752 $column_number = $column;
1755 if ( defined $column_number) {
1756 $max = $self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_number-1] ->
1757 max( column => $column_number );
1758 } else {
1759 $max = $self -> {'problems'} -> [$problem_number-1] -> extra_data ->
1760 max( column => $extra_data_column );
1763 end max
1765 # }}}
1767 # {{{ min
1769 start min
1771 # Calls <I>min</I> on the data object of a specified
1772 # problem. See <I>data -> min</I> for details.
1773 my $column_number;
1774 my $extra_data_column;
1775 if ( defined $column_head ) {
1776 # Check normal data object first
1777 my ( $values_ref, $positions_ref ) = $self ->
1778 _get_option_val_pos ( problem_numbers => [$problem_number],
1779 name => $column_head,
1780 record_name => 'input',
1781 global_position => 1 );
1782 $column_number = $positions_ref -> [0];
1783 if ( not defined $column_number ) {
1784 # Next, check extra_data
1785 my $extra_data_headers = $self -> extra_data_headers;
1786 if ( defined $extra_data_headers and defined $extra_data_headers -> [0] ) {
1787 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= scalar @{$extra_data_headers->[0]}; $i++ ) {
1788 $extra_data_column = $i if ( $column_head eq $extra_data_headers->[0][$i-1] );
1792 'debug' -> die( message => "Unknown column \"$column_head\"" )
1793 unless ( defined $column_number or defined $extra_data_column );
1794 } else {
1795 $column_number = $column;
1798 if ( defined $column_number) {
1799 $min = $self -> {'datas'} -> [$problem_number-1] ->
1800 min( column => $column_number );
1801 } else {
1802 $min = $self -> {'problems'} -> [$problem_number-1] -> extra_data ->
1803 min( column => $extra_data_column );
1806 end min
1808 # }}}
1810 # {{{ name_val
1812 start name_val
1814 # Usage:
1816 # @name_val = @{$modobj -> name_val( parameter_type => 'theta' )};
1818 # This basic usage takes one arguments and returns matched names and
1819 # estimated values of the specified parameter. The parameter_type argument
1820 # is mandatory.
1821 # The names are taken from
1822 # the labels of the parameters (se the labels method for specifications of
1823 # default labels) and the values are aquired from the output object bound
1824 # to the model object. If no output exists, the name_val method returns
1825 # undef.
1826 # @name_val will be a two-dimensional array of references to hashes using
1827 # the names from each problem as keys:
1828 # [[ref to hash1 ][ref to hash2][ref to hash3]...]
1830 # $modobj -> name_val( parameter_type => 'theta',
1831 # problem_numbers => [2,4] );
1833 # To get matched names and values of specific problems, the problem_numbers argument
1834 # can be used. It should be a reference to an array containing the numbers
1835 # of all problems whos names and values should be retrieved.
1837 # $modobj -> name_val( parameter_type => 'theta',
1838 # problem_numbers => [2,4],
1839 # parameter_numbers => [[1,3][4,6]]);
1841 # The retrieval can be even more specific by using the parameter_numbers
1842 # argument. It should be a reference to a two-dimensional array, where
1843 # the inner arrays holds the numbers of the parameters that should be
1844 # fetched. In the example above, parameters one and three from problem two
1845 # plus parameters four and six from problem four are retrieved.
1848 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
1849 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
1851 my @names = @{$self -> labels( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1852 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
1853 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers )};
1854 my @values;
1855 if ( defined $self -> outputs -> [0] ) {
1856 my $accessor = $parameter_type.'s';
1857 @values = @{$self -> outputs -> [0] ->
1858 $accessor( problems => \@problem_numbers,
1859 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers )};
1860 # my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1861 # foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
1862 # if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
1863 # my $pn_ref = $#parameter_numbers >= 0 ? \@{$parameter_numbers[ $i-1 ]} : [];
1864 # push( @names_values,
1865 # $problems[ $i-1 ] ->
1866 # name_val( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
1867 # parameter_numbers => $pn_ref ) );
1868 # } else {
1869 # die "Model -> name_val: Problem number $i does not exist!\n";
1873 # if ( scalar @{$self -> {'outputs'}} > 0 ) {
1874 # my $outobj = $self -> {'outputs'} -> [0];
1877 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problems retrieved from the model" .
1878 " do not match the ones retrived from the output" ) unless( $#names == $#values );
1879 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#names; $i++ ) {
1880 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem " . $i+1 .
1881 " The number of parameters retrieved from the model (".scalar @{$names[$i]}.
1882 ") do not match the ones retrived from the output (".
1883 scalar @{$values[$i][0]}.")" )
1884 unless( scalar @{$names[$i]} == scalar @{$values[$i][0]} );
1885 my @prob_nv = ();
1886 for( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{$values[$i]}; $j++ ){
1887 my %nv = ();
1888 for( my $k = 0; $k < scalar @{$names[$i]}; $k++ ){
1889 $nv{$names[$i][$k]} = $values[$i][$j][$k];
1891 push( @prob_nv, \%nv );
1893 push( @names_values, \@prob_nv );
1896 end name_val
1898 # }}} name_val
1900 # {{{ nproblems
1902 start nproblems
1904 # nproblems returns the number of problems in the modelobject.
1906 $number_of_problem = scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1908 end nproblems
1910 # }}} nproblems
1912 # {{{ nthetas
1914 start nthetas
1916 # returns the number of thetas in the model for the given
1917 # problem number.
1918 $nthetas = $self -> _parameter_count( 'record' => 'theta', 'problem_number' => $problem_number );
1920 end nthetas
1922 # }}} nthetas
1924 # {{{ nomegas
1926 start nomegas
1928 # returns the number of omegas in the model for the given
1929 # problem number.
1930 # $nomegas = $self -> _parameter_count( 'record' => 'omega', 'problem_number' => $problem_number );
1931 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
1932 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
1935 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1936 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
1937 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
1938 push( @nomegas, $problems[ $i-1 ] -> nomegas );
1939 } else {
1940 'debug' -> die( "Problem number $i does not exist." );
1944 end nomegas
1946 # }}} nomegas
1948 # {{{ nsigmas
1950 start nsigmas
1952 # returns the number of sigmas in the model for the given problem number.
1954 # $nsigmas = $self -> _parameter_count( 'record' => 'sigma', 'problem_number' => $problem_number );
1956 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
1957 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
1960 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
1961 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
1962 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
1963 push( @nsigmas, $problems[ $i-1 ] -> nsigmas );
1964 } else {
1965 'debug' -> die( "Problem number $i does not exist." );
1969 end nsigmas
1971 # }}} nsigmas
1973 # {{{ outputfile
1975 start outputfile
1977 # Usage:
1979 # This method is a (partially) automatically generated accessor for the
1980 # outputfile attribute of the model class. Since no named argument is needed
1981 # for accessors, the two possible ways of calling outputfile are:
1983 # $modelObject -> outputfile( 'newfilename.lst' );
1985 # $outputfilename = $modelObject -> outputfile;
1987 # The first alternative sets a new name for the output file, and the second
1988 # retrieves the value.
1990 # The extra feature for this accessor, compared to other accessors, is that
1991 # if a new name is given, the accessor tries to create a new output object
1992 # based on this.
