c backend refact, implementing serilizer
[PxpRpc.git] / java / src / pursuer / test / PxpRpc.java
1 package pursuer.test;
3 import java.io.Closeable;
4 import java.io.IOException;
5 import java.io.InputStream;
6 import java.io.OutputStream;
7 import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
8 import java.net.Socket;
9 import java.nio.Buffer;
10 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
11 import java.nio.channels.ByteChannel;
12 import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
13 import java.util.Arrays;
14 import java.util.Timer;
15 import java.util.TimerTask;
17 import pursuer.pxprpc.AsyncReturn;
18 import pursuer.pxprpc.EventDispatcher;
19 import pursuer.pxprpc.Serilizer2;
20 import pursuer.pxprpc.Utils;
21 import pursuer.pxprpc_ex.TCPBackend;
23 public class PxpRpc {
25 //Just for test, will ignore session check.
28 //Rpc server handler demo.
29 public static class Handler1 {
30 public int getInt2345() {
31 return 2345;
33 public String get1234() {
34 return "1234";
36 public void printString(String s) {
37 System.out.println(s);
39 public void print5678() {
40 System.out.println("5678");
42 public Closeable printWhenFree() {
43 return new Closeable() {
44 @Override
45 public void close() throws IOException {
46 System.out.println("free by server gc");
50 public void printArg(int a,long b,float c,double d,ByteBuffer e) {
51 System.out.println(a+","+b+","+c+","+d+","+
52 Arrays.toString(Utils.bytesGet(e, 0, 4)));
54 public void printArg2(byte[] bb){
55 Serilizer2 ser = new Serilizer2().prepareUnseriling(ByteBuffer.wrap(bb));
56 int a=ser.getInt();
57 long b=ser.getLong();
58 float c=ser.getFloat();
59 double d=ser.getDouble();
60 String e=ser.getString();
61 byte[] f=ser.getBytes();
62 System.out.println(a+","+b+","+c+","+d+","+e+","+ Arrays.toString(f));
64 public TickEvent onTick() {
65 TickEvent te = new TickEvent();
66 te.start();
67 return te;
69 public void waitOneTick(final AsyncReturn<Object> asyncRet) {
70 Timer tm=new Timer();
71 tm.schedule(new TimerTask() {
72 @Override
73 public void run() {
74 asyncRet.result("one tick done");
76 }, 1000);
78 public void throwError() throws IOException {
79 throw new IOException("dummy exception");
82 public static class TickEvent extends EventDispatcher{
83 Timer tm=new Timer();
84 public TickEvent() {
86 public void start() {
87 tm.schedule(new TimerTask() {
88 @Override
89 public void run() {
90 TickEvent.this.fireEvent("tick");
92 }, 1000,1000);
94 public void stop() {
95 tm.cancel();
99 public static void main(String[] args) {
101 try {
102 final TCPBackend pxptcp = new TCPBackend();
103 int listenPort=2064;
104 pxptcp.funcMap.put("test1", new Handler1());
105 pxptcp.bindAddr=new InetSocketAddress(listenPort);
106 Thread th=new Thread(new Runnable() {
107 @Override
108 public void run() {
109 try {
110 pxptcp.listenAndServe();
111 } catch (IOException e) {
112 e.printStackTrace();
113 if(!e.getMessage().contains("Interrupted function call")) {
114 e.printStackTrace();
117 System.out.println("server stoped");
120 th.setDaemon(true);
121 th.start();
123 System.out.println("waiting for server start");
124 try {
125 Thread.sleep(1000);
126 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
129 SocketChannel soc=SocketChannel.open();
130 soc.configureBlocking(true);
131 soc.connect(new InetSocketAddress("localhost",listenPort));
133 ClientContext client = new ClientContext();
134 client.init(soc);
137 System.out.println("##connected server info:\n"+client.getInfo());
140 // set *12 = getFunc test1.getInt2345
141 client.getFunc(12, "test1.getInt2345");
142 System.out.println("expect print 2345");
143 // set *11 = call *12
144 System.out.println(client.callIntFunc(11, 12, new Object[0]));
145 // set *11 = getFunc test1.print5678
146 client.getFunc(11,"test1.print5678");
147 System.out.println("expect print 5678");
148 // set *12 = call *11
149 client.callIntFunc(12, 11, new Object[0]);
150 //set *11 = getFunc test1.get1234
151 client.getFunc(11, "test1.get1234");
152 // set *12 = call *11
153 client.callIntFunc(12,11,new Object[0]);
154 //set *13 = getFunc test1.printString
155 client.getFunc(13, "test1.printString");
156 //set *14 = call *13 (*12)
157 //currently, 12 slot store the value return by test1.get1234
158 System.out.println("expect print 1234");
159 client.callIntFunc(14,13,new Object[] {12});
160 //set *12="pxprpc"
161 client.push(12, "pxprpc".getBytes("utf-8"));
162 //should print pxprpc
163 System.out.println("expect print pxprpc\\n0");
164 System.out.println(client.callIntFunc(14,13,new Object[] {12}));
166 //set *11 = getFunc test1.printArg
167 client.getFunc(11, "test1.printArg");
168 //set *12=[1,2,3,4]
169 client.push(12, new byte[] {1,2,3,4});
170 //call *11(111,2222222,3.14,3.1415,*12)
