c backend refact, implementing serilizer
[PxpRpc.git] / typescript / pxprpc / extend.ts
1 import { Client, PxpCallable, PxpObject, PxpRequest, Server } from './base'
3 export class ByteBuffer{
4     public dv?:DataView;
5     public pos:number=0;
6     public constructor(buf:ArrayBuffer){
7         this.dv=new DataView(buf);
8     }
9     public getByte(){
10         let val=this.dv!.getInt8(this.pos);
11         this.pos++;
12         return val;
13     }
14     public getInt(){
15         let val=this.dv!.getInt32(this.pos,true);
16         this.pos+=4;
17         return val;
18     }
19     public getLong(){
20         let val=this.dv!.getBigInt64(this.pos,true);
21         this.pos+=8;
22         return val;
23     }
24     public getFloat(){
25         let val=this.dv!.getFloat32(this.pos,true);
26         this.pos+=4;
27         return val;
28     }
29     public getDouble(){
30         let val=this.dv!.getInt32(this.pos,true);
31         this.pos+=8;
32         return val;
33     }
34     public getBytes(len:number){
35         let val=this.dv!.buffer!.slice(this.pos,len);
36         this.pos+=len;
37         return val;
38     }
39     public ensureRemain(remainSize:number){
40         if(this.pos+remainSize>this.dv!.buffer.byteLength){
41             let newSize=this.pos+remainSize;
42             newSize+=newSize>>1;
43             let buf=new ArrayBuffer(newSize);
44             new Uint8Array(buf).set(new Uint8Array(this.dv!.buffer),0);
45             this.dv=new DataView(buf);
46         }
47     }
48     public putByte(val:number){
49         this.dv!.setInt8(this.pos,val);
50         this.pos++;
51         return this;
52     }
53     public putInt(val:number){
54         this.dv!.setInt32(this.pos,val,true);
55         this.pos+=4;
56         return this;
57     }
59     public putLong(val:bigint){
60         this.dv!.setBigInt64(this.pos,val,true);
61         this.pos+=4;
62         return this;
63     }
64     public putFloat(val:number){
65         this.dv!.setFloat32(this.pos,val,true);
66         this.pos+=4;
67         return this;
68     }
69     public putDouble(val:number){
70         this.dv!.setFloat64(this.pos,val,true);
71         this.pos+=4;
72         return this;
73     }
74     public putBytes(buf:ArrayBuffer){
75         new Uint8Array(buf).set(new Uint8Array(buf),this.pos);
76         this.pos+=buf.byteLength;
77         return this;
78     }
81 export class Serilizer{
82     protected buf?:ByteBuffer;
83     public prepareUnseriling(buf:ArrayBuffer){
84         this.buf=new ByteBuffer(buf);
85         return this;
86     }
87     public prepareSerilizing(initBufSize:number){
88         this.buf=new ByteBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(initBufSize));
89         return this;
90     } 
91     public putInt(val:number){
92         this.buf!.ensureRemain(4);
93         this.buf!.putInt(val);
94         return this;
95     }
96     public putLong(val:bigint){
97         this.buf!.ensureRemain(8);
98         this.buf!.putLong(val);
99         return this;
100     }
101     public putFloat(val:number){
102         this.buf!.ensureRemain(4);
103         this.buf!.putFloat(val);
104         return this;
105     }
106     public putDouble(val:number){
107         this.buf!.ensureRemain(8);
108         this.buf!.putDouble(val);
109         return this;
110     }
112     public putBytes(b:ArrayBuffer){
113         let len=b.byteLength;
114         if(len>=0xff){
115             this.buf!.ensureRemain(len+5);
116             this.buf!.putByte(0xff).putInt(len);
117         }else{
118             this.buf!.ensureRemain(len+1);
119             this.buf!.putByte(len);
120         }
121         this.buf!.putBytes(b);
122         return this;
123     }
124     public putString(val:string){
125         this.putBytes(new TextEncoder().encode(val));
126         return this;
127     }
128     public build(){
129         return this.buf!.dv!.buffer.slice(0,this.buf!.pos);
130     }
131     public getInt(){
132         return this.buf!.getInt();
133     }
134     public getLong(){
135         return this.buf!.getLong();
136     }
137     public getFloat(){
138         return this.buf!.getFloat();
139     }
140     public getDouble(){
141         return this.buf!.getDouble();
142     }
143     public getBytes(){
144         let len=this.buf!.getByte();
145         if(len==255){
146             len=this.buf!.getInt();
147         }
148         return this.buf!.getBytes(len);
149     }
150     public getString(){
151         return new TextDecoder().decode(this.getBytes());
152     }
155 export class RpcExtendError extends Error {
156     public remoteException?:RpcExtendClientObject
159 export class RpcExtendClientObject {
160     public constructor(public client: RpcExtendClient1, public value: number | undefined) {
161     }
162     public async tryPull() {
163         return this.client.conn.pull(this.value!);
