Adding class meta-data attributes.
[PyCIM.git] / schemata / CIM14 / IEC61970 / Wires /
1 # Copyright (C) 2010 Richard Lincoln
3 # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA, USA
17 from CIM14.Dynamics.RotatingMachine import RotatingMachine
19 class SynchronousMachine(RotatingMachine):
20 """An electromechanical device that operates synchronously with the network. It is a single machine operating either as a generator or synchronous condenser or pump.
21 """
23 def __init__(self, operatingMode="condenser", type="generator_or_condenser", coolantType="air", xQuadTrans=0.0, condenserP=0.0, referencePriority=0, damping=0.0, x0=0.0, r2=0.0, minQ=0.0, xDirectSync=0.0, maxQ=0.0, r0=0.0, aVRToManualLead=0.0, x=0.0, inertia=0.0, coolantCondition=0.0, manualToAVR=0.0, r=0.0, maxU=0.0, xQuadSync=0.0, qPercent=0.0, xQuadSubtrans=0.0, minU=0.0, aVRToManualLag=0.0, baseQ=0.0, xDirectTrans=0.0, x2=0.0, xDirectSubtrans=0.0, genLoad0=None, HydroPump=None, GeneratingUnit=None, govHydro10=None, PrimeMovers=None, InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve=None, genEquiv0=None, ReactiveCapabilityCurves=None, *args, **kw_args):
24 """Initialises a new 'SynchronousMachine' instance.
26 @param operatingMode: Current mode of operation. Values are: "condenser", "generator"
27 @param type: Modes that this synchronous machine can operate in. Values are: "generator_or_condenser", "generator", "condenser"
28 @param coolantType: Method of cooling the machine. Values are: "air", "hydrogenGas", "water"
29 @param xQuadTrans: Quadrature-axis transient reactance, also known as X'q.
30 @param condenserP: Active power consumed when in condenser mode operation.
31 @param referencePriority: Priority of unit for reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on.
32 @param damping: Damping torque coefficient, a proportionality constant that, when multiplied by the angular velocity of the rotor poles with respect to the magnetic field (frequency), results in the damping torque.
33 @param x0: Zero sequence reactance of the synchronous machine.
34 @param r2: Negative sequence resistance.
35 @param minQ: Minimum reactive power limit for the unit.
36 @param xDirectSync: Direct-axis synchronous reactance. The quotient of a sustained value of that AC component of armature voltage that is produced by the total direct-axis flux due to direct-axis armature current and the value of the AC component of this current, the machine running at rated speed. (Xd)
37 @param maxQ: Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.
38 @param r0: Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.
39 @param aVRToManualLead: Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a leading MVAr violation.
40 @param x: Positive sequence reactance of the synchronous machine.
41 @param inertia: The energy stored in the rotor when operating at rated speed. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for operator training simulator solutions.
42 @param coolantCondition: Temperature or pressure of coolant medium
43 @param manualToAVR: Time delay required when switching from Manual to Automatic Voltage Regulation. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for powerflow solutions
44 @param r: Positive sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.
45 @param maxU: Maximum voltage limit for the unit.
46 @param xQuadSync: Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance (Xq) , the ratio of the component of reactive armature voltage, due to the quadrature-axis component of armature current, to this component of current, under steady state conditions and at rated frequency.
47 @param qPercent: Percent of the coordinated reactive control that comes from this machine.
48 @param xQuadSubtrans: Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X'q.
49 @param minU: Minimum voltage limit for the unit.
50 @param aVRToManualLag: Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a lagging MVAr violation.
51 @param baseQ: Default base reactive power value. This value represents the initial reactive power that can be used by any application function.
52 @param xDirectTrans: Direct-axis transient reactance, also known as X'd.
53 @param x2: Negative sequence reactance.
54 @param xDirectSubtrans: Direct-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X'd.
55 @param genLoad0:
56 @param HydroPump: The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating.
57 @param GeneratingUnit: A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit
58 @param govHydro10:
59 @param PrimeMovers: Prime movers that drive this SynchronousMachine.
60 @param InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve: The default ReactiveCapabilityCurve for use by a SynchronousMachine
61 @param genEquiv0:
62 @param ReactiveCapabilityCurves: All available Reactive capability curves for this SynchronousMachine.
