removed "remove_temp_files" option and documented "clean" a bit
[PsN.git] / matlab / histograms.m
1 clear;
3 % ---------- Parameters for the plots ----------
5 rows    = 2;                            % Number of rows in each figure
6 columns = 2;                            % Number of columns
7 bars    = 20;                           % Number of histogram bars
9 only_print = NaN;                       % Use to make the script print
10                                         % only one parameter
12 text_size = 10;                         % Text size in legend and
13                                         % on axes
15 create_emf = 0;                         % Create .emf files. Only
16                                         % possible on windows.
18 factor_minimization_successful     = 1; % Condition the graphs on
19                                         % the minimization outcome
20 factor_covariance_step_successful  = 0; % Condition the graphs on
21                                         % the covariance step outcome
22 factor_no_covariance_step_warnings = 0; % Condition the graphs on
23                                         % the presence of warning
24                                         % messages in the
25                                         % covariance step
26 factor_no_estimate_near_boundary   = 1; % Condition the graphs on
27                                         % the presence of parameter
28                                         % estimates near boundaries
30 % The conditioning alternatives above create times-two extra graphs
31 % per option set to 1. In total, 16 multiples of histograms may be
32 % created. In reality, some combinations of errors an warnings are
33 % impossible or very unlikely which reduce the dimensions
34 % substancially.
36 confidence_limits = [2.5, 97.5 ];       % The percentiles to get
37                                         % bootstrap estimates for
39 percentile_bca_limit = 100;
40 % If the number of available bootstrap samples, given the
41 % conditions specified above, is lower than this value, a normal
42 % percentile approach is used even if a BCa was requested.
44 % ---------- Autogenerated code below ----------
46 use_bca = 1;                            % Was a BCa-type of
47                                         % bootstrap run?
48 bs_samples = 2000;                      % Number of bootstrap samples
49 jk_samples = 36;                        % Number of (BCa) jackknife samples
51 col_names = { 'Significant Digits',
52               'OFV',
53               'par1',
54               'par2',
55               'par3',
56               'par4',
57               'par5',
58               'par6',
59               'par7',
60               'par8',
61               'par9' };
63 fixed_columns = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ];
64 same_columns = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
66 minimization_successful_col    = 2;     % Column number for the
67                                         % minimization sucessful flag
68 covariance_step_successful_col = 3;     % As above for cov-step warnings
69 covariance_step_warnings_col   = 4;     % etc
70 estimate_near_boundary_col     = 5;     % etc
72 not_data_cols = 12;                     % Number of columns in the
73                                         % beginning that are not
74                                         % parameter estimates.
76 filename = 'bootstrap_rr.csv';
78 % ---------- End autogenerated code ----------
80 % The rest of the code does not change between runs
82 bootstrap_log = csvread(filename);
84 [junk, n_columns] = size(fixed_columns);
86 use_rows     = ones(bs_samples,1);
87 combinations = [NaN];
88 comb_names   = {NaN};
89 short_names   = {NaN};
90 tmp = [];
91 tmp_comb  = [];
92 tmp_short  = {};
93 tmp_names = {};
95 % Create the conditioned (sub)data sets from the bootstrap data
96 if( factor_minimization_successful )
97   tmp(:,1) = bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,minimization_successful_col) == 1;
98   tmp(:,2) = bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,minimization_successful_col) == 0;
99   use_rows = tmp;
100   combinations = [1,0];
101   comb_names   = {'minimization_successful=1','minimization_successful=0'};
102   short_names   = {'m1','m0'};
104 tmp_comb = [];
105 tmp_short  = {};
106 tmp_names = {};
107 if( factor_covariance_step_successful )
108   [a,b] = size( use_rows );
109   for i = 1:b,
110     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+1) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_successful_col) == 1);
111     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+2) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_successful_col) == 0);
