[PsN.git] / bin / extended_grid
1 #!/usr/local/bin/perl
3 # Only for Development
4 use FindBin qw($Bin);
5 use lib "$Bin/../lib";
7 # Don't edit the line below, it must look exactly like this.
8 # Everything above this line will be replaced #
10 # Perl includes #
11 use strict;
12 use Getopt::Long;
13 # External modules #
14 use Math::Random;
15 # PsN includes #
16 use PsN;
17 use tool::modelfit;
18 use model;
19 use debug;
20 use common_options;
21 use ui;
22 use File::Copy 'cp';
23 use Data::Dumper;
25 ################################################################################
27 # This is the extended_gri. First the command line options are parsed
28 # using Getopt::Long. PsN "common options" are used to fine tune the
29 # running.
31 ################################################################################
33 # {{{ options handling
35 my $cmd_line = $0 . " " . join( " ", @ARGV );
37 my %options;
39 my %optional_options = ( 'ids_to_simulate:i' => undef,
40 'id_column:s' => undef,
41 'dv_column:s' => undef,
42 'omega_multiplier:s' => undef);
44 my $res = GetOptions( \%options,
45 @common_options::get_opt_strings,
46 keys(%optional_options) );
48 exit unless $res;
50 common_options::set_globals( \%options, 'extended_grid' );
51 common_options::get_defaults( \%options, 'extended_grid' );
52 common_options::sanity_checks( \%options, 'extended_grid' );
54 my %help_text;
55 $help_text{Pre_help_message} = <<'EOF';
56 <h3 class="heading1">extended_grid</h3>
58 Perl script for getting standard errors of etas.
60 <h3 class="heading1">Usage:</h3>
61 EOF
63 $help_text{Description} = <<'EOF';
64 <h3 class="heading1">Description:</h3>
66 extended_grid requires "MAXEVALS" to be abreviated to "MAX" if it
67 exists in the model file.
69 EOF
70 $help_text{Examples} = <<'EOF';
71 <h3 class="heading1">Example:</h3>
73 <p class="style2">extended_grid pheno.mod</p>
75 This will create a new directory extended_grid_dirX where X is a
76 number increased every time you run the program. Inside that
77 directory it will create a new model file for each OMEGA in the
78 file. You will be able to retrieve the results from the
79 corresponding table file.
80 EOF
82 common_options::online_help('extended_grid',\%options, \%help_text, {}, {});
84 if ( scalar( @ARGV ) < 1 ) {
85 print "A model file must be specified. Use '$0 -h' for help.\n";
86 exit;
89 unless( defined $options{'seed'} ){
90 $options{'seed'} = 1;
93 unless( defined $options{'dv_column'} ){
94 $options{'dv_column'} = 'DV';
97 unless( defined $options{'id_column'} ){
98 $options{'id_column'} = 'ID';
101 my( $base_dir, $dummy) = OSspecific::absolute_path( '', '' );
103 my $directory;
105 if ( defined $options{'directory'} ) {
106 my $dummy;
107 ( $directory, $dummy ) = OSspecific::absolute_path( $options{'directory'} );
108 } else {
109 $directory = OSspecific::unique_path( 'extended_grid_dir' ,
110 $base_dir );
113 my $eval_string = common_options::model_parameters(\%options);
115 unless( -d $directory ){
116 mkdir( $directory );
118 open(CMD, ">", $directory . "/command.txt");
119 print CMD $cmd_line, "\n";
120 close(CMD);
123 # }}}
125 ################################################################################
127 # The original model file is run and simulation started.
