1 <?xml version=
"1.0" encoding=
2 <ecore:EPackage xmi:
3 xmlns:
"http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:
4 xmlns:
"http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" name=
5 nsURI=
"http://iec.ch/TC57/2010/CIM-schema-cim15" nsPrefix=
6 <eAnnotations source=
7 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package shows all the root level subpackage dependencies of the combined CIM model."/>
9 <eAnnotations source=
10 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package shows all the root level subpackage dependencies of the combined CIM model."/>
12 <eAnnotations source=
13 <details key=
"mapPackage" value=
15 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CombinedVersion" eSuperTypes=
16 <eAnnotations source=
17 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The combined version denotes the versions of the subpackages that have been combined into the total CIIMmodel. This is a convenience instead of having to look at each subpackage."/>
19 <eAnnotations source=
20 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The combined version denotes the versions of the subpackages that have been combined into the total CIIMmodel. This is a convenience instead of having to look at each subpackage."/>
22 <eAnnotations source=
23 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The combined version denotes the versions of the subpackages that have been combined into the total CIIMmodel. This is a convenience instead of having to look at each subpackage."/>
24 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The combined version denotes the versions of the subpackages that have been combined into the total CIIMmodel. This is a convenience instead of having to look at each subpackage."/>
26 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"date" eType=
28 <eAnnotations source=
29 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
31 <eAnnotations source=
32 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
34 </eStructuralFeatures>
35 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"version" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
37 <eAnnotations source=
38 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC61970CIMXXvYY_IEC61968CIMXXvYY_combined where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version, and different packages could have different major and minor versions. For example IEC61970CIM13v18_IEC61968CIM10v16_combined. Additional packages might be added in the future."/>
40 <eAnnotations source=
41 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC61970CIMXXvYY_IEC61968CIMXXvYY_combined where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version, and different packages could have different major and minor versions. For example IEC61970CIM13v18_IEC61968CIM10v16_combined. Additional packages might be added in the future."/>
43 </eStructuralFeatures>
45 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Element" abstract=
46 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"UUID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
49 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Stereotype" eSuperTypes=
50 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Package" eSuperTypes=
51 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMTime" instanceClassName=
52 <eAnnotations source=
53 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
55 <eAnnotations source=
56 <details key=
"baseType" value=
59 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMDateTime" instanceClassName=
60 <eAnnotations source=
61 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
63 <eAnnotations source=
64 <details key=
"baseType" value=
67 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMDuration" instanceClassName=
68 <eAnnotations source=
69 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
71 <eAnnotations source=
72 <details key=
"baseType" value=
75 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMGYear" instanceClassName=
76 <eAnnotations source=
77 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
79 <eAnnotations source=
80 <details key=
"baseType" value=
83 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMDate" instanceClassName=
84 <eAnnotations source=
85 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
87 <eAnnotations source=
88 <details key=
"baseType" value=
91 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMGMonthDay" instanceClassName=
92 <eAnnotations source=
93 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
95 <eAnnotations source=
96 <details key=
"baseType" value=
99 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMGMonth" instanceClassName=
100 <eAnnotations source=
101 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
103 <eAnnotations source=
104 <details key=
"baseType" value=
107 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMGDay" instanceClassName=
108 <eAnnotations source=
109 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
111 <eAnnotations source=
112 <details key=
"baseType" value=
115 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CIMGYearMonth" instanceClassName=
116 <eAnnotations source=
117 <details key=
"CIMDatePattern" value=
119 <eAnnotations source=
120 <details key=
"baseType" value=
123 <eSubpackages name=
"IEC61970" nsURI=
124 nsPrefix=
125 <eAnnotations source=
126 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ControlArea package models area specifications which can be used for a variety of purposes. The package as a whole models potentially overlapping control area specifications for the purpose of actual generation control, load forecast area load capture, or powerflow based analysis."/>
128 <eAnnotations source=
129 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ControlArea package models area specifications which can be used for a variety of purposes. The package as a whole models potentially overlapping control area specifications for the purpose of actual generation control, load forecast area load capture, or powerflow based analysis."/>
131 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IEC61970CIMVersion" eSuperTypes=
132 <eAnnotations source=
133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the IEC 61970 CIM version number assigned to this UML model file."/>
135 <eAnnotations source=
136 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is the IEC 61970 CIM version number assigned to this UML model file."/>
138 <eAnnotations source=
139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the IEC 61970 CIM version number assigned to this UML model file."/>
140 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is the IEC 61970 CIM version number assigned to this UML model file."/>
142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"date" eType=
144 <eAnnotations source=
145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
147 <eAnnotations source=
148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
150 </eStructuralFeatures>
151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"version" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
153 <eAnnotations source=
154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC61970CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For ecample IEC61970CIM13v18."/>
156 <eAnnotations source=
157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC61970CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For ecample IEC61970CIM13v18."/>
159 </eStructuralFeatures>
161 <eSubpackages name=
163 <eAnnotations source=
164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains entities to model information used by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications. Supervisory control supports operator control of equipment, such as opening or closing a breaker. Data acquisition gathers telemetered data from various sources. The subtypes of the Telemetry entity deliberately match the UCA and IEC 61850 definitions. 
This package also supports alarm presentation but it is not expected to be used by other applications."/>
166 <eAnnotations source=
167 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains entities to model information used by Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications. Supervisory control supports operator control of equipment, such as opening or closing a breaker. Data acquisition gathers telemetered data from various sources. The subtypes of the Telemetry entity deliberately match the UCA and IEC 61850 definitions. 
This package also supports alarm presentation but it is not expected to be used by other applications."/>
169 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RemoteSource" eSuperTypes=
170 <eAnnotations source=
171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote sources are state variables that are telemetered or calculated within the remote unit."/>
173 <eAnnotations source=
174 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Remote sources are state variables that are telemetered or calculated within the remote unit."/>
176 <eAnnotations source=
177 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote sources are state variables that are telemetered or calculated within the remote unit."/>
178 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Remote sources are state variables that are telemetered or calculated within the remote unit."/>
180 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sensorMinimum" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
182 <eAnnotations source=
183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum value the telemetry item can return."/>
185 <eAnnotations source=
186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum value the telemetry item can return."/>
188 </eStructuralFeatures>
189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"deadband" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
191 <eAnnotations source=
192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The smallest change in value to be reported."/>
194 <eAnnotations source=
195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The smallest change in value to be reported."/>
197 </eStructuralFeatures>
198 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sensorMaximum" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
200 <eAnnotations source=
201 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum value the telemetry item can return."/>
203 <eAnnotations source=
204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum value the telemetry item can return."/>
206 </eStructuralFeatures>
207 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"scanInterval" eType=
209 <eAnnotations source=
210 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time interval between scans."/>
212 <eAnnotations source=
213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time interval between scans."/>
215 </eStructuralFeatures>
216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeasurementValue" eType=
217 eOpposite=
218 <eAnnotations source=
219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement."/>
221 <eAnnotations source=
222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement."/>
224 </eStructuralFeatures>
226 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RemotePoint" eSuperTypes=
227 <eAnnotations source=
228 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a RTU remote points correspond to telemetered values or control outputs. Other units (e.g. control centers) usually also contain calculated values."/>
230 <eAnnotations source=
231 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"For a RTU remote points correspond to telemetered values or control outputs. Other units (e.g. control centers) usually also contain calculated values."/>
233 <eAnnotations source=
234 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a RTU remote points correspond to telemetered values or control outputs. Other units (e.g. control centers) usually also contain calculated values."/>
235 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"For a RTU remote points correspond to telemetered values or control outputs. Other units (e.g. control centers) usually also contain calculated values."/>
237 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RemoteUnit" eType=
238 eOpposite=
239 <eAnnotations source=
240 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote unit this point belongs to."/>
242 <eAnnotations source=
243 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote unit this point belongs to."/>
245 </eStructuralFeatures>
247 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RemoteUnit" eSuperTypes=
248 <eAnnotations source=
249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A remote unit can be a RTU, IED, substation control system, control center etc. The communication with the remote unit can be through various standard protocols (e.g. IEC 61870, IEC 61850) or non standard protocols (e.g. DNP, RP570 etc.). A remote unit contain remote data points that might be telemetered, collected or calculated. The RemoteUnit class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow RemotUnits to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model unit status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
251 <eAnnotations source=
252 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A remote unit can be a RTU, IED, substation control system, control center etc. The communication with the remote unit can be through various standard protocols (e.g. IEC 61870, IEC 61850) or non standard protocols (e.g. DNP, RP570 etc.). A remote unit contain remote data points that might be telemetered, collected or calculated. The RemoteUnit class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow RemotUnits to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model unit status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
254 <eAnnotations source=
255 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A remote unit can be a RTU, IED, substation control system, control center etc. The communication with the remote unit can be through various standard protocols (e.g. IEC 61870, IEC 61850) or non standard protocols (e.g. DNP, RP570 etc.). A remote unit contain remote data points that might be telemetered, collected or calculated. The RemoteUnit class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow RemotUnits to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model unit status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
256 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A remote unit can be a RTU, IED, substation control system, control center etc. The communication with the remote unit can be through various standard protocols (e.g. IEC 61870, IEC 61850) or non standard protocols (e.g. DNP, RP570 etc.). A remote unit contain remote data points that might be telemetered, collected or calculated. The RemoteUnit class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow RemotUnits to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model unit status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
258 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remoteUnitType" eType=
260 <eAnnotations source=
261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of remote unit."/>
263 <eAnnotations source=
264 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of remote unit."/>
266 </eStructuralFeatures>
267 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RemotePoints" upperBound=
268 eType=
"#//IEC61970/SCADA/RemotePoint" eOpposite=
269 <eAnnotations source=
270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote points this Remote unit contains."/>
272 <eAnnotations source=
273 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote points this Remote unit contains."/>
275 </eStructuralFeatures>
276 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
277 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/SCADA/CommunicationLink" eOpposite=
278 <eAnnotations source=
279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"RTUs may be attached to communication links."/>
281 <eAnnotations source=
282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"RTUs may be attached to communication links."/>
284 </eStructuralFeatures>
286 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RemoteControl" eSuperTypes=
287 <eAnnotations source=
288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote controls are ouputs that are sent by the remote unit to actuators in the process."/>
290 <eAnnotations source=
291 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Remote controls are ouputs that are sent by the remote unit to actuators in the process."/>
293 <eAnnotations source=
294 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remote controls are ouputs that are sent by the remote unit to actuators in the process."/>
295 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Remote controls are ouputs that are sent by the remote unit to actuators in the process."/>
297 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Control" eType=
298 eOpposite=
299 <eAnnotations source=
300 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Control for the RemoteControl point."/>
302 <eAnnotations source=
303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Control for the RemoteControl point."/>
305 </eStructuralFeatures>
306 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"actuatorMaximum" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
308 <eAnnotations source=
309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum set point value accepted by the remote control point."/>
311 <eAnnotations source=
312 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum set point value accepted by the remote control point."/>
314 </eStructuralFeatures>
315 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"actuatorMinimum" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
317 <eAnnotations source=
318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum set point value accepted by the remote control point."/>
320 <eAnnotations source=
321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum set point value accepted by the remote control point."/>
323 </eStructuralFeatures>
324 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remoteControlled" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
326 <eAnnotations source=
327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set to true if the actuator is remotely controlled."/>
329 <eAnnotations source=
330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set to true if the actuator is remotely controlled."/>
332 </eStructuralFeatures>
334 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CommunicationLink" eSuperTypes=
335 <eAnnotations source=
336 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The connection to remote units is through one or more communication links. Reduntant links may exist. The CommunicationLink class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow CommunicationLinks to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model link status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
338 <eAnnotations source=
339 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The connection to remote units is through one or more communication links. Reduntant links may exist. The CommunicationLink class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow CommunicationLinks to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model link status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
341 <eAnnotations source=
342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The connection to remote units is through one or more communication links. Reduntant links may exist. The CommunicationLink class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow CommunicationLinks to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model link status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
343 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The connection to remote units is through one or more communication links. Reduntant links may exist. The CommunicationLink class inherit PowerSystemResource. The intention is to allow CommunicationLinks to have Measurements. These Measurements can be used to model link status as operational, out of service, unit failure etc."/>
345 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RemoteUnits" upperBound=
346 eType=
"#//IEC61970/SCADA/RemoteUnit" eOpposite=
347 <eAnnotations source=
348 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"RTUs may be attached to communication links."/>
350 <eAnnotations source=
351 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"RTUs may be attached to communication links."/>
353 </eStructuralFeatures>
355 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
356 <eLiterals name=
357 <eLiterals name=
"IED" value=
358 <eLiterals name=
"ControlCenter" value=
359 <eLiterals name=
"RTU" value=
361 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
362 <eLiterals name=
363 <eLiterals name=
"DEFAULTED" value=
364 <eLiterals name=
"PROCESS" value=
367 <eSubpackages name=
"Generation" nsURI=
368 nsPrefix=
369 <eAnnotations source=
370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The production package is responsible for classes which describe various kinds of generators. These classes also provide production costing information which is used to economically allocate demand among committed units and calculate reserve quantities."/>
372 <eAnnotations source=
373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The production package is responsible for classes which describe various kinds of generators. These classes also provide production costing information which is used to economically allocate demand among committed units and calculate reserve quantities."/>
375 <eSubpackages name=
"Production" nsURI=
376 nsPrefix=
377 <eAnnotations source=
378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The production package is responsible for classes which describe various kinds of generators. These classes also provide production costing information which is used to economically allocate demand among committed units and calculate reserve quantities."/>
380 <eAnnotations source=
381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The production package is responsible for classes which describe various kinds of generators. These classes also provide production costing information which is used to economically allocate demand among committed units and calculate reserve quantities."/>
383 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
384 <eLiterals name=
385 <eLiterals name=
"coal" value=
386 <eLiterals name=
"lignite" value=
387 <eLiterals name=
"gas" value=
389 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
390 <eLiterals name=
391 <eLiterals name=
"EDC" value=
392 <eLiterals name=
"LFC" value=
393 <eLiterals name=
"fixed" value=
394 <eLiterals name=
"REG" value=
395 <eLiterals name=
"AGC" value=
396 <eLiterals name=
"manual" value=
397 <eLiterals name=
"off" value=
399 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
400 <eLiterals name=
401 <eLiterals name=
"pulse" value=
403 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
404 <eLiterals name=
405 <eLiterals name=
"runOfRiver" value=
406 <eLiterals name=
"minorStorage" value=
407 <eLiterals name=
"majorStorage" value=
409 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Reservoir" eSuperTypes=
410 <eAnnotations source=
411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A water storage facility within a hydro system, including: ponds, lakes, lagoons, and rivers. The storage is usually behind some type of dam."/>
413 <eAnnotations source=
414 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A water storage facility within a hydro system, including: ponds, lakes, lagoons, and rivers. The storage is usually behind some type of dam."/>
416 <eAnnotations source=
417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A water storage facility within a hydro system, including: ponds, lakes, lagoons, and rivers. The storage is usually behind some type of dam."/>
418 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A water storage facility within a hydro system, including: ponds, lakes, lagoons, and rivers. The storage is usually behind some type of dam."/>
420 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
421 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
422 eOpposite=
423 <eAnnotations source=
424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a level versus volume relationship."/>
426 <eAnnotations source=
427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a level versus volume relationship."/>
429 </eStructuralFeatures>
430 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
431 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
433 <eAnnotations source=
434 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The flow capacity of the spillway in cubic meters per second"/>
436 <eAnnotations source=
437 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The flow capacity of the spillway in cubic meters per second"/>
439 </eStructuralFeatures>
440 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
441 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
443 <eAnnotations source=
444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reservoir's energy storage rating in energy for given head conditions"/>
446 <eAnnotations source=
447 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reservoir's energy storage rating in energy for given head conditions"/>
449 </eStructuralFeatures>
450 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"grossCapacity" eType=
452 <eAnnotations source=
453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total capacity of reservoir"/>
455 <eAnnotations source=
456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total capacity of reservoir"/>
458 </eStructuralFeatures>
459 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
460 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/TargetLevelSchedule" eOpposite=
461 <eAnnotations source=
462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a water level target schedule."/>
464 <eAnnotations source=
465 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a water level target schedule."/>
467 </eStructuralFeatures>
468 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
469 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
471 <eAnnotations source=
472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"River outlet works for riparian right releases or other purposes"/>
474 <eAnnotations source=
475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"River outlet works for riparian right releases or other purposes"/>
477 </eStructuralFeatures>
478 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
479 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/WaterLevel" unsettable=
480 <eAnnotations source=
481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Spillway crest level above which water will spill"/>
483 <eAnnotations source=
484 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Spillway crest level above which water will spill"/>
486 </eStructuralFeatures>
487 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
488 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
489 eOpposite=
490 <eAnnotations source=
491 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir"/>
493 <eAnnotations source=
494 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir"/>
496 </eStructuralFeatures>
497 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
498 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/WaterLevel" unsettable=
499 <eAnnotations source=
500 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal minimum operating level below which the penstocks will draw air"/>
502 <eAnnotations source=
503 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal minimum operating level below which the penstocks will draw air"/>
505 </eStructuralFeatures>
506 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
507 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
508 eOpposite=
509 <eAnnotations source=
510 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir"/>
512 <eAnnotations source=
513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir"/>
515 </eStructuralFeatures>
516 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
517 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
518 <eAnnotations source=
519 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The length of the spillway crest"/>
521 <eAnnotations source=
522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The length of the spillway crest"/>
524 </eStructuralFeatures>
525 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
526 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
527 eOpposite=
528 <eAnnotations source=
529 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a "natural" inflow forecast."/>
531 <eAnnotations source=
532 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a "natural" inflow forecast."/>
534 </eStructuralFeatures>
535 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
536 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
537 <eAnnotations source=
538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The spillway water travel delay to the next downstream reservoir"/>
540 <eAnnotations source=
541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The spillway water travel delay to the next downstream reservoir"/>
543 </eStructuralFeatures>
544 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
545 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Volume" unsettable=
546 <eAnnotations source=
547 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Storage volume between the full supply level and the normal minimum operating level"/>
549 <eAnnotations source=
550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Storage volume between the full supply level and the normal minimum operating level"/>
552 </eStructuralFeatures>
553 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
554 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/Reservoir" eOpposite=
555 <eAnnotations source=
556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may spill into a downstream reservoir"/>
558 <eAnnotations source=
559 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may spill into a downstream reservoir"/>
561 </eStructuralFeatures>
562 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
563 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/SpillwayGateType" unsettable=
564 <eAnnotations source=
565 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of spillway gate, including parameters"/>
567 <eAnnotations source=
568 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of spillway gate, including parameters"/>
570 </eStructuralFeatures>
571 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
572 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
573 eOpposite=
574 <eAnnotations source=
575 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may spill into a downstream reservoir"/>
577 <eAnnotations source=
578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may spill into a downstream reservoir"/>
580 </eStructuralFeatures>
581 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
582 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/WaterLevel" unsettable=
583 <eAnnotations source=
584 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full supply level, above which water will spill. This can be the spillway crest level or the top of closed gates."/>
586 <eAnnotations source=
587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full supply level, above which water will spill. This can be the spillway crest level or the top of closed gates."/>
589 </eStructuralFeatures>
591 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CogenerationPlant" eSuperTypes=
592 <eAnnotations source=
593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of thermal generating units for the production of electrical energy and process steam (usually from the output of the steam turbines). The steam sendout is typically used for industrial purposes or for municipal heating and cooling."/>
595 <eAnnotations source=
596 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of thermal generating units for the production of electrical energy and process steam (usually from the output of the steam turbines). The steam sendout is typically used for industrial purposes or for municipal heating and cooling."/>
598 <eAnnotations source=
599 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of thermal generating units for the production of electrical energy and process steam (usually from the output of the steam turbines). The steam sendout is typically used for industrial purposes or for municipal heating and cooling."/>
600 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of thermal generating units for the production of electrical energy and process steam (usually from the output of the steam turbines). The steam sendout is typically used for industrial purposes or for municipal heating and cooling."/>
602 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
603 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/SteamSendoutSchedule" eOpposite=
604 <eAnnotations source=
605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A cogeneration plant has a steam sendout schedule"/>
607 <eAnnotations source=
608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A cogeneration plant has a steam sendout schedule"/>
610 </eStructuralFeatures>
611 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
612 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
614 <eAnnotations source=
615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The low pressure steam rating"/>
617 <eAnnotations source=
618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The low pressure steam rating"/>
620 </eStructuralFeatures>
621 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
622 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
624 <eAnnotations source=
625 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The low pressure steam sendout"/>
627 <eAnnotations source=
628 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The low pressure steam sendout"/>
630 </eStructuralFeatures>
631 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
632 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
633 eOpposite=
634 <eAnnotations source=
635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a cogeneration plant"/>
637 <eAnnotations source=
638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a cogeneration plant"/>
640 </eStructuralFeatures>
641 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedP" eType=
643 <eAnnotations source=
644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The rated output active power of the cogeneration plant"/>
646 <eAnnotations source=
647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The rated output active power of the cogeneration plant"/>
649 </eStructuralFeatures>
650 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
651 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
653 <eAnnotations source=
654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The high pressure steam sendout"/>
656 <eAnnotations source=
657 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The high pressure steam sendout"/>
659 </eStructuralFeatures>
660 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
661 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
663 <eAnnotations source=
664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The high pressure steam rating"/>
666 <eAnnotations source=
667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The high pressure steam rating"/>
669 </eStructuralFeatures>
671 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
672 <eLiterals name=
673 <eLiterals name=
"pumpAndGenerator" value=
675 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GenUnitOpSchedule" eSuperTypes=
676 <eAnnotations source=
677 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required."/>
679 <eAnnotations source=
680 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required."/>
682 <eAnnotations source=
683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required."/>
684 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The generating unit's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses. The X-axis represents absolute time. The Y1-axis represents the status (0=off-line and unavailable: 1=available: 2=must run: 3=must run at fixed power value: etc.). The Y2-axis represents the must run fixed power value where required."/>
686 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GeneratingUnit" eType=
687 eOpposite=
688 <eAnnotations source=
689 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have an operating schedule, indicating the planned operation of the unit"/>
691 <eAnnotations source=
692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have an operating schedule, indicating the planned operation of the unit"/>
694 </eStructuralFeatures>
696 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FuelAllocationSchedule" eSuperTypes=
697 <eAnnotations source=
698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of fuel of a given type which is allocated for consumption over a specified period of time"/>
700 <eAnnotations source=
701 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The amount of fuel of a given type which is allocated for consumption over a specified period of time"/>
703 <eAnnotations source=
704 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of fuel of a given type which is allocated for consumption over a specified period of time"/>
705 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The amount of fuel of a given type which is allocated for consumption over a specified period of time"/>
707 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
708 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
710 <eAnnotations source=
711 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum amount fuel that is allocated for consumption for the scheduled time period, e.g., based on a "take-or-pay" contract"/>
713 <eAnnotations source=
714 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum amount fuel that is allocated for consumption for the scheduled time period, e.g., based on a "take-or-pay" contract"/>
716 </eStructuralFeatures>
717 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
718 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
719 <eAnnotations source=
720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The end time and date of the fuel allocation schedule"/>
722 <eAnnotations source=
723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The end time and date of the fuel allocation schedule"/>
725 </eStructuralFeatures>
726 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
727 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
729 <eAnnotations source=
730 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum amount fuel that is allocated for consumption for the scheduled time period"/>
732 <eAnnotations source=
733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum amount fuel that is allocated for consumption for the scheduled time period"/>
735 </eStructuralFeatures>
736 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
737 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
738 <eAnnotations source=
739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The start time and date of the fuel allocation schedule"/>
741 <eAnnotations source=
742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The start time and date of the fuel allocation schedule"/>
744 </eStructuralFeatures>
745 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"FossilFuel" eType=
746 eOpposite=
747 <eAnnotations source=
748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A fuel allocation schedule must have a fossil fuel"/>
750 <eAnnotations source=
751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A fuel allocation schedule must have a fossil fuel"/>
753 </eStructuralFeatures>
754 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fuelType" eType=
756 <eAnnotations source=
757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of fuel, which also indicates the corresponding measurement unit"/>
759 <eAnnotations source=
760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of fuel, which also indicates the corresponding measurement unit"/>
762 </eStructuralFeatures>
763 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
764 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
765 <eAnnotations source=
766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fuel allocation schedules"/>
768 <eAnnotations source=
769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fuel allocation schedules"/>
771 </eStructuralFeatures>
773 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GrossToNetActivePowerCurve" eSuperTypes=
774 <eAnnotations source=
775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the generating unit's gross active power output on the X-axis (measured at the terminals of the machine(s)) and the generating unit's net active power output on the Y-axis (based on utility-defined measurements at the power station). Station service loads, when modeled, should be treated as non-conforming bus loads. There may be more than one curve, depending on the auxiliary equipment that is in service."/>
777 <eAnnotations source=
778 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the generating unit's gross active power output on the X-axis (measured at the terminals of the machine(s)) and the generating unit's net active power output on the Y-axis (based on utility-defined measurements at the power station). Station service loads, when modeled, should be treated as non-conforming bus loads. There may be more than one curve, depending on the auxiliary equipment that is in service."/>
780 <eAnnotations source=
781 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the generating unit's gross active power output on the X-axis (measured at the terminals of the machine(s)) and the generating unit's net active power output on the Y-axis (based on utility-defined measurements at the power station). Station service loads, when modeled, should be treated as non-conforming bus loads. There may be more than one curve, depending on the auxiliary equipment that is in service."/>
782 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the generating unit's gross active power output on the X-axis (measured at the terminals of the machine(s)) and the generating unit's net active power output on the Y-axis (based on utility-defined measurements at the power station). Station service loads, when modeled, should be treated as non-conforming bus loads. There may be more than one curve, depending on the auxiliary equipment that is in service."/>
784 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GeneratingUnit" eType=
785 eOpposite=
786 <eAnnotations source=
787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have a gross active power to net active power curve, describing the losses and auxiliary power requirements of the unit"/>
789 <eAnnotations source=
790 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have a gross active power to net active power curve, describing the losses and auxiliary power requirements of the unit"/>
792 </eStructuralFeatures>
794 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LevelVsVolumeCurve" eSuperTypes=
795 <eAnnotations source=
796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between reservoir volume and reservoir level. The volume is at the y-axis and the reservoir level at the x-axis."/>
798 <eAnnotations source=
799 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between reservoir volume and reservoir level. The volume is at the y-axis and the reservoir level at the x-axis."/>
801 <eAnnotations source=
802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between reservoir volume and reservoir level. The volume is at the y-axis and the reservoir level at the x-axis."/>
803 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between reservoir volume and reservoir level. The volume is at the y-axis and the reservoir level at the x-axis."/>
805 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Reservoir" eType=
806 eOpposite=
807 <eAnnotations source=
808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a level versus volume relationship."/>
810 <eAnnotations source=
811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a level versus volume relationship."/>
813 </eStructuralFeatures>
815 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StartRampCurve" eSuperTypes=
816 <eAnnotations source=
817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit can be loaded versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
819 <eAnnotations source=
820 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit can be loaded versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
822 <eAnnotations source=
823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit can be loaded versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
824 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit can be loaded versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
826 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hotStandbyRamp" eType=
828 <eAnnotations source=
829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The startup ramp rate in gross for a unit that is on hot standby"/>
831 <eAnnotations source=
832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The startup ramp rate in gross for a unit that is on hot standby"/>
834 </eStructuralFeatures>
835 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"StartupModel" eType=
836 eOpposite=
837 <eAnnotations source=
838 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ramp curve"/>
840 <eAnnotations source=
841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ramp curve"/>
843 </eStructuralFeatures>
845 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NuclearGeneratingUnit" eSuperTypes=
846 <eAnnotations source=
847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A nuclear generating unit."/>
849 <eAnnotations source=
850 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A nuclear generating unit."/>
852 <eAnnotations source=
853 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A nuclear generating unit."/>
854 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A nuclear generating unit."/>
857 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EmissionCurve" eSuperTypes=
858 <eAnnotations source=
859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the unit's emission rate in units of mass per hour (Y-axis) and output active power (X-axis) for a given type of emission. This curve applies when only one type of fuel is being burned."/>
861 <eAnnotations source=
862 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the unit's emission rate in units of mass per hour (Y-axis) and output active power (X-axis) for a given type of emission. This curve applies when only one type of fuel is being burned."/>
864 <eAnnotations source=
865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the unit's emission rate in units of mass per hour (Y-axis) and output active power (X-axis) for a given type of emission. This curve applies when only one type of fuel is being burned."/>
866 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the unit's emission rate in units of mass per hour (Y-axis) and output active power (X-axis) for a given type of emission. This curve applies when only one type of fuel is being burned."/>
868 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
869 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/Emission" unsettable=
870 <eAnnotations source=
871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The emission content per quantity of fuel burned"/>
873 <eAnnotations source=
874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The emission content per quantity of fuel burned"/>
876 </eStructuralFeatures>
877 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
878 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
879 <eAnnotations source=
880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission curves"/>
882 <eAnnotations source=
883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission curves"/>
885 </eStructuralFeatures>
886 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isNetGrossP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
888 <eAnnotations source=
889 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
891 <eAnnotations source=
892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
894 </eStructuralFeatures>
895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"emissionType" eType=
897 <eAnnotations source=
898 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of emission, which also gives the production rate measurement unit. The y1AxisUnits of the curve contains the unit of measure (e.g. kg) and the emissionType is the type of emission (e.g. sulfer dioxide)."/>
900 <eAnnotations source=
901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of emission, which also gives the production rate measurement unit. The y1AxisUnits of the curve contains the unit of measure (e.g. kg) and the emissionType is the type of emission (e.g. sulfer dioxide)."/>
903 </eStructuralFeatures>
905 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HydroPumpOpSchedule" eSuperTypes=
906 <eAnnotations source=
907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.The unit's operating schedule status is typically given as: (0=unavailable) (1=avilable to startup or shutdown) (2=must pump)"/>
909 <eAnnotations source=
910 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The hydro pump's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.The unit's operating schedule status is typically given as: (0=unavailable) (1=avilable to startup or shutdown) (2=must pump)"/>
912 <eAnnotations source=
913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.The unit's operating schedule status is typically given as: (0=unavailable) (1=avilable to startup or shutdown) (2=must pump)"/>
914 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The hydro pump's Operator-approved current operating schedule (or plan), typically produced with the aid of unit commitment type analyses.The unit's operating schedule status is typically given as: (0=unavailable) (1=avilable to startup or shutdown) (2=must pump)"/>
916 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"HydroPump" eType=
917 eOpposite=
918 <eAnnotations source=
919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump has a pumping schedule over time, indicating when pumping is to occur."/>
921 <eAnnotations source=
922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump has a pumping schedule over time, indicating when pumping is to occur."/>
924 </eStructuralFeatures>
926 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SteamSendoutSchedule" eSuperTypes=
927 <eAnnotations source=
928 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cogeneration plant's steam sendout schedule in volume per time unit."/>
930 <eAnnotations source=
931 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The cogeneration plant's steam sendout schedule in volume per time unit."/>
933 <eAnnotations source=
934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cogeneration plant's steam sendout schedule in volume per time unit."/>
935 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The cogeneration plant's steam sendout schedule in volume per time unit."/>
937 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
938 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/CogenerationPlant" eOpposite=
939 <eAnnotations source=
940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A cogeneration plant has a steam sendout schedule"/>
942 <eAnnotations source=
943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A cogeneration plant has a steam sendout schedule"/>
945 </eStructuralFeatures>
947 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TargetLevelSchedule" eSuperTypes=
948 <eAnnotations source=
949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reservoir water level targets from advanced studies or "rule curves". Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days"/>
951 <eAnnotations source=
952 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Reservoir water level targets from advanced studies or "rule curves". Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days"/>
954 <eAnnotations source=
955 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reservoir water level targets from advanced studies or "rule curves". Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days"/>
956 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Reservoir water level targets from advanced studies or "rule curves". Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days"/>
958 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowLevelLimit" eType=
960 <eAnnotations source=
961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low target level limit, below which the reservoir operation will be penalized"/>
963 <eAnnotations source=
964 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low target level limit, below which the reservoir operation will be penalized"/>
966 </eStructuralFeatures>
967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Reservoir" eType=
968 eOpposite=
969 <eAnnotations source=
970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a water level target schedule."/>
972 <eAnnotations source=
973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a water level target schedule."/>
975 </eStructuralFeatures>
976 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"highLevelLimit" eType=
978 <eAnnotations source=
979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High target level limit, above which the reservoir operation will be penalized"/>
981 <eAnnotations source=
982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High target level limit, above which the reservoir operation will be penalized"/>
984 </eStructuralFeatures>
986 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
987 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CombinedCyclePlant" eSuperTypes=
988 <eAnnotations source=
989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of combustion turbines and steam turbines where the exhaust heat from the combustion turbines is recovered to make steam for the steam turbines, resulting in greater overall plant efficiency"/>
991 <eAnnotations source=
992 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of combustion turbines and steam turbines where the exhaust heat from the combustion turbines is recovered to make steam for the steam turbines, resulting in greater overall plant efficiency"/>
994 <eAnnotations source=
995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of combustion turbines and steam turbines where the exhaust heat from the combustion turbines is recovered to make steam for the steam turbines, resulting in greater overall plant efficiency"/>
996 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of combustion turbines and steam turbines where the exhaust heat from the combustion turbines is recovered to make steam for the steam turbines, resulting in greater overall plant efficiency"/>
998 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
999 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
1000 <eAnnotations source=
1001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The combined cycle plant's active power output rating"/>
1003 <eAnnotations source=
1004 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The combined cycle plant's active power output rating"/>
1006 </eStructuralFeatures>
1007 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1008 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1009 eOpposite=
1010 <eAnnotations source=
1011 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a combined cycle plant"/>
1013 <eAnnotations source=
1014 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a combined cycle plant"/>
1016 </eStructuralFeatures>
1018 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HeatRateCurve" eSuperTypes=
1019 <eAnnotations source=
1020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat rate per active power (Y-axis) and unit output (X-axis). The heat input is from all fuels."/>
1022 <eAnnotations source=
1023 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat rate per active power (Y-axis) and unit output (X-axis). The heat input is from all fuels."/>
1025 <eAnnotations source=
1026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat rate per active power (Y-axis) and unit output (X-axis). The heat input is from all fuels."/>
1027 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat rate per active power (Y-axis) and unit output (X-axis). The heat input is from all fuels."/>
1029 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isNetGrossP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
1031 <eAnnotations source=
1032 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
1034 <eAnnotations source=
1035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
1037 </eStructuralFeatures>
1038 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1039 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
1040 <eAnnotations source=
1041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat rate curve"/>
1043 <eAnnotations source=
1044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat rate curve"/>
1046 </eStructuralFeatures>
1048 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
1049 <eLiterals name=
1050 <eLiterals name=
"measured" value=
1052 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ThermalGeneratingUnit" eSuperTypes=
1053 <eAnnotations source=
1054 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turbine, or diesel engine."/>
1056 <eAnnotations source=
1057 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turbine, or diesel engine."/>
1059 <eAnnotations source=
1060 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turbine, or diesel engine."/>
1061 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover could be a steam turbine, combustion turbine, or diesel engine."/>
1063 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CAESPlant" eType=
1064 eOpposite=
1065 <eAnnotations source=
1066 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
1068 <eAnnotations source=
1069 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
1071 </eStructuralFeatures>
1072 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1073 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/CogenerationPlant" eOpposite=
1074 <eAnnotations source=
1075 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a cogeneration plant"/>
1077 <eAnnotations source=
1078 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a cogeneration plant"/>
1080 </eStructuralFeatures>
1081 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ShutdownCurve" eType=
1082 eOpposite=
1083 <eAnnotations source=
1084 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a shutdown curve"/>
1086 <eAnnotations source=
1087 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a shutdown curve"/>
1089 </eStructuralFeatures>
1090 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"FossilFuels" upperBound=
1091 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/FossilFuel" eOpposite=
1092 <eAnnotations source=
1093 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fossil fuels"/>
1095 <eAnnotations source=
1096 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fossil fuels"/>
1098 </eStructuralFeatures>
1099 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"HeatRateCurve" eType=
1100 eOpposite=
1101 <eAnnotations source=
1102 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat rate curve"/>
1104 <eAnnotations source=
1105 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat rate curve"/>
1107 </eStructuralFeatures>
1108 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1109 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1110 eOpposite=
1111 <eAnnotations source=
1112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fuel allocation schedules"/>
1114 <eAnnotations source=
1115 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fuel allocation schedules"/>
1117 </eStructuralFeatures>
1118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EmissionCurves" upperBound=
1119 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/EmissionCurve" eOpposite=
1120 <eAnnotations source=
1121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission curves"/>
1123 <eAnnotations source=
1124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission curves"/>
1126 </eStructuralFeatures>
1127 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"HeatInputCurve" eType=
1128 eOpposite=
1129 <eAnnotations source=
1130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat input curve"/>
1132 <eAnnotations source=
1133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat input curve"/>
1135 </eStructuralFeatures>
1136 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1137 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/CombinedCyclePlant" eOpposite=
1138 <eAnnotations source=
1139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a combined cycle plant"/>
1141 <eAnnotations source=
1142 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a combined cycle plant"/>
1144 </eStructuralFeatures>
1145 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1146 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/IncrementalHeatRateCurve" eOpposite=
1147 <eAnnotations source=
1148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have an incremental heat rate curve"/>
1150 <eAnnotations source=
1151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have an incremental heat rate curve"/>
1153 </eStructuralFeatures>
1154 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"StartupModel" eType=
1155 eOpposite=
1156 <eAnnotations source=
1157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a startup model"/>
1159 <eAnnotations source=
1160 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a startup model"/>
1162 </eStructuralFeatures>
1163 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1164 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1165 eOpposite=
1166 <eAnnotations source=
1167 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission allowance accounts"/>
1169 <eAnnotations source=
1170 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission allowance accounts"/>
1172 </eStructuralFeatures>
1173 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oMCost" eType=
1175 <eAnnotations source=
1176 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating and maintenance cost for the thermal unit"/>
1178 <eAnnotations source=
1179 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating and maintenance cost for the thermal unit"/>
1181 </eStructuralFeatures>
1183 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EmissionAccount" eSuperTypes=
1184 <eAnnotations source=
1185 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Accounts for tracking emissions usage and credits for thermal generating units. A unit may have zero or more emission accounts, and will typically have one for tracking usage and one for tracking credits."/>
1187 <eAnnotations source=
1188 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Accounts for tracking emissions usage and credits for thermal generating units. A unit may have zero or more emission accounts, and will typically have one for tracking usage and one for tracking credits."/>
1190 <eAnnotations source=
1191 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Accounts for tracking emissions usage and credits for thermal generating units. A unit may have zero or more emission accounts, and will typically have one for tracking usage and one for tracking credits."/>
1192 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Accounts for tracking emissions usage and credits for thermal generating units. A unit may have zero or more emission accounts, and will typically have one for tracking usage and one for tracking credits."/>
1194 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"emissionType" eType=
1196 <eAnnotations source=
1197 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of emission, for example sulfur dioxide (SO2). The y1AxisUnits of the curve contains the unit of measure (e.g. kg) and the emissionType is the type of emission (e.g. sulfer dioxide)."/>
1199 <eAnnotations source=
1200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of emission, for example sulfur dioxide (SO2). The y1AxisUnits of the curve contains the unit of measure (e.g. kg) and the emissionType is the type of emission (e.g. sulfer dioxide)."/>
1202 </eStructuralFeatures>
1203 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1204 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/EmissionValueSource" unsettable=
1205 <eAnnotations source=
1206 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The source of the emission value."/>
1208 <eAnnotations source=
1209 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The source of the emission value."/>
1211 </eStructuralFeatures>
1212 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1213 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
1214 <eAnnotations source=
1215 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission allowance accounts"/>
1217 <eAnnotations source=
1218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more emission allowance accounts"/>
1220 </eStructuralFeatures>
1222 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
1223 <eLiterals name=
1224 <eLiterals name=
"offAGC" value=
1225 <eLiterals name=
"unavailable" value=
1226 <eLiterals name=
"onAGC" value=
1228 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PenstockLossCurve" eSuperTypes=
1229 <eAnnotations source=
1230 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between penstock head loss (in meters) and total discharge through the penstock (in cubic meters per second). One or more turbines may be connected to the same penstock."/>
1232 <eAnnotations source=
1233 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between penstock head loss (in meters) and total discharge through the penstock (in cubic meters per second). One or more turbines may be connected to the same penstock."/>
1235 <eAnnotations source=
1236 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between penstock head loss (in meters) and total discharge through the penstock (in cubic meters per second). One or more turbines may be connected to the same penstock."/>
1237 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between penstock head loss (in meters) and total discharge through the penstock (in cubic meters per second). One or more turbines may be connected to the same penstock."/>
1239 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1240 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HydroGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
1241 <eAnnotations source=
1242 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a penstock loss curve"/>
1244 <eAnnotations source=
1245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a penstock loss curve"/>
1247 </eStructuralFeatures>
1249 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StartupModel" eSuperTypes=
1250 <eAnnotations source=
1251 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit start up characteristics depending on how long the unit has been off line"/>
1253 <eAnnotations source=
1254 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Unit start up characteristics depending on how long the unit has been off line"/>
1256 <eAnnotations source=
1257 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit start up characteristics depending on how long the unit has been off line"/>
1258 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Unit start up characteristics depending on how long the unit has been off line"/>
1260 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startupCost" eType=
1262 <eAnnotations source=
1263 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total miscellaneous start up costs"/>
1265 <eAnnotations source=
1266 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total miscellaneous start up costs"/>
1268 </eStructuralFeatures>
1269 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"stbyAuxP" eType=
1271 <eAnnotations source=
1272 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's auxiliary active power consumption to maintain standby mode"/>
1274 <eAnnotations source=
1275 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's auxiliary active power consumption to maintain standby mode"/>
1277 </eStructuralFeatures>
1278 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"StartRampCurve" eType=
1279 eOpposite=
1280 <eAnnotations source=
1281 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ramp curve"/>
1283 <eAnnotations source=
1284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ramp curve"/>
1286 </eStructuralFeatures>
1287 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minimumRunTime" eType=
1289 <eAnnotations source=
1290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum number of hours the unit must be operating before being allowed to shut down"/>
1292 <eAnnotations source=
1293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum number of hours the unit must be operating before being allowed to shut down"/>
1295 </eStructuralFeatures>
1296 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1297 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/StartMainFuelCurve" eOpposite=
1298 <eAnnotations source=
1299 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup main fuel curve"/>
1301 <eAnnotations source=
1302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup main fuel curve"/>
1304 </eStructuralFeatures>
1305 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"riskFactorCost" eType=
1307 <eAnnotations source=
1308 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The opportunity cost associated with the return in monetary unit. This represents the restart's "share" of the unit depreciation and risk of an event which would damage the unit."/>
1310 <eAnnotations source=
1311 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The opportunity cost associated with the return in monetary unit. This represents the restart's "share" of the unit depreciation and risk of an event which would damage the unit."/>
1313 </eStructuralFeatures>
1314 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1315 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Hours" unsettable=
1316 <eAnnotations source=
1317 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum number of hours the unit must be down before restart"/>
1319 <eAnnotations source=
1320 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum number of hours the unit must be down before restart"/>
1322 </eStructuralFeatures>
1323 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fixedMaintCost" eType=
1325 <eAnnotations source=
1326 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed Maintenance Cost"/>
1328 <eAnnotations source=
1329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed Maintenance Cost"/>
1331 </eStructuralFeatures>
1332 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startupDate" eType=
1334 <eAnnotations source=
1335 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time of the most recent generating unit startup"/>
1337 <eAnnotations source=
1338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time of the most recent generating unit startup"/>
1340 </eStructuralFeatures>
1341 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1342 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/StartIgnFuelCurve" eOpposite=
1343 <eAnnotations source=
1344 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ignition fuel curve"/>
1346 <eAnnotations source=
1347 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ignition fuel curve"/>
1349 </eStructuralFeatures>
1350 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hotStandbyHeat" eType=
1352 <eAnnotations source=
1353 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of heat input per time uint required for hot standby operation"/>
1355 <eAnnotations source=
1356 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of heat input per time uint required for hot standby operation"/>
1358 </eStructuralFeatures>
1359 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1360 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
1362 <eAnnotations source=
1363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Startup priority within control area where lower numbers indicate higher priorities. More than one unit in an area may be assigned the same priority."/>
1365 <eAnnotations source=
1366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Startup priority within control area where lower numbers indicate higher priorities. More than one unit in an area may be assigned the same priority."/>
1368 </eStructuralFeatures>
1369 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1370 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CostPerEnergyUnit" unsettable=
1371 <eAnnotations source=
1372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Incremental Maintenance Cost"/>
1374 <eAnnotations source=
1375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Incremental Maintenance Cost"/>
1377 </eStructuralFeatures>
1378 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1379 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
1380 <eAnnotations source=
1381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a startup model"/>
1383 <eAnnotations source=
1384 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a startup model"/>
1386 </eStructuralFeatures>
1388 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HydroGeneratingUnit" eSuperTypes=
1389 <eAnnotations source=
1390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e.g., Francis, Pelton, Kaplan)"/>
1392 <eAnnotations source=
1393 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e.g., Francis, Pelton, Kaplan)"/>
1395 <eAnnotations source=
1396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e.g., Francis, Pelton, Kaplan)"/>
1397 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generating unit whose prime mover is a hydraulic turbine (e.g., Francis, Pelton, Kaplan)"/>
1399 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1400 eType=
1402 <eAnnotations source=
1403 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Energy conversion capability for generating."/>
1405 <eAnnotations source=
1406 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Energy conversion capability for generating."/>
1408 </eStructuralFeatures>
1409 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1410 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/PenstockLossCurve" eOpposite=
1411 <eAnnotations source=
1412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a penstock loss curve"/>
1414 <eAnnotations source=
1415 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a penstock loss curve"/>
1417 </eStructuralFeatures>
1418 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1419 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HydroPowerPlant" eOpposite=
1420 <eAnnotations source=
1421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant"/>
1423 <eAnnotations source=
1424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant"/>
1426 </eStructuralFeatures>
1427 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1428 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CostPerVolume" unsettable=
1429 <eAnnotations source=
1430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equivalent cost of water that drives the hydro turbine."/>
1432 <eAnnotations source=
1433 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equivalent cost of water that drives the hydro turbine."/>
1435 </eStructuralFeatures>
1436 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1437 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1438 eOpposite=
1439 <eAnnotations source=
1440 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a tailbay loss curve"/>
1442 <eAnnotations source=
1443 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a tailbay loss curve"/>
1445 </eStructuralFeatures>
1446 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1447 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1448 eOpposite=
1449 <eAnnotations source=
1450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has an efficiency curve"/>
1452 <eAnnotations source=
1453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has an efficiency curve"/>
1455 </eStructuralFeatures>
1457 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
1458 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GenUnitOpCostCurve" eSuperTypes=
1459 <eAnnotations source=
1460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs."/>
1462 <eAnnotations source=
1463 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs."/>
1465 <eAnnotations source=
1466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs."/>
1467 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit operating cost (Y-axis) and unit output active power (X-axis). The operating cost curve for thermal units is derived from heat input and fuel costs. The operating cost curve for hydro units is derived from water flow rates and equivalent water costs."/>
1469 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isNetGrossP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
1471 <eAnnotations source=
1472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
1474 <eAnnotations source=
1475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
1477 </eStructuralFeatures>
1478 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GeneratingUnit" eType=
1479 eOpposite=
1480 <eAnnotations source=
1481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have one or more cost curves, depending upon fuel mixture and fuel cost."/>
1483 <eAnnotations source=
1484 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have one or more cost curves, depending upon fuel mixture and fuel cost."/>
1486 </eStructuralFeatures>
1488 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IncrementalHeatRateCurve" eSuperTypes=
1489 <eAnnotations source=
1490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit incremental heat rate in (delta energy/time) per (delta active power) and unit output in active power. The IHR curve represents the slope of the HeatInputCurve. Note that the "incremental heat rate" and the "heat rate" have the same engineering units."/>
1492 <eAnnotations source=
1493 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit incremental heat rate in (delta energy/time) per (delta active power) and unit output in active power. The IHR curve represents the slope of the HeatInputCurve. Note that the "incremental heat rate" and the "heat rate" have the same engineering units."/>
1495 <eAnnotations source=
1496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit incremental heat rate in (delta energy/time) per (delta active power) and unit output in active power. The IHR curve represents the slope of the HeatInputCurve. Note that the "incremental heat rate" and the "heat rate" have the same engineering units."/>
1497 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit incremental heat rate in (delta energy/time) per (delta active power) and unit output in active power. The IHR curve represents the slope of the HeatInputCurve. Note that the "incremental heat rate" and the "heat rate" have the same engineering units."/>
1499 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1500 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
1501 <eAnnotations source=
1502 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have an incremental heat rate curve"/>
1504 <eAnnotations source=
1505 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have an incremental heat rate curve"/>
1507 </eStructuralFeatures>
1508 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isNetGrossP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
1510 <eAnnotations source=
1511 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
1513 <eAnnotations source=
1514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
1516 </eStructuralFeatures>
1518 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FossilFuel" eSuperTypes=
1519 <eAnnotations source=
1520 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fossil fuel consumed by the non-nuclear thermal generating units, e.g., coal, oil, gas"/>
1522 <eAnnotations source=
1523 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The fossil fuel consumed by the non-nuclear thermal generating units, e.g., coal, oil, gas"/>
1525 <eAnnotations source=
1526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fossil fuel consumed by the non-nuclear thermal generating units, e.g., coal, oil, gas"/>
1527 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The fossil fuel consumed by the non-nuclear thermal generating units, e.g., coal, oil, gas"/>
1529 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fuelSulfur" eType=
1531 <eAnnotations source=
1532 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fuel's fraction of pollution credit per unit of heat content"/>
1534 <eAnnotations source=
1535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fuel's fraction of pollution credit per unit of heat content"/>
1537 </eStructuralFeatures>
1538 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fuelCost" eType=
1540 <eAnnotations source=
1541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost in terms of heat value for the given type of fuel"/>
1543 <eAnnotations source=
1544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost in terms of heat value for the given type of fuel"/>
1546 </eStructuralFeatures>
1547 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fossilFuelType" eType=
1549 <eAnnotations source=
1550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of fossil fuel, such as coal, oil, or gas."/>
1552 <eAnnotations source=
1553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of fossil fuel, such as coal, oil, or gas."/>
1555 </eStructuralFeatures>
1556 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowBreakpointP" eType=
1558 <eAnnotations source=
1559 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power output level of the unit at which the given type of fuel is switched off. This fuel (e.g., oil) is sometimes used to stabilize the base fuel (e.g., coal) at low active power output levels."/>
1561 <eAnnotations source=
1562 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power output level of the unit at which the given type of fuel is switched off. This fuel (e.g., oil) is sometimes used to stabilize the base fuel (e.g., coal) at low active power output levels."/>
1564 </eStructuralFeatures>
1565 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1566 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/CostPerHeatUnit" unsettable=
1567 <eAnnotations source=
1568 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost of fuel used for economic dispatching which includes: fuel cost, transportation cost, and incremental maintenance cost"/>
1570 <eAnnotations source=
1571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost of fuel used for economic dispatching which includes: fuel cost, transportation cost, and incremental maintenance cost"/>
1573 </eStructuralFeatures>
1574 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1575 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/CostPerHeatUnit" unsettable=
1576 <eAnnotations source=
1577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Handling and processing cost associated with this fuel"/>
1579 <eAnnotations source=
1580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Handling and processing cost associated with this fuel"/>
1582 </eStructuralFeatures>
1583 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1584 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
1585 <eAnnotations source=
1586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fossil fuels"/>
1588 <eAnnotations source=
1589 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have one or more fossil fuels"/>
1591 </eStructuralFeatures>
1592 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1593 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
1595 <eAnnotations source=
1596 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of heat per weight (or volume) of the given type of fuel"/>
1598 <eAnnotations source=
1599 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of heat per weight (or volume) of the given type of fuel"/>
1601 </eStructuralFeatures>
1602 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fuelEffFactor" eType=
1604 <eAnnotations source=
1605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The efficiency factor for the fuel (per unit) in terms of the effective energy absorbed"/>
1607 <eAnnotations source=
1608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The efficiency factor for the fuel (per unit) in terms of the effective energy absorbed"/>
1610 </eStructuralFeatures>
1611 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fuelMixture" eType=
1613 <eAnnotations source=
1614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relative amount of the given type of fuel, when multiple fuels are being consumed."/>
1616 <eAnnotations source=
1617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relative amount of the given type of fuel, when multiple fuels are being consumed."/>
1619 </eStructuralFeatures>
1620 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1621 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1622 eOpposite=
1623 <eAnnotations source=
1624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A fuel allocation schedule must have a fossil fuel"/>
1626 <eAnnotations source=
1627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A fuel allocation schedule must have a fossil fuel"/>
1629 </eStructuralFeatures>
1630 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1631 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
1632 <eAnnotations source=
1633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power output level of the unit at which the given type of fuel is switched on. This fuel (e.g., oil) is sometimes used to supplement the base fuel (e.g., coal) at high active power output levels."/>
1635 <eAnnotations source=
1636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power output level of the unit at which the given type of fuel is switched on. This fuel (e.g., oil) is sometimes used to supplement the base fuel (e.g., coal) at high active power output levels."/>
1638 </eStructuralFeatures>
1640 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
1641 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GeneratingUnit" eSuperTypes=
1642 <eAnnotations source=
1643 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power. For example, individual machines within a set may be defined for scheduling purposes while a single control signal is derived for the set. In this case there would be a GeneratingUnit for each member of the set and an additional GeneratingUnit corresponding to the set."/>
1645 <eAnnotations source=
1646 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power. For example, individual machines within a set may be defined for scheduling purposes while a single control signal is derived for the set. In this case there would be a GeneratingUnit for each member of the set and an additional GeneratingUnit corresponding to the set."/>
1648 <eAnnotations source=
1649 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power. For example, individual machines within a set may be defined for scheduling purposes while a single control signal is derived for the set. In this case there would be a GeneratingUnit for each member of the set and an additional GeneratingUnit corresponding to the set."/>
1650 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power. For example, individual machines within a set may be defined for scheduling purposes while a single control signal is derived for the set. In this case there would be a GeneratingUnit for each member of the set and an additional GeneratingUnit corresponding to the set."/>
1652 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedGrossMinP" eType=
1654 <eAnnotations source=
1655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid"/>
1657 <eAnnotations source=
1658 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at while delivering power to the transmission grid"/>
1660 </eStructuralFeatures>
1661 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"efficiency" eType=
1663 <eAnnotations source=
1664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The efficiency of the unit in converting mechanical energy, from the prime mover, into electrical energy."/>
1666 <eAnnotations source=
1667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The efficiency of the unit in converting mechanical energy, from the prime mover, into electrical energy."/>
1669 </eStructuralFeatures>
1670 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"stepChange" eType=
1672 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedNetMaxP" eType=
1674 <eAnnotations source=
1675 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity"/>
1677 <eAnnotations source=
1678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power used to operate the internal plant machinery from the rated gross maximum capacity"/>
1680 </eStructuralFeatures>
1681 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tieLinePF" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
1683 <eAnnotations source=
1684 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1686 <eAnnotations source=
1687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1689 </eStructuralFeatures>
1690 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1691 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
1693 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1694 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
1695 <eAnnotations source=
1696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pulse high limit which is the largest control pulse that the unit can respond to"/>
1698 <eAnnotations source=
1699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pulse high limit which is the largest control pulse that the unit can respond to"/>
1701 </eStructuralFeatures>
1702 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startupTime" eType=
1704 <eAnnotations source=
1705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied"/>
1707 <eAnnotations source=
1708 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mechanical power is applied"/>
1710 </eStructuralFeatures>
1711 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxOperatingP" eType=
1713 <eAnnotations source=
1714 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the maximum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit"/>
1716 <eAnnotations source=
1717 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the maximum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit"/>
1719 </eStructuralFeatures>
1720 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1721 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/GeneratorControlSource" unsettable=
1722 <eAnnotations source=
1723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The source of controls for a generating unit."/>
1725 <eAnnotations source=
1726 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The source of controls for a generating unit."/>
1728 </eStructuralFeatures>
1729 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalPF" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
1731 <eAnnotations source=
1732 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1734 <eAnnotations source=
1735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1737 </eStructuralFeatures>
1738 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"initialP" eType=
1740 <eAnnotations source=
1741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Default Initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration"/>
1743 <eAnnotations source=
1744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Default Initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for the initial active power for this unit in this network configuration"/>
1746 </eStructuralFeatures>
1747 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1748 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePowerChangeRate" unsettable=
1749 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"allocSpinResP" eType=
1751 <eAnnotations source=
1752 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The planned unused capacity (spinning reserve) which can be used to support emergency load"/>
1754 <eAnnotations source=
1755 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The planned unused capacity (spinning reserve) which can be used to support emergency load"/>
1757 </eStructuralFeatures>
1758 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minEconomicP" eType=
1760 <eAnnotations source=
1761 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low economic active power limit that must be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit"/>
1763 <eAnnotations source=
1764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low economic active power limit that must be greater than or equal to the minimum operating active power limit"/>
1766 </eStructuralFeatures>
1767 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"longPF" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
1769 <eAnnotations source=
1770 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1772 <eAnnotations source=
1773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1775 </eStructuralFeatures>
1776 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"nominalP" eType=
1778 <eAnnotations source=
1779 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the govenor speed change droop (govenorSCD attribute)."/>
1781 <eAnnotations source=
1782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The nominal power of the generating unit. Used to give precise meaning to percentage based attributes such as the govenor speed change droop (govenorSCD attribute)."/>
1784 </eStructuralFeatures>
1785 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1786 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePowerChangeRate" unsettable=
1787 <eAnnotations source=
1788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit."/>
1790 <eAnnotations source=
1791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit response rate which specifies the active power change for a control pulse of one second in the most responsive loading level of the unit."/>
1793 </eStructuralFeatures>
1794 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1795 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1796 eOpposite=
1797 <eAnnotations source=
1798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ControlArea specifications for this generating unit."/>
1800 <eAnnotations source=
1801 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ControlArea specifications for this generating unit."/>
1803 </eStructuralFeatures>
1804 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1805 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/SynchronousMachine" eOpposite=
1806 <eAnnotations source=
1807 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit"/>
1809 <eAnnotations source=
1810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit"/>
1812 </eStructuralFeatures>
1813 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedGrossMaxP" eType=
1815 <eAnnotations source=
1816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's gross rated maximum capacity (Book Value)."/>
1818 <eAnnotations source=
1819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's gross rated maximum capacity (Book Value)."/>
1821 </eStructuralFeatures>
1822 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"penaltyFactor" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
1824 <eAnnotations source=
1825 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1)."/>
1827 <eAnnotations source=
1828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defined as: 1 / ( 1 - Incremental Transmission Loss); with the Incremental Transmission Loss expressed as a plus or minus value. The typical range of penalty factors is (0.9 to 1.1)."/>
1830 </eStructuralFeatures>
1831 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fastStartFlag" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
1833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minimumOffTime" eType=
1835 <eAnnotations source=
1836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum time interval between unit shutdown and startup"/>
1838 <eAnnotations source=
1839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum time interval between unit shutdown and startup"/>
1841 </eStructuralFeatures>
1842 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shortPF" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
1844 <eAnnotations source=
1845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1847 <eAnnotations source=
1848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generating unit economic participation factor"/>
1850 </eStructuralFeatures>
1851 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"governorMPL" eType=
1853 <eAnnotations source=
1854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor Motor Position Limit"/>
1856 <eAnnotations source=
1857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor Motor Position Limit"/>
1859 </eStructuralFeatures>
1860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"energyMinP" eType=
1862 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fuelPriority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
1864 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxEconomicP" eType=
1866 <eAnnotations source=
1867 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit"/>
1869 <eAnnotations source=
1870 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum high economic active power limit, that should not exceed the maximum operating active power limit"/>
1872 </eStructuralFeatures>
1873 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1874 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
1875 <eAnnotations source=
1876 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The planned unused capacity which can be used to support automatic control overruns."/>
1878 <eAnnotations source=
1879 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The planned unused capacity which can be used to support automatic control overruns."/>
1881 </eStructuralFeatures>
1882 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1883 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
1884 <eAnnotations source=
1885 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High limit for secondary (AGC) control"/>
1887 <eAnnotations source=
1888 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High limit for secondary (AGC) control"/>
1890 </eStructuralFeatures>
1891 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"modelDetail" eType=
1893 <eAnnotations source=
1894 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Detail level of the generator model data"/>
1896 <eAnnotations source=
1897 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Detail level of the generator model data"/>
1899 </eStructuralFeatures>
1900 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1901 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
1902 <eAnnotations source=
1903 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pulse low limit which is the smallest control pulse that the unit can respond to"/>
1905 <eAnnotations source=
1906 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pulse low limit which is the smallest control pulse that the unit can respond to"/>
1908 </eStructuralFeatures>
1909 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"raiseRampRate" eType=
1911 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1912 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/GenUnitOpSchedule" eOpposite=
1913 <eAnnotations source=
1914 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have an operating schedule, indicating the planned operation of the unit"/>
1916 <eAnnotations source=
1917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have an operating schedule, indicating the planned operation of the unit"/>
1919 </eStructuralFeatures>
1920 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1921 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
1922 <eAnnotations source=
1923 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit."/>
1925 <eAnnotations source=
1926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit control error deadband. When a unit's desired active power change is less than this deadband, then no control pulses will be sent to the unit."/>
1928 </eStructuralFeatures>
1929 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"baseP" eType=
1931 <eAnnotations source=
1932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value must be between the operating low and high limits."/>
1934 <eAnnotations source=
1935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For dispatchable units, this value represents the economic active power basepoint, for units that are not dispatchable, this value represents the fixed generation value. The value must be between the operating low and high limits."/>
1937 </eStructuralFeatures>
1938 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startupCost" eType=
1940 <eAnnotations source=
1941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The initial startup cost incurred for each start of the GeneratingUnit."/>
1943 <eAnnotations source=
1944 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The initial startup cost incurred for each start of the GeneratingUnit."/>
1946 </eStructuralFeatures>
1947 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"variableCost" eType=
1949 <eAnnotations source=
1950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The variable cost component of production per unit of ActivePower."/>
1952 <eAnnotations source=
1953 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The variable cost component of production per unit of ActivePower."/>
1955 </eStructuralFeatures>
1956 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1957 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/GeneratorOperatingMode" unsettable=
1958 <eAnnotations source=
1959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating mode for secondary control."/>
1961 <eAnnotations source=
1962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating mode for secondary control."/>
1964 </eStructuralFeatures>
1965 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowerRampRate" eType=
1967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minOperatingP" eType=
1969 <eAnnotations source=
1970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the minimum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit."/>
1972 <eAnnotations source=
1973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the minimum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for this unit."/>
1975 </eStructuralFeatures>
1976 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1977 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
1978 <eAnnotations source=
1979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low limit for secondary (AGC) control"/>
1981 <eAnnotations source=
1982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low limit for secondary (AGC) control"/>
1984 </eStructuralFeatures>
1985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
1986 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
1987 eOpposite=
1988 <eAnnotations source=
1989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have a gross active power to net active power curve, describing the losses and auxiliary power requirements of the unit"/>
1991 <eAnnotations source=
1992 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have a gross active power to net active power curve, describing the losses and auxiliary power requirements of the unit"/>
1994 </eStructuralFeatures>
1995 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
1996 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
1997 <eAnnotations source=
1998 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point."/>
2000 <eAnnotations source=
2001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum allowable spinning reserve. Spinning reserve will never be considered greater than this value regardless of the current operating point."/>
2003 </eStructuralFeatures>
2004 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"genControlMode" eType=
2006 <eAnnotations source=
2007 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit control mode."/>
2009 <eAnnotations source=
2010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit control mode."/>
2012 </eStructuralFeatures>
2013 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2014 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
2015 eOpposite=
2016 <eAnnotations source=
2017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have one or more cost curves, depending upon fuel mixture and fuel cost."/>
2019 <eAnnotations source=
2020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generating unit may have one or more cost curves, depending upon fuel mixture and fuel cost."/>
2022 </eStructuralFeatures>
2023 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"governorSCD" eType=
2025 <eAnnotations source=
2026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency."/>
2028 <eAnnotations source=
2029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Governor Speed Changer Droop. This is the change in generator power output divided by the change in frequency normalized by the nominal power of the generator and the nominal frequency and expressed in percent and negated. A positive value of speed change droop provides additional generator output upon a drop in frequency."/>
2031 </eStructuralFeatures>
2033 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StartIgnFuelCurve" eSuperTypes=
2034 <eAnnotations source=
2035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of ignition fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2037 <eAnnotations source=
2038 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The quantity of ignition fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2040 <eAnnotations source=
2041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of ignition fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2042 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The quantity of ignition fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2044 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"StartupModel" eType=
2045 eOpposite=
2046 <eAnnotations source=
2047 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ignition fuel curve"/>
2049 <eAnnotations source=
2050 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup ignition fuel curve"/>
2052 </eStructuralFeatures>
2053 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2054 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/FuelType" unsettable=
2055 <eAnnotations source=
2056 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of ignition fuel"/>
2058 <eAnnotations source=
2059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of ignition fuel"/>
2061 </eStructuralFeatures>
2063 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StartMainFuelCurve" eSuperTypes=
2064 <eAnnotations source=
2065 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of main fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2067 <eAnnotations source=
2068 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The quantity of main fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2070 <eAnnotations source=
2071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of main fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2072 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The quantity of main fuel (Y-axis) used to restart and repay the auxiliary power consumed versus the number of hours (X-axis) the unit was off line"/>
2074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mainFuelType" eType=
2076 <eAnnotations source=
2077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of main fuel"/>
2079 <eAnnotations source=
2080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of main fuel"/>
2082 </eStructuralFeatures>
2083 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"StartupModel" eType=
2084 eOpposite=
2085 <eAnnotations source=
2086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup main fuel curve"/>
2088 <eAnnotations source=
2089 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit's startup model may have a startup main fuel curve"/>
2091 </eStructuralFeatures>
2093 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TailbayLossCurve" eSuperTypes=
2094 <eAnnotations source=
2095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between tailbay head loss hight (y-axis) and the total discharge into the power station's tailbay volume per time unit (x-axis) . There could be more than one curve depending on the level of the tailbay reservoir or river level"/>
2097 <eAnnotations source=
2098 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between tailbay head loss hight (y-axis) and the total discharge into the power station's tailbay volume per time unit (x-axis) . There could be more than one curve depending on the level of the tailbay reservoir or river level"/>
2100 <eAnnotations source=
2101 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between tailbay head loss hight (y-axis) and the total discharge into the power station's tailbay volume per time unit (x-axis) . There could be more than one curve depending on the level of the tailbay reservoir or river level"/>
2102 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between tailbay head loss hight (y-axis) and the total discharge into the power station's tailbay volume per time unit (x-axis) . There could be more than one curve depending on the level of the tailbay reservoir or river level"/>
2104 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2105 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HydroGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
2106 <eAnnotations source=
2107 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a tailbay loss curve"/>
2109 <eAnnotations source=
2110 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has a tailbay loss curve"/>
2112 </eStructuralFeatures>
2114 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HydroPump" eSuperTypes=
2115 <eAnnotations source=
2116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A synchronous motor-driven pump, typically associated with a pumped storage plant"/>
2118 <eAnnotations source=
2119 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A synchronous motor-driven pump, typically associated with a pumped storage plant"/>
2121 <eAnnotations source=
2122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A synchronous motor-driven pump, typically associated with a pumped storage plant"/>
2123 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A synchronous motor-driven pump, typically associated with a pumped storage plant"/>
2125 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2126 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/VolumeFlowRate" unsettable=
2127 <eAnnotations source=
2128 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping discharge under maximum head conditions, usually at full gate"/>
2130 <eAnnotations source=
2131 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping discharge under maximum head conditions, usually at full gate"/>
2133 </eStructuralFeatures>
2134 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2135 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HydroPowerPlant" eOpposite=
2136 <eAnnotations source=
2137 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water"/>
2139 <eAnnotations source=
2140 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water"/>
2142 </eStructuralFeatures>
2143 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2144 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/VolumeFlowRate" unsettable=
2145 <eAnnotations source=
2146 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping discharge under minimum head conditions, usually at full gate"/>
2148 <eAnnotations source=
2149 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping discharge under minimum head conditions, usually at full gate"/>
2151 </eStructuralFeatures>
2152 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2153 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
2154 <eAnnotations source=
2155 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping power under minimum head conditions, usually at full gate."/>
2157 <eAnnotations source=
2158 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping power under minimum head conditions, usually at full gate."/>
2160 </eStructuralFeatures>
2161 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2162 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HydroPumpOpSchedule" eOpposite=
2163 <eAnnotations source=
2164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump has a pumping schedule over time, indicating when pumping is to occur."/>
2166 <eAnnotations source=
2167 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump has a pumping schedule over time, indicating when pumping is to occur."/>
2169 </eStructuralFeatures>
2170 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2171 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
2172 <eAnnotations source=
2173 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping power under maximum head conditions, usually at full gate"/>
2175 <eAnnotations source=
2176 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The pumping power under maximum head conditions, usually at full gate"/>
2178 </eStructuralFeatures>
2179 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2180 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/SynchronousMachine" eOpposite=
2181 <eAnnotations source=
2182 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating."/>
2184 <eAnnotations source=
2185 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating."/>
2187 </eStructuralFeatures>
2189 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"InflowForecast" eSuperTypes=
2190 <eAnnotations source=
2191 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Natural water inflow to a reservoir, usually forecasted from predicted rain and snowmelt. Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days. The forecast is given in average cubic meters per second over the time increment."/>
2193 <eAnnotations source=
2194 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Natural water inflow to a reservoir, usually forecasted from predicted rain and snowmelt. Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days. The forecast is given in average cubic meters per second over the time increment."/>
2196 <eAnnotations source=
2197 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Natural water inflow to a reservoir, usually forecasted from predicted rain and snowmelt. Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days. The forecast is given in average cubic meters per second over the time increment."/>
2198 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Natural water inflow to a reservoir, usually forecasted from predicted rain and snowmelt. Typically in one hour increments for up to 10 days. The forecast is given in average cubic meters per second over the time increment."/>
2200 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Reservoir" eType=
2201 eOpposite=
2202 <eAnnotations source=
2203 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a "natural" inflow forecast."/>
2205 <eAnnotations source=
2206 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reservoir may have a "natural" inflow forecast."/>
2208 </eStructuralFeatures>
2210 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
2211 eSuperTypes=
2212 <eAnnotations source=
2213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit efficiency in percent and unit output active power for a given net head in meters. The relationship between efficiency, discharge, head, and power output is expressed as follows: E =KP/HQ
Where: (E=percentage) (P=active power) (H=height) (Q=volume/time unit) (K=constant)
For example, a curve instance for a given net head could relate efficiency (Y-axis) versus active power output (X-axis) or versus discharge on the X-axis."/>
2215 <eAnnotations source=
2216 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit efficiency in percent and unit output active power for a given net head in meters. The relationship between efficiency, discharge, head, and power output is expressed as follows: E =KP/HQ
Where: (E=percentage) (P=active power) (H=height) (Q=volume/time unit) (K=constant)
For example, a curve instance for a given net head could relate efficiency (Y-axis) versus active power output (X-axis) or versus discharge on the X-axis."/>
2218 <eAnnotations source=
2219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit efficiency in percent and unit output active power for a given net head in meters. The relationship between efficiency, discharge, head, and power output is expressed as follows: E =KP/HQ
Where: (E=percentage) (P=active power) (H=height) (Q=volume/time unit) (K=constant)
For example, a curve instance for a given net head could relate efficiency (Y-axis) versus active power output (X-axis) or versus discharge on the X-axis."/>
2220 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit efficiency in percent and unit output active power for a given net head in meters. The relationship between efficiency, discharge, head, and power output is expressed as follows: E =KP/HQ
Where: (E=percentage) (P=active power) (H=height) (Q=volume/time unit) (K=constant)
For example, a curve instance for a given net head could relate efficiency (Y-axis) versus active power output (X-axis) or versus discharge on the X-axis."/>
2222 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2223 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HydroGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
2224 <eAnnotations source=
2225 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has an efficiency curve"/>
2227 <eAnnotations source=
2228 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro generating unit has an efficiency curve"/>
2230 </eStructuralFeatures>
2232 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
2233 <eLiterals name=
2234 <eLiterals name=
"sulfurDioxide" value=
2235 <eLiterals name=
"hydrogenSulfide" value=
2236 <eLiterals name=
"chlorine" value=
2237 <eLiterals name=
"carbonDioxide" value=
2238 <eLiterals name=
"nitrogenOxide" value=
2240 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ShutdownCurve" eSuperTypes=
2241 <eAnnotations source=
2242 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit should be shutdown and its present gross MW output (X-axis)"/>
2244 <eAnnotations source=
2245 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit should be shutdown and its present gross MW output (X-axis)"/>
2247 <eAnnotations source=
2248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit should be shutdown and its present gross MW output (X-axis)"/>
2249 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the rate in gross active power/minute (Y-axis) at which a unit should be shutdown and its present gross MW output (X-axis)"/>
2251 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shutdownDate" eType=
2253 <eAnnotations source=
2254 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time of the most recent generating unit shutdown"/>
2256 <eAnnotations source=
2257 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time of the most recent generating unit shutdown"/>
2259 </eStructuralFeatures>
2260 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shutdownCost" eType=
2262 <eAnnotations source=
2263 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed shutdown cost"/>
2265 <eAnnotations source=
2266 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed shutdown cost"/>
2268 </eStructuralFeatures>
2269 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2270 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
2271 <eAnnotations source=
2272 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a shutdown curve"/>
2274 <eAnnotations source=
2275 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a shutdown curve"/>
2277 </eStructuralFeatures>
2279 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HydroPowerPlant" eSuperTypes=
2280 <eAnnotations source=
2281 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro power station which can generate or pump. When generating, the generator turbines receive there water from an upper reservoir. When pumping, the pumps receive their water from a lower reservoir."/>
2283 <eAnnotations source=
2284 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A hydro power station which can generate or pump. When generating, the generator turbines receive there water from an upper reservoir. When pumping, the pumps receive their water from a lower reservoir."/>
2286 <eAnnotations source=
2287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hydro power station which can generate or pump. When generating, the generator turbines receive there water from an upper reservoir. When pumping, the pumps receive their water from a lower reservoir."/>
2288 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A hydro power station which can generate or pump. When generating, the generator turbines receive there water from an upper reservoir. When pumping, the pumps receive their water from a lower reservoir."/>
2290 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"penstockType" eType=
2292 <eAnnotations source=
2293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type and configuration of hydro plant penstock(s)"/>
2295 <eAnnotations source=
2296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type and configuration of hydro plant penstock(s)"/>
2298 </eStructuralFeatures>
2299 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pumpRatedP" eType=
2301 <eAnnotations source=
2302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro plant's pumping rating active power for rated head conditions"/>
2304 <eAnnotations source=
2305 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro plant's pumping rating active power for rated head conditions"/>
2307 </eStructuralFeatures>
2308 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hydroPlantType" eType=
2310 <eAnnotations source=
2311 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of hydro power plant."/>
2313 <eAnnotations source=
2314 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of hydro power plant."/>
2316 </eStructuralFeatures>
2317 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2318 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/WaterLevel" unsettable=
2319 <eAnnotations source=
2320 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level at which the surge tank spills"/>
2322 <eAnnotations source=
2323 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level at which the surge tank spills"/>
2325 </eStructuralFeatures>
2326 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2327 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
2328 eOpposite=
2329 <eAnnotations source=
2330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant"/>
2332 <eAnnotations source=
2333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant"/>
2335 </eStructuralFeatures>
2336 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2337 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/Reservoir" eOpposite=
2338 <eAnnotations source=
2339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir"/>
2341 <eAnnotations source=
2342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir"/>
2344 </eStructuralFeatures>
2345 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2346 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
2347 <eAnnotations source=
2348 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water travel delay from tailbay to next downstream hydro power station"/>
2350 <eAnnotations source=
2351 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water travel delay from tailbay to next downstream hydro power station"/>
2353 </eStructuralFeatures>
2354 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Reservoir" eType=
2355 eOpposite=
2356 <eAnnotations source=
2357 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir"/>
2359 <eAnnotations source=
2360 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir"/>
2362 </eStructuralFeatures>
2363 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2364 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/VolumeFlowRate" unsettable=
2365 <eAnnotations source=
2366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total plant discharge capacity"/>
2368 <eAnnotations source=
2369 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total plant discharge capacity"/>
2371 </eStructuralFeatures>
2372 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"HydroPumps" upperBound=
2373 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HydroPump" eOpposite=
2374 <eAnnotations source=
2375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water"/>
2377 <eAnnotations source=
2378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water"/>
2380 </eStructuralFeatures>
2381 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"plantRatedHead" eType=
2383 <eAnnotations source=
2384 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The plant's rated gross head"/>
2386 <eAnnotations source=
2387 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The plant's rated gross head"/>
2389 </eStructuralFeatures>
2390 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"genRatedP" eType=
2392 <eAnnotations source=
2393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro plant's generating rating active power for rated head conditions"/>
2395 <eAnnotations source=
2396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydro plant's generating rating active power for rated head conditions"/>
2398 </eStructuralFeatures>
2399 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"surgeTankCode" eType=
2401 <eAnnotations source=
2402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code describing the type (or absence) of surge tank that is associated with the hydro power plant"/>
2404 <eAnnotations source=
2405 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code describing the type (or absence) of surge tank that is associated with the hydro power plant"/>
2407 </eStructuralFeatures>
2409 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CAESPlant" eSuperTypes=
2410 <eAnnotations source=
2411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2413 <eAnnotations source=
2414 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2416 <eAnnotations source=
2417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2418 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2420 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AirCompressor" eType=
2421 eOpposite=
2422 <eAnnotations source=
2423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An air compressor may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2425 <eAnnotations source=
2426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An air compressor may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2428 </eStructuralFeatures>
2429 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedCapacityP" eType=
2431 <eAnnotations source=
2432 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The CAES plant's gross rated generating capacity"/>
2434 <eAnnotations source=
2435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The CAES plant's gross rated generating capacity"/>
2437 </eStructuralFeatures>
2438 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2439 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
2440 <eAnnotations source=
2441 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2443 <eAnnotations source=
2444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2446 </eStructuralFeatures>
2447 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2448 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/RealEnergy" unsettable=
2449 <eAnnotations source=
2450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The rated energy storage capacity."/>
2452 <eAnnotations source=
2453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The rated energy storage capacity."/>
2455 </eStructuralFeatures>
2457 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AirCompressor" eSuperTypes=
2458 <eAnnotations source=
2459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Combustion turbine air compressor which is an integral part of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant"/>
2461 <eAnnotations source=
2462 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Combustion turbine air compressor which is an integral part of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant"/>
2464 <eAnnotations source=
2465 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Combustion turbine air compressor which is an integral part of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant"/>
2466 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Combustion turbine air compressor which is an integral part of a compressed air energy storage (CAES) plant"/>
2468 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2469 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2471 <eAnnotations source=
2472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of the CAES air compressor"/>
2474 <eAnnotations source=
2475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of the CAES air compressor"/>
2477 </eStructuralFeatures>
2478 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2479 eType=
2480 eOpposite=
2481 <eAnnotations source=
2482 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A CAES air compressor is driven by combustion turbine"/>
2484 <eAnnotations source=
2485 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A CAES air compressor is driven by combustion turbine"/>
2487 </eStructuralFeatures>
2488 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CAESPlant" eType=
2489 eOpposite=
2490 <eAnnotations source=
2491 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An air compressor may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2493 <eAnnotations source=
2494 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An air compressor may be a member of a compressed air energy storage plant"/>
2496 </eStructuralFeatures>
2498 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HeatInputCurve" eSuperTypes=
2499 <eAnnotations source=
2500 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat input in energy per time for main fuel (Y1-axis) and supplemental fuel (Y2-axis) versus unit output in active power (X-axis). The quantity of main fuel used to sustain generation at this output level is prorated for throttling between definition points. The quantity of supplemental fuel used at this output level is fixed and not prorated."/>
2502 <eAnnotations source=
2503 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat input in energy per time for main fuel (Y1-axis) and supplemental fuel (Y2-axis) versus unit output in active power (X-axis). The quantity of main fuel used to sustain generation at this output level is prorated for throttling between definition points. The quantity of supplemental fuel used at this output level is fixed and not prorated."/>
2505 <eAnnotations source=
2506 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat input in energy per time for main fuel (Y1-axis) and supplemental fuel (Y2-axis) versus unit output in active power (X-axis). The quantity of main fuel used to sustain generation at this output level is prorated for throttling between definition points. The quantity of supplemental fuel used at this output level is fixed and not prorated."/>
2507 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between unit heat input in energy per time for main fuel (Y1-axis) and supplemental fuel (Y2-axis) versus unit output in active power (X-axis). The quantity of main fuel used to sustain generation at this output level is prorated for throttling between definition points. The quantity of supplemental fuel used at this output level is fixed and not prorated."/>
2509 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isNetGrossP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
2511 <eAnnotations source=
2512 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
2514 <eAnnotations source=
2515 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag is set to true when output is expressed in net active power"/>
2517 </eStructuralFeatures>
2518 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"heatInputEff" eType=
2520 <eAnnotations source=
2521 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Heat input - efficiency multiplier adjustment factor."/>
2523 <eAnnotations source=
2524 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Heat input - efficiency multiplier adjustment factor."/>
2526 </eStructuralFeatures>
2527 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2528 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/HeatRate" unsettable=
2529 <eAnnotations source=
2530 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Heat input - offset adjustment factor."/>
2532 <eAnnotations source=
2533 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Heat input - offset adjustment factor."/>
2535 </eStructuralFeatures>
2536 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
2537 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/Production/ThermalGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
2538 <eAnnotations source=
2539 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat input curve"/>
2541 <eAnnotations source=
2542 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A thermal generating unit may have a heat input curve"/>
2544 </eStructuralFeatures>
2545 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"auxPowerOffset" eType=
2547 <eAnnotations source=
2548 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power output - auxiliary power offset adjustment factor"/>
2550 <eAnnotations source=
2551 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power output - auxiliary power offset adjustment factor"/>
2553 </eStructuralFeatures>
2554 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"auxPowerMult" eType=
2556 <eAnnotations source=
2557 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power output - auxiliary power multiplier adjustment factor."/>
2559 <eAnnotations source=
2560 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power output - auxiliary power multiplier adjustment factor."/>
2562 </eStructuralFeatures>
2564 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WindGeneratingUnit" eSuperTypes=
2565 <eAnnotations source=
2566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A wind driven generating unit."/>
2568 <eAnnotations source=
2569 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A wind driven generating unit."/>
2571 <eAnnotations source=
2572 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A wind driven generating unit."/>
2573 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A wind driven generating unit."/>
2576 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Classification" instanceClassName=
2577 <eAnnotations source=
2578 <details key=
"baseType" value=
2580 <eAnnotations source=
2581 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"1..n, with 1 the most detailed, highest priority, etc."/>
2583 <eAnnotations source=
2584 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"1..n, with 1 the most detailed, highest priority, etc."/>
2587 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"HeatRate" instanceClassName=
2588 <eAnnotations source=
2589 <details key=
"baseType" value=
2591 <eAnnotations source=
2592 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Heat generated, in energy pertime unit of elapsed time"/>
2594 <eAnnotations source=
2595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Heat generated, in energy pertime unit of elapsed time"/>
2598 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CostPerHeatUnit" instanceClassName=
2599 <eAnnotations source=
2600 <details key=
"baseType" value=
2602 <eAnnotations source=
2603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost, in units of currency, per quantity of heat generated"/>
2605 <eAnnotations source=
2606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost, in units of currency, per quantity of heat generated"/>
2609 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Emission" instanceClassName=
2610 <eAnnotations source=
2611 <details key=
"baseType" value=
2613 <eAnnotations source=
2614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of emission per fuel heat content"/>
2616 <eAnnotations source=
2617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of emission per fuel heat content"/>
2621 <eSubpackages name=
"GenerationDynamics" nsURI=
2622 nsPrefix=
2623 <eAnnotations source=
2624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Generation Dynamics package contains prime movers, such as turbines and boilers, which are needed for simulation and educational purposes."/>
2626 <eAnnotations source=
2627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Generation Dynamics package contains prime movers, such as turbines and boilers, which are needed for simulation and educational purposes."/>
2629 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BWRSteamSupply" eSuperTypes=
2630 <eAnnotations source=
2631 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Boiling water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
2633 <eAnnotations source=
2634 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Boiling water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
2636 <eAnnotations source=
2637 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Boiling water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
2638 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Boiling water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
2640 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowerLimit" eType=
2642 <eAnnotations source=
2643 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Initial Lower Limit"/>
2645 <eAnnotations source=
2646 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Initial Lower Limit"/>
2648 </eStructuralFeatures>
2649 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2650 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
2651 <eAnnotations source=
2652 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Setpoint Time Constant"/>
2654 <eAnnotations source=
2655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Setpoint Time Constant"/>
2657 </eStructuralFeatures>
2658 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2659 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
2660 <eAnnotations source=
2661 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Setpoint Time Constant"/>
2663 <eAnnotations source=
2664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Setpoint Time Constant"/>
2666 </eStructuralFeatures>
2667 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rodPattern" eType=
2669 <eAnnotations source=
2670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rod Pattern"/>
2672 <eAnnotations source=
2673 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rod Pattern"/>
2675 </eStructuralFeatures>
2676 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2677 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2679 <eAnnotations source=
2680 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Setpoint Gain Adjuster"/>
2682 <eAnnotations source=
2683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Setpoint Gain Adjuster"/>
2685 </eStructuralFeatures>
2686 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"upperLimit" eType=
2688 <eAnnotations source=
2689 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Initial Upper Limit"/>
2691 <eAnnotations source=
2692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Initial Upper Limit"/>
2694 </eStructuralFeatures>
2695 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pressureLimit" eType=
2697 <eAnnotations source=
2698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Limit"/>
2700 <eAnnotations source=
2701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Limit"/>
2703 </eStructuralFeatures>
2704 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux5" eType=
2706 <eAnnotations source=
2707 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2709 <eAnnotations source=
2710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2712 </eStructuralFeatures>
2713 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux6" eType=
2715 <eAnnotations source=
2716 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2718 <eAnnotations source=
2719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2721 </eStructuralFeatures>
2722 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux3" eType=
2724 <eAnnotations source=
2725 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2727 <eAnnotations source=
2728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2730 </eStructuralFeatures>
2731 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2732 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2734 <eAnnotations source=
2735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Constant Associated With Rod Pattern"/>
2737 <eAnnotations source=
2738 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Constant Associated With Rod Pattern"/>
2740 </eStructuralFeatures>
2741 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux4" eType=
2743 <eAnnotations source=
2744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2746 <eAnnotations source=
2747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2749 </eStructuralFeatures>
2750 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux7" eType=
2752 <eAnnotations source=
2753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2755 <eAnnotations source=
2756 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2758 </eStructuralFeatures>
2759 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux8" eType=
2761 <eAnnotations source=
2762 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2764 <eAnnotations source=
2765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2767 </eStructuralFeatures>
2768 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"highPowerLimit" eType=
2770 <eAnnotations source=
2771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High Power Limit"/>
2773 <eAnnotations source=
2774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High Power Limit"/>
2776 </eStructuralFeatures>
2777 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux1" eType=
2779 <eAnnotations source=
2780 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2782 <eAnnotations source=
2783 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2785 </eStructuralFeatures>
2786 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2787 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
2788 <eAnnotations source=
2789 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In-Core Thermal Time Constant"/>
2791 <eAnnotations source=
2792 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In-Core Thermal Time Constant"/>
2794 </eStructuralFeatures>
2795 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rfAux2" eType=
2797 <eAnnotations source=
2798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2800 <eAnnotations source=
2801 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coefficient for modeling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output."/>
2803 </eStructuralFeatures>
2804 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2805 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2807 <eAnnotations source=
2808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proportional Gain"/>
2810 <eAnnotations source=
2811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proportional Gain"/>
2813 </eStructuralFeatures>
2814 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowPowerLimit" eType=
2816 <eAnnotations source=
2817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low Power Limit"/>
2819 <eAnnotations source=
2820 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Low Power Limit"/>
2822 </eStructuralFeatures>
2823 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"integralGain" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2825 <eAnnotations source=
2826 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral Gain"/>
2828 <eAnnotations source=
2829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral Gain"/>
2831 </eStructuralFeatures>
2833 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HydroTurbine" eSuperTypes=
2834 <eAnnotations source=
2835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A water driven prime mover. Typical turbine types are: Francis, Kaplan, and Pelton."/>
2837 <eAnnotations source=
2838 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A water driven prime mover. Typical turbine types are: Francis, Kaplan, and Pelton."/>
2840 <eAnnotations source=
2841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A water driven prime mover. Typical turbine types are: Francis, Kaplan, and Pelton."/>
2842 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A water driven prime mover. Typical turbine types are: Francis, Kaplan, and Pelton."/>
2844 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxHeadMaxP" eType=
2846 <eAnnotations source=
2847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum efficiency active power at maximum head conditions"/>
2849 <eAnnotations source=
2850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum efficiency active power at maximum head conditions"/>
2852 </eStructuralFeatures>
2853 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minHeadMaxP" eType=
2855 <eAnnotations source=
2856 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum efficiency active power at minimum head conditions"/>
2858 <eAnnotations source=
2859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum efficiency active power at minimum head conditions"/>
2861 </eStructuralFeatures>
2862 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"turbineRating" eType=
2864 <eAnnotations source=
2865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated turbine active power"/>
2867 <eAnnotations source=
2868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated turbine active power"/>
2870 </eStructuralFeatures>
2871 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gateRateLimit" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2873 <eAnnotations source=
2874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate Rate Limit"/>
2876 <eAnnotations source=
2877 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate Rate Limit"/>
2879 </eStructuralFeatures>
2880 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"turbineType" eType=
2882 <eAnnotations source=
2883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of turbine."/>
2885 <eAnnotations source=
2886 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of turbine."/>
2888 </eStructuralFeatures>
2889 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gateUpperLimit" eType=
2891 <eAnnotations source=
2892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate Upper Limit"/>
2894 <eAnnotations source=
2895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gate Upper Limit"/>
2897 </eStructuralFeatures>
2898 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"speedRating" eType=
2900 <eAnnotations source=
2901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated speed in number of revolutions."/>
2903 <eAnnotations source=
2904 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated speed in number of revolutions."/>
2906 </eStructuralFeatures>
2907 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2908 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
2909 <eAnnotations source=
2910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed Regulation"/>
2912 <eAnnotations source=
2913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Speed Regulation"/>
2915 </eStructuralFeatures>
2916 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2917 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
2918 <eAnnotations source=
2919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient Droop Time Constant"/>
2921 <eAnnotations source=
2922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient Droop Time Constant"/>
2924 </eStructuralFeatures>
2925 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2926 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
2927 <eAnnotations source=
2928 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient Regulation"/>
2930 <eAnnotations source=
2931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transient Regulation"/>
2933 </eStructuralFeatures>
2934 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
2935 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
2936 <eAnnotations source=
2937 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water Starting Time"/>
2939 <eAnnotations source=
2940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water Starting Time"/>
2942 </eStructuralFeatures>
2944 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SteamTurbine" eSuperTypes=
2945 <eAnnotations source=
2946 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam turbine"/>
2948 <eAnnotations source=
2949 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Steam turbine"/>
2951 <eAnnotations source=
2952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam turbine"/>
2953 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Steam turbine"/>
2955 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft1PowerIP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2957 <eAnnotations source=
2958 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 Intermediate Pressure Turbine output"/>
2960 <eAnnotations source=
2961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 Intermediate Pressure Turbine output"/>
2963 </eStructuralFeatures>
2964 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft2PowerIP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2966 <eAnnotations source=
2967 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 Intermediate Pressure Turbine output"/>
2969 <eAnnotations source=
2970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 Intermediate Pressure Turbine output"/>
2972 </eStructuralFeatures>
2973 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"crossoverTC" eType=
2975 <eAnnotations source=
2976 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Crossover Time Constant"/>
2978 <eAnnotations source=
2979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Crossover Time Constant"/>
2981 </eStructuralFeatures>
2982 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SteamSupplys" upperBound=
2983 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/GenerationDynamics/SteamSupply" eOpposite=
2984 <eAnnotations source=
2985 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply"/>
2987 <eAnnotations source=
2988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply"/>
2990 </eStructuralFeatures>
2991 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft1PowerLP1" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
2993 <eAnnotations source=
2994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 First Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
2996 <eAnnotations source=
2997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 First Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
2999 </eStructuralFeatures>
3000 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft1PowerLP2" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3002 <eAnnotations source=
3003 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 Second Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
3005 <eAnnotations source=
3006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 Second Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
3008 </eStructuralFeatures>
3009 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reheater1TC" eType=
3011 <eAnnotations source=
3012 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First Reheater Time Constant"/>
3014 <eAnnotations source=
3015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First Reheater Time Constant"/>
3017 </eStructuralFeatures>
3018 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft2PowerLP1" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3020 <eAnnotations source=
3021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 First Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
3023 <eAnnotations source=
3024 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 First Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
3026 </eStructuralFeatures>
3027 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft2PowerLP2" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3029 <eAnnotations source=
3030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 Second Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
3032 <eAnnotations source=
3033 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 Second Low Pressure Turbine output"/>
3035 </eStructuralFeatures>
3036 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reheater2TC" eType=
3038 <eAnnotations source=
3039 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second Reheater Time Constant"/>
3041 <eAnnotations source=
3042 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second Reheater Time Constant"/>
3044 </eStructuralFeatures>
3045 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"steamChestTC" eType=
3047 <eAnnotations source=
3048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Chest Time Constant"/>
3050 <eAnnotations source=
3051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Chest Time Constant"/>
3053 </eStructuralFeatures>
3054 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft1PowerHP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3056 <eAnnotations source=
3057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 High Pressure Turbine output"/>
3059 <eAnnotations source=
3060 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 1 High Pressure Turbine output"/>
3062 </eStructuralFeatures>
3063 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shaft2PowerHP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3065 <eAnnotations source=
3066 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 High Pressure Turbine output"/>
3068 <eAnnotations source=
3069 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction Of Power From Shaft 2 High Pressure Turbine output"/>
3071 </eStructuralFeatures>
3073 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SteamSupply" eSuperTypes=
3074 <eAnnotations source=
3075 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam supply for steam turbine"/>
3077 <eAnnotations source=
3078 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Steam supply for steam turbine"/>
3080 <eAnnotations source=
3081 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam supply for steam turbine"/>
3082 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Steam supply for steam turbine"/>
3084 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3085 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3087 <eAnnotations source=
3088 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of steam supply"/>
3090 <eAnnotations source=
3091 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of steam supply"/>
3093 </eStructuralFeatures>
3094 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SteamTurbines" upperBound=
3095 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/GenerationDynamics/SteamTurbine" eOpposite=
3096 <eAnnotations source=
3097 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply"/>
3099 <eAnnotations source=
3100 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply"/>
3102 </eStructuralFeatures>
3104 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FossilSteamSupply" eSuperTypes=
3105 <eAnnotations source=
3106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fossil fueled boiler (e.g., coal, oil, gas)"/>
3108 <eAnnotations source=
3109 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Fossil fueled boiler (e.g., coal, oil, gas)"/>
3111 <eAnnotations source=
3112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fossil fueled boiler (e.g., coal, oil, gas)"/>
3113 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Fossil fueled boiler (e.g., coal, oil, gas)"/>
3115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3116 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3117 <eAnnotations source=
3118 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fuel Demand Limit"/>
3120 <eAnnotations source=
3121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fuel Demand Limit"/>
3123 </eStructuralFeatures>
3124 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3125 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3126 <eAnnotations source=
3127 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off nominal frequency effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit frequency variation."/>
3129 <eAnnotations source=
3130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off nominal frequency effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit frequency variation."/>
3132 </eStructuralFeatures>
3133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3134 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
3135 <eAnnotations source=
3136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mechanical Power Sensor Lag"/>
3138 <eAnnotations source=
3139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mechanical Power Sensor Lag"/>
3141 </eStructuralFeatures>
3142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pressureCtrlDG" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3144 <eAnnotations source=
3145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Derivative Gain ratio"/>
3147 <eAnnotations source=
3148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Derivative Gain ratio"/>
3150 </eStructuralFeatures>
3151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3152 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3153 <eAnnotations source=
3154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Throttle Pressure Setpoint"/>
3156 <eAnnotations source=
3157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Throttle Pressure Setpoint"/>
3159 </eStructuralFeatures>
3160 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"feedWaterPG" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3162 <eAnnotations source=
3163 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedwater Proportional Gain ratio"/>
3165 <eAnnotations source=
3166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedwater Proportional Gain ratio"/>
3168 </eStructuralFeatures>
3169 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"feedWaterTC" eType=
3171 <eAnnotations source=
3172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedwater Time Constant rato"/>
3174 <eAnnotations source=
3175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedwater Time Constant rato"/>
3177 </eStructuralFeatures>
3178 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"controlPC" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3180 <eAnnotations source=
3181 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proportional Constant"/>
3183 <eAnnotations source=
3184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proportional Constant"/>
3186 </eStructuralFeatures>
3187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3188 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
3189 <eAnnotations source=
3190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fuel Delay"/>
3192 <eAnnotations source=
3193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fuel Delay"/>
3195 </eStructuralFeatures>
3196 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"controlPED" eType=
3198 <eAnnotations source=
3199 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Error Deadband"/>
3201 <eAnnotations source=
3202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Error Deadband"/>
3204 </eStructuralFeatures>
3205 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"controlPEB" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3207 <eAnnotations source=
3208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Error Bias ratio"/>
3210 <eAnnotations source=
3211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Error Bias ratio"/>
3213 </eStructuralFeatures>
3214 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3215 eType=
3217 <eAnnotations source=
3218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control mode of the boiler"/>
3220 <eAnnotations source=
3221 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control mode of the boiler"/>
3223 </eStructuralFeatures>
3224 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"controlTC" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3226 <eAnnotations source=
3227 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time Constant"/>
3229 <eAnnotations source=
3230 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time Constant"/>
3232 </eStructuralFeatures>
3233 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minErrorRateP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3235 <eAnnotations source=
3236 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power Minimum Error Rate Limit"/>
3238 <eAnnotations source=
3239 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power Minimum Error Rate Limit"/>
3241 </eStructuralFeatures>
3242 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3243 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3245 <eAnnotations source=
3246 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Drum/Primary Superheater Capacity"/>
3248 <eAnnotations source=
3249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Drum/Primary Superheater Capacity"/>
3251 </eStructuralFeatures>
3252 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3253 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3255 <eAnnotations source=
3256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power Error Bias ratio"/>
3258 <eAnnotations source=
3259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power Error Bias ratio"/>
3261 </eStructuralFeatures>
3262 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pressureCtrlIG" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3264 <eAnnotations source=
3265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Integral Gain ratio"/>
3267 <eAnnotations source=
3268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Integral Gain ratio"/>
3270 </eStructuralFeatures>
3271 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"feedWaterIG" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3273 <eAnnotations source=
3274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedwater Integral Gain ratio"/>
3276 <eAnnotations source=
3277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedwater Integral Gain ratio"/>
3279 </eStructuralFeatures>
3280 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3281 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
3283 <eAnnotations source=
3284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Feedback Indicator"/>
3286 <eAnnotations source=
3287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Feedback Indicator"/>
3289 </eStructuralFeatures>
3290 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3291 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3292 <eAnnotations source=
3293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off nominal voltage effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit voltage variation."/>
3295 <eAnnotations source=
3296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off nominal voltage effect on auxiliary real power. Per unit active power variation versus per unit voltage variation."/>
3298 </eStructuralFeatures>
3299 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fuelSupplyTC" eType=
3301 <eAnnotations source=
3302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fuel Supply Time Constant"/>
3304 <eAnnotations source=
3305 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fuel Supply Time Constant"/>
3307 </eStructuralFeatures>
3308 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxErrorRateP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3310 <eAnnotations source=
3311 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power Maximum Error Rate Limit"/>
3313 <eAnnotations source=
3314 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power Maximum Error Rate Limit"/>
3316 </eStructuralFeatures>
3317 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3318 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3320 <eAnnotations source=
3321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Superheater Pipe Pressure Drop Constant"/>
3323 <eAnnotations source=
3324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Superheater Pipe Pressure Drop Constant"/>
3326 </eStructuralFeatures>
3327 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pressureCtrlPG" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3329 <eAnnotations source=
3330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Proportional Gain ratio"/>
3332 <eAnnotations source=
3333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Proportional Gain ratio"/>
3335 </eStructuralFeatures>
3336 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3337 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3339 <eAnnotations source=
3340 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Secondary Superheater Capacity"/>
3342 <eAnnotations source=
3343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Secondary Superheater Capacity"/>
3345 </eStructuralFeatures>
3346 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"controlIC" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3348 <eAnnotations source=
3349 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral Constant"/>
3351 <eAnnotations source=
3352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Integral Constant"/>
3354 </eStructuralFeatures>
3356 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Subcritical" eSuperTypes=
3357 <eAnnotations source=
3358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Once-through subcritical boiler"/>
3360 <eAnnotations source=
3361 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Once-through subcritical boiler"/>
3363 <eAnnotations source=
3364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Once-through subcritical boiler"/>
3365 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Once-through subcritical boiler"/>
3368 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PWRSteamSupply" eSuperTypes=
3369 <eAnnotations source=
3370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressurized water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
3372 <eAnnotations source=
3373 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pressurized water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
3375 <eAnnotations source=
3376 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressurized water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
3377 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pressurized water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine"/>
3379 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3380 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3381 <eAnnotations source=
3382 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Neutronics And Heat Transfer"/>
3384 <eAnnotations source=
3385 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Neutronics And Heat Transfer"/>
3387 </eStructuralFeatures>
3388 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"steamFlowFG" eType=
3390 <eAnnotations source=
3391 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Flow Feedback Gain"/>
3393 <eAnnotations source=
3394 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Flow Feedback Gain"/>
3396 </eStructuralFeatures>
3397 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3398 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3399 <eAnnotations source=
3400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hot Leg To Cold Leg Gain"/>
3402 <eAnnotations source=
3403 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hot Leg To Cold Leg Gain"/>
3405 </eStructuralFeatures>
3406 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3407 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3408 <eAnnotations source=
3409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Pressure Drop Lag Time Constant"/>
3411 <eAnnotations source=
3412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Pressure Drop Lag Time Constant"/>
3414 </eStructuralFeatures>
3415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreHTLagTC1" eType=
3417 <eAnnotations source=
3418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Heat Transfer Lag Time Constant"/>
3420 <eAnnotations source=
3421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Heat Transfer Lag Time Constant"/>
3423 </eStructuralFeatures>
3424 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreHTLagTC2" eType=
3426 <eAnnotations source=
3427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Heat Transfer Lag Time Constant"/>
3429 <eAnnotations source=
3430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Heat Transfer Lag Time Constant"/>
3432 </eStructuralFeatures>
3433 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hotLegLagTC" eType=
3435 <eAnnotations source=
3436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hot Leg Lag Time Constant"/>
3438 <eAnnotations source=
3439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hot Leg Lag Time Constant"/>
3441 </eStructuralFeatures>
3442 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3443 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3444 <eAnnotations source=
3445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Throttle Pressure Setpoint"/>
3447 <eAnnotations source=
3448 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Throttle Pressure Setpoint"/>
3450 </eStructuralFeatures>
3451 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3452 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3453 <eAnnotations source=
3454 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hot Leg Steam Gain"/>
3456 <eAnnotations source=
3457 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hot Leg Steam Gain"/>
3459 </eStructuralFeatures>
3460 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3461 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3462 <eAnnotations source=
3463 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Throttle Pressure Factor"/>
3465 <eAnnotations source=
3466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Throttle Pressure Factor"/>
3468 </eStructuralFeatures>
3469 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coldLegFBLagTC" eType=
3471 <eAnnotations source=
3472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Lag Time Constant"/>
3474 <eAnnotations source=
3475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Lag Time Constant"/>
3477 </eStructuralFeatures>
3478 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pressureCG" eType=
3480 <eAnnotations source=
3481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Gain"/>
3483 <eAnnotations source=
3484 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure Control Gain"/>
3486 </eStructuralFeatures>
3487 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3488 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3489 <eAnnotations source=
3490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Pressure Feedback Gain"/>
3492 <eAnnotations source=
3493 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Steam Pressure Feedback Gain"/>
3495 </eStructuralFeatures>
3496 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"feedbackFactor" eType=
3498 <eAnnotations source=
3499 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback Factor"/>
3501 <eAnnotations source=
3502 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Feedback Factor"/>
3504 </eStructuralFeatures>
3505 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3506 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3507 <eAnnotations source=
3508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Neutronics Effective Time Constant"/>
3510 <eAnnotations source=
3511 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core Neutronics Effective Time Constant"/>
3513 </eStructuralFeatures>
3514 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coldLegFG2" eType=
3516 <eAnnotations source=
3517 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Gain 2"/>
3519 <eAnnotations source=
3520 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Gain 2"/>
3522 </eStructuralFeatures>
3523 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coldLegFG1" eType=
3525 <eAnnotations source=
3526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Gain 1"/>
3528 <eAnnotations source=
3529 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Gain 1"/>
3531 </eStructuralFeatures>
3532 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coldLegLagTC" eType=
3534 <eAnnotations source=
3535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Lag Time Constant"/>
3537 <eAnnotations source=
3538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Lag Time Constant"/>
3540 </eStructuralFeatures>
3541 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3542 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3543 <eAnnotations source=
3544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Lead Time Constant"/>
3546 <eAnnotations source=
3547 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Lead Time Constant"/>
3549 </eStructuralFeatures>
3550 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3551 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3552 <eAnnotations source=
3553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Lead Time Constant"/>
3555 <eAnnotations source=
3556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cold Leg Feedback Lead Time Constant"/>
3558 </eStructuralFeatures>
3560 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
3561 <eLiterals name=
3562 <eLiterals name=
"kaplan" value=
3563 <eLiterals name=
"francis" value=
3565 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
3566 <eLiterals name=
3567 <eLiterals name=
"coordinated" value=
3569 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PrimeMover" eSuperTypes=
3570 <eAnnotations source=
3571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The machine used to develop mechanical energy used to drive a generator."/>
3573 <eAnnotations source=
3574 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The machine used to develop mechanical energy used to drive a generator."/>
3576 <eAnnotations source=
3577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The machine used to develop mechanical energy used to drive a generator."/>
3578 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The machine used to develop mechanical energy used to drive a generator."/>
3580 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3581 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/SynchronousMachine" eOpposite=
3582 <eAnnotations source=
3583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous machines this Prime mover drives."/>
3585 <eAnnotations source=
3586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous machines this Prime mover drives."/>
3588 </eStructuralFeatures>
3589 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3590 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3592 <eAnnotations source=
3593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of prime mover"/>
3595 <eAnnotations source=
3596 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of prime mover"/>
3598 </eStructuralFeatures>
3600 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CombustionTurbine" eSuperTypes=
3601 <eAnnotations source=
3602 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prime mover that is typically fueled by gas or light oil"/>
3604 <eAnnotations source=
3605 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A prime mover that is typically fueled by gas or light oil"/>
3607 <eAnnotations source=
3608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prime mover that is typically fueled by gas or light oil"/>
3609 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A prime mover that is typically fueled by gas or light oil"/>
3611 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3612 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3613 <eAnnotations source=
3614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off-nominal frequency effect on turbine capability. Per unit reduction in unit active power capability versus per unit reduction in frequency (from rated frequency)."/>
3616 <eAnnotations source=
3617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off-nominal frequency effect on turbine capability. Per unit reduction in unit active power capability versus per unit reduction in frequency (from rated frequency)."/>
3619 </eStructuralFeatures>
3620 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"referenceTemp" eType=
3622 <eAnnotations source=
3623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference temperature at which the output of the turbine was defined."/>
3625 <eAnnotations source=
3626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference temperature at which the output of the turbine was defined."/>
3628 </eStructuralFeatures>
3629 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3630 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3631 <eAnnotations source=
3632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off-nominal frequency effect on turbine auxiliaries. Per unit reduction in auxiliary active power consumption versus per unit reduction in frequency (from rated frequency)."/>
3634 <eAnnotations source=
3635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off-nominal frequency effect on turbine auxiliaries. Per unit reduction in auxiliary active power consumption versus per unit reduction in frequency (from rated frequency)."/>
3637 </eStructuralFeatures>
3638 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3639 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3640 <eAnnotations source=
3641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Per unit change in power per (versus) unit change in ambient temperature"/>
3643 <eAnnotations source=
3644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Per unit change in power per (versus) unit change in ambient temperature"/>
3646 </eStructuralFeatures>
3647 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3648 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
3649 <eAnnotations source=
3650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off-nominal voltage effect on turbine auxiliaries. Per unit reduction in auxiliary active power consumption versus per unit reduction in auxiliary bus voltage (from a specified voltage level)."/>
3652 <eAnnotations source=
3653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Off-nominal voltage effect on turbine auxiliaries. Per unit reduction in auxiliary active power consumption versus per unit reduction in auxiliary bus voltage (from a specified voltage level)."/>
3655 </eStructuralFeatures>
3656 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeConstant" eType=
3658 <eAnnotations source=
3659 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time constant for the turbine."/>
3661 <eAnnotations source=
3662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time constant for the turbine."/>
3664 </eStructuralFeatures>
3665 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3666 eType=
3667 eOpposite=
3668 <eAnnotations source=
3669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have a heat recovery boiler for making steam"/>
3671 <eAnnotations source=
3672 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have a heat recovery boiler for making steam"/>
3674 </eStructuralFeatures>
3675 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3676 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
3678 <eAnnotations source=
3679 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag that is set to true if the combustion turbine is associated with a heat recovery boiler"/>
3681 <eAnnotations source=
3682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Flag that is set to true if the combustion turbine is associated with a heat recovery boiler"/>
3684 </eStructuralFeatures>
3685 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AirCompressor" eType=
3686 eOpposite=
3687 <eAnnotations source=
3688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A CAES air compressor is driven by combustion turbine"/>
3690 <eAnnotations source=
3691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A CAES air compressor is driven by combustion turbine"/>
3693 </eStructuralFeatures>
3694 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3695 eType=
3696 eOpposite=
3697 <eAnnotations source=
3698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have an active power versus ambient temperature relationship"/>
3700 <eAnnotations source=
3701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have an active power versus ambient temperature relationship"/>
3703 </eStructuralFeatures>
3704 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ambientTemp" eType=
3706 <eAnnotations source=
3707 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Default ambient temperature to be used in modeling applications"/>
3709 <eAnnotations source=
3710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Default ambient temperature to be used in modeling applications"/>
3712 </eStructuralFeatures>
3714 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"HeatRecoveryBoiler" eSuperTypes=
3715 <eAnnotations source=
3716 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The heat recovery system associated with combustion turbines in order to produce steam for combined cycle plants"/>
3718 <eAnnotations source=
3719 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The heat recovery system associated with combustion turbines in order to produce steam for combined cycle plants"/>
3721 <eAnnotations source=
3722 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The heat recovery system associated with combustion turbines in order to produce steam for combined cycle plants"/>
3723 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The heat recovery system associated with combustion turbines in order to produce steam for combined cycle plants"/>
3725 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3726 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
3727 eOpposite=
3728 <eAnnotations source=
3729 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have a heat recovery boiler for making steam"/>
3731 <eAnnotations source=
3732 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have a heat recovery boiler for making steam"/>
3734 </eStructuralFeatures>
3735 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3736 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3738 <eAnnotations source=
3739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The steam supply rating in kilopounds per hour, if dual pressure boiler"/>
3741 <eAnnotations source=
3742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The steam supply rating in kilopounds per hour, if dual pressure boiler"/>
3744 </eStructuralFeatures>
3746 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Supercritical" eSuperTypes=
3747 <eAnnotations source=
3748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Once-through supercritical boiler"/>
3750 <eAnnotations source=
3751 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Once-through supercritical boiler"/>
3753 <eAnnotations source=
3754 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Once-through supercritical boiler"/>
3755 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Once-through supercritical boiler"/>
3758 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DrumBoiler" eSuperTypes=
3759 <eAnnotations source=
3760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Drum boiler"/>
3762 <eAnnotations source=
3763 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Drum boiler"/>
3765 <eAnnotations source=
3766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Drum boiler"/>
3767 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Drum boiler"/>
3769 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3770 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
3772 <eAnnotations source=
3773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of drum boiler in steam units"/>
3775 <eAnnotations source=
3776 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rating of drum boiler in steam units"/>
3778 </eStructuralFeatures>
3780 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CTTempActivePowerCurve" eSuperTypes=
3781 <eAnnotations source=
3782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the combustion turbine's power output rating in gross active power (X-axis) and the ambient air temperature (Y-axis)"/>
3784 <eAnnotations source=
3785 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the combustion turbine's power output rating in gross active power (X-axis) and the ambient air temperature (Y-axis)"/>
3787 <eAnnotations source=
3788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship between the combustion turbine's power output rating in gross active power (X-axis) and the ambient air temperature (Y-axis)"/>
3789 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship between the combustion turbine's power output rating in gross active power (X-axis) and the ambient air temperature (Y-axis)"/>
3791 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3792 eType=
3793 eOpposite=
3794 <eAnnotations source=
3795 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have an active power versus ambient temperature relationship"/>
3797 <eAnnotations source=
3798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A combustion turbine may have an active power versus ambient temperature relationship"/>
3800 </eStructuralFeatures>
3804 <eSubpackages name=
"Informative" nsURI=
3805 nsPrefix=
3806 <eAnnotations source=
3807 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains functions common for distribution management.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"Locations are logical entities which are related to a geographical position. Locations can be defined as points, lines or polygons. Location serves as a parent class for e.g. Zone, WorkLocation or ServiceLocation.
Both Assets and PowerSystemResources are typically associated to a location. Aside from coordinates, useful properties of Locations can include Directions (i.e. driving instructions) and relationships to Organizations.
ActivityRecord is a generalized class used to track the history of an object (e.g. Asset, PowerSystemResource, Customer, Location, Organisation or ErpContact). An ActivityRecord is a type of Document. Key properties of an ActivityRecord include statusDate, status, statusReason and remarks. TODO: Update attribute names.
The graphical and geographical aspects of Assets, Locations and PowerSystemResources are managed using Graphical Markup Language (GML), which was defined by the Open GIS Consortium. Using GML, a diagram is a collection of presentation objects. This package defines the classes Diagram and Presentation. TODO: These are now under Common package.""/>
3809 <eAnnotations source=
3810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains functions common for distribution management.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"Locations are logical entities which are related to a geographical position. Locations can be defined as points, lines or polygons. Location serves as a parent class for e.g. Zone, WorkLocation or ServiceLocation.
Both Assets and PowerSystemResources are typically associated to a location. Aside from coordinates, useful properties of Locations can include Directions (i.e. driving instructions) and relationships to Organizations.
ActivityRecord is a generalized class used to track the history of an object (e.g. Asset, PowerSystemResource, Customer, Location, Organisation or ErpContact). An ActivityRecord is a type of Document. Key properties of an ActivityRecord include statusDate, status, statusReason and remarks. TODO: Update attribute names.
The graphical and geographical aspects of Assets, Locations and PowerSystemResources are managed using Graphical Markup Language (GML), which was defined by the Open GIS Consortium. Using GML, a diagram is a collection of presentation objects. This package defines the classes Diagram and Presentation. TODO: These are now under Common package.""/>
3812 <eSubpackages name=
"InfWork" nsURI=
3813 nsPrefix=
3814 <eAnnotations source=
3815 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package covers all types of work, including inspection, maintenance, repair, restoration, and construction. It covers the full life cycle including request, initiate, track and record work. Standardized designs (compatible units) are used where possible.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"The Work package is used to define classes related to work. There are several different aspects of work.
The Work Initiation (Work, Project, Request).
The Work Design package is used for managing designs (CompatibleUnit, Design, DesignLocation, WorkTask).
The Work Schedule package is used for the scheduling and coordination of work (AccessPermit, MaterialItem, OneCallRequest, Regulation).
The Work Closing package is used for tracking costs of work (CostType, LaborItem, WorkCostDetail, VehicleItem).
The Work Standards package is used for the definition of compatible units (CULaborItem, CUVehicleItem, CUGroup).
This package is used for inspection and maintenance (InspectionDataSet, Procedure).
The WorkService package defines Appointment class.""/>
3817 <eAnnotations source=
3818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package covers all types of work, including inspection, maintenance, repair, restoration, and construction. It covers the full life cycle including request, initiate, track and record work. Standardized designs (compatible units) are used where possible.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"The Work package is used to define classes related to work. There are several different aspects of work.
The Work Initiation (Work, Project, Request).
The Work Design package is used for managing designs (CompatibleUnit, Design, DesignLocation, WorkTask).
The Work Schedule package is used for the scheduling and coordination of work (AccessPermit, MaterialItem, OneCallRequest, Regulation).
The Work Closing package is used for tracking costs of work (CostType, LaborItem, WorkCostDetail, VehicleItem).
The Work Standards package is used for the definition of compatible units (CULaborItem, CUVehicleItem, CUGroup).
This package is used for inspection and maintenance (InspectionDataSet, Procedure).
The WorkService package defines Appointment class.""/>
3820 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EquipmentItem" eSuperTypes=
3821 <eAnnotations source=
3822 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An equipment item, such as a vehicle, used for a work order."/>
3824 <eAnnotations source=
3825 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An equipment item, such as a vehicle, used for a work order."/>
3827 <eAnnotations source=
3828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An equipment item, such as a vehicle, used for a work order."/>
3829 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An equipment item, such as a vehicle, used for a work order."/>
3831 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
3832 eOpposite=
3833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
3835 <eAnnotations source=
3836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for type of vehicle."/>
3838 <eAnnotations source=
3839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for type of vehicle."/>
3841 </eStructuralFeatures>
3842 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkCostDetail" eType=
3843 eOpposite=
3844 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cost" eType=
3846 <eAnnotations source=
3847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost for vehicle usage."/>
3849 <eAnnotations source=
3850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost for vehicle usage."/>
3852 </eStructuralFeatures>
3853 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
3854 containment=
3856 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Appointment" eSuperTypes=
3857 <eAnnotations source=
3858 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meeting time and location."/>
3860 <eAnnotations source=
3861 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Meeting time and location."/>
3863 <eAnnotations source=
3864 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meeting time and location."/>
3865 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Meeting time and location."/>
3867 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"callAhead" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
3869 <eAnnotations source=
3870 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if requested to call customer when someone is about to arrive at their premises."/>
3872 <eAnnotations source=
3873 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if requested to call customer when someone is about to arrive at their premises."/>
3875 </eStructuralFeatures>
3876 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"address" eType=
3878 <eAnnotations source=
3879 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Address for appointment."/>
3881 <eAnnotations source=
3882 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Address for appointment."/>
3884 </eStructuralFeatures>
3885 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
3886 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
3887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remark" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
3889 <eAnnotations source=
3890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about the appointment."/>
3892 <eAnnotations source=
3893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about the appointment."/>
3895 </eStructuralFeatures>
3896 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3897 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
3898 <eAnnotations source=
3899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time reserved for appointment."/>
3901 <eAnnotations source=
3902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time reserved for appointment."/>
3904 </eStructuralFeatures>
3905 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CallBack" eType=
3906 eOpposite=
3908 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkStatusEntry" eSuperTypes=
3909 <eAnnotations source=
3910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of ActivityRecord that records information about the status of an item, such as a Work or WorkTask, at a point in time."/>
3912 <eAnnotations source=
3913 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of ActivityRecord that records information about the status of an item, such as a Work or WorkTask, at a point in time."/>
3915 <eAnnotations source=
3916 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of ActivityRecord that records information about the status of an item, such as a Work or WorkTask, at a point in time."/>
3917 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of ActivityRecord that records information about the status of an item, such as a Work or WorkTask, at a point in time."/>
3919 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
3920 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PerCent" unsettable=
3921 <eAnnotations source=
3922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated percentage of completion of this individual work task or overall work order."/>
3924 <eAnnotations source=
3925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated percentage of completion of this individual work task or overall work order."/>
3927 </eStructuralFeatures>
3929 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BusinessCase" eSuperTypes=
3930 <eAnnotations source=
3931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Business justification for capital expenditures, usually addressing operations and maintenance costs as well."/>
3933 <eAnnotations source=
3934 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Business justification for capital expenditures, usually addressing operations and maintenance costs as well."/>
3936 <eAnnotations source=
3937 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Business justification for capital expenditures, usually addressing operations and maintenance costs as well."/>
3938 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Business justification for capital expenditures, usually addressing operations and maintenance costs as well."/>
3940 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Projects" upperBound=
3941 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Project" eOpposite=
3942 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Works" upperBound=
3943 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Work/Work" eOpposite=
3944 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"corporateCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
3946 <eAnnotations source=
3947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A codified representation of the business case (i.e., codes for highway relocation, replace substation transformers, etc.)."/>
3949 <eAnnotations source=
3950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A codified representation of the business case (i.e., codes for highway relocation, replace substation transformers, etc.)."/>
3952 </eStructuralFeatures>
3954 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TypeMaterial" eSuperTypes=
3955 <eAnnotations source=
3956 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation for a generic material item that may be used for design, work and other purposes. Any number of MaterialItems manufactured by various vendors may be used to perform this TypeMaterial.
Note that class analagous to "AssetModel" is not used for material items. This is because in some cases, for example, a utility sets up a Master material record for a 3 inch long half inch diameter steel bolt and they do not necessarily care what specific supplier is providing the material item. As different vendors are used to supply the part, the Stock Code of the material item can stay the same. In other cases, each time the vendor changes, a new stock code is set up so they can track material used by vendor. Therefore a Material Item "Model" is not typically needed."/>
3958 <eAnnotations source=
3959 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation for a generic material item that may be used for design, work and other purposes. Any number of MaterialItems manufactured by various vendors may be used to perform this TypeMaterial.
Note that class analagous to "AssetModel" is not used for material items. This is because in some cases, for example, a utility sets up a Master material record for a 3 inch long half inch diameter steel bolt and they do not necessarily care what specific supplier is providing the material item. As different vendors are used to supply the part, the Stock Code of the material item can stay the same. In other cases, each time the vendor changes, a new stock code is set up so they can track material used by vendor. Therefore a Material Item "Model" is not typically needed."/>
3961 <eAnnotations source=
3962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation for a generic material item that may be used for design, work and other purposes. Any number of MaterialItems manufactured by various vendors may be used to perform this TypeMaterial.
Note that class analagous to "AssetModel" is not used for material items. This is because in some cases, for example, a utility sets up a Master material record for a 3 inch long half inch diameter steel bolt and they do not necessarily care what specific supplier is providing the material item. As different vendors are used to supply the part, the Stock Code of the material item can stay the same. In other cases, each time the vendor changes, a new stock code is set up so they can track material used by vendor. Therefore a Material Item "Model" is not typically needed."/>
3963 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation for a generic material item that may be used for design, work and other purposes. Any number of MaterialItems manufactured by various vendors may be used to perform this TypeMaterial.
Note that class analagous to "AssetModel" is not used for material items. This is because in some cases, for example, a utility sets up a Master material record for a 3 inch long half inch diameter steel bolt and they do not necessarily care what specific supplier is providing the material item. As different vendors are used to supply the part, the Stock Code of the material item can stay the same. In other cases, each time the vendor changes, a new stock code is set up so they can track material used by vendor. Therefore a Material Item "Model" is not typically needed."/>
3965 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"stockItem" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
3967 <eAnnotations source=
3968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if item is a stock item (default)."/>
3970 <eAnnotations source=
3971 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if item is a stock item (default)."/>
3973 </eStructuralFeatures>
3974 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3975 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
3976 eOpposite=
3977 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"costType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
3979 <eAnnotations source=
3980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of cost to which this Material Item belongs."/>
3982 <eAnnotations source=
3983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of cost to which this Material Item belongs."/>
3985 </eStructuralFeatures>
3986 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItems" upperBound=
3987 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MaterialItem" eOpposite=
3988 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3989 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
3990 eOpposite=
3991 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
3992 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
3993 eOpposite=
3994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
3996 <eAnnotations source=
3997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value, unit of measure, and multiplier for the quantity."/>
3999 <eAnnotations source=
4000 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value, unit of measure, and multiplier for the quantity."/>
4002 </eStructuralFeatures>
4003 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"estUnitCost" eType=
4005 <eAnnotations source=
4006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The estimated unit cost of this type of material, either for a unit cost or cost per unit length. Cost is for material or asset only and does not include labor to install/construct or configure it."/>
4008 <eAnnotations source=
4009 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The estimated unit cost of this type of material, either for a unit cost or cost per unit length. Cost is for material or asset only and does not include labor to install/construct or configure it."/>
4011 </eStructuralFeatures>
4013 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DesignLocation" eSuperTypes=
4014 <eAnnotations source=
4015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A logical part of the design (e.g., pole and all equipment on a pole). This includes points and spans."/>
4017 <eAnnotations source=
4018 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A logical part of the design (e.g., pole and all equipment on a pole). This includes points and spans."/>
4020 <eAnnotations source=
4021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A logical part of the design (e.g., pole and all equipment on a pole). This includes points and spans."/>
4022 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A logical part of the design (e.g., pole and all equipment on a pole). This includes points and spans."/>
4024 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4025 containment=
4026 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItems" upperBound=
4027 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MaterialItem" eOpposite=
4028 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Designs" upperBound=
4029 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Design" eOpposite=
4030 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4031 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4032 eOpposite=
4033 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkLocations" upperBound=
4034 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkLocation" eOpposite=
4035 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Diagrams" upperBound=
4036 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/Diagram" eOpposite=
4037 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MiscCostItems" upperBound=
4038 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MiscCostItem" eOpposite=
4039 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4040 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4041 eOpposite=
4042 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"spanLength" eType=
4044 <eAnnotations source=
4045 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The legth of the span from the previous pole to this pole."/>
4047 <eAnnotations source=
4048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The legth of the span from the previous pole to this pole."/>
4050 </eStructuralFeatures>
4051 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4052 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4053 eOpposite=
4055 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OverheadCost" eSuperTypes=
4056 <eAnnotations source=
4057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overhead cost applied to work order."/>
4059 <eAnnotations source=
4060 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Overhead cost applied to work order."/>
4062 <eAnnotations source=
4063 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overhead cost applied to work order."/>
4064 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Overhead cost applied to work order."/>
4066 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4068 <eAnnotations source=
4069 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overhead code."/>
4071 <eAnnotations source=
4072 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overhead code."/>
4074 </eStructuralFeatures>
4075 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cost" eType=
4077 <eAnnotations source=
4078 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The overhead cost to be applied."/>
4080 <eAnnotations source=
4081 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The overhead cost to be applied."/>
4083 </eStructuralFeatures>
4084 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4085 containment=
4086 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4087 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4088 eOpposite=
4089 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
4090 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
4092 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Crew" eSuperTypes=
4093 <eAnnotations source=
4094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A crew is a group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles."/>
4096 <eAnnotations source=
4097 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A crew is a group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles."/>
4099 <eAnnotations source=
4100 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A crew is a group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles."/>
4101 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A crew is a group of people with specific skills, tools, and vehicles."/>
4103 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Tools" upperBound=
4104 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Tool" eOpposite=
4105 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4106 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4107 eOpposite=
4108 <eAnnotations source=
4109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All SwitchingSchedules executed by this Crew."/>
4111 <eAnnotations source=
4112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All SwitchingSchedules executed by this Crew."/>
4114 </eStructuralFeatures>
4115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Route" eType=
4116 eOpposite=
4117 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Capabilities" upperBound=
4118 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Capability" eOpposite=
4119 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CrewMembers" upperBound=
4120 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
4121 <eAnnotations source=
4122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All ErpPersons that are members of this Crew."/>
4124 <eAnnotations source=
4125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All ErpPersons that are members of this Crew."/>
4127 </eStructuralFeatures>
4128 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageSteps" upperBound=
4129 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageStep" eOpposite=
4130 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4131 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4132 eOpposite=
4133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assignments" upperBound=
4134 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Assignment" eOpposite=
4135 <eAnnotations source=
4136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Assignments for this Crew."/>
4138 <eAnnotations source=
4139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Assignments for this Crew."/>
4141 </eStructuralFeatures>
4142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4144 <eAnnotations source=
4145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work management standards and practices."/>
4147 <eAnnotations source=
4148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work management standards and practices."/>
4150 </eStructuralFeatures>
4151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
4152 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
4153 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
4154 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
4155 <eAnnotations source=
4156 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All WorkTasks this Crew participates in."/>
4158 <eAnnotations source=
4159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All WorkTasks this Crew participates in."/>
4161 </eStructuralFeatures>
4162 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Organisations" upperBound=
4163 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
4164 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ShiftPatterns" upperBound=
4165 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/ShiftPattern" eOpposite=
4166 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Vehicles" upperBound=
4167 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Vehicle" eOpposite=
4169 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DiagnosisDataSet" eSuperTypes=
4170 <eAnnotations source=
4171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The result of a problem (typically an asset failure) diagnosis."/>
4173 <eAnnotations source=
4174 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The result of a problem (typically an asset failure) diagnosis."/>
4176 <eAnnotations source=
4177 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The result of a problem (typically an asset failure) diagnosis."/>
4178 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The result of a problem (typically an asset failure) diagnosis."/>
4180 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"finalCause" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4182 <eAnnotations source=
4183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cause of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4185 <eAnnotations source=
4186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cause of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4188 </eStructuralFeatures>
4189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"finalRemark" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4191 <eAnnotations source=
4192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks pertaining to findings during problem diagnosis."/>
4194 <eAnnotations source=
4195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks pertaining to findings during problem diagnosis."/>
4197 </eStructuralFeatures>
4198 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCode" eType=
4200 <eAnnotations source=
4201 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase(s) diagnosed."/>
4203 <eAnnotations source=
4204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase(s) diagnosed."/>
4206 </eStructuralFeatures>
4207 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4208 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
4209 <eAnnotations source=
4210 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time preliminary assessment of problem was performed."/>
4212 <eAnnotations source=
4213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time preliminary assessment of problem was performed."/>
4215 </eStructuralFeatures>
4216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4217 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4219 <eAnnotations source=
4220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for problem category determined during preliminary assessment."/>
4222 <eAnnotations source=
4223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for problem category determined during preliminary assessment."/>
4225 </eStructuralFeatures>
4226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rootRemark" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4228 <eAnnotations source=
4229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks pertaining to root cause findings during problem diagnosis."/>
4231 <eAnnotations source=
4232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks pertaining to root cause findings during problem diagnosis."/>
4234 </eStructuralFeatures>
4235 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rootCause" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4237 <eAnnotations source=
4238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Root cause of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4240 <eAnnotations source=
4241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Root cause of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4243 </eStructuralFeatures>
4244 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4245 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4247 <eAnnotations source=
4248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks pertaining to preliminary assessment of problem."/>
4250 <eAnnotations source=
4251 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks pertaining to preliminary assessment of problem."/>
4253 </eStructuralFeatures>
4254 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"effect" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4256 <eAnnotations source=
4257 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Effect of problem."/>
4259 <eAnnotations source=
4260 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Effect of problem."/>
4262 </eStructuralFeatures>
4263 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"finalOrigin" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4265 <eAnnotations source=
4266 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Origin of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4268 <eAnnotations source=
4269 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Origin of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4271 </eStructuralFeatures>
4272 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"finalCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4274 <eAnnotations source=
4275 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for diagnosed probem category."/>
4277 <eAnnotations source=
4278 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for diagnosed probem category."/>
4280 </eStructuralFeatures>
4281 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rootOrigin" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4283 <eAnnotations source=
4284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Root origin of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4286 <eAnnotations source=
4287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Root origin of problem determined during diagnosis."/>
4289 </eStructuralFeatures>
4290 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"failureMode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4292 <eAnnotations source=
4293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Failuer mode, for example: Failure to Insulate; Failure to conduct; Failure to contain oil; Failure to provide ground plane; Other."/>
4295 <eAnnotations source=
4296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Failuer mode, for example: Failure to Insulate; Failure to conduct; Failure to contain oil; Failure to provide ground plane; Other."/>
4298 </eStructuralFeatures>
4300 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CUAsset" eSuperTypes=
4301 <eAnnotations source=
4302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of assets such as transformers switches, substation fences, poles, etc.."/>
4304 <eAnnotations source=
4305 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of assets such as transformers switches, substation fences, poles, etc.."/>
4307 <eAnnotations source=
4308 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of assets such as transformers switches, substation fences, poles, etc.."/>
4309 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of assets such as transformers switches, substation fences, poles, etc.."/>
4311 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4312 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4313 eOpposite=
4314 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeAsset" eType=
4315 eOpposite=
4316 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
4318 <eAnnotations source=
4319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of the type asset within the CU."/>
4321 <eAnnotations source=
4322 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of the type asset within the CU."/>
4324 </eStructuralFeatures>
4325 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"typeAssetCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4327 <eAnnotations source=
4328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The code for this type of asset."/>
4330 <eAnnotations source=
4331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The code for this type of asset."/>
4333 </eStructuralFeatures>
4334 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4335 containment=
4337 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Request" eSuperTypes=
4338 <eAnnotations source=
4339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A request for work, service or project."/>
4341 <eAnnotations source=
4342 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A request for work, service or project."/>
4344 <eAnnotations source=
4345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A request for work, service or project."/>
4346 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A request for work, service or project."/>
4348 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4349 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpQuoteLineItem" eOpposite=
4350 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Projects" upperBound=
4351 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Project" eOpposite=
4352 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"actionNeeded" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4354 <eAnnotations source=
4355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Based on the current 'Status.status', the action that is needed before this Request can transition to the desired state, such as initiating the requested Work. For example, missing or additionally needed information may be required from the requesting organisation before a work Design may be created."/>
4357 <eAnnotations source=
4358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Based on the current 'Status.status', the action that is needed before this Request can transition to the desired state, such as initiating the requested Work. For example, missing or additionally needed information may be required from the requesting organisation before a work Design may be created."/>
4360 </eStructuralFeatures>
4361 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"priority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4363 <eAnnotations source=
4364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The priority of this request."/>
4366 <eAnnotations source=
4367 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The priority of this request."/>
4369 </eStructuralFeatures>
4370 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"corporateCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4372 <eAnnotations source=
4373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The corporate code for this request."/>
4375 <eAnnotations source=
4376 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The corporate code for this request."/>
4378 </eStructuralFeatures>
4379 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Organisation" eType=
4380 eOpposite=
4381 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Works" upperBound=
4382 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Work/Work" eOpposite=
4384 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Design" eSuperTypes=
4385 <eAnnotations source=
4386 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A design for consideration by customers, potential customers, or internal work.
Note that the Version of design is the revision attribute that is inherited from Document."/>
4388 <eAnnotations source=
4389 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A design for consideration by customers, potential customers, or internal work.
Note that the Version of design is the revision attribute that is inherited from Document."/>
4391 <eAnnotations source=
4392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A design for consideration by customers, potential customers, or internal work.
Note that the Version of design is the revision attribute that is inherited from Document."/>
4393 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A design for consideration by customers, potential customers, or internal work.
Note that the Version of design is the revision attribute that is inherited from Document."/>
4395 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4396 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4397 eOpposite=
4398 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4399 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4400 eOpposite=
4401 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"costEstimate" eType=
4403 <eAnnotations source=
4404 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated cost (not price) of design."/>
4406 <eAnnotations source=
4407 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated cost (not price) of design."/>
4409 </eStructuralFeatures>
4410 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4411 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4412 eOpposite=
4413 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
4414 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
4415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpBOMs" upperBound=
4416 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpBOM" eOpposite=
4417 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
4419 <eAnnotations source=
4420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this design."/>
4422 <eAnnotations source=
4423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this design."/>
4425 </eStructuralFeatures>
4426 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Work" eType=
4427 eOpposite=
4428 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4429 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4430 eOpposite=
4431 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4432 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpQuoteLineItem" eOpposite=
4433 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"price" eType=
4435 <eAnnotations source=
4436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Price to customer for implementing design."/>
4438 <eAnnotations source=
4439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Price to customer for implementing design."/>
4441 </eStructuralFeatures>
4443 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkTask" eSuperTypes=
4444 <eAnnotations source=
4445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of tasks is required to implement a design."/>
4447 <eAnnotations source=
4448 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of tasks is required to implement a design."/>
4450 <eAnnotations source=
4451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of tasks is required to implement a design."/>
4452 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of tasks is required to implement a design."/>
4454 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EquipmentItems" upperBound=
4455 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/EquipmentItem" eOpposite=
4456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Usages" upperBound=
4457 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Usage" eOpposite=
4458 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MiscCostItems" upperBound=
4459 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MiscCostItem" eOpposite=
4460 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
4461 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
4462 <eAnnotations source=
4463 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews participating in this WorkTask."/>
4465 <eAnnotations source=
4466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews participating in this WorkTask."/>
4468 </eStructuralFeatures>
4469 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Work" eType=
4470 eOpposite=
4471 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OverheadCost" eType=
4472 eOpposite=
4473 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4474 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4475 eOpposite=
4476 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4477 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4478 eOpposite=
4479 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4480 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4481 eOpposite=
4482 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkFlowStep" eType=
4483 eOpposite=
4484 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"priority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4486 <eAnnotations source=
4487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The priority of this work task."/>
4489 <eAnnotations source=
4490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The priority of this work task."/>
4492 </eStructuralFeatures>
4493 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Design" eType=
4494 eOpposite=
4495 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4496 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4497 eOpposite=
4498 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Capabilities" upperBound=
4499 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Capability" eOpposite=
4500 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4501 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4502 eOpposite=
4503 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"schedOverride" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4505 <eAnnotations source=
4506 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If specified, override schedule and perform this task in accordance with instructions specified here."/>
4508 <eAnnotations source=
4509 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If specified, override schedule and perform this task in accordance with instructions specified here."/>
4511 </eStructuralFeatures>
4512 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
4513 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
4514 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LaborItems" upperBound=
4515 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/LaborItem" eOpposite=
4516 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItems" upperBound=
4517 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MaterialItem" eOpposite=
4519 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConditionFactor" eSuperTypes=
4520 <eAnnotations source=
4521 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is to specify the various condition factors for a design that may alter the cost estimate or the allocation."/>
4523 <eAnnotations source=
4524 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is to specify the various condition factors for a design that may alter the cost estimate or the allocation."/>
4526 <eAnnotations source=
4527 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is to specify the various condition factors for a design that may alter the cost estimate or the allocation."/>
4528 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is to specify the various condition factors for a design that may alter the cost estimate or the allocation."/>
4530 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Designs" upperBound=
4531 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Design" eOpposite=
4532 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4533 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4534 eOpposite=
4535 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
4537 <eAnnotations source=
4538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this condition factor."/>
4540 <eAnnotations source=
4541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this condition factor."/>
4543 </eStructuralFeatures>
4544 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4545 containment=
4546 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cfValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4548 <eAnnotations source=
4549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual value of the condition factor, such as labor flat fee or percentage."/>
4551 <eAnnotations source=
4552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual value of the condition factor, such as labor flat fee or percentage."/>
4554 </eStructuralFeatures>
4555 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4556 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4557 eOpposite=
4559 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"QualificationRequirement" eSuperTypes=
4560 <eAnnotations source=
4561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Certain skills are required and must be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment."/>
4563 <eAnnotations source=
4564 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Certain skills are required and must be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment."/>
4566 <eAnnotations source=
4567 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Certain skills are required and must be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment."/>
4568 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Certain skills are required and must be certified in order for a person (typically a member of a crew) to be qualified to work on types of equipment."/>
4570 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
4571 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
4572 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Skills" upperBound=
4573 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/Skill" eOpposite=
4574 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CULaborItems" upperBound=
4575 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CULaborItem" eOpposite=
4576 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4577 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4579 <eAnnotations source=
4580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Qualification identifier."/>
4582 <eAnnotations source=
4583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Qualification identifier."/>
4585 </eStructuralFeatures>
4586 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Specifications" upperBound=
4587 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Specification" eOpposite=
4589 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkLocation" eSuperTypes=
4590 <eAnnotations source=
4591 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about a particular location for various forms of work such as a one call request."/>
4593 <eAnnotations source=
4594 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information about a particular location for various forms of work such as a one call request."/>
4596 <eAnnotations source=
4597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about a particular location for various forms of work such as a one call request."/>
4598 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information about a particular location for various forms of work such as a one call request."/>
4600 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OneCallRequest" eType=
4601 eOpposite=
4602 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"subdivision" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4604 <eAnnotations source=
4605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name, identifier, or description of the subdivision, if applicable, in which work is to occur."/>
4607 <eAnnotations source=
4608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name, identifier, or description of the subdivision, if applicable, in which work is to occur."/>
4610 </eStructuralFeatures>
4611 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4612 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4614 <eAnnotations source=
4615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The names of streets at the nearest intersection to work area."/>
4617 <eAnnotations source=
4618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The names of streets at the nearest intersection to work area."/>
4620 </eStructuralFeatures>
4621 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"block" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4623 <eAnnotations source=
4624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name, identifier, or description of the block, if applicable, in which work is to occur."/>
4626 <eAnnotations source=
4627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name, identifier, or description of the block, if applicable, in which work is to occur."/>
4629 </eStructuralFeatures>
4630 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4631 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4632 eOpposite=
4633 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lot" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4635 <eAnnotations source=
4636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name, identifier, or description of the lot, if applicable, in which work is to occur."/>
4638 <eAnnotations source=
4639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name, identifier, or description of the lot, if applicable, in which work is to occur."/>
4641 </eStructuralFeatures>
4643 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CostType" eSuperTypes=
4644 <eAnnotations source=
4645 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A categorization for resources, often costs, in accounting transactions. Examples include: material components, building in service, coal sales, overhead, etc."/>
4647 <eAnnotations source=
4648 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A categorization for resources, often costs, in accounting transactions. Examples include: material components, building in service, coal sales, overhead, etc."/>
4650 <eAnnotations source=
4651 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A categorization for resources, often costs, in accounting transactions. Examples include: material components, building in service, coal sales, overhead, etc."/>
4652 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A categorization for resources, often costs, in accounting transactions. Examples include: material components, building in service, coal sales, overhead, etc."/>
4654 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"stage" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4656 <eAnnotations source=
4657 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The stage for which this costType applies: estimated design, estimated actual or actual actual."/>
4659 <eAnnotations source=
4660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The stage for which this costType applies: estimated design, estimated actual or actual actual."/>
4662 </eStructuralFeatures>
4663 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4664 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4665 eOpposite=
4666 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ParentCostType" eType=
4667 eOpposite=
4668 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4670 <eAnnotations source=
4671 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A codified representation of the resource element."/>
4673 <eAnnotations source=
4674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A codified representation of the resource element."/>
4676 </eStructuralFeatures>
4677 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChildCostTypes" upperBound=
4678 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CostType" eOpposite=
4679 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4680 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4681 eOpposite=
4682 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4683 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4684 eOpposite=
4685 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"level" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4687 <eAnnotations source=
4688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level of the resource element in the hierarchy of resource elements (recursive relationship)."/>
4690 <eAnnotations source=
4691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level of the resource element in the hierarchy of resource elements (recursive relationship)."/>
4693 </eStructuralFeatures>
4694 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4695 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
4697 <eAnnotations source=
4698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if an amount can be assigned to the resource element (e.g., building in service, transmission plant, software development capital); false otherwise (e.g., internal labor, material components)."/>
4700 <eAnnotations source=
4701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if an amount can be assigned to the resource element (e.g., building in service, transmission plant, software development capital); false otherwise (e.g., internal labor, material components)."/>
4703 </eStructuralFeatures>
4704 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4705 containment=
4707 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CUMaterialItem" eSuperTypes=
4708 <eAnnotations source=
4709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit of a consumable supply item. For example, nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
4711 <eAnnotations source=
4712 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit of a consumable supply item. For example, nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
4714 <eAnnotations source=
4715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit of a consumable supply item. For example, nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
4716 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit of a consumable supply item. For example, nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
4718 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4719 containment=
4720 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PropertyUnits" upperBound=
4721 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/PropertyUnit" eOpposite=
4722 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4723 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4724 eOpposite=
4725 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
4727 <eAnnotations source=
4728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of the TypeMaterial for this CU, used to determine estimated costs based on a per unit cost or a cost per unit length specified in the TypeMaterial."/>
4730 <eAnnotations source=
4731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of the TypeMaterial for this CU, used to determine estimated costs based on a per unit cost or a cost per unit length specified in the TypeMaterial."/>
4733 </eStructuralFeatures>
4734 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"corporateCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4736 <eAnnotations source=
4737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for material."/>
4739 <eAnnotations source=
4740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for material."/>
4742 </eStructuralFeatures>
4743 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeMaterial" eType=
4744 eOpposite=
4746 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PropertyUnit" eSuperTypes=
4747 <eAnnotations source=
4748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of property for reporting purposes."/>
4750 <eAnnotations source=
4751 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Unit of property for reporting purposes."/>
4753 <eAnnotations source=
4754 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of property for reporting purposes."/>
4755 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Unit of property for reporting purposes."/>
4757 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4758 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4760 <eAnnotations source=
4761 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code that identifies appropriate type of property accounts such as distribution, streetlgihts, communications."/>
4763 <eAnnotations source=
4764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code that identifies appropriate type of property accounts such as distribution, streetlgihts, communications."/>
4766 </eStructuralFeatures>
4767 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4768 containment=
4769 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4770 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4772 <eAnnotations source=
4773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for property record accounting. For example, in the USA, this would be a FERC account."/>
4775 <eAnnotations source=
4776 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for property record accounting. For example, in the USA, this would be a FERC account."/>
4778 </eStructuralFeatures>
4779 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4780 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4781 eOpposite=
4782 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"activityCode" eType=
4784 <eAnnotations source=
4785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable work action."/>
4787 <eAnnotations source=
4788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable work action."/>
4790 </eStructuralFeatures>
4791 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4792 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4793 eOpposite=
4794 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4795 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4796 eOpposite=
4798 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
4799 <eLiterals name=
4800 <eLiterals name=
"travel" value=
4801 <eLiterals name=
"accountAllocation" value=
4802 <eLiterals name=
"labor" value=
4803 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
4805 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Project" eSuperTypes=
4806 <eAnnotations source=
4807 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of related work. For construction projects and maintenance projects, multiple phases may be performed."/>
4809 <eAnnotations source=
4810 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of related work. For construction projects and maintenance projects, multiple phases may be performed."/>
4812 <eAnnotations source=
4813 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of related work. For construction projects and maintenance projects, multiple phases may be performed."/>
4814 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of related work. For construction projects and maintenance projects, multiple phases may be performed."/>
4816 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BusinessCase" eType=
4817 eOpposite=
4818 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"budget" eType=
4820 <eAnnotations source=
4821 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overall project budget."/>
4823 <eAnnotations source=
4824 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overall project budget."/>
4826 </eStructuralFeatures>
4827 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SubProjects" upperBound=
4828 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Project" eOpposite=
4829 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4830 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpProjectAccounting" eOpposite=
4831 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Requests" upperBound=
4832 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Request" eOpposite=
4833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Works" upperBound=
4834 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Work/Work" eOpposite=
4835 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ParentProject" eType=
4836 eOpposite=
4838 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
4839 <eLiterals name=
4840 <eLiterals name=
"remove" value=
4841 <eLiterals name=
"transfer" value=
4842 <eLiterals name=
"abandon" value=
4844 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CULaborItem" eSuperTypes=
4845 <eAnnotations source=
4846 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit labor item."/>
4848 <eAnnotations source=
4849 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit labor item."/>
4851 <eAnnotations source=
4852 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit labor item."/>
4853 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit labor item."/>
4855 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"laborDuration" eType=
4857 <eAnnotations source=
4858 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated time to perform work."/>
4860 <eAnnotations source=
4861 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated time to perform work."/>
4863 </eStructuralFeatures>
4864 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"laborRate" eType=
4866 <eAnnotations source=
4867 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The labor rate applied for work."/>
4869 <eAnnotations source=
4870 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The labor rate applied for work."/>
4872 </eStructuralFeatures>
4873 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"activityCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4875 <eAnnotations source=
4876 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
4878 <eAnnotations source=
4879 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
4881 </eStructuralFeatures>
4882 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4883 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4884 eOpposite=
4885 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CULaborCode" eType=
4886 eOpposite=
4887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4888 containment=
4889 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4890 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4891 eOpposite=
4893 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LaborItem" eSuperTypes=
4894 <eAnnotations source=
4895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Labor used for work order."/>
4897 <eAnnotations source=
4898 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Labor used for work order."/>
4900 <eAnnotations source=
4901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Labor used for work order."/>
4902 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Labor used for work order."/>
4904 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cost" eType=
4906 <eAnnotations source=
4907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total cost for labor. Note that this may not be able to be derived from labor rate and time charged."/>
4909 <eAnnotations source=
4910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total cost for labor. Note that this may not be able to be derived from labor rate and time charged."/>
4912 </eStructuralFeatures>
4913 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
4914 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
4915 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
4916 eOpposite=
4917 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"laborRate" eType=
4919 <eAnnotations source=
4920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The labor rate applied for work."/>
4922 <eAnnotations source=
4923 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The labor rate applied for work."/>
4925 </eStructuralFeatures>
4926 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4927 containment=
4928 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"laborDuration" eType=
4930 <eAnnotations source=
4931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time required to perform work."/>
4933 <eAnnotations source=
4934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time required to perform work."/>
4936 </eStructuralFeatures>
4937 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"activityCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4939 <eAnnotations source=
4940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
4942 <eAnnotations source=
4943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
4945 </eStructuralFeatures>
4946 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkCostDetail" eType=
4947 eOpposite=
4949 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkFlowStep" eSuperTypes=
4950 <eAnnotations source=
4951 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-defined set of work steps for a given type of work."/>
4953 <eAnnotations source=
4954 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-defined set of work steps for a given type of work."/>
4956 <eAnnotations source=
4957 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-defined set of work steps for a given type of work."/>
4958 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-defined set of work steps for a given type of work."/>
4960 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
4961 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
4962 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
4964 <eAnnotations source=
4965 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to define dependencies of each work flow step, which is for the instance of WorkTask associated with a given instance of WorkFlow."/>
4967 <eAnnotations source=
4968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to define dependencies of each work flow step, which is for the instance of WorkTask associated with a given instance of WorkFlow."/>
4970 </eStructuralFeatures>
4971 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
4972 containment=
4973 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Work" eType=
4974 eOpposite=
4976 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"InspectionDataSet" eSuperTypes=
4977 <eAnnotations source=
4978 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documents the result of one inspection, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset."/>
4980 <eAnnotations source=
4981 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documents the result of one inspection, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset."/>
4983 <eAnnotations source=
4984 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documents the result of one inspection, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset."/>
4985 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documents the result of one inspection, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset."/>
4987 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
4988 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
4989 eOpposite=
4990 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
4991 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
4993 <eAnnotations source=
4994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the conditions of the location where the asset resides."/>
4996 <eAnnotations source=
4997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the conditions of the location where the asset resides."/>
4999 </eStructuralFeatures>
5001 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkCostDetail" eSuperTypes=
5002 <eAnnotations source=
5003 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of all of the individual cost items collected from multiple sources."/>
5005 <eAnnotations source=
5006 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of all of the individual cost items collected from multiple sources."/>
5008 <eAnnotations source=
5009 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of all of the individual cost items collected from multiple sources."/>
5010 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of all of the individual cost items collected from multiple sources."/>
5012 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
5013 eOpposite=
5014 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5016 <eAnnotations source=
5017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of work cost."/>
5019 <eAnnotations source=
5020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of work cost."/>
5022 </eStructuralFeatures>
5023 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isDebit" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
5025 <eAnnotations source=
5026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if 'amount' is a debit, false if it is a credit."/>
5028 <eAnnotations source=
5029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if 'amount' is a debit, false if it is a credit."/>
5031 </eStructuralFeatures>
5032 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Works" upperBound=
5033 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Work/Work" eOpposite=
5034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Design" eType=
5035 eOpposite=
5036 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MiscCostItems" upperBound=
5037 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MiscCostItem" eOpposite=
5038 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5039 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkCostSummary" eOpposite=
5040 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5041 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
5042 <eAnnotations source=
5043 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that 'amount' is posted to the work."/>
5045 <eAnnotations source=
5046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that 'amount' is posted to the work."/>
5048 </eStructuralFeatures>
5049 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PropertyUnits" upperBound=
5050 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/PropertyUnit" eOpposite=
5051 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5052 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpProjectAccounting" eOpposite=
5053 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LaborItems" upperBound=
5054 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/LaborItem" eOpposite=
5055 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItems" upperBound=
5056 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MaterialItem" eOpposite=
5057 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EquipmentItems" upperBound=
5058 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/EquipmentItem" eOpposite=
5059 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
5061 <eAnnotations source=
5062 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount in designated currency for work, either a total or an individual element. As defined in the attribute "type," multiple instances are applicable to each work for: planned cost, actual cost, authorized cost, budgeted cost, forecasted cost, other."/>
5064 <eAnnotations source=
5065 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount in designated currency for work, either a total or an individual element. As defined in the attribute "type," multiple instances are applicable to each work for: planned cost, actual cost, authorized cost, budgeted cost, forecasted cost, other."/>
5067 </eStructuralFeatures>
5068 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5069 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5070 eOpposite=
5071 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OverheadCost" eType=
5072 eOpposite=
5073 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CostType" eType=
5074 eOpposite=
5076 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CompatibleUnit" eSuperTypes=
5077 <eAnnotations source=
5078 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-planned job model containing labor, material, and accounting requirements for standardized job planning."/>
5080 <eAnnotations source=
5081 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-planned job model containing labor, material, and accounting requirements for standardized job planning."/>
5083 <eAnnotations source=
5084 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-planned job model containing labor, material, and accounting requirements for standardized job planning."/>
5085 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-planned job model containing labor, material, and accounting requirements for standardized job planning."/>
5087 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5088 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5089 eOpposite=
5090 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5091 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5092 eOpposite=
5093 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CUGroup" eType=
5094 eOpposite=
5095 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CUAssets" upperBound=
5096 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CUAsset" eOpposite=
5097 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PropertyUnit" eType=
5098 eOpposite=
5099 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5101 <eAnnotations source=
5102 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity, unit of measure, and multiplier at the CU level that applies to the materials."/>
5104 <eAnnotations source=
5105 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity, unit of measure, and multiplier at the CU level that applies to the materials."/>
5107 </eStructuralFeatures>
5108 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CostType" eType=
5109 eOpposite=
5110 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"estCost" eType=
5112 <eAnnotations source=
5113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated total cost for perfoming CU."/>
5115 <eAnnotations source=
5116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated total cost for perfoming CU."/>
5118 </eStructuralFeatures>
5119 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5120 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CUAllowableAction" eOpposite=
5121 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Procedures" upperBound=
5122 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Procedure" eOpposite=
5123 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5124 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5125 eOpposite=
5126 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5127 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5128 eOpposite=
5129 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CULaborItems" upperBound=
5130 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CULaborItem" eOpposite=
5132 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkCostSummary" eSuperTypes=
5133 <eAnnotations source=
5134 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A roll up by cost category for the entire cost of a work order. For example, total labor."/>
5136 <eAnnotations source=
5137 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A roll up by cost category for the entire cost of a work order. For example, total labor."/>
5139 <eAnnotations source=
5140 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A roll up by cost category for the entire cost of a work order. For example, total labor."/>
5141 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A roll up by cost category for the entire cost of a work order. For example, total labor."/>
5143 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkCostDetail" eType=
5144 eOpposite=
5146 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NonStandardItem" eSuperTypes=
5147 <eAnnotations source=
5148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This document provides information for non-standard items like customer contributions (e.g., customer digs trench), vouchers (e.g., credit), and contractor bids."/>
5150 <eAnnotations source=
5151 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This document provides information for non-standard items like customer contributions (e.g., customer digs trench), vouchers (e.g., credit), and contractor bids."/>
5153 <eAnnotations source=
5154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This document provides information for non-standard items like customer contributions (e.g., customer digs trench), vouchers (e.g., credit), and contractor bids."/>
5155 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This document provides information for non-standard items like customer contributions (e.g., customer digs trench), vouchers (e.g., credit), and contractor bids."/>
5157 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5159 <eAnnotations source=
5160 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of non-standard work."/>
5162 <eAnnotations source=
5163 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of non-standard work."/>
5165 </eStructuralFeatures>
5166 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
5168 <eAnnotations source=
5169 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The projected cost for this item."/>
5171 <eAnnotations source=
5172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The projected cost for this item."/>
5174 </eStructuralFeatures>
5176 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"InfoQuestion" eSuperTypes=
5177 <eAnnotations source=
5178 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Questions and answers associated with a type of document for purposes of clarification. Questions may be predefined or ad hoc."/>
5180 <eAnnotations source=
5181 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Questions and answers associated with a type of document for purposes of clarification. Questions may be predefined or ad hoc."/>
5183 <eAnnotations source=
5184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Questions and answers associated with a type of document for purposes of clarification. Questions may be predefined or ad hoc."/>
5185 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Questions and answers associated with a type of document for purposes of clarification. Questions may be predefined or ad hoc."/>
5187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"answer" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5189 <eAnnotations source=
5190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Answer to question."/>
5192 <eAnnotations source=
5193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Answer to question."/>
5195 </eStructuralFeatures>
5196 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"answerRemark" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5198 <eAnnotations source=
5199 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks to qualify the answer."/>
5201 <eAnnotations source=
5202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks to qualify the answer."/>
5204 </eStructuralFeatures>
5205 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"questionText" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5207 <eAnnotations source=
5208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For non-coded questions, the question is provided here."/>
5210 <eAnnotations source=
5211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For non-coded questions, the question is provided here."/>
5213 </eStructuralFeatures>
5214 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"answerDateTime" eType=
5216 <eAnnotations source=
5217 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time the quesiton was answered."/>
5219 <eAnnotations source=
5220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time the quesiton was answered."/>
5222 </eStructuralFeatures>
5223 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"questionCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5225 <eAnnotations source=
5226 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The question code. If blank, refer to questionText."/>
5228 <eAnnotations source=
5229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The question code. If blank, refer to questionText."/>
5231 </eStructuralFeatures>
5232 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"questionRemark" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5234 <eAnnotations source=
5235 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks to qualify the question in this situation."/>
5237 <eAnnotations source=
5238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks to qualify the question in this situation."/>
5240 </eStructuralFeatures>
5241 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5242 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5244 <eAnnotations source=
5245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of the question."/>
5247 <eAnnotations source=
5248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of the question."/>
5250 </eStructuralFeatures>
5252 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Regulation" eSuperTypes=
5253 <eAnnotations source=
5254 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Special requirements and/or regulations may pertain to certain types of assets or work. For example, fire protection and scaffolding."/>
5256 <eAnnotations source=
5257 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Special requirements and/or regulations may pertain to certain types of assets or work. For example, fire protection and scaffolding."/>
5259 <eAnnotations source=
5260 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Special requirements and/or regulations may pertain to certain types of assets or work. For example, fire protection and scaffolding."/>
5261 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Special requirements and/or regulations may pertain to certain types of assets or work. For example, fire protection and scaffolding."/>
5263 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5264 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5266 <eAnnotations source=
5267 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External reference to regulation, if applicable."/>
5269 <eAnnotations source=
5270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External reference to regulation, if applicable."/>
5272 </eStructuralFeatures>
5274 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ContractorItem" eSuperTypes=
5275 <eAnnotations source=
5276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contractor information for work task."/>
5278 <eAnnotations source=
5279 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Contractor information for work task."/>
5281 <eAnnotations source=
5282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contractor information for work task."/>
5283 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Contractor information for work task."/>
5285 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
5286 eOpposite=
5287 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bidAmount" eType=
5289 <eAnnotations source=
5290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount that a given contractor will charge for performing this unit of work."/>
5292 <eAnnotations source=
5293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount that a given contractor will charge for performing this unit of work."/>
5295 </eStructuralFeatures>
5296 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPayables" upperBound=
5297 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPayable" eOpposite=
5298 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5299 containment=
5300 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"activityCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5302 <eAnnotations source=
5303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
5305 <eAnnotations source=
5306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
5308 </eStructuralFeatures>
5309 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cost" eType=
5311 <eAnnotations source=
5312 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The total amount charged."/>
5314 <eAnnotations source=
5315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The total amount charged."/>
5317 </eStructuralFeatures>
5318 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkCostDetail" eType=
5319 eOpposite=
5321 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CUAllowableAction" eSuperTypes=
5322 <eAnnotations source=
5323 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allowed actions: Install, Remove, Transfer, Abandon, etc."/>
5325 <eAnnotations source=
5326 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Allowed actions: Install, Remove, Transfer, Abandon, etc."/>
5328 <eAnnotations source=
5329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allowed actions: Install, Remove, Transfer, Abandon, etc."/>
5330 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Allowed actions: Install, Remove, Transfer, Abandon, etc."/>
5332 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5333 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5334 eOpposite=
5335 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5336 containment=
5338 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CULaborCode" eSuperTypes=
5339 <eAnnotations source=
5340 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Labor code associated with various compatible unit labor items."/>
5342 <eAnnotations source=
5343 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Labor code associated with various compatible unit labor items."/>
5345 <eAnnotations source=
5346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Labor code associated with various compatible unit labor items."/>
5347 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Labor code associated with various compatible unit labor items."/>
5349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CULaborItems" upperBound=
5350 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CULaborItem" eOpposite=
5351 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5353 <eAnnotations source=
5354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Labor code."/>
5356 <eAnnotations source=
5357 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Labor code."/>
5359 </eStructuralFeatures>
5360 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5361 containment=
5363 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AccessPermit" eSuperTypes=
5364 <eAnnotations source=
5365 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A permit is sometimes needed to provide legal access to land or equipment. For example, local authority permission for road works."/>
5367 <eAnnotations source=
5368 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A permit is sometimes needed to provide legal access to land or equipment. For example, local authority permission for road works."/>
5370 <eAnnotations source=
5371 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A permit is sometimes needed to provide legal access to land or equipment. For example, local authority permission for road works."/>
5372 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A permit is sometimes needed to provide legal access to land or equipment. For example, local authority permission for road works."/>
5374 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5375 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5377 <eAnnotations source=
5378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permit application number that is used by municipality, state, province, etc."/>
5380 <eAnnotations source=
5381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permit application number that is used by municipality, state, province, etc."/>
5383 </eStructuralFeatures>
5384 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"payment" eType=
5386 <eAnnotations source=
5387 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total cost of permit."/>
5389 <eAnnotations source=
5390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total cost of permit."/>
5392 </eStructuralFeatures>
5393 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"effectiveDate" eType=
5395 <eAnnotations source=
5396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date that permit became official."/>
5398 <eAnnotations source=
5399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date that permit became official."/>
5401 </eStructuralFeatures>
5402 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"expirationDate" eType=
5404 <eAnnotations source=
5405 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permit expiration date."/>
5407 <eAnnotations source=
5408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permit expiration date."/>
5410 </eStructuralFeatures>
5411 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"permitID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5413 <eAnnotations source=
5414 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permit identifier."/>
5416 <eAnnotations source=
5417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Permit identifier."/>
5419 </eStructuralFeatures>
5421 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CUWorkEquipmentItem" eSuperTypes=
5422 <eAnnotations source=
5423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of WorkEquipmentAssets, including vehicles."/>
5425 <eAnnotations source=
5426 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of WorkEquipmentAssets, including vehicles."/>
5428 <eAnnotations source=
5429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of WorkEquipmentAssets, including vehicles."/>
5430 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit for various types of WorkEquipmentAssets, including vehicles."/>
5432 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeAsset" eType=
5433 eOpposite=
5434 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5435 containment=
5436 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rate" eType=
5438 <eAnnotations source=
5439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Standard usage rate for the type of vehicle."/>
5441 <eAnnotations source=
5442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Standard usage rate for the type of vehicle."/>
5444 </eStructuralFeatures>
5445 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5446 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5447 eOpposite=
5448 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"equipCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5450 <eAnnotations source=
5451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equipment type code."/>
5453 <eAnnotations source=
5454 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equipment type code."/>
5456 </eStructuralFeatures>
5458 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DesignLocationCU" eSuperTypes=
5459 <eAnnotations source=
5460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit at a given design location."/>
5462 <eAnnotations source=
5463 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit at a given design location."/>
5465 <eAnnotations source=
5466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit at a given design location."/>
5467 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit at a given design location."/>
5469 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5470 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5471 eOpposite=
5472 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5473 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
5475 <eAnnotations source=
5476 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if associated electrical equipment is intended to be energized while work is being performed."/>
5478 <eAnnotations source=
5479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if associated electrical equipment is intended to be energized while work is being performed."/>
5481 </eStructuralFeatures>
5482 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cuUsage" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5484 <eAnnotations source=
5485 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"As the same CU can be used for different purposes and accounting purposes, usage must be specified. Examples include: distribution, transmission, substation."/>
5487 <eAnnotations source=
5488 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"As the same CU can be used for different purposes and accounting purposes, usage must be specified. Examples include: distribution, transmission, substation."/>
5490 </eStructuralFeatures>
5491 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5492 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5493 eOpposite=
5494 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"removalDate" eType=
5496 <eAnnotations source=
5497 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Year when a CU that represents an asset is removed."/>
5499 <eAnnotations source=
5500 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Year when a CU that represents an asset is removed."/>
5502 </eStructuralFeatures>
5503 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
5504 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
5505 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cuAction" eType=
5507 <eAnnotations source=
5508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code that instructs the crew what action to perform."/>
5510 <eAnnotations source=
5511 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code that instructs the crew what action to perform."/>
5513 </eStructuralFeatures>
5514 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cuAccount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5516 <eAnnotations source=
5517 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code that helps direct accounting (capital, expense, or accounting treatment)."/>
5519 <eAnnotations source=
5520 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A code that helps direct accounting (capital, expense, or accounting treatment)."/>
5522 </eStructuralFeatures>
5523 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cuQuantity" eType=
5525 <eAnnotations source=
5526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of the CU being assigned to this location."/>
5528 <eAnnotations source=
5529 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of the CU being assigned to this location."/>
5531 </eStructuralFeatures>
5532 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Designs" upperBound=
5533 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Design" eOpposite=
5534 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CUGroups" upperBound=
5535 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CUGroup" eOpposite=
5536 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DesignLocation" eType=
5537 eOpposite=
5538 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5539 containment=
5541 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MaintenanceDataSet" eSuperTypes=
5542 <eAnnotations source=
5543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The result of a maintenance activity, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset is documentated in an MaintenanceDataSet."/>
5545 <eAnnotations source=
5546 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The result of a maintenance activity, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset is documentated in an MaintenanceDataSet."/>
5548 <eAnnotations source=
5549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The result of a maintenance activity, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset is documentated in an MaintenanceDataSet."/>
5550 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The result of a maintenance activity, a type of Procedure, for a given attribute of an asset is documentated in an MaintenanceDataSet."/>
5552 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"conditionAfter" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5554 <eAnnotations source=
5555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Condition of asset just following maintenance procedure."/>
5557 <eAnnotations source=
5558 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Condition of asset just following maintenance procedure."/>
5560 </eStructuralFeatures>
5561 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5562 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5564 <eAnnotations source=
5565 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the condition of the asset just prior to maintenance being performed."/>
5567 <eAnnotations source=
5568 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the condition of the asset just prior to maintenance being performed."/>
5570 </eStructuralFeatures>
5571 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maintCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5573 <eAnnotations source=
5574 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for the type of maintenance performed."/>
5576 <eAnnotations source=
5577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for the type of maintenance performed."/>
5579 </eStructuralFeatures>
5581 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MiscCostItem" eSuperTypes=
5582 <eAnnotations source=
5583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Various cost items that are not associated with compatible units. Examples include rental equipment, labor, materials, contractor costs, permits - anything not covered in a CU."/>
5585 <eAnnotations source=
5586 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Various cost items that are not associated with compatible units. Examples include rental equipment, labor, materials, contractor costs, permits - anything not covered in a CU."/>
5588 <eAnnotations source=
5589 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Various cost items that are not associated with compatible units. Examples include rental equipment, labor, materials, contractor costs, permits - anything not covered in a CU."/>
5590 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Various cost items that are not associated with compatible units. Examples include rental equipment, labor, materials, contractor costs, permits - anything not covered in a CU."/>
5592 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DesignLocation" eType=
5593 eOpposite=
5594 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
5596 <eAnnotations source=
5597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of the misc. item being assigned to this location."/>
5599 <eAnnotations source=
5600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of the misc. item being assigned to this location."/>
5602 </eStructuralFeatures>
5603 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5604 containment=
5605 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"costPerUnit" eType=
5607 <eAnnotations source=
5608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost per unit for this misc. item."/>
5610 <eAnnotations source=
5611 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost per unit for this misc. item."/>
5613 </eStructuralFeatures>
5614 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"externalRefID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5616 <eAnnotations source=
5617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External Reference ID (e.g. PO#, Serial #)"/>
5619 <eAnnotations source=
5620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External Reference ID (e.g. PO#, Serial #)"/>
5622 </eStructuralFeatures>
5623 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"account" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5625 <eAnnotations source=
5626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This drives the accounting treatment for this misc. item."/>
5628 <eAnnotations source=
5629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This drives the accounting treatment for this misc. item."/>
5631 </eStructuralFeatures>
5632 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"costType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5634 <eAnnotations source=
5635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost category for accounting, such as material, labor, vehicle, contractor, equipment, overhead."/>
5637 <eAnnotations source=
5638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The cost category for accounting, such as material, labor, vehicle, contractor, equipment, overhead."/>
5640 </eStructuralFeatures>
5641 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
5642 eOpposite=
5643 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkCostDetail" eType=
5644 eOpposite=
5646 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MaterialItem" eSuperTypes=
5647 <eAnnotations source=
5648 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The physical consumable supply used for work and other purposes. It includes items such as nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
5650 <eAnnotations source=
5651 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The physical consumable supply used for work and other purposes. It includes items such as nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
5653 <eAnnotations source=
5654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The physical consumable supply used for work and other purposes. It includes items such as nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
5655 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The physical consumable supply used for work and other purposes. It includes items such as nuts, bolts, brackets, glue, etc."/>
5657 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5658 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5659 eOpposite=
5660 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5661 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5663 <eAnnotations source=
5664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the cost."/>
5666 <eAnnotations source=
5667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the cost."/>
5669 </eStructuralFeatures>
5670 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Usages" upperBound=
5671 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Usage" eOpposite=
5672 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPOLineItems" upperBound=
5673 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPOLineItem" eOpposite=
5674 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
5676 <eAnnotations source=
5677 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of material used."/>
5679 <eAnnotations source=
5680 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of material used."/>
5682 </eStructuralFeatures>
5683 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5684 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5685 eOpposite=
5686 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DesignLocation" eType=
5687 eOpposite=
5688 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5689 containment=
5690 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"materialCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5692 <eAnnotations source=
5693 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for material."/>
5695 <eAnnotations source=
5696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for material."/>
5698 </eStructuralFeatures>
5699 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"externalRefID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5701 <eAnnotations source=
5702 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External reference identifier for this actual material item such as a purchase order number, a serial number, etc."/>
5704 <eAnnotations source=
5705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External reference identifier for this actual material item such as a purchase order number, a serial number, etc."/>
5707 </eStructuralFeatures>
5708 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"costType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5710 <eAnnotations source=
5711 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of cost to which this Material Item belongs."/>
5713 <eAnnotations source=
5714 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The category of cost to which this Material Item belongs."/>
5716 </eStructuralFeatures>
5717 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeMaterial" eType=
5718 eOpposite=
5719 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkCostDetail" eType=
5720 eOpposite=
5721 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"account" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5723 <eAnnotations source=
5724 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The account to which this actual material item is charged."/>
5726 <eAnnotations source=
5727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The account to which this actual material item is charged."/>
5729 </eStructuralFeatures>
5730 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"actualCost" eType=
5732 <eAnnotations source=
5733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual cost of this particular material in this particular quantity."/>
5735 <eAnnotations source=
5736 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual cost of this particular material in this particular quantity."/>
5738 </eStructuralFeatures>
5739 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
5740 eOpposite=
5742 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ShiftPattern" eSuperTypes=
5743 <eAnnotations source=
5744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The patterns of shifts worked by people or crews."/>
5746 <eAnnotations source=
5747 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The patterns of shifts worked by people or crews."/>
5749 <eAnnotations source=
5750 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The patterns of shifts worked by people or crews."/>
5751 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The patterns of shifts worked by people or crews."/>
5753 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
5754 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
5755 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5756 containment=
5757 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cycleCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
5759 <eAnnotations source=
5760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of cycles for a temporary shift."/>
5762 <eAnnotations source=
5763 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of cycles for a temporary shift."/>
5765 </eStructuralFeatures>
5766 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5767 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
5768 <eAnnotations source=
5769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval for which this shift pattern is valid (when it became effective and when it expires)."/>
5771 <eAnnotations source=
5772 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval for which this shift pattern is valid (when it became effective and when it expires)."/>
5774 </eStructuralFeatures>
5775 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"assignmentType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5777 <eAnnotations source=
5778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of assignement intended to be worked on this shift, for example, temporary, standard, etc."/>
5780 <eAnnotations source=
5781 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of assignement intended to be worked on this shift, for example, temporary, standard, etc."/>
5783 </eStructuralFeatures>
5785 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
5786 <eLiterals name=
5787 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
5788 <eLiterals name=
"estimated" value=
5790 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Capability" eSuperTypes=
5791 <eAnnotations source=
5792 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Capabilities of a crew."/>
5794 <eAnnotations source=
5795 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Capabilities of a crew."/>
5797 <eAnnotations source=
5798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Capabilities of a crew."/>
5799 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Capabilities of a crew."/>
5801 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crew" eType=
5802 eOpposite=
5803 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5805 <eAnnotations source=
5806 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work management standards and practices."/>
5808 <eAnnotations source=
5809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work management standards and practices."/>
5811 </eStructuralFeatures>
5812 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5813 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5815 <eAnnotations source=
5816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Capability performance factor."/>
5818 <eAnnotations source=
5819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Capability performance factor."/>
5821 </eStructuralFeatures>
5822 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
5823 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
5824 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5825 containment=
5826 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crafts" upperBound=
5827 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/Craft" eOpposite=
5828 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5829 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
5830 <eAnnotations source=
5831 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval for which this capability is valid (when it became effective and when it expires)."/>
5833 <eAnnotations source=
5834 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval for which this capability is valid (when it became effective and when it expires)."/>
5836 </eStructuralFeatures>
5838 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Usage" eSuperTypes=
5839 <eAnnotations source=
5840 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The way material and assets are used to perform a certain type of work task. The way is described in text in the inheritied description attribute."/>
5842 <eAnnotations source=
5843 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The way material and assets are used to perform a certain type of work task. The way is described in text in the inheritied description attribute."/>
5845 <eAnnotations source=
5846 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The way material and assets are used to perform a certain type of work task. The way is described in text in the inheritied description attribute."/>
5847 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The way material and assets are used to perform a certain type of work task. The way is described in text in the inheritied description attribute."/>
5849 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
5850 eOpposite=
5851 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5852 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/WorkEquipment" eOpposite=
5853 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5854 containment=
5855 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItem" eType=
5856 eOpposite=
5858 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OneCallRequest" eSuperTypes=
5859 <eAnnotations source=
5860 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A request for other utilities to mark their underground facilities prior to commencement of construction and/or maintenance."/>
5862 <eAnnotations source=
5863 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A request for other utilities to mark their underground facilities prior to commencement of construction and/or maintenance."/>
5865 <eAnnotations source=
5866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A request for other utilities to mark their underground facilities prior to commencement of construction and/or maintenance."/>
5867 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A request for other utilities to mark their underground facilities prior to commencement of construction and/or maintenance."/>
5869 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkLocations" upperBound=
5870 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkLocation" eOpposite=
5871 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5872 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
5874 <eAnnotations source=
5875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if work location has been marked, for example for a dig area."/>
5877 <eAnnotations source=
5878 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if work location has been marked, for example for a dig area."/>
5880 </eStructuralFeatures>
5881 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"explosivesUsed" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
5883 <eAnnotations source=
5884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if explosives have been or are planned to be used."/>
5886 <eAnnotations source=
5887 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if explosives have been or are planned to be used."/>
5889 </eStructuralFeatures>
5890 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
5891 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5893 <eAnnotations source=
5894 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instructions for marking a dig area, if applicable."/>
5896 <eAnnotations source=
5897 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instructions for marking a dig area, if applicable."/>
5899 </eStructuralFeatures>
5901 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Assignment" eSuperTypes=
5902 <eAnnotations source=
5903 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An assignment is given to an ErpPerson, Crew, Organisation, Equipment Item, Tool, etc. and may be used to perform Work, WorkTasks, Procedures, etc. TimeSchedules may be set up directly for Assignments or indirectly via the associated WorkTask. Note that these associations are all inherited through the recursive relationship on Document."/>
5905 <eAnnotations source=
5906 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An assignment is given to an ErpPerson, Crew, Organisation, Equipment Item, Tool, etc. and may be used to perform Work, WorkTasks, Procedures, etc. TimeSchedules may be set up directly for Assignments or indirectly via the associated WorkTask. Note that these associations are all inherited through the recursive relationship on Document."/>
5908 <eAnnotations source=
5909 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An assignment is given to an ErpPerson, Crew, Organisation, Equipment Item, Tool, etc. and may be used to perform Work, WorkTasks, Procedures, etc. TimeSchedules may be set up directly for Assignments or indirectly via the associated WorkTask. Note that these associations are all inherited through the recursive relationship on Document."/>
5910 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An assignment is given to an ErpPerson, Crew, Organisation, Equipment Item, Tool, etc. and may be used to perform Work, WorkTasks, Procedures, etc. TimeSchedules may be set up directly for Assignments or indirectly via the associated WorkTask. Note that these associations are all inherited through the recursive relationship on Document."/>
5912 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
5913 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
5914 <eAnnotations source=
5915 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews having this Assignment."/>
5917 <eAnnotations source=
5918 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews having this Assignment."/>
5920 </eStructuralFeatures>
5921 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5922 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
5923 <eAnnotations source=
5924 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period between the assignment becoming effective and its expiration."/>
5926 <eAnnotations source=
5927 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period between the assignment becoming effective and its expiration."/>
5929 </eStructuralFeatures>
5931 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CUContractorItem" eSuperTypes=
5932 <eAnnotations source=
5933 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit contractor item."/>
5935 <eAnnotations source=
5936 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit contractor item."/>
5938 <eAnnotations source=
5939 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compatible unit contractor item."/>
5940 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compatible unit contractor item."/>
5942 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bidAmount" eType=
5944 <eAnnotations source=
5945 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount that a given contractor will charge for performing this unit of work."/>
5947 <eAnnotations source=
5948 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount that a given contractor will charge for performing this unit of work."/>
5950 </eStructuralFeatures>
5951 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5952 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5953 eOpposite=
5954 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"activityCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
5956 <eAnnotations source=
5957 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
5959 <eAnnotations source=
5960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Activity code identifies a specific and distinguishable unit of work."/>
5962 </eStructuralFeatures>
5963 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5964 containment=
5966 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CUGroup" eSuperTypes=
5967 <eAnnotations source=
5968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Compatible Unit Group identifies a set of compatible units which may be jointly utilized for estimating and designating jobs."/>
5970 <eAnnotations source=
5971 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Compatible Unit Group identifies a set of compatible units which may be jointly utilized for estimating and designating jobs."/>
5973 <eAnnotations source=
5974 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Compatible Unit Group identifies a set of compatible units which may be jointly utilized for estimating and designating jobs."/>
5975 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Compatible Unit Group identifies a set of compatible units which may be jointly utilized for estimating and designating jobs."/>
5977 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5978 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5979 eOpposite=
5980 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ParentCUGroups" upperBound=
5981 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CUGroup" eOpposite=
5982 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChildCUGroups" upperBound=
5983 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CUGroup" eOpposite=
5984 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
5985 containment=
5986 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
5987 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
5988 eOpposite=
5991 <eSubpackages name=
"InfERPSupport" nsURI=
5992 nsPrefix=
5993 <eAnnotations source=
5994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package contains portions of the model defined byEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG). It is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (as defined by OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages.
If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeld "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard. In fact, definitions of "Erp..." classes are based on OAG Nouns to facilitate this process.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Support Package contains portions of the model defined by ERP standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG). This package is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages.
If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeled "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard.""/>
5996 <eAnnotations source=
5997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package contains portions of the model defined byEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP) standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG). It is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (as defined by OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages.
If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeld "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard. In fact, definitions of "Erp..." classes are based on OAG Nouns to facilitate this process.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"The Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Support Package contains portions of the model defined by ERP standards like those proposed by the Open Applications Group (OAG). This package is provided to facilitate integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications (OAG). Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing ERP models, the preferred approach is to use and extend ERP classes as appropriate in other packages.
If a model other that the OAG standard is used as a basis for ERP integration, the utility classes labeled "Erp..." should be associated with the appropriate classes of that standard.""/>
5999 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpRecDelvLineItem" eSuperTypes=
6000 <eAnnotations source=
6001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpReceiveDelivery, this is an individually received good or service by the Organisation receiving goods or services. It may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order line item."/>
6003 <eAnnotations source=
6004 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpReceiveDelivery, this is an individually received good or service by the Organisation receiving goods or services. It may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order line item."/>
6006 <eAnnotations source=
6007 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpReceiveDelivery, this is an individually received good or service by the Organisation receiving goods or services. It may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order line item."/>
6008 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpReceiveDelivery, this is an individually received good or service by the Organisation receiving goods or services. It may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order line item."/>
6010 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
6011 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
6012 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6013 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoiceLineItem" eOpposite=
6014 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6015 containment=
6016 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6017 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpReceiveDelivery" eOpposite=
6018 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItems" upperBound=
6019 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/MaterialItem" eOpposite=
6020 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPOLineItem" eType=
6021 eOpposite=
6023 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpLedgerBudget" eSuperTypes=
6024 <eAnnotations source=
6025 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information for utility Ledger Budgets. They support the transfer budget amounts between all possible source applications throughout an enterprise and a general ledger or budget application."/>
6027 <eAnnotations source=
6028 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information for utility Ledger Budgets. They support the transfer budget amounts between all possible source applications throughout an enterprise and a general ledger or budget application."/>
6030 <eAnnotations source=
6031 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information for utility Ledger Budgets. They support the transfer budget amounts between all possible source applications throughout an enterprise and a general ledger or budget application."/>
6032 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information for utility Ledger Budgets. They support the transfer budget amounts between all possible source applications throughout an enterprise and a general ledger or budget application."/>
6034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6035 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6036 eOpposite=
6038 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpTimeEntry" eSuperTypes=
6039 <eAnnotations source=
6040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An individual entry on an ErpTimeSheet."/>
6042 <eAnnotations source=
6043 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An individual entry on an ErpTimeSheet."/>
6045 <eAnnotations source=
6046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An individual entry on an ErpTimeSheet."/>
6047 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An individual entry on an ErpTimeSheet."/>
6049 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6050 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpProjectAccounting" eOpposite=
6051 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6052 containment=
6053 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpTimeSheet" eType=
6054 eOpposite=
6056 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpCompetency" eSuperTypes=
6057 <eAnnotations source=
6058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that describes aptitudes of a utility employee. Unlike Skills that an ErpPerson must be certified to perform before undertaking certain type of assignments (to be able to perfrom a Craft), ErpCompetency has more to do with typical Human Resource (HR) matters such as schooling, training, etc."/>
6060 <eAnnotations source=
6061 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that describes aptitudes of a utility employee. Unlike Skills that an ErpPerson must be certified to perform before undertaking certain type of assignments (to be able to perfrom a Craft), ErpCompetency has more to do with typical Human Resource (HR) matters such as schooling, training, etc."/>
6063 <eAnnotations source=
6064 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that describes aptitudes of a utility employee. Unlike Skills that an ErpPerson must be certified to perform before undertaking certain type of assignments (to be able to perfrom a Craft), ErpCompetency has more to do with typical Human Resource (HR) matters such as schooling, training, etc."/>
6065 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that describes aptitudes of a utility employee. Unlike Skills that an ErpPerson must be certified to perform before undertaking certain type of assignments (to be able to perfrom a Craft), ErpCompetency has more to do with typical Human Resource (HR) matters such as schooling, training, etc."/>
6067 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
6068 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
6070 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPurchaseOrder" eSuperTypes=
6071 <eAnnotations source=
6072 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document that communicates an order to purchase goods from a buyer to a supplier. The PurchaseOrder carries information to and from the buyer and supplier. It is a legally binding document once both Parties agree to the contents and the specified terms and conditions of the order."/>
6074 <eAnnotations source=
6075 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document that communicates an order to purchase goods from a buyer to a supplier. The PurchaseOrder carries information to and from the buyer and supplier. It is a legally binding document once both Parties agree to the contents and the specified terms and conditions of the order."/>
6077 <eAnnotations source=
6078 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document that communicates an order to purchase goods from a buyer to a supplier. The PurchaseOrder carries information to and from the buyer and supplier. It is a legally binding document once both Parties agree to the contents and the specified terms and conditions of the order."/>
6079 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document that communicates an order to purchase goods from a buyer to a supplier. The PurchaseOrder carries information to and from the buyer and supplier. It is a legally binding document once both Parties agree to the contents and the specified terms and conditions of the order."/>
6081 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPOLineItems" upperBound=
6082 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPOLineItem" eOpposite=
6084 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpEngChangeOrder" eSuperTypes=
6085 <eAnnotations source=
6086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Utility Engineering Change Order information."/>
6088 <eAnnotations source=
6089 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General Utility Engineering Change Order information."/>
6091 <eAnnotations source=
6092 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Utility Engineering Change Order information."/>
6093 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General Utility Engineering Change Order information."/>
6096 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpProjectAccounting" eSuperTypes=
6097 <eAnnotations source=
6098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility Project Accounting information, used by ERP applications to enable all relevant sub-systems that submit single sided transactions to transfer information with a Project Accounting Application. This would include, but not necessarily be limited to: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budget, Order Management, Purchasing, Time and Labor, Travel and Expense."/>
6100 <eAnnotations source=
6101 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Utility Project Accounting information, used by ERP applications to enable all relevant sub-systems that submit single sided transactions to transfer information with a Project Accounting Application. This would include, but not necessarily be limited to: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budget, Order Management, Purchasing, Time and Labor, Travel and Expense."/>
6103 <eAnnotations source=
6104 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility Project Accounting information, used by ERP applications to enable all relevant sub-systems that submit single sided transactions to transfer information with a Project Accounting Application. This would include, but not necessarily be limited to: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budget, Order Management, Purchasing, Time and Labor, Travel and Expense."/>
6105 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Utility Project Accounting information, used by ERP applications to enable all relevant sub-systems that submit single sided transactions to transfer information with a Project Accounting Application. This would include, but not necessarily be limited to: Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Budget, Order Management, Purchasing, Time and Labor, Travel and Expense."/>
6107 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Works" upperBound=
6108 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Work/Work" eOpposite=
6109 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Projects" upperBound=
6110 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Project" eOpposite=
6111 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpTimeEntries" upperBound=
6112 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpTimeEntry" eOpposite=
6113 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6114 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6115 eOpposite=
6117 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpRecLineItem" eSuperTypes=
6118 <eAnnotations source=
6119 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Individual entry of an ErpReceivable, it is a particular transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer."/>
6121 <eAnnotations source=
6122 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Individual entry of an ErpReceivable, it is a particular transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer."/>
6124 <eAnnotations source=
6125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Individual entry of an ErpReceivable, it is a particular transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer."/>
6126 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Individual entry of an ErpReceivable, it is a particular transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer."/>
6128 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpReceivable" eType=
6129 eOpposite=
6130 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6131 containment=
6132 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6133 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoiceLineItem" eOpposite=
6134 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPayments" upperBound=
6135 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPayment" eOpposite=
6136 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6137 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6138 eOpposite=
6140 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
6141 <eLiterals name=
6142 <eLiterals name=
"recalculation" value=
6143 <eLiterals name=
"initial" value=
6145 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
6146 <eLiterals name=
6147 <eLiterals name=
"purchase" value=
6149 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPayableLineItem" eSuperTypes=
6150 <eAnnotations source=
6151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPayable, a line item references an ErpInvoiceLineitem or other source such as credit memos."/>
6153 <eAnnotations source=
6154 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPayable, a line item references an ErpInvoiceLineitem or other source such as credit memos."/>
6156 <eAnnotations source=
6157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPayable, a line item references an ErpInvoiceLineitem or other source such as credit memos."/>
6158 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPayable, a line item references an ErpInvoiceLineitem or other source such as credit memos."/>
6160 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPayments" upperBound=
6161 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPayment" eOpposite=
6162 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6163 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6164 eOpposite=
6165 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6166 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoiceLineItem" eOpposite=
6167 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPayable" eType=
6168 eOpposite=
6169 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6170 containment=
6172 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpLedBudLineItem" eSuperTypes=
6173 <eAnnotations source=
6174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Individual entry of a given Ledger Budget, typically containing information such as amount, accounting date, accounting period, and is associated with the applicable general ledger account."/>
6176 <eAnnotations source=
6177 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Individual entry of a given Ledger Budget, typically containing information such as amount, accounting date, accounting period, and is associated with the applicable general ledger account."/>
6179 <eAnnotations source=
6180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Individual entry of a given Ledger Budget, typically containing information such as amount, accounting date, accounting period, and is associated with the applicable general ledger account."/>
6181 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Individual entry of a given Ledger Budget, typically containing information such as amount, accounting date, accounting period, and is associated with the applicable general ledger account."/>
6183 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6184 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpLedgerEntry" eOpposite=
6185 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6186 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpLedgerBudget" eOpposite=
6187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6188 containment=
6190 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpRequisition" eSuperTypes=
6191 <eAnnotations source=
6192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General information that applies to a utility requisition that is a request for the purchase of goods or services. Typically, a requisition leads to the creation of a purchase order to a specific supplier."/>
6194 <eAnnotations source=
6195 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General information that applies to a utility requisition that is a request for the purchase of goods or services. Typically, a requisition leads to the creation of a purchase order to a specific supplier."/>
6197 <eAnnotations source=
6198 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General information that applies to a utility requisition that is a request for the purchase of goods or services. Typically, a requisition leads to the creation of a purchase order to a specific supplier."/>
6199 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General information that applies to a utility requisition that is a request for the purchase of goods or services. Typically, a requisition leads to the creation of a purchase order to a specific supplier."/>
6201 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6202 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6203 eOpposite=
6205 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpOrganisation" eSuperTypes=
6206 <eAnnotations source=
6207 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifies organisations that might have roles as utilities, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, customers, etc. Organisations may also have parent-child relationships to identify departments within an organisation, or parent company relationships. The organization may be internal (e.g., departments) or external to the utility. There may be multiple organizations of a given 'category', each with a unique 'code'."/>
6209 <eAnnotations source=
6210 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Identifies organisations that might have roles as utilities, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, customers, etc. Organisations may also have parent-child relationships to identify departments within an organisation, or parent company relationships. The organization may be internal (e.g., departments) or external to the utility. There may be multiple organizations of a given 'category', each with a unique 'code'."/>
6212 <eAnnotations source=
6213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifies organisations that might have roles as utilities, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, customers, etc. Organisations may also have parent-child relationships to identify departments within an organisation, or parent company relationships. The organization may be internal (e.g., departments) or external to the utility. There may be multiple organizations of a given 'category', each with a unique 'code'."/>
6214 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Identifies organisations that might have roles as utilities, contractors, suppliers, manufacturers, customers, etc. Organisations may also have parent-child relationships to identify departments within an organisation, or parent company relationships. The organization may be internal (e.g., departments) or external to the utility. There may be multiple organizations of a given 'category', each with a unique 'code'."/>
6216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6218 <eAnnotations source=
6219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices."/>
6221 <eAnnotations source=
6222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices."/>
6224 </eStructuralFeatures>
6225 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6227 <eAnnotations source=
6228 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Designated code for organisation."/>
6230 <eAnnotations source=
6231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Designated code for organisation."/>
6233 </eStructuralFeatures>
6234 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"industryID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6236 <eAnnotations source=
6237 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique identifier for a given organisation (business). In the USA, this is a 'Dunns" or D&amp;B number. This identifier is typically in addition to the identifiers that organizations assign (on an internal basis) to each of their locations. Note that a unique identifier can be set up for each location of an organisation. This requirement is supported through the recursive Organisation-Organisation relationship, where each child Organisation can have a specified physical location."/>
6239 <eAnnotations source=
6240 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique identifier for a given organisation (business). In the USA, this is a 'Dunns" or D&amp;B number. This identifier is typically in addition to the identifiers that organizations assign (on an internal basis) to each of their locations. Note that a unique identifier can be set up for each location of an organisation. This requirement is supported through the recursive Organisation-Organisation relationship, where each child Organisation can have a specified physical location."/>
6242 </eStructuralFeatures>
6243 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"governmentID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6245 <eAnnotations source=
6246 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique identifier for organisation relative to its governing authority, for example a federal tax identifier."/>
6248 <eAnnotations source=
6249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique identifier for organisation relative to its governing authority, for example a federal tax identifier."/>
6251 </eStructuralFeatures>
6252 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetRoles" upperBound=
6253 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/OrgAssetRole" eOpposite=
6254 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Requests" upperBound=
6255 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Request" eOpposite=
6256 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"optOut" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
6258 <eAnnotations source=
6259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if organisation "opted out", i.e., has requested that their contact information not be shared with other organisations for purposes of solicitation."/>
6261 <eAnnotations source=
6262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if organisation "opted out", i.e., has requested that their contact information not be shared with other organisations for purposes of solicitation."/>
6264 </eStructuralFeatures>
6265 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
6266 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
6267 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
6268 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
6269 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersonRoles" upperBound=
6270 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/OrgErpPersonRole" eOpposite=
6271 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isCostCenter" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
6273 <eAnnotations source=
6274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if organisation is cost center."/>
6276 <eAnnotations source=
6277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if organisation is cost center."/>
6279 </eStructuralFeatures>
6280 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isProfitCenter" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
6282 <eAnnotations source=
6283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if organisation is profit center."/>
6285 <eAnnotations source=
6286 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if organisation is profit center."/>
6288 </eStructuralFeatures>
6289 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6290 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ActivityRecord" eOpposite=
6291 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6292 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6293 eOpposite=
6294 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
6295 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
6296 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6297 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6298 eOpposite=
6299 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6300 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6301 eOpposite=
6302 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6303 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6304 eOpposite=
6305 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DocumentRoles" upperBound=
6306 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/DocOrgRole" eOpposite=
6307 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6309 <eAnnotations source=
6310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational mode of the organisation, often required for outage reporting purposes. Some utilities use text to describe various modes (like nominal, emergency, storm, other), while others use severity ratings (for example, 0 is a nominal condition and 5 is the most severe condition)."/>
6312 <eAnnotations source=
6313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational mode of the organisation, often required for outage reporting purposes. Some utilities use text to describe various modes (like nominal, emergency, storm, other), while others use severity ratings (for example, 0 is a nominal condition and 5 is the most severe condition)."/>
6315 </eStructuralFeatures>
6317 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpInvoice" eSuperTypes=
6318 <eAnnotations source=
6319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A roll up of invoice line items. The whole invoice has a due date and amount to be paid, with information such as customer, banks etc. being obtained through associations. The invoice roll up is based on individual line items that each contain amounts and descriptions for specific services or products."/>
6321 <eAnnotations source=
6322 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A roll up of invoice line items. The whole invoice has a due date and amount to be paid, with information such as customer, banks etc. being obtained through associations. The invoice roll up is based on individual line items that each contain amounts and descriptions for specific services or products."/>
6324 <eAnnotations source=
6325 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A roll up of invoice line items. The whole invoice has a due date and amount to be paid, with information such as customer, banks etc. being obtained through associations. The invoice roll up is based on individual line items that each contain amounts and descriptions for specific services or products."/>
6326 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A roll up of invoice line items. The whole invoice has a due date and amount to be paid, with information such as customer, banks etc. being obtained through associations. The invoice roll up is based on individual line items that each contain amounts and descriptions for specific services or products."/>
6328 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6329 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6330 eOpposite=
6331 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mailedDate" eType=
6333 <eAnnotations source=
6334 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date on which the customer billing statement/invoice was printed/mailed."/>
6336 <eAnnotations source=
6337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date on which the customer billing statement/invoice was printed/mailed."/>
6339 </eStructuralFeatures>
6340 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
6341 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
6342 <eAnnotations source=
6343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time when the invoice is issued."/>
6345 <eAnnotations source=
6346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time when the invoice is issued."/>
6348 </eStructuralFeatures>
6349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
6351 <eAnnotations source=
6352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total amount due on this invoice based on line items and applicable adjustments."/>
6354 <eAnnotations source=
6355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total amount due on this invoice based on line items and applicable adjustments."/>
6357 </eStructuralFeatures>
6358 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dueDate" eType=
6360 <eAnnotations source=
6361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Calculated date upon which the Invoice amount is due."/>
6363 <eAnnotations source=
6364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Calculated date upon which the Invoice amount is due."/>
6366 </eStructuralFeatures>
6367 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"billMediaKind" eType=
6369 <eAnnotations source=
6370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of media by which the CustomerBillingInfo was delivered."/>
6372 <eAnnotations source=
6373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of media by which the CustomerBillingInfo was delivered."/>
6375 </eStructuralFeatures>
6376 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
6377 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6379 <eAnnotations source=
6380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of an invoice to be reference by this invoice."/>
6382 <eAnnotations source=
6383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of an invoice to be reference by this invoice."/>
6385 </eStructuralFeatures>
6386 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
6388 <eAnnotations source=
6389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of invoice (default is 'sales')."/>
6391 <eAnnotations source=
6392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of invoice (default is 'sales')."/>
6394 </eStructuralFeatures>
6395 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"transferType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6397 <eAnnotations source=
6398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of invoice transfer."/>
6400 <eAnnotations source=
6401 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of invoice transfer."/>
6403 </eStructuralFeatures>
6404 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"proForma" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
6406 <eAnnotations source=
6407 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if payment is to be paid by a Customer to accept a particular ErpQuote (with associated Design) and have work initiated, at which time an associated ErpInvoice should automatically be generated. EprPayment.subjectStatus satisfies terms specificed in the ErpQuote."/>
6409 <eAnnotations source=
6410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if payment is to be paid by a Customer to accept a particular ErpQuote (with associated Design) and have work initiated, at which time an associated ErpInvoice should automatically be generated. EprPayment.subjectStatus satisfies terms specificed in the ErpQuote."/>
6412 </eStructuralFeatures>
6413 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6414 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAccount" eOpposite=
6416 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DocErpPersonRole" eSuperTypes=
6417 <eAnnotations source=
6418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Documents."/>
6420 <eAnnotations source=
6421 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Documents."/>
6423 <eAnnotations source=
6424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Documents."/>
6425 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Documents."/>
6427 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Document" eType=
6428 eOpposite=
6429 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPerson" eType=
6430 eOpposite=
6432 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpBankAccount" eSuperTypes=
6433 <eAnnotations source=
6434 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship under a particular name, usually evidenced by a deposit against which withdrawals can be made. Types of bank accounts include: demand, time, custodial, joint, trustee, corporate, special, and regular accounts.
A statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance is maintained on each account.
For Payment metering, the account is associated with Bank and Supplier, reflecting details of the bank account used for depositing revenue collected by TokenVendor. The name of the account holder should be specified in 'name' attribute."/>
6436 <eAnnotations source=
6437 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship under a particular name, usually evidenced by a deposit against which withdrawals can be made. Types of bank accounts include: demand, time, custodial, joint, trustee, corporate, special, and regular accounts.
A statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance is maintained on each account.
For Payment metering, the account is associated with Bank and Supplier, reflecting details of the bank account used for depositing revenue collected by TokenVendor. The name of the account holder should be specified in 'name' attribute."/>
6439 <eAnnotations source=
6440 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relationship under a particular name, usually evidenced by a deposit against which withdrawals can be made. Types of bank accounts include: demand, time, custodial, joint, trustee, corporate, special, and regular accounts.
A statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance is maintained on each account.
For Payment metering, the account is associated with Bank and Supplier, reflecting details of the bank account used for depositing revenue collected by TokenVendor. The name of the account holder should be specified in 'name' attribute."/>
6441 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Relationship under a particular name, usually evidenced by a deposit against which withdrawals can be made. Types of bank accounts include: demand, time, custodial, joint, trustee, corporate, special, and regular accounts.
A statement of transactions during a fiscal period and the resulting balance is maintained on each account.
For Payment metering, the account is associated with Bank and Supplier, reflecting details of the bank account used for depositing revenue collected by TokenVendor. The name of the account holder should be specified in 'name' attribute."/>
6443 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bankABA" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6445 <eAnnotations source=
6446 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank ABA."/>
6448 <eAnnotations source=
6449 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank ABA."/>
6451 </eStructuralFeatures>
6453 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
6454 <eLiterals name=
6455 <eLiterals name=
"estimate" value=
6456 <eLiterals name=
"statistical" value=
6457 <eLiterals name=
"reversal" value=
6459 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpQuote" eSuperTypes=
6460 <eAnnotations source=
6461 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document describing the prices of goods or services provided by a supplier. It includes the terms of the purchase, delivery proposals, identification of goods or services ordered, as well as their quantities."/>
6463 <eAnnotations source=
6464 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document describing the prices of goods or services provided by a supplier. It includes the terms of the purchase, delivery proposals, identification of goods or services ordered, as well as their quantities."/>
6466 <eAnnotations source=
6467 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document describing the prices of goods or services provided by a supplier. It includes the terms of the purchase, delivery proposals, identification of goods or services ordered, as well as their quantities."/>
6468 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document describing the prices of goods or services provided by a supplier. It includes the terms of the purchase, delivery proposals, identification of goods or services ordered, as well as their quantities."/>
6470 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6471 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6472 eOpposite=
6474 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPerson" eSuperTypes=
6475 <eAnnotations source=
6476 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose information for name and other information to contact people."/>
6478 <eAnnotations source=
6479 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose information for name and other information to contact people."/>
6481 <eAnnotations source=
6482 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose information for name and other information to contact people."/>
6483 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose information for name and other information to contact people."/>
6485 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6486 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/ServiceLocation" eOpposite=
6487 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6488 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6489 eOpposite=
6490 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Appointments" upperBound=
6491 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Appointment" eOpposite=
6492 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
6493 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
6494 <eAnnotations source=
6495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews to which this ErpPerson belongs."/>
6497 <eAnnotations source=
6498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews to which this ErpPerson belongs."/>
6500 </eStructuralFeatures>
6501 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6503 <eAnnotations source=
6504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of this person relative to utility operations, classified according to the utility's corporate standards and practices. Examples include employee, contractor, agent, not affiliated, etc.
Note that this field is not used to indicate whether this person is a customer of the utility. Often an employee or contractor is also a customer. Customer information is gained with relationship to Organisation and CustomerData. In similar fashion, this field does not indicate the various roles this person may fill as part of utility operations."/>
6506 <eAnnotations source=
6507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of this person relative to utility operations, classified according to the utility's corporate standards and practices. Examples include employee, contractor, agent, not affiliated, etc.
Note that this field is not used to indicate whether this person is a customer of the utility. Often an employee or contractor is also a customer. Customer information is gained with relationship to Organisation and CustomerData. In similar fashion, this field does not indicate the various roles this person may fill as part of utility operations."/>
6509 </eStructuralFeatures>
6510 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LaborItems" upperBound=
6511 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/LaborItem" eOpposite=
6512 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6513 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6514 eOpposite=
6515 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6516 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ActivityRecord" eOpposite=
6517 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6518 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/MeasurementValue" eOpposite=
6519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Skills" upperBound=
6520 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/Skill" eOpposite=
6521 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lastName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6523 <eAnnotations source=
6524 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Person's last (family, sir) name."/>
6526 <eAnnotations source=
6527 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Person's last (family, sir) name."/>
6529 </eStructuralFeatures>
6530 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"landlinePhone" eType=
6532 <eAnnotations source=
6533 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Landline phone number."/>
6535 <eAnnotations source=
6536 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Landline phone number."/>
6538 </eStructuralFeatures>
6539 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"mobilePhone" eType=
6541 <eAnnotations source=
6542 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mobile phone number."/>
6544 <eAnnotations source=
6545 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mobile phone number."/>
6547 </eStructuralFeatures>
6548 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
6549 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
6550 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"firstName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6552 <eAnnotations source=
6553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Person's first name."/>
6555 <eAnnotations source=
6556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Person's first name."/>
6558 </eStructuralFeatures>
6559 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6560 containment=
6561 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DocumentRoles" upperBound=
6562 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/DocErpPersonRole" eOpposite=
6563 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"governmentID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6565 <eAnnotations source=
6566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique identifier for person relative to its governing authority, for example a federal tax identifier (such as a Social Security number in the United States)."/>
6568 <eAnnotations source=
6569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique identifier for person relative to its governing authority, for example a federal tax identifier (such as a Social Security number in the United States)."/>
6571 </eStructuralFeatures>
6572 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersonnel" eType=
6573 eOpposite=
6574 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crafts" upperBound=
6575 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/Craft" eOpposite=
6576 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CustomerData" eType=
6577 eOpposite=
6578 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CallBacks" upperBound=
6579 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/CallBack" eOpposite=
6580 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6582 <eAnnotations source=
6583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Middle name(s) or initial(s)."/>
6585 <eAnnotations source=
6586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Middle name(s) or initial(s)."/>
6588 </eStructuralFeatures>
6589 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"suffix" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6591 <eAnnotations source=
6592 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A suffix for the person's name, such as II, III, etc."/>
6594 <eAnnotations source=
6595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A suffix for the person's name, such as II, III, etc."/>
6597 </eStructuralFeatures>
6598 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"specialNeed" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6600 <eAnnotations source=
6601 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Special service needs for the person (contact) are described; examples include life support, etc."/>
6603 <eAnnotations source=
6604 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Special service needs for the person (contact) are described; examples include life support, etc."/>
6606 </eStructuralFeatures>
6607 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"prefix" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6609 <eAnnotations source=
6610 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prefix or title for the person's name, such as Miss, Mister, Doctor, etc."/>
6612 <eAnnotations source=
6613 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prefix or title for the person's name, such as Miss, Mister, Doctor, etc."/>
6615 </eStructuralFeatures>
6616 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6617 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6618 eOpposite=
6619 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6620 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ElectronicAddress" containment=
6621 <eAnnotations source=
6622 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
6624 <eAnnotations source=
6625 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
6627 </eStructuralFeatures>
6628 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpCompetency" eType=
6629 eOpposite=
6631 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpItemMaster" eSuperTypes=
6632 <eAnnotations source=
6633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Any unique purchased part for manufactured product tracked by ERP systems for a utility.
Item, as used by the OAG, refers to the basic information about an item, including its attributes, cost, and locations. It does not include item quantities. Compare to the Inventory, which includes all quantities and other location-specific information."/>
6635 <eAnnotations source=
6636 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Any unique purchased part for manufactured product tracked by ERP systems for a utility.
Item, as used by the OAG, refers to the basic information about an item, including its attributes, cost, and locations. It does not include item quantities. Compare to the Inventory, which includes all quantities and other location-specific information."/>
6638 <eAnnotations source=
6639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Any unique purchased part for manufactured product tracked by ERP systems for a utility.
Item, as used by the OAG, refers to the basic information about an item, including its attributes, cost, and locations. It does not include item quantities. Compare to the Inventory, which includes all quantities and other location-specific information."/>
6640 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Any unique purchased part for manufactured product tracked by ERP systems for a utility.
Item, as used by the OAG, refers to the basic information about an item, including its attributes, cost, and locations. It does not include item quantities. Compare to the Inventory, which includes all quantities and other location-specific information."/>
6642 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
6643 eOpposite=
6644 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6645 containment=
6647 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpBOM" eSuperTypes=
6648 <eAnnotations source=
6649 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that generally describes the Bill of Material Structure and its contents for a utility.