1994 if( defined $parm ) {
1995 $self -> {'outputs'} =
1996 [ output ->
1997 new( filename => $parm,
1998 ignore_missing_files => $self -> {'ignore_missing_files'},
1999 target => $self -> {'target'},
2000 model_id => $self -> {'model_id'} ) ];
2003 end outputfile
2005 # }}} outputfile
2007 # {{{ pk
2009 start pk
2011 # sets or gets the pk code for a given problem in the
2012 # model object. The new_pk argument should be an array where
2013 # each element contains a row of a valid NONMEM $PK block,
2015 my @prob = @{$self -> problems};
2017 unless( defined $prob[$problem_number - 1] ){
2018 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $problem_number does not exist" );
2021 my $pks = $prob[$problem_number - 1] -> pks;
2022 if( scalar @new_pk > 0 ) {
2023 if( defined $pks and scalar @{$pks} > 0 ){
2024 $prob[$problem_number - 1] -> pks -> [0] -> code(\@new_pk);
2025 } else {
2026 'debug' -> die( message => "No \$PK record" );
2028 } else {
2029 if ( defined $pks and scalar @{$pks} > 0 ) {
2030 @pk = @{$prob[$problem_number - 1] -> pks -> [0] -> code};
2034 end pk
2036 # }}} pk
2038 # {{{ pred
2040 start pred
2042 # Sets or gets the pred code for a given problem in the model
2043 # object. See L</pk> for details.
2044 my @prob = @{$self -> problems};
2046 unless( defined $prob[$problem_number - 1] ){
2047 'debug' -> die( message => "problem number $problem_number does not exist" );
2050 if( scalar @new_pred > 0 ) {
2051 if( defined $prob[$problem_number - 1] -> preds ){
2052 $prob[$problem_number - 1] -> preds -> [0] -> code(\@new_pred);
2053 } else {
2054 'debug' -> die( message => "No \$PRED record" );
2056 } else {
2057 if ( defined $prob[$problem_number - 1] -> preds ) {
2058 @pred = @{$prob[$problem_number - 1] -> preds -> [0] -> code};
2059 } else {
2060 'debug' -> die( message => "No \$PRED record" );
2064 end pred
2066 # }}} pred
2068 # {{{ print
2070 start print
2072 # Prints the formatted model to standard out.
2074 my ( @formatted );
2075 foreach my $problem ( @{$self -> {'problems'}} ) {
2076 push( @formatted, $problem -> format_problem );
2078 for ( @formatted ) {
2079 print;
2082 end print
2084 # }}} print
2086 # {{{ problem_structure
2088 start problem_structure
2090 my ( $val, $pos ) = $self -> _option_val_pos( record_name => 'simulation',
2091 name => 'SUBPROBLEMS' );
2092 if( defined $val ) {
2093 my @vals = @{$val};
2094 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#vals; $i++ ) {
2095 if( defined $vals[$i] ) {
2096 if( scalar @{$vals[$i]} > 0 ) {
2097 $subproblems[$i] = $vals[$i][0];
2098 } else {
2099 $subproblems[$i] = 1;
2101 } else {
2102 $subproblems[$i] = 1;
2107 end problem_structure
2109 # }}} problem_structure
2111 # {{{ randomize_inits
2113 start randomize_inits
2115 foreach my $prob ( @{$self -> {'problems'}} ) {
2116 $prob -> set_random_inits ( degree => $degree );
2119 end randomize_inits
2121 # }}}
2124 # {{{ record
2126 start record
2128 # If the argument new_data is given, record sets new_data in
2129 # the model objects member specified with record_name. The
2130 # format of new_data is an array of strings, where each
2131 # element corresponds to a line of code as it would have
2132 # looked like in a valid NONMEM modelfile. If new_data is left
2133 # undefined, record returns lines of code belonging to the
2134 # record specified by record_name in a format that is valid in
2135 # a NONMEM modelfile.
2137 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
2138 my $records;
2140 if ( defined $problems[ $problem_number - 1 ] ) {
2141 if ( scalar(@new_data) > 0 ){
2142 my $rec_class = "model::problem::$record_name";
2143 my $record = $rec_class -> new('record_arr' => \@new_data );
2144 } else {
2145 $record_name .= 's';
2146 $records = $problems[ $problem_number - 1 ] -> {$record_name};
2147 foreach my $record( @{$records} ){
2148 push(@data, $record -> _format_record);
2153 end record
2155 # }}} record
2157 # {{{ remove_inits
2159 start remove_inits
2161 # Usage
2163 # $model -> remove_inits( type => 'theta',
2164 # indexes => [1,2,5,6] )
2167 # In all cases the type must be set to theta. Removing Omegas in
2168 # Sigmas is not allowed, (If need that feature, send us a
2169 # mail). In the above example the thetas 1, 2, 5 and 6 will be
2170 # removed from the modelfile. Notice that this alters the theta
2171 # numbering, so if you later decide that theta number 7 must be
2172 # removed as well, you must calculate its new position in the
2173 # file. In this case the new number would be 3. Also notice that
2174 # numbering starts with 1.
2176 # $model -> remove_inits( type => 'theta',
2177 # labels => ['V', 'CL'] )
2180 # If you have specified labels in you modelfiles(a label is
2181 # string inside a comment on the same row as the theta) you can
2182 # specify an array with labels, and the corresponding theta, if
2183 # it exists, will be removed. This is a much better approach
2184 # since you don't need to know where in order the theta you wish
2185 # to remove appears. If you specify both labels and indexes, the
2186 # indexes will be ignored.
2188 'debug' -> die( message => 'does not have the functionality for removing $OMEGA or $SIGMA options yet' )
2189 if ( $type eq 'omega' or $type eq 'sigma' );
2190 my $accessor = $type.'s';
2192 # First pick out a referens to the theta records array.
2193 my $inits_ref = $self -> problems -> [$problem_number -1] -> $accessor;
2195 # If we have any thetas at all:
2196 if ( defined $inits_ref ) {
2197 my @inits = @{$inits_ref};
2199 # If labels are specified, we translate the labels into
2200 # indexes.
2201 if ( scalar @labels > 0 ) {
2202 @indexes = ();
2203 my $i = 1;
2204 # Loop over theta records
2205 foreach my $init ( @inits ) {
2206 # Loop over the individual thetas inside
2207 foreach my $option ( @{$init -> options} ) {
2208 # Loop over all given labels.
2209 foreach my $label ( @labels ) {
2210 # Push the index number if a given label match the
2211 # theta label
2212 push( @indexes, $i ) if ( $option -> label eq $label);
2214 # $i is the count of thetas so far
2215 $i++;
2220 # We don't really remove thetas, we do a loop over all thetas
2221 # and recording which we like to keep. We do that by selecting
2222 # an index, from @indexes, that shall be removed and loop over
2223 # the thetas, all thetas that doesn't match the index are
2224 # stored in @keep_options. When we find a theta that matches,
2225 # we pick a new index and continue the loop. So by makeing
2226 # sure that @indexes is sorted, we only need to loop over the
2227 # thetas once.
