1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
2 <ecore:EPackage xmi:
3 xmlns:
"http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:
4 xmlns:
"http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" name=
5 nsURI=
"http://iec.ch/TC57/2009/CIM-schema-cim14#" nsPrefix=
6 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Element" abstract=
7 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"UUID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Model" eType=
11 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
12 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Elements" upperBound=
15 <eSubpackages name=
"IEC61970" nsURI=
17 <eAnnotations source=
18 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains entities that describe dynamic measurement data exchanged between applications."/>
20 <eAnnotations source=
21 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains entities that describe dynamic measurement data exchanged between applications."/>
23 <eSubpackages name=
"Dynamics" nsURI=
25 <eAnnotations source=
26 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package models generalized dynamic models. Standard models and user defined dynamics models are included. In some ways this duplicates the partial modeling that was done in the GenerationDynamics package, but it far exceeds that package in terms of flexibility and extensibility. This package does not attempt to fully specficfy all possible dynamics models in specific UML, but rather builds a framework in which to exchange standard or custom dyanmics models based on "well known" block functions."/>
28 <eAnnotations source=
29 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package models generalized dynamic models. Standard models and user defined dynamics models are included. In some ways this duplicates the partial modeling that was done in the GenerationDynamics package, but it far exceeds that package in terms of flexibility and extensibility. This package does not attempt to fully specficfy all possible dynamics models in specific UML, but rather builds a framework in which to exchange standard or custom dyanmics models based on "well known" block functions."/>
31 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RotatingMachine" abstract=
32 eSuperTypes=
33 <eAnnotations source=
34 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor."/>
36 <eAnnotations source=
37 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor."/>
39 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedS" lowerBound=
40 eType=
41 <eAnnotations source=
42 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit"/>
44 <eAnnotations source=
45 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit"/>
47 </eStructuralFeatures>
48 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"s1" lowerBound=
49 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
50 <eAnnotations source=
51 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at rated term. voltage (&gt;= 0.)"/>
53 <eAnnotations source=
54 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at rated term. voltage (&gt;= 0.)"/>
56 </eStructuralFeatures>
57 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"s12" lowerBound=
58 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
59 <eAnnotations source=
60 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at 120% of rated term.voltage (&gt;=S1)"/>
62 <eAnnotations source=
63 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at 120% of rated term.voltage (&gt;=S1)"/>
65 </eStructuralFeatures>
66 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"h" lowerBound=
"1" eType=
67 <eAnnotations source=
68 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inertia constant of generator or motor and mechanical load (&gt;0). <b>H</b> is the stored energy in the rotating mass. For a generator, this includes the <b>generator plus all other elements (turbine, exciter) on the same shaft</b> and has units of MW-sec. For a motor, it includes the motor plus its mechanical load. Conventional units are per unit on the generator MVA base, usually expressed as MW-sec./MVA or just sec."/>
70 <eAnnotations source=
71 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inertia constant of generator or motor and mechanical load (&gt;0). <b>H</b> is the stored energy in the rotating mass. For a generator, this includes the <b>generator plus all other elements (turbine, exciter) on the same shaft</b> and has units of MW-sec. For a motor, it includes the motor plus its mechanical load. Conventional units are per unit on the generator MVA base, usually expressed as MW-sec./MVA or just sec."/>
73 </eStructuralFeatures>
74 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"d" lowerBound=
"1" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
75 <eAnnotations source=
76 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damping torque coefficient. <b>D</b> represents a linearized approximation of damping torque effects. This value is often zero when the sources of damping torques (generator damper windings, load damping effects, etc.) are modeled in detail"/>
78 <eAnnotations source=
79 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damping torque coefficient. <b>D</b> represents a linearized approximation of damping torque effects. This value is often zero when the sources of damping torques (generator damper windings, load damping effects, etc.) are modeled in detail"/>
81 </eStructuralFeatures>
82 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rs" lowerBound=
83 eType=
84 <eAnnotations source=
85 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stator (armature) resistance (&gt;= 0.)
- Equivalent resistance when used for GenEquiv model"/>
87 <eAnnotations source=
88 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stator (armature) resistance (&gt;= 0.)
- Equivalent resistance when used for GenEquiv model"/>
90 </eStructuralFeatures>
91 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xls" lowerBound=
92 eType=
93 <eAnnotations source=
94 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stator leakage reactance (&gt; 0.)"/>
96 <eAnnotations source=
97 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stator leakage reactance (&gt; 0.)"/>
99 </eStructuralFeatures>
101 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockConOutput" abstract=
102 eSuperTypes=
103 <eAnnotations source=
104 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If model uses MeasurementType association, it means the output is pushed back to the steady state model (if reasonable)."/>
106 <eAnnotations source=
107 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If model uses MeasurementType association, it means the output is pushed back to the steady state model (if reasonable)."/>
110 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AttributeBlockParameter" abstract=
111 eSuperTypes=
112 <eAnnotations source=
113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An attribute from the associated PowerSystemResource is used. This is like reflection into the UML model as one must name the paramter the same as the CIM name of the desired attribute. Such parameters are not important for completely standard models as the relation to the CIM attributes is fixed. This object is required for user defined models that use attributes already existing on the PowerSystemResource or its derived classes. Using this class avoids creating new paramter instances (with values) when we already have the values as class attributes of the associated PowerSystemResource. Standard block models might optinally use objects of this class to convey information about the internals of the standard block."/>
115 <eAnnotations source=
116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An attribute from the associated PowerSystemResource is used. This is like reflection into the UML model as one must name the paramter the same as the CIM name of the desired attribute. Such parameters are not important for completely standard models as the relation to the CIM attributes is fixed. This object is required for user defined models that use attributes already existing on the PowerSystemResource or its derived classes. Using this class avoids creating new paramter instances (with values) when we already have the values as class attributes of the associated PowerSystemResource. Standard block models might optinally use objects of this class to convey information about the internals of the standard block."/>
118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"attributeName" lowerBound=
119 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString">
120 <eAnnotations source=
121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the attribute in the information model. This could be any attribute of the derived class of the power system resource for which the block is intended to be used. For example, if the one were using the xxx attribute from Generator class, one would specifiy this attribute as "xxx". This would also limit the block to only those classes which have an "xxx" attribute.

This attribute could be replaced by using the inherited IdentifiedObject.name value for the purpose described above."/>
123 <eAnnotations source=
124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the attribute in the information model. This could be any attribute of the derived class of the power system resource for which the block is intended to be used. For example, if the one were using the xxx attribute from Generator class, one would specifiy this attribute as "xxx". This would also limit the block to only those classes which have an "xxx" attribute.

This attribute could be replaced by using the inherited IdentifiedObject.name value for the purpose described above."/>
126 </eStructuralFeatures>
128 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlock" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
129 <eAnnotations source=
130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A block is a meta-data representation of a control block. It has an external interface and an optinal internal interface. Blocks internals can be ommitted if the block is well understood by both exchange parties. When well understood by both partice the block can be treated as a primitive block. All dynamic models must be defined to the level of primtive blocks in order for the model to be consumed and used for dynamic simulation. Examples of primitive blocks include a well known IEEE exciter model, a summation block, or an integrator block."/>
132 <eAnnotations source=
133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A block is a meta-data representation of a control block. It has an external interface and an optinal internal interface. Blocks internals can be ommitted if the block is well understood by both exchange parties. When well understood by both partice the block can be treated as a primitive block. All dynamic models must be defined to the level of primtive blocks in order for the model to be consumed and used for dynamic simulation. Examples of primitive blocks include a well known IEEE exciter model, a summation block, or an integrator block."/>
135 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"proprietary" lowerBound=
136 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean">
137 <eAnnotations source=
138 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This block is a proprietary block. Only inputs, outputs and parameters are exchanged."/>
140 <eAnnotations source=
141 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This block is a proprietary block. Only inputs, outputs and parameters are exchanged."/>
143 </eStructuralFeatures>
145 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BlockParameter" abstract=
146 eSuperTypes=
147 <eAnnotations source=
148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specification of a paramter for use in a dynamic block. This is a paramters like a time constant that could be unique for each instance of, for example, an exciter in the model."/>
150 <eAnnotations source=
151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specification of a paramter for use in a dynamic block. This is a paramters like a time constant that could be unique for each instance of, for example, an exciter in the model."/>
153 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" lowerBound=
154 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
155 <eAnnotations source=
156 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The paramter value for this instance of a dynamic block usage."/>
158 <eAnnotations source=
159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The paramter value for this instance of a dynamic block usage."/>
161 </eStructuralFeatures>
163 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockReference" abstract=
164 eSuperTypes=
165 <eAnnotations source=
166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"References a control block at the internal meta dynamics model level. These references are contained in other blocks and reference the single instance of the meta model that defines a particular block definition. One would not expect to see bock references contained within a primitive block."/>
168 <eAnnotations source=
169 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"References a control block at the internal meta dynamics model level. These references are contained in other blocks and reference the single instance of the meta model that defines a particular block definition. One would not expect to see bock references contained within a primitive block."/>
171 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"equationType" lowerBound=
172 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt">
173 <eAnnotations source=
174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"should be enum, initial conditions vs. simulation equations"/>
176 <eAnnotations source=
177 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"should be enum, initial conditions vs. simulation equations"/>
179 </eStructuralFeatures>
181 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcitationSystemLimiter" abstract=
182 eSuperTypes=
183 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockConnectivity" abstract=
184 eSuperTypes=
185 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ProtectiveDevice" abstract=
186 eSuperTypes=
187 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockInput" abstract=
188 eSuperTypes=
189 <eAnnotations source=
190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Linkage at the dynanics meta model level. The output of a block could link to this. This is a public interface external to the block."/>
192 <eAnnotations source=
193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Linkage at the dynanics meta model level. The output of a block could link to this. This is a public interface external to the block."/>
196 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SourceModels" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
197 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockOutputReference" abstract=
198 eSuperTypes=
199 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockOutput" abstract=
200 eSuperTypes=
201 <eAnnotations source=
202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Output state of a block. This is a public interface external to the block. One or more block outputs should be specified in order to link blocks together. Certain block kinds might require a specific output. For example, an exciter block might require an output called "Ea"."/>
204 <eAnnotations source=
205 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Output state of a block. This is a public interface external to the block. One or more block outputs should be specified in order to link blocks together. Certain block kinds might require a specific output. For example, an exciter block might require an output called "Ea"."/>
208 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockParameter" abstract=
209 eSuperTypes=
210 <eAnnotations source=
211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An identified parameter of a block. This is meta dynamics model and does not contain specific parameter values. When using a block one would need to supply specific parameter values. These are typically time constants, but are not restricted to this. Sometimes, for standard blocks, the block paramter may come directly from the attributes of an associated PowerSystemResource object, but such parameters may be specified to enable user defined models to alter the behavior of a standard block."/>
213 <eAnnotations source=
214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An identified parameter of a block. This is meta dynamics model and does not contain specific parameter values. When using a block one would need to supply specific parameter values. These are typically time constants, but are not restricted to this. Sometimes, for standard blocks, the block paramter may come directly from the attributes of an associated PowerSystemResource object, but such parameters may be specified to enable user defined models to alter the behavior of a standard block."/>
217 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BlockConnection" abstract=
218 eSuperTypes=
219 <eAnnotations source=
220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A meta-dyanamics model connectivity specification."/>
222 <eAnnotations source=
223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A meta-dyanamics model connectivity specification."/>
226 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockConInput" abstract=
227 eSuperTypes=
228 <eAnnotations source=
229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If model the association to MeasurementType, the it means take the input from the associated PSR or Terminal in the static model."/>
231 <eAnnotations source=
232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If model the association to MeasurementType, the it means take the input from the associated PSR or Terminal in the static model."/>
235 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StaticVarDevice" abstract=
236 eSuperTypes=
237 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockConnection" abstract=
238 eSuperTypes=
239 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"slotname" lowerBound=
240 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString">
241 <eAnnotations source=
242 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for standard connection situations where multiple blocks of same class or same MetaBlock::blockkind have to be connected. The slotnames used are defined in the Reference Manual for Exchanging Standard Power System Dynamic Models.
Application: Cross-compound or Combined Cycle connections."/>
244 <eAnnotations source=
245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for standard connection situations where multiple blocks of same class or same MetaBlock::blockkind have to be connected. The slotnames used are defined in the Reference Manual for Exchanging Standard Power System Dynamic Models.
Application: Cross-compound or Combined Cycle connections."/>
247 </eStructuralFeatures>
249 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
250 <eLiterals name=
251 <eLiterals name=
"govenor" value=
252 <eLiterals name=
"automaticVoltageControl" value=
253 <eLiterals name=
"turbine" value=
254 <eLiterals name=
"exciter" value=
255 <eLiterals name=
"powerSystemStabilizer" value=
256 <eLiterals name=
"energySource" value=
258 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BlockConnectivity" abstract=
259 eSuperTypes=
260 <eAnnotations source=
261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A instance definition of connectivity of BlockUsage objects as defined in a a BlockConnection within the dyanmics-meta-model."/>
263 <eAnnotations source=
264 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A instance definition of connectivity of BlockUsage objects as defined in a a BlockConnection within the dyanmics-meta-model."/>
267 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockConSignal" abstract=
268 eSuperTypes=
269 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Block" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
270 <eAnnotations source=
271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specific usage of a dynamics block, supplied with parameters and any linkages to the power system static model that are required. Sometimes a block is used to simply specify a location of input or output from dyanmics equations to the static model."/>
273 <eAnnotations source=
274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specific usage of a dynamics block, supplied with parameters and any linkages to the power system static model that are required. Sometimes a block is used to simply specify a location of input or output from dyanmics equations to the static model."/>
276 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"inService" lowerBound=
277 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"/>
279 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockStateReference" abstract=
280 eSuperTypes=
281 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AsynchronousMachine" abstract=
282 eSuperTypes=
283 <eAnnotations source=
284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An asynchronous (induction) machine with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g squirel-cage induction machine."/>
286 <eAnnotations source=
287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An asynchronous (induction) machine with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g squirel-cage induction machine."/>
289 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rr1" lowerBound=
290 eType=
291 <eAnnotations source=
292 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 1 winding resistance"/>
294 <eAnnotations source=
295 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 1 winding resistance"/>
297 </eStructuralFeatures>
298 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xp" lowerBound=
299 eType=
300 <eAnnotations source=
301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient reactance (unsaturated) (&gt; =Xpp)"/>
303 <eAnnotations source=
304 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient reactance (unsaturated) (&gt; =Xpp)"/>
306 </eStructuralFeatures>
307 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tpo" lowerBound=
308 eType=
309 <eAnnotations source=
310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient rotor time constant (&gt; Tppo)"/>
312 <eAnnotations source=
313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient rotor time constant (&gt; Tppo)"/>
315 </eStructuralFeatures>
316 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xm" lowerBound=
317 eType=
318 <eAnnotations source=
319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing reactance"/>
321 <eAnnotations source=
322 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing reactance"/>
324 </eStructuralFeatures>
325 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xs" lowerBound=
326 eType=
327 <eAnnotations source=
328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous reactance (&gt;= Xp)"/>
330 <eAnnotations source=
331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous reactance (&gt;= Xp)"/>
333 </eStructuralFeatures>
334 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rr2" lowerBound=
335 eType=
336 <eAnnotations source=
337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 2 winding resistance"/>
339 <eAnnotations source=
340 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 2 winding resistance"/>
342 </eStructuralFeatures>
343 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xlr1" lowerBound=
344 eType=
345 <eAnnotations source=
346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 1 winding leakage reactance"/>
348 <eAnnotations source=
349 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 1 winding leakage reactance"/>
351 </eStructuralFeatures>
352 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xlr2" lowerBound=
353 eType=
354 <eAnnotations source=
355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 2 winding leakage reactance"/>
357 <eAnnotations source=
358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damper 2 winding leakage reactance"/>
360 </eStructuralFeatures>
361 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tppo" lowerBound=
362 eType=
363 <eAnnotations source=
364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient rotor time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
366 <eAnnotations source=
367 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient rotor time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
369 </eStructuralFeatures>
370 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xpp" lowerBound=
371 eType=
372 <eAnnotations source=
373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient reactance (unsaturated) (&gt; Xl)"/>
375 <eAnnotations source=
376 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient reactance (unsaturated) (&gt; Xl)"/>
378 </eStructuralFeatures>
380 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TieToMeasurement" abstract=
381 eSuperTypes=
382 <eAnnotations source=
383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ties a block input to a specific state variable measurment. Thus giving a unit type, a location in the network (typically a terminal). A specific value is not given, just enough information to obtain the value from the model during a solution. This has nothing to do with SCADA."/>
385 <eAnnotations source=
386 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ties a block input to a specific state variable measurment. Thus giving a unit type, a location in the network (typically a terminal). A specific value is not given, just enough information to obtain the value from the model during a solution. This has nothing to do with SCADA."/>
389 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockSignal" abstract=
390 eSuperTypes=
391 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockInputReference" abstract=
392 eSuperTypes=
393 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockParameterReference" abstract=
394 eSuperTypes=
395 <eAnnotations source=
396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"References a parameter of a block used in the internal representation of a block."/>
398 <eAnnotations source=
399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"References a parameter of a block used in the internal representation of a block."/>
402 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockConnectable" abstract=
403 eSuperTypes=
404 <eAnnotations source=
405 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is a source connection for a block input at the dynamics meta-data level. The subtypes represent different ways to obtain the numbers. Note that a block output is NOT derived from this class since block outputs can only be computed from references to other blocks via the BlockOutputReference class."/>
407 <eAnnotations source=
408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is a source connection for a block input at the dynamics meta-data level. The subtypes represent different ways to obtain the numbers. Note that a block output is NOT derived from this class since block outputs can only be computed from references to other blocks via the BlockOutputReference class."/>
411 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MetaBlockState" abstract=
412 eSuperTypes=
413 <eSubpackages name=
"Loads" nsURI=
415 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadStaticSystem" abstract=
416 eSuperTypes=
417 <eAnnotations source=
418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with a specific system."/>
420 <eAnnotations source=
421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with a specific system."/>
424 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadStaticOwner" abstract=
425 eSuperTypes=
426 <eAnnotations source=
427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with a single owner."/>
429 <eAnnotations source=
430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with a single owner."/>
433 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadStatic" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
434 <eAnnotations source=
435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Static Load Model. A static load model represents the sensitivity of the real and reactive power consumed by the load to the amplitude and frequency of the bus voltage."/>
437 <eAnnotations source=
438 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Static Load Model. A static load model represents the sensitivity of the real and reactive power consumed by the load to the amplitude and frequency of the bus voltage."/>
440 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ep2" lowerBound=
441 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
442 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ep1" lowerBound=
443 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
444 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp2" lowerBound=
445 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
446 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ep3" lowerBound=
447 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
448 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp1" lowerBound=
449 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
450 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kq4" lowerBound=
451 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
452 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kq3" lowerBound=
453 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
454 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kq2" lowerBound=
455 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kq1" lowerBound=
457 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
458 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"eq1" lowerBound=
459 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
460 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"eq2" lowerBound=
461 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
462 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp4" lowerBound=
463 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
464 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp3" lowerBound=
465 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
466 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"eq3" lowerBound=
467 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
468 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kqf" lowerBound=
469 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
470 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpf" lowerBound=
471 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"/>
473 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AggregateLoad" abstract=
474 eSuperTypes=
475 <eAnnotations source=
476 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Aggregate loads are used to represent all or part of the real and reactive load from a load in the static (power flow) data. This load is usually the aggregation of many individual load devices. The load models are approximate representation of the aggregate response of the load devices to system disturbances. 

Models of loads for dynamic analysis may themselves be either static or dynamic. A static load model represents the sensitivity of the real and reactive power consumed by the load to the amplitude and frequency of the bus voltage. A dynamic load model can used to represent the aggregate response of the motor components of the load. 

Large industrial motors or groups of similar motors may be represented by individual motor models (synchronous or asynchronous) which are usually represented as generators with negative Pgen in the static (power flow) data."/>
478 <eAnnotations source=
479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Aggregate loads are used to represent all or part of the real and reactive load from a load in the static (power flow) data. This load is usually the aggregation of many individual load devices. The load models are approximate representation of the aggregate response of the load devices to system disturbances. 