This is used by ERP systems to transfer Bill of Material information between two business applications."/>
6651 <eAnnotations source=
6652 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that generally describes the Bill of Material Structure and its contents for a utility.

This is used by ERP systems to transfer Bill of Material information between two business applications."/>
6654 <eAnnotations source=
6655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that generally describes the Bill of Material Structure and its contents for a utility.

This is used by ERP systems to transfer Bill of Material information between two business applications."/>
6656 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that generally describes the Bill of Material Structure and its contents for a utility.

This is used by ERP systems to transfer Bill of Material information between two business applications."/>
6658 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Design" eType=
6659 eOpposite=
6660 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6661 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6662 eOpposite=
6664 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpInventoryCount" eSuperTypes=
6665 <eAnnotations source=
6666 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is related to Inventory physical counts organized by AssetModel. Note that a count of a type of asset can be accomplished by the association inherited by AssetModel (from Document) to Asset.
It enables ERP applications to transfer an inventory count between ERP and the actual physical inventory location. This count may be a cycle count or a physical count."/>
6668 <eAnnotations source=
6669 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is related to Inventory physical counts organized by AssetModel. Note that a count of a type of asset can be accomplished by the association inherited by AssetModel (from Document) to Asset.
It enables ERP applications to transfer an inventory count between ERP and the actual physical inventory location. This count may be a cycle count or a physical count."/>
6671 <eAnnotations source=
6672 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is related to Inventory physical counts organized by AssetModel. Note that a count of a type of asset can be accomplished by the association inherited by AssetModel (from Document) to Asset.
It enables ERP applications to transfer an inventory count between ERP and the actual physical inventory location. This count may be a cycle count or a physical count."/>
6673 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is related to Inventory physical counts organized by AssetModel. Note that a count of a type of asset can be accomplished by the association inherited by AssetModel (from Document) to Asset.
It enables ERP applications to transfer an inventory count between ERP and the actual physical inventory location. This count may be a cycle count or a physical count."/>
6675 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6676 containment=
6677 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItem" eType=
6678 eOpposite=
6679 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetModel" eType=
6680 eOpposite=
6682 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpIssueInventory" eSuperTypes=
6683 <eAnnotations source=
6684 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Can be used to request an application to process an issue or request information about an issue."/>
6686 <eAnnotations source=
6687 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Can be used to request an application to process an issue or request information about an issue."/>
6689 <eAnnotations source=
6690 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Can be used to request an application to process an issue or request information about an issue."/>
6691 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Can be used to request an application to process an issue or request information about an issue."/>
6693 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeAsset" eType=
6694 eOpposite=
6695 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6696 containment=
6697 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeMaterial" eType=
6698 eOpposite=
6700 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPayable" eSuperTypes=
6701 <eAnnotations source=
6702 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A transaction that represents an invoice from a supplier. A payable (or voucher) is an open item, approved and ready for payment, in the Accounts Payable ledger."/>
6704 <eAnnotations source=
6705 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A transaction that represents an invoice from a supplier. A payable (or voucher) is an open item, approved and ready for payment, in the Accounts Payable ledger."/>
6707 <eAnnotations source=
6708 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A transaction that represents an invoice from a supplier. A payable (or voucher) is an open item, approved and ready for payment, in the Accounts Payable ledger."/>
6709 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A transaction that represents an invoice from a supplier. A payable (or voucher) is an open item, approved and ready for payment, in the Accounts Payable ledger."/>
6711 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6712 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6713 eOpposite=
6714 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6715 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6716 eOpposite=
6718 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpLedger" eSuperTypes=
6719 <eAnnotations source=
6720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded. Journal entries are periodically posted to the ledger. Ledger Actual represents actual amounts by account within ledger within company or business area. Actual amounts may be generated in a source application and then loaded to a specific ledger within the enterprise general ledger or budget application."/>
6722 <eAnnotations source=
6723 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded. Journal entries are periodically posted to the ledger. Ledger Actual represents actual amounts by account within ledger within company or business area. Actual amounts may be generated in a source application and then loaded to a specific ledger within the enterprise general ledger or budget application."/>
6725 <eAnnotations source=
6726 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded. Journal entries are periodically posted to the ledger. Ledger Actual represents actual amounts by account within ledger within company or business area. Actual amounts may be generated in a source application and then loaded to a specific ledger within the enterprise general ledger or budget application."/>
6727 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"In accounting transactions, a ledger is a book containing accounts to which debits and credits are posted from journals, where transactions are initially recorded. Journal entries are periodically posted to the ledger. Ledger Actual represents actual amounts by account within ledger within company or business area. Actual amounts may be generated in a source application and then loaded to a specific ledger within the enterprise general ledger or budget application."/>
6729 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6730 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6731 eOpposite=
6733 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPOLineItem" eSuperTypes=
6734 <eAnnotations source=
6735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPurchaseOrder, this is an individually ordered item or product along with the quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
6737 <eAnnotations source=
6738 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPurchaseOrder, this is an individually ordered item or product along with the quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
6740 <eAnnotations source=
6741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPurchaseOrder, this is an individually ordered item or product along with the quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
6742 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpPurchaseOrder, this is an individually ordered item or product along with the quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
6744 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6745 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPurchaseOrder" eOpposite=
6746 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6747 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpRecDelvLineItem" eOpposite=
6748 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6749 eType=
6750 eOpposite=
6751 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MaterialItem" eType=
6752 eOpposite=
6753 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpReqLineItem" eType=
6754 eOpposite=
6756 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpLedgerEntry" eSuperTypes=
6757 <eAnnotations source=
6758 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date."/>
6760 <eAnnotations source=
6761 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date."/>
6763 <eAnnotations source=
6764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date."/>
6765 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a ledger, which was posted from a journal on the posted date."/>
6767 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
6768 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
6769 <eAnnotations source=
6770 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time journal entry was recorded."/>
6772 <eAnnotations source=
6773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time journal entry was recorded."/>
6775 </eStructuralFeatures>
6776 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accountKind" eType=
6778 <eAnnotations source=
6779 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of account for this entry."/>
6781 <eAnnotations source=
6782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of account for this entry."/>
6784 </eStructuralFeatures>
6785 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpLedger" eType=
6786 eOpposite=
6787 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6788 containment=
6789 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpLedgerEntry" eType=
6790 eOpposite=
6791 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"UserAttributes" upperBound=
6792 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
6793 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
6795 <eAnnotations source=
6796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of the debit or credit for this account."/>
6798 <eAnnotations source=
6799 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of the debit or credit for this account."/>
6801 </eStructuralFeatures>
6802 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpJounalEntry" eType=
6803 eOpposite=
6804 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"postedDateTime" eType=
6806 <eAnnotations source=
6807 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this entry was posted to the ledger."/>
6809 <eAnnotations source=
6810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this entry was posted to the ledger."/>
6812 </eStructuralFeatures>
6813 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accountID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6815 <eAnnotations source=
6816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Account identifier for this entry."/>
6818 <eAnnotations source=
6819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Account identifier for this entry."/>
6821 </eStructuralFeatures>
6823 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPayment" eSuperTypes=
6824 <eAnnotations source=
6825 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment infromation and status for any individual line item of an ErpInvoice (e.g., when payment is from a customer). ErpPayable is also updated when payment is to a supplier and ErpReceivable is updated when payment is from a customer. Multiple payments can be made against a single line item and an individual payment can apply to more that one line item."/>
6827 <eAnnotations source=
6828 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Payment infromation and status for any individual line item of an ErpInvoice (e.g., when payment is from a customer). ErpPayable is also updated when payment is to a supplier and ErpReceivable is updated when payment is from a customer. Multiple payments can be made against a single line item and an individual payment can apply to more that one line item."/>
6830 <eAnnotations source=
6831 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment infromation and status for any individual line item of an ErpInvoice (e.g., when payment is from a customer). ErpPayable is also updated when payment is to a supplier and ErpReceivable is updated when payment is from a customer. Multiple payments can be made against a single line item and an individual payment can apply to more that one line item."/>
6832 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Payment infromation and status for any individual line item of an ErpInvoice (e.g., when payment is from a customer). ErpPayable is also updated when payment is to a supplier and ErpReceivable is updated when payment is from a customer. Multiple payments can be made against a single line item and an individual payment can apply to more that one line item."/>
6834 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6835 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6836 eOpposite=
6837 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6838 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6839 eOpposite=
6840 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6841 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6842 eOpposite=
6843 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"termsPayment" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6845 <eAnnotations source=
6846 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment terms (e.g., net 30)."/>
6848 <eAnnotations source=
6849 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment terms (e.g., net 30)."/>
6851 </eStructuralFeatures>
6853 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpReceivable" eSuperTypes=
6854 <eAnnotations source=
6855 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer. It is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
6857 <eAnnotations source=
6858 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer. It is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
6860 <eAnnotations source=
6861 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer. It is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
6862 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transaction representing an invoice, credit memo or debit memo to a customer. It is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
6864 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6865 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
6866 eOpposite=
6868 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DocOrgRole" eSuperTypes=
6869 <eAnnotations source=
6870 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Documents."/>
6872 <eAnnotations source=
6873 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Documents."/>
6875 <eAnnotations source=
6876 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Documents."/>
6877 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Documents."/>
6879 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Document" eType=
6880 eOpposite=
6881 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6882 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
6884 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpReqLineItem" eSuperTypes=
6885 <eAnnotations source=
6886 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that describes a requested item and its attributes."/>
6888 <eAnnotations source=
6889 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that describes a requested item and its attributes."/>
6891 <eAnnotations source=
6892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that describes a requested item and its attributes."/>
6893 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that describes a requested item and its attributes."/>
6895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
6896 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpQuoteLineItem" eOpposite=
6897 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6898 containment=
6899 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cost" eType=
6901 <eAnnotations source=
6902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost of material"/>
6904 <eAnnotations source=
6905 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost of material"/>
6907 </eStructuralFeatures>
6908 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpRequisition" eType=
6909 eOpposite=
6910 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
6912 <eAnnotations source=
6913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of item requisitioned."/>
6915 <eAnnotations source=
6916 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity of item requisitioned."/>
6918 </eStructuralFeatures>
6919 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeMaterial" eType=
6920 eOpposite=
6921 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"deliveryDate" eType=
6923 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPOLineItem" eType=
6924 eOpposite=
6925 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
6927 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeAsset" eType=
6928 eOpposite=
6930 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpTimeSheet" eSuperTypes=
6931 <eAnnotations source=
6932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time sheet for employees and contractors. Note that ErpTimeSheet inherits the relationship to ErpPerson from Document."/>
6934 <eAnnotations source=
6935 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Time sheet for employees and contractors. Note that ErpTimeSheet inherits the relationship to ErpPerson from Document."/>
6937 <eAnnotations source=
6938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time sheet for employees and contractors. Note that ErpTimeSheet inherits the relationship to ErpPerson from Document."/>
6939 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Time sheet for employees and contractors. Note that ErpTimeSheet inherits the relationship to ErpPerson from Document."/>
6941 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpTimeEntries" upperBound=
6942 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpTimeEntry" eOpposite=
6944 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpInventory" eSuperTypes=
6945 <eAnnotations source=
6946 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility inventory-related information about an item or part (and not for description of the item and its attributes). It is used by ERP applications to enable the synchronization of Inventory data that exists on separate Item Master databases. This data is not the master data that describes the attributes of the item such as dimensions, weight, or unit of measure - it describes the item as it exists at a specific location."/>
6948 <eAnnotations source=
6949 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Utility inventory-related information about an item or part (and not for description of the item and its attributes). It is used by ERP applications to enable the synchronization of Inventory data that exists on separate Item Master databases. This data is not the master data that describes the attributes of the item such as dimensions, weight, or unit of measure - it describes the item as it exists at a specific location."/>
6951 <eAnnotations source=
6952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility inventory-related information about an item or part (and not for description of the item and its attributes). It is used by ERP applications to enable the synchronization of Inventory data that exists on separate Item Master databases. This data is not the master data that describes the attributes of the item such as dimensions, weight, or unit of measure - it describes the item as it exists at a specific location."/>
6953 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Utility inventory-related information about an item or part (and not for description of the item and its attributes). It is used by ERP applications to enable the synchronization of Inventory data that exists on separate Item Master databases. This data is not the master data that describes the attributes of the item such as dimensions, weight, or unit of measure - it describes the item as it exists at a specific location."/>
6955 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
6956 eOpposite=
6957 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6958 containment=
6960 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpChartOfAccounts" eSuperTypes=
6961 <eAnnotations source=
6962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Accounting structure of a business. Each account represents a financial aspect of a business, such as its Accounts Payable, or the value of its inventory, or its office supply expenses."/>
6964 <eAnnotations source=
6965 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Accounting structure of a business. Each account represents a financial aspect of a business, such as its Accounts Payable, or the value of its inventory, or its office supply expenses."/>
6967 <eAnnotations source=
6968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Accounting structure of a business. Each account represents a financial aspect of a business, such as its Accounts Payable, or the value of its inventory, or its office supply expenses."/>
6969 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Accounting structure of a business. Each account represents a financial aspect of a business, such as its Accounts Payable, or the value of its inventory, or its office supply expenses."/>
6972 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpSiteLevelData" eSuperTypes=
6973 <eAnnotations source=
6974 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a utility, general information that describes physical locations of organizations or the location codes and their meanings. This enables ERP applications to ensure that the physical location identifiers are synchronized between the business applications."/>
6976 <eAnnotations source=
6977 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"For a utility, general information that describes physical locations of organizations or the location codes and their meanings. This enables ERP applications to ensure that the physical location identifiers are synchronized between the business applications."/>
6979 <eAnnotations source=
6980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a utility, general information that describes physical locations of organizations or the location codes and their meanings. This enables ERP applications to ensure that the physical location identifiers are synchronized between the business applications."/>
6981 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"For a utility, general information that describes physical locations of organizations or the location codes and their meanings. This enables ERP applications to ensure that the physical location identifiers are synchronized between the business applications."/>
6983 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
6984 containment=
6985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LandProperty" eType=
6986 eOpposite=
6988 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OrgErpPersonRole" eSuperTypes=
6989 <eAnnotations source=
6990 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Organisations."/>
6992 <eAnnotations source=
6993 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Organisations."/>
6995 <eAnnotations source=
6996 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Organisations."/>
6997 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Organisations."/>
6999 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPerson" eType=
7000 eOpposite=
7001 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7002 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
7003 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"clientID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7005 <eAnnotations source=
7006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifiers of the person held by an organisation, such as a government agency (federal, state, province, city, county), financial institutions, etc."/>
7008 <eAnnotations source=
7009 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifiers of the person held by an organisation, such as a government agency (federal, state, province, city, county), financial institutions, etc."/>
7011 </eStructuralFeatures>
7013 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpReceiveDelivery" eSuperTypes=
7014 <eAnnotations source=
7015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction for an Organisation receiving goods or services that may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order. A receivable is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
7017 <eAnnotations source=
7018 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transaction for an Organisation receiving goods or services that may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order. A receivable is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
7020 <eAnnotations source=
7021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction for an Organisation receiving goods or services that may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order. A receivable is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
7022 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transaction for an Organisation receiving goods or services that may be used to indicate receipt of goods in conjunction with a purchase order. A receivable is an open (unpaid) item in the Accounts Receivable ledger."/>
7024 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7025 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7026 eOpposite=
7028 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpSalesOrder" eSuperTypes=
7029 <eAnnotations source=
7030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose Sales Order is used for utility service orders, etc.
As used by the OAG, the SalesOrder is a step beyond a PurchaseOrder in that the receiving entity of the order also communicates SalesInformoration about the Order along with the Order itself."/>
7032 <eAnnotations source=
7033 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose Sales Order is used for utility service orders, etc.
As used by the OAG, the SalesOrder is a step beyond a PurchaseOrder in that the receiving entity of the order also communicates SalesInformoration about the Order along with the Order itself."/>
7035 <eAnnotations source=
7036 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose Sales Order is used for utility service orders, etc.
As used by the OAG, the SalesOrder is a step beyond a PurchaseOrder in that the receiving entity of the order also communicates SalesInformoration about the Order along with the Order itself."/>
7037 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose Sales Order is used for utility service orders, etc.
As used by the OAG, the SalesOrder is a step beyond a PurchaseOrder in that the receiving entity of the order also communicates SalesInformoration about the Order along with the Order itself."/>
7040 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpJournalEntry" eSuperTypes=
7041 <eAnnotations source=
7042 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a journal, which is to be posted to a ledger on the posting date."/>
7044 <eAnnotations source=
7045 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a journal, which is to be posted to a ledger on the posting date."/>
7047 <eAnnotations source=
7048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a journal, which is to be posted to a ledger on the posting date."/>
7049 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of an individual entry in a journal, which is to be posted to a ledger on the posting date."/>
7051 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7052 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
7053 <eAnnotations source=
7054 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time journal entry was recorded."/>
7056 <eAnnotations source=
7057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time journal entry was recorded."/>
7059 </eStructuralFeatures>
7060 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7061 containment=
7062 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7063 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7064 eOpposite=
7065 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7066 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoiceLineItem" eOpposite=
7067 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7068 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7069 eOpposite=
7070 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sourceID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7072 <eAnnotations source=
7073 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The identifer of the source for this entry."/>
7075 <eAnnotations source=
7076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The identifer of the source for this entry."/>
7078 </eStructuralFeatures>
7079 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpLedgerEntry" eType=
7080 eOpposite=
7081 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CostTypes" upperBound=
7082 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CostType" eOpposite=
7083 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7084 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
7085 <eAnnotations source=
7086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this entry is to be posted to the ledger."/>
7088 <eAnnotations source=
7089 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this entry is to be posted to the ledger."/>
7091 </eStructuralFeatures>
7092 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
7094 <eAnnotations source=
7095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of the debit or credit for this account."/>
7097 <eAnnotations source=
7098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of the debit or credit for this account."/>
7100 </eStructuralFeatures>
7101 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpJournal" eType=
7102 eOpposite=
7103 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accountID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7105 <eAnnotations source=
7106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Account identifier for this entry."/>
7108 <eAnnotations source=
7109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Account identifier for this entry."/>
7111 </eStructuralFeatures>
7113 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpInvoiceLineItem" eSuperTypes=
7114 <eAnnotations source=
7115 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An individual line item on an invoice."/>
7117 <eAnnotations source=
7118 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An individual line item on an invoice."/>
7120 <eAnnotations source=
7121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An individual line item on an invoice."/>
7122 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An individual line item on an invoice."/>
7124 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lineNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7126 <eAnnotations source=
7127 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line item number on invoice statement."/>
7129 <eAnnotations source=
7130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line item number on invoice statement."/>
7132 </eStructuralFeatures>
7133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"glDateTime" eType=
7135 <eAnnotations source=
7136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time line item will be posted to the General Ledger."/>
7138 <eAnnotations source=
7139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time line item will be posted to the General Ledger."/>
7141 </eStructuralFeatures>
7142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPayments" upperBound=
7143 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPayment" eOpposite=
7144 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lineAmount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
7146 <eAnnotations source=
7147 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount due for this line item."/>
7149 <eAnnotations source=
7150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount due for this line item."/>
7152 </eStructuralFeatures>
7153 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7154 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoiceLineItem" eOpposite=
7155 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"netAmount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
7157 <eAnnotations source=
7158 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Net line item charge amount."/>
7160 <eAnnotations source=
7161 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Net line item charge amount."/>
7163 </eStructuralFeatures>
7164 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7165 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7166 eOpposite=
7167 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7168 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpQuoteLineItem" eOpposite=
7169 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
7171 <eAnnotations source=
7172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of line item."/>
7174 <eAnnotations source=
7175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of line item."/>
7177 </eStructuralFeatures>
7178 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"UserAttributes" upperBound=
7179 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
7180 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7181 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpRecDelvLineItem" eOpposite=
7182 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7183 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPayableLineItem" eOpposite=
7184 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7185 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7186 eOpposite=
7187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lineVersion" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7189 <eAnnotations source=
7190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Version number of the bill run."/>
7192 <eAnnotations source=
7193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Version number of the bill run."/>
7195 </eStructuralFeatures>
7196 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"glAccount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7198 <eAnnotations source=
7199 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Ledger account code, must be a valid combination."/>
7201 <eAnnotations source=
7202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General Ledger account code, must be a valid combination."/>
7204 </eStructuralFeatures>
7205 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"billPeriod" eType=
7207 <eAnnotations source=
7208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bill period for the line item."/>
7210 <eAnnotations source=
7211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bill period for the line item."/>
7213 </eStructuralFeatures>
7214 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpInvoice" eType=
7215 eOpposite=
7216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"previousAmount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
7218 <eAnnotations source=
7219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Previous line item charge amount."/>
7221 <eAnnotations source=
7222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Previous line item charge amount."/>
7224 </eStructuralFeatures>
7225 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7226 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7227 eOpposite=
7228 <eAnnotations source=
7229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer billing for services rendered."/>
7231 <eAnnotations source=
7232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer billing for services rendered."/>
7234 </eStructuralFeatures>
7235 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpRecLineItem" eType=
7236 eOpposite=
7237 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7238 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7239 eOpposite=
7241 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OrgOrgRole" eSuperTypes=
7242 <eAnnotations source=
7243 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and other Organisations. This includes role ups for ogranisations, cost centers, profit centers, regulatory reporting, etc.
Note that the parent and child relationship is indicated by the name on each end of the association."/>
7245 <eAnnotations source=
7246 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and other Organisations. This includes role ups for ogranisations, cost centers, profit centers, regulatory reporting, etc.
Note that the parent and child relationship is indicated by the name on each end of the association."/>
7248 <eAnnotations source=
7249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and other Organisations. This includes role ups for ogranisations, cost centers, profit centers, regulatory reporting, etc.
Note that the parent and child relationship is indicated by the name on each end of the association."/>
7250 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and other Organisations. This includes role ups for ogranisations, cost centers, profit centers, regulatory reporting, etc.
Note that the parent and child relationship is indicated by the name on each end of the association."/>
7252 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7253 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
7254 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7255 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
7256 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"clientID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7258 <eAnnotations source=
7259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifiers of the organisation held by another organisation, such as a government agency (federal, state, province, city, county), financial institution (Dun and Bradstreet), etc."/>
7261 <eAnnotations source=
7262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifiers of the organisation held by another organisation, such as a government agency (federal, state, province, city, county), financial institution (Dun and Bradstreet), etc."/>
7264 </eStructuralFeatures>
7266 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpJournal" eSuperTypes=
7267 <eAnnotations source=
7268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Book for recording accounting transactions as they occur. Transactions and adjustments are first recorded in a journal, which is like a diary of instructions, advising which account to be charged and by how much.
A journal represents a change in the balances of a business's financial accounts. Many tasks or transactions throughout an enterprise will result in the creation of a journal. Some examples are creating a customer invoice, paying a vendor, transferring inventory, or paying employees."/>
7270 <eAnnotations source=
7271 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Book for recording accounting transactions as they occur. Transactions and adjustments are first recorded in a journal, which is like a diary of instructions, advising which account to be charged and by how much.
A journal represents a change in the balances of a business's financial accounts. Many tasks or transactions throughout an enterprise will result in the creation of a journal. Some examples are creating a customer invoice, paying a vendor, transferring inventory, or paying employees."/>
7273 <eAnnotations source=
7274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Book for recording accounting transactions as they occur. Transactions and adjustments are first recorded in a journal, which is like a diary of instructions, advising which account to be charged and by how much.
A journal represents a change in the balances of a business's financial accounts. Many tasks or transactions throughout an enterprise will result in the creation of a journal. Some examples are creating a customer invoice, paying a vendor, transferring inventory, or paying employees."/>
7275 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Book for recording accounting transactions as they occur. Transactions and adjustments are first recorded in a journal, which is like a diary of instructions, advising which account to be charged and by how much.
A journal represents a change in the balances of a business's financial accounts. Many tasks or transactions throughout an enterprise will result in the creation of a journal. Some examples are creating a customer invoice, paying a vendor, transferring inventory, or paying employees."/>
7277 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7278 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7279 eOpposite=
7281 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPersonnel" eSuperTypes=
7282 <eAnnotations source=
7283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that applies to the basic data about a utility person, used by ERP applications to transfer Personnel data for a worker."/>
7285 <eAnnotations source=
7286 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that applies to the basic data about a utility person, used by ERP applications to transfer Personnel data for a worker."/>
7288 <eAnnotations source=
7289 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information that applies to the basic data about a utility person, used by ERP applications to transfer Personnel data for a worker."/>
7290 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information that applies to the basic data about a utility person, used by ERP applications to transfer Personnel data for a worker."/>
7292 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7293 containment=
7294 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
7295 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
7297 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
7298 <eLiterals name=
7299 <eLiterals name=
"paper" value=
7300 <eLiterals name=
"electronic" value=
7302 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpQuoteLineItem" eSuperTypes=
7303 <eAnnotations source=
7304 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpQuote, the item or product quoted along with quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
7306 <eAnnotations source=
7307 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpQuote, the item or product quoted along with quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
7309 <eAnnotations source=
7310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Of an ErpQuote, the item or product quoted along with quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
7311 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Of an ErpQuote, the item or product quoted along with quantity, price and other descriptive information."/>
7313 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpQuote" eType=
7314 eOpposite=
7315 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7316 eType=
7317 eOpposite=
7318 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7319 containment=
7320 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Design" eType=
7321 eOpposite=
7322 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7323 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoiceLineItem" eOpposite=
7324 <eAnnotations source=
7325 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Some utilities provide quotes to customer for services, where the customer accepts the quote by making a payment. An invoice is required for this to occur."/>
7327 <eAnnotations source=
7328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Some utilities provide quotes to customer for services, where the customer accepts the quote by making a payment. An invoice is required for this to occur."/>
7330 </eStructuralFeatures>
7331 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpReqLineItem" eType=
7332 eOpposite=
7333 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Request" eType=
7334 eOpposite=
7336 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpBomItemData" eSuperTypes=
7337 <eAnnotations source=
7338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An individual item on a bill of materials."/>
7340 <eAnnotations source=
7341 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An individual item on a bill of materials."/>
7343 <eAnnotations source=
7344 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An individual item on a bill of materials."/>
7345 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An individual item on a bill of materials."/>
7347 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeAsset" eType=
7348 eOpposite=
7349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpBOM" eType=
7350 eOpposite=
7351 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DesignLocation" eType=
7352 eOpposite=
7355 <eSubpackages name=
"InfCommon" nsURI=
7356 nsPrefix=
7357 <eAnnotations source=
7358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains functions common for distribution management.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"Locations are logical entities which are related to a geographical position. Locations can be defined as points, lines or polygons. Location serves as a parent class for e.g. Zone, WorkLocation or ServiceLocation.
Both Assets and PowerSystemResources are typically associated to a location. Aside from coordinates, useful properties of Locations can include Directions (i.e. driving instructions) and relationships to Organizations.
ActivityRecord is a generalized class used to track the history of an object (e.g. Asset, PowerSystemResource, Customer, Location, Organisation or ErpContact). An ActivityRecord is a type of Document. Key properties of an ActivityRecord include statusDate, status, statusReason and remarks. TODO: Update attribute names.
The graphical and geographical aspects of Assets, Locations and PowerSystemResources are managed using Graphical Markup Language (GML), which was defined by the Open GIS Consortium. Using GML, a diagram is a collection of presentation objects. This package defines the classes Diagram and Presentation. TODO: These are now under Common package.""/>
7360 <eAnnotations source=
7361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains functions common for distribution management.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"Locations are logical entities which are related to a geographical position. Locations can be defined as points, lines or polygons. Location serves as a parent class for e.g. Zone, WorkLocation or ServiceLocation.
Both Assets and PowerSystemResources are typically associated to a location. Aside from coordinates, useful properties of Locations can include Directions (i.e. driving instructions) and relationships to Organizations.
ActivityRecord is a generalized class used to track the history of an object (e.g. Asset, PowerSystemResource, Customer, Location, Organisation or ErpContact). An ActivityRecord is a type of Document. Key properties of an ActivityRecord include statusDate, status, statusReason and remarks. TODO: Update attribute names.
The graphical and geographical aspects of Assets, Locations and PowerSystemResources are managed using Graphical Markup Language (GML), which was defined by the Open GIS Consortium. Using GML, a diagram is a collection of presentation objects. This package defines the classes Diagram and Presentation. TODO: These are now under Common package.""/>
7363 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Role" eSuperTypes=
7364 <eAnnotations source=
7365 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enumeration of potential roles that might be played by one object relative to another."/>
7367 <eAnnotations source=
7368 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Enumeration of potential roles that might be played by one object relative to another."/>
7370 <eAnnotations source=
7371 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enumeration of potential roles that might be played by one object relative to another."/>
7372 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Enumeration of potential roles that might be played by one object relative to another."/>
7374 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7376 <eAnnotations source=
7377 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of role."/>
7379 <eAnnotations source=
7380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of role."/>
7382 </eStructuralFeatures>
7383 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7384 containment=
7386 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Bank" eSuperTypes=
7387 <eAnnotations source=
7388 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation that is a commercial bank, agency, or other institution that offers a similar service."/>
7390 <eAnnotations source=
7391 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation that is a commercial bank, agency, or other institution that offers a similar service."/>
7393 <eAnnotations source=
7394 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation that is a commercial bank, agency, or other institution that offers a similar service."/>
7395 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation that is a commercial bank, agency, or other institution that offers a similar service."/>
7397 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BankAccounts" upperBound=
7398 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/BankAccount" eOpposite=
7399 <eAnnotations source=
7400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All BankAccounts this Bank provides."/>
7402 <eAnnotations source=
7403 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All BankAccounts this Bank provides."/>
7405 </eStructuralFeatures>
7406 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bic" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7408 <eAnnotations source=
7409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank identifier code as defined in ISO 9362; for use in countries wher IBAN is not yet in operation."/>
7411 <eAnnotations source=
7412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank identifier code as defined in ISO 9362; for use in countries wher IBAN is not yet in operation."/>
7414 </eStructuralFeatures>
7415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"iban" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7417 <eAnnotations source=
7418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"International bank account number defined in ISO 13616; for countries where IBAN is not in operation, the existing BIC or SWIFT codes may be used instead (see ISO 9362)."/>
7420 <eAnnotations source=
7421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"International bank account number defined in ISO 13616; for countries where IBAN is not in operation, the existing BIC or SWIFT codes may be used instead (see ISO 9362)."/>
7423 </eStructuralFeatures>
7424 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"branchCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7426 <eAnnotations source=
7427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Codified reference to the particular branch of the bank where BankAccount is held."/>
7429 <eAnnotations source=
7430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Codified reference to the particular branch of the bank where BankAccount is held."/>
7432 </eStructuralFeatures>
7434 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
7435 <eLiterals name=
7436 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
7437 <eLiterals name=
"master" value=
7438 <eLiterals name=
"standard" value=
7440 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Skill" eSuperTypes=
7441 <eAnnotations source=
7442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work."/>
7444 <eAnnotations source=
7445 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work."/>
7447 <eAnnotations source=
7448 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work."/>
7449 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Proficiency level of a craft, which is required to operate or maintain a particular type of asset and/or perform certain types of work."/>
7451 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crafts" upperBound=
7452 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/Craft" eOpposite=
7453 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7454 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
7455 <eAnnotations source=
7456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the skill became effective."/>
7458 <eAnnotations source=
7459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the skill became effective."/>
7461 </eStructuralFeatures>
7462 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPerson" eType=
7463 eOpposite=
7464 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"level" eType=
7466 <eAnnotations source=
7467 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Level of skill for a Craft."/>
7469 <eAnnotations source=
7470 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Level of skill for a Craft."/>
7472 </eStructuralFeatures>
7473 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7474 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7475 eOpposite=
7476 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7477 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
7478 <eAnnotations source=
7479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval between the certification and its expiry."/>
7481 <eAnnotations source=
7482 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval between the certification and its expiry."/>
7484 </eStructuralFeatures>
7486 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BusinessRole" eSuperTypes=
7487 <eAnnotations source=
7488 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A business role that this organisation plays. A single organisation typically performs many functions, each one described as a role."/>
7490 <eAnnotations source=
7491 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A business role that this organisation plays. A single organisation typically performs many functions, each one described as a role."/>
7493 <eAnnotations source=
7494 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A business role that this organisation plays. A single organisation typically performs many functions, each one described as a role."/>
7495 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A business role that this organisation plays. A single organisation typically performs many functions, each one described as a role."/>
7497 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Organisations" upperBound=
7498 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Organisation" eOpposite=
7499 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7500 containment=
7501 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7503 <eAnnotations source=
7504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices."/>
7506 <eAnnotations source=
7507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices."/>
7509 </eStructuralFeatures>
7511 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ScheduledEvent" eSuperTypes=
7512 <eAnnotations source=
7513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Signifies an event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units must be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc."/>
7515 <eAnnotations source=
7516 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Signifies an event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units must be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc."/>
7518 <eAnnotations source=
7519 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Signifies an event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units must be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc."/>
7520 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Signifies an event to trigger one or more activities, such as reading a meter, recalculating a bill, requesting work, when generating units must be scheduled for maintenance, when a transformer is scheduled to be refurbished, etc."/>
7522 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Document" eType=
7523 eOpposite=
7524 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ActivityRecord" eType=
7525 eOpposite=
7526 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7527 containment=
7528 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TimePoint" eType=
7529 eOpposite=
7530 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"duration" eType=
7532 <eAnnotations source=
7533 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Duration of the scheduled event, for example, the time to ramp between values."/>
7535 <eAnnotations source=
7536 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Duration of the scheduled event, for example, the time to ramp between values."/>
7538 </eStructuralFeatures>
7539 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7541 <eAnnotations source=
7542 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of scheduled event."/>
7544 <eAnnotations source=
7545 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of scheduled event."/>
7547 </eStructuralFeatures>
7548 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7549 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/ScheduleParameterInfo" eOpposite=
7550 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
7551 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
7553 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ScheduleParameterInfo" eSuperTypes=
7554 <eAnnotations source=
7555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule parameters for an activity that is to occur, is occurring, or has completed."/>
7557 <eAnnotations source=
7558 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Schedule parameters for an activity that is to occur, is occurring, or has completed."/>
7560 <eAnnotations source=
7561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule parameters for an activity that is to occur, is occurring, or has completed."/>
7562 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Schedule parameters for an activity that is to occur, is occurring, or has completed."/>
7564 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7565 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/InspectionDataSet" eOpposite=
7566 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7567 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
7568 <eAnnotations source=
7569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Requested date and time interval for activity execution."/>
7571 <eAnnotations source=
7572 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Requested date and time interval for activity execution."/>
7574 </eStructuralFeatures>
7575 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Documents" upperBound=
7576 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Document" eOpposite=
7577 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7578 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
7579 <eAnnotations source=
7580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated date and time for activity execution (with earliest possibility of activity initiation and latest possibility of activity completion)."/>
7582 <eAnnotations source=
7583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated date and time for activity execution (with earliest possibility of activity initiation and latest possibility of activity completion)."/>
7585 </eStructuralFeatures>
7586 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7587 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
7588 eOpposite=
7589 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7590 containment=
7592 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DocPsrRole" eSuperTypes=
7593 <eAnnotations source=
7594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential roles that might played by a document relative to a type of PowerSystemResource."/>
7596 <eAnnotations source=
7597 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Potential roles that might played by a document relative to a type of PowerSystemResource."/>
7599 <eAnnotations source=
7600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential roles that might played by a document relative to a type of PowerSystemResource."/>
7601 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Potential roles that might played by a document relative to a type of PowerSystemResource."/>
7603 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Document" eType=
7604 eOpposite=
7605 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7606 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
7608 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
7609 <eAnnotations source=
7610 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient."/>
7612 <eAnnotations source=
7613 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient."/>
7614 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
7616 <eAnnotations source=
7617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient."/>
7618 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient."/>
7620 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"numerator" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
7622 <eAnnotations source=
7623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The part of a fraction that is above the line and signifies the number to be divided by the denominator."/>
7625 <eAnnotations source=
7626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The part of a fraction that is above the line and signifies the number to be divided by the denominator."/>
7628 </eStructuralFeatures>
7629 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"denominator" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
7631 <eAnnotations source=
7632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator."/>
7634 <eAnnotations source=
7635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The part of a fraction that is below the line and that functions as the divisor of the numerator."/>
7637 </eStructuralFeatures>
7639 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BankAccount" eSuperTypes=
7640 <eAnnotations source=
7641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank account."/>
7643 <eAnnotations source=
7644 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bank account."/>
7646 <eAnnotations source=
7647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank account."/>
7648 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bank account."/>
7650 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7651 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/ServiceSupplier" eOpposite=
7652 <eAnnotations source=
7653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ServiceSupplier that is owner of this BankAccount."/>
7655 <eAnnotations source=
7656 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ServiceSupplier that is owner of this BankAccount."/>
7658 </eStructuralFeatures>
7659 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Bank" eType=
7660 eOpposite=
7661 <eAnnotations source=
7662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank that provides this BankAccount."/>
7664 <eAnnotations source=
7665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank that provides this BankAccount."/>
7667 </eStructuralFeatures>
7668 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accountNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7670 <eAnnotations source=
7671 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Account reference number."/>
7673 <eAnnotations source=
7674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Account reference number."/>
7676 </eStructuralFeatures>
7678 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Craft" eSuperTypes=
7679 <eAnnotations source=
7680 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Craft of a person or a crew. Examples include overhead electric, underground electric, high pressure gas, etc. This ensures necessary knowledge and skills before being allowed to perform certain types of work."/>
7682 <eAnnotations source=
7683 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Craft of a person or a crew. Examples include overhead electric, underground electric, high pressure gas, etc. This ensures necessary knowledge and skills before being allowed to perform certain types of work."/>
7685 <eAnnotations source=
7686 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Craft of a person or a crew. Examples include overhead electric, underground electric, high pressure gas, etc. This ensures necessary knowledge and skills before being allowed to perform certain types of work."/>
7687 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Craft of a person or a crew. Examples include overhead electric, underground electric, high pressure gas, etc. This ensures necessary knowledge and skills before being allowed to perform certain types of work."/>
7689 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7691 <eAnnotations source=
7692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work mangement standards and practices."/>
7694 <eAnnotations source=
7695 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work mangement standards and practices."/>
7697 </eStructuralFeatures>
7698 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Skills" upperBound=
7699 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/Skill" eOpposite=
7700 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
7701 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
7702 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
7703 containment=
7704 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Capabilities" upperBound=
7705 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Capability" eOpposite=
7707 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DocDocRole" eSuperTypes=
7708 <eAnnotations source=
7709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and other Documents."/>
7711 <eAnnotations source=
7712 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and other Documents."/>
7714 <eAnnotations source=
7715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and other Documents."/>
7716 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and other Documents."/>
7718 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToDocument" eType=
7719 eOpposite=
7720 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"FromDocument" eType=
7721 eOpposite=
7723 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BusinessPlan" eSuperTypes=
7724 <eAnnotations source=
7725 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A BusinessPlan is an organized sequence of predetermined actions required to complete a future organizational objective. It is a type of document that typically references a schedule, physical and/or logical resources (assets and/or PowerSystemResources), locations, etc."/>
7727 <eAnnotations source=
7728 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A BusinessPlan is an organized sequence of predetermined actions required to complete a future organizational objective. It is a type of document that typically references a schedule, physical and/or logical resources (assets and/or PowerSystemResources), locations, etc."/>
7730 <eAnnotations source=
7731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A BusinessPlan is an organized sequence of predetermined actions required to complete a future organizational objective. It is a type of document that typically references a schedule, physical and/or logical resources (assets and/or PowerSystemResources), locations, etc."/>
7732 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A BusinessPlan is an organized sequence of predetermined actions required to complete a future organizational objective. It is a type of document that typically references a schedule, physical and/or logical resources (assets and/or PowerSystemResources), locations, etc."/>
7736 <eSubpackages name=
"InfAssets" nsURI=
7737 nsPrefix=
7738 <eAnnotations source=
7739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package is used to define asset-level models for objects. Assets may be comprised of other assets and may have relationships to other assets. Assets also have owners and values. Assets may also have a relationship to a PowerSystemResource in the Wires model.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"Assets are the basic units which define a physical infrastructure. PowerSystemResources are logical objects meaningful to operations which are constructed from one or more Assets, although PowerSystemResources are not required to specifiy their component Assets.
The Asset package is comprosed of several packages. The key concepts of an Asset are as follows:
	<li>Assets can have names, through inheritance to the Naming package</li>
	<li>Assets are physical entities which have a lifecycle</li>
	<li>One or more assets can be associated to create a PowerSystemResource</li>
	<li>Assets can be grouped (aggregated) with other Assets</li>
	<li>Assets are typically either 'point' or 'linear' assets, which relate to physical geometry</li>
	<li>Assets have a close relationship to Work as a consequence of their lifecycle</li>
The following sections describe the packages in the Assets package.
The AssetBasics package defines the relationship between Asset and other classes, such as Organization, PowerSystemResource and Document.
Point assets are those assets whose physical location can be described in terms of a single coordinate, such as a pole or a switch.
Linear assets are those assets whose physical location is best described in terms of a line, plyline or polygon.
Asset work triggers are used to determine when inspection and/or maintenance are required for assets.""/>
7741 <eAnnotations source=
7742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package is used to define asset-level models for objects. Assets may be comprised of other assets and may have relationships to other assets. Assets also have owners and values. Assets may also have a relationship to a PowerSystemResource in the Wires model.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"Assets are the basic units which define a physical infrastructure. PowerSystemResources are logical objects meaningful to operations which are constructed from one or more Assets, although PowerSystemResources are not required to specifiy their component Assets.
The Asset package is comprosed of several packages. The key concepts of an Asset are as follows:
	<li>Assets can have names, through inheritance to the Naming package</li>
	<li>Assets are physical entities which have a lifecycle</li>
	<li>One or more assets can be associated to create a PowerSystemResource</li>
	<li>Assets can be grouped (aggregated) with other Assets</li>
	<li>Assets are typically either 'point' or 'linear' assets, which relate to physical geometry</li>
	<li>Assets have a close relationship to Work as a consequence of their lifecycle</li>
The following sections describe the packages in the Assets package.
The AssetBasics package defines the relationship between Asset and other classes, such as Organization, PowerSystemResource and Document.
Point assets are those assets whose physical location can be described in terms of a single coordinate, such as a pole or a switch.
Linear assets are those assets whose physical location is best described in terms of a line, plyline or polygon.
Asset work triggers are used to determine when inspection and/or maintenance are required for assets.""/>
7744 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FACTSDevice" eSuperTypes=
7745 <eAnnotations source=
7746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"FACTS device asset."/>
7748 <eAnnotations source=
7749 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"FACTS device asset."/>
7751 <eAnnotations source=
7752 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"FACTS device asset."/>
7753 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"FACTS device asset."/>
7755 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
7757 <eAnnotations source=
7758 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of FACTS device."/>
7760 <eAnnotations source=
7761 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of FACTS device."/>
7763 </eStructuralFeatures>
7765 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DocAssetRole" eSuperTypes=
7766 <eAnnotations source=
7767 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and Assets."/>
7769 <eAnnotations source=
7770 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and Assets."/>
7772 <eAnnotations source=
7773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and Assets."/>
7774 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Documents and Assets."/>
7776 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Document" eType=
7777 eOpposite=
7778 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
7779 eOpposite=
7781 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DuctBank" eSuperTypes=
7782 <eAnnotations source=
7783 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A duct bank may contain many ducts. Each duct contains individual lines that are expressed as conductor assets (thereby describing each line's physical asset characteristics), which are each associated with ACLineSegments and other classes describing their electrical characteristics."/>
7785 <eAnnotations source=
7786 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A duct bank may contain many ducts. Each duct contains individual lines that are expressed as conductor assets (thereby describing each line's physical asset characteristics), which are each associated with ACLineSegments and other classes describing their electrical characteristics."/>
7788 <eAnnotations source=
7789 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A duct bank may contain many ducts. Each duct contains individual lines that are expressed as conductor assets (thereby describing each line's physical asset characteristics), which are each associated with ACLineSegments and other classes describing their electrical characteristics."/>
7790 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A duct bank may contain many ducts. Each duct contains individual lines that are expressed as conductor assets (thereby describing each line's physical asset characteristics), which are each associated with ACLineSegments and other classes describing their electrical characteristics."/>
7792 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DuctInfos" upperBound=
7793 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Duct" eOpposite=
7794 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"circuitCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
7796 <eAnnotations source=
7797 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of circuits in duct bank. Refer to associations between a duct (ConductorAsset) and an ACLineSegment to understand which circuits are in which ducts."/>
7799 <eAnnotations source=
7800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of circuits in duct bank. Refer to associations between a duct (ConductorAsset) and an ACLineSegment to understand which circuits are in which ducts."/>
7802 </eStructuralFeatures>
7804 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConductorAsset" eSuperTypes=
7805 <eAnnotations source=
7806 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Physical asset used to perform the conductor's role."/>
7808 <eAnnotations source=
7809 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Physical asset used to perform the conductor's role."/>
7811 <eAnnotations source=
7812 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Physical asset used to perform the conductor's role."/>
7813 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Physical asset used to perform the conductor's role."/>
7815 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isHorizontal" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
7817 <eAnnotations source=
7818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True when orientation is horizontal (e.g., transmission and distribution lines), false if vertical (e.g. a riser for underground to overhead service)."/>
7820 <eAnnotations source=
7821 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True when orientation is horizontal (e.g., transmission and distribution lines), false if vertical (e.g. a riser for underground to overhead service)."/>
7823 </eStructuralFeatures>
7824 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CircuitSection" eType=
7825 eOpposite=
7826 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7827 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7829 <eAnnotations source=
7830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the method used for grounding the conductor. For a cable, the grounding/bonding shield may be multi-point, single-point, cross cable, or other."/>
7832 <eAnnotations source=
7833 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the method used for grounding the conductor. For a cable, the grounding/bonding shield may be multi-point, single-point, cross cable, or other."/>
7835 </eStructuralFeatures>
7836 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"insulated" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
7838 <eAnnotations source=
7839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if conductor asset has an insulator around the core material."/>
7841 <eAnnotations source=
7842 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if conductor asset has an insulator around the core material."/>
7844 </eStructuralFeatures>
7845 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
7846 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/ACLineSegment" eOpposite=
7848 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
7849 <eLiterals name=
7850 <eLiterals name=
"helix" value=
7851 <eLiterals name=
"unknown" value=
7852 <eLiterals name=
"multiHelix" value=
7853 <eLiterals name=
"screw" value=
7854 <eLiterals name=
"rod" value=
7855 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
7857 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FinancialInfo" eSuperTypes=
7858 <eAnnotations source=
7859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Various current financial properties associated with a particular asset. Historical properties may be determined by ActivityRecords associated with the asset."/>
7861 <eAnnotations source=
7862 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Various current financial properties associated with a particular asset. Historical properties may be determined by ActivityRecords associated with the asset."/>
7864 <eAnnotations source=
7865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Various current financial properties associated with a particular asset. Historical properties may be determined by ActivityRecords associated with the asset."/>
7866 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Various current financial properties associated with a particular asset. Historical properties may be determined by ActivityRecords associated with the asset."/>
7868 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7869 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
7870 <eAnnotations source=
7871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time warranty on asset expires."/>
7873 <eAnnotations source=
7874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time warranty on asset expires."/>
7876 </eStructuralFeatures>
7877 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7878 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7880 <eAnnotations source=
7881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the cost."/>
7883 <eAnnotations source=
7884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the cost."/>
7886 </eStructuralFeatures>
7887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7888 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
7889 <eAnnotations source=
7890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time asset was purchased."/>
7892 <eAnnotations source=
7893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time asset was purchased."/>
7895 </eStructuralFeatures>
7896 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"account" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7898 <eAnnotations source=
7899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The account to which this actual material item is charged."/>
7901 <eAnnotations source=
7902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The account to which this actual material item is charged."/>
7904 </eStructuralFeatures>
7905 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"financialValue" eType=
7907 <eAnnotations source=
7908 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of asset as of 'valueDateTime'."/>
7910 <eAnnotations source=
7911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of asset as of 'valueDateTime'."/>
7913 </eStructuralFeatures>
7914 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
7915 eOpposite=
7916 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7917 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7919 <eAnnotations source=
7920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Purchase order identifier."/>
7922 <eAnnotations source=
7923 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Purchase order identifier."/>
7925 </eStructuralFeatures>
7926 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7927 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
7928 <eAnnotations source=
7929 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time asset's financial value was put in plant for regulatory accounting purposes (e.g., for rate base calculations). This is sometime referred to as the "in-service date.""/>
7931 <eAnnotations source=
7932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time asset's financial value was put in plant for regulatory accounting purposes (e.g., for rate base calculations). This is sometime referred to as the "in-service date.""/>
7934 </eStructuralFeatures>
7935 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
7937 <eAnnotations source=
7938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of the asset if per unit length, for example conductor."/>
7940 <eAnnotations source=
7941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The quantity of the asset if per unit length, for example conductor."/>
7943 </eStructuralFeatures>
7944 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"valueDateTime" eType=
7946 <eAnnotations source=
7947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time at which the financial value was last established."/>
7949 <eAnnotations source=
7950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time at which the financial value was last established."/>
7952 </eStructuralFeatures>
7953 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"costType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
7955 <eAnnotations source=
7956 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of cost to which this Material Item belongs."/>
7958 <eAnnotations source=
7959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of cost to which this Material Item belongs."/>
7961 </eStructuralFeatures>
7962 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
7963 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
7964 <eAnnotations source=
7965 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual purchase cost of this particular asset."/>
7967 <eAnnotations source=
7968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual purchase cost of this particular asset."/>
7970 </eStructuralFeatures>
7972 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ProtectionEquipmentInfo" eSuperTypes=
7973 <eAnnotations source=
7974 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of protection equipment asset."/>
7976 <eAnnotations source=
7977 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of protection equipment asset."/>
7979 <eAnnotations source=
7980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of protection equipment asset."/>
7981 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of protection equipment asset."/>
7983 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"groundTrip" eType=
7985 <eAnnotations source=
7986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actual ground trip for this type of relay, if applicable."/>
7988 <eAnnotations source=
7989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actual ground trip for this type of relay, if applicable."/>
7991 </eStructuralFeatures>
7992 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseTrip" eType=
7994 <eAnnotations source=
7995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actual phase trip for this type of relay, if applicable."/>
7997 <eAnnotations source=
7998 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actual phase trip for this type of relay, if applicable."/>
8000 </eStructuralFeatures>
8002 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ProcedureDataSet" eSuperTypes=
8003 <eAnnotations source=
8004 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A data set recorded each time a procedure is executed. Observed results are captured in associated measurement values and/or values for properties relevant to the type of procedure performed."/>
8006 <eAnnotations source=
8007 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A data set recorded each time a procedure is executed. Observed results are captured in associated measurement values and/or values for properties relevant to the type of procedure performed."/>
8009 <eAnnotations source=
8010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A data set recorded each time a procedure is executed. Observed results are captured in associated measurement values and/or values for properties relevant to the type of procedure performed."/>
8011 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A data set recorded each time a procedure is executed. Observed results are captured in associated measurement values and/or values for properties relevant to the type of procedure performed."/>
8013 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Properties" upperBound=
8014 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
8015 <eAnnotations source=
8016 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify further properties of this procedure data set. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value."/>
8018 <eAnnotations source=
8019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify further properties of this procedure data set. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value."/>
8021 </eStructuralFeatures>
8022 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8023 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8024 eOpposite=
8025 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Procedure" eType=
8026 eOpposite=
8027 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8028 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
8029 <eAnnotations source=
8030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time procedure was completed."/>
8032 <eAnnotations source=
8033 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time procedure was completed."/>
8035 </eStructuralFeatures>
8036 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8037 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/MeasurementValue" eOpposite=
8039 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WindingInsulation" eSuperTypes=
8040 <eAnnotations source=
8041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Winding insulation condition as a result of a test."/>
8043 <eAnnotations source=
8044 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Winding insulation condition as a result of a test."/>
8046 <eAnnotations source=
8047 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Winding insulation condition as a result of a test."/>
8048 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Winding insulation condition as a result of a test."/>
8050 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8051 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8053 <eAnnotations source=
8054 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of Winding Insulation Power Factor as of statusDate: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed."/>
8056 <eAnnotations source=
8057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of Winding Insulation Power Factor as of statusDate: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed."/>
8059 </eStructuralFeatures>
8060 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Ground" eType=
8061 eOpposite=
8062 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8063 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/TransformerObservation" eOpposite=
8064 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8065 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8067 <eAnnotations source=
8068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For testType, status of Winding Insulation Resistance as of statusDate. Typical values are: Acceptable, Questionable, Failed."/>
8070 <eAnnotations source=
8071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For testType, status of Winding Insulation Resistance as of statusDate. Typical values are: Acceptable, Questionable, Failed."/>
8073 </eStructuralFeatures>
8074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToWinding" eType=
8075 eOpposite=
8076 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8077 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Reactance" unsettable=
8078 <eAnnotations source=
8079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"As of statusDate, the leakage reactance measured at the "from" winding with the "to" winding short-circuited and all other windings open-circuited."/>
8081 <eAnnotations source=
8082 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"As of statusDate, the leakage reactance measured at the "from" winding with the "to" winding short-circuited and all other windings open-circuited."/>
8084 </eStructuralFeatures>
8085 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"FromWinding" eType=
8086 eOpposite=
8087 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
8088 containment=
8090 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Specification" eSuperTypes=
8091 <eAnnotations source=
8092 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specification can be used for various purposes relative to an asset, a logical device (PowerSystemResource), location, etc. Examples include documents supplied by manufacturers such as asset installation instructions, asset maintenance instructions, etc."/>
8094 <eAnnotations source=
8095 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specification can be used for various purposes relative to an asset, a logical device (PowerSystemResource), location, etc. Examples include documents supplied by manufacturers such as asset installation instructions, asset maintenance instructions, etc."/>
8097 <eAnnotations source=
8098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specification can be used for various purposes relative to an asset, a logical device (PowerSystemResource), location, etc. Examples include documents supplied by manufacturers such as asset installation instructions, asset maintenance instructions, etc."/>
8099 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specification can be used for various purposes relative to an asset, a logical device (PowerSystemResource), location, etc. Examples include documents supplied by manufacturers such as asset installation instructions, asset maintenance instructions, etc."/>
8101 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8102 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8103 eOpposite=
8104 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Mediums" upperBound=
8105 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Medium" eOpposite=
8106 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8107 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
8108 <eAnnotations source=
8109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify further properties of the asset covered with this specification. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value."/>
8111 <eAnnotations source=
8112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify further properties of the asset covered with this specification. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value."/>
8114 </eStructuralFeatures>
8115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8116 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8117 eOpposite=
8118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8119 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8120 eOpposite=
8121 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Ratings" upperBound=
8122 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
8123 <eAnnotations source=
8124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify ratings of the asset covered by this specification. Ratings also can be used to set the initial value of operational measurement limits. Use 'name' to specify what kind of rating it is (e.g., voltage, current), and 'value' attribute for the actual value and unit information of the rating."/>
8126 <eAnnotations source=
8127 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify ratings of the asset covered by this specification. Ratings also can be used to set the initial value of operational measurement limits. Use 'name' to specify what kind of rating it is (e.g., voltage, current), and 'value' attribute for the actual value and unit information of the rating."/>
8129 </eStructuralFeatures>
8130 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8131 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8132 eOpposite=
8134 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"UndergroundStructure" eSuperTypes=
8135 <eAnnotations source=
8136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Underground structure."/>
8138 <eAnnotations source=
8139 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Underground structure."/>
8141 <eAnnotations source=
8142 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Underground structure."/>
8143 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Underground structure."/>
8145 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hasVentilation" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
8147 <eAnnotations source=
8148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if vault is ventilating."/>
8150 <eAnnotations source=
8151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if vault is ventilating."/>
8153 </eStructuralFeatures>
8154 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
8156 <eAnnotations source=
8157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if vault is ventilating."/>
8159 <eAnnotations source=
8160 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if vault is ventilating."/>
8162 </eStructuralFeatures>
8163 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"material" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8165 <eAnnotations source=
8166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Primary material of underground structure."/>
8168 <eAnnotations source=
8169 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Primary material of underground structure."/>
8171 </eStructuralFeatures>
8172 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8173 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/AbsoluteDate" unsettable=
8174 <eAnnotations source=
8175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date sealing warranty expires."/>
8177 <eAnnotations source=
8178 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date sealing warranty expires."/>
8180 </eStructuralFeatures>
8182 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PotentialTransformerInfo" eSuperTypes=
8183 <eAnnotations source=
8184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of potential transformer asset."/>
8186 <eAnnotations source=
8187 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of potential transformer asset."/>
8189 <eAnnotations source=
8190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of potential transformer asset."/>
8191 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of potential transformer asset."/>
8193 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"nominalRatio" eType=
8194 containment=
8195 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ptClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8197 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"primaryRatio" eType=
8199 <eAnnotations source=
8200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the primary winding tap changer."/>
8202 <eAnnotations source=
8203 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the primary winding tap changer."/>
8205 </eStructuralFeatures>
8206 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"tertiaryRatio" eType=
8208 <eAnnotations source=
8209 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the tertiary winding tap changer."/>
8211 <eAnnotations source=
8212 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the tertiary winding tap changer."/>
8214 </eStructuralFeatures>
8215 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accuracyClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8217 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PTs" upperBound=
8218 eType=
"#//IEC61970/AuxiliaryEquipment/PotentialTransformer" eOpposite=
8219 <eAnnotations source=
8220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All potential (voltage) transformers described by this data."/>
8222 <eAnnotations source=
8223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All potential (voltage) transformers described by this data."/>
8225 </eStructuralFeatures>
8226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"secondaryRatio" eType=
8228 <eAnnotations source=
8229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the secondary winding tap changer."/>
8231 <eAnnotations source=
8232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the secondary winding tap changer."/>
8234 </eStructuralFeatures>
8236 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Structure" eSuperTypes=
8237 <eAnnotations source=
8238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Construction holding assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, etc."/>
8240 <eAnnotations source=
8241 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Construction holding assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, etc."/>
8243 <eAnnotations source=
8244 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Construction holding assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, etc."/>
8245 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Construction holding assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, etc."/>
8247 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedVoltage" eType=
8249 <eAnnotations source=
8250 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum rated voltage of the equipment that can be mounted on/contained within the structure."/>
8252 <eAnnotations source=
8253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum rated voltage of the equipment that can be mounted on/contained within the structure."/>
8255 </eStructuralFeatures>
8256 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8257 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8258 eOpposite=
8259 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8260 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/AbsoluteDate" unsettable=
8261 <eAnnotations source=
8262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date fumigant was last applied."/>
8264 <eAnnotations source=
8265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date fumigant was last applied."/>
8267 </eStructuralFeatures>
8268 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8269 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/AbsoluteDate" unsettable=
8270 <eAnnotations source=
8271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date weed were last removed."/>
8273 <eAnnotations source=
8274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date weed were last removed."/>
8276 </eStructuralFeatures>
8277 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"removeWeed" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
8279 <eAnnotations source=
8280 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if weeds are to be removed around asset."/>
8282 <eAnnotations source=
8283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if weeds are to be removed around asset."/>
8285 </eStructuralFeatures>
8286 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"height" eType=
8288 <eAnnotations source=
8289 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Visible height of structure above ground level for overhead construction (e.g., Pole or Tower) or below ground level for an underground vault, manhole, etc. Refer to associated DimensionPropertiesInfo for other types of dimensions."/>
8291 <eAnnotations source=
8292 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Visible height of structure above ground level for overhead construction (e.g., Pole or Tower) or below ground level for an underground vault, manhole, etc. Refer to associated DimensionPropertiesInfo for other types of dimensions."/>
8294 </eStructuralFeatures>
8295 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fumigantName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8297 <eAnnotations source=
8298 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of fumigant."/>
8300 <eAnnotations source=
8301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of fumigant."/>
8303 </eStructuralFeatures>
8304 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8305 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8306 eOpposite=
8307 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"materialKind" eType=
8309 <eAnnotations source=
8310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Material this structure is made of."/>
8312 <eAnnotations source=
8313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Material this structure is made of."/>
8315 </eStructuralFeatures>
8317 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
8318 <eLiterals name=
8319 <eLiterals name=
"tension" value=
8321 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CurrentTransformerInfo" eSuperTypes=
8322 <eAnnotations source=
8323 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of current transformer asset."/>
8325 <eAnnotations source=
8326 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of current transformer asset."/>
8328 <eAnnotations source=
8329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of current transformer asset."/>
8330 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of current transformer asset."/>
8332 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8333 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
8334 <eAnnotations source=
8335 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full load secondary (FLS) rating for tertiary winding."/>
8337 <eAnnotations source=
8338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full load secondary (FLS) rating for tertiary winding."/>
8340 </eStructuralFeatures>
8341 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
8343 <eAnnotations source=
8344 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of cores."/>
8346 <eAnnotations source=
8347 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of cores."/>
8349 </eStructuralFeatures>
8350 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"nominalRatio" eType=
8352 <eAnnotations source=
8353 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal ratio between the primary and secondary current; i.e. 100:5"/>
8355 <eAnnotations source=
8356 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal ratio between the primary and secondary current; i.e. 100:5"/>
8358 </eStructuralFeatures>
8359 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8360 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
8361 <eAnnotations source=
8362 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full load secondary (FLS) rating for secondary winding."/>
8364 <eAnnotations source=
8365 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full load secondary (FLS) rating for secondary winding."/>
8367 </eStructuralFeatures>
8368 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"usage" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8370 <eAnnotations source=
8371 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"eg. metering, protection, etc"/>
8373 <eAnnotations source=
8374 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"eg. metering, protection, etc"/>
8376 </eStructuralFeatures>
8377 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accuracyClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8379 <eAnnotations source=
8380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"CT accuracy classification"/>
8382 <eAnnotations source=
8383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"CT accuracy classification"/>
8385 </eStructuralFeatures>
8386 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"secondaryRatio" eType=
8388 <eAnnotations source=
8389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the secondary winding tap changer."/>
8391 <eAnnotations source=
8392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the secondary winding tap changer."/>
8394 </eStructuralFeatures>
8395 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CTs" upperBound=
8396 eType=
"#//IEC61970/AuxiliaryEquipment/CurrentTransformer" eOpposite=
8397 <eAnnotations source=
8398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All current transformers described by this data."/>
8400 <eAnnotations source=
8401 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All current transformers described by this data."/>
8403 </eStructuralFeatures>
8404 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ctClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8406 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8407 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
8408 <eAnnotations source=
8409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum voltage across the secondary terminals where the CT still displays linear characteristicts."/>
8411 <eAnnotations source=
8412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum voltage across the secondary terminals where the CT still displays linear characteristicts."/>
8414 </eStructuralFeatures>
8415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"tertiaryRatio" eType=
8417 <eAnnotations source=
8418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the tertiary winding tap changer."/>
8420 <eAnnotations source=
8421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the tertiary winding tap changer."/>
8423 </eStructuralFeatures>
8424 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreBurden" eType=
8426 <eAnnotations source=
8427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power burden of the CT core"/>
8429 <eAnnotations source=
8430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power burden of the CT core"/>
8432 </eStructuralFeatures>
8433 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"maxRatio" eType=
8435 <eAnnotations source=
8436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum ratio between the primary and secondary current."/>
8438 <eAnnotations source=
8439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum ratio between the primary and secondary current."/>
8441 </eStructuralFeatures>
8442 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accuracyLimit" eType=
8444 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8445 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
8446 <eAnnotations source=
8447 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum primary current where the CT still displays linear characteristicts."/>
8449 <eAnnotations source=
8450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum primary current where the CT still displays linear characteristicts."/>
8452 </eStructuralFeatures>
8453 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"primaryRatio" eType=
8455 <eAnnotations source=
8456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the primary winding tap changer."/>
8458 <eAnnotations source=
8459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio for the primary winding tap changer."/>
8461 </eStructuralFeatures>
8462 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8463 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
8464 <eAnnotations source=
8465 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full load secondary (FLS) rating for primary winding."/>
8467 <eAnnotations source=
8468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Full load secondary (FLS) rating for primary winding."/>
8470 </eStructuralFeatures>
8472 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BushingInsulationPF" eSuperTypes=
8473 <eAnnotations source=
8474 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bushing insulation power factor condition as a result of a test.
Typical status values are: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed."/>
8476 <eAnnotations source=
8477 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bushing insulation power factor condition as a result of a test.
Typical status values are: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed."/>
8479 <eAnnotations source=
8480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bushing insulation power factor condition as a result of a test.
Typical status values are: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed."/>
8481 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bushing insulation power factor condition as a result of a test.
Typical status values are: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed."/>
8483 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
8484 containment=
8485 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8486 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/TransformerObservation" eOpposite=
8487 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"testKind" eType=
8489 <eAnnotations source=
8490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of test for this bushing."/>
8492 <eAnnotations source=
8493 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of test for this bushing."/>
8495 </eStructuralFeatures>
8496 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BushingInfo" eType=
8497 eOpposite=
8499 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Joint" eSuperTypes=
8500 <eAnnotations source=
8501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Joint connects two or more cables. It includes the portion of cable under wipes, welds, or other seals."/>
8503 <eAnnotations source=
8504 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Joint connects two or more cables. It includes the portion of cable under wipes, welds, or other seals."/>
8506 <eAnnotations source=
8507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Joint connects two or more cables. It includes the portion of cable under wipes, welds, or other seals."/>
8508 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Joint connects two or more cables. It includes the portion of cable under wipes, welds, or other seals."/>
8510 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"insulation" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8512 <eAnnotations source=
8513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of insulation around the joint, classified according to the utility's asset management standards and practices."/>
8515 <eAnnotations source=
8516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of insulation around the joint, classified according to the utility's asset management standards and practices."/>
8518 </eStructuralFeatures>
8519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fillKind" eType=
8521 <eAnnotations source=
8522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Material used to fill the joint."/>
8524 <eAnnotations source=
8525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Material used to fill the joint."/>
8527 </eStructuralFeatures>
8528 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8529 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/JointConfigurationKind" unsettable=
8530 <eAnnotations source=
8531 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Configuration of joint."/>
8533 <eAnnotations source=
8534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Configuration of joint."/>
8536 </eStructuralFeatures>
8538 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ElectricalInfo" eSuperTypes=
8539 <eAnnotations source=
8540 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical properties of an asset or of an asset model (product by a manufacturer). Can also be used to define electrical properties for each phase individually.
Not every attribute will be required for each type of asset or asset model. For example, a transformer may only have requirements for 'ratedVoltage', 'ratedApparentPower' and 'phaseCount' attributes, while a conductor will have 'r', 'x', 'b' and 'g' requirements per unit length on top of a 'ratedCurrent' and 'ratedVoltage'."/>
8542 <eAnnotations source=
8543 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Electrical properties of an asset or of an asset model (product by a manufacturer). Can also be used to define electrical properties for each phase individually.
Not every attribute will be required for each type of asset or asset model. For example, a transformer may only have requirements for 'ratedVoltage', 'ratedApparentPower' and 'phaseCount' attributes, while a conductor will have 'r', 'x', 'b' and 'g' requirements per unit length on top of a 'ratedCurrent' and 'ratedVoltage'."/>
8545 <eAnnotations source=
8546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical properties of an asset or of an asset model (product by a manufacturer). Can also be used to define electrical properties for each phase individually.
Not every attribute will be required for each type of asset or asset model. For example, a transformer may only have requirements for 'ratedVoltage', 'ratedApparentPower' and 'phaseCount' attributes, while a conductor will have 'r', 'x', 'b' and 'g' requirements per unit length on top of a 'ratedCurrent' and 'ratedVoltage'."/>
8547 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Electrical properties of an asset or of an asset model (product by a manufacturer). Can also be used to define electrical properties for each phase individually.
Not every attribute will be required for each type of asset or asset model. For example, a transformer may only have requirements for 'ratedVoltage', 'ratedApparentPower' and 'phaseCount' attributes, while a conductor will have 'r', 'x', 'b' and 'g' requirements per unit length on top of a 'ratedCurrent' and 'ratedVoltage'."/>
8549 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
8551 <eAnnotations source=
8552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of potential phases the asset supports, typically 0, 1 or 3. The actual phases connected are determined from 'ConductingEquipment.phases' attribute in the ConductingEquipment subclass associated with the asset or from 'ElectricalAsset.phaseCode' attribute."/>
8554 <eAnnotations source=
8555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of potential phases the asset supports, typically 0, 1 or 3. The actual phases connected are determined from 'ConductingEquipment.phases' attribute in the ConductingEquipment subclass associated with the asset or from 'ElectricalAsset.phaseCode' attribute."/>
8557 </eStructuralFeatures>
8558 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8559 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ApparentPower" unsettable=
8560 <eAnnotations source=
8561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated apparent power."/>
8563 <eAnnotations source=
8564 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated apparent power."/>
8566 </eStructuralFeatures>
8567 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCode" eType=
8569 <eAnnotations source=
8570 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If 'isConnected' is true, then this is the as-built phase(s) that the asset is associatied with."/>
8572 <eAnnotations source=
8573 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If 'isConnected' is true, then this is the as-built phase(s) that the asset is associatied with."/>
8575 </eStructuralFeatures>
8576 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"frequency" eType=
8578 <eAnnotations source=
8579 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency at which stated device ratings apply, typically 50 Hz or 60 Hz."/>
8581 <eAnnotations source=
8582 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency at which stated device ratings apply, typically 50 Hz or 60 Hz."/>
8584 </eStructuralFeatures>
8585 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
8587 <eAnnotations source=
8588 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance."/>
8590 <eAnnotations source=
8591 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance."/>
8593 </eStructuralFeatures>
8594 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
8596 <eAnnotations source=
8597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance."/>
8599 <eAnnotations source=
8600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance."/>
8602 </eStructuralFeatures>
8603 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bil" eType=
8605 <eAnnotations source=
8606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic Insulation Level (BIL) for switchgear, insulators, etc.
A reference insulation level expressed as the impulse crest voltage of a nominal wave, typically 1,2 x 50 microsecond. This is a measure of the ability of the insulation to withstand very high voltage surges."/>
8608 <eAnnotations source=
8609 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic Insulation Level (BIL) for switchgear, insulators, etc.
A reference insulation level expressed as the impulse crest voltage of a nominal wave, typically 1,2 x 50 microsecond. This is a measure of the ability of the insulation to withstand very high voltage surges."/>
8611 </eStructuralFeatures>
8612 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
8614 <eAnnotations source=
8615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance."/>
8617 <eAnnotations source=
8618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance."/>
8620 </eStructuralFeatures>
8621 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
8623 <eAnnotations source=
8624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance."/>
8626 <eAnnotations source=
8627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance."/>
8629 </eStructuralFeatures>
8630 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedCurrent" eType=
8632 <eAnnotations source=
8633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated current."/>
8635 <eAnnotations source=
8636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated current."/>
8638 </eStructuralFeatures>
8639 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"wireCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
8641 <eAnnotations source=
8642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For an installed asset, this is the total number of electrical wires that are physically connected to it. For an AssetModel, this is the total number of wires that can potentially be connected to this asset type. This is particularly useful to understand overall electrical configurations for distribution secondary where the number of wires can not be derived from phase information alone. For example, 120v 2 Wires; 240v 2 Wires; 480v 1Ph 2 Wires; 120/240v 1Ph; 120/208v 3Ph Y; 120/208v 1Ph Y; 120/240v 3Ph D; 240/480v 1Ph 3 Wires; 480v 3Ph D; 240/480v 3Ph D; 277/480v 3Ph Y."/>
8644 <eAnnotations source=
8645 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For an installed asset, this is the total number of electrical wires that are physically connected to it. For an AssetModel, this is the total number of wires that can potentially be connected to this asset type. This is particularly useful to understand overall electrical configurations for distribution secondary where the number of wires can not be derived from phase information alone. For example, 120v 2 Wires; 240v 2 Wires; 480v 1Ph 2 Wires; 120/240v 1Ph; 120/208v 3Ph Y; 120/208v 1Ph Y; 120/240v 3Ph D; 240/480v 1Ph 3 Wires; 480v 3Ph D; 240/480v 3Ph D; 277/480v 3Ph Y."/>
8647 </eStructuralFeatures>
8648 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b0" eType=
8650 <eAnnotations source=
8651 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence susceptance."/>
8653 <eAnnotations source=
8654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence susceptance."/>
8656 </eStructuralFeatures>
8657 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b" eType=
8659 <eAnnotations source=
8660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence susceptance."/>
8662 <eAnnotations source=
8663 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence susceptance."/>
8665 </eStructuralFeatures>
8666 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedVoltage" eType=
8668 <eAnnotations source=
8669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
8671 <eAnnotations source=
8672 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
8674 </eStructuralFeatures>
8675 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g" eType=
8677 <eAnnotations source=
8678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence conductance."/>
8680 <eAnnotations source=
8681 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence conductance."/>
8683 </eStructuralFeatures>
8684 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g0" eType=
8686 <eAnnotations source=
8687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence conductance."/>
8689 <eAnnotations source=
8690 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence conductance."/>
8692 </eStructuralFeatures>
8693 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isConnected" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
8695 <eAnnotations source=
8696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the asset is physically connected to electrical network (as opposed to being in a warehouse, being refurbished, etc.). Note that this attribute is not intended to imply energization status and/or whether the asset is actually being used."/>
8698 <eAnnotations source=
8699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the asset is physically connected to electrical network (as opposed to being in a warehouse, being refurbished, etc.). Note that this attribute is not intended to imply energization status and/or whether the asset is actually being used."/>
8701 </eStructuralFeatures>
8703 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkEquipment" eSuperTypes=
8704 <eAnnotations source=
8705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Equipment used to perform units of work by crews, office staff, etc."/>
8707 <eAnnotations source=
8708 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Equipment used to perform units of work by crews, office staff, etc."/>
8710 <eAnnotations source=
8711 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Equipment used to perform units of work by crews, office staff, etc."/>
8712 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Equipment used to perform units of work by crews, office staff, etc."/>
8714 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crew" eType=
8715 eOpposite=
8716 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Usages" upperBound=
8717 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Usage" eOpposite=
8719 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
8720 <eLiterals name=
8721 <eLiterals name=
"maintenance" value=
8722 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
8723 <eLiterals name=
"inspection" value=
8724 <eLiterals name=
"diagnosis" value=
8726 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FaultIndicatorInfo" eSuperTypes=
8727 <eAnnotations source=
8728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Parameters of fault indicator asset."/>
8730 <eAnnotations source=
8731 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Parameters of fault indicator asset."/>
8733 <eAnnotations source=
8734 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Parameters of fault indicator asset."/>
8735 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Parameters of fault indicator asset."/>
8737 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8738 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8739 eOpposite=
8740 <eAnnotations source=
8741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All fault indicators described by this data."/>
8743 <eAnnotations source=
8744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All fault indicators described by this data."/>
8746 </eStructuralFeatures>
8747 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"resetKind" eType=
8749 <eAnnotations source=
8750 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of reset mechanisim of this fault indicator."/>
8752 <eAnnotations source=
8753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of reset mechanisim of this fault indicator."/>
8755 </eStructuralFeatures>
8757 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Duct" eSuperTypes=
8758 <eAnnotations source=
8759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Duct contains underground cables and is contained within a duct bank. The xCoord and yCoord attributes define its positioning within the DuctBank."/>
8761 <eAnnotations source=
8762 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Duct contains underground cables and is contained within a duct bank. The xCoord and yCoord attributes define its positioning within the DuctBank."/>
8764 <eAnnotations source=
8765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Duct contains underground cables and is contained within a duct bank. The xCoord and yCoord attributes define its positioning within the DuctBank."/>
8766 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Duct contains underground cables and is contained within a duct bank. The xCoord and yCoord attributes define its positioning within the DuctBank."/>
8768 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xCoord" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
8770 <eAnnotations source=
8771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X position of the duct within the duct bank."/>
8773 <eAnnotations source=
8774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X position of the duct within the duct bank."/>
8776 </eStructuralFeatures>
8777 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"yCoord" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
8779 <eAnnotations source=
8780 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y position of the duct within the duct bank."/>
8782 <eAnnotations source=
8783 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y position of the duct within the duct bank."/>
8785 </eStructuralFeatures>
8786 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DuctBankInfo" eType=
8787 eOpposite=
8788 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CableInfos" upperBound=
8789 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/CableInfo" eOpposite=
8791 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerRating" eSuperTypes=
8792 <eAnnotations source=
8793 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"There are often stages of power which are associated with stages of cooling. For instance, a transformer may be rated 121kV on the primary, 15kV on the secondary and 4kV on the tertiary winding. These are voltage ratings and the power ratings are generally the same for all three windings and independent of the voltage ratings, there are instances where the tertiary may have a lower power rating.
For example, for three stages, the power rating may be 15/20/25 MVA and the cooling is OA/FA/FOA. The 15 MVA rating goes with the OA cooling (Oil and Air cooling). This is called the self cooled rating as there are no external cooling enhancements. The 20 MVA rating goes with the FA cooling (Forced Air cooling), this means that when the fans are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics, the transformer can operate at a power level of 20 MVA. The 25 MVA rating goes with the FOA cooling (Forced Oil and Air cooling), this means that when the fans and pumps are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics even more than before, the transformer can operate at a power level of 25 MVA. This 15/20/25 MVA does not state how the power is split between the various windings. It may be 25 MVA input on the primary, 25 MVA output on the secondary and 0 MVA output on the tertiary. It may also operate at 25 MVA input on the primary, 17 MVA output on the secondary and 8 MVA output on the tertiary."/>
8795 <eAnnotations source=
8796 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"There are often stages of power which are associated with stages of cooling. For instance, a transformer may be rated 121kV on the primary, 15kV on the secondary and 4kV on the tertiary winding. These are voltage ratings and the power ratings are generally the same for all three windings and independent of the voltage ratings, there are instances where the tertiary may have a lower power rating.
For example, for three stages, the power rating may be 15/20/25 MVA and the cooling is OA/FA/FOA. The 15 MVA rating goes with the OA cooling (Oil and Air cooling). This is called the self cooled rating as there are no external cooling enhancements. The 20 MVA rating goes with the FA cooling (Forced Air cooling), this means that when the fans are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics, the transformer can operate at a power level of 20 MVA. The 25 MVA rating goes with the FOA cooling (Forced Oil and Air cooling), this means that when the fans and pumps are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics even more than before, the transformer can operate at a power level of 25 MVA. This 15/20/25 MVA does not state how the power is split between the various windings. It may be 25 MVA input on the primary, 25 MVA output on the secondary and 0 MVA output on the tertiary. It may also operate at 25 MVA input on the primary, 17 MVA output on the secondary and 8 MVA output on the tertiary."/>
8798 <eAnnotations source=
8799 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"There are often stages of power which are associated with stages of cooling. For instance, a transformer may be rated 121kV on the primary, 15kV on the secondary and 4kV on the tertiary winding. These are voltage ratings and the power ratings are generally the same for all three windings and independent of the voltage ratings, there are instances where the tertiary may have a lower power rating.
For example, for three stages, the power rating may be 15/20/25 MVA and the cooling is OA/FA/FOA. The 15 MVA rating goes with the OA cooling (Oil and Air cooling). This is called the self cooled rating as there are no external cooling enhancements. The 20 MVA rating goes with the FA cooling (Forced Air cooling), this means that when the fans are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics, the transformer can operate at a power level of 20 MVA. The 25 MVA rating goes with the FOA cooling (Forced Oil and Air cooling), this means that when the fans and pumps are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics even more than before, the transformer can operate at a power level of 25 MVA. This 15/20/25 MVA does not state how the power is split between the various windings. It may be 25 MVA input on the primary, 25 MVA output on the secondary and 0 MVA output on the tertiary. It may also operate at 25 MVA input on the primary, 17 MVA output on the secondary and 8 MVA output on the tertiary."/>
8800 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"There are often stages of power which are associated with stages of cooling. For instance, a transformer may be rated 121kV on the primary, 15kV on the secondary and 4kV on the tertiary winding. These are voltage ratings and the power ratings are generally the same for all three windings and independent of the voltage ratings, there are instances where the tertiary may have a lower power rating.
For example, for three stages, the power rating may be 15/20/25 MVA and the cooling is OA/FA/FOA. The 15 MVA rating goes with the OA cooling (Oil and Air cooling). This is called the self cooled rating as there are no external cooling enhancements. The 20 MVA rating goes with the FA cooling (Forced Air cooling), this means that when the fans are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics, the transformer can operate at a power level of 20 MVA. The 25 MVA rating goes with the FOA cooling (Forced Oil and Air cooling), this means that when the fans and pumps are running and thus enhancing the cooling characteristics even more than before, the transformer can operate at a power level of 25 MVA. This 15/20/25 MVA does not state how the power is split between the various windings. It may be 25 MVA input on the primary, 25 MVA output on the secondary and 0 MVA output on the tertiary. It may also operate at 25 MVA input on the primary, 17 MVA output on the secondary and 8 MVA output on the tertiary."/>
8802 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8803 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8804 eOpposite=
8805 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"stage" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
8807 <eAnnotations source=
8808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stage of cooling and associated power rating."/>
8810 <eAnnotations source=
8811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Stage of cooling and associated power rating."/>
8813 </eStructuralFeatures>
8814 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"powerRating" eType=
8816 <eAnnotations source=
8817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The power rating associated with type of cooling specified for this stage."/>
8819 <eAnnotations source=
8820 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The power rating associated with type of cooling specified for this stage."/>
8822 </eStructuralFeatures>
8823 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coolingKind" eType=
8825 <eAnnotations source=
8826 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of cooling system."/>
8828 <eAnnotations source=
8829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of cooling system."/>
8831 </eStructuralFeatures>
8833 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetAssetRole" eSuperTypes=
8834 <eAnnotations source=
8835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Assets and other Assets."/>
8837 <eAnnotations source=
8838 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Assets and other Assets."/>
8840 <eAnnotations source=
8841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Assets and other Assets."/>
8842 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Assets and other Assets."/>
8844 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToAsset" eType=
8845 eOpposite=
8846 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"FromAsset" eType=
8847 eOpposite=
8849 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerAsset" eSuperTypes=
8850 <eAnnotations source=
8851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specific physical (vs. logical) transformer."/>
8853 <eAnnotations source=
8854 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A specific physical (vs. logical) transformer."/>
8856 <eAnnotations source=
8857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specific physical (vs. logical) transformer."/>
8858 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A specific physical (vs. logical) transformer."/>
8860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PowerRatings" upperBound=
8861 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/PowerRating" eOpposite=
8862 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8863 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8864 eOpposite=
8865 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
8866 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
8867 <eAnnotations source=
8868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this asset was last reconditioned or had a major overhaul."/>
8870 <eAnnotations source=
8871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this asset was last reconditioned or had a major overhaul."/>
8873 </eStructuralFeatures>
8874 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8875 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerTankInfo" eOpposite=
8876 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8877 eType=
8878 eOpposite=
8880 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Procedure" eSuperTypes=
8881 <eAnnotations source=
8882 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A documented procedure for various types of Work or Work Tasks. One or more procedures guide a compatible unit, a standard way of performing a unit of work. The type of procedure is defined in Procedure.type. For example, when type=Inspection, this procedure coupled with Schedule and other information provides the key items of an inspection plan. Another type of Procedure is a Diagnosis. Note that each specific values and settings to be used in a procedure is intended to be described in an instance of ProcedureValue.
A maintenance ticket, a type of Work, is generated whenever maintenance is determined to be needed as a result of an inspection or diagnosis."/>
8884 <eAnnotations source=
8885 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A documented procedure for various types of Work or Work Tasks. One or more procedures guide a compatible unit, a standard way of performing a unit of work. The type of procedure is defined in Procedure.type. For example, when type=Inspection, this procedure coupled with Schedule and other information provides the key items of an inspection plan. Another type of Procedure is a Diagnosis. Note that each specific values and settings to be used in a procedure is intended to be described in an instance of ProcedureValue.
A maintenance ticket, a type of Work, is generated whenever maintenance is determined to be needed as a result of an inspection or diagnosis."/>
8887 <eAnnotations source=
8888 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A documented procedure for various types of Work or Work Tasks. One or more procedures guide a compatible unit, a standard way of performing a unit of work. The type of procedure is defined in Procedure.type. For example, when type=Inspection, this procedure coupled with Schedule and other information provides the key items of an inspection plan. Another type of Procedure is a Diagnosis. Note that each specific values and settings to be used in a procedure is intended to be described in an instance of ProcedureValue.
A maintenance ticket, a type of Work, is generated whenever maintenance is determined to be needed as a result of an inspection or diagnosis."/>
8889 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A documented procedure for various types of Work or Work Tasks. One or more procedures guide a compatible unit, a standard way of performing a unit of work. The type of procedure is defined in Procedure.type. For example, when type=Inspection, this procedure coupled with Schedule and other information provides the key items of an inspection plan. Another type of Procedure is a Diagnosis. Note that each specific values and settings to be used in a procedure is intended to be described in an instance of ProcedureValue.
A maintenance ticket, a type of Work, is generated whenever maintenance is determined to be needed as a result of an inspection or diagnosis."/>
8891 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"corporateCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8893 <eAnnotations source=
8894 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for this kind of procedure."/>
8896 <eAnnotations source=
8897 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for this kind of procedure."/>
8899 </eStructuralFeatures>
8900 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8901 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
8902 <eAnnotations source=
8903 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify procedure values. An example is to have an instance for each of the following settings when conducting a test: voltage, current, frequency, temperature specified in 'name' attribute, and the corresponding value and units in 'value' attribute."/>
8905 <eAnnotations source=
8906 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify procedure values. An example is to have an instance for each of the following settings when conducting a test: voltage, current, frequency, temperature specified in 'name' attribute, and the corresponding value and units in 'value' attribute."/>
8908 </eStructuralFeatures>
8909 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8911 <eAnnotations source=
8912 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence number in a sequence of procedures being performed."/>
8914 <eAnnotations source=
8915 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence number in a sequence of procedures being performed."/>
8917 </eStructuralFeatures>
8918 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8919 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8920 eOpposite=
8921 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
8922 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
8923 eOpposite=
8924 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
8926 <eAnnotations source=
8927 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this procedure."/>
8929 <eAnnotations source=
8930 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this procedure."/>
8932 </eStructuralFeatures>
8933 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Limits" upperBound=
8934 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Limit" eOpposite=
8935 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"instruction" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
8937 <eAnnotations source=
8938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The textual description of the procedure, which references instances of ProcedureValue as appropriate."/>
8940 <eAnnotations source=
8941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The textual description of the procedure, which references instances of ProcedureValue as appropriate."/>
8943 </eStructuralFeatures>
8945 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BreakerInfo" eSuperTypes=
8946 <eAnnotations source=
8947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of breaker assets."/>
8949 <eAnnotations source=
8950 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of breaker assets."/>
8952 <eAnnotations source=
8953 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of breaker assets."/>
8954 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of breaker assets."/>
8956 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseTrip" eType=
8958 <eAnnotations source=
8959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase trip rating."/>
8961 <eAnnotations source=
8962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase trip rating."/>
8964 </eStructuralFeatures>
8966 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CompositeSwitchInfo" eSuperTypes=
8967 <eAnnotations source=
8968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of a composite switch."/>
8970 <eAnnotations source=
8971 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of a composite switch."/>
8973 <eAnnotations source=
8974 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of a composite switch."/>
8975 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of a composite switch."/>
8977 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
8979 <eAnnotations source=
8980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of composite switch."/>
8982 <eAnnotations source=
8983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of composite switch."/>
8985 </eStructuralFeatures>
8986 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCode" eType=
8988 <eAnnotations source=
8989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phases carried, if applicable."/>
8991 <eAnnotations source=
8992 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phases carried, if applicable."/>
8994 </eStructuralFeatures>
8995 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remote" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
8997 <eAnnotations source=
8998 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if device is capable of being operated by remote control."/>
9000 <eAnnotations source=
9001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if device is capable of being operated by remote control."/>
9003 </eStructuralFeatures>
9004 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9005 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9007 <eAnnotations source=
9008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of switch states represented by the composite switch."/>
9010 <eAnnotations source=
9011 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of switch states represented by the composite switch."/>
9013 </eStructuralFeatures>
9014 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedVoltage" eType=
9016 <eAnnotations source=
9017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
9019 <eAnnotations source=
9020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
9022 </eStructuralFeatures>
9023 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ganged" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
9025 <eAnnotations source=
9026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if multi-phase switch controls all phases concurrently."/>
9028 <eAnnotations source=
9029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if multi-phase switch controls all phases concurrently."/>
9031 </eStructuralFeatures>
9032 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9034 <eAnnotations source=
9035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Supported number of phases, typically 0, 1 or 3."/>
9037 <eAnnotations source=
9038 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Supported number of phases, typically 0, 1 or 3."/>
9040 </eStructuralFeatures>
9041 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"initOpMode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9043 <eAnnotations source=
9044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Initial operating mode, with the following values: Automatic, Manual."/>
9046 <eAnnotations source=
9047 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Initial operating mode, with the following values: Automatic, Manual."/>
9049 </eStructuralFeatures>
9050 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9051 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
9052 <eAnnotations source=
9053 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Breaking capacity, or short circuit rating, is the maximum rated current which the device can safely interrupt at the rated voltage."/>
9055 <eAnnotations source=
9056 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Breaking capacity, or short circuit rating, is the maximum rated current which the device can safely interrupt at the rated voltage."/>
9058 </eStructuralFeatures>
9060 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Cabinet" eSuperTypes=
9061 <eAnnotations source=
9062 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enclosure that offers protection to the equipment it contains and/or safety to people/animals outside it."/>
9064 <eAnnotations source=
9065 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Enclosure that offers protection to the equipment it contains and/or safety to people/animals outside it."/>
9067 <eAnnotations source=
9068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enclosure that offers protection to the equipment it contains and/or safety to people/animals outside it."/>
9069 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Enclosure that offers protection to the equipment it contains and/or safety to people/animals outside it."/>
9072 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9073 <eLiterals name=
9074 <eLiterals name=
"building" value=
9075 <eLiterals name=
"storage" value=
9076 <eLiterals name=
"switching" value=
9077 <eLiterals name=
"generation" value=
9079 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9080 <eLiterals name=
9081 <eLiterals name=
"liquid" value=
9082 <eLiterals name=
"solid" value=
9084 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9085 <eLiterals name=
9086 <eLiterals name=
"pullbox" value=
9087 <eLiterals name=
"vault" value=
9088 <eLiterals name=
"burd" value=
9089 <eLiterals name=
"subsurfaceEnclosure" value=
9090 <eLiterals name=
"handhole" value=
9091 <eLiterals name=
"enclosure" value=
9092 <eLiterals name=
"tunnel" value=
9093 <eLiterals name=
"manhole" value=
9094 <eLiterals name=
"pad" value=
9096 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Bushing" eSuperTypes=
9097 <eAnnotations source=
9098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bushing asset."/>
9100 <eAnnotations source=
9101 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bushing asset."/>
9103 <eAnnotations source=
9104 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bushing asset."/>
9105 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bushing asset."/>
9107 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"c2PowerFactor" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
9109 <eAnnotations source=
9110 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and ground."/>
9112 <eAnnotations source=
9113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and ground."/>
9115 </eStructuralFeatures>
9116 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"c2Capacitance" eType=
9118 <eAnnotations source=
9119 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured capacitance measured between the power factor tap and ground."/>
9121 <eAnnotations source=
9122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured capacitance measured between the power factor tap and ground."/>
9124 </eStructuralFeatures>
9125 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
9126 eOpposite=
9127 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"c1PowerFactor" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
9129 <eAnnotations source=
9130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor."/>
9132 <eAnnotations source=
9133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured insulation power factor, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor."/>
9135 </eStructuralFeatures>
9136 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"insulationKind" eType=
9138 <eAnnotations source=
9139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of insulation."/>
9141 <eAnnotations source=
9142 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of insulation."/>
9144 </eStructuralFeatures>
9145 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"c1Capacitance" eType=
9147 <eAnnotations source=
9148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured capacitance, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor."/>
9150 <eAnnotations source=
9151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factory measured capacitance, measured between the power factor tap and the bushing conductor."/>
9153 </eStructuralFeatures>
9154 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
9155 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
9156 eOpposite=
9158 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Vehicle" eSuperTypes=
9159 <eAnnotations source=
9160 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vehicle asset."/>
9162 <eAnnotations source=
9163 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Vehicle asset."/>
9165 <eAnnotations source=
9166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vehicle asset."/>
9167 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Vehicle asset."/>
9169 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9170 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
9171 <eAnnotations source=
9172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Odometer reading of this vehicle as of the 'odometerReadingDateTime'. Refer to associated ActivityRecords for earlier readings."/>
9174 <eAnnotations source=
9175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Odometer reading of this vehicle as of the 'odometerReadingDateTime'. Refer to associated ActivityRecords for earlier readings."/>
9177 </eStructuralFeatures>
9178 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9179 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
9180 <eAnnotations source=
9181 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the last odometer reading was recorded."/>
9183 <eAnnotations source=
9184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the last odometer reading was recorded."/>
9186 </eStructuralFeatures>
9187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crew" eType=
9188 eOpposite=
9189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"usageKind" eType=
9191 <eAnnotations source=
9192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The general categorization type of vehicle as categorized by the utility's asset management standards and practices.
Note: (1) Vehicle model is defined by AssetModel, and (2) Specific people and organizations and their roles relative to this vehicle may be determined by the inherited Asset-ErpPerson and Asset-ErpOrganization associations."/>
9194 <eAnnotations source=
9195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The general categorization type of vehicle as categorized by the utility's asset management standards and practices.
Note: (1) Vehicle model is defined by AssetModel, and (2) Specific people and organizations and their roles relative to this vehicle may be determined by the inherited Asset-ErpPerson and Asset-ErpOrganization associations."/>
9197 </eStructuralFeatures>
9199 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SurgeProtectorInfo" eSuperTypes=
9200 <eAnnotations source=
9201 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of surge protector asset."/>
9203 <eAnnotations source=
9204 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of surge protector asset."/>
9206 <eAnnotations source=
9207 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of surge protector asset."/>
9208 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of surge protector asset."/>
9210 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
9211 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
9212 eOpposite=
9213 <eAnnotations source=
9214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All surge protectors described by this data."/>
9216 <eAnnotations source=
9217 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All surge protectors described by this data."/>
9219 </eStructuralFeatures>
9220 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9221 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
9222 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9223 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
9224 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9225 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
9226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9227 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
9230 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StructureSupport" eSuperTypes=
9231 <eAnnotations source=
9232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Support for structure assets."/>
9234 <eAnnotations source=
9235 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Support for structure assets."/>
9237 <eAnnotations source=
9238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Support for structure assets."/>
9239 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Support for structure assets."/>
9241 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"anchorRodCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9243 <eAnnotations source=
9244 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if anchor) Number of rods used."/>
9246 <eAnnotations source=
9247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if anchor) Number of rods used."/>
9249 </eStructuralFeatures>
9250 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"length" eType=
9252 <eAnnotations source=
9253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length of this support structure."/>
9255 <eAnnotations source=
9256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length of this support structure."/>
9258 </eStructuralFeatures>
9259 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9260 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
9261 <eAnnotations source=
9262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if anchor) Length of rod used."/>
9264 <eAnnotations source=
9265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if anchor) Length of rod used."/>
9267 </eStructuralFeatures>
9268 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
9269 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Structure" eOpposite=
9270 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"direction" eType=
9272 <eAnnotations source=
9273 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direction of this support structure."/>
9275 <eAnnotations source=
9276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direction of this support structure."/>
9278 </eStructuralFeatures>
9279 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"anchorKind" eType=
9281 <eAnnotations source=
9282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if anchor) Kind of anchor."/>
9284 <eAnnotations source=
9285 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if anchor) Kind of anchor."/>
9287 </eStructuralFeatures>
9288 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
9290 <eAnnotations source=
9291 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of structure support."/>
9293 <eAnnotations source=
9294 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of structure support."/>
9296 </eStructuralFeatures>
9297 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"size" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9299 <eAnnotations source=
9300 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Size of this support structure."/>
9302 <eAnnotations source=
9303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Size of this support structure."/>
9305 </eStructuralFeatures>
9307 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ComEquipment" eSuperTypes=
9308 <eAnnotations source=
9309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communicaiton equipment assets other than media (such as gateways, routers, controllers, etc.)."/>
9311 <eAnnotations source=
9312 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Communicaiton equipment assets other than media (such as gateways, routers, controllers, etc.)."/>
9314 <eAnnotations source=
9315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communicaiton equipment assets other than media (such as gateways, routers, controllers, etc.)."/>
9316 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Communicaiton equipment assets other than media (such as gateways, routers, controllers, etc.)."/>
9318 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
9319 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceFunction" eOpposite=
9320 <eAnnotations source=
9321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All device functions of this communication equipment."/>
9323 <eAnnotations source=
9324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All device functions of this communication equipment."/>
9326 </eStructuralFeatures>
9328 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9329 <eLiterals name=
9330 <eLiterals name=
"unknown" value=
9331 <eLiterals name=
"chemonite" value=
9332 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9333 <eLiterals name=
"naphthena" value=
9334 <eLiterals name=
"creosote" value=
9335 <eLiterals name=
"cellon" value=
9337 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetPropertyCurve" eSuperTypes=
9338 <eAnnotations source=
9339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An Asset Property that is described through curves rather than as a data point. The relationship is to be defined between an independent variable (X-axis) and one or two dependent variables (Y1-axis and Y2-axis)."/>
9341 <eAnnotations source=
9342 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An Asset Property that is described through curves rather than as a data point. The relationship is to be defined between an independent variable (X-axis) and one or two dependent variables (Y1-axis and Y2-axis)."/>
9344 <eAnnotations source=
9345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An Asset Property that is described through curves rather than as a data point. The relationship is to be defined between an independent variable (X-axis) and one or two dependent variables (Y1-axis and Y2-axis)."/>
9346 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An Asset Property that is described through curves rather than as a data point. The relationship is to be defined between an independent variable (X-axis) and one or two dependent variables (Y1-axis and Y2-axis)."/>
9348 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Specification" eType=
9349 eOpposite=
9350 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
9351 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
9353 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9354 <eLiterals name=
9355 <eLiterals name=
"temperature" value=
9356 <eLiterals name=
"powerFactor" value=
9357 <eLiterals name=
"voltage" value=
9358 <eLiterals name=
"reactivePower" value=
9359 <eLiterals name=
"time" value=
9360 <eLiterals name=
"current" value=
9362 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FailureEvent" eSuperTypes=
9363 <eAnnotations source=
9364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An event where an asset has failed to perform its functions within specified parameters."/>
9366 <eAnnotations source=
9367 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An event where an asset has failed to perform its functions within specified parameters."/>
9369 <eAnnotations source=
9370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An event where an asset has failed to perform its functions within specified parameters."/>
9371 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An event where an asset has failed to perform its functions within specified parameters."/>
9373 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9374 eType=
9376 <eAnnotations source=
9377 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"How the asset failure was isolated from the system."/>
9379 <eAnnotations source=
9380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"How the asset failure was isolated from the system."/>
9382 </eStructuralFeatures>
9383 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"corporateCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9385 <eAnnotations source=
9386 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for asset failure."/>
9388 <eAnnotations source=
9389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for asset failure."/>
9391 </eStructuralFeatures>
9392 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9393 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9395 <eAnnotations source=
9396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The method used for locating the faulted part of the asset. For example, cable options include: Cap Discharge-Thumping, Bridge Method, Visual Inspection, Other."/>
9398 <eAnnotations source=
9399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The method used for locating the faulted part of the asset. For example, cable options include: Cap Discharge-Thumping, Bridge Method, Visual Inspection, Other."/>
9401 </eStructuralFeatures>
9402 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"location" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9404 <eAnnotations source=
9405 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Failure location on an object."/>
9407 <eAnnotations source=
9408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Failure location on an object."/>
9410 </eStructuralFeatures>
9412 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9413 <eLiterals name=
9414 <eLiterals name=
"selfCooling" value=
9415 <eLiterals name=
"forcedOilAndAir" value=
9416 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9418 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DimensionsInfo" eSuperTypes=
9419 <eAnnotations source=
9420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"As applicable, the basic linear, area, or volume dimensions of an asset, asset type (AssetModel) or other type of object (such as land area). Units and multipliers are specified per dimension."/>
9422 <eAnnotations source=
9423 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"As applicable, the basic linear, area, or volume dimensions of an asset, asset type (AssetModel) or other type of object (such as land area). Units and multipliers are specified per dimension."/>
9425 <eAnnotations source=
9426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"As applicable, the basic linear, area, or volume dimensions of an asset, asset type (AssetModel) or other type of object (such as land area). Units and multipliers are specified per dimension."/>
9427 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"As applicable, the basic linear, area, or volume dimensions of an asset, asset type (AssetModel) or other type of object (such as land area). Units and multipliers are specified per dimension."/>
9429 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
9430 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
9431 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetInfos" upperBound=
9432 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/AssetInfo" eOpposite=
9433 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sizeWidth" eType=
9435 <eAnnotations source=
9436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Width measurement."/>
9438 <eAnnotations source=
9439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Width measurement."/>
9441 </eStructuralFeatures>
9442 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sizeDiameter" eType=
9444 <eAnnotations source=
9445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter measurement."/>
9447 <eAnnotations source=
9448 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter measurement."/>
9450 </eStructuralFeatures>
9451 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sizeLength" eType=
9453 <eAnnotations source=
9454 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length measurement."/>
9456 <eAnnotations source=
9457 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length measurement."/>
9459 </eStructuralFeatures>
9460 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"orientation" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9462 <eAnnotations source=
9463 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A description of the orientation of the object relative to the dimensions. As an example, a vault may have north-south orientation for the sizeLength measurement and sizeDepth may be the height of the vault."/>
9465 <eAnnotations source=
9466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A description of the orientation of the object relative to the dimensions. As an example, a vault may have north-south orientation for the sizeLength measurement and sizeDepth may be the height of the vault."/>
9468 </eStructuralFeatures>
9469 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sizeDepth" eType=
9471 <eAnnotations source=
9472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Depth measurement."/>
9474 <eAnnotations source=
9475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Depth measurement."/>
9477 </eStructuralFeatures>
9478 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Specifications" upperBound=
9479 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Specification" eOpposite=
9481 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Tower" eSuperTypes=
9482 <eAnnotations source=
9483 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tower asset. Dimensions of the Tower are specified in associated DimensionsInfo class.
When used for planning purposes, a transmission tower carrying two 3-phase circuits will have 2 instances of Connection, each of which will have 3 MountingPoint instances, one for each phase all with coordinates relative to a common origin on the tower. (It may also have a 3rd Connection with a single MountingPoint for the Neutral line)."/>
9485 <eAnnotations source=
9486 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tower asset. Dimensions of the Tower are specified in associated DimensionsInfo class.
When used for planning purposes, a transmission tower carrying two 3-phase circuits will have 2 instances of Connection, each of which will have 3 MountingPoint instances, one for each phase all with coordinates relative to a common origin on the tower. (It may also have a 3rd Connection with a single MountingPoint for the Neutral line)."/>
9488 <eAnnotations source=
9489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tower asset. Dimensions of the Tower are specified in associated DimensionsInfo class.
When used for planning purposes, a transmission tower carrying two 3-phase circuits will have 2 instances of Connection, each of which will have 3 MountingPoint instances, one for each phase all with coordinates relative to a common origin on the tower. (It may also have a 3rd Connection with a single MountingPoint for the Neutral line)."/>
9490 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tower asset. Dimensions of the Tower are specified in associated DimensionsInfo class.
When used for planning purposes, a transmission tower carrying two 3-phase circuits will have 2 instances of Connection, each of which will have 3 MountingPoint instances, one for each phase all with coordinates relative to a common origin on the tower. (It may also have a 3rd Connection with a single MountingPoint for the Neutral line)."/>
9492 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9493 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/TowerConstructionKind" unsettable=
9494 <eAnnotations source=
9495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Construction structure on the tower."/>
9497 <eAnnotations source=
9498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Construction structure on the tower."/>
9500 </eStructuralFeatures>
9502 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9503 <eLiterals name=
9504 <eLiterals name=
"transformer" value=
9505 <eLiterals name=
"breaker" value=
9506 <eLiterals name=
"fuse" value=
9507 <eLiterals name=
"switch" value=
9508 <eLiterals name=
"sectionner" value=
9509 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9510 <eLiterals name=
"line" value=
9512 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MountingConnection" eSuperTypes=
9513 <eAnnotations source=
9514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A structure can have multiple connection points for electrical connections (e.g. line) each with multiple mounting points, one for each phase. e.g. a Tower may have three Connections, two with three mounting points, one for each phase and a third with a single mounting point for the neutral line. A pole, on the other hand, may have a single Connection with one, two or three mounting points depending on whether it is carrying 1,2 or 3 phases."/>
9516 <eAnnotations source=
9517 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A structure can have multiple connection points for electrical connections (e.g. line) each with multiple mounting points, one for each phase. e.g. a Tower may have three Connections, two with three mounting points, one for each phase and a third with a single mounting point for the neutral line. A pole, on the other hand, may have a single Connection with one, two or three mounting points depending on whether it is carrying 1,2 or 3 phases."/>
9519 <eAnnotations source=
9520 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A structure can have multiple connection points for electrical connections (e.g. line) each with multiple mounting points, one for each phase. e.g. a Tower may have three Connections, two with three mounting points, one for each phase and a third with a single mounting point for the neutral line. A pole, on the other hand, may have a single Connection with one, two or three mounting points depending on whether it is carrying 1,2 or 3 phases."/>
9521 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A structure can have multiple connection points for electrical connections (e.g. line) each with multiple mounting points, one for each phase. e.g. a Tower may have three Connections, two with three mounting points, one for each phase and a third with a single mounting point for the neutral line. A pole, on the other hand, may have a single Connection with one, two or three mounting points depending on whether it is carrying 1,2 or 3 phases."/>
9523 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"StructureInfos" upperBound=
9524 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Structure" eOpposite=
9525 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MountingPoints" upperBound=
9526 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/MountingPoint" eOpposite=
9528 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9529 <eLiterals name=
9530 <eLiterals name=
"contractor" value=
9531 <eLiterals name=
"user" value=
9532 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9534 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9535 <eLiterals name=
9536 <eLiterals name=
"distribution" value=
9537 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9538 <eLiterals name=
"generation" value=
9539 <eLiterals name=
"subTransmission" value=
9540 <eLiterals name=
"industrial" value=
9542 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9543 <eLiterals name=
9544 <eLiterals name=
"noFillPrefab" value=
9545 <eLiterals name=
"airNoFilling" value=
9546 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9547 <eLiterals name=
"asphaltic" value=
9548 <eLiterals name=
"insoluseal" value=
9549 <eLiterals name=
"oil" value=
9550 <eLiterals name=
"noVoid" value=
9551 <eLiterals name=
"petrolatum" value=
9552 <eLiterals name=
"bluefill254" value=
9554 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9555 <eLiterals name=
9556 <eLiterals name=
"c1" value=
9558 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Medium" eSuperTypes=
9559 <eAnnotations source=
9560 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A substance that either (1) provides the means of transmission of a force or effect, such as hydraulic fluid, or (2) is used for a surrounding or enveloping substance, such as oil in a transformer or circuit breaker."/>
9562 <eAnnotations source=
9563 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A substance that either (1) provides the means of transmission of a force or effect, such as hydraulic fluid, or (2) is used for a surrounding or enveloping substance, such as oil in a transformer or circuit breaker."/>
9565 <eAnnotations source=
9566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A substance that either (1) provides the means of transmission of a force or effect, such as hydraulic fluid, or (2) is used for a surrounding or enveloping substance, such as oil in a transformer or circuit breaker."/>
9567 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A substance that either (1) provides the means of transmission of a force or effect, such as hydraulic fluid, or (2) is used for a surrounding or enveloping substance, such as oil in a transformer or circuit breaker."/>
9569 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Specification" eType=
9570 eOpposite=
9571 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
9573 <eAnnotations source=
9574 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this medium."/>
9576 <eAnnotations source=
9577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this medium."/>
9579 </eStructuralFeatures>
9580 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
9581 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
9582 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"volumeSpec" eType=
9584 <eAnnotations source=
9585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The volume of the medium specified for this application. Note that the actual volume is a type of measurement associated witht the asset."/>
9587 <eAnnotations source=
9588 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The volume of the medium specified for this application. Note that the actual volume is a type of measurement associated witht the asset."/>
9590 </eStructuralFeatures>
9592 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RecloserInfo" eSuperTypes=
9593 <eAnnotations source=
9594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of recloser assets."/>
9596 <eAnnotations source=
9597 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of recloser assets."/>
9599 <eAnnotations source=
9600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of recloser assets."/>
9601 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of recloser assets."/>
9603 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9604 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
9606 <eAnnotations source=
9607 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if normal status of ground trip is enabled."/>
9609 <eAnnotations source=
9610 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if normal status of ground trip is enabled."/>