112     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [combinations(:,i);1];
113     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [combinations(:,i);0];
114     n1 = {'covariance_step_successful=1'};
115     n2 = {'covariance_step_successful=0'};
116     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [comb_names(:,i);n1];
117     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [comb_names(:,i);n2];
118     tmp_short(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [short_names(:,i);{'c1'}];
119     tmp_short(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [short_names(:,i);{'c0'}];
120   end
121   use_rows     = tmp;
122   combinations = tmp_comb;
123   comb_names   = tmp_names;
124   short_names  = tmp_short;
126 tmp_comb = [];
127 tmp_short  = {};
128 tmp_names = {};
129 if( factor_no_covariance_step_warnings )
130   [a,b] = size( use_rows );
131   for i = 1:b,
132     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+1) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_warnings_col) == 0);
133     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+2) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_warnings_col) == 1);
134     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [combinations(:,i);0];
135     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [combinations(:,i);1];
136     n1 = {'covariance_step_warnings=0'};
137     n2 = {'covariance_step_warnings=1'};
138     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [comb_names(:,i);n1];
139     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [comb_names(:,i);n2];
140     tmp_short(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [short_names(:,i);{'w0'}];
141     tmp_short(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [short_names(:,i);{'w1'}];
142   end
143   use_rows = tmp;
144   combinations = tmp_comb;
145   comb_names   = tmp_names;
146   short_names  = tmp_short;
148 tmp_comb = [];
149 tmp_short  = {};
150 tmp_names = {};
151 if( factor_no_estimate_near_boundary )
152   [a,b] = size( use_rows );
153   for i = 1:b,
154     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+1) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,estimate_near_boundary_col) == 0);
155     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+2) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,estimate_near_boundary_col) == 1);
156     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [combinations(:,i);0];
157     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [combinations(:,i);1];
158     n1 = {'estimate_near_boundary=0'};
159     n2 = {'estimate_near_boundary=1'};
160     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [comb_names(:,i);n1];
161     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [comb_names(:,i);n2];
162     tmp_short(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [short_names(:,i);{'b0'}];
163     tmp_short(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [short_names(:,i);{'b1'}];
164   end
165   use_rows = tmp;
166   combinations = tmp_comb;
167   comb_names   = tmp_names;
168   short_names  = tmp_short;
171 [a,b] = size( use_rows );
172 n_runs = sum( use_rows );
173 orig_est = bootstrap_log(1,not_data_cols+1:not_data_cols+n_columns);
174 all_data = bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,not_data_cols+1: ...
175                          not_data_cols+n_columns);
176 if use_bca 
177         jk_data  = bootstrap_log(bs_samples+3:bs_samples+jk_samples+2, ...
178                          not_data_cols+1: not_data_cols+n_columns);
181 % Create directory for figures
182 mkdir('matlab_plots');
183 chdir('matlab_plots');
185 lower = [];
186 upper = [];
187 ci = [];
188 % loop the subsets
189 for j = 1:b
190   % Only those subsets that have some runs are of interest (obviously)
191   if n_runs( j ) > 0 
192     row = 1;
193     col = 1;
194     [R,C] = find( use_rows(:,j) );
196     % Create subset
197     data = all_data(R,:);
199     % Calculate the confidence limits according to each method
200     if ( use_bca == 1 ) & ( n_runs(j) > percentile_bca_limit )
201       [lower(j,:), upper(j,:)] = bca( orig_est, data, jk_data, ...
202                                       confidence_limits(1),  confidence_limits(2) );
203       ci = [ ci, [[combinations(:,j),combinations(:,j)];[ lower(j,:)', upper(j,:)']] ];
204     else
205       lower(j,:) = prctile(data,confidence_limits(1),1);
206       upper(j,:) = prctile(data,confidence_limits(2),1);
207       ci         = [ ci, [[combinations(:,j),combinations(:,j)];[ lower(j,:)', upper(j,:)' ]] ];
208     end
209   end
212 fignum = 1;
213 % Loop over all parameters
214 for i = 1:n_columns,
215     if fixed_columns( i ) == 1 || ...
216         same_columns( i ) == 1 || ...