Models of loads for dynamic analysis may themselves be either static or dynamic. A static load model represents the sensitivity of the real and reactive power consumed by the load to the amplitude and frequency of the bus voltage. A dynamic load model can used to represent the aggregate response of the motor components of the load. 

Large industrial motors or groups of similar motors may be represented by individual motor models (synchronous or asynchronous) which are usually represented as generators with negative Pgen in the static (power flow) data."/>
482 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadMotor" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
483 <eAnnotations source=
484 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Aggregate induction motor load. This model is used to represent a fraction of an ordinary load as "induction motor load". It allows load that is treated as ordinary constant power in power flow analysis to be represented by an induction motor in dynamic simulation. Either a "one-cage" or "two-cage" model of the induction machine can be modeled. Magnetic saturation is not modeled.

This model is intended for representation of aggregations of many motors dispersed through a load represented at a high voltage bus but where there is no information on the characteristics of individual motors."/>
486 <eAnnotations source=
487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Aggregate induction motor load. This model is used to represent a fraction of an ordinary load as "induction motor load". It allows load that is treated as ordinary constant power in power flow analysis to be represented by an induction motor in dynamic simulation. Either a "one-cage" or "two-cage" model of the induction machine can be modeled. Magnetic saturation is not modeled.

This model is intended for representation of aggregations of many motors dispersed through a load represented at a high voltage bus but where there is no information on the characteristics of individual motors."/>
489 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lfac" lowerBound=
490 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
491 <eAnnotations source=
492 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Loading factor &ndash; ratio of initial P to motor MVA base"/>
494 <eAnnotations source=
495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Loading factor &ndash; ratio of initial P to motor MVA base"/>
497 </eStructuralFeatures>
498 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ra" lowerBound=
499 eType=
500 <eAnnotations source=
501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stator resistance"/>
503 <eAnnotations source=
504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stator resistance"/>
506 </eStructuralFeatures>
507 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"d" lowerBound=
508 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
509 <eAnnotations source=
510 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damping factor"/>
512 <eAnnotations source=
513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damping factor"/>
515 </eStructuralFeatures>
516 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ls" lowerBound=
517 eType=
518 <eAnnotations source=
519 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous reactance"/>
521 <eAnnotations source=
522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous reactance"/>
524 </eStructuralFeatures>
525 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tppo" lowerBound=
526 eType=
527 <eAnnotations source=
528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient rotor time constant"/>
530 <eAnnotations source=
531 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient rotor time constant"/>
533 </eStructuralFeatures>
534 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tbkr" lowerBound=
535 eType=
536 <eAnnotations source=
537 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Circuit breaker operating time (default = 999)"/>
539 <eAnnotations source=
540 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Circuit breaker operating time (default = 999)"/>
542 </eStructuralFeatures>
543 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lpp" lowerBound=
544 eType=
545 <eAnnotations source=
546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient reactance"/>
548 <eAnnotations source=
549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-transient reactance"/>
551 </eStructuralFeatures>
552 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tpo" lowerBound=
553 eType=
554 <eAnnotations source=
555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient rotor time constant"/>
557 <eAnnotations source=
558 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient rotor time constant"/>
560 </eStructuralFeatures>
561 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"h" lowerBound=
562 eType=
563 <eAnnotations source=
564 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inertia constant"/>
566 <eAnnotations source=
567 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inertia constant"/>
569 </eStructuralFeatures>
570 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lp" lowerBound=
571 eType=
572 <eAnnotations source=
573 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient reactance"/>
575 <eAnnotations source=
576 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient reactance"/>
578 </eStructuralFeatures>
579 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vt" lowerBound=
580 eType=
581 <eAnnotations source=
582 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage threshold for tripping (default = 0)"/>
584 <eAnnotations source=
585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage threshold for tripping (default = 0)"/>
587 </eStructuralFeatures>
588 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pfrac" lowerBound=
589 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
590 <eAnnotations source=
591 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of constant-power load to be represented by this motor model (between 1.0 and 0.0)"/>
593 <eAnnotations source=
594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of constant-power load to be represented by this motor model (between 1.0 and 0.0)"/>
596 </eStructuralFeatures>
597 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tv" lowerBound=
598 eType=
599 <eAnnotations source=
600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage trip pickup time (default = 999)"/>
602 <eAnnotations source=
603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage trip pickup time (default = 999)"/>
605 </eStructuralFeatures>
607 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
608 <eLiterals name=
609 <eLiterals name=
"ZIP1" value=
610 <eLiterals name=
"exponential" value=
612 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadStaticBus" abstract=
613 eSuperTypes=
614 <eAnnotations source=
615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load model associated with a single bus."/>
617 <eAnnotations source=
618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load model associated with a single bus."/>
621 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadStaticZone" abstract=
622 eSuperTypes=
623 <eAnnotations source=
624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with a zone."/>
626 <eAnnotations source=
627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with a zone."/>
630 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadStaticArea" abstract=
631 eSuperTypes=
632 <eAnnotations source=
633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with an Area."/>
635 <eAnnotations source=
636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static load associated with an Area."/>
640 <eSubpackages name=
"ExcitationSystems" nsURI=
642 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcBAS" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
643 <eAnnotations source=
644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basler static voltage regulator feeding dc or ac rotating exciter model"/>
646 <eAnnotations source=
647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basler static voltage regulator feeding dc or ac rotating exciter model"/>
650 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcDC2A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
651 <eAnnotations source=
652 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) DC2A Model

The model is used to represent field-controlled dc commutator exciters with continuously acting voltage regulators having supplies obtained from the generator or auxiliary bus. It differs from the Type DC1A model only in the voltage regulator output limits, which are now proportional to terminal voltage <i>V</i><i><sub>T</sub></i>.
It is representative of solid-state replacements for various forms of older mechanical and rotating amplifier
regulating equipment connected to dc commutator exciters."/>
654 <eAnnotations source=
655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) DC2A Model

The model is used to represent field-controlled dc commutator exciters with continuously acting voltage regulators having supplies obtained from the generator or auxiliary bus. It differs from the Type DC1A model only in the voltage regulator output limits, which are now proportional to terminal voltage <i>V</i><i><sub>T</sub></i>.
It is representative of solid-state replacements for various forms of older mechanical and rotating amplifier
regulating equipment connected to dc commutator exciters."/>
657 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
658 eType=
659 <eAnnotations source=
660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
662 <eAnnotations source=
663 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
665 </eStructuralFeatures>
666 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
667 eType=
668 <eAnnotations source=
669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
671 <eAnnotations source=
672 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
674 </eStructuralFeatures>
675 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
676 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
677 <eAnnotations source=
678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
680 <eAnnotations source=
681 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
683 </eStructuralFeatures>
684 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
685 eType=
686 <eAnnotations source=
687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
689 <eAnnotations source=
690 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
692 </eStructuralFeatures>
693 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
694 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
695 <eAnnotations source=
696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
698 <eAnnotations source=
699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
701 </eStructuralFeatures>
702 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
703 eType=
704 <eAnnotations source=
705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
707 <eAnnotations source=
708 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
710 </eStructuralFeatures>
711 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
712 eType=
713 <eAnnotations source=
714 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
716 <eAnnotations source=
717 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
719 </eStructuralFeatures>
720 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
721 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
722 <eAnnotations source=
723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output"/>
725 <eAnnotations source=
726 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output"/>
728 </eStructuralFeatures>
729 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
730 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
731 <eAnnotations source=
732 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
734 <eAnnotations source=
735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
737 </eStructuralFeatures>
738 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
739 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
740 <eAnnotations source=
741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
743 <eAnnotations source=
744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
746 </eStructuralFeatures>
747 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uelin" lowerBound=
748 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
749 <eAnnotations source=
750 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if &lt; 2, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
752 <eAnnotations source=
753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if &lt; 2, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
755 </eStructuralFeatures>
756 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
757 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
758 <eAnnotations source=
759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
761 <eAnnotations source=
762 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
764 </eStructuralFeatures>
765 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
766 eType=
767 <eAnnotations source=
768 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
770 <eAnnotations source=
771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
773 </eStructuralFeatures>
774 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
775 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
776 <eAnnotations source=
777 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
779 <eAnnotations source=
780 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
782 </eStructuralFeatures>
783 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"exclim" lowerBound=
784 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
785 <eAnnotations source=
786 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If not 0, apply lower limit of 0. to exciter output"/>
788 <eAnnotations source=
789 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If not 0, apply lower limit of 0. to exciter output"/>
791 </eStructuralFeatures>
792 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
793 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
794 <eAnnotations source=
795 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
797 <eAnnotations source=
798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
800 </eStructuralFeatures>
801 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
802 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
803 <eAnnotations source=
804 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
806 <eAnnotations source=
807 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
809 </eStructuralFeatures>
811 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcSEXS" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
812 <eAnnotations source=
813 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simplified Excitation System Model"/>
815 <eAnnotations source=
816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simplified Excitation System Model"/>
818 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k" lowerBound=
819 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
820 <eAnnotations source=
821 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
823 <eAnnotations source=
824 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
826 </eStructuralFeatures>
827 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tatb" lowerBound=
828 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
829 <eAnnotations source=
830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ta/Tb - gain reduction ratio of lag-lead element"/>
832 <eAnnotations source=
833 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ta/Tb - gain reduction ratio of lag-lead element"/>
835 </eStructuralFeatures>
836 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"efdmin" lowerBound=
837 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
838 <eAnnotations source=
839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage clipping minimum limit"/>
841 <eAnnotations source=
842 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage clipping minimum limit"/>
844 </eStructuralFeatures>
845 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
846 eType=
847 <eAnnotations source=
848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of gain block (&gt; 0.)"/>
850 <eAnnotations source=
851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of gain block (&gt; 0.)"/>
853 </eStructuralFeatures>
854 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
855 eType=
856 <eAnnotations source=
857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI controller phase lead time constant"/>
859 <eAnnotations source=
860 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI controller phase lead time constant"/>
862 </eStructuralFeatures>
863 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
864 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
865 <eAnnotations source=
866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI controller gain (&gt; 0. if Tc &gt; 0.)"/>
868 <eAnnotations source=
869 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI controller gain (&gt; 0. if Tc &gt; 0.)"/>
871 </eStructuralFeatures>
872 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
873 eType=
874 <eAnnotations source=
875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Denominator time constant of lag-lead block"/>
877 <eAnnotations source=
878 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Denominator time constant of lag-lead block"/>
880 </eStructuralFeatures>
881 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"emin" lowerBound=
882 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
883 <eAnnotations source=
884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage output"/>
886 <eAnnotations source=
887 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage output"/>
889 </eStructuralFeatures>
890 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"emax" lowerBound=
891 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
892 <eAnnotations source=
893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage output"/>
895 <eAnnotations source=
896 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage output"/>
898 </eStructuralFeatures>
899 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"efdmax" lowerBound=
900 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
901 <eAnnotations source=
902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage clipping maximum limit"/>
904 <eAnnotations source=
905 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage clipping maximum limit"/>
907 </eStructuralFeatures>
909 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcELIN2" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
910 <eAnnotations source=
911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Detailed Excitation System Model - ELIN (VATECH)"/>
913 <eAnnotations source=
914 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Detailed Excitation System Model - ELIN (VATECH)"/>
917 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC4A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
918 <eAnnotations source=
919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC4A Model

The Type AC4A alternator-supplied controlled-rectifier excitation system is quite different from the other type ac systems. This high initial response excitation system utilizes a full thyristor bridge in the exciter output circuit.
The voltage regulator controls the firing of the thyristor bridges. The exciter alternator uses an independent
voltage regulator to control its output voltage to a constant value. These effects are not modeled; however,
transient loading effects on the exciter alternator are included."/>
921 <eAnnotations source=
922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC4A Model

The Type AC4A alternator-supplied controlled-rectifier excitation system is quite different from the other type ac systems. This high initial response excitation system utilizes a full thyristor bridge in the exciter output circuit.
The voltage regulator controls the firing of the thyristor bridges. The exciter alternator uses an independent
voltage regulator to control its output voltage to a constant value. These effects are not modeled; however,
transient loading effects on the exciter alternator are included."/>
924 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
925 eType=
926 <eAnnotations source=
927 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
929 <eAnnotations source=
930 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
932 </eStructuralFeatures>
933 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
934 eType=
935 <eAnnotations source=
936 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
938 <eAnnotations source=
939 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
941 </eStructuralFeatures>
942 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
943 eType=
944 <eAnnotations source=
945 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
947 <eAnnotations source=
948 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
950 </eStructuralFeatures>
951 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
952 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
953 <eAnnotations source=
954 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
956 <eAnnotations source=
957 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
959 </eStructuralFeatures>
960 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vimax" lowerBound=
961 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
962 <eAnnotations source=
963 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum error signal ( &gt; 0.)"/>
965 <eAnnotations source=
966 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum error signal ( &gt; 0.)"/>
968 </eStructuralFeatures>
969 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
970 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
971 <eAnnotations source=
972 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
974 <eAnnotations source=
975 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
977 </eStructuralFeatures>
978 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
979 eType=
980 <eAnnotations source=
981 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
983 <eAnnotations source=
984 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
986 </eStructuralFeatures>
987 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
988 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
989 <eAnnotations source=
990 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation system regulation (&gt;= 0.)"/>
992 <eAnnotations source=
993 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation system regulation (&gt;= 0.)"/>
995 </eStructuralFeatures>
996 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vimin" lowerBound=
997 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
998 <eAnnotations source=
999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum error signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
1001 <eAnnotations source=
1002 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum error signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
1004 </eStructuralFeatures>
1005 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
1006 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1007 <eAnnotations source=
1008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1010 <eAnnotations source=
1011 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1013 </eStructuralFeatures>
1015 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcSK" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1016 <eAnnotations source=
1017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Slovakian Excitation System Model (UEL, secondary voltage control)"/>
1019 <eAnnotations source=
1020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Slovakian Excitation System Model (UEL, secondary voltage control)"/>
1023 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC2A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1024 <eAnnotations source=
1025 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC2A Model
The model designated as Type AC2A, represents a high initial response fieldcontrolled
alternator-rectifier excitation system. The alternator main exciter is used with non-controlled
rectifiers. The Type AC2A model is similar to that of Type AC1A except for the inclusion of exciter time
constant compensation and exciter field current limiting elements."/>
1027 <eAnnotations source=
1028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC2A Model
The model designated as Type AC2A, represents a high initial response fieldcontrolled
alternator-rectifier excitation system. The alternator main exciter is used with non-controlled
rectifiers. The Type AC2A model is similar to that of Type AC1A except for the inclusion of exciter time
constant compensation and exciter field current limiting elements."/>
1030 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
1031 eType=
1032 <eAnnotations source=
1033 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1035 <eAnnotations source=
1036 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1038 </eStructuralFeatures>
1039 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
1040 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1041 <eAnnotations source=
1042 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
1044 <eAnnotations source=
1045 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
1047 </eStructuralFeatures>
1048 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
1049 eType=
1050 <eAnnotations source=
1051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1053 <eAnnotations source=
1054 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1056 </eStructuralFeatures>
1057 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
1058 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1059 <eAnnotations source=
1060 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter control signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
1062 <eAnnotations source=
1063 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter control signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
1065 </eStructuralFeatures>
1066 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
1067 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1068 <eAnnotations source=
1069 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
1071 <eAnnotations source=
1072 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
1074 </eStructuralFeatures>
1075 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vfemax" lowerBound=
1076 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1077 <eAnnotations source=
1078 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1080 <eAnnotations source=
1081 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1083 </eStructuralFeatures>
1084 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
1085 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1086 <eAnnotations source=
1087 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum exciter control signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1089 <eAnnotations source=
1090 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum exciter control signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1092 </eStructuralFeatures>
1093 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
1094 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1095 <eAnnotations source=
1096 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1098 <eAnnotations source=
1099 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1101 </eStructuralFeatures>
1102 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
1103 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1104 <eAnnotations source=
1105 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1107 <eAnnotations source=
1108 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1110 </eStructuralFeatures>
1111 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
1112 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1113 <eAnnotations source=
1114 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1116 <eAnnotations source=
1117 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1119 </eStructuralFeatures>
1120 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
1121 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1122 <eAnnotations source=
1123 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1125 <eAnnotations source=
1126 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1128 </eStructuralFeatures>
1129 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kh" lowerBound=
1130 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1131 <eAnnotations source=
1132 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1134 <eAnnotations source=
1135 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1137 </eStructuralFeatures>
1138 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
1139 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1140 <eAnnotations source=
1141 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1143 <eAnnotations source=
1144 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1146 </eStructuralFeatures>
1147 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamin" lowerBound=
1148 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1149 <eAnnotations source=
1150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1152 <eAnnotations source=
1153 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1155 </eStructuralFeatures>
1156 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kb" lowerBound=
1157 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1158 <eAnnotations source=
1159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current controller gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1161 <eAnnotations source=
1162 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current controller gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1164 </eStructuralFeatures>
1165 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
1166 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1167 <eAnnotations source=
1168 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
1170 <eAnnotations source=
1171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
1173 </eStructuralFeatures>
1174 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
1175 eType=
1176 <eAnnotations source=
1177 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1179 <eAnnotations source=
1180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1182 </eStructuralFeatures>
1183 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kd" lowerBound=
1184 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1185 <eAnnotations source=
1186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1188 <eAnnotations source=
1189 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1191 </eStructuralFeatures>
1192 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
1193 eType=
1194 <eAnnotations source=
1195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1197 <eAnnotations source=
1198 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1200 </eStructuralFeatures>
1201 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
1202 eType=
1203 <eAnnotations source=
1204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lead time constant"/>
1206 <eAnnotations source=
1207 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lead time constant"/>
1209 </eStructuralFeatures>
1210 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamax" lowerBound=
1211 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1212 <eAnnotations source=
1213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1215 <eAnnotations source=
1216 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1218 </eStructuralFeatures>
1219 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
1220 eType=
1221 <eAnnotations source=
1222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1224 <eAnnotations source=
1225 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1227 </eStructuralFeatures>
1229 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcELIN1" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1230 <eAnnotations source=
1231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simplified Excitation System Model - ELIN (VATECH)"/>
1233 <eAnnotations source=
1234 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simplified Excitation System Model - ELIN (VATECH)"/>
1237 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcST6B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1238 <eAnnotations source=
1239 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST6B Model

The AVR consists of a PI voltage regulator with an inner loop field voltage regulator and pre-control. The field voltage regulator implements a proportional control. The pre-control and the delay in the feedback circuit increase the dynamic response."/>
1241 <eAnnotations source=
1242 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST6B Model

