fix of minor bug
[PsN.git] / lib /
1 # 2004-12-08: FCON must be adjusted for multiple problems /Lasse
3 start include statements
4 # A Perl module for parsing and manipulating NONMEM FCON files
5 #use Math::Random;
6 #use ui;
7 end include statements
9 # {{{ _get_array
10 start _get_array
12 my $items_collected = 0;
13 while( $items_collected < $nr_items ){
14 my $items_per_line = ($nr_items - $items_collected) < (72 / $tabSize) ? ($nr_items - $items_collected): (72 / $tabSize);
16 my $line = $fcon[$index++];
18 # strip head
19 $line =~ s/^.{8}//;
21 for( ; $items_per_line > 0; $items_per_line -- ){
22 $line =~ s/^(.{$tabSize})//;
23 my $val = $1;
24 unless( $val =~ /[\ ]{8}/ ){ # Check for blanks
25 $val = $val * 1; # Cheeky trick to make $val a number instead of a string
26 push(@values, $val);
28 $items_collected ++;
31 push(@values, $index-1);
33 end _get_array
34 # }}}
36 # {{{ _skip_lines
37 start _skip_lines
39 while( not $fcon[$index+1] =~ /^[A-Z]{4}[\ ]{3}/ ){
40 $index++;
41 if( $index > $#fcon ){
42 last;
46 end _skip_lines
47 # }}}
49 # {{{ run
51 start run
53 for( my $i = $batchStart; $i < $batchStart+$batchSize; $i++ ){
54 for( my $try = 0; $try < $retries[$i - $batchStart]; $try++ ){
55 system( "./NM_run".($i+1) . '' ) == 0 or die "Unable to execute NM_run".($i+1) . " $!\n";
56 open( my $outfile, "<NM_run".($i+1) . '_psn.lst' );
57 my $success = 1;
58 while( <$outfile> ){
59 if((/^0MINIMIZATION TERMINATED/ or /^0PROGRAM TERMINATED/) # If hard termination
60 or # We are picky and check some softer rerun requirements
61 ($picky[$i - $batchStart] and
69 print "NONMEM failed. Preparing rerun number" . $try+1 . " / " . $retries[$i - $batchStart] . "\n";
70 $success = 0;
71 $self -> whipe();
72 $self -> {'filename'} = "NM_run".($i+1) . '_FCON';
73 $self -> parse('filename' => "NM_run".($i+1) . '_FCON' );
74 $self -> pertubate_all('fixed_thetas' => $fixed_thetas[$i],
75 'fixed_omegas' => $fixed_omegas[$i],
76 'fixed_sigmas' => $fixed_omegas[$i]);
77 $self -> write('filename' => "NM_run".($i+1) . '_FCON' );
80 close( $outfile );
81 if($success){ last };
87 end run
89 # }}}
91 # {{{ whipe
93 start whipe
95 $self -> {'fcon_lines'} = undef;
96 $self -> {'theta_values'} = undef;
97 $self -> {'have_omega_DIAG'} = undef;
98 $self -> {'omega_values'} = undef;
99 $self -> {'have_sigma_DIAG'} = undef;
100 $self -> {'have_omega_BLST'} = undef;
101 $self -> {'have_sigma_BLST'} = undef;
103 end whipe
105 # }}}
107 # {{{ parse
108 start parse
110 my $fcon;
111 open($fcon,"<",$self -> {'filename'}) or die "fcon_file: Unable to open ", $self -> {'filename'}, " : $!";
112 my @fcon_lines = <$fcon>;
113 $self -> fcon_lines( \@fcon_lines );
115 close($fcon);
117 my $prob = -1;
119 my @have_FIND;
120 my @have_initial_STRC;
122 my @have_sigma_STRC;
123 my @have_omega_STRC;
125 my @expect_sigma_BLST;
126 my @expect_omega_BLST;
128 my @have_sigma_BLST;
129 my @have_omega_BLST;
130 my @sigma_BLST_lengths;
131 my @omega_BLST_lengths;
133 my @expect_sigma_DIAG;
134 my @expect_omega_DIAG;
136 my @have_sigma_DIAG;
137 my @have_omega_DIAG;
139 my @nr_thetas;
140 my @expect_bounds;
142 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#fcon_lines; $i++ ){
143 my $line = $fcon_lines[$i];
144 if( $line =~ /^FILE/ ){
145 #print "$i " . $line;
146 }elsif( $line =~ /^PROB/ ){
147 $prob++;
148 $self -> prob($prob);
149 #print "$i " . $line;
150 }elsif ( $line =~ /^DATA/ ){
151 #print "$i " .$line;