2229 @indexes = sort {$a <=> $b} @indexes;
2231 my $index = 0;
2232 my $nr_options = 1;
2233 my @keep_records;
2235 # Loop over all records
2236 RECORD_LOOP: foreach my $record ( @inits ){
2237 my @keep_options = ();
2238 # Loop over all thetas
2239 foreach my $option ( @{$record -> options} ) {
2240 if( $indexes[ $index ] == $nr_options ){
2241 # If a theta matches an index, we take the next index
2242 # and forget the theta.
2243 unless( $index > $#indexes ){
2244 $index++;
2246 } else {
2247 # Otherwise we rember it.
2248 push(@keep_options,$option);
2250 $nr_options++;
2252 if( scalar(@keep_options) > 0 ){
2253 # If we remember some thetas, we must also remember the
2254 # record which they are in.
2255 $record -> options( \@keep_options );
2256 push( @keep_records, $record );
2260 # Set the all kept thetas back into the modelobject.
2261 @{$inits_ref} = @keep_records;
2263 } else {
2264 'debug' -> die( message => "No init of type $type defined" );
2267 end remove_inits
2269 # }}}
2271 # {{{ restore_inits
2273 start restore_inits
2275 # restore_inits brings back initial values previously stored
2276 # using store_inits. This method pair allows a user to store
2277 # the currents initial values in a backup, replace them with
2278 # temporary values and later restore them.
2280 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
2281 foreach my $problem ( @{$self -> {'problems'}} ){
2282 $problem -> restore_inits;
2286 end restore_inits
2288 # }}} restore_inits
2290 # {{{ store_inits
2292 start store_inits
2294 # store_inits stores initial values that can later be
2295 # brought back using restore_inits. See L</restore_inits>.
2297 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
2298 foreach my $problem ( @{$self -> {'problems'}} ){
2299 $problem -> store_inits;
2303 end store_inits
2305 # }}} store_inits
2307 # {{{ synchronize
2309 start synchronize
2311 # Synchronize checks the I<synced> object attribute to see
2312 # if the model is in sync with its corresponding file, given
2313 # by the objetc attribute I<filename>. If not, it checks if
2314 # the model contains any defined problems and if it does, it
2315 # writes the formatted model to disk, overwriting any
2316 # existing file of name I<filename>. If no problem is
2317 # defined, synchronize tries to parse the file I<filename>
2318 # and set the object internals to match it.
2319 unless( $self -> {'synced'} ){
2320 if( defined $self -> {'problems'} and
2321 scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}} > 0 ){
2322 $self -> _write;
2323 } else {
2324 if( -e $self -> full_name ){
2325 $self -> _read_problems;
2326 } else {
2327 return;
2331 $self -> {'synced'} = 1;
2333 end synchronize
2335 # }}} synchronize
2337 # {{{ table_names
2339 start table_names
2341 # Usage:
2343 # @tableNames = @{$modobj -> table_names};
2345 # This basic usage takes no arguments and returns the value of
2346 # the FILE option in the $TABLE NONMEM record of each
2347 # problem. @tableNames will be a two dimensional array:
2349 # [[tableName_prob1][tableName_prob2][tableName_prob3]...]
2352 # If the I<new_names> argument of table_names is given, the
2353 # values of the FILE options will be changed.
2355 # To set the FILE of specific problems, the I<problem_numbers>
2356 # argument can be used. It should be a reference to an array
2357 # containing the numbers of all problems where the FILE should
2358 # be changed or retrieved. If specified, the size of
2359 # I<new_names> must be the same as the size of
2360 # I<problem_numbers>.
2362 # The I<ignore_missing_files> boolean argument can be used to
2363 # set names of table that does not exist yet (e.g. before a
2364 # run has been performed).
2366 my ( $name_ref, $junk ) = $self ->
2367 _option_val_pos( name => 'FILE',
2368 record_name => 'table',
2369 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
2370 new_values => \@new_names );
2371 if ( $#new_names >= 0 ) {
2372 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
2373 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
2374 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
2376 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
2377 $problems[$i-1] -> _read_table_files( ignore_missing_files => $ignore_missing_files || $self -> {'ignore_missing_output_files'});
2380 @names = @{$name_ref};
2382 end table_names
2384 # }}} table_names
2386 # {{{ table_files
2388 start table_files
2390 # Usage:
2392 # @table_files = @{$modobj -> table_files};
2394 # This basic usage takes no arguments and returns the table
2395 # files objects for all problems. @table_files will be a
2396 # two dimensional array:
2398 # [[table_file_object_prob1][table_file_object_prob2]...]
2401 # To retrieve the table file objects from specific problems,
2402 # the I<problem_numbers> argument can be used. It should be
2403 # a reference to an array containing the numbers of all
2404 # problems from which the table file objects should be
2405 # retrieved.
2407 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
2408 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
2410 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
2411 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
2412 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
2413 push( @table_files, $problems[$i-1] -> table_files );
2414 } else {
2415 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
2419 end table_files
2421 # }}}
2423 # {{{ units
2425 start units
2427 # Sets or gets the units of a (number of) parameter(s). The
2428 # unit is not a proper NONMEM syntax but is recognized by
2429 # the PsN model class. A unit (and a label) can be specified
2430 # as a comments after a parameter definition. e.g.:
2432 # $THETA (0,13.2,100) ; MTT; h
2434 # which will give this theta the label I<MTT> and unit I<h>.
2435 @units = @{ $self -> _init_attr( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
2436 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
2437 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
2438 new_values => \@new_values,
2439 type => 'unit')};
2441 end units
2443 # }}} units
2445 # {{{ update_inits
2447 start update_inits
2449 # Usage:
2451 # $modobj -> update_inits ( from_output => $outobj );
2453 # alt
2455 # $modobj -> update_inits ( from_output_file => $outfile );
2457 # This basic usage takes the parameter estimates from the
2458 # output object I<$outobj> or from the output file I<$outfile>
2459 # and updates the initial estimates in the model object
2460 # I<$modobj>. The number of problems and parameters must be
2461 # the same in the model and output objects. If there exist
2462 # more than one subproblem per problem in the output object,
2463 # only the estimates from the first subproblem will be
2464 # transferred.
2466 # $modobj -> update_inits ( from_output => $outobj,
2467 # ignore_missing_parameters => 1 );
2469 # If the ignore_missing_parameters argument is set to 1, the number of
2470 # parameters in the model and output objects do not need to match. The
2471 # parameters that exist in both objects are used for the update of the
2472 # model object.
2474 # $modobj -> update_inits ( from_output => $outobj,
2475 # from_model => $from_modobj );
2477 # If the from_model argument is given, update_inits tries to match the
2478 # parameter names (labels) given in $from_modobj and $modobj and
2479 # and thereafter updating the $modobj object. See L</units> and L</labels>.
2482 my ( %labels, @own_labels, @from_labels );
2483 'debug' -> die( message => "No output object defined and" .
2484 " no output object found through the model object specified." )
2485 unless ( ( defined $from_model and
2486 ( defined $from_model -> outputs and
2487 defined @{$from_model -> outputs}[0] ) ) or
2488 defined $from_output or
2489 defined $from_output_file );
2490 if ( defined $from_output ) {
2491 'debug' -> warn( level => 2,
2492 message => "using output object ".