The AVR consists of a PI voltage regulator with an inner loop field voltage regulator and pre-control. The field voltage regulator implements a proportional control. The pre-control and the delay in the feedback circuit increase the dynamic response."/>
1244 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamin" lowerBound=
1245 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1246 <eAnnotations source=
1247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI minimum output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1249 <eAnnotations source=
1250 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI minimum output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1252 </eStructuralFeatures>
1253 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
1254 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1255 <eAnnotations source=
1256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum regulator output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1258 <eAnnotations source=
1259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum regulator output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1261 </eStructuralFeatures>
1262 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"km" lowerBound=
1263 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1264 <eAnnotations source=
1265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Main gain"/>
1267 <eAnnotations source=
1268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Main gain"/>
1270 </eStructuralFeatures>
1271 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ts" lowerBound=
1272 eType=
1273 <eAnnotations source=
1274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier firing time constant (not in IEEE model) (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1276 <eAnnotations source=
1277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier firing time constant (not in IEEE model) (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1279 </eStructuralFeatures>
1280 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kg" lowerBound=
1281 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1282 <eAnnotations source=
1283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1285 <eAnnotations source=
1286 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1288 </eStructuralFeatures>
1289 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
1290 eType=
1291 <eAnnotations source=
1292 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1294 <eAnnotations source=
1295 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1297 </eStructuralFeatures>
1298 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kcl" lowerBound=
1299 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1300 <eAnnotations source=
1301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter conversion factor (&gt; 0.)"/>
1303 <eAnnotations source=
1304 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter conversion factor (&gt; 0.)"/>
1306 </eStructuralFeatures>
1307 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"klr" lowerBound=
1308 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1309 <eAnnotations source=
1310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1312 <eAnnotations source=
1313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1315 </eStructuralFeatures>
1316 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
1317 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1318 <eAnnotations source=
1319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum regulator output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1321 <eAnnotations source=
1322 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum regulator output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1324 </eStructuralFeatures>
1325 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ilr" lowerBound=
1326 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1327 <eAnnotations source=
1328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter setpoint (&gt; 0.)"/>
1330 <eAnnotations source=
1331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter setpoint (&gt; 0.)"/>
1333 </eStructuralFeatures>
1334 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpa" lowerBound=
1335 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1336 <eAnnotations source=
1337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator proportional gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1339 <eAnnotations source=
1340 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator proportional gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1342 </eStructuralFeatures>
1343 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tg" lowerBound=
1344 eType=
1345 <eAnnotations source=
1346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1348 <eAnnotations source=
1349 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1351 </eStructuralFeatures>
1352 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamax" lowerBound=
1353 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1354 <eAnnotations source=
1355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI maximum output. (&gt; 0.)"/>
1357 <eAnnotations source=
1358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PI maximum output. (&gt; 0.)"/>
1360 </eStructuralFeatures>
1361 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oelin" lowerBound=
1362 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1363 <eAnnotations source=
1364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL input selector: 1 ? before UEL, 2 ? after UEL, 0 ? no OEL input"/>
1366 <eAnnotations source=
1367 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL input selector: 1 ? before UEL, 2 ? after UEL, 0 ? no OEL input"/>
1369 </eStructuralFeatures>
1370 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kff" lowerBound=
1371 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1372 <eAnnotations source=
1373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedforward gain"/>
1375 <eAnnotations source=
1376 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedforward gain"/>
1378 </eStructuralFeatures>
1379 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmult" lowerBound=
1380 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1381 <eAnnotations source=
1382 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If non-zero, multiply regulator output by terminal voltage"/>
1384 <eAnnotations source=
1385 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If non-zero, multiply regulator output by terminal voltage"/>
1387 </eStructuralFeatures>
1388 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kia" lowerBound=
1389 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1390 <eAnnotations source=
1391 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator integral gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1393 <eAnnotations source=
1394 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator integral gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1396 </eStructuralFeatures>
1398 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcST4B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1399 <eAnnotations source=
1400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST4B Model

This model is a variation of the Type ST3A model, with a proportional plus integral (PI) regulator block
replacing the lag-lead regulator characteristic that was in the ST3A model. Both potential- and compoundsource
rectifier excitation systems are modeled. The PI regulator blocks have nonwindup limits that are represented. The voltage regulator of this model is typically implemented digitally."/>
1402 <eAnnotations source=
1403 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST4B Model

This model is a variation of the Type ST3A model, with a proportional plus integral (PI) regulator block
replacing the lag-lead regulator characteristic that was in the ST3A model. Both potential- and compoundsource
rectifier excitation systems are modeled. The PI regulator blocks have nonwindup limits that are represented. The voltage regulator of this model is typically implemented digitally."/>
1405 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp" lowerBound=
1406 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1407 <eAnnotations source=
1408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential source gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1410 <eAnnotations source=
1411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential source gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1413 </eStructuralFeatures>
1414 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xl" lowerBound=
1415 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1416 <eAnnotations source=
1417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"P-bar leakage reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1419 <eAnnotations source=
1420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"P-bar leakage reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1422 </eStructuralFeatures>
1423 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vbmax" lowerBound=
1424 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1425 <eAnnotations source=
1426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum excitation voltage (&gt; 0.)"/>
1428 <eAnnotations source=
1429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum excitation voltage (&gt; 0.)"/>
1431 </eStructuralFeatures>
1432 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ki" lowerBound=
1433 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1434 <eAnnotations source=
1435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1437 <eAnnotations source=
1438 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1440 </eStructuralFeatures>
1441 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kir" lowerBound=
1442 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1443 <eAnnotations source=
1444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR Integral gain"/>
1446 <eAnnotations source=
1447 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR Integral gain"/>
1449 </eStructuralFeatures>
1450 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
1451 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1452 <eAnnotations source=
1453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1455 <eAnnotations source=
1456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1458 </eStructuralFeatures>
1459 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmmin" lowerBound=
1460 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1461 <eAnnotations source=
1462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum inner loop regulator output"/>
1464 <eAnnotations source=
1465 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum inner loop regulator output"/>
1467 </eStructuralFeatures>
1468 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kim" lowerBound=
1469 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1470 <eAnnotations source=
1471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral gain of inner loop regulator"/>
1473 <eAnnotations source=
1474 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral gain of inner loop regulator"/>
1476 </eStructuralFeatures>
1477 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
1478 eType=
1479 <eAnnotations source=
1480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1482 <eAnnotations source=
1483 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1485 </eStructuralFeatures>
1486 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kg" lowerBound=
1487 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1488 <eAnnotations source=
1489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1491 <eAnnotations source=
1492 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1494 </eStructuralFeatures>
1495 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
1496 eType=
1497 <eAnnotations source=
1498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1500 <eAnnotations source=
1501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1503 </eStructuralFeatures>
1504 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
1505 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1506 <eAnnotations source=
1507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1509 <eAnnotations source=
1510 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1512 </eStructuralFeatures>
1513 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
1514 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1515 <eAnnotations source=
1516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1518 <eAnnotations source=
1519 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1521 </eStructuralFeatures>
1522 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"angp" lowerBound=
1523 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1524 <eAnnotations source=
1525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle of potential source"/>
1527 <eAnnotations source=
1528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle of potential source"/>
1530 </eStructuralFeatures>
1531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpr" lowerBound=
1532 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1533 <eAnnotations source=
1534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR proportional gain"/>
1536 <eAnnotations source=
1537 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR proportional gain"/>
1539 </eStructuralFeatures>
1540 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vgmax" lowerBound=
1541 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1542 <eAnnotations source=
1543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1545 <eAnnotations source=
1546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1548 </eStructuralFeatures>
1549 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpm" lowerBound=
1550 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1551 <eAnnotations source=
1552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Prop. gain of inner loop regulator"/>
1554 <eAnnotations source=
1555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Prop. gain of inner loop regulator"/>
1557 </eStructuralFeatures>
1558 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmmax" lowerBound=
1559 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1560 <eAnnotations source=
1561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop regulator output"/>
1563 <eAnnotations source=
1564 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop regulator output"/>
1566 </eStructuralFeatures>
1568 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcWT3E" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1569 <eAnnotations source=
1570 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type 3 standard wind turbine converter control model"/>
1572 <eAnnotations source=
1573 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type 3 standard wind turbine converter control model"/>
1576 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcPIC" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1577 <eAnnotations source=
1578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation System Model with PI voltage regulator"/>
1580 <eAnnotations source=
1581 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation System Model with PI voltage regulator"/>
1584 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcSK2" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1585 <eAnnotations source=
1586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Slovakian alternator-rectifier Excitation System Model (UEL, secondary voltage control)"/>
1588 <eAnnotations source=
1589 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Slovakian alternator-rectifier Excitation System Model (UEL, secondary voltage control)"/>
1592 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcST2A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1593 <eAnnotations source=
1594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) ST2A Model

Some static systems utilize both current and voltage sources (generator terminal quantities) to comprise the
power source. These compound-source rectifier excitation systems are designated Type ST2A. The regulator controls the exciter output through controlled
saturation of the power transformer components."/>
1596 <eAnnotations source=
1597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) ST2A Model

Some static systems utilize both current and voltage sources (generator terminal quantities) to comprise the
power source. These compound-source rectifier excitation systems are designated Type ST2A. The regulator controls the exciter output through controlled
saturation of the power transformer components."/>
1599 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
1600 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1601 <eAnnotations source=
1602 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1604 <eAnnotations source=
1605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1607 </eStructuralFeatures>
1608 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
1609 eType=
1610 <eAnnotations source=
1611 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant"/>
1613 <eAnnotations source=
1614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant"/>
1616 </eStructuralFeatures>
1617 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
1618 eType=
1619 <eAnnotations source=
1620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;=0.)"/>
1622 <eAnnotations source=
1623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;=0.)"/>
1625 </eStructuralFeatures>
1626 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
1627 eType=
1628 <eAnnotations source=
1629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1631 <eAnnotations source=
1632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1634 </eStructuralFeatures>
1635 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
1636 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1637 <eAnnotations source=
1638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1640 <eAnnotations source=
1641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1643 </eStructuralFeatures>
1644 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
1645 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1646 <eAnnotations source=
1647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant feedback"/>
1649 <eAnnotations source=
1650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant feedback"/>
1652 </eStructuralFeatures>
1653 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uelin" lowerBound=
1654 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1655 <eAnnotations source=
1656 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if = 1, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
1658 <eAnnotations source=
1659 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if = 1, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
1661 </eStructuralFeatures>
1662 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
1663 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1664 <eAnnotations source=
1665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier loading factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1667 <eAnnotations source=
1668 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier loading factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1670 </eStructuralFeatures>
1671 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
1672 eType=
1673 <eAnnotations source=
1674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer saturation control time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1676 <eAnnotations source=
1677 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer saturation control time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
1679 </eStructuralFeatures>
1680 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ki" lowerBound=
1681 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1682 <eAnnotations source=
1683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1685 <eAnnotations source=
1686 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1688 </eStructuralFeatures>
1689 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
1690 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1691 <eAnnotations source=
1692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1694 <eAnnotations source=
1695 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1697 </eStructuralFeatures>
1698 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
1699 eType=
1700 <eAnnotations source=
1701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1703 <eAnnotations source=
1704 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1706 </eStructuralFeatures>
1707 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
1708 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1709 <eAnnotations source=
1710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1712 <eAnnotations source=
1713 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1715 </eStructuralFeatures>
1716 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"efdmax" lowerBound=
1717 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1718 <eAnnotations source=
1719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage (&gt;=0.)"/>
1721 <eAnnotations source=
1722 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage (&gt;=0.)"/>
1724 </eStructuralFeatures>
1725 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
1726 eType=
1727 <eAnnotations source=
1728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1730 <eAnnotations source=
1731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1733 </eStructuralFeatures>
1734 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp" lowerBound=
1735 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1736 <eAnnotations source=
1737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1739 <eAnnotations source=
1740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1742 </eStructuralFeatures>
1744 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcHU" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1745 <eAnnotations source=
1746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hungarian Excitation System Model"/>
1748 <eAnnotations source=
1749 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hungarian Excitation System Model"/>
1752 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcREXS" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1753 <eAnnotations source=
1754 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Purpose Rotating Excitation System Model"/>
1756 <eAnnotations source=
1757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Purpose Rotating Excitation System Model"/>
1760 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcST7B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1761 <eAnnotations source=
1762 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST7B Model

The model ST7B is representative of static potential-source excitation systems. In this system,
the AVR consists of a PI voltage regulator. A phase lead-lag filter in series allows introduction of a
derivative function, typically used with brushless excitation systems. In that case, the regulator is of the PID type. In addition, the terminal voltage channel includes a phase lead-lag filter. The AVR includes the appropriate inputs on its reference for overexcitation limiter (OEL1), underexcitation limiter (UEL), stator current limiter (SCL), and current compensator (DROOP). All these limitations, when they work at voltage reference level, keep the PSS (VS signal from Type PSS1A, PSS2A, or PSS2B) in
operation. However, the UEL limitation can also be transferred to the high value (HV) gate acting on the
output signal. In addition, the output signal passes through a low value (LV) gate for a ceiling overexcitation
limiter (OEL2)."/>
1764 <eAnnotations source=
1765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST7B Model

The model ST7B is representative of static potential-source excitation systems. In this system,
the AVR consists of a PI voltage regulator. A phase lead-lag filter in series allows introduction of a
derivative function, typically used with brushless excitation systems. In that case, the regulator is of the PID type. In addition, the terminal voltage channel includes a phase lead-lag filter. The AVR includes the appropriate inputs on its reference for overexcitation limiter (OEL1), underexcitation limiter (UEL), stator current limiter (SCL), and current compensator (DROOP). All these limitations, when they work at voltage reference level, keep the PSS (VS signal from Type PSS1A, PSS2A, or PSS2B) in
operation. However, the UEL limitation can also be transferred to the high value (HV) gate acting on the
output signal. In addition, the output signal passes through a low value (LV) gate for a ceiling overexcitation
limiter (OEL2)."/>
1767 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tg" lowerBound=
1768 eType=
1769 <eAnnotations source=
1770 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input lead-lag numerator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1772 <eAnnotations source=
1773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input lead-lag numerator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1775 </eStructuralFeatures>
1776 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpa" lowerBound=
1777 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1778 <eAnnotations source=
1779 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator proportional gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1781 <eAnnotations source=
1782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator proportional gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
1784 </eStructuralFeatures>
1785 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmin" lowerBound=
1786 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1787 <eAnnotations source=
1788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum voltage reference signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1790 <eAnnotations source=
1791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum voltage reference signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1793 </eStructuralFeatures>
1794 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
1795 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1796 <eAnnotations source=
1797 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1799 <eAnnotations source=
1800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1802 </eStructuralFeatures>
1803 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kl" lowerBound=
1804 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1805 <eAnnotations source=
1806 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low-value gate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1808 <eAnnotations source=
1809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low-value gate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1811 </eStructuralFeatures>
1812 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
1813 eType=
1814 <eAnnotations source=
1815 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant"/>
1817 <eAnnotations source=
1818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant"/>
1820 </eStructuralFeatures>
1821 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kh" lowerBound=
1822 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1823 <eAnnotations source=
1824 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High-value gate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1826 <eAnnotations source=
1827 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High-value gate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1829 </eStructuralFeatures>
1830 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ts" lowerBound=
1831 eType=
1832 <eAnnotations source=
1833 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier firing time constant (&gt;= 0.) (not in IEEE model)"/>
1835 <eAnnotations source=
1836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier firing time constant (&gt;= 0.) (not in IEEE model)"/>
1838 </eStructuralFeatures>
1839 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
1840 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1841 <eAnnotations source=
1842 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1844 <eAnnotations source=
1845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1847 </eStructuralFeatures>
1848 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oelin" lowerBound=
1849 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1850 <eAnnotations source=
1851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL input selector: 1 ? add to Vref, 2 ? input LV gate, 
2 ? output LV gate, 0 ? no OEL input"/>
1853 <eAnnotations source=
1854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL input selector: 1 ? add to Vref, 2 ? input LV gate, 
2 ? output LV gate, 0 ? no OEL input"/>
1856 </eStructuralFeatures>
1857 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uelin" lowerBound=
1858 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1859 <eAnnotations source=
1860 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input selector: 1 ? add to Vref, 2 ? input HV gate, 
3 ? output HV gate, 0 ? no UEL input"/>
1862 <eAnnotations source=
1863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input selector: 1 ? add to Vref, 2 ? input HV gate, 
3 ? output HV gate, 0 ? no UEL input"/>
1865 </eStructuralFeatures>
1866 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tia" lowerBound=
1867 eType=
1868 <eAnnotations source=
1869 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1871 <eAnnotations source=
1872 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1874 </eStructuralFeatures>
1875 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
1876 eType=
1877 <eAnnotations source=
1878 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead-lag denominator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1880 <eAnnotations source=
1881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead-lag denominator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1883 </eStructuralFeatures>
1884 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
1885 eType=
1886 <eAnnotations source=
1887 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead-lag numerator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1889 <eAnnotations source=
1890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead-lag numerator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1892 </eStructuralFeatures>
1893 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
1894 eType=
1895 <eAnnotations source=
1896 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input lead-lag denominator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1898 <eAnnotations source=
1899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input lead-lag denominator time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1901 </eStructuralFeatures>
1902 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kia" lowerBound=
1903 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1904 <eAnnotations source=
1905 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1907 <eAnnotations source=
1908 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1910 </eStructuralFeatures>
1911 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmax" lowerBound=
1912 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1913 <eAnnotations source=
1914 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum voltage reference signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1916 <eAnnotations source=
1917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum voltage reference signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1919 </eStructuralFeatures>
1921 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC1A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
1922 <eAnnotations source=
1923 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC1A Model
The model represents the field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems
designated Type AC1A. These excitation systems consist of an alternator main exciter with non-controlled
1925 <eAnnotations source=
1926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC1A Model
The model represents the field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems
designated Type AC1A. These excitation systems consist of an alternator main exciter with non-controlled
1928 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
1929 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1930 <eAnnotations source=
1931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1933 <eAnnotations source=
1934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1936 </eStructuralFeatures>
1937 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
1938 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1939 <eAnnotations source=
1940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1942 <eAnnotations source=
1943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1945 </eStructuralFeatures>
1946 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
1947 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1948 <eAnnotations source=
1949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
1951 <eAnnotations source=
1952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
1954 </eStructuralFeatures>
1955 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
1956 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1957 <eAnnotations source=
1958 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
1960 <eAnnotations source=
1961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
1963 </eStructuralFeatures>
1964 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
1965 eType=
1966 <eAnnotations source=
1967 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1969 <eAnnotations source=
1970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
1972 </eStructuralFeatures>
1973 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamin" lowerBound=
1974 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1975 <eAnnotations source=
1976 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1978 <eAnnotations source=
1979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
1981 </eStructuralFeatures>
1982 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamax" lowerBound=
1983 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1984 <eAnnotations source=
1985 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1987 <eAnnotations source=
1988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
1990 </eStructuralFeatures>
1991 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
1992 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
1993 <eAnnotations source=
1994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum exciter control signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1996 <eAnnotations source=
1997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum exciter control signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
1999 </eStructuralFeatures>
2000 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
2001 eType=
2002 <eAnnotations source=
2003 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2005 <eAnnotations source=
2006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2008 </eStructuralFeatures>
2009 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kd" lowerBound=
2010 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2011 <eAnnotations source=
2012 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2014 <eAnnotations source=
2015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2017 </eStructuralFeatures>
2018 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
2019 eType=
2020 <eAnnotations source=
2021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lead time constant"/>
2023 <eAnnotations source=
2024 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lead time constant"/>
2026 </eStructuralFeatures>
2027 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
2028 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2029 <eAnnotations source=
2030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2032 <eAnnotations source=
2033 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2035 </eStructuralFeatures>
2036 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
2037 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2038 <eAnnotations source=
2039 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2041 <eAnnotations source=
2042 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2044 </eStructuralFeatures>
2045 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
2046 eType=
2047 <eAnnotations source=
2048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2050 <eAnnotations source=
2051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2053 </eStructuralFeatures>
2054 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
2055 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2056 <eAnnotations source=
2057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter control signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
2059 <eAnnotations source=
2060 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter control signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
2062 </eStructuralFeatures>
2063 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
2064 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2065 <eAnnotations source=
2066 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
2068 <eAnnotations source=
2069 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
2071 </eStructuralFeatures>
2072 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
2073 eType=
2074 <eAnnotations source=
2075 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2077 <eAnnotations source=
2078 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2080 </eStructuralFeatures>
2081 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
2082 eType=
2083 <eAnnotations source=
2084 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2086 <eAnnotations source=
2087 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2089 </eStructuralFeatures>
2090 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
2091 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2092 <eAnnotations source=
2093 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2095 <eAnnotations source=
2096 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2098 </eStructuralFeatures>
2100 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcDC4B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
2101 <eAnnotations source=
2102 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) DC4B Model

These excitation systems utilize a field-controlled dc commutator exciter with a continuously acting voltage
regulator having supplies obtained from the generator or auxiliary bus. The replacement of the controls only
as an upgrade (retaining the dc commutator exciter) has resulted in a new model. This excitation system typically includes a proportional, integral, and differential (PID) generator voltage regulator (AVR). An alternative rate feedback loop (<i>kf</i>, <i>tf</i>) for stabilization is also shown in the model if the AVR does not include a derivative term. If a PSS control is supplied, the appropriate model is the Type PSS2B model."/>
2104 <eAnnotations source=
2105 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) DC4B Model