129 ################################################################################
131 # {{{ Orig + simulation
133 my $model;
135 $model = model -> new ( eval( $eval_string ),
136 filename => $ARGV[0],
137 ignore_missing_output_files => 1 );
139 my $datafile_name = $model -> datas -> [0] -> full_name;
141 chdir( $directory );
143 my $modelfit;
145 $modelfit = tool::modelfit ->
146 new ( eval( $common_options::parameters ),
147 directory => 'orig_modelfit_dir',
148 models => [$model] );
150 $modelfit -> run;
152 my $model_copy = $model -> copy( filename => 'simulation.mod',
153 copy_data => 1,
154 data_file_names => ['simulation.dta']);
156 $model_copy -> update_inits( from_output => $model -> outputs -> [0] );
158 $model_copy -> remove_records( type => 'estimation' );
159 $model_copy -> remove_records( type => 'covariance' );
160 $model_copy -> remove_records( type => 'table' );
162 $model_copy -> set_records( type => 'simulation',
163 record_strings => ['('.$options{'seed'}.') ONLYSIM']);
165 my $nr_of_old_etas = $model -> nomegas -> [0];
166 my $nr_of_old_sigmas = $model -> nsigmas -> [0];
167 my @table_string;
168 for( 1..$nr_of_old_etas ){
170 push( @table_string, "ETA$_" );
174 $model_copy -> set_records( type => 'table',
175 record_strings => [ "ID ",join( " ",@table_string ), " FIRSTONLY FILE=sim" ] );
177 $model_copy -> _write;
179 my $id_to_sim;
180 my $nr_of_individuals = scalar @{$model_copy -> datas -> [0] -> individuals};
182 if( defined $options{'ids_to_simulate'} ){
183 $id_to_sim = $options{'ids_to_simulate'};
185 my $data_set = $model_copy -> datas -> [0];
187 if( $id_to_sim <= $nr_of_individuals ){
188 my $individuals = $data_set -> individuals;
189 my @new_individuals = @{$individuals}[0..($id_to_sim-1)];
191 $data_set -> individuals( \@new_individuals );
192 } else {
194 my $nr_of_new_ids = $id_to_sim - scalar @{$data_set -> individuals};
196 for( 1..$nr_of_new_ids ){
197 my $new_individual = $data_set -> individuals -> [0] -> copy;
199 push( @{$data_set -> individuals}, $new_individual );
205 $data_set -> renumber_ascending;
206 $data_set -> _write;
208 } else {
209 $id_to_sim = scalar @{$model_copy -> datas -> [0] -> individuals};
212 $modelfit = tool::modelfit ->
213 new ( eval( $common_options::parameters ),
214 directory => 'simulation_dir',
215 models => [$model_copy] );
217 $modelfit -> run;
219 # }}}
221 # {{{ create Dataset
223 my $extended_model = $model -> copy( filename => 'extended.mod',
224 copy_data => 1,
225 data_file_names => ['extended.dta']);
227 my $data_copy = $extended_model -> datas -> [0];
229 $extended_model -> update_inits( from_output => $model -> outputs -> [0] );
231 if( $options{'omega_multiplier'} ){
233 my $omega_ref = $extended_model -> initial_values( parameter_type => 'omega' );
234 my @omegas = @{$omega_ref -> [0]};
235 my @new_omegas;
237 foreach my $omega( @omegas ){
238 push( @new_omegas, $omega * $options{'omega_multiplier'} );
241 $extended_model -> initial_values( parameter_type => 'omega',
242 new_values => [\@new_omegas] );
246 my $ids = $data_copy -> individuals;
248 #my $omegas = $models[0] -> problems -> [0] -> omegas();
249 #my @L2_column;
250 #my $L2_value = 0;
252 #foreach my $omega( @{$omegas} ){
253 # $L2_value++;
254 # for( 1..$omega -> size() ){
255 # push( @L2_column, $L2_value );
259 foreach my $id( @{$ids} ){
260 my @last_row_of_id = split(/,/,$id -> subject_data -> [$#{$id -> subject_data}]);
262 foreach my $row( @{$id -> subject_data} ){
263 $row .= ",0";
267 my $id_template = $ids->[$#{$ids}];
269 my @last_row_of_id = split(/,/,$id_template -> subject_data -> [$#{$id_template -> subject_data}]);