2493 "specified as argument\n" );
2494 } elsif ( defined $from_output_file ) {
2495 $from_output = output -> new( filename => $from_output_file );
2496 } else {
2497 $from_output = @{$from_model -> outputs}[0];
2500 my @params = ();
2501 if( $update_thetas ){
2502 push( @params, 'theta' );
2504 if( $update_omegas ) {
2505 push( @params, 'omega' );
2507 if( $update_sigmas ) {
2508 push( @params, 'sigma' );
2511 foreach my $param ( @params ) {
2512 # Get own labels and from labels
2513 if ( defined $from_model ) {
2514 @own_labels = @{$self -> labels( parameter_type => $param )};
2516 @from_labels = @{$from_model -> labels( parameter_type => $param )};
2517 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problems are not the same in from-model ".
2518 $from_model -> full_name." (".
2519 ($#from_labels+1).")".
2520 " and the model to be updated ".
2521 $self -> full_name." (".
2522 ($#own_labels+1).")" ) unless ( $#own_labels == $#from_labels );
2523 } else {
2524 @own_labels = @{$self -> labels( parameter_type => $param,
2525 generic => 1 )};
2526 @from_labels = @{$from_output -> labels( parameter_type => $param )};
2527 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of problems are not the same in from-output ".
2528 $from_output -> full_name." (".
2529 ($#from_labels+1).")".
2530 " and the model to be updated ".
2531 $self -> full_name." (".
2532 ($#own_labels+1).")" ) unless ( $#own_labels == $#from_labels );
2535 # Loop over the problems:
2536 my $accessor = $param.'s';
2537 # Since initial estimates are specified on the problem level and not on
2538 # the subproblem level we use the estimates from the outputs first subproblem
2539 my @from_values = @{$from_output -> $accessor ( subproblems => [1] )};
2540 # {{{ Omega and Sigma update section
2542 # The functionality that has been commented out because it
2543 # fails when omegas are zero. This functionality should be
2544 # moved to output::problem::subproblem (2005-02-09) TODO
2546 # if ($param eq 'omega' or $param eq 'sigma')
2548 # #print "FL: ", Dumper @from_labels;
2549 # #print "OL: ", Dumper @own_labels;
2550 # print "FV: $param Before " . Dumper(@from_values) . "\n";
2551 # #Fix omegas and sigmas so that the correlation between elements <=1
2552 # my $raw_accessor = "raw_" . $accessor;
2553 # my @raw_from_values = @{$from_output -> $raw_accessor(subproblems => [1])};
2554 # my ($i,$j);
2555 # for (my $a=0; $a<scalar(@from_values); $a++)
2557 # my $prob_values = $from_values[$a];
2558 # my $raw_prob_values = $raw_from_values[$a];
2559 # for (my $b=0; $b<scalar(@{$prob_values}); $b++)
2561 # my $values = $prob_values->[$b];
2562 # my $raw_values = $raw_prob_values->[$b];
2563 # my $counter = 0;
2564 # #Find out the n*n-matrix size (pq-formula)
2565 # my $n = int(sqrt(1/4+scalar(@{$raw_values})*2)-1/2);
2566 # for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
2568 # for ($j=0; $j<$n; $j++)
2570 # if ( $j<=$i && $raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$j]!=0 )
2572 # #print "Omega value = " . @other_val[$counter] . "\n";
2573 # $counter++;
2575 # #Only check the low-triangular off-diagonals of the omega matrix
2576 # #omega(i,j)>=sqrt(omega(i,i)*omega(j,j))
2577 # if ($j<=$i && $j!=$i &&
2578 # ($raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$j]>=sqrt(
2579 # $raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$i]*$raw_values->[$j*($j+1)/2+$j])))
2581 # print "Changing raw value at $i, $j: " . $raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$j] ." to ".
2582 # (int(10000*sqrt($raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$i]*$raw_values->[$j*($j+1)/2+$j]))/10000) ."\n";
2583 # #print "At index ($i,$j)\n" if ($self->{'debug'});
2584 # $raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$j]=int(10000*sqrt(
2585 # $raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$i]*$raw_values->[$j*($j+1)/2+$j]))/10000;
2586 # print "Changing omega value " . $values->[$counter-1] . " to " . $raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$j] ."\n";
2587 # $values->[$counter-1] = $raw_values->[$i*($i+1)/2+$j];
2593 # #print "FL: ", Dumper @from_labels;
2594 # #print "OL: ", Dumper @own_labels;
2595 # print "FV: $param After ", Dumper(@from_values), "\n";
2596 # die;
2599 # }}}
2601 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#own_labels; $i++ ) {
2602 unless ( $ignore_missing_parameters ) {
2603 my $from_name = defined $from_model ? $from_model -> filename :
2604 $from_output -> filename;
2605 'debug' -> die( message => "Model -> update_inits: The number of ".$param.
2606 "s are not the same in from-model (" . $from_name .
2607 "): " . scalar @{$from_labels[$i]} .
2608 ", and the model to be updated (" . $self -> {'filename'} .
2609 "): " . scalar @{$own_labels[$i]} )
2610 unless ( scalar @{$own_labels[$i]} ==
2611 scalar @{$from_labels[$i]} );
2614 for ( my $j = 0; $j < scalar @{$from_labels[$i]}; $j++ ) {
2615 for ( my $k = 0; $k < scalar @{$own_labels[$i]}; $k++ ) {
2616 if ( $from_labels[$i][$j] eq $own_labels[$i][$k] ){
2617 $labels{$k+1} = $from_values[$i][0][$j];
2622 my @own_idxs = keys( %labels );
2623 my @from_vals;
2624 for(my $i=0; $i <= $#own_idxs; $i++){
2625 @from_vals[$i] = $labels{ $own_idxs[$i] };
2628 $self -> initial_values( problem_numbers => [$i+1],
2629 parameter_type => $param,
2630 parameter_numbers => [\@own_idxs],
2631 new_values => [\@from_vals] );
2635 end update_inits
2637 # }}} update_inits
2639 # {{{ upper_bounds
2641 start upper_bounds
2643 # upper_bounds either sets or gets the initial values of the
2644 # parameter specified in I<parameter_type> for each
2645 # subproblem specified in I<problem_numbers>. For each
2646 # element in I<problem_numbers> there must be an array in
2647 # I<parameter_numbers> that specify the indices of the
2648 # parameters in the subproblem for which the upper bounds
2649 # are set, replaced or retrieved.
2651 @upper_bounds = @{ $self -> _init_attr
2652 ( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
2653 parameter_numbers => \@parameter_numbers,
2654 problem_numbers => \@problem_numbers,
2655 new_values => \@new_values,
2656 attribute => 'upbnd')};
2658 end upper_bounds
2660 # }}} upper_bounds
2662 # {{{ clean_extra_data_code
2663 start clean_extra_data_code
2666 # This method cleans out old code for extra data. It searches
2667 # all subroutine statements in all problems for external
2668 # subroutines named "get_sub" and "reader" which are added by
2669 # "add_extra_data_code".
2671 foreach my $problem( @{$self -> {'problems'}} ){
2672 if ( defined $problem -> subroutines and defined $problem -> subroutines -> [0] -> options) {
2673 foreach my $option ( @{$problem -> subroutines -> [0] -> options} ){
2674 if( lc($option -> name) eq 'other'){
2675 if( lc($option -> value) =~ /get_sub|reader/ ){
2677 # If we find "get_sub" or "reader" we remove
2678 # everything between "IMPORTING COVARIATE DATA" and
2679 # "IMPORTING COVARIATE DATA END" by finding the
2680 # indexes in the code array and and splicing it out.