These excitation systems utilize a field-controlled dc commutator exciter with a continuously acting voltage
regulator having supplies obtained from the generator or auxiliary bus. The replacement of the controls only
as an upgrade (retaining the dc commutator exciter) has resulted in a new model. This excitation system typically includes a proportional, integral, and differential (PID) generator voltage regulator (AVR). An alternative rate feedback loop (<i>kf</i>, <i>tf</i>) for stabilization is also shown in the model if the AVR does not include a derivative term. If a PSS control is supplied, the appropriate model is the Type PSS2B model."/>
2107 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
2108 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2109 <eAnnotations source=
2110 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
2112 <eAnnotations source=
2113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
2115 </eStructuralFeatures>
2116 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uelin" lowerBound=
2117 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2118 <eAnnotations source=
2119 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if &lt; 2, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
2121 <eAnnotations source=
2122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if &lt; 2, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
2124 </eStructuralFeatures>
2125 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ki" lowerBound=
2126 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2127 <eAnnotations source=
2128 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2130 <eAnnotations source=
2131 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2133 </eStructuralFeatures>
2134 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp" lowerBound=
2135 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2136 <eAnnotations source=
2137 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proportional gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2139 <eAnnotations source=
2140 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proportional gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2142 </eStructuralFeatures>
2143 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
2144 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2145 <eAnnotations source=
2146 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2148 <eAnnotations source=
2149 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2151 </eStructuralFeatures>
2152 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oelin" lowerBound=
2153 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2154 <eAnnotations source=
2155 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL input: if &lt; 2, LV gate; if = 2, subtract from error signal"/>
2157 <eAnnotations source=
2158 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL input: if &lt; 2, LV gate; if = 2, subtract from error signal"/>
2160 </eStructuralFeatures>
2161 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
2162 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2163 <eAnnotations source=
2164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output"/>
2166 <eAnnotations source=
2167 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output"/>
2169 </eStructuralFeatures>
2170 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
2171 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2172 <eAnnotations source=
2173 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2175 <eAnnotations source=
2176 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2178 </eStructuralFeatures>
2179 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
2180 eType=
2181 <eAnnotations source=
2182 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2184 <eAnnotations source=
2185 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2187 </eStructuralFeatures>
2188 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
2189 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2190 <eAnnotations source=
2191 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
2193 <eAnnotations source=
2194 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
2196 </eStructuralFeatures>
2197 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vemin" lowerBound=
2198 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2199 <eAnnotations source=
2200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter minimum output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
2202 <eAnnotations source=
2203 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter minimum output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
2205 </eStructuralFeatures>
2206 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
2207 eType=
2208 <eAnnotations source=
2209 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2211 <eAnnotations source=
2212 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2214 </eStructuralFeatures>
2215 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kd" lowerBound=
2216 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2217 <eAnnotations source=
2218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Derivative gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2220 <eAnnotations source=
2221 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Derivative gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2223 </eStructuralFeatures>
2224 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
2225 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2226 <eAnnotations source=
2227 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2229 <eAnnotations source=
2230 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2232 </eStructuralFeatures>
2233 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
2234 eType=
2235 <eAnnotations source=
2236 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2238 <eAnnotations source=
2239 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2241 </eStructuralFeatures>
2242 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
2243 eType=
2244 <eAnnotations source=
2245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2247 <eAnnotations source=
2248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2250 </eStructuralFeatures>
2251 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
2252 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2253 <eAnnotations source=
2254 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2256 <eAnnotations source=
2257 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2259 </eStructuralFeatures>
2260 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
2261 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2262 <eAnnotations source=
2263 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2265 <eAnnotations source=
2266 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2268 </eStructuralFeatures>
2269 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
2270 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2271 <eAnnotations source=
2272 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2274 <eAnnotations source=
2275 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2277 </eStructuralFeatures>
2278 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"td" lowerBound=
2279 eType=
2280 <eAnnotations source=
2281 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Derivative time constant (&gt; 0. If kd &gt; 0.)"/>
2283 <eAnnotations source=
2284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Derivative time constant (&gt; 0. If kd &gt; 0.)"/>
2286 </eStructuralFeatures>
2288 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcDC1A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
2289 <eAnnotations source=
2290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) DC1A Model

This model is used to represent field-controlled dc
commutator exciters with continuously acting voltage regulators (especially the direct-acting rheostatic,
rotating amplifier, and magnetic amplifier types). Because this model has been widely implemented by the
industry, it is sometimes used to represent other types of systems when detailed data for them are not
available or when a simplified model is required."/>
2292 <eAnnotations source=
2293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) DC1A Model

This model is used to represent field-controlled dc
commutator exciters with continuously acting voltage regulators (especially the direct-acting rheostatic,
rotating amplifier, and magnetic amplifier types). Because this model has been widely implemented by the
industry, it is sometimes used to represent other types of systems when detailed data for them are not
available or when a simplified model is required."/>
2295 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"exclim" lowerBound=
2296 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2297 <eAnnotations source=
2298 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If not 0, apply lower limit of 0. to exciter
2300 <eAnnotations source=
2301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If not 0, apply lower limit of 0. to exciter
2303 </eStructuralFeatures>
2304 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
2305 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2306 <eAnnotations source=
2307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2309 <eAnnotations source=
2310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2312 </eStructuralFeatures>
2313 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
2314 eType=
2315 <eAnnotations source=
2316 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
2318 <eAnnotations source=
2319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
2321 </eStructuralFeatures>
2322 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
2323 eType=
2324 <eAnnotations source=
2325 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2327 <eAnnotations source=
2328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2330 </eStructuralFeatures>
2331 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
2332 eType=
2333 <eAnnotations source=
2334 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2336 <eAnnotations source=
2337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2339 </eStructuralFeatures>
2340 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
2341 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2342 <eAnnotations source=
2343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2345 <eAnnotations source=
2346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2348 </eStructuralFeatures>
2349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
2350 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2351 <eAnnotations source=
2352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
2354 <eAnnotations source=
2355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
2357 </eStructuralFeatures>
2358 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
2359 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2360 <eAnnotations source=
2361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2363 <eAnnotations source=
2364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2366 </eStructuralFeatures>
2367 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
2368 eType=
2369 <eAnnotations source=
2370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2372 <eAnnotations source=
2373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2375 </eStructuralFeatures>
2376 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
2377 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2378 <eAnnotations source=
2379 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2381 <eAnnotations source=
2382 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2384 </eStructuralFeatures>
2385 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
2386 eType=
2387 <eAnnotations source=
2388 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2390 <eAnnotations source=
2391 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2393 </eStructuralFeatures>
2394 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
2395 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2396 <eAnnotations source=
2397 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2399 <eAnnotations source=
2400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2402 </eStructuralFeatures>
2403 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uelin" lowerBound=
2404 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2405 <eAnnotations source=
2406 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if &lt; 2, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
2408 <eAnnotations source=
2409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL input: if &lt; 2, HV gate; if = 2, add to error signal"/>
2411 </eStructuralFeatures>
2412 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
2413 eType=
2414 <eAnnotations source=
2415 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2417 <eAnnotations source=
2418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2420 </eStructuralFeatures>
2421 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
2422 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2423 <eAnnotations source=
2424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2426 <eAnnotations source=
2427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2429 </eStructuralFeatures>
2430 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
2431 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2432 <eAnnotations source=
2433 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output"/>
2435 <eAnnotations source=
2436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output"/>
2438 </eStructuralFeatures>
2439 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
2440 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2441 <eAnnotations source=
2442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2444 <eAnnotations source=
2445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2447 </eStructuralFeatures>
2449 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC3A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
2450 <eAnnotations source=
2451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC3A Model

The model represents the field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems
designated Type AC3A. These excitation systems include an alternator main exciter with non-controlled
rectifiers. The exciter employs self-excitation, and the voltage regulator power is derived from the exciter
output voltage. Therefore, this system has an additional nonlinearity, simulated by the use of a multiplier
whose inputs are the voltage regulator command signal, <i>VA</i>, and the exciter output voltage, <i>EFD</i>, times <i>KR</i>.
This model is applicable to excitation systems employing static voltage regulators."/>
2453 <eAnnotations source=
2454 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC3A Model

The model represents the field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems
designated Type AC3A. These excitation systems include an alternator main exciter with non-controlled
rectifiers. The exciter employs self-excitation, and the voltage regulator power is derived from the exciter
output voltage. Therefore, this system has an additional nonlinearity, simulated by the use of a multiplier
whose inputs are the voltage regulator command signal, <i>VA</i>, and the exciter output voltage, <i>EFD</i>, times <i>KR</i>.
This model is applicable to excitation systems employing static voltage regulators."/>
2456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
2457 eType=
2458 <eAnnotations source=
2459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2461 <eAnnotations source=
2462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2464 </eStructuralFeatures>
2465 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
2466 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2467 <eAnnotations source=
2468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2470 <eAnnotations source=
2471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2473 </eStructuralFeatures>
2474 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kd" lowerBound=
2475 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2476 <eAnnotations source=
2477 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2479 <eAnnotations source=
2480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2482 </eStructuralFeatures>
2483 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
2484 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2485 <eAnnotations source=
2486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2488 <eAnnotations source=
2489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2491 </eStructuralFeatures>
2492 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
2493 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2494 <eAnnotations source=
2495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2497 <eAnnotations source=
2498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2500 </eStructuralFeatures>
2501 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
2502 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2503 <eAnnotations source=
2504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2506 <eAnnotations source=
2507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2509 </eStructuralFeatures>
2510 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
2511 eType=
2512 <eAnnotations source=
2513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2515 <eAnnotations source=
2516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2518 </eStructuralFeatures>
2519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
2520 eType=
2521 <eAnnotations source=
2522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2524 <eAnnotations source=
2525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2527 </eStructuralFeatures>
2528 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
2529 eType=
2530 <eAnnotations source=
2531 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2533 <eAnnotations source=
2534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2536 </eStructuralFeatures>
2537 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
2538 eType=
2539 <eAnnotations source=
2540 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lead time constant"/>
2542 <eAnnotations source=
2543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TGR lead time constant"/>
2545 </eStructuralFeatures>
2546 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamax" lowerBound=
2547 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2548 <eAnnotations source=
2549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
2551 <eAnnotations source=
2552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
2554 </eStructuralFeatures>
2555 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
2556 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2557 <eAnnotations source=
2558 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low level rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2560 <eAnnotations source=
2561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low level rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2563 </eStructuralFeatures>
2564 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vemin" lowerBound=
2565 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2566 <eAnnotations source=
2567 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage limit (&lt;= 0.)"/>
2569 <eAnnotations source=
2570 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage limit (&lt;= 0.)"/>
2572 </eStructuralFeatures>
2573 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
2574 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2575 <eAnnotations source=
2576 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
2578 <eAnnotations source=
2579 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
2581 </eStructuralFeatures>
2582 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vfemax" lowerBound=
2583 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2584 <eAnnotations source=
2585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2587 <eAnnotations source=
2588 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2590 </eStructuralFeatures>
2591 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
2592 eType=
2593 <eAnnotations source=
2594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2596 <eAnnotations source=
2597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2599 </eStructuralFeatures>
2600 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
2601 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2602 <eAnnotations source=
2603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2605 <eAnnotations source=
2606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2608 </eStructuralFeatures>
2609 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
2610 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2611 <eAnnotations source=
2612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2614 <eAnnotations source=
2615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2617 </eStructuralFeatures>
2618 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kn" lowerBound=
2619 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2620 <eAnnotations source=
2621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High level rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2623 <eAnnotations source=
2624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High level rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2626 </eStructuralFeatures>
2627 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamin" lowerBound=
2628 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2629 <eAnnotations source=
2630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2632 <eAnnotations source=
2633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2635 </eStructuralFeatures>
2636 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kr" lowerBound=
2637 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2638 <eAnnotations source=
2639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field self-excitation feedback gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2641 <eAnnotations source=
2642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field self-excitation feedback gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2644 </eStructuralFeatures>
2645 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"efdn" lowerBound=
2646 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2647 <eAnnotations source=
2648 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain break level (&gt; 0.)"/>
2650 <eAnnotations source=
2651 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain break level (&gt; 0.)"/>
2653 </eStructuralFeatures>
2655 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC6A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
2656 <eAnnotations source=
2657 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC6A Model

The model is used to represent field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems with system-supplied electronic voltage regulators. The maximum output of the regulator, <i>V</i><i><sub>R</sub></i>, is a function of terminal voltage, <i>V</i><i><sub>T</sub></i>. The field current limiter included in the original model AC6A remains in the 2005 update."/>
2659 <eAnnotations source=
2660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC6A Model

The model is used to represent field-controlled alternator-rectifier excitation systems with system-supplied electronic voltage regulators. The maximum output of the regulator, <i>V</i><i><sub>R</sub></i>, is a function of terminal voltage, <i>V</i><i><sub>T</sub></i>. The field current limiter included in the original model AC6A remains in the 2005 update."/>
2662 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamax" lowerBound=
2663 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2664 <eAnnotations source=
2665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller element output (&gt; 0.)"/>
2667 <eAnnotations source=
2668 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller element output (&gt; 0.)"/>
2670 </eStructuralFeatures>
2671 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vfelim" lowerBound=
2672 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2673 <eAnnotations source=
2674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit reference (&gt; 0.)"/>
2676 <eAnnotations source=
2677 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit reference (&gt; 0.)"/>
2679 </eStructuralFeatures>
2680 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
2681 eType=
2682 <eAnnotations source=
2683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant"/>
2685 <eAnnotations source=
2686 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant"/>
2688 </eStructuralFeatures>
2689 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
2690 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2691 <eAnnotations source=
2692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2694 <eAnnotations source=
2695 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2697 </eStructuralFeatures>
2698 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
2699 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2700 <eAnnotations source=
2701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2703 <eAnnotations source=
2704 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2706 </eStructuralFeatures>
2707 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamin" lowerBound=
2708 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2709 <eAnnotations source=
2710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller element output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2712 <eAnnotations source=
2713 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller element output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2715 </eStructuralFeatures>
2716 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vhmax" lowerBound=
2717 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2718 <eAnnotations source=
2719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field current limiter signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
2721 <eAnnotations source=
2722 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field current limiter signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
2724 </eStructuralFeatures>
2725 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
2726 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2727 <eAnnotations source=
2728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum exciter control signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
2730 <eAnnotations source=
2731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum exciter control signal (&gt; 0.)"/>
2733 </eStructuralFeatures>
2734 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
2735 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2736 <eAnnotations source=
2737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2739 <eAnnotations source=
2740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2742 </eStructuralFeatures>
2743 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
2744 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2745 <eAnnotations source=
2746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2748 <eAnnotations source=
2749 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2751 </eStructuralFeatures>
2752 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
2753 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2754 <eAnnotations source=
2755 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter control signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
2757 <eAnnotations source=
2758 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter control signal (&lt; 0.)"/>
2760 </eStructuralFeatures>
2761 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
2762 eType=
2763 <eAnnotations source=
2764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2766 <eAnnotations source=
2767 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2769 </eStructuralFeatures>
2770 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kh" lowerBound=
2771 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2772 <eAnnotations source=
2773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limiter gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2775 <eAnnotations source=
2776 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limiter gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2778 </eStructuralFeatures>
2779 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
2780 eType=
2781 <eAnnotations source=
2782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2784 <eAnnotations source=
2785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2787 </eStructuralFeatures>
2788 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
2789 eType=
2790 <eAnnotations source=
2791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
2793 <eAnnotations source=
2794 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
2796 </eStructuralFeatures>
2797 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
2798 eType=
2799 <eAnnotations source=
2800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2802 <eAnnotations source=
2803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2805 </eStructuralFeatures>
2806 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
2807 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2808 <eAnnotations source=
2809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2811 <eAnnotations source=
2812 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2814 </eStructuralFeatures>
2815 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
2816 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2817 <eAnnotations source=
2818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2820 <eAnnotations source=
2821 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2823 </eStructuralFeatures>
2824 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tj" lowerBound=
2825 eType=
2826 <eAnnotations source=
2827 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2829 <eAnnotations source=
2830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2832 </eStructuralFeatures>
2833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tk" lowerBound=
2834 eType=
2835 <eAnnotations source=
2836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2838 <eAnnotations source=
2839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2841 </eStructuralFeatures>
2842 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
2843 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2844 <eAnnotations source=
2845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
2847 <eAnnotations source=
2848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
2850 </eStructuralFeatures>
2851 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"th" lowerBound=
2852 eType=
2853 <eAnnotations source=
2854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2856 <eAnnotations source=
2857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field current limiter time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2859 </eStructuralFeatures>
2860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kd" lowerBound=
2861 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2862 <eAnnotations source=
2863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2865 <eAnnotations source=
2866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2868 </eStructuralFeatures>
2870 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC5A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
2871 <eAnnotations source=
2872 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC5A Model

The model designated as Type AC5A, is a simplified model for brushless excitation systems. The regulator is supplied from a source, such as a permanent magnet generator, which is not affected by system disturbances.
Unlike other ac models, this model uses loaded rather than open circuit exciter saturation data in the same
way as it is used for the dc models.
Because the model has been widely implemented by the industry, it is sometimes used to represent other
types of systems when either detailed data for them are not available or simplified models are required."/>
2874 <eAnnotations source=
2875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) AC5A Model

The model designated as Type AC5A, is a simplified model for brushless excitation systems. The regulator is supplied from a source, such as a permanent magnet generator, which is not affected by system disturbances.
Unlike other ac models, this model uses loaded rather than open circuit exciter saturation data in the same
way as it is used for the dc models.
Because the model has been widely implemented by the industry, it is sometimes used to represent other
types of systems when either detailed data for them are not available or simplified models are required."/>
2877 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
2878 eType=
2879 <eAnnotations source=
2880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2882 <eAnnotations source=
2883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2885 </eStructuralFeatures>
2886 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
2887 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2888 <eAnnotations source=
2889 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
2891 <eAnnotations source=
2892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
2894 </eStructuralFeatures>
2895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
2896 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2897 <eAnnotations source=
2898 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2900 <eAnnotations source=
2901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
2903 </eStructuralFeatures>
2904 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
2905 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2906 <eAnnotations source=
2907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2909 <eAnnotations source=
2910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt; 0.)"/>
2912 </eStructuralFeatures>
2913 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
2914 eType=
2915 <eAnnotations source=
2916 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2918 <eAnnotations source=
2919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2921 </eStructuralFeatures>
2922 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf1" lowerBound=
2923 eType=
2924 <eAnnotations source=
2925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback lag time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2927 <eAnnotations source=
2928 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback lag time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
2930 </eStructuralFeatures>
2931 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
2932 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2933 <eAnnotations source=
2934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
2936 <eAnnotations source=
2937 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
2939 </eStructuralFeatures>
2940 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf2" lowerBound=
2941 eType=
2942 <eAnnotations source=
2943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2945 <eAnnotations source=
2946 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2948 </eStructuralFeatures>
2949 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
2950 eType=
2951 <eAnnotations source=
2952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2954 <eAnnotations source=
2955 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2957 </eStructuralFeatures>
2958 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
2959 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2960 <eAnnotations source=
2961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2963 <eAnnotations source=
2964 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2966 </eStructuralFeatures>
2967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
2968 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2969 <eAnnotations source=
2970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2972 <eAnnotations source=
2973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
2975 </eStructuralFeatures>
2976 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
2977 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2978 <eAnnotations source=
2979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2981 <eAnnotations source=
2982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
2984 </eStructuralFeatures>
2985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf3" lowerBound=
2986 eType=
2987 <eAnnotations source=
2988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback lead time constant"/>
2990 <eAnnotations source=
2991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback lead time constant"/>
2993 </eStructuralFeatures>
2994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
2995 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
2996 <eAnnotations source=
2997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
2999 <eAnnotations source=
3000 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3002 </eStructuralFeatures>
3003 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
3004 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3005 <eAnnotations source=
3006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3008 <eAnnotations source=
3009 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3011 </eStructuralFeatures>
3013 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcST5B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3014 <eAnnotations source=
3015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST5B Model

The Type ST5B excitation system is a variation of the Type ST1A model, with alternative overexcitation and underexcitation inputs and additional limits. The corresponding stabilizer models that can be used with these models are the Type PSS2B, PSS3B, or PSS4B."/>
3017 <eAnnotations source=
3018 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) ST5B Model

