1 <h3
3 The Stepwise Covariate
Model (SCM
) building tool of PsN
4 Forward Selection
and Backward Elimination of covariates to a
5 model
. In short
, one model
for each relevant parameter
6 relationship is prepared
and tested in a univariate manner
. In the
7 first step the model that gives the best fit of the data according
8 to some criteria is retained
and taken forward to the next
9 step
. In the following steps all remaining parameter
10 combinations are tested until no more covariates meet the criteria
11 for being included into the model
. The Forward Selection can be
12 followed by Backward Elimination
, which proceeds
as the Forward
13 Selection but reversely
, using stricter criteria
for model
16 The Stepwise Covariate Model building procedure is run by the scm
17 utility
. The options to the scm utility are of three diffrent
18 types
, first are the common options which works like the common
19 options
for all tools
. Then are the SCM specific command line
20 options
. And last are options which have a more complex structures
21 and are considered to cumbersome to specify on the command
22 line
. These options must therefore be specified in a separate
23 configuration file
. It is possible to provide values
for all
24 options
, including the common options
, in the configuration file
25 but it should be noted that the command line overrides the
26 configuration file
, if an option is specified at both
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