2682 my $code;
2683 if( $problem -> pks ){
2684 # If the code is in a pk block:
2685 $code = $problem -> pks -> [0] -> code;
2686 } else {
2687 $code = $problem -> preds -> [0] -> code;
2690 my $start_idx;
2691 my $end_idx;
2692 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$code}; $i++ ){
2693 if( $code -> [$i] eq ";***IMPORTING COVARIATE DATA*******\n" ){
2694 $start_idx = $i-1;
2696 if( $code -> [$i] eq ";***IMPORTING COVARIATE DATA END***\n" ){
2697 $end_idx = $i+1;
2700 @{$code} = ( @{$code}[0..$start_idx] , @{$code}[$end_idx..$#{$code}] );
2702 if( $problem -> pks ){
2703 # Put the cut down code back in the right place:
2704 $problem -> pks -> [0] -> code( $code );
2705 } else {
2706 $problem -> preds -> [0] -> code( $code );
2709 last;
2716 end clean_extra_data_code
2717 # }}} clean_extra_data_code
2719 # {{{ add_extra_data_code
2721 start add_extra_data_code
2723 # This method adds fortran code that will handle wide datasets
2724 # (that is data sets with more than 20 columns). It adds code to
2725 # each problems pk or pred.
2727 my @code_lines;
2729 # Get the headers of the columns that have been moved to another
2730 # data file.
2732 # unless( defined $self -> extra_data_headers ){
2733 # die "ERROR model::add_extra_data_code: No headers for the extra data file\n";
2736 # extra_data_headers is a two dimensional array. One array of
2737 # headers for each problem in the modelfile.
2738 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ){
2739 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> {'extra_data_header'} ) {
2740 my $problem_headers = $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> {'extra_data_header'};
2742 my $length = 0;
2743 my @headers;
2744 my $header_string;
2745 # Loop over the problem specific headers and make a string
2746 # that will go into the fortran code. Assume that the
2747 # first column holds the ID, hence the $i=1
2748 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#{$problem_headers}; $i++ ) {
2749 my $header = $problem_headers -> [$i];
2750 push( @headers, $header );
2751 # Chopp the string at 40 characters, to be nice to g77 :)
2752 if ( $length + length($header) > 40 ) {
2753 $header_string .= "\n\"& ";
2754 $length = 0
2756 if ( $i < $#{$problem_headers} ) {
2757 $header_string .= 'I' . $header . ', ';
2758 $length += length( 'I' . $header . ', ' );
2759 } else {
2760 $header_string .= 'I' . $header;
2761 $length += length( 'I' . $header );
2765 my @code_lines = ('',
2767 '" FIRST',
2768 '" REAL CURID, MID,',
2769 '"& '.$header_string,
2770 '" LOGICAL READ',
2771 '"',
2772 '" IF (.NOT.READ) THEN',
2773 '" CALL READER()',
2774 '" CURID = 1',
2775 '" READ = .TRUE.',
2776 '" END IF',
2777 '"',
2778 '" IF (NEWIND.LT.2) THEN',
2780 '"& '.$header_string. ')',
2781 '" END IF',
2782 ' CID = MID',
2783 ' IF (CID.NE.ID) THEN',
2784 ' PRINT *, \'ERROR CHECKING FAILED, CID = \', CID ,\' ID = \', ID',
2785 ' END IF',
2786 '');
2788 foreach my $header ( @headers ) {
2789 push( @code_lines, " $header = I$header" );
2792 push( @code_lines, (';***IMPORTING COVARIATE DATA END***','','') );
2794 my $problem = $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i];
2795 if ( defined $problem -> {'subroutines'} ) {
2796 $problem -> subroutines -> [0] -> _add_option( option_string => 'OTHER=get_sub' . $i );
2797 $problem -> subroutines -> [0] -> _add_option( option_string => 'OTHER=reader' . $i );
2798 } else {
2799 $problem -> add_records( type => 'subroutines', record_strings => ['OTHER=get_sub', 'OTHER=reader'] );
2802 if ( defined $problem -> pks ) {
2803 unshift( @{$problem -> pks -> [0] -> code}, join("\n", @code_lines ));
2804 } else {
2805 unshift( @{$problem -> preds -> [0] -> code},join("\n", @code_lines ));
2810 end add_extra_data_code
2812 # }}}
2814 # {{{ drop_dropped
2816 start drop_dropped
2818 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ) {
2819 $self -> {'datas'}[$i] -> drop_dropped( model_header => $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> header );
2820 $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> drop_dropped( );
2821 #$self -> {'datas'}[$i] -> model_header( $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> header );
2824 end drop_dropped
2826 # }}} drop_dropped
2828 # {{{ wrap_data
2830 start wrap_data
2832 my $default_wrap = 18;
2834 my ( @wrap_columns, @cont_columns );
2835 if ( not defined $wrap_column ) {
2836 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ) {
2837 my $columns = scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> dropped_columns}-1; #skip ID
2838 my $modulus = $columns%($default_wrap-2); # default_wrap-2 to account for ID and CONT
2839 my $rows = (($columns-$modulus)/($default_wrap-2))+1;
2840 if ( $rows == 1 ) {
2841 push( @wrap_columns, undef );
2842 } else {
2843 push( @wrap_columns, (ceil( $columns/$rows )+2) ); #Must use #cols + ID and CONT
2846 } else {
2847 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ) {
2848 push( @wrap_columns, $wrap_column );
2852 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ) {
2853 next if ( not defined $wrap_columns[$i] );
2854 $wrap_column = $wrap_columns[$i];
2855 $cont_column = $wrap_columns[$i] if( not defined $cont_column );
2856 my ( $prim, $sec ) =
2857 $self -> {'datas'}[$i] -> wrap( cont_column => $cont_column,
2858 wrap_column => $wrap_column,
2859 model_header => $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> header );
2860 $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> primary_columns( $prim );
2861 $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> secondary_columns( $sec );
2862 $self -> {'data_wrapped'}++;
2865 end wrap_data
2867 # }}} wrap_data
2869 # {{{ unwrap_data
2870 start unwrap_data
2872 for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ) {
2873 $self -> {'datas'}[$i] -> unwrap;
2874 $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> primary_columns( [] );
2875 $self -> {'problems'}[$i] -> secondary_columns( [] );
2877 $self -> {'data_wrapped'} = 0;
2879 end unwrap_data
2880 # }}} unwrap_data
2882 # {{{ write_get_subs
2884 start write_get_subs
2886 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ){
2887 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> {'extra_data_header'} and
2888 defined $self -> problems -> [$i] -> extra_data ) {
2889 my @problem_header = @{$self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> {'extra_data_header'}};
2890 my @headers;
2891 my $length = 0;
2892 my $header_string;
2894 my $rows = $self -> problems -> [$i] -> extra_data -> count_ind;
2896 # Assume that first column holds the ID. Get rid of it.