9612 </eStructuralFeatures>
9613 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9614 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
9616 <eAnnotations source=
9617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if device has ground trip capability."/>
9619 <eAnnotations source=
9620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if device has ground trip capability."/>
9622 </eStructuralFeatures>
9623 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9624 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9626 <eAnnotations source=
9627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total number of phase reclose operations."/>
9629 <eAnnotations source=
9630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total number of phase reclose operations."/>
9632 </eStructuralFeatures>
9633 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9634 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
9635 <eAnnotations source=
9636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase trip rating."/>
9638 <eAnnotations source=
9639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase trip rating."/>
9641 </eStructuralFeatures>
9642 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9643 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
9644 <eAnnotations source=
9645 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ground trip rating."/>
9647 <eAnnotations source=
9648 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ground trip rating."/>
9650 </eStructuralFeatures>
9652 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Facility" eSuperTypes=
9653 <eAnnotations source=
9654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A facility may contain buildings, storage facilities, switching facilities, power generation, manufacturing facilities, maintenance facilities, etc."/>
9656 <eAnnotations source=
9657 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A facility may contain buildings, storage facilities, switching facilities, power generation, manufacturing facilities, maintenance facilities, etc."/>
9659 <eAnnotations source=
9660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A facility may contain buildings, storage facilities, switching facilities, power generation, manufacturing facilities, maintenance facilities, etc."/>
9661 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A facility may contain buildings, storage facilities, switching facilities, power generation, manufacturing facilities, maintenance facilities, etc."/>
9663 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9665 <eAnnotations source=
9666 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this facility."/>
9668 <eAnnotations source=
9669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this facility."/>
9671 </eStructuralFeatures>
9673 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ShuntImpedanceInfo" eSuperTypes=
9674 <eAnnotations source=
9675 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of a shunt impedance."/>
9677 <eAnnotations source=
9678 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of a shunt impedance."/>
9680 <eAnnotations source=
9681 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of a shunt impedance."/>
9682 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of a shunt impedance."/>
9684 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9685 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9687 <eAnnotations source=
9688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
9690 <eAnnotations source=
9691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
9693 </eStructuralFeatures>
9694 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9695 eType=
9697 <eAnnotations source=
9698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of local controller."/>
9700 <eAnnotations source=
9701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of local controller."/>
9703 </eStructuralFeatures>
9704 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9705 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Hours" unsettable=
9706 <eAnnotations source=
9707 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time interval between consecutive switching operations."/>
9709 <eAnnotations source=
9710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time interval between consecutive switching operations."/>
9712 </eStructuralFeatures>
9713 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vRegLineLine" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
9715 <eAnnotations source=
9716 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if regulated voltages are measured line to line, otherwise they are measured line to ground."/>
9718 <eAnnotations source=
9719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if regulated voltages are measured line to line, otherwise they are measured line to ground."/>
9721 </eStructuralFeatures>
9722 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9723 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
9724 <eAnnotations source=
9725 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the high voltage override value. If the voltage is above this value, the shunt impedance will be turned off regardless of the other local controller settings."/>
9727 <eAnnotations source=
9728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the high voltage override value. If the voltage is above this value, the shunt impedance will be turned off regardless of the other local controller settings."/>
9730 </eStructuralFeatures>
9731 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9732 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PU" unsettable=
9733 <eAnnotations source=
9734 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the low voltage override value. If the voltage is below this value, the shunt impedance will be turned on regardless of the other local controller settings."/>
9736 <eAnnotations source=
9737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For locally controlled shunt impedances which have a voltage override feature, the low voltage override value. If the voltage is below this value, the shunt impedance will be turned on regardless of the other local controller settings."/>
9739 </eStructuralFeatures>
9740 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"regBranch" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9742 <eAnnotations source=
9743 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the index of the regulation branch."/>
9745 <eAnnotations source=
9746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the index of the regulation branch."/>
9748 </eStructuralFeatures>
9749 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cellSize" eType=
9751 <eAnnotations source=
9752 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The size of the individual units that make up the bank."/>
9754 <eAnnotations source=
9755 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The size of the individual units that make up the bank."/>
9757 </eStructuralFeatures>
9758 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"localOnLevel" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9760 <eAnnotations source=
9761 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lower control setting."/>
9763 <eAnnotations source=
9764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lower control setting."/>
9766 </eStructuralFeatures>
9767 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"regBranchKind" eType=
9769 <eAnnotations source=
9770 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances) Kind of regulation branch."/>
9772 <eAnnotations source=
9773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances) Kind of regulation branch."/>
9775 </eStructuralFeatures>
9776 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalOpen" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
9778 <eAnnotations source=
9779 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if open is normal status for a fixed capacitor bank, otherwise normal status is closed."/>
9781 <eAnnotations source=
9782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if open is normal status for a fixed capacitor bank, otherwise normal status is closed."/>
9784 </eStructuralFeatures>
9785 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"controlKind" eType=
9787 <eAnnotations source=
9788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of control (if any)."/>
9790 <eAnnotations source=
9791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of control (if any)."/>
9793 </eStructuralFeatures>
9794 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
9795 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
9796 eOpposite=
9797 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"regBranchEnd" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9799 <eAnnotations source=
9800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the end of the branch that is regulated. The field has the following values: from side, to side, and tertiary (only if the branch is a transformer)."/>
9802 <eAnnotations source=
9803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the end of the branch that is regulated. The field has the following values: from side, to side, and tertiary (only if the branch is a transformer)."/>
9805 </eStructuralFeatures>
9806 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"branchDirect" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9808 <eAnnotations source=
9809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the flow direction: in, out."/>
9811 <eAnnotations source=
9812 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For VAR, amp, or power factor locally controlled shunt impedances, the flow direction: in, out."/>
9814 </eStructuralFeatures>
9815 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"localOffLevel" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
9817 <eAnnotations source=
9818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Upper control setting."/>
9820 <eAnnotations source=
9821 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Upper control setting."/>
9823 </eStructuralFeatures>
9824 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9825 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PhaseCode" unsettable=
9826 <eAnnotations source=
9827 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phases that are measured for controlling the device."/>
9829 <eAnnotations source=
9830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phases that are measured for controlling the device."/>
9832 </eStructuralFeatures>
9833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"localOverride" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
9835 <eAnnotations source=
9836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the locally controlled capacitor has voltage override capability."/>
9838 <eAnnotations source=
9839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the locally controlled capacitor has voltage override capability."/>
9841 </eStructuralFeatures>
9843 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ShuntCompensatorInfo" eSuperTypes=
9844 <eAnnotations source=
9845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of shunt capacitor, shunt reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitor or reactor assets."/>
9847 <eAnnotations source=
9848 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of shunt capacitor, shunt reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitor or reactor assets."/>
9850 <eAnnotations source=
9851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of shunt capacitor, shunt reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitor or reactor assets."/>
9852 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of shunt capacitor, shunt reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitor or reactor assets."/>
9854 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxPowerLoss" eType=
9856 <eAnnotations source=
9857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum allowed Apparent Power loss"/>
9859 <eAnnotations source=
9860 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum allowed Apparent Power loss"/>
9862 </eStructuralFeatures>
9863 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
9864 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/ShuntImpedanceInfo" eOpposite=
9866 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9867 <eLiterals name=
9868 <eLiterals name=
"natural" value=
9869 <eLiterals name=
"grayStain" value=
9870 <eLiterals name=
"greenStain" value=
9871 <eLiterals name=
"penta" value=
9872 <eLiterals name=
"butt" value=
9873 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9874 <eLiterals name=
"full" value=
9876 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
9877 <eLiterals name=
9878 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
9879 <eLiterals name=
"remote" value=
9880 <eLiterals name=
"manual" value=
9882 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MountingPoint" eSuperTypes=
9883 <eAnnotations source=
9884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Point on a structure that a connection may have a conductor connected to. Defined with an x and y coordinate plus a phase. A connection may have multiple mounting points, one for each phase."/>
9886 <eAnnotations source=
9887 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Point on a structure that a connection may have a conductor connected to. Defined with an x and y coordinate plus a phase. A connection may have multiple mounting points, one for each phase."/>
9889 <eAnnotations source=
9890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Point on a structure that a connection may have a conductor connected to. Defined with an x and y coordinate plus a phase. A connection may have multiple mounting points, one for each phase."/>
9891 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Point on a structure that a connection may have a conductor connected to. Defined with an x and y coordinate plus a phase. A connection may have multiple mounting points, one for each phase."/>
9893 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Connections" upperBound=
9894 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/MountingConnection" eOpposite=
9895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xCoord" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9897 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCode" eType=
9899 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"yCoord" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
9901 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
9902 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
9903 eOpposite=
9905 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SubstationAsset" eSuperTypes=
9906 <eAnnotations source=
9907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Substation asset."/>
9909 <eAnnotations source=
9910 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Substation asset."/>
9912 <eAnnotations source=
9913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Substation asset."/>
9914 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Substation asset."/>
9916 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"function" eType=
9918 <eAnnotations source=
9919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function of this substation asset."/>
9921 <eAnnotations source=
9922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function of this substation asset."/>
9924 </eStructuralFeatures>
9926 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Streetlight" eSuperTypes=
9927 <eAnnotations source=
9928 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Streetlight asset."/>
9930 <eAnnotations source=
9931 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Streetlight asset."/>
9933 <eAnnotations source=
9934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Streetlight asset."/>
9935 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Streetlight asset."/>
9937 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"armLength" eType=
9939 <eAnnotations source=
9940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length of arm. Note that a new light may be placed on an existing arm."/>
9942 <eAnnotations source=
9943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length of arm. Note that a new light may be placed on an existing arm."/>
9945 </eStructuralFeatures>
9946 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Pole" eType=
9947 eOpposite=
9948 <eAnnotations source=
9949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Streetlight(s) may be attached to a pole."/>
9951 <eAnnotations source=
9952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Streetlight(s) may be attached to a pole."/>
9954 </eStructuralFeatures>
9955 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lampKind" eType=
9957 <eAnnotations source=
9958 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lamp kind."/>
9960 <eAnnotations source=
9961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lamp kind."/>
9963 </eStructuralFeatures>
9964 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lightRating" eType=
9966 <eAnnotations source=
9967 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power rating of light."/>
9969 <eAnnotations source=
9970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power rating of light."/>
9972 </eStructuralFeatures>
9974 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Tool" eSuperTypes=
9975 <eAnnotations source=
9976 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tool asset."/>
9978 <eAnnotations source=
9979 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tool asset."/>
9981 <eAnnotations source=
9982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tool asset."/>
9983 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tool asset."/>
9985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
9986 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/AbsoluteDate" unsettable=
9987 <eAnnotations source=
9988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date the tool was last caibrated, if applicable."/>
9990 <eAnnotations source=
9991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date the tool was last caibrated, if applicable."/>
9993 </eStructuralFeatures>
9994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crew" eType=
9995 eOpposite=
9997 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SVC" eSuperTypes=
9998 <eAnnotations source=
9999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"SVC asset allows the capacitive and inductive ratings for each phase to be specified individually if required."/>
10001 <eAnnotations source=
10002 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"SVC asset allows the capacitive and inductive ratings for each phase to be specified individually if required."/>
10004 <eAnnotations source=
10005 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"SVC asset allows the capacitive and inductive ratings for each phase to be specified individually if required."/>
10006 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"SVC asset allows the capacitive and inductive ratings for each phase to be specified individually if required."/>
10008 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10009 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Reactance" unsettable=
10010 <eAnnotations source=
10011 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inductive reactive power"/>
10013 <eAnnotations source=
10014 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum inductive reactive power"/>
10016 </eStructuralFeatures>
10017 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10018 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Reactance" unsettable=
10019 <eAnnotations source=
10020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum capacitive reactive power"/>
10022 <eAnnotations source=
10023 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum capacitive reactive power"/>
10025 </eStructuralFeatures>
10027 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OrgAssetRole" eSuperTypes=
10028 <eAnnotations source=
10029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The roles played between an Organisations and an Asset."/>
10031 <eAnnotations source=
10032 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The roles played between an Organisations and an Asset."/>
10034 <eAnnotations source=
10035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The roles played between an Organisations and an Asset."/>
10036 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The roles played between an Organisations and an Asset."/>
10038 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10039 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
10040 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
10041 eOpposite=
10042 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10043 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
10045 <eAnnotations source=
10046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If the role type is "owner," this indicate the percentage of ownership."/>
10048 <eAnnotations source=
10049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If the role type is "owner," this indicate the percentage of ownership."/>
10051 </eStructuralFeatures>
10053 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TestDataSet" eSuperTypes=
10054 <eAnnotations source=
10055 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Test results, usually obtained by a lab or other independent organisation."/>
10057 <eAnnotations source=
10058 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Test results, usually obtained by a lab or other independent organisation."/>
10060 <eAnnotations source=
10061 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Test results, usually obtained by a lab or other independent organisation."/>
10062 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Test results, usually obtained by a lab or other independent organisation."/>
10064 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10065 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
10066 <eAnnotations source=
10067 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the specimen was received by the lab."/>
10069 <eAnnotations source=
10070 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the specimen was received by the lab."/>
10072 </eStructuralFeatures>
10073 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"conclusion" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10075 <eAnnotations source=
10076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conclusion drawn from test results."/>
10078 <eAnnotations source=
10079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conclusion drawn from test results."/>
10081 </eStructuralFeatures>
10082 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"specimenID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10084 <eAnnotations source=
10085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifier of specimen used in inspection or test."/>
10087 <eAnnotations source=
10088 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifier of specimen used in inspection or test."/>
10090 </eStructuralFeatures>
10092 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10093 <eLiterals name=
10094 <eLiterals name=
"remoteWithLocalOverride" value=
10095 <eLiterals name=
"localOnly" value=
10096 <eLiterals name=
"fixed" value=
10098 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10099 <eLiterals name=
10100 <eLiterals name=
"wires2to1" value=
10101 <eLiterals name=
"wires3to1" value=
10102 <eLiterals name=
"wires1to1" value=
10104 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GenericAssetModelOrMaterial" eSuperTypes=
10105 <eAnnotations source=
10106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic asset or material item that may be used for planning, work or design purposes."/>
10108 <eAnnotations source=
10109 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generic asset or material item that may be used for planning, work or design purposes."/>
10111 <eAnnotations source=
10112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic asset or material item that may be used for planning, work or design purposes."/>
10113 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generic asset or material item that may be used for planning, work or design purposes."/>
10115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10116 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
10117 eOpposite=
10118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10119 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/ProductAssetModel" eOpposite=
10120 <eAnnotations source=
10121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All product asset models satisfying this generic asset model."/>
10123 <eAnnotations source=
10124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All product asset models satisfying this generic asset model."/>
10126 </eStructuralFeatures>
10127 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10128 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
10129 eOpposite=
10130 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10131 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/CUWorkEquipmentItem" eOpposite=
10132 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10133 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
10134 <eAnnotations source=
10135 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated unit cost (or cost per unit length) of this type of asset. It does not include labor to install/construct or configure it."/>
10137 <eAnnotations source=
10138 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated unit cost (or cost per unit length) of this type of asset. It does not include labor to install/construct or configure it."/>
10140 </eStructuralFeatures>
10141 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"stockItem" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
10143 <eAnnotations source=
10144 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if item is a stock item (default)."/>
10146 <eAnnotations source=
10147 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if item is a stock item (default)."/>
10149 </eStructuralFeatures>
10150 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10151 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfTypeAsset/TypeAssetCatalogue" eOpposite=
10152 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CUAsset" eType=
10153 eOpposite=
10154 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10155 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
10156 eOpposite=
10157 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quantity" eType=
10159 <eAnnotations source=
10160 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value, unit of measure, and multiplier for the quantity."/>
10162 <eAnnotations source=
10163 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value, unit of measure, and multiplier for the quantity."/>
10165 </eStructuralFeatures>
10167 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10168 <eLiterals name=
10169 <eLiterals name=
"asphalt" value=
10170 <eLiterals name=
"unknown" value=
10171 <eLiterals name=
"cement" value=
10172 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
10174 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10175 <eLiterals name=
10176 <eLiterals name=
"tssc" value=
10177 <eLiterals name=
"tsbr" value=
10178 <eLiterals name=
"svc" value=
10179 <eLiterals name=
"tcsc" value=
10180 <eLiterals name=
"tcvl" value=
10181 <eLiterals name=
"statcom" value=
10182 <eLiterals name=
"upfc" value=
10184 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10185 <eLiterals name=
10186 <eLiterals name=
"anchor" value=
10188 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10189 <eLiterals name=
10190 <eLiterals name=
"compound" value=
10191 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
10192 <eLiterals name=
"paperoil" value=
10194 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10195 <eLiterals name=
10196 <eLiterals name=
"concrete" value=
10197 <eLiterals name=
"steel" value=
10198 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
10200 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10201 <eLiterals name=
10202 <eLiterals name=
"highPressureSodium" value=
10203 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
10204 <eLiterals name=
"mercuryVapor" value=
10206 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ReliabilityInfo" eSuperTypes=
10207 <eAnnotations source=
10208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information regarding the experienced and expected reliability of a specific asset, type of asset, or asset model."/>
10210 <eAnnotations source=
10211 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information regarding the experienced and expected reliability of a specific asset, type of asset, or asset model."/>
10213 <eAnnotations source=
10214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information regarding the experienced and expected reliability of a specific asset, type of asset, or asset model."/>
10215 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information regarding the experienced and expected reliability of a specific asset, type of asset, or asset model."/>
10217 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"momFailureRate" eType=
10219 <eAnnotations source=
10220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Momentary failure rate (temporary failures/kft-year)."/>
10222 <eAnnotations source=
10223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Momentary failure rate (temporary failures/kft-year)."/>
10225 </eStructuralFeatures>
10226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Specification" eType=
10227 eOpposite=
10228 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mTTR" eType=
10230 <eAnnotations source=
10231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mean time to repair (MTTR - hours)."/>
10233 <eAnnotations source=
10234 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mean time to repair (MTTR - hours)."/>
10236 </eStructuralFeatures>
10237 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
10238 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
10240 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerObservation" eSuperTypes=
10241 <eAnnotations source=
10242 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Common information captured during transformer inspections and/or diagnostics. Note that some properties may be measured through other means and therefore have measurement values in addition to the observed values recorded here."/>
10244 <eAnnotations source=
10245 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Common information captured during transformer inspections and/or diagnostics. Note that some properties may be measured through other means and therefore have measurement values in addition to the observed values recorded here."/>
10247 <eAnnotations source=
10248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Common information captured during transformer inspections and/or diagnostics. Note that some properties may be measured through other means and therefore have measurement values in addition to the observed values recorded here."/>
10249 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Common information captured during transformer inspections and/or diagnostics. Note that some properties may be measured through other means and therefore have measurement values in addition to the observed values recorded here."/>
10251 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10252 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
10253 eOpposite=
10254 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10255 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10257 <eAnnotations source=
10258 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis-Neutralization Number - Number - Mg KOH."/>
10260 <eAnnotations source=
10261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis-Neutralization Number - Number - Mg KOH."/>
10263 </eStructuralFeatures>
10264 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"waterContent" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10266 <eAnnotations source=
10267 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water Content expressed in parts per million."/>
10269 <eAnnotations source=
10270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Water Content expressed in parts per million."/>
10272 </eStructuralFeatures>
10273 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oilLevel" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10275 <eAnnotations source=
10276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level of oil in the transformer."/>
10278 <eAnnotations source=
10279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level of oil in the transformer."/>
10281 </eStructuralFeatures>
10282 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"freqResp" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10284 <eAnnotations source=
10285 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency Response Analysis. Typical values are: acceptable, slight movement, significant movement, failed, near failure. A graphic of the response diagram, which is a type of document, may be associated with this analysis through the recursive document relationship of the ProcedureDataSet."/>
10287 <eAnnotations source=
10288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency Response Analysis. Typical values are: acceptable, slight movement, significant movement, failed, near failure. A graphic of the response diagram, which is a type of document, may be associated with this analysis through the recursive document relationship of the ProcedureDataSet."/>
10290 </eStructuralFeatures>
10291 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10292 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
10293 <eAnnotations source=
10294 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis-Dielectric Strength."/>
10296 <eAnnotations source=
10297 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis-Dielectric Strength."/>
10299 </eStructuralFeatures>
10300 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oilColor" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10302 <eAnnotations source=
10303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis-Color."/>
10305 <eAnnotations source=
10306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis-Color."/>
10308 </eStructuralFeatures>
10309 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hotSpotTemp" eType=
10311 <eAnnotations source=
10312 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hotspot oil temperature."/>
10314 <eAnnotations source=
10315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hotspot oil temperature."/>
10317 </eStructuralFeatures>
10318 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dga" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10320 <eAnnotations source=
10321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dissolved Gas Analysis. Typical values are: Acceptable, Overheating, Corona, Sparking, Arcing."/>
10323 <eAnnotations source=
10324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dissolved Gas Analysis. Typical values are: Acceptable, Overheating, Corona, Sparking, Arcing."/>
10326 </eStructuralFeatures>
10327 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"furfuralDP" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10329 <eAnnotations source=
10330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overall measure of furfural in oil and mechanical strength of paper. DP, the ree of polymerization, is the strength of the paper. Furfural is a measure of furfural compounds, often expressed in parts per million."/>
10332 <eAnnotations source=
10333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overall measure of furfural in oil and mechanical strength of paper. DP, the ree of polymerization, is the strength of the paper. Furfural is a measure of furfural compounds, often expressed in parts per million."/>
10335 </eStructuralFeatures>
10336 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oilIFT" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10338 <eAnnotations source=
10339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis- inter facial tension (IFT) - number-Dynes/CM."/>
10341 <eAnnotations source=
10342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Oil Quality Analysis- inter facial tension (IFT) - number-Dynes/CM."/>
10344 </eStructuralFeatures>
10345 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10346 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
10347 eOpposite=
10348 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Transformer" eType=
10349 eOpposite=
10350 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
10351 containment=
10352 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10353 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
10354 eOpposite=
10355 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10356 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/TransformerAsset" eOpposite=
10357 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bushingTemp" eType=
10359 <eAnnotations source=
10360 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bushing temperature."/>
10362 <eAnnotations source=
10363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bushing temperature."/>
10365 </eStructuralFeatures>
10366 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"topOilTemp" eType=
10368 <eAnnotations source=
10369 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Top oil temperature."/>
10371 <eAnnotations source=
10372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Top oil temperature."/>
10374 </eStructuralFeatures>
10375 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pumpVibration" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10377 <eAnnotations source=
10378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pump vibration, with typical values being: nominal, high."/>
10380 <eAnnotations source=
10381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pump vibration, with typical values being: nominal, high."/>
10383 </eStructuralFeatures>
10385 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10386 <eLiterals name=
10387 <eLiterals name=
"regulatorBypass" value=
10388 <eLiterals name=
"escoThrowOver" value=
10389 <eLiterals name=
"ral" value=
10390 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
10391 <eLiterals name=
"gral" value=
10392 <eLiterals name=
"ugMultiSwitch" value=
10394 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10395 <eLiterals name=
10396 <eLiterals name=
"manuallyIsolated" value=
10397 <eLiterals name=
"breakerOperation" value=
10398 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
10399 <eLiterals name=
"burnedInTheClear" value=
10401 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Pole" eSuperTypes=
10402 <eAnnotations source=
10403 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole asset."/>
10405 <eAnnotations source=
10406 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pole asset."/>
10408 <eAnnotations source=
10409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole asset."/>
10410 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pole asset."/>
10412 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"breastBlock" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
10414 <eAnnotations source=
10415 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if a block of material has been attached to base of pole in ground for stability. This technique is used primarily when anchors can not be used."/>
10417 <eAnnotations source=
10418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if a block of material has been attached to base of pole in ground for stability. This technique is used primarily when anchors can not be used."/>
10420 </eStructuralFeatures>
10421 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"diameter" eType=
10423 <eAnnotations source=
10424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter of the pole."/>
10426 <eAnnotations source=
10427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter of the pole."/>
10429 </eStructuralFeatures>
10430 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"baseKind" eType=
10432 <eAnnotations source=
10433 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of base for this pole."/>
10435 <eAnnotations source=
10436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of base for this pole."/>
10438 </eStructuralFeatures>
10439 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"jpaReference" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10441 <eAnnotations source=
10442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Joint pole agreement reference number."/>
10444 <eAnnotations source=
10445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Joint pole agreement reference number."/>
10447 </eStructuralFeatures>
10448 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"treatmentKind" eType=
10450 <eAnnotations source=
10451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of treatment for this pole."/>
10453 <eAnnotations source=
10454 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of treatment for this pole."/>
10456 </eStructuralFeatures>
10457 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10458 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/PolePreservativeKind" unsettable=
10459 <eAnnotations source=
10460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of preservative for this pole."/>
10462 <eAnnotations source=
10463 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of preservative for this pole."/>
10465 </eStructuralFeatures>
10466 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Streetlights" upperBound=
10467 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Streetlight" eOpposite=
10468 <eAnnotations source=
10469 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Streetlight(s) may be attached to a pole."/>
10471 <eAnnotations source=
10472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Streetlight(s) may be attached to a pole."/>
10474 </eStructuralFeatures>
10475 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"length" eType=
10477 <eAnnotations source=
10478 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length of the pole (inclusive of any section of the pole that may be underground post-installation)."/>
10480 <eAnnotations source=
10481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Length of the pole (inclusive of any section of the pole that may be underground post-installation)."/>
10483 </eStructuralFeatures>
10484 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"construction" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10486 <eAnnotations source=
10487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The framing structure mounted on the pole."/>
10489 <eAnnotations source=
10490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The framing structure mounted on the pole."/>
10492 </eStructuralFeatures>
10493 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"speciesType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10495 <eAnnotations source=
10496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole species. Aluminum, Aluminum Davit, Concrete, Fiberglass, Galvanized Davit, Galvanized, Steel Davit Primed, Steel Davit, Steel Standard Primed, Steel, Truncated, Wood-Treated, Wood-Hard, Wood-Salt Treated, Wood-Soft, Wood, Other, Unknown."/>
10498 <eAnnotations source=
10499 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole species. Aluminum, Aluminum Davit, Concrete, Fiberglass, Galvanized Davit, Galvanized, Steel Davit Primed, Steel Davit, Steel Standard Primed, Steel, Truncated, Wood-Treated, Wood-Hard, Wood-Salt Treated, Wood-Soft, Wood, Other, Unknown."/>
10501 </eStructuralFeatures>
10502 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"classification" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10504 <eAnnotations source=
10505 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole class: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, H1, H2, Other, Unknown."/>
10507 <eAnnotations source=
10508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole class: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, H1, H2, Other, Unknown."/>
10510 </eStructuralFeatures>
10511 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10512 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
10513 <eAnnotations source=
10514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time pole was last treated with preservative."/>
10516 <eAnnotations source=
10517 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time pole was last treated with preservative."/>
10519 </eStructuralFeatures>
10521 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SwitchInfo" eSuperTypes=
10522 <eAnnotations source=
10523 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of switch assets."/>
10525 <eAnnotations source=
10526 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of switch assets."/>
10528 <eAnnotations source=
10529 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Properties of switch assets."/>
10530 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Properties of switch assets."/>
10532 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10533 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
10534 <eAnnotations source=
10535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum rms voltage that may be applied across an open contact without breaking down the dielectric properties of the switch in the open position."/>
10537 <eAnnotations source=
10538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum rms voltage that may be applied across an open contact without breaking down the dielectric properties of the switch in the open position."/>
10540 </eStructuralFeatures>
10541 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gang" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
10543 <eAnnotations source=
10544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if multi-phase switch controls all phases concurrently."/>
10546 <eAnnotations source=
10547 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if multi-phase switch controls all phases concurrently."/>
10549 </eStructuralFeatures>
10550 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"makingCapacity" eType=
10552 <eAnnotations source=
10553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The highest value of current the switch can make at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance."/>
10555 <eAnnotations source=
10556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The highest value of current the switch can make at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance."/>
10558 </eStructuralFeatures>
10559 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10560 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
10561 <eAnnotations source=
10562 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The highest value of current the switch can carry in the closed position at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance."/>
10564 <eAnnotations source=
10565 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The highest value of current the switch can carry in the closed position at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance."/>
10567 </eStructuralFeatures>
10568 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"loadBreak" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
10570 <eAnnotations source=
10571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if switch has load breaking capabiity. Unless specified false, this is always assumed to be true for breakers and reclosers."/>
10573 <eAnnotations source=
10574 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if switch has load breaking capabiity. Unless specified false, this is always assumed to be true for breakers and reclosers."/>
10576 </eStructuralFeatures>
10577 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minimumCurrent" eType=
10579 <eAnnotations source=
10580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The lowest value of current that the switch can make, carry and break in uninterrupted duty at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance."/>
10582 <eAnnotations source=
10583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The lowest value of current that the switch can make, carry and break in uninterrupted duty at the rated voltage under specified operating conditions without suffering significant deterioration of its performance."/>
10585 </eStructuralFeatures>
10586 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10587 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CurrentFlow" unsettable=
10588 <eAnnotations source=
10589 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Breaking capacity, or short circuit rating, is the maximum rated current which the device can safely interrupt at the rated voltage."/>
10591 <eAnnotations source=
10592 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Breaking capacity, or short circuit rating, is the maximum rated current which the device can safely interrupt at the rated voltage."/>
10594 </eStructuralFeatures>
10595 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remote" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
10597 <eAnnotations source=
10598 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if device is capable of being operated by remote control."/>
10600 <eAnnotations source=
10601 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if device is capable of being operated by remote control."/>
10603 </eStructuralFeatures>
10604 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"poleCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
10606 <eAnnotations source=
10607 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of poles (i.e. of current carrying conductors that are switched)."/>
10609 <eAnnotations source=
10610 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of poles (i.e. of current carrying conductors that are switched)."/>
10612 </eStructuralFeatures>
10615 <eSubpackages name=
"InfCustomers" nsURI=
10616 nsPrefix=
10617 <eAnnotations source=
10618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package is used to define detailed customer models."/>
10620 <eAnnotations source=
10621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package is used to define detailed customer models."/>
10623 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StandardIndustryCode" eSuperTypes=
10624 <eAnnotations source=
10625 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) are the codes that identify the type of products/service an industry is involved in, and used for statutory reporting purposes. For example, in the USA these codes are located by the federal government, and then published in a book entitled "The Standard Industrial Classification Manual". The codes are arranged in a hierarchical structure.
Note that Residential Service Agreements are not classified according to the SIC codes."/>
10627 <eAnnotations source=
10628 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) are the codes that identify the type of products/service an industry is involved in, and used for statutory reporting purposes. For example, in the USA these codes are located by the federal government, and then published in a book entitled "The Standard Industrial Classification Manual". The codes are arranged in a hierarchical structure.
Note that Residential Service Agreements are not classified according to the SIC codes."/>
10630 <eAnnotations source=
10631 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) are the codes that identify the type of products/service an industry is involved in, and used for statutory reporting purposes. For example, in the USA these codes are located by the federal government, and then published in a book entitled "The Standard Industrial Classification Manual". The codes are arranged in a hierarchical structure.
Note that Residential Service Agreements are not classified according to the SIC codes."/>
10632 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) are the codes that identify the type of products/service an industry is involved in, and used for statutory reporting purposes. For example, in the USA these codes are located by the federal government, and then published in a book entitled "The Standard Industrial Classification Manual". The codes are arranged in a hierarchical structure.
Note that Residential Service Agreements are not classified according to the SIC codes."/>
10634 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10636 <eAnnotations source=
10637 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Standard alphanumeric code assigned to a particular product/service within an industry."/>
10639 <eAnnotations source=
10640 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Standard alphanumeric code assigned to a particular product/service within an industry."/>
10642 </eStructuralFeatures>
10643 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10644 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
10646 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageHistory" eSuperTypes=
10647 <eAnnotations source=
10648 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document collecting OutageReports, that allows utilities to examine the number of outages suffered by a customer. Also provides data to calculate the total supply interruption to any customer over a given period."/>
10650 <eAnnotations source=
10651 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document collecting OutageReports, that allows utilities to examine the number of outages suffered by a customer. Also provides data to calculate the total supply interruption to any customer over a given period."/>
10653 <eAnnotations source=
10654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document collecting OutageReports, that allows utilities to examine the number of outages suffered by a customer. Also provides data to calculate the total supply interruption to any customer over a given period."/>
10655 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document collecting OutageReports, that allows utilities to examine the number of outages suffered by a customer. Also provides data to calculate the total supply interruption to any customer over a given period."/>
10657 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageReports" upperBound=
10658 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageReport" eOpposite=
10659 <eAnnotations source=
10660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OutageReports per customer for which this OutageHistory is created."/>
10662 <eAnnotations source=
10663 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OutageReports per customer for which this OutageHistory is created."/>
10665 </eStructuralFeatures>
10667 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
10668 <eLiterals name=
10669 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
10670 <eLiterals name=
"separateEssUdc" value=
10671 <eLiterals name=
"consolidatedEss" value=
10673 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ComplianceEvent" eSuperTypes=
10674 <eAnnotations source=
10675 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compliance events are used for reporting regulatory or contract compliance issues and/or variances. These might be created as a consequence of local business processes and associated rules. It is anticipated that this class will be customised extensively to meet local implementation needs.
Use inherited 'category' to indicate that, for example, expected performance will not be met or reported as mandated."/>
10677 <eAnnotations source=
10678 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compliance events are used for reporting regulatory or contract compliance issues and/or variances. These might be created as a consequence of local business processes and associated rules. It is anticipated that this class will be customised extensively to meet local implementation needs.
Use inherited 'category' to indicate that, for example, expected performance will not be met or reported as mandated."/>
10680 <eAnnotations source=
10681 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compliance events are used for reporting regulatory or contract compliance issues and/or variances. These might be created as a consequence of local business processes and associated rules. It is anticipated that this class will be customised extensively to meet local implementation needs.
Use inherited 'category' to indicate that, for example, expected performance will not be met or reported as mandated."/>
10682 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Compliance events are used for reporting regulatory or contract compliance issues and/or variances. These might be created as a consequence of local business processes and associated rules. It is anticipated that this class will be customised extensively to meet local implementation needs.
Use inherited 'category' to indicate that, for example, expected performance will not be met or reported as mandated."/>
10684 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"deadline" eType=
10686 <eAnnotations source=
10687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The deadline for compliance."/>
10689 <eAnnotations source=
10690 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The deadline for compliance."/>
10692 </eStructuralFeatures>
10694 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CustomerBillingInfo" eSuperTypes=
10695 <eAnnotations source=
10696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The creation of the monthly customer billing statements is the method employed to notify Customers of charges, adjustments and credits applied to their account for Services and Products. The actuall billing occurs through an ErpInvoice. The CustomerBillingInfo includes information from the payment, collection, meter reading, installed meter, service, site, customer, customer account, customer agreement, services and pricing subject areas. Each component price shows up as a separate line item on the ErpInvoice.
The Customer Billing Statement may include collection and account messages, marketing/civic event messages and bill inserts.
One Customer Billing Statement is produced for all Agreements under a CustomerAccount per billing cycle date defined in 'CustomerAccount.billingCycle'.
The history of CustomerBillingInfo, Invoices and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10698 <eAnnotations source=
10699 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The creation of the monthly customer billing statements is the method employed to notify Customers of charges, adjustments and credits applied to their account for Services and Products. The actuall billing occurs through an ErpInvoice. The CustomerBillingInfo includes information from the payment, collection, meter reading, installed meter, service, site, customer, customer account, customer agreement, services and pricing subject areas. Each component price shows up as a separate line item on the ErpInvoice.
The Customer Billing Statement may include collection and account messages, marketing/civic event messages and bill inserts.
One Customer Billing Statement is produced for all Agreements under a CustomerAccount per billing cycle date defined in 'CustomerAccount.billingCycle'.
The history of CustomerBillingInfo, Invoices and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10701 <eAnnotations source=
10702 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The creation of the monthly customer billing statements is the method employed to notify Customers of charges, adjustments and credits applied to their account for Services and Products. The actuall billing occurs through an ErpInvoice. The CustomerBillingInfo includes information from the payment, collection, meter reading, installed meter, service, site, customer, customer account, customer agreement, services and pricing subject areas. Each component price shows up as a separate line item on the ErpInvoice.
The Customer Billing Statement may include collection and account messages, marketing/civic event messages and bill inserts.
One Customer Billing Statement is produced for all Agreements under a CustomerAccount per billing cycle date defined in 'CustomerAccount.billingCycle'.
The history of CustomerBillingInfo, Invoices and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10703 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The creation of the monthly customer billing statements is the method employed to notify Customers of charges, adjustments and credits applied to their account for Services and Products. The actuall billing occurs through an ErpInvoice. The CustomerBillingInfo includes information from the payment, collection, meter reading, installed meter, service, site, customer, customer account, customer agreement, services and pricing subject areas. Each component price shows up as a separate line item on the ErpInvoice.
The Customer Billing Statement may include collection and account messages, marketing/civic event messages and bill inserts.
One Customer Billing Statement is produced for all Agreements under a CustomerAccount per billing cycle date defined in 'CustomerAccount.billingCycle'.
The history of CustomerBillingInfo, Invoices and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10705 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10706 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
10707 eOpposite=
10708 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pymtPlanType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10710 <eAnnotations source=
10711 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of payment plan."/>
10713 <eAnnotations source=
10714 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of payment plan."/>
10716 </eStructuralFeatures>
10717 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
10719 <eAnnotations source=
10720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of bill customer receives."/>
10722 <eAnnotations source=
10723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of bill customer receives."/>
10725 </eStructuralFeatures>
10726 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pymtPlanAmt" eType=
10728 <eAnnotations source=
10729 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Monthly amortized amount due during each billing cycle for the CustomerAccount balance for which the Payment Plan is set-up."/>
10731 <eAnnotations source=
10732 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Monthly amortized amount due during each billing cycle for the CustomerAccount balance for which the Payment Plan is set-up."/>
10734 </eStructuralFeatures>
10735 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lastPaymentAmt" eType=
10737 <eAnnotations source=
10738 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of the last payment received from the customer. It is retained in the Customer Billing system, although the details of each payment are tracked in the ERP system."/>
10740 <eAnnotations source=
10741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of the last payment received from the customer. It is retained in the Customer Billing system, although the details of each payment are tracked in the ERP system."/>
10743 </eStructuralFeatures>
10744 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dueDate" eType=
10746 <eAnnotations source=
10747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Calculated date upon which a customer billing amount is due, used in the invoicing process to determine when a Customer's Payment is delinquent. It takes into consideration the regulatory criteria and the Customer's requested due date. In the absence of a Customer requested due date, the due date is typically calculated from the regulated number of days and the 'billingDate'."/>
10749 <eAnnotations source=
10750 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Calculated date upon which a customer billing amount is due, used in the invoicing process to determine when a Customer's Payment is delinquent. It takes into consideration the regulatory criteria and the Customer's requested due date. In the absence of a Customer requested due date, the due date is typically calculated from the regulated number of days and the 'billingDate'."/>
10752 </eStructuralFeatures>
10753 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"outBalance" eType=
10755 <eAnnotations source=
10756 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Outstanding balance on the CustomerAccount as of the statement date."/>
10758 <eAnnotations source=
10759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Outstanding balance on the CustomerAccount as of the statement date."/>
10761 </eStructuralFeatures>
10762 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10763 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/AbsoluteDate" unsettable=
10764 <eAnnotations source=
10765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date of the last payment received from the customer. It is retained in the Customer Billing system, although the details of each payment are tracked in the ERP system."/>
10767 <eAnnotations source=
10768 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date of the last payment received from the customer. It is retained in the Customer Billing system, although the details of each payment are tracked in the ERP system."/>
10770 </eStructuralFeatures>
10771 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"billingDate" eType=
10773 <eAnnotations source=
10774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Business date designated for the billing run which produced this CustomerBillingInfo."/>
10776 <eAnnotations source=
10777 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Business date designated for the billing run which produced this CustomerBillingInfo."/>
10779 </eStructuralFeatures>
10780 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10781 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAccount" eOpposite=
10783 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ServiceGuarantee" eSuperTypes=
10784 <eAnnotations source=
10785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A service guarantee, often imposed by a regulator, defines conditions that, if not satisfied, will result in the utility making a monetary payment to the customer. Note that guarantee's identifier is in the 'name' attribute and the status of the guarantee is in the 'Status.status' attribute.
Example service requirements include:
1) If power is not restored within 24 hours, customers can claim $50 for residential customers or $100 for commercial and industrial customers. In addition for each extra period of 12 hours the customer's supply has not been activated, the customer can claim $25.
2) If a customer has a question about their electricity bill, the utility will investigate and respond to the inquiry within 15 working days. If utility fails to meet its guarantee, utility will automatically pay the customer $50."/>
10787 <eAnnotations source=
10788 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A service guarantee, often imposed by a regulator, defines conditions that, if not satisfied, will result in the utility making a monetary payment to the customer. Note that guarantee's identifier is in the 'name' attribute and the status of the guarantee is in the 'Status.status' attribute.
Example service requirements include:
1) If power is not restored within 24 hours, customers can claim $50 for residential customers or $100 for commercial and industrial customers. In addition for each extra period of 12 hours the customer's supply has not been activated, the customer can claim $25.
2) If a customer has a question about their electricity bill, the utility will investigate and respond to the inquiry within 15 working days. If utility fails to meet its guarantee, utility will automatically pay the customer $50."/>
10790 <eAnnotations source=
10791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A service guarantee, often imposed by a regulator, defines conditions that, if not satisfied, will result in the utility making a monetary payment to the customer. Note that guarantee's identifier is in the 'name' attribute and the status of the guarantee is in the 'Status.status' attribute.
Example service requirements include:
1) If power is not restored within 24 hours, customers can claim $50 for residential customers or $100 for commercial and industrial customers. In addition for each extra period of 12 hours the customer's supply has not been activated, the customer can claim $25.
2) If a customer has a question about their electricity bill, the utility will investigate and respond to the inquiry within 15 working days. If utility fails to meet its guarantee, utility will automatically pay the customer $50."/>
10792 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A service guarantee, often imposed by a regulator, defines conditions that, if not satisfied, will result in the utility making a monetary payment to the customer. Note that guarantee's identifier is in the 'name' attribute and the status of the guarantee is in the 'Status.status' attribute.
Example service requirements include:
1) If power is not restored within 24 hours, customers can claim $50 for residential customers or $100 for commercial and industrial customers. In addition for each extra period of 12 hours the customer's supply has not been activated, the customer can claim $25.
2) If a customer has a question about their electricity bill, the utility will investigate and respond to the inquiry within 15 working days. If utility fails to meet its guarantee, utility will automatically pay the customer $50."/>
10794 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"automaticPay" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
10796 <eAnnotations source=
10797 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if utility must autmatically pay the specified amount whenever the condition is not satisified, otherwise customer must make a claim to receive payment."/>
10799 <eAnnotations source=
10800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if utility must autmatically pay the specified amount whenever the condition is not satisified, otherwise customer must make a claim to receive payment."/>
10802 </eStructuralFeatures>
10803 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"payAmount" eType=
10805 <eAnnotations source=
10806 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount to be paid by the service provider to the customer for each violation of the 'serviceRequirement'."/>
10808 <eAnnotations source=
10809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount to be paid by the service provider to the customer for each violation of the 'serviceRequirement'."/>
10811 </eStructuralFeatures>
10812 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10813 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
10815 <eAnnotations source=
10816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Explanation of the requirement and conditions for satisfying it."/>
10818 <eAnnotations source=
10819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Explanation of the requirement and conditions for satisfying it."/>
10821 </eStructuralFeatures>
10822 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10823 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
10824 <eAnnotations source=
10825 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period in which this service guantee applies."/>
10827 <eAnnotations source=
10828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period in which this service guantee applies."/>
10830 </eStructuralFeatures>
10832 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SubscribePowerCurve" eSuperTypes=
10833 <eAnnotations source=
10834 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Price curve for specifying the cost of energy (X) at points in time (y1) according to a prcing structure, which is based on a tariff."/>
10836 <eAnnotations source=
10837 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Price curve for specifying the cost of energy (X) at points in time (y1) according to a prcing structure, which is based on a tariff."/>
10839 <eAnnotations source=
10840 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Price curve for specifying the cost of energy (X) at points in time (y1) according to a prcing structure, which is based on a tariff."/>
10841 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Price curve for specifying the cost of energy (X) at points in time (y1) according to a prcing structure, which is based on a tariff."/>
10844 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ExternalCustomerAgreement" eSuperTypes=
10845 <eAnnotations source=
10846 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of customer agreement involving an external agency. For example, a customer may form a contracts with an Energy Service Supplier if Direct Access is permitted."/>
10848 <eAnnotations source=
10849 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of customer agreement involving an external agency. For example, a customer may form a contracts with an Energy Service Supplier if Direct Access is permitted."/>
10851 <eAnnotations source=
10852 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of customer agreement involving an external agency. For example, a customer may form a contracts with an Energy Service Supplier if Direct Access is permitted."/>
10853 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of customer agreement involving an external agency. For example, a customer may form a contracts with an Energy Service Supplier if Direct Access is permitted."/>
10856 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerQualityPricing" eSuperTypes=
10857 <eAnnotations source=
10858 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pricing can be based on power quality."/>
10860 <eAnnotations source=
10861 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pricing can be based on power quality."/>
10863 <eAnnotations source=
10864 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pricing can be based on power quality."/>
10865 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pricing can be based on power quality."/>
10867 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10868 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
10869 <eAnnotations source=
10870 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal low voltage limit."/>
10872 <eAnnotations source=
10873 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal low voltage limit."/>
10875 </eStructuralFeatures>
10876 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10877 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/CostPerEnergyUnit" unsettable=
10878 <eAnnotations source=
10879 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per energy)."/>
10881 <eAnnotations source=
10882 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per energy)."/>
10884 </eStructuralFeatures>
10885 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10886 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
10888 <eAnnotations source=
10889 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage limit violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage)."/>
10891 <eAnnotations source=
10892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage limit violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage)."/>
10894 </eStructuralFeatures>
10895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10896 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
10897 <eAnnotations source=
10898 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal high voltage limit."/>
10900 <eAnnotations source=
10901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal high voltage limit."/>
10903 </eStructuralFeatures>
10904 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10905 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
10906 <eAnnotations source=
10907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Emergency high voltage limit."/>
10909 <eAnnotations source=
10910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Emergency high voltage limit."/>
10912 </eStructuralFeatures>
10913 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10914 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
10915 <eAnnotations source=
10916 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Emergency low voltage limit."/>
10918 <eAnnotations source=
10919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Emergency low voltage limit."/>
10921 </eStructuralFeatures>
10922 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"powerFactorMin" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
10924 <eAnnotations source=
10925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Threshold minimum power factor for this PricingStructure, specified in instances where a special charge is levied if the actual power factor for a Service falls below the value specified here."/>
10927 <eAnnotations source=
10928 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Threshold minimum power factor for this PricingStructure, specified in instances where a special charge is levied if the actual power factor for a Service falls below the value specified here."/>
10930 </eStructuralFeatures>
10931 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10932 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
10934 <eAnnotations source=
10935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage imbalance violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage)."/>
10937 <eAnnotations source=
10938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage imbalance violation cost (Cost per unit Voltage)."/>
10940 </eStructuralFeatures>
10941 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
10942 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
10944 <eAnnotations source=
10945 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per active power)."/>
10947 <eAnnotations source=
10948 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of uninterrupted service (Cost per active power)."/>
10950 </eStructuralFeatures>
10952 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WorkBillingInfo" eSuperTypes=
10953 <eAnnotations source=
10954 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Billing information for work performed for the customer. The history of Work Billing Info, Invoices, and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10956 <eAnnotations source=
10957 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Billing information for work performed for the customer. The history of Work Billing Info, Invoices, and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10959 <eAnnotations source=
10960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Billing information for work performed for the customer. The history of Work Billing Info, Invoices, and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10961 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Billing information for work performed for the customer. The history of Work Billing Info, Invoices, and Payments is to be maintained in associated ActivityRecords."/>
10963 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Works" upperBound=
10964 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Work/Work" eOpposite=
10965 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"issueDateTime" eType=
10967 <eAnnotations source=
10968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time bill was issued to client."/>
10970 <eAnnotations source=
10971 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time bill was issued to client."/>
10973 </eStructuralFeatures>
10974 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"deposit" eType=
10976 <eAnnotations source=
10977 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of price on deposit."/>
10979 <eAnnotations source=
10980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of price on deposit."/>
10982 </eStructuralFeatures>
10983 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
10984 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAccount" eOpposite=
10985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"costEstimate" eType=
10987 <eAnnotations source=
10988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated cost for work."/>
10990 <eAnnotations source=
10991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated cost for work."/>
10993 </eStructuralFeatures>
10994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpLineItems" upperBound=
10995 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoiceLineItem" eOpposite=
10996 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"discount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
10998 <eAnnotations source=
10999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Discount from standard price."/>
11001 <eAnnotations source=
11002 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Discount from standard price."/>
11004 </eStructuralFeatures>
11005 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dueDateTime" eType=
11007 <eAnnotations source=
11008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time by which payment for bill is expected from client."/>
11010 <eAnnotations source=
11011 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time by which payment for bill is expected from client."/>
11013 </eStructuralFeatures>
11014 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11015 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
11016 <eAnnotations source=
11017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date payment was received from client."/>
11019 <eAnnotations source=
11020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date payment was received from client."/>
11022 </eStructuralFeatures>
11023 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"workPrice" eType=
11025 <eAnnotations source=
11026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of bill."/>
11028 <eAnnotations source=
11029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of bill."/>
11031 </eStructuralFeatures>
11034 <eSubpackages name=
"InfOperations" nsURI=
11035 nsPrefix=
11036 <eAnnotations source=
11037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"The Documentation package is used for the modeling of business documents. Some of these may be electronic realizations of legacy paper document, and some may be electronic information exchanges or collections. Documents will typically reference or describe one or more CIM objects.
The DataSets package is used to describe documents tyically used for exchange of collections of object descriptions (e.g., NetworkDataSet).
The operational package is used to define documents related to distribution operations business processes (e.g., OperationalRestriction, SwitchingSchedule).
TroubleTickets are used by Customers to report problems related to the elctrical distribution network. TroubleTickets may be grouped and be related to a PlannedOutage, OutageNotification and/or PowerSystemResource.
The Outage package defines classes related to outage management (OutageStep, OutageRecord, OutageReport).""/>
11039 <eAnnotations source=
11040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"The Documentation package is used for the modeling of business documents. Some of these may be electronic realizations of legacy paper document, and some may be electronic information exchanges or collections. Documents will typically reference or describe one or more CIM objects.
The DataSets package is used to describe documents tyically used for exchange of collections of object descriptions (e.g., NetworkDataSet).
The operational package is used to define documents related to distribution operations business processes (e.g., OperationalRestriction, SwitchingSchedule).
TroubleTickets are used by Customers to report problems related to the elctrical distribution network. TroubleTickets may be grouped and be related to a PlannedOutage, OutageNotification and/or PowerSystemResource.
The Outage package defines classes related to outage management (OutageStep, OutageRecord, OutageReport).""/>
11042 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageRecord" eSuperTypes=
11043 <eAnnotations source=
11044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document describing details of an outage in part of the electrical network, typically produced by a SCADA system following a breaker trip, or within a trouble call system by grouping customer calls. This has an associated outage step for each supply point. Primary cause of the outage is captured in 'category'.
In some countries all outage restoration is performed using a switching schedule which complements the outage record and records the crew and any planned work. In other systems, it may be acceptable to manage outages including new work tasks without switching schedules.
Note: The relationship between OutageRecord and ErpPerson and Crew is inherited as each is a type of Document."/>
11046 <eAnnotations source=
11047 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document describing details of an outage in part of the electrical network, typically produced by a SCADA system following a breaker trip, or within a trouble call system by grouping customer calls. This has an associated outage step for each supply point. Primary cause of the outage is captured in 'category'.
In some countries all outage restoration is performed using a switching schedule which complements the outage record and records the crew and any planned work. In other systems, it may be acceptable to manage outages including new work tasks without switching schedules.
Note: The relationship between OutageRecord and ErpPerson and Crew is inherited as each is a type of Document."/>
11049 <eAnnotations source=
11050 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document describing details of an outage in part of the electrical network, typically produced by a SCADA system following a breaker trip, or within a trouble call system by grouping customer calls. This has an associated outage step for each supply point. Primary cause of the outage is captured in 'category'.
In some countries all outage restoration is performed using a switching schedule which complements the outage record and records the crew and any planned work. In other systems, it may be acceptable to manage outages including new work tasks without switching schedules.
Note: The relationship between OutageRecord and ErpPerson and Crew is inherited as each is a type of Document."/>
11051 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document describing details of an outage in part of the electrical network, typically produced by a SCADA system following a breaker trip, or within a trouble call system by grouping customer calls. This has an associated outage step for each supply point. Primary cause of the outage is captured in 'category'.
In some countries all outage restoration is performed using a switching schedule which complements the outage record and records the crew and any planned work. In other systems, it may be acceptable to manage outages including new work tasks without switching schedules.
Note: The relationship between OutageRecord and ErpPerson and Crew is inherited as each is a type of Document."/>
11053 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageCodes" upperBound=
11054 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageCode" eOpposite=
11055 <eAnnotations source=
11056 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiple outage codes may apply to an outage record."/>
11058 <eAnnotations source=
11059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiple outage codes may apply to an outage record."/>
11061 </eStructuralFeatures>
11062 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"endDateTime" eType=
11064 <eAnnotations source=
11065 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time restoration was completed for all customers impacted by this outage."/>
11067 <eAnnotations source=
11068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time restoration was completed for all customers impacted by this outage."/>
11070 </eStructuralFeatures>
11071 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageReport" eType=
11072 eOpposite=
11073 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isPlanned" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11075 <eAnnotations source=
11076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if planned, false otherwise (for example due to a breaker trip)."/>
11078 <eAnnotations source=
11079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if planned, false otherwise (for example due to a breaker trip)."/>
11081 </eStructuralFeatures>
11082 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"damageCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11084 <eAnnotations source=
11085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The damage code relative to the associated PowerSystemResource(s) and/or Asset(s). Examples include broken, burnout, failure, flashed (burned), manually operated, wire down, no damage - rolling blackout, none."/>
11087 <eAnnotations source=
11088 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The damage code relative to the associated PowerSystemResource(s) and/or Asset(s). Examples include broken, burnout, failure, flashed (burned), manually operated, wire down, no damage - rolling blackout, none."/>
11090 </eStructuralFeatures>
11091 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"actionTaken" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11093 <eAnnotations source=
11094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overall action taken to resolve outage (details are in 'WorkTasks')."/>
11096 <eAnnotations source=
11097 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overall action taken to resolve outage (details are in 'WorkTasks')."/>
11099 </eStructuralFeatures>
11100 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageSteps" upperBound=
11101 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageStep" eOpposite=
11102 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11104 <eAnnotations source=
11105 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of ErpOrganisation.mode at the time of OutageRecord.startDateTime."/>
11107 <eAnnotations source=
11108 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of ErpOrganisation.mode at the time of OutageRecord.startDateTime."/>
11110 </eStructuralFeatures>
11112 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageReport" eSuperTypes=
11113 <eAnnotations source=
11114 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document with statistics of an outage."/>
11116 <eAnnotations source=
11117 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document with statistics of an outage."/>
11119 <eAnnotations source=
11120 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document with statistics of an outage."/>
11121 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document with statistics of an outage."/>
11123 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageRecord" eType=
11124 eOpposite=
11125 <eAnnotations source=
11126 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"reference to related document"/>
11128 <eAnnotations source=
11129 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"reference to related document"/>
11131 </eStructuralFeatures>
11132 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"customerCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
11134 <eAnnotations source=
11135 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total number of outaged customers."/>
11137 <eAnnotations source=
11138 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total number of outaged customers."/>
11140 </eStructuralFeatures>
11141 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"averageCml" eType=
11143 <eAnnotations source=
11144 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Average Customer Minutes Lost (CML) for this outage."/>
11146 <eAnnotations source=
11147 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Average Customer Minutes Lost (CML) for this outage."/>
11149 </eStructuralFeatures>
11150 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageHistory" eType=
11151 eOpposite=
11152 <eAnnotations source=
11153 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OutageHistory of a customer, which may include this OutageReport."/>
11155 <eAnnotations source=
11156 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"OutageHistory of a customer, which may include this OutageReport."/>
11158 </eStructuralFeatures>
11159 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"outageDuration" eType=
11161 <eAnnotations source=
11162 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total outage duration."/>
11164 <eAnnotations source=
11165 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total outage duration."/>
11167 </eStructuralFeatures>
11168 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"totalCml" eType=
11170 <eAnnotations source=
11171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total Customer Minutes Lost (CML)."/>
11173 <eAnnotations source=
11174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total Customer Minutes Lost (CML)."/>
11176 </eStructuralFeatures>
11178 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ChangeItem" eSuperTypes=
11179 <eAnnotations source=
11180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description for a single change within an ordered list of changes."/>
11182 <eAnnotations source=
11183 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Description for a single change within an ordered list of changes."/>
11185 <eAnnotations source=
11186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description for a single change within an ordered list of changes."/>
11187 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Description for a single change within an ordered list of changes."/>
11189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlSelector" eType=
11190 eOpposite=
11191 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Organisation" eType=
11192 eOpposite=
11193 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Document" eType=
11194 eOpposite=
11195 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
11196 eOpposite=
11197 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
11199 <eAnnotations source=
11200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relative order of this ChangeItem in an ordered sequence of changes."/>
11202 <eAnnotations source=
11203 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Relative order of this ChangeItem in an ordered sequence of changes."/>
11205 </eStructuralFeatures>
11206 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
11207 containment=
11208 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
11210 <eAnnotations source=
11211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of change for the associated object."/>
11213 <eAnnotations source=
11214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of change for the associated object."/>
11216 </eStructuralFeatures>
11217 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlObservation" eType=
11218 eOpposite=
11219 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPerson" eType=
11220 eOpposite=
11221 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11222 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
11223 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeSet" eType=
11224 eOpposite=
11225 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Location" eType=
11226 eOpposite=
11227 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"NetworkDataSet" eType=
11228 eOpposite=
11230 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PSREvent" eSuperTypes=
11231 <eAnnotations source=
11232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Event recording the change in operational status of a PowerSystemResource."/>
11234 <eAnnotations source=
11235 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Event recording the change in operational status of a PowerSystemResource."/>
11237 <eAnnotations source=
11238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Event recording the change in operational status of a PowerSystemResource."/>
11239 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Event recording the change in operational status of a PowerSystemResource."/>
11241 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
11243 <eAnnotations source=
11244 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of event."/>
11246 <eAnnotations source=
11247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of event."/>
11249 </eStructuralFeatures>
11250 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11251 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
11252 <eAnnotations source=
11253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power system resource that generated this event."/>
11255 <eAnnotations source=
11256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power system resource that generated this event."/>
11258 </eStructuralFeatures>
11260 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PlannedOutage" eSuperTypes=
11261 <eAnnotations source=
11262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Planned outage involves network operations which will affect the supply of power to customers. Note that the list of Power System Resources for the PlannedOutage may be the same or a superset of the ones per OutageStep."/>
11264 <eAnnotations source=
11265 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Planned outage involves network operations which will affect the supply of power to customers. Note that the list of Power System Resources for the PlannedOutage may be the same or a superset of the ones per OutageStep."/>
11267 <eAnnotations source=
11268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Planned outage involves network operations which will affect the supply of power to customers. Note that the list of Power System Resources for the PlannedOutage may be the same or a superset of the ones per OutageStep."/>
11269 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Planned outage involves network operations which will affect the supply of power to customers. Note that the list of Power System Resources for the PlannedOutage may be the same or a superset of the ones per OutageStep."/>
11271 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
11273 <eAnnotations source=
11274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of outage."/>
11276 <eAnnotations source=
11277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of outage."/>
11279 </eStructuralFeatures>
11280 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CustomerDatas" upperBound=
11281 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/Customer" eOpposite=
11282 <eAnnotations source=
11283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customers affected by this work. Derived from WorkOrder.connectedCustomers"/>
11285 <eAnnotations source=
11286 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customers affected by this work. Derived from WorkOrder.connectedCustomers"/>
11288 </eStructuralFeatures>
11289 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11290 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Outage/OutageSchedule" eOpposite=
11292 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
11293 <eLiterals name=
11294 <eLiterals name=
"confirmed" value=
11295 <eLiterals name=
"proposed" value=
11296 <eLiterals name=
"aborted" value=
11297 <eLiterals name=
"skipped" value=
11299 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CircuitSection" eSuperTypes=
11300 <eAnnotations source=
11301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Section of circuit located between two sectionalizing devices. It may contain other circuit sections, for example, a lateral tapped off a primary."/>
11303 <eAnnotations source=
11304 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Section of circuit located between two sectionalizing devices. It may contain other circuit sections, for example, a lateral tapped off a primary."/>
11306 <eAnnotations source=
11307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Section of circuit located between two sectionalizing devices. It may contain other circuit sections, for example, a lateral tapped off a primary."/>
11308 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Section of circuit located between two sectionalizing devices. It may contain other circuit sections, for example, a lateral tapped off a primary."/>
11310 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11311 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
11312 eOpposite=
11313 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"connectionKind" eType=
11315 <eAnnotations source=
11316 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this circuit section."/>
11318 <eAnnotations source=
11319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this circuit section."/>
11321 </eStructuralFeatures>
11322 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Circuits" upperBound=
11323 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/Circuit" eOpposite=
11325 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SafetyDocument" eSuperTypes=
11326 <eAnnotations source=
11327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document restricting or authorising works on electrical equipment (for example a permit to work, sanction for test, limitation of access, or certificate of isolation), defined based upon organisational practices.
Note: SafetyDocument may refer to ClearanceTag-s associated with ConductingEquipment for which the SafetyDocument is issued."/>
11329 <eAnnotations source=
11330 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document restricting or authorising works on electrical equipment (for example a permit to work, sanction for test, limitation of access, or certificate of isolation), defined based upon organisational practices.
Note: SafetyDocument may refer to ClearanceTag-s associated with ConductingEquipment for which the SafetyDocument is issued."/>
11332 <eAnnotations source=
11333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document restricting or authorising works on electrical equipment (for example a permit to work, sanction for test, limitation of access, or certificate of isolation), defined based upon organisational practices.
Note: SafetyDocument may refer to ClearanceTag-s associated with ConductingEquipment for which the SafetyDocument is issued."/>
11334 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document restricting or authorising works on electrical equipment (for example a permit to work, sanction for test, limitation of access, or certificate of isolation), defined based upon organisational practices.
Note: SafetyDocument may refer to ClearanceTag-s associated with ConductingEquipment for which the SafetyDocument is issued."/>
11336 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ClearanceTags" upperBound=
11337 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Outage/ClearanceTag" eOpposite=
11338 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ScheduleSteps" upperBound=
11339 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/SwitchingStep" eOpposite=
11340 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11341 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
11343 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OperationalRestriction" eSuperTypes=
11344 <eAnnotations source=
11345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document that can be associated with a device to describe any sort of restrictions compared with the original manufacturer's specification e.g. temporary maximum loadings, maximum switching current, do not operate if bus couplers are open etc etc. Since it is used in the network operations domain, it is associated with ConductingEquipment.
In the UK, for example, if a breaker or switch ever mal-operates, this is reported centrally and utilities use their asset systems to identify all the installed devices of the same manufacturer's type. They then apply operational restrictions in the operational systems to warn operators of potential problems. After appropriate inspection and maintenance, the operational restrictions may be removed."/>
11347 <eAnnotations source=
11348 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document that can be associated with a device to describe any sort of restrictions compared with the original manufacturer's specification e.g. temporary maximum loadings, maximum switching current, do not operate if bus couplers are open etc etc. Since it is used in the network operations domain, it is associated with ConductingEquipment.
In the UK, for example, if a breaker or switch ever mal-operates, this is reported centrally and utilities use their asset systems to identify all the installed devices of the same manufacturer's type. They then apply operational restrictions in the operational systems to warn operators of potential problems. After appropriate inspection and maintenance, the operational restrictions may be removed."/>
11350 <eAnnotations source=
11351 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document that can be associated with a device to describe any sort of restrictions compared with the original manufacturer's specification e.g. temporary maximum loadings, maximum switching current, do not operate if bus couplers are open etc etc. Since it is used in the network operations domain, it is associated with ConductingEquipment.
In the UK, for example, if a breaker or switch ever mal-operates, this is reported centrally and utilities use their asset systems to identify all the installed devices of the same manufacturer's type. They then apply operational restrictions in the operational systems to warn operators of potential problems. After appropriate inspection and maintenance, the operational restrictions may be removed."/>
11352 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document that can be associated with a device to describe any sort of restrictions compared with the original manufacturer's specification e.g. temporary maximum loadings, maximum switching current, do not operate if bus couplers are open etc etc. Since it is used in the network operations domain, it is associated with ConductingEquipment.
In the UK, for example, if a breaker or switch ever mal-operates, this is reported centrally and utilities use their asset systems to identify all the installed devices of the same manufacturer's type. They then apply operational restrictions in the operational systems to warn operators of potential problems. After appropriate inspection and maintenance, the operational restrictions may be removed."/>
11354 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"activePeriod" eType=
11355 containment=
11356 <eAnnotations source=
11357 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval during which the restriction is applied."/>
11359 <eAnnotations source=
11360 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval during which the restriction is applied."/>
11362 </eStructuralFeatures>
11364 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ChangeSet" eSuperTypes=
11365 <eAnnotations source=
11366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The updates required in a transaction for an existing data set are grouped into a single ChangeSet. In data sets (e.g., NetworkDataSet), each major step in the ChangeSet is described through a separate ChangeItem associated with the data set. Within each data set, each inidividual object change is described with a seperate ChangeItem associated with the object."/>
11368 <eAnnotations source=
11369 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The updates required in a transaction for an existing data set are grouped into a single ChangeSet. In data sets (e.g., NetworkDataSet), each major step in the ChangeSet is described through a separate ChangeItem associated with the data set. Within each data set, each inidividual object change is described with a seperate ChangeItem associated with the object."/>
11371 <eAnnotations source=
11372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The updates required in a transaction for an existing data set are grouped into a single ChangeSet. In data sets (e.g., NetworkDataSet), each major step in the ChangeSet is described through a separate ChangeItem associated with the data set. Within each data set, each inidividual object change is described with a seperate ChangeItem associated with the object."/>
11373 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The updates required in a transaction for an existing data set are grouped into a single ChangeSet. In data sets (e.g., NetworkDataSet), each major step in the ChangeSet is described through a separate ChangeItem associated with the data set. Within each data set, each inidividual object change is described with a seperate ChangeItem associated with the object."/>
11375 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11376 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
11377 eOpposite=
11378 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
11379 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
11380 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
11381 containment=
11382 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Documents" upperBound=
11383 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Document" eOpposite=
11385 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
11386 <eLiterals name=
11387 <eLiterals name=
"nominallyConnected" value=
11388 <eLiterals name=
"asBuilt" value=
11389 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
11391 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SwitchingSchedule" eSuperTypes=
11392 <eAnnotations source=
11393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document describing a sequence of steps to perform an item of work, for example to isolate some plant with regard to safety, equipment ratings, and standards of customer service.
Note 1: SwitchingSchedule is intended to describe the full operational details for switching for real time operation which includes other operations such as grounding, applying safety documents etc. 
Note 2: The association to ErpPerson suits the UK practice of quoting specific names (e.g the crew foreman). The association to Crew is for US practice."/>
11395 <eAnnotations source=
11396 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document describing a sequence of steps to perform an item of work, for example to isolate some plant with regard to safety, equipment ratings, and standards of customer service.
Note 1: SwitchingSchedule is intended to describe the full operational details for switching for real time operation which includes other operations such as grounding, applying safety documents etc. 
Note 2: The association to ErpPerson suits the UK practice of quoting specific names (e.g the crew foreman). The association to Crew is for US practice."/>
11398 <eAnnotations source=
11399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document describing a sequence of steps to perform an item of work, for example to isolate some plant with regard to safety, equipment ratings, and standards of customer service.
Note 1: SwitchingSchedule is intended to describe the full operational details for switching for real time operation which includes other operations such as grounding, applying safety documents etc. 
Note 2: The association to ErpPerson suits the UK practice of quoting specific names (e.g the crew foreman). The association to Crew is for US practice."/>
11400 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document describing a sequence of steps to perform an item of work, for example to isolate some plant with regard to safety, equipment ratings, and standards of customer service.
Note 1: SwitchingSchedule is intended to describe the full operational details for switching for real time operation which includes other operations such as grounding, applying safety documents etc. 
Note 2: The association to ErpPerson suits the UK practice of quoting specific names (e.g the crew foreman). The association to Crew is for US practice."/>
11402 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ScheduleSteps" upperBound=
11403 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/SwitchingStep" eOpposite=
11404 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
11405 eOpposite=
11406 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reason" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11408 <eAnnotations source=
11409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason for switching."/>
11411 <eAnnotations source=
11412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason for switching."/>
11414 </eStructuralFeatures>
11415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
11416 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
11417 <eAnnotations source=
11418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews executing this SwitchingSchedule."/>
11420 <eAnnotations source=
11421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Crews executing this SwitchingSchedule."/>
11423 </eStructuralFeatures>
11424 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"interval" eType=
11425 containment=
11426 <eAnnotations source=
11427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval between starting and completion of the switching."/>
11429 <eAnnotations source=
11430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval between starting and completion of the switching."/>
11432 </eStructuralFeatures>
11434 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
11435 <eLiterals name=
11436 <eLiterals name=
"pendingReplace" value=
11437 <eLiterals name=
"outOfService" value=
11438 <eLiterals name=
"pendingAdd" value=
11439 <eLiterals name=
"unknown" value=
11440 <eLiterals name=
"inService" value=
11441 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
11443 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Circuit" eSuperTypes=
11444 <eAnnotations source=
11445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"EquipmentContainer that will typically include conductors, energy consumers, transformers and transformer windings, switches, shunt compensators, etc., likely at different voltages. Circuit extends from a substation to a set of open points (radial circuit), or to a second substation (looped circuit). It generally starts with a switching device, located in a substation. Membership in a Circuit is based on the nominal or design system configuration, but the electrical connectivity will change during switching operations."/>
11447 <eAnnotations source=
11448 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"EquipmentContainer that will typically include conductors, energy consumers, transformers and transformer windings, switches, shunt compensators, etc., likely at different voltages. Circuit extends from a substation to a set of open points (radial circuit), or to a second substation (looped circuit). It generally starts with a switching device, located in a substation. Membership in a Circuit is based on the nominal or design system configuration, but the electrical connectivity will change during switching operations."/>
11450 <eAnnotations source=
11451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"EquipmentContainer that will typically include conductors, energy consumers, transformers and transformer windings, switches, shunt compensators, etc., likely at different voltages. Circuit extends from a substation to a set of open points (radial circuit), or to a second substation (looped circuit). It generally starts with a switching device, located in a substation. Membership in a Circuit is based on the nominal or design system configuration, but the electrical connectivity will change during switching operations."/>
11452 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"EquipmentContainer that will typically include conductors, energy consumers, transformers and transformer windings, switches, shunt compensators, etc., likely at different voltages. Circuit extends from a substation to a set of open points (radial circuit), or to a second substation (looped circuit). It generally starts with a switching device, located in a substation. Membership in a Circuit is based on the nominal or design system configuration, but the electrical connectivity will change during switching operations."/>
11454 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11455 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
11456 eOpposite=
11458 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NetworkDataSet" eSuperTypes=
11459 <eAnnotations source=
11460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Categorized as a type of document, model of a portion of the electrical network that includes a list of the equipment, along with relevant connectivity, electrical characteristics, geographical location, and various parameters associated with the equipment."/>
11462 <eAnnotations source=
11463 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Categorized as a type of document, model of a portion of the electrical network that includes a list of the equipment, along with relevant connectivity, electrical characteristics, geographical location, and various parameters associated with the equipment."/>
11465 <eAnnotations source=
11466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Categorized as a type of document, model of a portion of the electrical network that includes a list of the equipment, along with relevant connectivity, electrical characteristics, geographical location, and various parameters associated with the equipment."/>
11467 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Categorized as a type of document, model of a portion of the electrical network that includes a list of the equipment, along with relevant connectivity, electrical characteristics, geographical location, and various parameters associated with the equipment."/>
11469 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
11470 containment=
11471 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Documents" upperBound=
11472 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Document" eOpposite=
11473 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
11474 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
11475 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11477 <eAnnotations source=
11478 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of network data set."/>
11480 <eAnnotations source=
11481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of network data set."/>
11483 </eStructuralFeatures>
11484 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeSets" upperBound=
11485 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeSet" eOpposite=
11486 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11487 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
11489 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageStep" eSuperTypes=
11490 <eAnnotations source=
11491 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Holds an outage start and end time for each supply point of an outage record. The supply point for a given step is the associated PowerSystemResource instance."/>
11493 <eAnnotations source=
11494 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Holds an outage start and end time for each supply point of an outage record. The supply point for a given step is the associated PowerSystemResource instance."/>
11496 <eAnnotations source=
11497 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Holds an outage start and end time for each supply point of an outage record. The supply point for a given step is the associated PowerSystemResource instance."/>
11498 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Holds an outage start and end time for each supply point of an outage record. The supply point for a given step is the associated PowerSystemResource instance."/>
11500 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"averageCml" eType=
11502 <eAnnotations source=
11503 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Average Customer Minutes Lost (CML) for this supply point for this outage."/>
11505 <eAnnotations source=
11506 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Average Customer Minutes Lost (CML) for this supply point for this outage."/>
11508 </eStructuralFeatures>
11509 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"damage" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11511 <eAnnotations source=
11512 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if damage reported by caller or engineer."/>
11514 <eAnnotations source=
11515 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if damage reported by caller or engineer."/>
11517 </eStructuralFeatures>
11518 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11519 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
11521 <eAnnotations source=
11522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers with high reliability required."/>
11524 <eAnnotations source=
11525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers with high reliability required."/>
11527 </eStructuralFeatures>
11528 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11529 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
11531 <eAnnotations source=
11532 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers with critical needs, e.g., with a dialysis machine."/>
11534 <eAnnotations source=
11535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers with critical needs, e.g., with a dialysis machine."/>
11537 </eStructuralFeatures>
11538 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11539 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
11540 <eAnnotations source=
11541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated time of restoration."/>
11543 <eAnnotations source=
11544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated time of restoration."/>
11546 </eStructuralFeatures>
11547 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
11548 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
11549 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shockReported" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11551 <eAnnotations source=
11552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if shocks reported by caller or engineer."/>
11554 <eAnnotations source=
11555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if shocks reported by caller or engineer."/>
11557 </eStructuralFeatures>
11558 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11559 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
11560 <eAnnotations source=
11561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval between loss and restoration of power."/>
11563 <eAnnotations source=
11564 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval between loss and restoration of power."/>
11566 </eStructuralFeatures>
11567 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"callerCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
11569 <eAnnotations source=
11570 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers phoning in."/>
11572 <eAnnotations source=
11573 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers phoning in."/>
11575 </eStructuralFeatures>
11576 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11577 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
11578 eOpposite=
11579 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fatality" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11581 <eAnnotations source=
11582 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if fatalities reported by caller or engineer."/>
11584 <eAnnotations source=
11585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if fatalities reported by caller or engineer."/>
11587 </eStructuralFeatures>
11588 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"jobPriority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11589 unsettable=
11590 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11591 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
11593 <eAnnotations source=
11594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers connected to the PowerSystemResource."/>
11596 <eAnnotations source=
11597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of customers connected to the PowerSystemResource."/>
11599 </eStructuralFeatures>
11600 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
11601 containment=
11602 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"injury" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11604 <eAnnotations source=
11605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if injuries reported by caller or engineer."/>
11607 <eAnnotations source=
11608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if injuries reported by caller or engineer."/>
11610 </eStructuralFeatures>
11611 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageRecord" eType=
11612 eOpposite=
11613 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"totalCml" eType=
11615 <eAnnotations source=
11616 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total Customer Minutes Lost (CML) for this supply point for this outage."/>
11618 <eAnnotations source=
11619 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total Customer Minutes Lost (CML) for this supply point for this outage."/>
11621 </eStructuralFeatures>
11622 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageCodes" upperBound=
11623 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageCode" eOpposite=
11624 <eAnnotations source=
11625 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiple outage codes may apply to an outage step."/>
11627 <eAnnotations source=
11628 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiple outage codes may apply to an outage step."/>
11630 </eStructuralFeatures>
11632 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
11633 <eLiterals name=
11634 <eLiterals name=
"call" value=
11635 <eLiterals name=
"letter" value=
11636 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
11638 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OrgPsrRole" eSuperTypes=
11639 <eAnnotations source=
11640 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Power System Resources."/>
11642 <eAnnotations source=
11643 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Power System Resources."/>
11645 <eAnnotations source=
11646 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Power System Resources."/>
11647 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and Power System Resources."/>
11649 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11650 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
11651 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11652 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
11654 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageCode" eSuperTypes=
11655 <eAnnotations source=
11656 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Classification of outage types. Multiple outage codes may apply to a given outage or outage step.The primary overall outage type is recorded in 'OutageRecord.outageType'. There may be more than one classification per outage step and/or per outage record.
Example codes/subcodes include: weather/ice, weather/lightning, wildlife/squirrel, wildlife/bird, burned/overload, burned/weather, wire down/accident, wire down/tree, wire down/vandalism, etc.
The typical outage code is in the inherited association to Name. The code is described in the inherited "description" attribute."/>
11658 <eAnnotations source=
11659 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Classification of outage types. Multiple outage codes may apply to a given outage or outage step.The primary overall outage type is recorded in 'OutageRecord.outageType'. There may be more than one classification per outage step and/or per outage record.
Example codes/subcodes include: weather/ice, weather/lightning, wildlife/squirrel, wildlife/bird, burned/overload, burned/weather, wire down/accident, wire down/tree, wire down/vandalism, etc.
The typical outage code is in the inherited association to Name. The code is described in the inherited "description" attribute."/>
11661 <eAnnotations source=
11662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Classification of outage types. Multiple outage codes may apply to a given outage or outage step.The primary overall outage type is recorded in 'OutageRecord.outageType'. There may be more than one classification per outage step and/or per outage record.
Example codes/subcodes include: weather/ice, weather/lightning, wildlife/squirrel, wildlife/bird, burned/overload, burned/weather, wire down/accident, wire down/tree, wire down/vandalism, etc.
The typical outage code is in the inherited association to Name. The code is described in the inherited "description" attribute."/>
11663 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Classification of outage types. Multiple outage codes may apply to a given outage or outage step.The primary overall outage type is recorded in 'OutageRecord.outageType'. There may be more than one classification per outage step and/or per outage record.
Example codes/subcodes include: weather/ice, weather/lightning, wildlife/squirrel, wildlife/bird, burned/overload, burned/weather, wire down/accident, wire down/tree, wire down/vandalism, etc.
The typical outage code is in the inherited association to Name. The code is described in the inherited "description" attribute."/>
11665 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"subCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11667 <eAnnotations source=
11668 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The main code is stored in the inherited association to Name. This sub-code provides an additional level of classification detail."/>
11670 <eAnnotations source=
11671 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The main code is stored in the inherited association to Name. This sub-code provides an additional level of classification detail."/>
11673 </eStructuralFeatures>
11674 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageRecords" upperBound=
11675 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageRecord" eOpposite=
11676 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageSteps" upperBound=
11677 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageStep" eOpposite=
11679 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IncidentCode" eSuperTypes=
11680 <eAnnotations source=
11681 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Classification of incident types. Multiple incident codes may apply to a given incident. The primary overall incident cause is recorded in 'IncidentRecord.category', and the main code in association end 'Names'."/>
11683 <eAnnotations source=
11684 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Classification of incident types. Multiple incident codes may apply to a given incident. The primary overall incident cause is recorded in 'IncidentRecord.category', and the main code in association end 'Names'."/>
11686 <eAnnotations source=
11687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Classification of incident types. Multiple incident codes may apply to a given incident. The primary overall incident cause is recorded in 'IncidentRecord.category', and the main code in association end 'Names'."/>
11688 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Classification of incident types. Multiple incident codes may apply to a given incident. The primary overall incident cause is recorded in 'IncidentRecord.category', and the main code in association end 'Names'."/>
11690 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11691 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
11692 eOpposite=
11693 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"subCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11695 <eAnnotations source=
11696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional level of classification detail (as extension to the main code found in association to Name)."/>
11698 <eAnnotations source=
11699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional level of classification detail (as extension to the main code found in association to Name)."/>
11701 </eStructuralFeatures>
11703 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LandBase" eSuperTypes=
11704 <eAnnotations source=
11705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Land base data."/>
11707 <eAnnotations source=
11708 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Land base data."/>
11710 <eAnnotations source=
11711 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Land base data."/>
11712 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Land base data."/>
11715 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
11716 <eLiterals name=
11717 <eLiterals name=
"modify" value=
11718 <eLiterals name=
"delete" value=
11720 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
11721 <eLiterals name=
11722 <eLiterals name=
"flexible" value=
11723 <eLiterals name=
"forced" value=
11725 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ErpPersonScheduleStepRole" eSuperTypes=
11726 <eAnnotations source=
11727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Schedule Steps."/>
11729 <eAnnotations source=
11730 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Schedule Steps."/>
11732 <eAnnotations source=
11733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Schedule Steps."/>
11734 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Persons and Schedule Steps."/>
11736 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPerson" eType=
11737 eOpposite=
11738 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SwitchingStep" eType=
11739 eOpposite=
11741 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SwitchingStep" eSuperTypes=
11742 <eAnnotations source=
11743 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A single step within a SwitchingSchedule. Could be a switching operation (applying a network alteration), or issuing a safety document.
Note: Inherited attribute IdentifiedObject.name is used to hold the sequence number."/>
11745 <eAnnotations source=
11746 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A single step within a SwitchingSchedule. Could be a switching operation (applying a network alteration), or issuing a safety document.
Note: Inherited attribute IdentifiedObject.name is used to hold the sequence number."/>
11748 <eAnnotations source=
11749 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A single step within a SwitchingSchedule. Could be a switching operation (applying a network alteration), or issuing a safety document.
Note: Inherited attribute IdentifiedObject.name is used to hold the sequence number."/>
11750 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A single step within a SwitchingSchedule. Could be a switching operation (applying a network alteration), or issuing a safety document.
Note: Inherited attribute IdentifiedObject.name is used to hold the sequence number."/>
11752 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SafetyDocument" eType=
11753 eOpposite=
11754 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"statusKind" eType=
11756 <eAnnotations source=
11757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this SwitchingStep."/>
11759 <eAnnotations source=
11760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this SwitchingStep."/>
11762 </eStructuralFeatures>
11763 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"text" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11765 <eAnnotations source=
11766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information regarding this switching schedule step."/>
11768 <eAnnotations source=
11769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information regarding this switching schedule step."/>
11771 </eStructuralFeatures>
11772 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11773 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
11774 <eAnnotations source=
11775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval between 'requiredControlAction' was issued and completed."/>
11777 <eAnnotations source=
11778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval between 'requiredControlAction' was issued and completed."/>
11780 </eStructuralFeatures>
11781 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11782 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11784 <eAnnotations source=
11785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Control actions required to perform this step."/>
11787 <eAnnotations source=
11788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Control actions required to perform this step."/>
11790 </eStructuralFeatures>
11791 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11792 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/SwitchingSchedule" eOpposite=
11793 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
11794 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
11795 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersonRole" eType=
11796 eOpposite=
11797 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11798 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11800 <eAnnotations source=
11801 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Desired end state for the associated PowerSystemResource as a result of this schedule step."/>
11803 <eAnnotations source=
11804 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Desired end state for the associated PowerSystemResource as a result of this schedule step."/>
11806 </eStructuralFeatures>
11808 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CallBack" eSuperTypes=
11809 <eAnnotations source=
11810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about a planned CallBack or a CallBack that has occurred, from the utility to a customer regarding the status and plans about resolving trouble, performing work, etc."/>
11812 <eAnnotations source=
11813 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information about a planned CallBack or a CallBack that has occurred, from the utility to a customer regarding the status and plans about resolving trouble, performing work, etc."/>
11815 <eAnnotations source=
11816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about a planned CallBack or a CallBack that has occurred, from the utility to a customer regarding the status and plans about resolving trouble, performing work, etc."/>
11817 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information about a planned CallBack or a CallBack that has occurred, from the utility to a customer regarding the status and plans about resolving trouble, performing work, etc."/>
11819 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Appointments" upperBound=
11820 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Appointment" eOpposite=
11821 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
11823 <eAnnotations source=
11824 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if callback already occured) Date and time when this call back occurred."/>
11826 <eAnnotations source=
11827 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if callback already occured) Date and time when this call back occurred."/>
11829 </eStructuralFeatures>
11830 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
11831 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
11832 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"comment" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11834 <eAnnotations source=
11835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Comments by customer during this call back."/>
11837 <eAnnotations source=
11838 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Comments by customer during this call back."/>
11840 </eStructuralFeatures>
11841 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"advice" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11843 <eAnnotations source=
11844 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Advice already given to the customer during this call back."/>
11846 <eAnnotations source=
11847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Advice already given to the customer during this call back."/>
11849 </eStructuralFeatures>
11850 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TroubleTickets" upperBound=
11851 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/TroubleTicket" eOpposite=
11852 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
11853 containment=
11854 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"contactDetail" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11856 <eAnnotations source=
11857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional contact details that are not provided for ErpPerson with ErpTelephoneNumber."/>
11859 <eAnnotations source=
11860 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional contact details that are not provided for ErpPerson with ErpTelephoneNumber."/>
11862 </eStructuralFeatures>
11863 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"problemInfo" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11865 <eAnnotations source=
11866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Descriptiion of the problem reported during this call back."/>
11868 <eAnnotations source=
11869 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Descriptiion of the problem reported during this call back."/>
11871 </eStructuralFeatures>
11873 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TroubleTicket" eSuperTypes=
11874 <eAnnotations source=
11875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document used to report electrical trouble. The trouble may either be an outage or non-outage problem, such as power quality. It must always be associated with an incident record.
Note that a separate activity record is created for each call associated with an instance of trouble ticket. The time of a call is stored in 'ActivityRecord.createdOn' and comments are recorded in 'ActivityRecord.remarks'."/>
11877 <eAnnotations source=
11878 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document used to report electrical trouble. The trouble may either be an outage or non-outage problem, such as power quality. It must always be associated with an incident record.
Note that a separate activity record is created for each call associated with an instance of trouble ticket. The time of a call is stored in 'ActivityRecord.createdOn' and comments are recorded in 'ActivityRecord.remarks'."/>
11880 <eAnnotations source=
11881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document used to report electrical trouble. The trouble may either be an outage or non-outage problem, such as power quality. It must always be associated with an incident record.
Note that a separate activity record is created for each call associated with an instance of trouble ticket. The time of a call is stored in 'ActivityRecord.createdOn' and comments are recorded in 'ActivityRecord.remarks'."/>
11882 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document used to report electrical trouble. The trouble may either be an outage or non-outage problem, such as power quality. It must always be associated with an incident record.
Note that a separate activity record is created for each call associated with an instance of trouble ticket. The time of a call is stored in 'ActivityRecord.createdOn' and comments are recorded in 'ActivityRecord.remarks'."/>
11884 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CallBacks" upperBound=
11885 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/CallBack" eOpposite=
11886 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"troublePeriod" eType=
11887 containment=
11888 <eAnnotations source=
11889 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period between this source of trouble started and was resolved."/>
11891 <eAnnotations source=
11892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period between this source of trouble started and was resolved."/>
11894 </eStructuralFeatures>
11895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11896 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
11897 <eAnnotations source=
11898 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time trouble call first received. The date and time of subsequent calls by the same customer for the same trouble are recorded in associated Activity Records."/>
11900 <eAnnotations source=
11901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time trouble call first received. The date and time of subsequent calls by the same customer for the same trouble are recorded in associated Activity Records."/>
11903 </eStructuralFeatures>
11904 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11905 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
11906 <eAnnotations source=
11907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated restoration date and time last provided to the customer."/>
11909 <eAnnotations source=
11910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated restoration date and time last provided to the customer."/>
11912 </eStructuralFeatures>
11913 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11914 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11916 <eAnnotations source=
11917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if person reporting trouble requested a call back when sigificant information became available about cause of the outage and the estimated restoration time. The person and their contact information are maintained in the assoicated Customer information. Call back results are recorded in assoicated 'ActivityRecord.Status.remarks'."/>
11919 <eAnnotations source=
11920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if person reporting trouble requested a call back when sigificant information became available about cause of the outage and the estimated restoration time. The person and their contact information are maintained in the assoicated Customer information. Call back results are recorded in assoicated 'ActivityRecord.Status.remarks'."/>
11922 </eStructuralFeatures>
11923 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reportingKind" eType=
11925 <eAnnotations source=
11926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Means the customer used to report trouble (default is 'call')."/>
11928 <eAnnotations source=
11929 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Means the customer used to report trouble (default is 'call')."/>
11931 </eStructuralFeatures>
11932 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"priority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11934 <eAnnotations source=
11935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of trouble call."/>
11937 <eAnnotations source=
11938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of trouble call."/>
11940 </eStructuralFeatures>
11941 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CustomerData" eType=
11942 eOpposite=
11943 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
11944 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11946 <eAnnotations source=
11947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if person reporting trouble requested a call back to confirm power has been restored. The person and their contact information is maintained in the assoicated Customer informaiton. Call back results are recorded in assoicated 'ActivityRecord.Status.remarks'."/>
11949 <eAnnotations source=
11950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if person reporting trouble requested a call back to confirm power has been restored. The person and their contact information is maintained in the assoicated Customer informaiton. Call back results are recorded in assoicated 'ActivityRecord.Status.remarks'."/>
11952 </eStructuralFeatures>
11953 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"advice" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11955 <eAnnotations source=
11956 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if advice already given to the customer at time when trouble was first reported."/>
11958 <eAnnotations source=
11959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if advice already given to the customer at time when trouble was first reported."/>
11961 </eStructuralFeatures>
11962 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IncidentRecord" eType=
11963 eOpposite=
11964 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hazardCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
11966 <eAnnotations source=
11967 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for a reported hazard condition."/>
11969 <eAnnotations source=
11970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for a reported hazard condition."/>
11972 </eStructuralFeatures>
11973 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"callBack" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
11975 <eAnnotations source=
11976 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if requested to customer when someone is about to arrive at their premises."/>
11978 <eAnnotations source=
11979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if requested to customer when someone is about to arrive at their premises."/>
11981 </eStructuralFeatures>
11983 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IncidentRecord" eSuperTypes=
11984 <eAnnotations source=
11985 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document describing the incident reported in a TroubleTicket. If the incident has to do with an outage, this will be associated with an OutageRecord. Primary cause of the incident is captured in 'category'."/>
11987 <eAnnotations source=
11988 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document describing the incident reported in a TroubleTicket. If the incident has to do with an outage, this will be associated with an OutageRecord. Primary cause of the incident is captured in 'category'."/>
11990 <eAnnotations source=
11991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document describing the incident reported in a TroubleTicket. If the incident has to do with an outage, this will be associated with an OutageRecord. Primary cause of the incident is captured in 'category'."/>
11992 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document describing the incident reported in a TroubleTicket. If the incident has to do with an outage, this will be associated with an OutageRecord. Primary cause of the incident is captured in 'category'."/>
11994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TroubleTickets" upperBound=
11995 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/TroubleTicket" eOpposite=
11996 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"period" eType=
11997 containment=
11998 <eAnnotations source=
11999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period between the first customer impacted by the incident and the incident resolution for all customers impacted."/>
12001 <eAnnotations source=
12002 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Period between the first customer impacted by the incident and the incident resolution for all customers impacted."/>
12004 </eStructuralFeatures>
12005 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IncidentCodes" upperBound=
12006 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/IncidentCode" eOpposite=
12008 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageNotification" eSuperTypes=
12009 <eAnnotations source=
12010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document containing information to be sent to customers notifying that an outage will take place. This is used to generate mailing lists for customers."/>
12012 <eAnnotations source=
12013 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document containing information to be sent to customers notifying that an outage will take place. This is used to generate mailing lists for customers."/>
12015 <eAnnotations source=
12016 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A document containing information to be sent to customers notifying that an outage will take place. This is used to generate mailing lists for customers."/>
12017 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A document containing information to be sent to customers notifying that an outage will take place. This is used to generate mailing lists for customers."/>
12019 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
12020 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
12022 <eAnnotations source=
12023 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of possible interruptions that the customer may expect for this event."/>
12025 <eAnnotations source=
12026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of possible interruptions that the customer may expect for this event."/>
12028 </eStructuralFeatures>
12029 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"duration" eType=
12031 <eAnnotations source=
12032 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Likely duration of the interruption(s)."/>
12034 <eAnnotations source=
12035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Likely duration of the interruption(s)."/>
12037 </eStructuralFeatures>
12038 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CustomerDatas" upperBound=
12039 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/Customer" eOpposite=
12040 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reason" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12042 <eAnnotations source=
12043 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the outage "reason"."/>
12045 <eAnnotations source=
12046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the outage "reason"."/>
12048 </eStructuralFeatures>
12050 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageStepPsrRole" eSuperTypes=
12051 <eAnnotations source=
12052 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Power System Resources and Outage Steps. Examples roles include: normal supply, actual supply, interrupting device, restoration device."/>
12054 <eAnnotations source=
12055 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Power System Resources and Outage Steps. Examples roles include: normal supply, actual supply, interrupting device, restoration device."/>
12057 <eAnnotations source=
12058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Power System Resources and Outage Steps. Examples roles include: normal supply, actual supply, interrupting device, restoration device."/>
12059 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Power System Resources and Outage Steps. Examples roles include: normal supply, actual supply, interrupting device, restoration device."/>
12061 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageStep" eType=
12062 eOpposite=
12063 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12064 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConductingEquipment" eOpposite=
12067 <eSubpackages name=
"InfLocations" nsURI=
12068 nsPrefix=
12069 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LocationGrant" eSuperTypes=
12070 <eAnnotations source=
12071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A grant provides a right, as defined by type, for a parcel of land. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12073 <eAnnotations source=
12074 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A grant provides a right, as defined by type, for a parcel of land. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12076 <eAnnotations source=
12077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A grant provides a right, as defined by type, for a parcel of land. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12078 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A grant provides a right, as defined by type, for a parcel of land. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12080 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"propertyData" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12082 <eAnnotations source=
12083 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Property related information that describes the Grant's land parcel. For example, it may be a deed book number, deed book page number, and parcel number."/>
12085 <eAnnotations source=
12086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Property related information that describes the Grant's land parcel. For example, it may be a deed book number, deed book page number, and parcel number."/>
12088 </eStructuralFeatures>
12089 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LandProperty" eType=
12090 eOpposite=
12091 <eAnnotations source=
12092 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Land property this location grant applies to."/>
12094 <eAnnotations source=
12095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Land property this location grant applies to."/>
12097 </eStructuralFeatures>
12099 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RightOfWay" eSuperTypes=
12100 <eAnnotations source=
12101 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A right-of-way (ROW) is for land where it is lawful to use for a public road, an electric power line, etc. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12103 <eAnnotations source=
12104 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A right-of-way (ROW) is for land where it is lawful to use for a public road, an electric power line, etc. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12106 <eAnnotations source=
12107 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A right-of-way (ROW) is for land where it is lawful to use for a public road, an electric power line, etc. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12108 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A right-of-way (ROW) is for land where it is lawful to use for a public road, an electric power line, etc. Note that the association to Location, Asset, Organisation, etc. for the Grant is inherited from Agreement, a type of Document."/>
12110 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"propertyData" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12112 <eAnnotations source=
12113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Property related information that describes the ROW's land parcel. For example, it may be a deed book number, deed book page number, and parcel number."/>
12115 <eAnnotations source=
12116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Property related information that describes the ROW's land parcel. For example, it may be a deed book number, deed book page number, and parcel number."/>
12118 </eStructuralFeatures>
12119 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LandProperties" upperBound=
12120 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/LandProperty" eOpposite=
12121 <eAnnotations source=
12122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All land properties this right of way applies to."/>
12124 <eAnnotations source=
12125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All land properties this right of way applies to."/>
12127 </eStructuralFeatures>
12129 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
12130 <eLiterals name=
12131 <eLiterals name=
"customerPremise" value=
12132 <eLiterals name=
"building" value=
12133 <eLiterals name=
"external" value=
12134 <eLiterals name=
"gridSupplyPoint" value=
12135 <eLiterals name=
"substation" value=
12136 <eLiterals name=
"depot" value=
12138 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PersonPropertyRole" eSuperTypes=
12139 <eAnnotations source=
12140 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The role of a person relative to a given piece of property. Examples of roles include: owner, renter, contractor, etc."/>
12142 <eAnnotations source=
12143 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The role of a person relative to a given piece of property. Examples of roles include: owner, renter, contractor, etc."/>
12145 <eAnnotations source=
12146 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The role of a person relative to a given piece of property. Examples of roles include: owner, renter, contractor, etc."/>
12147 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The role of a person relative to a given piece of property. Examples of roles include: owner, renter, contractor, etc."/>
12149 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPerson" eType=
12150 eOpposite=
12151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LandProperty" eType=
12152 eOpposite=
12154 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Zone" eSuperTypes=
12155 <eAnnotations source=
12156 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Area divided off from other areas. It may be part of the electrical network, a land area where special restrictions apply, weather areas, etc. For weather, it is an area where a set of relatively homogenous weather measurements apply."/>
12158 <eAnnotations source=
12159 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Area divided off from other areas. It may be part of the electrical network, a land area where special restrictions apply, weather areas, etc. For weather, it is an area where a set of relatively homogenous weather measurements apply."/>
12161 <eAnnotations source=
12162 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Area divided off from other areas. It may be part of the electrical network, a land area where special restrictions apply, weather areas, etc. For weather, it is an area where a set of relatively homogenous weather measurements apply."/>
12163 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Area divided off from other areas. It may be part of the electrical network, a land area where special restrictions apply, weather areas, etc. For weather, it is an area where a set of relatively homogenous weather measurements apply."/>
12165 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
12167 <eAnnotations source=
12168 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this zone."/>
12170 <eAnnotations source=
12171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this zone."/>
12173 </eStructuralFeatures>
12175 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
12176 <eLiterals name=
12177 <eLiterals name=
"urban" value=
12178 <eLiterals name=
"rural" value=
12180 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
12181 <eLiterals name=
12182 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
12183 <eLiterals name=
"specialRestrictionLand" value=
12184 <eLiterals name=
"electricalNetwork" value=
12186 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RedLine" eSuperTypes=
12187 <eAnnotations source=
12188 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class is used for handling the accompanying annotations, time stamp, author, etc. of designs, drawings and maps. A red line can be associated with any Location object."/>
12190 <eAnnotations source=
12191 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class is used for handling the accompanying annotations, time stamp, author, etc. of designs, drawings and maps. A red line can be associated with any Location object."/>
12193 <eAnnotations source=
12194 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class is used for handling the accompanying annotations, time stamp, author, etc. of designs, drawings and maps. A red line can be associated with any Location object."/>
12195 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class is used for handling the accompanying annotations, time stamp, author, etc. of designs, drawings and maps. A red line can be associated with any Location object."/>
12197 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
12198 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
12199 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
12200 containment=
12202 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Route" eSuperTypes=
12203 <eAnnotations source=
12204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Route that is followed, for example by service crews."/>
12206 <eAnnotations source=
12207 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Route that is followed, for example by service crews."/>
12209 <eAnnotations source=
12210 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Route that is followed, for example by service crews."/>
12211 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Route that is followed, for example by service crews."/>
12213 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
12214 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
12215 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
12216 containment=
12217 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12219 <eAnnotations source=
12220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work management standards and practices."/>
12222 <eAnnotations source=
12223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's work management standards and practices."/>
12225 </eStructuralFeatures>
12226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
12227 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
12229 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OrgPropertyRole" eSuperTypes=
12230 <eAnnotations source=
12231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and a given piece of property. For example, the Organisation may be the owner, renter, occupier, taxiing authority, etc."/>
12233 <eAnnotations source=
12234 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and a given piece of property. For example, the Organisation may be the owner, renter, occupier, taxiing authority, etc."/>
12236 <eAnnotations source=
12237 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and a given piece of property. For example, the Organisation may be the owner, renter, occupier, taxiing authority, etc."/>
12238 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Roles played between Organisations and a given piece of property. For example, the Organisation may be the owner, renter, occupier, taxiing authority, etc."/>
12240 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LandProperty" upperBound=
12241 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/LandProperty" eOpposite=
12242 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12243 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
12245 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Direction" eSuperTypes=
12246 <eAnnotations source=
12247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for navigating from one location to another location."/>
12249 <eAnnotations source=
12250 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for navigating from one location to another location."/>
12252 <eAnnotations source=
12253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for navigating from one location to another location."/>
12254 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for navigating from one location to another location."/>
12256 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Location" eType=
12257 eOpposite=
12258 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"directionInfo" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12260 <eAnnotations source=
12261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Detailed directional information."/>
12263 <eAnnotations source=
12264 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Detailed directional information."/>
12266 </eStructuralFeatures>
12268 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LandProperty" eSuperTypes=
12269 <eAnnotations source=
12270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about a particular piece of (land) property such as its use. Ownership of the property may be determined through associations to Organisations and/or ErpPersons."/>
12272 <eAnnotations source=
12273 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information about a particular piece of (land) property such as its use. Ownership of the property may be determined through associations to Organisations and/or ErpPersons."/>
12275 <eAnnotations source=
12276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information about a particular piece of (land) property such as its use. Ownership of the property may be determined through associations to Organisations and/or ErpPersons."/>
12277 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Information about a particular piece of (land) property such as its use. Ownership of the property may be determined through associations to Organisations and/or ErpPersons."/>
12279 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
12280 containment=
12281 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
12283 <eAnnotations source=
12284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of (land) property, categorised according to its main functional use from the utility's perspective."/>
12286 <eAnnotations source=
12287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of (land) property, categorised according to its main functional use from the utility's perspective."/>
12289 </eStructuralFeatures>
12290 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LocationGrants" upperBound=
12291 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/LocationGrant" eOpposite=
12292 <eAnnotations source=
12293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All location grants this land property has."/>
12295 <eAnnotations source=
12296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All location grants this land property has."/>
12298 </eStructuralFeatures>
12299 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12300 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12301 eOpposite=
12302 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
12303 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12305 <eAnnotations source=
12306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference allocated by the governing organisation (such as municipality) to this piece of land that has a formal reference to Surveyor General's records. The governing organisation is specified in associated Organisation."/>
12308 <eAnnotations source=
12309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference allocated by the governing organisation (such as municipality) to this piece of land that has a formal reference to Surveyor General's records. The governing organisation is specified in associated Organisation."/>
12311 </eStructuralFeatures>
12312 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
12313 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/DemographicKind" unsettable=
12314 <eAnnotations source=
12315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demographics around the site."/>
12317 <eAnnotations source=
12318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demographics around the site."/>
12320 </eStructuralFeatures>
12321 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersonRoles" upperBound=
12322 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/PersonPropertyRole" eOpposite=
12323 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12324 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12325 eOpposite=
12326 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12327 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/AssetContainer" eOpposite=
12328 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
12329 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
12330 <eAnnotations source=
12331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The spatail description of a piece of property."/>
12333 <eAnnotations source=
12334 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The spatail description of a piece of property."/>
12336 </eStructuralFeatures>
12337 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RightOfWays" upperBound=
12338 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/RightOfWay" eOpposite=
12339 <eAnnotations source=
12340 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All rights of way this land property has."/>
12342 <eAnnotations source=
12343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All rights of way this land property has."/>
12345 </eStructuralFeatures>
12347 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Hazard" eSuperTypes=
12348 <eAnnotations source=
12349 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hazard is any object or condition that is a danger for causing loss or perils to an asset and/or people. Examples of hazards are trees growing under overhead power lines, a park being located by a substation (i.e., children climb fence to recover a ball), a lake near an overhead distribution line (fishing pole/line contacting power lines), etc."/>
12351 <eAnnotations source=
12352 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A hazard is any object or condition that is a danger for causing loss or perils to an asset and/or people. Examples of hazards are trees growing under overhead power lines, a park being located by a substation (i.e., children climb fence to recover a ball), a lake near an overhead distribution line (fishing pole/line contacting power lines), etc."/>
12354 <eAnnotations source=
12355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A hazard is any object or condition that is a danger for causing loss or perils to an asset and/or people. Examples of hazards are trees growing under overhead power lines, a park being located by a substation (i.e., children climb fence to recover a ball), a lake near an overhead distribution line (fishing pole/line contacting power lines), etc."/>
12356 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A hazard is any object or condition that is a danger for causing loss or perils to an asset and/or people. Examples of hazards are trees growing under overhead power lines, a park being located by a substation (i.e., children climb fence to recover a ball), a lake near an overhead distribution line (fishing pole/line contacting power lines), etc."/>
12358 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12360 <eAnnotations source=
12361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices."/>
12363 <eAnnotations source=
12364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices."/>
12366 </eStructuralFeatures>
12367 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
12368 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
12369 <eAnnotations source=
12370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point or polygon location of a given hazard."/>
12372 <eAnnotations source=
12373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point or polygon location of a given hazard."/>
12375 </eStructuralFeatures>
12376 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
12377 containment=
12380 <eSubpackages name=
"InfGMLSupport" nsURI=
12381 nsPrefix=
12382 <eAnnotations source=
12383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package contains portions of the model defined by graphic standards such as those proposed by OpenGIS Consortium referred to as the Geography Markup Language (GML). It facilitates integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and other applications. Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing GML, the preferred approach is to use and extend "Gml" classes as appropriate. Note that care has been taken to separate the geometry of features from how features can be graphically represented.
GML supports the concept of a geographic feature, which is "an abstraction of a real world phenomenon; it is a geographic feature if it is associated with a location relative to the Earth". So a digital representation of the real world can be thought of as a set of features. The state of a feature is defined by a set of properties, where each property can be thought of as a {name, type, value} triple.
The number of properties a feature may have, together with their names and types, are determined by its type definition. Geographic features with geometry are those with properties that may be geometry-valued.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"A Geographic Feature is 'an abstraction of a real world phenomenon; it is a geographic feature if it can is asociated with a location relative to the Earth. A digital representation of the real world can be thought of as a set of features. He state of a feature is defined by a set of properties, whre each property can be thought of as a (name, type, value) triple.
The number of propoerties a feature may have, together with their names and types, are determined by its type definition. Geographic features with geometry are those with properties tht may be geometry-valued.
Geographic features in GML include coverages and observations as subtypes. A coverage is a type of feature that has a coverage function with a spatial domain and a value set range of homogeneous 2 to n dimensional tuples. A coverage can represent one feature or a collection of features "to model and make visible spatial relationships between, and the spatial distribution of, earth phenomena."
A reference system provides a scale of measurement for assigning values to a location, time or other descriptive quantity or quality. A coordinate reference system consists of set of coordinate system axes that are related to the earth through a datum that defines the size and shape of the earth. Geometries in GML indicate the coordinate reference system in which the measurements have ben made. The 'parent' geometry element of a geometric complex or geometric aggregate makes this indication for its constituent geometries.""/>
12385 <eAnnotations source=
12386 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The package contains portions of the model defined by graphic standards such as those proposed by OpenGIS Consortium referred to as the Geography Markup Language (GML). It facilitates integration among electric utility applications (CIM) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and other applications. Rather than inventing new CIM classes that accomplish similar functionality as in existing GML, the preferred approach is to use and extend "Gml" classes as appropriate. Note that care has been taken to separate the geometry of features from how features can be graphically represented.
GML supports the concept of a geographic feature, which is "an abstraction of a real world phenomenon; it is a geographic feature if it is associated with a location relative to the Earth". So a digital representation of the real world can be thought of as a set of features. The state of a feature is defined by a set of properties, where each property can be thought of as a {name, type, value} triple.
The number of properties a feature may have, together with their names and types, are determined by its type definition. Geographic features with geometry are those with properties that may be geometry-valued.