270 my $row_length = scalar @last_row_of_id;
272 my $id_column = $data_copy -> column_head_indices -> {$options{'id_column'}};
273 my $dv_column = $data_copy -> column_head_indices -> {$options{'dv_column'}};
274 my $evid_column = $data_copy -> column_head_indices -> {'EVID'};
275 my $last_id = $id_template -> idnumber();
277 my $table_data = data -> new( filename => 'sim' );
279 my $table_ids = $table_data -> individuals();
281 foreach my $id_num ( 1..$id_to_sim ){
282 my @new_id_rows;
283 my @row_template = ('.') x $row_length;
284 my $type = 1;
286 my $eta_from_sim = $table_ids -> [$id_num-1] -> subject_data -> [0];
288 foreach my $eta_num ( 1..$nr_of_old_etas ){
289 my @eta_from_sim = split( /,/ , $eta_from_sim );
290 my @new_row = @row_template;
291 $new_row[$id_column-1] = ($last_id + $id_num );
292 $new_row[$dv_column-1] = $eta_from_sim[$eta_num]; # eta begins with 1, but there is an ID-column in $eta_from_sim
293 $new_row[$evid_column-1] = 0;
294 $new_row[$#new_row] = $type++;
295 push( @new_id_rows, join(',',@new_row ) );
297 my $new_id = data::individual -> new( idcolumn => $last_id + $id_num,
298 subject_data => \@new_id_rows,
299 data_id => $data_copy -> {'data_id'} );
300 push( @{$data_copy -> individuals}, $new_id );
303 push( @{$data_copy -> {'header'}}, 'TYPE' );
304 $data_copy -> synchronize;
306 $data_copy -> _write;
308 # }}}
310 # {{{ create the second model
312 # Get error block to replace EPS(n) with ETA(n + $nr_of_old_eta) and
313 # replace ERR(n) with ERR(n+$nr_of_old_eta)
315 my $error = $extended_model -> record( record_name => 'error' );
317 my %seen_eps;
318 my %seen_err;
320 my $error_has_if = 0;
322 my $loop_end = $#{$error -> [0]};
323 for( my $row = 0 ; $row <= $loop_end; $row ++ ){
324 $error -> [0] -> [$row] =~ s/
325 (.)EPS\((\d+)
326 (?{$seen_eps{$2}=1;$dummy=$2+$nr_of_old_etas;})\)
327 /$1ETA($dummy)/gx;
329 if( $error -> [0] -> [$row] =~ /IF\s*\(/ ){
330 $error_has_if = 1;
333 # $error -> [0] -> [$row] =~ s/
334 # (.)ERR\((\d+)
335 # (?{$seen_err{$2}=1;$dummy=$2+$nr_of_old_etas;})\)
336 # /$1ETA($dummy)/gx;
339 # if( $error -> [0] -> [$row] =~ /(.*)Y(\s*)=(.*)/ ){
342 # @{$error -> [0]} = ( @{$error -> [0]}[0..($row-1)],
343 # ' WT=1/100000',
344 # ' IF( TYPE.LE.0 ) ' . $error -> [0] -> [$row],
345 # @{$error -> [0]}[$row+1..$#{$error->[0]}] );
346 # $row++;
352 unless( $error_has_if ){
353 unshift( @{$error->[0]}, 'IF(TYPE.LE.0) THEN' );
354 push( @{$error -> [0]}, 'ENDIF' );
357 my $nr_of_added_etas = scalar keys %seen_eps;
359 my $input = $extended_model -> record( record_name => 'input' );
361 $input->[0]->[0] =~ s/\$INPUT//;
362 chomp( $input->[0]->[ $#{$input->[0]} ] );
363 $input->[0]->[ $#{$input->[0]} ] .= ' TYPE';
365 $extended_model -> set_records( type => 'input',
366 record_strings => $input->[0]);
369 foreach( 1..$nr_of_old_etas ){
370 push(@{$error -> [0]}, ' IF( TYPE.EQ.'.($_).' ) Y = ETA('.($_).')+ERR(2)*W/100000');
374 $extended_model -> set_records( type => 'error',
375 record_strings => $error -> [0] );
377 $extended_model -> initial_values( parameter_type => 'sigma',
378 add_if_absent => 1,
379 parameter_numbers => [[$nr_of_old_sigmas+1]],
380 new_values => [[1]] );
382 $extended_model -> initial_values( parameter_type => 'omega',
383 add_if_absent => 1,
384 parameter_numbers => [[$nr_of_old_etas+1 .. $nr_of_old_etas+$nr_of_added_etas]],
385 new_values => [[(1) x $nr_of_added_etas]] );
387 $extended_model -> fixed( parameter_type => 'sigma',
388 parameter_numbers => [[$nr_of_old_sigmas+1]],
389 new_values => [[1]] );
391 $extended_model -> set_records( type => 'estimation',