2897 shift( @problem_header );
2898 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#problem_header; $i++ ) {
2899 my $header = $problem_header[$i];
2900 push( @headers, $header );
2901 # Chop the string at 40 characters, to be nice to g77 :)
2902 if ( $length + length($header) > 40 ) {
2903 $header_string .= "\n & ";
2904 $length = 0
2906 if ( $i < $#problem_header ) {
2907 $header_string .= $header . ', ';
2908 $length += length( $header . ', ' );
2909 } else {
2910 $header_string .= $header;
2911 $length += length( $header );
2915 open( FILE, '>', 'get_sub' . $i . '.f' );
2917 " & $header_string)\n",
2919 "\n",
2920 " REAL ID,CURID,MID,\n",
2921 " & $header_string\n",
2922 "\n",
2924 "\n",
2925 " REAL TID($rows), TCOV($rows,",scalar @problem_header,")\n",
2926 " CURID = 1\n",
2927 "\n",
2929 " IF (NEWIND.EQ.1) THEN \n",
2930 "12 CONTINUE\n",
2931 " IF (CURID.GT.$rows) THEN \n",
2932 " PRINT *, \"Covariate data not found for\", ID\n",
2933 " MID = -9999\n",
2934 " RETURN\n",
2935 " END IF\n",
2936 "\n",
2937 " IF (ID.GT.TID (CURID)) THEN\n",
2938 " CURID = CURID + 1\n",
2939 " GOTO 12\n",
2940 " END IF\n",
2941 " ELSEIF (NEWIND.EQ.0) THEN\n",
2942 " CURID = 1\n",
2943 " END IF\n",
2944 "\n" );
2945 my $length = 0;
2946 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $#headers+1; $i++ ) {
2947 $length += length("TCOV(I,$i),");
2948 if ( $length > 40 ) {
2949 print FILE "\n";
2950 $length = 0;
2952 print FILE " ".$headers[$i-1] . " = TCOV(CURID,$i)\n";
2955 print FILE (" MID = TID(CURID)\n",
2956 " END\n",
2957 "\n" );
2959 close FILE;
2962 close( FILE );
2964 end write_get_subs
2966 # }}}
2968 # {{{ write_readers
2970 start write_readers
2972 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ){
2973 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> {'extra_data_header'} and
2974 defined $self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> {'extra_data'} ) {
2975 my @problem_header = @{$self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] -> {'extra_data_header'}};
2976 my @headers;
2977 my $length = 0;
2979 my $rows = $self -> problems -> [$i] -> extra_data -> count_ind;
2980 my $filename = $self -> problems -> [$i] -> extra_data -> filename;
2981 # Assume that first column holds the ID. Get rid of it.
2982 shift( @problem_header );
2984 'debug' -> warn( level => 2,
2985 message => "Writing reader".$i.".f to directory".cwd );
2986 open( FILE, '>', 'reader' . $i . '.f' );
2987 print FILE (" SUBROUTINE READER()\n",
2988 "\n",
2990 "\n",
2991 " REAL TID ($rows), TCOV ($rows, ",scalar @problem_header,")\n",
2992 "\n",
2993 " OPEN (UNIT = 77,FILE = '$filename')\n",
2994 " REWIND 77\n",
2995 " DO 11,I = 1,$rows\n",
2996 " READ (77,*) TID(I)," );
2998 my $length = 0;
2999 for ( my $i = 1; $i <= $#problem_header+1; $i++ ) {
3000 $length += length("TCOV(I,$i),");
3001 if ( $length > 40 ) {
3002 print FILE "\n & ";
3003 $length = 0;
3005 if ( $i <= $#problem_header ) {
3006 print FILE "TCOV(I,$i),";
3007 } else {
3008 print FILE "TCOV(I,$i)\n";
3012 print FILE ( "11 CONTINUE\n",
3013 " END\n" );
3017 end write_readers
3019 # }}}
3021 # {{{ _write
3023 start _write
3026 # $model -> _write( filename => 'model.mod' );
3028 # Writes the content of the modelobject to disk. Either to the
3029 # filename given, or to the string returned by model::full_name.
3031 my @formatted;
3033 # An element in the active_problems array is a boolean that
3034 # corresponds to the element with the same index in the problems
3035 # array. If the boolean is true, the problem will be run. All
3036 # other will be commented out.
3037 my @active = @{$self -> {'active_problems'}};
3039 # loop over all problems.
3040 for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$self -> {'problems'}}; $i++ ) {
3041 # Call on the problem object to format it as text. The
3042 # filename and problem numbers are needed to make some
3043 # autogenerated files (msfi, tabels etc...) unique to the
3044 # model and problem
3045 my @preformatted = @{$self -> {'problems'} -> [$i] ->
3046 # _format_problem };
3047 _format_problem( filename => $self -> filename,
3048 problem_number => ($i+1) ) };
3049 # Check if the problem is NOT active, if so comment it out.
3050 unless ( $active[$i] ) {
3051 for ( my $j = 0; $j <= $#preformatted; $j++ ) {
3052 $preformatted[$j] = '; '.$preformatted[$j];
3055 # Add extra line to avoid problems with execution of NONMEM
3056 push(@preformatted,"\n");
3057 push( @formatted, @preformatted );
3060 # Open a file and print the formatted problems.
3061 # TODO Add some errorchecking.
3062 open( FILE, '>'. $filename );
3063 for ( @formatted ) {
3064 chomp;
3065 print FILE;
3066 print FILE "\n";
3068 close( FILE );
3070 if ( $write_data ) {
3071 foreach my $data ( @{$self -> {'datas'}} ) {
3072 $data -> _write;
3076 end _write
3078 # }}} _write
3080 # {{{ filename
3081 start filename
3083 if ( defined $parm and $parm ne $self -> {'filename'} ) {
3084 $self -> {'filename'} = $parm;
3085 $self -> {'model_id'} = undef;
3086 # $self -> _write;
3089 end filename
3090 # }}} filename
3092 # {{{ _get_option_val_pos
3094 start _get_option_val_pos
3096 # Usage:
3098 # ( $values_ref, $positions_ref ) ->
3099 # _get_option_val_pos ( name => 'ID',
3100 # record_name => 'input' );
3101 # my @values = @{$values_ref};
3102 # my @positions = @{$positions_ref};
3104 # This basic usage returns the name of the third option in the first
3105 # instance of the record specified by I<record_name> for all problems
3107 # If global_position is set to 1, only one value and position
3108 # pair is returned per problem. If there are more than one
3109 # match in the model; the first will be returned for each
3110 # problem.