63 """
64 #: Current mode of operation. Values are: "condenser", "generator"
65 self.operatingMode = operatingMode
67 #: Modes that this synchronous machine can operate in. Values are: "generator_or_condenser", "generator", "condenser"
68 self.type = type
70 #: Method of cooling the machine. Values are: "air", "hydrogenGas", "water"
71 self.coolantType = coolantType
73 #: Quadrature-axis transient reactance, also known as X'q.
74 self.xQuadTrans = xQuadTrans
76 #: Active power consumed when in condenser mode operation.
77 self.condenserP = condenserP
79 #: Priority of unit for reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on.
80 self.referencePriority = referencePriority
82 #: Damping torque coefficient, a proportionality constant that, when multiplied by the angular velocity of the rotor poles with respect to the magnetic field (frequency), results in the damping torque.
83 self.damping = damping
85 #: Zero sequence reactance of the synchronous machine.
86 self.x0 = x0
88 #: Negative sequence resistance.
89 self.r2 = r2
91 #: Minimum reactive power limit for the unit.
92 self.minQ = minQ
94 #: Direct-axis synchronous reactance. The quotient of a sustained value of that AC component of armature voltage that is produced by the total direct-axis flux due to direct-axis armature current and the value of the AC component of this current, the machine running at rated speed. (Xd)
95 self.xDirectSync = xDirectSync
97 #: Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.
98 self.maxQ = maxQ
100 #: Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.
101 self.r0 = r0
103 #: Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a leading MVAr violation.
104 self.aVRToManualLead = aVRToManualLead
106 #: Positive sequence reactance of the synchronous machine.
107 self.x = x
109 #: The energy stored in the rotor when operating at rated speed. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for operator training simulator solutions.
110 self.inertia = inertia
112 #: Temperature or pressure of coolant medium
113 self.coolantCondition = coolantCondition
115 #: Time delay required when switching from Manual to Automatic Voltage Regulation. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for powerflow solutions
116 self.manualToAVR = manualToAVR
118 #: Positive sequence resistance of the synchronous machine.
119 self.r = r
121 #: Maximum voltage limit for the unit.
122 self.maxU = maxU
124 #: Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance (Xq) , the ratio of the component of reactive armature voltage, due to the quadrature-axis component of armature current, to this component of current, under steady state conditions and at rated frequency.
125 self.xQuadSync = xQuadSync
127 #: Percent of the coordinated reactive control that comes from this machine.
128 self.qPercent = qPercent
130 #: Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X'q.
131 self.xQuadSubtrans = xQuadSubtrans
133 #: Minimum voltage limit for the unit.
134 self.minU = minU
136 #: Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a lagging MVAr violation.
137 self.aVRToManualLag = aVRToManualLag
139 #: Default base reactive power value. This value represents the initial reactive power that can be used by any application function.
140 self.baseQ = baseQ
142 #: Direct-axis transient reactance, also known as X'd.
143 self.xDirectTrans = xDirectTrans
145 #: Negative sequence reactance.
146 self.x2 = x2
148 #: Direct-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X'd.
149 self.xDirectSubtrans = xDirectSubtrans
151 self._genLoad0 = []
152 self.genLoad0 = [] if genLoad0 is None else genLoad0
154 self._HydroPump = None
155 self.HydroPump = HydroPump
157 self._GeneratingUnit = None
158 self.GeneratingUnit = GeneratingUnit
160 self._govHydro10 = []
161 self.govHydro10 = [] if govHydro10 is None else govHydro10
163 self._PrimeMovers = []
164 self.PrimeMovers = [] if PrimeMovers is None else PrimeMovers
166 self._InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve = None
167 self.InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve = InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve
169 self._genEquiv0 = []
170 self.genEquiv0 = [] if genEquiv0 is None else genEquiv0
172 self._ReactiveCapabilityCurves = []
173 self.ReactiveCapabilityCurves = [] if ReactiveCapabilityCurves is None else ReactiveCapabilityCurves
175 super(SynchronousMachine, self).__init__(*args, **kw_args)