TODO: The following has been copied from a very old version of draft Part 11, so the references are wrong, but we store the knowledge here to reuse later:
"A Geographic Feature is 'an abstraction of a real world phenomenon; it is a geographic feature if it can is asociated with a location relative to the Earth. A digital representation of the real world can be thought of as a set of features. He state of a feature is defined by a set of properties, whre each property can be thought of as a (name, type, value) triple.
The number of propoerties a feature may have, together with their names and types, are determined by its type definition. Geographic features with geometry are those with properties tht may be geometry-valued.
Geographic features in GML include coverages and observations as subtypes. A coverage is a type of feature that has a coverage function with a spatial domain and a value set range of homogeneous 2 to n dimensional tuples. A coverage can represent one feature or a collection of features "to model and make visible spatial relationships between, and the spatial distribution of, earth phenomena."
A reference system provides a scale of measurement for assigning values to a location, time or other descriptive quantity or quality. A coordinate reference system consists of set of coordinate system axes that are related to the earth through a datum that defines the size and shape of the earth. Geometries in GML indicate the coordinate reference system in which the measurements have ben made. The 'parent' geometry element of a geometric complex or geometric aggregate makes this indication for its constituent geometries.""/>
12388 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlFeatureType" eSuperTypes=
12389 <eAnnotations source=
12390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type classification of feature."/>
12392 <eAnnotations source=
12393 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type classification of feature."/>
12395 <eAnnotations source=
12396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type classification of feature."/>
12397 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type classification of feature."/>
12399 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12400 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12401 eOpposite=
12403 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Map" eSuperTypes=
12404 <eAnnotations source=
12405 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of diagram that is usually printed on paper. It normally depicts part of the earth's surface, showing utility assets, right of ways, topological data, coordinates, grids, etc. Maps vary depending on whether they are used for dispatch, design, schematic, etc."/>
12407 <eAnnotations source=
12408 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of diagram that is usually printed on paper. It normally depicts part of the earth's surface, showing utility assets, right of ways, topological data, coordinates, grids, etc. Maps vary depending on whether they are used for dispatch, design, schematic, etc."/>
12410 <eAnnotations source=
12411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of diagram that is usually printed on paper. It normally depicts part of the earth's surface, showing utility assets, right of ways, topological data, coordinates, grids, etc. Maps vary depending on whether they are used for dispatch, design, schematic, etc."/>
12412 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of diagram that is usually printed on paper. It normally depicts part of the earth's surface, showing utility assets, right of ways, topological data, coordinates, grids, etc. Maps vary depending on whether they are used for dispatch, design, schematic, etc."/>
12414 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pageNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
12416 <eAnnotations source=
12417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Page number for particular set of maps specified by 'category'."/>
12419 <eAnnotations source=
12420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Page number for particular set of maps specified by 'category'."/>
12422 </eStructuralFeatures>
12423 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mapLocGrid" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12425 <eAnnotations source=
12426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Map grid number."/>
12428 <eAnnotations source=
12429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Map grid number."/>
12431 </eStructuralFeatures>
12433 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlPointGeometry" eSuperTypes=
12434 <eAnnotations source=
12435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering power system resources and/or point assets."/>
12437 <eAnnotations source=
12438 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering power system resources and/or point assets."/>
12440 <eAnnotations source=
12441 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering power system resources and/or point assets."/>
12442 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering power system resources and/or point assets."/>
12445 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlHalo" eSuperTypes=
12446 <eAnnotations source=
12447 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of Fill that is applied to the backgrounds of font glyphs. The use of halos greatly improves the readability of text labels."/>
12449 <eAnnotations source=
12450 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of Fill that is applied to the backgrounds of font glyphs. The use of halos greatly improves the readability of text labels."/>
12452 <eAnnotations source=
12453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of Fill that is applied to the backgrounds of font glyphs. The use of halos greatly improves the readability of text labels."/>
12454 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of Fill that is applied to the backgrounds of font glyphs. The use of halos greatly improves the readability of text labels."/>
12456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"radius" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12458 <eAnnotations source=
12459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Radius element gives the absolute size of a halo radius in pixels encoded as a floating-point number. The radius is taken from the outside edge of a font glyph to extend the area of coverage of the glyph (and the inside edge of ?holes? in the glyphs). The default radius is one pixel. Negative values are not allowed."/>
12461 <eAnnotations source=
12462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Radius element gives the absolute size of a halo radius in pixels encoded as a floating-point number. The radius is taken from the outside edge of a font glyph to extend the area of coverage of the glyph (and the inside edge of ?holes? in the glyphs). The default radius is one pixel. Negative values are not allowed."/>
12464 </eStructuralFeatures>
12465 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"opacity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
12467 <eAnnotations source=
12468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Fill. The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
12470 <eAnnotations source=
12471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Fill. The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
12473 </eStructuralFeatures>
12474 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlTextSymbols" upperBound=
12475 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlTextSymbol" eOpposite=
12477 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlColour" eSuperTypes=
12478 <eAnnotations source=
12479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The solid color that will be used. The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign. The hexadecimal digits between A and F may be in either uppercase or lowercase. For example, full red is encoded as "#ff0000" (with no quotation marks). If the Stroke cssParameter element is absent, the default color is defined to be black ("#000000")."/>
12481 <eAnnotations source=
12482 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The solid color that will be used. The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign. The hexadecimal digits between A and F may be in either uppercase or lowercase. For example, full red is encoded as "#ff0000" (with no quotation marks). If the Stroke cssParameter element is absent, the default color is defined to be black ("#000000")."/>
12484 <eAnnotations source=
12485 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The solid color that will be used. The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign. The hexadecimal digits between A and F may be in either uppercase or lowercase. For example, full red is encoded as "#ff0000" (with no quotation marks). If the Stroke cssParameter element is absent, the default color is defined to be black ("#000000")."/>
12486 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The solid color that will be used. The color value is RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign. The hexadecimal digits between A and F may be in either uppercase or lowercase. For example, full red is encoded as "#ff0000" (with no quotation marks). If the Stroke cssParameter element is absent, the default color is defined to be black ("#000000")."/>
12488 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"red" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12490 <eAnnotations source=
12491 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The color value for RED (RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign.)"/>
12493 <eAnnotations source=
12494 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The color value for RED (RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign.)"/>
12496 </eStructuralFeatures>
12497 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"green" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12499 <eAnnotations source=
12500 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The color value for GREEN (RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign.)"/>
12502 <eAnnotations source=
12503 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The color value for GREEN (RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign.)"/>
12505 </eStructuralFeatures>
12506 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"blue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12508 <eAnnotations source=
12509 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The color value for BLUE (RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign.)."/>
12511 <eAnnotations source=
12512 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The color value for BLUE (RGB-encoded using two hexadecimal digits per primary-color component, in the order Red, Green, Blue, prefixed with a hash (#) sign.)."/>
12514 </eStructuralFeatures>
12515 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFills" upperBound=
12516 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFill" eOpposite=
12517 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFonts" upperBound=
12518 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFont" eOpposite=
12519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlStrokes" upperBound=
12520 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlStroke" eOpposite=
12522 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlFont" eSuperTypes=
12523 <eAnnotations source=
12524 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifies a font of a certain family, style, and size."/>
12526 <eAnnotations source=
12527 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Identifies a font of a certain family, style, and size."/>
12529 <eAnnotations source=
12530 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifies a font of a certain family, style, and size."/>
12531 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Identifies a font of a certain family, style, and size."/>
12533 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"absoluteSize" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
12535 <eAnnotations source=
12536 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if "size" is expressed in absolute values. Default is false."/>
12538 <eAnnotations source=
12539 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if "size" is expressed in absolute values. Default is false."/>
12541 </eStructuralFeatures>
12542 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlTextSymbols" upperBound=
12543 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlTextSymbol" eOpposite=
12544 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12545 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12546 eOpposite=
12547 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"size" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12549 <eAnnotations source=
12550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The size to use for the font in pixels. The default is defined to be 10 pixels, though various systems may have restrictions on what sizes are available."/>
12552 <eAnnotations source=
12553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The size to use for the font in pixels. The default is defined to be 10 pixels, though various systems may have restrictions on what sizes are available."/>
12555 </eStructuralFeatures>
12556 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"style" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12558 <eAnnotations source=
12559 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style to use for a font. The allowed values are "normal", "italic", and "oblique"."/>
12561 <eAnnotations source=
12562 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style to use for a font. The allowed values are "normal", "italic", and "oblique"."/>
12564 </eStructuralFeatures>
12565 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"family" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12567 <eAnnotations source=
12568 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Family name of a font to use. Allowed values are system-dependent. Any number of font-family attributes may be given and they are assumed to be in preferred order."/>
12570 <eAnnotations source=
12571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Family name of a font to use. Allowed values are system-dependent. Any number of font-family attributes may be given and they are assumed to be in preferred order."/>
12573 </eStructuralFeatures>
12574 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"weight" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12576 <eAnnotations source=
12577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of weight or boldness to use for a font. Allowed values are "normal" and "bold"."/>
12579 <eAnnotations source=
12580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of weight or boldness to use for a font. Allowed values are "normal" and "bold"."/>
12582 </eStructuralFeatures>
12583 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlColour" eType=
12584 eOpposite=
12586 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlPolygonSymbol" eSuperTypes=
12587 <eAnnotations source=
12588 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to draw a polygon (or other area-type geometries), including filling its interior and stroking its border (outline)."/>
12590 <eAnnotations source=
12591 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to draw a polygon (or other area-type geometries), including filling its interior and stroking its border (outline)."/>
12593 <eAnnotations source=
12594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to draw a polygon (or other area-type geometries), including filling its interior and stroking its border (outline)."/>
12595 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to draw a polygon (or other area-type geometries), including filling its interior and stroking its border (outline)."/>
12597 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12598 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlDiagramObject" eOpposite=
12599 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFill" eType=
12600 eOpposite=
12601 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlStroke" eType=
12602 eOpposite=
12604 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlStroke" eSuperTypes=
12605 <eAnnotations source=
12606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The element encapsulating the graphical symbolization parameters for linear geometries."/>
12608 <eAnnotations source=
12609 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The element encapsulating the graphical symbolization parameters for linear geometries."/>
12611 <eAnnotations source=
12612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The element encapsulating the graphical symbolization parameters for linear geometries."/>
12613 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The element encapsulating the graphical symbolization parameters for linear geometries."/>
12615 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlColour" eType=
12616 eOpposite=
12617 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lineCap" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12619 <eAnnotations source=
12620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enumerated values telling how line strings should be capped (at the two ends of the line string). The values are represented as content strings.

The allowed values for line cap are "butt", "round", and "square". The default values are system-dependent."/>
12622 <eAnnotations source=
12623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enumerated values telling how line strings should be capped (at the two ends of the line string). The values are represented as content strings.

The allowed values for line cap are "butt", "round", and "square". The default values are system-dependent."/>
12625 </eStructuralFeatures>
12626 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"width" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
12628 <eAnnotations source=
12629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The absolute width (thickness) of a stroke in pixels encoded as a float. The default is 1.0. Fractional numbers are allowed (with a system-dependent interpretation) but negative numbers are not."/>
12631 <eAnnotations source=
12632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The absolute width (thickness) of a stroke in pixels encoded as a float. The default is 1.0. Fractional numbers are allowed (with a system-dependent interpretation) but negative numbers are not."/>
12634 </eStructuralFeatures>
12635 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12636 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12637 eOpposite=
12638 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"linejoin" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12640 <eAnnotations source=
12641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enumerated values telling how line strings should be joined (between line segments). The values are represented as content strings.

The allowed values for line join are "mitre", "round", and "bevel". The default values are system-dependent."/>
12643 <eAnnotations source=
12644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Enumerated values telling how line strings should be joined (between line segments). The values are represented as content strings.

The allowed values for line join are "mitre", "round", and "bevel". The default values are system-dependent."/>
12646 </eStructuralFeatures>
12647 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlMarks" upperBound=
12648 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlMark" eOpposite=
12649 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12650 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12651 eOpposite=
12652 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dashArray" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12654 <eAnnotations source=
12655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Encodes a dash pattern as a series of space separated floats. The first number gives the length in pixels of dash to draw, the second gives the amount of space to leave, and this pattern repeats. If an odd number of values is given, then the pattern is expanded by repeating it twice to give an even number of values. Decimal values have a system-dependent interpretation (usually depending on whether antialiasing is being used). The default is to draw an unbroken line."/>
12657 <eAnnotations source=
12658 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Encodes a dash pattern as a series of space separated floats. The first number gives the length in pixels of dash to draw, the second gives the amount of space to leave, and this pattern repeats. If an odd number of values is given, then the pattern is expanded by repeating it twice to give an even number of values. Decimal values have a system-dependent interpretation (usually depending on whether antialiasing is being used). The default is to draw an unbroken line."/>
12660 </eStructuralFeatures>
12661 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lineStyle" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12663 <eAnnotations source=
12664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of a defined line style. Usually will be an enumerated value and will be system-specific."/>
12666 <eAnnotations source=
12667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of a defined line style. Usually will be an enumerated value and will be system-specific."/>
12669 </eStructuralFeatures>
12670 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dashOffset" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12672 <eAnnotations source=
12673 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the distance as a float into the "stroke-dasharray" pattern at which to start drawing."/>
12675 <eAnnotations source=
12676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the distance as a float into the "stroke-dasharray" pattern at which to start drawing."/>
12678 </eStructuralFeatures>
12679 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlLineSymbols" upperBound=
12680 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlLineSymbol" eOpposite=
12681 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"opacity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
12683 <eAnnotations source=
12684 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the stroke. The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
12686 <eAnnotations source=
12687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the stroke. The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
12689 </eStructuralFeatures>
12691 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlBaseSymbol" eSuperTypes=
12692 <eAnnotations source=
12693 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows referencing and extension of external symbols, which may be stored in a symbol repository. The graphical properties from a referenced external symbol override the ones read in from the base symbol."/>
12695 <eAnnotations source=
12696 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Allows referencing and extension of external symbols, which may be stored in a symbol repository. The graphical properties from a referenced external symbol override the ones read in from the base symbol."/>
12698 <eAnnotations source=
12699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows referencing and extension of external symbols, which may be stored in a symbol repository. The graphical properties from a referenced external symbol override the ones read in from the base symbol."/>
12700 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Allows referencing and extension of external symbols, which may be stored in a symbol repository. The graphical properties from a referenced external symbol override the ones read in from the base symbol."/>
12702 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlSymbols" upperBound=
12703 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlSymbol" eOpposite=
12705 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlPosition" eSuperTypes=
12706 <eAnnotations source=
12707 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Position point with a GML coordinate reference system."/>
12709 <eAnnotations source=
12710 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Position point with a GML coordinate reference system."/>
12712 <eAnnotations source=
12713 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Position point with a GML coordinate reference system."/>
12714 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Position point with a GML coordinate reference system."/>
12717 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlTextSymbol" eSuperTypes=
12718 <eAnnotations source=
12719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for styling text labels, i.e., for rendering them according to various graphical parameters."/>
12721 <eAnnotations source=
12722 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for styling text labels, i.e., for rendering them according to various graphical parameters."/>
12724 <eAnnotations source=
12725 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for styling text labels, i.e., for rendering them according to various graphical parameters."/>
12726 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for styling text labels, i.e., for rendering them according to various graphical parameters."/>
12728 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"label" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12730 <eAnnotations source=
12731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Text-label content. If the value is not provided, then no text will be rendered."/>
12733 <eAnnotations source=
12734 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Text-label content. If the value is not provided, then no text will be rendered."/>
12736 </eStructuralFeatures>
12737 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFill" eType=
12738 eOpposite=
12739 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12740 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlLabelPlacement" eOpposite=
12741 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"labelType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12743 <eAnnotations source=
12744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type-classification of a label."/>
12746 <eAnnotations source=
12747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type-classification of a label."/>
12749 </eStructuralFeatures>
12750 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fieldID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12752 <eAnnotations source=
12753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the field of the class being annotated. Most objects will include name, description, and aliasName. Many objects may contain other fields such as comment, status, etc."/>
12755 <eAnnotations source=
12756 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the field of the class being annotated. Most objects will include name, description, and aliasName. Many objects may contain other fields such as comment, status, etc."/>
12758 </eStructuralFeatures>
12759 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minFontSize" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
12761 <eAnnotations source=
12762 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum font size allowed."/>
12764 <eAnnotations source=
12765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum font size allowed."/>
12767 </eStructuralFeatures>
12768 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"property" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12770 <eAnnotations source=
12771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic method for capturing all unspecified information pertaining to the TextSymbol."/>
12773 <eAnnotations source=
12774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic method for capturing all unspecified information pertaining to the TextSymbol."/>
12776 </eStructuralFeatures>
12777 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlHalo" eType=
12778 eOpposite=
12779 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFont" eType=
12780 eOpposite=
12781 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12782 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlDiagramObject" eOpposite=
12784 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlPolygonGeometry" eSuperTypes=
12785 <eAnnotations source=
12786 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to show the footprint of substations, sites, service territories, tax districts, school districts, etc."/>
12788 <eAnnotations source=
12789 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to show the footprint of substations, sites, service territories, tax districts, school districts, etc."/>
12791 <eAnnotations source=
12792 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to show the footprint of substations, sites, service territories, tax districts, school districts, etc."/>
12793 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to show the footprint of substations, sites, service territories, tax districts, school districts, etc."/>
12796 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
12797 <eLiterals name=
12798 <eLiterals name=
"xpath" value=
12799 <eLiterals name=
"xquery" value=
12801 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlObservation" eSuperTypes=
12802 <eAnnotations source=
12803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A GML observation models the act of observing, often with a camera, a person or some form of instrument. An observation feature describes the "metadata" associated with an information capture event, together with a value for the result of the observation. The basic structures introduced in this class are intended to serve as the foundation for more comprehensive schemas for scientific, technical and engineering measurement schemas."/>
12805 <eAnnotations source=
12806 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A GML observation models the act of observing, often with a camera, a person or some form of instrument. An observation feature describes the "metadata" associated with an information capture event, together with a value for the result of the observation. The basic structures introduced in this class are intended to serve as the foundation for more comprehensive schemas for scientific, technical and engineering measurement schemas."/>
12808 <eAnnotations source=
12809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A GML observation models the act of observing, often with a camera, a person or some form of instrument. An observation feature describes the "metadata" associated with an information capture event, together with a value for the result of the observation. The basic structures introduced in this class are intended to serve as the foundation for more comprehensive schemas for scientific, technical and engineering measurement schemas."/>
12810 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A GML observation models the act of observing, often with a camera, a person or some form of instrument. An observation feature describes the "metadata" associated with an information capture event, together with a value for the result of the observation. The basic structures introduced in this class are intended to serve as the foundation for more comprehensive schemas for scientific, technical and engineering measurement schemas."/>
12812 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"resultOf" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12814 <eAnnotations source=
12815 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the result of the observation."/>
12817 <eAnnotations source=
12818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the result of the observation."/>
12820 </eStructuralFeatures>
12821 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12822 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12823 eOpposite=
12824 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"target" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12826 <eAnnotations source=
12827 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains or points to the specimen, region or station which is the object of the observation"/>
12829 <eAnnotations source=
12830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains or points to the specimen, region or station which is the object of the observation"/>
12832 </eStructuralFeatures>
12833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
12834 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
12835 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"using" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12837 <eAnnotations source=
12838 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains or points to a description of a sensor, instrument or procedure used for the observation."/>
12840 <eAnnotations source=
12841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains or points to a description of a sensor, instrument or procedure used for the observation."/>
12843 </eStructuralFeatures>
12844 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlValues" upperBound=
12845 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlValue" eOpposite=
12846 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
12847 unsettable=
12849 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlMark" eSuperTypes=
12850 <eAnnotations source=
12851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defines a "shape" which has coloring applied to it (i.e. square, circle, triangle, star, ...)."/>
12853 <eAnnotations source=
12854 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Defines a "shape" which has coloring applied to it (i.e. square, circle, triangle, star, ...)."/>
12856 <eAnnotations source=
12857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defines a "shape" which has coloring applied to it (i.e. square, circle, triangle, star, ...)."/>
12858 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Defines a "shape" which has coloring applied to it (i.e. square, circle, triangle, star, ...)."/>
12860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlGraphics" upperBound=
12861 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlGraphic" eOpposite=
12862 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"wellKnownName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12864 <eAnnotations source=
12865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gives the well-known name of the shape of the mark.
Allowed values include at least square, circle, triangle, star, cross, and x."/>
12867 <eAnnotations source=
12868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gives the well-known name of the shape of the mark.
Allowed values include at least square, circle, triangle, star, cross, and x."/>
12870 </eStructuralFeatures>
12871 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlStrokes" upperBound=
12872 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlStroke" eOpposite=
12873 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFIlls" upperBound=
12874 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFill" eOpposite=
12876 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlGraphic" eSuperTypes=
12877 <eAnnotations source=
12878 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size. A "graphic" can be very informally defined as "a little picture" and can be of either a raster or vector-graphic source type."/>
12880 <eAnnotations source=
12881 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size. A "graphic" can be very informally defined as "a little picture" and can be of either a raster or vector-graphic source type."/>
12883 <eAnnotations source=
12884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size. A "graphic" can be very informally defined as "a little picture" and can be of either a raster or vector-graphic source type."/>
12885 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A "graphic symbol" with an inherent shape, color(s), and possibly size. A "graphic" can be very informally defined as "a little picture" and can be of either a raster or vector-graphic source type."/>
12887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlMarks" upperBound=
12888 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlMark" eOpposite=
12889 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
12890 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
12891 eOpposite=
12892 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rotation" eType=
12894 <eAnnotations source=
12895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gives the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about its center point in decimal rees, encoded as a floating-point number. Negative values mean counter-clockwise rotation. The default value is 0.0 (no rotation). Note that there is no connection between source geometry types and rotations; the point used for plotting has no inherent direction. Also, the point within the graphic about which it is rotated is format dependent. If a format does not include an inherent rotation point, then the point of rotation should be the centroid."/>
12897 <eAnnotations source=
12898 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gives the rotation of a graphic in the clockwise direction about its center point in decimal rees, encoded as a floating-point number. Negative values mean counter-clockwise rotation. The default value is 0.0 (no rotation). Note that there is no connection between source geometry types and rotations; the point used for plotting has no inherent direction. Also, the point within the graphic about which it is rotated is format dependent. If a format does not include an inherent rotation point, then the point of rotation should be the centroid."/>
12900 </eStructuralFeatures>
12901 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"size" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
12903 <eAnnotations source=
12904 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gives the absolute size of the graphic in pixels encoded as a floatingpoint number. The default size for an object is context-dependent. Negative values are not allowed."/>
12906 <eAnnotations source=
12907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Gives the absolute size of the graphic in pixels encoded as a floatingpoint number. The default size for an object is context-dependent. Negative values are not allowed."/>
12909 </eStructuralFeatures>
12910 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"symbolID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12912 <eAnnotations source=
12913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The identifier of the symbol, if not derived from the type of CIM object (PSR, Asset, Organisation, Document, etc.) gmlSymbolPlacement is associated with."/>
12915 <eAnnotations source=
12916 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The identifier of the symbol, if not derived from the type of CIM object (PSR, Asset, Organisation, Document, etc.) gmlSymbolPlacement is associated with."/>
12918 </eStructuralFeatures>
12919 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minSize" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
12921 <eAnnotations source=
12922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum symbol size allowed."/>
12924 <eAnnotations source=
12925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum symbol size allowed."/>
12927 </eStructuralFeatures>
12928 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"opacity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
12930 <eAnnotations source=
12931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Graphic.The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
12933 <eAnnotations source=
12934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Graphic.The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
12936 </eStructuralFeatures>
12937 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xScale" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
12939 <eAnnotations source=
12940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Horizontal scaling factor of normal symbol - particularly applicable to busbars if not described through a sequence of gmlPositions (e.g., Busbar)."/>
12942 <eAnnotations source=
12943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Horizontal scaling factor of normal symbol - particularly applicable to busbars if not described through a sequence of gmlPositions (e.g., Busbar)."/>
12945 </eStructuralFeatures>
12946 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"yScale" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
12948 <eAnnotations source=
12949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vertical scaling factor of normal symbol - particularly applicable to busbars if not described through a sequence of gmlPositions (e.g., Busbars)."/>
12951 <eAnnotations source=
12952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vertical scaling factor of normal symbol - particularly applicable to busbars if not described through a sequence of gmlPositions (e.g., Busbars)."/>
12954 </eStructuralFeatures>
12956 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlLabelPlacement" eSuperTypes=
12957 <eAnnotations source=
12958 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to position a label relative to a point or a line."/>
12960 <eAnnotations source=
12961 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to position a label relative to a point or a line."/>
12963 <eAnnotations source=
12964 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to position a label relative to a point or a line."/>
12965 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to position a label relative to a point or a line."/>
12967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"displacementX" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12969 <eAnnotations source=
12970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X displacement from the main-geometry point to render a text label."/>
12972 <eAnnotations source=
12973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X displacement from the main-geometry point to render a text label."/>
12975 </eStructuralFeatures>
12976 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rotation" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12978 <eAnnotations source=
12979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Clockwise rotation of the label in rees from the normal direction for a font."/>
12981 <eAnnotations source=
12982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Clockwise rotation of the label in rees from the normal direction for a font."/>
12984 </eStructuralFeatures>
12985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"displacementY" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12987 <eAnnotations source=
12988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y displacement from the main-geometry point to render a text label."/>
12990 <eAnnotations source=
12991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y displacement from the main-geometry point to render a text label."/>
12993 </eStructuralFeatures>
12994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
12996 <eAnnotations source=
12997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of "LabelPlacement" which in turn specifies where and how a text label should be rendered relative to a geometry."/>
12999 <eAnnotations source=
13000 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of "LabelPlacement" which in turn specifies where and how a text label should be rendered relative to a geometry."/>
13002 </eStructuralFeatures>
13003 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"anchorX" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13005 <eAnnotations source=
13006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X-coordinate location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point."/>
13008 <eAnnotations source=
13009 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X-coordinate location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point."/>
13011 </eStructuralFeatures>
13012 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"anchorY" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13014 <eAnnotations source=
13015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y-coordinate location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point."/>
13017 <eAnnotations source=
13018 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y-coordinate location inside of a label to use for anchoring the label to the main-geometry point."/>
13020 </eStructuralFeatures>
13021 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlTextSymbols" upperBound=
13022 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlTextSymbol" eOpposite=
13023 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"offset" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13025 <eAnnotations source=
13026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Perpendicular distance away from a line to draw a label. The distance is in pixels and is positive to the left-hand side of the line string. Negative numbers mean right. The default offset is 0."/>
13028 <eAnnotations source=
13029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Perpendicular distance away from a line to draw a label. The distance is in pixels and is positive to the left-hand side of the line string. Negative numbers mean right. The default offset is 0."/>
13031 </eStructuralFeatures>
13033 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlGeometryStyle" eSuperTypes=
13034 <eAnnotations source=
13035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style for one geometry of a feature. Any number of geometry style descriptors can be assigned to one feature style. This is usually required for features with multiple geometry properties."/>
13037 <eAnnotations source=
13038 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The style for one geometry of a feature. Any number of geometry style descriptors can be assigned to one feature style. This is usually required for features with multiple geometry properties."/>
13040 <eAnnotations source=
13041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style for one geometry of a feature. Any number of geometry style descriptors can be assigned to one feature style. This is usually required for features with multiple geometry properties."/>
13042 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The style for one geometry of a feature. Any number of geometry style descriptors can be assigned to one feature style. This is usually required for features with multiple geometry properties."/>
13044 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13045 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13047 <eAnnotations source=
13048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the geometry property of a feature to which this GeometryStyle applies."/>
13050 <eAnnotations source=
13051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the geometry property of a feature to which this GeometryStyle applies."/>
13053 </eStructuralFeatures>
13054 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"geometryType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13056 <eAnnotations source=
13057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"It is necessary to specify the geometry type using this attribute as well since the application schema of the geometry property may allow different geometries as its value."/>
13059 <eAnnotations source=
13060 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"It is necessary to specify the geometry type using this attribute as well since the application schema of the geometry property may allow different geometries as its value."/>
13062 </eStructuralFeatures>
13063 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"symbol" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13065 <eAnnotations source=
13066 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Graphical symbol used to render a geometry or a topology. A symbol is a description of graphical attributes of a graphical object without a particular, implicit meaning. It can be a description of a line, circle, polygon or more complex drawing."/>
13068 <eAnnotations source=
13069 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Graphical symbol used to render a geometry or a topology. A symbol is a description of graphical attributes of a graphical object without a particular, implicit meaning. It can be a description of a line, circle, polygon or more complex drawing."/>
13071 </eStructuralFeatures>
13072 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13073 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFeatureStyle" eOpposite=
13074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlLabelStyle" eType=
13075 eOpposite=
13077 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlLineGeometry" eSuperTypes=
13078 <eAnnotations source=
13079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering linear assets and/or power system resources."/>
13081 <eAnnotations source=
13082 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering linear assets and/or power system resources."/>
13084 <eAnnotations source=
13085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering linear assets and/or power system resources."/>
13086 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Typically used for rendering linear assets and/or power system resources."/>
13088 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sourceSide" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13090 <eAnnotations source=
13091 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For dynamic network update (i.e. colouring) purposes"/>
13093 <eAnnotations source=
13094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For dynamic network update (i.e. colouring) purposes"/>
13096 </eStructuralFeatures>
13098 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlValue" eSuperTypes=
13099 <eAnnotations source=
13100 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for direct representation of values."/>
13102 <eAnnotations source=
13103 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for direct representation of values."/>
13105 <eAnnotations source=
13106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for direct representation of values."/>
13107 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for direct representation of values."/>
13109 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlObservation" eType=
13110 eOpposite=
13111 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
13112 unsettable=
13113 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timePeriod" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13114 unsettable=
13115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13116 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/MeasurementValue" eOpposite=
13117 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
13118 unsettable=
13120 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlLineSymbol" eSuperTypes=
13121 <eAnnotations source=
13122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to style a "stroke" along a linear geometry type, such as a string of line segments."/>
13124 <eAnnotations source=
13125 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to style a "stroke" along a linear geometry type, such as a string of line segments."/>
13127 <eAnnotations source=
13128 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to style a "stroke" along a linear geometry type, such as a string of line segments."/>
13129 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to style a "stroke" along a linear geometry type, such as a string of line segments."/>
13131 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlStroke" eType=
13132 eOpposite=
13133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sourceSide" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13135 <eAnnotations source=
13136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For dynamic network update (i.e. colouring) purposes"/>
13138 <eAnnotations source=
13139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For dynamic network update (i.e. colouring) purposes"/>
13141 </eStructuralFeatures>
13142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13143 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlDiagramObject" eOpposite=
13145 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlDiagramObject" eSuperTypes=
13146 <eAnnotations source=
13147 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point by reference to a fixed figure, system of lines, etc."/>
13149 <eAnnotations source=
13150 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point by reference to a fixed figure, system of lines, etc."/>
13152 <eAnnotations source=
13153 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point by reference to a fixed figure, system of lines, etc."/>
13154 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point by reference to a fixed figure, system of lines, etc."/>
13156 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlSelectors" upperBound=
13157 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlSelector" eOpposite=
13158 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Diagrams" upperBound=
13159 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/Diagram" eOpposite=
13160 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13161 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/CoordinateSystem" eOpposite=
13162 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13163 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13164 eOpposite=
13165 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlLineSymbols" upperBound=
13166 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlLineSymbol" eOpposite=
13167 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13168 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13169 eOpposite=
13170 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlObservatins" upperBound=
13171 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlObservation" eOpposite=
13172 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlTextSymbols" upperBound=
13173 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlTextSymbol" eOpposite=
13174 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13175 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13176 eOpposite=
13178 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlPointSymbol" eSuperTypes=
13179 <eAnnotations source=
13180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to draw a "graphic" at a point."/>
13182 <eAnnotations source=
13183 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to draw a "graphic" at a point."/>
13185 <eAnnotations source=
13186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to draw a "graphic" at a point."/>
13187 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to draw a "graphic" at a point."/>
13189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlGraphic" eType=
13190 eOpposite=
13191 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13192 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlDiagramObject" eOpposite=
13194 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlTopologyStyle" eSuperTypes=
13195 <eAnnotations source=
13196 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style for one topology property. Similarly to the Geometry style, a feature can have multiple topology properties, thus multiple topology style descriptors can be specified within one feature style."/>
13198 <eAnnotations source=
13199 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The style for one topology property. Similarly to the Geometry style, a feature can have multiple topology properties, thus multiple topology style descriptors can be specified within one feature style."/>
13201 <eAnnotations source=
13202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style for one topology property. Similarly to the Geometry style, a feature can have multiple topology properties, thus multiple topology style descriptors can be specified within one feature style."/>
13203 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The style for one topology property. Similarly to the Geometry style, a feature can have multiple topology properties, thus multiple topology style descriptors can be specified within one feature style."/>
13205 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlLableStyle" eType=
13206 eOpposite=
13207 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13208 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFeatureStyle" eOpposite=
13210 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlSelector" eSuperTypes=
13211 <eAnnotations source=
13212 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram element that allows selection by a user, i.e. as "hyperNode" for navigating between diagrams, or as composite object representing multiple grouped objects."/>
13214 <eAnnotations source=
13215 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A diagram element that allows selection by a user, i.e. as "hyperNode" for navigating between diagrams, or as composite object representing multiple grouped objects."/>
13217 <eAnnotations source=
13218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram element that allows selection by a user, i.e. as "hyperNode" for navigating between diagrams, or as composite object representing multiple grouped objects."/>
13219 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A diagram element that allows selection by a user, i.e. as "hyperNode" for navigating between diagrams, or as composite object representing multiple grouped objects."/>
13221 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
13222 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
13223 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13224 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13225 eOpposite=
13227 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlSvgParameter" eSuperTypes=
13228 <eAnnotations source=
13229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Refers to an SVG/CSS graphical-formatting parameter. The parameter is identified using the "name" attribute and the content of the element gives the SVG/CSS-coded value."/>
13231 <eAnnotations source=
13232 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Refers to an SVG/CSS graphical-formatting parameter. The parameter is identified using the "name" attribute and the content of the element gives the SVG/CSS-coded value."/>
13234 <eAnnotations source=
13235 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Refers to an SVG/CSS graphical-formatting parameter. The parameter is identified using the "name" attribute and the content of the element gives the SVG/CSS-coded value."/>
13236 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Refers to an SVG/CSS graphical-formatting parameter. The parameter is identified using the "name" attribute and the content of the element gives the SVG/CSS-coded value."/>
13238 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlStokes" upperBound=
13239 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlStroke" eOpposite=
13240 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"attribute" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13242 <eAnnotations source=
13243 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The attribute of the GmlSvgParameter. E.g., for "Stroke", the following SvgParameters may be used: "stroke" (color), "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-dasharray", and "stroke-dashoffset". Others are not officially supported."/>
13245 <eAnnotations source=
13246 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The attribute of the GmlSvgParameter. E.g., for "Stroke", the following SvgParameters may be used: "stroke" (color), "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-dasharray", and "stroke-dashoffset". Others are not officially supported."/>
13248 </eStructuralFeatures>
13249 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13251 <eAnnotations source=
13252 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SVG/CSS-coded value of the associated SvgAttribute."/>
13254 <eAnnotations source=
13255 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SVG/CSS-coded value of the associated SvgAttribute."/>
13257 </eStructuralFeatures>
13258 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFonts" upperBound=
13259 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFont" eOpposite=
13260 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlFills" upperBound=
13261 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFill" eOpposite=
13263 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlLabelStyle" eSuperTypes=
13264 <eAnnotations source=
13265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style for the text that is to be displayed along with the graphical representation of a feature. The content of the label is not necessarily defined in the GML data set. More precisely, the content can be static text specified in the style itself and the text from the GML data set. Label style has two elements: gml:style that specifies the style and gml:label that is used to compose the label content."/>
13267 <eAnnotations source=
13268 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The style for the text that is to be displayed along with the graphical representation of a feature. The content of the label is not necessarily defined in the GML data set. More precisely, the content can be static text specified in the style itself and the text from the GML data set. Label style has two elements: gml:style that specifies the style and gml:label that is used to compose the label content."/>
13270 <eAnnotations source=
13271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style for the text that is to be displayed along with the graphical representation of a feature. The content of the label is not necessarily defined in the GML data set. More precisely, the content can be static text specified in the style itself and the text from the GML data set. Label style has two elements: gml:style that specifies the style and gml:label that is used to compose the label content."/>
13272 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The style for the text that is to be displayed along with the graphical representation of a feature. The content of the label is not necessarily defined in the GML data set. More precisely, the content can be static text specified in the style itself and the text from the GML data set. Label style has two elements: gml:style that specifies the style and gml:label that is used to compose the label content."/>
13274 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"transform" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13276 <eAnnotations source=
13277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows us to specify a transformation expression that will be applied to the symbol in the rendering phase. Its type is xsd:string and the value is specified in the SVG specification (transform attribute)."/>
13279 <eAnnotations source=
13280 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows us to specify a transformation expression that will be applied to the symbol in the rendering phase. Its type is xsd:string and the value is specified in the SVG specification (transform attribute)."/>
13282 </eStructuralFeatures>
13283 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13284 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13286 <eAnnotations source=
13287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows both text content and unbounded number of gml:LabelExpression elements. The value of gml:LabelExpression element is an XPath expression that selects the value of some property of the feature."/>
13289 <eAnnotations source=
13290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows both text content and unbounded number of gml:LabelExpression elements. The value of gml:LabelExpression element is an XPath expression that selects the value of some property of the feature."/>
13292 </eStructuralFeatures>
13293 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13294 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13295 eOpposite=
13296 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13297 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13298 eOpposite=
13299 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"style" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13301 <eAnnotations source=
13302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to specify the style of the rendered text. The CSS2 styling expressions grammar should be used to express graphic properties."/>
13304 <eAnnotations source=
13305 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to specify the style of the rendered text. The CSS2 styling expressions grammar should be used to express graphic properties."/>
13307 </eStructuralFeatures>
13308 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13309 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlFeatureStyle" eOpposite=
13311 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlFill" eSuperTypes=
13312 <eAnnotations source=
13313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies how the area of the geometry will be filled."/>
13315 <eAnnotations source=
13316 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies how the area of the geometry will be filled."/>
13318 <eAnnotations source=
13319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies how the area of the geometry will be filled."/>
13320 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies how the area of the geometry will be filled."/>
13322 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlColour" eType=
13323 eOpposite=
13324 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlMarks" upperBound=
13325 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlMark" eOpposite=
13326 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"opacity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
13328 <eAnnotations source=
13329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Fill. The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
13331 <eAnnotations source=
13332 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Fill. The value is encoded as a floating-point value
between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0"/>
13334 </eStructuralFeatures>
13335 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlTextSymbols" upperBound=
13336 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlTextSymbol" eOpposite=
13337 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13338 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13339 eOpposite=
13340 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13341 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13342 eOpposite=
13344 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Diagram" eSuperTypes=
13345 <eAnnotations source=
13346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Diagram represents the diagram being exchanged. The initialView attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points. The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines a positive or negative orientation. A positive orientation gives standard &lsquo;right-hand&rsquo; orientation, with negative orientation indicating a &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation. For 2D diagrams, a positive orientation will result in X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from bottom to top. A negative orientation gives the &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation (favoured by computer graphics displays) with X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from top to bottom."/>
13348 <eAnnotations source=
13349 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The Diagram represents the diagram being exchanged. The initialView attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points. The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines a positive or negative orientation. A positive orientation gives standard &lsquo;right-hand&rsquo; orientation, with negative orientation indicating a &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation. For 2D diagrams, a positive orientation will result in X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from bottom to top. A negative orientation gives the &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation (favoured by computer graphics displays) with X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from top to bottom."/>
13351 <eAnnotations source=
13352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Diagram represents the diagram being exchanged. The initialView attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points. The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines a positive or negative orientation. A positive orientation gives standard &lsquo;right-hand&rsquo; orientation, with negative orientation indicating a &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation. For 2D diagrams, a positive orientation will result in X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from bottom to top. A negative orientation gives the &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation (favoured by computer graphics displays) with X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from top to bottom."/>
13353 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The Diagram represents the diagram being exchanged. The initialView attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points. The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines a positive or negative orientation. A positive orientation gives standard &lsquo;right-hand&rsquo; orientation, with negative orientation indicating a &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation. For 2D diagrams, a positive orientation will result in X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from bottom to top. A negative orientation gives the &lsquo;left-hand&rsquo; orientation (favoured by computer graphics displays) with X values increasing from left to right and Y values increasing from top to bottom."/>
13355 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y1InitialView" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
13357 <eAnnotations source=
13358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y coordinate of the first corner of the initial view"/>
13360 <eAnnotations source=
13361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y coordinate of the first corner of the initial view"/>
13363 </eStructuralFeatures>
13364 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DiagramObjects" upperBound=
13365 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObject" eOpposite=
13366 <eAnnotations source=
13367 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram is made up of multiple DiagramObjects"/>
13369 <eAnnotations source=
13370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram is made up of multiple DiagramObjects"/>
13372 </eStructuralFeatures>
13373 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13374 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/CoordinateSystem" eOpposite=
13375 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
13377 <eAnnotations source=
13378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this diagram."/>
13380 <eAnnotations source=
13381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this diagram."/>
13383 </eStructuralFeatures>
13384 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13385 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13386 eOpposite=
13387 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x2InitialView" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
13389 <eAnnotations source=
13390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X coordinate of the second corner of the initial view"/>
13392 <eAnnotations source=
13393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X coordinate of the second corner of the initial view"/>
13395 </eStructuralFeatures>
13396 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x1InitialView" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
13398 <eAnnotations source=
13399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X coordinate of the first corner of the initial view"/>
13401 <eAnnotations source=
13402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X coordinate of the first corner of the initial view"/>
13404 </eStructuralFeatures>
13405 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13406 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13407 eOpposite=
13408 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"orientation" eType=
13410 <eAnnotations source=
13411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Diagram represents the diagram being exchanged. The initialView attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points. The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines a positive or negative orientation."/>
13413 <eAnnotations source=
13414 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Diagram represents the diagram being exchanged. The initialView attributes can be used to specify an initial view with the x,y coordinates of the diagonal points. The coordinate system is a standard Cartesian coordinate system and the orientation attribute defines a positive or negative orientation."/>
13416 </eStructuralFeatures>
13417 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y2InitialView" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
13419 <eAnnotations source=
13420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y coordinate of the second corner of the initial view"/>
13422 <eAnnotations source=
13423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y coordinate of the second corner of the initial view"/>
13425 </eStructuralFeatures>
13427 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlSymbol" eSuperTypes=
13428 <eAnnotations source=
13429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes how a feature is to appear on a map or display. The symbol describes not just the shape that should appear but also such graphical properties as color and opacity."/>
13431 <eAnnotations source=
13432 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes how a feature is to appear on a map or display. The symbol describes not just the shape that should appear but also such graphical properties as color and opacity."/>
13434 <eAnnotations source=
13435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes how a feature is to appear on a map or display. The symbol describes not just the shape that should appear but also such graphical properties as color and opacity."/>
13436 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes how a feature is to appear on a map or display. The symbol describes not just the shape that should appear but also such graphical properties as color and opacity."/>
13438 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"version" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13440 <eAnnotations source=
13441 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The version of the Symbol."/>
13443 <eAnnotations source=
13444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The version of the Symbol."/>
13446 </eStructuralFeatures>
13447 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"level" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13449 <eAnnotations source=
13450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level (of the map) where the symbol exists or the zoom levels at which this diagram object is displayed. As a way of de-cluttering displays, for example, some symbols and annotations are only shown when zoomed in."/>
13452 <eAnnotations source=
13453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The level (of the map) where the symbol exists or the zoom levels at which this diagram object is displayed. As a way of de-cluttering displays, for example, some symbols and annotations are only shown when zoomed in."/>
13455 </eStructuralFeatures>
13456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13457 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13458 eOpposite=
13459 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13461 <eAnnotations source=
13462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Symbol type."/>
13464 <eAnnotations source=
13465 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Symbol type."/>
13467 </eStructuralFeatures>
13468 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlBaseSymbol" eType=
13469 eOpposite=
13471 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlFeatureStyle" eSuperTypes=
13472 <eAnnotations source=
13473 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for styling a particular aspect or aspects of a feature, such as geometry, topology or arbitrary text string."/>
13475 <eAnnotations source=
13476 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for styling a particular aspect or aspects of a feature, such as geometry, topology or arbitrary text string."/>
13478 <eAnnotations source=
13479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used for styling a particular aspect or aspects of a feature, such as geometry, topology or arbitrary text string."/>
13480 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used for styling a particular aspect or aspects of a feature, such as geometry, topology or arbitrary text string."/>
13482 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13483 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13485 <eAnnotations source=
13486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SemanticTypeIdentifier is experimental in GML and is intended to be used to identify what the feature style is suitable to be used for using community-controlled name(s). For example, a single style may be suitable to use with many different feature types."/>
13488 <eAnnotations source=
13489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SemanticTypeIdentifier is experimental in GML and is intended to be used to identify what the feature style is suitable to be used for using community-controlled name(s). For example, a single style may be suitable to use with many different feature types."/>
13491 </eStructuralFeatures>
13492 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"featureType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13494 <eAnnotations source=
13495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The simplest and most common way of relating features and styles is by using this attribute. Its value will be the declared name of a feature, instances of which we want to style. For example, if the featureType = Switch, this FeatureStyle object will simply apply to all Switch features."/>
13497 <eAnnotations source=
13498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The simplest and most common way of relating features and styles is by using this attribute. Its value will be the declared name of a feature, instances of which we want to style. For example, if the featureType = Switch, this FeatureStyle object will simply apply to all Switch features."/>
13500 </eStructuralFeatures>
13501 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"version" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13503 <eAnnotations source=
13504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows version numbers to be identified when the SLD pieces are used independently."/>
13506 <eAnnotations source=
13507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Allows version numbers to be identified when the SLD pieces are used independently."/>
13509 </eStructuralFeatures>
13510 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13511 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13513 <eAnnotations source=
13514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifies the specific feature type that the feature-type style is for."/>
13516 <eAnnotations source=
13517 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identifies the specific feature type that the feature-type style is for."/>
13519 </eStructuralFeatures>
13520 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13521 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13523 <eAnnotations source=
13524 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This property is used to further constrain the feature instance set to which the style applies. It is optional and its value is an XPath expression. If the property does not exist, the style applies to all feature instances selected by 'featureType' or 'baseType'."/>
13526 <eAnnotations source=
13527 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This property is used to further constrain the feature instance set to which the style applies. It is optional and its value is an XPath expression. If the property does not exist, the style applies to all feature instances selected by 'featureType' or 'baseType'."/>
13529 </eStructuralFeatures>
13530 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13531 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13532 eOpposite=
13533 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlSymbols" upperBound=
13534 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlSymbol" eOpposite=
13535 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13536 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13537 eOpposite=
13538 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlLabelStyles" upperBound=
13539 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlLabelStyle" eOpposite=
13540 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13541 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13542 eOpposite=
13543 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"baseType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13545 <eAnnotations source=
13546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Another way of selecting the feature instances to which the style applies is to specify, as the value of this attribute, the name of the base type from which feature or features derive."/>
13548 <eAnnotations source=
13549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Another way of selecting the feature instances to which the style applies is to specify, as the value of this attribute, the name of the base type from which feature or features derive."/>
13551 </eStructuralFeatures>
13552 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"queryGrammar" eType=
13554 <eAnnotations source=
13555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Grammar used in the content of the gml:featureConstraint element."/>
13557 <eAnnotations source=
13558 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Grammar used in the content of the gml:featureConstraint element."/>
13560 </eStructuralFeatures>
13562 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
13563 <eLiterals name=
13564 <eLiterals name=
"geographic" value=
13565 <eLiterals name=
"internalView" value=
13566 <eLiterals name=
"designSketch" value=
13567 <eLiterals name=
"schematic" value=
13569 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GmlRasterSymbol" eSuperTypes=
13570 <eAnnotations source=
13571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos, DEMs)."/>
13573 <eAnnotations source=
13574 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos, DEMs)."/>
13576 <eAnnotations source=
13577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos, DEMs)."/>
13578 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes how to render raster/matrix-coverage data (e.g., satellite photos, DEMs)."/>
13580 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"graySourcename" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13582 <eAnnotations source=
13583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A single colour channel may be selected to display in grayscale. Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13585 <eAnnotations source=
13586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A single colour channel may be selected to display in grayscale. Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13588 </eStructuralFeatures>
13589 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13590 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13592 <eAnnotations source=
13593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13595 <eAnnotations source=
13596 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13598 </eStructuralFeatures>
13599 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"opacity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
13601 <eAnnotations source=
13602 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Graphic. The value is encoded as a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0."/>
13604 <eAnnotations source=
13605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the level of translucency to use when rendering the Graphic. The value is encoded as a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0 with 0.0 representing completely transparent and 1.0 representing completely opaque, with a linear scale of translucency for intermediate values. The default value is 1.0."/>
13607 </eStructuralFeatures>
13608 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reliefFactor" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13610 <eAnnotations source=
13611 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the "hills". A value of around 55 (times) gives reasonable results for Earth-based DEMs. The default value is system-dependent."/>
13613 <eAnnotations source=
13614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ReliefFactor gives the amount of exaggeration to use for the height of the "hills". A value of around 55 (times) gives reasonable results for Earth-based DEMs. The default value is system-dependent."/>
13616 </eStructuralFeatures>
13617 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13618 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlDiagramObject" eOpposite=
13619 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"redSourcename" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13621 <eAnnotations source=
13622 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13624 <eAnnotations source=
13625 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13627 </eStructuralFeatures>
13628 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13629 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13631 <eAnnotations source=
13632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tells a system how to behave when multiple raster images in a layer overlap each other, for example with satellite-image scenes."/>
13634 <eAnnotations source=
13635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tells a system how to behave when multiple raster images in a layer overlap each other, for example with satellite-image scenes."/>
13637 </eStructuralFeatures>
13638 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"brighnessOnly" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
13640 <eAnnotations source=
13641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If the BrightnessOnly flag is 0 (false, default), the shading is applied to the layer being rendered as the current RasterSymbol. If BrightnessOnly is 1 (true), the shading is applied to the brightness of the colors in the rendering canvas generated so far by other layers, with the effect of relief-shading these other layers."/>
13643 <eAnnotations source=
13644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If the BrightnessOnly flag is 0 (false, default), the shading is applied to the layer being rendered as the current RasterSymbol. If BrightnessOnly is 1 (true), the shading is applied to the brightness of the colors in the rendering canvas generated so far by other layers, with the effect of relief-shading these other layers."/>
13646 </eStructuralFeatures>
13647 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"blueSourcename" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
13649 <eAnnotations source=
13650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13652 <eAnnotations source=
13653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Colour Channels are identified by a system and data-dependent character identifier. Contrast enhancement may be applied to each channel in isolation."/>
13655 </eStructuralFeatures>
13658 <eSubpackages name=
"InfCore" nsURI=
13659 nsPrefix=
13660 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ModelingAuthority" eSuperTypes=
13661 <eAnnotations source=
13662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority is an entity responsible for supplying and maintaining the data defining a specific set of objects in a network model."/>
13664 <eAnnotations source=
13665 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority is an entity responsible for supplying and maintaining the data defining a specific set of objects in a network model."/>
13667 <eAnnotations source=
13668 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority is an entity responsible for supplying and maintaining the data defining a specific set of objects in a network model."/>
13669 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority is an entity responsible for supplying and maintaining the data defining a specific set of objects in a network model."/>
13671 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13672 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13673 eOpposite=
13674 <eAnnotations source=
13675 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority set supplies and maintains the data for the objects in a Modeling Authority Set."/>
13677 <eAnnotations source=
13678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority set supplies and maintains the data for the objects in a Modeling Authority Set."/>
13680 </eStructuralFeatures>
13682 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ModelingAuthoritySet" eSuperTypes=
13683 <eAnnotations source=
13684 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority Set is a group of objects in a network model where the data is supplied and maintained by the same Modeling Authority.
This class is typically not included in instance data exchange as this information is tracked by other mechanisms in the exchange."/>
13686 <eAnnotations source=
13687 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority Set is a group of objects in a network model where the data is supplied and maintained by the same Modeling Authority.
This class is typically not included in instance data exchange as this information is tracked by other mechanisms in the exchange."/>
13689 <eAnnotations source=
13690 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority Set is a group of objects in a network model where the data is supplied and maintained by the same Modeling Authority.
This class is typically not included in instance data exchange as this information is tracked by other mechanisms in the exchange."/>
13691 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority Set is a group of objects in a network model where the data is supplied and maintained by the same Modeling Authority.
This class is typically not included in instance data exchange as this information is tracked by other mechanisms in the exchange."/>
13693 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13694 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/IdentifiedObject" eOpposite=
13695 <eAnnotations source=
13696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An IdentifiedObject belongs to a Modeling Authority Set for purposes of defining a group of data maintained by the same Modeling Authority."/>
13698 <eAnnotations source=
13699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An IdentifiedObject belongs to a Modeling Authority Set for purposes of defining a group of data maintained by the same Modeling Authority."/>
13701 </eStructuralFeatures>
13702 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13703 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCore/ModelingAuthority" eOpposite=
13704 <eAnnotations source=
13705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority set supplies and maintains the data for the objects in a Modeling Authority Set."/>
13707 <eAnnotations source=
13708 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Modeling Authority set supplies and maintains the data for the objects in a Modeling Authority Set."/>
13710 </eStructuralFeatures>
13713 <eSubpackages name=
"InfLoadControl" nsURI=
13714 nsPrefix=
13715 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
13716 <eLiterals name=
13717 <eLiterals name=
"timeBased" value=
13718 <eLiterals name=
"tariffBased" value=
13719 <eLiterals name=
"manualControl" value=
13721 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadMgmtRecord" eSuperTypes=
13722 <eAnnotations source=
13723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A log of actual measured load reductions as a result of load shed operations."/>
13725 <eAnnotations source=
13726 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A log of actual measured load reductions as a result of load shed operations."/>
13728 <eAnnotations source=
13729 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A log of actual measured load reductions as a result of load shed operations."/>
13730 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A log of actual measured load reductions as a result of load shed operations."/>
13732 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13733 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLoadControl/LoadMgmtFunction" eOpposite=
13734 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"loadReduction" eType=
13736 <eAnnotations source=
13737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The measured reduction of the total load power as a result of the load shed activation. Thus it is the difference in power before and after the load shed operation."/>
13739 <eAnnotations source=
13740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The measured reduction of the total load power as a result of the load shed activation. Thus it is the difference in power before and after the load shed operation."/>
13742 </eStructuralFeatures>
13744 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadShedFunction" eSuperTypes=
13745 <eAnnotations source=
13746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that sheds a part of the customer load."/>
13748 <eAnnotations source=
13749 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that sheds a part of the customer load."/>
13751 <eAnnotations source=
13752 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that sheds a part of the customer load."/>
13753 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that sheds a part of the customer load."/>
13755 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"switchedLoad" eType=
13757 <eAnnotations source=
13758 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value of the load that is connected to the shedding switch. Typically this is a noted nominal value rather than a measured value."/>
13760 <eAnnotations source=
13761 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value of the load that is connected to the shedding switch. Typically this is a noted nominal value rather than a measured value."/>
13763 </eStructuralFeatures>
13765 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadMgmtFunction" eSuperTypes=
13766 <eAnnotations source=
13767 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collective function at an end device that manages the customer load."/>
13769 <eAnnotations source=
13770 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collective function at an end device that manages the customer load."/>
13772 <eAnnotations source=
13773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collective function at an end device that manages the customer load."/>
13774 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collective function at an end device that manages the customer load."/>
13776 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13777 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLoadControl/LoadMgmtKind" unsettable=
13778 <eAnnotations source=
13779 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The basis of Load Management scheduling used here: Time Based, Tariff Based, Remote Control and Manual Control."/>
13781 <eAnnotations source=
13782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The basis of Load Management scheduling used here: Time Based, Tariff Based, Remote Control and Manual Control."/>
13784 </eStructuralFeatures>
13785 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remoteOverRide" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
13787 <eAnnotations source=
13788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the currently active schedule is being remotely over-ridden to either shed load or to limit load."/>
13790 <eAnnotations source=
13791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the currently active schedule is being remotely over-ridden to either shed load or to limit load."/>
13793 </eStructuralFeatures>
13794 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isAutoOp" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
13796 <eAnnotations source=
13797 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if LoadMgmtFunction operates under automatic control, otherwise it operates under manual control."/>
13799 <eAnnotations source=
13800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if LoadMgmtFunction operates under automatic control, otherwise it operates under manual control."/>
13802 </eStructuralFeatures>
13803 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"loadStatus" eType=
13805 <eAnnotations source=
13806 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The present state of the load being either shed (noLoad), limited (limitedLoad) or fully connected (fullLoad). This refers only to the portion of the customer load that is under control of the LoadMgmtFunction."/>
13808 <eAnnotations source=
13809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The present state of the load being either shed (noLoad), limited (limitedLoad) or fully connected (fullLoad). This refers only to the portion of the customer load that is under control of the LoadMgmtFunction."/>
13811 </eStructuralFeatures>
13812 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Switches" upperBound=
13813 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/Switch" eOpposite=
13814 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"manualOverRide" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
13816 <eAnnotations source=
13817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the currently active schedule is being manually over-ridden to either shed load or to limit load."/>
13819 <eAnnotations source=
13820 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the currently active schedule is being manually over-ridden to either shed load or to limit load."/>
13822 </eStructuralFeatures>
13823 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13824 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13825 eOpposite=
13826 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13827 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Minutes" unsettable=
13828 <eAnnotations source=
13829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"After a command had been received to activate the mannualOverRide state or remoteOverRideState, the normal (halted) schedule will resume after this specified time duration had elapsed."/>
13831 <eAnnotations source=
13832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"After a command had been received to activate the mannualOverRide state or remoteOverRideState, the normal (halted) schedule will resume after this specified time duration had elapsed."/>
13834 </eStructuralFeatures>
13836 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadLimitFunction" eSuperTypes=
13837 <eAnnotations source=
13838 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that limits the customer load to a given value."/>
13840 <eAnnotations source=
13841 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that limits the customer load to a given value."/>
13843 <eAnnotations source=
13844 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that limits the customer load to a given value."/>
13845 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A kind of LoadMgmtFunction that limits the customer load to a given value."/>
13847 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13848 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
13849 <eAnnotations source=
13850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From the point when the maximumLoad threshold is crossed there may be a finite delay before the switch actually disconnects the load. Typically this is to buffer against transient load fluctuations."/>
13852 <eAnnotations source=
13853 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From the point when the maximumLoad threshold is crossed there may be a finite delay before the switch actually disconnects the load. Typically this is to buffer against transient load fluctuations."/>
13855 </eStructuralFeatures>
13856 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isAutoReconOp" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
13858 <eAnnotations source=
13859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the switch will reconnect automatically, otherwise it will reconnect under manual control."/>
13861 <eAnnotations source=
13862 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the switch will reconnect automatically, otherwise it will reconnect under manual control."/>
13864 </eStructuralFeatures>
13865 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13866 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
13867 <eAnnotations source=
13868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From the point when the load recovers from an overload condition and crosses the maximumLoad threshold going down, there may be a finite time delay before the switch actually reconnects the load. Typically this is to give overload conditions sufficient time to clear, thus preventing unnecessary load switching activity."/>
13870 <eAnnotations source=
13871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From the point when the load recovers from an overload condition and crosses the maximumLoad threshold going down, there may be a finite time delay before the switch actually reconnects the load. Typically this is to give overload conditions sufficient time to clear, thus preventing unnecessary load switching activity."/>
13873 </eStructuralFeatures>
13874 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maximumLoad" eType=
13876 <eAnnotations source=
13877 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The power level, to which the customer load is being limited when this function activates. When the maximum load is exceeded the switch will typically open to shed the complete customer load."/>
13879 <eAnnotations source=
13880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The power level, to which the customer load is being limited when this function activates. When the maximum load is exceeded the switch will typically open to shed the complete customer load."/>
13882 </eStructuralFeatures>
13884 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
13885 <eLiterals name=
13886 <eLiterals name=
"noLoad" value=
13887 <eLiterals name=
"fullLoad" value=
13890 <eSubpackages name=
"InfMetering" nsURI=
13891 nsPrefix=
13892 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GasMeteringFunction" eSuperTypes=
13893 <eAnnotations source=
13894 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a gas meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from gas meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13896 <eAnnotations source=
13897 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a gas meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from gas meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13899 <eAnnotations source=
13900 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a gas meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from gas meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13901 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a gas meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from gas meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13904 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WaterMeteringFunction" eSuperTypes=
13905 <eAnnotations source=
13906 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a water meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from water meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13908 <eAnnotations source=
13909 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a water meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from water meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13911 <eAnnotations source=
13912 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a water meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from water meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13913 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by a water meter. It's entirely possible that the metering system would carry information to/from water meters even though it was built primarily to carry the higher-value electric meter data."/>
13917 <eSubpackages name=
"InfAssetModels" nsURI=
13918 nsPrefix=
13919 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
13920 <eLiterals name=
13921 <eLiterals name=
"conservator" value=
13922 <eLiterals name=
"freeBreathing" value=
13923 <eLiterals name=
"nitrogenBlanket" value=
13925 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetModelCatalogue" eSuperTypes=
13926 <eAnnotations source=
13927 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Catalogue of available types of products and materials that are used to build or install, maintain or operate an Asset. Each catalogue item is for a specific product (AssetModel) available from a specific supplier."/>
13929 <eAnnotations source=
13930 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Catalogue of available types of products and materials that are used to build or install, maintain or operate an Asset. Each catalogue item is for a specific product (AssetModel) available from a specific supplier."/>
13932 <eAnnotations source=
13933 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Catalogue of available types of products and materials that are used to build or install, maintain or operate an Asset. Each catalogue item is for a specific product (AssetModel) available from a specific supplier."/>
13934 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Catalogue of available types of products and materials that are used to build or install, maintain or operate an Asset. Each catalogue item is for a specific product (AssetModel) available from a specific supplier."/>
13936 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
13937 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
13938 eOpposite=
13939 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
13940 containment=
13942 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerAssetModel" eSuperTypes=
13943 <eAnnotations source=
13944 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation for a type of a transformer of a particular product model made by a manufacturer."/>
13946 <eAnnotations source=
13947 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation for a type of a transformer of a particular product model made by a manufacturer."/>
13949 <eAnnotations source=
13950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation for a type of a transformer of a particular product model made by a manufacturer."/>
13951 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation for a type of a transformer of a particular product model made by a manufacturer."/>
13953 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"neutralBIL" eType=
13955 <eAnnotations source=
13956 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic Insulation Level of Neutral"/>
13958 <eAnnotations source=
13959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic Insulation Level of Neutral"/>
13961 </eStructuralFeatures>
13962 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13963 eType=
13965 <eAnnotations source=
13966 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of construction for this transformer."/>
13968 <eAnnotations source=
13969 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of construction for this transformer."/>
13971 </eStructuralFeatures>
13972 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13973 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Weight" unsettable=
13974 <eAnnotations source=
13975 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Weight of core and coils in transformer."/>
13977 <eAnnotations source=
13978 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Weight of core and coils in transformer."/>
13980 </eStructuralFeatures>
13981 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13982 eType=
13984 <eAnnotations source=
13985 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of insultation used for transformer windings."/>
13987 <eAnnotations source=
13988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of insultation used for transformer windings."/>
13990 </eStructuralFeatures>
13991 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
13992 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ApparentPower" unsettable=
13993 <eAnnotations source=
13994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"1-hour overload rating."/>
13996 <eAnnotations source=
13997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"1-hour overload rating."/>
13999 </eStructuralFeatures>
14000 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14001 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
14002 <eAnnotations source=
14003 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal voltage rating for alternate configuration for primary winding."/>
14005 <eAnnotations source=
14006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal voltage rating for alternate configuration for primary winding."/>
14008 </eStructuralFeatures>
14009 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14010 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
14011 <eAnnotations source=
14012 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal voltage rating for alternate configuration for secondary winding."/>
14014 <eAnnotations source=
14015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal voltage rating for alternate configuration for secondary winding."/>
14017 </eStructuralFeatures>
14018 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14019 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
14021 <eAnnotations source=
14022 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if windings can be re-configured to result in a different input or output voltage."/>
14024 <eAnnotations source=
14025 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if windings can be re-configured to result in a different input or output voltage."/>
14027 </eStructuralFeatures>
14028 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"function" eType=
14030 <eAnnotations source=
14031 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function of this transformer."/>
14033 <eAnnotations source=
14034 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function of this transformer."/>
14036 </eStructuralFeatures>
14037 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14038 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssetModels/OilPreservationKind" unsettable=
14039 <eAnnotations source=
14040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of oil preservation system."/>
14042 <eAnnotations source=
14043 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of oil preservation system."/>
14045 </eStructuralFeatures>
14046 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14047 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ApparentPower" unsettable=
14048 <eAnnotations source=
14049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"24-hour overload rating."/>
14051 <eAnnotations source=
14052 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"24-hour overload rating."/>
14054 </eStructuralFeatures>
14055 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreKind" eType=
14057 <eAnnotations source=
14058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core kind of this transformer product."/>
14060 <eAnnotations source=
14061 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core kind of this transformer product."/>
14063 </eStructuralFeatures>
14064 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14065 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
14067 <eAnnotations source=
14068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this is an autotransformer, false otherwise."/>
14070 <eAnnotations source=
14071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this is an autotransformer, false otherwise."/>
14073 </eStructuralFeatures>
14074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14075 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Weight" unsettable=
14076 <eAnnotations source=
14077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Weight of solid insultation in transformer."/>
14079 <eAnnotations source=
14080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Weight of solid insultation in transformer."/>
14082 </eStructuralFeatures>
14083 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14084 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
14085 eOpposite=
14086 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14087 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerTankInfo" eOpposite=
14089 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
14090 <eLiterals name=
14091 <eLiterals name=
"vaultThreePhase" value=
14092 <eLiterals name=
"network" value=
14093 <eLiterals name=
"padmounted" value=
14094 <eLiterals name=
"padmountLoopThrough" value=
14095 <eLiterals name=
"vault" value=
14096 <eLiterals name=
"onePhase" value=
14097 <eLiterals name=
"padmountFeedThrough" value=
14098 <eLiterals name=
"aerial" value=
14099 <eLiterals name=
"threePhase" value=
14100 <eLiterals name=
"unknown" value=
14101 <eLiterals name=
"overhead" value=
14102 <eLiterals name=
"padmountDeadFront" value=
14103 <eLiterals name=
"underground" value=
14104 <eLiterals name=
"padmountLiveFront" value=
14105 <eLiterals name=
"subway" value=
14107 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
14108 <eLiterals name=
14109 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
14110 <eLiterals name=
"nomex" value=
14111 <eLiterals name=
"paper" value=
14113 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
14114 <eLiterals name=
14115 <eLiterals name=
"core" value=
14117 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
14118 <eLiterals name=
14119 <eLiterals name=
"secondaryTransformer" value=
14120 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
14121 <eLiterals name=
"powerTransformer" value=
14122 <eLiterals name=
"voltageRegulator" value=
14124 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetModelCatalogueItem" eSuperTypes=
14125 <eAnnotations source=
14126 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Provides pricing and other relevant information about a specific manufacturer's product (i.e., AssetModel), and its price from a given supplier. A single AssetModel may be availble from multiple suppliers. Note that manufacturer and supplier are both types of organisation, which the association is inherited from Document."/>
14128 <eAnnotations source=
14129 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Provides pricing and other relevant information about a specific manufacturer's product (i.e., AssetModel), and its price from a given supplier. A single AssetModel may be availble from multiple suppliers. Note that manufacturer and supplier are both types of organisation, which the association is inherited from Document."/>
14131 <eAnnotations source=
14132 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Provides pricing and other relevant information about a specific manufacturer's product (i.e., AssetModel), and its price from a given supplier. A single AssetModel may be availble from multiple suppliers. Note that manufacturer and supplier are both types of organisation, which the association is inherited from Document."/>
14133 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Provides pricing and other relevant information about a specific manufacturer's product (i.e., AssetModel), and its price from a given supplier. A single AssetModel may be availble from multiple suppliers. Note that manufacturer and supplier are both types of organisation, which the association is inherited from Document."/>
14135 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPOLineItems" upperBound=
14136 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPOLineItem" eOpposite=
14137 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14138 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssetModels/AssetModelCatalogue" eOpposite=
14139 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetModel" eType=
14140 eOpposite=
14141 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14142 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
14143 eOpposite=
14144 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unitCost" eType=
14146 <eAnnotations source=
14147 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit cost for an asset model from a specific supplier, either for a unit cost or cost per unit length. Cost is for material or asset only and does not include labor to install/construct or configure it."/>
14149 <eAnnotations source=
14150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit cost for an asset model from a specific supplier, either for a unit cost or cost per unit length. Cost is for material or asset only and does not include labor to install/construct or configure it."/>
14152 </eStructuralFeatures>
14155 <eSubpackages name=
"InfTypeAsset" nsURI=
14156 nsPrefix=
14157 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TypeAssetCatalogue" eSuperTypes=
14158 <eAnnotations source=
14159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Catalogue of generic types of assets (TypeAsset) that may be used for design purposes. It is not associated with a particular manufacturer."/>
14161 <eAnnotations source=
14162 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Catalogue of generic types of assets (TypeAsset) that may be used for design purposes. It is not associated with a particular manufacturer."/>
14164 <eAnnotations source=
14165 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Catalogue of generic types of assets (TypeAsset) that may be used for design purposes. It is not associated with a particular manufacturer."/>
14166 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Catalogue of generic types of assets (TypeAsset) that may be used for design purposes. It is not associated with a particular manufacturer."/>
14168 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TypeAssets" upperBound=
14169 eType=
14170 eOpposite=
14171 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
14172 containment=
14174 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GeneratorTypeAsset" eSuperTypes=
14175 <eAnnotations source=
14176 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation for generic generation equipment that may be used for various purposes such as work planning. It defines both the Real and Reactive power properties (modelled at the PSR level as a GeneratingUnit + SynchronousMachine)"/>
14178 <eAnnotations source=
14179 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation for generic generation equipment that may be used for various purposes such as work planning. It defines both the Real and Reactive power properties (modelled at the PSR level as a GeneratingUnit + SynchronousMachine)"/>
14181 <eAnnotations source=
14182 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation for generic generation equipment that may be used for various purposes such as work planning. It defines both the Real and Reactive power properties (modelled at the PSR level as a GeneratingUnit + SynchronousMachine)"/>
14183 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation for generic generation equipment that may be used for various purposes such as work planning. It defines both the Real and Reactive power properties (modelled at the PSR level as a GeneratingUnit + SynchronousMachine)"/>
14185 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xDirectSync" eType=
14187 <eAnnotations source=
14188 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis synchronous reactance"/>
14190 <eAnnotations source=
14191 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis synchronous reactance"/>
14193 </eStructuralFeatures>
14194 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rQuadSubtrans" eType=
14196 <eAnnotations source=
14197 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis subtransient resistance"/>
14199 <eAnnotations source=
14200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis subtransient resistance"/>
14202 </eStructuralFeatures>
14203 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rDirectSync" eType=
14205 <eAnnotations source=
14206 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis synchronous resistance"/>
14208 <eAnnotations source=
14209 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis synchronous resistance"/>
14211 </eStructuralFeatures>
14212 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14213 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Resistance" unsettable=
14214 <eAnnotations source=
14215 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis subtransient resistance"/>
14217 <eAnnotations source=
14218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis subtransient resistance"/>
14220 </eStructuralFeatures>
14221 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxQ" eType=
14223 <eAnnotations source=
14224 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum reactive power limit."/>
14226 <eAnnotations source=
14227 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum reactive power limit."/>
14229 </eStructuralFeatures>
14230 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xQuadSync" eType=
14232 <eAnnotations source=
14233 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance"/>
14235 <eAnnotations source=
14236 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance"/>
14238 </eStructuralFeatures>
14239 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minQ" eType=
14241 <eAnnotations source=
14242 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum reactive power generated."/>
14244 <eAnnotations source=
14245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum reactive power generated."/>
14247 </eStructuralFeatures>
14248 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minP" eType=
14250 <eAnnotations source=
14251 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum real power generated."/>
14253 <eAnnotations source=
14254 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum real power generated."/>
14256 </eStructuralFeatures>
14257 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxP" eType=
14259 <eAnnotations source=
14260 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum real power limit."/>
14262 <eAnnotations source=
14263 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum real power limit."/>
14265 </eStructuralFeatures>
14266 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rQuadSync" eType=
14268 <eAnnotations source=
14269 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis synchronous resistance"/>
14271 <eAnnotations source=
14272 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis synchronous resistance"/>
14274 </eStructuralFeatures>
14275 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xQuadSubtrans" eType=
14277 <eAnnotations source=
14278 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance"/>
14280 <eAnnotations source=
14281 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance"/>
14283 </eStructuralFeatures>
14284 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rDirectTrans" eType=
14286 <eAnnotations source=
14287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis Transient resistance"/>
14289 <eAnnotations source=
14290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis Transient resistance"/>
14292 </eStructuralFeatures>
14293 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rQuadTrans" eType=
14295 <eAnnotations source=
14296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis Transient resistance"/>
14298 <eAnnotations source=
14299 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis Transient resistance"/>
14301 </eStructuralFeatures>
14302 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14303 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Reactance" unsettable=
14304 <eAnnotations source=
14305 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis subtransient reactance"/>
14307 <eAnnotations source=
14308 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis subtransient reactance"/>
14310 </eStructuralFeatures>
14311 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xDirectTrans" eType=
14313 <eAnnotations source=
14314 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis Transient reactance"/>
14316 <eAnnotations source=
14317 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis Transient reactance"/>
14319 </eStructuralFeatures>
14320 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xQuadTrans" eType=
14322 <eAnnotations source=
14323 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis transient reactance."/>
14325 <eAnnotations source=
14326 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis transient reactance."/>
14328 </eStructuralFeatures>
14332 <eSubpackages name=
"StateVariables" nsURI=
14333 nsPrefix=
14334 <eAnnotations source=
14335 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variables for analysis solutions such as powerflow."/>
14337 <eAnnotations source=
14338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variables for analysis solutions such as powerflow."/>
14340 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SvVoltage" eSuperTypes=
14341 <eAnnotations source=
14342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for voltage."/>
14344 <eAnnotations source=
14345 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for voltage."/>
14347 <eAnnotations source=
14348 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for voltage."/>
14349 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for voltage."/>
14351 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"angle" eType=
14353 <eAnnotations source=
14354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage angle in radians of the topological node."/>
14356 <eAnnotations source=
14357 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage angle in radians of the topological node."/>
14359 </eStructuralFeatures>
14360 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" eType=
14361 eOpposite=
14362 <eAnnotations source=
14363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the voltage state."/>
14365 <eAnnotations source=
14366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the voltage state."/>
14368 </eStructuralFeatures>
14369 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"v" eType=
14371 <eAnnotations source=
14372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage magnitude of the topological node."/>
14374 <eAnnotations source=
14375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage magnitude of the topological node."/>
14377 </eStructuralFeatures>
14379 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SvShortCircuit" eSuperTypes=
14380 <eAnnotations source=
14381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for short circuit."/>
14383 <eAnnotations source=
14384 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for short circuit."/>
14386 <eAnnotations source=
14387 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for short circuit."/>
14388 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for short circuit."/>
14390 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sShortCircuit" eType=
14392 <eAnnotations source=
14393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The short circuit apparent power drawn at this node when faulted."/>
14395 <eAnnotations source=
14396 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The short circuit apparent power drawn at this node when faulted."/>
14398 </eStructuralFeatures>
14399 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0PerR" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
14401 <eAnnotations source=
14402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ratio of zero sequence resistance to positive sequence resistance."/>
14404 <eAnnotations source=
14405 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ratio of zero sequence resistance to positive sequence resistance."/>
14407 </eStructuralFeatures>
14408 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0PerX" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
14410 <eAnnotations source=
14411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ratio of zero sequence reactance per positive sequence reactance."/>
14413 <eAnnotations source=
14414 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ratio of zero sequence reactance per positive sequence reactance."/>
14416 </eStructuralFeatures>
14417 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xPerR" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
14419 <eAnnotations source=
14420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio of positive sequence reactance per postive sequence resistance."/>
14422 <eAnnotations source=
14423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio of positive sequence reactance per postive sequence resistance."/>
14425 </eStructuralFeatures>
14426 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" eType=
14427 eOpposite=
14428 <eAnnotations source=
14429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the short circuit state."/>
14431 <eAnnotations source=
14432 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the short circuit state."/>
14434 </eStructuralFeatures>
14436 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SvShuntCompensatorSections" eSuperTypes=
14437 <eAnnotations source=
14438 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator."/>
14440 <eAnnotations source=
14441 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator."/>
14443 <eAnnotations source=
14444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator."/>
14445 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator."/>
14447 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sections" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
14449 <eAnnotations source=
14450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The number of sections in service as a continous variable. To get integer value scale with ShuntCompensator.bPerSection."/>
14452 <eAnnotations source=
14453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The number of sections in service as a continous variable. To get integer value scale with ShuntCompensator.bPerSection."/>
14455 </eStructuralFeatures>
14456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ShuntCompensator" eType=
14457 eOpposite=
14458 <eAnnotations source=
14459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The shunt compensator for which the state applies."/>
14461 <eAnnotations source=
14462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The shunt compensator for which the state applies."/>
14464 </eStructuralFeatures>
14466 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StateVariable" eSuperTypes=
14467 <eAnnotations source=
14468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An abstract class for state variables."/>
14470 <eAnnotations source=
14471 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An abstract class for state variables."/>
14473 <eAnnotations source=
14474 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An abstract class for state variables."/>
14475 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An abstract class for state variables."/>
14478 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SvTapStep" eSuperTypes=
14479 <eAnnotations source=
14480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for transformer tap step. This class is to be used for taps of LTC (load tap changing) transformers, not fixed tap transformers. Normally a profile specifies only one of the attributes "position"or "tapRatio"."/>
14482 <eAnnotations source=
14483 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for transformer tap step. This class is to be used for taps of LTC (load tap changing) transformers, not fixed tap transformers. Normally a profile specifies only one of the attributes "position"or "tapRatio"."/>
14485 <eAnnotations source=
14486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for transformer tap step. This class is to be used for taps of LTC (load tap changing) transformers, not fixed tap transformers. Normally a profile specifies only one of the attributes "position"or "tapRatio"."/>
14487 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for transformer tap step. This class is to be used for taps of LTC (load tap changing) transformers, not fixed tap transformers. Normally a profile specifies only one of the attributes "position"or "tapRatio"."/>
14489 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TapChanger" eType=
14490 eOpposite=
14491 <eAnnotations source=
14492 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap changer associated with the tap step state."/>
14494 <eAnnotations source=
14495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap changer associated with the tap step state."/>
14497 </eStructuralFeatures>
14498 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"position" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
14500 <eAnnotations source=
14501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The floating point tap position. To get integer value scale with range and round off."/>
14503 <eAnnotations source=
14504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The floating point tap position. To get integer value scale with range and round off."/>
14506 </eStructuralFeatures>
14508 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SvStatus" eSuperTypes=
14509 <eAnnotations source=
14510 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for status."/>
14512 <eAnnotations source=
14513 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for status."/>
14515 <eAnnotations source=
14516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for status."/>
14517 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for status."/>
14519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14520 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConductingEquipment" eOpposite=
14521 <eAnnotations source=
14522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The conducting equipment associated with the status state."/>
14524 <eAnnotations source=
14525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The conducting equipment associated with the status state."/>
14527 </eStructuralFeatures>
14528 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"inService" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
14530 <eAnnotations source=
14531 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The in service status as a result of topology processing."/>
14533 <eAnnotations source=
14534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The in service status as a result of topology processing."/>
14536 </eStructuralFeatures>
14538 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SvInjection" eSuperTypes=
14539 <eAnnotations source=
14540 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Injection state variable. Positive sign means flow into the TopologicalNode."/>
14542 <eAnnotations source=
14543 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Injection state variable. Positive sign means flow into the TopologicalNode."/>
14545 <eAnnotations source=
14546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Injection state variable. Positive sign means flow into the TopologicalNode."/>
14547 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Injection state variable. Positive sign means flow into the TopologicalNode."/>
14549 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pNetInjection" eType=
14551 <eAnnotations source=
14552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power injected into the bus at this location. Positive sign means injection into the bus."/>
14554 <eAnnotations source=
14555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power injected into the bus at this location. Positive sign means injection into the bus."/>
14557 </eStructuralFeatures>
14558 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qNetInjection" eType=
14560 <eAnnotations source=
14561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactive power injected into the bus at this location. Positive sign means injection into the bus."/>
14563 <eAnnotations source=
14564 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactive power injected into the bus at this location. Positive sign means injection into the bus."/>
14566 </eStructuralFeatures>
14567 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" eType=
14568 eOpposite=
14569 <eAnnotations source=
14570 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the state injection."/>
14572 <eAnnotations source=
14573 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the state injection."/>
14575 </eStructuralFeatures>
14577 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SvPowerFlow" eSuperTypes=
14578 <eAnnotations source=
14579 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for power flow. Load convention is used for flow direction. This means flow out from the TopologicalNode into the equipment is positive."/>
14581 <eAnnotations source=
14582 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for power flow. Load convention is used for flow direction. This means flow out from the TopologicalNode into the equipment is positive."/>
14584 <eAnnotations source=
14585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"State variable for power flow. Load convention is used for flow direction. This means flow out from the TopologicalNode into the equipment is positive."/>
14586 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"State variable for power flow. Load convention is used for flow direction. This means flow out from the TopologicalNode into the equipment is positive."/>
14588 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
14589 eOpposite=
14590 <eAnnotations source=
14591 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal associated with the power flow state."/>
14593 <eAnnotations source=
14594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal associated with the power flow state."/>
14596 </eStructuralFeatures>
14597 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"p" eType=
14599 <eAnnotations source=
14600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
14602 <eAnnotations source=
14603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The active power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
14605 </eStructuralFeatures>
14606 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"q" eType=
14608 <eAnnotations source=
14609 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactive power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
14611 <eAnnotations source=
14612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactive power flow. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
14614 </eStructuralFeatures>
14616 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TopologicalIsland" eSuperTypes=
14617 <eAnnotations source=
14618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrically connected subset of the network. Topological islands can change as the current network state changes: e.g. due to 
- disconnect switches or breakers change state in a SCADA/EMS
- manual creation, change or deletion of TopologicalNodes in a planning tool."/>
14620 <eAnnotations source=
14621 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrically connected subset of the network. Topological islands can change as the current network state changes: e.g. due to 
- disconnect switches or breakers change state in a SCADA/EMS
- manual creation, change or deletion of TopologicalNodes in a planning tool."/>
14623 <eAnnotations source=
14624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrically connected subset of the network. Topological islands can change as the current network state changes: e.g. due to 
- disconnect switches or breakers change state in a SCADA/EMS
- manual creation, change or deletion of TopologicalNodes in a planning tool."/>
14625 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrically connected subset of the network. Topological islands can change as the current network state changes: e.g. due to 
- disconnect switches or breakers change state in a SCADA/EMS
- manual creation, change or deletion of TopologicalNodes in a planning tool."/>
14627 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14628 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Topology/TopologicalNode" eOpposite=
14629 <eAnnotations source=
14630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The angle reference for the island. Normally there is one TopologicalNode that is selected as the angle reference for each island. Other reference schemes exist, so the association is optional."/>
14632 <eAnnotations source=
14633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The angle reference for the island. Normally there is one TopologicalNode that is selected as the angle reference for each island. Other reference schemes exist, so the association is optional."/>
14635 </eStructuralFeatures>
14636 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNodes" upperBound=
14637 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Topology/TopologicalNode" eOpposite=
14638 <eAnnotations source=
14639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A topological node belongs to a topological island"/>
14641 <eAnnotations source=
14642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A topological node belongs to a topological island"/>
14644 </eStructuralFeatures>
14647 <eSubpackages name=
"Wires" nsURI=
14648 nsPrefix=
14649 <eAnnotations source=
14650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core and Topology package that models information on the electrical characteristics of Transmission and Distribution networks. This package is used by network applications such as State Estimation, Load Flow and Optimal Power Flow."/>
14652 <eAnnotations source=
14653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core and Topology package that models information on the electrical characteristics of Transmission and Distribution networks. This package is used by network applications such as State Estimation, Load Flow and Optimal Power Flow."/>
14655 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseImpedanceData" eSuperTypes=
14656 <eAnnotations source=
14657 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Triplet of resistance, reactance, and susceptance matrix element values."/>
14659 <eAnnotations source=
14660 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Triplet of resistance, reactance, and susceptance matrix element values."/>
14662 <eAnnotations source=
14663 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Triplet of resistance, reactance, and susceptance matrix element values."/>
14664 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Triplet of resistance, reactance, and susceptance matrix element values."/>
14666 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
14668 <eAnnotations source=
14669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance matrix element value, per length of unit."/>
14671 <eAnnotations source=
14672 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance matrix element value, per length of unit."/>
14674 </eStructuralFeatures>
14675 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
14677 <eAnnotations source=
14678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance matrix element value, per length of unit."/>
14680 <eAnnotations source=
14681 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance matrix element value, per length of unit."/>
14683 </eStructuralFeatures>
14684 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PhaseImpedance" eType=
14685 eOpposite=
14686 <eAnnotations source=
14687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor phase impedance to which this data belongs."/>
14689 <eAnnotations source=
14690 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor phase impedance to which this data belongs."/>
14692 </eStructuralFeatures>
14693 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b" eType=
14695 <eAnnotations source=
14696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Susceptance matrix element value, per length of unit."/>
14698 <eAnnotations source=
14699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Susceptance matrix element value, per length of unit."/>
14701 </eStructuralFeatures>
14702 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
14704 <eAnnotations source=
14705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Column-wise element index, assuming a symmetrical matrix. Ranges from 1 to N + N*(N-1)/2."/>
14707 <eAnnotations source=
14708 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Column-wise element index, assuming a symmetrical matrix. Ranges from 1 to N + N*(N-1)/2."/>
14710 </eStructuralFeatures>
14712 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TapSchedule" eSuperTypes=
14713 <eAnnotations source=
14714 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a tap step."/>
14716 <eAnnotations source=
14717 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a tap step."/>
14719 <eAnnotations source=
14720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a tap step."/>
14721 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a tap step."/>
14723 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TapChanger" eType=
14724 eOpposite=
14725 <eAnnotations source=
14726 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A TapSchedule is associated with a TapChanger."/>
14728 <eAnnotations source=
14729 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A TapSchedule is associated with a TapChanger."/>
14731 </eStructuralFeatures>
14733 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
14734 <eLiterals name=
14735 <eLiterals name=
"phaseControl" value=
14736 <eLiterals name=
"fixed" value=
14737 <eLiterals name=
"voltageControl" value=
14739 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerStarImpedance" eSuperTypes=
14740 <eAnnotations source=
14741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer star impedance (Pi-model) that accurately reflects impedance for transformers with 2 or 3 windings. For transformers with 4 or more windings, you must use TransformerTank model and related classes.
For transmission networks use PowerTransformerEnd impedances (r, r0, x, x0, b, b0, g and g0)."/>
14743 <eAnnotations source=
14744 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer star impedance (Pi-model) that accurately reflects impedance for transformers with 2 or 3 windings. For transformers with 4 or more windings, you must use TransformerTank model and related classes.
For transmission networks use PowerTransformerEnd impedances (r, r0, x, x0, b, b0, g and g0)."/>
14746 <eAnnotations source=
14747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer star impedance (Pi-model) that accurately reflects impedance for transformers with 2 or 3 windings. For transformers with 4 or more windings, you must use TransformerTank model and related classes.
For transmission networks use PowerTransformerEnd impedances (r, r0, x, x0, b, b0, g and g0)."/>
14748 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer star impedance (Pi-model) that accurately reflects impedance for transformers with 2 or 3 windings. For transformers with 4 or more windings, you must use TransformerTank model and related classes.
For transmission networks use PowerTransformerEnd impedances (r, r0, x, x0, b, b0, g and g0)."/>
14750 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
14752 <eAnnotations source=
14753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance of the transformer end."/>
14755 <eAnnotations source=
14756 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance of the transformer end."/>
14758 </eStructuralFeatures>
14759 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
14761 <eAnnotations source=
14762 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance of the transformer end."/>
14764 <eAnnotations source=
14765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance of the transformer end."/>
14767 </eStructuralFeatures>
14768 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
14770 <eAnnotations source=
14771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance of the transformer end."/>
14773 <eAnnotations source=
14774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance of the transformer end."/>
14776 </eStructuralFeatures>
14777 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
14779 <eAnnotations source=
14780 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance of the transformer end."/>
14782 <eAnnotations source=
14783 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance of the transformer end."/>
14785 </eStructuralFeatures>
14786 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerEnd" upperBound=
14787 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerEnd" eOpposite=
14788 <eAnnotations source=
14789 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends having this star impedance."/>
14791 <eAnnotations source=
14792 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends having this star impedance."/>
14794 </eStructuralFeatures>
14796 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
14797 <eLiterals name=
14798 <eLiterals name=
"primary" value=
14799 <eLiterals name=
"secondary" value=
14800 <eLiterals name=
"quaternary" value=
14802 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Recloser" eSuperTypes=
14803 <eAnnotations source=
14804 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole-mounted fault interrupter with built-in phase and ground relays, current transformer (CT), and supplemental controls."/>
14806 <eAnnotations source=
14807 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pole-mounted fault interrupter with built-in phase and ground relays, current transformer (CT), and supplemental controls."/>
14809 <eAnnotations source=
14810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pole-mounted fault interrupter with built-in phase and ground relays, current transformer (CT), and supplemental controls."/>
14811 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Pole-mounted fault interrupter with built-in phase and ground relays, current transformer (CT), and supplemental controls."/>
14814 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RatioTapChangerTabularPoint" eSuperTypes=
14815 <eAnnotations source=
14816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"RatioTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
14818 <eAnnotations source=
14819 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"RatioTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
14821 <eAnnotations source=
14822 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"RatioTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
14823 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"RatioTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
14825 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
14827 <eAnnotations source=
14828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance deviation in percent of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows
xcal = xnom(1 + x/100)."/>
14830 <eAnnotations source=
14831 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance deviation in percent of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows
xcal = xnom(1 + x/100)."/>
14833 </eStructuralFeatures>
14834 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14835 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RatioTapChangerTabular" eOpposite=
14836 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratio" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
14838 <eAnnotations source=
14839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage ratio in per unit. Hence this is a value close to one."/>
14841 <eAnnotations source=
14842 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage ratio in per unit. Hence this is a value close to one."/>
14844 </eStructuralFeatures>
14845 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"step" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
14847 <eAnnotations source=
14848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step."/>
14850 <eAnnotations source=
14851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step."/>
14853 </eStructuralFeatures>
14855 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseTapChangerTabular" eSuperTypes=
14856 <eAnnotations source=
14857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"With PhaseTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the the phase angle difference and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
14859 <eAnnotations source=
14860 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"With PhaseTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the the phase angle difference and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
14862 <eAnnotations source=
14863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"With PhaseTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the the phase angle difference and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
14864 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"With PhaseTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the the phase angle difference and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
14866 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14867 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
14868 eOpposite=
14869 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PhaseTapChanger" upperBound=
14870 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/PhaseTapChanger" eOpposite=
14872 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
14873 <eLiterals name=
14874 <eLiterals name=
"generator" value=
14876 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RatioTapChanger" eSuperTypes=
14877 <eAnnotations source=
14878 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer."/>
14880 <eAnnotations source=
14881 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer."/>
14883 <eAnnotations source=
14884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer."/>
14885 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A tap changer that changes the voltage ratio impacting the voltage magnitude but not the phase angle across the transformer."/>
14887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14888 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PerCent" unsettable=
14889 <eAnnotations source=
14890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step increment, in per cent of nominal voltage, per step position. For a symmetrical PhaseTapChanger, the stepVoltageIncrement is used in the formula for calculation of the phase angle. For a symmetrical PhaseTapChanger, the voltage magnitude does not change with tap step."/>
14892 <eAnnotations source=
14893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step increment, in per cent of nominal voltage, per step position. For a symmetrical PhaseTapChanger, the stepVoltageIncrement is used in the formula for calculation of the phase angle. For a symmetrical PhaseTapChanger, the voltage magnitude does not change with tap step."/>
14895 </eStructuralFeatures>
14896 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14897 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RatioTapChangerTabular" eOpposite=
14898 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tculControlMode" eType=
14900 <eAnnotations source=
14901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the regulation control mode (voltage or reactive) of the RatioTapChanger."/>
14903 <eAnnotations source=
14904 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the regulation control mode (voltage or reactive) of the RatioTapChanger."/>
14906 </eStructuralFeatures>
14907 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerEnd" eType=
14908 eOpposite=
14909 <eAnnotations source=
14910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end to which this ratio tap changer belongs."/>
14912 <eAnnotations source=
14913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end to which this ratio tap changer belongs."/>
14915 </eStructuralFeatures>
14917 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseTapChangerLinear" eSuperTypes=
14918 <eAnnotations source=
14919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerLinear describes a linear relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer. This is a mathematical model that is an approximation of a real phase tap changer."/>
14921 <eAnnotations source=
14922 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerLinear describes a linear relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer. This is a mathematical model that is an approximation of a real phase tap changer."/>
14924 <eAnnotations source=
14925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerLinear describes a linear relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer. This is a mathematical model that is an approximation of a real phase tap changer."/>
14926 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerLinear describes a linear relation between the tap step and the phase angle difference across the transformer. This is a mathematical model that is an approximation of a real phase tap changer."/>
14928 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
14929 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Anglerees" unsettable=
14930 <eAnnotations source=
14931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase shift per step position. A positive value indicates a positive phase shift from the winding where the tap is located to the other winding (for a two-winding transformer).
The actual phase shift increment might be more accurately computed from the symmetrical or asymmetrical models or a tap step table lookup if those are available."/>
14933 <eAnnotations source=
14934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase shift per step position. A positive value indicates a positive phase shift from the winding where the tap is located to the other winding (for a two-winding transformer).
The actual phase shift increment might be more accurately computed from the symmetrical or asymmetrical models or a tap step table lookup if those are available."/>
14936 </eStructuralFeatures>
14938 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ACLineSegment" eSuperTypes=
14939 <eAnnotations source=
14940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system.
For symmetrical, transposed 3ph lines, it is sufficient to use ACLineSegment attributes, which describe sequence impedances and admittances for the entire length of the segment.
If per lenght impedance data is available from a library of standard types, impedances and admittances can be calculated in one of the following ways:
- calculate electrical parameters from asset data, using associated ConductorInfo, with values then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate unbalanced electrical parameters from associated PerLengthPhaseImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate transposed electrical parameters from associated PerLengthSequenceImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a sequence model."/>
14942 <eAnnotations source=
14943 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system.
For symmetrical, transposed 3ph lines, it is sufficient to use ACLineSegment attributes, which describe sequence impedances and admittances for the entire length of the segment.
If per lenght impedance data is available from a library of standard types, impedances and admittances can be calculated in one of the following ways:
- calculate electrical parameters from asset data, using associated ConductorInfo, with values then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate unbalanced electrical parameters from associated PerLengthPhaseImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate transposed electrical parameters from associated PerLengthSequenceImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a sequence model."/>
14945 <eAnnotations source=
14946 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system.
For symmetrical, transposed 3ph lines, it is sufficient to use ACLineSegment attributes, which describe sequence impedances and admittances for the entire length of the segment.
If per lenght impedance data is available from a library of standard types, impedances and admittances can be calculated in one of the following ways:
- calculate electrical parameters from asset data, using associated ConductorInfo, with values then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate unbalanced electrical parameters from associated PerLengthPhaseImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate transposed electrical parameters from associated PerLengthSequenceImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a sequence model."/>
14947 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system.
For symmetrical, transposed 3ph lines, it is sufficient to use ACLineSegment attributes, which describe sequence impedances and admittances for the entire length of the segment.
If per lenght impedance data is available from a library of standard types, impedances and admittances can be calculated in one of the following ways:
- calculate electrical parameters from asset data, using associated ConductorInfo, with values then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate unbalanced electrical parameters from associated PerLengthPhaseImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a matrix model.
- calculate transposed electrical parameters from associated PerLengthSequenceImpedance, then multiplied by Conductor.length to produce a sequence model."/>
14949 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g0ch" eType=
14951 <eAnnotations source=
14952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
14954 <eAnnotations source=
14955 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
14957 </eStructuralFeatures>
14958 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
14959 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/PerLengthSequenceImpedance" eOpposite=
14960 <eAnnotations source=
14961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence impedance of this line segment; used for balanced model."/>
14963 <eAnnotations source=
14964 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence impedance of this line segment; used for balanced model."/>
14966 </eStructuralFeatures>
14967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ConductorAssets" upperBound=
14968 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/ConductorAsset" eOpposite=
14969 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
14971 <eAnnotations source=
14972 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance of the entire line section."/>
14974 <eAnnotations source=
14975 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance of the entire line section."/>
14977 </eStructuralFeatures>
14978 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
14980 <eAnnotations source=
14981 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance of the entire line section."/>
14983 <eAnnotations source=
14984 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance of the entire line section."/>
14986 </eStructuralFeatures>
14987 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ConductorInfo" eType=
14988 eOpposite=
14989 <eAnnotations source=
14990 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor data for this line segment."/>
14992 <eAnnotations source=
14993 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor data for this line segment."/>
14995 </eStructuralFeatures>
14996 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gch" eType=
14998 <eAnnotations source=
14999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
15001 <eAnnotations source=
15002 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
15004 </eStructuralFeatures>
15005 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
15007 <eAnnotations source=
15008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance of the entire line section."/>
15010 <eAnnotations source=
15011 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance of the entire line section."/>
15013 </eStructuralFeatures>
15014 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bch" eType=
15016 <eAnnotations source=
15017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section. This value represents the full charging over the full length of the line."/>
15019 <eAnnotations source=
15020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section. This value represents the full charging over the full length of the line."/>
15022 </eStructuralFeatures>
15023 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b0ch" eType=
15025 <eAnnotations source=
15026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
15028 <eAnnotations source=
15029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
15031 </eStructuralFeatures>
15032 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Cut" upperBound=
15033 eType=
"#//IEC61970/CutsJumpers/Cut" eOpposite=
15034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PhaseImpedance" eType=
15035 eOpposite=
15036 <eAnnotations source=
15037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase impedance of this line segment; used for unbalanced model."/>
15039 <eAnnotations source=
15040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase impedance of this line segment; used for unbalanced model."/>
15042 </eStructuralFeatures>
15043 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Clamp" upperBound=
15044 eType=
"#//IEC61970/CutsJumpers/Clamp" eOpposite=
15045 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
15047 <eAnnotations source=
15048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance of the entire line section."/>
15050 <eAnnotations source=
15051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance of the entire line section."/>
15053 </eStructuralFeatures>
15055 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerTransformerEnd" eSuperTypes=
15056 <eAnnotations source=
15057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.
The impdedance values r, r0, x, and x0 of a PowerTransformerEnd represents a star equivalentas follows
1) for a two Terminal PowerTransformer the high voltage PowerTransformerEnd has non zero values on r, r0, x, and x0 while the low voltage PowerTransformerEnd has zero values for r, r0, x, and x0.
2) for a three Terminal PowerTransformer the three PowerTransformerEnds represents a star equivalent with each leg in the star represented by r, r0, x, and x0 values.
3) for a PowerTransformer with more than three Terminals the PowerTransformerEnd impedance values cannot be used. Instead use the TransformerMeshImpedance or split the transformer into multiple PowerTransformers."/>
15059 <eAnnotations source=
15060 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.
The impdedance values r, r0, x, and x0 of a PowerTransformerEnd represents a star equivalentas follows
1) for a two Terminal PowerTransformer the high voltage PowerTransformerEnd has non zero values on r, r0, x, and x0 while the low voltage PowerTransformerEnd has zero values for r, r0, x, and x0.
2) for a three Terminal PowerTransformer the three PowerTransformerEnds represents a star equivalent with each leg in the star represented by r, r0, x, and x0 values.
3) for a PowerTransformer with more than three Terminals the PowerTransformerEnd impedance values cannot be used. Instead use the TransformerMeshImpedance or split the transformer into multiple PowerTransformers."/>
15062 <eAnnotations source=
15063 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.
The impdedance values r, r0, x, and x0 of a PowerTransformerEnd represents a star equivalentas follows
1) for a two Terminal PowerTransformer the high voltage PowerTransformerEnd has non zero values on r, r0, x, and x0 while the low voltage PowerTransformerEnd has zero values for r, r0, x, and x0.
2) for a three Terminal PowerTransformer the three PowerTransformerEnds represents a star equivalent with each leg in the star represented by r, r0, x, and x0 values.
3) for a PowerTransformer with more than three Terminals the PowerTransformerEnd impedance values cannot be used. Instead use the TransformerMeshImpedance or split the transformer into multiple PowerTransformers."/>
15064 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer.
The impdedance values r, r0, x, and x0 of a PowerTransformerEnd represents a star equivalentas follows
1) for a two Terminal PowerTransformer the high voltage PowerTransformerEnd has non zero values on r, r0, x, and x0 while the low voltage PowerTransformerEnd has zero values for r, r0, x, and x0.
2) for a three Terminal PowerTransformer the three PowerTransformerEnds represents a star equivalent with each leg in the star represented by r, r0, x, and x0 values.
3) for a PowerTransformer with more than three Terminals the PowerTransformerEnd impedance values cannot be used. Instead use the TransformerMeshImpedance or split the transformer into multiple PowerTransformers."/>
15066 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PowerTransformer" eType=
15067 eOpposite=
15068 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
15070 <eAnnotations source=
15071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance of the transformer end."/>
15073 <eAnnotations source=
15074 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance of the transformer end."/>
15076 </eStructuralFeatures>
15077 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b0" eType=
15079 <eAnnotations source=
15080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch susceptance."/>
15082 <eAnnotations source=
15083 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch susceptance."/>
15085 </eStructuralFeatures>
15086 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g0" eType=
15088 <eAnnotations source=
15089 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch conductance (star-model)."/>
15091 <eAnnotations source=
15092 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch conductance (star-model)."/>
15094 </eStructuralFeatures>
15095 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedS" eType=
15097 <eAnnotations source=
15098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal apparent power rating."/>
15100 <eAnnotations source=
15101 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal apparent power rating."/>
15103 </eStructuralFeatures>
15104 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b" eType=
15106 <eAnnotations source=
15107 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch susceptance (B mag). The value can be positive or negative."/>
15109 <eAnnotations source=
15110 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch susceptance (B mag). The value can be positive or negative."/>
15112 </eStructuralFeatures>
15113 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedU" eType=
15115 <eAnnotations source=
15116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings."/>
15118 <eAnnotations source=
15119 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings."/>
15121 </eStructuralFeatures>
15122 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g" eType=
15124 <eAnnotations source=
15125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch conductance (G mag)."/>
15127 <eAnnotations source=
15128 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch conductance (G mag)."/>
15130 </eStructuralFeatures>
15131 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
15133 <eAnnotations source=
15134 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (star-model) of the transformer end."/>
15136 <eAnnotations source=
15137 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (star-model) of the transformer end."/>
15139 </eStructuralFeatures>
15140 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
15142 <eAnnotations source=
15143 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance (star-model) of the transformer end."/>
15145 <eAnnotations source=
15146 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance (star-model) of the transformer end."/>
15148 </eStructuralFeatures>
15149 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
15151 <eAnnotations source=
15152 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance (star-model) of the transformer end."/>
15154 <eAnnotations source=
15155 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance (star-model) of the transformer end."/>
15157 </eStructuralFeatures>
15158 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"connectionKind" eType=
15160 <eAnnotations source=
15161 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of connection."/>
15163 <eAnnotations source=
15164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of connection."/>
15166 </eStructuralFeatures>
15168 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Junction" eSuperTypes=
15169 <eAnnotations source=
15170 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A point where one or more conducting equipments are connected with zero resistance."/>
15172 <eAnnotations source=
15173 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A point where one or more conducting equipments are connected with zero resistance."/>
15175 <eAnnotations source=
15176 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A point where one or more conducting equipments are connected with zero resistance."/>
15177 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A point where one or more conducting equipments are connected with zero resistance."/>
15180 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RegulatingCondEq" eSuperTypes=
15181 <eAnnotations source=
15182 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quanity (i.e. voltage or flow) at a specific point in the network."/>
15184 <eAnnotations source=
15185 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quanity (i.e. voltage or flow) at a specific point in the network."/>
15187 <eAnnotations source=
15188 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quanity (i.e. voltage or flow) at a specific point in the network."/>
15189 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quanity (i.e. voltage or flow) at a specific point in the network."/>
15191 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Controls" upperBound=
15192 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Control" eOpposite=
15193 <eAnnotations source=
15194 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The controller outputs used to actually govern a regulating device, e.g. the magnetization of a synchronous machine or capacitor bank breaker actuator."/>
15196 <eAnnotations source=
15197 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The controller outputs used to actually govern a regulating device, e.g. the magnetization of a synchronous machine or capacitor bank breaker actuator."/>
15199 </eStructuralFeatures>
15200 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15201 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RegulatingControl" eOpposite=
15202 <eAnnotations source=
15203 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The regulating control scheme in which this equipment participates."/>
15205 <eAnnotations source=
15206 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The regulating control scheme in which this equipment participates."/>
15208 </eStructuralFeatures>
15210 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Sectionaliser" eSuperTypes=
15211 <eAnnotations source=
15212 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Automatic switch that will lock open to isolate a faulted section. It may, or may not, have load breaking capability. Its primary purpose is to provide fault sectionalising at locations where the fault current is either too high, or too low, for proper coordination of fuses."/>
15214 <eAnnotations source=
15215 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Automatic switch that will lock open to isolate a faulted section. It may, or may not, have load breaking capability. Its primary purpose is to provide fault sectionalising at locations where the fault current is either too high, or too low, for proper coordination of fuses."/>
15217 <eAnnotations source=
15218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Automatic switch that will lock open to isolate a faulted section. It may, or may not, have load breaking capability. Its primary purpose is to provide fault sectionalising at locations where the fault current is either too high, or too low, for proper coordination of fuses."/>
15219 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Automatic switch that will lock open to isolate a faulted section. It may, or may not, have load breaking capability. Its primary purpose is to provide fault sectionalising at locations where the fault current is either too high, or too low, for proper coordination of fuses."/>
15222 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RatioTapChangerTabular" eSuperTypes=
15223 <eAnnotations source=
15224 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"With RatioTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the voltage magnitude and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
15226 <eAnnotations source=
15227 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"With RatioTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the voltage magnitude and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
15229 <eAnnotations source=
15230 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"With RatioTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the voltage magnitude and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
15231 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"With RatioTapChangerTabular it is possible to describe curve how the voltage magnitude and reactance varies with the tap step."/>
15233 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15234 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
15235 eOpposite=
15236 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RatioTapChanger" upperBound=
15237 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RatioTapChanger" eOpposite=
15239 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerTransformer" eSuperTypes=
15240 <eAnnotations source=
15241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits. Transformers can be used to control voltage and phase shift (active power flow).
A power transformer may be composed of separate transformer tanks that need not be identical.
The same power transformer can be modelled in two ways, namely with and without tanks:
	<li>The power transformer that uses power transformer ends directly (without tanks) is suitable for balanced three-phase models. This is typical for transmission and sub-transmission network modelling. Such a transformer will require one power transformer end for each physical winding. There must be a one-to-one association between PowerTransformerEnd and Core::Terminal.</li>
	<li>The power transformer that uses transformer tanks is suitable for an unbalanced transformer, a balanced transformer within a single tank, or a balanced transformer made up of three tanks. This is typical for distribution network modelling and the only choice when modelling an unbalanced transformer, or a transformer that has more than three windings. Power transformer modelled with tanks will require for each tank, one transformer tank end per physical winding in the tank. There may be one, two, or three phases in the transformer tank end. Examples: 3 phases for 3-phase delta or wye connected windings, 2 for one phase-to-phase winding, and 1 for a phase-to-neutral or phase-to-ground winding. With 1 or 2 phases, more than one transformer tank end may be associated to the same 3-phase Core::Terminal instance, while with 3 phases there should be a one-to-one association.</li>
This power transformer model is flexible in order to support different kinds of data exchange requirements. There are 5 possible ways to combine available classes and their attributes:
	<li>Instance parameters - Use the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes on PowerTransformerEnd and ignore related TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option assumes a star connection of the series impedances. It is suitable for typical transmission, balanced three-phase transformer models, for transformers with 2 or three windings.</li>
	<li>Star instance parameters by association - Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerStarImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmitance. This option is suitable in same scenarios as option 1, but when catalogue data is available for transformers.</li>
	<li>Mesh instance parameters by association: Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports transformers with more than three windings.</li>
	<li>Catalog mesh parameters by association - Instead of attributes r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 and associations to TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance, use the association to TransformerEndInfo. The TransformerEnd.endNumber should match the corresponding TransformerEndInfo.endNumber, following the IEC standard convention of numbering from the highest voltage ends to the lowest, starting at 1. This matching supports higher-level use of a catalog, through just one association between TransformerTank and TransformerTankInfo, with simpler exchanges and incremental updates. The associated TransformerEndInfo will have associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports unbalanced transformer, with more than three windings and is suitable whenever the transformer test data has been converted to an electrical model.</li>
	<li>Catalog test data by association - This is the same as option 4, except TransformerEndInfo will have associations to AssetModels::TransformerTest decendents, instead of to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option is suitable when the test data is available, and the receiving application is able to interpret the test data.</li>
Every profile should specify which one or more of these options are supported."/>
15243 <eAnnotations source=
15244 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits. Transformers can be used to control voltage and phase shift (active power flow).
A power transformer may be composed of separate transformer tanks that need not be identical.
The same power transformer can be modelled in two ways, namely with and without tanks:
	<li>The power transformer that uses power transformer ends directly (without tanks) is suitable for balanced three-phase models. This is typical for transmission and sub-transmission network modelling. Such a transformer will require one power transformer end for each physical winding. There must be a one-to-one association between PowerTransformerEnd and Core::Terminal.</li>
	<li>The power transformer that uses transformer tanks is suitable for an unbalanced transformer, a balanced transformer within a single tank, or a balanced transformer made up of three tanks. This is typical for distribution network modelling and the only choice when modelling an unbalanced transformer, or a transformer that has more than three windings. Power transformer modelled with tanks will require for each tank, one transformer tank end per physical winding in the tank. There may be one, two, or three phases in the transformer tank end. Examples: 3 phases for 3-phase delta or wye connected windings, 2 for one phase-to-phase winding, and 1 for a phase-to-neutral or phase-to-ground winding. With 1 or 2 phases, more than one transformer tank end may be associated to the same 3-phase Core::Terminal instance, while with 3 phases there should be a one-to-one association.</li>
This power transformer model is flexible in order to support different kinds of data exchange requirements. There are 5 possible ways to combine available classes and their attributes:
	<li>Instance parameters - Use the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes on PowerTransformerEnd and ignore related TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option assumes a star connection of the series impedances. It is suitable for typical transmission, balanced three-phase transformer models, for transformers with 2 or three windings.</li>
	<li>Star instance parameters by association - Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerStarImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmitance. This option is suitable in same scenarios as option 1, but when catalogue data is available for transformers.</li>
	<li>Mesh instance parameters by association: Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports transformers with more than three windings.</li>
	<li>Catalog mesh parameters by association - Instead of attributes r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 and associations to TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance, use the association to TransformerEndInfo. The TransformerEnd.endNumber should match the corresponding TransformerEndInfo.endNumber, following the IEC standard convention of numbering from the highest voltage ends to the lowest, starting at 1. This matching supports higher-level use of a catalog, through just one association between TransformerTank and TransformerTankInfo, with simpler exchanges and incremental updates. The associated TransformerEndInfo will have associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports unbalanced transformer, with more than three windings and is suitable whenever the transformer test data has been converted to an electrical model.</li>
	<li>Catalog test data by association - This is the same as option 4, except TransformerEndInfo will have associations to AssetModels::TransformerTest decendents, instead of to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option is suitable when the test data is available, and the receiving application is able to interpret the test data.</li>
Every profile should specify which one or more of these options are supported."/>
15246 <eAnnotations source=
15247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits. Transformers can be used to control voltage and phase shift (active power flow).
A power transformer may be composed of separate transformer tanks that need not be identical.
The same power transformer can be modelled in two ways, namely with and without tanks:
	<li>The power transformer that uses power transformer ends directly (without tanks) is suitable for balanced three-phase models. This is typical for transmission and sub-transmission network modelling. Such a transformer will require one power transformer end for each physical winding. There must be a one-to-one association between PowerTransformerEnd and Core::Terminal.</li>
	<li>The power transformer that uses transformer tanks is suitable for an unbalanced transformer, a balanced transformer within a single tank, or a balanced transformer made up of three tanks. This is typical for distribution network modelling and the only choice when modelling an unbalanced transformer, or a transformer that has more than three windings. Power transformer modelled with tanks will require for each tank, one transformer tank end per physical winding in the tank. There may be one, two, or three phases in the transformer tank end. Examples: 3 phases for 3-phase delta or wye connected windings, 2 for one phase-to-phase winding, and 1 for a phase-to-neutral or phase-to-ground winding. With 1 or 2 phases, more than one transformer tank end may be associated to the same 3-phase Core::Terminal instance, while with 3 phases there should be a one-to-one association.</li>
This power transformer model is flexible in order to support different kinds of data exchange requirements. There are 5 possible ways to combine available classes and their attributes:
	<li>Instance parameters - Use the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes on PowerTransformerEnd and ignore related TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option assumes a star connection of the series impedances. It is suitable for typical transmission, balanced three-phase transformer models, for transformers with 2 or three windings.</li>
	<li>Star instance parameters by association - Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerStarImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmitance. This option is suitable in same scenarios as option 1, but when catalogue data is available for transformers.</li>
	<li>Mesh instance parameters by association: Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports transformers with more than three windings.</li>
	<li>Catalog mesh parameters by association - Instead of attributes r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 and associations to TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance, use the association to TransformerEndInfo. The TransformerEnd.endNumber should match the corresponding TransformerEndInfo.endNumber, following the IEC standard convention of numbering from the highest voltage ends to the lowest, starting at 1. This matching supports higher-level use of a catalog, through just one association between TransformerTank and TransformerTankInfo, with simpler exchanges and incremental updates. The associated TransformerEndInfo will have associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports unbalanced transformer, with more than three windings and is suitable whenever the transformer test data has been converted to an electrical model.</li>
	<li>Catalog test data by association - This is the same as option 4, except TransformerEndInfo will have associations to AssetModels::TransformerTest decendents, instead of to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option is suitable when the test data is available, and the receiving application is able to interpret the test data.</li>
Every profile should specify which one or more of these options are supported."/>
15248 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or without a magnetic core, for introducing mutual coupling between electric circuits. Transformers can be used to control voltage and phase shift (active power flow).
A power transformer may be composed of separate transformer tanks that need not be identical.
The same power transformer can be modelled in two ways, namely with and without tanks:
	<li>The power transformer that uses power transformer ends directly (without tanks) is suitable for balanced three-phase models. This is typical for transmission and sub-transmission network modelling. Such a transformer will require one power transformer end for each physical winding. There must be a one-to-one association between PowerTransformerEnd and Core::Terminal.</li>
	<li>The power transformer that uses transformer tanks is suitable for an unbalanced transformer, a balanced transformer within a single tank, or a balanced transformer made up of three tanks. This is typical for distribution network modelling and the only choice when modelling an unbalanced transformer, or a transformer that has more than three windings. Power transformer modelled with tanks will require for each tank, one transformer tank end per physical winding in the tank. There may be one, two, or three phases in the transformer tank end. Examples: 3 phases for 3-phase delta or wye connected windings, 2 for one phase-to-phase winding, and 1 for a phase-to-neutral or phase-to-ground winding. With 1 or 2 phases, more than one transformer tank end may be associated to the same 3-phase Core::Terminal instance, while with 3 phases there should be a one-to-one association.</li>
This power transformer model is flexible in order to support different kinds of data exchange requirements. There are 5 possible ways to combine available classes and their attributes:
	<li>Instance parameters - Use the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes on PowerTransformerEnd and ignore related TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option assumes a star connection of the series impedances. It is suitable for typical transmission, balanced three-phase transformer models, for transformers with 2 or three windings.</li>
	<li>Star instance parameters by association - Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerStarImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmitance. This option is suitable in same scenarios as option 1, but when catalogue data is available for transformers.</li>
	<li>Mesh instance parameters by association: Instead of the r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 attributes, use associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports transformers with more than three windings.</li>
	<li>Catalog mesh parameters by association - Instead of attributes r, x, r0, x0, b, b0, g, and g0 and associations to TransformerStarImpedance, TransformerMeshImpedance, or TransformerCoreAdmittance, use the association to TransformerEndInfo. The TransformerEnd.endNumber should match the corresponding TransformerEndInfo.endNumber, following the IEC standard convention of numbering from the highest voltage ends to the lowest, starting at 1. This matching supports higher-level use of a catalog, through just one association between TransformerTank and TransformerTankInfo, with simpler exchanges and incremental updates. The associated TransformerEndInfo will have associations to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option supports unbalanced transformer, with more than three windings and is suitable whenever the transformer test data has been converted to an electrical model.</li>
	<li>Catalog test data by association - This is the same as option 4, except TransformerEndInfo will have associations to AssetModels::TransformerTest decendents, instead of to TransformerMeshImpedance and TransformerCoreAdmittance. This option is suitable when the test data is available, and the receiving application is able to interpret the test data.</li>
Every profile should specify which one or more of these options are supported."/>
15250 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerTanks" upperBound=
15251 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerTank" eOpposite=
15252 <eAnnotations source=
15253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformers that belong to this bank."/>
15255 <eAnnotations source=
15256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformers that belong to this bank."/>
15258 </eStructuralFeatures>
15259 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vectorGroup" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
15261 <eAnnotations source=
15262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vector group of the transformer for protective relaying, e.g., Dyn1. For unbalanced transformers, this may not be simply determined from the constituent winding connections."/>
15264 <eAnnotations source=
15265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vector group of the transformer for protective relaying, e.g., Dyn1. For unbalanced transformers, this may not be simply determined from the constituent winding connections."/>
15267 </eStructuralFeatures>
15268 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15269 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/PowerTransformerInfo" eOpposite=
15270 <eAnnotations source=
15271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power transformer data."/>
15273 <eAnnotations source=
15274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power transformer data."/>
15276 </eStructuralFeatures>
15277 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15278 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/PowerTransformerEnd" eOpposite=
15280 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Fuse" eSuperTypes=
15281 <eAnnotations source=
15282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is heated and severed by the passage of overcurrent through it. A fuse is considered a switching device because it breaks current."/>
15284 <eAnnotations source=
15285 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is heated and severed by the passage of overcurrent through it. A fuse is considered a switching device because it breaks current."/>
15287 <eAnnotations source=
15288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is heated and severed by the passage of overcurrent through it. A fuse is considered a switching device because it breaks current."/>
15289 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An overcurrent protective device with a circuit opening fusible part that is heated and severed by the passage of overcurrent through it. A fuse is considered a switching device because it breaks current."/>
15292 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EnergyConsumer" eSuperTypes=
15293 <eAnnotations source=
15294 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model"/>
15296 <eAnnotations source=
15297 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model"/>
15299 <eAnnotations source=
15300 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model"/>
15301 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generic user of energy - a point of consumption on the power system model"/>
15303 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qfixedPct" eType=
15305 <eAnnotations source=
15306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed reactive power as per cent of load group fixed reactive power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15308 <eAnnotations source=
15309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed reactive power as per cent of load group fixed reactive power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15311 </eStructuralFeatures>
15312 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15313 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
15314 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"customerCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
15316 <eAnnotations source=
15317 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of individual customers represented by this Demand"/>
15319 <eAnnotations source=
15320 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of individual customers represented by this Demand"/>
15322 </eStructuralFeatures>
15323 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pfixedPct" eType=
15325 <eAnnotations source=
15326 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed active power as per cent of load group fixed active power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15328 <eAnnotations source=
15329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fixed active power as per cent of load group fixed active power. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15331 </eStructuralFeatures>
15332 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pfixed" eType=
15334 <eAnnotations source=
15335 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15337 <eAnnotations source=
15338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15340 </eStructuralFeatures>
15341 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LoadResponse" eType=
15342 eOpposite=
15343 <eAnnotations source=
15344 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The load response characteristic of this load."/>
15346 <eAnnotations source=
15347 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The load response characteristic of this load."/>
15349 </eStructuralFeatures>
15350 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qfixed" eType=
15352 <eAnnotations source=
15353 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactive power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15355 <eAnnotations source=
15356 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactive power of the load that is a fixed quantity. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node."/>
15358 </eStructuralFeatures>
15359 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PowerCutZone" eType=
15360 eOpposite=
15361 <eAnnotations source=
15362 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An energy consumer is assigned to a power cut zone"/>
15364 <eAnnotations source=
15365 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An energy consumer is assigned to a power cut zone"/>
15367 </eStructuralFeatures>
15368 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15369 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
15370 eOpposite=
15372 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Disconnector" eSuperTypes=
15373 <eAnnotations source=
15374 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for changing the connections in a circuit, or for isolating a circuit or equipment from a source of power. It is required to open or close circuits when negligible current is broken or made."/>
15376 <eAnnotations source=
15377 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for changing the connections in a circuit, or for isolating a circuit or equipment from a source of power. It is required to open or close circuits when negligible current is broken or made."/>
15379 <eAnnotations source=
15380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for changing the connections in a circuit, or for isolating a circuit or equipment from a source of power. It is required to open or close circuits when negligible current is broken or made."/>
15381 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for changing the connections in a circuit, or for isolating a circuit or equipment from a source of power. It is required to open or close circuits when negligible current is broken or made."/>
15384 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Connector" eSuperTypes=
15385 <eAnnotations source=
15386 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation and are modelled with a single logical terminal."/>
15388 <eAnnotations source=
15389 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation and are modelled with a single logical terminal."/>
15391 <eAnnotations source=
15392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation and are modelled with a single logical terminal."/>
15393 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation and are modelled with a single logical terminal."/>
15396 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ReactiveCapabilityCurve" eSuperTypes=
15397 <eAnnotations source=
15398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactive power rating envelope versus the synchronous machine's active power, in both the generating and motoring modes. For each active power value there is a corresponding high and low reactive power limit value. Typically there will be a separate curve for each coolant condition, such as hydrogen pressure. The Y1 axis values represent reactive minimum and the Y2 axis values represent reactive maximum."/>
15400 <eAnnotations source=
15401 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Reactive power rating envelope versus the synchronous machine's active power, in both the generating and motoring modes. For each active power value there is a corresponding high and low reactive power limit value. Typically there will be a separate curve for each coolant condition, such as hydrogen pressure. The Y1 axis values represent reactive minimum and the Y2 axis values represent reactive maximum."/>
15403 <eAnnotations source=
15404 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactive power rating envelope versus the synchronous machine's active power, in both the generating and motoring modes. For each active power value there is a corresponding high and low reactive power limit value. Typically there will be a separate curve for each coolant condition, such as hydrogen pressure. The Y1 axis values represent reactive minimum and the Y2 axis values represent reactive maximum."/>
15405 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Reactive power rating envelope versus the synchronous machine's active power, in both the generating and motoring modes. For each active power value there is a corresponding high and low reactive power limit value. Typically there will be a separate curve for each coolant condition, such as hydrogen pressure. The Y1 axis values represent reactive minimum and the Y2 axis values represent reactive maximum."/>
15407 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15408 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/SynchronousMachine" eOpposite=
15409 <eAnnotations source=
15410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous machines using this curve as default."/>
15412 <eAnnotations source=
15413 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous machines using this curve as default."/>
15415 </eStructuralFeatures>
15416 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15417 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/SynchronousMachine" eOpposite=
15418 <eAnnotations source=
15419 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous machines using this curve."/>
15421 <eAnnotations source=
15422 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Synchronous machines using this curve."/>
15424 </eStructuralFeatures>
15425 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hydrogenPressure" eType=
15427 <eAnnotations source=
15428 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydrogen coolant pressure"/>
15430 <eAnnotations source=
15431 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The hydrogen coolant pressure"/>
15433 </eStructuralFeatures>
15434 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
15435 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Temperature" unsettable=
15436 <eAnnotations source=
15437 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The machine's coolant temperature (e.g., ambient air or stator circulating water)."/>
15439 <eAnnotations source=
15440 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The machine's coolant temperature (e.g., ambient air or stator circulating water)."/>
15442 </eStructuralFeatures>
15444 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
15445 <eLiterals name=
15446 <eLiterals name=
"volt" value=
15448 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Plant" eSuperTypes=
15449 <eAnnotations source=
15450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Plant is a collection of equipment for purposes of generation."/>
15452 <eAnnotations source=
15453 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Plant is a collection of equipment for purposes of generation."/>
15455 <eAnnotations source=
15456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Plant is a collection of equipment for purposes of generation."/>
15457 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Plant is a collection of equipment for purposes of generation."/>
15460 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
15461 <eLiterals name=
15462 <eLiterals name=
"hydrogenGas" value=
15463 <eLiterals name=
"water" value=
15465 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GroundDisconnector" eSuperTypes=
15466 <eAnnotations source=
15467 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from Ground."/>
15469 <eAnnotations source=
15470 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from Ground."/>
15472 <eAnnotations source=
15473 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from Ground."/>
15474 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from Ground."/>
15477 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Resistor" eSuperTypes=
15478 <eAnnotations source=
15479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistor, typically used in filter configurations or as earthing resistor for transformers. Used for electrical model of distribution networks."/>
15481 <eAnnotations source=
15482 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Resistor, typically used in filter configurations or as earthing resistor for transformers. Used for electrical model of distribution networks."/>
15484 <eAnnotations source=
15485 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistor, typically used in filter configurations or as earthing resistor for transformers. Used for electrical model of distribution networks."/>
15486 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Resistor, typically used in filter configurations or as earthing resistor for transformers. Used for electrical model of distribution networks."/>
15489 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SynchronousMachine" eSuperTypes=
15490 <eAnnotations source=
15491 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electromechanical device that operates synchronously with the network. It is a single machine operating either as a generator or synchronous condenser or pump."/>
15493 <eAnnotations source=
15494 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electromechanical device that operates synchronously with the network. It is a single machine operating either as a generator or synchronous condenser or pump."/>
15496 <eAnnotations source=
15497 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electromechanical device that operates synchronously with the network. It is a single machine operating either as a generator or synchronous condenser or pump."/>
15498 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electromechanical device that operates synchronously with the network. It is a single machine operating either as a generator or synchronous condenser or pump."/>
15500 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedS" eType=
15502 <eAnnotations source=
15503 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit"/>
15505 <eAnnotations source=
15506 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nameplate apparent power rating for the unit"/>
15508 </eStructuralFeatures>
15509 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PrimeMovers" upperBound=
15510 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Generation/GenerationDynamics/PrimeMover" eOpposite=
15511 <eAnnotations source=
15512 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Prime movers that drive this SynchronousMachine."/>
15514 <eAnnotations source=
15515 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Prime movers that drive this SynchronousMachine."/>
15517 </eStructuralFeatures>
15518 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r2" eType=
15520 <eAnnotations source=
15521 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence resistance."/>
15523 <eAnnotations source=
15524 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence resistance."/>
15526 </eStructuralFeatures>
15527 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
15529 <eAnnotations source=
15530 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine."/>
15532 <eAnnotations source=
15533 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence resistance of the synchronous machine."/>
15535 </eStructuralFeatures>
15536 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"manualToAVR" eType=
15538 <eAnnotations source=
15539 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required when switching from Manual to Automatic Voltage Regulation. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for powerflow solutions"/>
15541 <eAnnotations source=
15542 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required when switching from Manual to Automatic Voltage Regulation. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for powerflow solutions"/>
15544 </eStructuralFeatures>
15545 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qPercent" eType=
15547 <eAnnotations source=
15548 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percent of the coordinated reactive control that comes from this machine."/>
15550 <eAnnotations source=
15551 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percent of the coordinated reactive control that comes from this machine."/>
15553 </eStructuralFeatures>
15554 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coolantCondition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
15556 <eAnnotations source=
15557 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature or pressure of coolant medium"/>
15559 <eAnnotations source=
15560 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature or pressure of coolant medium"/>
15562 </eStructuralFeatures>
15563 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"condenserP" eType=
15565 <eAnnotations source=
15566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power consumed when in condenser mode operation."/>
15568 <eAnnotations source=
15569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power consumed when in condenser mode operation."/>
15571 </eStructuralFeatures>
15572 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xQuadTrans" eType=
15574 <eAnnotations source=
15575 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis transient reactance, also known as X'q."/>
15577 <eAnnotations source=
15578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis transient reactance, also known as X'q."/>
15580 </eStructuralFeatures>
15581 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xQuadSubtrans" eType=
15583 <eAnnotations source=
15584 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X"q."/>
15586 <eAnnotations source=
15587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X"q."/>
15589 </eStructuralFeatures>
15590 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xQuadSync" eType=
15592 <eAnnotations source=
15593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance (Xq) , the ratio of the component of reactive armature voltage, due to the quadrature-axis component of armature current, to this component of current, under steady state conditions and at rated frequency."/>
15595 <eAnnotations source=
15596 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quadrature-axis synchronous reactance (Xq) , the ratio of the component of reactive armature voltage, due to the quadrature-axis component of armature current, to this component of current, under steady state conditions and at rated frequency."/>
15598 </eStructuralFeatures>
15599 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xDirectSync" eType=
15601 <eAnnotations source=
15602 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis synchronous reactance. The quotient of a sustained value of that AC component of armature voltage that is produced by the total direct-axis flux due to direct-axis armature current and the value of the AC component of this current, the machine running at rated speed. (Xd)"/>
15604 <eAnnotations source=
15605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis synchronous reactance. The quotient of a sustained value of that AC component of armature voltage that is produced by the total direct-axis flux due to direct-axis armature current and the value of the AC component of this current, the machine running at rated speed. (Xd)"/>
15607 </eStructuralFeatures>
15608 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minQ" eType=
15610 <eAnnotations source=
15611 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum reactive power limit for the unit."/>
15613 <eAnnotations source=
15614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum reactive power limit for the unit."/>
15616 </eStructuralFeatures>
15617 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"aVRToManualLag" eType=
15619 <eAnnotations source=
15620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a lagging MVAr violation."/>
15622 <eAnnotations source=
15623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a lagging MVAr violation."/>
15625 </eStructuralFeatures>
15626 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"damping" eType=
15628 <eAnnotations source=
15629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damping torque coefficient, a proportionality constant that, when multiplied by the angular velocity of the rotor poles with respect to the magnetic field (frequency), results in the damping torque."/>
15631 <eAnnotations source=
15632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Damping torque coefficient, a proportionality constant that, when multiplied by the angular velocity of the rotor poles with respect to the magnetic field (frequency), results in the damping torque."/>
15634 </eStructuralFeatures>
15635 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GeneratingUnit" eType=
15636 eOpposite=
15637 <eAnnotations source=
15638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit"/>
15640 <eAnnotations source=
15641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A synchronous machine may operate as a generator and as such becomes a member of a generating unit"/>
15643 </eStructuralFeatures>
15644 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"operatingMode" eType=
15646 <eAnnotations source=
15647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current mode of operation."/>
15649 <eAnnotations source=
15650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current mode of operation."/>
15652 </eStructuralFeatures>
15653 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xDirectSubtrans" eType=
15655 <eAnnotations source=
15656 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X"d."/>
15658 <eAnnotations source=
15659 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis subtransient reactance, also known as X"d."/>
15661 </eStructuralFeatures>
15662 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coolantType" eType=
15664 <eAnnotations source=
15665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Method of cooling the machine."/>
15667 <eAnnotations source=
15668 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Method of cooling the machine."/>
15670 </eStructuralFeatures>
15671 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"aVRToManualLead" eType=
15673 <eAnnotations source=
15674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a leading MVAr violation."/>
15676 <eAnnotations source=
15677 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required when switching from Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) to Manual for a leading MVAr violation."/>
15679 </eStructuralFeatures>
15680 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15681 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/ReactiveCapabilityCurve" eOpposite=
15682 <eAnnotations source=
15683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All available Reactive capability curves for this SynchronousMachine."/>
15685 <eAnnotations source=
15686 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All available Reactive capability curves for this SynchronousMachine."/>
15688 </eStructuralFeatures>
15689 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minU" eType=
15691 <eAnnotations source=
15692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum voltage limit for the unit."/>
15694 <eAnnotations source=
15695 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum voltage limit for the unit."/>
15697 </eStructuralFeatures>
15698 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxQ" eType=
15700 <eAnnotations source=
15701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit."/>
15703 <eAnnotations source=
15704 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit."/>
15706 </eStructuralFeatures>
15707 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
15708 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt" unsettable=
15709 <eAnnotations source=
15710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of unit for reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on."/>
15712 <eAnnotations source=
15713 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of unit for reference bus selection. 0 = don t care (default) 1 = highest priority. 2 is less than 1 and so on."/>
15715 </eStructuralFeatures>
15716 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxU" eType=
15718 <eAnnotations source=
15719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum voltage limit for the unit."/>
15721 <eAnnotations source=
15722 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum voltage limit for the unit."/>
15724 </eStructuralFeatures>
15725 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xDirectTrans" eType=
15727 <eAnnotations source=
15728 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis transient reactance, also known as X'd."/>
15730 <eAnnotations source=
15731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direct-axis transient reactance, also known as X'd."/>
15733 </eStructuralFeatures>
15734 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"HydroPump" eType=
15735 eOpposite=
15736 <eAnnotations source=
15737 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating."/>
15739 <eAnnotations source=
15740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The synchronous machine drives the turbine which moves the water from a low elevation to a higher elevation. The direction of machine rotation for pumping may or may not be the same as for generating."/>
15742 </eStructuralFeatures>
15743 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"inertia" eType=
15745 <eAnnotations source=
15746 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The energy stored in the rotor when operating at rated speed. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for operator training simulator solutions."/>
15748 <eAnnotations source=
15749 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The energy stored in the rotor when operating at rated speed. This value is used in the accelerating power reference frame for operator training simulator solutions."/>
15751 </eStructuralFeatures>
15752 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"baseQ" eType=
15754 <eAnnotations source=
15755 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Default base reactive power value. This value represents the initial reactive power that can be used by any application function."/>
15757 <eAnnotations source=
15758 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Default base reactive power value. This value represents the initial reactive power that can be used by any application function."/>
15760 </eStructuralFeatures>
15761 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
15763 <eAnnotations source=
15764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Modes that this synchronous machine can operate in."/>
15766 <eAnnotations source=
15767 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Modes that this synchronous machine can operate in."/>
15769 </eStructuralFeatures>
15770 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
15772 <eAnnotations source=
15773 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence resistance of the synchronous machine."/>
15775 <eAnnotations source=
15776 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence resistance of the synchronous machine."/>
15778 </eStructuralFeatures>
15779 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
15781 <eAnnotations source=
15782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence reactance of the synchronous machine."/>
15784 <eAnnotations source=
15785 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence reactance of the synchronous machine."/>
15787 </eStructuralFeatures>
15788 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x2" eType=
15790 <eAnnotations source=
15791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence reactance."/>
15793 <eAnnotations source=
15794 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence reactance."/>
15796 </eStructuralFeatures>
15797 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
15798 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/ReactiveCapabilityCurve" eOpposite=
15799 <eAnnotations source=
15800 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The default ReactiveCapabilityCurve for use by a SynchronousMachine"/>
15802 <eAnnotations source=
15803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The default ReactiveCapabilityCurve for use by a SynchronousMachine"/>
15805 </eStructuralFeatures>
15806 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
15808 <eAnnotations source=
15809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence reactance of the synchronous machine."/>
15811 <eAnnotations source=
15812 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence reactance of the synchronous machine."/>
15814 </eStructuralFeatures>
15816 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseTapChangerAsymetrical" eSuperTypes=
15817 <eAnnotations source=
15818 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerAsymetrical tranformer the difference voltage vector adds to the primary side voltage. The angle between the primary side voltage and the difference voltage is named the winding connection angle. The phase shift, &alpha;, depends on both the difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, and the winding connection angle."/>
15820 <eAnnotations source=
15821 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerAsymetrical tranformer the difference voltage vector adds to the primary side voltage. The angle between the primary side voltage and the difference voltage is named the winding connection angle. The phase shift, &alpha;, depends on both the difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, and the winding connection angle."/>
15823 <eAnnotations source=
15824 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerAsymetrical tranformer the difference voltage vector adds to the primary side voltage. The angle between the primary side voltage and the difference voltage is named the winding connection angle. The phase shift, &alpha;, depends on both the difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, and the winding connection angle."/>
15825 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerAsymetrical tranformer the difference voltage vector adds to the primary side voltage. The angle between the primary side voltage and the difference voltage is named the winding connection angle. The phase shift, &alpha;, depends on both the difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, and the winding connection angle."/>
15827 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
15828 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Anglerees" unsettable=
15829 <eAnnotations source=
15830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The phase angle between the in-phase winding and the out-of -phase winding used for creating phase shift. It is only possible to have a symmemtrical transformer if this angle is 90 rees."/>
15832 <eAnnotations source=
15833 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The phase angle between the in-phase winding and the out-of -phase winding used for creating phase shift. It is only possible to have a symmemtrical transformer if this angle is 90 rees."/>
15835 </eStructuralFeatures>
15837 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RectifierInverter" eSuperTypes=
15838 <eAnnotations source=
15839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bi-directional AC-DC conversion equipment that can be used to control DC current, DC voltage, DC power flow, or firing angle."/>
15841 <eAnnotations source=
15842 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bi-directional AC-DC conversion equipment that can be used to control DC current, DC voltage, DC power flow, or firing angle."/>
15844 <eAnnotations source=
15845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bi-directional AC-DC conversion equipment that can be used to control DC current, DC voltage, DC power flow, or firing angle."/>
15846 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Bi-directional AC-DC conversion equipment that can be used to control DC current, DC voltage, DC power flow, or firing angle."/>
15848 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedU" eType=
15850 <eAnnotations source=
15851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier/inverter primary base voltage"/>
15853 <eAnnotations source=
15854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rectifier/inverter primary base voltage"/>
15856 </eStructuralFeatures>
15857 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxU" eType=
15859 <eAnnotations source=
15860 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate."/>
15862 <eAnnotations source=
15863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate."/>
15865 </eStructuralFeatures>
15866 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bridges" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
15868 <eAnnotations source=
15869 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of bridges"/>
15871 <eAnnotations source=
15872 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of bridges"/>
15874 </eStructuralFeatures>
15875 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
15876 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Resistance" unsettable=
15877 <eAnnotations source=
15878 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compounding resistance."/>
15880 <eAnnotations source=
15881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Compounding resistance."/>
15883 </eStructuralFeatures>
15884 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
15885 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Resistance" unsettable=
15886 <eAnnotations source=
15887 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Commutating resistance."/>
15889 <eAnnotations source=
15890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Commutating resistance."/>
15892 </eStructuralFeatures>
15893 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minP" eType=
15895 <eAnnotations source=
15896 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum active power on the DC side at which the converter should operate."/>
15898 <eAnnotations source=
15899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum active power on the DC side at which the converter should operate."/>
15901 </eStructuralFeatures>
15902 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"operatingMode" eType=
15904 <eAnnotations source=
15905 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating mode for the converter."/>
15907 <eAnnotations source=
15908 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating mode for the converter."/>
15910 </eStructuralFeatures>
15911 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minU" eType=
15913 <eAnnotations source=
15914 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate."/>
15916 <eAnnotations source=
15917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the converter should operate."/>
15919 </eStructuralFeatures>
15920 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
15921 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Reactance" unsettable=
15922 <eAnnotations source=
15923 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Commutating reactance at AC bus frequency."/>
15925 <eAnnotations source=
15926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Commutating reactance at AC bus frequency."/>
15928 </eStructuralFeatures>
15929 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxP" eType=
15931 <eAnnotations source=
15932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum active power on the DC side at which the fconverter should operate."/>
15934 <eAnnotations source=
15935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum active power on the DC side at which the fconverter should operate."/>
15937 </eStructuralFeatures>
15938 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"frequency" eType=
15940 <eAnnotations source=
15941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency on the AC side."/>
15943 <eAnnotations source=
15944 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency on the AC side."/>
15946 </eStructuralFeatures>
15947 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
15948 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
15949 <eAnnotations source=
15950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum compounded DC voltage"/>
15952 <eAnnotations source=
15953 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum compounded DC voltage"/>
15955 </eStructuralFeatures>
15957 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SeriesCompensator" eSuperTypes=
15958 <eAnnotations source=
15959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance. It is a two terminal device."/>
15961 <eAnnotations source=
15962 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance. It is a two terminal device."/>
15964 <eAnnotations source=
15965 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance. It is a two terminal device."/>
15966 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance. It is a two terminal device."/>
15968 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
15970 <eAnnotations source=
15971 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence reactance."/>
15973 <eAnnotations source=
15974 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence reactance."/>
15976 </eStructuralFeatures>
15977 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
15979 <eAnnotations source=
15980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence resistance."/>
15982 <eAnnotations source=
15983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence resistance."/>
15985 </eStructuralFeatures>
15987 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TapChangerControl" eSuperTypes=
15988 <eAnnotations source=
15989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TapChangerControl discribe behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment."/>
15991 <eAnnotations source=
15992 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TapChangerControl discribe behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment."/>
15994 <eAnnotations source=
15995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TapChangerControl discribe behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment."/>
15996 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TapChangerControl discribe behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment."/>
15998 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lineDropR" eType=
16000 <eAnnotations source=
16001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator resistance setting for normal (forward) power flow."/>
16003 <eAnnotations source=
16004 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator resistance setting for normal (forward) power flow."/>
16006 </eStructuralFeatures>
16007 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lineDropX" eType=
16009 <eAnnotations source=
16010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator reactance setting for normal (forward) power flow."/>
16012 <eAnnotations source=
16013 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator reactance setting for normal (forward) power flow."/>
16015 </eStructuralFeatures>
16016 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TapChanger" upperBound=
16017 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TapChanger" eOpposite=
16018 <eAnnotations source=
16019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"copy from reg conduting eq"/>
16021 <eAnnotations source=
16022 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"copy from reg conduting eq"/>
16024 </eStructuralFeatures>
16025 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reverseLineDropX" eType=
16027 <eAnnotations source=
16028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator reactance setting for reverse power flow."/>
16030 <eAnnotations source=
16031 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator reactance setting for reverse power flow."/>
16033 </eStructuralFeatures>
16034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reverseLineDropR" eType=
16036 <eAnnotations source=
16037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator resistance setting for reverse power flow."/>
16039 <eAnnotations source=
16040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Line drop compensator resistance setting for reverse power flow."/>
16042 </eStructuralFeatures>
16043 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
16044 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
16046 <eAnnotations source=
16047 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If true, the line drop compensation is to be applied."/>
16049 <eAnnotations source=
16050 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If true, the line drop compensation is to be applied."/>
16052 </eStructuralFeatures>
16053 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"limitVoltage" eType=
16055 <eAnnotations source=
16056 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum allowed regulated voltage on the PT secondary base, regardless of line drop compensation. Sometimes referred to as first-house protection."/>
16058 <eAnnotations source=
16059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum allowed regulated voltage on the PT secondary base, regardless of line drop compensation. Sometimes referred to as first-house protection."/>
16061 </eStructuralFeatures>
16063 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RegulatingControl" eSuperTypes=
16064 <eAnnotations source=
16065 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow."/>
16067 <eAnnotations source=
16068 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow."/>
16070 <eAnnotations source=
16071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow."/>
16072 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of equipment that works together to control a power system quantity such as voltage or flow."/>
16074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mode" eType=
16076 <eAnnotations source=
16077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The regulating control mode presently available. This specifications allows for determining the kind of regualation without need for obtaining the units from a schedule."/>
16079 <eAnnotations source=
16080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The regulating control mode presently available. This specifications allows for determining the kind of regualation without need for obtaining the units from a schedule."/>
16082 </eStructuralFeatures>
16083 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"targetRange" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
16085 <eAnnotations source=
16086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the case input target range. This performs the same function as the value2 attribute on the regulation schedule in the case that schedules are not used. The units of those appropriate for the mode."/>
16088 <eAnnotations source=
16089 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is the case input target range. This performs the same function as the value2 attribute on the regulation schedule in the case that schedules are not used. The units of those appropriate for the mode."/>
16091 </eStructuralFeatures>
16092 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RegulatingCondEq" upperBound=
16093 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RegulatingCondEq" eOpposite=
16094 <eAnnotations source=
16095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equipment that participates in this regulating control scheme."/>
16097 <eAnnotations source=
16098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equipment that participates in this regulating control scheme."/>
16100 </eStructuralFeatures>
16101 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
16102 eOpposite=
16103 <eAnnotations source=
16104 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal associated with this regulating control."/>
16106 <eAnnotations source=
16107 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal associated with this regulating control."/>
16109 </eStructuralFeatures>
16110 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"discrete" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
16112 <eAnnotations source=
16113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The regulation is performed in a discrete mode."/>
16115 <eAnnotations source=
16116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The regulation is performed in a discrete mode."/>
16118 </eStructuralFeatures>
16119 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"targetValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
16121 <eAnnotations source=
16122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The target value specified for case input. This value can be used for the target value wihout the use of schedules. The value has the units appropriate to the mode attribute."/>
16124 <eAnnotations source=
16125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The target value specified for case input. This value can be used for the target value wihout the use of schedules. The value has the units appropriate to the mode attribute."/>
16127 </eStructuralFeatures>
16128 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16129 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RegulationSchedule" eOpposite=
16130 <eAnnotations source=
16131 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule for this Regulating regulating control."/>
16133 <eAnnotations source=
16134 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule for this Regulating regulating control."/>
16136 </eStructuralFeatures>
16137 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"monitoredPhase" eType=
16139 <eAnnotations source=
16140 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase voltage controlling this regulator, measured at regulator location."/>
16142 <eAnnotations source=
16143 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase voltage controlling this regulator, measured at regulator location."/>
16145 </eStructuralFeatures>
16147 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
16148 <eLiterals name=
16149 <eLiterals name=
"generator_or_condenser" value=
16150 <eLiterals name=
"generator" value=
16152 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
16153 <eLiterals name=
16154 <eLiterals name=
"asymmetrical" value=
16155 <eLiterals name=
"symmetrical" value=
16157 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ProtectedSwitch" eSuperTypes=
16158 <eAnnotations source=
16159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A ProtectedSwitch is a switching device that can be operated by ProtectionEquipment."/>
16161 <eAnnotations source=
16162 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A ProtectedSwitch is a switching device that can be operated by ProtectionEquipment."/>
16164 <eAnnotations source=
16165 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A ProtectedSwitch is a switching device that can be operated by ProtectionEquipment."/>
16166 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A ProtectedSwitch is a switching device that can be operated by ProtectionEquipment."/>
16168 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16169 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Protection/ProtectionEquipment" eOpposite=
16170 <eAnnotations source=
16171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protection equipments that operate this ProtectedSwitch."/>
16173 <eAnnotations source=
16174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protection equipments that operate this ProtectedSwitch."/>
16176 </eStructuralFeatures>
16177 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"breakingCapacity" eType=
16179 <eAnnotations source=
16180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum fault current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use."/>
16182 <eAnnotations source=
16183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum fault current a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use."/>
16185 </eStructuralFeatures>
16186 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RecloseSequences" upperBound=
16187 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Protection/RecloseSequence" eOpposite=
16188 <eAnnotations source=
16189 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A breaker may have zero or more automatic reclosures after a trip occurs."/>
16191 <eAnnotations source=
16192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A breaker may have zero or more automatic reclosures after a trip occurs."/>
16194 </eStructuralFeatures>
16196 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseTapChanger" eSuperTypes=
16197 <eAnnotations source=
16198 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A PhaseTapChanger controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and hence the activer power flow through it. A PhaseTapChanger may also impact the voltage magnitude."/>
16200 <eAnnotations source=
16201 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A PhaseTapChanger controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and hence the activer power flow through it. A PhaseTapChanger may also impact the voltage magnitude."/>
16203 <eAnnotations source=
16204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A PhaseTapChanger controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and hence the activer power flow through it. A PhaseTapChanger may also impact the voltage magnitude."/>
16205 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A PhaseTapChanger controls the phase angle difference across the power transformer and hence the activer power flow through it. A PhaseTapChanger may also impact the voltage magnitude."/>
16207 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16208 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/PhaseTapChangerTabular" eOpposite=
16209 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerEnd" eType=
16210 eOpposite=
16211 <eAnnotations source=
16212 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end to which this phase tap changer belongs."/>
16214 <eAnnotations source=
16215 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end to which this phase tap changer belongs."/>
16217 </eStructuralFeatures>
16219 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
16220 <eLiterals name=
16221 <eLiterals name=
"voltage" value=
16222 <eLiterals name=
"reactivePower" value=
16224 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Ground" eSuperTypes=
16225 <eAnnotations source=
16226 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A common point for connecting grounded conducting equipment such as shunt capacitors. The power system model can have more than one ground."/>
16228 <eAnnotations source=
16229 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A common point for connecting grounded conducting equipment such as shunt capacitors. The power system model can have more than one ground."/>
16231 <eAnnotations source=
16232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A common point for connecting grounded conducting equipment such as shunt capacitors. The power system model can have more than one ground."/>
16233 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A common point for connecting grounded conducting equipment such as shunt capacitors. The power system model can have more than one ground."/>
16235 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16236 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
16237 eOpposite=
16239 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CompositeSwitch" eSuperTypes=
16240 <eAnnotations source=
16241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A model of a set of individual Switches normally enclosed within the same cabinet and possibly with interlocks that restrict the combination of switch positions. These are typically found in medium voltage distribution networks. 
A CompositeSwitch could represent a Ring-Main-Unit (RMU), or pad-mounted switchgear, with primitive internal devices such as an internal bus-bar plus 3 or 4 internal switches each of which may individually be open or closed. A CompositeSwitch and a set of contained Switches can also be used to represent a multi-position switch e.g. a switch that can connect a circuit to Ground, Open or Busbar."/>
16243 <eAnnotations source=
16244 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A model of a set of individual Switches normally enclosed within the same cabinet and possibly with interlocks that restrict the combination of switch positions. These are typically found in medium voltage distribution networks. 
A CompositeSwitch could represent a Ring-Main-Unit (RMU), or pad-mounted switchgear, with primitive internal devices such as an internal bus-bar plus 3 or 4 internal switches each of which may individually be open or closed. A CompositeSwitch and a set of contained Switches can also be used to represent a multi-position switch e.g. a switch that can connect a circuit to Ground, Open or Busbar."/>
16246 <eAnnotations source=
16247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A model of a set of individual Switches normally enclosed within the same cabinet and possibly with interlocks that restrict the combination of switch positions. These are typically found in medium voltage distribution networks. 
A CompositeSwitch could represent a Ring-Main-Unit (RMU), or pad-mounted switchgear, with primitive internal devices such as an internal bus-bar plus 3 or 4 internal switches each of which may individually be open or closed. A CompositeSwitch and a set of contained Switches can also be used to represent a multi-position switch e.g. a switch that can connect a circuit to Ground, Open or Busbar."/>
16248 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A model of a set of individual Switches normally enclosed within the same cabinet and possibly with interlocks that restrict the combination of switch positions. These are typically found in medium voltage distribution networks. 
A CompositeSwitch could represent a Ring-Main-Unit (RMU), or pad-mounted switchgear, with primitive internal devices such as an internal bus-bar plus 3 or 4 internal switches each of which may individually be open or closed. A CompositeSwitch and a set of contained Switches can also be used to represent a multi-position switch e.g. a switch that can connect a circuit to Ground, Open or Busbar."/>
16250 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
16251 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/CompositeSwitchType" unsettable=
16252 <eAnnotations source=
16253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An alphanumeric code that can be used as a reference to extar information such as the description of the interlocking scheme if any"/>
16255 <eAnnotations source=
16256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An alphanumeric code that can be used as a reference to extar information such as the description of the interlocking scheme if any"/>
16258 </eStructuralFeatures>
16259 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Switches" upperBound=
16260 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/Switch" eOpposite=
16261 <eAnnotations source=
16262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Switches contained in this Composite switch."/>
16264 <eAnnotations source=
16265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Switches contained in this Composite switch."/>
16267 </eStructuralFeatures>
16269 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RegulationSchedule" eSuperTypes=
16270 <eAnnotations source=
16271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a controlled variable, e.g., busbar voltage."/>
16273 <eAnnotations source=
16274 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a controlled variable, e.g., busbar voltage."/>
16276 <eAnnotations source=
16277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a controlled variable, e.g., busbar voltage."/>
16278 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A pre-established pattern over time for a controlled variable, e.g., busbar voltage."/>
16280 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16281 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RegulatingControl" eOpposite=
16282 <eAnnotations source=
16283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulating controls that have this Schedule."/>
16285 <eAnnotations source=
16286 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulating controls that have this Schedule."/>
16288 </eStructuralFeatures>
16289 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16290 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/VoltageControlZone" eOpposite=
16291 <eAnnotations source=
16292 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone may have a voltage regulation schedule."/>
16294 <eAnnotations source=
16295 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone may have a voltage regulation schedule."/>
16297 </eStructuralFeatures>
16299 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerTankEnd" eSuperTypes=
16300 <eAnnotations source=
16301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer)."/>
16303 <eAnnotations source=
16304 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer)."/>
16306 <eAnnotations source=
16307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer)."/>
16308 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer tank end represents an individual winding for unbalanced models or for transformer tanks connected into a bank (and bank is modelled with the PowerTransformer)."/>
16310 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerTank" eType=
16311 eOpposite=
16312 <eAnnotations source=
16313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer this winding belongs to."/>
16315 <eAnnotations source=
16316 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer this winding belongs to."/>
16318 </eStructuralFeatures>
16319 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phases" eType=
16321 <eAnnotations source=
16322 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the phases carried by a conducting equipment."/>
16324 <eAnnotations source=
16325 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the phases carried by a conducting equipment."/>
16327 </eStructuralFeatures>
16329 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Breaker" eSuperTypes=
16330 <eAnnotations source=
16331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions e.g. those of short circuit."/>
16333 <eAnnotations source=
16334 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions e.g. those of short circuit."/>
16336 <eAnnotations source=
16337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions e.g. those of short circuit."/>
16338 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal circuit conditions e.g. those of short circuit."/>
16340 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"inTransitTime" eType=
16342 <eAnnotations source=
16343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The transition time from open to close."/>
16345 <eAnnotations source=
16346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The transition time from open to close."/>
16348 </eStructuralFeatures>
16350 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MutualCoupling" eSuperTypes=
16351 <eAnnotations source=
16352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling."/>
16354 <eAnnotations source=
16355 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling."/>
16357 <eAnnotations source=
16358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling."/>
16359 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling."/>
16361 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"distance12" eType=
16363 <eAnnotations source=
16364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the first line's from specified terminal to end of coupled region"/>
16366 <eAnnotations source=
16367 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the first line's from specified terminal to end of coupled region"/>
16369 </eStructuralFeatures>
16370 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"distance11" eType=
16372 <eAnnotations source=
16373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the first line's specified terminal to start of coupled region"/>
16375 <eAnnotations source=
16376 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the first line's specified terminal to start of coupled region"/>
16378 </eStructuralFeatures>
16379 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
16381 <eAnnotations source=
16382 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, resistance"/>
16384 <eAnnotations source=
16385 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, resistance"/>
16387 </eStructuralFeatures>
16388 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"distance22" eType=
16390 <eAnnotations source=
16391 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the second line's specified terminal to end of coupled region"/>
16393 <eAnnotations source=
16394 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the second line's specified terminal to end of coupled region"/>
16396 </eStructuralFeatures>
16397 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"distance21" eType=
16399 <eAnnotations source=
16400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the second line's specified terminal to start of coupled region"/>
16402 <eAnnotations source=
16403 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance from the second line's specified terminal to start of coupled region"/>
16405 </eStructuralFeatures>
16406 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"First_Terminal" eType=
16407 eOpposite=
16408 <eAnnotations source=
16409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the first branch of the mutual coupling. Normally MutualCoupling would only be used for terminals of AC line segments. The first and second terminals of a mutual coupling should point to different AC line segments."/>
16411 <eAnnotations source=
16412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the first branch of the mutual coupling. Normally MutualCoupling would only be used for terminals of AC line segments. The first and second terminals of a mutual coupling should point to different AC line segments."/>
16414 </eStructuralFeatures>
16415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b0ch" eType=
16417 <eAnnotations source=
16418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
16420 <eAnnotations source=
16421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
16423 </eStructuralFeatures>
16424 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Second_Terminal" eType=
16425 eOpposite=
16426 <eAnnotations source=
16427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the second branch of the mutual coupling."/>
16429 <eAnnotations source=
16430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The starting terminal for the calculation of distances along the second branch of the mutual coupling."/>
16432 </eStructuralFeatures>
16433 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
16435 <eAnnotations source=
16436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, reactance"/>
16438 <eAnnotations source=
16439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence branch-to-branch mutual impedance coupling, reactance"/>
16441 </eStructuralFeatures>
16442 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g0ch" eType=
16444 <eAnnotations source=
16445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
16447 <eAnnotations source=
16448 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence mutual coupling shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section."/>
16450 </eStructuralFeatures>
16452 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Line" eSuperTypes=
16453 <eAnnotations source=
16454 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains equipment beyond a substation belonging to a power transmission line."/>
16456 <eAnnotations source=
16457 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Contains equipment beyond a substation belonging to a power transmission line."/>
16459 <eAnnotations source=
16460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains equipment beyond a substation belonging to a power transmission line."/>
16461 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Contains equipment beyond a substation belonging to a power transmission line."/>
16463 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Region" eType=
16464 eOpposite=
16465 <eAnnotations source=
16466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Line can be contained by a SubGeographical Region."/>
16468 <eAnnotations source=
16469 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Line can be contained by a SubGeographical Region."/>
16471 </eStructuralFeatures>
16473 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PerLengthPhaseImpedance" eSuperTypes=
16474 <eAnnotations source=
16475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Impedance and admittance parameters per unit length for n-wire unbalanced lines, in matrix form."/>
16477 <eAnnotations source=
16478 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Impedance and admittance parameters per unit length for n-wire unbalanced lines, in matrix form."/>
16480 <eAnnotations source=
16481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Impedance and admittance parameters per unit length for n-wire unbalanced lines, in matrix form."/>
16482 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Impedance and admittance parameters per unit length for n-wire unbalanced lines, in matrix form."/>
16484 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LineSegments" upperBound=
16485 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/ACLineSegment" eOpposite=
16486 <eAnnotations source=
16487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All line segments described by this phase impedance."/>
16489 <eAnnotations source=
16490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All line segments described by this phase impedance."/>
16492 </eStructuralFeatures>
16493 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"conductorCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
16495 <eAnnotations source=
16496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of phase, neutral, and other wires retained. Constrains the number of matrix elements and the phase codes that can be used with this matrix."/>
16498 <eAnnotations source=
16499 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of phase, neutral, and other wires retained. Constrains the number of matrix elements and the phase codes that can be used with this matrix."/>
16501 </eStructuralFeatures>
16502 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16503 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/PhaseImpedanceData" eOpposite=
16504 <eAnnotations source=
16505 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All data that belong to this conductor phase impedance."/>
16507 <eAnnotations source=
16508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All data that belong to this conductor phase impedance."/>
16510 </eStructuralFeatures>
16512 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FrequencyConverter" eSuperTypes=
16513 <eAnnotations source=
16514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A device to convert from one frequency to another (e.g., frequency F1 to F2) comprises a pair of FrequencyConverter instances. One converts from F1 to DC, the other converts the DC to F2."/>
16516 <eAnnotations source=
16517 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A device to convert from one frequency to another (e.g., frequency F1 to F2) comprises a pair of FrequencyConverter instances. One converts from F1 to DC, the other converts the DC to F2."/>
16519 <eAnnotations source=
16520 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A device to convert from one frequency to another (e.g., frequency F1 to F2) comprises a pair of FrequencyConverter instances. One converts from F1 to DC, the other converts the DC to F2."/>
16521 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A device to convert from one frequency to another (e.g., frequency F1 to F2) comprises a pair of FrequencyConverter instances. One converts from F1 to DC, the other converts the DC to F2."/>
16523 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxU" eType=
16525 <eAnnotations source=
16526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate."/>
16528 <eAnnotations source=
16529 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate."/>
16531 </eStructuralFeatures>
16532 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxP" eType=
16534 <eAnnotations source=
16535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum active power on the DC side at which the frequence converter should operate."/>
16537 <eAnnotations source=
16538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum active power on the DC side at which the frequence converter should operate."/>
16540 </eStructuralFeatures>
16541 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"frequency" eType=
16543 <eAnnotations source=
16544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency on the AC side."/>
16546 <eAnnotations source=
16547 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency on the AC side."/>
16549 </eStructuralFeatures>
16550 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minP" eType=
16552 <eAnnotations source=
16553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum active power on the DC side at which the frequence converter should operate."/>
16555 <eAnnotations source=
16556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum active power on the DC side at which the frequence converter should operate."/>
16558 </eStructuralFeatures>
16559 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minU" eType=
16561 <eAnnotations source=
16562 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate."/>
16564 <eAnnotations source=
16565 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum voltage on the DC side at which the frequency converter should operate."/>
16567 </eStructuralFeatures>
16568 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"operatingMode" eType=
16570 <eAnnotations source=
16571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating mode for the frequency converter"/>
16573 <eAnnotations source=
16574 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operating mode for the frequency converter"/>
16576 </eStructuralFeatures>
16578 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ShuntCompensator" eSuperTypes=
16579 <eAnnotations source=
16580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reactors. A section of a shunt compensator is an individual capacitor or reactor. A negative value for reactivePerSection indicates that the compensator is a reactor. ShuntCompensator is a single terminal device. Ground is implied."/>
16582 <eAnnotations source=
16583 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reactors. A section of a shunt compensator is an individual capacitor or reactor. A negative value for reactivePerSection indicates that the compensator is a reactor. ShuntCompensator is a single terminal device. Ground is implied."/>
16585 <eAnnotations source=
16586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reactors. A section of a shunt compensator is an individual capacitor or reactor. A negative value for reactivePerSection indicates that the compensator is a reactor. ShuntCompensator is a single terminal device. Ground is implied."/>
16587 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reactors. A section of a shunt compensator is an individual capacitor or reactor. A negative value for reactivePerSection indicates that the compensator is a reactor. ShuntCompensator is a single terminal device. Ground is implied."/>
16589 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"nomQ" eType=
16591 <eAnnotations source=
16592 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal reactive power output of the capacitor bank at the nominal voltage. This number should be positive."/>
16594 <eAnnotations source=
16595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal reactive power output of the capacitor bank at the nominal voltage. This number should be positive."/>
16597 </eStructuralFeatures>
16598 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxU" eType=
16600 <eAnnotations source=
16601 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum voltage at which the capacitor bank should operate."/>
16603 <eAnnotations source=
16604 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum voltage at which the capacitor bank should operate."/>
16606 </eStructuralFeatures>
16607 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gPerSection" eType=
16609 <eAnnotations source=
16610 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section"/>
16612 <eAnnotations source=
16613 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section"/>
16615 </eStructuralFeatures>
16616 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
16617 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/VoltagePerReactivePower" unsettable=
16618 <eAnnotations source=
16619 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage sensitivity required for the device to regulate the bus voltage, in voltage/reactive power."/>
16621 <eAnnotations source=
16622 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage sensitivity required for the device to regulate the bus voltage, in voltage/reactive power."/>
16624 </eStructuralFeatures>
16625 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"nomU" eType=
16627 <eAnnotations source=
16628 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The nominal voltage at which the nominal reactive power was measured. This should normally be within 10% of the voltage at which the capacitor is connected to the network."/>
16630 <eAnnotations source=
16631 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The nominal voltage at which the nominal reactive power was measured. This should normally be within 10% of the voltage at which the capacitor is connected to the network."/>
16633 </eStructuralFeatures>
16634 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b0PerSection" eType=
16636 <eAnnotations source=
16637 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section"/>
16639 <eAnnotations source=
16640 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section"/>
16642 </eStructuralFeatures>
16643 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maximumSections" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
16645 <eAnnotations source=
16646 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a capacitor bank, the maximum number of sections that may be switched in."/>
16648 <eAnnotations source=
16649 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a capacitor bank, the maximum number of sections that may be switched in."/>
16651 </eStructuralFeatures>
16652 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bPerSection" eType=
16654 <eAnnotations source=
16655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section"/>
16657 <eAnnotations source=
16658 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance per section"/>
16660 </eStructuralFeatures>
16661 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16662 eType=
"#//IEC61970/StateVariables/SvShuntCompensatorSections" eOpposite=
16663 <eAnnotations source=
16664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The state for the number of shunt compensator sections in service."/>
16666 <eAnnotations source=
16667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The state for the number of shunt compensator sections in service."/>
16669 </eStructuralFeatures>
16670 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"aVRDelay" eType=
16672 <eAnnotations source=
16673 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required for the device to be connected or disconnected by automatic voltage regulation (AVR)."/>
16675 <eAnnotations source=
16676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time delay required for the device to be connected or disconnected by automatic voltage regulation (AVR)."/>
16678 </eStructuralFeatures>
16679 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minU" eType=
16681 <eAnnotations source=
16682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum voltage at which the capacitor bank should operate."/>
16684 <eAnnotations source=
16685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum voltage at which the capacitor bank should operate."/>
16687 </eStructuralFeatures>
16688 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalSections" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
16690 <eAnnotations source=
16691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a capacitor bank, the normal number of sections switched in. This number should correspond to the nominal reactive power (nomQ)."/>
16693 <eAnnotations source=
16694 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a capacitor bank, the normal number of sections switched in. This number should correspond to the nominal reactive power (nomQ)."/>
16696 </eStructuralFeatures>
16697 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16698 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
16699 eOpposite=
16700 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
16701 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ReactivePower" unsettable=
16702 <eAnnotations source=
16703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a capacitor bank, the size in reactive power of each switchable section at the nominal voltage."/>
16705 <eAnnotations source=
16706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a capacitor bank, the size in reactive power of each switchable section at the nominal voltage."/>
16708 </eStructuralFeatures>
16709 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"switchOnCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
16711 <eAnnotations source=
16712 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The switch on count since the capacitor count was last reset or initialized."/>
16714 <eAnnotations source=
16715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The switch on count since the capacitor count was last reset or initialized."/>
16717 </eStructuralFeatures>
16718 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"switchOnDate" eType=
16720 <eAnnotations source=
16721 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time when the capacitor bank was last switched on."/>
16723 <eAnnotations source=
16724 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time when the capacitor bank was last switched on."/>
16726 </eStructuralFeatures>
16727 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g0PerSection" eType=
16729 <eAnnotations source=
16730 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section"/>
16732 <eAnnotations source=
16733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance per section"/>
16735 </eStructuralFeatures>
16737 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VoltageControlZone" eSuperTypes=
16738 <eAnnotations source=
16739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An area of the power system network which is defined for secondary voltage control purposes. A voltage control zone consists of a collection of substations with a designated bus bar section whose voltage will be controlled."/>
16741 <eAnnotations source=
16742 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An area of the power system network which is defined for secondary voltage control purposes. A voltage control zone consists of a collection of substations with a designated bus bar section whose voltage will be controlled."/>
16744 <eAnnotations source=
16745 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An area of the power system network which is defined for secondary voltage control purposes. A voltage control zone consists of a collection of substations with a designated bus bar section whose voltage will be controlled."/>
16746 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An area of the power system network which is defined for secondary voltage control purposes. A voltage control zone consists of a collection of substations with a designated bus bar section whose voltage will be controlled."/>
16748 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16749 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RegulationSchedule" eOpposite=
16750 <eAnnotations source=
16751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone may have a voltage regulation schedule."/>
16753 <eAnnotations source=
16754 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone may have a voltage regulation schedule."/>
16756 </eStructuralFeatures>
16757 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BusbarSection" eType=
16758 eOpposite=
16759 <eAnnotations source=
16760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone is controlled by a designated BusbarSection."/>
16762 <eAnnotations source=
16763 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone is controlled by a designated BusbarSection."/>
16765 </eStructuralFeatures>
16767 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadBreakSwitch" eSuperTypes=
16768 <eAnnotations source=
16769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal operating conditions."/>
16771 <eAnnotations source=
16772 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal operating conditions."/>
16774 <eAnnotations source=
16775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal operating conditions."/>
16776 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A mechanical switching device capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal operating conditions."/>
16779 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BusbarSection" eSuperTypes=
16780 <eAnnotations source=
16781 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation. 
Voltage measurements are typically obtained from VoltageTransformers that are connected to busbar sections. A bus bar section may have many physical terminals but for analysis is modelled with exactly one logical terminal."/>
16783 <eAnnotations source=
16784 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation. 
Voltage measurements are typically obtained from VoltageTransformers that are connected to busbar sections. A bus bar section may have many physical terminals but for analysis is modelled with exactly one logical terminal."/>
16786 <eAnnotations source=
16787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation. 
Voltage measurements are typically obtained from VoltageTransformers that are connected to busbar sections. A bus bar section may have many physical terminals but for analysis is modelled with exactly one logical terminal."/>
16788 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to connect other conducting equipment within a single substation. 
Voltage measurements are typically obtained from VoltageTransformers that are connected to busbar sections. A bus bar section may have many physical terminals but for analysis is modelled with exactly one logical terminal."/>
16790 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16791 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/VoltageControlZone" eOpposite=
16792 <eAnnotations source=
16793 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone is controlled by a designated BusbarSection."/>
16795 <eAnnotations source=
16796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A VoltageControlZone is controlled by a designated BusbarSection."/>
16798 </eStructuralFeatures>
16800 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
16801 <eLiterals name=
16802 <eLiterals name=
"timeScheduled" value=
16803 <eLiterals name=
"voltage" value=
16804 <eLiterals name=
"admittance" value=
16805 <eLiterals name=
"reactivePower" value=
16806 <eLiterals name=
"powerFactor" value=
16807 <eLiterals name=
"currentFlow" value=
16808 <eLiterals name=
"activePower" value=
16809 <eLiterals name=
"temperature" value=
16811 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerEnd" eSuperTypes=
16812 <eAnnotations source=
16813 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TransformerEnd is a conducting connection point of a power transformer. It corresponds to a physical transformer winding terminal. In earlier CIM versions, the TransformerWinding class served a similar purpose. This successor TransformerEnd class is more flexible and has important differences with TransformerWinding."/>
16815 <eAnnotations source=
16816 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TransformerEnd is a conducting connection point of a power transformer. It corresponds to a physical transformer winding terminal. In earlier CIM versions, the TransformerWinding class served a similar purpose. This successor TransformerEnd class is more flexible and has important differences with TransformerWinding."/>
16818 <eAnnotations source=
16819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TransformerEnd is a conducting connection point of a power transformer. It corresponds to a physical transformer winding terminal. In earlier CIM versions, the TransformerWinding class served a similar purpose. This successor TransformerEnd class is more flexible and has important differences with TransformerWinding."/>
16820 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TransformerEnd is a conducting connection point of a power transformer. It corresponds to a physical transformer winding terminal. In earlier CIM versions, the TransformerWinding class served a similar purpose. This successor TransformerEnd class is more flexible and has important differences with TransformerWinding."/>
16822 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
16823 eOpposite=
16824 <eAnnotations source=
16825 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External terminal of the power transformer to which this end belongs."/>
16827 <eAnnotations source=
16828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"External terminal of the power transformer to which this end belongs."/>
16830 </eStructuralFeatures>
16831 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"endNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
16833 <eAnnotations source=
16834 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the PowerTransformer.vectorGroup attribute. Highest voltage winding should be 1."/>
16836 <eAnnotations source=
16837 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the PowerTransformer.vectorGroup attribute. Highest voltage winding should be 1."/>
16839 </eStructuralFeatures>
16840 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rground" eType=
16842 <eAnnotations source=
16843 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(for Yn and Zn connections) Resistance part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true."/>
16845 <eAnnotations source=
16846 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(for Yn and Zn connections) Resistance part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true."/>
16848 </eStructuralFeatures>
16849 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16850 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
16851 eOpposite=
16852 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CoreAdmittance" eType=
16853 eOpposite=
16854 <eAnnotations source=
16855 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core admittance of this transformer end, representing magnetising current and core losses. The full values of the transformer should be supplied for one transformer end only."/>
16857 <eAnnotations source=
16858 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core admittance of this transformer end, representing magnetising current and core losses. The full values of the transformer should be supplied for one transformer end only."/>
16860 </eStructuralFeatures>
16861 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"grounded" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
16863 <eAnnotations source=
16864 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(for Yn and Zn connections) True if the neutral is solidly grounded."/>
16866 <eAnnotations source=
16867 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(for Yn and Zn connections) True if the neutral is solidly grounded."/>
16869 </eStructuralFeatures>
16870 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16871 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerEndInfo" eOpposite=
16872 <eAnnotations source=
16873 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for this transformer end."/>
16875 <eAnnotations source=
16876 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for this transformer end."/>
16878 </eStructuralFeatures>
16879 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"magBaseU" eType=
16881 <eAnnotations source=
16882 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reference voltage at which the magnetizing saturation measurements were made"/>
16884 <eAnnotations source=
16885 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reference voltage at which the magnetizing saturation measurements were made"/>
16887 </eStructuralFeatures>
16888 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"magSatFlux" eType=
16890 <eAnnotations source=
16891 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core magnetizing saturation curve knee flux level."/>
16893 <eAnnotations source=
16894 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core magnetizing saturation curve knee flux level."/>
16896 </eStructuralFeatures>
16897 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PhaseTapChanger" eType=
16898 eOpposite=
16899 <eAnnotations source=
16900 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase tap changer associated with this transformer end."/>
16902 <eAnnotations source=
16903 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase tap changer associated with this transformer end."/>
16905 </eStructuralFeatures>
16906 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RatioTapChanger" eType=
16907 eOpposite=
16908 <eAnnotations source=
16909 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio tap changer associated with this transformer end."/>
16911 <eAnnotations source=
16912 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio tap changer associated with this transformer end."/>
16914 </eStructuralFeatures>
16915 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bmagSat" eType=
16917 <eAnnotations source=
16918 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core shunt magnetizing susceptance in the saturation region."/>
16920 <eAnnotations source=
16921 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core shunt magnetizing susceptance in the saturation region."/>
16923 </eStructuralFeatures>
16924 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xground" eType=
16926 <eAnnotations source=
16927 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(for Yn and Zn connections) Reactive part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true."/>
16929 <eAnnotations source=
16930 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(for Yn and Zn connections) Reactive part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true."/>
16932 </eStructuralFeatures>
16933 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16934 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerMeshImpedance" eOpposite=
16935 <eAnnotations source=
16936 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends."/>
16938 <eAnnotations source=
16939 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends."/>
16941 </eStructuralFeatures>
16942 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16943 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
16944 eOpposite=
16945 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToMeshImpedance" upperBound=
16946 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerMeshImpedance" eOpposite=
16947 <eAnnotations source=
16948 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends."/>
16950 <eAnnotations source=
16951 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends."/>
16953 </eStructuralFeatures>
16954 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"StarImpedance" eType=
16955 eOpposite=
16956 <eAnnotations source=
16957 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(accurate for 2- or 3-winding transformers only) Pi-model impedances of this transformer end. By convention, for a two winding transformer, the full values of the transformer should be entered on the high voltage end (endNumber=1)."/>
16959 <eAnnotations source=
16960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(accurate for 2- or 3-winding transformers only) Pi-model impedances of this transformer end. By convention, for a two winding transformer, the full values of the transformer should be entered on the high voltage end (endNumber=1)."/>
16962 </eStructuralFeatures>
16964 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerCoreAdmittance" eSuperTypes=
16965 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g0" eType=
16967 <eAnnotations source=
16968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch conductance."/>
16970 <eAnnotations source=
16971 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch conductance."/>
16973 </eStructuralFeatures>
16974 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b0" eType=
16976 <eAnnotations source=
16977 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch susceptance."/>
16979 <eAnnotations source=
16980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence magnetizing branch susceptance."/>
16982 </eStructuralFeatures>
16983 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g" eType=
16985 <eAnnotations source=
16986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch conductance (G mag)."/>
16988 <eAnnotations source=
16989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch conductance (G mag)."/>
16991 </eStructuralFeatures>
16992 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
16993 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerEndInfo" eOpposite=
16994 <eAnnotations source=
16995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end info having this core admittance."/>
16997 <eAnnotations source=
16998 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end info having this core admittance."/>
17000 </eStructuralFeatures>
17001 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerEnd" upperBound=
17002 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerEnd" eOpposite=
17003 <eAnnotations source=
17004 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends having this core admittance."/>
17006 <eAnnotations source=
17007 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends having this core admittance."/>
17009 </eStructuralFeatures>
17010 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b" eType=
17012 <eAnnotations source=
17013 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch susceptance (B mag). The value can be positive or negative."/>
17015 <eAnnotations source=
17016 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Magnetizing branch susceptance (B mag). The value can be positive or negative."/>
17018 </eStructuralFeatures>
17020 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StaticVarCompensator" eSuperTypes=
17021 <eAnnotations source=
17022 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power. The SVC typically consists of a stepdown transformer, filter, thyristor-controlled reactor, and thyristor-switched capacitor arms.