3112 # Private method, should preferably not be used outside
3114 # my ( @records, @instances );
3115 my $accessor = $record_name.'s';
3116 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
3117 unless( $#problem_numbers > 0 ){
3118 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
3120 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
3121 my $rec_ref = $problems[ $i-1 ] -> $accessor;
3122 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] and defined $rec_ref ) {
3123 my @records = @{$rec_ref};
3124 unless( $#instances > 0 ){
3125 @instances = (1 .. $#records+1);
3128 my @inst_values = ();
3129 my @inst_positions = ();
3130 my $glob_pos = 1;
3131 my ( $glob_value, $glob_position );
3132 INSTANCES: foreach my $j ( @instances ) {
3133 if ( defined $records[ $j-1 ] ) {
3134 my $k = 1;
3135 my ( $value, $position );
3136 foreach my $option ( @{$records[$j-1] -> {'options'}} ) {
3137 if ( defined $option and $option -> name eq $name) {
3138 if ( $global_position ) {
3139 $glob_value = $option -> value;
3140 $glob_position = $glob_pos;
3141 last INSTANCES;
3142 } else {
3143 $value = $option -> value;
3144 $position = $k;
3147 $k++;
3148 $glob_pos++;
3150 push( @inst_values, $value );
3151 push( @inst_positions, $position );
3152 } else {
3153 'debug' -> die( message => "Instance $j in problem number $i does not exist!" )
3156 if ( $global_position ) {
3157 push( @values, $glob_value );
3158 push( @positions, $glob_position );
3159 } else {
3160 push( @values, \@inst_values );
3161 push( @positions, \@inst_positions );
3163 } else {
3164 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
3167 # if( defined $problem_number ) {
3168 # if( $problem_number < 1 or $problem_number > scalar @problems ) {
3169 # die "model -> _get_option_val_pos: No such problem number, ",
3170 # $problem_number,", in this model!\n";
3173 # my $i;
3174 # die "modelfile -> _get_option_val_pos: No problem $problem_number exists\n"
3175 # if( (scalar @problems < 1) and ($problem_number ne 'all') );
3176 # my $j = 1;
3177 # foreach my $problem ( @problems ) {
3178 # @records = @{$problem -> $accessor};
3179 # @records = ($records[$instance-1]) if ( $instance ne 'all' );
3180 # die "modelfile -> _get_option_val_pos: No record instance $instance ".
3181 # "of record $record_name in problem $problem_number exists\n"
3182 # if( (scalar @records < 1) and ($instance ne 'all') );
3183 # foreach my $record ( @records ) {
3184 # $i = 1;
3185 # foreach my $option ( @{$record -> {'options'}} ) {
3186 # if ( defined $option and $option -> name eq $name) {
3187 # print "Found $name at $i\n" if ( $self -> {'debug'} );
3188 # push( @values, $option -> value );
3189 # push( @positions, $i );
3191 # $i++;
3196 end _get_option_val_pos
3198 # }}} _get_option_val_pos
3200 # {{{ _init_attr
3202 start _init_attr
3204 # The I<add_if_absent> argument tells the method to add an init (theta,omega,sigma)
3205 # if the parameter number points to a non-existing parameter with parameter number
3206 # one higher than the highest presently included. Only applicatble if
3207 # I<new_values> are set. Default value = 0;
3209 unless( scalar @problem_numbers > 0 ){
3210 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
3212 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
3213 if ( $#new_values >= 0 ) {
3214 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of new value sets " .
3215 $#new_values+1 . " do not" .
3216 " match the number of problems " . $#problem_numbers+1 . " specified" )
3217 unless(($#new_values == $#problem_numbers) );
3218 if ( $#parameter_numbers > 0 ) {
3219 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of parameter number sets do not" .
3220 " match the number of problems specified" )
3221 unless(($#parameter_numbers == $#problem_numbers) );
3225 my $new_val_idx = 0;
3226 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
3227 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
3228 if ( scalar @new_values > 0) {
3229 # {{{ Update values
3230 # Use attribute parameter_values to collect diagnostic outputs
3231 push( @parameter_values,
3232 $problems[ $i-1 ] ->
3233 _init_attr( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
3234 parameter_numbers => $parameter_numbers[ $new_val_idx ],
3235 new_values => \@{$new_values[ $new_val_idx ]},
3236 attribute => $attribute,
3237 add_if_absent => $add_if_absent ) );
3238 # }}} Update values
3239 } else {
3240 # {{{ Retrieve values
3241 push( @parameter_values,
3242 $problems[ $i-1 ] ->
3243 _init_attr( parameter_type => $parameter_type,
3244 parameter_numbers => $parameter_numbers[ $i-1 ],
3245 attribute => $attribute ) );
3246 # }}} Retrieve values
3248 } else {
3249 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
3251 $new_val_idx++;
3254 end _init_attr
3256 # }}} _init_attr
3258 # {{{ _option_name
3260 start _option_name
3262 # Usage:
3264 # $modobj -> _option_name ( record => $record_name,
3265 # position => 3 );
3267 # This basic usage returns the name of the third option in the first
3268 # instance of the record specified by I<record>.
3271 my ( @problems, @records, @options, $i );
3272 my $accessor = $record.'s';
3273 if ( defined $self -> {'problems'} ) {
3274 @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
3275 } else {
3276 'debug' -> die( message => "No problems defined in model" );
3278 if ( defined $problems[$problem_number - 1] -> $accessor ) {
3279 @records = @{$problems[$problem_number - 1] -> $accessor};
3280 } else {
3281 'debug' -> die( message => "No record $record defined in ".
3282 "problem number $problem_number." );
3284 if ( defined $records[$instance - 1] -> options ) {
3285 @options = @{$records[$instance - 1] -> options};
3286 } else {
3287 'debug' -> die( message => "model -> _option_name: No option defined in record ".
3288 "$record in problem number $problem_number." );
3290 $i = 0;
3291 foreach my $option ( @options ) {
3292 if ( $i == $position ) {
3293 if ( defined $new_name ){
3294 $option -> name($new_name) if ( defined $option );
3295 }else{
3296 $name = $option -> name if ( defined $option );
3299 $i++;
3302 end _option_name
3304 # }}} _option_name
3306 # {{{ _parameter_count
3307 start _parameter_count
3309 if( defined $self -> {'problems'} ){
3310 my $problems = $self -> {'problems'};
3311 if( defined @{$problems}[$problem_number - 1] ){
3312 $count = @{$problems}[$problem_number - 1] -> record_count( 'record_name' => $record );
3316 end _parameter_count
3317 # }}} _parameter_count
3319 # {{{ _read_problems
3321 start _read_problems
3324 # To read problems from a modelfile we need its full name
3325 # (meaning filename and path). And we need an array for the
3326 # modelfile lines and an array with indexes telling where
3327 # problems start in the modelfile array.
3330 my $file = $self -> full_name;
3331 my ( @modelfile, @problems );
3332 my ( @problem_start_index );
3334 # Check if the file is missing, and if that is ok.
3335 # TODO Check accessor what happens if the file is missing.
3337 return if( not (-e $file) && $self -> {'ignore_missing_files'} );
3339 # Open the file, slurp it and close it
3340 open( FILE, "$file" ) ||
3341 'debug' -> die( message => "Model -> _read_problems: Could not open $file".
3342 " for reading" );
3343 @modelfile = <FILE>;
3344 close( FILE );
3346 my @extra_data_files = defined $self ->{'extra_data_files'} ?
3347 @{$self -> {'extra_data_files'}} : ();
3348 my @extra_data_headers = defined $self ->{'extra_data_headers'} ?
3349 @{$self -> {'extra_data_headers'}} : ();
3352 # # Find the indexes where the problems start
3353 # for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#modelfile; $i++ ) {
3354 # push( @problem_start_index, $i )if ( $modelfile[$i] =~ /\$PROB/ );
3357 # # Loop over the number of problems. Copy the each problems lines
3358 # # and create a problem object.