217       ( ~isnan(only_print) && i ~= only_print )
218         continue;
219     end
220     % Loop over the possible subsets
221     row = 1;
222     col = 1;
223     for j = 1:b
224         % Only those subsets that have some runs are of interest (obviously)
225         if n_runs( j ) > 0
226              [R,C] = find( use_rows(:,j) );
228 %             % Create subset
229              data = all_data(R,:);
230              data = data(:,i);
232 %             lower = [];
233 %             upper = [];
234 %             % Calculate the confidence limits according to each method
235 %             if ( use_bca == 1 ) & ( n_runs(j) > percentile_bca_limit )
236 %                 [lower, upper] = bca( orig_est(i), data, jk_data(:,i), ...
237 %                     confidence_limits(1),  confidence_limits(2) );
238 %                 ci = [ ci, [[combinations(:,j),combinations(:,j)];[ lower', upper']] ];
239 %             else
240 %                 lower = prctile(data,confidence_limits(1),1);
241 %                 upper = prctile(data,confidence_limits(2),1);
242 %                 ci = [ ci, [[combinations(:,j),combinations(:,j)];[ lower', upper' ]] ];
243 %             end
245             if col == (columns+1)
246                 col = 1;
247                 row = row + 1;
248             end
249             if row == (rows+1) || j == 1
250                 if row == (rows+1)
251                     file = strrep( col_names( i ), ' ', '_' );
252                     file = strrep( file, '/', '_' );
253                     file = strrep( file, '\', '_' );
254                     if create_emf == 1 
255                         saveas( gcf, cell2mat(file), 'emf' );
256                     end
257                     saveas( gcf, cell2mat(file), 'epsc2' );
258                 end
259                 h_base  = figure;
260                 set( h_base, 'Visible', 'off' );
261                 set( h_base, 'PaperType', 'A4');
262                 set( h_base, 'PaperOrientation', 'landscape');
263                 set( h_base, 'PaperPosition', [0.634517 0.634517 28.4084 19.715] );
265                 col = 1;
266                 row = 1;
267             end
269             % Prepare plot
270             nplot = col+(row-1)*columns;
271             subplot(rows, columns, nplot);
273             % Create a histogram
274             hist(data,bars);
275             h = get(gca,'Children');
276             set(h,'EdgeColor','w');
277             hold on;
279             ax = axis;
280             ax_s = ax(2:2:4)-ax(1:2:3);
281             ax_n(1:2:3) = ax(1:2:3)-0.01*ax_s;
282             ax_n(2:2:4) = ax(2:2:4)+0.01*ax_s;
283             axis(ax_n);
285             % Add lines for the lower and upper confidence limits as they are
286             % determined by the bootstrap
287             h = line( [lower(j,i), lower(j,i)], ax(3:4) );
288             h = line( [upper(j,i), upper(j,i)], ax(3:4) );
290             if adjust_axes( i ) == 2 && not ( lower(j,i) == upper(j,i) )
291               axis([(lower(j,i)-0.5*abs(upper(j,i)-lower(j,i))), ...
292                     (upper(j,i)+0.5*abs(upper(j,i)-lower(j,i))), ...
293                     ax(3:4)]);
294             end
296             % ----------- Add some text and figures ----------
298             [LEGH,OBJH,OUTH,OUTM] = legend( sprintf('%14s%5.3g','lower limit = ',lower(j,i)), ...
299                 sprintf('%14s%5.3g','upper limit = ',upper(j,i)), ...
300                 sprintf('%14s%5.0f','n = ', n_runs( j ) ), ...
301                 'Location', 'NorthEast' );
302             legend boxoff;
303             set( gca, 'FontSize', text_size);
304             %      set( OBJH(1), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right' );
305             %      set( OBJH(2), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right' );
306             %      set( OBJH(3), 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right' );
307             set( OBJH(4), 'Visible', 'off');
308             set( OBJH(5), 'Visible', 'off');
309             set( OBJH(7), 'Visible', 'off');
311             % Add a title to each plot
312             [c1,c2] = size(short_names);
313             name = [];
314             %      name = [col_names( i ),'-'];
315             for k = 1:c1
316                 name = [ name, short_names(k,j)];
317             end
318             if( col == 1 && row == 1 )
319                 title( cell2mat([col_names( i ),{' - '},name]), 'EdgeColor', 'none' );
320             else
321                 title( cell2mat(name), 'EdgeColor', 'none' );
322             end
324             hold off;
325             col = col + 1;
326         end
327         %   close;
328     end
330     if adjust_axes( i ) == 1
331         plot_children = get( gcf, 'Children' );
332         plot_axes = [];
333         max_axis = [];
334         min_axis = [];
335         for j = 1 : length(plot_children)
336             if strcmp( get( plot_children(j), 'Type'), 'axes') && ...