152 }elsif ( $line =~ /^ITEM/ ){
153 #print "$i " .$line;
154 }elsif ( $line =~ /^INDX/ ){
155 #print "$i " .$line;
156 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
157 'index' => $i );
158 }elsif ( $line =~ /^LABL/ ){
159 #print "$i " .$line;
160 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
161 'index' => $i );
162 }elsif ( $line =~ /^FORM/ ){
163 #print "$i " .$line;
164 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
165 'index' => $i );
166 }elsif ( $line =~ /^FIND/ ){
167 #print "$i " .$line;
168 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
169 'index' => $i );
170 $have_FIND[$prob] = 1;
171 }elsif ( $line =~ /^STRC/ ){
172 #print "$i " .$line;
173 if( $have_FIND[$prob] ){
174 die "Malformated FCON (STRC unexpectedly found)\n";
177 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
178 'index' => $i,
179 'tabSize' => 4,
180 'nr_items' => 9 )};
181 $i = pop(@values);
183 unless( $have_initial_STRC[$prob] ){
184 $have_initial_STRC[$prob] = 1;
185 $nr_thetas[$prob] = $values[0];
186 #$expect_bounds = $values[3];
187 $expect_omega_DIAG[$prob] = $values[1];
188 $expect_sigma_DIAG[$prob] = $values[2];
189 $expect_omega_BLST[$prob] = $values[5] ? 0 : $values[6];
190 $expect_sigma_BLST[$prob] = $values[7] ? 0 : $values[8];
191 } else {
192 unless( $have_omega_STRC[$prob] ){
193 if( $expect_omega_BLST[$prob] ){
194 @omega_BLST_lengths[$prob] = @values;
196 $have_omega_STRC[$prob] = 1;
197 } else {
198 if( $expect_sigma_BLST[$prob] ){
199 @sigma_BLST_lengths[$prob] = @values;
201 $have_sigma_STRC[$prob] = 1;
205 }elsif ( $line =~ /^THTA/ ){
206 #print "$i " .$line;
207 if( $have_initial_STRC[$prob] ){
208 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
209 'index' => $i,
210 'tabSize' => 8,
211 'nr_items' => $nr_thetas[$prob] )};
212 $i = pop(@values);
213 $self -> {'theta_values'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'theta_values'};
214 $self -> theta_values -> [$prob] = \@values;
215 } else {
216 die "Malformated FCON (THTA unexpectedly found)\n";
219 }elsif ( $line =~ /^LOWR/ ){
220 #print "$i " .$line;
221 #if( $expect_bounds ){
222 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
223 'index' => $i,
224 'tabSize' => 8,
225 'nr_items' => $nr_thetas[$prob] )};
226 $i = pop(@values);
227 $self -> {'lower_bounds'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'lower_bounds'};
228 $self -> lower_bounds -> [$prob] = \@values;
229 #} else { ## I'd like to uncomment this.. but most FCONs seams malformated in this way. And its easy to ignore
230 #die "Malformated FCON (LOWR unexpectedly found)\n";
232 }elsif ( $line =~ /^UPPR/ ){
233 #print "$i " .$line;
234 #if( $expect_bounds ){
235 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
236 'index' => $i,
237 'tabSize' => 8,
238 'nr_items' => $nr_thetas[$prob] )};
239 $i = pop(@values);
240 $self -> {'upper_bounds'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'upper_bounds'};
241 $self -> upper_bounds -> [$prob] = \@values;
242 #} else { ## I'd like to uncomment this.. but most FCONs seams malformated in this way. And its easy to ignore
243 #die "Malformated FCON (UPPR unexpectedly found)\n";
245 }elsif ( $line =~ /^DIAG/ ){
246 #print "$i " .$line;
247 if( $expect_omega_DIAG[$prob] and not $have_omega_DIAG[$prob] and not ($expect_omega_BLST[$prob] or $have_omega_BLST[$prob]) ){
248 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
249 'index' => $i,
250 'tabSize' => 8,