The Type ST5B excitation system is a variation of the Type ST1A model, with alternative overexcitation and underexcitation inputs and additional limits. The corresponding stabilizer models that can be used with these models are the Type PSS2B, PSS3B, or PSS4B."/>
3020 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"toc2" lowerBound=
3021 eType=
3022 <eAnnotations source=
3023 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lead time constant"/>
3025 <eAnnotations source=
3026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lead time constant"/>
3028 </eStructuralFeatures>
3029 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"toc1" lowerBound=
3030 eType=
3031 <eAnnotations source=
3032 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lead time constant"/>
3034 <eAnnotations source=
3035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lead time constant"/>
3037 </eStructuralFeatures>
3038 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc1" lowerBound=
3039 eType=
3040 <eAnnotations source=
3041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lead time constant"/>
3043 <eAnnotations source=
3044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lead time constant"/>
3046 </eStructuralFeatures>
3047 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
3048 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3049 <eAnnotations source=
3050 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum regulator output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3052 <eAnnotations source=
3053 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum regulator output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3055 </eStructuralFeatures>
3056 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc2" lowerBound=
3057 eType=
3058 <eAnnotations source=
3059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lead time constant."/>
3061 <eAnnotations source=
3062 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lead time constant."/>
3064 </eStructuralFeatures>
3065 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
3066 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3067 <eAnnotations source=
3068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3070 <eAnnotations source=
3071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3073 </eStructuralFeatures>
3074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb2" lowerBound=
3075 eType=
3076 <eAnnotations source=
3077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3079 <eAnnotations source=
3080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3082 </eStructuralFeatures>
3083 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tob1" lowerBound=
3084 eType=
3085 <eAnnotations source=
3086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3088 <eAnnotations source=
3089 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3091 </eStructuralFeatures>
3092 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
3093 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3094 <eAnnotations source=
3095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum regulator output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3097 <eAnnotations source=
3098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum regulator output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3100 </eStructuralFeatures>
3101 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tob2" lowerBound=
3102 eType=
3103 <eAnnotations source=
3104 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3106 <eAnnotations source=
3107 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3109 </eStructuralFeatures>
3110 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb1" lowerBound=
3111 eType=
3112 <eAnnotations source=
3113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3115 <eAnnotations source=
3116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3118 </eStructuralFeatures>
3119 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tub1" lowerBound=
3120 eType=
3121 <eAnnotations source=
3122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3124 <eAnnotations source=
3125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3127 </eStructuralFeatures>
3128 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tub2" lowerBound=
3129 eType=
3130 <eAnnotations source=
3131 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3133 <eAnnotations source=
3134 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3136 </eStructuralFeatures>
3137 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tuc1" lowerBound=
3138 eType=
3139 <eAnnotations source=
3140 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lead time constant."/>
3142 <eAnnotations source=
3143 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lead time constant."/>
3145 </eStructuralFeatures>
3146 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tuc2" lowerBound=
3147 eType=
3148 <eAnnotations source=
3149 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lead time constant"/>
3151 <eAnnotations source=
3152 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UEL lead time constant"/>
3154 </eStructuralFeatures>
3155 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kr" lowerBound=
3156 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3157 <eAnnotations source=
3158 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3160 <eAnnotations source=
3161 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3163 </eStructuralFeatures>
3164 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
3165 eType=
3166 <eAnnotations source=
3167 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3169 <eAnnotations source=
3170 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3172 </eStructuralFeatures>
3173 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t1" lowerBound=
3174 eType=
3175 <eAnnotations source=
3176 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Firing circuit time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3178 <eAnnotations source=
3179 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Firing circuit time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3181 </eStructuralFeatures>
3183 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcSCRX" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3184 <eAnnotations source=
3185 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simple excitation system model representing generic characteristics of many excitation systems; intended for use where negative field current may be a problem"/>
3187 <eAnnotations source=
3188 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simple excitation system model representing generic characteristics of many excitation systems; intended for use where negative field current may be a problem"/>
3190 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
3191 eType=
3192 <eAnnotations source=
3193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of gain block (&gt; 0.)"/>
3195 <eAnnotations source=
3196 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of gain block (&gt; 0.)"/>
3198 </eStructuralFeatures>
3199 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
3200 eType=
3201 <eAnnotations source=
3202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Denominator time constant of lag-lead block"/>
3204 <eAnnotations source=
3205 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Denominator time constant of lag-lead block"/>
3207 </eStructuralFeatures>
3208 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"emax" lowerBound=
3209 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3210 <eAnnotations source=
3211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage output"/>
3213 <eAnnotations source=
3214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field voltage output"/>
3216 </eStructuralFeatures>
3217 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cswitch" lowerBound=
3218 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean">
3219 <eAnnotations source=
3220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power source switch:
 1 ? fixed voltage
 0 ? generator terminal voltage"/>
3222 <eAnnotations source=
3223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power source switch:
 1 ? fixed voltage
 0 ? generator terminal voltage"/>
3225 </eStructuralFeatures>
3226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rcrfd" lowerBound=
3227 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3228 <eAnnotations source=
3229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rc/Rfd - ratio of field discharge resistance to field winding resistance"/>
3231 <eAnnotations source=
3232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rc/Rfd - ratio of field discharge resistance to field winding resistance"/>
3234 </eStructuralFeatures>
3235 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tatb" lowerBound=
3236 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3237 <eAnnotations source=
3238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ta/Tb - gain reduction ratio of lag-lead element"/>
3240 <eAnnotations source=
3241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ta/Tb - gain reduction ratio of lag-lead element"/>
3243 </eStructuralFeatures>
3244 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k" lowerBound=
3245 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3246 <eAnnotations source=
3247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3249 <eAnnotations source=
3250 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3252 </eStructuralFeatures>
3253 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"emin" lowerBound=
3254 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3255 <eAnnotations source=
3256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage output"/>
3258 <eAnnotations source=
3259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum field voltage output"/>
3261 </eStructuralFeatures>
3263 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC8B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3264 <eAnnotations source=
3265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) AC8B Model

The AVR in this model consists of PID
control, with separate constants for the proportional (<i>KPR</i>), integral (<i>KIR</i>), and derivative (<i>KDR</i>) gains. The
representation of the brushless exciter (<i>TE</i>, <i>KE</i>, <i>SE</i>, <i>KC</i>, <i>KD</i>) is similar to the model Type AC2A. The Type AC8B model can be used to represent static voltage
regulators applied to brushless excitation systems. Digitally based voltage regulators feeding dc rotating
main exciters can be represented with the AC Type AC8B model with the parameters <i>KC </i>and <i>KD </i>set to 0.
For thyristor power stages fed from the generator terminals, the limits <i>VRMAX </i>and <i>VRMIN </i>should be a
function of terminal voltage: <i>VT </i>x <i>VRMAX </i>and <i>VT </i>x <i>VRMIN</i>."/>
3267 <eAnnotations source=
3268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) AC8B Model

The AVR in this model consists of PID
control, with separate constants for the proportional (<i>KPR</i>), integral (<i>KIR</i>), and derivative (<i>KDR</i>) gains. The
representation of the brushless exciter (<i>TE</i>, <i>KE</i>, <i>SE</i>, <i>KC</i>, <i>KD</i>) is similar to the model Type AC2A. The Type AC8B model can be used to represent static voltage
regulators applied to brushless excitation systems. Digitally based voltage regulators feeding dc rotating
main exciters can be represented with the AC Type AC8B model with the parameters <i>KC </i>and <i>KD </i>set to 0.
For thyristor power stages fed from the generator terminals, the limits <i>VRMAX </i>and <i>VRMIN </i>should be a
function of terminal voltage: <i>VT </i>x <i>VRMAX </i>and <i>VT </i>x <i>VRMIN</i>."/>
3270 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kdr" lowerBound=
3271 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3272 <eAnnotations source=
3273 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Derivative Gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3275 <eAnnotations source=
3276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Derivative Gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3278 </eStructuralFeatures>
3279 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
3280 eType=
3281 <eAnnotations source=
3282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3284 <eAnnotations source=
3285 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3287 </eStructuralFeatures>
3288 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
3289 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3290 <eAnnotations source=
3291 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
3293 <eAnnotations source=
3294 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
3296 </eStructuralFeatures>
3297 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
3298 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3299 <eAnnotations source=
3300 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
3302 <eAnnotations source=
3303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
3305 </eStructuralFeatures>
3306 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kir" lowerBound=
3307 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3308 <eAnnotations source=
3309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Integral Gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3311 <eAnnotations source=
3312 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Integral Gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3314 </eStructuralFeatures>
3315 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
3316 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3317 <eAnnotations source=
3318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3320 <eAnnotations source=
3321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3323 </eStructuralFeatures>
3324 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
3325 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3326 <eAnnotations source=
3327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3329 <eAnnotations source=
3330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum controller output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3332 </eStructuralFeatures>
3333 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
3334 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3335 <eAnnotations source=
3336 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3338 <eAnnotations source=
3339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3341 </eStructuralFeatures>
3342 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
3343 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3344 <eAnnotations source=
3345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3347 <eAnnotations source=
3348 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3350 </eStructuralFeatures>
3351 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tdr" lowerBound=
3352 eType=
3353 <eAnnotations source=
3354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Derivative Time Constant
(&gt; 0. if kdr &gt; 0.)"/>
3356 <eAnnotations source=
3357 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Derivative Time Constant
(&gt; 0. if kdr &gt; 0.)"/>
3359 </eStructuralFeatures>
3360 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpr" lowerBound=
3361 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3362 <eAnnotations source=
3363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Proportional Gain (&gt; 0. if
kir = 0.)"/>
3365 <eAnnotations source=
3366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Regulator Proportional Gain (&gt; 0. if
kir = 0.)"/>
3368 </eStructuralFeatures>
3369 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vemin" lowerBound=
3370 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3371 <eAnnotations source=
3372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter ouput voltage (&lt;= 0.)"/>
3374 <eAnnotations source=
3375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter ouput voltage (&lt;= 0.)"/>
3377 </eStructuralFeatures>
3378 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kd" lowerBound=
3379 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3380 <eAnnotations source=
3381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3383 <eAnnotations source=
3384 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3386 </eStructuralFeatures>
3387 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
3388 eType=
3389 <eAnnotations source=
3390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
3392 <eAnnotations source=
3393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
3395 </eStructuralFeatures>
3396 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
3397 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3398 <eAnnotations source=
3399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3401 <eAnnotations source=
3402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3404 </eStructuralFeatures>
3405 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
3406 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3407 <eAnnotations source=
3408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field proportional constant"/>
3410 <eAnnotations source=
3411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field proportional constant"/>
3413 </eStructuralFeatures>
3414 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vfemax" lowerBound=
3415 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3416 <eAnnotations source=
3417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter"/>
3419 <eAnnotations source=
3420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter"/>
3422 </eStructuralFeatures>
3423 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
3424 eType=
3425 <eAnnotations source=
3426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3428 <eAnnotations source=
3429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3431 </eStructuralFeatures>
3432 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
3433 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3434 <eAnnotations source=
3435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
3437 <eAnnotations source=
3438 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum controller output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
3440 </eStructuralFeatures>
3441 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vtmult" lowerBound=
3442 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3443 <eAnnotations source=
3444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"if not 0, multiply vrmax and vrmin by
terminal voltage"/>
3446 <eAnnotations source=
3447 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"if not 0, multiply vrmax and vrmin by
terminal voltage"/>
3449 </eStructuralFeatures>
3451 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcWT2E" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3452 <eAnnotations source=
3453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type 2 standard wind turbine field resistance control model"/>
3455 <eAnnotations source=
3456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type 2 standard wind turbine field resistance control model"/>
3459 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcAC7B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3460 <eAnnotations source=
3461 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) AC7B Model

These excitation systems consist of an ac alternator with either stationary or rotating rectifiers to produce the
dc field requirements. Upgrades to earlier ac excitation systems, which replace only the controls but retain
the ac alternator and diode rectifier bridge, have resulted in this new model. Some of the features of this excitation system include a high bandwidth inner loop regulating generator field voltage
or exciter current (<i>KF</i>2, <i>KF</i>1), a fast exciter current limit, <i>VFEMAX</i>, to protect the field of the ac alternator, and
the PID generator voltage regulator (AVR). An alternative rate feedback loop (<i>KF</i>, <i>TF</i>) is provided for
stabilization if the AVR does not include a derivative term. If a PSS control is supplied, the Type PSS2B or
PSS3B models are appropriate."/>
3463 <eAnnotations source=
3464 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) AC7B Model

These excitation systems consist of an ac alternator with either stationary or rotating rectifiers to produce the
dc field requirements. Upgrades to earlier ac excitation systems, which replace only the controls but retain
the ac alternator and diode rectifier bridge, have resulted in this new model. Some of the features of this excitation system include a high bandwidth inner loop regulating generator field voltage
or exciter current (<i>KF</i>2, <i>KF</i>1), a fast exciter current limit, <i>VFEMAX</i>, to protect the field of the ac alternator, and
the PID generator voltage regulator (AVR). An alternative rate feedback loop (<i>KF</i>, <i>TF</i>) is provided for
stabilization if the AVR does not include a derivative term. If a PSS control is supplied, the Type PSS2B or
PSS3B models are appropriate."/>
3466 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kd" lowerBound=
3467 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3468 <eAnnotations source=
3469 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3471 <eAnnotations source=
3472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter internal reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3474 </eStructuralFeatures>
3475 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
3476 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3477 <eAnnotations source=
3478 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3480 <eAnnotations source=
3481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3483 </eStructuralFeatures>
3484 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
3485 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3486 <eAnnotations source=
3487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum regulator output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3489 <eAnnotations source=
3490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum regulator output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3492 </eStructuralFeatures>
3493 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kdr" lowerBound=
3494 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3495 <eAnnotations source=
3496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator derivative gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3498 <eAnnotations source=
3499 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator derivative gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3501 </eStructuralFeatures>
3502 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
3503 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3504 <eAnnotations source=
3505 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum regulator output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3507 <eAnnotations source=
3508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum regulator output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3510 </eStructuralFeatures>
3511 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpr" lowerBound=
3512 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3513 <eAnnotations source=
3514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator proportional gain (&gt; 0. if kir = 0.)"/>
3516 <eAnnotations source=
3517 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator proportional gain (&gt; 0. if kir = 0.)"/>
3519 </eStructuralFeatures>
3520 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vemin" lowerBound=
3521 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3522 <eAnnotations source=
3523 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter ouput voltage (&lt;= 0.)"/>
3525 <eAnnotations source=
3526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum exciter ouput voltage (&lt;= 0.)"/>
3528 </eStructuralFeatures>
3529 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kl" lowerBound=
3530 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3531 <eAnnotations source=
3532 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field voltage lower limit parameter"/>
3534 <eAnnotations source=
3535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field voltage lower limit parameter"/>
3537 </eStructuralFeatures>
3538 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf1" lowerBound=
3539 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3540 <eAnnotations source=
3541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3543 <eAnnotations source=
3544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3546 </eStructuralFeatures>
3547 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kia" lowerBound=
3548 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3549 <eAnnotations source=
3550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier integral gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3552 <eAnnotations source=
3553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier integral gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3555 </eStructuralFeatures>
3556 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf3" lowerBound=
3557 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3558 <eAnnotations source=
3559 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3561 <eAnnotations source=
3562 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3564 </eStructuralFeatures>
3565 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
3566 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3567 <eAnnotations source=
3568 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3570 <eAnnotations source=
3571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3573 </eStructuralFeatures>
3574 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vfemax" lowerBound=
3575 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3576 <eAnnotations source=
3577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter"/>
3579 <eAnnotations source=
3580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current limit parameter"/>
3582 </eStructuralFeatures>
3583 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf2" lowerBound=
3584 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3585 <eAnnotations source=
3586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3588 <eAnnotations source=
3589 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field current feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3591 </eStructuralFeatures>
3592 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
3593 eType=
3594 <eAnnotations source=
3595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
3597 <eAnnotations source=
3598 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter time constant, sec. (&gt; 0.)"/>
3600 </eStructuralFeatures>
3601 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
3602 eType=
3603 <eAnnotations source=
3604 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
3606 <eAnnotations source=
3607 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
3609 </eStructuralFeatures>
3610 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
3611 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3612 <eAnnotations source=
3613 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
3615 <eAnnotations source=
3616 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance constant"/>
3618 </eStructuralFeatures>
3619 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpa" lowerBound=
3620 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3621 <eAnnotations source=
3622 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier proportional gain (&gt; 0. if kia = 0.)"/>
3624 <eAnnotations source=
3625 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amplifier proportional gain (&gt; 0. if kia = 0.)"/>
3627 </eStructuralFeatures>
3628 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
3629 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3630 <eAnnotations source=
3631 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
3633 <eAnnotations source=
3634 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
3636 </eStructuralFeatures>
3637 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
3638 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3639 <eAnnotations source=
3640 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3642 <eAnnotations source=
3643 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3645 </eStructuralFeatures>
3646 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp" lowerBound=
3647 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3648 <eAnnotations source=
3649 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field voltage source gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3651 <eAnnotations source=
3652 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field voltage source gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3654 </eStructuralFeatures>
3655 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
3656 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3657 <eAnnotations source=
3658 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
3660 <eAnnotations source=
3661 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
3663 </eStructuralFeatures>
3664 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kir" lowerBound=
3665 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3666 <eAnnotations source=
3667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator integral gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3669 <eAnnotations source=
3670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulator integral gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3672 </eStructuralFeatures>
3673 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
3674 eType=
3675 <eAnnotations source=
3676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3678 <eAnnotations source=
3679 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3681 </eStructuralFeatures>
3682 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tdr" lowerBound=
3683 eType=
3684 <eAnnotations source=
3685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Derivative gain washout time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3687 <eAnnotations source=
3688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Derivative gain washout time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3690 </eStructuralFeatures>
3691 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamin" lowerBound=
3692 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3693 <eAnnotations source=
3694 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum amplifier output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3696 <eAnnotations source=
3697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum amplifier output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3699 </eStructuralFeatures>
3700 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamax" lowerBound=
3701 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3702 <eAnnotations source=
3703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum amplifier output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3705 <eAnnotations source=
3706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum amplifier output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3708 </eStructuralFeatures>
3710 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcWT4E" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3711 <eAnnotations source=
3712 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type 4 standard wind turbine convertor control model"/>
3714 <eAnnotations source=
3715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type 4 standard wind turbine convertor control model"/>
3718 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcST1A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3719 <eAnnotations source=
3720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) ST1A Model

The computer model of the Type ST1A potential-source controlled-rectifier excitation system represents systems in which excitation power is supplied through a transformer from the generator terminals (or the unit's auxiliary bus) and is regulated by a controlled rectifier. The maximum exciter voltage available from such systems is directly related to the generator terminal voltage."/>
3722 <eAnnotations source=
3723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) ST1A Model