337                   ~strcmp( get( plot_children(j), 'Tag'), 'legend')
338                 plot_axes = [plot_axes, plot_children(j)];
339                 max_axis = max([max_axis;axis(plot_children(j))],[],1);
340                 min_axis = min([min_axis;axis(plot_children(j))],[],1);
341             end
342         end
343         axis(plot_axes,[min_axis(1),max_axis(2),min_axis(3),max_axis(4)]);
344     end
346     file = strrep( col_names( i ), ' ', '_' );
347     file = strrep( file, '/', '_' );
348     file = strrep( file, '\', '_' );
349     if create_emf == 1 
350         saveas( gcf, cell2mat(file), 'emf' );
351     end
352     saveas( gcf, cell2mat(file), 'epsc2' );
354 close all;
355 chdir('..');
356 save 'matlab_ci.txt' ci -ascii;
358 % % The rest of the code does not change between runs
360 % bootstrap_log = csvread(filename);
362 % [junk, n_columns] = size(fixed_columns);
364 % use_rows     = ones(bs_samples,1);
365 % combinations = [NaN];
366 % comb_names   = {NaN};
367 % tmp = [];
368 % tmp_comb  = [];
369 % tmp_names = {};
371 % % Create the conditioned (sub)data sets from the bootstrap data
372 % if( factor_minimization_successful )
373 %   tmp(:,1) = bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,minimization_successful_col) == 1;
374 %   tmp(:,2) = bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,minimization_successful_col) == 0;
375 %   use_rows = tmp;
376 %   combinations = [1,0];
377 %   comb_names   = {'minimization_successful=1','minimization_successful=0'};
378 % end
379 % tmp_comb = [];
380 % tmp_names = {};
381 % if( factor_covariance_step_successful )
382 %   [a,b] = size( use_rows );
383 %   for i = 1:b,
384 %     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+1) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_successful_col) == 1);
385 %     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+2) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_successful_col) == 0);
386 %     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [combinations(:,i);1];
387 %     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [combinations(:,i);0];
388 %     n1 = {'covariance_step_successful=1'};
389 %     n2 = {'covariance_step_successful=0'};
390 %     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [comb_names(:,i);n1];
391 %     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [comb_names(:,i);n2];
392 %   end
393 %   use_rows     = tmp;
394 %   combinations = tmp_comb;
395 %   comb_names   = tmp_names;
396 % end
397 % tmp_comb = [];
398 % tmp_names = {};
399 % if( factor_no_covariance_step_warnings )
400 %   [a,b] = size( use_rows );
401 %   for i = 1:b,
402 %     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+1) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_warnings_col) == 0);
403 %     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+2) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,covariance_step_warnings_col) == 1);
404 %     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [combinations(:,i);0];
405 %     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [combinations(:,i);1];
406 %     n1 = {'covariance_step_warnings=0'};
407 %     n2 = {'covariance_step_warnings=1'};
408 %     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [comb_names(:,i);n1];
409 %     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [comb_names(:,i);n2];
410 %   end
411 %   use_rows = tmp;
412 %   combinations = tmp_comb;
413 %   comb_names   = tmp_names;
414 % end
415 % tmp_comb = [];
416 % tmp_names = {};
417 % if( factor_no_estimate_near_boundary )
418 %   [a,b] = size( use_rows );
419 %   for i = 1:b,
420 %     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+1) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,estimate_near_boundary_col) == 0);
421 %     tmp(:,(i-1)*2+2) = use_rows(:,i).*(bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,estimate_near_boundary_col) == 1);
422 %     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [combinations(:,i);0];
423 %     tmp_comb(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [combinations(:,i);1];
424 %     n1 = {'estimate_near_boundary=0'};
425 %     n2 = {'estimate_near_boundary=1'};
426 %     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+1) = [comb_names(:,i);n1];
427 %     tmp_names(:,(i-1)*2+2) = [comb_names(:,i);n2];
428 %   end
429 %   use_rows = tmp;
430 %   combinations = tmp_comb;
431 %   comb_names   = tmp_names;
432 % end
434 % [a,b] = size( use_rows );
435 % n_runs = sum( use_rows )
436 % orig_est = bootstrap_log(1,not_data_cols+1:not_data_cols+n_columns);
437 % all_data = bootstrap_log(2:bs_samples+1,not_data_cols+1: ...