392 record_strings => ['MAX=0 POSTHOC'] );
394 $extended_model -> set_records( type => 'nonparametric',
395 record_strings => ['MARGINALS MSFO=MSF01 UNCONDITIONAL'] );
397 $extended_model -> remove_records( type => 'covariance' );
399 my $code_block;
400 my $use_pk = 0;
401 # Find PK or PRED block
402 if( defined $extended_model -> pk ){
403 $code_block = $extended_model -> pk;
404 $use_pk = 1;
405 } elsif( defined $extended_model -> pred ){
406 $code_block = $extended_model -> pred;
407 } else {
408 die "Error: No \$PK or \$PRED found... \n";
411 push( @{$code_block},' JD = DEN_');
413 my @JD_string;
415 for( 1..$nr_of_old_etas ){
416 push(@{$code_block}," DN$_=CDEN_($_)" );
417 push( @JD_string, "DN$_" );
420 if( $use_pk ){
421 $extended_model -> pk( new_pk => $code_block );
422 } else {
423 $extended_model -> pred( new_pred => $code_block );
426 $extended_model -> set_records( type => 'table',
427 record_strings => ['ID '.join( ' ', @table_string, 'JD', @JD_string,'NOPRINT NOAPPEND FIRSTONLY FILE=nptab' ) ] );
429 $extended_model -> extra_output( ['nptab'] );
431 $extended_model -> _write;
433 $modelfit = tool::modelfit ->
434 new ( eval( $common_options::parameters ),
435 prepend_model_file_name => 1,
436 directory => 'extended_dir',
437 models => [$extended_model] );
439 $modelfit -> run;
441 # }}}
443 my $nptab = table_file -> new( filename => "extended.nptab" );
445 my $JD_column = $nptab -> column_to_array( column => 1 + $nr_of_old_etas );
447 for( $nr_of_individuals .. ($nr_of_individuals + $id_to_sim-1) ){
449 $JD_column -> [$_] = $JD_column -> [$_] - (1/($nr_of_individuals + $id_to_sim));
453 my $JD_sum = 0;
454 my $verification_sum = 0;
456 for( 0 .. $#{$JD_column} ){
458 $JD_sum += $JD_column -> [$_];
460 $JD_column -> [$_] = $JD_column -> [$_] * ( ( $nr_of_individuals + $id_to_sim ) / $nr_of_individuals );
462 $verification_sum += $JD_column -> [$_];
466 if( abs($verification_sum - 1) >= 0.01 ){
467 print "Warning: sum of scaled joint densities is to inacurate: $verification_sum (should be between 0.99 and 1.01)n";
470 my @final_nptab;
472 foreach my $eta_index ( 0..($nr_of_old_etas-1) ){
474 my $eta = $nptab -> column_to_array( column => $eta_index + 1 ); # plus 1 is for ID column
476 my %index;
477 my $counter = 0;
478 foreach my $val ( @{$eta} ){
479 $index{$counter} = $val;
480 $counter++;
483 my @order = sort( {$index{$a} <=> $index{$b}} keys %index );
485 my @JD_etax;
486 my @sorted_eta;
488 foreach my $index ( @order ){
490 push( @JD_etax, $JD_column -> [$index] );
491 push( @sorted_eta, $eta -> [$index] );
494 my $previous_value = $JD_etax[0];
496 my @JD_etax_cumulative;
497 $JD_etax_cumulative[0] = $previous_value;
499 for( 1 .. $#JD_etax ){
501 $previous_value = $previous_value + $JD_etax[$_];
503 push( @JD_etax_cumulative, $previous_value );
507 unshift( @sorted_eta, "sorted_ETA" . ($eta_index+1) );
508 unshift( @JD_etax_cumulative, "cumulative_JD". ($eta_index+1) );
510 push( @final_nptab, \@sorted_eta, \@JD_etax_cumulative );
514 unshift( @{$JD_column}, 'NJD' );
516 unshift( @final_nptab, $JD_column );
518 dump_T_csv( 'final_nptab.csv', \@final_nptab );
522 ################################################################################
524 # We are done for now, code below needs a specification and a review
526 ################################################################################
527 exit;
529 # {{{ Results handling (Cut'n'Paste from nonp_bootstrap_v2)
531 ################################################################################
533 # Do one run per individual initial clearence and get fort.80 from
534 # each run.