The SVC may operate in fixed MVar output mode or in voltage control mode. When in voltage control mode, the output of the SVC will be proportional to the deviation of voltage at the controlled bus from the voltage setpoint. The SVC characteristic slope defines the proportion. If the voltage at the controlled bus is equal to the voltage setpoint, the SVC MVar output is zero."/>
17024 <eAnnotations source=
17025 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power. The SVC typically consists of a stepdown transformer, filter, thyristor-controlled reactor, and thyristor-switched capacitor arms.

The SVC may operate in fixed MVar output mode or in voltage control mode. When in voltage control mode, the output of the SVC will be proportional to the deviation of voltage at the controlled bus from the voltage setpoint. The SVC characteristic slope defines the proportion. If the voltage at the controlled bus is equal to the voltage setpoint, the SVC MVar output is zero."/>
17027 <eAnnotations source=
17028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power. The SVC typically consists of a stepdown transformer, filter, thyristor-controlled reactor, and thyristor-switched capacitor arms.

The SVC may operate in fixed MVar output mode or in voltage control mode. When in voltage control mode, the output of the SVC will be proportional to the deviation of voltage at the controlled bus from the voltage setpoint. The SVC characteristic slope defines the proportion. If the voltage at the controlled bus is equal to the voltage setpoint, the SVC MVar output is zero."/>
17029 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power. The SVC typically consists of a stepdown transformer, filter, thyristor-controlled reactor, and thyristor-switched capacitor arms.

The SVC may operate in fixed MVar output mode or in voltage control mode. When in voltage control mode, the output of the SVC will be proportional to the deviation of voltage at the controlled bus from the voltage setpoint. The SVC characteristic slope defines the proportion. If the voltage at the controlled bus is equal to the voltage setpoint, the SVC MVar output is zero."/>
17031 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"slope" eType=
17033 <eAnnotations source=
17034 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The characteristics slope of an SVC defines how the reactive power output changes in proportion to the difference between the regulated bus voltage and the voltage setpoint."/>
17036 <eAnnotations source=
17037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The characteristics slope of an SVC defines how the reactive power output changes in proportion to the difference between the regulated bus voltage and the voltage setpoint."/>
17039 </eStructuralFeatures>
17040 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sVCControlMode" eType=
17042 <eAnnotations source=
17043 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"SVC control mode."/>
17045 <eAnnotations source=
17046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"SVC control mode."/>
17048 </eStructuralFeatures>
17049 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"capacitiveRating" eType=
17051 <eAnnotations source=
17052 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum available capacitive reactive power"/>
17054 <eAnnotations source=
17055 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum available capacitive reactive power"/>
17057 </eStructuralFeatures>
17058 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"voltageSetPoint" eType=
17060 <eAnnotations source=
17061 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactive power output of the SVC is proportional to the difference between the voltage at the regulated bus and the voltage setpoint. When the regulated bus voltage is equal to the voltage setpoint, the reactive power output is zero."/>
17063 <eAnnotations source=
17064 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactive power output of the SVC is proportional to the difference between the voltage at the regulated bus and the voltage setpoint. When the regulated bus voltage is equal to the voltage setpoint, the reactive power output is zero."/>
17066 </eStructuralFeatures>
17067 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"inductiveRating" eType=
17069 <eAnnotations source=
17070 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum available inductive reactive power"/>
17072 <eAnnotations source=
17073 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum available inductive reactive power"/>
17075 </eStructuralFeatures>
17077 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Switch" eSuperTypes=
17078 <eAnnotations source=
17079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits."/>
17081 <eAnnotations source=
17082 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits."/>
17084 <eAnnotations source=
17085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits."/>
17086 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric circuits."/>
17088 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"switchOnDate" eType=
17090 <eAnnotations source=
17091 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time when the switch was last switched on."/>
17093 <eAnnotations source=
17094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date and time when the switch was last switched on."/>
17096 </eStructuralFeatures>
17097 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalOpen" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
17099 <eAnnotations source=
17100 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The attribute is used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the Switch has a status measurment the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with the Switch.normalOpen."/>
17102 <eAnnotations source=
17103 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The attribute is used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the Switch has a status measurment the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with the Switch.normalOpen."/>
17105 </eStructuralFeatures>
17106 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedCurrent" eType=
17108 <eAnnotations source=
17109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction."/>
17111 <eAnnotations source=
17112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction."/>
17114 </eStructuralFeatures>
17115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17116 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Outage/SwitchingOperation" eOpposite=
17117 <eAnnotations source=
17118 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A switch may be operated by many schedules."/>
17120 <eAnnotations source=
17121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A switch may be operated by many schedules."/>
17123 </eStructuralFeatures>
17124 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17125 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
17126 eOpposite=
17127 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"retained" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
17129 <eAnnotations source=
17130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Branch is retained in a bus branch model."/>
17132 <eAnnotations source=
17133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Branch is retained in a bus branch model."/>
17135 </eStructuralFeatures>
17136 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17137 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
17138 eOpposite=
17139 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"switchOnCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17141 <eAnnotations source=
17142 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The switch on count since the switch was last reset or initialized."/>
17144 <eAnnotations source=
17145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The switch on count since the switch was last reset or initialized."/>
17147 </eStructuralFeatures>
17148 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SwitchSchedules" upperBound=
17149 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/SwitchSchedule" eOpposite=
17150 <eAnnotations source=
17151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Switch can be associated with SwitchSchedules."/>
17153 <eAnnotations source=
17154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Switch can be associated with SwitchSchedules."/>
17156 </eStructuralFeatures>
17157 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SwitchPhases" upperBound=
17158 eType=
"#//IEC61970/WiresPhaseModel/SwitchPhase" eOpposite=
17159 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CompositeSwitch" eType=
17160 eOpposite=
17161 <eAnnotations source=
17162 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Composite switch this Switch belongs to"/>
17164 <eAnnotations source=
17165 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Composite switch this Switch belongs to"/>
17167 </eStructuralFeatures>
17169 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PerLengthSequenceImpedance" eSuperTypes=
17170 <eAnnotations source=
17171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence impedance and admittance parameters per unit length, for transposed lines of 1, 2, or 3 phases. For 1-phase lines, define x=x0=xself. For 2-phase lines, define x=xs-xm and x0=xs+xm."/>
17173 <eAnnotations source=
17174 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Sequence impedance and admittance parameters per unit length, for transposed lines of 1, 2, or 3 phases. For 1-phase lines, define x=x0=xself. For 2-phase lines, define x=xs-xm and x0=xs+xm."/>
17176 <eAnnotations source=
17177 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence impedance and admittance parameters per unit length, for transposed lines of 1, 2, or 3 phases. For 1-phase lines, define x=x0=xself. For 2-phase lines, define x=xs-xm and x0=xs+xm."/>
17178 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Sequence impedance and admittance parameters per unit length, for transposed lines of 1, 2, or 3 phases. For 1-phase lines, define x=x0=xself. For 2-phase lines, define x=xs-xm and x0=xs+xm."/>
17180 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
17182 <eAnnotations source=
17183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance, per unit of length."/>
17185 <eAnnotations source=
17186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance, per unit of length."/>
17188 </eStructuralFeatures>
17189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
17191 <eAnnotations source=
17192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance, per unit of length."/>
17194 <eAnnotations source=
17195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance, per unit of length."/>
17197 </eStructuralFeatures>
17198 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bch" eType=
17200 <eAnnotations source=
17201 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, per unit of length."/>
17203 <eAnnotations source=
17204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, per unit of length."/>
17206 </eStructuralFeatures>
17207 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
17209 <eAnnotations source=
17210 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance, per unit of length."/>
17212 <eAnnotations source=
17213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series resistance, per unit of length."/>
17215 </eStructuralFeatures>
17216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LineSegments" upperBound=
17217 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/ACLineSegment" eOpposite=
17218 <eAnnotations source=
17219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All line segments described by this sequence impedance."/>
17221 <eAnnotations source=
17222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All line segments described by this sequence impedance."/>
17224 </eStructuralFeatures>
17225 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g0ch" eType=
17227 <eAnnotations source=
17228 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, per unit of length."/>
17230 <eAnnotations source=
17231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, per unit of length."/>
17233 </eStructuralFeatures>
17234 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b0ch" eType=
17236 <eAnnotations source=
17237 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, per unit of length."/>
17239 <eAnnotations source=
17240 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, per unit of length."/>
17242 </eStructuralFeatures>
17243 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gch" eType=
17245 <eAnnotations source=
17246 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, per unit of length."/>
17248 <eAnnotations source=
17249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, per unit of length."/>
17251 </eStructuralFeatures>
17252 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
17254 <eAnnotations source=
17255 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance, per unit of length."/>
17257 <eAnnotations source=
17258 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence series reactance, per unit of length."/>
17260 </eStructuralFeatures>
17262 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerMeshImpedance" eSuperTypes=
17263 <eAnnotations source=
17264 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends.
The typical case is that TransformerMeshImpedance describe the impedance between two TransformerEnds pare wise, i.e. the cardinalities at both TranformerEnd associations are 1. But in cases where two or more TransformerEnds are operated connected together the cardinality at the ToTransfomerEnd role is larger than 1."/>
17266 <eAnnotations source=
17267 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends.
The typical case is that TransformerMeshImpedance describe the impedance between two TransformerEnds pare wise, i.e. the cardinalities at both TranformerEnd associations are 1. But in cases where two or more TransformerEnds are operated connected together the cardinality at the ToTransfomerEnd role is larger than 1."/>
17269 <eAnnotations source=
17270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends.
The typical case is that TransformerMeshImpedance describe the impedance between two TransformerEnds pare wise, i.e. the cardinalities at both TranformerEnd associations are 1. But in cases where two or more TransformerEnds are operated connected together the cardinality at the ToTransfomerEnd role is larger than 1."/>
17271 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends.
The typical case is that TransformerMeshImpedance describe the impedance between two TransformerEnds pare wise, i.e. the cardinalities at both TranformerEnd associations are 1. But in cases where two or more TransformerEnds are operated connected together the cardinality at the ToTransfomerEnd role is larger than 1."/>
17273 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17274 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerEndInfo" eOpposite=
17275 <eAnnotations source=
17276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From end info this mesh impedance is connected to. It determines the voltage reference."/>
17278 <eAnnotations source=
17279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From end info this mesh impedance is connected to. It determines the voltage reference."/>
17281 </eStructuralFeatures>
17282 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToTransformerEnd" upperBound=
17283 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerEnd" eOpposite=
17284 <eAnnotations source=
17285 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends this mesh impedance is connected to."/>
17287 <eAnnotations source=
17288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends this mesh impedance is connected to."/>
17290 </eStructuralFeatures>
17291 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
17293 <eAnnotations source=
17294 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17296 <eAnnotations source=
17297 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17299 </eStructuralFeatures>
17300 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17301 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerEndInfo" eOpposite=
17302 <eAnnotations source=
17303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer end infos this mesh impedance is connected to."/>
17305 <eAnnotations source=
17306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer end infos this mesh impedance is connected to."/>
17308 </eStructuralFeatures>
17309 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
17311 <eAnnotations source=
17312 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17314 <eAnnotations source=
17315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17317 </eStructuralFeatures>
17318 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
17320 <eAnnotations source=
17321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero-sequence reactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17323 <eAnnotations source=
17324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero-sequence reactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17326 </eStructuralFeatures>
17327 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17328 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerEnd" eOpposite=
17329 <eAnnotations source=
17330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From end this mesh impedance is connected to. It determines the voltage reference."/>
17332 <eAnnotations source=
17333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"From end this mesh impedance is connected to. It determines the voltage reference."/>
17335 </eStructuralFeatures>
17336 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
17338 <eAnnotations source=
17339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero-sequence resistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17341 <eAnnotations source=
17342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero-sequence resistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end."/>
17344 </eStructuralFeatures>
17346 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SwitchSchedule" eSuperTypes=
17347 <eAnnotations source=
17348 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A schedule of switch positions. If RegularTimePoint.value1 is 0, the switch is open. If 1, the switch is closed."/>
17350 <eAnnotations source=
17351 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A schedule of switch positions. If RegularTimePoint.value1 is 0, the switch is open. If 1, the switch is closed."/>
17353 <eAnnotations source=
17354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A schedule of switch positions. If RegularTimePoint.value1 is 0, the switch is open. If 1, the switch is closed."/>
17355 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A schedule of switch positions. If RegularTimePoint.value1 is 0, the switch is open. If 1, the switch is closed."/>
17357 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Switch" eType=
17358 eOpposite=
17359 <eAnnotations source=
17360 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A SwitchSchedule is associated with a Switch."/>
17362 <eAnnotations source=
17363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A SwitchSchedule is associated with a Switch."/>
17365 </eStructuralFeatures>
17367 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EnergySource" eSuperTypes=
17368 <eAnnotations source=
17369 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution voltage level."/>
17371 <eAnnotations source=
17372 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution voltage level."/>
17374 <eAnnotations source=
17375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution voltage level."/>
17376 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution voltage level."/>
17378 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r0" eType=
17380 <eAnnotations source=
17381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence Thevenin resistance."/>
17383 <eAnnotations source=
17384 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence Thevenin resistance."/>
17386 </eStructuralFeatures>
17387 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"voltageMagnitude" eType=
17389 <eAnnotations source=
17390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase-to-phase open circuit voltage magnitude."/>
17392 <eAnnotations source=
17393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase-to-phase open circuit voltage magnitude."/>
17395 </eStructuralFeatures>
17396 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xn" eType=
17398 <eAnnotations source=
17399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence Thevenin reactance."/>
17401 <eAnnotations source=
17402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence Thevenin reactance."/>
17404 </eStructuralFeatures>
17405 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"nominalVoltage" eType=
17407 <eAnnotations source=
17408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase-to-phase nominal voltage."/>
17410 <eAnnotations source=
17411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase-to-phase nominal voltage."/>
17413 </eStructuralFeatures>
17414 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
17416 <eAnnotations source=
17417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence Thevenin reactance."/>
17419 <eAnnotations source=
17420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence Thevenin reactance."/>
17422 </eStructuralFeatures>
17423 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
17425 <eAnnotations source=
17426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence Thevenin resistance."/>
17428 <eAnnotations source=
17429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence Thevenin resistance."/>
17431 </eStructuralFeatures>
17432 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"voltageAngle" eType=
17434 <eAnnotations source=
17435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle of a-phase open circuit."/>
17437 <eAnnotations source=
17438 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle of a-phase open circuit."/>
17440 </eStructuralFeatures>
17441 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rn" eType=
17443 <eAnnotations source=
17444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence Thevenin resistance."/>
17446 <eAnnotations source=
17447 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Negative sequence Thevenin resistance."/>
17449 </eStructuralFeatures>
17450 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x0" eType=
17452 <eAnnotations source=
17453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence Thevenin reactance."/>
17455 <eAnnotations source=
17456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero sequence Thevenin reactance."/>
17458 </eStructuralFeatures>
17459 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"activePower" eType=
17461 <eAnnotations source=
17462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High voltage source load"/>
17464 <eAnnotations source=
17465 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"High voltage source load"/>
17467 </eStructuralFeatures>
17469 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerTank" eSuperTypes=
17470 <eAnnotations source=
17471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels. These windings are bound on a common core and place in the same tank. Transformer tank can be used to model both single-phase and 3-phase transformers."/>
17473 <eAnnotations source=
17474 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels. These windings are bound on a common core and place in the same tank. Transformer tank can be used to model both single-phase and 3-phase transformers."/>
17476 <eAnnotations source=
17477 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels. These windings are bound on a common core and place in the same tank. Transformer tank can be used to model both single-phase and 3-phase transformers."/>
17478 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An assembly of two or more coupled windings that transform electrical power between voltage levels. These windings are bound on a common core and place in the same tank. Transformer tank can be used to model both single-phase and 3-phase transformers."/>
17480 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17481 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
17482 <eAnnotations source=
17483 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points supplied by this transformer."/>
17485 <eAnnotations source=
17486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points supplied by this transformer."/>
17488 </eStructuralFeatures>
17489 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17490 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerTankEnd" eOpposite=
17491 <eAnnotations source=
17492 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All windings of this transformer."/>
17494 <eAnnotations source=
17495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All windings of this transformer."/>
17497 </eStructuralFeatures>
17498 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PowerTransformer" eType=
17499 eOpposite=
17500 <eAnnotations source=
17501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank this transformer belongs to."/>
17503 <eAnnotations source=
17504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bank this transformer belongs to."/>
17506 </eStructuralFeatures>
17507 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17508 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerTankInfo" eOpposite=
17509 <eAnnotations source=
17510 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer tank data."/>
17512 <eAnnotations source=
17513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer tank data."/>
17515 </eStructuralFeatures>
17516 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17517 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
17518 eOpposite=
17520 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseTapChangerTabularPoint" eSuperTypes=
17521 <eAnnotations source=
17522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
17524 <eAnnotations source=
17525 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
17527 <eAnnotations source=
17528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
17529 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerTabularPoint describe each tap step in the curve."/>
17531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
17533 <eAnnotations source=
17534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance deviation in percent of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows
xcal = xnom(1 + x/100)."/>
17536 <eAnnotations source=
17537 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance deviation in percent of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows
xcal = xnom(1 + x/100)."/>
17539 </eStructuralFeatures>
17540 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"step" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17542 <eAnnotations source=
17543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step."/>
17545 <eAnnotations source=
17546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step."/>
17548 </eStructuralFeatures>
17549 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17550 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/PhaseTapChangerTabular" eOpposite=
17551 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"angle" eType=
17553 <eAnnotations source=
17554 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The angle difference in rees."/>
17556 <eAnnotations source=
17557 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The angle difference in rees."/>
17559 </eStructuralFeatures>
17561 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DCLineSegment" eSuperTypes=
17562 <eAnnotations source=
17563 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, with consistent electrical characteristics, used to carry direct current between points in the DC region of the power system."/>
17565 <eAnnotations source=
17566 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, with consistent electrical characteristics, used to carry direct current between points in the DC region of the power system."/>
17568 <eAnnotations source=
17569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, with consistent electrical characteristics, used to carry direct current between points in the DC region of the power system."/>
17570 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A wire or combination of wires not insulated from one another, with consistent electrical characteristics, used to carry direct current between points in the DC region of the power system."/>
17572 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
17573 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Inductance" unsettable=
17574 <eAnnotations source=
17575 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inductance of the DC line segment."/>
17577 <eAnnotations source=
17578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inductance of the DC line segment."/>
17580 </eStructuralFeatures>
17581 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
17582 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Resistance" unsettable=
17583 <eAnnotations source=
17584 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance of the DC line segment."/>
17586 <eAnnotations source=
17587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance of the DC line segment."/>
17589 </eStructuralFeatures>
17591 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TapChanger" eSuperTypes=
17592 <eAnnotations source=
17593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions."/>
17595 <eAnnotations source=
17596 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions."/>
17598 <eAnnotations source=
17599 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions."/>
17600 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions."/>
17602 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TapChangerInfo" eType=
17603 eOpposite=
17604 <eAnnotations source=
17605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for this tap changer."/>
17607 <eAnnotations source=
17608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for this tap changer."/>
17610 </eStructuralFeatures>
17611 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"neutralU" eType=
17613 <eAnnotations source=
17614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting."/>
17616 <eAnnotations source=
17617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting."/>
17619 </eStructuralFeatures>
17620 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"regulationStatus" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
17622 <eAnnotations source=
17623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the default regulation status of the TapChanger. True is regulating. False is not regulating."/>
17625 <eAnnotations source=
17626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the default regulation status of the TapChanger. True is regulating. False is not regulating."/>
17628 </eStructuralFeatures>
17629 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"subsequentDelay" eType=
17631 <eAnnotations source=
17632 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For an LTC, the delay for subsequent tap changer operation (second and later step changes)"/>
17634 <eAnnotations source=
17635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For an LTC, the delay for subsequent tap changer operation (second and later step changes)"/>
17637 </eStructuralFeatures>
17638 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17640 <eAnnotations source=
17641 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step position used in "normal" network operation for this winding. For a "Fixed" tap changer indicates the current physical tap setting."/>
17643 <eAnnotations source=
17644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step position used in "normal" network operation for this winding. For a "Fixed" tap changer indicates the current physical tap setting."/>
17646 </eStructuralFeatures>
17647 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ltcFlag" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
17649 <eAnnotations source=
17650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies whether or not a TapChanger has load tap changing capabilities."/>
17652 <eAnnotations source=
17653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies whether or not a TapChanger has load tap changing capabilities."/>
17655 </eStructuralFeatures>
17656 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TapSchedules" upperBound=
17657 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TapSchedule" eOpposite=
17658 <eAnnotations source=
17659 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A TapChanger can have TapSchedules."/>
17661 <eAnnotations source=
17662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A TapChanger can have TapSchedules."/>
17664 </eStructuralFeatures>
17665 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17667 <eAnnotations source=
17668 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral"/>
17670 <eAnnotations source=
17671 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral"/>
17673 </eStructuralFeatures>
17674 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"neutralStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17676 <eAnnotations source=
17677 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The neutral tap step position for this winding."/>
17679 <eAnnotations source=
17680 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The neutral tap step position for this winding."/>
17682 </eStructuralFeatures>
17683 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"initialDelay" eType=
17685 <eAnnotations source=
17686 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For an LTC, the delay for initial tap changer operation (first step change)"/>
17688 <eAnnotations source=
17689 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For an LTC, the delay for initial tap changer operation (first step change)"/>
17691 </eStructuralFeatures>
17692 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17693 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TapChangerControl" eOpposite=
17694 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"highStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17696 <eAnnotations source=
17697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral"/>
17699 <eAnnotations source=
17700 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral"/>
17702 </eStructuralFeatures>
17703 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SvTapStep" eType=
17704 eOpposite=
17705 <eAnnotations source=
17706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step state associated with the tap changer."/>
17708 <eAnnotations source=
17709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tap step state associated with the tap changer."/>
17711 </eStructuralFeatures>
17713 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Conductor" eSuperTypes=
17714 <eAnnotations source=
17715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system."/>
17717 <eAnnotations source=
17718 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system."/>
17720 <eAnnotations source=
17721 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system."/>
17722 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry current between points in the power system."/>
17724 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"length" eType=
17726 <eAnnotations source=
17727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Segment length for calculating line section capabilities"/>
17729 <eAnnotations source=
17730 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Segment length for calculating line section capabilities"/>
17732 </eStructuralFeatures>
17734 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseTapChangerNonLinear" eSuperTypes=
17735 <eAnnotations source=
17736 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerNonLinear describe the non linear behavior of a phase tap changer. This is a base class for the symmetrical and asymmetrical models. The details of these models can be found in the IEC 61970-301 document."/>
17738 <eAnnotations source=
17739 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerNonLinear describe the non linear behavior of a phase tap changer. This is a base class for the symmetrical and asymmetrical models. The details of these models can be found in the IEC 61970-301 document."/>
17741 <eAnnotations source=
17742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerNonLinear describe the non linear behavior of a phase tap changer. This is a base class for the symmetrical and asymmetrical models. The details of these models can be found in the IEC 61970-301 document."/>
17743 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"PhaseTapChangerNonLinear describe the non linear behavior of a phase tap changer. This is a base class for the symmetrical and asymmetrical models. The details of these models can be found in the IEC 61970-301 document."/>
17745 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xMedian" eType=
17747 <eAnnotations source=
17748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance at the mid tap step."/>
17750 <eAnnotations source=
17751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance at the mid tap step."/>
17753 </eStructuralFeatures>
17754 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
17755 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
17756 <eAnnotations source=
17757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage step increment on the out of phase winding. This voltage step on the out of phase winding of the phase shifter."/>
17759 <eAnnotations source=
17760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The voltage step increment on the out of phase winding. This voltage step on the out of phase winding of the phase shifter."/>
17762 </eStructuralFeatures>
17763 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xMax" eType=
17765 <eAnnotations source=
17766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance at the maximum tap step."/>
17768 <eAnnotations source=
17769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reactance at the maximum tap step."/>
17771 </eStructuralFeatures>
17773 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
17774 <eLiterals name=
17775 <eLiterals name=
"A" value=
17776 <eLiterals name=
"Yn" value=
17777 <eLiterals name=
"Y" value=
17778 <eLiterals name=
"Zn" value=
17779 <eLiterals name=
"D" value=
17780 <eLiterals name=
"I" value=
17782 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PhaseTapChangerSymetrical" eSuperTypes=
17783 <eAnnotations source=
17784 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerSymetrical tranformer the secondary side voltage magnitude is the same as at the primary side. The difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, is the base in an equal-sided triangle where the sides corresponds to the primary and secondary voltages. The phase angle difference correpsonds the top angle and can be expressed as follows
&alpha; = 2arctan(&Delta;U/2)"/>
17786 <eAnnotations source=
17787 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerSymetrical tranformer the secondary side voltage magnitude is the same as at the primary side. The difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, is the base in an equal-sided triangle where the sides corresponds to the primary and secondary voltages. The phase angle difference correpsonds the top angle and can be expressed as follows
&alpha; = 2arctan(&Delta;U/2)"/>
17789 <eAnnotations source=
17790 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerSymetrical tranformer the secondary side voltage magnitude is the same as at the primary side. The difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, is the base in an equal-sided triangle where the sides corresponds to the primary and secondary voltages. The phase angle difference correpsonds the top angle and can be expressed as follows
&alpha; = 2arctan(&Delta;U/2)"/>
17791 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"In a PhaseTapChangerSymetrical tranformer the secondary side voltage magnitude is the same as at the primary side. The difference voltage magnitude, &Delta;U, is the base in an equal-sided triangle where the sides corresponds to the primary and secondary voltages. The phase angle difference correpsonds the top angle and can be expressed as follows
&alpha; = 2arctan(&Delta;U/2)"/>
17794 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Jumper" eSuperTypes=
17795 <eAnnotations source=
17796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A short section of conductor with negligible impedance which can be manually removed and replaced if the circuit is de-energized. Note that zero-impedance branches can be modelled by an ACLineSegment with a zero impedance ConductorType"/>
17798 <eAnnotations source=
17799 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A short section of conductor with negligible impedance which can be manually removed and replaced if the circuit is de-energized. Note that zero-impedance branches can be modelled by an ACLineSegment with a zero impedance ConductorType"/>
17801 <eAnnotations source=
17802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A short section of conductor with negligible impedance which can be manually removed and replaced if the circuit is de-energized. Note that zero-impedance branches can be modelled by an ACLineSegment with a zero impedance ConductorType"/>
17803 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A short section of conductor with negligible impedance which can be manually removed and replaced if the circuit is de-energized. Note that zero-impedance branches can be modelled by an ACLineSegment with a zero impedance ConductorType"/>
17806 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CompositeSwitchType" instanceClassName=
17807 <eAnnotations source=
17808 <details key=
"baseType" value=
17810 <eAnnotations source=
17811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An alphanumeric code that can be used as a reference to extar information such as the description of the interlocking scheme if any"/>
17813 <eAnnotations source=
17814 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An alphanumeric code that can be used as a reference to extar information such as the description of the interlocking scheme if any"/>
17817 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"OperatingMode" instanceClassName=
17818 <eAnnotations source=
17819 <details key=
"baseType" value=
17821 <eAnnotations source=
17822 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Textual name for an operating mode"/>
17824 <eAnnotations source=
17825 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Textual name for an operating mode"/>
17829 <eSubpackages name=
"Meas" nsURI=
17830 nsPrefix=
17831 <eAnnotations source=
17832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains entities that describe dynamic measurement data exchanged between applications."/>
17834 <eAnnotations source=
17835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains entities that describe dynamic measurement data exchanged between applications."/>
17837 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AccumulatorLimit" eSuperTypes=
17838 <eAnnotations source=
17839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit values for Accumulator measurements"/>
17841 <eAnnotations source=
17842 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Limit values for Accumulator measurements"/>
17844 <eAnnotations source=
17845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit values for Accumulator measurements"/>
17846 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Limit values for Accumulator measurements"/>
17848 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LimitSet" eType=
17849 eOpposite=
17850 <eAnnotations source=
17851 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The set of limits."/>
17853 <eAnnotations source=
17854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The set of limits."/>
17856 </eStructuralFeatures>
17857 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17859 <eAnnotations source=
17860 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise against. The value is positive."/>
17862 <eAnnotations source=
17863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise against. The value is positive."/>
17865 </eStructuralFeatures>
17867 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ValueToAlias" eSuperTypes=
17868 <eAnnotations source=
17869 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of one particular value into a name, e.g. 1->"Open""/>
17871 <eAnnotations source=
17872 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of one particular value into a name, e.g. 1->"Open""/>
17874 <eAnnotations source=
17875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of one particular value into a name, e.g. 1->"Open""/>
17876 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of one particular value into a name, e.g. 1->"Open""/>
17878 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
17880 <eAnnotations source=
17881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value that is mapped"/>
17883 <eAnnotations source=
17884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value that is mapped"/>
17886 </eStructuralFeatures>
17887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ValueAliasSet" eType=
17888 eOpposite=
17889 <eAnnotations source=
17890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueAliasSet having the ValueToAlias mappings"/>
17892 <eAnnotations source=
17893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueAliasSet having the ValueToAlias mappings"/>
17895 </eStructuralFeatures>
17897 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MeasurementValueSource" eSuperTypes=
17898 <eAnnotations source=
17899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"MeasurementValueSource describes the alternative sources updating a MeasurementValue. User conventions for how to use the MeasurementValueSource attributes are described in the introduction to IEC 61970-301."/>
17901 <eAnnotations source=
17902 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"MeasurementValueSource describes the alternative sources updating a MeasurementValue. User conventions for how to use the MeasurementValueSource attributes are described in the introduction to IEC 61970-301."/>
17904 <eAnnotations source=
17905 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"MeasurementValueSource describes the alternative sources updating a MeasurementValue. User conventions for how to use the MeasurementValueSource attributes are described in the introduction to IEC 61970-301."/>
17906 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"MeasurementValueSource describes the alternative sources updating a MeasurementValue. User conventions for how to use the MeasurementValueSource attributes are described in the introduction to IEC 61970-301."/>
17908 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
17909 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/MeasurementValue" eOpposite=
17910 <eAnnotations source=
17911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The MeasurementValues updated by the source"/>
17913 <eAnnotations source=
17914 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The MeasurementValues updated by the source"/>
17916 </eStructuralFeatures>
17918 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Analog" eSuperTypes=
17919 <eAnnotations source=
17920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Analog represents an analog Measurement."/>
17922 <eAnnotations source=
17923 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Analog represents an analog Measurement."/>
17925 <eAnnotations source=
17926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Analog represents an analog Measurement."/>
17927 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Analog represents an analog Measurement."/>
17929 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LimitSets" upperBound=
17930 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/AnalogLimitSet" eOpposite=
17931 <eAnnotations source=
17932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A measurement may have zero or more limit ranges defined for it."/>
17934 <eAnnotations source=
17935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A measurement may have zero or more limit ranges defined for it."/>
17937 </eStructuralFeatures>
17938 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
17940 <eAnnotations source=
17941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values."/>
17943 <eAnnotations source=
17944 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values."/>
17946 </eStructuralFeatures>
17947 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AnalogValues" upperBound=
17948 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/AnalogValue" eOpposite=
17949 <eAnnotations source=
17950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
17952 <eAnnotations source=
17953 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
17955 </eStructuralFeatures>
17956 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SetPoint" eType=
17957 eOpposite=
17958 <eAnnotations source=
17959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Control variable associated with the Measurement"/>
17961 <eAnnotations source=
17962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Control variable associated with the Measurement"/>
17964 </eStructuralFeatures>
17965 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
17967 <eAnnotations source=
17968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal measurement value, e.g., used for percentage calculations."/>
17970 <eAnnotations source=
17971 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal measurement value, e.g., used for percentage calculations."/>
17973 </eStructuralFeatures>
17974 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"positiveFlowIn" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
17976 <eAnnotations source=
17977 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If true then this measurement is an active power, reactive power or current with the convention that a positive value measured at the Terminal means power is flowing into the related PowerSystemResource."/>
17979 <eAnnotations source=
17980 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If true then this measurement is an active power, reactive power or current with the convention that a positive value measured at the Terminal means power is flowing into the related PowerSystemResource."/>
17982 </eStructuralFeatures>
17983 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
17985 <eAnnotations source=
17986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range minimum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values"/>
17988 <eAnnotations source=
17989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range minimum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values"/>
17991 </eStructuralFeatures>
17993 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AnalogValue" eSuperTypes=
17994 <eAnnotations source=
17995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AnalogValue represents an analog MeasurementValue."/>
17997 <eAnnotations source=
17998 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"AnalogValue represents an analog MeasurementValue."/>
18000 <eAnnotations source=
18001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AnalogValue represents an analog MeasurementValue."/>
18002 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"AnalogValue represents an analog MeasurementValue."/>
18004 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
18006 <eAnnotations source=
18007 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise."/>
18009 <eAnnotations source=
18010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise."/>
18012 </eStructuralFeatures>
18013 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AltTieMeas" upperBound=
18014 eType=
"#//IEC61970/ControlArea/AltTieMeas" eOpposite=
18015 <eAnnotations source=
18016 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The usage of the measurement within the control area specification."/>
18018 <eAnnotations source=
18019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The usage of the measurement within the control area specification."/>
18021 </eStructuralFeatures>
18022 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Analog" eType=
18023 eOpposite=
18024 <eAnnotations source=
18025 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18027 <eAnnotations source=
18028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18030 </eStructuralFeatures>
18031 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18032 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
18033 eOpposite=
18034 <eAnnotations source=
18035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The alternate generating unit for which this measurement value applies."/>
18037 <eAnnotations source=
18038 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The alternate generating unit for which this measurement value applies."/>
18040 </eStructuralFeatures>
18042 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Measurement" eSuperTypes=
18043 <eAnnotations source=
18044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Measurement represents any measured, calculated or non-measured non-calculated quantity. Any piece of equipment may contain Measurements, e.g. a substation may have temperature measurements and door open indications, a transformer may have oil temperature and tank pressure measurements, a bay may contain a number of power flow measurements and a Breaker may contain a switch status measurement. 
The PSR - Measurement association is intended to capture this use of Measurement and is included in the naming hierarchy based on EquipmentContainer. The naming hierarchy typically has Measurements as leafs, e.g. Substation-VoltageLevel-Bay-Switch-Measurement.
Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor location in the network, e.g. a voltage transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is not captured in the PSR - Measurement association. Instead it is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that is used to define the sensing location in the network topology. The location is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment. 
Two possible paths exist:
1) Measurement-Terminal- ConnectivityNode-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
2) Measurement-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
Alternative 2 is the only allowed use. 
When the sensor location is needed both Measurement-PSR and Measurement-Terminal are used. The Measurement-Terminal association is never used alone."/>
18046 <eAnnotations source=
18047 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Measurement represents any measured, calculated or non-measured non-calculated quantity. Any piece of equipment may contain Measurements, e.g. a substation may have temperature measurements and door open indications, a transformer may have oil temperature and tank pressure measurements, a bay may contain a number of power flow measurements and a Breaker may contain a switch status measurement. 
The PSR - Measurement association is intended to capture this use of Measurement and is included in the naming hierarchy based on EquipmentContainer. The naming hierarchy typically has Measurements as leafs, e.g. Substation-VoltageLevel-Bay-Switch-Measurement.
Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor location in the network, e.g. a voltage transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is not captured in the PSR - Measurement association. Instead it is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that is used to define the sensing location in the network topology. The location is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment. 
Two possible paths exist:
1) Measurement-Terminal- ConnectivityNode-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
2) Measurement-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
Alternative 2 is the only allowed use. 
When the sensor location is needed both Measurement-PSR and Measurement-Terminal are used. The Measurement-Terminal association is never used alone."/>
18049 <eAnnotations source=
18050 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Measurement represents any measured, calculated or non-measured non-calculated quantity. Any piece of equipment may contain Measurements, e.g. a substation may have temperature measurements and door open indications, a transformer may have oil temperature and tank pressure measurements, a bay may contain a number of power flow measurements and a Breaker may contain a switch status measurement. 
The PSR - Measurement association is intended to capture this use of Measurement and is included in the naming hierarchy based on EquipmentContainer. The naming hierarchy typically has Measurements as leafs, e.g. Substation-VoltageLevel-Bay-Switch-Measurement.
Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor location in the network, e.g. a voltage transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is not captured in the PSR - Measurement association. Instead it is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that is used to define the sensing location in the network topology. The location is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment. 
Two possible paths exist:
1) Measurement-Terminal- ConnectivityNode-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
2) Measurement-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
Alternative 2 is the only allowed use. 
When the sensor location is needed both Measurement-PSR and Measurement-Terminal are used. The Measurement-Terminal association is never used alone."/>
18051 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Measurement represents any measured, calculated or non-measured non-calculated quantity. Any piece of equipment may contain Measurements, e.g. a substation may have temperature measurements and door open indications, a transformer may have oil temperature and tank pressure measurements, a bay may contain a number of power flow measurements and a Breaker may contain a switch status measurement. 
The PSR - Measurement association is intended to capture this use of Measurement and is included in the naming hierarchy based on EquipmentContainer. The naming hierarchy typically has Measurements as leafs, e.g. Substation-VoltageLevel-Bay-Switch-Measurement.
Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor location in the network, e.g. a voltage transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is not captured in the PSR - Measurement association. Instead it is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that is used to define the sensing location in the network topology. The location is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment. 
Two possible paths exist:
1) Measurement-Terminal- ConnectivityNode-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
2) Measurement-Terminal-ConductingEquipment
Alternative 2 is the only allowed use. 
When the sensor location is needed both Measurement-PSR and Measurement-Terminal are used. The Measurement-Terminal association is never used alone."/>
18053 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
18054 eOpposite=
18055 <eAnnotations source=
18056 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One or more measurements may be associated with a terminal in the network"/>
18058 <eAnnotations source=
18059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One or more measurements may be associated with a terminal in the network"/>
18061 </eStructuralFeatures>
18062 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phases" eType=
18064 <eAnnotations source=
18065 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates to which phases the measurement applies and avoids the need to use 'measurementType' to also encode phase information (which would explode the types). Since Controls have associations with Measurements, they will have the capability to handle each phase. The phase information in Measurement, along with 'measurementType' and 'phaseConnection' uniquely defines a Measurement for a device, based on normal network phase. Their meaning will not change when the computed energizing phasing is changed due to jumpers or other reasons."/>
18067 <eAnnotations source=
18068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates to which phases the measurement applies and avoids the need to use 'measurementType' to also encode phase information (which would explode the types). Since Controls have associations with Measurements, they will have the capability to handle each phase. The phase information in Measurement, along with 'measurementType' and 'phaseConnection' uniquely defines a Measurement for a device, based on normal network phase. Their meaning will not change when the computed energizing phasing is changed due to jumpers or other reasons."/>
18070 </eStructuralFeatures>
18071 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"measurementType" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
18073 <eAnnotations source=
18074 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the type of Measurement, e.g. IndoorTemperature, OutDoorTemperature, BusVoltage, GeneratorVoltage, LineFlow etc."/>
18076 <eAnnotations source=
18077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the type of Measurement, e.g. IndoorTemperature, OutDoorTemperature, BusVoltage, GeneratorVoltage, LineFlow etc."/>
18079 </eStructuralFeatures>
18080 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unitMultiplier" eType=
18082 <eAnnotations source=
18083 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit multiplier of the measured quantity."/>
18085 <eAnnotations source=
18086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit multiplier of the measured quantity."/>
18088 </eStructuralFeatures>
18089 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unitSymbol" eType=
18091 <eAnnotations source=
18092 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit of measure of the measured quantity."/>
18094 <eAnnotations source=
18095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit of measure of the measured quantity."/>
18097 </eStructuralFeatures>
18098 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18099 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
18100 <eAnnotations source=
18101 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The PowerSystemResource that contains the Measurement in the naming hierarchy"/>
18103 <eAnnotations source=
18104 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The PowerSystemResource that contains the Measurement in the naming hierarchy"/>
18106 </eStructuralFeatures>
18107 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Locations" upperBound=
18108 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
18109 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
18110 eOpposite=
18111 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Documents" upperBound=
18112 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Document" eOpposite=
18113 <eAnnotations source=
18114 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurements are specified in types of documents, such as procedures."/>
18116 <eAnnotations source=
18117 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurements are specified in types of documents, such as procedures."/>
18119 </eStructuralFeatures>
18121 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ControlType" eSuperTypes=
18122 <eAnnotations source=
18123 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the type of Control, e.g. BreakerOn/Off, GeneratorVoltageSetPoint, TieLineFlow etc. The ControlType.name shall be unique among all specified types and describe the type. The ControlType.aliasName is meant to be used for localization."/>
18125 <eAnnotations source=
18126 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies the type of Control, e.g. BreakerOn/Off, GeneratorVoltageSetPoint, TieLineFlow etc. The ControlType.name shall be unique among all specified types and describe the type. The ControlType.aliasName is meant to be used for localization."/>
18128 <eAnnotations source=
18129 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the type of Control, e.g. BreakerOn/Off, GeneratorVoltageSetPoint, TieLineFlow etc. The ControlType.name shall be unique among all specified types and describe the type. The ControlType.aliasName is meant to be used for localization."/>
18130 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies the type of Control, e.g. BreakerOn/Off, GeneratorVoltageSetPoint, TieLineFlow etc. The ControlType.name shall be unique among all specified types and describe the type. The ControlType.aliasName is meant to be used for localization."/>
18132 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Controls" upperBound=
18133 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Control" eOpposite=
18134 <eAnnotations source=
18135 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Controls having the ControlType"/>
18137 <eAnnotations source=
18138 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Controls having the ControlType"/>
18140 </eStructuralFeatures>
18142 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StringMeasurementValue" eSuperTypes=
18143 <eAnnotations source=
18144 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"StringMeasurementValue represents a measurement value of type string."/>
18146 <eAnnotations source=
18147 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"StringMeasurementValue represents a measurement value of type string."/>
18149 <eAnnotations source=
18150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"StringMeasurementValue represents a measurement value of type string."/>
18151 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"StringMeasurementValue represents a measurement value of type string."/>
18153 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
18155 <eAnnotations source=
18156 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise."/>
18158 <eAnnotations source=
18159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise."/>
18161 </eStructuralFeatures>
18162 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18163 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/StringMeasurement" eOpposite=
18164 <eAnnotations source=
18165 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18167 <eAnnotations source=
18168 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18170 </eStructuralFeatures>
18172 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StringMeasurement" eSuperTypes=
18173 <eAnnotations source=
18174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"StringMeasurement represents a measurement with values of type string."/>
18176 <eAnnotations source=
18177 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"StringMeasurement represents a measurement with values of type string."/>
18179 <eAnnotations source=
18180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"StringMeasurement represents a measurement with values of type string."/>
18181 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"StringMeasurement represents a measurement with values of type string."/>
18183 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18184 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/StringMeasurementValue" eOpposite=
18185 <eAnnotations source=
18186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
18188 <eAnnotations source=
18189 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
18191 </eStructuralFeatures>
18193 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AnalogLimit" eSuperTypes=
18194 <eAnnotations source=
18195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit values for Analog measurements"/>
18197 <eAnnotations source=
18198 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Limit values for Analog measurements"/>
18200 <eAnnotations source=
18201 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit values for Analog measurements"/>
18202 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Limit values for Analog measurements"/>
18204 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
18206 <eAnnotations source=
18207 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise against."/>
18209 <eAnnotations source=
18210 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise against."/>
18212 </eStructuralFeatures>
18213 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LimitSet" eType=
18214 eOpposite=
18215 <eAnnotations source=
18216 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The set of limits."/>
18218 <eAnnotations source=
18219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The set of limits."/>
18221 </eStructuralFeatures>
18223 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SetPoint" eSuperTypes=
18224 <eAnnotations source=
18225 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A SetPoint is an analog control used for supervisory control."/>
18227 <eAnnotations source=
18228 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A SetPoint is an analog control used for supervisory control."/>
18230 <eAnnotations source=
18231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A SetPoint is an analog control used for supervisory control."/>
18232 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A SetPoint is an analog control used for supervisory control."/>
18234 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Analog" eType=
18235 eOpposite=
18236 <eAnnotations source=
18237 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurement variable used for control"/>
18239 <eAnnotations source=
18240 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurement variable used for control"/>
18242 </eStructuralFeatures>
18243 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
18245 <eAnnotations source=
18246 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the Control.value. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs."/>
18248 <eAnnotations source=
18249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the Control.value. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs."/>
18251 </eStructuralFeatures>
18252 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
18254 <eAnnotations source=
18255 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range minimum for any of the Control.value. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs."/>
18257 <eAnnotations source=
18258 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range minimum for any of the Control.value. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs."/>
18260 </eStructuralFeatures>
18261 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
18263 <eAnnotations source=
18264 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value for Control.value e.g. used for percentage scaling"/>
18266 <eAnnotations source=
18267 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value for Control.value e.g. used for percentage scaling"/>
18269 </eStructuralFeatures>
18270 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
18272 <eAnnotations source=
18273 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value representing the actuator output"/>
18275 <eAnnotations source=
18276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value representing the actuator output"/>
18278 </eStructuralFeatures>
18280 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Limit" eSuperTypes=
18281 <eAnnotations source=
18282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies one limit value for a Measurement. A Measurement typically has several limits that are kept together by the LimitSet class. The actual meaning and use of a Limit instance (i.e., if it is an alarm or warning limit or if it is a high or low limit) is not captured in the Limit class. However the name of a Limit instance may indicate both meaning and use."/>
18284 <eAnnotations source=
18285 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies one limit value for a Measurement. A Measurement typically has several limits that are kept together by the LimitSet class. The actual meaning and use of a Limit instance (i.e., if it is an alarm or warning limit or if it is a high or low limit) is not captured in the Limit class. However the name of a Limit instance may indicate both meaning and use."/>
18287 <eAnnotations source=
18288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies one limit value for a Measurement. A Measurement typically has several limits that are kept together by the LimitSet class. The actual meaning and use of a Limit instance (i.e., if it is an alarm or warning limit or if it is a high or low limit) is not captured in the Limit class. However the name of a Limit instance may indicate both meaning and use."/>
18289 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies one limit value for a Measurement. A Measurement typically has several limits that are kept together by the LimitSet class. The actual meaning and use of a Limit instance (i.e., if it is an alarm or warning limit or if it is a high or low limit) is not captured in the Limit class. However the name of a Limit instance may indicate both meaning and use."/>
18291 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Procedures" upperBound=
18292 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Procedure" eOpposite=
18294 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Discrete" eSuperTypes=
18295 <eAnnotations source=
18296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Discrete represents a discrete Measurement, i.e. a Measurement reprsenting discrete values, e.g. a Breaker position."/>
18298 <eAnnotations source=
18299 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Discrete represents a discrete Measurement, i.e. a Measurement reprsenting discrete values, e.g. a Breaker position."/>
18301 <eAnnotations source=
18302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Discrete represents a discrete Measurement, i.e. a Measurement reprsenting discrete values, e.g. a Breaker position."/>
18303 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Discrete represents a discrete Measurement, i.e. a Measurement reprsenting discrete values, e.g. a Breaker position."/>
18305 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18307 <eAnnotations source=
18308 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal measurement value, e.g., used for percentage calculations."/>
18310 <eAnnotations source=
18311 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal measurement value, e.g., used for percentage calculations."/>
18313 </eStructuralFeatures>
18314 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18316 <eAnnotations source=
18317 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range minimum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values"/>
18319 <eAnnotations source=
18320 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range minimum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values"/>
18322 </eStructuralFeatures>
18323 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Command" eType=
18324 eOpposite=
18325 <eAnnotations source=
18326 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Control variable associated with the Measurement."/>
18328 <eAnnotations source=
18329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Control variable associated with the Measurement."/>
18331 </eStructuralFeatures>
18332 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DiscreteValues" upperBound=
18333 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/DiscreteValue" eOpposite=
18334 <eAnnotations source=
18335 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
18337 <eAnnotations source=
18338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
18340 </eStructuralFeatures>
18341 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ValueAliasSet" eType=
18342 eOpposite=
18343 <eAnnotations source=
18344 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueAliasSet used for translation of a MeasurementValue.value to a name"/>
18346 <eAnnotations source=
18347 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueAliasSet used for translation of a MeasurementValue.value to a name"/>
18349 </eStructuralFeatures>
18350 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18352 <eAnnotations source=
18353 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values."/>
18355 <eAnnotations source=
18356 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values."/>
18358 </eStructuralFeatures>
18360 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ValueAliasSet" eSuperTypes=
18361 <eAnnotations source=
18362 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of a set of values into a name and is intendend to facilitate cusom translations. Each ValueAliasSet has a name, description etc. A specific Measurement may represent a discrete state like Open, Closed, Intermediate etc. This requires a translation from the MeasurementValue.value number to a string, e.g. 0->"Invalid", 1->"Open", 2->"Closed", 3->"Intermediate". Each ValueToAlias member in ValueAliasSet.Value describe a mapping for one particular value to a name."/>
18364 <eAnnotations source=
18365 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of a set of values into a name and is intendend to facilitate cusom translations. Each ValueAliasSet has a name, description etc. A specific Measurement may represent a discrete state like Open, Closed, Intermediate etc. This requires a translation from the MeasurementValue.value number to a string, e.g. 0->"Invalid", 1->"Open", 2->"Closed", 3->"Intermediate". Each ValueToAlias member in ValueAliasSet.Value describe a mapping for one particular value to a name."/>
18367 <eAnnotations source=
18368 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of a set of values into a name and is intendend to facilitate cusom translations. Each ValueAliasSet has a name, description etc. A specific Measurement may represent a discrete state like Open, Closed, Intermediate etc. This requires a translation from the MeasurementValue.value number to a string, e.g. 0->"Invalid", 1->"Open", 2->"Closed", 3->"Intermediate". Each ValueToAlias member in ValueAliasSet.Value describe a mapping for one particular value to a name."/>
18369 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Describes the translation of a set of values into a name and is intendend to facilitate cusom translations. Each ValueAliasSet has a name, description etc. A specific Measurement may represent a discrete state like Open, Closed, Intermediate etc. This requires a translation from the MeasurementValue.value number to a string, e.g. 0->"Invalid", 1->"Open", 2->"Closed", 3->"Intermediate". Each ValueToAlias member in ValueAliasSet.Value describe a mapping for one particular value to a name."/>
18371 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Discretes" upperBound=
18372 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Discrete" eOpposite=
18373 <eAnnotations source=
18374 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements using the set for translation"/>
18376 <eAnnotations source=
18377 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements using the set for translation"/>
18379 </eStructuralFeatures>
18380 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Commands" upperBound=
18381 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Command" eOpposite=
18382 <eAnnotations source=
18383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueAliasSet used for translation of a Control value to a name."/>
18385 <eAnnotations source=
18386 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueAliasSet used for translation of a Control value to a name."/>
18388 </eStructuralFeatures>
18389 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Values" upperBound=
18390 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/ValueToAlias" eOpposite=
18391 <eAnnotations source=
18392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueToAlias mappings included in the set"/>
18394 <eAnnotations source=
18395 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ValueToAlias mappings included in the set"/>
18397 </eStructuralFeatures>
18399 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Quality61850" eSuperTypes=
18400 <eAnnotations source=
18401 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quality flags in this class are as defined in IEC 61850, except for estimatorReplaced, which has been included in this class for convenience."/>
18403 <eAnnotations source=
18404 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Quality flags in this class are as defined in IEC 61850, except for estimatorReplaced, which has been included in this class for convenience."/>
18406 <eAnnotations source=
18407 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quality flags in this class are as defined in IEC 61850, except for estimatorReplaced, which has been included in this class for convenience."/>
18408 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Quality flags in this class are as defined in IEC 61850, except for estimatorReplaced, which has been included in this class for convenience."/>
18410 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"overFlow" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18412 <eAnnotations source=
18413 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is beyond the capability of being represented properly. For example, a counter value overflows from maximum count back to a value of zero."/>
18415 <eAnnotations source=
18416 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is beyond the capability of being represented properly. For example, a counter value overflows from maximum count back to a value of zero."/>
18418 </eStructuralFeatures>
18419 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
18420 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18422 <eAnnotations source=
18423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value has been replaced by State Estimator. estimatorReplaced is not an IEC61850 quality bit but has been put in this class for convenience."/>
18425 <eAnnotations source=
18426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value has been replaced by State Estimator. estimatorReplaced is not an IEC61850 quality bit but has been put in this class for convenience."/>
18428 </eStructuralFeatures>
18429 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"validity" eType=
18431 <eAnnotations source=
18432 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Validity of the measurement value."/>
18434 <eAnnotations source=
18435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Validity of the measurement value."/>
18437 </eStructuralFeatures>
18438 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"operatorBlocked" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18440 <eAnnotations source=
18441 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is blocked and hence unavailable for transmission."/>
18443 <eAnnotations source=
18444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is blocked and hence unavailable for transmission."/>
18446 </eStructuralFeatures>
18447 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oldData" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18449 <eAnnotations source=
18450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is old and possibly invalid, as it has not been successfully updated during a specified time interval."/>
18452 <eAnnotations source=
18453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is old and possibly invalid, as it has not been successfully updated during a specified time interval."/>
18455 </eStructuralFeatures>
18456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"failure" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18458 <eAnnotations source=
18459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This identifier indicates that a supervision function has detected an internal or external failure, e.g. communication failure."/>
18461 <eAnnotations source=
18462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This identifier indicates that a supervision function has detected an internal or external failure, e.g. communication failure."/>
18464 </eStructuralFeatures>
18465 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"source" eType=
18467 <eAnnotations source=
18468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Source gives information related to the origin of a value. The value may be acquired from the process, defaulted or substituted."/>
18470 <eAnnotations source=
18471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Source gives information related to the origin of a value. The value may be acquired from the process, defaulted or substituted."/>
18473 </eStructuralFeatures>
18474 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"outOfRange" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18476 <eAnnotations source=
18477 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is beyond a predefined range of value."/>
18479 <eAnnotations source=
18480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is beyond a predefined range of value."/>
18482 </eStructuralFeatures>
18483 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"badReference" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18485 <eAnnotations source=
18486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value may be incorrect due to a reference being out of calibration."/>
18488 <eAnnotations source=
18489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value may be incorrect due to a reference being out of calibration."/>
18491 </eStructuralFeatures>
18492 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"suspect" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18494 <eAnnotations source=
18495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A correlation function has detected that the value is not consitent with other values. Typically set by a network State Estimator."/>
18497 <eAnnotations source=
18498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A correlation function has detected that the value is not consitent with other values. Typically set by a network State Estimator."/>
18500 </eStructuralFeatures>
18501 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"test" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18503 <eAnnotations source=
18504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is transmitted for test purposes."/>
18506 <eAnnotations source=
18507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement value is transmitted for test purposes."/>
18509 </eStructuralFeatures>
18510 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"oscillatory" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18512 <eAnnotations source=
18513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"To prevent some overload of the communication it is sensible to detect and suppress oscillating (fast changing) binary inputs. If a signal changes in a defined time (tosc) twice in the same direction (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) then oscillation is detected and the detail quality identifier "oscillatory" is set. If it is detected a configured numbers of transient changes could be passed by. In this time the validity status "questionable" is set. If after this defined numbers of changes the signal is still in the oscillating state the value shall be set either to the opposite state of the previous stable value or to a defined default value. In this case the validity status "questionable" is reset and "invalid" is set as long as the signal is oscillating. If it is configured such that no transient changes should be passed by then the validity status "invalid" is set immediately in addition to the detail quality identifier "oscillatory" (used for status information only)."/>
18515 <eAnnotations source=
18516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"To prevent some overload of the communication it is sensible to detect and suppress oscillating (fast changing) binary inputs. If a signal changes in a defined time (tosc) twice in the same direction (from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0) then oscillation is detected and the detail quality identifier "oscillatory" is set. If it is detected a configured numbers of transient changes could be passed by. In this time the validity status "questionable" is set. If after this defined numbers of changes the signal is still in the oscillating state the value shall be set either to the opposite state of the previous stable value or to a defined default value. In this case the validity status "questionable" is reset and "invalid" is set as long as the signal is oscillating. If it is configured such that no transient changes should be passed by then the validity status "invalid" is set immediately in addition to the detail quality identifier "oscillatory" (used for status information only)."/>
18518 </eStructuralFeatures>
18520 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AccumulatorValue" eSuperTypes=
18521 <eAnnotations source=
18522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AccumulatorValue represents a accumulated (counted) MeasurementValue."/>
18524 <eAnnotations source=
18525 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"AccumulatorValue represents a accumulated (counted) MeasurementValue."/>
18527 <eAnnotations source=
18528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AccumulatorValue represents a accumulated (counted) MeasurementValue."/>
18529 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"AccumulatorValue represents a accumulated (counted) MeasurementValue."/>
18531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18533 <eAnnotations source=
18534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise. The value is positive."/>
18536 <eAnnotations source=
18537 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise. The value is positive."/>
18539 </eStructuralFeatures>
18540 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Accumulator" eType=
18541 eOpposite=
18542 <eAnnotations source=
18543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18545 <eAnnotations source=
18546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18548 </eStructuralFeatures>
18550 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Command" eSuperTypes=
18551 <eAnnotations source=
18552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Command is a discrete control used for supervisory control."/>
18554 <eAnnotations source=
18555 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Command is a discrete control used for supervisory control."/>
18557 <eAnnotations source=
18558 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Command is a discrete control used for supervisory control."/>
18559 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Command is a discrete control used for supervisory control."/>
18561 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Discrete" eType=
18562 eOpposite=
18563 <eAnnotations source=
18564 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurement variable used for control."/>
18566 <eAnnotations source=
18567 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurement variable used for control."/>
18569 </eStructuralFeatures>
18570 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ValueAliasSet" eType=
18571 eOpposite=
18572 <eAnnotations source=
18573 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Commands using the set for translation."/>
18575 <eAnnotations source=
18576 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Commands using the set for translation."/>
18578 </eStructuralFeatures>
18579 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18581 <eAnnotations source=
18582 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value representing the actuator output"/>
18584 <eAnnotations source=
18585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value representing the actuator output"/>
18587 </eStructuralFeatures>
18588 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18590 <eAnnotations source=
18591 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value for Control.value e.g. used for percentage scaling"/>
18593 <eAnnotations source=
18594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value for Control.value e.g. used for percentage scaling"/>
18596 </eStructuralFeatures>
18598 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Accumulator" eSuperTypes=
18599 <eAnnotations source=
18600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Accumulator represents a accumulated (counted) Measurement, e.g. an energy value."/>
18602 <eAnnotations source=
18603 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Accumulator represents a accumulated (counted) Measurement, e.g. an energy value."/>
18605 <eAnnotations source=
18606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Accumulator represents a accumulated (counted) Measurement, e.g. an energy value."/>
18607 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Accumulator represents a accumulated (counted) Measurement, e.g. an energy value."/>
18609 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxValue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18611 <eAnnotations source=
18612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values."/>
18614 <eAnnotations source=
18615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal value range maximum for any of the MeasurementValue.values. Used for scaling, e.g. in bar graphs or of telemetered raw values."/>
18617 </eStructuralFeatures>
18618 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LimitSets" upperBound=
18619 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/AccumulatorLimitSet" eOpposite=
18620 <eAnnotations source=
18621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A measurement may have zero or more limit ranges defined for it."/>
18623 <eAnnotations source=
18624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A measurement may have zero or more limit ranges defined for it."/>
18626 </eStructuralFeatures>
18627 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18628 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/AccumulatorValue" eOpposite=
18629 <eAnnotations source=
18630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
18632 <eAnnotations source=
18633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The values connected to this measurement."/>
18635 </eStructuralFeatures>
18637 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MeasurementValueQuality" eSuperTypes=
18638 <eAnnotations source=
18639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement quality flags. Bits 0-10 are defined for substation automation in draft IEC 61850 part 7-3. Bits 11-15 are reserved for future expansion by that document. Bits 16-31 are reserved for EMS applications."/>
18641 <eAnnotations source=
18642 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Measurement quality flags. Bits 0-10 are defined for substation automation in draft IEC 61850 part 7-3. Bits 11-15 are reserved for future expansion by that document. Bits 16-31 are reserved for EMS applications."/>
18644 <eAnnotations source=
18645 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement quality flags. Bits 0-10 are defined for substation automation in draft IEC 61850 part 7-3. Bits 11-15 are reserved for future expansion by that document. Bits 16-31 are reserved for EMS applications."/>
18646 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Measurement quality flags. Bits 0-10 are defined for substation automation in draft IEC 61850 part 7-3. Bits 11-15 are reserved for future expansion by that document. Bits 16-31 are reserved for EMS applications."/>
18648 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeasurementValue" eType=
18649 eOpposite=
18650 <eAnnotations source=
18651 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it."/>
18653 <eAnnotations source=
18654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it."/>
18656 </eStructuralFeatures>
18658 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
18659 <eLiterals name=
18660 <eLiterals name=
"INVALID" value=
18661 <eLiterals name=
"GOOD" value=
18663 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MeasurementValue" eSuperTypes=
18664 <eAnnotations source=
18665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The current state for a measurement. A state value is an instance of a measurement from a specific source. Measurements can be associated with many state values, each representing a different source for the measurement."/>
18667 <eAnnotations source=
18668 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The current state for a measurement. A state value is an instance of a measurement from a specific source. Measurements can be associated with many state values, each representing a different source for the measurement."/>
18670 <eAnnotations source=
18671 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The current state for a measurement. A state value is an instance of a measurement from a specific source. Measurements can be associated with many state values, each representing a different source for the measurement."/>
18672 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The current state for a measurement. A state value is an instance of a measurement from a specific source. Measurements can be associated with many state values, each representing a different source for the measurement."/>
18674 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GmlValues" upperBound=
18675 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/GmlValue" eOpposite=
18676 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18677 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/MeasurementValueQuality" eOpposite=
18678 <eAnnotations source=
18679 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it."/>
18681 <eAnnotations source=
18682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A MeasurementValue has a MeasurementValueQuality associated with it."/>
18684 </eStructuralFeatures>
18685 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sensorAccuracy" eType=
18687 <eAnnotations source=
18688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit, expressed as a percentage of the sensor maximum, that errors will not exceed when the sensor is used under reference conditions."/>
18690 <eAnnotations source=
18691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit, expressed as a percentage of the sensor maximum, that errors will not exceed when the sensor is used under reference conditions."/>
18693 </eStructuralFeatures>
18694 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18695 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
18696 eOpposite=
18697 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18698 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/MeasurementValueSource" eOpposite=
18699 <eAnnotations source=
18700 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reference to the type of source that updates the MeasurementValue, e.g. SCADA, CCLink, manual, etc. User conventions for the names of sources are contained in the introduction to IEC 61970-301."/>
18702 <eAnnotations source=
18703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reference to the type of source that updates the MeasurementValue, e.g. SCADA, CCLink, manual, etc. User conventions for the names of sources are contained in the introduction to IEC 61970-301."/>
18705 </eStructuralFeatures>
18706 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPerson" eType=
18707 eOpposite=
18708 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RemoteSource" eType=
18709 eOpposite=
18710 <eAnnotations source=
18711 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement."/>
18713 <eAnnotations source=
18714 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Link to the physical telemetered point associated with this measurement."/>
18716 </eStructuralFeatures>
18717 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeStamp" eType=
18719 <eAnnotations source=
18720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time when the value was last updated"/>
18722 <eAnnotations source=
18723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time when the value was last updated"/>
18725 </eStructuralFeatures>
18727 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DiscreteValue" eSuperTypes=
18728 <eAnnotations source=
18729 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DiscreteValue represents a discrete MeasurementValue."/>
18731 <eAnnotations source=
18732 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"DiscreteValue represents a discrete MeasurementValue."/>
18734 <eAnnotations source=
18735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DiscreteValue represents a discrete MeasurementValue."/>
18736 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"DiscreteValue represents a discrete MeasurementValue."/>
18738 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Discrete" eType=
18739 eOpposite=
18740 <eAnnotations source=
18741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18743 <eAnnotations source=
18744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement to which this value is connected."/>
18746 </eStructuralFeatures>
18747 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
18749 <eAnnotations source=
18750 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise."/>
18752 <eAnnotations source=
18753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The value to supervise."/>
18755 </eStructuralFeatures>
18757 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AnalogLimitSet" eSuperTypes=
18758 <eAnnotations source=
18759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An AnalogLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Analog measurement."/>
18761 <eAnnotations source=
18762 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An AnalogLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Analog measurement."/>
18764 <eAnnotations source=
18765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An AnalogLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Analog measurement."/>
18766 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An AnalogLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Analog measurement."/>
18768 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Limits" upperBound=
18769 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/AnalogLimit" eOpposite=
18770 <eAnnotations source=
18771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit values used for supervision of Measurements."/>
18773 <eAnnotations source=
18774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit values used for supervision of Measurements."/>
18776 </eStructuralFeatures>
18777 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Measurements" upperBound=
18778 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Analog" eOpposite=
18779 <eAnnotations source=
18780 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements using the LimitSet."/>
18782 <eAnnotations source=
18783 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements using the LimitSet."/>
18785 </eStructuralFeatures>
18787 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LimitSet" eSuperTypes=
18788 <eAnnotations source=
18789 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of Limits that are associated with a Measurement. A Measurement may have several LimitSets corresponding to seasonal or other changing conditions. The condition is captured in the name and description attributes. The same LimitSet may be used for several Measurements. In particular percentage limits are used this way."/>
18791 <eAnnotations source=
18792 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of Limits that are associated with a Measurement. A Measurement may have several LimitSets corresponding to seasonal or other changing conditions. The condition is captured in the name and description attributes. The same LimitSet may be used for several Measurements. In particular percentage limits are used this way."/>
18794 <eAnnotations source=
18795 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of Limits that are associated with a Measurement. A Measurement may have several LimitSets corresponding to seasonal or other changing conditions. The condition is captured in the name and description attributes. The same LimitSet may be used for several Measurements. In particular percentage limits are used this way."/>
18796 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies a set of Limits that are associated with a Measurement. A Measurement may have several LimitSets corresponding to seasonal or other changing conditions. The condition is captured in the name and description attributes. The same LimitSet may be used for several Measurements. In particular percentage limits are used this way."/>
18798 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
18799 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18801 <eAnnotations source=
18802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tells if the limit values are in percentage of normalValue or the specified Unit for Measurements and Controls."/>
18804 <eAnnotations source=
18805 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tells if the limit values are in percentage of normalValue or the specified Unit for Measurements and Controls."/>
18807 </eStructuralFeatures>
18809 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AccumulatorLimitSet" eSuperTypes=
18810 <eAnnotations source=
18811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An AccumulatorLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Accumulator measurement."/>
18813 <eAnnotations source=
18814 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An AccumulatorLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Accumulator measurement."/>
18816 <eAnnotations source=
18817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An AccumulatorLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Accumulator measurement."/>
18818 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An AccumulatorLimitSet specifies a set of Limits that are associated with an Accumulator measurement."/>
18820 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Limits" upperBound=
18821 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/AccumulatorLimit" eOpposite=
18822 <eAnnotations source=
18823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit values used for supervision of Measurements."/>
18825 <eAnnotations source=
18826 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit values used for supervision of Measurements."/>
18828 </eStructuralFeatures>
18829 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Measurements" upperBound=
18830 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Accumulator" eOpposite=
18831 <eAnnotations source=
18832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements using the LimitSet."/>
18834 <eAnnotations source=
18835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements using the LimitSet."/>
18837 </eStructuralFeatures>
18839 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Control" eSuperTypes=
18840 <eAnnotations source=
18841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Control is used for supervisory/device control. It represents control outputs that are used to change the state in a process, e.g. close or open breaker, a set point value or a raise lower command."/>
18843 <eAnnotations source=
18844 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Control is used for supervisory/device control. It represents control outputs that are used to change the state in a process, e.g. close or open breaker, a set point value or a raise lower command."/>
18846 <eAnnotations source=
18847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Control is used for supervisory/device control. It represents control outputs that are used to change the state in a process, e.g. close or open breaker, a set point value or a raise lower command."/>
18848 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Control is used for supervisory/device control. It represents control outputs that are used to change the state in a process, e.g. close or open breaker, a set point value or a raise lower command."/>
18850 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RemoteControl" eType=
18851 eOpposite=
18852 <eAnnotations source=
18853 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The remote point controlling the physical actuator."/>
18855 <eAnnotations source=
18856 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The remote point controlling the physical actuator."/>
18858 </eStructuralFeatures>
18859 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RegulatingCondEq" eType=
18860 eOpposite=
18861 <eAnnotations source=
18862 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulating device governed by this control output."/>
18864 <eAnnotations source=
18865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Regulating device governed by this control output."/>
18867 </eStructuralFeatures>
18868 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ControlType" eType=
18869 eOpposite=
18870 <eAnnotations source=
18871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of Control"/>
18873 <eAnnotations source=
18874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of Control"/>
18876 </eStructuralFeatures>
18877 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unitSymbol" eType=
18879 <eAnnotations source=
18880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit of measure of the controlled quantity."/>
18882 <eAnnotations source=
18883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit of measure of the controlled quantity."/>
18885 </eStructuralFeatures>
18886 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unitMultiplier" eType=
18888 <eAnnotations source=
18889 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit multiplier of the controlled quantity."/>
18891 <eAnnotations source=
18892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit multiplier of the controlled quantity."/>
18894 </eStructuralFeatures>
18895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
18896 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
18898 <eAnnotations source=
18899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates that a client is currently sending control commands that has not completed"/>
18901 <eAnnotations source=
18902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates that a client is currently sending control commands that has not completed"/>
18904 </eStructuralFeatures>
18905 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeStamp" eType=
18907 <eAnnotations source=
18908 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The last time a control output was sent"/>
18910 <eAnnotations source=
18911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The last time a control output was sent"/>
18913 </eStructuralFeatures>
18916 <eSubpackages name=
"LoadModel" nsURI=
18917 nsPrefix=
18918 <eAnnotations source=
18919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is responsible for modeling the energy consumers and the system load as curves and associated curve data. Special circumstances that may affect the load, such as seasons and daytypes, are also included here.