164     }
165     public async free() {
166         if (this.value != undefined) {
167             await this.client.freeSlot(this.value);
168         }
169     }
170     public async asCallable():Promise<RpcExtendClientCallable>{
171         return new RpcExtendClientCallable(this.client,this.value)
172     }
175 export class RpcExtendClientCallable extends RpcExtendClientObject {
176     protected sign: string = '->';
177     public constructor(client: RpcExtendClient1, value: number | undefined) {
178         super(client, value)
179     }
180     /*
181 function signature
182 format: 'parameters type->return type' 
184 a function defined in c:
185 bool fn(uin32_t,uint64_t,float64_t,struct pxprpc_object *)
186 defined in java:
187 boolean fn(int,int,double,Object)
189 it's pxprpc signature: 
190 iido->z
192 available type signature characters:
193 i  int(32bit integer)
194 l  long(64bit integer) 
195 f  float(32bit float)
196 d  double(64bit float)
197 o  object(32bit reference address)
198 b  bytes(32bit address refer to a bytes buffer)
199 '' return void(32bit 0)
201 z  boolean(pxprpc use 32bit to store boolean value)
202 s  string(bytes will be decode to string)
204     public signature(sign: string) {
205         this.sign = sign;
206         return this;
207     }
209     public async call(...args:any[]) {
210         let sign2 = this.sign
211         let argSign = sign2.substring(0, sign2.lastIndexOf('->'))
212         let retType = sign2.substring(argSign.length + 2)
214         let freeBeforeReturn: number[] = []
215         //TODO: fix slightly memory waste.
216         let args2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(args.length * 8));
217         let writeAt = 0;
218         try {
219             let argsProcessDone = false;
220             for (let i1 = 0; i1 < argSign.length; i1++) {
221                 switch (argSign.charAt(i1)) {
222                     case 'i':
223                         args2.setInt32(writeAt, args[i1], true);
224                         writeAt += 4;
225                         break;
226                     case 'l':
227                         args2.setBigInt64(writeAt, args[i1], true);
228                         writeAt += 8;
229                         break;
230                     case 'f':
231                         args2.setFloat32(writeAt, args[i1], true);
232                         writeAt += 4;
233                         break;
234                     case 'd':
235                         args2.setFloat64(writeAt, args[i1], true);
236                         writeAt += 8;
237                         break;
238                     case 'o':
239                         args2.setInt32(writeAt, args[i1].value, true);
240                         writeAt += 4;
241                         break;
242                     case 's':
243                     case 'b':
244                         let t2 = await this.client.allocSlot()
245                         freeBeforeReturn.push(t2)
246                         if (argSign.charAt(i1) == 's') {
247                             await this.client.conn.push(t2, new TextEncoder().encode(args[i1]))
248                         } else {
249                             await this.client.conn.push(t2, args[i1])
250                         }
251                         args2.setInt32(writeAt, t2, true);
252                         writeAt += 4;
253                         break;
254                     case 'z':
255                         args2.setInt32(writeAt, args[i1] ? 1 : 0, true);
256                         writeAt += 4;
257                         break;
258                 }
259                 if (argsProcessDone) {
260                     break;
261                 }
262             }
263             if (retType!=='' && 'ilfdz'.indexOf(retType) >= 0) {
264                 let result = new DataView(await this.client.conn.call(
265                     0, this.value!, args2.buffer.slice(0, writeAt),
266                     'ld'.indexOf(retType) >= 0 ? 8 : 4));
267                 let result2 = null;
268                 switch (retType) {
269                     case 'i':
270                         result2 = result.getInt32(0, true);
271                         break;
272                     case 'l':
273                         result2 = result.getBigInt64(0, true);
274                         break;
275                     case 'f':
276                         result2 = result.getFloat32(0, true);
277                         break;
278                     case 'd':
279                         result2 = result.getFloat64(0, true);
280                         break;
281                     case 'z':
282                         result2 = result.getInt32(0, true) != 0;
283                         break;
284                 }
285                 return result2
286             }else{
287                 let destAddr=await this.client.allocSlot()