177 _attrs = ["operatingMode", "type", "coolantType", "xQuadTrans", "condenserP", "referencePriority", "damping", "x0", "r2", "minQ", "xDirectSync", "maxQ", "r0", "aVRToManualLead", "x", "inertia", "coolantCondition", "manualToAVR", "r", "maxU", "xQuadSync", "qPercent", "xQuadSubtrans", "minU", "aVRToManualLag", "baseQ", "xDirectTrans", "x2", "xDirectSubtrans"]
178 _attr_types = {"operatingMode": str, "type": str, "coolantType": str, "xQuadTrans": float, "condenserP": float, "referencePriority": int, "damping": float, "x0": float, "r2": float, "minQ": float, "xDirectSync": float, "maxQ": float, "r0": float, "aVRToManualLead": float, "x": float, "inertia": float, "coolantCondition": float, "manualToAVR": float, "r": float, "maxU": float, "xQuadSync": float, "qPercent": float, "xQuadSubtrans": float, "minU": float, "aVRToManualLag": float, "baseQ": float, "xDirectTrans": float, "x2": float, "xDirectSubtrans": float}
179 _defaults = {"operatingMode": "condenser", "type": "generator_or_condenser", "coolantType": "air", "xQuadTrans": 0.0, "condenserP": 0.0, "referencePriority": 0, "damping": 0.0, "x0": 0.0, "r2": 0.0, "minQ": 0.0, "xDirectSync": 0.0, "maxQ": 0.0, "r0": 0.0, "aVRToManualLead": 0.0, "x": 0.0, "inertia": 0.0, "coolantCondition": 0.0, "manualToAVR": 0.0, "r": 0.0, "maxU": 0.0, "xQuadSync": 0.0, "qPercent": 0.0, "xQuadSubtrans": 0.0, "minU": 0.0, "aVRToManualLag": 0.0, "baseQ": 0.0, "xDirectTrans": 0.0, "x2": 0.0, "xDirectSubtrans": 0.0}
180 _enums = {"operatingMode": "SynchronousMachineOperatingMode", "type": "SynchronousMachineType", "coolantType": "CoolantType"}
181 _refs = ["genLoad0", "HydroPump", "GeneratingUnit", "govHydro10", "PrimeMovers", "InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve", "genEquiv0", "ReactiveCapabilityCurves"]
182 _many_refs = ["genLoad0", "govHydro10", "PrimeMovers", "genEquiv0", "ReactiveCapabilityCurves"]
184 def getgenLoad0(self):
186 return self._genLoad0
188 def setgenLoad0(self, value):
189 for p in self._genLoad0:
190 filtered = [q for q in p.synchronousMachine0 if q != self]
191 self._genLoad0._synchronousMachine0 = filtered
192 for r in value:
193 if self not in r._synchronousMachine0:
194 r._synchronousMachine0.append(self)
195 self._genLoad0 = value
197 genLoad0 = property(getgenLoad0, setgenLoad0)
199 def addgenLoad0(self, *genLoad0):
200 for obj in genLoad0:
201 if self not in obj._synchronousMachine0:
202 obj._synchronousMachine0.append(self)
203 self._genLoad0.append(obj)
205 def removegenLoad0(self, *genLoad0):
206 for obj in genLoad0:
207 if self in obj._synchronousMachine0:
208 obj._synchronousMachine0.remove(self)
209 self._genLoad0.remove(obj)
211 def getHydroPump(self):
212 """The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating.
214 return self._HydroPump
216 def setHydroPump(self, value):
217 if self._HydroPump is not None:
218 self._HydroPump._SynchronousMachine = None
220 self._HydroPump = value
221 if self._HydroPump is not None:
222 self._HydroPump._SynchronousMachine = self
224 HydroPump = property(getHydroPump, setHydroPump)
226 def getGeneratingUnit(self):
227 """A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit
229 return self._GeneratingUnit
231 def setGeneratingUnit(self, value):
232 if self._GeneratingUnit is not None:
233 filtered = [x for x in self.GeneratingUnit.SynchronousMachines if x != self]
234 self._GeneratingUnit._SynchronousMachines = filtered
236 self._GeneratingUnit = value
237 if self._GeneratingUnit is not None:
238 self._GeneratingUnit._SynchronousMachines.append(self)
240 GeneratingUnit = property(getGeneratingUnit, setGeneratingUnit)
242 def getgovHydro10(self):
244 return self._govHydro10
246 def setgovHydro10(self, value):
247 for p in self._govHydro10:
248 filtered = [q for q in p.synchronousMachine0 if q != self]
249 self._govHydro10._synchronousMachine0 = filtered
250 for r in value:
251 if self not in r._synchronousMachine0:
252 r._synchronousMachine0.append(self)
253 self._govHydro10 = value
255 govHydro10 = property(getgovHydro10, setgovHydro10)
257 def addgovHydro10(self, *govHydro10):
258 for obj in govHydro10:
259 if self not in obj._synchronousMachine0:
260 obj._synchronousMachine0.append(self)
261 self._govHydro10.append(obj)
263 def removegovHydro10(self, *govHydro10):
264 for obj in govHydro10:
265 if self in obj._synchronousMachine0:
266 obj._synchronousMachine0.remove(self)
267 self._govHydro10.remove(obj)
269 def getPrimeMovers(self):
270 """Prime movers that drive this SynchronousMachine.