536 ################################################################################
538 # {{{ Fort.80 creation
540 my @parameter_P_sums;
541 my @result_header;
542 my $batch_nr = 0;
544 # {{{ create iofvcont.f
546 unless( -e 'iofvcont.f' ){
547 open(IOFVCONT , '>', 'iofvcont.f');
549 print IOFVCONT <<'EOF';
550 subroutine contr (icall,cnt,ier1,ier2)
551 parameter (no=1000)
552 common /rocm1/ y(no),data(no,3),nobs
553 integer nobs, un
554 double precision cnt,y
555 DATA un /80/
556 if (icall.le.1) return
557 call ncontr (cnt,ier1,ier2,l2r)
558 C individual obj. funct. value for indiv. jj = cnt
559 write(un,10) data(1,1),cnt
560 10 FORMAT(1F6.2,1F19.4)
561 return
564 close( IOFVCONT );
567 # }}}
569 # TODO update all initial values
571 my @new_ofv_models;
573 unless ( -e "ofv_dir" ){
574 mkdir( "ofv_dir" );
576 chdir( "ofv_dir" );
577 cp( '../iofvcont.f', './iofvcont.f' ) or print "Warning: unable to copy iofvcont.f\n";
579 my $table = table_file -> new( filename => "extended.nptab",
580 directory => '../' );
582 my $nomegas = $extended_model -> nomegas -> [0];
584 my @individual_etas;
585 my @individual_etas_probabilities;
587 for( 0..($nomegas-1) ){
589 my $individual_eta = $table -> column_to_array( column => $_ + 1 ); # plus 1 is for ID column
590 my $individual_eta_probabilities = $table -> column_to_array( column => ($nomegas-1) + $_ + 1 + 1 ); # first plus 1 is for ID column. Second is for JD
592 push( @individual_etas , $individual_eta );
593 push( @individual_etas_probabilities , $individual_eta_probabilities );
597 my $number_of_individuals = @{$individual_etas[0]};
599 foreach my $id( 0..($number_of_individuals-1) ){
601 my $copy = $extended_model -> copy( filename => 'ofv_model_'.($id+1).'.mod' );
603 # Not needed ?
604 # $copy -> update_inits( from_output => $extended_model -> outputs -> [0] );
606 my @new_values;
608 for my $parm ( 0..$nomegas-1 ){
610 push( @new_values, $individual_etas[$parm][$id] );
614 # $copy -> lower_bounds( parameter_type => 'theta',
615 # parameter_numbers => [[1..$nomegas]],
616 # new_values => [[(-10000) x $nomegas]]) ;
618 # $copy -> upper_bounds( parameter_type => 'theta',
619 # parameter_numbers => [[1..$nomegas]],
620 # new_values => [[(10000) x $nomegas]]) ;
622 # $copy -> initial_values( parameter_type => 'theta',
623 # parameter_numbers => [[1..$nomegas]],
624 # new_values => [\@new_values]) ;
626 $copy -> add_records( type => 'contr',
627 record_strings => ['DATA=(ID)'] );
629 $copy -> add_option( record_name => 'subroutine',
630 option_name => 'CONTR',
631 option_value => 'iofvcont.f' );
633 #$copy -> add_option( record_name => 'DATA',
634 # option_name => 'ACCEPT',
635 # option_value => "ID.LE.$ids" );
637 $copy -> lower_bounds( parameter_type => 'omega',
638 parameter_numbers => [[1..$copy -> nomegas -> [0]]],
639 new_values => [[(-1) x $copy -> nomegas -> [0]]] );
641 $copy -> initial_values( parameter_type => 'omega',
642 parameter_numbers => [[1..$copy -> nomegas -> [0]]],
643 new_values => [[(0) x $copy -> nomegas -> [0]]] );
645 # $copy -> initial_values( parameter_type => 'omega',
646 # parameter_numbers => [[1..$copy -> nomegas -> [0]]],
647 # new_values => [\@new_values] );
649 $copy -> fixed( parameter_type => 'theta',
650 new_values => [[(1) x $copy -> nthetas ]] );
652 $copy -> fixed( parameter_type => 'omega',
653 new_values => [[(1) x $copy -> nomegas -> [0] ]] );
655 $copy -> fixed( parameter_type => 'sigma',
656 new_values => [[(1) x $copy -> nsigmas -> [0] ]] );
658 $copy -> extra_output( ['fort.80'] );
660 $copy -> remove_records( type => 'table' );
