5 PxpRpc(PARTIC cross platform remote procedure call) is a very tiny rpc library aim to call and interchange data cross platform and language with high performance and little load.
10 Currently, pxprpc has been implemented on below platform
12 rpc server on Java (>=1.6)
14 asynchronous rpc server on C
16 rpc server over tcp on C with libuv
18 rpc server over tcp on C with tbox
20 rpc server and client on Python(>=3.8)
22 rpc server and client on Typescript(websocket)
24 rpc server on C# (.net)
28 See /documents/* for more information.
30 See test files for detail usage.
32 [C(libuv) example](c/pxprpc_libuv/test.cpp)
34 [C(tbox) example](c/pxprpc_tbox/test.cpp)
36 [Java example](java/src/pursuer/test/PxpRpc.java)
38 [Python example](python/pxprpc/tests.py)
40 [Typescript(websocket) example](typescript/pxprpc/tests.ts)
42 [C#(.net) example](csharp/dotnet/pxprpc/tests/TestMain.cs)
45 Feel free to PR and issue