171 System.out.println("expect 111,2222222,3.14,3.1415,[1,2,3,4]");
172 client.callIntFunc(13, 11, new Object[] {111,2222222l,3.14f,3.1415d,12});
174 //serilizer test
175 //set *11 = getFunc test1.printArg2
176 client.getFunc(11, "test1.printArg2");
177 //set *12=[1,2,3,4]
179 client.push(12,Utils.toBytes(new Serilizer2().prepareSerilizing(64)
180 .putInt(111).putLong(2222222l).putFloat(3.14f).putDouble(3.1415d)
181 .putString("abcd").putBytes(new byte[]{1,2,3,4},0,4).build()));
183 System.out.println("expect 111,2222222,3.14,3.1415,abcd,[1,2,3,4]");
184 client.callIntFunc(13, 11, new Object[] {12});
187 System.out.println("sleep 1 tick");
188 //set *11=getFunc test1.waitOneTick
189 client.getFunc(11, "test1.waitOneTick");
190 client.callIntFunc(12,11,new Object[] {});
191 System.out.println(new String(client.pull(12),"utf-8"));
193 //set *11=getFunc test1.onTick
194 client.getFunc(11, "test1.onTick");
195 //set *12=test1.onTick()
196 System.out.println(client.callIntFunc(12,11,new Object[0]));
197 //set *13=(*12).next()
198 client.callIntFunc(13,12,new Object[0]);
199 System.out.println(new String(client.pull(13),"utf-8"));
200 //set *13=(*12).next()
201 client.callIntFunc(13,12,new Object[0]);
202 System.out.println(new String(client.pull(13),"utf-8"));
203 //set *13=(*12).next()
204 client.callIntFunc(13,12,new Object[0]);
205 System.out.println(new String(client.pull(13),"utf-8"));
207 System.out.println("check exception test,expect '1' 'dummy exception'");
208 //set *11=getFunc test1.throwError
209 client.getFunc(11, "test1.throwError");
210 //*12=(*11)()
211 System.out.print(client.callIntFunc(12, 11, new Object[0]));
212 //set *13=getFunc builtIn.checkException
213 if(client.getFunc(13, "builtin.checkException")==0) {
214 System.out.println("builtin.checkException not found");
215 }else {
216 //*14=(*13)(12)
217 client.callIntFunc(14, 13, new Object[] {12});
218 System.out.println(new String(client.pull(14),"utf-8"));
223 //set *11 = getFunc test1.printString
224 client.getFunc(11,"test1.printWhenFree");
225 //set *12 = call *11
226 client.callIntFunc(12, 11, new Object[0]);
227 //push to 12, so *11 should be free if server support.
228 System.out.println("expect print 'free by server gc' if server support");
229 client.push(12, new byte[0]);
232 //should be free when connection close, if server support.
233 client.callIntFunc(12, 11, new Object[0]);
234 pxptcp.close();
235 System.out.println("close server...");
237 try {
238 Thread.sleep(1000);
239 } catch (InterruptedException e) {
242 } catch (IOException e) {
243 e.printStackTrace();
248 public static class ClientContext {
249 public ByteChannel chan;
251 public void init(ByteChannel chan) {
252 this.chan=chan;
254 public void assert2(boolean b) {
255 if(!b) {
256 throw new RuntimeException("assert error");
259 public int session=0x78593<<8;
261 public void push(int addr,byte[] data) throws IOException {
262 int op=session|0x1;
263 Utils.writeInt32(chan,op);
264 Utils.writeInt32(chan,addr);
265 Utils.writeInt32(chan, data.length);
266 Utils.writef(chan,ByteBuffer.wrap(data));
267 int op2=Utils.readInt32(chan);
268 assert2(op2==op);
270 public byte[] pull(int addr) throws IOException {
271 int op=session|0x2;
272 Utils.writeInt32(chan,op);
273 Utils.writeInt32(chan,addr);
274 assert2(Utils.readInt32(chan)==op);
275 int len=Utils.readInt32(chan);
276 byte[] r=new byte[len];
277 Utils.readf(chan,ByteBuffer.wrap(r));
278 return r;
280 public int callIntFunc(int assignAddr,int addr,Object[] params) throws IOException {
281 int op=session|0x5;
282 Utils.writeInt32(chan,op);
283 Utils.writeInt32(chan,assignAddr);
284 Utils.writeInt32(chan,addr);
285 for(Object p : params) {
286 if(p.getClass().equals(Integer.class)) {
287 Utils.writeInt32(chan,(Integer) p);
288 }else if(p.getClass().equals(Long.class)) {
289 Utils.writeInt64(chan,(Long) p);
290 }else if(p.getClass().equals(Float.class)) {
291 Utils.writeFloat32(chan,(Float) p);
292 }else if(p.getClass().equals(Double.class)) {
293 Utils.writeFloat64(chan,(Double) p);
294 }else {
295 throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
298 assert2(Utils.readInt32(chan)==op);
299 return Utils.readInt32(chan);
301 public int getFunc(int assignAddr,String name) throws IOException {
302 int op=session|0x6;
303 push(1, name.getBytes());
304 Utils.writeInt32(chan,op);
305 Utils.writeInt32(chan,assignAddr);
306 Utils.writeInt32(chan, 1);
307 assert2(Utils.readInt32(chan)==op);
308 return Utils.readInt32(chan);
310 public String getInfo()throws IOException{
311 int op=session|0x8;
312 Utils.writeInt32(chan,op);
313 assert2(Utils.readInt32(chan)==op);
314 int len=Utils.readInt32(chan);
315 byte[] r=new byte[len];
316 Utils.readf(chan,ByteBuffer.wrap(r));
317 return new String(r,"utf-8");