The computer model of the Type ST1A potential-source controlled-rectifier excitation system represents systems in which excitation power is supplied through a transformer from the generator terminals (or the unit's auxiliary bus) and is regulated by a controlled rectifier. The maximum exciter voltage available from such systems is directly related to the generator terminal voltage."/>
3725 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
3726 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3727 <eAnnotations source=
3728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation voltage lower limit (&lt; 0.)"/>
3730 <eAnnotations source=
3731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation voltage lower limit (&lt; 0.)"/>
3733 </eStructuralFeatures>
3734 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
3735 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3736 <eAnnotations source=
3737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation system regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3739 <eAnnotations source=
3740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation system regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3742 </eStructuralFeatures>
3743 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vimin" lowerBound=
3744 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3745 <eAnnotations source=
3746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum error (&lt; 0.)"/>
3748 <eAnnotations source=
3749 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum error (&lt; 0.)"/>
3751 </eStructuralFeatures>
3752 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uelin" lowerBound=
3753 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3754 <eAnnotations source=
3755 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"= 2 ? UEL input added to error signal
= 1 ? UEL input HV gate with error signal
= -1 ? UEL input HV gate with volt. reg. output
= 0 ? ignore UEL signal"/>
3757 <eAnnotations source=
3758 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"= 2 ? UEL input added to error signal
= 1 ? UEL input HV gate with error signal
= -1 ? UEL input HV gate with volt. reg. output
= 0 ? ignore UEL signal"/>
3760 </eStructuralFeatures>
3761 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
3762 eType=
3763 <eAnnotations source=
3764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3766 <eAnnotations source=
3767 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3769 </eStructuralFeatures>
3770 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kf" lowerBound=
3771 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3772 <eAnnotations source=
3773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3775 <eAnnotations source=
3776 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3778 </eStructuralFeatures>
3779 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc1" lowerBound=
3780 eType=
3781 <eAnnotations source=
3782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
3784 <eAnnotations source=
3785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
3787 </eStructuralFeatures>
3788 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pssin" lowerBound=
3789 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3790 <eAnnotations source=
3791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"= 0 ? PSS input (Vs) added to error signal
not 0 ? PSS input (Vs) added to voltage regulator output"/>
3793 <eAnnotations source=
3794 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"= 0 ? PSS input (Vs) added to error signal
not 0 ? PSS input (Vs) added to voltage regulator output"/>
3796 </eStructuralFeatures>
3797 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
3798 eType=
3799 <eAnnotations source=
3800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
3802 <eAnnotations source=
3803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead time constant"/>
3805 </eStructuralFeatures>
3806 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
3807 eType=
3808 <eAnnotations source=
3809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3811 <eAnnotations source=
3812 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3814 </eStructuralFeatures>
3815 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
3816 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3817 <eAnnotations source=
3818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3820 <eAnnotations source=
3821 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
3823 </eStructuralFeatures>
3824 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
3825 eType=
3826 <eAnnotations source=
3827 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3829 <eAnnotations source=
3830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3832 </eStructuralFeatures>
3833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
3834 eType=
3835 <eAnnotations source=
3836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3838 <eAnnotations source=
3839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3841 </eStructuralFeatures>
3842 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ilr" lowerBound=
3843 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3844 <eAnnotations source=
3845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field current"/>
3847 <eAnnotations source=
3848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum field current"/>
3850 </eStructuralFeatures>
3851 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamin" lowerBound=
3852 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3853 <eAnnotations source=
3854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum control element output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3856 <eAnnotations source=
3857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum control element output (&lt; 0.)"/>
3859 </eStructuralFeatures>
3860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"klr" lowerBound=
3861 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3862 <eAnnotations source=
3863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on field current limit"/>
3865 <eAnnotations source=
3866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on field current limit"/>
3868 </eStructuralFeatures>
3869 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb1" lowerBound=
3870 eType=
3871 <eAnnotations source=
3872 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3874 <eAnnotations source=
3875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3877 </eStructuralFeatures>
3878 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vamax" lowerBound=
3879 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3880 <eAnnotations source=
3881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum control element output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3883 <eAnnotations source=
3884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum control element output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3886 </eStructuralFeatures>
3887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
3888 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3889 <eAnnotations source=
3890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation voltage upper limit (&gt; 0.)"/>
3892 <eAnnotations source=
3893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Excitation voltage upper limit (&gt; 0.)"/>
3895 </eStructuralFeatures>
3896 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vimax" lowerBound=
3897 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3898 <eAnnotations source=
3899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum error (&gt; 0.)"/>
3901 <eAnnotations source=
3902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum error (&gt; 0.)"/>
3904 </eStructuralFeatures>
3906 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcBBC" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3907 <eAnnotations source=
3908 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static Excitation System Model with ABB regulator"/>
3910 <eAnnotations source=
3911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Static Excitation System Model with ABB regulator"/>
3914 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcitationSystem" abstract=
3915 eSuperTypes=
3916 <eAnnotations source=
3917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An excitation system provides the field voltage (Efd) for a synchronous machine model. It is linked to a specific generator by the Bus number and Unit ID."/>
3919 <eAnnotations source=
3920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An excitation system provides the field voltage (Efd) for a synchronous machine model. It is linked to a specific generator by the Bus number and Unit ID."/>
3923 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcDC3A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
3924 <eAnnotations source=
3925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) DC3A Model

The Type DC3A model is used to represent older systems, in particular those dc commutator exciters with non-continuously acting regulators that were commonly used before the development of the continuously acting varieties. These systems respond at basically two different rates, depending upon the magnitude of voltage error. For small errors, adjustment is made periodically with a signal to a motor-operated rheostat. Larger errors cause
resistors to be quickly shorted or inserted and a strong forcing signal applied to the exciter. Continuous
motion of the motor-operated rheostat occurs for these larger error signals, even though it is bypassed by
contactor action."/>
3927 <eAnnotations source=
3928 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) DC3A Model

The Type DC3A model is used to represent older systems, in particular those dc commutator exciters with non-continuously acting regulators that were commonly used before the development of the continuously acting varieties. These systems respond at basically two different rates, depending upon the magnitude of voltage error. For small errors, adjustment is made periodically with a signal to a motor-operated rheostat. Larger errors cause
resistors to be quickly shorted or inserted and a strong forcing signal applied to the exciter. Continuous
motion of the motor-operated rheostat occurs for these larger error signals, even though it is bypassed by
contactor action."/>
3930 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
3931 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3932 <eAnnotations source=
3933 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum control element output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3935 <eAnnotations source=
3936 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum control element output (&gt; 0.)"/>
3938 </eStructuralFeatures>
3939 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ke" lowerBound=
3940 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3941 <eAnnotations source=
3942 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
3944 <eAnnotations source=
3945 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field resistance line slope"/>
3947 </eStructuralFeatures>
3948 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"te" lowerBound=
3949 eType=
3950 <eAnnotations source=
3951 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
3953 <eAnnotations source=
3954 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter field time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
3956 </eStructuralFeatures>
3957 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"exclim" lowerBound=
3958 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3959 <eAnnotations source=
3960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If not 0, apply lower limit of 0. to exciter output"/>
3962 <eAnnotations source=
3963 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If not 0, apply lower limit of 0. to exciter output"/>
3965 </eStructuralFeatures>
3966 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se1" lowerBound=
3967 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3968 <eAnnotations source=
3969 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3971 <eAnnotations source=
3972 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e1 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3974 </eStructuralFeatures>
3975 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"se2" lowerBound=
3976 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3977 <eAnnotations source=
3978 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3980 <eAnnotations source=
3981 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Saturation factor at e2 (&gt;= 0.)"/>
3983 </eStructuralFeatures>
3984 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"trh" lowerBound=
3985 eType=
3986 <eAnnotations source=
3987 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rheostat full range travel time (&gt; 0.)"/>
3989 <eAnnotations source=
3990 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rheostat full range travel time (&gt; 0.)"/>
3992 </eStructuralFeatures>
3993 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kv" lowerBound=
3994 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
3995 <eAnnotations source=
3996 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage error threshold min/max control action (&gt; 0.)"/>
3998 <eAnnotations source=
3999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage error threshold min/max control action (&gt; 0.)"/>
4001 </eStructuralFeatures>
4002 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e1" lowerBound=
4003 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4004 <eAnnotations source=
4005 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
4007 <eAnnotations source=
4008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 1 (&gt; 0.)"/>
4010 </eStructuralFeatures>
4011 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e2" lowerBound=
4012 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4013 <eAnnotations source=
4014 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
4016 <eAnnotations source=
4017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Field voltage value 2. (&gt; 0.)"/>
4019 </eStructuralFeatures>
4020 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
4021 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4022 <eAnnotations source=
4023 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum control element output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
4025 <eAnnotations source=
4026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum control element output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
4028 </eStructuralFeatures>
4029 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
4030 eType=
4031 <eAnnotations source=
4032 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4034 <eAnnotations source=
4035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4037 </eStructuralFeatures>
4039 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcST3A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4040 <eAnnotations source=
4041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) ST3A Model

Some static systems utilize a field voltage control loop to linearize the exciter control characteristic. This also makes the output independent of supply source variations until supply limitations are reached.
These systems utilize a variety of controlled-rectifier designs: full thyristor complements or hybrid bridges
in either series or shunt configurations. The power source may consist of only a potential source, either fed from the machine terminals or from internal windings. Some designs may have compound power sources utilizing both machine potential and current. These power sources are represented as phasor combinations of machine terminal current and voltage and are accommodated by suitable parameters in the model Type ST3A."/>
4043 <eAnnotations source=
4044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (1992/2005) ST3A Model