251 'nr_items' => $expect_omega_DIAG[$prob] )};
252 $i = pop(@values);
253 $self -> {'omega_values'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'omega_values'};
254 $self -> omega_values -> [$prob] -> [0] = \@values;
255 $have_omega_DIAG[$prob] = 1;
256 $self -> {'have_omega_DIAG'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'have_omega_DIAG'};
257 $self -> have_omega_DIAG -> [$prob] = 1;
258 } elsif( $expect_sigma_DIAG[$prob] and not $have_sigma_DIAG[$prob] and not ($expect_sigma_BLST[$prob] or $have_sigma_BLST[$prob]) ) {
259 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
260 'index' => $i,
261 'tabSize' => 8,
262 'nr_items' => $expect_sigma_DIAG[$prob] )};
263 $i = pop(@values);
264 $self -> {'sigma_values'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'sigma_values'};
265 $self -> sigma_values -> [$prob] -> [0] = \@values;
266 $have_sigma_DIAG[$prob] = 1;
267 $self -> {'have_sigma_DIAG'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'have_sigma_DIAG'};
268 $self -> have_sigma_DIAG -> [$prob] = 1;
270 }elsif ( $line =~ /^BLST/ ){
271 #print "$i " .$line;
272 if( $expect_sigma_BLST[$prob] or $expect_omega_BLST[$prob] ){
273 if( $expect_omega_BLST[$prob] ){
274 $expect_omega_BLST[$prob] --;
276 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
277 'index' => $i,
278 'tabSize' => 8,
279 'nr_items' => 9 )};
280 $i = pop(@values);
281 $self -> omega_values -> [$prob] -> [$have_omega_BLST[$prob]] = \@values;
283 $have_omega_BLST[$prob]++;
284 $self -> {'have_omega_BLST'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'have_omega_BLST'};
285 $self -> have_omega_BLST -> [$prob] = 1;
286 } elsif( $expect_sigma_BLST[$prob] ){
287 $expect_sigma_BLST[$prob] --;
289 my @values = @{$self -> _get_array( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
290 'index' => $i,
291 'tabSize' => 8,
292 'nr_items' => 9 )};
293 $i = pop(@values);
295 $self -> sigma_values -> [$prob] -> [$have_sigma_BLST[$prob]] = \@values;
297 $have_sigma_BLST[$prob]++;
298 $self -> {'have_sigma_BLST'} = [] unless defined $self -> {'have_sigma_BLST'};
299 $self -> have_sigma_BLST -> [$prob] = 1;
301 } else {
302 die "Malformated FCON (DIAG unexpectedly found)\n";
304 }elsif ( $line =~ /^ESTM/ ){
305 #print "$i " .$line;
306 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
307 'index' => $i );
308 }elsif ( $line =~ /^COVR/ ){
309 #print "$i " .$line;
310 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
311 'index' => $i );
312 }elsif ( $line =~ /^TABL/ ){
313 #print "$i " .$line;
314 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
315 'index' => $i );
316 }elsif ( $line =~ /^SCAT/ ){
317 #print "$i " .$line;
318 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
319 'index' => $i );
320 }else {
321 print "Found something new: \n $line \n" if $self -> debug;
322 $i = $self -> _skip_lines( 'fcon' => \@fcon_lines,
323 'index' => $i );
327 end parse
328 # }}}
330 # {{{ write
332 start write
334 my $skip_line = 0;
335 my @have_omega_DIAG;
336 my @omega_BLST_count;
337 my @sigma_BLST_count;
339 my $prob = -1;
341 open( my $outfile, ">". $filename ) or die "fcon_file: Unable to open FCON file: $!";
343 foreach my $line (@{$self -> fcon_lines}){
344 if( $line =~ /^PROB/ ){
345 $prob ++;
346 print $outfile $line;
347 } elsif ( $line =~ /^(THTA.{4})/ ){
348 print $outfile $1;
349 my $i = 1;
350 $skip_line = 1;
351 foreach my $theta ( @{$self -> theta_values -> [$prob]} ){