288                 let status = new DataView(await this.client.conn.call(
289                     destAddr, this.value!, args2.buffer.slice(0, writeAt), 4)).getUint32(0,true);
290                 let result=new RpcExtendClientObject(this.client,destAddr);
291                 if(retType=='s'){
292                     freeBeforeReturn.push(destAddr);
293                     if(status==1){
294                         await this.client.checkException(result);
295                     }else{
296                         let byteData=await result.tryPull()
297                         if(byteData!=null){
298                             let t2=new TextDecoder().decode(byteData);
299                             return t2
300                         }else{
301                             return null;
302                         }
303                     }
304                 }else if(retType=='b'){
305                     freeBeforeReturn.push(destAddr);
306                     if(status==1){
307                         await this.client.checkException(result);
308                     }else{
309                         let byteData=await result.tryPull();
310                         return byteData;
311                     }
312                 }else{
313                     if(status==1){
314                         await this.client.checkException(result);
315                     }else{
316                         return result
317                     }
318                 }
319             }
320         } finally {
321             for (let t1 of freeBeforeReturn) {
322                 await this.client.freeSlot(t1);
323             }
324         }
326     }
332 export class RpcExtendClient1 {
333     private __usedSlots: { [index: number]: boolean | undefined } = {};
334     private __nextSlots: number;
336     private __slotStart: number = 1;
337     private __slotEnd: number = 64;
339     public constructor(public conn: Client) {
340         this.__nextSlots = this.__slotStart;
341     }
343     public setAvailableSlotsRange(start:number,end:number){
344         this.__slotStart=start;
345         this.__slotEnd=end;
346         this.__nextSlots = this.__slotStart;
347     }
349     public async init():Promise<this>{
350         if(!this.conn.isRunning()){
351             this.conn.run();
352         }
353         let info=await this.conn.getInfo();
354         let refSlotsCap=info.split('\n').find(v=>v.startsWith('reference slots capacity:'))
355         if(refSlotsCap!=undefined){
356             this.setAvailableSlotsRange(1,Number(refSlotsCap.split(':')[1])-1);
357         }
358         return this;
359     }
361     protected builtIn?:{checkException?:RpcExtendClientCallable}
362     public async ensureBuiltIn(){
363         if(this.builtIn==undefined){
364             this.builtIn={}
365             let t1=await this.getFunc('builtin.checkException');
366             if(t1!=null){
367                 t1.signature('o->s');
368                 this.builtIn.checkException=t1;
369             }
370         }
371     }
372     public async checkException(obj:RpcExtendClientObject){
373         await this.ensureBuiltIn();
374         if(this.builtIn!.checkException!=null){
375             let err=await this.builtIn!.checkException.call(obj) as string
376             if(err!=''){
377                 throw(new RpcExtendError(err));
378             }
379         }
380     }
381     public async allocSlot() {
382         let reachEnd = false;
383         while (this.__usedSlots[this.__nextSlots]) {
384             this.__nextSlots += 1
385             if (this.__nextSlots >= this.__slotEnd) {
386                 if (reachEnd) {
387                     throw new RpcExtendError('No slot available')
388                 } else {
389                     reachEnd = true
390                     this.__nextSlots = this.__slotStart
391                 }
392             }
393         }
395         let t1 = this.__nextSlots
396         this.__nextSlots += 1
397         if(this.__nextSlots>=this.__slotEnd){
398             this.__nextSlots=this.__slotStart;
399         }
400         this.__usedSlots[t1] = true;
401         return t1
402     }
403     public async freeSlot(index: number) {
404         if (this.conn.isRunning()) {
405             await this.conn.unlink(index)
406             delete this.__usedSlots[index]
407         }
409     }
410     public async getFunc(name: string) {
411         let t1 = await this.allocSlot()
412         await this.conn.push(t1, new TextEncoder().encode(name))
413         let t2 = await this.allocSlot()
414         let resp=await this.conn.getFunc(t2, t1)
415         await this.freeSlot(t1)
416         if(resp==0){
417             return null;
418         }
419         return new RpcExtendClientCallable(this, resp)
420     }
421     public async close(){
422         for(let key in this.__usedSlots){