272 return self._PrimeMovers
274 def setPrimeMovers(self, value):
275 for p in self._PrimeMovers:
276 filtered = [q for q in p.SynchronousMachines if q != self]
277 self._PrimeMovers._SynchronousMachines = filtered
278 for r in value:
279 if self not in r._SynchronousMachines:
280 r._SynchronousMachines.append(self)
281 self._PrimeMovers = value
283 PrimeMovers = property(getPrimeMovers, setPrimeMovers)
285 def addPrimeMovers(self, *PrimeMovers):
286 for obj in PrimeMovers:
287 if self not in obj._SynchronousMachines:
288 obj._SynchronousMachines.append(self)
289 self._PrimeMovers.append(obj)
291 def removePrimeMovers(self, *PrimeMovers):
292 for obj in PrimeMovers:
293 if self in obj._SynchronousMachines:
294 obj._SynchronousMachines.remove(self)
295 self._PrimeMovers.remove(obj)
297 def getInitialReactiveCapabilityCurve(self):
298 """The default ReactiveCapabilityCurve for use by a SynchronousMachine
300 return self._InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve
302 def setInitialReactiveCapabilityCurve(self, value):
303 if self._InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve is not None:
304 filtered = [x for x in self.InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve.InitiallyUsedBySynchronousMachines if x != self]
305 self._InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve._InitiallyUsedBySynchronousMachines = filtered
307 self._InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve = value
308 if self._InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve is not None:
309 self._InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve._InitiallyUsedBySynchronousMachines.append(self)
311 InitialReactiveCapabilityCurve = property(getInitialReactiveCapabilityCurve, setInitialReactiveCapabilityCurve)
313 def getgenEquiv0(self):
315 return self._genEquiv0
317 def setgenEquiv0(self, value):
318 for p in self._genEquiv0:
319 filtered = [q for q in p.synchronousMachine0 if q != self]
320 self._genEquiv0._synchronousMachine0 = filtered
321 for r in value:
322 if self not in r._synchronousMachine0:
323 r._synchronousMachine0.append(self)
324 self._genEquiv0 = value
326 genEquiv0 = property(getgenEquiv0, setgenEquiv0)
328 def addgenEquiv0(self, *genEquiv0):
329 for obj in genEquiv0:
330 if self not in obj._synchronousMachine0:
331 obj._synchronousMachine0.append(self)
332 self._genEquiv0.append(obj)
334 def removegenEquiv0(self, *genEquiv0):
335 for obj in genEquiv0:
336 if self in obj._synchronousMachine0:
337 obj._synchronousMachine0.remove(self)
338 self._genEquiv0.remove(obj)
340 def getReactiveCapabilityCurves(self):
341 """All available Reactive capability curves for this SynchronousMachine.
343 return self._ReactiveCapabilityCurves
345 def setReactiveCapabilityCurves(self, value):
346 for p in self._ReactiveCapabilityCurves:
347 filtered = [q for q in p.SynchronousMachines if q != self]
348 self._ReactiveCapabilityCurves._SynchronousMachines = filtered
349 for r in value:
350 if self not in r._SynchronousMachines:
351 r._SynchronousMachines.append(self)
352 self._ReactiveCapabilityCurves = value
354 ReactiveCapabilityCurves = property(getReactiveCapabilityCurves, setReactiveCapabilityCurves)
356 def addReactiveCapabilityCurves(self, *ReactiveCapabilityCurves):
357 for obj in ReactiveCapabilityCurves:
358 if self not in obj._SynchronousMachines:
359 obj._SynchronousMachines.append(self)
360 self._ReactiveCapabilityCurves.append(obj)
362 def removeReactiveCapabilityCurves(self, *ReactiveCapabilityCurves):
363 for obj in ReactiveCapabilityCurves:
364 if self in obj._SynchronousMachines:
365 obj._SynchronousMachines.remove(self)
366 self._ReactiveCapabilityCurves.remove(obj)