The "theta" class was not connected to "init_record" class. Connecting it spured...
[PsN.git] / lib /
1 # The Debug class is a little bit special in that it should never be
2 # instanciated. An instance is kept globaly which can be accessed by
3 # the members of the debug class if they are called staticaly. Calling
4 # a member staticaly means that you adress them using the perl module
5 # name, for example:
7 # debug -> level( );
9 # Notice that there is no $ in front of 'debug'. Here level is called
10 # "staticaly". In other words, it means "call a member without an
11 # instance".
13 # The reason for this is that debug keeps a "level" variable globaly,
14 # which indicates how verbose PsN should be, the higher the level, the
15 # more messages you will see.. The level variable is numerical, but
16 # each level has a name in order to make its use a bit more
17 # intuitive. The levels are, starting with the lowest:
19 # "fatal" - only when an error so grave that PsN has to exit, a fatal
20 # message may be printed. This is the least amount of messages
21 # you can see.
24 # "warning" - When something critical happens, somethings that
25 # probably should be examined closer, though not
26 # serious enough to exit PsN a warning message may be
27 # printed.
29 # "information" - When something out of the ordinary happens and
30 # we think the user should be informed, an
31 # informational message may be printed.
33 # "call_trace" - This level is mostly used by developers when
34 # debugging PsN. If this level is set a message
35 # will be printed for each method which is called
36 # inside PsN. Needless to say, this will print a
37 # lot of text. The only time a user should turn this
38 # is when filing a bug report, and only then if a
39 # developer thinks it is necessary.
41 # Setting a higher level than "fatal" also means that message of all
42 # lower levels will be printed.
44 # No PsN class may change the level.
46 # {{{ include
47 start include statements
48 use Carp;
49 use Carp qw(cluck);
50 use Text::Wrap;
51 use File::Find 'find';
52 use File::Spec::Functions;
54 # These variables are used for mapping level names to numbers.
56 my $fatal = 0;
57 my $warning = 1;
58 my $information = 2;
59 my $call_trace = 3;
61 my $the_instance = debug::new();
63 end include statements
64 # }}}
66 # {{{ new
67 start new
68 end new
69 # }}}
71 # {{{ level
73 start level
75 # Usage:
77 # debug -> level( debug::warning )
79 # If you give a value to level as a single argument, you will
80 # set the global level of debug messages.
82 # my $current_level = debug -> level
84 # If you don't give any argument the current level is returned.
86 if( defined($parm) ){
87 $the_instance -> {'level'} = $parm;
88 } else {
89 return $the_instance -> {'level'};
91 #$self -> psn_in_inc;
92 return;
94 end level
96 # }}}
98 # {{{ package
100 start package
102 # Usage:
104 # debug -> package( 'output' )
106 # If you give a value to package as a single argument, you will
107 # set the global package of debug messages.
109 # my $current_package = debug -> package
111 # If you don't give any argument the current package is returned.
113 if( defined($parm) ){
114 $the_instance -> {'package'} = $parm;
115 } else {
116 return $the_instance -> {'package'};
118 return;
120 end package
122 # }}}
124 # {{{ subroutine
126 start subroutine
128 # Usage:
130 # debug -> subroutine( 'output' )
132 # If you give a value to subroutine as a single argument, you will
133 # set the global subroutine of debug messages.
135 # my $current_subroutine = debug -> subroutine
137 # If you don't give any argument the current subroutine is returned.
139 if( defined($parm) ){
140 $the_instance -> {'subroutine'} = $parm;
141 } else {
142 return $the_instance -> {'subroutine'};
144 return;
146 end subroutine
148 # }}}
150 # {{{ level_name
151 start level_name
153 # Usage:
155 # my $level_name = debug -> level_name( level => 1 )
157 # level_name will map an integer in the interval 0 to 3 to a
158 # string. The string is the name of the level with that number
159 # in the order of levels. ( "fatal" is lowest and "call_trace"
160 # highest ).
162 # By default it returns the name of the current set level.