This information is used by Load Forecasting and Load Management."/>
18921 <eAnnotations source=
18922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is responsible for modeling the energy consumers and the system load as curves and associated curve data. Special circumstances that may affect the load, such as seasons and daytypes, are also included here.

This information is used by Load Forecasting and Load Management."/>
18924 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConformLoad" eSuperTypes=
18925 <eAnnotations source=
18926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the pattern can be used to scale the load with a system load."/>
18928 <eAnnotations source=
18929 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the pattern can be used to scale the load with a system load."/>
18931 <eAnnotations source=
18932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the pattern can be used to scale the load with a system load."/>
18933 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"ConformLoad represent loads that follow a daily load change pattern where the pattern can be used to scale the load with a system load."/>
18935 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LoadGroup" eType=
18936 eOpposite=
18937 <eAnnotations source=
18938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Group of this ConformLoad."/>
18940 <eAnnotations source=
18941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Group of this ConformLoad."/>
18943 </eStructuralFeatures>
18945 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConformLoadGroup" eSuperTypes=
18946 <eAnnotations source=
18947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A group of loads conforming to an allocation pattern."/>
18949 <eAnnotations source=
18950 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A group of loads conforming to an allocation pattern."/>
18952 <eAnnotations source=
18953 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A group of loads conforming to an allocation pattern."/>
18954 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A group of loads conforming to an allocation pattern."/>
18956 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
18957 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/ConformLoadSchedule" eOpposite=
18958 <eAnnotations source=
18959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ConformLoadSchedules in the ConformLoadGroup."/>
18961 <eAnnotations source=
18962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ConformLoadSchedules in the ConformLoadGroup."/>
18964 </eStructuralFeatures>
18965 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergyConsumers" upperBound=
18966 eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/ConformLoad" eOpposite=
18967 <eAnnotations source=
18968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conform loads assigned to this ConformLoadGroup."/>
18970 <eAnnotations source=
18971 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conform loads assigned to this ConformLoadGroup."/>
18973 </eStructuralFeatures>
18975 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SeasonDayTypeSchedule" eSuperTypes=
18976 <eAnnotations source=
18977 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The schedule specialize RegularIntervalSchedule with type curve data for a specific type of day and season. This means that curves of this type cover a 24 hour period."/>
18979 <eAnnotations source=
18980 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The schedule specialize RegularIntervalSchedule with type curve data for a specific type of day and season. This means that curves of this type cover a 24 hour period."/>
18982 <eAnnotations source=
18983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The schedule specialize RegularIntervalSchedule with type curve data for a specific type of day and season. This means that curves of this type cover a 24 hour period."/>
18984 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The schedule specialize RegularIntervalSchedule with type curve data for a specific type of day and season. This means that curves of this type cover a 24 hour period."/>
18986 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Season" eType=
18987 eOpposite=
18988 <eAnnotations source=
18989 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Season for the Schedule."/>
18991 <eAnnotations source=
18992 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Season for the Schedule."/>
18994 </eStructuralFeatures>
18995 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DayType" eType=
18996 eOpposite=
18997 <eAnnotations source=
18998 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DayType for the Schedule."/>
19000 <eAnnotations source=
19001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DayType for the Schedule."/>
19003 </eStructuralFeatures>
19005 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadGroup" eSuperTypes=
19006 <eAnnotations source=
19007 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class is the third level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19009 <eAnnotations source=
19010 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class is the third level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19012 <eAnnotations source=
19013 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class is the third level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19014 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class is the third level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19016 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SubLoadArea" eType=
19017 eOpposite=
19018 <eAnnotations source=
19019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SubLoadArea where the Loadgroup belongs."/>
19021 <eAnnotations source=
19022 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SubLoadArea where the Loadgroup belongs."/>
19024 </eStructuralFeatures>
19026 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConformLoadSchedule" eSuperTypes=
19027 <eAnnotations source=
19028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered. This curve represents a typical pattern of load over the time period for a given day type and season."/>
19030 <eAnnotations source=
19031 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered. This curve represents a typical pattern of load over the time period for a given day type and season."/>
19033 <eAnnotations source=
19034 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered. This curve represents a typical pattern of load over the time period for a given day type and season."/>
19035 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A curve of load versus time (X-axis) showing the active power values (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) for each unit of the period covered. This curve represents a typical pattern of load over the time period for a given day type and season."/>
19037 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ConformLoadGroup" eType=
19038 eOpposite=
19039 <eAnnotations source=
19040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ConformLoadGroup where the ConformLoadSchedule belongs."/>
19042 <eAnnotations source=
19043 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ConformLoadGroup where the ConformLoadSchedule belongs."/>
19045 </eStructuralFeatures>
19047 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadArea" eSuperTypes=
19048 <eAnnotations source=
19049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class is the root or first level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19051 <eAnnotations source=
19052 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class is the root or first level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19054 <eAnnotations source=
19055 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class is the root or first level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19056 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class is the root or first level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19058 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SubLoadAreas" upperBound=
19059 eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/SubLoadArea" eOpposite=
19060 <eAnnotations source=
19061 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SubLoadAreas in the LoadArea."/>
19063 <eAnnotations source=
19064 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The SubLoadAreas in the LoadArea."/>
19066 </eStructuralFeatures>
19068 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerCutZone" eSuperTypes=
19069 <eAnnotations source=
19070 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An area or zone of the power system which is used for load shedding purposes."/>
19072 <eAnnotations source=
19073 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An area or zone of the power system which is used for load shedding purposes."/>
19075 <eAnnotations source=
19076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An area or zone of the power system which is used for load shedding purposes."/>
19077 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An area or zone of the power system which is used for load shedding purposes."/>
19079 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergyConsumers" upperBound=
19080 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/EnergyConsumer" eOpposite=
19081 <eAnnotations source=
19082 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An energy consumer is assigned to a power cut zone"/>
19084 <eAnnotations source=
19085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An energy consumer is assigned to a power cut zone"/>
19087 </eStructuralFeatures>
19088 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cutLevel2" eType=
19090 <eAnnotations source=
19091 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second level (amount) of load to cut as a percentage of total zone load"/>
19093 <eAnnotations source=
19094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Second level (amount) of load to cut as a percentage of total zone load"/>
19096 </eStructuralFeatures>
19097 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cutLevel1" eType=
19099 <eAnnotations source=
19100 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First level (amount) of load to cut as a percentage of total zone load"/>
19102 <eAnnotations source=
19103 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"First level (amount) of load to cut as a percentage of total zone load"/>
19105 </eStructuralFeatures>
19107 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"LoadResponseCharacteristic" eSuperTypes=
19108 <eAnnotations source=
19109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency. This is not related to demand response.

If LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is True, the voltage exponents are specified and used as to calculate:

Active power component = Pnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) ** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.pVoltageExponent

Reactive power component = Qnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage)** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.qVoltageExponent

Where * means "multiply" and ** is "raised to power of"."/>
19111 <eAnnotations source=
19112 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency. This is not related to demand response.

If LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is True, the voltage exponents are specified and used as to calculate:

Active power component = Pnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) ** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.pVoltageExponent

Reactive power component = Qnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage)** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.qVoltageExponent

Where * means "multiply" and ** is "raised to power of"."/>
19114 <eAnnotations source=
19115 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency. This is not related to demand response.

If LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is True, the voltage exponents are specified and used as to calculate:

Active power component = Pnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) ** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.pVoltageExponent

Reactive power component = Qnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage)** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.qVoltageExponent

Where * means "multiply" and ** is "raised to power of"."/>
19116 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Models the characteristic response of the load demand due to to changes in system conditions such as voltage and frequency. This is not related to demand response.

If LoadResponseCharacteristic.exponentModel is True, the voltage exponents are specified and used as to calculate:

Active power component = Pnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage) ** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.pVoltageExponent

Reactive power component = Qnominal * (Voltage/cim:BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage)** cim:LoadResponseCharacteristic.qVoltageExponent

Where * means "multiply" and ** is "raised to power of"."/>
19118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
19119 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19121 <eAnnotations source=
19122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit frequency effecting active power"/>
19124 <eAnnotations source=
19125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit frequency effecting active power"/>
19127 </eStructuralFeatures>
19128 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pConstantPower" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19130 <eAnnotations source=
19131 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of active power load modeled as constant power. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of pZ, pI, and pP."/>
19133 <eAnnotations source=
19134 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of active power load modeled as constant power. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of pZ, pI, and pP."/>
19136 </eStructuralFeatures>
19137 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"exponentModel" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
19139 <eAnnotations source=
19140 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the exponential voltage dependency model (pVoltateExponent and qVoltageExponent) is to be used. If false, the coeficient model (consisting of pConstantImpedance, pConstantCurrent, pConstantPower, qConstantImpedance, qConstantCurrent, and qConstantPower) is to be used."/>
19142 <eAnnotations source=
19143 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the exponential voltage dependency model (pVoltateExponent and qVoltageExponent) is to be used. If false, the coeficient model (consisting of pConstantImpedance, pConstantCurrent, pConstantPower, qConstantImpedance, qConstantCurrent, and qConstantPower) is to be used."/>
19145 </eStructuralFeatures>
19146 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
19147 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19149 <eAnnotations source=
19150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit frequency effecting reactive power"/>
19152 <eAnnotations source=
19153 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit frequency effecting reactive power"/>
19155 </eStructuralFeatures>
19156 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergyConsumer" upperBound=
19157 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/EnergyConsumer" eOpposite=
19158 <eAnnotations source=
19159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The set of loads that have the response characteristics."/>
19161 <eAnnotations source=
19162 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The set of loads that have the response characteristics."/>
19164 </eStructuralFeatures>
19165 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pVoltageExponent" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19167 <eAnnotations source=
19168 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit voltage effecting real power. This model used only when "useExponentModel" is true."/>
19170 <eAnnotations source=
19171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit voltage effecting real power. This model used only when "useExponentModel" is true."/>
19173 </eStructuralFeatures>
19174 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
19175 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19177 <eAnnotations source=
19178 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of reactive power load modeled as constant impedance. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of qZ, qI, and qP."/>
19180 <eAnnotations source=
19181 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of reactive power load modeled as constant impedance. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of qZ, qI, and qP."/>
19183 </eStructuralFeatures>
19184 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qConstantPower" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19186 <eAnnotations source=
19187 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of reactive power load modeled as constant power. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of qZ, qI, and qP."/>
19189 <eAnnotations source=
19190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of reactive power load modeled as constant power. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of qZ, qI, and qP."/>
19192 </eStructuralFeatures>
19193 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
19194 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19196 <eAnnotations source=
19197 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of active power load modeled as constant impedance. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of pZ, pI, and pP."/>
19199 <eAnnotations source=
19200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of active power load modeled as constant impedance. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of pZ, pI, and pP."/>
19202 </eStructuralFeatures>
19203 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pConstantCurrent" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19205 <eAnnotations source=
19206 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of active power load modeled as constant current. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of pZ, pI, and pP."/>
19208 <eAnnotations source=
19209 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of active power load modeled as constant current. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of pZ, pI, and pP."/>
19211 </eStructuralFeatures>
19212 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qVoltageExponent" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19214 <eAnnotations source=
19215 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit voltage effecting reactive power. This model used only when "useExponentModel" is true."/>
19217 <eAnnotations source=
19218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exponent of per unit voltage effecting reactive power. This model used only when "useExponentModel" is true."/>
19220 </eStructuralFeatures>
19221 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"qConstantCurrent" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19223 <eAnnotations source=
19224 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of reactive power load modeled as constant current. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of qZ, qI, and qP."/>
19226 <eAnnotations source=
19227 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Portion of reactive power load modeled as constant current. Used only if the useExponentModel is false. This value is noralized against the sum of qZ, qI, and qP."/>
19229 </eStructuralFeatures>
19231 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NonConformLoad" eSuperTypes=
19232 <eAnnotations source=
19233 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"NonConformLoad represent loads that do not follow a daily load change pattern and changes are not correlated with the daily load change pattern."/>
19235 <eAnnotations source=
19236 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"NonConformLoad represent loads that do not follow a daily load change pattern and changes are not correlated with the daily load change pattern."/>
19238 <eAnnotations source=
19239 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"NonConformLoad represent loads that do not follow a daily load change pattern and changes are not correlated with the daily load change pattern."/>
19240 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"NonConformLoad represent loads that do not follow a daily load change pattern and changes are not correlated with the daily load change pattern."/>
19242 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LoadGroup" eType=
19243 eOpposite=
19244 <eAnnotations source=
19245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Group of this ConformLoad."/>
19247 <eAnnotations source=
19248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Group of this ConformLoad."/>
19250 </eStructuralFeatures>
19252 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"StationSupply" eSuperTypes=
19253 <eAnnotations source=
19254 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Station supply with load derived from the station output."/>
19256 <eAnnotations source=
19257 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Station supply with load derived from the station output."/>
19259 <eAnnotations source=
19260 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Station supply with load derived from the station output."/>
19261 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Station supply with load derived from the station output."/>
19264 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EnergyArea" eSuperTypes=
19265 <eAnnotations source=
19266 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class describes an area having energy production or consumption. The class is the basis for further specialization."/>
19268 <eAnnotations source=
19269 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class describes an area having energy production or consumption. The class is the basis for further specialization."/>
19271 <eAnnotations source=
19272 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class describes an area having energy production or consumption. The class is the basis for further specialization."/>
19273 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class describes an area having energy production or consumption. The class is the basis for further specialization."/>
19275 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ControlArea" eType=
19276 eOpposite=
19277 <eAnnotations source=
19278 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control area specification that is used for the load forecast."/>
19280 <eAnnotations source=
19281 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control area specification that is used for the load forecast."/>
19283 </eStructuralFeatures>
19285 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NonConformLoadSchedule" eSuperTypes=
19286 <eAnnotations source=
19287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An active power (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) schedule (curves) versus time (X-axis) for non-conforming loads, e.g., large industrial load or power station service (where modeled)"/>
19289 <eAnnotations source=
19290 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An active power (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) schedule (curves) versus time (X-axis) for non-conforming loads, e.g., large industrial load or power station service (where modeled)"/>
19292 <eAnnotations source=
19293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An active power (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) schedule (curves) versus time (X-axis) for non-conforming loads, e.g., large industrial load or power station service (where modeled)"/>
19294 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An active power (Y1-axis) and reactive power (Y2-axis) schedule (curves) versus time (X-axis) for non-conforming loads, e.g., large industrial load or power station service (where modeled)"/>
19296 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19297 eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/NonConformLoadGroup" eOpposite=
19298 <eAnnotations source=
19299 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The NonConformLoadGroup where the NonConformLoadSchedule belongs."/>
19301 <eAnnotations source=
19302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The NonConformLoadGroup where the NonConformLoadSchedule belongs."/>
19304 </eStructuralFeatures>
19306 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NonConformLoadGroup" eSuperTypes=
19307 <eAnnotations source=
19308 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern."/>
19310 <eAnnotations source=
19311 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern."/>
19313 <eAnnotations source=
19314 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern."/>
19315 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Loads that do not follow a daily and seasonal load variation pattern."/>
19317 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19318 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/NonConformLoadSchedule" eOpposite=
19319 <eAnnotations source=
19320 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The NonConformLoadSchedules in the NonConformLoadGroup."/>
19322 <eAnnotations source=
19323 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The NonConformLoadSchedules in the NonConformLoadGroup."/>
19325 </eStructuralFeatures>
19326 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergyConsumers" upperBound=
19327 eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/NonConformLoad" eOpposite=
19328 <eAnnotations source=
19329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conform loads assigned to this ConformLoadGroup."/>
19331 <eAnnotations source=
19332 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conform loads assigned to this ConformLoadGroup."/>
19334 </eStructuralFeatures>
19336 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DayType" eSuperTypes=
19337 <eAnnotations source=
19338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Group of similar days, e.g., Mon/Tue/Wed, Thu/Fri, Sat/Sun, Holiday1, Holiday2"/>
19340 <eAnnotations source=
19341 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Group of similar days, e.g., Mon/Tue/Wed, Thu/Fri, Sat/Sun, Holiday1, Holiday2"/>
19343 <eAnnotations source=
19344 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Group of similar days, e.g., Mon/Tue/Wed, Thu/Fri, Sat/Sun, Holiday1, Holiday2"/>
19345 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Group of similar days, e.g., Mon/Tue/Wed, Thu/Fri, Sat/Sun, Holiday1, Holiday2"/>
19347 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19348 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/SeasonDayTypeSchedule" eOpposite=
19349 <eAnnotations source=
19350 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedules that use this DayType."/>
19352 <eAnnotations source=
19353 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedules that use this DayType."/>
19355 </eStructuralFeatures>
19357 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SubLoadArea" eSuperTypes=
19358 <eAnnotations source=
19359 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class is the second level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19361 <eAnnotations source=
19362 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class is the second level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19364 <eAnnotations source=
19365 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class is the second level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19366 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class is the second level in a hierarchical structure for grouping of loads for the purpose of load flow load scaling."/>
19368 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LoadGroups" upperBound=
19369 eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/LoadGroup" eOpposite=
19370 <eAnnotations source=
19371 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Loadgroups in the SubLoadArea."/>
19373 <eAnnotations source=
19374 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Loadgroups in the SubLoadArea."/>
19376 </eStructuralFeatures>
19377 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LoadArea" eType=
19378 eOpposite=
19379 <eAnnotations source=
19380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The LoadArea where the SubLoadArea belongs."/>
19382 <eAnnotations source=
19383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The LoadArea where the SubLoadArea belongs."/>
19385 </eStructuralFeatures>
19387 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Season" eSuperTypes=
19388 <eAnnotations source=
19389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specified time period of the year, e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter"/>
19391 <eAnnotations source=
19392 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A specified time period of the year, e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter"/>
19394 <eAnnotations source=
19395 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specified time period of the year, e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter"/>
19396 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A specified time period of the year, e.g., Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter"/>
19398 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
19400 <eAnnotations source=
19401 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the Season"/>
19403 <eAnnotations source=
19404 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the Season"/>
19406 </eStructuralFeatures>
19407 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startDate" eType=
19409 <eAnnotations source=
19410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date season starts"/>
19412 <eAnnotations source=
19413 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date season starts"/>
19415 </eStructuralFeatures>
19416 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"endDate" eType=
19418 <eAnnotations source=
19419 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date season ends"/>
19421 <eAnnotations source=
19422 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date season ends"/>
19424 </eStructuralFeatures>
19425 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19426 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/LoadModel/SeasonDayTypeSchedule" eOpposite=
19427 <eAnnotations source=
19428 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedules that use this Season."/>
19430 <eAnnotations source=
19431 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedules that use this Season."/>
19433 </eStructuralFeatures>
19435 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
19436 <eLiterals name=
19437 <eLiterals name=
"summer" value=
19438 <eLiterals name=
"fall" value=
19439 <eLiterals name=
"spring" value=
19442 <eSubpackages name=
"WiresPhaseModel" nsURI=
19443 nsPrefix=
19444 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SwitchPhase" eSuperTypes=
19445 <eAnnotations source=
19446 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19448 <eAnnotations source=
19449 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19451 <eAnnotations source=
19452 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19453 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase switch when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19455 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseSide1" eType=
19457 <eAnnotations source=
19458 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase of this SwitchPhase on the &ldquo;from&rdquo; (Switch.Terminal.sequenceNumber=1) side. Should be a phase contained in that terminal&rsquo;s Terminal.phases attribute."/>
19460 <eAnnotations source=
19461 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase of this SwitchPhase on the &ldquo;from&rdquo; (Switch.Terminal.sequenceNumber=1) side. Should be a phase contained in that terminal&rsquo;s Terminal.phases attribute."/>
19463 </eStructuralFeatures>
19464 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseSide2" eType=
19466 <eAnnotations source=
19467 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase of this SwitchPhase on the &ldquo;to&rdquo; (Switch.Terminal.sequenceNumber=2) side. Should be a phase contained in that terminal&rsquo;s Terminal.phases attribute."/>
19469 <eAnnotations source=
19470 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase of this SwitchPhase on the &ldquo;to&rdquo; (Switch.Terminal.sequenceNumber=2) side. Should be a phase contained in that terminal&rsquo;s Terminal.phases attribute."/>
19472 </eStructuralFeatures>
19473 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"normalOpen" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
19475 <eAnnotations source=
19476 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the SwitchPhase has a status measurement the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with this value."/>
19478 <eAnnotations source=
19479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used in cases when no Measurement for the status value is present. If the SwitchPhase has a status measurement the Discrete.normalValue is expected to match with this value."/>
19481 </eStructuralFeatures>
19482 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Switch" eType=
19483 eOpposite=
19485 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ShuntCompensatorPhase" eSuperTypes=
19486 <eAnnotations source=
19487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19489 <eAnnotations source=
19490 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19492 <eAnnotations source=
19493 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19494 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Single phase of a multi-phase shunt compensator when its attributes might be different per phase."/>
19496 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ShuntCompensator" eType=
19497 eOpposite=
19499 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
19500 <eLiterals name=
19501 <eLiterals name=
"N" value=
19502 <eLiterals name=
"s1" value=
19503 <eLiterals name=
"B" value=
19504 <eLiterals name=
"s2" value=
19505 <eLiterals name=
"A" value=
19507 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EnergyConsumerPhase" eSuperTypes=
19508 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergyConsumer" eType=
19509 eOpposite=
19512 <eSubpackages name=
"ControlArea" nsURI=
19513 nsPrefix=
19514 <eAnnotations source=
19515 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ControlArea package models area specifications which can be used for a variety of purposes. The package as a whole models potentially overlapping control area specifications for the purpose of actual generation control, load forecast area load capture, or powerflow based analysis."/>
19517 <eAnnotations source=
19518 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ControlArea package models area specifications which can be used for a variety of purposes. The package as a whole models potentially overlapping control area specifications for the purpose of actual generation control, load forecast area load capture, or powerflow based analysis."/>
19520 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AltTieMeas" eSuperTypes=
19521 <eAnnotations source=
19522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the tie flow as part of the control area specification."/>
19524 <eAnnotations source=
19525 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the tie flow as part of the control area specification."/>
19527 <eAnnotations source=
19528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the tie flow as part of the control area specification."/>
19529 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the tie flow as part of the control area specification."/>
19531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AnalogValue" eType=
19532 eOpposite=
19533 <eAnnotations source=
19534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The specific analog value used as a source."/>
19536 <eAnnotations source=
19537 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The specific analog value used as a source."/>
19539 </eStructuralFeatures>
19540 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TieFlow" eType=
19541 eOpposite=
19542 <eAnnotations source=
19543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tie flow of the alternate measurements."/>
19545 <eAnnotations source=
19546 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tie flow of the alternate measurements."/>
19548 </eStructuralFeatures>
19549 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"priority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
19551 <eAnnotations source=
19552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of a measurement usage. Lower numbers have first priority."/>
19554 <eAnnotations source=
19555 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of a measurement usage. Lower numbers have first priority."/>
19557 </eStructuralFeatures>
19559 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AltGeneratingUnitMeas" eSuperTypes=
19560 <eAnnotations source=
19561 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the generating unit in the control area specificaiton."/>
19563 <eAnnotations source=
19564 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the generating unit in the control area specificaiton."/>
19566 <eAnnotations source=
19567 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the generating unit in the control area specificaiton."/>
19568 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A prioritized measurement to be used for the generating unit in the control area specificaiton."/>
19570 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AnalogValue" eType=
19571 eOpposite=
19572 <eAnnotations source=
19573 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The specific analog value used as a source."/>
19575 <eAnnotations source=
19576 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The specific analog value used as a source."/>
19578 </eStructuralFeatures>
19579 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"priority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
19581 <eAnnotations source=
19582 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of a measurement usage. Lower numbers have first priority."/>
19584 <eAnnotations source=
19585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of a measurement usage. Lower numbers have first priority."/>
19587 </eStructuralFeatures>
19588 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19589 eType=
"#//IEC61970/ControlArea/ControlAreaGeneratingUnit" eOpposite=
19590 <eAnnotations source=
19591 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control aread generating unit to which the prioritized measurement assignment is applied."/>
19593 <eAnnotations source=
19594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control aread generating unit to which the prioritized measurement assignment is applied."/>
19596 </eStructuralFeatures>
19598 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TieFlow" eSuperTypes=
19599 <eAnnotations source=
19600 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A flow specification in terms of location and direction for a control area."/>
19602 <eAnnotations source=
19603 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A flow specification in terms of location and direction for a control area."/>
19605 <eAnnotations source=
19606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A flow specification in terms of location and direction for a control area."/>
19607 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A flow specification in terms of location and direction for a control area."/>
19609 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AltTieMeas" upperBound=
19610 eType=
"#//IEC61970/ControlArea/AltTieMeas" eOpposite=
19611 <eAnnotations source=
19612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The primary and alternate tie flow measurements associated with the tie flow."/>
19614 <eAnnotations source=
19615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The primary and alternate tie flow measurements associated with the tie flow."/>
19617 </eStructuralFeatures>
19618 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"positiveFlowIn" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
19620 <eAnnotations source=
19621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The flow is positive into the terminal. A flow is positive if it is an import into the control area."/>
19623 <eAnnotations source=
19624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The flow is positive into the terminal. A flow is positive if it is an import into the control area."/>
19626 </eStructuralFeatures>
19627 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
19628 eOpposite=
19629 <eAnnotations source=
19630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal to which this tie flow belongs."/>
19632 <eAnnotations source=
19633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal to which this tie flow belongs."/>
19635 </eStructuralFeatures>
19636 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ControlArea" eType=
19637 eOpposite=
19638 <eAnnotations source=
19639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control area of the tie flows."/>
19641 <eAnnotations source=
19642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control area of the tie flows."/>
19644 </eStructuralFeatures>
19646 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ControlArea" eSuperTypes=
19647 <eAnnotations source=
19648 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A <b>control area </b>is a grouping of <b>generating units</b> and/or loads and a cutset of tie lines (as <b>terminals</b>) which may be used for a variety of purposes including automatic generation control, powerflow solution area interchange control specification, and input to load forecasting. Note that any number of overlapping control area specifications can be superimposed on the physical model."/>
19650 <eAnnotations source=
19651 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A <b>control area </b>is a grouping of <b>generating units</b> and/or loads and a cutset of tie lines (as <b>terminals</b>) which may be used for a variety of purposes including automatic generation control, powerflow solution area interchange control specification, and input to load forecasting. Note that any number of overlapping control area specifications can be superimposed on the physical model."/>
19653 <eAnnotations source=
19654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A <b>control area </b>is a grouping of <b>generating units</b> and/or loads and a cutset of tie lines (as <b>terminals</b>) which may be used for a variety of purposes including automatic generation control, powerflow solution area interchange control specification, and input to load forecasting. Note that any number of overlapping control area specifications can be superimposed on the physical model."/>
19655 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A <b>control area </b>is a grouping of <b>generating units</b> and/or loads and a cutset of tie lines (as <b>terminals</b>) which may be used for a variety of purposes including automatic generation control, powerflow solution area interchange control specification, and input to load forecasting. Note that any number of overlapping control area specifications can be superimposed on the physical model."/>
19657 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
19659 <eAnnotations source=
19660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of control area defintion used to determine if this is used for automatic generation control, for planning interchange control, or other purposes."/>
19662 <eAnnotations source=
19663 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of control area defintion used to determine if this is used for automatic generation control, for planning interchange control, or other purposes."/>
19665 </eStructuralFeatures>
19666 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19667 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
19668 eOpposite=
19669 <eAnnotations source=
19670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The generating unit specificaitons for the control area."/>
19672 <eAnnotations source=
19673 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The generating unit specificaitons for the control area."/>
19675 </eStructuralFeatures>
19676 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TieFlow" upperBound=
19677 eType=
"#//IEC61970/ControlArea/TieFlow" eOpposite=
19678 <eAnnotations source=
19679 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tie flows associated with the control area."/>
19681 <eAnnotations source=
19682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The tie flows associated with the control area."/>
19684 </eStructuralFeatures>
19685 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pTolerance" eType=
19687 <eAnnotations source=
19688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power net interchange tolerance"/>
19690 <eAnnotations source=
19691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power net interchange tolerance"/>
19693 </eStructuralFeatures>
19694 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergyArea" eType=
19695 eOpposite=
19696 <eAnnotations source=
19697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The energy area that is forecast from this control area specification."/>
19699 <eAnnotations source=
19700 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The energy area that is forecast from this control area specification."/>
19702 </eStructuralFeatures>
19703 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"netInterchange" eType=
19705 <eAnnotations source=
19706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The specified positive net interchange into the control area."/>
19708 <eAnnotations source=
19709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The specified positive net interchange into the control area."/>
19711 </eStructuralFeatures>
19713 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
19714 <eLiterals name=
19715 <eLiterals name=
"AGC" value=
19716 <eLiterals name=
"Interchange" value=
19718 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ControlAreaGeneratingUnit" eSuperTypes=
19719 <eAnnotations source=
19720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A control area generating unit. This class is needed so that alternate control area definitions may include the same generating unit. Note only one instance within a control area should reference a specific generating unit."/>
19722 <eAnnotations source=
19723 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A control area generating unit. This class is needed so that alternate control area definitions may include the same generating unit. Note only one instance within a control area should reference a specific generating unit."/>
19725 <eAnnotations source=
19726 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A control area generating unit. This class is needed so that alternate control area definitions may include the same generating unit. Note only one instance within a control area should reference a specific generating unit."/>
19727 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A control area generating unit. This class is needed so that alternate control area definitions may include the same generating unit. Note only one instance within a control area should reference a specific generating unit."/>
19729 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19730 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
19731 eOpposite=
19732 <eAnnotations source=
19733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The link to prioritized measurements for this GeneratingUnit."/>
19735 <eAnnotations source=
19736 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The link to prioritized measurements for this GeneratingUnit."/>
19738 </eStructuralFeatures>
19739 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GeneratingUnit" eType=
19740 eOpposite=
19741 <eAnnotations source=
19742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The generating unit specified for this control area. Note that a control area should include a GeneratingUnit only once."/>
19744 <eAnnotations source=
19745 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The generating unit specified for this control area. Note that a control area should include a GeneratingUnit only once."/>
19747 </eStructuralFeatures>
19748 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ControlArea" eType=
19749 eOpposite=
19750 <eAnnotations source=
19751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The parent control area for the generating unit specifications."/>
19753 <eAnnotations source=
19754 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The parent control area for the generating unit specifications."/>
19756 </eStructuralFeatures>
19759 <eSubpackages name=
"AuxiliaryEquipment" nsURI=
19760 nsPrefix=
19761 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PotentialTransformer" eSuperTypes=
19762 <eAnnotations source=
19763 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as voltage transducer for the purpose of metering, protection, or sometimes auxiliary substation supply. A typical secondary voltage rating would be 120V."/>
19765 <eAnnotations source=
19766 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as voltage transducer for the purpose of metering, protection, or sometimes auxiliary substation supply. A typical secondary voltage rating would be 120V."/>
19768 <eAnnotations source=
19769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as voltage transducer for the purpose of metering, protection, or sometimes auxiliary substation supply. A typical secondary voltage rating would be 120V."/>
19770 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as voltage transducer for the purpose of metering, protection, or sometimes auxiliary substation supply. A typical secondary voltage rating would be 120V."/>
19772 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PTInfo" eType=
19773 eOpposite=
19774 <eAnnotations source=
19775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential (voltage) transformer data."/>
19777 <eAnnotations source=
19778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Potential (voltage) transformer data."/>
19780 </eStructuralFeatures>
19781 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"nominalRatio" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19783 <eAnnotations source=
19784 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal ratio between the primary and secondary voltage."/>
19786 <eAnnotations source=
19787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal ratio between the primary and secondary voltage."/>
19789 </eStructuralFeatures>
19790 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accuracyClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
19792 <eAnnotations source=
19793 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PT accuracy classification."/>
19795 <eAnnotations source=
19796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PT accuracy classification."/>
19798 </eStructuralFeatures>
19799 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ptClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
19801 <eAnnotations source=
19802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PT classification."/>
19804 <eAnnotations source=
19805 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PT classification."/>
19807 </eStructuralFeatures>
19809 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Sensor" eSuperTypes=
19810 <eAnnotations source=
19811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class describe devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded."/>
19813 <eAnnotations source=
19814 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class describe devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded."/>
19816 <eAnnotations source=
19817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class describe devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded."/>
19818 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class describe devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded."/>
19821 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AuxiliaryEquipment" eSuperTypes=
19822 <eAnnotations source=
19823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AuxiliaryEquipment describe equipment that is not performing any primary functions but support for the equipment performing the primary function.
AuxiliaryEquipment is attached to primary eqipment via an association with Terminal."/>
19825 <eAnnotations source=
19826 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"AuxiliaryEquipment describe equipment that is not performing any primary functions but support for the equipment performing the primary function.
AuxiliaryEquipment is attached to primary eqipment via an association with Terminal."/>
19828 <eAnnotations source=
19829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AuxiliaryEquipment describe equipment that is not performing any primary functions but support for the equipment performing the primary function.
AuxiliaryEquipment is attached to primary eqipment via an association with Terminal."/>
19830 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"AuxiliaryEquipment describe equipment that is not performing any primary functions but support for the equipment performing the primary function.
AuxiliaryEquipment is attached to primary eqipment via an association with Terminal."/>
19832 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
19833 eOpposite=
19834 <eAnnotations source=
19835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Terminal at the equipment where the AuxiliaryEquipment is attached."/>
19837 <eAnnotations source=
19838 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Terminal at the equipment where the AuxiliaryEquipment is attached."/>
19840 </eStructuralFeatures>
19842 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CurrentTransformer" eSuperTypes=
19843 <eAnnotations source=
19844 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as current transducer for the purpose of metering or protection. A typical secondary current rating would be 5A."/>
19846 <eAnnotations source=
19847 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as current transducer for the purpose of metering or protection. A typical secondary current rating would be 5A."/>
19849 <eAnnotations source=
19850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as current transducer for the purpose of metering or protection. A typical secondary current rating would be 5A."/>
19851 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored. Typically used as current transducer for the purpose of metering or protection. A typical secondary current rating would be 5A."/>
19853 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ctClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
19855 <eAnnotations source=
19856 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"CT classification; i.e. class 10P."/>
19858 <eAnnotations source=
19859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"CT classification; i.e. class 10P."/>
19861 </eStructuralFeatures>
19862 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accuracyLimit" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
19864 <eAnnotations source=
19865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percent of rated current for which the CT remains accurate within specified limits."/>
19867 <eAnnotations source=
19868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percent of rated current for which the CT remains accurate within specified limits."/>
19870 </eStructuralFeatures>
19871 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"usage" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
19873 <eAnnotations source=
19874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intended usage of the CT; i.e. metering, protection."/>
19876 <eAnnotations source=
19877 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intended usage of the CT; i.e. metering, protection."/>
19879 </eStructuralFeatures>
19880 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accuracyClass" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
19882 <eAnnotations source=
19883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"CT accuracy classification."/>
19885 <eAnnotations source=
19886 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"CT accuracy classification."/>
19888 </eStructuralFeatures>
19889 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
19891 <eAnnotations source=
19892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of cores."/>
19894 <eAnnotations source=
19895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of cores."/>
19897 </eStructuralFeatures>
19898 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxRatio" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
19900 <eAnnotations source=
19901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For multi-ratio CT's, the maximum permissable ratio attainable."/>
19903 <eAnnotations source=
19904 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For multi-ratio CT's, the maximum permissable ratio attainable."/>
19906 </eStructuralFeatures>
19907 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CTInfo" eType=
19908 eOpposite=
19909 <eAnnotations source=
19910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current transformer data."/>
19912 <eAnnotations source=
19913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current transformer data."/>
19915 </eStructuralFeatures>
19917 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SurgeProtector" eSuperTypes=
19918 <eAnnotations source=
19919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Shunt device, installed on the network, usually in the proximity of electrical equipment in order to protect the said equipment against transient voltage spikes caused by lightning or switching activity."/>
19921 <eAnnotations source=
19922 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Shunt device, installed on the network, usually in the proximity of electrical equipment in order to protect the said equipment against transient voltage spikes caused by lightning or switching activity."/>
19924 <eAnnotations source=
19925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Shunt device, installed on the network, usually in the proximity of electrical equipment in order to protect the said equipment against transient voltage spikes caused by lightning or switching activity."/>
19926 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Shunt device, installed on the network, usually in the proximity of electrical equipment in order to protect the said equipment against transient voltage spikes caused by lightning or switching activity."/>
19928 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19929 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/SurgeProtectorInfo" eOpposite=
19930 <eAnnotations source=
19931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Surge protector data."/>
19933 <eAnnotations source=
19934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Surge protector data."/>
19936 </eStructuralFeatures>
19938 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"FaultIndicator" eSuperTypes=
19939 <eAnnotations source=
19940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A FaultIndicator is typically only an indicator (which may or may not be remotely monitored), and not a piece of equipment that actually initiates a protection event. It is used for FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Restoration) purposes, assisting with the dispatch of crews to "most likely" part of the network (i.e. assists with determining circuit section where the fault most likely happened)."/>
19942 <eAnnotations source=
19943 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A FaultIndicator is typically only an indicator (which may or may not be remotely monitored), and not a piece of equipment that actually initiates a protection event. It is used for FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Restoration) purposes, assisting with the dispatch of crews to "most likely" part of the network (i.e. assists with determining circuit section where the fault most likely happened)."/>
19945 <eAnnotations source=
19946 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A FaultIndicator is typically only an indicator (which may or may not be remotely monitored), and not a piece of equipment that actually initiates a protection event. It is used for FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Restoration) purposes, assisting with the dispatch of crews to "most likely" part of the network (i.e. assists with determining circuit section where the fault most likely happened)."/>
19947 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A FaultIndicator is typically only an indicator (which may or may not be remotely monitored), and not a piece of equipment that actually initiates a protection event. It is used for FLISR (Fault Location, Isolation and Restoration) purposes, assisting with the dispatch of crews to "most likely" part of the network (i.e. assists with determining circuit section where the fault most likely happened)."/>
19949 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
19950 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/FaultIndicatorInfo" eOpposite=
19951 <eAnnotations source=
19952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fault indicator data."/>
19954 <eAnnotations source=
19955 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Fault indicator data."/>
19957 </eStructuralFeatures>
19960 <eSubpackages name=
"Domain" nsURI=
19961 nsPrefix=
19962 <eAnnotations source=
19963 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The domain package define primitive datatypes that are used by classes in other packages. Stereotypes are used to describe the datatypes. The following sterotypes are defined

A list of permissable constant values.

The most basic data types that all other data types derive from.

A datatype that contains a value attribute, an optional unit of measure and a unit multiplier. The unit and multiplier are specified as a static variable initialized to the allowed value.

A composite of two or more attributes."/>
19965 <eAnnotations source=
19966 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The domain package define primitive datatypes that are used by classes in other packages. Stereotypes are used to describe the datatypes. The following sterotypes are defined

A list of permissable constant values.

The most basic data types that all other data types derive from.

A datatype that contains a value attribute, an optional unit of measure and a unit multiplier. The unit and multiplier are specified as a static variable initialized to the allowed value.

A composite of two or more attributes."/>
19968 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
19969 <eLiterals name=
19970 <eLiterals name=
"A" value=
19971 <eLiterals name=
"rad" value=
19972 <eLiterals name=
"VAh" value=
19973 <eLiterals name=
"Pa" value=
19974 <eLiterals name=
"J" value=
19975 <eLiterals name=
"h" value=
19976 <eLiterals name=
"Hz" value=
19977 <eLiterals name=
"VArh" value=
19978 <eLiterals name=
"ohm" value=
19979 <eLiterals name=
"H" value=
19980 <eLiterals name=
"m3" value=
19981 <eLiterals name=
"" value=
19982 <eLiterals name=
"V" value=
19983 <eLiterals name=
"C" value=
19984 <eLiterals name=
"F" value=
19985 <eLiterals name=
"Wh" value=
19986 <eLiterals name=
"s" value=
19987 <eLiterals name=
"g" value=
19988 <eLiterals name=
"min" value=
19989 <eLiterals name=
"S" value=
19990 <eLiterals name=
"none" value=
19991 <eLiterals name=
"W" value=
19992 <eLiterals name=
"VAr" value=
19993 <eLiterals name=
"m2" value=
19994 <eLiterals name=
"m" value=
19995 <eLiterals name=
"VA" value=
19997 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
19998 <eLiterals name=
19999 <eLiterals name=
"EUR" value=
20000 <eLiterals name=
"CHF" value=
20001 <eLiterals name=
"INR" value=
20002 <eLiterals name=
"AUD" value=
20003 <eLiterals name=
"USD" value=
20004 <eLiterals name=
"RUR" value=
20005 <eLiterals name=
"GBP" value=
20006 <eLiterals name=
"CNY" value=
20007 <eLiterals name=
"SEK" value=
20008 <eLiterals name=
"JPY" value=
20009 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
20010 <eLiterals name=
"NOK" value=
20011 <eLiterals name=
"DKK" value=
20013 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
20014 <eAnnotations source=
20015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval of date and time."/>
20017 <eAnnotations source=
20018 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Interval of date and time."/>
20019 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
20021 <eAnnotations source=
20022 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval of date and time."/>
20023 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Interval of date and time."/>
20025 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"start" eType=
20027 <eAnnotations source=
20028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that this interval started."/>
20030 <eAnnotations source=
20031 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that this interval started."/>
20033 </eStructuralFeatures>
20034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"end" eType=
20036 <eAnnotations source=
20037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that this interval ended."/>
20039 <eAnnotations source=
20040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that this interval ended."/>
20042 </eStructuralFeatures>
20044 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
20045 <eLiterals name=
20046 <eLiterals name=
"G" value=
20047 <eLiterals name=
"d" value=
20048 <eLiterals name=
"micro" value=
20049 <eLiterals name=
"c" value=
20050 <eLiterals name=
"p" value=
20051 <eLiterals name=
"n" value=
20052 <eLiterals name=
"T" value=
20053 <eLiterals name=
"k" value=
20054 <eLiterals name=
"m" value=
20055 <eLiterals name=
"none" value=
20057 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ReactancePerLength" instanceClassName=
20058 <eAnnotations source=
20059 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20061 <eAnnotations source=
20062 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance (imaginary part of impedance) per unit of length, at rated frequency."/>
20064 <eAnnotations source=
20065 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance (imaginary part of impedance) per unit of length, at rated frequency."/>
20068 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ApparentPower" instanceClassName=
20069 <eAnnotations source=
20070 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20072 <eAnnotations source=
20073 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of the RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the current"/>
20075 <eAnnotations source=
20076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of the RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the current"/>
20079 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Damping" instanceClassName=
20080 <eAnnotations source=
20081 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20083 <eAnnotations source=
20084 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Per-unit active power variation with per-unit frequency referenced on the system apparent power base. Typical values in range 1.0 - 2.0."/>
20086 <eAnnotations source=
20087 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Per-unit active power variation with per-unit frequency referenced on the system apparent power base. Typical values in range 1.0 - 2.0."/>
20090 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Susceptance" instanceClassName=
20091 <eAnnotations source=
20092 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20094 <eAnnotations source=
20095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Imaginary part of admittance."/>
20097 <eAnnotations source=
20098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Imaginary part of admittance."/>
20101 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ResistancePerLength" instanceClassName=
20102 <eAnnotations source=
20103 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20105 <eAnnotations source=
20106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (real part of impedance) per unit of length."/>
20108 <eAnnotations source=
20109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (real part of impedance) per unit of length."/>
20112 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"PU" instanceClassName=
20113 <eAnnotations source=
20114 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20116 <eAnnotations source=
20117 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Per Unit - a positive or negative value referred to a defined base. Values typically range from -10 to +10."/>
20119 <eAnnotations source=
20120 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Per Unit - a positive or negative value referred to a defined base. Values typically range from -10 to +10."/>
20123 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CurrentFlow" instanceClassName=
20124 <eAnnotations source=
20125 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20127 <eAnnotations source=
20128 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical current (positive flow is out of the ConductingEquipment into the ConnectivityNode)"/>
20130 <eAnnotations source=
20131 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical current (positive flow is out of the ConductingEquipment into the ConnectivityNode)"/>
20134 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Anglerees" instanceClassName=
20135 <eAnnotations source=
20136 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20138 <eAnnotations source=
20139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement of angle in rees"/>
20141 <eAnnotations source=
20142 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurement of angle in rees"/>
20145 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CostRate" instanceClassName=
20146 <eAnnotations source=
20147 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20149 <eAnnotations source=
20150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost, in units of currency, per hour of elapsed time"/>
20152 <eAnnotations source=
20153 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost, in units of currency, per hour of elapsed time"/>
20156 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CostPerEnergyUnit" instanceClassName=
20157 <eAnnotations source=
20158 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20160 <eAnnotations source=
20161 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost, in units of currency, per quantity of electrical energy generated."/>
20163 <eAnnotations source=
20164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cost, in units of currency, per quantity of electrical energy generated."/>
20167 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Displacement" instanceClassName=
20168 <eAnnotations source=
20169 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20171 <eAnnotations source=
20172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of displacement relative a reference position, hence can be negative."/>
20174 <eAnnotations source=
20175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of displacement relative a reference position, hence can be negative."/>
20178 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Voltage" instanceClassName=
20179 <eAnnotations source=
20180 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20182 <eAnnotations source=
20183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical voltage."/>
20185 <eAnnotations source=
20186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electrical voltage."/>
20189 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Reactance" instanceClassName=
20190 <eAnnotations source=
20191 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20193 <eAnnotations source=
20194 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance (imaginary part of impedance), at rated frequency."/>
20196 <eAnnotations source=
20197 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reactance (imaginary part of impedance), at rated frequency."/>
20200 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Pressure" instanceClassName=
20201 <eAnnotations source=
20202 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20204 <eAnnotations source=
20205 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure in Pascal."/>
20207 <eAnnotations source=
20208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pressure in Pascal."/>
20211 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Temperature" instanceClassName=
20212 <eAnnotations source=
20213 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20215 <eAnnotations source=
20216 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of temperature in rees Celsius."/>
20218 <eAnnotations source=
20219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of temperature in rees Celsius."/>
20222 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"RotationSpeed" instanceClassName=
20223 <eAnnotations source=
20224 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20226 <eAnnotations source=
20227 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of revolutions per second."/>
20229 <eAnnotations source=
20230 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of revolutions per second."/>
20233 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"SusceptancePerLength" instanceClassName=
20234 <eAnnotations source=
20235 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20237 <eAnnotations source=
20238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Imaginary part of admittance per unit of length."/>
20240 <eAnnotations source=
20241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Imaginary part of admittance per unit of length."/>
20244 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"StringQuantity" instanceClassName=
20245 <eAnnotations source=
20246 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20248 <eAnnotations source=
20249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity with string value (when it is not important whether it is an integral or a floating point number) and associated unit information."/>
20251 <eAnnotations source=
20252 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity with string value (when it is not important whether it is an integral or a floating point number) and associated unit information."/>
20255 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ActivePowerChangeRate" instanceClassName=
20256 <eAnnotations source=
20257 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20260 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"AbsoluteDate" instanceClassName=
20261 <eAnnotations source=
20262 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20264 <eAnnotations source=
20265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time as "yyyy-mm-dd", which conforms with ISO 8601. UTC time zone is specified as "yyyy-mm-ddZ". A local timezone relative UTC is specified as "yyyy-mm-dd(+/-)hh:mm"."/>
20267 <eAnnotations source=
20268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time as "yyyy-mm-dd", which conforms with ISO 8601. UTC time zone is specified as "yyyy-mm-ddZ". A local timezone relative UTC is specified as "yyyy-mm-dd(+/-)hh:mm"."/>
20271 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ActivePower" instanceClassName=
20272 <eAnnotations source=
20273 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20275 <eAnnotations source=
20276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the in-phase component of the current"/>
20278 <eAnnotations source=
20279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the in-phase component of the current"/>
20282 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Volume" instanceClassName=
20283 <eAnnotations source=
20284 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20286 <eAnnotations source=
20287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
20289 <eAnnotations source=
20290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
20293 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Conductance" instanceClassName=
20294 <eAnnotations source=
20295 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20297 <eAnnotations source=
20298 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factor by which voltage must be multiplied to give corresponding power lost from a circuit. Real part of admittance."/>
20300 <eAnnotations source=
20301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Factor by which voltage must be multiplied to give corresponding power lost from a circuit. Real part of admittance."/>
20304 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Inductance" instanceClassName=
20305 <eAnnotations source=
20306 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20308 <eAnnotations source=
20309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
20311 <eAnnotations source=
20312 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
20315 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ReactivePower" instanceClassName=
20316 <eAnnotations source=
20317 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20319 <eAnnotations source=
20320 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the quadrature component of the current."/>
20322 <eAnnotations source=
20323 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Product of RMS value of the voltage and the RMS value of the quadrature component of the current."/>
20326 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"AngleRadians" instanceClassName=
20327 <eAnnotations source=
20328 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20330 <eAnnotations source=
20331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle in radians"/>
20333 <eAnnotations source=
20334 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase angle in radians"/>
20337 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Frequency" instanceClassName=
20338 <eAnnotations source=
20339 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20341 <eAnnotations source=
20342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cycles per second"/>
20344 <eAnnotations source=
20345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cycles per second"/>
20348 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Capacitance" instanceClassName=
20349 <eAnnotations source=
20350 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20352 <eAnnotations source=
20353 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Farad, the typical unit, is the capacitance in which a charge of 1 coulomb produces 1 volt potential difference between its terminals."/>
20355 <eAnnotations source=
20356 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Farad, the typical unit, is the capacitance in which a charge of 1 coulomb produces 1 volt potential difference between its terminals."/>
20359 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Money" instanceClassName=
20360 <eAnnotations source=
20361 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20363 <eAnnotations source=
20364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of money"/>
20366 <eAnnotations source=
20367 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount of money"/>
20370 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"RealEnergy" instanceClassName=
20371 <eAnnotations source=
20372 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20374 <eAnnotations source=
20375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Real electrical energy"/>
20377 <eAnnotations source=
20378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Real electrical energy"/>
20381 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"KWActivePower" instanceClassName=
20382 <eAnnotations source=
20383 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20385 <eAnnotations source=
20386 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power in kilowatts."/>
20388 <eAnnotations source=
20389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Active power in kilowatts."/>
20392 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Minutes" instanceClassName=
20393 <eAnnotations source=
20394 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20396 <eAnnotations source=
20397 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time in minutes"/>
20399 <eAnnotations source=
20400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time in minutes"/>
20403 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Impedance" instanceClassName=
20404 <eAnnotations source=
20405 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20407 <eAnnotations source=
20408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio of voltage to current."/>
20410 <eAnnotations source=
20411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Ratio of voltage to current."/>
20414 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"VoltagePerReactivePower" instanceClassName=
20415 <eAnnotations source=
20416 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20418 <eAnnotations source=
20419 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage variation with reactive power"/>
20421 <eAnnotations source=
20422 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage variation with reactive power"/>
20425 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"VolumeFlowRate" instanceClassName=
20426 <eAnnotations source=
20427 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20430 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"ConductancePerLength" instanceClassName=
20431 <eAnnotations source=
20432 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20434 <eAnnotations source=
20435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Real part of admittance per unit of length."/>
20437 <eAnnotations source=
20438 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Real part of admittance per unit of length."/>
20441 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"PerCent" instanceClassName=
20442 <eAnnotations source=
20443 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20445 <eAnnotations source=
20446 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normally 0 - 100 on a defined base"/>
20448 <eAnnotations source=
20449 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normally 0 - 100 on a defined base"/>
20452 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Weight" instanceClassName=
20453 <eAnnotations source=
20454 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20456 <eAnnotations source=
20457 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The weight of an object."/>
20459 <eAnnotations source=
20460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The weight of an object."/>
20463 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Resistance" instanceClassName=
20464 <eAnnotations source=
20465 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20467 <eAnnotations source=
20468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (real part of impedance)."/>
20470 <eAnnotations source=
20471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Resistance (real part of impedance)."/>
20474 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Seconds" instanceClassName=
20475 <eAnnotations source=
20476 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20478 <eAnnotations source=
20479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time, in seconds"/>
20481 <eAnnotations source=
20482 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time, in seconds"/>
20485 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"FloatQuantity" instanceClassName=
20486 <eAnnotations source=
20487 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20489 <eAnnotations source=
20490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity with float value and associated unit information."/>
20492 <eAnnotations source=
20493 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity with float value and associated unit information."/>
20496 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"WaterLevel" instanceClassName=
20497 <eAnnotations source=
20498 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20500 <eAnnotations source=
20501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reservoir water level referred to a given datum such as mean sea level."/>
20503 <eAnnotations source=
20504 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reservoir water level referred to a given datum such as mean sea level."/>
20507 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Length" instanceClassName=
20508 <eAnnotations source=
20509 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20511 <eAnnotations source=
20512 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of length."/>
20514 <eAnnotations source=
20515 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of length."/>
20518 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"Hours" instanceClassName=
20519 <eAnnotations source=
20520 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20522 <eAnnotations source=
20523 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time, in hours"/>
20525 <eAnnotations source=
20526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time, in hours"/>
20529 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"IntegerQuantity" instanceClassName=
20530 <eAnnotations source=
20531 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20533 <eAnnotations source=
20534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity with integer value and associated unit information."/>
20536 <eAnnotations source=
20537 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quantity with integer value and associated unit information."/>
20540 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EDataType" name=
"CostPerVolume" instanceClassName=
20541 <eAnnotations source=
20542 <details key=
"baseType" value=
20546 <eSubpackages name=
"Core" nsURI=
20547 nsPrefix=
20548 <eAnnotations source=
20549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains the core PowerSystemResource and ConductingEquipment entities shared by all applications plus common collections of those entities. Not all applications require all the Core entities. This package does not depend on any other package except the Domain package, but most of the other packages have associations and generalizations that depend on it."/>
20551 <eAnnotations source=
20552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contains the core PowerSystemResource and ConductingEquipment entities shared by all applications plus common collections of those entities. Not all applications require all the Core entities. This package does not depend on any other package except the Domain package, but most of the other packages have associations and generalizations that depend on it."/>
20554 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerSystemResource" eSuperTypes=
20555 <eAnnotations source=
20556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A power system resource can be an item of equipment such as a Switch, an EquipmentContainer containing many individual items of equipment such as a 
Substation, or an organisational entity such as Company or SubControlArea. This provides for the nesting of collections of PowerSystemResources within other PowerSystemResources. For example, a Switch could be a member of a Substation and a Substation could be a member of a division of a Company."/>
20558 <eAnnotations source=
20559 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A power system resource can be an item of equipment such as a Switch, an EquipmentContainer containing many individual items of equipment such as a 
Substation, or an organisational entity such as Company or SubControlArea. This provides for the nesting of collections of PowerSystemResources within other PowerSystemResources. For example, a Switch could be a member of a Substation and a Substation could be a member of a division of a Company."/>
20561 <eAnnotations source=
20562 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A power system resource can be an item of equipment such as a Switch, an EquipmentContainer containing many individual items of equipment such as a 
Substation, or an organisational entity such as Company or SubControlArea. This provides for the nesting of collections of PowerSystemResources within other PowerSystemResources. For example, a Switch could be a member of a Substation and a Substation could be a member of a division of a Company."/>
20563 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A power system resource can be an item of equipment such as a Switch, an EquipmentContainer containing many individual items of equipment such as a 
Substation, or an organisational entity such as Company or SubControlArea. This provides for the nesting of collections of PowerSystemResources within other PowerSystemResources. For example, a Switch could be a member of a Substation and a Substation could be a member of a division of a Company."/>
20565 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
20566 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
20567 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ScheduleSteps" upperBound=
20568 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/SwitchingStep" eOpposite=
20569 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SafetyDocuments" upperBound=
20570 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/SafetyDocument" eOpposite=
20571 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OperatingShare" upperBound=
20572 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/OperatingShare" eOpposite=
20573 <eAnnotations source=
20574 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The linkage to any number of operating share objects."/>
20576 <eAnnotations source=
20577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The linkage to any number of operating share objects."/>
20579 </eStructuralFeatures>
20580 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DocumentRoles" upperBound=
20581 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/DocPsrRole" eOpposite=
20582 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PsrLists" upperBound=
20583 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PsrList" eOpposite=
20584 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Measurements" upperBound=
20585 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Measurement" eOpposite=
20586 <eAnnotations source=
20587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements that are included in the naming hierarchy where the PSR is the containing object"/>
20589 <eAnnotations source=
20590 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Measurements that are included in the naming hierarchy where the PSR is the containing object"/>
20592 </eStructuralFeatures>
20593 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReportingGroup" upperBound=
20594 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ReportingGroup" eOpposite=
20595 <eAnnotations source=
20596 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reporting groups to which this PSR belongs."/>
20598 <eAnnotations source=
20599 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reporting groups to which this PSR belongs."/>
20601 </eStructuralFeatures>
20602 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PSRType" eType=
20603 eOpposite=
20604 <eAnnotations source=
20605 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSRType (custom classification) for this PowerSystemResource."/>
20607 <eAnnotations source=
20608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSRType (custom classification) for this PowerSystemResource."/>
20610 </eStructuralFeatures>
20611 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
20612 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
20613 <eAnnotations source=
20614 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets represented by this power system resource. For example, multiple conductor assets are electrically modelled as a single AC line segment."/>
20616 <eAnnotations source=
20617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets represented by this power system resource. For example, multiple conductor assets are electrically modelled as a single AC line segment."/>
20619 </eStructuralFeatures>
20620 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20621 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
20622 eOpposite=
20623 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Location" eType=
20624 eOpposite=
20625 <eAnnotations source=
20626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location of this power system resource."/>
20628 <eAnnotations source=
20629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location of this power system resource."/>
20631 </eStructuralFeatures>
20632 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PSREvent" upperBound=
20633 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/PSREvent" eOpposite=
20634 <eAnnotations source=
20635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All events associated with this power system resource."/>
20637 <eAnnotations source=
20638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All events associated with this power system resource."/>
20640 </eStructuralFeatures>
20641 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"NetworkDataSets" upperBound=
20642 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/NetworkDataSet" eOpposite=
20643 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageSchedule" eType=
20644 eOpposite=
20645 <eAnnotations source=
20646 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A power system resource may have an outage schedule"/>
20648 <eAnnotations source=
20649 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A power system resource may have an outage schedule"/>
20651 </eStructuralFeatures>
20653 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NameTypeAuthority" eSuperTypes=
20654 <eAnnotations source=
20655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Authority responsible for creation and management of names of a given type; typically an organization or an enterprise system."/>
20657 <eAnnotations source=
20658 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Authority responsible for creation and management of names of a given type; typically an organization or an enterprise system."/>
20660 <eAnnotations source=
20661 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Authority responsible for creation and management of names of a given type; typically an organization or an enterprise system."/>
20662 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Authority responsible for creation and management of names of a given type; typically an organization or an enterprise system."/>
20664 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"NameTypes" upperBound=
20665 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/NameType" eOpposite=
20666 <eAnnotations source=
20667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All name types managed by this authority."/>
20669 <eAnnotations source=
20670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All name types managed by this authority."/>
20672 </eStructuralFeatures>
20673 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
20675 <eAnnotations source=
20676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the name type authority."/>
20678 <eAnnotations source=
20679 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the name type authority."/>
20681 </eStructuralFeatures>
20682 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"description" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
20684 <eAnnotations source=
20685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the name type authority."/>
20687 <eAnnotations source=
20688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the name type authority."/>
20690 </eStructuralFeatures>
20692 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Equipment" eSuperTypes=
20693 <eAnnotations source=
20694 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical"/>
20696 <eAnnotations source=
20697 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical"/>
20699 <eAnnotations source=
20700 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical"/>
20701 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical"/>
20703 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20704 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Contingency/ContingencyEquipment" eOpposite=
20705 <eAnnotations source=
20706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The contingency element associated with the equipment."/>
20708 <eAnnotations source=
20709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The contingency element associated with the equipment."/>
20711 </eStructuralFeatures>
20712 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20713 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
20714 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
20715 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
20717 <eAnnotations source=
20718 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equipment is normally in service."/>
20720 <eAnnotations source=
20721 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equipment is normally in service."/>
20723 </eStructuralFeatures>
20724 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"aggregate" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
20726 <eAnnotations source=
20727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modeled together as an aggregate. Examples would be PowerTransformers or SychronousMachines operating in parallel modeled as a single aggregate PowerTransformer or aggregate SynchronousMachine. This is not to be used to indicate equipment that is part of a group of interdependent equipment produced by a network production program."/>
20729 <eAnnotations source=
20730 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modeled together as an aggregate. Examples would be PowerTransformers or SychronousMachines operating in parallel modeled as a single aggregate PowerTransformer or aggregate SynchronousMachine. This is not to be used to indicate equipment that is part of a group of interdependent equipment produced by a network production program."/>
20732 </eStructuralFeatures>
20733 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20734 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/EquipmentContainer" eOpposite=
20735 <eAnnotations source=
20736 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
20738 <eAnnotations source=
20739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
20741 </eStructuralFeatures>
20743 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConductingEquipment" eSuperTypes=
20744 <eAnnotations source=
20745 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The parts of the power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected therewith. ConductingEquipment is contained within an EquipmentContainer that may be a Substation, or a VoltageLevel or a Bay within a Substation."/>
20747 <eAnnotations source=
20748 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The parts of the power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected therewith. ConductingEquipment is contained within an EquipmentContainer that may be a Substation, or a VoltageLevel or a Bay within a Substation."/>
20750 <eAnnotations source=
20751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The parts of the power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected therewith. ConductingEquipment is contained within an EquipmentContainer that may be a Substation, or a VoltageLevel or a Bay within a Substation."/>
20752 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The parts of the power system that are designed to carry current or that are conductively connected therewith. ConductingEquipment is contained within an EquipmentContainer that may be a Substation, or a VoltageLevel or a Bay within a Substation."/>
20754 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BaseVoltage" eType=
20755 eOpposite=
20756 <eAnnotations source=
20757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Use association to ConductingEquipment only when there is no VoltageLevel container used."/>
20759 <eAnnotations source=
20760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Use association to ConductingEquipment only when there is no VoltageLevel container used."/>
20762 </eStructuralFeatures>
20763 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ClearanceTags" upperBound=
20764 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Outage/ClearanceTag" eOpposite=
20765 <eAnnotations source=
20766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conducting equipment may have multiple clearance tags for authorized field work"/>
20768 <eAnnotations source=
20769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conducting equipment may have multiple clearance tags for authorized field work"/>
20771 </eStructuralFeatures>
20772 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20773 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Protection/ProtectionEquipment" eOpposite=
20774 <eAnnotations source=
20775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protection equipment may be used to protect specific Conducting Equipment. Multiple equipment may be protected or monitored by multiple protection equipment."/>
20777 <eAnnotations source=
20778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protection equipment may be used to protect specific Conducting Equipment. Multiple equipment may be protected or monitored by multiple protection equipment."/>
20780 </eStructuralFeatures>
20781 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminals" upperBound=
20782 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Terminal" eOpposite=
20783 <eAnnotations source=
20784 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ConductingEquipment has 1 or 2 terminals that may be connected to other ConductingEquipment terminals via ConnectivityNodes"/>
20786 <eAnnotations source=
20787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ConductingEquipment has 1 or 2 terminals that may be connected to other ConductingEquipment terminals via ConnectivityNodes"/>
20789 </eStructuralFeatures>
20790 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageStepRoles" upperBound=
20791 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/OutageStepPsrRole" eOpposite=
20792 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SvStatus" eType=
20793 eOpposite=
20794 <eAnnotations source=
20795 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The status state associated with the conducting equipment."/>
20797 <eAnnotations source=
20798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The status state associated with the conducting equipment."/>
20800 </eStructuralFeatures>
20802 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RegularTimePoint" eSuperTypes=
20803 <eAnnotations source=
20804 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points is constant."/>
20806 <eAnnotations source=
20807 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points is constant."/>
20809 <eAnnotations source=
20810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points is constant."/>
20811 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points is constant."/>
20813 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value2" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
20815 <eAnnotations source=
20816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The second value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the RegularIntervalSchedule."/>
20818 <eAnnotations source=
20819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The second value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the RegularIntervalSchedule."/>
20821 </eStructuralFeatures>
20822 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value1" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
20824 <eAnnotations source=
20825 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The first value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the RegularIntervalSchedule."/>
20827 <eAnnotations source=
20828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The first value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the RegularIntervalSchedule."/>
20830 </eStructuralFeatures>
20831 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalSchedule" eType=
20832 eOpposite=
20833 <eAnnotations source=
20834 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A RegularTimePoint belongs to a RegularIntervalSchedule."/>
20836 <eAnnotations source=
20837 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A RegularTimePoint belongs to a RegularIntervalSchedule."/>
20839 </eStructuralFeatures>
20840 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
20842 <eAnnotations source=
20843 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The position of the RegularTimePoint in the sequence. Note that time points don't have to be sequential, i.e. time points may be omitted. The actual time for a RegularTimePoint is computed by multiplying the RegularIntervalSchedule.timeStep with the RegularTimePoint.sequenceNumber and add the BasicIntervalSchedule.startTime."/>
20845 <eAnnotations source=
20846 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The position of the RegularTimePoint in the sequence. Note that time points don't have to be sequential, i.e. time points may be omitted. The actual time for a RegularTimePoint is computed by multiplying the RegularIntervalSchedule.timeStep with the RegularTimePoint.sequenceNumber and add the BasicIntervalSchedule.startTime."/>
20848 </eStructuralFeatures>
20850 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConnectivityNode" eSuperTypes=
20851 <eAnnotations source=
20852 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Connectivity nodes are points where terminals of conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance."/>
20854 <eAnnotations source=
20855 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Connectivity nodes are points where terminals of conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance."/>
20857 <eAnnotations source=
20858 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Connectivity nodes are points where terminals of conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance."/>
20859 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Connectivity nodes are points where terminals of conducting equipment are connected together with zero impedance."/>
20861 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" eType=
20862 eOpposite=
20863 <eAnnotations source=
20864 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Several ConnectivityNode(s) may combine together to form a single TopologicalNode, depending on the current state of the network."/>
20866 <eAnnotations source=
20867 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Several ConnectivityNode(s) may combine together to form a single TopologicalNode, depending on the current state of the network."/>
20869 </eStructuralFeatures>
20870 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20871 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConnectivityNodeContainer" eOpposite=
20872 <eAnnotations source=
20873 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Container of this connectivity node."/>
20875 <eAnnotations source=
20876 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Container of this connectivity node."/>
20878 </eStructuralFeatures>
20879 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminals" upperBound=
20880 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Terminal" eOpposite=
20881 <eAnnotations source=
20882 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Terminals interconnect with zero impedance at a node. Measurements on a node apply to all of its terminals."/>
20884 <eAnnotations source=
20885 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Terminals interconnect with zero impedance at a node. Measurements on a node apply to all of its terminals."/>
20887 </eStructuralFeatures>
20889 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PSRType" eSuperTypes=
20890 <eAnnotations source=
20891 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Classifying instances of the same class, e.g. overhead and underground ACLineSegments. This classification mechanism is intended to provide flexibility outside the scope of this standard, i.e. provide customisation that is non standard."/>
20893 <eAnnotations source=
20894 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Classifying instances of the same class, e.g. overhead and underground ACLineSegments. This classification mechanism is intended to provide flexibility outside the scope of this standard, i.e. provide customisation that is non standard."/>
20896 <eAnnotations source=
20897 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Classifying instances of the same class, e.g. overhead and underground ACLineSegments. This classification mechanism is intended to provide flexibility outside the scope of this standard, i.e. provide customisation that is non standard."/>
20898 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Classifying instances of the same class, e.g. overhead and underground ACLineSegments. This classification mechanism is intended to provide flexibility outside the scope of this standard, i.e. provide customisation that is non standard."/>
20900 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20901 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
20902 <eAnnotations source=
20903 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power system resources classified with this PSRType."/>
20905 <eAnnotations source=
20906 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power system resources classified with this PSRType."/>
20908 </eStructuralFeatures>
20910 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConnectivityNodeContainer" eSuperTypes=
20911 <eAnnotations source=
20912 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A base class for all objects that may contain ConnectivityNodes or TopologicalNodes."/>
20914 <eAnnotations source=
20915 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A base class for all objects that may contain ConnectivityNodes or TopologicalNodes."/>
20917 <eAnnotations source=
20918 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A base class for all objects that may contain ConnectivityNodes or TopologicalNodes."/>
20919 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A base class for all objects that may contain ConnectivityNodes or TopologicalNodes."/>
20921 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" upperBound=
20922 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Topology/TopologicalNode" eOpposite=
20923 <eAnnotations source=
20924 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological nodes which belong to this connectivity node container."/>
20926 <eAnnotations source=
20927 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological nodes which belong to this connectivity node container."/>
20929 </eStructuralFeatures>
20930 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
20931 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConnectivityNode" eOpposite=
20932 <eAnnotations source=
20933 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Connectivity nodes contained by this container."/>
20935 <eAnnotations source=
20936 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Connectivity nodes contained by this container."/>
20938 </eStructuralFeatures>
20940 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Bay" eSuperTypes=
20941 <eAnnotations source=
20942 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of power system resources (within a given substation) including conducting equipment, protection relays, measurements, and telemetry."/>
20944 <eAnnotations source=
20945 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of power system resources (within a given substation) including conducting equipment, protection relays, measurements, and telemetry."/>
20947 <eAnnotations source=
20948 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of power system resources (within a given substation) including conducting equipment, protection relays, measurements, and telemetry."/>
20949 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of power system resources (within a given substation) including conducting equipment, protection relays, measurements, and telemetry."/>
20951 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VoltageLevel" eType=
20952 eOpposite=
20953 <eAnnotations source=
20954 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
20956 <eAnnotations source=
20957 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
20959 </eStructuralFeatures>
20960 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bayPowerMeasFlag" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
20962 <eAnnotations source=
20963 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the presence/absence of active/reactive power measurements."/>
20965 <eAnnotations source=
20966 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the presence/absence of active/reactive power measurements."/>
20968 </eStructuralFeatures>
20969 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
20970 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
20972 <eAnnotations source=
20973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the presence/absence of energy measurements."/>
20975 <eAnnotations source=
20976 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the presence/absence of energy measurements."/>
20978 </eStructuralFeatures>
20979 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
20980 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/BusbarConfiguration" unsettable=
20981 <eAnnotations source=
20982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bus bar configuration."/>
20984 <eAnnotations source=
20985 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Bus bar configuration."/>
20987 </eStructuralFeatures>
20988 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Substation" eType=
20989 eOpposite=
20990 <eAnnotations source=
20991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
20993 <eAnnotations source=
20994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
20996 </eStructuralFeatures>
20997 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
20998 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/BreakerConfiguration" unsettable=
20999 <eAnnotations source=
21000 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Breaker configuration."/>
21002 <eAnnotations source=
21003 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Breaker configuration."/>
21005 </eStructuralFeatures>
21007 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EquipmentContainer" eSuperTypes=
21008 <eAnnotations source=
21009 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A modeling construct to provide a root class for containing equipment."/>
21011 <eAnnotations source=
21012 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A modeling construct to provide a root class for containing equipment."/>
21014 <eAnnotations source=
21015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A modeling construct to provide a root class for containing equipment."/>
21016 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A modeling construct to provide a root class for containing equipment."/>
21018 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Equipments" upperBound=
21019 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Equipment" eOpposite=
21020 <eAnnotations source=
21021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21023 <eAnnotations source=
21024 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21026 </eStructuralFeatures>
21028 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ReportingGroup" eSuperTypes=
21029 <eAnnotations source=
21030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reporting group is used for various ad-hoc groupings used for reporting."/>
21032 <eAnnotations source=
21033 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reporting group is used for various ad-hoc groupings used for reporting."/>
21035 <eAnnotations source=
21036 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reporting group is used for various ad-hoc groupings used for reporting."/>
21037 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reporting group is used for various ad-hoc groupings used for reporting."/>
21039 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BusNameMarker" upperBound=
21040 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Topology/BusNameMarker" eOpposite=
21041 <eAnnotations source=
21042 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The BusNameMarkers that belong to this reporting group."/>
21044 <eAnnotations source=
21045 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The BusNameMarkers that belong to this reporting group."/>
21047 </eStructuralFeatures>
21048 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21049 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ReportingSuperGroup" eOpposite=
21050 <eAnnotations source=
21051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reporting super group to which this reporting group belongs."/>
21053 <eAnnotations source=
21054 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reporting super group to which this reporting group belongs."/>
21056 </eStructuralFeatures>
21057 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" upperBound=
21058 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Topology/TopologicalNode" eOpposite=
21059 <eAnnotations source=
21060 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological nodes that belong to the reporting group."/>
21062 <eAnnotations source=
21063 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological nodes that belong to the reporting group."/>
21065 </eStructuralFeatures>
21066 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21067 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
21068 <eAnnotations source=
21069 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSR's which belong to this reporting group."/>
21071 <eAnnotations source=
21072 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"PSR's which belong to this reporting group."/>
21074 </eStructuralFeatures>
21076 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BasePower" eSuperTypes=
21077 <eAnnotations source=
21078 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The BasePower class defines the base power used in the per unit calculations."/>
21080 <eAnnotations source=
21081 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The BasePower class defines the base power used in the per unit calculations."/>
21083 <eAnnotations source=
21084 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The BasePower class defines the base power used in the per unit calculations."/>
21085 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The BasePower class defines the base power used in the per unit calculations."/>
21087 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"basePower" eType=
21089 <eAnnotations source=
21090 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Definition of base power."/>
21092 <eAnnotations source=
21093 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Definition of base power."/>
21095 </eStructuralFeatures>
21097 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PsrList" eSuperTypes=
21098 <eAnnotations source=
21099 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Arbitrary list of PowerSystemResources. Can be used for various purposes, including grouping for report generation."/>
21101 <eAnnotations source=
21102 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Arbitrary list of PowerSystemResources. Can be used for various purposes, including grouping for report generation."/>
21104 <eAnnotations source=
21105 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Arbitrary list of PowerSystemResources. Can be used for various purposes, including grouping for report generation."/>
21106 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Arbitrary list of PowerSystemResources. Can be used for various purposes, including grouping for report generation."/>
21108 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21109 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
21110 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"typePSRList" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
21112 <eAnnotations source=
21113 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of power system resources in this list."/>
21115 <eAnnotations source=
21116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of power system resources in this list."/>
21118 </eStructuralFeatures>
21120 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IdentifiedObject" eSuperTypes=
21121 <eAnnotations source=
21122 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes"/>
21124 <eAnnotations source=
21125 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes"/>
21127 <eAnnotations source=
21128 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes"/>
21129 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes"/>
21131 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Names" upperBound=
21132 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Name" eOpposite=
21133 <eAnnotations source=
21134 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All names of this identified object."/>
21136 <eAnnotations source=
21137 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All names of this identified object."/>
21139 </eStructuralFeatures>
21140 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DiagramObjects" upperBound=
21141 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObject" eOpposite=
21142 <eAnnotations source=
21143 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The diagram objects that are associated with the domain object"/>
21145 <eAnnotations source=
21146 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The diagram objects that are associated with the domain object"/>
21148 </eStructuralFeatures>
21149 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mRID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
21151 <eAnnotations source=
21152 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Model Authority issues mRIDs. Given that each Model Authority has a unique id and this id is part of the mRID, then the mRID is globally unique.
Global uniqeness is easily achived by using a UUID for the mRID. It is strongly recommended to do this.
For CIMXML data files the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identifies CIM object elements."/>
21154 <eAnnotations source=
21155 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Model Authority issues mRIDs. Given that each Model Authority has a unique id and this id is part of the mRID, then the mRID is globally unique.
Global uniqeness is easily achived by using a UUID for the mRID. It is strongly recommended to do this.
For CIMXML data files the mRID is mapped to rdf:ID or rdf:about attributes that identifies CIM object elements."/>
21157 </eStructuralFeatures>
21158 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"aliasName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
21160 <eAnnotations source=
21161 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is put back because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.
This was decided at a joint WG13/14 meeting in Minneapolis 2010-10-06."/>
21163 <eAnnotations source=
21164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The aliasName is free text human readable name of the object alternative to IdentifiedObject.name. It may be non unique and may not correlate to a naming hierarchy.
The attribute aliasName is put back because of backwards compatibility between CIM relases. It is however recommended to replace aliasName with the Name class as aliasName is planned for retirement at a future time.
This was decided at a joint WG13/14 meeting in Minneapolis 2010-10-06."/>
21166 </eStructuralFeatures>
21167 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
21169 <eAnnotations source=
21170 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object."/>
21172 <eAnnotations source=
21173 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the object."/>
21175 </eStructuralFeatures>
21176 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21177 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCore/ModelingAuthoritySet" eOpposite=
21178 <eAnnotations source=
21179 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An IdentifiedObject belongs to a Modeling Authority Set for purposes of defining a group of data maintained by the same Modeling Authority."/>
21181 <eAnnotations source=
21182 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An IdentifiedObject belongs to a Modeling Authority Set for purposes of defining a group of data maintained by the same Modeling Authority."/>
21184 </eStructuralFeatures>
21186 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BasicIntervalSchedule" eSuperTypes=
21187 <eAnnotations source=
21188 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule of values at points in time."/>
21190 <eAnnotations source=
21191 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Schedule of values at points in time."/>
21193 <eAnnotations source=
21194 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule of values at points in time."/>
21195 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Schedule of values at points in time."/>
21197 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startTime" eType=
21199 <eAnnotations source=
21200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time for the first time point."/>
21202 <eAnnotations source=
21203 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time for the first time point."/>
21205 </eStructuralFeatures>
21206 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value1Multiplier" eType=
21208 <eAnnotations source=
21209 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for value1."/>
21211 <eAnnotations source=
21212 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for value1."/>
21214 </eStructuralFeatures>
21215 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value2Unit" eType=
21217 <eAnnotations source=
21218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value2 units of measure."/>
21220 <eAnnotations source=
21221 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value2 units of measure."/>
21223 </eStructuralFeatures>
21224 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value1Unit" eType=
21226 <eAnnotations source=
21227 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value1 units of measure."/>
21229 <eAnnotations source=
21230 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value1 units of measure."/>
21232 </eStructuralFeatures>
21233 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value2Multiplier" eType=
21235 <eAnnotations source=
21236 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for value2."/>
21238 <eAnnotations source=
21239 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for value2."/>
21241 </eStructuralFeatures>
21243 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Curve" eSuperTypes=
21244 <eAnnotations source=
21245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A multi-purpose curve or functional relationship between an independent variable (X-axis) and dependent (Y-axis) variables."/>
21247 <eAnnotations source=
21248 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A multi-purpose curve or functional relationship between an independent variable (X-axis) and dependent (Y-axis) variables."/>
21250 <eAnnotations source=
21251 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A multi-purpose curve or functional relationship between an independent variable (X-axis) and dependent (Y-axis) variables."/>
21252 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A multi-purpose curve or functional relationship between an independent variable (X-axis) and dependent (Y-axis) variables."/>
21254 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xUnit" eType=
21256 <eAnnotations source=
21257 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The X-axis units of measure."/>
21259 <eAnnotations source=
21260 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The X-axis units of measure."/>
21262 </eStructuralFeatures>
21263 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y1Multiplier" eType=
21265 <eAnnotations source=
21266 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for Y1-axis"/>
21268 <eAnnotations source=
21269 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for Y1-axis"/>
21271 </eStructuralFeatures>
21272 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y2Unit" eType=
21274 <eAnnotations source=
21275 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y2-axis units of measure."/>
21277 <eAnnotations source=
21278 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y2-axis units of measure."/>
21280 </eStructuralFeatures>
21281 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y3Multiplier" eType=
21283 <eAnnotations source=
21284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for Y3-axis."/>
21286 <eAnnotations source=
21287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for Y3-axis."/>
21289 </eStructuralFeatures>
21290 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CurveDatas" upperBound=
21291 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/CurveData" eOpposite=
21292 <eAnnotations source=
21293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point data values that define a curve"/>
21295 <eAnnotations source=
21296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point data values that define a curve"/>
21298 </eStructuralFeatures>
21299 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y1Unit" eType=
21301 <eAnnotations source=
21302 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y1-axis units of measure."/>
21304 <eAnnotations source=
21305 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y1-axis units of measure."/>
21307 </eStructuralFeatures>
21308 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xMultiplier" eType=
21310 <eAnnotations source=
21311 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for X-axis."/>
21313 <eAnnotations source=
21314 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for X-axis."/>
21316 </eStructuralFeatures>
21317 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y3Unit" eType=
21319 <eAnnotations source=
21320 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y3-axis units of measure."/>
21322 <eAnnotations source=
21323 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y3-axis units of measure."/>
21325 </eStructuralFeatures>
21326 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y2Multiplier" eType=
21328 <eAnnotations source=
21329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for Y2-axis."/>
21331 <eAnnotations source=
21332 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for Y2-axis."/>
21334 </eStructuralFeatures>
21335 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"curveStyle" eType=
21337 <eAnnotations source=
21338 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style or shape of the curve."/>
21340 <eAnnotations source=
21341 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The style or shape of the curve."/>
21343 </eStructuralFeatures>
21345 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"GeographicalRegion" eSuperTypes=
21346 <eAnnotations source=
21347 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21349 <eAnnotations source=
21350 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21352 <eAnnotations source=
21353 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21354 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21356 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Regions" upperBound=
21357 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/SubGeographicalRegion" eOpposite=
21358 <eAnnotations source=
21359 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21361 <eAnnotations source=
21362 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21364 </eStructuralFeatures>
21366 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CurveData" eSuperTypes=
21367 <eAnnotations source=
21368 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multi-purpose data points for defining a curve."/>
21370 <eAnnotations source=
21371 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Multi-purpose data points for defining a curve."/>
21373 <eAnnotations source=
21374 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multi-purpose data points for defining a curve."/>
21375 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Multi-purpose data points for defining a curve."/>
21377 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y3value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
21379 <eAnnotations source=
21380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the third Y-axis variable (if present), depending on the Y-axis units"/>
21382 <eAnnotations source=
21383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the third Y-axis variable (if present), depending on the Y-axis units"/>
21385 </eStructuralFeatures>
21386 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xvalue" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
21388 <eAnnotations source=
21389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the X-axis variable, depending on the X-axis units"/>
21391 <eAnnotations source=
21392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the X-axis variable, depending on the X-axis units"/>
21394 </eStructuralFeatures>
21395 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Curve" eType=
21396 eOpposite=
21397 <eAnnotations source=
21398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Curve defined by this CurveData."/>
21400 <eAnnotations source=
21401 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Curve defined by this CurveData."/>
21403 </eStructuralFeatures>
21404 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y2value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
21406 <eAnnotations source=
21407 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the second Y-axis variable (if present), depending on the Y-axis units"/>
21409 <eAnnotations source=
21410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the second Y-axis variable (if present), depending on the Y-axis units"/>
21412 </eStructuralFeatures>
21413 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"y1value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
21415 <eAnnotations source=
21416 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the first Y-axis variable, depending on the Y-axis units"/>
21418 <eAnnotations source=
21419 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The data value of the first Y-axis variable, depending on the Y-axis units"/>
21421 </eStructuralFeatures>
21423 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SubGeographicalRegion" eSuperTypes=
21424 <eAnnotations source=
21425 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A subset of a geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21427 <eAnnotations source=
21428 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A subset of a geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21430 <eAnnotations source=
21431 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A subset of a geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21432 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A subset of a geographical region of a power system network model."/>
21434 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Substations" upperBound=
21435 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Substation" eOpposite=
21436 <eAnnotations source=
21437 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21439 <eAnnotations source=
21440 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21442 </eStructuralFeatures>
21443 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Lines" upperBound=
21444 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/Line" eOpposite=
21445 <eAnnotations source=
21446 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Line can be contained by a SubGeographical Region."/>
21448 <eAnnotations source=
21449 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Line can be contained by a SubGeographical Region."/>
21451 </eStructuralFeatures>
21452 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Region" eType=
21453 eOpposite=
21454 <eAnnotations source=
21455 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21457 <eAnnotations source=
21458 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21460 </eStructuralFeatures>
21462 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NameType" eSuperTypes=
21463 <eAnnotations source=
21464 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of name. Possible values for attribute 'name' are implementation dependent but standard profiles may specify types. An enterprise may have multiple IT systems each having its own local name for the same object, e.g. a planning system may have different names from an EMS. An object may also have different names within the same IT system, e.g. localName and aliasName as defined in CIM version 14. Their definitions from CIM14 are
The localName is a human readable name of the object. It is only used with objects organized in a naming hierarchy. localName: A free text name local to a node in a naming hierarchy similar to a file directory structure. A power system related naming hierarchy may be: Substation, VoltageLevel, Equipment etc. Children of the same parent in such a hierarchy have names that typically are unique among them.
aliasName: A free text alternate name typically used in tabular reports where the column width is limited."/>
21466 <eAnnotations source=
21467 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type of name. Possible values for attribute 'name' are implementation dependent but standard profiles may specify types. An enterprise may have multiple IT systems each having its own local name for the same object, e.g. a planning system may have different names from an EMS. An object may also have different names within the same IT system, e.g. localName and aliasName as defined in CIM version 14. Their definitions from CIM14 are
The localName is a human readable name of the object. It is only used with objects organized in a naming hierarchy. localName: A free text name local to a node in a naming hierarchy similar to a file directory structure. A power system related naming hierarchy may be: Substation, VoltageLevel, Equipment etc. Children of the same parent in such a hierarchy have names that typically are unique among them.
aliasName: A free text alternate name typically used in tabular reports where the column width is limited."/>
21469 <eAnnotations source=
21470 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of name. Possible values for attribute 'name' are implementation dependent but standard profiles may specify types. An enterprise may have multiple IT systems each having its own local name for the same object, e.g. a planning system may have different names from an EMS. An object may also have different names within the same IT system, e.g. localName and aliasName as defined in CIM version 14. Their definitions from CIM14 are
The localName is a human readable name of the object. It is only used with objects organized in a naming hierarchy. localName: A free text name local to a node in a naming hierarchy similar to a file directory structure. A power system related naming hierarchy may be: Substation, VoltageLevel, Equipment etc. Children of the same parent in such a hierarchy have names that typically are unique among them.
aliasName: A free text alternate name typically used in tabular reports where the column width is limited."/>
21471 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type of name. Possible values for attribute 'name' are implementation dependent but standard profiles may specify types. An enterprise may have multiple IT systems each having its own local name for the same object, e.g. a planning system may have different names from an EMS. An object may also have different names within the same IT system, e.g. localName and aliasName as defined in CIM version 14. Their definitions from CIM14 are
The localName is a human readable name of the object. It is only used with objects organized in a naming hierarchy. localName: A free text name local to a node in a naming hierarchy similar to a file directory structure. A power system related naming hierarchy may be: Substation, VoltageLevel, Equipment etc. Children of the same parent in such a hierarchy have names that typically are unique among them.
aliasName: A free text alternate name typically used in tabular reports where the column width is limited."/>
21473 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
21475 <eAnnotations source=
21476 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the name type."/>
21478 <eAnnotations source=
21479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the name type."/>
21481 </eStructuralFeatures>
21482 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Names" upperBound=
21483 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Name" eOpposite=
21484 <eAnnotations source=
21485 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All names of this type."/>
21487 <eAnnotations source=
21488 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All names of this type."/>
21490 </eStructuralFeatures>
21491 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21492 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/NameTypeAuthority" eOpposite=
21493 <eAnnotations source=
21494 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Authority responsible for managing names of this type."/>
21496 <eAnnotations source=
21497 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Authority responsible for managing names of this type."/>
21499 </eStructuralFeatures>
21500 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"description" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
21502 <eAnnotations source=
21503 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the name type."/>
21505 <eAnnotations source=
21506 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the name type."/>
21508 </eStructuralFeatures>
21510 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Substation" eSuperTypes=
21511 <eAnnotations source=
21512 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment for purposes other than generation or utilization, through which electric energy in bulk is passed for the purposes of switching or modifying its characteristics."/>
21514 <eAnnotations source=
21515 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment for purposes other than generation or utilization, through which electric energy in bulk is passed for the purposes of switching or modifying its characteristics."/>
21517 <eAnnotations source=
21518 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment for purposes other than generation or utilization, through which electric energy in bulk is passed for the purposes of switching or modifying its characteristics."/>
21519 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment for purposes other than generation or utilization, through which electric energy in bulk is passed for the purposes of switching or modifying its characteristics."/>
21521 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Bays" upperBound=
21522 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Bay" eOpposite=
21523 <eAnnotations source=
21524 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21526 <eAnnotations source=
21527 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21529 </eStructuralFeatures>
21530 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VoltageLevels" upperBound=
21531 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/VoltageLevel" eOpposite=
21532 <eAnnotations source=
21533 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21535 <eAnnotations source=
21536 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21538 </eStructuralFeatures>
21539 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Region" eType=
21540 eOpposite=
21541 <eAnnotations source=
21542 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21544 <eAnnotations source=
21545 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21547 </eStructuralFeatures>
21549 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
21550 <eLiterals name=
21551 <eLiterals name=
"noBreaker" value=
21552 <eLiterals name=
"singleBreaker" value=
21553 <eLiterals name=
"doubleBreaker" value=
21555 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Name" eSuperTypes=
21556 <eAnnotations source=
21557 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Name class provides the means to define any number of human readable names for an object. A name is <b>not</b> to be used for defining inter-object relationships. For inter-object relationships instead use the object identification 'mRID'."/>
21559 <eAnnotations source=
21560 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The Name class provides the means to define any number of human readable names for an object. A name is <b>not</b> to be used for defining inter-object relationships. For inter-object relationships instead use the object identification 'mRID'."/>
21562 <eAnnotations source=
21563 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Name class provides the means to define any number of human readable names for an object. A name is <b>not</b> to be used for defining inter-object relationships. For inter-object relationships instead use the object identification 'mRID'."/>
21564 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The Name class provides the means to define any number of human readable names for an object. A name is <b>not</b> to be used for defining inter-object relationships. For inter-object relationships instead use the object identification 'mRID'."/>
21566 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
21568 <eAnnotations source=
21569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Any free text that name the object."/>
21571 <eAnnotations source=
21572 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Any free text that name the object."/>
21574 </eStructuralFeatures>
21575 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"NameType" eType=
21576 eOpposite=
21577 <eAnnotations source=
21578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of this name."/>
21580 <eAnnotations source=
21581 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of this name."/>
21583 </eStructuralFeatures>
21584 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IdentifiedObject" eType=
21585 eOpposite=
21586 <eAnnotations source=
21587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identified object that this name designates."/>
21589 <eAnnotations source=
21590 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identified object that this name designates."/>
21592 </eStructuralFeatures>
21594 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BaseVoltage" eSuperTypes=
21595 <eAnnotations source=
21596 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defines a nominal base voltage which is referenced in the system."/>
21598 <eAnnotations source=
21599 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Defines a nominal base voltage which is referenced in the system."/>
21601 <eAnnotations source=
21602 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defines a nominal base voltage which is referenced in the system."/>
21603 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Defines a nominal base voltage which is referenced in the system."/>
21605 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" upperBound=
21606 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Topology/TopologicalNode" eOpposite=
21607 <eAnnotations source=
21608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological nodes at the base voltage."/>
21610 <eAnnotations source=
21611 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological nodes at the base voltage."/>
21613 </eStructuralFeatures>
21614 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"nominalVoltage" eType=
21616 <eAnnotations source=
21617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The PowerSystemResource's base voltage."/>
21619 <eAnnotations source=
21620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The PowerSystemResource's base voltage."/>
21622 </eStructuralFeatures>
21623 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isDC" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
21625 <eAnnotations source=
21626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If true, this is a direct current base voltage and items assigned to this base voltage are also associated with a direct current capabilities. False indicates alternating current."/>
21628 <eAnnotations source=
21629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If true, this is a direct current base voltage and items assigned to this base voltage are also associated with a direct current capabilities. False indicates alternating current."/>
21631 </eStructuralFeatures>
21632 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VoltageLevel" upperBound=
21633 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/VoltageLevel" eOpposite=
21634 <eAnnotations source=
21635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The VoltageLevels having this BaseVoltage."/>
21637 <eAnnotations source=
21638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The VoltageLevels having this BaseVoltage."/>
21640 </eStructuralFeatures>
21641 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21642 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConductingEquipment" eOpposite=
21643 <eAnnotations source=
21644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Use association to ConductingEquipment only when there is no VoltageLevel container used."/>
21646 <eAnnotations source=
21647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Use association to ConductingEquipment only when there is no VoltageLevel container used."/>
21649 </eStructuralFeatures>
21651 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Terminal" eSuperTypes=
21652 <eAnnotations source=
21653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called "connectivity nodes"."/>
21655 <eAnnotations source=
21656 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called "connectivity nodes"."/>
21658 <eAnnotations source=
21659 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called "connectivity nodes"."/>
21660 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment. Terminals are connected at physical connection points called "connectivity nodes"."/>
21662 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BushingInfo" eType=
21663 eOpposite=
21664 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TieFlow" upperBound=
21665 eType=
"#//IEC61970/ControlArea/TieFlow" eOpposite=
21666 <eAnnotations source=
21667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control area tie flows to which this terminal associates."/>
21669 <eAnnotations source=
21670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The control area tie flows to which this terminal associates."/>
21672 </eStructuralFeatures>
21673 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21674 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/MutualCoupling" eOpposite=
21675 <eAnnotations source=
21676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mutual couplings with the branch associated as the first branch."/>
21678 <eAnnotations source=
21679 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mutual couplings with the branch associated as the first branch."/>
21681 </eStructuralFeatures>
21682 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phases" eType=
21684 <eAnnotations source=
21685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Represents the normal network phasing condition."/>
21687 <eAnnotations source=
21688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Represents the normal network phasing condition."/>
21690 </eStructuralFeatures>
21691 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21692 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
21693 eOpposite=
21694 <eAnnotations source=
21695 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operatinal limits sets that applie specifically to this terminal. Other operational limits sets may apply to this terminal through the association to Equipment."/>
21697 <eAnnotations source=
21698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operatinal limits sets that applie specifically to this terminal. Other operational limits sets may apply to this terminal through the association to Equipment."/>
21700 </eStructuralFeatures>
21701 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Measurements" upperBound=
21702 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Measurement" eOpposite=
21703 <eAnnotations source=
21704 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One or more measurements may be associated with a terminal in the network. Measurement-Terminal defines where the measurement is placed in the network topology.
Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor position, e.g. a voltage transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that makes it possible to place the sensing position at a well defined place. The place is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment."/>
21706 <eAnnotations source=
21707 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One or more measurements may be associated with a terminal in the network. Measurement-Terminal defines where the measurement is placed in the network topology.
Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor position, e.g. a voltage transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that makes it possible to place the sensing position at a well defined place. The place is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment."/>
21709 </eStructuralFeatures>
21710 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"connected" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
21712 <eAnnotations source=
21713 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The connected status is related to a bus-branch model and the TopologicalNode-Terminal relation. True implies the Terminal is connected to the related TopologicalNode and false implies it is not. 
In a bus-branch model the connected status is used to tell if equipment is disconnected without having to change the connectivity described by the TopologicalNode-Terminal relation. A valid case is that ConductingEquipment can be connected in one end and open in the other. In particular for an ACLineSegment where the charging can be significant this is a relevant case."/>
21715 <eAnnotations source=
21716 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The connected status is related to a bus-branch model and the TopologicalNode-Terminal relation. True implies the Terminal is connected to the related TopologicalNode and false implies it is not. 
In a bus-branch model the connected status is used to tell if equipment is disconnected without having to change the connectivity described by the TopologicalNode-Terminal relation. A valid case is that ConductingEquipment can be connected in one end and open in the other. In particular for an ACLineSegment where the charging can be significant this is a relevant case."/>
21718 </eStructuralFeatures>
21719 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21720 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConductingEquipment" eOpposite=
21721 <eAnnotations source=
21722 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ConductingEquipment has 1 or 2 terminals that may be connected to other ConductingEquipment terminals via ConnectivityNodes"/>
21724 <eAnnotations source=
21725 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ConductingEquipment has 1 or 2 terminals that may be connected to other ConductingEquipment terminals via ConnectivityNodes"/>
21727 </eStructuralFeatures>
21728 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21729 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/RegulatingControl" eOpposite=
21730 <eAnnotations source=
21731 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal is regulated by a control."/>
21733 <eAnnotations source=
21734 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal is regulated by a control."/>
21736 </eStructuralFeatures>
21737 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21738 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/MutualCoupling" eOpposite=
21739 <eAnnotations source=
21740 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mutual couplings associated with the branch as the first branch."/>
21742 <eAnnotations source=
21743 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Mutual couplings associated with the branch as the first branch."/>
21745 </eStructuralFeatures>
21746 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21747 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
21748 eOpposite=
21749 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerEnd" upperBound=
21750 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerEnd" eOpposite=
21751 <eAnnotations source=
21752 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends connected at this external terminal."/>
21754 <eAnnotations source=
21755 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends connected at this external terminal."/>
21757 </eStructuralFeatures>
21758 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ConnectivityNode" eType=
21759 eOpposite=
21760 <eAnnotations source=
21761 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Terminals interconnect with zero impedance at a node. Measurements on a node apply to all of its terminals."/>
21763 <eAnnotations source=
21764 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Terminals interconnect with zero impedance at a node. Measurements on a node apply to all of its terminals."/>
21766 </eStructuralFeatures>
21767 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21768 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
21769 eOpposite=
21770 <eAnnotations source=
21771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The directed branch group terminals for which the terminal is monitored."/>
21773 <eAnnotations source=
21774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The directed branch group terminals for which the terminal is monitored."/>
21776 </eStructuralFeatures>
21777 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BusNameMarker" eType=
21778 eOpposite=
21779 <eAnnotations source=
21780 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The BusNameMarker used to name the bus (TopologicalNode) with the Terminal having the BusNameMarker. A bus typically have multiple Terminals connected and in of normal topologies Terminals with different BusNameMarker may be connected to the bus. In such cases the BusNameMarker can be arbitrarily selected."/>
21782 <eAnnotations source=
21783 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The BusNameMarker used to name the bus (TopologicalNode) with the Terminal having the BusNameMarker. A bus typically have multiple Terminals connected and in of normal topologies Terminals with different BusNameMarker may be connected to the bus. In such cases the BusNameMarker can be arbitrarily selected."/>
21785 </eStructuralFeatures>
21786 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
21788 <eAnnotations source=
21789 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The orientation of the terminal connections for a multiple terminal conducting equipment. The sequence numbering starts with 1 and additional terminals should follow in increasing order. The first terminal is the "starting point" for a two terminal branch. In the case of class TransformerWinding only one terminal is used so its sequenceNumber must be 1."/>
21791 <eAnnotations source=
21792 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The orientation of the terminal connections for a multiple terminal conducting equipment. The sequence numbering starts with 1 and additional terminals should follow in increasing order. The first terminal is the "starting point" for a two terminal branch. In the case of class TransformerWinding only one terminal is used so its sequenceNumber must be 1."/>
21794 </eStructuralFeatures>
21795 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SvPowerFlow" eType=
21796 eOpposite=
21797 <eAnnotations source=
21798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The power flow state associated with the terminal."/>
21800 <eAnnotations source=
21801 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The power flow state associated with the terminal."/>
21803 </eStructuralFeatures>
21804 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TopologicalNode" eType=
21805 eOpposite=
21806 <eAnnotations source=
21807 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the terminal. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to topological node, thus making it unneccesary to model connedtivity nodes in some cases. Note that the if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would proably not be used."/>
21809 <eAnnotations source=
21810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The topological node associated with the terminal. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to topological node, thus making it unneccesary to model connedtivity nodes in some cases. Note that the if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would proably not be used."/>
21812 </eStructuralFeatures>
21814 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IrregularIntervalSchedule" eSuperTypes=
21815 <eAnnotations source=
21816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them varies."/>
21818 <eAnnotations source=
21819 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them varies."/>
21821 <eAnnotations source=
21822 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them varies."/>
21823 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them varies."/>
21825 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TimePoints" upperBound=
21826 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/IrregularTimePoint" eOpposite=
21827 <eAnnotations source=
21828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point data values that define a curve"/>
21830 <eAnnotations source=
21831 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point data values that define a curve"/>
21833 </eStructuralFeatures>
21835 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
21836 <eLiterals name=
21837 <eLiterals name=
"isPrivate" value=
21838 <eLiterals name=
"pool" value=
21840 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
21841 <eLiterals name=
21842 <eLiterals name=
"BN" value=
21843 <eLiterals name=
"BC" value=
21844 <eLiterals name=
"ABN" value=
21845 <eLiterals name=
"s2N" value=
21846 <eLiterals name=
"N" value=
21847 <eLiterals name=
"ACN" value=
21848 <eLiterals name=
"BCN" value=
21849 <eLiterals name=
"ABCN" value=
21850 <eLiterals name=
"AC" value=
21851 <eLiterals name=
"s1N" value=
21852 <eLiterals name=
"AN" value=
21853 <eLiterals name=
"B" value=
21854 <eLiterals name=
"AB" value=
21855 <eLiterals name=
"C" value=
21856 <eLiterals name=
"A" value=
21857 <eLiterals name=
"CN" value=
21858 <eLiterals name=
"ABC" value=
21860 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RegularIntervalSchedule" eSuperTypes=
21861 <eAnnotations source=
21862 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them is constant."/>
21864 <eAnnotations source=
21865 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them is constant."/>
21867 <eAnnotations source=
21868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them is constant."/>
21869 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The schedule has TimePoints where the time between them is constant."/>
21871 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"endTime" eType=
21873 <eAnnotations source=
21874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time for the last time point."/>
21876 <eAnnotations source=
21877 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time for the last time point."/>
21879 </eStructuralFeatures>
21880 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeStep" eType=
21882 <eAnnotations source=
21883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time between each pair of subsequent RegularTimePoints."/>
21885 <eAnnotations source=
21886 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time between each pair of subsequent RegularTimePoints."/>
21888 </eStructuralFeatures>
21889 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TimePoints" upperBound=
21890 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/RegularTimePoint" eOpposite=
21891 <eAnnotations source=
21892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point data values that define a curve"/>
21894 <eAnnotations source=
21895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The point data values that define a curve"/>
21897 </eStructuralFeatures>
21899 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
21900 <eLiterals name=
21901 <eLiterals name=
"constantYValue" value=
21902 <eLiterals name=
"straightLineYValues" value=
21903 <eLiterals name=
"rampYValue" value=
21905 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OperatingParticipant" eSuperTypes=
21906 <eAnnotations source=
21907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An operator of multiple PowerSystemResource objects. Note multple OperatingParticipants may operate the same PowerSystemResource object. This can be used for modeling jointly owned units where each owner operates as a contractual share."/>
21909 <eAnnotations source=
21910 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An operator of multiple PowerSystemResource objects. Note multple OperatingParticipants may operate the same PowerSystemResource object. This can be used for modeling jointly owned units where each owner operates as a contractual share."/>
21912 <eAnnotations source=
21913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An operator of multiple PowerSystemResource objects. Note multple OperatingParticipants may operate the same PowerSystemResource object. This can be used for modeling jointly owned units where each owner operates as a contractual share."/>
21914 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An operator of multiple PowerSystemResource objects. Note multple OperatingParticipants may operate the same PowerSystemResource object. This can be used for modeling jointly owned units where each owner operates as a contractual share."/>
21916 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OperatingShare" upperBound=
21917 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/OperatingShare" eOpposite=
21918 <eAnnotations source=
21919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating shares of an operating participant. An operating participant can be reused for any number of PSR's."/>
21921 <eAnnotations source=
21922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating shares of an operating participant. An operating participant can be reused for any number of PSR's."/>
21924 </eStructuralFeatures>
21926 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OperatingShare" eSuperTypes=
21927 <eAnnotations source=
21928 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the contract relationship between a PowerSystemResource and a contract participant."/>
21930 <eAnnotations source=
21931 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies the contract relationship between a PowerSystemResource and a contract participant."/>
21933 <eAnnotations source=
21934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the contract relationship between a PowerSystemResource and a contract participant."/>
21935 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specifies the contract relationship between a PowerSystemResource and a contract participant."/>
21937 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21938 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
21939 <eAnnotations source=
21940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The PowerSystemResource to which the attribues apply. The percentage ownership of all owners of a PowerSystemResource should add to 100%."/>
21942 <eAnnotations source=
21943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The PowerSystemResource to which the attribues apply. The percentage ownership of all owners of a PowerSystemResource should add to 100%."/>
21945 </eStructuralFeatures>
21946 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
21947 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/OperatingParticipant" eOpposite=
21948 <eAnnotations source=
21949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The linkage to a owners and its linkage attributes like percentage ownership. The ownership percentage should add to 100% for all owners of a PowerSystemResource, but a PSROwner may own any percentage of any number of PowerSystemResource objects."/>
21951 <eAnnotations source=
21952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The linkage to a owners and its linkage attributes like percentage ownership. The ownership percentage should add to 100% for all owners of a PowerSystemResource, but a PSROwner may own any percentage of any number of PowerSystemResource objects."/>
21954 </eStructuralFeatures>
21955 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"percentage" eType=
21957 <eAnnotations source=
21958 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percentage ownership for this device. The percentage indicates the percentage ownership of the PSROwner for the PowerSystemResource. The total percentage ownership for a PowerSystemResource should add to 100%."/>
21960 <eAnnotations source=
21961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percentage ownership for this device. The percentage indicates the percentage ownership of the PSROwner for the PowerSystemResource. The total percentage ownership for a PowerSystemResource should add to 100%."/>
21963 </eStructuralFeatures>
21965 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
21966 <eLiterals name=
21967 <eLiterals name=
"ringBus" value=
21968 <eLiterals name=
"singleBus" value=
21969 <eLiterals name=
"mainWithTransfer" value=
21971 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VoltageLevel" eSuperTypes=
21972 <eAnnotations source=
21973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear. The equipment typically consist of breakers, busbars, instrumentation, control, regulation and protection devices as well as assemblies of all these."/>
21975 <eAnnotations source=
21976 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear. The equipment typically consist of breakers, busbars, instrumentation, control, regulation and protection devices as well as assemblies of all these."/>
21978 <eAnnotations source=
21979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear. The equipment typically consist of breakers, busbars, instrumentation, control, regulation and protection devices as well as assemblies of all these."/>
21980 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A collection of equipment at one common system voltage forming a switchgear. The equipment typically consist of breakers, busbars, instrumentation, control, regulation and protection devices as well as assemblies of all these."/>
21982 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"highVoltageLimit" eType=
21984 <eAnnotations source=
21985 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The bus bar's high voltage limit"/>
21987 <eAnnotations source=
21988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The bus bar's high voltage limit"/>
21990 </eStructuralFeatures>
21991 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Bays" upperBound=
21992 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Bay" eOpposite=
21993 <eAnnotations source=
21994 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21996 <eAnnotations source=
21997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
21999 </eStructuralFeatures>
22000 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Substation" eType=
22001 eOpposite=
22002 <eAnnotations source=
22003 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
22005 <eAnnotations source=
22006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The association is used in the naming hierarchy."/>
22008 </eStructuralFeatures>
22009 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowVoltageLimit" eType=
22011 <eAnnotations source=
22012 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The bus bar's low voltage limit"/>
22014 <eAnnotations source=
22015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The bus bar's low voltage limit"/>
22017 </eStructuralFeatures>
22018 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BaseVoltage" eType=
22019 eOpposite=
22020 <eAnnotations source=
22021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The base voltage used for all equipment within the VoltageLevel."/>
22023 <eAnnotations source=
22024 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The base voltage used for all equipment within the VoltageLevel."/>
22026 </eStructuralFeatures>
22028 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ReportingSuperGroup" eSuperTypes=
22029 <eAnnotations source=
22030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reporting super group, groups reporting groups for a higher level report."/>
22032 <eAnnotations source=
22033 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reporting super group, groups reporting groups for a higher level report."/>
22035 <eAnnotations source=
22036 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reporting super group, groups reporting groups for a higher level report."/>
22037 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reporting super group, groups reporting groups for a higher level report."/>
22039 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReportingGroup" upperBound=
22040 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ReportingGroup" eOpposite=
22041 <eAnnotations source=
22042 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reporting groups that are grouped under this group group."/>
22044 <eAnnotations source=
22045 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reporting groups that are grouped under this group group."/>
22047 </eStructuralFeatures>
22049 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IrregularTimePoint" eSuperTypes=
22050 <eAnnotations source=
22051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points varies."/>
22053 <eAnnotations source=
22054 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points varies."/>
22056 <eAnnotations source=
22057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points varies."/>
22058 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"TimePoints for a schedule where the time between the points varies."/>
22060 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalSchedule" eType=
22061 eOpposite=
22062 <eAnnotations source=
22063 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An IrregularTimePoint belongs to an IrregularIntervalSchedule."/>
22065 <eAnnotations source=
22066 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An IrregularTimePoint belongs to an IrregularIntervalSchedule."/>
22068 </eStructuralFeatures>
22069 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"time" eType=
22071 <eAnnotations source=
22072 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time is relative the BasicTimeSchedule.startTime."/>
22074 <eAnnotations source=
22075 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time is relative the BasicTimeSchedule.startTime."/>
22077 </eStructuralFeatures>
22078 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value1" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
22080 <eAnnotations source=
22081 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The first value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the IrregularIntervalSchedule."/>
22083 <eAnnotations source=
22084 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The first value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the IrregularIntervalSchedule."/>
22086 </eStructuralFeatures>
22087 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value2" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
22089 <eAnnotations source=
22090 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The second value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the IrregularIntervalSchedule."/>
22092 <eAnnotations source=
22093 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The second value at the time. The meaning of the value is defined by the class inhering the IrregularIntervalSchedule."/>
22095 </eStructuralFeatures>
22098 <eSubpackages name=
"Graphics" nsURI=
22099 nsPrefix=
22100 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TextDiagramObject" eSuperTypes=
22101 <eAnnotations source=
22102 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object for placing free-text or text derived from an associated domain object."/>
22104 <eAnnotations source=
22105 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A diagram object for placing free-text or text derived from an associated domain object."/>
22107 <eAnnotations source=
22108 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object for placing free-text or text derived from an associated domain object."/>
22109 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A diagram object for placing free-text or text derived from an associated domain object."/>
22111 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"text" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
22113 <eAnnotations source=
22114 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The text that is displayed by this text diagram object"/>
22116 <eAnnotations source=
22117 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The text that is displayed by this text diagram object"/>
22119 </eStructuralFeatures>
22121 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DiagramObjectGluePoint" eSuperTypes=
22122 <eAnnotations source=
22123 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is used for grouping DiagramObjectPoints from different DiagramObjects that are considered to be &lsquo;glued&rsquo; together in a diagram even if they are not at the exact same coordinates."/>
22125 <eAnnotations source=
22126 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is used for grouping DiagramObjectPoints from different DiagramObjects that are considered to be &lsquo;glued&rsquo; together in a diagram even if they are not at the exact same coordinates."/>
22128 <eAnnotations source=
22129 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This is used for grouping DiagramObjectPoints from different DiagramObjects that are considered to be &lsquo;glued&rsquo; together in a diagram even if they are not at the exact same coordinates."/>
22130 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This is used for grouping DiagramObjectPoints from different DiagramObjects that are considered to be &lsquo;glued&rsquo; together in a diagram even if they are not at the exact same coordinates."/>
22132 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22133 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObjectPoint" eOpposite=
22134 <eAnnotations source=
22135 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object glue point is associated with 2 or more object points that are considered to be 'glued' together."/>
22137 <eAnnotations source=
22138 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object glue point is associated with 2 or more object points that are considered to be 'glued' together."/>
22140 </eStructuralFeatures>
22142 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DiagramObject" eSuperTypes=
22143 <eAnnotations source=
22144 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class defines an object that defines one or more points in a given space. This object can be associated with anything that subclasses Identified Object in IEC 61970-301"/>
22146 <eAnnotations source=
22147 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class defines an object that defines one or more points in a given space. This object can be associated with anything that subclasses Identified Object in IEC 61970-301"/>
22149 <eAnnotations source=
22150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class defines an object that defines one or more points in a given space. This object can be associated with anything that subclasses Identified Object in IEC 61970-301"/>
22151 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class defines an object that defines one or more points in a given space. This object can be associated with anything that subclasses Identified Object in IEC 61970-301"/>
22153 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"offsetY" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
22155 <eAnnotations source=
22156 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The offset in the Y direction. This is used for defining the offset from centre for rendering an icon (the default is that a single point specifies the centre of the icon).

The offset is in per-unit with 0 indicating there is no offset from the vertical centre of the icon. The offset direction is dependent on the orientation of the diagram, with -0.5 and 0.5 indicating an offset of +/- 50% on the vertical axis."/>
22158 <eAnnotations source=
22159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The offset in the Y direction. This is used for defining the offset from centre for rendering an icon (the default is that a single point specifies the centre of the icon).

The offset is in per-unit with 0 indicating there is no offset from the vertical centre of the icon. The offset direction is dependent on the orientation of the diagram, with -0.5 and 0.5 indicating an offset of +/- 50% on the vertical axis."/>
22161 </eStructuralFeatures>
22162 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"offsetX" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
22164 <eAnnotations source=
22165 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The offset in the X direction. This is used for defining the offset from centre for rendering an icon (the default is that a single point specifies the centre of the icon).

The offset is in per-unit with 0 indicating there is no offset from the horizontal centre of the icon. -0.5 indicates it is offset by 50% to the left and 0.5 indicates an offset of 50% to the right."/>
22167 <eAnnotations source=
22168 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The offset in the X direction. This is used for defining the offset from centre for rendering an icon (the default is that a single point specifies the centre of the icon).

The offset is in per-unit with 0 indicating there is no offset from the horizontal centre of the icon. -0.5 indicates it is offset by 50% to the left and 0.5 indicates an offset of 50% to the right."/>
22170 </eStructuralFeatures>
22171 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isPolygon" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
22173 <eAnnotations source=
22174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defines whether or not the diagram objects points define the boundaries of a polygon or the routing of a polyline. If this value is true then a receiving application should consider the first and last points to be connected."/>
22176 <eAnnotations source=
22177 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Defines whether or not the diagram objects points define the boundaries of a polygon or the routing of a polyline. If this value is true then a receiving application should consider the first and last points to be connected."/>
22179 </eStructuralFeatures>
22180 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VisibilityLayers" upperBound=
22181 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/VisibilityLayer" eOpposite=
22182 <eAnnotations source=
22183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object can be part of multiple visibility layers"/>
22185 <eAnnotations source=
22186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object can be part of multiple visibility layers"/>
22188 </eStructuralFeatures>
22189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rotation" eType=
22191 <eAnnotations source=
22192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sets the angle of rotation (in rees) of the diagram object in a clockwise direction from the normal"/>
22194 <eAnnotations source=
22195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sets the angle of rotation (in rees) of the diagram object in a clockwise direction from the normal"/>
22197 </eStructuralFeatures>
22198 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IdentifiedObject" eType=
22199 eOpposite=
22200 <eAnnotations source=
22201 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The domain object that this diagram object is associated with"/>
22203 <eAnnotations source=
22204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The domain object that this diagram object is associated with"/>
22206 </eStructuralFeatures>
22207 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22208 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObjectStyle" eOpposite=
22209 <eAnnotations source=
22210 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object has a style associated that provides a reference for the style used in the originating system"/>
22212 <eAnnotations source=
22213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object has a style associated that provides a reference for the style used in the originating system"/>
22215 </eStructuralFeatures>
22216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22217 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObjectPoint" eOpposite=
22218 <eAnnotations source=
22219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object can have 0 or more points to reflect its layout position, routing (for polylines) or boundary (for polygons)"/>
22221 <eAnnotations source=
22222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object can have 0 or more points to reflect its layout position, routing (for polylines) or boundary (for polygons)"/>
22224 </eStructuralFeatures>
22225 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Diagram" eType=
22226 eOpposite=
22227 <eAnnotations source=
22228 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object is part of a Diagram"/>
22230 <eAnnotations source=
22231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A diagram object is part of a Diagram"/>
22233 </eStructuralFeatures>
22234 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"drawingOrder" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
22236 <eAnnotations source=
22237 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The drawing order of this element. The higher the number, the later the element is drawn in sequence. This is used to ensure that elements that overlap are rendered in the correct order."/>
22239 <eAnnotations source=
22240 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The drawing order of this element. The higher the number, the later the element is drawn in sequence. This is used to ensure that elements that overlap are rendered in the correct order."/>
22242 </eStructuralFeatures>
22244 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DiagramObjectStyle" eSuperTypes=
22245 <eAnnotations source=
22246 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reference to a style used by the originating system for a DiagramObject. A DiagramObjectStyle describes information such as 
&bull; line thickness
&bull; shape, e.g circle, rectangle ...
&bull; color"/>
22248 <eAnnotations source=
22249 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reference to a style used by the originating system for a DiagramObject. A DiagramObjectStyle describes information such as 
&bull; line thickness
&bull; shape, e.g circle, rectangle ...
&bull; color"/>
22251 <eAnnotations source=
22252 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reference to a style used by the originating system for a DiagramObject. A DiagramObjectStyle describes information such as 
&bull; line thickness
&bull; shape, e.g circle, rectangle ...
&bull; color"/>
22253 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reference to a style used by the originating system for a DiagramObject. A DiagramObjectStyle describes information such as 
&bull; line thickness
&bull; shape, e.g circle, rectangle ...
&bull; color"/>
22255 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DiagramObjects" upperBound=
22256 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObject" eOpposite=
22257 <eAnnotations source=
22258 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A style can be assigned to multiple DiagramObjects"/>
22260 <eAnnotations source=
22261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A style can be assigned to multiple DiagramObjects"/>
22263 </eStructuralFeatures>
22265 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DiagramObjectPoint" eSuperTypes=
22266 <eAnnotations source=
22267 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a DiagramObject. The coordinates may be positive or negative as the origin does not have to be in the corner of a diagram. The sequence attribute is used when a DiagramObject has more than one DiagramObjectPoint in which case this defines the drawing order. A DiagramObject may represent any CIM object. For single line diagrams such objects typically are
&bull; analog values
&bull; breaker/disconnector
&bull; power transformer
&bull; transmission line"/>
22269 <eAnnotations source=
22270 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a DiagramObject. The coordinates may be positive or negative as the origin does not have to be in the corner of a diagram. The sequence attribute is used when a DiagramObject has more than one DiagramObjectPoint in which case this defines the drawing order. A DiagramObject may represent any CIM object. For single line diagrams such objects typically are
&bull; analog values
&bull; breaker/disconnector
&bull; power transformer
&bull; transmission line"/>
22272 <eAnnotations source=
22273 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a DiagramObject. The coordinates may be positive or negative as the origin does not have to be in the corner of a diagram. The sequence attribute is used when a DiagramObject has more than one DiagramObjectPoint in which case this defines the drawing order. A DiagramObject may represent any CIM object. For single line diagrams such objects typically are
&bull; analog values
&bull; breaker/disconnector
&bull; power transformer
&bull; transmission line"/>
22274 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a DiagramObject. The coordinates may be positive or negative as the origin does not have to be in the corner of a diagram. The sequence attribute is used when a DiagramObject has more than one DiagramObjectPoint in which case this defines the drawing order. A DiagramObject may represent any CIM object. For single line diagrams such objects typically are
&bull; analog values
&bull; breaker/disconnector
&bull; power transformer
&bull; transmission line"/>
22276 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
22278 <eAnnotations source=
22279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The sequence position of the point, used for defining the order of points for DiagramObjects acting as a polyline or polygon with more than one point"/>
22281 <eAnnotations source=
22282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The sequence position of the point, used for defining the order of points for DiagramObjects acting as a polyline or polygon with more than one point"/>
22284 </eStructuralFeatures>
22285 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22286 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObjectGluePoint" eOpposite=
22287 <eAnnotations source=
22288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The 'glue' point that this point is associated with"/>
22290 <eAnnotations source=
22291 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The 'glue' point that this point is associated with"/>
22293 </eStructuralFeatures>
22294 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DiagramObject" eType=
22295 eOpposite=
22296 <eAnnotations source=
22297 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The diagram object with which the points are associated"/>
22299 <eAnnotations source=
22300 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The diagram object with which the points are associated"/>
22302 </eStructuralFeatures>
22303 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xPosition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
22305 <eAnnotations source=
22306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The X coordinate of this point"/>
22308 <eAnnotations source=
22309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The X coordinate of this point"/>
22311 </eStructuralFeatures>
22312 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"yPosition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
22314 <eAnnotations source=
22315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y coordinate of this point"/>
22317 <eAnnotations source=
22318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Y coordinate of this point"/>
22320 </eStructuralFeatures>
22321 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"zPosition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
22323 <eAnnotations source=
22324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Z coordinate of this point"/>
22326 <eAnnotations source=
22327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The Z coordinate of this point"/>
22329 </eStructuralFeatures>
22331 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
22332 <eLiterals name=
22333 <eLiterals name=
"positive" value=
22335 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VisibilityLayer" eSuperTypes=
22336 <eAnnotations source=
22337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Layers are typically used for grouping diagram objects according to themes and scales. Themes are used to display or hide certain information (e.g., lakes, borders), while scales are used for hiding or displaying information depending on the current zoom level (hide text when it is too small to be read, or when it exceeds the screen size). This is also called de-cluttering.

CIM based graphics exchange will support an m:n relationship between diagram objects and layers. It will be the task of the importing system to convert an m:n case into an appropriate 1:n representation if the importing system does not support m:n."/>
22339 <eAnnotations source=
22340 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Layers are typically used for grouping diagram objects according to themes and scales. Themes are used to display or hide certain information (e.g., lakes, borders), while scales are used for hiding or displaying information depending on the current zoom level (hide text when it is too small to be read, or when it exceeds the screen size). This is also called de-cluttering.

CIM based graphics exchange will support an m:n relationship between diagram objects and layers. It will be the task of the importing system to convert an m:n case into an appropriate 1:n representation if the importing system does not support m:n."/>
22342 <eAnnotations source=
22343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Layers are typically used for grouping diagram objects according to themes and scales. Themes are used to display or hide certain information (e.g., lakes, borders), while scales are used for hiding or displaying information depending on the current zoom level (hide text when it is too small to be read, or when it exceeds the screen size). This is also called de-cluttering.

CIM based graphics exchange will support an m:n relationship between diagram objects and layers. It will be the task of the importing system to convert an m:n case into an appropriate 1:n representation if the importing system does not support m:n."/>
22344 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Layers are typically used for grouping diagram objects according to themes and scales. Themes are used to display or hide certain information (e.g., lakes, borders), while scales are used for hiding or displaying information depending on the current zoom level (hide text when it is too small to be read, or when it exceeds the screen size). This is also called de-cluttering.