3360 # for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#problem_start_index; $i++ ) {
3361 # my $start_index = $problem_start_index[$i];
3362 # my $end_index = defined $problem_start_index[$i+1] ? $problem_start_index[$i+1] - 1: $#modelfile ;
3363 # # Line copy
3364 # my @problem_lines = @modelfile[$start_index .. $end_index];
3366 # # Problem object creation.
3367 # push( @problems, model::problem -> new ( debug => $self -> {'debug'},
3368 # ignore_missing_files => $self -> {'ignore_missing_files'},
3369 # prob_arr => \@problem_lines,
3370 # extra_data_file_name => $extra_data_files[$i],
3371 # extra_data_header => $extra_data_headers[$i]) );
3373 my $start_index = 0;
3374 my $end_index;
3375 my $first = 1;
3376 my $prob_num = 0;
3378 # It may look like the loop takes one step to much, but its a
3379 # trick that helps parsing the last problem.
3380 for ( my $i = 0; $i <= @modelfile; $i++ ) {
3381 if( $i <= $#modelfile ){
3382 $_ = $modelfile[$i];
3385 # In this if statement we use the lazy evaluation of logical
3386 # or to make sure we only execute search pattern when we have
3387 # a line to search. Which is all cases but the very last loop
3388 # iteration.
3390 if( $i > $#modelfile or /\$PROB/ ){
3391 $end_index = $i;
3393 # The if statement here is only necessary in the first loop
3394 # iteration. When start_index == end_index == 0 we want to
3395 # skip to the next iteration looking for the actual end of
3396 # the first problem.
3398 if( $end_index > $start_index and not $first ){
3399 # extract lines of code:
3400 my @problem_lines = @modelfile[$start_index .. $end_index-1];
3401 # reset the search for problems by moving the problem start
3402 # forwards:
3403 $start_index = $i;
3405 my $sh_mod = new model::shrinkage_module( model => $self,
3406 temp_problem_number => ($#problems+2));
3407 push( @problems, model::problem ->
3408 new ( directory => $self -> {'directory'},
3409 ignore_missing_files => $self -> {'ignore_missing_files'},
3410 ignore_missing_output_files => $self -> {'ignore_missing_output_files'},
3411 sde => $self -> {'sde'},
3412 prob_arr => \@problem_lines,
3413 extra_data_file_name => $extra_data_files[$prob_num],
3414 extra_data_header => $extra_data_headers[$prob_num],
3415 shrinkage_module => $sh_mod ) );
3417 $sh_mod -> problem( $problems[$#problems] );
3418 $prob_num++;
3420 $first = 0;
3424 # Set the problems in the modelobject.
3425 $self -> problems(\@problems);
3427 end _read_problems
3429 # }}} _read_problems
3431 # {{{ set_option
3433 start set_option
3435 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
3436 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
3439 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
3440 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
3441 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
3442 my $found = $self -> is_option_set( 'problem_number' => $i,
3443 'record' => $record_name,
3444 'name' => $option_name );
3445 $problems[$i-1] -> remove_option( record_name => $record_name,
3446 option_name => $option_name ) if ( $found );
3447 $problems[$i-1] -> add_option( record_name => $record_name,
3448 option_name => $option_name,
3449 option_value => $option_value );
3453 end set_option
3455 # }}} set_option
3457 # {{{ add_option
3459 start add_option
3461 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
3462 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
3465 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
3466 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
3467 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
3468 $problems[$i-1] -> add_option( record_name => $record_name,
3469 option_name => $option_name,
3470 option_value => $option_value,
3471 add_record => $add_record );
3475 end add_option
3477 # }}} add_option
3479 # {{{ remove_option
3481 start remove_option
3483 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
3484 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
3487 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
3488 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
3489 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
3490 $problems[$i-1] -> remove_option( record_name => $record_name,
3491 option_name => $option_name );
3495 end remove_option
3497 # }}} remove_option
3499 # {{{ _option_val_pos
3501 start _option_val_pos
3503 unless( $#problem_numbers >= 0 ){
3504 @problem_numbers = (1 .. $#{$self -> {'problems'}}+1);
3506 my @problems = @{$self -> {'problems'}};
3507 if ( $#new_values >= 0 ) {
3508 'debug' -> die( message => "Trying to set option $name in record $record_name but the ".
3509 "number of new value sets (".
3510 ($#new_values+1).
3511 "), do not match the number of problems specified (".
3512 ($#problem_numbers+1).")" )
3513 unless(($#new_values == $#problem_numbers) );
3514 if ( $#instance_numbers > 0 ) {
3515 'debug' -> die( message => "The number of instance number sets (".
3516 ($#instance_numbers+1).
3517 "),do not match the number of problems specified (".
3518 ($#problem_numbers+1).")" )
3519 unless(($#instance_numbers == $#problem_numbers) );
3523 foreach my $i ( @problem_numbers ) {
3524 if ( defined $problems[ $i-1 ] ) {
3525 my $rn_ref = $#instance_numbers >= 0 ? \@{$instance_numbers[ $i-1 ]} : [];
3526 if ( scalar @new_values > 0) {
3527 # {{{ Update values
3529 if( not defined $new_values[ $i-1 ] ) {
3530 debug -> die( message => " The specified new_values was undefined for problem $i" );
3533 if( not ref( $new_values[ $i-1 ] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
3534 debug -> die( message => " The specified new_values for problem $i is not an array as it should be but a ".
3535 ( defined ref( $new_values[ $i-1 ] ) ?
3536 ref( $new_values[ $i-1 ] ) : 'undef' ) );
3539 $problems[ $i-1 ] ->
3540 _option_val_pos( record_name => $record_name,
3541 instance_numbers => $rn_ref,
3542 new_values => \@{$new_values[ $i-1 ]},
3543 name => $name,
3544 exact_match => $exact_match );
3546 # }}} Update values
3547 } else {
3548 # {{{ Retrieve values
3549 my ( $val_ref, $pos_ref ) =
3550 $problems[ $i-1 ] ->
3551 _option_val_pos( record_name => $record_name,
3552 instance_numbers => $rn_ref,
3553 name => $name,
3554 exact_match => $exact_match );
3555 push( @values, $val_ref );
3556 push( @positions, $pos_ref );
3557 # }}} Retrieve values
3559 } else {
3560 'debug' -> die( message => "Problem number $i does not exist!" );
3564 end _option_val_pos
3566 # }}} _option_val_pos
3568 # {{{ subroutine_files
3570 start subroutine_files
3572 my %fsubs;
3573 foreach my $subr( 'PRED','CRIT', 'CONTR', 'CCONTR', 'MIX', 'CONPAR', 'OTHER', 'PRIOR' ){
3574 my ( $model_fsubs, $junk ) = $self -> _option_val_pos( record_name => 'subroutine',
3575 name => $subr );
3576 if( @{$model_fsubs} > 0 ){
3577 foreach my $prob_fsubs ( @{$model_fsubs} ){
3578 foreach my $fsub( @{$prob_fsubs} ){
3579 $fsubs{$fsub} = 1;
3585 @fsubs = keys %fsubs;
3586 if( @fsubs > 0 ){
3587 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#fsubs; $i ++ ){
3588 unless( $fsubs[$i] =~ /\.f$/ ){
3589 $fsubs[$i] .= '.f';
3594 end subroutine_files
3596 # }}}