352 print $outfile "\n " unless( $i % 10 );
353 $i++;
354 printf $outfile ("%8s",$theta);
356 print $outfile "\n";
357 } elsif ( $line =~ /^(DIAG.{4})/ ){
358 print $outfile $1;
359 my $i = 1;
360 my @diag;
361 $skip_line = 1;
362 if( $self -> have_omega_DIAG -> [$prob] && !$have_omega_DIAG[$prob] ){
363 @diag = @{$self -> omega_values -> [$prob] -> [0]};
364 $have_omega_DIAG[$prob] = 1;
365 } elsif ( $self -> have_sigma_DIAG -> [$prob]) {
366 @diag = @{$self -> sigma_values -> [$prob] -> [0]};
368 foreach my $diag ( @diag ){
369 print $outfile "\n " unless( $i % 10 );
370 $i++;
371 printf $outfile ("%8s",$diag);
373 print $outfile "\n";
374 } elsif ( $line =~ /^(BLST.{4})/ ) {
375 print $outfile $1;
376 my $i = 1;
377 my @blst;
378 $skip_line = 1;
379 if( $self -> have_omega_BLST -> [$prob] && $omega_BLST_count[$prob] <= $#{$self -> omega_values -> [$prob]} ){
380 @blst = @{$self -> omega_values -> [$prob] -> [$omega_BLST_count[$prob]++]};
381 } else {
382 @blst = @{$self -> sigma_values -> [$prob] -> [0]};
385 foreach my $blst ( @blst ){
386 print $outfile "\n " unless( $i % 10 );
387 $i++;
388 printf $outfile ("%8s",$blst);
390 print $outfile "\n";
391 } elsif( not $line =~ /^[A-Z]{4}[\ ]{3}/ and $skip_line){
392 next;
393 } else {
394 $skip_line = 0;
395 print $outfile $line;
399 end write
401 # }}}
403 # {{{ pertubate_all
404 start pertubate_all
406 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $self -> prob; $i++ ){
407 $self -> _pertubate( 'estimates' => $self -> theta_values -> [$i],
408 'degree' => $degree,
409 'lobnds' => $self -> lower_bounds -> [$i],
410 'upbnds' => $self -> upper_bounds -> [$i],
411 'fixed' => $fixed_thetas[$i]);
413 foreach my $sigma_line ( @{$self -> sigma_values -> [$i]} ){
414 $self -> _pertubate( 'estimates' => $sigma_line,
415 'degree' => $degree,
416 'fixed' => $fixed_sigmas[$i]);
419 foreach my $omega_line ( @{$self -> omega_values -> [$i]} ){
420 $self -> _pertubate( 'estimates' => $omega_line,
421 'degree' => $degree,
422 'fixed' => $fixed_omegas[$i]);
426 end pertubate_all
427 # }}}
429 # {{{ pertubate
431 start _pertubate
433 for( my $i = 0; $i <= $#{$estimates}; $i++ ){
434 unless( $fixed[$i] ){
435 my ( $sign, $est, $form );
436 my $lobnd;
437 my $upbnd;
438 my $init = $estimates -> [$i];
440 my $change = abs($degree*$init);
442 if ( defined $lobnds and defined $lobnds -> [$i] ){
443 $lobnd = $lobnds -> [$i];
444 $lobnd = $init-$change < $lobnd ? $lobnd : $init-$change;
445 } else {
446 $lobnd = $init-$change;
449 if ( defined $upbnds and defined $upbnds -> [$i] ) {
450 $upbnd = $upbnds -> [$i];
451 $upbnd = $init+$change > $upbnd ? $upbnd : $init+$change;
452 } else {
453 $upbnd = $init+$change;
456 $lobnd = 0.01 if ( ( $lobnd < 0.01 and $lobnd > -0.01)
457 and $upbnd >= 0.01001 );
458 $upbnd = -0.01 if ( ( $upbnd < 0.01 and $upbnd > -0.01)
459 and $lobnd <= -0.01001 );
462 if ( $lobnd <= -0.01 and $upbnd >= 0.01 ) {
463 $est = $lobnd + 0.02 + rand($upbnd - ($lobnd+0.02));
464 #$est = random_uniform(1, $lobnd + 0.02, $upbnd);
465 $est = $est - 0.02 if ( $est <0.01 );
466 } else {
467 $est = $lobnd + rand($upbnd - $lobnd);
468 #$est = random_uniform(1, $lobnd, $upbnd );
470 $form = "%6.4f" if $est < 1000 and $est > -999;
471 $form = "%6.1f" if $est >= 1000 or $est <=-999;
474 $estimates -> [$i] = sprintf $form,$est;
475 if ( $estimates -> [$i] == 0 ) {
476 $estimates -> [$i] = '0.0001';
481 end _pertubate
483 # }}}