438 %                        not_data_cols+n_columns);
439 % if use_bca 
440 %       jk_data  = bootstrap_log(bs_samples+2:bs_samples+jk_samples+1, ...
441 %                        not_data_cols+1: not_data_cols+n_columns);
442 % end
444 % % Loop over the possible subsets
445 % ci = [];
446 % fignum = 1;
447 % for j = 1:b
448 %   % Only those subsets that have some runs are of interest (obviously)
449 %   if n_runs( j ) > 0 
450 %     row = 1;
451 %     col = 1;
452 %     [R,C] = find( use_rows(:,j) );
454 %     % Create subset
455 %     data = all_data(R,:);
457 %     lower = [];
458 %     upper = [];
459 %     % Calculate the confidence limits according to each method
460 %     if ( use_bca == 1 ) & ( n_runs(j) > percentile_bca_limit )
461 %       [lower, upper] = bca( orig_est, data, jk_data, ...
462 %                           confidence_limits(1),  confidence_limits(2) );
463 %       ci = [ ci, [[combinations(:,j),combinations(:,j)];[ lower', upper']] ];
464 %     else
465 %       lower = prctile(data,confidence_limits(1),1);
466 %       upper = prctile(data,confidence_limits(2),1);
467 %       ci = [ ci, [[combinations(:,j),combinations(:,j)];[ lower', upper' ]] ];
468 %     end
470 %     % Loop over all parameters
471 %     for i = 1:n_columns,
472 %       if fixed_columns( i ) == 1 || same_columns( i ) == 1
473 %       continue;
474 %       end
475 %       if col == (columns+1)
476 %       col = 1;
477 %       row = row + 1;
478 %       end
479 %       if row == (rows+1) || i == 1
480 %       if i ~= 1
481 %         saveas( gcf, num2str(fignum), 'epsc2' );
482 %           fignum = fignum + 1;
483 %           close;
484 %         end
485 %       h  = figure;
486 %       col = 1;
487 %       row = 1;
488 %       end
490 %       % Prepare plot
491 %       nplot = col+(row-1)*columns;
492 %       subplot(rows, columns, nplot);
494 %       % Create a histogram
495 %       hist(data(:,i),bars);
496 %       hold on;
498 %       ax = axis;
500 %       if col == 1 & row == 1
501 %       x_text = ax(1) - (ax(2)-ax(1))*0.7;
502 %       [c1,c2] = size(comb_names);
503 %       for k = 1:c1
504 %         y_text = ax(4) + (ax(4)-ax(3))*(0.1*k);
505 %         text( x_text, y_text, comb_names(k,j) );
506 %       end
507 %       end
509 %       % Add lines for the lower and upper confidence limits as they are
510 %       % determined by the bootstrap
511 %       h = line( [lower(i), lower(i)], ax(3:4) );
512 %       h = line( [upper(i), upper(i)], ax(3:4) );
514 %       % ----------- Add some text and figures ----------
516 %       % Upper likelihood-profiling confidence limit
517 %       y_text = ax(3) - (ax(4)-ax(3))*text_offset;
518 %       text( upper(i), y_text, num2str(upper(i)) );
520 %       % Lower likelihood-profiling confidence limit
521 %       text( lower(i), y_text, num2str(lower(i)) );
523 %       % Add a title to each plot
524 %       title( col_names( i, : ) );
526 %       hold off;
527 %       col = col + 1;
528 %     end
529 %     saveas( gcf, num2str(fignum), 'epsc2' );
530 %     fignum = fignum + 1;
531 %     close;
532 %   end
533 % end
535 % save 'matlab_ci.prn' ci -ascii;