423             if(this.__usedSlots[key])
424                 this.freeSlot(Number(key));
425         }
426         await this.conn.close()
427     }
432 export class RpcExtendServerCallable implements PxpCallable{
433     protected tParam:string = '';
434     protected tResult:string='';
435     protected paramBufLen=0;
436     public constructor(public wrapped:(...args:any)=>Promise<any>){
437     }
438     //See RpcExtendClientCallable.signature
439     public signature(sign: string) {
440         let [tParam,tResult]=sign.split('->');
441         this.tParam=tParam;
442         this.tResult=tResult;
443         this.paramBufLen=0;
444         for(let i1=0;i1<tParam.length;i1++){
445             if('ifobzs'.indexOf(tParam.charAt(i1))>=0){
446                 this.paramBufLen+=4;
447             }else if('ld'.indexOf(tParam.charAt(i1))>=0){
448                 this.paramBufLen+=8;
449             }
450         }
451         return this;
452     }
453     public async readParameter (req: PxpRequest){
454         let buf=new DataView(await req.context.io1.read(this.paramBufLen));
455         let tParam=this.tParam;
456         let param=[];
457         let offset=0;
458         let obj:any=null;
459         for(let i1=0;i1<tParam.length;i1++){
460             switch(tParam[i1]){
461                 case 'i':
462                     param.push(buf.getInt32(offset,true));
463                     offset+=4;
464                     break;
465                 case 'f':
466                     param.push(buf.getFloat32(offset,true));
467                     offset+=4;
468                     break;
469                 case 'o':
470                 case 'b':
471                     obj=req.context.refSlots[buf.getInt32(offset,true)]!.get();
472                     param.push(obj);
473                     offset+=4;
474                     break;
475                 case 's':
476                     obj=req.context.refSlots[buf.getInt32(offset,true)]!.get();
477                     if(obj instanceof ArrayBuffer){
478                         param.push(new TextDecoder().decode(obj));
479                     }else{
480                         param.push(obj);
481                     }
482                     offset+=4;
483                     break;
484                 case 'l':
485                     param.push(buf.getBigInt64(offset,true));
486                     offset+=8;
487                     break;
488                 case 'd':
489                     param.push(buf.getFloat64(offset,true));
490                     offset+=8;
491                     break;
492                 default:
493                     throw new Error('Unsupported value type.');
494             }
495         }
496         req.parameter=param;
497     }
498     public async call(req: PxpRequest) : Promise<any>{
499         try{
500             return await this.wrapped.apply(this,req.parameter);
501         }catch(e){
502             return e;
503         }
504     }
505     public async writeResult(req: PxpRequest){
506         let buf=new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8));
507         let len=0;
508         switch(this.tResult){
509             case 'i':
510                 buf.setInt32(0,req.result,true);len=4;
511                 break;
512             case 'f':
513                 buf.setFloat32(0,req.result,true);len=4;
514                 break;
515             case 'o':
516             case 'b':
517             case 's':
518             case '':
519                 if(req.result instanceof Error){
520                     buf.setInt32(0,1,true);
521                 }else{
522                     buf.setInt32(0,0,true);
523                 }
524                 len=4;
525                 break;
526             case 'l':
527                 buf.setBigInt64(0,req.result,true);len=8;
528                 break;
529             case 'd':
530                 buf.setFloat64(0,req.result,true);len=8;
531                 break;
532             default:
533                 throw new Error('Unsupported value type.');
534         }
535         await req.context.io1.write(buf.buffer.slice(0,len));
536     }
538 var builtinServerFuncMap:{[k:string]:RpcExtendServerCallable}={
539     'builtin.checkException':new RpcExtendServerCallable(async(e:any)=>(e instanceof Error)?e.message:'').signature('o->s')
541 export class RpcExtendServer1{
542     public constructor(public serv:Server){
543         serv.funcMap=(name)=>this.findFunc(name)
544     }
545     public async serve(){
546         await this.serv.serve()
547     }
548     public extFuncMap={} as {[k:string]:RpcExtendServerCallable};
549     public findFunc(name:string){
550         return this.extFuncMap[name]??(builtinServerFuncMap[name]);
551     }
552     public addFunc(name:string,fn:RpcExtendServerCallable){
553         this.extFuncMap[name]=fn;
554         return this;
555     }