CIM based graphics exchange will support an m:n relationship between diagram objects and layers. It will be the task of the importing system to convert an m:n case into an appropriate 1:n representation if the importing system does not support m:n."/>
22346 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DiagramObjects" upperBound=
22347 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Graphics/DiagramObject" eOpposite=
22348 <eAnnotations source=
22349 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A visibility layer can contain one or more diagram objects"/>
22351 <eAnnotations source=
22352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A visibility layer can contain one or more diagram objects"/>
22354 </eStructuralFeatures>
22355 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"drawingOrder" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
22357 <eAnnotations source=
22358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The drawing order for this layer. As with the drawingOrder for diagram objects, the higher the number, the later the layer and the objects within it are rendered."/>
22360 <eAnnotations source=
22361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The drawing order for this layer. As with the drawingOrder for diagram objects, the higher the number, the later the layer and the objects within it are rendered."/>
22363 </eStructuralFeatures>
22366 <eSubpackages name=
"OperationalLimits" nsURI=
22367 nsPrefix=
22368 <eAnnotations source=
22369 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The OperationalLimits package models a specification of limits associated with equipment and other operational entities."/>
22371 <eAnnotations source=
22372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The OperationalLimits package models a specification of limits associated with equipment and other operational entities."/>
22374 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
22375 <eLiterals name=
22376 <eLiterals name=
"high" value=
22377 <eLiterals name=
"absoluteValue" value=
22379 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ApparentPowerLimit" eSuperTypes=
22380 <eAnnotations source=
22381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Apparent power limit."/>
22383 <eAnnotations source=
22384 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Apparent power limit."/>
22386 <eAnnotations source=
22387 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Apparent power limit."/>
22388 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Apparent power limit."/>
22390 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22391 eType=
"#//IEC61970/OperationalLimits/ApparentPowerLimitSet" eOpposite=
22392 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
22394 <eAnnotations source=
22395 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The apparent power limit."/>
22397 <eAnnotations source=
22398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The apparent power limit."/>
22400 </eStructuralFeatures>
22402 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ActivePowerLimit" eSuperTypes=
22403 <eAnnotations source=
22404 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit on active power flow."/>
22406 <eAnnotations source=
22407 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Limit on active power flow."/>
22409 <eAnnotations source=
22410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit on active power flow."/>
22411 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Limit on active power flow."/>
22413 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22414 eType=
"#//IEC61970/OperationalLimits/ActivePowerLimitSet" eOpposite=
22415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
22417 <eAnnotations source=
22418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of active power limit."/>
22420 <eAnnotations source=
22421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of active power limit."/>
22423 </eStructuralFeatures>
22425 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OperationalLimitType" eSuperTypes=
22426 <eAnnotations source=
22427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of limit. The meaning of a specific limit is described in this class."/>
22429 <eAnnotations source=
22430 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of limit. The meaning of a specific limit is described in this class."/>
22432 <eAnnotations source=
22433 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A type of limit. The meaning of a specific limit is described in this class."/>
22434 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A type of limit. The meaning of a specific limit is described in this class."/>
22436 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"direction" eType=
22438 <eAnnotations source=
22439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The direction of the limit."/>
22441 <eAnnotations source=
22442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The direction of the limit."/>
22444 </eStructuralFeatures>
22445 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OperationalLimit" upperBound=
22446 eType=
"#//IEC61970/OperationalLimits/OperationalLimit" eOpposite=
22447 <eAnnotations source=
22448 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operational limits associated with this type of limit."/>
22450 <eAnnotations source=
22451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operational limits associated with this type of limit."/>
22453 </eStructuralFeatures>
22454 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22455 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
22456 <eAnnotations source=
22457 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The nominal acceptable duration of the limit. Limits are commonly expressed in terms of the a time limit for which the limit is normally acceptable. The actual acceptable duration of a specific limit may depend on other local factors such as temperature or wind speed."/>
22459 <eAnnotations source=
22460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The nominal acceptable duration of the limit. Limits are commonly expressed in terms of the a time limit for which the limit is normally acceptable. The actual acceptable duration of a specific limit may depend on other local factors such as temperature or wind speed."/>
22462 </eStructuralFeatures>
22464 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BranchGroup" eSuperTypes=
22465 <eAnnotations source=
22466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A group of branch terminals whose directed flow summation is to be monitored. Abranch group need not form a cutset of the network."/>
22468 <eAnnotations source=
22469 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A group of branch terminals whose directed flow summation is to be monitored. Abranch group need not form a cutset of the network."/>
22471 <eAnnotations source=
22472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A group of branch terminals whose directed flow summation is to be monitored. Abranch group need not form a cutset of the network."/>
22473 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A group of branch terminals whose directed flow summation is to be monitored. Abranch group need not form a cutset of the network."/>
22475 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22476 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
22477 eOpposite=
22478 <eAnnotations source=
22479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The directed branch group terminals to be summed."/>
22481 <eAnnotations source=
22482 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The directed branch group terminals to be summed."/>
22484 </eStructuralFeatures>
22485 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22486 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ReactivePower" unsettable=
22487 <eAnnotations source=
22488 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum reactive power flow."/>
22490 <eAnnotations source=
22491 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum reactive power flow."/>
22493 </eStructuralFeatures>
22494 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22495 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ReactivePower" unsettable=
22496 <eAnnotations source=
22497 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum reactive power flow."/>
22499 <eAnnotations source=
22500 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum reactive power flow."/>
22502 </eStructuralFeatures>
22503 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22504 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
22505 <eAnnotations source=
22506 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum active power flow."/>
22508 <eAnnotations source=
22509 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum active power flow."/>
22511 </eStructuralFeatures>
22512 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22513 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ActivePower" unsettable=
22514 <eAnnotations source=
22515 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum active power flow."/>
22517 <eAnnotations source=
22518 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum active power flow."/>
22520 </eStructuralFeatures>
22521 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22522 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
22524 <eAnnotations source=
22525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Monitor the active power flow."/>
22527 <eAnnotations source=
22528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Monitor the active power flow."/>
22530 </eStructuralFeatures>
22531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22532 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
22534 <eAnnotations source=
22535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Monitor the reactive power flow."/>
22537 <eAnnotations source=
22538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Monitor the reactive power flow."/>
22540 </eStructuralFeatures>
22542 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OperationalLimitSet" eSuperTypes=
22543 <eAnnotations source=
22544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of limits associated with equipmnet. Sets of limits might apply to a specific temperature, or season for example. A set of limits may contain may different severities of limit levels that would apply to the same equipment. The set may contain limits of different types such as apparent power and current limits or high and low voltage limits that are logically applied together as a set."/>
22546 <eAnnotations source=
22547 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of limits associated with equipmnet. Sets of limits might apply to a specific temperature, or season for example. A set of limits may contain may different severities of limit levels that would apply to the same equipment. The set may contain limits of different types such as apparent power and current limits or high and low voltage limits that are logically applied together as a set."/>
22549 <eAnnotations source=
22550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A set of limits associated with equipmnet. Sets of limits might apply to a specific temperature, or season for example. A set of limits may contain may different severities of limit levels that would apply to the same equipment. The set may contain limits of different types such as apparent power and current limits or high and low voltage limits that are logically applied together as a set."/>
22551 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A set of limits associated with equipmnet. Sets of limits might apply to a specific temperature, or season for example. A set of limits may contain may different severities of limit levels that would apply to the same equipment. The set may contain limits of different types such as apparent power and current limits or high and low voltage limits that are logically applied together as a set."/>
22553 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
22554 eOpposite=
22555 <eAnnotations source=
22556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal specifically associated to this operational limit set. If no terminal is associated, all terminals of the equipment are implied."/>
22558 <eAnnotations source=
22559 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal specifically associated to this operational limit set. If no terminal is associated, all terminals of the equipment are implied."/>
22561 </eStructuralFeatures>
22562 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22563 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
22564 eOpposite=
22565 <eAnnotations source=
22566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Values of equipment limits."/>
22568 <eAnnotations source=
22569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Values of equipment limits."/>
22571 </eStructuralFeatures>
22573 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ActivePowerLimitSet" eSuperTypes=
22574 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22575 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
22576 eOpposite=
22578 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CurrentLimit" eSuperTypes=
22579 <eAnnotations source=
22580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational limit on current."/>
22582 <eAnnotations source=
22583 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Operational limit on current."/>
22585 <eAnnotations source=
22586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational limit on current."/>
22587 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Operational limit on current."/>
22589 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
22591 <eAnnotations source=
22592 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit on current flow."/>
22594 <eAnnotations source=
22595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit on current flow."/>
22597 </eStructuralFeatures>
22598 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CurrentLimitSet" eType=
22599 eOpposite=
22601 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CurrentLimitSet" eSuperTypes=
22602 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CurrentLimits" upperBound=
22603 eType=
"#//IEC61970/OperationalLimits/CurrentLimit" eOpposite=
22605 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ApparentPowerLimitSet" eSuperTypes=
22606 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22607 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
22608 eOpposite=
22610 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BranchGroupTerminal" eSuperTypes=
22611 <eAnnotations source=
22612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specific directed terminal flow for a branch group."/>
22614 <eAnnotations source=
22615 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A specific directed terminal flow for a branch group."/>
22617 <eAnnotations source=
22618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A specific directed terminal flow for a branch group."/>
22619 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A specific directed terminal flow for a branch group."/>
22621 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BranchGroup" eType=
22622 eOpposite=
22623 <eAnnotations source=
22624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The branch group to which the directed branch group terminals belong."/>
22626 <eAnnotations source=
22627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The branch group to which the directed branch group terminals belong."/>
22629 </eStructuralFeatures>
22630 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" eType=
22631 eOpposite=
22632 <eAnnotations source=
22633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal to be summed."/>
22635 <eAnnotations source=
22636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminal to be summed."/>
22638 </eStructuralFeatures>
22639 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"positiveFlowIn" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
22641 <eAnnotations source=
22642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The flow into the terminal is summed if set true. The flow out of the terminanl is summed if set false."/>
22644 <eAnnotations source=
22645 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The flow into the terminal is summed if set true. The flow out of the terminanl is summed if set false."/>
22647 </eStructuralFeatures>
22649 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VoltageLimitSet" eSuperTypes=
22650 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VoltageLimits" upperBound=
22651 eType=
"#//IEC61970/OperationalLimits/VoltageLimit" eOpposite=
22653 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VoltageLimit" eSuperTypes=
22654 <eAnnotations source=
22655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational limit applied to voltage."/>
22657 <eAnnotations source=
22658 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Operational limit applied to voltage."/>
22660 <eAnnotations source=
22661 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational limit applied to voltage."/>
22662 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Operational limit applied to voltage."/>
22664 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
22666 <eAnnotations source=
22667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit on voltage. High or low limit depends on the OperatoinalLimit.limitKind"/>
22669 <eAnnotations source=
22670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit on voltage. High or low limit depends on the OperatoinalLimit.limitKind"/>
22672 </eStructuralFeatures>
22673 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VoltageLimitSet" eType=
22674 eOpposite=
22676 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OperationalLimit" eSuperTypes=
22677 <eAnnotations source=
22678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A value associated with a specific kind of limit."/>
22680 <eAnnotations source=
22681 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A value associated with a specific kind of limit."/>
22683 <eAnnotations source=
22684 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A value associated with a specific kind of limit."/>
22685 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A value associated with a specific kind of limit."/>
22687 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22688 eType=
"#//IEC61970/OperationalLimits/OperationalLimitType" eOpposite=
22689 <eAnnotations source=
22690 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit type associated with this limit."/>
22692 <eAnnotations source=
22693 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit type associated with this limit."/>
22695 </eStructuralFeatures>
22696 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22697 eType=
"#//IEC61970/OperationalLimits/OperationalLimitSet" eOpposite=
22698 <eAnnotations source=
22699 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit set to which the limit values belong."/>
22701 <eAnnotations source=
22702 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The limit set to which the limit values belong."/>
22704 </eStructuralFeatures>
22707 <eSubpackages name=
"Outage" nsURI=
22708 nsPrefix=
22709 <eAnnotations source=
22710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information on the current and planned network configuration. These entities are optional within typical network applications."/>
22712 <eAnnotations source=
22713 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information on the current and planned network configuration. These entities are optional within typical network applications."/>
22715 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SwitchingOperation" eSuperTypes=
22716 <eAnnotations source=
22717 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A SwitchingOperation is used to define individual switch operations for an OutageSchedule. This OutageSchedule may be associated with another item of Substation such as a Transformer, Line, or Generator; or with the Switch itself as a PowerSystemResource. A Switch may be referenced by many OutageSchedules."/>
22719 <eAnnotations source=
22720 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A SwitchingOperation is used to define individual switch operations for an OutageSchedule. This OutageSchedule may be associated with another item of Substation such as a Transformer, Line, or Generator; or with the Switch itself as a PowerSystemResource. A Switch may be referenced by many OutageSchedules."/>
22722 <eAnnotations source=
22723 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A SwitchingOperation is used to define individual switch operations for an OutageSchedule. This OutageSchedule may be associated with another item of Substation such as a Transformer, Line, or Generator; or with the Switch itself as a PowerSystemResource. A Switch may be referenced by many OutageSchedules."/>
22724 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A SwitchingOperation is used to define individual switch operations for an OutageSchedule. This OutageSchedule may be associated with another item of Substation such as a Transformer, Line, or Generator; or with the Switch itself as a PowerSystemResource. A Switch may be referenced by many OutageSchedules."/>
22726 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"operationTime" eType=
22728 <eAnnotations source=
22729 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time of operation in same units as OutageSchedule.xAxixUnits."/>
22731 <eAnnotations source=
22732 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time of operation in same units as OutageSchedule.xAxixUnits."/>
22734 </eStructuralFeatures>
22735 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OutageSchedule" eType=
22736 eOpposite=
22737 <eAnnotations source=
22738 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An OutageSchedule may operate many switches."/>
22740 <eAnnotations source=
22741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An OutageSchedule may operate many switches."/>
22743 </eStructuralFeatures>
22744 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"newState" eType=
22746 <eAnnotations source=
22747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The switch position that shall result from this SwitchingOperation"/>
22749 <eAnnotations source=
22750 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The switch position that shall result from this SwitchingOperation"/>
22752 </eStructuralFeatures>
22753 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Switches" upperBound=
22754 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/Switch" eOpposite=
22755 <eAnnotations source=
22756 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A switch may be operated by many schedules."/>
22758 <eAnnotations source=
22759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A switch may be operated by many schedules."/>
22761 </eStructuralFeatures>
22763 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OutageSchedule" eSuperTypes=
22764 <eAnnotations source=
22765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The period of time that a piece of equipment is out of service, for example, for maintenance or testing; including the equipment's active power rating while under maintenance. The X-axis represents absolute time and the Y-axis represents the equipment's available rating while out of service."/>
22767 <eAnnotations source=
22768 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The period of time that a piece of equipment is out of service, for example, for maintenance or testing; including the equipment's active power rating while under maintenance. The X-axis represents absolute time and the Y-axis represents the equipment's available rating while out of service."/>
22770 <eAnnotations source=
22771 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The period of time that a piece of equipment is out of service, for example, for maintenance or testing; including the equipment's active power rating while under maintenance. The X-axis represents absolute time and the Y-axis represents the equipment's available rating while out of service."/>
22772 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The period of time that a piece of equipment is out of service, for example, for maintenance or testing; including the equipment's active power rating while under maintenance. The X-axis represents absolute time and the Y-axis represents the equipment's available rating while out of service."/>
22774 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PlannedOutage" eType=
22775 eOpposite=
22776 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22777 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Outage/SwitchingOperation" eOpposite=
22778 <eAnnotations source=
22779 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An OutageSchedule may operate many switches."/>
22781 <eAnnotations source=
22782 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An OutageSchedule may operate many switches."/>
22784 </eStructuralFeatures>
22785 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22786 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
22787 <eAnnotations source=
22788 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A power system resource may have an outage schedule"/>
22790 <eAnnotations source=
22791 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A power system resource may have an outage schedule"/>
22793 </eStructuralFeatures>
22795 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ClearanceTagType" eSuperTypes=
22796 <eAnnotations source=
22797 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of ClearanceTag. Could indicate the type of work to be performed and/or the type of supervisory control."/>
22799 <eAnnotations source=
22800 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type of ClearanceTag. Could indicate the type of work to be performed and/or the type of supervisory control."/>
22802 <eAnnotations source=
22803 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of ClearanceTag. Could indicate the type of work to be performed and/or the type of supervisory control."/>
22804 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type of ClearanceTag. Could indicate the type of work to be performed and/or the type of supervisory control."/>
22806 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ClearanceTags" upperBound=
22807 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Outage/ClearanceTag" eOpposite=
22808 <eAnnotations source=
22809 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ClearanceTags currently being defined for this type."/>
22811 <eAnnotations source=
22812 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The ClearanceTags currently being defined for this type."/>
22814 </eStructuralFeatures>
22816 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
22817 <eLiterals name=
22818 <eLiterals name=
"close" value=
22820 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ClearanceTag" eSuperTypes=
22821 <eAnnotations source=
22822 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A clearance tag that is used to authorize and schedule work on conducting equipment in the field. Tagged equipment is not available for commercial service."/>
22824 <eAnnotations source=
22825 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A clearance tag that is used to authorize and schedule work on conducting equipment in the field. Tagged equipment is not available for commercial service."/>
22827 <eAnnotations source=
22828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A clearance tag that is used to authorize and schedule work on conducting equipment in the field. Tagged equipment is not available for commercial service."/>
22829 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A clearance tag that is used to authorize and schedule work on conducting equipment in the field. Tagged equipment is not available for commercial service."/>
22831 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"workStartTime" eType=
22833 <eAnnotations source=
22834 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time at which the clearance tag is scheduled to be set."/>
22836 <eAnnotations source=
22837 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time at which the clearance tag is scheduled to be set."/>
22839 </eStructuralFeatures>
22840 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22841 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
22843 <eAnnotations source=
22844 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if equipment phasing must be checked"/>
22846 <eAnnotations source=
22847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if equipment phasing must be checked"/>
22849 </eStructuralFeatures>
22850 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22851 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
22853 <eAnnotations source=
22854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if equipment must be deenergized"/>
22856 <eAnnotations source=
22857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if equipment must be deenergized"/>
22859 </eStructuralFeatures>
22860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"authorityName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
22862 <eAnnotations source=
22863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the person who is authorized to issue the tag"/>
22865 <eAnnotations source=
22866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The name of the person who is authorized to issue the tag"/>
22868 </eStructuralFeatures>
22869 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
22870 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConductingEquipment" eOpposite=
22871 <eAnnotations source=
22872 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conducting equipment may have multiple clearance tags for authorized field work"/>
22874 <eAnnotations source=
22875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conducting equipment may have multiple clearance tags for authorized field work"/>
22877 </eStructuralFeatures>
22878 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tagIssueTime" eType=
22880 <eAnnotations source=
22881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time at which the clearance tag was issued"/>
22883 <eAnnotations source=
22884 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time at which the clearance tag was issued"/>
22886 </eStructuralFeatures>
22887 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"groundReqFlag" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
22889 <eAnnotations source=
22890 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if equipment must be grounded"/>
22892 <eAnnotations source=
22893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if equipment must be grounded"/>
22895 </eStructuralFeatures>
22896 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"workDescription" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
22898 <eAnnotations source=
22899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the work to be performed"/>
22901 <eAnnotations source=
22902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of the work to be performed"/>
22904 </eStructuralFeatures>
22905 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SafetyDocument" eType=
22906 eOpposite=
22907 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ClearanceTagType" eType=
22908 eOpposite=
22909 <eAnnotations source=
22910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of tag, depending on the purpose of the work to be performed and/or the type of supervisory control allowed."/>
22912 <eAnnotations source=
22913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The type of tag, depending on the purpose of the work to be performed and/or the type of supervisory control allowed."/>
22915 </eStructuralFeatures>
22916 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"workEndTime" eType=
22918 <eAnnotations source=
22919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time at which the clearance tag is scheduled to be removed"/>
22921 <eAnnotations source=
22922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time at which the clearance tag is scheduled to be removed"/>
22924 </eStructuralFeatures>
22927 <eSubpackages name=
"CutsJumpers" nsURI=
22928 nsPrefix=
22929 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Cut" eSuperTypes=
22930 <eAnnotations source=
22931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Cut separates a line segment into two parts. The Cut appears as a Switch inserted between these two parts and connects them together. As the Cut is normally &ldquo;open&rdquo; there is no galvanic connection between the two line segment parts. But it is possible to "close" the Cut to get galvanic connection.
The Cut Terminals are oriented towards the line segment Terminals with the same sequenceNumber. Hence the Cut Terminal with sequenceNumber=1 is oriented to the line segment with Terminal.sequenceNumber=1.
The Cut Terminals also act as connection points for jumpers and other equipment, e.g. a mobile generator. To enable this ConnectivityNoces are placed at the Cut Terminals. Once the ConnectivityNodes are in place any ConductingEquipment can be connected at them."/>
22933 <eAnnotations source=
22934 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Cut separates a line segment into two parts. The Cut appears as a Switch inserted between these two parts and connects them together. As the Cut is normally &ldquo;open&rdquo; there is no galvanic connection between the two line segment parts. But it is possible to "close" the Cut to get galvanic connection.
The Cut Terminals are oriented towards the line segment Terminals with the same sequenceNumber. Hence the Cut Terminal with sequenceNumber=1 is oriented to the line segment with Terminal.sequenceNumber=1.
The Cut Terminals also act as connection points for jumpers and other equipment, e.g. a mobile generator. To enable this ConnectivityNoces are placed at the Cut Terminals. Once the ConnectivityNodes are in place any ConductingEquipment can be connected at them."/>
22936 <eAnnotations source=
22937 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Cut separates a line segment into two parts. The Cut appears as a Switch inserted between these two parts and connects them together. As the Cut is normally &ldquo;open&rdquo; there is no galvanic connection between the two line segment parts. But it is possible to "close" the Cut to get galvanic connection.
The Cut Terminals are oriented towards the line segment Terminals with the same sequenceNumber. Hence the Cut Terminal with sequenceNumber=1 is oriented to the line segment with Terminal.sequenceNumber=1.
The Cut Terminals also act as connection points for jumpers and other equipment, e.g. a mobile generator. To enable this ConnectivityNoces are placed at the Cut Terminals. Once the ConnectivityNodes are in place any ConductingEquipment can be connected at them."/>
22938 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Cut separates a line segment into two parts. The Cut appears as a Switch inserted between these two parts and connects them together. As the Cut is normally &ldquo;open&rdquo; there is no galvanic connection between the two line segment parts. But it is possible to "close" the Cut to get galvanic connection.
The Cut Terminals are oriented towards the line segment Terminals with the same sequenceNumber. Hence the Cut Terminal with sequenceNumber=1 is oriented to the line segment with Terminal.sequenceNumber=1.
The Cut Terminals also act as connection points for jumpers and other equipment, e.g. a mobile generator. To enable this ConnectivityNoces are placed at the Cut Terminals. Once the ConnectivityNodes are in place any ConductingEquipment can be connected at them."/>
22940 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ACLineSegment" eType=
22941 eOpposite=
22942 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22943 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
22944 <eAnnotations source=
22945 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The length to the place where the cut is located starting from side one of the cut line segment, i.e. the line segment Terminal with sequenceNumber = 1."/>
22947 <eAnnotations source=
22948 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The length to the place where the cut is located starting from side one of the cut line segment, i.e. the line segment Terminal with sequenceNumber = 1."/>
22950 </eStructuralFeatures>
22952 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Clamp" eSuperTypes=
22953 <eAnnotations source=
22954 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected. A Clamp does not cut the line segment. 
A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode."/>
22956 <eAnnotations source=
22957 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected. A Clamp does not cut the line segment. 
A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode."/>
22959 <eAnnotations source=
22960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected. A Clamp does not cut the line segment. 
A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode."/>
22961 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected. A Clamp does not cut the line segment. 
A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode."/>
22963 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
22964 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
22965 <eAnnotations source=
22966 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The length to the place where the cut is located starting from side one of the cut line segment, i.e. the line segment Terminal with sequenceNumber = 1."/>
22968 <eAnnotations source=
22969 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The length to the place where the cut is located starting from side one of the cut line segment, i.e. the line segment Terminal with sequenceNumber = 1."/>
22971 </eStructuralFeatures>
22972 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ACLineSegment" eType=
22973 eOpposite=
22976 <eSubpackages name=
"Protection" nsURI=
22977 nsPrefix=
22978 <eAnnotations source=
22979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information for protection equipment such as relays. These entities are used within training simulators and distribution network fault location applications."/>
22981 <eAnnotations source=
22982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core and Wires packages that models information for protection equipment such as relays. These entities are used within training simulators and distribution network fault location applications."/>
22984 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"RecloseSequence" eSuperTypes=
22985 <eAnnotations source=
22986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reclose sequence (open and close) is defined for each possible reclosure of a breaker."/>
22988 <eAnnotations source=
22989 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reclose sequence (open and close) is defined for each possible reclosure of a breaker."/>
22991 <eAnnotations source=
22992 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A reclose sequence (open and close) is defined for each possible reclosure of a breaker."/>
22993 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A reclose sequence (open and close) is defined for each possible reclosure of a breaker."/>
22995 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"recloseStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
22997 <eAnnotations source=
22998 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the ordinal position of the reclose step relative to other steps in the sequence."/>
23000 <eAnnotations source=
23001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the ordinal position of the reclose step relative to other steps in the sequence."/>
23003 </eStructuralFeatures>
23004 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ProtectedSwitch" eType=
23005 eOpposite=
23006 <eAnnotations source=
23007 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A breaker may have zero or more automatic reclosures after a trip occurs."/>
23009 <eAnnotations source=
23010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A breaker may have zero or more automatic reclosures after a trip occurs."/>
23012 </eStructuralFeatures>
23013 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"recloseDelay" eType=
23015 <eAnnotations source=
23016 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the time lapse before the reclose step will execute a reclose."/>
23018 <eAnnotations source=
23019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Indicates the time lapse before the reclose step will execute a reclose."/>
23021 </eStructuralFeatures>
23023 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SynchrocheckRelay" eSuperTypes=
23024 <eAnnotations source=
23025 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A device that operates when two AC circuits are within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle, and voltage, to permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits. Used to prevent the paralleling of non-synchronous topological islands."/>
23027 <eAnnotations source=
23028 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A device that operates when two AC circuits are within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle, and voltage, to permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits. Used to prevent the paralleling of non-synchronous topological islands."/>
23030 <eAnnotations source=
23031 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A device that operates when two AC circuits are within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle, and voltage, to permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits. Used to prevent the paralleling of non-synchronous topological islands."/>
23032 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A device that operates when two AC circuits are within the desired limits of frequency, phase angle, and voltage, to permit or to cause the paralleling of these two circuits. Used to prevent the paralleling of non-synchronous topological islands."/>
23034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxFreqDiff" eType=
23036 <eAnnotations source=
23037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable frequency difference across the open device"/>
23039 <eAnnotations source=
23040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable frequency difference across the open device"/>
23042 </eStructuralFeatures>
23043 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxAngleDiff" eType=
23045 <eAnnotations source=
23046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable voltage vector phase angle difference across the open device"/>
23048 <eAnnotations source=
23049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable voltage vector phase angle difference across the open device"/>
23051 </eStructuralFeatures>
23052 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxVoltDiff" eType=
23054 <eAnnotations source=
23055 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable difference voltage across the open device"/>
23057 <eAnnotations source=
23058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable difference voltage across the open device"/>
23060 </eStructuralFeatures>
23062 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CurrentRelay" eSuperTypes=
23063 <eAnnotations source=
23064 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction"/>
23066 <eAnnotations source=
23067 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction"/>
23069 <eAnnotations source=
23070 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction"/>
23071 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction"/>
23073 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"currentLimit3" eType=
23075 <eAnnotations source=
23076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current limit #3 for inverse time pickup"/>
23078 <eAnnotations source=
23079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current limit #3 for inverse time pickup"/>
23081 </eStructuralFeatures>
23082 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"currentLimit2" eType=
23084 <eAnnotations source=
23085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current limit #2 for inverse time pickup"/>
23087 <eAnnotations source=
23088 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current limit #2 for inverse time pickup"/>
23090 </eStructuralFeatures>
23091 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"currentLimit1" eType=
23093 <eAnnotations source=
23094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current limit #1 for inverse time pickup"/>
23096 <eAnnotations source=
23097 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current limit #1 for inverse time pickup"/>
23099 </eStructuralFeatures>
23100 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"inverseTimeFlag" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
23102 <eAnnotations source=
23103 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if the current relay has inverse time characteristic."/>
23105 <eAnnotations source=
23106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if the current relay has inverse time characteristic."/>
23108 </eStructuralFeatures>
23109 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeDelay3" eType=
23111 <eAnnotations source=
23112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inverse time delay #3 for current limit #3"/>
23114 <eAnnotations source=
23115 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inverse time delay #3 for current limit #3"/>
23117 </eStructuralFeatures>
23118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeDelay2" eType=
23120 <eAnnotations source=
23121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inverse time delay #2 for current limit #2"/>
23123 <eAnnotations source=
23124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inverse time delay #2 for current limit #2"/>
23126 </eStructuralFeatures>
23127 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeDelay1" eType=
23129 <eAnnotations source=
23130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inverse time delay #1 for current limit #1"/>
23132 <eAnnotations source=
23133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Inverse time delay #1 for current limit #1"/>
23135 </eStructuralFeatures>
23137 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ProtectionEquipment" eSuperTypes=
23138 <eAnnotations source=
23139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition. Protection equipment are associated with conducting equipment and usually operate circuit breakers."/>
23141 <eAnnotations source=
23142 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition. Protection equipment are associated with conducting equipment and usually operate circuit breakers."/>
23144 <eAnnotations source=
23145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition. Protection equipment are associated with conducting equipment and usually operate circuit breakers."/>
23146 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition. Protection equipment are associated with conducting equipment and usually operate circuit breakers."/>
23148 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"highLimit" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
23150 <eAnnotations source=
23151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable value."/>
23153 <eAnnotations source=
23154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The maximum allowable value."/>
23156 </eStructuralFeatures>
23157 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
23158 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
23160 <eAnnotations source=
23161 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direction same as positive active power flow value."/>
23163 <eAnnotations source=
23164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Direction same as positive active power flow value."/>
23166 </eStructuralFeatures>
23167 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowLimit" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
23169 <eAnnotations source=
23170 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum allowable value."/>
23172 <eAnnotations source=
23173 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum allowable value."/>
23175 </eStructuralFeatures>
23176 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23177 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConductingEquipment" eOpposite=
23178 <eAnnotations source=
23179 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protection equipment may be used to protect specific Conducting Equipment. Multiple equipment may be protected or monitored by multiple protection equipment."/>
23181 <eAnnotations source=
23182 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protection equipment may be used to protect specific Conducting Equipment. Multiple equipment may be protected or monitored by multiple protection equipment."/>
23184 </eStructuralFeatures>
23185 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unitSymbol" eType=
23187 <eAnnotations source=
23188 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit of measure of the value."/>
23190 <eAnnotations source=
23191 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit of measure of the value."/>
23193 </eStructuralFeatures>
23194 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23195 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/ProtectedSwitch" eOpposite=
23196 <eAnnotations source=
23197 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protected switches operated by this ProtectionEquipment."/>
23199 <eAnnotations source=
23200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Protected switches operated by this ProtectionEquipment."/>
23202 </eStructuralFeatures>
23203 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"relayDelayTime" eType=
23205 <eAnnotations source=
23206 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time delay from detection of abnormal conditions to relay operation."/>
23208 <eAnnotations source=
23209 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The time delay from detection of abnormal conditions to relay operation."/>
23211 </eStructuralFeatures>
23212 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unitMultiplier" eType=
23214 <eAnnotations source=
23215 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit multiplier of the value."/>
23217 <eAnnotations source=
23218 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The unit multiplier of the value."/>
23220 </eStructuralFeatures>
23223 <eSubpackages name=
"Equivalents" nsURI=
23224 nsPrefix=
23225 <eAnnotations source=
23226 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equivalents package models equivalent networks."/>
23228 <eAnnotations source=
23229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equivalents package models equivalent networks."/>
23231 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EquivalentShunt" eSuperTypes=
23232 <eAnnotations source=
23233 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent shunts."/>
23235 <eAnnotations source=
23236 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent shunts."/>
23238 <eAnnotations source=
23239 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent shunts."/>
23240 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent shunts."/>
23242 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"b" eType=
23244 <eAnnotations source=
23245 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt susceptance."/>
23247 <eAnnotations source=
23248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt susceptance."/>
23250 </eStructuralFeatures>
23251 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"g" eType=
23253 <eAnnotations source=
23254 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt conductance."/>
23256 <eAnnotations source=
23257 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence shunt conductance."/>
23259 </eStructuralFeatures>
23261 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EquivalentEquipment" eSuperTypes=
23262 <eAnnotations source=
23263 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network reduction. The class is the base for equivalent objects of different types."/>
23265 <eAnnotations source=
23266 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network reduction. The class is the base for equivalent objects of different types."/>
23268 <eAnnotations source=
23269 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network reduction. The class is the base for equivalent objects of different types."/>
23270 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network reduction. The class is the base for equivalent objects of different types."/>
23272 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23273 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Equivalents/EquivalentNetwork" eOpposite=
23274 <eAnnotations source=
23275 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equivalent where the reduced model belongs."/>
23277 <eAnnotations source=
23278 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The equivalent where the reduced model belongs."/>
23280 </eStructuralFeatures>
23282 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EquivalentNetwork" eSuperTypes=
23283 <eAnnotations source=
23284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A class that represents an external meshed network that has been reduced to an electrically equivalent model. The ConnectivityNodes contained in the equivalent are intended to reflect internal nodes of the equivalent. The boundary Connectivity nodes where the equivalent connects outside itself are NOT contained by the equivalent."/>
23286 <eAnnotations source=
23287 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A class that represents an external meshed network that has been reduced to an electrically equivalent model. The ConnectivityNodes contained in the equivalent are intended to reflect internal nodes of the equivalent. The boundary Connectivity nodes where the equivalent connects outside itself are NOT contained by the equivalent."/>
23289 <eAnnotations source=
23290 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A class that represents an external meshed network that has been reduced to an electrically equivalent model. The ConnectivityNodes contained in the equivalent are intended to reflect internal nodes of the equivalent. The boundary Connectivity nodes where the equivalent connects outside itself are NOT contained by the equivalent."/>
23291 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A class that represents an external meshed network that has been reduced to an electrically equivalent model. The ConnectivityNodes contained in the equivalent are intended to reflect internal nodes of the equivalent. The boundary Connectivity nodes where the equivalent connects outside itself are NOT contained by the equivalent."/>
23293 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23294 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Equivalents/EquivalentEquipment" eOpposite=
23295 <eAnnotations source=
23296 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The associated reduced equivalents."/>
23298 <eAnnotations source=
23299 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The associated reduced equivalents."/>
23301 </eStructuralFeatures>
23303 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EquivalentInjection" eSuperTypes=
23304 <eAnnotations source=
23305 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load). Voltage regulation is allowed only at the local connectivity node."/>
23307 <eAnnotations source=
23308 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load). Voltage regulation is allowed only at the local connectivity node."/>
23310 <eAnnotations source=
23311 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load). Voltage regulation is allowed only at the local connectivity node."/>
23312 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load). Voltage regulation is allowed only at the local connectivity node."/>
23314 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
23315 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
23317 <eAnnotations source=
23318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies whether or not the EquivalentInjection has the capability to regulate the local voltage."/>
23320 <eAnnotations source=
23321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies whether or not the EquivalentInjection has the capability to regulate the local voltage."/>
23323 </eStructuralFeatures>
23324 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"maxP" eType=
23326 <eAnnotations source=
23327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum active power of the injection."/>
23329 <eAnnotations source=
23330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Minimum active power of the injection."/>
23332 </eStructuralFeatures>
23333 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"regulationStatus" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
23335 <eAnnotations source=
23336 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the default regulation status of the EquivalentInjection. True is regulating. False is not regulating."/>
23338 <eAnnotations source=
23339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specifies the default regulation status of the EquivalentInjection. True is regulating. False is not regulating."/>
23341 </eStructuralFeatures>
23342 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"regulationTarget" eType=
23344 <eAnnotations source=
23345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The target voltage for voltage regulation."/>
23347 <eAnnotations source=
23348 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The target voltage for voltage regulation."/>
23350 </eStructuralFeatures>
23351 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minP" eType=
23353 <eAnnotations source=
23354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum active power of the injection."/>
23356 <eAnnotations source=
23357 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum active power of the injection."/>
23359 </eStructuralFeatures>
23361 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EquivalentBranch" eSuperTypes=
23362 <eAnnotations source=
23363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent branches."/>
23365 <eAnnotations source=
23366 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent branches."/>
23368 <eAnnotations source=
23369 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent branches."/>
23370 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The class represents equivalent branches."/>
23372 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"x" eType=
23374 <eAnnotations source=
23375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance of the reduced branch."/>
23377 <eAnnotations source=
23378 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series reactance of the reduced branch."/>
23380 </eStructuralFeatures>
23381 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
23383 <eAnnotations source=
23384 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance of the reduced branch."/>
23386 <eAnnotations source=
23387 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Positive sequence series resistance of the reduced branch."/>
23389 </eStructuralFeatures>
23392 <eSubpackages name=
"Contingency" nsURI=
23393 nsPrefix=
23394 <eAnnotations source=
23395 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contingencies to be studied."/>
23397 <eAnnotations source=
23398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Contingencies to be studied."/>
23400 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ContingencyEquipment" eSuperTypes=
23401 <eAnnotations source=
23402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A equipment to which the in service status is to change such as a power transformer or AC line segment."/>
23404 <eAnnotations source=
23405 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A equipment to which the in service status is to change such as a power transformer or AC line segment."/>
23407 <eAnnotations source=
23408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A equipment to which the in service status is to change such as a power transformer or AC line segment."/>
23409 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A equipment to which the in service status is to change such as a power transformer or AC line segment."/>
23411 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"contingentStatus" eType=
23413 <eAnnotations source=
23414 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The status for the associated equipment when in the contingency state. This status is independent of the case to which the contingency is originally applied, but defines the equipment status when the contingency is applied."/>
23416 <eAnnotations source=
23417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The status for the associated equipment when in the contingency state. This status is independent of the case to which the contingency is originally applied, but defines the equipment status when the contingency is applied."/>
23419 </eStructuralFeatures>
23420 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Equipment" eType=
23421 eOpposite=
23422 <eAnnotations source=
23423 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The single piece of equipment to which to apply the contingency."/>
23425 <eAnnotations source=
23426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The single piece of equipment to which to apply the contingency."/>
23428 </eStructuralFeatures>
23430 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
23431 <eLiterals name=
23432 <eLiterals name=
"inService" value=
23434 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Contingency" eSuperTypes=
23435 <eAnnotations source=
23436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An event threatening system reliability, consisting of one or more contingency elements."/>
23438 <eAnnotations source=
23439 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An event threatening system reliability, consisting of one or more contingency elements."/>
23441 <eAnnotations source=
23442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An event threatening system reliability, consisting of one or more contingency elements."/>
23443 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An event threatening system reliability, consisting of one or more contingency elements."/>
23445 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mustStudy" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
23447 <eAnnotations source=
23448 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if must study this contingency."/>
23450 <eAnnotations source=
23451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set true if must study this contingency."/>
23453 </eStructuralFeatures>
23454 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23455 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Contingency/ContingencyElement" eOpposite=
23456 <eAnnotations source=
23457 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A contingency can have any number of contingency elements."/>
23459 <eAnnotations source=
23460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A contingency can have any number of contingency elements."/>
23462 </eStructuralFeatures>
23464 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ContingencyElement" eSuperTypes=
23465 <eAnnotations source=
23466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An element of a system event to be studied by contingency analysis, representing a change in status of a single piece of equipment."/>
23468 <eAnnotations source=
23469 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An element of a system event to be studied by contingency analysis, representing a change in status of a single piece of equipment."/>
23471 <eAnnotations source=
23472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An element of a system event to be studied by contingency analysis, representing a change in status of a single piece of equipment."/>
23473 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An element of a system event to be studied by contingency analysis, representing a change in status of a single piece of equipment."/>
23475 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Contingency" eType=
23476 eOpposite=
23477 <eAnnotations source=
23478 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A contingency element belongs to one contingency."/>
23480 <eAnnotations source=
23481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A contingency element belongs to one contingency."/>
23483 </eStructuralFeatures>
23486 <eSubpackages name=
"Topology" nsURI=
23487 nsPrefix=
23488 <eAnnotations source=
23489 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core Package that in association with the Terminal class models Connectivity, that is the physical definition of how equipment is connected together. In addition it models Topology, that is the logical definition of how equipment is connected via closed switches. The Topology definition is independent of the other electrical characteristics."/>
23491 <eAnnotations source=
23492 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An extension to the Core Package that in association with the Terminal class models Connectivity, that is the physical definition of how equipment is connected together. In addition it models Topology, that is the logical definition of how equipment is connected via closed switches. The Topology definition is independent of the other electrical characteristics."/>
23494 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"BusNameMarker" eSuperTypes=
23495 <eAnnotations source=
23496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to apply user standard names to topology buses. Typically used for "bus/branch" case generation. Associated with one or more ConnectivityNodes that are normally a part of the bus name. The associated ConnectivityNodes are to be connected by non-retained switches. For a ring bus station configuration, all busbar connectivity nodes in the ring are typically associated. For a breaker and a half scheme, both busbars would be associated. For a ring bus, all busbars would be associated. For a "straight" busbar configuration, only the main connectivity node at the busbar would be associated."/>
23498 <eAnnotations source=
23499 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to apply user standard names to topology buses. Typically used for "bus/branch" case generation. Associated with one or more ConnectivityNodes that are normally a part of the bus name. The associated ConnectivityNodes are to be connected by non-retained switches. For a ring bus station configuration, all busbar connectivity nodes in the ring are typically associated. For a breaker and a half scheme, both busbars would be associated. For a ring bus, all busbars would be associated. For a "straight" busbar configuration, only the main connectivity node at the busbar would be associated."/>
23501 <eAnnotations source=
23502 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used to apply user standard names to topology buses. Typically used for "bus/branch" case generation. Associated with one or more ConnectivityNodes that are normally a part of the bus name. The associated ConnectivityNodes are to be connected by non-retained switches. For a ring bus station configuration, all busbar connectivity nodes in the ring are typically associated. For a breaker and a half scheme, both busbars would be associated. For a ring bus, all busbars would be associated. For a "straight" busbar configuration, only the main connectivity node at the busbar would be associated."/>
23503 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Used to apply user standard names to topology buses. Typically used for "bus/branch" case generation. Associated with one or more ConnectivityNodes that are normally a part of the bus name. The associated ConnectivityNodes are to be connected by non-retained switches. For a ring bus station configuration, all busbar connectivity nodes in the ring are typically associated. For a breaker and a half scheme, both busbars would be associated. For a ring bus, all busbars would be associated. For a "straight" busbar configuration, only the main connectivity node at the busbar would be associated."/>
23505 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" upperBound=
23506 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Terminal" eOpposite=
23507 <eAnnotations source=
23508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A list of Terminals from the set of Terminals which are connected at the same bus (TopologicalNode) in the normal topology. At least one Terminal from the set of normally connected Terminals shall be in the list."/>
23510 <eAnnotations source=
23511 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A list of Terminals from the set of Terminals which are connected at the same bus (TopologicalNode) in the normal topology. At least one Terminal from the set of normally connected Terminals shall be in the list."/>
23513 </eStructuralFeatures>
23514 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReportingGroup" eType=
23515 eOpposite=
23516 <eAnnotations source=
23517 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reporting group to which this BusNameMarker belongs."/>
23519 <eAnnotations source=
23520 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reporting group to which this BusNameMarker belongs."/>
23522 </eStructuralFeatures>
23524 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TopologicalNode" eSuperTypes=
23525 <eAnnotations source=
23526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a detailed substation model a TopologicalNode is a set of connectivity nodes that, in the current network state, are connected together through any type of closed switches, including jumpers. Topological nodes changes as the current network state changes (i.e., switches, breakers, etc. change state).
For a planning model switch statuses are not used to form TopologicalNodes. Instead they are manually created or deleted in a model builder tool. TopologialNodes maintained this way are also called "busses"."/>
23528 <eAnnotations source=
23529 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"For a detailed substation model a TopologicalNode is a set of connectivity nodes that, in the current network state, are connected together through any type of closed switches, including jumpers. Topological nodes changes as the current network state changes (i.e., switches, breakers, etc. change state).
For a planning model switch statuses are not used to form TopologicalNodes. Instead they are manually created or deleted in a model builder tool. TopologialNodes maintained this way are also called "busses"."/>
23531 <eAnnotations source=
23532 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"For a detailed substation model a TopologicalNode is a set of connectivity nodes that, in the current network state, are connected together through any type of closed switches, including jumpers. Topological nodes changes as the current network state changes (i.e., switches, breakers, etc. change state).
For a planning model switch statuses are not used to form TopologicalNodes. Instead they are manually created or deleted in a model builder tool. TopologialNodes maintained this way are also called "busses"."/>
23533 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"For a detailed substation model a TopologicalNode is a set of connectivity nodes that, in the current network state, are connected together through any type of closed switches, including jumpers. Topological nodes changes as the current network state changes (i.e., switches, breakers, etc. change state).
For a planning model switch statuses are not used to form TopologicalNodes. Instead they are manually created or deleted in a model builder tool. TopologialNodes maintained this way are also called "busses"."/>
23535 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SvShortCircuit" eType=
23536 eOpposite=
23537 <eAnnotations source=
23538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The short circuit state associated with the topological node."/>
23540 <eAnnotations source=
23541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The short circuit state associated with the topological node."/>
23543 </eStructuralFeatures>
23544 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23545 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConnectivityNodeContainer" eOpposite=
23546 <eAnnotations source=
23547 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The connectivity node container to which the toplogical node belongs."/>
23549 <eAnnotations source=
23550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The connectivity node container to which the toplogical node belongs."/>
23552 </eStructuralFeatures>
23553 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SvInjection" eType=
23554 eOpposite=
23555 <eAnnotations source=
23556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The injection state associated with the topological node."/>
23558 <eAnnotations source=
23559 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The injection state associated with the topological node."/>
23561 </eStructuralFeatures>
23562 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23563 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/ConnectivityNode" eOpposite=
23564 <eAnnotations source=
23565 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Several ConnectivityNode(s) may combine together to form a single TopologicalNode, depending on the current state of the network."/>
23567 <eAnnotations source=
23568 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Several ConnectivityNode(s) may combine together to form a single TopologicalNode, depending on the current state of the network."/>
23570 </eStructuralFeatures>
23571 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SvVoltage" eType=
23572 eOpposite=
23573 <eAnnotations source=
23574 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The state voltage associated with the topological node."/>
23576 <eAnnotations source=
23577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The state voltage associated with the topological node."/>
23579 </eStructuralFeatures>
23580 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BaseVoltage" eType=
23581 eOpposite=
23582 <eAnnotations source=
23583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The base voltage of the topologocial node."/>
23585 <eAnnotations source=
23586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The base voltage of the topologocial node."/>
23588 </eStructuralFeatures>
23589 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23590 eType=
"#//IEC61970/StateVariables/TopologicalIsland" eOpposite=
23591 <eAnnotations source=
23592 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A topological node belongs to a topological island"/>
23594 <eAnnotations source=
23595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A topological node belongs to a topological island"/>
23597 </eStructuralFeatures>
23598 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReportingGroup" eType=
23599 eOpposite=
23600 <eAnnotations source=
23601 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reporting group to which the topological node belongs."/>
23603 <eAnnotations source=
23604 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The reporting group to which the topological node belongs."/>
23606 </eStructuralFeatures>
23607 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Terminal" upperBound=
23608 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Terminal" eOpposite=
23609 <eAnnotations source=
23610 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminals associated with the topological node. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to terminal, thus making it unneccesary to model connedtivity nodes in some cases. Note that the if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would proably not be used."/>
23612 <eAnnotations source=
23613 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The terminals associated with the topological node. This can be used as an alternative to the connectivity node path to terminal, thus making it unneccesary to model connedtivity nodes in some cases. Note that the if connectivity nodes are in the model, this association would proably not be used."/>
23615 </eStructuralFeatures>
23616 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23617 eType=
"#//IEC61970/StateVariables/TopologicalIsland" eOpposite=
23618 <eAnnotations source=
23619 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The island for which the node is an angle reference. Normally there is one angle reference node for each island."/>
23621 <eAnnotations source=
23622 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The island for which the node is an angle reference. Normally there is one angle reference node for each island."/>
23624 </eStructuralFeatures>
23628 <eSubpackages name=
"IEC61968" nsURI=
23629 nsPrefix=
23630 <eAnnotations source=
23631 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as prepayment metering. These classes are generally associated with the collection and control of revenue from the customer for a delivered service."/>
23633 <eAnnotations source=
23634 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as prepayment metering. These classes are generally associated with the collection and control of revenue from the customer for a delivered service."/>
23636 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IEC61968CIMVersion" eSuperTypes=
23637 <eAnnotations source=
23638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEC 61968 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
23640 <eAnnotations source=
23641 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"IEC 61968 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
23643 <eAnnotations source=
23644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEC 61968 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
23645 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"IEC 61968 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
23647 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"version" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23649 <eAnnotations source=
23650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC61968CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For example IEC61968CIM10v17."/>
23652 <eAnnotations source=
23653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC61968CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For example IEC61968CIM10v17."/>
23655 </eStructuralFeatures>
23656 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"date" eType=
23658 <eAnnotations source=
23659 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
23661 <eAnnotations source=
23662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
23664 </eStructuralFeatures>
23666 <eSubpackages name=
"Common" nsURI=
23667 nsPrefix=
23668 <eAnnotations source=
23669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the information classes that support distribution management in general."/>
23671 <eAnnotations source=
23672 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the information classes that support distribution management in general."/>
23674 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
23675 <eAnnotations source=
23676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose postal address information."/>
23678 <eAnnotations source=
23679 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose postal address information."/>
23680 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
23682 <eAnnotations source=
23683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose postal address information."/>
23684 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose postal address information."/>
23686 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"streetDetail" eType=
23687 containment=
23688 <eAnnotations source=
23689 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street detail."/>
23691 <eAnnotations source=
23692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street detail."/>
23694 </eStructuralFeatures>
23695 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"poBox" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23697 <eAnnotations source=
23698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Post office box."/>
23700 <eAnnotations source=
23701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Post office box."/>
23703 </eStructuralFeatures>
23704 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"postalCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23706 <eAnnotations source=
23707 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Postal code for the address."/>
23709 <eAnnotations source=
23710 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Postal code for the address."/>
23712 </eStructuralFeatures>
23713 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"townDetail" eType=
23714 containment=
23715 <eAnnotations source=
23716 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town detail."/>
23718 <eAnnotations source=
23719 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town detail."/>
23721 </eStructuralFeatures>
23723 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
23724 <eAnnotations source=
23725 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current status information relevant to an entity."/>
23727 <eAnnotations source=
23728 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Current status information relevant to an entity."/>
23729 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
23731 <eAnnotations source=
23732 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current status information relevant to an entity."/>
23733 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Current status information relevant to an entity."/>
23735 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reason" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23737 <eAnnotations source=
23738 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'."/>
23740 <eAnnotations source=
23741 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason code or explanation for why an object went to the current status 'value'."/>
23743 </eStructuralFeatures>
23744 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
23746 <eAnnotations source=
23747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time for which status 'value' applies."/>
23749 <eAnnotations source=
23750 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time for which status 'value' applies."/>
23752 </eStructuralFeatures>
23753 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23755 <eAnnotations source=
23756 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies."/>
23758 <eAnnotations source=
23759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status value at 'dateTime'; prior status changes may have been kept in instances of activity records associated with the object to which this status applies."/>
23761 </eStructuralFeatures>
23762 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remark" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23764 <eAnnotations source=
23765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text."/>
23767 <eAnnotations source=
23768 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pertinent information regarding the current 'value', as free form text."/>
23770 </eStructuralFeatures>
23772 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
23773 <eAnnotations source=
23774 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address information."/>
23776 <eAnnotations source=
23777 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Electronic address information."/>
23778 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
23780 <eAnnotations source=
23781 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address information."/>
23782 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Electronic address information."/>
23784 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"radio" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23786 <eAnnotations source=
23787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Radio address."/>
23789 <eAnnotations source=
23790 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Radio address."/>
23792 </eStructuralFeatures>
23793 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
23794 containment=
23795 <eAnnotations source=
23796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this electronic address."/>
23798 <eAnnotations source=
23799 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this electronic address."/>
23801 </eStructuralFeatures>
23802 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"password" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23804 <eAnnotations source=
23805 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Password needed to log in."/>
23807 <eAnnotations source=
23808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Password needed to log in."/>
23810 </eStructuralFeatures>
23811 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lan" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23813 <eAnnotations source=
23814 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Address on local area network."/>
23816 <eAnnotations source=
23817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Address on local area network."/>
23819 </eStructuralFeatures>
23820 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"userID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23822 <eAnnotations source=
23823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc."/>
23825 <eAnnotations source=
23826 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"User ID needed to log in, which can be for an individual person, an organisation, a location, etc."/>
23828 </eStructuralFeatures>
23829 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"email" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23831 <eAnnotations source=
23832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Email address."/>
23834 <eAnnotations source=
23835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Email address."/>
23837 </eStructuralFeatures>
23838 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"web" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23840 <eAnnotations source=
23841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"World wide web address."/>
23843 <eAnnotations source=
23844 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"World wide web address."/>
23846 </eStructuralFeatures>
23848 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Location" eSuperTypes=
23849 <eAnnotations source=
23850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time. It can be defined with one or more postition points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system."/>
23852 <eAnnotations source=
23853 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time. It can be defined with one or more postition points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system."/>
23855 <eAnnotations source=
23856 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time. It can be defined with one or more postition points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system."/>
23857 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time. It can be defined with one or more postition points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system."/>
23859 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"mainAddress" eType=
23860 containment=
23861 <eAnnotations source=
23862 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Main address of the location."/>
23864 <eAnnotations source=
23865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Main address of the location."/>
23867 </eStructuralFeatures>
23868 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"phone1" eType=
23869 containment=
23870 <eAnnotations source=
23871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phone number."/>
23873 <eAnnotations source=
23874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phone number."/>
23876 </eStructuralFeatures>
23877 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"phone2" eType=
23878 containment=
23879 <eAnnotations source=
23880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional phone number."/>
23882 <eAnnotations source=
23883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional phone number."/>
23885 </eStructuralFeatures>
23886 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23887 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
23888 <eAnnotations source=
23889 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All power system resources at this location."/>
23891 <eAnnotations source=
23892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All power system resources at this location."/>
23894 </eStructuralFeatures>
23895 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"secondaryAddress" eType=
23896 containment=
23897 <eAnnotations source=
23898 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Secondary address of the location. For example, PO Box address may have different ZIP code than that in the 'mainAddress'."/>
23900 <eAnnotations source=
23901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Secondary address of the location. For example, PO Box address may have different ZIP code than that in the 'mainAddress'."/>
23903 </eStructuralFeatures>
23904 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
23905 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
23906 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RedLines" upperBound=
23907 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/RedLine" eOpposite=
23908 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23910 <eAnnotations source=
23911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices, relative to the location itself (e.g., geographical, functional accounting, etc., not a given property that happens to exist at that location)."/>
23913 <eAnnotations source=
23914 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category by utility's corporate standards and practices, relative to the location itself (e.g., geographical, functional accounting, etc., not a given property that happens to exist at that location)."/>
23916 </eStructuralFeatures>
23917 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DimensionsInfo" eType=
23918 eOpposite=
23919 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LandProperties" upperBound=
23920 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/LandProperty" eOpposite=
23921 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
23922 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
23923 <eAnnotations source=
23924 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets at this location."/>
23926 <eAnnotations source=
23927 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets at this location."/>
23929 </eStructuralFeatures>
23930 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Hazards" upperBound=
23931 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/Hazard" eOpposite=
23932 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
23933 containment=
23934 <eAnnotations source=
23935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this location."/>
23937 <eAnnotations source=
23938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this location."/>
23940 </eStructuralFeatures>
23941 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Crews" upperBound=
23942 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Crew" eOpposite=
23943 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PositionPoints" upperBound=
23944 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/PositionPoint" eOpposite=
23945 <eAnnotations source=
23946 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence of position points describing this location, expressed in coordinate system 'Location.CoordinateSystem'."/>
23948 <eAnnotations source=
23949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence of position points describing this location, expressed in coordinate system 'Location.CoordinateSystem'."/>
23951 </eStructuralFeatures>
23952 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
23953 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ElectronicAddress" containment=
23954 <eAnnotations source=
23955 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
23957 <eAnnotations source=
23958 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
23960 </eStructuralFeatures>
23961 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Directions" upperBound=
23962 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/Direction" eOpposite=
23963 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Measurements" upperBound=
23964 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Measurement" eOpposite=
23965 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Routes" upperBound=
23966 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/Route" eOpposite=
23967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"geoInfoReference" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23969 <eAnnotations source=
23970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Reference to geographical information source, often external to the utility."/>
23972 <eAnnotations source=
23973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Reference to geographical information source, often external to the utility."/>
23975 </eStructuralFeatures>
23976 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CoordinateSystem" eType=
23977 eOpposite=
23978 <eAnnotations source=
23979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coordinate system used to describe position points of this location."/>
23981 <eAnnotations source=
23982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coordinate system used to describe position points of this location."/>
23984 </eStructuralFeatures>
23985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"corporateCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23987 <eAnnotations source=
23988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility-specific code for the location."/>
23990 <eAnnotations source=
23991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility-specific code for the location."/>
23993 </eStructuralFeatures>
23994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpOrganisations" upperBound=
23995 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
23996 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"direction" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
23998 <eAnnotations source=
23999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Direction that allows field crews to quickly find a given asset. For a given location, such as a street address, this is the relative direction in which to find the asset. For example, a Streetlight may be located at the 'NW' (northwest) corner of the customer's site, or a ServiceDeliveryPoint may be located on the second floor of an apartment building."/>
24001 <eAnnotations source=
24002 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Direction that allows field crews to quickly find a given asset. For a given location, such as a street address, this is the relative direction in which to find the asset. For example, a Streetlight may be located at the 'NW' (northwest) corner of the customer's site, or a ServiceDeliveryPoint may be located on the second floor of an apartment building."/>
24004 </eStructuralFeatures>
24006 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
24007 <eAnnotations source=
24008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town details, in the context of address."/>
24010 <eAnnotations source=
24011 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Town details, in the context of address."/>
24012 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
24014 <eAnnotations source=
24015 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town details, in the context of address."/>
24016 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Town details, in the context of address."/>
24018 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24020 <eAnnotations source=
24021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town name."/>
24023 <eAnnotations source=
24024 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town name."/>
24026 </eStructuralFeatures>
24027 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"stateOrProvince" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24029 <eAnnotations source=
24030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the state or province."/>
24032 <eAnnotations source=
24033 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the state or province."/>
24035 </eStructuralFeatures>
24036 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"section" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24038 <eAnnotations source=
24039 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town section. For example, it is common for there to be 36 sections per township."/>
24041 <eAnnotations source=
24042 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town section. For example, it is common for there to be 36 sections per township."/>
24044 </eStructuralFeatures>
24045 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24047 <eAnnotations source=
24048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town code."/>
24050 <eAnnotations source=
24051 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town code."/>
24053 </eStructuralFeatures>
24054 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"country" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24056 <eAnnotations source=
24057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the country."/>
24059 <eAnnotations source=
24060 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the country."/>
24062 </eStructuralFeatures>
24064 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CoordinateSystem" eSuperTypes=
24065 <eAnnotations source=
24066 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coordinate reference system."/>
24068 <eAnnotations source=
24069 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Coordinate reference system."/>
24071 <eAnnotations source=
24072 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Coordinate reference system."/>
24073 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Coordinate reference system."/>
24075 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Diagrams" upperBound=
24076 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfGMLSupport/Diagram" eOpposite=
24077 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Location" upperBound=
24078 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Location" eOpposite=
24079 <eAnnotations source=
24080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All locations described with position points in this coordinate system."/>
24082 <eAnnotations source=
24083 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All locations described with position points in this coordinate system."/>
24085 </eStructuralFeatures>
24086 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"crsUrn" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24088 <eAnnotations source=
24089 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for the coordinate reference system (crs) used to define 'Location.PositionPoints'.
An example would be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code for a coordinate reference system, defined in URN under the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) namespace as: urn:ogc :def:uom:EPSG::XXXX, where XXXX is an EPSG code (a full list of codes can be found at the EPSG Registry website http://www.epsg-registry.org/). To define the coordinate system as being WGS84 (latitude, longitude) using an EPSG OGC, this attribute would be urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::4236.
A profile should limit this code to a set of allowed URNs agreed to by all sending and receiving parties."/>
24091 <eAnnotations source=
24092 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A Uniform Resource Name (URN) for the coordinate reference system (crs) used to define 'Location.PositionPoints'.
An example would be the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) code for a coordinate reference system, defined in URN under the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) namespace as: urn:ogc :def:uom:EPSG::XXXX, where XXXX is an EPSG code (a full list of codes can be found at the EPSG Registry website http://www.epsg-registry.org/). To define the coordinate system as being WGS84 (latitude, longitude) using an EPSG OGC, this attribute would be urn:ogc:def:uom:EPSG::4236.
A profile should limit this code to a set of allowed URNs agreed to by all sending and receiving parties."/>
24094 </eStructuralFeatures>
24095 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24096 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
24097 eOpposite=
24099 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Document" eSuperTypes=
24100 <eAnnotations source=
24101 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as a part of a business process. It will frequently contain references to other objects, such as assets, people and power system resources."/>
24103 <eAnnotations source=
24104 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as a part of a business process. It will frequently contain references to other objects, such as assets, people and power system resources."/>
24106 <eAnnotations source=
24107 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as a part of a business process. It will frequently contain references to other objects, such as assets, people and power system resources."/>
24108 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as a part of a business process. It will frequently contain references to other objects, such as assets, people and power system resources."/>
24110 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
24111 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
24112 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToDocumentRoles" upperBound=
24113 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/DocDocRole" eOpposite=
24114 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24115 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ElectronicAddress" containment=
24116 <eAnnotations source=
24117 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
24119 <eAnnotations source=
24120 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
24122 </eStructuralFeatures>
24123 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"revisionNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24125 <eAnnotations source=
24126 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Revision number for this document."/>
24128 <eAnnotations source=
24129 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Revision number for this document."/>
24131 </eStructuralFeatures>
24132 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"NetworkDataSets" upperBound=
24133 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/NetworkDataSet" eOpposite=
24134 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24135 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/DocDocRole" eOpposite=
24136 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24137 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
24138 eOpposite=
24139 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24140 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
24141 eOpposite=
24142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"createdDateTime" eType=
24144 <eAnnotations source=
24145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that this document was created."/>
24147 <eAnnotations source=
24148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time that this document was created."/>
24150 </eStructuralFeatures>
24151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Measurements" upperBound=
24152 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Measurement" eOpposite=
24153 <eAnnotations source=
24154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurements are specified in types of documents, such as procedures."/>
24156 <eAnnotations source=
24157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Measurements are specified in types of documents, such as procedures."/>
24159 </eStructuralFeatures>
24160 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
24161 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
24162 <eAnnotations source=
24163 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this document was last modified. Documents may potentially be modified many times during their lifetime."/>
24165 <eAnnotations source=
24166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this document was last modified. Documents may potentially be modified many times during their lifetime."/>
24168 </eStructuralFeatures>
24169 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ActivityRecords" upperBound=
24170 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ActivityRecord" eOpposite=
24171 <eAnnotations source=
24172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All activity records created for this document."/>
24174 <eAnnotations source=
24175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All activity records created for this document."/>
24177 </eStructuralFeatures>
24178 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"subject" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24180 <eAnnotations source=
24181 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document subject."/>
24183 <eAnnotations source=
24184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document subject."/>
24186 </eStructuralFeatures>
24187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeSets" upperBound=
24188 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeSet" eOpposite=
24189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersonRoles" upperBound=
24190 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/DocErpPersonRole" eOpposite=
24191 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ScheduledEvents" upperBound=
24192 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/ScheduledEvent" eOpposite=
24193 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"title" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24195 <eAnnotations source=
24196 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document title."/>
24198 <eAnnotations source=
24199 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document title."/>
24201 </eStructuralFeatures>
24202 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"docStatus" eType=
24203 containment=
24204 <eAnnotations source=
24205 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this document. For status of subject matter this document represents (e.g., Agreement, Work), use 'status' attribute.
Example values for 'docStatus.status' are draft, approved, cancelled, etc."/>
24207 <eAnnotations source=
24208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this document. For status of subject matter this document represents (e.g., Agreement, Work), use 'status' attribute.
Example values for 'docStatus.status' are draft, approved, cancelled, etc."/>
24210 </eStructuralFeatures>
24211 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetRoles" upperBound=
24212 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/DocAssetRole" eOpposite=
24213 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
24214 containment=
24215 <eAnnotations source=
24216 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of subject matter (e.g., Agreement, Work) this document represents. For status of the document itself, use 'docStatus' attribute."/>
24218 <eAnnotations source=
24219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of subject matter (e.g., Agreement, Work) this document represents. For status of the document itself, use 'docStatus' attribute."/>
24221 </eStructuralFeatures>
24222 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24223 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/DocPsrRole" eOpposite=
24224 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24226 <eAnnotations source=
24227 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility-specific categorisation of this document, according to their corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.)."/>
24229 <eAnnotations source=
24230 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Utility-specific categorisation of this document, according to their corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.)."/>
24232 </eStructuralFeatures>
24234 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PositionPoint" eSuperTypes=
24235 <eAnnotations source=
24236 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in coordinate system specified in 'Location.CoordinateSystem'. Use a single position point instance to desribe a point-oriented location. Use a sequence of position points to describe a line-oriented object (physical location of non-point oriented objects like cables or lines), or area of an object (like a substation or a geographical zone - in this case, have first and last position point with the same values)."/>
24238 <eAnnotations source=
24239 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in coordinate system specified in 'Location.CoordinateSystem'. Use a single position point instance to desribe a point-oriented location. Use a sequence of position points to describe a line-oriented object (physical location of non-point oriented objects like cables or lines), or area of an object (like a substation or a geographical zone - in this case, have first and last position point with the same values)."/>
24241 <eAnnotations source=
24242 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in coordinate system specified in 'Location.CoordinateSystem'. Use a single position point instance to desribe a point-oriented location. Use a sequence of position points to describe a line-oriented object (physical location of non-point oriented objects like cables or lines), or area of an object (like a substation or a geographical zone - in this case, have first and last position point with the same values)."/>
24243 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of spatial coordinates that determine a point, defined in coordinate system specified in 'Location.CoordinateSystem'. Use a single position point instance to desribe a point-oriented location. Use a sequence of position points to describe a line-oriented object (physical location of non-point oriented objects like cables or lines), or area of an object (like a substation or a geographical zone - in this case, have first and last position point with the same values)."/>
24245 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"xPosition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24247 <eAnnotations source=
24248 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X axis position."/>
24250 <eAnnotations source=
24251 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"X axis position."/>
24253 </eStructuralFeatures>
24254 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"zPosition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24256 <eAnnotations source=
24257 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Z axis position."/>
24259 <eAnnotations source=
24260 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Z axis position."/>
24262 </eStructuralFeatures>
24263 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
24265 <eAnnotations source=
24266 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero-relative sequence number of this point within a series of points."/>
24268 <eAnnotations source=
24269 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Zero-relative sequence number of this point within a series of points."/>
24271 </eStructuralFeatures>
24272 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"yPosition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24274 <eAnnotations source=
24275 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y axis position."/>
24277 <eAnnotations source=
24278 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Y axis position."/>
24280 </eStructuralFeatures>
24281 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Location" eType=
24282 eOpposite=
24283 <eAnnotations source=
24284 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location described by this position point."/>
24286 <eAnnotations source=
24287 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location described by this position point."/>
24289 </eStructuralFeatures>
24291 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"UserAttribute" eSuperTypes=
24292 <eAnnotations source=
24293 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic name-value pair class, with optional sequence number and units for value; can be used to model parts of information exchange when concrete types are not known in advance."/>
24295 <eAnnotations source=
24296 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generic name-value pair class, with optional sequence number and units for value; can be used to model parts of information exchange when concrete types are not known in advance."/>
24298 <eAnnotations source=
24299 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic name-value pair class, with optional sequence number and units for value; can be used to model parts of information exchange when concrete types are not known in advance."/>
24300 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generic name-value pair class, with optional sequence number and units for value; can be used to model parts of information exchange when concrete types are not known in advance."/>
24302 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpLedgerEntries" upperBound=
24303 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpLedgerEntry" eOpposite=
24304 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24306 <eAnnotations source=
24307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of an attribute."/>
24309 <eAnnotations source=
24310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of an attribute."/>
24312 </eStructuralFeatures>
24313 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
24315 <eAnnotations source=
24316 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of an attribute, including unit information."/>
24318 <eAnnotations source=
24319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of an attribute, including unit information."/>
24321 </eStructuralFeatures>
24322 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24323 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
24324 eOpposite=
24325 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Transaction" eType=
24326 eOpposite=
24327 <eAnnotations source=
24328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction for which this snapshot has been recorded."/>
24330 <eAnnotations source=
24331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction for which this snapshot has been recorded."/>
24333 </eStructuralFeatures>
24334 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24335 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Specification" eOpposite=
24336 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Procedure" eType=
24337 eOpposite=
24338 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
24340 <eAnnotations source=
24341 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence number for this attribute in a list of attributes."/>
24343 <eAnnotations source=
24344 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence number for this attribute in a list of attributes."/>
24346 </eStructuralFeatures>
24347 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PropertyAssets" upperBound=
24348 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
24349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24350 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Specification" eOpposite=
24351 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24352 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
24353 eOpposite=
24354 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"RatingAssets" upperBound=
24355 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
24357 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
24358 <eAnnotations source=
24359 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose street address information."/>
24361 <eAnnotations source=
24362 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose street address information."/>
24363 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
24365 <eAnnotations source=
24366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"General purpose street address information."/>
24367 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"General purpose street address information."/>
24369 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
24370 containment=
24371 <eAnnotations source=
24372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this address."/>
24374 <eAnnotations source=
24375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this address."/>
24377 </eStructuralFeatures>
24378 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"streetDetail" eType=
24379 containment=
24380 <eAnnotations source=
24381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street detail."/>
24383 <eAnnotations source=
24384 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street detail."/>
24386 </eStructuralFeatures>
24387 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"townDetail" eType=
24388 containment=
24389 <eAnnotations source=
24390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town detail."/>
24392 <eAnnotations source=
24393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Town detail."/>
24395 </eStructuralFeatures>
24397 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
24398 <eAnnotations source=
24399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street details, in the context of address."/>
24401 <eAnnotations source=
24402 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Street details, in the context of address."/>
24403 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
24405 <eAnnotations source=
24406 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street details, in the context of address."/>
24407 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Street details, in the context of address."/>
24409 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"withinTownLimits" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
24411 <eAnnotations source=
24412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this street is within the legal geographical boundaries of the specified town (default)."/>
24414 <eAnnotations source=
24415 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this street is within the legal geographical boundaries of the specified town (default)."/>
24417 </eStructuralFeatures>
24418 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"name" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24420 <eAnnotations source=
24421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the street."/>
24423 <eAnnotations source=
24424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of the street."/>
24426 </eStructuralFeatures>
24427 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24429 <eAnnotations source=
24430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of street. Examples include: street, circle, boulevard, avenue, road, drive, etc."/>
24432 <eAnnotations source=
24433 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of street. Examples include: street, circle, boulevard, avenue, road, drive, etc."/>
24435 </eStructuralFeatures>
24436 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"prefix" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24438 <eAnnotations source=
24439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Prefix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West."/>
24441 <eAnnotations source=
24442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Prefix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West."/>
24444 </eStructuralFeatures>
24445 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"buildingName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24447 <eAnnotations source=
24448 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) In certain cases the physical location of the place of interest does not have a direct point of entry from the street, but may be located inside a larger structure such as a building, complex, office block, apartment, etc."/>
24450 <eAnnotations source=
24451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) In certain cases the physical location of the place of interest does not have a direct point of entry from the street, but may be located inside a larger structure such as a building, complex, office block, apartment, etc."/>
24453 </eStructuralFeatures>
24454 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"suiteNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24456 <eAnnotations source=
24457 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of the apartment or suite."/>
24459 <eAnnotations source=
24460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of the apartment or suite."/>
24462 </eStructuralFeatures>
24463 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"suffix" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24465 <eAnnotations source=
24466 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Suffix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West."/>
24468 <eAnnotations source=
24469 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Suffix to the street name. For example: North, South, East, West."/>
24471 </eStructuralFeatures>
24472 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"addressGeneral" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24474 <eAnnotations source=
24475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional address information, for example a mailstop."/>
24477 <eAnnotations source=
24478 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional address information, for example a mailstop."/>
24480 </eStructuralFeatures>
24481 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24483 <eAnnotations source=
24484 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Utilities often make use of external reference systems, such as those of the town-planner's department or surveyor general's mapping system, that allocate global reference codes to streets."/>
24486 <eAnnotations source=
24487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Utilities often make use of external reference systems, such as those of the town-planner's department or surveyor general's mapping system, that allocate global reference codes to streets."/>
24489 </eStructuralFeatures>
24490 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"number" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24492 <eAnnotations source=
24493 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Designator of the specific location on the street."/>
24495 <eAnnotations source=
24496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Designator of the specific location on the street."/>
24498 </eStructuralFeatures>
24500 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TimeSchedule" eSuperTypes=
24501 <eAnnotations source=
24502 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of anything that changes through time. Time schedule is used to perform a single-valued function of time. Use inherited 'category' attribute to give additional information on this schedule, such as: periodic (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), day of the month, by date, calendar (specific times and dates)."/>
24504 <eAnnotations source=
24505 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Description of anything that changes through time. Time schedule is used to perform a single-valued function of time. Use inherited 'category' attribute to give additional information on this schedule, such as: periodic (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), day of the month, by date, calendar (specific times and dates)."/>
24507 <eAnnotations source=
24508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Description of anything that changes through time. Time schedule is used to perform a single-valued function of time. Use inherited 'category' attribute to give additional information on this schedule, such as: periodic (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), day of the month, by date, calendar (specific times and dates)."/>
24509 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Description of anything that changes through time. Time schedule is used to perform a single-valued function of time. Use inherited 'category' attribute to give additional information on this schedule, such as: periodic (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), day of the month, by date, calendar (specific times and dates)."/>
24511 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"recurrencePeriod" eType=
24513 <eAnnotations source=
24514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Duration between time points, from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next period. Note that a device like a meter may have multiple interval periods (e.g., 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min)."/>
24516 <eAnnotations source=
24517 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Duration between time points, from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next period. Note that a device like a meter may have multiple interval periods (e.g., 1 min, 5 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min)."/>
24519 </eStructuralFeatures>
24520 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"disabled" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
24522 <eAnnotations source=
24523 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this schedule is deactivated (disabled)."/>
24525 <eAnnotations source=
24526 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this schedule is deactivated (disabled)."/>
24528 </eStructuralFeatures>
24529 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TimePoints" upperBound=
24530 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/TimePoint" eOpposite=
24531 <eAnnotations source=
24532 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence of time points belonging to this time schedule."/>
24534 <eAnnotations source=
24535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sequence of time points belonging to this time schedule."/>
24537 </eStructuralFeatures>
24538 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"offset" eType=
24540 <eAnnotations source=
24541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The offset from midnight (i.e., 0 h, 0 min, 0 s) for the periodic time points to begin. For example, for an interval meter that is set up for five minute intervals ('recurrencePeriod'=300=5 min), setting 'offset'=120=2 min would result in scheduled events to read the meter executing at 2 min, 7 min, 12 min, 17 min, 22 min, 27 min, 32 min, 37 min, 42 min, 47 min, 52 min, and 57 min past each hour."/>
24543 <eAnnotations source=
24544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The offset from midnight (i.e., 0 h, 0 min, 0 s) for the periodic time points to begin. For example, for an interval meter that is set up for five minute intervals ('recurrencePeriod'=300=5 min), setting 'offset'=120=2 min would result in scheduled events to read the meter executing at 2 min, 7 min, 12 min, 17 min, 22 min, 27 min, 32 min, 37 min, 42 min, 47 min, 52 min, and 57 min past each hour."/>
24546 </eStructuralFeatures>
24547 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"scheduleInterval" eType=
24548 containment=
24549 <eAnnotations source=
24550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule date and time interval."/>
24552 <eAnnotations source=
24553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Schedule date and time interval."/>
24555 </eStructuralFeatures>
24556 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
24557 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24559 <eAnnotations source=
24560 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval at which the scheduled action repeats (e.g., first Monday of every month, last day of the month, etc.)."/>
24562 <eAnnotations source=
24563 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval at which the scheduled action repeats (e.g., first Monday of every month, last day of the month, etc.)."/>
24565 </eStructuralFeatures>
24567 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ActivityRecord" eSuperTypes=
24568 <eAnnotations source=
24569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Records activity for an entity at a point in time; activity may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity."/>
24571 <eAnnotations source=
24572 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Records activity for an entity at a point in time; activity may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity."/>
24574 <eAnnotations source=
24575 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Records activity for an entity at a point in time; activity may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity."/>
24576 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Records activity for an entity at a point in time; activity may be for an event that has already occurred or for a planned activity."/>
24578 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"severity" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24580 <eAnnotations source=
24581 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Severity level of event resulting in this activity record."/>
24583 <eAnnotations source=
24584 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Severity level of event resulting in this activity record."/>
24586 </eStructuralFeatures>
24587 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"createdDateTime" eType=
24589 <eAnnotations source=
24590 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this activity record has been created (different from the 'status.dateTime', which is the time of a status change of the associated object, if applicable)."/>
24592 <eAnnotations source=
24593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this activity record has been created (different from the 'status.dateTime', which is the time of a status change of the associated object, if applicable)."/>
24595 </eStructuralFeatures>
24596 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
24597 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
24598 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Organisations" upperBound=
24599 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpOrganisation" eOpposite=
24600 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Documents" upperBound=
24601 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/Document" eOpposite=
24602 <eAnnotations source=
24603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All documents for which this activity record has been created."/>
24605 <eAnnotations source=
24606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All documents for which this activity record has been created."/>
24608 </eStructuralFeatures>
24609 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
24610 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
24611 <eAnnotations source=
24612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets for which this activity record has been created."/>
24614 <eAnnotations source=
24615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets for which this activity record has been created."/>
24617 </eStructuralFeatures>
24618 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
24619 containment=
24620 <eAnnotations source=
24621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information on consequence of event resulting in this activity record."/>
24623 <eAnnotations source=
24624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information on consequence of event resulting in this activity record."/>
24626 </eStructuralFeatures>
24627 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reason" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24629 <eAnnotations source=
24630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason for event resulting in this activity record, typically supplied when user initiated."/>
24632 <eAnnotations source=
24633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason for event resulting in this activity record, typically supplied when user initiated."/>
24635 </eStructuralFeatures>
24636 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24638 <eAnnotations source=
24639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of event resulting in this activity record."/>
24641 <eAnnotations source=
24642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of event resulting in this activity record."/>
24644 </eStructuralFeatures>
24645 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ScheduledEvent" eType=
24646 eOpposite=
24648 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TimePoint" eSuperTypes=
24649 <eAnnotations source=
24650 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A point in time within a sequence of points in time relative to a TimeSchedule."/>
24652 <eAnnotations source=
24653 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A point in time within a sequence of points in time relative to a TimeSchedule."/>
24655 <eAnnotations source=
24656 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A point in time within a sequence of points in time relative to a TimeSchedule."/>
24657 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A point in time within a sequence of points in time relative to a TimeSchedule."/>
24659 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
24660 containment=
24661 <eAnnotations source=
24662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this time point."/>
24664 <eAnnotations source=
24665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this time point."/>
24667 </eStructuralFeatures>
24668 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
24670 <eAnnotations source=
24671 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Absolute date and time for this time point. For calendar-based time point, it is typically manually entered, while for interval-based or sequence-based time point it is derived."/>
24673 <eAnnotations source=
24674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Absolute date and time for this time point. For calendar-based time point, it is typically manually entered, while for interval-based or sequence-based time point it is derived."/>
24676 </eStructuralFeatures>
24677 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"window" eType=
24678 containment=
24679 <eAnnotations source=
24680 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval defining the window of time that this time point is valid (for example, seasonal, only on weekends, not on weekends, only 8:00 to 5:00, etc.)."/>
24682 <eAnnotations source=
24683 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval defining the window of time that this time point is valid (for example, seasonal, only on weekends, not on weekends, only 8:00 to 5:00, etc.)."/>
24685 </eStructuralFeatures>
24686 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TimeSchedule" eType=
24687 eOpposite=
24688 <eAnnotations source=
24689 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time schedule owning this time point."/>
24691 <eAnnotations source=
24692 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time schedule owning this time point."/>
24694 </eStructuralFeatures>
24695 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
24697 <eAnnotations source=
24698 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if sequence-based) Relative sequence number for this time point."/>
24700 <eAnnotations source=
24701 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if sequence-based) Relative sequence number for this time point."/>
24703 </eStructuralFeatures>
24704 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ScheduledEvents" upperBound=
24705 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/ScheduledEvent" eOpposite=
24706 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
24707 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Seconds" unsettable=
24708 <eAnnotations source=
24709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if interval-based) A point in time relative to scheduled start time in 'TimeSchedule.scheduleInterval.start'."/>
24711 <eAnnotations source=
24712 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if interval-based) A point in time relative to scheduled start time in 'TimeSchedule.scheduleInterval.start'."/>
24714 </eStructuralFeatures>
24716 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Organisation" eSuperTypes=
24717 <eAnnotations source=
24718 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation that might have roles as utility, contractor, supplier, manufacturer, customer, etc."/>
24720 <eAnnotations source=
24721 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation that might have roles as utility, contractor, supplier, manufacturer, customer, etc."/>
24723 <eAnnotations source=
24724 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation that might have roles as utility, contractor, supplier, manufacturer, customer, etc."/>
24725 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation that might have roles as utility, contractor, supplier, manufacturer, customer, etc."/>
24727 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"phone2" eType=
24728 containment=
24729 <eAnnotations source=
24730 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional phone number."/>
24732 <eAnnotations source=
24733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Additional phone number."/>
24735 </eStructuralFeatures>
24736 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"phone1" eType=
24737 containment=
24738 <eAnnotations source=
24739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phone number."/>
24741 <eAnnotations source=
24742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phone number."/>
24744 </eStructuralFeatures>
24745 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"streetAddress" eType=
24746 containment=
24747 <eAnnotations source=
24748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street address."/>
24750 <eAnnotations source=
24751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Street address."/>
24753 </eStructuralFeatures>
24754 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"postalAddress" eType=
24755 containment=
24756 <eAnnotations source=
24757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Postal address, potentially different than 'streetAddress' (e.g., another city)."/>
24759 <eAnnotations source=
24760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Postal address, potentially different than 'streetAddress' (e.g., another city)."/>
24762 </eStructuralFeatures>
24763 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
24764 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ElectronicAddress" containment=
24765 <eAnnotations source=
24766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
24768 <eAnnotations source=
24769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
24771 </eStructuralFeatures>
24772 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BusinessRoles" upperBound=
24773 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/BusinessRole" eOpposite=
24775 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
24776 <eAnnotations source=
24777 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Telephone number."/>
24779 <eAnnotations source=
24780 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Telephone number."/>
24781 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
24783 <eAnnotations source=
24784 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Telephone number."/>
24785 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Telephone number."/>
24787 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cityCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24789 <eAnnotations source=
24790 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) City code."/>
24792 <eAnnotations source=
24793 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) City code."/>
24795 </eStructuralFeatures>
24796 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"localNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24798 <eAnnotations source=
24799 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Main (local) part of this telephone number."/>
24801 <eAnnotations source=
24802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Main (local) part of this telephone number."/>
24804 </eStructuralFeatures>
24805 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"extension" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24807 <eAnnotations source=
24808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Extension for this telephone number."/>
24810 <eAnnotations source=
24811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Extension for this telephone number."/>
24813 </eStructuralFeatures>
24814 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"areaCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24816 <eAnnotations source=
24817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Area or region code."/>
24819 <eAnnotations source=
24820 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Area or region code."/>
24822 </eStructuralFeatures>
24823 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"countryCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
24825 <eAnnotations source=
24826 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Country code."/>
24828 <eAnnotations source=
24829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Country code."/>
24831 </eStructuralFeatures>
24833 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Agreement" eSuperTypes=
24834 <eAnnotations source=
24835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Formal agreement between two parties defining the terms and conditions for a set of services. The specifics of the services are, in turn, defined via one or more service agreements."/>
24837 <eAnnotations source=
24838 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Formal agreement between two parties defining the terms and conditions for a set of services. The specifics of the services are, in turn, defined via one or more service agreements."/>
24840 <eAnnotations source=
24841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Formal agreement between two parties defining the terms and conditions for a set of services. The specifics of the services are, in turn, defined via one or more service agreements."/>
24842 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Formal agreement between two parties defining the terms and conditions for a set of services. The specifics of the services are, in turn, defined via one or more service agreements."/>
24844 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"signDate" eType=
24846 <eAnnotations source=
24847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date this agreement was consummated among associated persons and/or organisations."/>
24849 <eAnnotations source=
24850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date this agreement was consummated among associated persons and/or organisations."/>
24852 </eStructuralFeatures>
24853 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"validityInterval" eType=
24854 containment=
24855 <eAnnotations source=
24856 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval this agreement is valid (from going into effect to termination)."/>
24858 <eAnnotations source=
24859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval this agreement is valid (from going into effect to termination)."/>
24861 </eStructuralFeatures>
24864 <eSubpackages name=
"AssetModels" nsURI=
24865 nsPrefix=
24866 <eAnnotations source=
24867 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of Assets package and contains the core information classes that support asset management and different network and work planning applications with specialized AssetInfo subclasses. They hold attributes that can be referenced by not only Asset-s or AssetModel-s but also by ConductingEquipment-s."/>
24869 <eAnnotations source=
24870 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of Assets package and contains the core information classes that support asset management and different network and work planning applications with specialized AssetInfo subclasses. They hold attributes that can be referenced by not only Asset-s or AssetModel-s but also by ConductingEquipment-s."/>
24872 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ShortCircuitTest" eSuperTypes=
24873 <eAnnotations source=
24874 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Short-circuit test results determine mesh impedance parameters. They include load losses and leakage impedances. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence. There must be at least one grounded winding."/>
24876 <eAnnotations source=
24877 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Short-circuit test results determine mesh impedance parameters. They include load losses and leakage impedances. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence. There must be at least one grounded winding."/>
24879 <eAnnotations source=
24880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Short-circuit test results determine mesh impedance parameters. They include load losses and leakage impedances. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence. There must be at least one grounded winding."/>
24881 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Short-circuit test results determine mesh impedance parameters. They include load losses and leakage impedances. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence. There must be at least one grounded winding."/>
24883 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"GroundedEnds" upperBound=
24884 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerEndInfo" eOpposite=
24885 <eAnnotations source=
24886 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All ends short-circuited in this short-circuit test."/>
24888 <eAnnotations source=
24889 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All ends short-circuited in this short-circuit test."/>
24891 </eStructuralFeatures>
24892 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lossZero" eType=
24894 <eAnnotations source=
24895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load losses from a zero-sequence short-circuit test."/>
24897 <eAnnotations source=
24898 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load losses from a zero-sequence short-circuit test."/>
24900 </eStructuralFeatures>
24901 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"leakageImpedance" eType=
24903 <eAnnotations source=
24904 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Leakage impedance measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase short-circuit test."/>
24906 <eAnnotations source=
24907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Leakage impedance measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase short-circuit test."/>
24909 </eStructuralFeatures>
24910 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"loss" eType=
24912 <eAnnotations source=
24913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load losses from a positive-sequence or single-phase short-circuit test."/>
24915 <eAnnotations source=
24916 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load losses from a positive-sequence or single-phase short-circuit test."/>
24918 </eStructuralFeatures>
24919 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"groundedEndStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
24921 <eAnnotations source=
24922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the grounded end of the test pair."/>
24924 <eAnnotations source=
24925 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the grounded end of the test pair."/>
24927 </eStructuralFeatures>
24928 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
24929 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Impedance" unsettable=
24930 <eAnnotations source=
24931 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Leakage impedance measured from a zero-sequence short-circuit test."/>
24933 <eAnnotations source=
24934 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Leakage impedance measured from a zero-sequence short-circuit test."/>
24936 </eStructuralFeatures>
24937 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"energisedEndStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
24939 <eAnnotations source=
24940 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the energised end of the test pair."/>
24942 <eAnnotations source=
24943 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the energised end of the test pair."/>
24945 </eStructuralFeatures>
24946 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergisedEnd" eType=
24947 eOpposite=
24948 <eAnnotations source=
24949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end that voltage is applied to in this short-circuit test. The test voltage is chosen to induce rated current in the energised end."/>
24951 <eAnnotations source=
24952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end that voltage is applied to in this short-circuit test. The test voltage is chosen to induce rated current in the energised end."/>
24954 </eStructuralFeatures>
24956 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EndDeviceInfo" eSuperTypes=
24957 <eAnnotations source=
24958 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device data."/>
24960 <eAnnotations source=
24961 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"End device data."/>
24963 <eAnnotations source=
24964 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device data."/>
24965 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"End device data."/>
24967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
24969 <eAnnotations source=
24970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of potential phases the end device supports, typically 0, 1 or 3."/>
24972 <eAnnotations source=
24973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of potential phases the end device supports, typically 0, 1 or 3."/>
24975 </eStructuralFeatures>
24976 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedCurrent" eType=
24978 <eAnnotations source=
24979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated current."/>
24981 <eAnnotations source=
24982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated current."/>
24984 </eStructuralFeatures>
24985 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedVoltage" eType=
24987 <eAnnotations source=
24988 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
24990 <eAnnotations source=
24991 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
24993 </eStructuralFeatures>
24994 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDevices" upperBound=
24995 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDevice" eOpposite=
24996 <eAnnotations source=
24997 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices described with this data."/>
24999 <eAnnotations source=
25000 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices described with this data."/>
25002 </eStructuralFeatures>
25004 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WireType" eSuperTypes=
25005 <eAnnotations source=
25006 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire conductor (per IEEE specs). A specific type of wire or combination of wires, not insulated from each other, suitable for carrying electrical current."/>
25008 <eAnnotations source=
25009 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Wire conductor (per IEEE specs). A specific type of wire or combination of wires, not insulated from each other, suitable for carrying electrical current."/>
25011 <eAnnotations source=
25012 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire conductor (per IEEE specs). A specific type of wire or combination of wires, not insulated from each other, suitable for carrying electrical current."/>
25013 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Wire conductor (per IEEE specs). A specific type of wire or combination of wires, not insulated from each other, suitable for carrying electrical current."/>
25015 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreRadius" eType=
25017 <eAnnotations source=
25018 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if there is a different core material) Radius of the central core."/>
25020 <eAnnotations source=
25021 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if there is a different core material) Radius of the central core."/>
25023 </eStructuralFeatures>
25024 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rAC50" eType=
25026 <eAnnotations source=
25027 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 50 oC."/>
25029 <eAnnotations source=
25030 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 50 oC."/>
25032 </eStructuralFeatures>
25033 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WireArrangements" upperBound=
25034 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/WireArrangement" eOpposite=
25035 <eAnnotations source=
25036 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All wire arrangements using this wire type."/>
25038 <eAnnotations source=
25039 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All wire arrangements using this wire type."/>
25041 </eStructuralFeatures>
25042 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"coreStrandCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25044 <eAnnotations source=
25045 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if used) Number of strands in the steel core."/>
25047 <eAnnotations source=
25048 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if used) Number of strands in the steel core."/>
25050 </eStructuralFeatures>
25051 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"radius" eType=
25053 <eAnnotations source=
25054 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Outside radius of the wire."/>
25056 <eAnnotations source=
25057 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Outside radius of the wire."/>
25059 </eStructuralFeatures>
25060 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"material" eType=
25062 <eAnnotations source=
25063 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire material."/>
25065 <eAnnotations source=
25066 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire material."/>
25068 </eStructuralFeatures>
25069 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rDC20" eType=
25071 <eAnnotations source=
25072 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 20 oC."/>
25074 <eAnnotations source=
25075 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 20 oC."/>
25077 </eStructuralFeatures>
25078 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sizeDescription" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
25080 <eAnnotations source=
25081 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the wire guage or cross section (e.g., 4/0, #2, 336.5)."/>
25083 <eAnnotations source=
25084 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Describes the wire guage or cross section (e.g., 4/0, #2, 336.5)."/>
25086 </eStructuralFeatures>
25087 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rAC75" eType=
25089 <eAnnotations source=
25090 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 75 oC."/>
25092 <eAnnotations source=
25093 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 75 oC."/>
25095 </eStructuralFeatures>
25096 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"gmr" eType=
25098 <eAnnotations source=
25099 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Geometric mean radius. If we replace the conductor by a thin walled tube of radius GMR, then its reactance is identical to the reactance of the actual conductor."/>
25101 <eAnnotations source=
25102 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Geometric mean radius. If we replace the conductor by a thin walled tube of radius GMR, then its reactance is identical to the reactance of the actual conductor."/>
25104 </eStructuralFeatures>
25105 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25106 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
25107 eOpposite=
25108 <eAnnotations source=
25109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All concentric neutral cables using this wire type."/>
25111 <eAnnotations source=
25112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All concentric neutral cables using this wire type."/>
25114 </eStructuralFeatures>
25115 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedCurrent" eType=
25117 <eAnnotations source=
25118 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current carrying capacity of the wire under stated thermal conditions."/>
25120 <eAnnotations source=
25121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current carrying capacity of the wire under stated thermal conditions."/>
25123 </eStructuralFeatures>
25124 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"strandCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25126 <eAnnotations source=
25127 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of strands in the wire."/>
25129 <eAnnotations source=
25130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of strands in the wire."/>
25132 </eStructuralFeatures>
25133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rAC25" eType=
25135 <eAnnotations source=
25136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 25 oC."/>
25138 <eAnnotations source=
25139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"AC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 25 oC."/>
25141 </eStructuralFeatures>
25143 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TapeShieldCableInfo" eSuperTypes=
25144 <eAnnotations source=
25145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tape shield cable data."/>
25147 <eAnnotations source=
25148 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tape shield cable data."/>
25150 <eAnnotations source=
25151 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tape shield cable data."/>
25152 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tape shield cable data."/>
25154 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tapeLap" eType=
25156 <eAnnotations source=
25157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percentage of the tape shield width that overlaps in each wrap, typically 10% to 25%."/>
25159 <eAnnotations source=
25160 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Percentage of the tape shield width that overlaps in each wrap, typically 10% to 25%."/>
25162 </eStructuralFeatures>
25163 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tapeThickness" eType=
25165 <eAnnotations source=
25166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Thickness of the tape shield, before wrapping."/>
25168 <eAnnotations source=
25169 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Thickness of the tape shield, before wrapping."/>
25171 </eStructuralFeatures>
25173 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConductorInfo" eSuperTypes=
25174 <eAnnotations source=
25175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor data."/>
25177 <eAnnotations source=
25178 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Conductor data."/>
25180 <eAnnotations source=
25181 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor data."/>
25182 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Conductor data."/>
25184 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WireArrangements" upperBound=
25185 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/WireArrangement" eOpposite=
25186 <eAnnotations source=
25187 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All wire arrangements (single wires) that make this conductor."/>
25189 <eAnnotations source=
25190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All wire arrangements (single wires) that make this conductor."/>
25192 </eStructuralFeatures>
25193 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"insulated" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
25195 <eAnnotations source=
25196 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if conductor is insulated."/>
25198 <eAnnotations source=
25199 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if conductor is insulated."/>
25201 </eStructuralFeatures>
25202 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"usage" eType=
25204 <eAnnotations source=
25205 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Usage of this conductor."/>
25207 <eAnnotations source=
25208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Usage of this conductor."/>
25210 </eStructuralFeatures>
25211 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25212 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/ConductorInsulationKind" unsettable=
25213 <eAnnotations source=
25214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if insulated conductor) Material used for insulation."/>
25216 <eAnnotations source=
25217 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if insulated conductor) Material used for insulation."/>
25219 </eStructuralFeatures>
25220 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25222 <eAnnotations source=
25223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of phases (including neutral) to be retained. Any wires beyond this number should be reduced into the earth return."/>
25225 <eAnnotations source=
25226 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of phases (including neutral) to be retained. Any wires beyond this number should be reduced into the earth return."/>
25228 </eStructuralFeatures>
25229 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LineSegments" upperBound=
25230 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/ACLineSegment" eOpposite=
25231 <eAnnotations source=
25232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All line segments described by this conductor data."/>
25234 <eAnnotations source=
25235 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All line segments described by this conductor data."/>
25237 </eStructuralFeatures>
25238 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25239 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
25240 <eAnnotations source=
25241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if insulated conductor) Thickness of the insulation."/>
25243 <eAnnotations source=
25244 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if insulated conductor) Thickness of the insulation."/>
25246 </eStructuralFeatures>
25248 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TapChangerInfo" eSuperTypes=
25249 <eAnnotations source=
25250 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap changer data."/>
25252 <eAnnotations source=
25253 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tap changer data."/>
25255 <eAnnotations source=
25256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap changer data."/>
25257 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tap changer data."/>
25259 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ctRating" eType=
25261 <eAnnotations source=
25262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Built-in current transformer primary rating."/>
25264 <eAnnotations source=
25265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Built-in current transformer primary rating."/>
25267 </eStructuralFeatures>
25268 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25269 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Anglerees" unsettable=
25270 <eAnnotations source=
25271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase shift per step position."/>
25273 <eAnnotations source=
25274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase shift per step position."/>
25276 </eStructuralFeatures>
25277 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25278 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/ApparentPower" unsettable=
25279 <eAnnotations source=
25280 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated apparent power."/>
25282 <eAnnotations source=
25283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated apparent power."/>
25285 </eStructuralFeatures>
25286 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"frequency" eType=
25288 <eAnnotations source=
25289 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency at which the ratings apply."/>
25291 <eAnnotations source=
25292 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Frequency at which the ratings apply."/>
25294 </eStructuralFeatures>
25295 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"neutralU" eType=
25297 <eAnnotations source=
25298 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting."/>
25300 <eAnnotations source=
25301 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage at which the winding operates at the neutral tap setting."/>
25303 </eStructuralFeatures>
25304 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ctRatio" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
25306 <eAnnotations source=
25307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Built-in current transducer ratio."/>
25309 <eAnnotations source=
25310 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Built-in current transducer ratio."/>
25312 </eStructuralFeatures>
25313 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25314 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PerCent" unsettable=
25315 <eAnnotations source=
25316 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step increment, in per cent of rated voltage, per step position."/>
25318 <eAnnotations source=
25319 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step increment, in per cent of rated voltage, per step position."/>
25321 </eStructuralFeatures>
25322 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isTcul" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
25324 <eAnnotations source=
25325 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whether this tap changer has under load tap changing capabilities."/>
25327 <eAnnotations source=
25328 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whether this tap changer has under load tap changing capabilities."/>
25330 </eStructuralFeatures>
25331 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"neutralStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25333 <eAnnotations source=
25334 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The neutral tap step position for the winding."/>
25336 <eAnnotations source=
25337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The neutral tap step position for the winding."/>
25339 </eStructuralFeatures>
25340 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedCurrent" eType=
25342 <eAnnotations source=
25343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated current."/>
25345 <eAnnotations source=
25346 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated current."/>
25348 </eStructuralFeatures>
25349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TapChangers" upperBound=
25350 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TapChanger" eOpposite=
25351 <eAnnotations source=
25352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tap changers having this data."/>
25354 <eAnnotations source=
25355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tap changers having this data."/>
25357 </eStructuralFeatures>
25358 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lowStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25360 <eAnnotations source=
25361 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral."/>
25363 <eAnnotations source=
25364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lowest possible tap step position, retard from neutral."/>
25366 </eStructuralFeatures>
25367 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedVoltage" eType=
25369 <eAnnotations source=
25370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
25372 <eAnnotations source=
25373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage."/>
25375 </eStructuralFeatures>
25376 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"highStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25378 <eAnnotations source=
25379 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral."/>
25381 <eAnnotations source=
25382 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Highest possible tap step position, advance from neutral."/>
25384 </eStructuralFeatures>
25385 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ptRatio" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
25387 <eAnnotations source=
25388 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Built-in voltage transducer ratio."/>
25390 <eAnnotations source=
25391 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Built-in voltage transducer ratio."/>
25393 </eStructuralFeatures>
25394 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bil" eType=
25396 <eAnnotations source=
25397 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic Insulation Level (BIL) expressed as the impulse crest voltage of a nominal wave, typically 1.2 X 50 microsecond. This is a measure of the ability of the insulation to withstand very high voltage surges."/>
25399 <eAnnotations source=
25400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic Insulation Level (BIL) expressed as the impulse crest voltage of a nominal wave, typically 1.2 X 50 microsecond. This is a measure of the ability of the insulation to withstand very high voltage surges."/>
25402 </eStructuralFeatures>
25404 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerTankInfo" eSuperTypes=
25405 <eAnnotations source=
25406 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of transformer tank data, from an equipment library."/>
25408 <eAnnotations source=
25409 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of transformer tank data, from an equipment library."/>
25411 <eAnnotations source=
25412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of transformer tank data, from an equipment library."/>
25413 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of transformer tank data, from an equipment library."/>
25415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25416 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
25417 eOpposite=
25418 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25419 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerEndInfo" eOpposite=
25420 <eAnnotations source=
25421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for all the ends described by this transformer tank data."/>
25423 <eAnnotations source=
25424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for all the ends described by this transformer tank data."/>
25426 </eStructuralFeatures>
25427 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25428 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/PowerTransformerInfo" eOpposite=
25429 <eAnnotations source=
25430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power transformer data that this tank description is part of."/>
25432 <eAnnotations source=
25433 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power transformer data that this tank description is part of."/>
25435 </eStructuralFeatures>
25436 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25437 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
25438 eOpposite=
25439 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerTanks" upperBound=
25440 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerTank" eOpposite=
25441 <eAnnotations source=
25442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer tanks that can be described with this transformer tank data."/>
25444 <eAnnotations source=
25445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer tanks that can be described with this transformer tank data."/>
25447 </eStructuralFeatures>
25449 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
25450 <eLiterals name=
25451 <eLiterals name=
"linearLowDensityPolyethylene" value=
25452 <eLiterals name=
"none" value=
25453 <eLiterals name=
"insulating" value=
25454 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
25455 <eLiterals name=
"polyethylene" value=
25456 <eLiterals name=
"semiconducting" value=
25458 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
25459 <eLiterals name=
25460 <eLiterals name=
"copper" value=
25461 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
25462 <eLiterals name=
"steel" value=
25463 <eLiterals name=
"acsr" value=
25465 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PowerTransformerInfo" eSuperTypes=
25466 <eAnnotations source=
25467 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of power transformer data, from an equipment library."/>
25469 <eAnnotations source=
25470 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of power transformer data, from an equipment library."/>
25472 <eAnnotations source=
25473 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of power transformer data, from an equipment library."/>
25474 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of power transformer data, from an equipment library."/>
25476 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25477 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerTankInfo" eOpposite=
25478 <eAnnotations source=
25479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for all the tanks described by this power transformer data."/>
25481 <eAnnotations source=
25482 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data for all the tanks described by this power transformer data."/>
25484 </eStructuralFeatures>
25485 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25486 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/PowerTransformer" eOpposite=
25487 <eAnnotations source=
25488 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All power transformers that can be described with this power transformer data."/>
25490 <eAnnotations source=
25491 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All power transformers that can be described with this power transformer data."/>
25493 </eStructuralFeatures>
25495 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OpenCircuitTest" eSuperTypes=
25496 <eAnnotations source=
25497 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Open-circuit test results verify winding turn ratios and phase shifts. They include induced voltage and phase shift measurements on open-circuit windings, with voltage applied to the energised end. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence."/>
25499 <eAnnotations source=
25500 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Open-circuit test results verify winding turn ratios and phase shifts. They include induced voltage and phase shift measurements on open-circuit windings, with voltage applied to the energised end. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence."/>
25502 <eAnnotations source=
25503 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Open-circuit test results verify winding turn ratios and phase shifts. They include induced voltage and phase shift measurements on open-circuit windings, with voltage applied to the energised end. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence."/>
25504 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Open-circuit test results verify winding turn ratios and phase shifts. They include induced voltage and phase shift measurements on open-circuit windings, with voltage applied to the energised end. For three-phase windings, the excitation can be positive sequence (the default) or zero sequence."/>
25506 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"energisedEndStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25508 <eAnnotations source=
25509 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the energised end of the test pair."/>
25511 <eAnnotations source=
25512 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the energised end of the test pair."/>
25514 </eStructuralFeatures>
25515 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"openEndVoltage" eType=
25517 <eAnnotations source=
25518 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage measured at the open-circuited end, with the energised end set to rated voltage and all other ends open."/>
25520 <eAnnotations source=
25521 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage measured at the open-circuited end, with the energised end set to rated voltage and all other ends open."/>
25523 </eStructuralFeatures>
25524 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"openEndStep" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25526 <eAnnotations source=
25527 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the open end of the test pair."/>
25529 <eAnnotations source=
25530 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tap step number for the open end of the test pair."/>
25532 </eStructuralFeatures>
25533 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25534 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
25535 <eAnnotations source=
25536 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage applied to the winding (end) during test."/>
25538 <eAnnotations source=
25539 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage applied to the winding (end) during test."/>
25541 </eStructuralFeatures>
25542 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseShift" eType=
25544 <eAnnotations source=
25545 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase shift measured at the open end with the energised end set to rated voltage and all other ends open."/>
25547 <eAnnotations source=
25548 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase shift measured at the open end with the energised end set to rated voltage and all other ends open."/>
25550 </eStructuralFeatures>
25551 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OpenEnd" eType=
25552 eOpposite=
25553 <eAnnotations source=
25554 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end measured for induced voltage and angle in this open-circuit test."/>
25556 <eAnnotations source=
25557 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end measured for induced voltage and angle in this open-circuit test."/>
25559 </eStructuralFeatures>
25560 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergisedEnd" eType=
25561 eOpposite=
25562 <eAnnotations source=
25563 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end that current is applied to in this open-circuit test."/>
25565 <eAnnotations source=
25566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end that current is applied to in this open-circuit test."/>
25568 </eStructuralFeatures>
25570 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
25571 <eLiterals name=
25572 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
25573 <eLiterals name=
"distribution" value=
25574 <eLiterals name=
"transmission" value=
25576 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
25577 <eLiterals name=
25578 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
25579 <eLiterals name=
"solid" value=
25580 <eLiterals name=
"compacted" value=
25581 <eLiterals name=
"stranded" value=
25582 <eLiterals name=
"segmental" value=
25583 <eLiterals name=
"compressed" value=
25585 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CableInfo" eSuperTypes=
25586 <eAnnotations source=
25587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cable data."/>
25589 <eAnnotations source=
25590 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Cable data."/>
25592 <eAnnotations source=
25593 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cable data."/>
25594 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Cable data."/>
25596 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"outerJacketKind" eType=
25598 <eAnnotations source=
25599 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of outer jacket of this cable."/>
25601 <eAnnotations source=
25602 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of outer jacket of this cable."/>
25604 </eStructuralFeatures>
25605 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sheathAsNeutral" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
25607 <eAnnotations source=
25608 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if sheath / shield is used as a neutral (i.e., bonded)."/>
25610 <eAnnotations source=
25611 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if sheath / shield is used as a neutral (i.e., bonded)."/>
25613 </eStructuralFeatures>
25614 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isStrandFill" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
25616 <eAnnotations source=
25617 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if wire strands are extruded in a way to fill the voids in the cable."/>
25619 <eAnnotations source=
25620 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if wire strands are extruded in a way to fill the voids in the cable."/>
25622 </eStructuralFeatures>
25623 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25624 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Temperature" unsettable=
25625 <eAnnotations source=
25626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum nominal design operating temperature."/>
25628 <eAnnotations source=
25629 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Maximum nominal design operating temperature."/>
25631 </eStructuralFeatures>
25632 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"constructionKind" eType=
25634 <eAnnotations source=
25635 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of construction of this cable."/>
25637 <eAnnotations source=
25638 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of construction of this cable."/>
25640 </eStructuralFeatures>
25641 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25642 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
25643 <eAnnotations source=
25644 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the outermost jacketing layer."/>
25646 <eAnnotations source=
25647 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the outermost jacketing layer."/>
25649 </eStructuralFeatures>
25650 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25651 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
25652 <eAnnotations source=
25653 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the insulating layer, excluding outer screen."/>
25655 <eAnnotations source=
25656 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the insulating layer, excluding outer screen."/>
25658 </eStructuralFeatures>
25659 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25660 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
25661 <eAnnotations source=
25662 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the outer screen; should be the shield's inside diameter.."/>
25664 <eAnnotations source=
25665 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the outer screen; should be the shield's inside diameter.."/>
25667 </eStructuralFeatures>
25668 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DuctBankInfo" eType=
25669 eOpposite=
25670 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shieldMaterial" eType=
25672 <eAnnotations source=
25673 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Material of the shield."/>
25675 <eAnnotations source=
25676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Material of the shield."/>
25678 </eStructuralFeatures>
25679 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"diameterOverCore" eType=
25681 <eAnnotations source=
25682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the core, including any semi-con screen; should be the insulating layer's inside diameter."/>
25684 <eAnnotations source=
25685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the core, including any semi-con screen; should be the insulating layer's inside diameter."/>
25687 </eStructuralFeatures>
25689 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerEndInfo" eSuperTypes=
25690 <eAnnotations source=
25691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end data."/>
25693 <eAnnotations source=
25694 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer end data."/>
25696 <eAnnotations source=
25697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end data."/>
25698 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Transformer end data."/>
25700 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25701 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerMeshImpedance" eOpposite=
25702 <eAnnotations source=
25703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends."/>
25705 <eAnnotations source=
25706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends."/>
25708 </eStructuralFeatures>
25709 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25710 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/NoLoadTest" eOpposite=
25711 <eAnnotations source=
25712 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All no-load test measurements in which this transformer end was energised."/>
25714 <eAnnotations source=
25715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All no-load test measurements in which this transformer end was energised."/>
25717 </eStructuralFeatures>
25718 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"r" eType=
25720 <eAnnotations source=
25721 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DC resistance."/>
25723 <eAnnotations source=
25724 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"DC resistance."/>
25726 </eStructuralFeatures>
25727 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25728 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/OpenCircuitTest" eOpposite=
25729 <eAnnotations source=
25730 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was not excited."/>
25732 <eAnnotations source=
25733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was not excited."/>
25735 </eStructuralFeatures>
25736 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"insulationU" eType=
25738 <eAnnotations source=
25739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic insulation level voltage rating."/>
25741 <eAnnotations source=
25742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Basic insulation level voltage rating."/>
25744 </eStructuralFeatures>
25745 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"emergencyS" eType=
25747 <eAnnotations source=
25748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Apparent power that the winding can carry under emergency conditions (also called long-term emergency power)."/>
25750 <eAnnotations source=
25751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Apparent power that the winding can carry under emergency conditions (also called long-term emergency power)."/>
25753 </eStructuralFeatures>
25754 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToMeshImpedance" upperBound=
25755 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerMeshImpedance" eOpposite=
25756 <eAnnotations source=
25757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends."/>
25759 <eAnnotations source=
25760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends."/>
25762 </eStructuralFeatures>
25763 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerEnd" upperBound=
25764 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/TransformerEnd" eOpposite=
25765 <eAnnotations source=
25766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends described by this end data."/>
25768 <eAnnotations source=
25769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transformer ends described by this end data."/>
25771 </eStructuralFeatures>
25772 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25773 eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/TransformerTankInfo" eOpposite=
25774 <eAnnotations source=
25775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer tank data that this end description is part of."/>
25777 <eAnnotations source=
25778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer tank data that this end description is part of."/>
25780 </eStructuralFeatures>
25781 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25782 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/OpenCircuitTest" eOpposite=
25783 <eAnnotations source=
25784 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was excited."/>
25786 <eAnnotations source=
25787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was excited."/>
25789 </eStructuralFeatures>
25790 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25791 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/ShortCircuitTest" eOpposite=
25792 <eAnnotations source=
25793 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was short-circuited."/>
25795 <eAnnotations source=
25796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was short-circuited."/>
25798 </eStructuralFeatures>
25799 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"shortTermS" eType=
25801 <eAnnotations source=
25802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Apparent power that this winding can carry for a short period of time (in emergency)."/>
25804 <eAnnotations source=
25805 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Apparent power that this winding can carry for a short period of time (in emergency)."/>
25807 </eStructuralFeatures>
25808 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
25809 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/AssetModels/ShortCircuitTest" eOpposite=
25810 <eAnnotations source=
25811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was energised."/>
25813 <eAnnotations source=
25814 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was energised."/>
25816 </eStructuralFeatures>
25817 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"connectionKind" eType=
25819 <eAnnotations source=
25820 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of connection."/>
25822 <eAnnotations source=
25823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of connection."/>
25825 </eStructuralFeatures>
25826 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CoreAdmittance" eType=
25827 eOpposite=
25828 <eAnnotations source=
25829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core admittance of this transformer end info, representing magnetising current and core losses. The full values of the transformer should be supplied for one transformer end info only."/>
25831 <eAnnotations source=
25832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Core admittance of this transformer end info, representing magnetising current and core losses. The full values of the transformer should be supplied for one transformer end info only."/>
25834 </eStructuralFeatures>
25835 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"endNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25837 <eAnnotations source=
25838 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the PowerTransformer.vectorGroup attribute. Highest voltage winding should be 1."/>
25840 <eAnnotations source=
25841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the PowerTransformer.vectorGroup attribute. Highest voltage winding should be 1."/>
25843 </eStructuralFeatures>
25844 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedS" eType=
25846 <eAnnotations source=
25847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal apparent power rating."/>
25849 <eAnnotations source=
25850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Normal apparent power rating."/>
25852 </eStructuralFeatures>
25853 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedU" eType=
25855 <eAnnotations source=
25856 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings."/>
25858 <eAnnotations source=
25859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings."/>
25861 </eStructuralFeatures>
25862 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseAngleClock" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
25864 <eAnnotations source=
25865 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Winding phase angle where 360 rees are represented with clock hours, so the valid values are {0, ..., 11}. For example, to express winding code 'Dyn11', set attributes as follows: 'connectionKind' = Yn and 'phaseAngleClock' = 11."/>
25867 <eAnnotations source=
25868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Winding phase angle where 360 rees are represented with clock hours, so the valid values are {0, ..., 11}. For example, to express winding code 'Dyn11', set attributes as follows: 'connectionKind' = Yn and 'phaseAngleClock' = 11."/>
25870 </eStructuralFeatures>
25872 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
25873 <eLiterals name=
25874 <eLiterals name=
"aluminum" value=
25875 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
25876 <eLiterals name=
"copper" value=
25877 <eLiterals name=
"steel" value=
25879 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"NoLoadTest" eSuperTypes=
25880 <eAnnotations source=
25881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"No-load test results determine core admittance parameters. They include exciting current and core loss measurements from applying voltage to one winding. The excitation may be positive sequence or zero 
sequence. The test may be repeated at different voltages to measure saturation."/>
25883 <eAnnotations source=
25884 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"No-load test results determine core admittance parameters. They include exciting current and core loss measurements from applying voltage to one winding. The excitation may be positive sequence or zero 
sequence. The test may be repeated at different voltages to measure saturation."/>
25886 <eAnnotations source=
25887 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"No-load test results determine core admittance parameters. They include exciting current and core loss measurements from applying voltage to one winding. The excitation may be positive sequence or zero 
sequence. The test may be repeated at different voltages to measure saturation."/>
25888 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"No-load test results determine core admittance parameters. They include exciting current and core loss measurements from applying voltage to one winding. The excitation may be positive sequence or zero 
sequence. The test may be repeated at different voltages to measure saturation."/>
25890 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"excitingCurrent" eType=
25892 <eAnnotations source=
25893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciting current measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase excitation test."/>
25895 <eAnnotations source=
25896 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciting current measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase excitation test."/>
25898 </eStructuralFeatures>
25899 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lossZero" eType=
25901 <eAnnotations source=
25902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Losses measured from a zero-sequence excitation test."/>
25904 <eAnnotations source=
25905 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Losses measured from a zero-sequence excitation test."/>
25907 </eStructuralFeatures>
25908 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25909 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PerCent" unsettable=
25910 <eAnnotations source=
25911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciting current measured from a zero-sequence open-circuit excitation test."/>
25913 <eAnnotations source=
25914 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Exciting current measured from a zero-sequence open-circuit excitation test."/>
25916 </eStructuralFeatures>
25917 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergisedEnd" eType=
25918 eOpposite=
25919 <eAnnotations source=
25920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end that current is applied to in this no-load test."/>
25922 <eAnnotations source=
25923 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer end that current is applied to in this no-load test."/>
25925 </eStructuralFeatures>
25926 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25927 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
25928 <eAnnotations source=
25929 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage applied to the winding (end) during test."/>
25931 <eAnnotations source=
25932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage applied to the winding (end) during test."/>
25934 </eStructuralFeatures>
25935 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"loss" eType=
25937 <eAnnotations source=
25938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Losses measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase excitation test."/>
25940 <eAnnotations source=
25941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Losses measured from a positive-sequence or single-phase excitation test."/>
25943 </eStructuralFeatures>
25945 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"OverheadConductorInfo" eSuperTypes=
25946 <eAnnotations source=
25947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overhead conductor data."/>
25949 <eAnnotations source=
25950 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Overhead conductor data."/>
25952 <eAnnotations source=
25953 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Overhead conductor data."/>
25954 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Overhead conductor data."/>
25956 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MountingPoint" eType=
25957 eOpposite=
25958 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25959 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
25960 <eAnnotations source=
25961 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Insulation thickness of the neutral conductor."/>
25963 <eAnnotations source=
25964 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Insulation thickness of the neutral conductor."/>
25966 </eStructuralFeatures>
25967 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25968 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
25969 <eAnnotations source=
25970 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance between conductor strands in a symmetrical bundle."/>
25972 <eAnnotations source=
25973 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Distance between conductor strands in a symmetrical bundle."/>
25975 </eStructuralFeatures>
25976 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
25977 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt" unsettable=
25978 <eAnnotations source=
25979 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of conductor strands in the symmetrical bundle (1-12)."/>
25981 <eAnnotations source=
25982 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of conductor strands in the symmetrical bundle (1-12)."/>
25984 </eStructuralFeatures>
25986 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
25987 <eLiterals name=
25988 <eLiterals name=
"butyl" value=
25989 <eLiterals name=
"highPressureFluidFilled" value=
25990 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
25991 <eLiterals name=
"varnishedCambricCloth" value=
25992 <eLiterals name=
"siliconRubber" value=
25993 <eLiterals name=
"beltedPilc" value=
25994 <eLiterals name=
"crosslinkedPolyethylene" value=
25995 <eLiterals name=
"oilPaper" value=
25996 <eLiterals name=
"lowCapacitanceRubber" value=
25997 <eLiterals name=
"asbestosAndVarnishedCambric" value=
25998 <eLiterals name=
"treeResistantHighMolecularWeightPolyethylene" value=
25999 <eLiterals name=
"unbeltedPilc" value=
26000 <eLiterals name=
"ozoneResistantRubber" value=
26001 <eLiterals name=
"ethylenePropyleneRubber" value=
26002 <eLiterals name=
"highMolecularWeightPolyethylene" value=
26003 <eLiterals name=
"varnishedDacronGlass" value=
26004 <eLiterals name=
"rubber" value=
26006 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConcentricNeutralCableInfo" eSuperTypes=
26007 <eAnnotations source=
26008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Concentric neutral cable data."/>
26010 <eAnnotations source=
26011 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Concentric neutral cable data."/>
26013 <eAnnotations source=
26014 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Concentric neutral cable data."/>
26015 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Concentric neutral cable data."/>
26017 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WireType" eType=
26018 eOpposite=
26019 <eAnnotations source=
26020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire type used for this concentric neutral cable."/>
26022 <eAnnotations source=
26023 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire type used for this concentric neutral cable."/>
26025 </eStructuralFeatures>
26026 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
26027 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt" unsettable=
26028 <eAnnotations source=
26029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of concentric neutral strands."/>
26031 <eAnnotations source=
26032 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of concentric neutral strands."/>
26034 </eStructuralFeatures>
26035 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
26036 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Length" unsettable=
26037 <eAnnotations source=
26038 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the concentric neutral strands."/>
26040 <eAnnotations source=
26041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Diameter over the concentric neutral strands."/>
26043 </eStructuralFeatures>
26045 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"WireArrangement" eSuperTypes=
26046 <eAnnotations source=
26047 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identification, spacing and configuration of the wires of a conductor, with reference to their type."/>
26049 <eAnnotations source=
26050 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Identification, spacing and configuration of the wires of a conductor, with reference to their type."/>
26052 <eAnnotations source=
26053 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Identification, spacing and configuration of the wires of a conductor, with reference to their type."/>
26054 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Identification, spacing and configuration of the wires of a conductor, with reference to their type."/>
26056 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ConductorInfo" eType=
26057 eOpposite=
26058 <eAnnotations source=
26059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor data this wire arrangement belongs to."/>
26061 <eAnnotations source=
26062 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Conductor data this wire arrangement belongs to."/>
26064 </eStructuralFeatures>
26065 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mountingPointY" eType=
26067 <eAnnotations source=
26068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Height above ground of the first wire."/>
26070 <eAnnotations source=
26071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Height above ground of the first wire."/>
26073 </eStructuralFeatures>
26074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"mountingPointX" eType=
26076 <eAnnotations source=
26077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Signed horizontal distance from the first wire to a common reference point."/>
26079 <eAnnotations source=
26080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Signed horizontal distance from the first wire to a common reference point."/>
26082 </eStructuralFeatures>
26083 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"position" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
26085 <eAnnotations source=
26086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Position number on the structure corresponding to this wire. For example, use 1..3 for phases and 4 for the neutral on a 3-phase structure. The individual phase assignments matter; for example, ABC will produce a different set of unbalanced line parameters, by phase, than BAC."/>
26088 <eAnnotations source=
26089 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Position number on the structure corresponding to this wire. For example, use 1..3 for phases and 4 for the neutral on a 3-phase structure. The individual phase assignments matter; for example, ABC will produce a different set of unbalanced line parameters, by phase, than BAC."/>
26091 </eStructuralFeatures>
26092 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WireType" eType=
26093 eOpposite=
26094 <eAnnotations source=
26095 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire type used for this wire arrangement."/>
26097 <eAnnotations source=
26098 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Wire type used for this wire arrangement."/>
26100 </eStructuralFeatures>
26102 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TransformerTest" eSuperTypes=
26103 <eAnnotations source=
26104 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Test result for transformer ends, such as short-circuit, open-circuit (excitation) or no-load test."/>
26106 <eAnnotations source=
26107 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Test result for transformer ends, such as short-circuit, open-circuit (excitation) or no-load test."/>
26109 <eAnnotations source=
26110 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Test result for transformer ends, such as short-circuit, open-circuit (excitation) or no-load test."/>
26111 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Test result for transformer ends, such as short-circuit, open-circuit (excitation) or no-load test."/>
26113 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"basePower" eType=
26115 <eAnnotations source=
26116 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base power at which the tests are conducted, usually equal to the rateds of one of the involved transformer ends."/>
26118 <eAnnotations source=
26119 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Base power at which the tests are conducted, usually equal to the rateds of one of the involved transformer ends."/>
26121 </eStructuralFeatures>
26122 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"temperature" eType=
26124 <eAnnotations source=
26125 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature at which the test is conducted."/>
26127 <eAnnotations source=
26128 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Temperature at which the test is conducted."/>
26130 </eStructuralFeatures>
26133 <eSubpackages name=
"Metering" nsURI=
26134 nsPrefix=
26135 <eAnnotations source=
26136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains only diagrams, drawn by hand from Metering-related XSDs that are in Part 9 document. Entry points into the schema are filled with green. Non-used associations are light grey."/>
26138 <eAnnotations source=
26139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains only diagrams, drawn by hand from Metering-related XSDs that are in Part 9 document. Entry points into the schema are filled with green. Non-used associations are light grey."/>
26141 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SDPLocation" eSuperTypes=
26142 <eAnnotations source=
26143 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location of an individual service delivery point. For residential or most businesses, it is typically the location of a meter on the customer's premises. For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party. The point(s) of delivery is specified in the service agreement."/>
26145 <eAnnotations source=
26146 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Location of an individual service delivery point. For residential or most businesses, it is typically the location of a meter on the customer's premises. For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party. The point(s) of delivery is specified in the service agreement."/>
26148 <eAnnotations source=
26149 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location of an individual service delivery point. For residential or most businesses, it is typically the location of a meter on the customer's premises. For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party. The point(s) of delivery is specified in the service agreement."/>
26150 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Location of an individual service delivery point. For residential or most businesses, it is typically the location of a meter on the customer's premises. For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party. The point(s) of delivery is specified in the service agreement."/>
26152 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accessMethod" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26154 <eAnnotations source=
26155 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Method for the service person to access this service delivery point location. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured."/>
26157 <eAnnotations source=
26158 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Method for the service person to access this service delivery point location. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured."/>
26160 </eStructuralFeatures>
26161 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26162 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
26163 <eAnnotations source=
26164 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points at this location."/>
26166 <eAnnotations source=
26167 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points at this location."/>
26169 </eStructuralFeatures>
26170 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"remark" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26172 <eAnnotations source=
26173 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks about this location."/>
26175 <eAnnotations source=
26176 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks about this location."/>
26178 </eStructuralFeatures>
26179 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
26180 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26182 <eAnnotations source=
26183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work at this service delivery point location. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc."/>
26185 <eAnnotations source=
26186 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work at this service delivery point location. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc."/>
26188 </eStructuralFeatures>
26189 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"occupancyDate" eType=
26191 <eAnnotations source=
26192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date when certificate of occupancy was provided for this location, 0 if valid certificate of occupancy does not exist for (inherited) 'Location.corporateCode'."/>
26194 <eAnnotations source=
26195 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date when certificate of occupancy was provided for this location, 0 if valid certificate of occupancy does not exist for (inherited) 'Location.corporateCode'."/>
26197 </eStructuralFeatures>
26199 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Reading" eSuperTypes=
26200 <eAnnotations source=
26201 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specific value measured by a meter or other asset. Each Reading is associated with a specific ReadingType."/>
26203 <eAnnotations source=
26204 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specific value measured by a meter or other asset. Each Reading is associated with a specific ReadingType."/>
26206 <eAnnotations source=
26207 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Specific value measured by a meter or other asset. Each Reading is associated with a specific ReadingType."/>
26208 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Specific value measured by a meter or other asset. Each Reading is associated with a specific ReadingType."/>
26210 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReadingType" eType=
26211 eOpposite=
26212 <eAnnotations source=
26213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type information for this reading value."/>
26215 <eAnnotations source=
26216 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type information for this reading value."/>
26218 </eStructuralFeatures>
26219 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeterReadings" upperBound=
26220 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/MeterReading" eOpposite=
26221 <eAnnotations source=
26222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All meter readings (sets of values) containing this reading value."/>
26224 <eAnnotations source=
26225 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All meter readings (sets of values) containing this reading value."/>
26227 </eStructuralFeatures>
26228 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
26230 <eAnnotations source=
26231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of this reading."/>
26233 <eAnnotations source=
26234 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of this reading."/>
26236 </eStructuralFeatures>
26237 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReadingQualities" upperBound=
26238 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ReadingQuality" eOpposite=
26239 <eAnnotations source=
26240 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used only if quality of this reading value is different than 'Good'."/>
26242 <eAnnotations source=
26243 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used only if quality of this reading value is different than 'Good'."/>
26245 </eStructuralFeatures>
26247 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ServiceDeliveryPoint" eSuperTypes=
26248 <eAnnotations source=
26249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Logical point on the network where the ownership of the service changes hands. It is one of potentially many service points within a service location, delivering service in accordance with a customer agreement. Used at the place where a meter may be installed."/>
26251 <eAnnotations source=
26252 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Logical point on the network where the ownership of the service changes hands. It is one of potentially many service points within a service location, delivering service in accordance with a customer agreement. Used at the place where a meter may be installed."/>
26254 <eAnnotations source=
26255 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Logical point on the network where the ownership of the service changes hands. It is one of potentially many service points within a service location, delivering service in accordance with a customer agreement. Used at the place where a meter may be installed."/>
26256 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Logical point on the network where the ownership of the service changes hands. It is one of potentially many service points within a service location, delivering service in accordance with a customer agreement. Used at the place where a meter may be installed."/>
26258 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"SDPLocations" upperBound=
26259 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/SDPLocation" eOpposite=
26260 <eAnnotations source=
26261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All locations of this service delivery point."/>
26263 <eAnnotations source=
26264 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All locations of this service delivery point."/>
26266 </eStructuralFeatures>
26267 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ServiceLocation" eType=
26268 eOpposite=
26269 <eAnnotations source=
26270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service location where the service delivered by this service delivery point is consumed."/>
26272 <eAnnotations source=
26273 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service location where the service delivered by this service delivery point is consumed."/>
26275 </eStructuralFeatures>
26276 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"checkBilling" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
26278 <eAnnotations source=
26279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if as a result of an inspection or otherwise, there is a reason to suspect that a previous billing may have been performed with erroneous data. Value should be reset once this potential discrepancy has been resolved."/>
26281 <eAnnotations source=
26282 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if as a result of an inspection or otherwise, there is a reason to suspect that a previous billing may have been performed with erroneous data. Value should be reset once this potential discrepancy has been resolved."/>
26284 </eStructuralFeatures>
26285 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDevices" upperBound=
26286 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDevice" eOpposite=
26287 <eAnnotations source=
26288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices at this service delivery point."/>
26290 <eAnnotations source=
26291 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices at this service delivery point."/>
26293 </eStructuralFeatures>
26294 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeterReadings" upperBound=
26295 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/MeterReading" eOpposite=
26296 <eAnnotations source=
26297 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All meter readings obtained from this service delivery point."/>
26299 <eAnnotations source=
26300 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All meter readings obtained from this service delivery point."/>
26302 </eStructuralFeatures>
26303 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"estimatedLoad" eType=
26305 <eAnnotations source=
26306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated load."/>
26308 <eAnnotations source=
26309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Estimated load."/>
26311 </eStructuralFeatures>
26312 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ServiceCategory" eType=
26313 eOpposite=
26314 <eAnnotations source=
26315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service category delivered by this service delivery point."/>
26317 <eAnnotations source=
26318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service category delivered by this service delivery point."/>
26320 </eStructuralFeatures>
26321 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedPower" eType=
26323 <eAnnotations source=
26324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power that this service delivery point is configured to deliver."/>
26326 <eAnnotations source=
26327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Power that this service delivery point is configured to deliver."/>
26329 </eStructuralFeatures>
26330 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26331 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/PricingStructure" eOpposite=
26332 <eAnnotations source=
26333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures applicable to this service delivery point (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer)."/>
26335 <eAnnotations source=
26336 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures applicable to this service delivery point (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer)."/>
26338 </eStructuralFeatures>
26339 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"servicePriority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26341 <eAnnotations source=
26342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of service for this service delivery point. Note that service delivery points at the same service location can have different priorities."/>
26344 <eAnnotations source=
26345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of service for this service delivery point. Note that service delivery points at the same service location can have different priorities."/>
26347 </eStructuralFeatures>
26348 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"grounded" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
26350 <eAnnotations source=
26351 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if grounded."/>
26353 <eAnnotations source=
26354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if grounded."/>
26356 </eStructuralFeatures>
26357 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EnergyConsumer" eType=
26358 eOpposite=
26359 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
26360 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26362 <eAnnotations source=
26363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks about this service delivery point, for example the reason for it being rated with a non-nominal priority."/>
26365 <eAnnotations source=
26366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Remarks about this service delivery point, for example the reason for it being rated with a non-nominal priority."/>
26368 </eStructuralFeatures>
26369 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"phaseCode" eType=
26371 <eAnnotations source=
26372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase code. Number of wires and number of phases can be deduced from enumeration literal values. For example, ABCN is three-phase, four-wire. s12n (splitSecondary12N) is single-phase, three-wire. s1n and s2n are single-phase, two-wire."/>
26374 <eAnnotations source=
26375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Phase code. Number of wires and number of phases can be deduced from enumeration literal values. For example, ABCN is three-phase, four-wire. s12n (splitSecondary12N) is single-phase, three-wire. s1n and s2n are single-phase, two-wire."/>
26377 </eStructuralFeatures>
26378 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ServiceSupplier" eType=
26379 eOpposite=
26380 <eAnnotations source=
26381 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ServiceSupplier (Utility) utilising this service delivery point to deliver a service."/>
26383 <eAnnotations source=
26384 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"ServiceSupplier (Utility) utilising this service delivery point to deliver a service."/>
26386 </eStructuralFeatures>
26387 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ctptReference" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
26389 <eAnnotations source=
26390 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(optional for medium voltage connections) Reference to the low side terminal of a CT or PT that obtain readings from a medium or high voltage point."/>
26392 <eAnnotations source=
26393 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(optional for medium voltage connections) Reference to the low side terminal of a CT or PT that obtain readings from a medium or high voltage point."/>
26395 </eStructuralFeatures>
26396 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26397 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
26398 <eAnnotations source=
26399 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer agreement regulating this service delivery point."/>
26401 <eAnnotations source=
26402 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer agreement regulating this service delivery point."/>
26404 </eStructuralFeatures>
26405 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedCurrent" eType=
26407 <eAnnotations source=
26408 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current that this service delivery point is configured to deliver."/>
26410 <eAnnotations source=
26411 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current that this service delivery point is configured to deliver."/>
26413 </eStructuralFeatures>
26414 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"ratedVoltage" eType=
26416 <eAnnotations source=
26417 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal service voltage."/>
26419 <eAnnotations source=
26420 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Nominal service voltage."/>
26422 </eStructuralFeatures>
26423 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TransformerTanks" eType=
26424 eOpposite=
26425 <eAnnotations source=
26426 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer supplying this service delivery point."/>
26428 <eAnnotations source=
26429 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transformer supplying this service delivery point."/>
26431 </eStructuralFeatures>
26433 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ElectricMeteringFunction" eSuperTypes=
26434 <eAnnotations source=
26435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by an electric meter."/>
26437 <eAnnotations source=
26438 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by an electric meter."/>
26440 <eAnnotations source=
26441 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by an electric meter."/>
26442 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Functionality performed by an electric meter."/>
26444 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kWMultiplier" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
26446 <eAnnotations source=
26447 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter kW (pulse) multiplier, used as a multiplier for a meter register reading to determine the actual amount of usage for which to bill a customer."/>
26449 <eAnnotations source=
26450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter kW (pulse) multiplier, used as a multiplier for a meter register reading to determine the actual amount of usage for which to bill a customer."/>
26452 </eStructuralFeatures>
26453 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26454 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ReadingMultiplier" containment=
26455 <eAnnotations source=
26456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current transformer ratio used to convert associated quantities to real measurements."/>
26458 <eAnnotations source=
26459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current transformer ratio used to convert associated quantities to real measurements."/>
26461 </eStructuralFeatures>
26462 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kWhMultiplier" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
26464 <eAnnotations source=
26465 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter kWh multiplier, used as a multiplier for a meter register reading to determine the actual amount of usage for which to bill a customer."/>
26467 <eAnnotations source=
26468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter kWh multiplier, used as a multiplier for a meter register reading to determine the actual amount of usage for which to bill a customer."/>
26470 </eStructuralFeatures>
26471 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26472 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ReadingMultiplier" containment=
26473 <eAnnotations source=
26474 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer billing value = meter multiplier * transformer ratios * reading value. The multiplier identifies the scaling value to apply to the reported value after delivery of the tagged item."/>
26476 <eAnnotations source=
26477 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer billing value = meter multiplier * transformer ratios * reading value. The multiplier identifies the scaling value to apply to the reported value after delivery of the tagged item."/>
26479 </eStructuralFeatures>
26480 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26481 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ReadingMultiplier" containment=
26482 <eAnnotations source=
26483 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transformer ratio used to convert associated quantities to real measurements."/>
26485 <eAnnotations source=
26486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage transformer ratio used to convert associated quantities to real measurements."/>
26488 </eStructuralFeatures>
26489 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"demandMultiplier" eType=
26490 containment=
26491 <eAnnotations source=
26492 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An additional multiplier that may be used for normalization of the demand value to an hourly value. For example, if the demand interval were set to 15 min, the demand multiplier would be 4. If the meter design is such that the demand value reported and displayed is compensated for by the meter itself and no additional scaling is required outside of the meter, the value of the demand multiplier should be "1"."/>
26494 <eAnnotations source=
26495 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An additional multiplier that may be used for normalization of the demand value to an hourly value. For example, if the demand interval were set to 15 min, the demand multiplier would be 4. If the meter design is such that the demand value reported and displayed is compensated for by the meter itself and no additional scaling is required outside of the meter, the value of the demand multiplier should be "1"."/>
26497 </eStructuralFeatures>
26499 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"DemandResponseProgram" eSuperTypes=
26500 <eAnnotations source=
26501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program."/>
26503 <eAnnotations source=
26504 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Demand response program."/>
26506 <eAnnotations source=
26507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program."/>
26508 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Demand response program."/>
26510 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26511 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceControl" eOpposite=
26512 <eAnnotations source=
26513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device controls with this demand response program."/>
26515 <eAnnotations source=
26516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device controls with this demand response program."/>
26518 </eStructuralFeatures>
26519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"validityInterval" eType=
26520 containment=
26521 <eAnnotations source=
26522 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval within which the program is valid."/>
26524 <eAnnotations source=
26525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval within which the program is valid."/>
26527 </eStructuralFeatures>
26528 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26530 <eAnnotations source=
26531 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of demand response program; examples are CPP (critical-peak pricing), RTP (real-time pricing), DLC (direct load control), DBP (demand bidding program), BIP (base interruptible program). Note that possible types change a lot and it would be impossible to enumerate them all."/>
26533 <eAnnotations source=
26534 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of demand response program; examples are CPP (critical-peak pricing), RTP (real-time pricing), DLC (direct load control), DBP (demand bidding program), BIP (base interruptible program). Note that possible types change a lot and it would be impossible to enumerate them all."/>