164 # my $current_level_name = debug -> level_name;
166 $return_val = $the_instance -> {'level_names'} -> [$level];
168 end level_name
169 # }}}
171 # {{{ warn_with_trace
172 start warn_with_trace
174 # Usage:
176 # debug -> warn_with_trace( debug::warning )
178 # By default, a trace of function calls is printed when PsN
179 # dies. If you like you can set a level for which you like
180 # traces to be printed. Notice that all lower level messages
181 # will also have a trace printed after them.
183 if( defined($parm) ){
184 $the_instance -> {'warn_with_trace'} = $parm;
185 } else {
186 return $the_instance -> {'warn_with_trace'};
188 return;
190 end warn_with_trace
191 # }}}
193 # {{{ warn
194 start warn
197 # Usage:
199 # debug -> warn( level => debug::warning, message => "This is a warning" );
201 # debug::warn will print out warning, informational or
202 # call_trace messages corresponding to the level specified as
203 # argument. debug::warn will look at the level given and the
204 # global level to see whether anything should be printed.
207 # NOTICE the lack of "\n" at the end of the message, debug::warn
208 # will append one "\n". In case there ever is a GUI for PsN
209 # debug::warn could be used to create a message in the GUI. And
210 # in that case, an extra "\n" might be annoying.
212 if( $the_instance -> {'level'} >= $level ){
214 my ( $package_junk, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $junk ) = caller(1);
215 my @names = split('::', $subroutine );
216 $subroutine = $names[$#names];
217 my $package = join( '::', @names[0..$#names-1] );
219 if ( ( not defined $the_instance -> {'package'} or
220 $the_instance -> {'package'} eq $package ) and
221 ( not defined $the_instance -> {'subroutine'} or
222 $the_instance -> {'subroutine'} eq $subroutine ) ) {
224 my $level_name = $self -> level_name(level => $level);
225 my $prefix;
226 my $text;
228 if( $the_instance -> {'level'} >= 3 ){
229 my @longmess = split( /\n/, Carp::longmess );
230 my $arr = scalar(@longmess);
231 $prefix = ' ' x ($arr-2);
234 if( $level >= 3 ){
235 $text = $prefix . $level_name . ': ' . $package . '->' .
236 $subroutine. " : " . $message . "\n";
237 } else {
238 my $level_name_length = length( $level_name );
239 my $indent = ' ' x (4);
240 $text = "\n". $level_name . ': ' . $package . '->' . $subroutine. " :";
241 $text .= wrap($prefix, $prefix . $indent, "\n" . $message );
242 $text .= "\n";
245 if( $the_instance -> {'warn_with_trace'} ){
246 cluck( $text );
247 } else {
248 print STDERR ( $text );
253 end warn
254 # }}}
256 # {{{ die
257 start die
259 # Usage
261 # debug -> die( message => "This message will print, and then PsN will die" );
264 # debug::die is what PsN calls instead of "die" in order to get
265 # a call trace. The given message is allways printed.
267 # NOTICE the lack of "\n" at the end of the message, debug::warn
268 # will append one "\n". In case there ever is a GUI for PsN
269 # debug::doe could be used to create a message in the GUI. And
270 # in that case, an extra "\n" might be annoying.
272 if( $the_instance -> {'level'} >= 0 ){
273 my $prefix;
274 if( $the_instance -> {'level'} >= 3 ){
275 my @longmess = split( /\n/, Carp::longmess );
276 my $arr = scalar(@longmess);
277 $prefix = ' ' x ($arr-2);
279 if( $the_instance -> {'level'} > 1 ){
280 $! = 1;
281 confess( $prefix . $message );
282 } else {
283 $! = 1;
284 croak( $prefix . $self -> level_name(level => 0) . ': ' . $message . "\n" );
288 end die
289 # }}}
291 # {{{ psn_in_inc
292 start psn_in_inc
293 foreach my $plib ( @INC ) {
294 if ( $the_instance -> {'level'} > 1 ) {
295 find( { wanted => sub { print canonpath($_),"\n" if /PsN.*\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, $plib ) if ( $plib ne '.' );
296 } elsif ( $the_instance -> {'level'} == 1 ) {
297 find( { wanted => sub { print canonpath($_),"\n" if /PsN\.pm\z/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, $plib ) if ( $plib ne '.' );
300 end psn_in_inc
301 # }}} psn_in_inc