Some static systems utilize a field voltage control loop to linearize the exciter control characteristic. This also makes the output independent of supply source variations until supply limitations are reached.
These systems utilize a variety of controlled-rectifier designs: full thyristor complements or hybrid bridges
in either series or shunt configurations. The power source may consist of only a potential source, either fed from the machine terminals or from internal windings. Some designs may have compound power sources utilizing both machine potential and current. These power sources are represented as phasor combinations of machine terminal current and voltage and are accommodated by suitable parameters in the model Type ST3A."/>
4046 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmin" lowerBound=
4047 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4048 <eAnnotations source=
4049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
4051 <eAnnotations source=
4052 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum AVR output (&lt; 0.)"/>
4054 </eStructuralFeatures>
4055 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kc" lowerBound=
4056 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4057 <eAnnotations source=
4058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4060 <eAnnotations source=
4061 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciter regulation factor (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4063 </eStructuralFeatures>
4064 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
4065 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4066 <eAnnotations source=
4067 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
4069 <eAnnotations source=
4070 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
4072 </eStructuralFeatures>
4073 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vbmax" lowerBound=
4074 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4075 <eAnnotations source=
4076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum excitation voltage (&gt; 0.)"/>
4078 <eAnnotations source=
4079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum excitation voltage (&gt; 0.)"/>
4081 </eStructuralFeatures>
4082 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vimin" lowerBound=
4083 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4084 <eAnnotations source=
4085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum error (&lt; 0.)"/>
4087 <eAnnotations source=
4088 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum error (&lt; 0.)"/>
4090 </eStructuralFeatures>
4091 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xl" lowerBound=
4092 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4093 <eAnnotations source=
4094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"P-bar reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4096 <eAnnotations source=
4097 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"P-bar reactance (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4099 </eStructuralFeatures>
4100 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vgmax" lowerBound=
4101 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4102 <eAnnotations source=
4103 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop feedback voltage (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4105 <eAnnotations source=
4106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop feedback voltage (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4108 </eStructuralFeatures>
4109 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"angp" lowerBound=
4110 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4111 <eAnnotations source=
4112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle of potential source"/>
4114 <eAnnotations source=
4115 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle of potential source"/>
4117 </eStructuralFeatures>
4118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmmin" lowerBound=
4119 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4120 <eAnnotations source=
4121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum inner loop output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
4123 <eAnnotations source=
4124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum inner loop output (&lt;= 0.)"/>
4126 </eStructuralFeatures>
4127 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vrmax" lowerBound=
4128 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4129 <eAnnotations source=
4130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
4132 <eAnnotations source=
4133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum AVR output (&gt; 0.)"/>
4135 </eStructuralFeatures>
4136 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kp" lowerBound=
4137 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4138 <eAnnotations source=
4139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential source gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
4141 <eAnnotations source=
4142 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential source gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
4144 </eStructuralFeatures>
4145 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"km" lowerBound=
4146 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4147 <eAnnotations source=
4148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop forward gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
4150 <eAnnotations source=
4151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop forward gain (&gt; 0.)"/>
4153 </eStructuralFeatures>
4154 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vimax" lowerBound=
4155 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4156 <eAnnotations source=
4157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum error (&gt; 0.)"/>
4159 <eAnnotations source=
4160 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum error (&gt; 0.)"/>
4162 </eStructuralFeatures>
4163 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
4164 eType=
4165 <eAnnotations source=
4166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4168 <eAnnotations source=
4169 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transducer time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4171 </eStructuralFeatures>
4172 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmmax" lowerBound=
4173 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4174 <eAnnotations source=
4175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop output (&gt; 0.)"/>
4177 <eAnnotations source=
4178 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inner loop output (&gt; 0.)"/>
4180 </eStructuralFeatures>
4181 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ki" lowerBound=
4182 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4183 <eAnnotations source=
4184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4186 <eAnnotations source=
4187 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current source gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4189 </eStructuralFeatures>
4190 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tm" lowerBound=
4191 eType=
4192 <eAnnotations source=
4193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
4195 <eAnnotations source=
4196 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
4198 </eStructuralFeatures>
4199 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
4200 eType=
4201 <eAnnotations source=
4202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4204 <eAnnotations source=
4205 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4207 </eStructuralFeatures>
4208 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
4209 eType=
4210 <eAnnotations source=
4211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4213 <eAnnotations source=
4214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR lag time constant (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4216 </eStructuralFeatures>
4217 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kg" lowerBound=
4218 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4219 <eAnnotations source=
4220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4222 <eAnnotations source=
4223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inner loop feedback gain (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4225 </eStructuralFeatures>
4226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
4227 eType=
4228 <eAnnotations source=
4229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR lead time constant"/>
4231 <eAnnotations source=
4232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AVR lead time constant"/>
4234 </eStructuralFeatures>
4236 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExcCZ" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4237 <eAnnotations source=
4238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Czech proportional/integral excitation system model."/>
4240 <eAnnotations source=
4241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Czech proportional/integral excitation system model."/>
4245 <eSubpackages name=
"TurbineGovernors" nsURI=
4247 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydro3" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4248 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydro2" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4249 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bturb" lowerBound=
4250 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4251 <eAnnotations source=
4252 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine denominator multiplier"/>
4254 <eAnnotations source=
4255 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine denominator multiplier"/>
4257 </eStructuralFeatures>
4258 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rtemp" lowerBound=
4259 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4260 <eAnnotations source=
4261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temporary droop"/>
4263 <eAnnotations source=
4264 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temporary droop"/>
4266 </eStructuralFeatures>
4267 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tw" lowerBound=
4268 eType=
4269 <eAnnotations source=
4270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water inertia time constant"/>
4272 <eAnnotations source=
4273 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water inertia time constant"/>
4275 </eStructuralFeatures>
4276 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rperm" lowerBound=
4277 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4278 <eAnnotations source=
4279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop"/>
4281 <eAnnotations source=
4282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop"/>
4284 </eStructuralFeatures>
4285 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv1" lowerBound=
4286 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4287 <eAnnotations source=
4288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 1, p.u. gv"/>
4290 <eAnnotations source=
4291 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 1, p.u. gv"/>
4293 </eStructuralFeatures>
4294 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv2" lowerBound=
4295 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4296 <eAnnotations source=
4297 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 2, p.u. gv"/>
4299 <eAnnotations source=
4300 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 2, p.u. gv"/>
4302 </eStructuralFeatures>
4303 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
4304 eType=
4305 <eAnnotations source=
4306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dashpot time constant"/>
4308 <eAnnotations source=
4309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dashpot time constant"/>
4311 </eStructuralFeatures>
4312 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"aturb" lowerBound=
4313 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4314 <eAnnotations source=
4315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine numerator multiplier"/>
4317 <eAnnotations source=
4318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine numerator multiplier"/>
4320 </eStructuralFeatures>
4321 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tp" lowerBound=
4322 eType=
4323 <eAnnotations source=
4324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pilot servo valve time constant"/>
4326 <eAnnotations source=
4327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pilot servo valve time constant"/>
4329 </eStructuralFeatures>
4330 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uo" lowerBound=
4331 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4332 <eAnnotations source=
4333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum gate opening velocity"/>
4335 <eAnnotations source=
4336 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum gate opening velocity"/>
4338 </eStructuralFeatures>
4339 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv6" lowerBound=
4340 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4341 <eAnnotations source=
4342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 6, p.u. gv"/>
4344 <eAnnotations source=
4345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 6, p.u. gv"/>
4347 </eStructuralFeatures>
4348 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv5" lowerBound=
4349 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4350 <eAnnotations source=
4351 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 5, p.u. gv"/>
4353 <eAnnotations source=
4354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 5, p.u. gv"/>
4356 </eStructuralFeatures>
4357 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv5" lowerBound=
4358 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4359 <eAnnotations source=
4360 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 5, p.u. power"/>
4362 <eAnnotations source=
4363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 5, p.u. power"/>
4365 </eStructuralFeatures>
4366 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv4" lowerBound=
4367 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4368 <eAnnotations source=
4369 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 4, p.u. gv"/>
4371 <eAnnotations source=
4372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 4, p.u. gv"/>
4374 </eStructuralFeatures>
4375 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv6" lowerBound=
4376 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4377 <eAnnotations source=
4378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 6, p.u. power"/>
4380 <eAnnotations source=
4381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 6, p.u. power"/>
4383 </eStructuralFeatures>
4384 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv3" lowerBound=
4385 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4386 <eAnnotations source=
4387 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 3, p.u. gv"/>
4389 <eAnnotations source=
4390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 3, p.u. gv"/>
4392 </eStructuralFeatures>
4393 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv2" lowerBound=
4394 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4395 <eAnnotations source=
4396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 2, p.u. power"/>
4398 <eAnnotations source=
4399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 2, p.u. power"/>
4401 </eStructuralFeatures>
4402 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv1" lowerBound=
4403 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4404 <eAnnotations source=
4405 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 1, p.u. power"/>
4407 <eAnnotations source=
4408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 1, p.u. power"/>
4410 </eStructuralFeatures>
4411 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"db1" lowerBound=
4412 eType=
4413 <eAnnotations source=
4414 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional deadband width"/>
4416 <eAnnotations source=
4417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional deadband width"/>
4419 </eStructuralFeatures>
4420 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv4" lowerBound=
4421 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4422 <eAnnotations source=
4423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 4, p.u. power"/>
4425 <eAnnotations source=
4426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 4, p.u. power"/>
4428 </eStructuralFeatures>
4429 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kturb" lowerBound=
4430 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4431 <eAnnotations source=
4432 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine gain"/>
4434 <eAnnotations source=
4435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine gain"/>
4437 </eStructuralFeatures>
4438 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"db2" lowerBound=
4439 eType=
4440 <eAnnotations source=
4441 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unintentional deadband"/>
4443 <eAnnotations source=
4444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unintentional deadband"/>
4446 </eStructuralFeatures>
4447 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tg" lowerBound=
4448 eType=
4449 <eAnnotations source=
4450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate servo time constant"/>
4452 <eAnnotations source=
4453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate servo time constant"/>
4455 </eStructuralFeatures>
4456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pmax" lowerBound=
4457 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4458 <eAnnotations source=
4459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum gate opening"/>
4461 <eAnnotations source=
4462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum gate opening"/>
4464 </eStructuralFeatures>
4465 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv3" lowerBound=
4466 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4467 <eAnnotations source=
4468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 3, p.u. power"/>
4470 <eAnnotations source=
4471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain point 3, p.u. power"/>
4473 </eStructuralFeatures>
4474 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mwbase" lowerBound=
4475 eType=
4476 <eAnnotations source=
4477 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
4479 <eAnnotations source=
4480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
4482 </eStructuralFeatures>
4483 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uc" lowerBound=
4484 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4485 <eAnnotations source=
4486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum gate closing velocity (&lt;0.)"/>
4488 <eAnnotations source=
4489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum gate closing velocity (&lt;0.)"/>
4491 </eStructuralFeatures>
4492 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pmin" lowerBound=
4493 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4494 <eAnnotations source=
4495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum gate opening"/>
4497 <eAnnotations source=
4498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum gate opening"/>
4500 </eStructuralFeatures>
4501 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"eps" lowerBound=
4502 eType=
4503 <eAnnotations source=
4504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional db hysteresis"/>
4506 <eAnnotations source=
4507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional db hysteresis"/>
4509 </eStructuralFeatures>
4511 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovGAST" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4512 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT1T" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4513 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TurbineGovernor" abstract=
4514 eSuperTypes=
4515 <eAnnotations source=
4516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The turbine-governor determines the mechanical power (Pm) supplied to the generator model"/>
4518 <eAnnotations source=
4519 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The turbine-governor determines the mechanical power (Pm) supplied to the generator model"/>
4522 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT2P" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4523 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydroDD" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4524 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydroWEH" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4525 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT3T" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4526 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydroPID" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4527 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydro4" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4528 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovDUM" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4529 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydroWPID" abstract=
4530 eSuperTypes=
4531 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT4P" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4532 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TLCFB1" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4533 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovGASM" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4534 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydroR" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4535 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovSteamFV2" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4536 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovRAV" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4537 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovCT2" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4538 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovSteam1" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4539 <eAnnotations source=
4540 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE steam turbine/governor model (with optional deadband and nonlinear valve gain added)"/>
4542 <eAnnotations source=
4543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE steam turbine/governor model (with optional deadband and nonlinear valve gain added)"/>
4545 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"eps" lowerBound=
4546 eType=
4547 <eAnnotations source=
4548 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional db hysteresis"/>
4550 <eAnnotations source=
4551 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional db hysteresis"/>
4553 </eStructuralFeatures>
4554 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uc" lowerBound=
4555 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4556 <eAnnotations source=
4557 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve closing velocity, p.u./sec (&lt; 0.)"/>
4559 <eAnnotations source=
4560 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve closing velocity, p.u./sec (&lt; 0.)"/>
4562 </eStructuralFeatures>
4563 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mwbase" lowerBound=
4564 eType=
4565 <eAnnotations source=
4566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
4568 <eAnnotations source=
4569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
4571 </eStructuralFeatures>
4572 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pmin" lowerBound=
4573 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4574 <eAnnotations source=
4575 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve opening (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4577 <eAnnotations source=
4578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve opening (&gt;= 0.)"/>
4580 </eStructuralFeatures>
4581 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k3" lowerBound=
4582 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4583 <eAnnotations source=
4584 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after second boiler pass"/>
4586 <eAnnotations source=
4587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after second boiler pass"/>
4589 </eStructuralFeatures>
4590 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k" lowerBound=
4591 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4592 <eAnnotations source=
4593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor gain (reciprocal of droop) (&gt; 0.)"/>
4595 <eAnnotations source=
4596 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor gain (reciprocal of droop) (&gt; 0.)"/>
4598 </eStructuralFeatures>
4599 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k2" lowerBound=
4600 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4601 <eAnnotations source=
4602 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after first boiler pass"/>
4604 <eAnnotations source=
4605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after first boiler pass"/>
4607 </eStructuralFeatures>
4608 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k1" lowerBound=
4609 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4610 <eAnnotations source=
4611 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after first boiler pass"/>
4613 <eAnnotations source=
4614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after first boiler pass"/>
4616 </eStructuralFeatures>
4617 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv1" lowerBound=
4618 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4619 <eAnnotations source=
4620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 1"/>
4622 <eAnnotations source=
4623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 1"/>
4625 </eStructuralFeatures>
4626 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k7" lowerBound=
4627 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4628 <eAnnotations source=
4629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after fourth boiler pass"/>
4631 <eAnnotations source=
4632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after fourth boiler pass"/>
4634 </eStructuralFeatures>
4635 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k6" lowerBound=
4636 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4637 <eAnnotations source=
4638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after third boiler pass"/>
4640 <eAnnotations source=
4641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after third boiler pass"/>
4643 </eStructuralFeatures>
4644 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pmax" lowerBound=
4645 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4646 <eAnnotations source=
4647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve opening (&gt; Pmin)"/>
4649 <eAnnotations source=
4650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve opening (&gt; Pmin)"/>
4652 </eStructuralFeatures>
4653 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k5" lowerBound=
4654 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4655 <eAnnotations source=
4656 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after third boiler pass"/>
4658 <eAnnotations source=
4659 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of HP shaft power after third boiler pass"/>
4661 </eStructuralFeatures>
4662 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k4" lowerBound=
4663 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4664 <eAnnotations source=
4665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after second boiler pass"/>
4667 <eAnnotations source=
4668 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after second boiler pass"/>
4670 </eStructuralFeatures>
4671 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t6" lowerBound=
4672 eType=
4673 <eAnnotations source=
4674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of third boiler pass"/>
4676 <eAnnotations source=
4677 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of third boiler pass"/>
4679 </eStructuralFeatures>
4680 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv6" lowerBound=
4681 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4682 <eAnnotations source=
4683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 6"/>
4685 <eAnnotations source=
4686 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 6"/>
4688 </eStructuralFeatures>
4689 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv6" lowerBound=
4690 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4691 <eAnnotations source=
4692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 6"/>
4694 <eAnnotations source=
4695 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 6"/>
4697 </eStructuralFeatures>
4698 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv5" lowerBound=
4699 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4700 <eAnnotations source=
4701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 5"/>
4703 <eAnnotations source=
4704 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 5"/>
4706 </eStructuralFeatures>
4707 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t7" lowerBound=
4708 eType=
4709 <eAnnotations source=
4710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of fourth boiler pas"/>
4712 <eAnnotations source=
4713 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of fourth boiler pas"/>
4715 </eStructuralFeatures>
4716 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"k8" lowerBound=
4717 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4718 <eAnnotations source=
4719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after fourth boiler pass"/>
4721 <eAnnotations source=
4722 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction of LP shaft power after fourth boiler pass"/>
4724 </eStructuralFeatures>
4725 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv1" lowerBound=
4726 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4727 <eAnnotations source=
4728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 1"/>
4730 <eAnnotations source=
4731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 1"/>
4733 </eStructuralFeatures>
4734 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t1" lowerBound=
4735 eType=
4736 <eAnnotations source=
4737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor lag time constant"/>
4739 <eAnnotations source=
4740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor lag time constant"/>
4742 </eStructuralFeatures>
4743 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t2" lowerBound=
4744 eType=
4745 <eAnnotations source=
4746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor lead time constant"/>
4748 <eAnnotations source=
4749 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor lead time constant"/>
4751 </eStructuralFeatures>
4752 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv3" lowerBound=
4753 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4754 <eAnnotations source=
4755 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 3"/>
4757 <eAnnotations source=
4758 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 3"/>
4760 </eStructuralFeatures>
4761 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"db1" lowerBound=
4762 eType=
4763 <eAnnotations source=
4764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional deadband width"/>
4766 <eAnnotations source=
4767 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intentional deadband width"/>
4769 </eStructuralFeatures>
4770 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t3" lowerBound=
4771 eType=
4772 <eAnnotations source=
4773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Valve positioner time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
4775 <eAnnotations source=
4776 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Valve positioner time constant (&gt; 0.)"/>
4778 </eStructuralFeatures>
4779 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"uo" lowerBound=
4780 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4781 <eAnnotations source=
4782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve opening velocity (&gt; 0.)"/>
4784 <eAnnotations source=
4785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve opening velocity (&gt; 0.)"/>
4787 </eStructuralFeatures>
4788 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv2" lowerBound=
4789 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4790 <eAnnotations source=
4791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 2"/>
4793 <eAnnotations source=
4794 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 2"/>
4796 </eStructuralFeatures>
4797 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv4" lowerBound=
4798 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4799 <eAnnotations source=
4800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 4"/>
4802 <eAnnotations source=
4803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 4"/>
4805 </eStructuralFeatures>
4806 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv5" lowerBound=
4807 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4808 <eAnnotations source=
4809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 5"/>
4811 <eAnnotations source=
4812 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 5"/>
4814 </eStructuralFeatures>
4815 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t4" lowerBound=
4816 eType=
4817 <eAnnotations source=
4818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inlet piping/steam bowl time constant"/>
4820 <eAnnotations source=
4821 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inlet piping/steam bowl time constant"/>
4823 </eStructuralFeatures>
4824 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv2" lowerBound=
4825 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4826 <eAnnotations source=
4827 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 2"/>
4829 <eAnnotations source=
4830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 2"/>
4832 </eStructuralFeatures>
4833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gv3" lowerBound=
4834 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4835 <eAnnotations source=
4836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 3"/>
4838 <eAnnotations source=
4839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain valve position point 3"/>
4841 </eStructuralFeatures>
4842 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t5" lowerBound=
4843 eType=
4844 <eAnnotations source=
4845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of second boiler pass"/>
4847 <eAnnotations source=
4848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant of second boiler pass"/>
4850 </eStructuralFeatures>
4851 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pgv4" lowerBound=
4852 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4853 <eAnnotations source=
4854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 4"/>
4856 <eAnnotations source=
4857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nonlinear gain power value point 4"/>
4859 </eStructuralFeatures>
4860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"db2" lowerBound=
4861 eType=
4862 <eAnnotations source=
4863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unintentional deadband"/>
4865 <eAnnotations source=
4866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unintentional deadband"/>
4868 </eStructuralFeatures>
4870 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovSteamCC" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4871 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovSteamSGO" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4872 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovSteamFV3" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4873 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT3P" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4874 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT1P" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4875 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovSteam0" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4876 <eAnnotations source=
4877 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A simplified steam turbine-governor model."/>
4879 <eAnnotations source=
4880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A simplified steam turbine-governor model."/>
4882 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t2" lowerBound=
4883 eType=
4884 <eAnnotations source=
4885 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Numerator time constant of T2/T3 block"/>
4887 <eAnnotations source=
4888 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Numerator time constant of T2/T3 block"/>
4890 </eStructuralFeatures>
4891 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t3" lowerBound=
4892 eType=
4893 <eAnnotations source=
4894 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reheater time constant"/>
4896 <eAnnotations source=
4897 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reheater time constant"/>
4899 </eStructuralFeatures>
4900 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t1" lowerBound=
4901 eType=
4902 <eAnnotations source=
4903 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam bowl time constant"/>
4905 <eAnnotations source=
4906 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam bowl time constant"/>
4908 </eStructuralFeatures>
4909 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmax" lowerBound=
4910 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4911 <eAnnotations source=
4912 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve position, p.u. of mwcap"/>
4914 <eAnnotations source=
4915 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve position, p.u. of mwcap"/>
4917 </eStructuralFeatures>
4918 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dt" lowerBound=
4919 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4920 <eAnnotations source=
4921 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine damping coefficient"/>
4923 <eAnnotations source=
4924 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine damping coefficient"/>
4926 </eStructuralFeatures>
4927 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" lowerBound=
4928 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4929 <eAnnotations source=
4930 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop"/>
4932 <eAnnotations source=
4933 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop"/>
4935 </eStructuralFeatures>
4936 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmin" lowerBound=
4937 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4938 <eAnnotations source=
4939 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve position, p.u. of mwcap"/>
4941 <eAnnotations source=
4942 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve position, p.u. of mwcap"/>
4944 </eStructuralFeatures>
4945 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mwbase" lowerBound=
4946 eType=
4947 <eAnnotations source=
4948 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
4950 <eAnnotations source=
4951 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
4953 </eStructuralFeatures>
4955 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovCT1" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
4956 <eAnnotations source=
4957 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General model for any prime mover with a PID governor, used primarily for combustion turbine and combined cycle units."/>
4959 <eAnnotations source=
4960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General model for any prime mover with a PID governor, used primarily for combustion turbine and combined cycle units."/>
4962 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rdown" lowerBound=
4963 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4964 <eAnnotations source=
4965 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum rate of load limit decrease"/>
4967 <eAnnotations source=
4968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum rate of load limit decrease"/>
4970 </eStructuralFeatures>
4971 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmax" lowerBound=
4972 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4973 <eAnnotations source=
4974 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve position limit"/>
4976 <eAnnotations source=
4977 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve position limit"/>
4979 </eStructuralFeatures>
4980 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"wfnl" lowerBound=
4981 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
4982 <eAnnotations source=
4983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"No load fuel flow"/>
4985 <eAnnotations source=
4986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"No load fuel flow"/>
4988 </eStructuralFeatures>
4989 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tdgov" lowerBound=
4990 eType=
4991 <eAnnotations source=
4992 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor derivative controller time constant"/>
4994 <eAnnotations source=
4995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor derivative controller time constant"/>
4997 </eStructuralFeatures>
4998 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"aset" lowerBound=
4999 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5000 <eAnnotations source=
5001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceleration limiter setpoint"/>
5003 <eAnnotations source=
5004 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceleration limiter setpoint"/>
5006 </eStructuralFeatures>
5007 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" lowerBound=
5008 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5009 <eAnnotations source=
5010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop"/>
5012 <eAnnotations source=
5013 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop"/>
5015 </eStructuralFeatures>
5016 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"wfspd" lowerBound=
5017 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean">
5018 <eAnnotations source=
5019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Switch for fuel source characteristic
= 0 for fuel flow independent of speed
= 1 fuel flow proportional to speed"/>
5021 <eAnnotations source=
5022 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Switch for fuel source characteristic
= 0 for fuel flow independent of speed
= 1 fuel flow proportional to speed"/>
5024 </eStructuralFeatures>
5025 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpgov" lowerBound=
5026 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5027 <eAnnotations source=
5028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor proportional gain"/>
5030 <eAnnotations source=
5031 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor proportional gain"/>
5033 </eStructuralFeatures>
5034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minerr" lowerBound=
5035 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5036 <eAnnotations source=
5037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum value for speed error signal"/>
5039 <eAnnotations source=
5040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum value for speed error signal"/>
5042 </eStructuralFeatures>
5043 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tsa" lowerBound=
5044 eType=
5045 <eAnnotations source=
5046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature detection lead time constant"/>
5048 <eAnnotations source=
5049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature detection lead time constant"/>
5051 </eStructuralFeatures>
5052 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tact" lowerBound=
5053 eType=
5054 <eAnnotations source=
5055 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actuator time constant"/>
5057 <eAnnotations source=
5058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actuator time constant"/>
5060 </eStructuralFeatures>
5061 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tsb" lowerBound=
5062 eType=
5063 <eAnnotations source=
5064 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature detection lag time constant"/>
5066 <eAnnotations source=
5067 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature detection lag time constant"/>
5069 </eStructuralFeatures>
5070 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ldref" lowerBound=
5071 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5072 <eAnnotations source=
5073 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limiter reference value"/>
5075 <eAnnotations source=
5076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limiter reference value"/>
5078 </eStructuralFeatures>
5079 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kimw" lowerBound=
5080 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5081 <eAnnotations source=
5082 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power controller (reset) gain"/>
5084 <eAnnotations source=
5085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power controller (reset) gain"/>
5087 </eStructuralFeatures>
5088 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxerr" lowerBound=
5089 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5090 <eAnnotations source=
5091 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum value for speed error signal"/>
5093 <eAnnotations source=
5094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum value for speed error signal"/>
5096 </eStructuralFeatures>
5097 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vmin" lowerBound=
5098 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5099 <eAnnotations source=
5100 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve position limit"/>
5102 <eAnnotations source=
5103 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve position limit"/>
5105 </eStructuralFeatures>
5106 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mwbase" lowerBound=
5107 eType=
5108 <eAnnotations source=
5109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
5111 <eAnnotations source=
5112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
5114 </eStructuralFeatures>
5115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rclose" lowerBound=
5116 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5117 <eAnnotations source=
5118 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve closing rate"/>
5120 <eAnnotations source=
5121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum valve closing rate"/>
5123 </eStructuralFeatures>
5124 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tpelec" lowerBound=
5125 eType=
5126 <eAnnotations source=
5127 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical power transducer time constant, sec. (&gt;0.)"/>
5129 <eAnnotations source=
5130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical power transducer time constant, sec. (&gt;0.)"/>
5132 </eStructuralFeatures>
5133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rup" lowerBound=
5134 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5135 <eAnnotations source=
5136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum rate of load limit increase"/>
5138 <eAnnotations source=
5139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum rate of load limit increase"/>
5141 </eStructuralFeatures>
5142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
5143 eType=
5144 <eAnnotations source=
5145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine lag time constant, sec. (&gt;0.)"/>
5147 <eAnnotations source=
5148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine lag time constant, sec. (&gt;0.)"/>
5150 </eStructuralFeatures>
5151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ka" lowerBound=
5152 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5153 <eAnnotations source=
5154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceleration limiter gain"/>
5156 <eAnnotations source=
5157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceleration limiter gain"/>
5159 </eStructuralFeatures>
5160 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
5161 eType=
5162 <eAnnotations source=
5163 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceleration limiter time constant (&gt;0.)"/>
5165 <eAnnotations source=
5166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceleration limiter time constant (&gt;0.)"/>
5168 </eStructuralFeatures>
5169 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kdgov" lowerBound=
5170 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5171 <eAnnotations source=
5172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor derivative gain"/>
5174 <eAnnotations source=
5175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor derivative gain"/>
5177 </eStructuralFeatures>
5178 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kturb" lowerBound=
5179 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5180 <eAnnotations source=
5181 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine gain (&gt;0.)"/>
5183 <eAnnotations source=
5184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine gain (&gt;0.)"/>
5186 </eStructuralFeatures>
5187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"db" lowerBound=
5188 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5189 <eAnnotations source=
5190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed governor dead band"/>
5192 <eAnnotations source=
5193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed governor dead band"/>
5195 </eStructuralFeatures>
5196 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"teng" lowerBound=
5197 eType=
5198 <eAnnotations source=
5199 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transport time delay for diesel engine"/>
5201 <eAnnotations source=
5202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transport time delay for diesel engine"/>
5204 </eStructuralFeatures>
5205 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tc" lowerBound=
5206 eType=
5207 <eAnnotations source=
5208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine lead time constant, sec."/>
5210 <eAnnotations source=
5211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine lead time constant, sec."/>
5213 </eStructuralFeatures>
5214 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ropen" lowerBound=
5215 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5216 <eAnnotations source=
5217 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve opening rate"/>
5219 <eAnnotations source=
5220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum valve opening rate"/>
5222 </eStructuralFeatures>
5223 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dm" lowerBound=
5224 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5225 <eAnnotations source=
5226 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed sensitivity coefficient"/>
5228 <eAnnotations source=
5229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed sensitivity coefficient"/>
5231 </eStructuralFeatures>
5232 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kiload" lowerBound=
5233 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5234 <eAnnotations source=
5235 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limiter integral gain for PI controller"/>
5237 <eAnnotations source=
5238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limiter integral gain for PI controller"/>
5240 </eStructuralFeatures>
5241 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pmwset" lowerBound=
5242 eType=
5243 <eAnnotations source=
5244 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power controller setpoint"/>
5246 <eAnnotations source=
5247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power controller setpoint"/>
5249 </eStructuralFeatures>
5250 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rselect" lowerBound=
5251 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean">
5252 <eAnnotations source=
5253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback signal for droop 
= 1 electrical power
= 0 none (isochronous governor)
= -1 fuel valve stroke ( true stroke)
= -2 governor output ( requested stroke)"/>
5255 <eAnnotations source=
5256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback signal for droop 
= 1 electrical power
= 0 none (isochronous governor)
= -1 fuel valve stroke ( true stroke)
= -2 governor output ( requested stroke)"/>
5258 </eStructuralFeatures>
5259 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kigov" lowerBound=
5260 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5261 <eAnnotations source=
5262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor integral gain"/>
5264 <eAnnotations source=
5265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor integral gain"/>
5267 </eStructuralFeatures>
5268 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kpload" lowerBound=
5269 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5270 <eAnnotations source=
5271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limiter proportional gain for PI controller"/>
5273 <eAnnotations source=
5274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limiter proportional gain for PI controller"/>
5276 </eStructuralFeatures>
5277 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tfload" lowerBound=
5278 eType=
5279 <eAnnotations source=
5280 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load Limiter time constant (&gt;0.)"/>
5282 <eAnnotations source=
5283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load Limiter time constant (&gt;0.)"/>
5285 </eStructuralFeatures>
5287 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT2T" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5288 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydro1" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5289 <eAnnotations source=
5290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hydro turbine-governor model."/>
5292 <eAnnotations source=
5293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hydro turbine-governor model."/>
5295 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rperm" lowerBound=
5296 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5297 <eAnnotations source=
5298 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop (R) (&gt;0)"/>
5300 <eAnnotations source=
5301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permanent droop (R) (&gt;0)"/>
5303 </eStructuralFeatures>
5304 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tg" lowerBound=
5305 eType=
5306 <eAnnotations source=
5307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate servo time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5309 <eAnnotations source=
5310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate servo time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5312 </eStructuralFeatures>
5313 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tf" lowerBound=
5314 eType=
5315 <eAnnotations source=
5316 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5318 <eAnnotations source=
5319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Filter time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5321 </eStructuralFeatures>
5322 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mwbase" lowerBound=
5323 eType=
5324 <eAnnotations source=
5325 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
5327 <eAnnotations source=
5328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base for power values (&gt; 0.)"/>
5330 </eStructuralFeatures>
5331 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"at" lowerBound=
5332 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5333 <eAnnotations source=
5334 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine gain (&gt;0)"/>
5336 <eAnnotations source=
5337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine gain (&gt;0)"/>
5339 </eStructuralFeatures>
5340 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qnl" lowerBound=
5341 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5342 <eAnnotations source=
5343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"No-load flow at nominal head (&gt;=0)"/>
5345 <eAnnotations source=
5346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"No-load flow at nominal head (&gt;=0)"/>
5348 </eStructuralFeatures>
5349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tw" lowerBound=
5350 eType=
5351 <eAnnotations source=
5352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water inertia time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5354 <eAnnotations source=
5355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water inertia time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5357 </eStructuralFeatures>
5358 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dturb" lowerBound=
5359 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5360 <eAnnotations source=
5361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine damping factor (&gt;=0)"/>
5363 <eAnnotations source=
5364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Turbine damping factor (&gt;=0)"/>
5366 </eStructuralFeatures>
5367 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rtemp" lowerBound=
5368 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5369 <eAnnotations source=
5370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temporary droop (r) (&gt;R)"/>
5372 <eAnnotations source=
5373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temporary droop (r) (&gt;R)"/>
5375 </eStructuralFeatures>
5376 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tr" lowerBound=
5377 eType=
5378 <eAnnotations source=
5379 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Washout time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5381 <eAnnotations source=
5382 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Washout time constant (&gt;0)"/>
5384 </eStructuralFeatures>
5386 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydroPID2" abstract=
5387 eSuperTypes=
5388 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovWT4T" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5389 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovSteamEU" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5390 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovHydro0" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5391 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovGASTWD" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5392 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GovGAST2" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5394 <eSubpackages name=
"PowerSystemStabilizers" nsURI=
5396 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerSystemStabilizer" abstract=
5397 eSuperTypes=
5398 <eAnnotations source=
5399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A PSS provides an input (Vs) to the excitation system model to improve damping of system oscillations. A variety of input signals may be used depending on the particular design."/>
5401 <eAnnotations source=
5402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A PSS provides an input (Vs) to the excitation system model to improve damping of system oscillations. A variety of input signals may be used depending on the particular design."/>
5405 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssIEEE4B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5406 <eAnnotations source=
5407 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS type IEEE PSS4B"/>
5409 <eAnnotations source=
5410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS type IEEE PSS4B"/>
5413 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssIEEE2B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5414 <eAnnotations source=
5415 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) PSS2B Model