661 $copy -> remove_records( type => 'abbreviated' );
662 $copy -> remove_records( type => 'nonparametric' );
664 $copy -> _write;
666 push( @new_ofv_models, $copy );
669 my $new_modelfit = tool::modelfit ->
670 new ( eval( $common_options::parameters ),
671 prepend_model_file_name => 1,
672 directory => 'modelfit',
673 models => \@new_ofv_models );
675 $new_modelfit -> run;
677 # Post process fort.80
679 my $id = 1;
680 my @all_ind_ofv;
682 foreach( 1..$number_of_individuals ){
683 open (IND, '<', "ofv_model_$id.fort.80") || die("Couldn't open ofv_model_$id.mod.fort.80 for reading: $! \n");
684 $id++;
685 my @ind_ofv;
686 while(<IND>) {
687 chomp;
688 my ($junk,$ind_ofv) = split(' ',$_);
689 push @ind_ofv, $ind_ofv;
691 close IND;
692 @ind_ofv = splice(@ind_ofv,-$number_of_individuals);
693 push( @all_ind_ofv, \@ind_ofv );
696 dump_csv( "ind_ofv.csv", \@all_ind_ofv );
698 dump_csv( "ind_etas.csv", \@individual_etas_probabilities );
700 my @etas_and_sums;
702 foreach my $parameter( 0..($nomegas - 1) ){
703 my @result;
704 my @row_sums = (0) x scalar @{$individual_etas[0]};
706 for( my $ind_ofv=0; $ind_ofv < $number_of_individuals ; $ind_ofv ++) {
707 for( my $individual=0;$individual < $number_of_individuals; $individual++) {
708 my $ofv = $all_ind_ofv[$ind_ofv] -> [$individual];
709 my $p = $individual_etas_probabilities[$parameter] -> [$individual];
710 my $LP = exp((-$ofv)/2)*$p;
711 $result[$ind_ofv] -> [$individual] = $LP;
712 $row_sums[$individual]+=$LP;
716 dump_csv( "L_times_P_ETA$parameter.csv", \@result );
718 for( my $ind_ofv=0; $ind_ofv < $number_of_individuals ; $ind_ofv ++) {
719 for( my $individual=0;$individual <= $#{$result[$ind_ofv]}; $individual++ ) {
720 $result[$ind_ofv] -> [$individual] = ($result[$ind_ofv] -> [$individual] / $row_sums[$individual]) / $number_of_individuals;
724 my $big_sum=0;
726 my @sums;
728 for( my $row = 0; $row < scalar @result; $row++ ){
729 my $row_length = $#{$result[$row]};
730 @{$result[$row]} = @{$result[$row]}[0..$id_to_sim];
732 my $scale = ($number_of_individuals/$id_to_sim);
734 my $sum = 0;
736 for(my $col = 0; $col < scalar @{$result[$row]}; $col++ ){
737 $result[$row] -> [$col] *= $scale;
738 $sum += $result[$row] -> [$col];
741 $big_sum += $sum;
743 #push( @{$result[$row]}, $sum );
745 push( @sums, $sum );
749 my @order = 0..scalar(@{$individual_etas[$parameter]})-1 ;
751 @order = sort( { $sums[$a] <=> $sums[$b] } @order );
753 my @etas_reordered;
754 my @sums_reordered;
755 my $i = 0;
757 foreach my $index( @order ){
758 $etas_reordered[$i] = $individual_etas[$parameter] -> [$index];
759 $sums_reordered[$i] = $sums[$index];
760 $i++;
763 push( @etas_and_sums, \@etas_reordered );
764 push( @etas_and_sums, \@sums_reordered );
765 if( $big_sum > 1.01 or $big_sum < 0.99 ){
766 print "Warning, sum of probabilties is outside of range [0.99..1.01]: $big_sum\n";
769 dump_csv( "P_values_ETA$parameter.csv", \@result );
773 chdir( '..' );
775 dump_T_csv('results.csv', \@etas_and_sums);
777 # }}}
779 # {{{ helper routines
781 sub dump_csv {
782 my $file_name = shift;
783 my $arr = shift;
785 open( FILE, ">", $file_name );
787 foreach my $sub_arr( @{$arr} ){
788 print( FILE join( ',', @{$sub_arr} ), "\n" );
791 close( FILE );
795 sub dump_T_csv {
796 my $file_name = shift;
797 my $arr = shift;
799 open( FILE, ">", $file_name );
801 for( my $x = 0;$x < @{$arr->[0]}; $x++ ){
802 for( my $y = 0;$y < @{$arr}; $y++ ){
803 if( $y > 0 and $y < @{$arr} ){
804 print( FILE ',' );
806 print( FILE $arr->[$y][$x] );
808 print( FILE "\n" );
811 close( FILE );
814 # }}}
816 # }}}