This stabilizer model is designed to represent a variety of dual-input stabilizers, which normally use combinations of power and speed or frequency to derive the stabilizing signal."/>
5417 <eAnnotations source=
5418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE (2005) PSS2B Model

This stabilizer model is designed to represent a variety of dual-input stabilizers, which normally use combinations of power and speed or frequency to derive the stabilizing signal."/>
5420 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t10" lowerBound=
5421 eType=
5422 <eAnnotations source=
5423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5425 <eAnnotations source=
5426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5428 </eStructuralFeatures>
5429 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"a" lowerBound=
5430 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5431 <eAnnotations source=
5432 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Numerator constant"/>
5434 <eAnnotations source=
5435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Numerator constant"/>
5437 </eStructuralFeatures>
5438 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ks1" lowerBound=
5439 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5440 <eAnnotations source=
5441 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stabilizer gain"/>
5443 <eAnnotations source=
5444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stabilizer gain"/>
5446 </eStructuralFeatures>
5447 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ks3" lowerBound=
5448 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5449 <eAnnotations source=
5450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on signal #2 input before ramp-tracking filter"/>
5452 <eAnnotations source=
5453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on signal #2 input before ramp-tracking filter"/>
5455 </eStructuralFeatures>
5456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t11" lowerBound=
5457 eType=
5458 <eAnnotations source=
5459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5461 <eAnnotations source=
5462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5464 </eStructuralFeatures>
5465 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ks2" lowerBound=
5466 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5467 <eAnnotations source=
5468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on signal #2"/>
5470 <eAnnotations source=
5471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on signal #2"/>
5473 </eStructuralFeatures>
5474 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vstmin" lowerBound=
5475 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5476 <eAnnotations source=
5477 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stabilizer output min limit"/>
5479 <eAnnotations source=
5480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stabilizer output min limit"/>
5482 </eStructuralFeatures>
5483 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vsi1max" lowerBound=
5484 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5485 <eAnnotations source=
5486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #1 max limit"/>
5488 <eAnnotations source=
5489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #1 max limit"/>
5491 </eStructuralFeatures>
5492 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vsi2max" lowerBound=
5493 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5494 <eAnnotations source=
5495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #2 max limit"/>
5497 <eAnnotations source=
5498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #2 max limit"/>
5500 </eStructuralFeatures>
5501 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tb" lowerBound=
5502 eType=
5503 <eAnnotations source=
5504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant"/>
5506 <eAnnotations source=
5507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag time constant"/>
5509 </eStructuralFeatures>
5510 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t2" lowerBound=
5511 eType=
5512 <eAnnotations source=
5513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5515 <eAnnotations source=
5516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5518 </eStructuralFeatures>
5519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ta" lowerBound=
5520 eType=
5521 <eAnnotations source=
5522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead constant"/>
5524 <eAnnotations source=
5525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead constant"/>
5527 </eStructuralFeatures>
5528 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t1" lowerBound=
5529 eType=
5530 <eAnnotations source=
5531 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5533 <eAnnotations source=
5534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5536 </eStructuralFeatures>
5537 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t4" lowerBound=
5538 eType=
5539 <eAnnotations source=
5540 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5542 <eAnnotations source=
5543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5545 </eStructuralFeatures>
5546 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"n" lowerBound=
5547 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean">
5548 <eAnnotations source=
5549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Order of ramp tracking filter"/>
5551 <eAnnotations source=
5552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Order of ramp tracking filter"/>
5554 </eStructuralFeatures>
5555 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t3" lowerBound=
5556 eType=
5557 <eAnnotations source=
5558 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5560 <eAnnotations source=
5561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead/lag time constant"/>
5563 </eStructuralFeatures>
5564 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"m" lowerBound=
5565 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean">
5566 <eAnnotations source=
5567 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Denominator order of ramp tracking filter"/>
5569 <eAnnotations source=
5570 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Denominator order of ramp tracking filter"/>
5572 </eStructuralFeatures>
5573 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t6" lowerBound=
5574 eType=
5575 <eAnnotations source=
5576 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant on signal #1"/>
5578 <eAnnotations source=
5579 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant on signal #1"/>
5581 </eStructuralFeatures>
5582 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t8" lowerBound=
5583 eType=
5584 <eAnnotations source=
5585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead of ramp tracking filter"/>
5587 <eAnnotations source=
5588 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lead of ramp tracking filter"/>
5590 </eStructuralFeatures>
5591 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vsi1min" lowerBound=
5592 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5593 <eAnnotations source=
5594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #1 min limit"/>
5596 <eAnnotations source=
5597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #1 min limit"/>
5599 </eStructuralFeatures>
5600 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t7" lowerBound=
5601 eType=
5602 <eAnnotations source=
5603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant on signal #2"/>
5605 <eAnnotations source=
5606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time constant on signal #2"/>
5608 </eStructuralFeatures>
5609 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"t9" lowerBound=
5610 eType=
5611 <eAnnotations source=
5612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag of ramp tracking filter"/>
5614 <eAnnotations source=
5615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lag of ramp tracking filter"/>
5617 </eStructuralFeatures>
5618 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ks4" lowerBound=
5619 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5620 <eAnnotations source=
5621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on signal #2 input after ramp-tracking filter"/>
5623 <eAnnotations source=
5624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gain on signal #2 input after ramp-tracking filter"/>
5626 </eStructuralFeatures>
5627 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tw2" lowerBound=
5628 eType=
5629 <eAnnotations source=
5630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second washout on signal #1"/>
5632 <eAnnotations source=
5633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second washout on signal #1"/>
5635 </eStructuralFeatures>
5636 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tw1" lowerBound=
5637 eType=
5638 <eAnnotations source=
5639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First washout on signal #1"/>
5641 <eAnnotations source=
5642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First washout on signal #1"/>
5644 </eStructuralFeatures>
5645 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tw4" lowerBound=
5646 eType=
5647 <eAnnotations source=
5648 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second washout on signal #2"/>
5650 <eAnnotations source=
5651 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second washout on signal #2"/>
5653 </eStructuralFeatures>
5654 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vsi2min" lowerBound=
5655 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5656 <eAnnotations source=
5657 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #2 min limit"/>
5659 <eAnnotations source=
5660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Input signal #2 min limit"/>
5662 </eStructuralFeatures>
5663 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tw3" lowerBound=
5664 eType=
5665 <eAnnotations source=
5666 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First washout on signal #2"/>
5668 <eAnnotations source=
5669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First washout on signal #2"/>
5671 </eStructuralFeatures>
5672 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vstmax" lowerBound=
5673 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5674 <eAnnotations source=
5675 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stabilizer output max limit"/>
5677 <eAnnotations source=
5678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stabilizer output max limit"/>
5680 </eStructuralFeatures>
5682 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssSB4" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5683 <eAnnotations source=
5684 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power sensitive stabilizer model"/>
5686 <eAnnotations source=
5687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power sensitive stabilizer model"/>
5690 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssSB" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5691 <eAnnotations source=
5692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dual input PSS, pss2a and transient stabilizer"/>
5694 <eAnnotations source=
5695 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dual input PSS, pss2a and transient stabilizer"/>
5698 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssSK" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5699 <eAnnotations source=
5700 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS Slovakian type &ndash; three inputs"/>
5702 <eAnnotations source=
5703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS Slovakian type &ndash; three inputs"/>
5706 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
5707 <eLiterals name=
5708 <eLiterals name=
"4" value=
5709 <eLiterals name=
"5" value=
5710 <eLiterals name=
"2" value=
5711 <eLiterals name=
"3" value=
5712 <eLiterals name=
"1" value=
5714 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssPTIST3" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5715 <eAnnotations source=
5716 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer model type 3"/>
5718 <eAnnotations source=
5719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer model type 3"/>
5722 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssIEEE1A" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5723 <eAnnotations source=
5724 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS type IEEE PSS1A"/>
5726 <eAnnotations source=
5727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS type IEEE PSS1A"/>
5730 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssIEEE3B" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5731 <eAnnotations source=
5732 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS type IEEE PSS3B"/>
5734 <eAnnotations source=
5735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSS type IEEE PSS3B"/>
5738 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssWSCC" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5739 <eAnnotations source=
5740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dual input PSS"/>
5742 <eAnnotations source=
5743 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dual input PSS"/>
5746 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssPTIST1" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5747 <eAnnotations source=
5748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer model type 1"/>
5750 <eAnnotations source=
5751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PTI microprocessor-based stabilizer model type 1"/>
5754 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PssSH" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5755 <eAnnotations source=
5756 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Siemens H infinity PSS"/>
5758 <eAnnotations source=
5759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Siemens H infinity PSS"/>
5763 <eSubpackages name=
"Generators" nsURI=
5765 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GenSync" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5766 <eAnnotations source=
5767 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous generator model. A single standard synchronous model is defined for the CIM, with several variations indicated by the "model type" attribute. This model can be used for all types of synchronous machines (salient pole, solid iron rotor, etc.)."/>
5769 <eAnnotations source=
5770 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous generator model. A single standard synchronous model is defined for the CIM, with several variations indicated by the "model type" attribute. This model can be used for all types of synchronous machines (salient pole, solid iron rotor, etc.)."/>
5773 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
5774 <eLiterals name=
5775 <eLiterals name=
"typeF" value=
5776 <eLiterals name=
"transient" value=
5777 <eLiterals name=
"roundRotor" value=
5778 <eLiterals name=
"salientPole" value=
5780 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GenLoad" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5781 <eAnnotations source=
5782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Representation of a small generator as a negative load rather than a dynamic generator model. This practice is also referred to as "netting" the generation with the load, i.e. taking the net value of load minus generation as the new load value. For dynamic modeling purposes, each generator that does not have a dynamic load model must have a genLoad record."/>
5784 <eAnnotations source=
5785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Representation of a small generator as a negative load rather than a dynamic generator model. This practice is also referred to as "netting" the generation with the load, i.e. taking the net value of load minus generation as the new load value. For dynamic modeling purposes, each generator that does not have a dynamic load model must have a genLoad record."/>
5788 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
5789 <eLiterals name=
5790 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
5791 <eLiterals name=
"ifnl" value=
5792 <eLiterals name=
"ifag" value=
5794 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
5795 <eLiterals name=
5796 <eLiterals name=
"timeConstantReactance" value=
5798 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GenAsync" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5799 <eAnnotations source=
5800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An asynchronous (induction) generator with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g., squirrel-cage induction machine."/>
5802 <eAnnotations source=
5803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An asynchronous (induction) generator with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g., squirrel-cage induction machine."/>
5806 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GenEquiv" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5807 <eAnnotations source=
5808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An equivalent representation of a synchronous generator as a constant internal voltage behind an impedance Ra plus Xp."/>
5810 <eAnnotations source=
5811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An equivalent representation of a synchronous generator as a constant internal voltage behind an impedance Ra plus Xp."/>
5813 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xp" lowerBound=
5814 eType=
5815 <eAnnotations source=
5816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Equivalent reactance, also known as Xp."/>
5818 <eAnnotations source=
5819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Equivalent reactance, also known as Xp."/>
5821 </eStructuralFeatures>
5824 <eSubpackages name=
"VoltageCompensator" nsURI=
5826 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VcompIEEE" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5827 <eAnnotations source=
5828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE Voltage Compensation Model"/>
5830 <eAnnotations source=
5831 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEEE Voltage Compensation Model"/>
5834 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VoltageCompensator" abstract=
5835 eSuperTypes=
5836 <eAnnotations source=
5837 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A voltage compensator adjusts the terminal voltage feedback to the excitation system by adding a quantity that is proportional to the terminal current of the generator. It is linked to a specific generator by the Bus number and Unit ID"/>
5839 <eAnnotations source=
5840 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A voltage compensator adjusts the terminal voltage feedback to the excitation system by adding a quantity that is proportional to the terminal current of the generator. It is linked to a specific generator by the Bus number and Unit ID"/>
5842 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rcomp" lowerBound=
5843 eType=
5844 <eAnnotations source=
5845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compensating (compounding) resistance"/>
5847 <eAnnotations source=
5848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compensating (compounding) resistance"/>
5850 </eStructuralFeatures>
5851 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xcomp" lowerBound=
5852 eType=
5853 <eAnnotations source=
5854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compensating (compounding) reactance"/>
5856 <eAnnotations source=
5857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compensating (compounding) reactance"/>
5859 </eStructuralFeatures>
5861 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VcompCross" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5862 <eAnnotations source=
5863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Compensation Model for Cross-Compound Generating Unit"/>
5865 <eAnnotations source=
5866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage Compensation Model for Cross-Compound Generating Unit"/>
5868 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xcomp2" lowerBound=
5869 eType=
5870 <eAnnotations source=
5871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cross-Compensating (compounding) reactance"/>
5873 <eAnnotations source=
5874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cross-Compensating (compounding) reactance"/>
5876 </eStructuralFeatures>
5877 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rcomp2" lowerBound=
5878 eType=
5879 <eAnnotations source=
5880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cross-Compensating (compounding) resistance"/>
5882 <eAnnotations source=
5883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cross-Compensating (compounding) resistance"/>
5885 </eStructuralFeatures>
5888 <eSubpackages name=
"Motors" nsURI=
5890 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MotorAsync" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5891 <eAnnotations source=
5892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An asynchronous (induction) motor with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g., a squirrel-cage induction motor."/>
5894 <eAnnotations source=
5895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An asynchronous (induction) motor with no external connection to the rotor windings, e.g., a squirrel-cage induction motor."/>
5898 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MechanicalLoad" abstract=
5899 eSuperTypes=
5900 <eAnnotations source=
5901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A mechanical load represents the variation in a motor's shaft torque or power as a
function of shaft speed."/>
5903 <eAnnotations source=
5904 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A mechanical load represents the variation in a motor's shaft torque or power as a
function of shaft speed."/>
5907 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MechLoad1" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5908 <eAnnotations source=
5909 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mechanical load model 1"/>
5911 <eAnnotations source=
5912 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mechanical load model 1"/>
5914 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b" lowerBound=
5915 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5916 <eAnnotations source=
5917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed squared coefficient"/>
5919 <eAnnotations source=
5920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed squared coefficient"/>
5922 </eStructuralFeatures>
5923 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"a" lowerBound=
5924 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5925 <eAnnotations source=
5926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed squared coefficient"/>
5928 <eAnnotations source=
5929 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed squared coefficient"/>
5931 </eStructuralFeatures>
5932 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"d" lowerBound=
5933 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5934 <eAnnotations source=
5935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed to the exponent coefficient"/>
5937 <eAnnotations source=
5938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed to the exponent coefficient"/>
5940 </eStructuralFeatures>
5941 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"e" lowerBound=
5942 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat">
5943 <eAnnotations source=
5944 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
5946 <eAnnotations source=
5947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
5949 </eStructuralFeatures>
5951 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SynchronousMotorType" abstract=
5952 eSuperTypes=
5953 <eAnnotations source=
5954 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of synchronous motor"/>
5956 <eAnnotations source=
5957 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of synchronous motor"/>
5960 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MotorSync" abstract=
"true" eSuperTypes=
5961 <eAnnotations source=
5962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A large industrial motor or group of similar motors. They are represented as <b>generators with negative Pgen</b> in the static (power flow) data."/>
5964 <eAnnotations source=
5965 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A large industrial motor or group of similar motors. They are represented as <b>generators with negative Pgen</b> in the static (power flow) data."/>
5970 <eSubpackages name=
"Domain" nsURI=
5972 <eAnnotations source=
5973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The domain package is a data dictionary of quantities and units that define datatypes for attributes (properties) that may be used by any class in any other package.

This package contains the definition of primitive datatypes, including units of measure and permissible values. Each datatype contains a value attribute and an optional unit of measure, which is specified as a static variable initialized to the textual description of the unit of measure. The value of the "units" string may be country or customer specific. Typical values are given. Permissible values for enumerations are listed in the documentation for the attribute using UML constraint syntax inside curly braces. Lengths of variable strings are listed in the descriptive text where required."/>
5975 <eAnnotations source=
5976 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The domain package is a data dictionary of quantities and units that define datatypes for attributes (properties) that may be used by any class in any other package.

This package contains the definition of primitive datatypes, including units of measure and permissible values. Each datatype contains a value attribute and an optional unit of measure, which is specified as a static variable initialized to the textual description of the unit of measure. The value of the "units" string may be country or customer specific. Typical values are given. Permissible values for enumerations are listed in the documentation for the attribute using UML constraint syntax inside curly braces. Lengths of variable strings are listed in the descriptive text where required."/>
5978 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Resistance" instanceClassName=
5979 <eAnnotations source=
5980 <details key=
"baseType" value=
5982 <eAnnotations source=
5983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (real part of impedance)."/>
5985 <eAnnotations source=
5986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (real part of impedance)."/>
5989 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ApparentPower" instanceClassName=
5990 <eAnnotations source=
5991 <details key=
"baseType" value=
5993 <eAnnotations source=
5994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of the RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the current"/>
5996 <eAnnotations source=
5997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of the RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the current"/>
6000 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ActivePower" instanceClassName=
6001 <eAnnotations source=
6002 <details key=
"baseType" value=
6004 <eAnnotations source=
6005 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the in-phase component of the current"/>
6007 <eAnnotations source=
6008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the in-phase component of the current"/>
6011 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Reactance" instanceClassName=
6012 <eAnnotations source=
6013 <details key=
"baseType" value=
6015 <eAnnotations source=
6016 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance (imaginary part of impedance), at rated frequency."/>
6018 <eAnnotations source=
6019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance (imaginary part of impedance), at rated frequency."/>
6022 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Seconds" instanceClassName=
6023 <eAnnotations source=
6024 <details key=
"baseType" value=
6026 <eAnnotations source=
6027 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time, in seconds"/>
6029 <eAnnotations source=
6030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time, in seconds"/>
6033 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Voltage" instanceClassName=
6034 <eAnnotations source=
6035 <details key=
"baseType" value=
6037 <eAnnotations source=
6038 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical voltage."/>
6040 <eAnnotations source=
6041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical voltage."/>
6044 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Frequency" instanceClassName=
6045 <eAnnotations source=
6046 <details key=
"baseType" value=
6048 <eAnnotations source=
6049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cycles per second"/>
6051 <eAnnotations source=
6052 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cycles per second"/>