26536 </eStructuralFeatures>
26537 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26538 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
26539 <eAnnotations source=
26540 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements with this demand response program."/>
26542 <eAnnotations source=
26543 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements with this demand response program."/>
26545 </eStructuralFeatures>
26546 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDeviceGroups" upperBound=
26547 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceGroup" eOpposite=
26548 <eAnnotations source=
26549 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All groups of end devices with this demand response program."/>
26551 <eAnnotations source=
26552 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All groups of end devices with this demand response program."/>
26554 </eStructuralFeatures>
26556 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
26557 <eAnnotations source=
26558 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The multiplier value with its application status."/>
26560 <eAnnotations source=
26561 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The multiplier value with its application status."/>
26562 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
26564 <eAnnotations source=
26565 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The multiplier value with its application status."/>
26566 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The multiplier value with its application status."/>
26568 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
26570 <eAnnotations source=
26571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of the multiplier."/>
26573 <eAnnotations source=
26574 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of the multiplier."/>
26576 </eStructuralFeatures>
26577 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isApplied" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
26579 <eAnnotations source=
26580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the multiplier has been applied to associated quantities."/>
26582 <eAnnotations source=
26583 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the multiplier has been applied to associated quantities."/>
26585 </eStructuralFeatures>
26587 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MeterReading" eSuperTypes=
26588 <eAnnotations source=
26589 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of values obtained from the meter."/>
26591 <eAnnotations source=
26592 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of values obtained from the meter."/>
26594 <eAnnotations source=
26595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of values obtained from the meter."/>
26596 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of values obtained from the meter."/>
26598 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26599 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
26600 <eAnnotations source=
26601 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service delivery point from which this meter reading (set of values) has been obtained."/>
26603 <eAnnotations source=
26604 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service delivery point from which this meter reading (set of values) has been obtained."/>
26606 </eStructuralFeatures>
26607 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"valuesInterval" eType=
26608 containment=
26609 <eAnnotations source=
26610 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval of the data items contained within this meter reading."/>
26612 <eAnnotations source=
26613 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time interval of the data items contained within this meter reading."/>
26615 </eStructuralFeatures>
26616 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDeviceEvents" upperBound=
26617 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceEvent" eOpposite=
26618 <eAnnotations source=
26619 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device events associated with this set of measured values."/>
26621 <eAnnotations source=
26622 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device events associated with this set of measured values."/>
26624 </eStructuralFeatures>
26625 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Readings" upperBound=
26626 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/Reading" eOpposite=
26627 <eAnnotations source=
26628 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All reading values contained within this meter reading."/>
26630 <eAnnotations source=
26631 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All reading values contained within this meter reading."/>
26633 </eStructuralFeatures>
26634 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26635 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
26636 <eAnnotations source=
26637 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(could be deprecated in the future) Customer agreement for this meter reading."/>
26639 <eAnnotations source=
26640 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(could be deprecated in the future) Customer agreement for this meter reading."/>
26642 </eStructuralFeatures>
26643 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Meter" eType=
26644 eOpposite=
26645 <eAnnotations source=
26646 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter providing this reading."/>
26648 <eAnnotations source=
26649 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter providing this reading."/>
26651 </eStructuralFeatures>
26652 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalBlocks" upperBound=
26653 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/IntervalBlock" eOpposite=
26654 <eAnnotations source=
26655 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All interval blocks contained in this meter reading."/>
26657 <eAnnotations source=
26658 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All interval blocks contained in this meter reading."/>
26660 </eStructuralFeatures>
26662 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ReadingQuality" eSuperTypes=
26663 <eAnnotations source=
26664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quality of a specific reading value or interval reading value. Note that more than one quality may be applicable to a given reading. Typically not used unless problems or unusual conditions occur (i.e., quality for each reading is assumed to be 'good' unless stated otherwise in associated reading quality)."/>
26666 <eAnnotations source=
26667 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Quality of a specific reading value or interval reading value. Note that more than one quality may be applicable to a given reading. Typically not used unless problems or unusual conditions occur (i.e., quality for each reading is assumed to be 'good' unless stated otherwise in associated reading quality)."/>
26669 <eAnnotations source=
26670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quality of a specific reading value or interval reading value. Note that more than one quality may be applicable to a given reading. Typically not used unless problems or unusual conditions occur (i.e., quality for each reading is assumed to be 'good' unless stated otherwise in associated reading quality)."/>
26671 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Quality of a specific reading value or interval reading value. Note that more than one quality may be applicable to a given reading. Typically not used unless problems or unusual conditions occur (i.e., quality for each reading is assumed to be 'good' unless stated otherwise in associated reading quality)."/>
26673 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Reading" eType=
26674 eOpposite=
26675 <eAnnotations source=
26676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reading value to which this quality applies."/>
26678 <eAnnotations source=
26679 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reading value to which this quality applies."/>
26681 </eStructuralFeatures>
26682 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"quality" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26684 <eAnnotations source=
26685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quality, to be specified if different than 'Good'."/>
26687 <eAnnotations source=
26688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Quality, to be specified if different than 'Good'."/>
26690 </eStructuralFeatures>
26691 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalReading" eType=
26692 eOpposite=
26693 <eAnnotations source=
26694 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval reading value to which this quality applies."/>
26696 <eAnnotations source=
26697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval reading value to which this quality applies."/>
26699 </eStructuralFeatures>
26701 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EndDeviceEvent" eSuperTypes=
26702 <eAnnotations source=
26703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Event detected by a device function associated with end device."/>
26705 <eAnnotations source=
26706 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Event detected by a device function associated with end device."/>
26708 <eAnnotations source=
26709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Event detected by a device function associated with end device."/>
26710 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Event detected by a device function associated with end device."/>
26712 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26713 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceFunction" eOpposite=
26714 <eAnnotations source=
26715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device function that reported this end device event."/>
26717 <eAnnotations source=
26718 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device function that reported this end device event."/>
26720 </eStructuralFeatures>
26721 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"userID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26723 <eAnnotations source=
26724 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if user initiated) ID of user who initiated this end device event."/>
26726 <eAnnotations source=
26727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if user initiated) ID of user who initiated this end device event."/>
26729 </eStructuralFeatures>
26730 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeterReading" eType=
26731 eOpposite=
26732 <eAnnotations source=
26733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of measured values to which this event applies."/>
26735 <eAnnotations source=
26736 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of measured values to which this event applies."/>
26738 </eStructuralFeatures>
26740 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IntervalReading" eSuperTypes=
26741 <eAnnotations source=
26742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data captured at regular intervals of time. Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min.
Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR)."/>
26744 <eAnnotations source=
26745 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Data captured at regular intervals of time. Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min.
Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR)."/>
26747 <eAnnotations source=
26748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data captured at regular intervals of time. Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min.
Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR)."/>
26749 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Data captured at regular intervals of time. Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min.
Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR)."/>
26751 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
26753 <eAnnotations source=
26754 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of this interval reading."/>
26756 <eAnnotations source=
26757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value of this interval reading."/>
26759 </eStructuralFeatures>
26760 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalBlocks" upperBound=
26761 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/IntervalBlock" eOpposite=
26762 <eAnnotations source=
26763 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All blocks containing this interval reading."/>
26765 <eAnnotations source=
26766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All blocks containing this interval reading."/>
26768 </eStructuralFeatures>
26769 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReadingQualities" upperBound=
26770 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ReadingQuality" eOpposite=
26771 <eAnnotations source=
26772 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used only if quality of this interval reading value is different than 'Good'."/>
26774 <eAnnotations source=
26775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used only if quality of this interval reading value is different than 'Good'."/>
26777 </eStructuralFeatures>
26779 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Meter" eSuperTypes=
26780 <eAnnotations source=
26781 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Physical asset that performs the metering role of the ServiceDeliveryPoint. Used for measuring consumption and detection of events."/>
26783 <eAnnotations source=
26784 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Physical asset that performs the metering role of the ServiceDeliveryPoint. Used for measuring consumption and detection of events."/>
26786 <eAnnotations source=
26787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Physical asset that performs the metering role of the ServiceDeliveryPoint. Used for measuring consumption and detection of events."/>
26788 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Physical asset that performs the metering role of the ServiceDeliveryPoint. Used for measuring consumption and detection of events."/>
26790 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26791 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/MeterServiceWork" eOpposite=
26792 <eAnnotations source=
26793 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All works on replacement of this old meter."/>
26795 <eAnnotations source=
26796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All works on replacement of this old meter."/>
26798 </eStructuralFeatures>
26799 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeterReadings" upperBound=
26800 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/MeterReading" eOpposite=
26801 <eAnnotations source=
26802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All meter readings provided by this meter."/>
26804 <eAnnotations source=
26805 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All meter readings provided by this meter."/>
26807 </eStructuralFeatures>
26808 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26809 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/MeterServiceWork" eOpposite=
26810 <eAnnotations source=
26811 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All non-replacement works on this meter."/>
26813 <eAnnotations source=
26814 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All non-replacement works on this meter."/>
26816 </eStructuralFeatures>
26817 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kR" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
26819 <eAnnotations source=
26820 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Display multiplier used to produce a displayed value from a register value."/>
26822 <eAnnotations source=
26823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Display multiplier used to produce a displayed value from a register value."/>
26825 </eStructuralFeatures>
26826 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kH" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
26828 <eAnnotations source=
26829 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter kh (watthour) constant. It is the number of watthours that must be applied to the meter to cause one disk revolution for an electromechanical meter or the number of watthours represented by one increment pulse for an electronic meter."/>
26831 <eAnnotations source=
26832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter kh (watthour) constant. It is the number of watthours that must be applied to the meter to cause one disk revolution for an electromechanical meter or the number of watthours represented by one increment pulse for an electronic meter."/>
26834 </eStructuralFeatures>
26835 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"formNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
26837 <eAnnotations source=
26838 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter form designation per ANSI C12.10 or other applicable standard. An alphanumeric designation denoting the circuit arrangement for which the meter is applicable and its specific terminal arrangement."/>
26840 <eAnnotations source=
26841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter form designation per ANSI C12.10 or other applicable standard. An alphanumeric designation denoting the circuit arrangement for which the meter is applicable and its specific terminal arrangement."/>
26843 </eStructuralFeatures>
26844 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
26845 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transaction" eOpposite=
26846 <eAnnotations source=
26847 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All vending transactions on this meter."/>
26849 <eAnnotations source=
26850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All vending transactions on this meter."/>
26852 </eStructuralFeatures>
26854 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MeterServiceWork" eSuperTypes=
26855 <eAnnotations source=
26856 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Work involving meters."/>
26858 <eAnnotations source=
26859 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Work involving meters."/>
26861 <eAnnotations source=
26862 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Work involving meters."/>
26863 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Work involving meters."/>
26865 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"OldMeter" eType=
26866 eOpposite=
26867 <eAnnotations source=
26868 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Old meter replaced by this work."/>
26870 <eAnnotations source=
26871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Old meter replaced by this work."/>
26873 </eStructuralFeatures>
26874 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Meter" eType=
26875 eOpposite=
26876 <eAnnotations source=
26877 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter on which this non-replacement work is performed."/>
26879 <eAnnotations source=
26880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter on which this non-replacement work is performed."/>
26882 </eStructuralFeatures>
26884 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
26885 <eLiterals name=
26886 <eLiterals name=
"relaysProgramming" value=
26887 <eLiterals name=
"demandResponse" value=
26888 <eLiterals name=
"metrology" value=
26889 <eLiterals name=
"outageHistory" value=
26890 <eLiterals name=
"autonomousDst" value=
26891 <eLiterals name=
"reverseFlow" value=
26893 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PendingCalculation" eSuperTypes=
26894 <eAnnotations source=
26895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"When present, a scalar conversion that needs to be applied to every IntervalReading.value contained in IntervalBlock. This conversion results in a new associated ReadingType, reflecting the true dimensions of IntervalReading values after the conversion."/>
26897 <eAnnotations source=
26898 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"When present, a scalar conversion that needs to be applied to every IntervalReading.value contained in IntervalBlock. This conversion results in a new associated ReadingType, reflecting the true dimensions of IntervalReading values after the conversion."/>
26900 <eAnnotations source=
26901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"When present, a scalar conversion that needs to be applied to every IntervalReading.value contained in IntervalBlock. This conversion results in a new associated ReadingType, reflecting the true dimensions of IntervalReading values after the conversion."/>
26902 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"When present, a scalar conversion that needs to be applied to every IntervalReading.value contained in IntervalBlock. This conversion results in a new associated ReadingType, reflecting the true dimensions of IntervalReading values after the conversion."/>
26904 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"scalarNumerator" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
26906 <eAnnotations source=
26907 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if scalar is integer or rational number) When the scalar is a simple integer, and this attribute is presented alone and multiplied with 'IntervalReading.value', it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'. It is never used in conjunction with 'scalarFloat', only with 'scalarDenominator'."/>
26909 <eAnnotations source=
26910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if scalar is integer or rational number) When the scalar is a simple integer, and this attribute is presented alone and multiplied with 'IntervalReading.value', it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'. It is never used in conjunction with 'scalarFloat', only with 'scalarDenominator'."/>
26912 </eStructuralFeatures>
26913 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
26914 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
26916 <eAnnotations source=
26917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whether scalars should be applied before adding the 'offset'."/>
26919 <eAnnotations source=
26920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whether scalars should be applied before adding the 'offset'."/>
26922 </eStructuralFeatures>
26923 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalBlocks" upperBound=
26924 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/IntervalBlock" eOpposite=
26925 <eAnnotations source=
26926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All blocks of interval reading values to which this pending conversion applies."/>
26928 <eAnnotations source=
26929 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All blocks of interval reading values to which this pending conversion applies."/>
26931 </eStructuralFeatures>
26932 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
26933 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt" unsettable=
26934 <eAnnotations source=
26935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if scalar is rational number) When 'IntervalReading.value' is multiplied by this attribute and divided by 'scalarDenominator, it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'."/>
26937 <eAnnotations source=
26938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if scalar is rational number) When 'IntervalReading.value' is multiplied by this attribute and divided by 'scalarDenominator, it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'."/>
26940 </eStructuralFeatures>
26941 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"scalarFloat" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
26943 <eAnnotations source=
26944 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if scalar is floating number) When multiplied with 'IntervalReading.value', it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'."/>
26946 <eAnnotations source=
26947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if scalar is floating number) When multiplied with 'IntervalReading.value', it causes a unit of measure conversion to occur, resulting in the 'ReadingType.unit'."/>
26949 </eStructuralFeatures>
26950 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"offset" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
26952 <eAnnotations source=
26953 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Offset to be added as well as multiplication using scalars."/>
26955 <eAnnotations source=
26956 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Offset to be added as well as multiplication using scalars."/>
26958 </eStructuralFeatures>
26959 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReadingType" eType=
26960 eOpposite=
26961 <eAnnotations source=
26962 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reading type resulting from this pending conversion."/>
26964 <eAnnotations source=
26965 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reading type resulting from this pending conversion."/>
26967 </eStructuralFeatures>
26969 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IntervalBlock" eSuperTypes=
26970 <eAnnotations source=
26971 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time sequence of Readings of the same ReadingType. Contained IntervalReadings may need conversion through the application of an offset and a scalar defined in associated Pending."/>
26973 <eAnnotations source=
26974 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Time sequence of Readings of the same ReadingType. Contained IntervalReadings may need conversion through the application of an offset and a scalar defined in associated Pending."/>
26976 <eAnnotations source=
26977 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time sequence of Readings of the same ReadingType. Contained IntervalReadings may need conversion through the application of an offset and a scalar defined in associated Pending."/>
26978 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Time sequence of Readings of the same ReadingType. Contained IntervalReadings may need conversion through the application of an offset and a scalar defined in associated Pending."/>
26980 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReadingType" eType=
26981 eOpposite=
26982 <eAnnotations source=
26983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type information for interval reading values contained in this block."/>
26985 <eAnnotations source=
26986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type information for interval reading values contained in this block."/>
26988 </eStructuralFeatures>
26989 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalReadings" upperBound=
26990 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/IntervalReading" eOpposite=
26991 <eAnnotations source=
26992 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval reading contained in this block."/>
26994 <eAnnotations source=
26995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval reading contained in this block."/>
26997 </eStructuralFeatures>
26998 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeterReading" eType=
26999 eOpposite=
27000 <eAnnotations source=
27001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter reading containing this interval block."/>
27003 <eAnnotations source=
27004 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter reading containing this interval block."/>
27006 </eStructuralFeatures>
27007 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27008 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/PendingCalculation" eOpposite=
27009 <eAnnotations source=
27010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pending conversion to apply to interval reading values contained by this block (after which the resulting reading type is different than the original because it reflects the conversion result)."/>
27012 <eAnnotations source=
27013 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pending conversion to apply to interval reading values contained by this block (after which the resulting reading type is different than the original because it reflects the conversion result)."/>
27015 </eStructuralFeatures>
27017 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EndDeviceFunction" eSuperTypes=
27018 <eAnnotations source=
27019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc."/>
27021 <eAnnotations source=
27022 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc."/>
27024 <eAnnotations source=
27025 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc."/>
27026 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc."/>
27028 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Registers" upperBound=
27029 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/Register" eOpposite=
27030 <eAnnotations source=
27031 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All registers for quantities metered by this end device function."/>
27033 <eAnnotations source=
27034 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All registers for quantities metered by this end device function."/>
27036 </eStructuralFeatures>
27037 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"enabled" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
27039 <eAnnotations source=
27040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the function is enabled (current operating status; makes sense only if 'supported'=true)."/>
27042 <eAnnotations source=
27043 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the function is enabled (current operating status; makes sense only if 'supported'=true)."/>
27045 </eStructuralFeatures>
27046 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ComEquipment" eType=
27047 eOpposite=
27048 <eAnnotations source=
27049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication equipment performing this device function."/>
27051 <eAnnotations source=
27052 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication equipment performing this device function."/>
27054 </eStructuralFeatures>
27055 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"supported" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
27057 <eAnnotations source=
27058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the function is supported (inherent property of the device)."/>
27060 <eAnnotations source=
27061 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the function is supported (inherent property of the device)."/>
27063 </eStructuralFeatures>
27064 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDeviceEvents" upperBound=
27065 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceEvent" eOpposite=
27066 <eAnnotations source=
27067 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All events reported by this end device function."/>
27069 <eAnnotations source=
27070 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All events reported by this end device function."/>
27072 </eStructuralFeatures>
27073 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDevice" eType=
27074 eOpposite=
27075 <eAnnotations source=
27076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device that performs this function."/>
27078 <eAnnotations source=
27079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device that performs this function."/>
27081 </eStructuralFeatures>
27083 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ComFunction" eSuperTypes=
27084 <eAnnotations source=
27085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication function of communication equipment or a device such as a meter."/>
27087 <eAnnotations source=
27088 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Communication function of communication equipment or a device such as a meter."/>
27090 <eAnnotations source=
27091 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication function of communication equipment or a device such as a meter."/>
27092 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Communication function of communication equipment or a device such as a meter."/>
27094 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amrRouter" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27096 <eAnnotations source=
27097 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication ID number (e.g. port number, serial number, data collector ID, etc.) of the parent device associated to this AMR module.
Note: If someone swaps out a meter, they may inadvertently disrupt the AMR system. Some technologies route readings from nearby meters through a common collection point on an electricity meter. Removal of such a meter disrupts AMR for numerous nearby meters."/>
27099 <eAnnotations source=
27100 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication ID number (e.g. port number, serial number, data collector ID, etc.) of the parent device associated to this AMR module.
Note: If someone swaps out a meter, they may inadvertently disrupt the AMR system. Some technologies route readings from nearby meters through a common collection point on an electricity meter. Removal of such a meter disrupts AMR for numerous nearby meters."/>
27102 </eStructuralFeatures>
27103 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amrAddress" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27105 <eAnnotations source=
27106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication ID number (e.g. serial number, IP address, telephone number, etc.) of the AMR module which serves this meter."/>
27108 <eAnnotations source=
27109 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication ID number (e.g. serial number, IP address, telephone number, etc.) of the AMR module which serves this meter."/>
27111 </eStructuralFeatures>
27112 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"twoWay" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
27114 <eAnnotations source=
27115 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True when the AMR module can both send and receive messages. Default is false (i.e., module can only send)."/>
27117 <eAnnotations source=
27118 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True when the AMR module can both send and receive messages. Default is false (i.e., module can only send)."/>
27120 </eStructuralFeatures>
27122 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EndDevice" eSuperTypes=
27123 <eAnnotations source=
27124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset container that performs one or more end device functions. One type of end device is a meter which can perform metering, load management, connect/disconnect, accounting functions, etc. Some end devices, such as ones monitoring and controlling air conditioner, refrigerator, pool pumps may be connected to a meter. All end devices may have communication capability defined by the associated communication function(s). An end device may be owned by a consumer, a service provider, utility or otherwise.
There may be a related end device function that identifies a sensor or control point within a metering application or communications systems (e.g., water, gas, electricity).
Some devices may use an optical port that conforms to the ANSI C12.18 standard for communications."/>
27126 <eAnnotations source=
27127 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Asset container that performs one or more end device functions. One type of end device is a meter which can perform metering, load management, connect/disconnect, accounting functions, etc. Some end devices, such as ones monitoring and controlling air conditioner, refrigerator, pool pumps may be connected to a meter. All end devices may have communication capability defined by the associated communication function(s). An end device may be owned by a consumer, a service provider, utility or otherwise.
There may be a related end device function that identifies a sensor or control point within a metering application or communications systems (e.g., water, gas, electricity).
Some devices may use an optical port that conforms to the ANSI C12.18 standard for communications."/>
27129 <eAnnotations source=
27130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset container that performs one or more end device functions. One type of end device is a meter which can perform metering, load management, connect/disconnect, accounting functions, etc. Some end devices, such as ones monitoring and controlling air conditioner, refrigerator, pool pumps may be connected to a meter. All end devices may have communication capability defined by the associated communication function(s). An end device may be owned by a consumer, a service provider, utility or otherwise.
There may be a related end device function that identifies a sensor or control point within a metering application or communications systems (e.g., water, gas, electricity).
Some devices may use an optical port that conforms to the ANSI C12.18 standard for communications."/>
27131 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Asset container that performs one or more end device functions. One type of end device is a meter which can perform metering, load management, connect/disconnect, accounting functions, etc. Some end devices, such as ones monitoring and controlling air conditioner, refrigerator, pool pumps may be connected to a meter. All end devices may have communication capability defined by the associated communication function(s). An end device may be owned by a consumer, a service provider, utility or otherwise.
There may be a related end device function that identifies a sensor or control point within a metering application or communications systems (e.g., water, gas, electricity).
Some devices may use an optical port that conforms to the ANSI C12.18 standard for communications."/>
27133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDeviceInfo" eType=
27134 eOpposite=
27135 <eAnnotations source=
27136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device data."/>
27138 <eAnnotations source=
27139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device data."/>
27141 </eStructuralFeatures>
27142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27143 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
27144 <eAnnotations source=
27145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service delivery point to which this end device belongs."/>
27147 <eAnnotations source=
27148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service delivery point to which this end device belongs."/>
27150 </eStructuralFeatures>
27151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"timeZoneOffset" eType=
27153 <eAnnotations source=
27154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time zone offset relative to GMT for the location of this end device."/>
27156 <eAnnotations source=
27157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Time zone offset relative to GMT for the location of this end device."/>
27159 </eStructuralFeatures>
27160 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ServiceLocation" eType=
27161 eOpposite=
27162 <eAnnotations source=
27163 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service location whose service delivery is measured by this end device."/>
27165 <eAnnotations source=
27166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service location whose service delivery is measured by this end device."/>
27168 </eStructuralFeatures>
27169 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27170 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceFunction" eOpposite=
27171 <eAnnotations source=
27172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device functions this end device performs."/>
27174 <eAnnotations source=
27175 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device functions this end device performs."/>
27177 </eStructuralFeatures>
27178 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amrSystem" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27180 <eAnnotations source=
27181 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Automated meter reading (AMR) system responsible for communications to this end device."/>
27183 <eAnnotations source=
27184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Automated meter reading (AMR) system responsible for communications to this end device."/>
27186 </eStructuralFeatures>
27187 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27188 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceControl" eOpposite=
27189 <eAnnotations source=
27190 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device controls sending commands to this end device."/>
27192 <eAnnotations source=
27193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device controls sending commands to this end device."/>
27195 </eStructuralFeatures>
27196 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Customer" eType=
27197 eOpposite=
27198 <eAnnotations source=
27199 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer owning this end device."/>
27201 <eAnnotations source=
27202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer owning this end device."/>
27204 </eStructuralFeatures>
27205 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDeviceGroups" upperBound=
27206 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceGroup" eOpposite=
27207 <eAnnotations source=
27208 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device groups referring to this end device."/>
27210 <eAnnotations source=
27211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device groups referring to this end device."/>
27213 </eStructuralFeatures>
27215 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"SimpleEndDeviceFunction" eSuperTypes=
27216 <eAnnotations source=
27217 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simple end device function distinguished by 'kind'; use this class for instances that cannot be represented by another end device function subtype."/>
27219 <eAnnotations source=
27220 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Simple end device function distinguished by 'kind'; use this class for instances that cannot be represented by another end device function subtype."/>
27222 <eAnnotations source=
27223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Simple end device function distinguished by 'kind'; use this class for instances that cannot be represented by another end device function subtype."/>
27224 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Simple end device function distinguished by 'kind'; use this class for instances that cannot be represented by another end device function subtype."/>
27226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
27228 <eAnnotations source=
27229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this function."/>
27231 <eAnnotations source=
27232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of this function."/>
27234 </eStructuralFeatures>
27236 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EndDeviceGroup" eSuperTypes=
27237 <eAnnotations source=
27238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related meters. Commands can be issued to all of the meters that belong to a meter group using a defined group address and the underlying AMR communication infrastructure."/>
27240 <eAnnotations source=
27241 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related meters. Commands can be issued to all of the meters that belong to a meter group using a defined group address and the underlying AMR communication infrastructure."/>
27243 <eAnnotations source=
27244 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related meters. Commands can be issued to all of the meters that belong to a meter group using a defined group address and the underlying AMR communication infrastructure."/>
27245 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Abstraction for management of group communications within a two-way AMR system or the data for a group of related meters. Commands can be issued to all of the meters that belong to a meter group using a defined group address and the underlying AMR communication infrastructure."/>
27247 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27248 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceControl" eOpposite=
27249 <eAnnotations source=
27250 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device controls sending commands to this end device group."/>
27252 <eAnnotations source=
27253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end device controls sending commands to this end device group."/>
27255 </eStructuralFeatures>
27256 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDevices" upperBound=
27257 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDevice" eOpposite=
27258 <eAnnotations source=
27259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices this end device group refers to."/>
27261 <eAnnotations source=
27262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices this end device group refers to."/>
27264 </eStructuralFeatures>
27265 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27266 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/DemandResponseProgram" eOpposite=
27267 <eAnnotations source=
27268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program for this group of end devices."/>
27270 <eAnnotations source=
27271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program for this group of end devices."/>
27273 </eStructuralFeatures>
27274 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"groupAddress" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
27276 <eAnnotations source=
27277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Address of this end device group."/>
27279 <eAnnotations source=
27280 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Address of this end device group."/>
27282 </eStructuralFeatures>
27284 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
27285 <eLiterals name=
27286 <eLiterals name=
"volume" value=
27287 <eLiterals name=
"frequency" value=
27288 <eLiterals name=
"energy" value=
27289 <eLiterals name=
"currentAngle" value=
27290 <eLiterals name=
"powerFactor" value=
27291 <eLiterals name=
"date" value=
27292 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
27293 <eLiterals name=
"demand" value=
27294 <eLiterals name=
"power" value=
27295 <eLiterals name=
"pressure" value=
27296 <eLiterals name=
"voltage" value=
27297 <eLiterals name=
"voltageAngle" value=
27298 <eLiterals name=
"time" value=
27299 <eLiterals name=
"current" value=
27301 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Register" eSuperTypes=
27302 <eAnnotations source=
27303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Display for quantity that is metered on an end device such as a meter."/>
27305 <eAnnotations source=
27306 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Display for quantity that is metered on an end device such as a meter."/>
27308 <eAnnotations source=
27309 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Display for quantity that is metered on an end device such as a meter."/>
27310 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Display for quantity that is metered on an end device such as a meter."/>
27312 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReadingType" eType=
27313 eOpposite=
27314 <eAnnotations source=
27315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reading type for values displayed by this register."/>
27317 <eAnnotations source=
27318 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reading type for values displayed by this register."/>
27320 </eStructuralFeatures>
27321 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"leftDigitCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
27323 <eAnnotations source=
27324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the left of the decimal place; default is 5."/>
27326 <eAnnotations source=
27327 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the left of the decimal place; default is 5."/>
27329 </eStructuralFeatures>
27330 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rightDigitCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
27332 <eAnnotations source=
27333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the right of the decimal place."/>
27335 <eAnnotations source=
27336 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of digits (dials on a mechanical meter) to the right of the decimal place."/>
27338 </eStructuralFeatures>
27339 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27340 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceFunction" eOpposite=
27341 <eAnnotations source=
27342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device function metering quantities displayed by this register."/>
27344 <eAnnotations source=
27345 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device function metering quantities displayed by this register."/>
27347 </eStructuralFeatures>
27349 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"EndDeviceControl" eSuperTypes=
27350 <eAnnotations source=
27351 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instructs an end device (or an end device group) to perform a specified action."/>
27353 <eAnnotations source=
27354 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Instructs an end device (or an end device group) to perform a specified action."/>
27356 <eAnnotations source=
27357 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Instructs an end device (or an end device group) to perform a specified action."/>
27358 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Instructs an end device (or an end device group) to perform a specified action."/>
27360 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27361 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/DemandResponseProgram" eOpposite=
27362 <eAnnotations source=
27363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program for this end device control."/>
27365 <eAnnotations source=
27366 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program for this end device control."/>
27368 </eStructuralFeatures>
27369 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"drProgramLevel" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
27371 <eAnnotations source=
27372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Level of a demand response program request, where 0=emergency. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it)."/>
27374 <eAnnotations source=
27375 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Level of a demand response program request, where 0=emergency. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it)."/>
27377 </eStructuralFeatures>
27378 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
27379 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
27381 <eAnnotations source=
27382 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whether a demand response program request is mandatory. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it)."/>
27384 <eAnnotations source=
27385 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whether a demand response program request is mandatory. Note: Attribute is not defined on DemandResponseProgram as it is not its inherent property (it serves to control it)."/>
27387 </eStructuralFeatures>
27388 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27389 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
27390 <eAnnotations source=
27391 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Could be deprecated in the future."/>
27393 <eAnnotations source=
27394 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Could be deprecated in the future."/>
27396 </eStructuralFeatures>
27397 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27399 <eAnnotations source=
27400 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of control."/>
27402 <eAnnotations source=
27403 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of control."/>
27405 </eStructuralFeatures>
27406 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27407 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/DateTimeInterval" containment=
27408 <eAnnotations source=
27409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if control has scheduled duration) Date and time interval the control has been scheduled to execute within."/>
27411 <eAnnotations source=
27412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if control has scheduled duration) Date and time interval the control has been scheduled to execute within."/>
27414 </eStructuralFeatures>
27415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDeviceGroup" eType=
27416 eOpposite=
27417 <eAnnotations source=
27418 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device group receiving commands from this end device control."/>
27420 <eAnnotations source=
27421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device group receiving commands from this end device control."/>
27423 </eStructuralFeatures>
27424 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDevice" eType=
27425 eOpposite=
27426 <eAnnotations source=
27427 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device receiving commands from this end device control."/>
27429 <eAnnotations source=
27430 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"End device receiving commands from this end device control."/>
27432 </eStructuralFeatures>
27433 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"priceSignal" eType=
27435 <eAnnotations source=
27436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Price signal used as parameter for this end device control."/>
27438 <eAnnotations source=
27439 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Price signal used as parameter for this end device control."/>
27441 </eStructuralFeatures>
27443 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
27444 <eAnnotations source=
27445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dynamic demand description. The formula by which demand is measured is an important underlying definition to the measurement. Generally speaking, all of the meters in a given utility will be configured to measure demand the same way. Nevertheless, it must be defined. An 'interval' of 60 min, 30 min, 15 min, 10 min or 5 min must be defined to describe the interval of time over which usage is measured. When demand is defined to be DemandKind.rollingBlock, both an 'interval' and a 'subinterval' must be defined, where the 'subinterval' must be a multiple of the 'interval' which contains it. A common setting is "15-minute rolling block with 5-minute subintervals.""/>
27447 <eAnnotations source=
27448 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Dynamic demand description. The formula by which demand is measured is an important underlying definition to the measurement. Generally speaking, all of the meters in a given utility will be configured to measure demand the same way. Nevertheless, it must be defined. An 'interval' of 60 min, 30 min, 15 min, 10 min or 5 min must be defined to describe the interval of time over which usage is measured. When demand is defined to be DemandKind.rollingBlock, both an 'interval' and a 'subinterval' must be defined, where the 'subinterval' must be a multiple of the 'interval' which contains it. A common setting is "15-minute rolling block with 5-minute subintervals.""/>
27449 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
27451 <eAnnotations source=
27452 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Dynamic demand description. The formula by which demand is measured is an important underlying definition to the measurement. Generally speaking, all of the meters in a given utility will be configured to measure demand the same way. Nevertheless, it must be defined. An 'interval' of 60 min, 30 min, 15 min, 10 min or 5 min must be defined to describe the interval of time over which usage is measured. When demand is defined to be DemandKind.rollingBlock, both an 'interval' and a 'subinterval' must be defined, where the 'subinterval' must be a multiple of the 'interval' which contains it. A common setting is "15-minute rolling block with 5-minute subintervals.""/>
27453 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Dynamic demand description. The formula by which demand is measured is an important underlying definition to the measurement. Generally speaking, all of the meters in a given utility will be configured to measure demand the same way. Nevertheless, it must be defined. An 'interval' of 60 min, 30 min, 15 min, 10 min or 5 min must be defined to describe the interval of time over which usage is measured. When demand is defined to be DemandKind.rollingBlock, both an 'interval' and a 'subinterval' must be defined, where the 'subinterval' must be a multiple of the 'interval' which contains it. A common setting is "15-minute rolling block with 5-minute subintervals.""/>
27455 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"subInterval" eType=
27457 <eAnnotations source=
27458 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if 'kind'=rollingBlock) Subinterval, must be multiple of 'interval' that contains it."/>
27460 <eAnnotations source=
27461 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if 'kind'=rollingBlock) Subinterval, must be multiple of 'interval' that contains it."/>
27463 </eStructuralFeatures>
27464 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"interval" eType=
27466 <eAnnotations source=
27467 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand interval."/>
27469 <eAnnotations source=
27470 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand interval."/>
27472 </eStructuralFeatures>
27473 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
27475 <eAnnotations source=
27476 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of demand."/>
27478 <eAnnotations source=
27479 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of demand."/>
27481 </eStructuralFeatures>
27483 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
27484 <eLiterals name=
27485 <eLiterals name=
"rollingBlock" value=
27486 <eLiterals name=
"logarithmic" value=
27488 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ReadingType" eSuperTypes=
27489 <eAnnotations source=
27490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of data conveyed by a specific Reading."/>
27492 <eAnnotations source=
27493 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type of data conveyed by a specific Reading."/>
27495 <eAnnotations source=
27496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of data conveyed by a specific Reading."/>
27497 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Type of data conveyed by a specific Reading."/>
27499 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"multiplier" eType=
27501 <eAnnotations source=
27502 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for 'unit'."/>
27504 <eAnnotations source=
27505 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for 'unit'."/>
27507 </eStructuralFeatures>
27508 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"IntervalBlocks" upperBound=
27509 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/IntervalBlock" eOpposite=
27510 <eAnnotations source=
27511 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All blocks containing interval reading values with this type information."/>
27513 <eAnnotations source=
27514 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All blocks containing interval reading values with this type information."/>
27516 </eStructuralFeatures>
27517 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"unit" eType=
27519 <eAnnotations source=
27520 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit for the reading value."/>
27522 <eAnnotations source=
27523 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit for the reading value."/>
27525 </eStructuralFeatures>
27526 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
27528 <eAnnotations source=
27529 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of reading."/>
27531 <eAnnotations source=
27532 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of reading."/>
27534 </eStructuralFeatures>
27535 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27536 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/DynamicDemand" containment=
27537 <eAnnotations source=
27538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand configuration."/>
27540 <eAnnotations source=
27541 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand configuration."/>
27543 </eStructuralFeatures>
27544 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
27545 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
27547 <eAnnotations source=
27548 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True for systems that must operate in "reverse" chronological order."/>
27550 <eAnnotations source=
27551 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True for systems that must operate in "reverse" chronological order."/>
27553 </eStructuralFeatures>
27554 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"defaultQuality" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27556 <eAnnotations source=
27557 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Characteristics of a data value conveyed by a specific Reading, which allow an application to understand how a specific Reading is to be interpreted."/>
27559 <eAnnotations source=
27560 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Characteristics of a data value conveyed by a specific Reading, which allow an application to understand how a specific Reading is to be interpreted."/>
27562 </eStructuralFeatures>
27563 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"intervalLength" eType=
27565 <eAnnotations source=
27566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if incremental reading value) Length of increment interval."/>
27568 <eAnnotations source=
27569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if incremental reading value) Length of increment interval."/>
27571 </eStructuralFeatures>
27572 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"channelNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
27574 <eAnnotations source=
27575 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Logical positioning of this measurement data."/>
27577 <eAnnotations source=
27578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Logical positioning of this measurement data."/>
27580 </eStructuralFeatures>
27581 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Readings" upperBound=
27582 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/Reading" eOpposite=
27583 <eAnnotations source=
27584 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All reading values with this type information."/>
27586 <eAnnotations source=
27587 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All reading values with this type information."/>
27589 </eStructuralFeatures>
27590 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
27591 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27593 <eAnnotations source=
27594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Numeric type to be expected for the associated IntervalBlock.value (e.g. unsignedInteger)."/>
27596 <eAnnotations source=
27597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Numeric type to be expected for the associated IntervalBlock.value (e.g. unsignedInteger)."/>
27599 </eStructuralFeatures>
27600 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Register" eType=
27601 eOpposite=
27602 <eAnnotations source=
27603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Register displaying values with this type information."/>
27605 <eAnnotations source=
27606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Register displaying values with this type information."/>
27608 </eStructuralFeatures>
27609 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27610 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/PendingCalculation" eOpposite=
27611 <eAnnotations source=
27612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pending conversion that produced this reading type."/>
27614 <eAnnotations source=
27615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pending conversion that produced this reading type."/>
27617 </eStructuralFeatures>
27620 <eSubpackages name=
"PaymentMetering" nsURI=
27621 nsPrefix=
27622 <eAnnotations source=
27623 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as prepayment metering. These classes are generally associated with the collection and control of revenue from the customer for a delivered service."/>
27625 <eAnnotations source=
27626 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as prepayment metering. These classes are generally associated with the collection and control of revenue from the customer for a delivered service."/>
27628 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"VendorShift" eSuperTypes=
27629 <eAnnotations source=
27630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a vendor during which he may transact against the merchant's account. It aggregates transactions and receipts during the shift and periodically debits a merchant account. The totals in VendorShift should always = sum of totals aggregated in all cashier shifts that were open under the particular vendor shift."/>
27632 <eAnnotations source=
27633 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a vendor during which he may transact against the merchant's account. It aggregates transactions and receipts during the shift and periodically debits a merchant account. The totals in VendorShift should always = sum of totals aggregated in all cashier shifts that were open under the particular vendor shift."/>
27635 <eAnnotations source=
27636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a vendor during which he may transact against the merchant's account. It aggregates transactions and receipts during the shift and periodically debits a merchant account. The totals in VendorShift should always = sum of totals aggregated in all cashier shifts that were open under the particular vendor shift."/>
27637 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a vendor during which he may transact against the merchant's account. It aggregates transactions and receipts during the shift and periodically debits a merchant account. The totals in VendorShift should always = sum of totals aggregated in all cashier shifts that were open under the particular vendor shift."/>
27639 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Vendor" eType=
27640 eOpposite=
27641 <eAnnotations source=
27642 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vendor that opens and owns this vendor shift."/>
27644 <eAnnotations source=
27645 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vendor that opens and owns this vendor shift."/>
27647 </eStructuralFeatures>
27648 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
27649 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
27650 <eAnnotations source=
27651 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount that is to be debited from the merchant account for this vendor shift. This amount reflects the sum(PaymentTransaction.transactionAmount)."/>
27653 <eAnnotations source=
27654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount that is to be debited from the merchant account for this vendor shift. This amount reflects the sum(PaymentTransaction.transactionAmount)."/>
27656 </eStructuralFeatures>
27657 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"posted" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
27659 <eAnnotations source=
27660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"= true if merchantDebitAmount has been debited from MerchantAccount; typically happens at the end of VendorShift when it closes."/>
27662 <eAnnotations source=
27663 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"= true if merchantDebitAmount has been debited from MerchantAccount; typically happens at the end of VendorShift when it closes."/>
27665 </eStructuralFeatures>
27666 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Receipts" upperBound=
27667 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Receipt" eOpposite=
27668 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MerchantAccount" eType=
27669 eOpposite=
27670 <eAnnotations source=
27671 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Merchant account this vendor shift periodically debits (based on aggregated transactions)."/>
27673 <eAnnotations source=
27674 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Merchant account this vendor shift periodically debits (based on aggregated transactions)."/>
27676 </eStructuralFeatures>
27677 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Transactions" upperBound=
27678 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transaction" eOpposite=
27680 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Transactor" eSuperTypes=
27681 <eAnnotations source=
27682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The entity that ultimately executes the transaction and who is in control of the process; typically this is embodied in secure software running on a server that may employ secure hardware encryption devices for secure transaction processing."/>
27684 <eAnnotations source=
27685 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The entity that ultimately executes the transaction and who is in control of the process; typically this is embodied in secure software running on a server that may employ secure hardware encryption devices for secure transaction processing."/>
27687 <eAnnotations source=
27688 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The entity that ultimately executes the transaction and who is in control of the process; typically this is embodied in secure software running on a server that may employ secure hardware encryption devices for secure transaction processing."/>
27689 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The entity that ultimately executes the transaction and who is in control of the process; typically this is embodied in secure software running on a server that may employ secure hardware encryption devices for secure transaction processing."/>
27691 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MerchantAccounts" upperBound=
27692 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/MerchantAccount" eOpposite=
27693 <eAnnotations source=
27694 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All merchant accounts registered with this transactor."/>
27696 <eAnnotations source=
27697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All merchant accounts registered with this transactor."/>
27699 </eStructuralFeatures>
27701 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CashierShift" eSuperTypes=
27702 <eAnnotations source=
27703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a cashier, during which he may transact against the cashier shift, subject to vendor shift being open."/>
27705 <eAnnotations source=
27706 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a cashier, during which he may transact against the cashier shift, subject to vendor shift being open."/>
27708 <eAnnotations source=
27709 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a cashier, during which he may transact against the cashier shift, subject to vendor shift being open."/>
27710 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operating shift for a cashier, during which he may transact against the cashier shift, subject to vendor shift being open."/>
27712 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Transactions" upperBound=
27713 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transaction" eOpposite=
27714 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PointOfSale" eType=
27715 eOpposite=
27716 <eAnnotations source=
27717 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Point of sale that is in operation during this shift."/>
27719 <eAnnotations source=
27720 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Point of sale that is in operation during this shift."/>
27722 </eStructuralFeatures>
27723 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Receipts" upperBound=
27724 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Receipt" eOpposite=
27725 <eAnnotations source=
27726 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Receipts recorded for this Shift."/>
27728 <eAnnotations source=
27729 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All Receipts recorded for this Shift."/>
27731 </eStructuralFeatures>
27732 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Cashier" eType=
27733 eOpposite=
27734 <eAnnotations source=
27735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cashier operating this shift."/>
27737 <eAnnotations source=
27738 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cashier operating this shift."/>
27740 </eStructuralFeatures>
27741 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cashFloat" eType=
27743 <eAnnotations source=
27744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of cash that the cashier brings with him to start his shift and that he will take away at the end of his shift; i.e. the cash float does not get banked."/>
27746 <eAnnotations source=
27747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The amount of cash that the cashier brings with him to start his shift and that he will take away at the end of his shift; i.e. the cash float does not get banked."/>
27749 </eStructuralFeatures>
27751 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TariffProfile" eSuperTypes=
27752 <eAnnotations source=
27753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A schedule of charges; structure associated with Tariff that allows the definition of complex tarif structures such as step and time of use when used in conjunction with TimeTariffInterval and Charge. Inherited 'status.value' is defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: active, inactive, etc."/>
27755 <eAnnotations source=
27756 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A schedule of charges; structure associated with Tariff that allows the definition of complex tarif structures such as step and time of use when used in conjunction with TimeTariffInterval and Charge. Inherited 'status.value' is defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: active, inactive, etc."/>
27758 <eAnnotations source=
27759 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A schedule of charges; structure associated with Tariff that allows the definition of complex tarif structures such as step and time of use when used in conjunction with TimeTariffInterval and Charge. Inherited 'status.value' is defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: active, inactive, etc."/>
27760 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A schedule of charges; structure associated with Tariff that allows the definition of complex tarif structures such as step and time of use when used in conjunction with TimeTariffInterval and Charge. Inherited 'status.value' is defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: active, inactive, etc."/>
27762 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Tariffs" upperBound=
27763 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/Tariff" eOpposite=
27764 <eAnnotations source=
27765 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariffs defined by this tariff profile."/>
27767 <eAnnotations source=
27768 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariffs defined by this tariff profile."/>
27770 </eStructuralFeatures>
27771 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27772 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
27773 eOpposite=
27774 <eAnnotations source=
27775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All consumption tariff intervals used to define this tariff profile."/>
27777 <eAnnotations source=
27778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All consumption tariff intervals used to define this tariff profile."/>
27780 </eStructuralFeatures>
27781 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"tariffCycle" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27783 <eAnnotations source=
27784 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The frequency at which the tariff charge schedule is repeated Examples are: once off on a specified date and time; hourly; daily; weekly; monthly; 3-monthly; 6-monthly; 12-monthly; etc. At the end of each cycle, the business rules are reset to start from the beginning again."/>
27786 <eAnnotations source=
27787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The frequency at which the tariff charge schedule is repeated Examples are: once off on a specified date and time; hourly; daily; weekly; monthly; 3-monthly; 6-monthly; 12-monthly; etc. At the end of each cycle, the business rules are reset to start from the beginning again."/>
27789 </eStructuralFeatures>
27790 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
27791 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
27792 eOpposite=
27793 <eAnnotations source=
27794 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All time tariff intervals used to define this tariff profile."/>
27796 <eAnnotations source=
27797 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All time tariff intervals used to define this tariff profile."/>
27799 </eStructuralFeatures>
27801 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
27802 <eLiterals name=
27803 <eLiterals name=
"cheque" value=
27804 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
27805 <eLiterals name=
"cash" value=
27806 <eLiterals name=
"card" value=
27808 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
27809 <eAnnotations source=
27810 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit for accounting; use either 'energyUnit' or 'currencyUnit' to specify the unit for 'value'."/>
27812 <eAnnotations source=
27813 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Unit for accounting; use either 'energyUnit' or 'currencyUnit' to specify the unit for 'value'."/>
27814 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
27816 <eAnnotations source=
27817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit for accounting; use either 'energyUnit' or 'currencyUnit' to specify the unit for 'value'."/>
27818 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Unit for accounting; use either 'energyUnit' or 'currencyUnit' to specify the unit for 'value'."/>
27820 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"multiplier" eType=
27822 <eAnnotations source=
27823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for the 'energyUnit' or 'monetaryUnit'."/>
27825 <eAnnotations source=
27826 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Multiplier for the 'energyUnit' or 'monetaryUnit'."/>
27828 </eStructuralFeatures>
27829 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"energyUnit" eType=
27831 <eAnnotations source=
27832 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of service."/>
27834 <eAnnotations source=
27835 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of service."/>
27837 </eStructuralFeatures>
27838 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"monetaryUnit" eType=
27840 <eAnnotations source=
27841 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of currency."/>
27843 <eAnnotations source=
27844 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unit of currency."/>
27846 </eStructuralFeatures>
27847 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"value" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EFloat"
27849 <eAnnotations source=
27850 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value expressed in applicable units."/>
27852 <eAnnotations source=
27853 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Value expressed in applicable units."/>
27855 </eStructuralFeatures>
27857 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
27858 <eLiterals name=
27859 <eLiterals name=
"postalOrder" value=
27860 <eLiterals name=
"bankOrder" value=
27862 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
27863 <eLiterals name=
27864 <eLiterals name=
"demandCharge" value=
27865 <eLiterals name=
"consumptionCharge" value=
27866 <eLiterals name=
"auxiliaryCharge" value=
27867 <eLiterals name=
"taxCharge" value=
27869 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Transaction" eSuperTypes=
27870 <eAnnotations source=
27871 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The record of details of payment for service or token sale."/>
27873 <eAnnotations source=
27874 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The record of details of payment for service or token sale."/>
27876 <eAnnotations source=
27877 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The record of details of payment for service or token sale."/>
27878 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The record of details of payment for service or token sale."/>
27880 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PricingStructure" eType=
27881 eOpposite=
27882 <eAnnotations source=
27883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pricing structure applicable for this transaction."/>
27885 <eAnnotations source=
27886 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Pricing structure applicable for this transaction."/>
27888 </eStructuralFeatures>
27889 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"line" eType=
27890 containment=
27891 <eAnnotations source=
27892 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction amount, rounding, date and note for this transaction line."/>
27894 <eAnnotations source=
27895 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Transaction amount, rounding, date and note for this transaction line."/>
27897 </eStructuralFeatures>
27898 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"donorReference" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27900 <eAnnotations source=
27901 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference to the entity that is the source of 'amount' (for example: customer for token purchase; or supplier for free issue token)."/>
27903 <eAnnotations source=
27904 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference to the entity that is the source of 'amount' (for example: customer for token purchase; or supplier for free issue token)."/>
27906 </eStructuralFeatures>
27907 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"UserAttributes" upperBound=
27908 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
27909 <eAnnotations source=
27910 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All snapshots of meter parameters recorded at the time of this transaction. Use 'name' and 'value.value' attributes to specify name and value of a parameter from meter."/>
27912 <eAnnotations source=
27913 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All snapshots of meter parameters recorded at the time of this transaction. Use 'name' and 'value.value' attributes to specify name and value of a parameter from meter."/>
27915 </eStructuralFeatures>
27916 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
27918 <eAnnotations source=
27919 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of transaction."/>
27921 <eAnnotations source=
27922 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of transaction."/>
27924 </eStructuralFeatures>
27925 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
27926 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27928 <eAnnotations source=
27929 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference to the entity that is the recipient of 'amount' (for example, supplier for service charge payment; or tax receiver for VAT)."/>
27931 <eAnnotations source=
27932 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reference to the entity that is the recipient of 'amount' (for example, supplier for service charge payment; or tax receiver for VAT)."/>
27934 </eStructuralFeatures>
27935 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AuxiliaryAccount" eType=
27936 eOpposite=
27937 <eAnnotations source=
27938 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Auxiliary account for this payment transaction."/>
27940 <eAnnotations source=
27941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Auxiliary account for this payment transaction."/>
27943 </eStructuralFeatures>
27944 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
27945 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/RealEnergy" unsettable=
27946 <eAnnotations source=
27947 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of service units not reflected in 'serviceUnitsEnergy' due to process rounding or truncating errors."/>
27949 <eAnnotations source=
27950 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Number of service units not reflected in 'serviceUnitsEnergy' due to process rounding or truncating errors."/>
27952 </eStructuralFeatures>
27953 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VendorShift" eType=
27954 eOpposite=
27955 <eAnnotations source=
27956 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vendor shift during which this transaction was recorded."/>
27958 <eAnnotations source=
27959 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vendor shift during which this transaction was recorded."/>
27961 </eStructuralFeatures>
27962 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Receipt" eType=
27963 eOpposite=
27964 <eAnnotations source=
27965 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The receipted payment for which this transaction has been recorded."/>
27967 <eAnnotations source=
27968 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The receipted payment for which this transaction has been recorded."/>
27970 </eStructuralFeatures>
27971 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"diverseReference" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
27973 <eAnnotations source=
27974 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Formal reference for use with diverse payment (traffic fine for example)."/>
27976 <eAnnotations source=
27977 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Formal reference for use with diverse payment (traffic fine for example)."/>
27979 </eStructuralFeatures>
27980 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
27981 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/RealEnergy" unsettable=
27982 <eAnnotations source=
27983 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actual amount of service units that is being paid for."/>
27985 <eAnnotations source=
27986 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Actual amount of service units that is being paid for."/>
27988 </eStructuralFeatures>
27989 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Meter" eType=
27990 eOpposite=
27991 <eAnnotations source=
27992 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter for this vending transaction."/>
27994 <eAnnotations source=
27995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Meter for this vending transaction."/>
27997 </eStructuralFeatures>
27998 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reversedId" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28000 <eAnnotations source=
28001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if 'kind' is transactionReversal) Reference to the original transaction that is being reversed by this transaction."/>
28003 <eAnnotations source=
28004 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if 'kind' is transactionReversal) Reference to the original transaction that is being reversed by this transaction."/>
28006 </eStructuralFeatures>
28007 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CustomerAccount" eType=
28008 eOpposite=
28009 <eAnnotations source=
28010 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer account for this payment transaction."/>
28012 <eAnnotations source=
28013 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer account for this payment transaction."/>
28015 </eStructuralFeatures>
28016 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CashierShift" eType=
28017 eOpposite=
28018 <eAnnotations source=
28019 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cashier shift during which this transaction was recorded."/>
28021 <eAnnotations source=
28022 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cashier shift during which this transaction was recorded."/>
28024 </eStructuralFeatures>
28026 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"TimeTariffInterval" eSuperTypes=
28027 <eAnnotations source=
28028 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of time intervals defined in terms of real time. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the intervals in a time of use tariff structure, where startDateTime simultaneously determines the starting point of this interval and the ending point of the previous interval."/>
28030 <eAnnotations source=
28031 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of time intervals defined in terms of real time. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the intervals in a time of use tariff structure, where startDateTime simultaneously determines the starting point of this interval and the ending point of the previous interval."/>
28033 <eAnnotations source=
28034 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of time intervals defined in terms of real time. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the intervals in a time of use tariff structure, where startDateTime simultaneously determines the starting point of this interval and the ending point of the previous interval."/>
28035 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of time intervals defined in terms of real time. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the intervals in a time of use tariff structure, where startDateTime simultaneously determines the starting point of this interval and the ending point of the previous interval."/>
28037 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28038 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
28039 eOpposite=
28040 <eAnnotations source=
28041 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All consumption tariff intervals that introduce variation in this time of use tariff interval; allows to express e.g., peak hour prices that are different with different consumption blocks."/>
28043 <eAnnotations source=
28044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All consumption tariff intervals that introduce variation in this time of use tariff interval; allows to express e.g., peak hour prices that are different with different consumption blocks."/>
28046 </eStructuralFeatures>
28047 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startDateTime" eType=
28049 <eAnnotations source=
28050 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A real time marker that defines the starting time (typically it is the time of day) for this interval. The interval extends to the start of the next interval or until it is reset to the start of the first interval by TariffProfile.tariffCycle."/>
28052 <eAnnotations source=
28053 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A real time marker that defines the starting time (typically it is the time of day) for this interval. The interval extends to the start of the next interval or until it is reset to the start of the first interval by TariffProfile.tariffCycle."/>
28055 </eStructuralFeatures>
28056 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
28058 <eAnnotations source=
28059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A sequential reference that defines the identity of this interval and its relative position with respect to other intervals in a sequence of intervals."/>
28061 <eAnnotations source=
28062 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A sequential reference that defines the identity of this interval and its relative position with respect to other intervals in a sequence of intervals."/>
28064 </eStructuralFeatures>
28065 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TariffProfiles" upperBound=
28066 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/TariffProfile" eOpposite=
28067 <eAnnotations source=
28068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariff profiles defined by this time tariff interval."/>
28070 <eAnnotations source=
28071 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariff profiles defined by this time tariff interval."/>
28073 </eStructuralFeatures>
28074 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Charges" upperBound=
28075 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Charge" eOpposite=
28076 <eAnnotations source=
28077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All charges used to define this time tariff interval."/>
28079 <eAnnotations source=
28080 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All charges used to define this time tariff interval."/>
28082 </eStructuralFeatures>
28084 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Charge" eSuperTypes=
28085 <eAnnotations source=
28086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A charge element associated with other entities such as tariff structures, auxiliary agreements or other charge elements. The total charge amount applicable to this instance of charge is the sum of fixed and variable portion."/>
28088 <eAnnotations source=
28089 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A charge element associated with other entities such as tariff structures, auxiliary agreements or other charge elements. The total charge amount applicable to this instance of charge is the sum of fixed and variable portion."/>
28091 <eAnnotations source=
28092 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A charge element associated with other entities such as tariff structures, auxiliary agreements or other charge elements. The total charge amount applicable to this instance of charge is the sum of fixed and variable portion."/>
28093 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A charge element associated with other entities such as tariff structures, auxiliary agreements or other charge elements. The total charge amount applicable to this instance of charge is the sum of fixed and variable portion."/>
28095 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28096 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
28097 eOpposite=
28098 <eAnnotations source=
28099 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tariff intervals to which this consumption-based charge must be levied."/>
28101 <eAnnotations source=
28102 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tariff intervals to which this consumption-based charge must be levied."/>
28104 </eStructuralFeatures>
28105 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"variablePortion" eType=
28107 <eAnnotations source=
28108 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The variable portion of this charge element, calculated as a percentage of the total amount of a parent charge."/>
28110 <eAnnotations source=
28111 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The variable portion of this charge element, calculated as a percentage of the total amount of a parent charge."/>
28113 </eStructuralFeatures>
28114 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28115 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
28116 eOpposite=
28117 <eAnnotations source=
28118 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tariff intervals to which this time-based charge must be levied."/>
28120 <eAnnotations source=
28121 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tariff intervals to which this time-based charge must be levied."/>
28123 </eStructuralFeatures>
28124 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28125 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/AuxiliaryAccount" eOpposite=
28126 <eAnnotations source=
28127 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All auxiliary accounts to which this charge must be levied."/>
28129 <eAnnotations source=
28130 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All auxiliary accounts to which this charge must be levied."/>
28132 </eStructuralFeatures>
28133 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChildCharges" upperBound=
28134 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Charge" eOpposite=
28135 <eAnnotations source=
28136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All sub-components of this complex charge."/>
28138 <eAnnotations source=
28139 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All sub-components of this complex charge."/>
28141 </eStructuralFeatures>
28142 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"fixedPortion" eType=
28143 containment=
28144 <eAnnotations source=
28145 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fixed portion of this charge element."/>
28147 <eAnnotations source=
28148 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fixed portion of this charge element."/>
28150 </eStructuralFeatures>
28151 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
28153 <eAnnotations source=
28154 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The kind of charge to be applied."/>
28156 <eAnnotations source=
28157 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The kind of charge to be applied."/>
28159 </eStructuralFeatures>
28160 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ParentCharge" eType=
28161 eOpposite=
28162 <eAnnotations source=
28163 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Parent of this charge sub-component."/>
28165 <eAnnotations source=
28166 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Parent of this charge sub-component."/>
28168 </eStructuralFeatures>
28170 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AuxiliaryAgreement" eSuperTypes=
28171 <eAnnotations source=
28172 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An ad-hoc auxiliary account agreement associated with a customer agreement, not part of the customer's account, but typically subject to formal agreement between customer and supplier (utility). Typically this is used to collect revenue owing by the customer for other services or arrears accrued with the utility for other services. It is typically linked to a prepaid token purchase transaction, thus forcing the customer to make a payment towards settlement of the auxiliary account balance whenever he needs to purchase a prepaid token for electricity.
The present status of auxiliary agreement can be defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: enabled, disabled, pending, over recovered, under recovered, written off, etc."/>
28174 <eAnnotations source=
28175 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An ad-hoc auxiliary account agreement associated with a customer agreement, not part of the customer's account, but typically subject to formal agreement between customer and supplier (utility). Typically this is used to collect revenue owing by the customer for other services or arrears accrued with the utility for other services. It is typically linked to a prepaid token purchase transaction, thus forcing the customer to make a payment towards settlement of the auxiliary account balance whenever he needs to purchase a prepaid token for electricity.
The present status of auxiliary agreement can be defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: enabled, disabled, pending, over recovered, under recovered, written off, etc."/>
28177 <eAnnotations source=
28178 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"An ad-hoc auxiliary account agreement associated with a customer agreement, not part of the customer's account, but typically subject to formal agreement between customer and supplier (utility). Typically this is used to collect revenue owing by the customer for other services or arrears accrued with the utility for other services. It is typically linked to a prepaid token purchase transaction, thus forcing the customer to make a payment towards settlement of the auxiliary account balance whenever he needs to purchase a prepaid token for electricity.
The present status of auxiliary agreement can be defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: enabled, disabled, pending, over recovered, under recovered, written off, etc."/>
28179 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"An ad-hoc auxiliary account agreement associated with a customer agreement, not part of the customer's account, but typically subject to formal agreement between customer and supplier (utility). Typically this is used to collect revenue owing by the customer for other services or arrears accrued with the utility for other services. It is typically linked to a prepaid token purchase transaction, thus forcing the customer to make a payment towards settlement of the auxiliary account balance whenever he needs to purchase a prepaid token for electricity.
The present status of auxiliary agreement can be defined in the context of the utility's business rules, for example: enabled, disabled, pending, over recovered, under recovered, written off, etc."/>
28181 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28182 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
28183 <eAnnotations source=
28184 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer agreement this (non-service related) auxiliary agreement refers to."/>
28186 <eAnnotations source=
28187 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer agreement this (non-service related) auxiliary agreement refers to."/>
28189 </eStructuralFeatures>
28190 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
28191 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PerCent" unsettable=
28192 <eAnnotations source=
28193 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The percentage of the transaction amount that must be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement when payments are in arrears. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant."/>
28195 <eAnnotations source=
28196 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The percentage of the transaction amount that must be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement when payments are in arrears. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant."/>
28198 </eStructuralFeatures>
28199 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"auxRef" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28201 <eAnnotations source=
28202 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A local reference to this auxiliary agreement defined in the context of the implementation and not related to IdentifiedObject.mRID."/>
28204 <eAnnotations source=
28205 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A local reference to this auxiliary agreement defined in the context of the implementation and not related to IdentifiedObject.mRID."/>
28207 </eStructuralFeatures>
28208 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"payCycle" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28210 <eAnnotations source=
28211 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The contractually expected payment frequency (by the customer). Examples are: ad-hoc; on specified date; hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. etc."/>
28213 <eAnnotations source=
28214 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The contractually expected payment frequency (by the customer). Examples are: ad-hoc; on specified date; hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. etc."/>
28216 </eStructuralFeatures>
28217 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"arrearsInterest" eType=
28219 <eAnnotations source=
28220 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The interest per annum to be charged prorata on 'AuxiliaryAccount.dueArrears' at the end of each 'payCycle'."/>
28222 <eAnnotations source=
28223 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The interest per annum to be charged prorata on 'AuxiliaryAccount.dueArrears' at the end of each 'payCycle'."/>
28225 </eStructuralFeatures>
28226 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"fixedAmount" eType=
28228 <eAnnotations source=
28229 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fixed amount that must be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant."/>
28231 <eAnnotations source=
28232 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The fixed amount that must be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant."/>
28234 </eStructuralFeatures>
28235 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28236 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/AuxiliaryAccount" eOpposite=
28237 <eAnnotations source=
28238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All auxiliary accounts regulated by this agreement."/>
28240 <eAnnotations source=
28241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All auxiliary accounts regulated by this agreement."/>
28243 </eStructuralFeatures>
28244 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vendPortion" eType=
28246 <eAnnotations source=
28247 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The percentage of the transaction amount that must be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement when payments are not in arrears. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant."/>
28249 <eAnnotations source=
28250 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The percentage of the transaction amount that must be collected from each vending transaction towards settlement of this auxiliary agreement when payments are not in arrears. Note that there may be multiple tokens vended per vending transaction, but this is not relevant."/>
28252 </eStructuralFeatures>
28253 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"subCategory" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28255 <eAnnotations source=
28256 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-category of this AuxiliaryAgreement as sub-classification of the inherited 'category'."/>
28258 <eAnnotations source=
28259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Sub-category of this AuxiliaryAgreement as sub-classification of the inherited 'category'."/>
28261 </eStructuralFeatures>
28262 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"auxCycle" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28264 <eAnnotations source=
28265 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The frequency for automatically recurring auxiliary charges, where 'AuxiliaryAccount.initialCharge' is recursively added to 'AuxiliaryAccount.dueCurrent' at the start of each 'auxCycle'. For example: on a specified date and time; hourly; daily; weekly; monthly; 3-monthly; 6-monthly; 12-monthly; etc."/>
28267 <eAnnotations source=
28268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The frequency for automatically recurring auxiliary charges, where 'AuxiliaryAccount.initialCharge' is recursively added to 'AuxiliaryAccount.dueCurrent' at the start of each 'auxCycle'. For example: on a specified date and time; hourly; daily; weekly; monthly; 3-monthly; 6-monthly; 12-monthly; etc."/>
28270 </eStructuralFeatures>
28271 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"auxPriorityCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28273 <eAnnotations source=
28274 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The coded priority indicating the priority that this auxiliary agreement has above other auxiliary agreements (associated with the same customer agreement) when it comes to competing for settlement from a payment transaction or token purchase."/>
28276 <eAnnotations source=
28277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The coded priority indicating the priority that this auxiliary agreement has above other auxiliary agreements (associated with the same customer agreement) when it comes to competing for settlement from a payment transaction or token purchase."/>
28279 </eStructuralFeatures>
28280 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"minAmount" eType=
28282 <eAnnotations source=
28283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum amount that must be paid at any transaction towards settling this auxiliry agreement or reducing the balance."/>
28285 <eAnnotations source=
28286 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The minimum amount that must be paid at any transaction towards settling this auxiliry agreement or reducing the balance."/>
28288 </eStructuralFeatures>
28290 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Tender" eSuperTypes=
28291 <eAnnotations source=
28292 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tender is what is "offered" by the customer towards making a payment and is often more than the required payment (hence the need for 'change'). The payment is thus that part of the Tender that goes towards settlement of a particular transaction.
Tender is modelled as an aggregation of Cheque and Card. Both these tender types can exist in a single tender bid thus 'accountHolderName' must exist separately in each of Cheque and Card as each could have a different account holder name."/>
28294 <eAnnotations source=
28295 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tender is what is "offered" by the customer towards making a payment and is often more than the required payment (hence the need for 'change'). The payment is thus that part of the Tender that goes towards settlement of a particular transaction.
Tender is modelled as an aggregation of Cheque and Card. Both these tender types can exist in a single tender bid thus 'accountHolderName' must exist separately in each of Cheque and Card as each could have a different account holder name."/>
28297 <eAnnotations source=
28298 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tender is what is "offered" by the customer towards making a payment and is often more than the required payment (hence the need for 'change'). The payment is thus that part of the Tender that goes towards settlement of a particular transaction.
Tender is modelled as an aggregation of Cheque and Card. Both these tender types can exist in a single tender bid thus 'accountHolderName' must exist separately in each of Cheque and Card as each could have a different account holder name."/>
28299 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tender is what is "offered" by the customer towards making a payment and is often more than the required payment (hence the need for 'change'). The payment is thus that part of the Tender that goes towards settlement of a particular transaction.
Tender is modelled as an aggregation of Cheque and Card. Both these tender types can exist in a single tender bid thus 'accountHolderName' must exist separately in each of Cheque and Card as each could have a different account holder name."/>
28301 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
28303 <eAnnotations source=
28304 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of tender from customer."/>
28306 <eAnnotations source=
28307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of tender from customer."/>
28309 </eStructuralFeatures>
28310 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"change" eType=
28312 <eAnnotations source=
28313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Difference between amount tendered by customer and the amount charged by point of sale."/>
28315 <eAnnotations source=
28316 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Difference between amount tendered by customer and the amount charged by point of sale."/>
28318 </eStructuralFeatures>
28319 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
28321 <eAnnotations source=
28322 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount tendered by customer."/>
28324 <eAnnotations source=
28325 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount tendered by customer."/>
28327 </eStructuralFeatures>
28328 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Card" eType=
28329 eOpposite=
28330 <eAnnotations source=
28331 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Card used to tender payment."/>
28333 <eAnnotations source=
28334 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Card used to tender payment."/>
28336 </eStructuralFeatures>
28337 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Receipt" eType=
28338 eOpposite=
28339 <eAnnotations source=
28340 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Receipt that recorded this receiving of a payment in the form of tenders."/>
28342 <eAnnotations source=
28343 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Receipt that recorded this receiving of a payment in the form of tenders."/>
28345 </eStructuralFeatures>
28346 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Cheque" eType=
28347 eOpposite=
28348 <eAnnotations source=
28349 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cheque used to tender payment."/>
28351 <eAnnotations source=
28352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cheque used to tender payment."/>
28354 </eStructuralFeatures>
28356 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ServiceSupplier" eSuperTypes=
28357 <eAnnotations source=
28358 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation that provides services to customers."/>
28360 <eAnnotations source=
28361 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation that provides services to customers."/>
28363 <eAnnotations source=
28364 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation that provides services to customers."/>
28365 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation that provides services to customers."/>
28367 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BankAccounts" upperBound=
28368 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/BankAccount" eOpposite=
28369 <eAnnotations source=
28370 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All BackAccounts this ServiceSupplier owns."/>
28372 <eAnnotations source=
28373 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All BackAccounts this ServiceSupplier owns."/>
28375 </eStructuralFeatures>
28376 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
28377 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28379 <eAnnotations source=
28380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique transaction reference prefix number issued to an entity by the International Standards Organisation for the purpose of tagging onto electronic financial transactions, as defined in ISO/IEC 7812-1 and ISO/IEC 7812-2."/>
28382 <eAnnotations source=
28383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique transaction reference prefix number issued to an entity by the International Standards Organisation for the purpose of tagging onto electronic financial transactions, as defined in ISO/IEC 7812-1 and ISO/IEC 7812-2."/>
28385 </eStructuralFeatures>
28386 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28387 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
28388 <eAnnotations source=
28389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points this service supplier utilises to deliver a service."/>
28391 <eAnnotations source=
28392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points this service supplier utilises to deliver a service."/>
28394 </eStructuralFeatures>
28395 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
28397 <eAnnotations source=
28398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of supplier."/>
28400 <eAnnotations source=
28401 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of supplier."/>
28403 </eStructuralFeatures>
28404 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28405 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
28406 <eAnnotations source=
28407 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements of this service supplier."/>
28409 <eAnnotations source=
28410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements of this service supplier."/>
28412 </eStructuralFeatures>
28414 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MerchantAgreement" eSuperTypes=
28415 <eAnnotations source=
28416 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A formal controlling contractual agreement between supplier and merchant, in terms of which merchant is authorised to vend tokens and receipt payments on behalf of supplier. Merchant is accountable to supplier for revenue collected at point of sale."/>
28418 <eAnnotations source=
28419 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A formal controlling contractual agreement between supplier and merchant, in terms of which merchant is authorised to vend tokens and receipt payments on behalf of supplier. Merchant is accountable to supplier for revenue collected at point of sale."/>
28421 <eAnnotations source=
28422 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A formal controlling contractual agreement between supplier and merchant, in terms of which merchant is authorised to vend tokens and receipt payments on behalf of supplier. Merchant is accountable to supplier for revenue collected at point of sale."/>
28423 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A formal controlling contractual agreement between supplier and merchant, in terms of which merchant is authorised to vend tokens and receipt payments on behalf of supplier. Merchant is accountable to supplier for revenue collected at point of sale."/>
28425 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MerchantAccounts" upperBound=
28426 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/MerchantAccount" eOpposite=
28427 <eAnnotations source=
28428 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All merchant accounts instantiated as a result of this merchant agreement."/>
28430 <eAnnotations source=
28431 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All merchant accounts instantiated as a result of this merchant agreement."/>
28433 </eStructuralFeatures>
28435 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
28436 <eAnnotations source=
28437 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details on an amount line, with rounding, date and note."/>
28439 <eAnnotations source=
28440 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details on an amount line, with rounding, date and note."/>
28441 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
28443 <eAnnotations source=
28444 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details on an amount line, with rounding, date and note."/>
28445 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details on an amount line, with rounding, date and note."/>
28447 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
28449 <eAnnotations source=
28450 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount for this line item."/>
28452 <eAnnotations source=
28453 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount for this line item."/>
28455 </eStructuralFeatures>
28456 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"rounding" eType=
28458 <eAnnotations source=
28459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Totalised monetary value of all errors due to process rounding or truncating that is not reflected in 'amount'."/>
28461 <eAnnotations source=
28462 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Totalised monetary value of all errors due to process rounding or truncating that is not reflected in 'amount'."/>
28464 </eStructuralFeatures>
28465 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
28467 <eAnnotations source=
28468 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time when this line was created in the application process."/>
28470 <eAnnotations source=
28471 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time when this line was created in the application process."/>
28473 </eStructuralFeatures>
28474 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"note" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28476 <eAnnotations source=
28477 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Free format note relevant to this line."/>
28479 <eAnnotations source=
28480 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Free format note relevant to this line."/>
28482 </eStructuralFeatures>
28484 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConsumptionTariffInterval" eSuperTypes=
28485 <eAnnotations source=
28486 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of intervals defined in terms of consumption quantity of a service such as electricity, water, gas, etc. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the steps or blocks in a step tariff structure, where startValue simultaneously defines the entry value of this step and the closing value of the previous step. Where consumption is &gt;= startValue it falls within this interval and where consumption is &lt; startValue it falls within the previous interval."/>
28488 <eAnnotations source=
28489 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of intervals defined in terms of consumption quantity of a service such as electricity, water, gas, etc. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the steps or blocks in a step tariff structure, where startValue simultaneously defines the entry value of this step and the closing value of the previous step. Where consumption is &gt;= startValue it falls within this interval and where consumption is &lt; startValue it falls within the previous interval."/>
28491 <eAnnotations source=
28492 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of intervals defined in terms of consumption quantity of a service such as electricity, water, gas, etc. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the steps or blocks in a step tariff structure, where startValue simultaneously defines the entry value of this step and the closing value of the previous step. Where consumption is &gt;= startValue it falls within this interval and where consumption is &lt; startValue it falls within the previous interval."/>
28493 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"One of a sequence of intervals defined in terms of consumption quantity of a service such as electricity, water, gas, etc. It is typically used in association with TariffProfile to define the steps or blocks in a step tariff structure, where startValue simultaneously defines the entry value of this step and the closing value of the previous step. Where consumption is &gt;= startValue it falls within this interval and where consumption is &lt; startValue it falls within the previous interval."/>
28495 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startValue" eType=
28497 <eAnnotations source=
28498 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The lowest level of consumption that defines the starting point of this interval. The interval extends to the start of the next interval or until it is reset to the start of the first interval by TariffProfile.tariffCycle."/>
28500 <eAnnotations source=
28501 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The lowest level of consumption that defines the starting point of this interval. The interval extends to the start of the next interval or until it is reset to the start of the first interval by TariffProfile.tariffCycle."/>
28503 </eStructuralFeatures>
28504 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Charges" upperBound=
28505 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Charge" eOpposite=
28506 <eAnnotations source=
28507 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All charges used to define this consumption tariff interval."/>
28509 <eAnnotations source=
28510 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All charges used to define this consumption tariff interval."/>
28512 </eStructuralFeatures>
28513 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sequenceNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
28515 <eAnnotations source=
28516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A sequential reference that defines the identity of this interval and its relative position with respect to other intervals in a sequence of intervals."/>
28518 <eAnnotations source=
28519 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A sequential reference that defines the identity of this interval and its relative position with respect to other intervals in a sequence of intervals."/>
28521 </eStructuralFeatures>
28522 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TariffProfiles" upperBound=
28523 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/TariffProfile" eOpposite=
28524 <eAnnotations source=
28525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariff profiles defined by this consumption tariff interval."/>
28527 <eAnnotations source=
28528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariff profiles defined by this consumption tariff interval."/>
28530 </eStructuralFeatures>
28531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28532 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
28533 eOpposite=
28534 <eAnnotations source=
28535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All time of use tariff intervals influenced by this consumption tariff interval."/>
28537 <eAnnotations source=
28538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All time of use tariff intervals influenced by this consumption tariff interval."/>
28540 </eStructuralFeatures>
28542 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Vendor" eSuperTypes=
28543 <eAnnotations source=
28544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The entity that owns point of sale and contracts with cashier to receipt payments and vend tokens using the payment system. Vendor has a private contract with and is managed by merchant who is a type of organisation. Vendor is accountable to merchant for revenue collected, who is in turn accountable to supplier."/>
28546 <eAnnotations source=
28547 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The entity that owns point of sale and contracts with cashier to receipt payments and vend tokens using the payment system. Vendor has a private contract with and is managed by merchant who is a type of organisation. Vendor is accountable to merchant for revenue collected, who is in turn accountable to supplier."/>
28549 <eAnnotations source=
28550 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The entity that owns point of sale and contracts with cashier to receipt payments and vend tokens using the payment system. Vendor has a private contract with and is managed by merchant who is a type of organisation. Vendor is accountable to merchant for revenue collected, who is in turn accountable to supplier."/>
28551 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The entity that owns point of sale and contracts with cashier to receipt payments and vend tokens using the payment system. Vendor has a private contract with and is managed by merchant who is a type of organisation. Vendor is accountable to merchant for revenue collected, who is in turn accountable to supplier."/>
28553 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VendorShifts" upperBound=
28554 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/VendorShift" eOpposite=
28555 <eAnnotations source=
28556 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All vendor shifts opened and owned by this vendor."/>
28558 <eAnnotations source=
28559 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All vendor shifts opened and owned by this vendor."/>
28561 </eStructuralFeatures>
28563 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Cheque" eSuperTypes=
28564 <eAnnotations source=
28565 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual tender when it is a type of cheque."/>
28567 <eAnnotations source=
28568 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The actual tender when it is a type of cheque."/>
28570 <eAnnotations source=
28571 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The actual tender when it is a type of cheque."/>
28572 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The actual tender when it is a type of cheque."/>
28574 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Tender" eType=
28575 eOpposite=
28576 <eAnnotations source=
28577 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment tender the cheque is being used for."/>
28579 <eAnnotations source=
28580 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment tender the cheque is being used for."/>
28582 </eStructuralFeatures>
28583 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"micrNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28585 <eAnnotations source=
28586 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The magnetic ink character recognition number printed on the cheque."/>
28588 <eAnnotations source=
28589 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The magnetic ink character recognition number printed on the cheque."/>
28591 </eStructuralFeatures>
28592 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28593 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/BankAccountDetail" containment=
28594 <eAnnotations source=
28595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the account holder and bank."/>
28597 <eAnnotations source=
28598 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the account holder and bank."/>
28600 </eStructuralFeatures>
28601 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"chequeNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28603 <eAnnotations source=
28604 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cheque reference number as printed on the cheque."/>
28606 <eAnnotations source=
28607 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cheque reference number as printed on the cheque."/>
28609 </eStructuralFeatures>
28610 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"date" eType=
28612 <eAnnotations source=
28613 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date when cheque becomes valid."/>
28615 <eAnnotations source=
28616 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date when cheque becomes valid."/>
28618 </eStructuralFeatures>
28619 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
28621 <eAnnotations source=
28622 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of cheque."/>
28624 <eAnnotations source=
28625 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of cheque."/>
28627 </eStructuralFeatures>
28629 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
28630 <eLiterals name=
28631 <eLiterals name=
"serviceChargePayment" value=
28632 <eLiterals name=
"accountPayment" value=
28633 <eLiterals name=
"tokenSalePayment" value=
28634 <eLiterals name=
"tokenCancellation" value=
28635 <eLiterals name=
"taxChargePayment" value=
28636 <eLiterals name=
"tokenExchange" value=
28637 <eLiterals name=
"tokenGrant" value=
28638 <eLiterals name=
"diversePayment" value=
28639 <eLiterals name=
"auxiliaryChargePayment" value=
28640 <eLiterals name=
"meterConfigurationToken" value=
28641 <eLiterals name=
"tokenFreeIssue" value=
28642 <eLiterals name=
"transactionReversal" value=
28644 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
28645 <eLiterals name=
28646 <eLiterals name=
"retailer" value=
28647 <eLiterals name=
"utility" value=
28649 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
28650 <eAnnotations source=
28651 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Credit/debit movements for an account."/>
28653 <eAnnotations source=
28654 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Credit/debit movements for an account."/>
28655 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
28657 <eAnnotations source=
28658 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Credit/debit movements for an account."/>
28659 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Credit/debit movements for an account."/>
28661 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
28663 <eAnnotations source=
28664 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time when the credit/debit transaction was performed."/>
28666 <eAnnotations source=
28667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time when the credit/debit transaction was performed."/>
28669 </eStructuralFeatures>
28670 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"reason" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28672 <eAnnotations source=
28673 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason for credit/debit transaction on an account. Example: payment received/arrears interest levied."/>
28675 <eAnnotations source=
28676 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Reason for credit/debit transaction on an account. Example: payment received/arrears interest levied."/>
28678 </eStructuralFeatures>
28679 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"amount" eType=
28681 <eAnnotations source=
28682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount that was credited to/debited from an account. For example: payment received/interest charge on arrears."/>
28684 <eAnnotations source=
28685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Amount that was credited to/debited from an account. For example: payment received/interest charge on arrears."/>
28687 </eStructuralFeatures>
28689 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Shift" eSuperTypes=
28690 <eAnnotations source=
28691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generally referring to a period of operation or work performed. Whether shift is open/closed can be derived from attributes 'activiryInterval.start' and 'activityInterval.end'.
The grand total for receipts (i.e., cumulative total of all actual receipted amounts during this shift; bankable + non-bankable; excludes rounding error totals) can be derived from receipt:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) ; includes bankable and non-bankable receipts.
Must also reconcile against:
=sum(receiptsGrandTotalBankable + receiptsGrandTotalNonBankable).
Must also reconcile against ReceiptSummary:
The attributes with "GrandTotal" defined in this class may need to be used when the source data is periodically flushed from the system and then these cannot be derived."/>
28693 <eAnnotations source=
28694 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generally referring to a period of operation or work performed. Whether shift is open/closed can be derived from attributes 'activiryInterval.start' and 'activityInterval.end'.
The grand total for receipts (i.e., cumulative total of all actual receipted amounts during this shift; bankable + non-bankable; excludes rounding error totals) can be derived from receipt:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) ; includes bankable and non-bankable receipts.
Must also reconcile against:
=sum(receiptsGrandTotalBankable + receiptsGrandTotalNonBankable).
Must also reconcile against ReceiptSummary:
The attributes with "GrandTotal" defined in this class may need to be used when the source data is periodically flushed from the system and then these cannot be derived."/>
28696 <eAnnotations source=
28697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generally referring to a period of operation or work performed. Whether shift is open/closed can be derived from attributes 'activiryInterval.start' and 'activityInterval.end'.
The grand total for receipts (i.e., cumulative total of all actual receipted amounts during this shift; bankable + non-bankable; excludes rounding error totals) can be derived from receipt:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) ; includes bankable and non-bankable receipts.
Must also reconcile against:
=sum(receiptsGrandTotalBankable + receiptsGrandTotalNonBankable).
Must also reconcile against ReceiptSummary:
The attributes with "GrandTotal" defined in this class may need to be used when the source data is periodically flushed from the system and then these cannot be derived."/>
28698 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Generally referring to a period of operation or work performed. Whether shift is open/closed can be derived from attributes 'activiryInterval.start' and 'activityInterval.end'.
The grand total for receipts (i.e., cumulative total of all actual receipted amounts during this shift; bankable + non-bankable; excludes rounding error totals) can be derived from receipt:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) ; includes bankable and non-bankable receipts.
Must also reconcile against:
=sum(receiptsGrandTotalBankable + receiptsGrandTotalNonBankable).
Must also reconcile against ReceiptSummary:
The attributes with "GrandTotal" defined in this class may need to be used when the source data is periodically flushed from the system and then these cannot be derived."/>
28700 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
28701 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
28702 <eAnnotations source=
28703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cumulative total of transacted amounts during this shift. Values are obtained from Transaction attributes:
=sum(Transaction.transactionAmount). It must also reconcile against TransactionSummary:
28705 <eAnnotations source=
28706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cumulative total of transacted amounts during this shift. Values are obtained from Transaction attributes:
=sum(Transaction.transactionAmount). It must also reconcile against TransactionSummary:
28708 </eStructuralFeatures>
28709 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
28710 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
28711 <eAnnotations source=
28712 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total of amounts receipted during this shift that can be manually banked (cash and cheques for example). Values are obtained from Receipt attributes:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) for all Receipt.bankable = true."/>
28714 <eAnnotations source=
28715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total of amounts receipted during this shift that can be manually banked (cash and cheques for example). Values are obtained from Receipt attributes:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) for all Receipt.bankable = true."/>
28717 </eStructuralFeatures>
28718 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
28719 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
28720 <eAnnotations source=
28721 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cumulative amount in error due to process rounding not reflected in receiptsGrandTotal. Values are obtained from Receipt attributes:
28723 <eAnnotations source=
28724 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cumulative amount in error due to process rounding not reflected in receiptsGrandTotal. Values are obtained from Receipt attributes:
28726 </eStructuralFeatures>
28727 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
28728 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
28729 <eAnnotations source=
28730 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cumulative amount in error due to process rounding not reflected in transactionsGandTotal. Values are obtained from Transaction attributes:
28732 <eAnnotations source=
28733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cumulative amount in error due to process rounding not reflected in transactionsGandTotal. Values are obtained from Transaction attributes:
28735 </eStructuralFeatures>
28736 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"activityInterval" eType=
28737 containment=
28738 <eAnnotations source=
28739 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval for activity of this shift."/>
28741 <eAnnotations source=
28742 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Interval for activity of this shift."/>
28744 </eStructuralFeatures>
28745 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
28746 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
28747 <eAnnotations source=
28748 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total of amounts receipted during this shift that cannot be manually banked (card payments for example). Values are obtained from Receipt attributes:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) for all Receipt.bankable = false."/>
28750 <eAnnotations source=
28751 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total of amounts receipted during this shift that cannot be manually banked (card payments for example). Values are obtained from Receipt attributes:
=sum(Receipt.receiptAmount) for all Receipt.bankable = false."/>
28753 </eStructuralFeatures>
28755 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Receipt" eSuperTypes=
28756 <eAnnotations source=
28757 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Record of total receipted payment from customer."/>
28759 <eAnnotations source=
28760 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Record of total receipted payment from customer."/>
28762 <eAnnotations source=
28763 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Record of total receipted payment from customer."/>
28764 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Record of total receipted payment from customer."/>
28766 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VendorShift" eType=
28767 eOpposite=
28768 <eAnnotations source=
28769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vendor shift during which this receipt was recorded."/>
28771 <eAnnotations source=
28772 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Vendor shift during which this receipt was recorded."/>
28774 </eStructuralFeatures>
28775 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isBankable" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
28777 <eAnnotations source=
28778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this receipted payment is manually bankable, otherwise it is an electronic funds transfer."/>
28780 <eAnnotations source=
28781 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this receipted payment is manually bankable, otherwise it is an electronic funds transfer."/>
28783 </eStructuralFeatures>
28784 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"line" eType=
28785 containment=
28786 <eAnnotations source=
28787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Receipted amount with rounding, date and note."/>
28789 <eAnnotations source=
28790 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Receipted amount with rounding, date and note."/>
28792 </eStructuralFeatures>
28793 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CashierShift" eType=
28794 eOpposite=
28795 <eAnnotations source=
28796 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cashier shift during which this receipt was recorded."/>
28798 <eAnnotations source=
28799 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cashier shift during which this receipt was recorded."/>
28801 </eStructuralFeatures>
28802 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Tenders" upperBound=
28803 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Tender" eOpposite=
28804 <eAnnotations source=
28805 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All payments received in the form of tenders recorded by this receipt."/>
28807 <eAnnotations source=
28808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All payments received in the form of tenders recorded by this receipt."/>
28810 </eStructuralFeatures>
28811 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Transactions" upperBound=
28812 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transaction" eOpposite=
28813 <eAnnotations source=
28814 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transactions recorded for this receipted payment."/>
28816 <eAnnotations source=
28817 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transactions recorded for this receipted payment."/>
28819 </eStructuralFeatures>
28821 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
28822 <eAnnotations source=
28823 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details on amounts due for an account."/>
28825 <eAnnotations source=
28826 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details on amounts due for an account."/>
28827 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
28829 <eAnnotations source=
28830 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details on amounts due for an account."/>
28831 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details on amounts due for an account."/>
28833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"interest" eType=
28835 <eAnnotations source=
28836 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the interest portion."/>
28838 <eAnnotations source=
28839 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the interest portion."/>
28841 </eStructuralFeatures>
28842 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"charges" eType=
28844 <eAnnotations source=
28845 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the charge portion: 'charges' = 'Charge.fixedPortion' + 'Charge.variablePortion'."/>
28847 <eAnnotations source=
28848 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the charge portion: 'charges' = 'Charge.fixedPortion' + 'Charge.variablePortion'."/>
28850 </eStructuralFeatures>
28851 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"principle" eType=
28853 <eAnnotations source=
28854 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the portion of the principle amount currently due."/>
28856 <eAnnotations source=
28857 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the portion of the principle amount currently due."/>
28859 </eStructuralFeatures>
28860 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"current" eType=
28862 <eAnnotations source=
28863 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current total amount now due: current = principle + arrears + interest + charges. Typically the rule for settlement priority is: interest dues, then arrears dues, then current dues, then charge dues."/>
28865 <eAnnotations source=
28866 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current total amount now due: current = principle + arrears + interest + charges. Typically the rule for settlement priority is: interest dues, then arrears dues, then current dues, then charge dues."/>
28868 </eStructuralFeatures>
28869 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"arrears" eType=
28871 <eAnnotations source=
28872 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the arrears portion."/>
28874 <eAnnotations source=
28875 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Part of 'current' that constitutes the arrears portion."/>
28877 </eStructuralFeatures>
28879 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
28880 <eAnnotations source=
28881 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of a bank account."/>
28883 <eAnnotations source=
28884 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of a bank account."/>
28885 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
28887 <eAnnotations source=
28888 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of a bank account."/>
28889 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of a bank account."/>
28891 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"holderID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28893 <eAnnotations source=
28894 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"National identity number (or equivalent) of account holder."/>
28896 <eAnnotations source=
28897 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"National identity number (or equivalent) of account holder."/>
28899 </eStructuralFeatures>
28900 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"holderName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28902 <eAnnotations source=
28903 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of account holder."/>
28905 <eAnnotations source=
28906 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of account holder."/>
28908 </eStructuralFeatures>
28909 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"bankName" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28911 <eAnnotations source=
28912 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of bank where account is held."/>
28914 <eAnnotations source=
28915 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of bank where account is held."/>
28917 </eStructuralFeatures>
28918 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"branchCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28920 <eAnnotations source=
28921 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Branch of bank where account is held."/>
28923 <eAnnotations source=
28924 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Branch of bank where account is held."/>
28926 </eStructuralFeatures>
28927 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accountNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
28929 <eAnnotations source=
28930 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational account reference number."/>
28932 <eAnnotations source=
28933 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Operational account reference number."/>
28935 </eStructuralFeatures>
28937 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AuxiliaryAccount" eSuperTypes=
28938 <eAnnotations source=
28939 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Variable and dynamic part of auxiliary agreement, generally representing the current state of the account related to the outstanding balance defined in auxiliary agreement."/>
28941 <eAnnotations source=
28942 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Variable and dynamic part of auxiliary agreement, generally representing the current state of the account related to the outstanding balance defined in auxiliary agreement."/>
28944 <eAnnotations source=
28945 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Variable and dynamic part of auxiliary agreement, generally representing the current state of the account related to the outstanding balance defined in auxiliary agreement."/>
28946 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Variable and dynamic part of auxiliary agreement, generally representing the current state of the account related to the outstanding balance defined in auxiliary agreement."/>
28948 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"lastDebit" eType=
28949 containment=
28950 <eAnnotations source=
28951 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the last debit transaction performed on this account."/>
28953 <eAnnotations source=
28954 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the last debit transaction performed on this account."/>
28956 </eStructuralFeatures>
28957 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28958 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transaction" eOpposite=
28959 <eAnnotations source=
28960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All payments against this account."/>
28962 <eAnnotations source=
28963 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All payments against this account."/>
28965 </eStructuralFeatures>
28966 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Charges" upperBound=
28967 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Charge" eOpposite=
28968 <eAnnotations source=
28969 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All charges levied on this account."/>
28971 <eAnnotations source=
28972 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All charges levied on this account."/>
28974 </eStructuralFeatures>
28975 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"principleAmount" eType=
28977 <eAnnotations source=
28978 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The initial principle amount, with which this account was instantiated."/>
28980 <eAnnotations source=
28981 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The initial principle amount, with which this account was instantiated."/>
28983 </eStructuralFeatures>
28984 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"lastCredit" eType=
28985 containment=
28986 <eAnnotations source=
28987 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the last credit transaction performed on this account."/>
28989 <eAnnotations source=
28990 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of the last credit transaction performed on this account."/>
28992 </eStructuralFeatures>
28993 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
28994 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/AuxiliaryAgreement" eOpposite=
28995 <eAnnotations source=
28996 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Auxiliary agreement regulating this account."/>
28998 <eAnnotations source=
28999 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Auxiliary agreement regulating this account."/>
29001 </eStructuralFeatures>
29002 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"balance" eType=
29004 <eAnnotations source=
29005 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The total amount currently remaining on this account that is required to be paid in order to settle the account to zero. This excludes any due amounts not yet paid."/>
29007 <eAnnotations source=
29008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The total amount currently remaining on this account that is required to be paid in order to settle the account to zero. This excludes any due amounts not yet paid."/>
29010 </eStructuralFeatures>
29011 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"due" eType=
29012 containment=
29013 <eAnnotations source=
29014 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current amounts now due for payment on this account."/>
29016 <eAnnotations source=
29017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Current amounts now due for payment on this account."/>
29019 </eStructuralFeatures>
29021 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Cashier" eSuperTypes=
29022 <eAnnotations source=
29023 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operator of the point of sale for the duration of CashierShift. Cashier is under the exclusive management control of Vendor."/>
29025 <eAnnotations source=
29026 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operator of the point of sale for the duration of CashierShift. Cashier is under the exclusive management control of Vendor."/>
29028 <eAnnotations source=
29029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operator of the point of sale for the duration of CashierShift. Cashier is under the exclusive management control of Vendor."/>
29030 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operator of the point of sale for the duration of CashierShift. Cashier is under the exclusive management control of Vendor."/>
29032 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29033 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ElectronicAddress" containment=
29034 <eAnnotations source=
29035 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
29037 <eAnnotations source=
29038 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
29040 </eStructuralFeatures>
29041 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CashierShifts" upperBound=
29042 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/CashierShift" eOpposite=
29043 <eAnnotations source=
29044 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All shifts operated by this cashier."/>
29046 <eAnnotations source=
29047 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All shifts operated by this cashier."/>
29049 </eStructuralFeatures>
29051 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Card" eSuperTypes=
29052 <eAnnotations source=
29053 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation of the tender when it is a type of card (credit, debit, etc)."/>
29055 <eAnnotations source=
29056 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation of the tender when it is a type of card (credit, debit, etc)."/>
29058 <eAnnotations source=
29059 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Documentation of the tender when it is a type of card (credit, debit, etc)."/>
29060 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Documentation of the tender when it is a type of card (credit, debit, etc)."/>
29062 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"cvNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29064 <eAnnotations source=
29065 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The card verification number."/>
29067 <eAnnotations source=
29068 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The card verification number."/>
29070 </eStructuralFeatures>
29071 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"expiryDate" eType=
29073 <eAnnotations source=
29074 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date when this card expires."/>
29076 <eAnnotations source=
29077 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The date when this card expires."/>
29079 </eStructuralFeatures>
29080 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pan" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29082 <eAnnotations source=
29083 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The primary account number."/>
29085 <eAnnotations source=
29086 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The primary account number."/>
29088 </eStructuralFeatures>
29089 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
29090 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29092 <eAnnotations source=
29093 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of account holder."/>
29095 <eAnnotations source=
29096 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of account holder."/>
29098 </eStructuralFeatures>
29099 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Tender" eType=
29100 eOpposite=
29101 <eAnnotations source=
29102 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment tender this card is being used for."/>
29104 <eAnnotations source=
29105 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Payment tender this card is being used for."/>
29107 </eStructuralFeatures>
29109 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MerchantAccount" eSuperTypes=
29110 <eAnnotations source=
29111 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating account controlled by merchant agreement, against which vendor may vend tokens or receipt payments. Transactions via vendor shift debit the account and bank deposits via bank statement credit the account."/>
29113 <eAnnotations source=
29114 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operating account controlled by merchant agreement, against which vendor may vend tokens or receipt payments. Transactions via vendor shift debit the account and bank deposits via bank statement credit the account."/>
29116 <eAnnotations source=
29117 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The operating account controlled by merchant agreement, against which vendor may vend tokens or receipt payments. Transactions via vendor shift debit the account and bank deposits via bank statement credit the account."/>
29118 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The operating account controlled by merchant agreement, against which vendor may vend tokens or receipt payments. Transactions via vendor shift debit the account and bank deposits via bank statement credit the account."/>
29120 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29121 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/MerchantAgreement" eOpposite=
29122 <eAnnotations source=
29123 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Merchant agreement that instantiated this merchant account."/>
29125 <eAnnotations source=
29126 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Merchant agreement that instantiated this merchant account."/>
29128 </eStructuralFeatures>
29129 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"currentBalance" eType=
29131 <eAnnotations source=
29132 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The current operating balance of this account."/>
29134 <eAnnotations source=
29135 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The current operating balance of this account."/>
29137 </eStructuralFeatures>
29138 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
29139 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Money" unsettable=
29140 <eAnnotations source=
29141 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The balance of this account after taking into account any pending debits from VendorShift.merchantDebitAmount and pending credits from BankStatement.merchantCreditAmount or credits (see also BankStatement attributes and VendorShift attributes)."/>
29143 <eAnnotations source=
29144 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The balance of this account after taking into account any pending debits from VendorShift.merchantDebitAmount and pending credits from BankStatement.merchantCreditAmount or credits (see also BankStatement attributes and VendorShift attributes)."/>
29146 </eStructuralFeatures>
29147 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Transactors" upperBound=
29148 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transactor" eOpposite=
29149 <eAnnotations source=
29150 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transactors this merchant account is registered with."/>
29152 <eAnnotations source=
29153 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transactors this merchant account is registered with."/>
29155 </eStructuralFeatures>
29156 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"VendorShifts" upperBound=
29157 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/VendorShift" eOpposite=
29158 <eAnnotations source=
29159 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All vendor shifts that operate on this merchant account."/>
29161 <eAnnotations source=
29162 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All vendor shifts that operate on this merchant account."/>
29164 </eStructuralFeatures>
29166 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PointOfSale" eSuperTypes=
29167 <eAnnotations source=
29168 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Logical point where transactions take place with operational interaction between cashier and the payment system; in certain cases point of sale interacts directly with the end customer, in which case cashier might not be a real person: for example a self-service kiosk or over the internet."/>
29170 <eAnnotations source=
29171 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Logical point where transactions take place with operational interaction between cashier and the payment system; in certain cases point of sale interacts directly with the end customer, in which case cashier might not be a real person: for example a self-service kiosk or over the internet."/>
29173 <eAnnotations source=
29174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Logical point where transactions take place with operational interaction between cashier and the payment system; in certain cases point of sale interacts directly with the end customer, in which case cashier might not be a real person: for example a self-service kiosk or over the internet."/>
29175 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Logical point where transactions take place with operational interaction between cashier and the payment system; in certain cases point of sale interacts directly with the end customer, in which case cashier might not be a real person: for example a self-service kiosk or over the internet."/>
29177 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CashierShifts" upperBound=
29178 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/CashierShift" eOpposite=
29179 <eAnnotations source=
29180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All shifts this point of sale operated in."/>
29182 <eAnnotations source=
29183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All shifts this point of sale operated in."/>
29185 </eStructuralFeatures>
29186 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"location" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29188 <eAnnotations source=
29189 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Local description for where this point of sale is physically located."/>
29191 <eAnnotations source=
29192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Local description for where this point of sale is physically located."/>
29194 </eStructuralFeatures>
29197 <eSubpackages name=
"Assets" nsURI=
29198 nsPrefix=
29199 <eAnnotations source=
29200 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the core information classes that support asset management applications that deal with the physical and lifecycle aspects of various network resources (as opposed to power system resource models defined in IEC61970::Wires package, which support network applications)."/>
29202 <eAnnotations source=
29203 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the core information classes that support asset management applications that deal with the physical and lifecycle aspects of various network resources (as opposed to power system resource models defined in IEC61970::Wires package, which support network applications)."/>
29205 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ProductAssetModel" eSuperTypes=
29206 <eAnnotations source=
29207 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset model by a specific manufacturer."/>
29209 <eAnnotations source=
29210 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Asset model by a specific manufacturer."/>
29212 <eAnnotations source=
29213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset model by a specific manufacturer."/>
29214 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Asset model by a specific manufacturer."/>
29216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"modelVersion" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29218 <eAnnotations source=
29219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Version number for product model, which indicates vintage of the product."/>
29221 <eAnnotations source=
29222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Version number for product model, which indicates vintage of the product."/>
29224 </eStructuralFeatures>
29225 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"usageKind" eType=
29227 <eAnnotations source=
29228 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intended usage for this asset model."/>
29230 <eAnnotations source=
29231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Intended usage for this asset model."/>
29233 </eStructuralFeatures>
29234 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29235 eType=
29236 eOpposite=
29237 <eAnnotations source=
29238 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic asset model or material satisified by this product asset model."/>
29240 <eAnnotations source=
29241 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Generic asset model or material satisified by this product asset model."/>
29243 </eStructuralFeatures>
29244 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29245 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
29246 eOpposite=
29247 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
29248 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/CorporateStandardKind" unsettable=
29249 <eAnnotations source=
29250 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of corporate standard for this asset model."/>
29252 <eAnnotations source=
29253 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of corporate standard for this asset model."/>
29255 </eStructuralFeatures>
29256 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"modelNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29258 <eAnnotations source=
29259 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Manufacturer's model number."/>
29261 <eAnnotations source=
29262 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Manufacturer's model number."/>
29264 </eStructuralFeatures>
29265 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"weightTotal" eType=
29267 <eAnnotations source=
29268 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total manufactured weight of asset."/>
29270 <eAnnotations source=
29271 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Total manufactured weight of asset."/>
29273 </eStructuralFeatures>
29275 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetModel" eSuperTypes=
29276 <eAnnotations source=
29277 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Model of an asset, either a product of a specific manufacturer or a generic asset model or material item. Data-sheet characteristics are available through the associated AssetInfo subclass and can be shared with asset or power system resource instances."/>
29279 <eAnnotations source=
29280 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Model of an asset, either a product of a specific manufacturer or a generic asset model or material item. Data-sheet characteristics are available through the associated AssetInfo subclass and can be shared with asset or power system resource instances."/>
29282 <eAnnotations source=
29283 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Model of an asset, either a product of a specific manufacturer or a generic asset model or material item. Data-sheet characteristics are available through the associated AssetInfo subclass and can be shared with asset or power system resource instances."/>
29284 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Model of an asset, either a product of a specific manufacturer or a generic asset model or material item. Data-sheet characteristics are available through the associated AssetInfo subclass and can be shared with asset or power system resource instances."/>
29286 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetInfo" eType=
29287 eOpposite=
29288 <eAnnotations source=
29289 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data applicable to this asset model."/>
29291 <eAnnotations source=
29292 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data applicable to this asset model."/>
29294 </eStructuralFeatures>
29295 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29296 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
29297 eOpposite=
29299 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
29300 <eLiterals name=
29301 <eLiterals name=
"underEvaluation" value=
29302 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
29303 <eLiterals name=
"experimental" value=
29305 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Asset" eSuperTypes=
29306 <eAnnotations source=
29307 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, cabinets, buildings, etc. For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role."/>
29309 <eAnnotations source=
29310 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, cabinets, buildings, etc. For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role."/>
29312 <eAnnotations source=
29313 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, cabinets, buildings, etc. For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role."/>
29314 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Tangible resource of the utility, including power system equipment, cabinets, buildings, etc. For electrical network equipment, the role of the asset is defined through PowerSystemResource and its subclasses, defined mainly in the Wires model (refer to IEC61970-301 and model package IEC61970::Wires). Asset description places emphasis on the physical characteristics of the equipment fulfilling that role."/>
29316 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DocumentRoles" upperBound=
29317 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/DocAssetRole" eOpposite=
29318 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Mediums" upperBound=
29319 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/Medium" eOpposite=
29320 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29321 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
29322 eOpposite=
29323 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Ratings" upperBound=
29324 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
29325 <eAnnotations source=
29326 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify ratings of this asset. Ratings also can be used to set the initial value of operational measurement limits. Use 'name' to specify what kind of rating it is (e.g., voltage, current), and 'value' attribute for the actual value and unit information of the rating."/>
29328 <eAnnotations source=
29329 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify ratings of this asset. Ratings also can be used to set the initial value of operational measurement limits. Use 'name' to specify what kind of rating it is (e.g., voltage, current), and 'value' attribute for the actual value and unit information of the rating."/>
29331 </eStructuralFeatures>
29332 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ToAssetRoles" upperBound=
29333 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/AssetAssetRole" eOpposite=
29334 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29335 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ElectronicAddress" containment=
29336 <eAnnotations source=
29337 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
29339 <eAnnotations source=
29340 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Electronic address."/>
29342 </eStructuralFeatures>
29343 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"FromAssetRoles" upperBound=
29344 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/AssetAssetRole" eOpposite=
29345 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetFunctions" upperBound=
29346 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/AssetFunction" eOpposite=
29347 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpItemMaster" eType=
29348 eOpposite=
29349 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"corporateCode" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29351 <eAnnotations source=
29352 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for this type of asset."/>
29354 <eAnnotations source=
29355 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Code for this type of asset."/>
29357 </eStructuralFeatures>
29358 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpInventory" eType=
29359 eOpposite=
29360 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ReliabilityInfos" upperBound=
29361 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfAssets/ReliabilityInfo" eOpposite=
29362 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"utcNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29364 <eAnnotations source=
29365 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Uniquely tracked commodity (UTC) number."/>
29367 <eAnnotations source=
29368 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Uniquely tracked commodity (UTC) number."/>
29370 </eStructuralFeatures>
29371 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetInfo" eType=
29372 eOpposite=
29373 <eAnnotations source=
29374 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data applicable to this asset."/>
29376 <eAnnotations source=
29377 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Data applicable to this asset."/>
29379 </eStructuralFeatures>
29380 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTask" eType=
29381 eOpposite=
29382 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"initialCondition" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29384 <eAnnotations source=
29385 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Condition of asset in inventory or at time of installation. Examples include new, rebuilt, overhaul required, other. Refer to inspection data for information on the most current condition of the asset."/>
29387 <eAnnotations source=
29388 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Condition of asset in inventory or at time of installation. Examples include new, rebuilt, overhaul required, other. Refer to inspection data for information on the most current condition of the asset."/>
29390 </eStructuralFeatures>
29391 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"acceptanceTest" eType=
29392 containment=
29393 <eAnnotations source=
29394 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information on acceptance test."/>
29396 <eAnnotations source=
29397 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information on acceptance test."/>
29399 </eStructuralFeatures>
29400 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29401 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
29402 eOpposite=
29403 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ScheduledEvents" upperBound=
29404 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCommon/ScheduledEvent" eOpposite=
29405 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetContainer" eType=
29406 eOpposite=
29407 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"category" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29409 <eAnnotations source=
29410 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Extension mechanism to accommodate utility-specific categorisation of Asset and its subtypes, according to their corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.)."/>
29412 <eAnnotations source=
29413 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Extension mechanism to accommodate utility-specific categorisation of Asset and its subtypes, according to their corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.)."/>
29415 </eStructuralFeatures>
29416 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29417 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
29418 eOpposite=
29419 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"serialNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29421 <eAnnotations source=
29422 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Serial number of this asset."/>
29424 <eAnnotations source=
29425 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Serial number of this asset."/>
29427 </eStructuralFeatures>
29428 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ChangeItems" upperBound=
29429 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/ChangeItem" eOpposite=
29430 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ActivityRecords" upperBound=
29431 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/ActivityRecord" eOpposite=
29432 <eAnnotations source=
29433 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All activity records created for this asset."/>
29435 <eAnnotations source=
29436 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All activity records created for this asset."/>
29438 </eStructuralFeatures>
29439 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Location" eType=
29440 eOpposite=
29441 <eAnnotations source=
29442 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location of this asset."/>
29444 <eAnnotations source=
29445 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Location of this asset."/>
29447 </eStructuralFeatures>
29448 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"critical" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
29450 <eAnnotations source=
29451 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if asset is considered critical for some reason (for example, a pole with critical attachments)."/>
29453 <eAnnotations source=
29454 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if asset is considered critical for some reason (for example, a pole with critical attachments)."/>
29456 </eStructuralFeatures>
29457 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
29458 containment=
29459 <eAnnotations source=
29460 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this asset."/>
29462 <eAnnotations source=
29463 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this asset."/>
29465 </eStructuralFeatures>
29466 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"application" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29468 <eAnnotations source=
29469 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The way this particular asset is being used in this installation. For example, the application of a bushing when attached to a specific transformer winding would be one of the following: H1, H2, H3, H0, X1, X2, X3, X0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y0."/>
29471 <eAnnotations source=
29472 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The way this particular asset is being used in this installation. For example, the application of a bushing when attached to a specific transformer winding would be one of the following: H1, H2, H3, H0, X1, X2, X3, X0, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y0."/>
29474 </eStructuralFeatures>
29475 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"purchasePrice" eType=
29477 <eAnnotations source=
29478 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Purchase price of asset."/>
29480 <eAnnotations source=
29481 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Purchase price of asset."/>
29483 </eStructuralFeatures>
29484 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
29485 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/PerCent" unsettable=
29486 <eAnnotations source=
29487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whenever an asset is reconditioned, percentage of expected life for the asset when it was new; zero for new devices."/>
29489 <eAnnotations source=
29490 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Whenever an asset is reconditioned, percentage of expected life for the asset when it was new; zero for new devices."/>
29492 </eStructuralFeatures>
29493 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29494 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/PowerSystemResource" eOpposite=
29495 <eAnnotations source=
29496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All power system resources used to electrically model this asset. For example, transformer asset is electrically modelled with a transformer and its windings and tap changer."/>
29498 <eAnnotations source=
29499 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All power system resources used to electrically model this asset. For example, transformer asset is electrically modelled with a transformer and its windings and tap changer."/>
29501 </eStructuralFeatures>
29502 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"manufacturedDate" eType=
29504 <eAnnotations source=
29505 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date this asset was manufactured."/>
29507 <eAnnotations source=
29508 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date this asset was manufactured."/>
29510 </eStructuralFeatures>
29511 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"FinancialInfo" eType=
29512 eOpposite=
29513 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"installationDate" eType=
29515 <eAnnotations source=
29516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Date current installation was completed, which may not be the same as the in-service date. Asset may have been installed at other locations previously. Ignored if asset is (1) not currently installed (e.g., stored in a depot) or (2) not intended to be installed (e.g., vehicle, tool)."/>
29518 <eAnnotations source=
29519 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Date current installation was completed, which may not be the same as the in-service date. Asset may have been installed at other locations previously. Ignored if asset is (1) not currently installed (e.g., stored in a depot) or (2) not intended to be installed (e.g., vehicle, tool)."/>
29521 </eStructuralFeatures>
29522 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Properties" upperBound=
29523 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Common/UserAttribute" eOpposite=
29524 <eAnnotations source=
29525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify further properties of this asset. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value."/>
29527 <eAnnotations source=
29528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"UserAttributes used to specify further properties of this asset. Use 'name' to specify what kind of property it is, and 'value.value' attribute for the actual value."/>
29530 </eStructuralFeatures>
29531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Measurements" upperBound=
29532 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Meas/Measurement" eOpposite=
29533 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"lotNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29535 <eAnnotations source=
29536 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lot number for this asset. Even for the same model and version number, many assets are manufactured in lots."/>
29538 <eAnnotations source=
29539 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Lot number for this asset. Even for the same model and version number, many assets are manufactured in lots."/>
29541 </eStructuralFeatures>
29543 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ComMedia" eSuperTypes=
29544 <eAnnotations source=
29545 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication media such as fibre optic cable, power-line, telephone, etc."/>
29547 <eAnnotations source=
29548 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Communication media such as fibre optic cable, power-line, telephone, etc."/>
29550 <eAnnotations source=
29551 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Communication media such as fibre optic cable, power-line, telephone, etc."/>
29552 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Communication media such as fibre optic cable, power-line, telephone, etc."/>
29555 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
29556 <eLiterals name=
29557 <eLiterals name=
"broken" value=
29558 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
29559 <eLiterals name=
"missing" value=
29560 <eLiterals name=
"locked" value=
29562 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetContainer" eSuperTypes=
29563 <eAnnotations source=
29564 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset that is aggregation of other assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, land, fences, buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc."/>
29566 <eAnnotations source=
29567 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Asset that is aggregation of other assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, land, fences, buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc."/>
29569 <eAnnotations source=
29570 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset that is aggregation of other assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, land, fences, buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc."/>
29571 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Asset that is aggregation of other assets such as conductors, transformers, switchgear, land, fences, buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc."/>
29573 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Seals" upperBound=
29574 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Seal" eOpposite=
29575 <eAnnotations source=
29576 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All seals applied to this asset container."/>
29578 <eAnnotations source=
29579 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All seals applied to this asset container."/>
29581 </eStructuralFeatures>
29582 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" upperBound=
29583 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Assets/Asset" eOpposite=
29584 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"LandProperties" upperBound=
29585 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfLocations/LandProperty" eOpposite=
29587 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
29588 <eLiterals name=
29589 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
29590 <eLiterals name=
"steel" value=
29591 <eLiterals name=
"lock" value=
29593 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetFunction" eSuperTypes=
29594 <eAnnotations source=
29595 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function performed by an asset."/>
29597 <eAnnotations source=
29598 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Function performed by an asset."/>
29600 <eAnnotations source=
29601 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Function performed by an asset."/>
29602 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Function performed by an asset."/>
29604 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Asset" eType=
29605 eOpposite=
29606 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"password" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29608 <eAnnotations source=
29609 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Password needed to access this function."/>
29611 <eAnnotations source=
29612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Password needed to access this function."/>
29614 </eStructuralFeatures>
29615 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"hardwareID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29617 <eAnnotations source=
29618 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hardware version."/>
29620 <eAnnotations source=
29621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Hardware version."/>
29623 </eStructuralFeatures>
29624 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"firmwareID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29626 <eAnnotations source=
29627 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Firmware version."/>
29629 <eAnnotations source=
29630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Firmware version."/>
29632 </eStructuralFeatures>
29633 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"programID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29635 <eAnnotations source=
29636 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of program."/>
29638 <eAnnotations source=
29639 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Name of program."/>
29641 </eStructuralFeatures>
29642 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"configID" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29644 <eAnnotations source=
29645 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Configuration specified for this function."/>
29647 <eAnnotations source=
29648 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Configuration specified for this function."/>
29650 </eStructuralFeatures>
29652 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Seal" eSuperTypes=
29653 <eAnnotations source=
29654 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Physically controls access to AssetContainers."/>
29656 <eAnnotations source=
29657 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Physically controls access to AssetContainers."/>
29659 <eAnnotations source=
29660 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Physically controls access to AssetContainers."/>
29661 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Physically controls access to AssetContainers."/>
29663 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"appliedDateTime" eType=
29665 <eAnnotations source=
29666 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this seal has been applied."/>
29668 <eAnnotations source=
29669 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time this seal has been applied."/>
29671 </eStructuralFeatures>
29672 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"sealNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29674 <eAnnotations source=
29675 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(reserved word) Seal number."/>
29677 <eAnnotations source=
29678 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(reserved word) Seal number."/>
29680 </eStructuralFeatures>
29681 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
29683 <eAnnotations source=
29684 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of seal."/>
29686 <eAnnotations source=
29687 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of seal."/>
29689 </eStructuralFeatures>
29690 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"condition" eType=
29692 <eAnnotations source=
29693 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Condition of seal."/>
29695 <eAnnotations source=
29696 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Condition of seal."/>
29698 </eStructuralFeatures>
29699 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetContainer" eType=
29700 eOpposite=
29701 <eAnnotations source=
29702 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset container to which this seal is applied."/>
29704 <eAnnotations source=
29705 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset container to which this seal is applied."/>
29707 </eStructuralFeatures>
29709 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
29710 <eLiterals name=
29711 <eLiterals name=
"transmission" value=
29712 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
29713 <eLiterals name=
"substation" value=
29714 <eLiterals name=
"unknown" value=
29715 <eLiterals name=
"distributionOverhead" value=
29716 <eLiterals name=
"distributionUnderground" value=
29717 <eLiterals name=
"streetlight" value=
29719 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"AssetInfo" eSuperTypes=
29720 <eAnnotations source=
29721 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of attributes of an asset, representing typical data-sheet information of a physical device, that can be instantiated and shared in different data exchange contexts:
- as attributes of an asset instance (installed or in stock)
- as attributes of an asset model (product by a manufacturer)
- as attributes of a type asset (generic type of an asset as used in designs/extension planning)."/>
29723 <eAnnotations source=
29724 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of attributes of an asset, representing typical data-sheet information of a physical device, that can be instantiated and shared in different data exchange contexts:
- as attributes of an asset instance (installed or in stock)
- as attributes of an asset model (product by a manufacturer)
- as attributes of a type asset (generic type of an asset as used in designs/extension planning)."/>
29726 <eAnnotations source=
29727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Set of attributes of an asset, representing typical data-sheet information of a physical device, that can be instantiated and shared in different data exchange contexts:
- as attributes of an asset instance (installed or in stock)
- as attributes of an asset model (product by a manufacturer)
- as attributes of a type asset (generic type of an asset as used in designs/extension planning)."/>
29728 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Set of attributes of an asset, representing typical data-sheet information of a physical device, that can be instantiated and shared in different data exchange contexts:
- as attributes of an asset instance (installed or in stock)
- as attributes of an asset model (product by a manufacturer)
- as attributes of a type asset (generic type of an asset as used in designs/extension planning)."/>
29730 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Assets" eType=
29731 eOpposite=
29732 <eAnnotations source=
29733 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets described by this data."/>
29735 <eAnnotations source=
29736 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All assets described by this data."/>
29738 </eStructuralFeatures>
29739 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"DimensionsInfo" eType=
29740 eOpposite=
29741 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"AssetModel" eType=
29742 eOpposite=
29743 <eAnnotations source=
29744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset model described by this data."/>
29746 <eAnnotations source=
29747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Asset model described by this data."/>
29749 </eStructuralFeatures>
29751 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
29752 <eAnnotations source=
29753 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceptance test for assets."/>
29755 <eAnnotations source=
29756 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Acceptance test for assets."/>
29757 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
29759 <eAnnotations source=
29760 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Acceptance test for assets."/>
29761 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Acceptance test for assets."/>
29763 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"success" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
29765 <eAnnotations source=
29766 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if asset has passed acceptance test and may be placed in or is in service. It is set to false if asset is removed from service and is required to be tested again before being placed back in service, possibly in a new location. Since asset may go through multiple tests during its life cycle, the date of each acceptance test may be recorded in Asset.ActivityRecord.status.dateTime."/>
29768 <eAnnotations source=
29769 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if asset has passed acceptance test and may be placed in or is in service. It is set to false if asset is removed from service and is required to be tested again before being placed back in service, possibly in a new location. Since asset may go through multiple tests during its life cycle, the date of each acceptance test may be recorded in Asset.ActivityRecord.status.dateTime."/>
29771 </eStructuralFeatures>
29772 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dateTime" eType=
29774 <eAnnotations source=
29775 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the asset was last tested using the 'type' of test and yielding the current status in 'success' attribute."/>
29777 <eAnnotations source=
29778 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time the asset was last tested using the 'type' of test and yielding the current status in 'success' attribute."/>
29780 </eStructuralFeatures>
29781 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"type" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29783 <eAnnotations source=
29784 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of test or group of tests that was conducted on 'dateTime'."/>
29786 <eAnnotations source=
29787 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Type of test or group of tests that was conducted on 'dateTime'."/>
29789 </eStructuralFeatures>
29792 <eSubpackages name=
"Work" nsURI=
29793 nsPrefix=
29794 <eAnnotations source=
29795 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the core information classes that support work management and network extension planning applications."/>
29797 <eAnnotations source=
29798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the core information classes that support work management and network extension planning applications."/>
29800 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Work" eSuperTypes=
29801 <eAnnotations source=
29802 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document used to request, initiate, track and record work. This is synonymous with work breakdown structure (WBS), which is traversed through the (currently informative) recursive association of Work.
Note that the work name is equal to the WBS name, which is given in the inherited "name" attribute."/>
29804 <eAnnotations source=
29805 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document used to request, initiate, track and record work. This is synonymous with work breakdown structure (WBS), which is traversed through the (currently informative) recursive association of Work.
Note that the work name is equal to the WBS name, which is given in the inherited "name" attribute."/>
29807 <eAnnotations source=
29808 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document used to request, initiate, track and record work. This is synonymous with work breakdown structure (WBS), which is traversed through the (currently informative) recursive association of Work.
Note that the work name is equal to the WBS name, which is given in the inherited "name" attribute."/>
29809 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document used to request, initiate, track and record work. This is synonymous with work breakdown structure (WBS), which is traversed through the (currently informative) recursive association of Work.
Note that the work name is equal to the WBS name, which is given in the inherited "name" attribute."/>
29811 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Designs" upperBound=
29812 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/Design" eOpposite=
29813 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
29815 <eAnnotations source=
29816 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of work."/>
29818 <eAnnotations source=
29819 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of work."/>
29821 </eStructuralFeatures>
29822 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"priority" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
29824 <eAnnotations source=
29825 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of work."/>
29827 <eAnnotations source=
29828 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Priority of work."/>
29830 </eStructuralFeatures>
29831 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkCostDetails" upperBound=
29832 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkCostDetail" eOpposite=
29833 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29834 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpProjectAccounting" eOpposite=
29835 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Project" eType=
29836 eOpposite=
29837 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"requestDateTime" eType=
29839 <eAnnotations source=
29840 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time work was requested."/>
29842 <eAnnotations source=
29843 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date and time work was requested."/>
29845 </eStructuralFeatures>
29846 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkFlowSteps" upperBound=
29847 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkFlowStep" eOpposite=
29848 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkTasks" upperBound=
29849 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfWork/WorkTask" eOpposite=
29850 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"BusinessCase" eType=
29851 eOpposite=
29852 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkBillingInfo" eType=
29853 eOpposite=
29854 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Request" eType=
29855 eOpposite=
29856 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Customers" upperBound=
29857 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/Customer" eOpposite=
29858 <eAnnotations source=
29859 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All the customers for which this work is performed."/>
29861 <eAnnotations source=
29862 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All the customers for which this work is performed."/>
29864 </eStructuralFeatures>
29866 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
29867 <eLiterals name=
29868 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
29869 <eLiterals name=
"reconnect" value=
29870 <eLiterals name=
"construction" value=
29871 <eLiterals name=
"service" value=
29872 <eLiterals name=
"meter" value=
29873 <eLiterals name=
"inspection" value=
29874 <eLiterals name=
"maintenance" value=
29877 <eSubpackages name=
"Customers" nsURI=
29878 nsPrefix=
29879 <eAnnotations source=
29880 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the core information classes that support customer billing applications."/>
29882 <eAnnotations source=
29883 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package contains the core information classes that support customer billing applications."/>
29885 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Tariff" eSuperTypes=
29886 <eAnnotations source=
29887 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document, approved by the responsible regulatory agency, listing the terms and conditions, including a schedule of prices, under which utility services will be provided. It has a unique number within the state or province. For rate schedules it is frequently allocated by the affiliated Public utilities commission (PUC)."/>
29889 <eAnnotations source=
29890 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document, approved by the responsible regulatory agency, listing the terms and conditions, including a schedule of prices, under which utility services will be provided. It has a unique number within the state or province. For rate schedules it is frequently allocated by the affiliated Public utilities commission (PUC)."/>
29892 <eAnnotations source=
29893 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Document, approved by the responsible regulatory agency, listing the terms and conditions, including a schedule of prices, under which utility services will be provided. It has a unique number within the state or province. For rate schedules it is frequently allocated by the affiliated Public utilities commission (PUC)."/>
29894 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Document, approved by the responsible regulatory agency, listing the terms and conditions, including a schedule of prices, under which utility services will be provided. It has a unique number within the state or province. For rate schedules it is frequently allocated by the affiliated Public utilities commission (PUC)."/>
29896 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"startDate" eType=
29898 <eAnnotations source=
29899 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date tariff was activated."/>
29901 <eAnnotations source=
29902 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date tariff was activated."/>
29904 </eStructuralFeatures>
29905 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29906 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/PricingStructure" eOpposite=
29907 <eAnnotations source=
29908 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures using this tariff."/>
29910 <eAnnotations source=
29911 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures using this tariff."/>
29913 </eStructuralFeatures>
29914 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"endDate" eType=
29916 <eAnnotations source=
29917 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if tariff became inactive) Date tariff was terminated."/>
29919 <eAnnotations source=
29920 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if tariff became inactive) Date tariff was terminated."/>
29922 </eStructuralFeatures>
29923 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TariffProfiles" upperBound=
29924 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/TariffProfile" eOpposite=
29925 <eAnnotations source=
29926 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariff profiles using this tariff."/>
29928 <eAnnotations source=
29929 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariff profiles using this tariff."/>
29931 </eStructuralFeatures>
29933 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CustomerAccount" eSuperTypes=
29934 <eAnnotations source=
29935 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Assignment of a group of products and services purchased by the customer through a customer agreement, used as a mechanism for customer billing and payment. It contains common information from the various types of customer agreements to create billings (invoices) for a customer and receive payment."/>
29937 <eAnnotations source=
29938 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Assignment of a group of products and services purchased by the customer through a customer agreement, used as a mechanism for customer billing and payment. It contains common information from the various types of customer agreements to create billings (invoices) for a customer and receive payment."/>
29940 <eAnnotations source=
29941 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Assignment of a group of products and services purchased by the customer through a customer agreement, used as a mechanism for customer billing and payment. It contains common information from the various types of customer agreements to create billings (invoices) for a customer and receive payment."/>
29942 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Assignment of a group of products and services purchased by the customer through a customer agreement, used as a mechanism for customer billing and payment. It contains common information from the various types of customer agreements to create billings (invoices) for a customer and receive payment."/>
29944 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"WorkBillingInfos" upperBound=
29945 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCustomers/WorkBillingInfo" eOpposite=
29946 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29947 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
29948 <eAnnotations source=
29949 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All agreements for this customer account."/>
29951 <eAnnotations source=
29952 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All agreements for this customer account."/>
29954 </eStructuralFeatures>
29955 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpInvoicees" upperBound=
29956 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpInvoice" eOpposite=
29957 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29958 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transaction" eOpposite=
29959 <eAnnotations source=
29960 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All payment transactions for this customer account."/>
29962 <eAnnotations source=
29963 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All payment transactions for this customer account."/>
29965 </eStructuralFeatures>
29966 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
29967 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
29968 eOpposite=
29970 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
29971 <eLiterals name=
29972 <eLiterals name=
"residentialAndCommercial" value=
29973 <eLiterals name=
"internalUse" value=
29974 <eLiterals name=
"energyServiceScheduler" value=
29975 <eLiterals name=
"residentialAndStreetlight" value=
29976 <eLiterals name=
"residential" value=
29977 <eLiterals name=
"pumpingLoad" value=
29978 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
29979 <eLiterals name=
"commercialIndustrial" value=
29980 <eLiterals name=
"energyServiceSupplier" value=
29981 <eLiterals name=
"residentialStreetlightOthers" value=
29982 <eLiterals name=
"residentialFarmService" value=
29984 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
29985 <eLiterals name=
29986 <eLiterals name=
"residential" value=
29987 <eLiterals name=
"nonResidential" value=
29988 <eLiterals name=
"industrial" value=
29989 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
29990 <eLiterals name=
"commercial" value=
29991 <eLiterals name=
"streetLight" value=
29993 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ServiceLocation" eSuperTypes=
29994 <eAnnotations source=
29995 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A customer service location has one or more service delivery points, which in turn relate to Meters. The location may be a point or a polygon, depending on the specific circumstances.
For distribution, the service location is typically the location of the utility customer's premise. Because a customer's premise may have one or more meters, the service delivery point is used to define the actual conducting equipment that the end device attaches to at the utility customer's service location.
For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party."/>
29997 <eAnnotations source=
29998 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A customer service location has one or more service delivery points, which in turn relate to Meters. The location may be a point or a polygon, depending on the specific circumstances.
For distribution, the service location is typically the location of the utility customer's premise. Because a customer's premise may have one or more meters, the service delivery point is used to define the actual conducting equipment that the end device attaches to at the utility customer's service location.
For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party."/>
30000 <eAnnotations source=
30001 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A customer service location has one or more service delivery points, which in turn relate to Meters. The location may be a point or a polygon, depending on the specific circumstances.
For distribution, the service location is typically the location of the utility customer's premise. Because a customer's premise may have one or more meters, the service delivery point is used to define the actual conducting equipment that the end device attaches to at the utility customer's service location.
For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party."/>
30002 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A customer service location has one or more service delivery points, which in turn relate to Meters. The location may be a point or a polygon, depending on the specific circumstances.
For distribution, the service location is typically the location of the utility customer's premise. Because a customer's premise may have one or more meters, the service delivery point is used to define the actual conducting equipment that the end device attaches to at the utility customer's service location.
For transmission, it is the point(s) of interconnection on the transmission provider's transmission system where capacity and/or energy transmitted by the transmission provider is made available to the receiving party."/>
30004 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30005 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30007 <eAnnotations source=
30008 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work on this site. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc."/>
30010 <eAnnotations source=
30011 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Problems previously encountered when visiting or performing work on this site. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc."/>
30013 </eStructuralFeatures>
30014 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDevices" upperBound=
30015 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDevice" eOpposite=
30016 <eAnnotations source=
30017 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices that measure the service delivered to this service location."/>
30019 <eAnnotations source=
30020 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices that measure the service delivered to this service location."/>
30022 </eStructuralFeatures>
30023 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"accessMethod" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30025 <eAnnotations source=
30026 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Method for the service person to access the appropriate service locations. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured."/>
30028 <eAnnotations source=
30029 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Method for the service person to access the appropriate service locations. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured."/>
30031 </eStructuralFeatures>
30032 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
30033 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
30034 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30035 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
30036 <eAnnotations source=
30037 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points delivering service (of the same type) to this service location."/>
30039 <eAnnotations source=
30040 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points delivering service (of the same type) to this service location."/>
30042 </eStructuralFeatures>
30043 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30044 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
30045 <eAnnotations source=
30046 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements regulating this service location."/>
30048 <eAnnotations source=
30049 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements regulating this service location."/>
30051 </eStructuralFeatures>
30052 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"needsInspection" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30054 <eAnnotations source=
30055 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if inspection is needed of facilities at this service location. This could be requested by a customer, due to suspected tampering, environmental concerns (e.g., a fire in the vicinity), or to correct incompatible data."/>
30057 <eAnnotations source=
30058 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if inspection is needed of facilities at this service location. This could be requested by a customer, due to suspected tampering, environmental concerns (e.g., a fire in the vicinity), or to correct incompatible data."/>
30060 </eStructuralFeatures>
30062 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"CustomerAgreement" eSuperTypes=
30063 <eAnnotations source=
30064 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location. It records certain billing information about the type of service provided at the service location and is used during charge creation to determine the type of service."/>
30066 <eAnnotations source=
30067 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location. It records certain billing information about the type of service provided at the service location and is used during charge creation to determine the type of service."/>
30069 <eAnnotations source=
30070 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location. It records certain billing information about the type of service provided at the service location and is used during charge creation to determine the type of service."/>
30071 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location. It records certain billing information about the type of service provided at the service location and is used during charge creation to determine the type of service."/>
30073 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30074 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/PricingStructure" eOpposite=
30075 <eAnnotations source=
30076 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures applicable to this customer agreement."/>
30078 <eAnnotations source=
30079 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures applicable to this customer agreement."/>
30081 </eStructuralFeatures>
30082 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"CustomerAccount" eType=
30083 eOpposite=
30084 <eAnnotations source=
30085 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer account owning this agreement."/>
30087 <eAnnotations source=
30088 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer account owning this agreement."/>
30090 </eStructuralFeatures>
30091 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"billingCycle" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30093 <eAnnotations source=
30094 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cycle day on which the associated customer account will normally be billed, used to determine when to produce the billing."/>
30096 <eAnnotations source=
30097 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Cycle day on which the associated customer account will normally be billed, used to determine when to produce the billing."/>
30099 </eStructuralFeatures>
30100 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"loadMgmt" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30102 <eAnnotations source=
30103 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load management code."/>
30105 <eAnnotations source=
30106 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load management code."/>
30108 </eStructuralFeatures>
30109 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"budgetBill" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30111 <eAnnotations source=
30112 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Budget bill code."/>
30114 <eAnnotations source=
30115 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Budget bill code."/>
30117 </eStructuralFeatures>
30118 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30119 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfCustomers/StandardIndustryCode" eOpposite=
30120 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30121 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
30122 eOpposite=
30123 <eAnnotations source=
30124 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All (non-service related) auxiliary agreements that refer to this customer agreement."/>
30126 <eAnnotations source=
30127 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All (non-service related) auxiliary agreements that refer to this customer agreement."/>
30129 </eStructuralFeatures>
30130 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MeterReadings" upperBound=
30131 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/MeterReading" eOpposite=
30132 <eAnnotations source=
30133 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(could be deprecated in the future) All meter readings for this customer agreement."/>
30135 <eAnnotations source=
30136 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(could be deprecated in the future) All meter readings for this customer agreement."/>
30138 </eStructuralFeatures>
30139 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Equipments" upperBound=
30140 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Core/Equipment" eOpposite=
30141 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ServiceSupplier" eType=
30142 eOpposite=
30143 <eAnnotations source=
30144 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service supplier for this customer agreement."/>
30146 <eAnnotations source=
30147 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service supplier for this customer agreement."/>
30149 </eStructuralFeatures>
30150 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ServiceLocations" upperBound=
30151 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/ServiceLocation" eOpposite=
30152 <eAnnotations source=
30153 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service locations regulated by this customer agreement."/>
30155 <eAnnotations source=
30156 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service locations regulated by this customer agreement."/>
30158 </eStructuralFeatures>
30159 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30160 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/DemandResponseProgram" eOpposite=
30161 <eAnnotations source=
30162 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program for this customer agreement."/>
30164 <eAnnotations source=
30165 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Demand response program for this customer agreement."/>
30167 </eStructuralFeatures>
30168 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30169 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
30170 <eAnnotations source=
30171 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points regulated by this customer agreement."/>
30173 <eAnnotations source=
30174 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points regulated by this customer agreement."/>
30176 </eStructuralFeatures>
30177 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Customer" eType=
30178 eOpposite=
30179 <eAnnotations source=
30180 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer for this agreement."/>
30182 <eAnnotations source=
30183 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Customer for this agreement."/>
30185 </eStructuralFeatures>
30186 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30187 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDeviceControl" eOpposite=
30188 <eAnnotations source=
30189 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Could be deprecated in the future."/>
30191 <eAnnotations source=
30192 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Could be deprecated in the future."/>
30194 </eStructuralFeatures>
30196 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ServiceCategory" eSuperTypes=
30197 <eAnnotations source=
30198 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of service provided to the customer."/>
30200 <eAnnotations source=
30201 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Category of service provided to the customer."/>
30203 <eAnnotations source=
30204 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Category of service provided to the customer."/>
30205 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Category of service provided to the customer."/>
30207 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30208 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/PricingStructure" eOpposite=
30209 <eAnnotations source=
30210 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures applicable to this service category."/>
30212 <eAnnotations source=
30213 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All pricing structures applicable to this service category."/>
30215 </eStructuralFeatures>
30216 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30217 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
30218 <eAnnotations source=
30219 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points that deliver this category of service."/>
30221 <eAnnotations source=
30222 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points that deliver this category of service."/>
30224 </eStructuralFeatures>
30225 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
30227 <eAnnotations source=
30228 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of service."/>
30230 <eAnnotations source=
30231 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of service."/>
30233 </eStructuralFeatures>
30235 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PricingStructure" eSuperTypes=
30236 <eAnnotations source=
30237 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer. The reasons for grouping include state, customer classification, site characteristics, classification (i.e. fee price structure, deposit price structure, electric service price structure, etc.) and accounting requirements."/>
30239 <eAnnotations source=
30240 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer. The reasons for grouping include state, customer classification, site characteristics, classification (i.e. fee price structure, deposit price structure, electric service price structure, etc.) and accounting requirements."/>
30242 <eAnnotations source=
30243 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer. The reasons for grouping include state, customer classification, site characteristics, classification (i.e. fee price structure, deposit price structure, electric service price structure, etc.) and accounting requirements."/>
30244 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Grouping of pricing components and prices used in the creation of customer charges and the eligibility criteria under which these terms may be offered to a customer. The reasons for grouping include state, customer classification, site characteristics, classification (i.e. fee price structure, deposit price structure, electric service price structure, etc.) and accounting requirements."/>
30246 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"dailyFloorUsage" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
30248 <eAnnotations source=
30249 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Absolute minimum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage."/>
30251 <eAnnotations source=
30252 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Absolute minimum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage."/>
30254 </eStructuralFeatures>
30255 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30256 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt" unsettable=
30257 <eAnnotations source=
30258 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Absolute maximum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage."/>
30260 <eAnnotations source=
30261 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Absolute maximum valid non-demand usage quantity used in validating a customer's billed non-demand usage."/>
30263 </eStructuralFeatures>
30264 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ServiceCategory" eType=
30265 eOpposite=
30266 <eAnnotations source=
30267 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service category to which this pricing structure applies."/>
30269 <eAnnotations source=
30270 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Service category to which this pricing structure applies."/>
30272 </eStructuralFeatures>
30273 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"taxExemption" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30275 <eAnnotations source=
30276 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this pricing structure is not taxable."/>
30278 <eAnnotations source=
30279 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this pricing structure is not taxable."/>
30281 </eStructuralFeatures>
30282 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"code" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30284 <eAnnotations source=
30285 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique user-allocated key for this pricing structure, used by company representatives to identify the correct price structure for allocating to a customer. For rate schedules it is often prefixed by a state code."/>
30287 <eAnnotations source=
30288 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Unique user-allocated key for this pricing structure, used by company representatives to identify the correct price structure for allocating to a customer. For rate schedules it is often prefixed by a state code."/>
30290 </eStructuralFeatures>
30291 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30292 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
30293 <eAnnotations source=
30294 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements with this pricing structure."/>
30296 <eAnnotations source=
30297 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All customer agreements with this pricing structure."/>
30299 </eStructuralFeatures>
30300 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30301 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/ServiceDeliveryPoint" eOpposite=
30302 <eAnnotations source=
30303 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer) to which this pricing structure applies."/>
30305 <eAnnotations source=
30306 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All service delivery points (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer) to which this pricing structure applies."/>
30308 </eStructuralFeatures>
30309 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Tariffs" upperBound=
30310 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/Tariff" eOpposite=
30311 <eAnnotations source=
30312 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariffs used by this pricing structure."/>
30314 <eAnnotations source=
30315 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All tariffs used by this pricing structure."/>
30317 </eStructuralFeatures>
30318 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Transactions" upperBound=
30319 eType=
"#//IEC61968/PaymentMetering/Transaction" eOpposite=
30320 <eAnnotations source=
30321 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transactions applying this pricing structure."/>
30323 <eAnnotations source=
30324 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All transactions applying this pricing structure."/>
30326 </eStructuralFeatures>
30327 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30328 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt" unsettable=
30329 <eAnnotations source=
30330 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used in place of actual computed estimated average when history of usage is not available, and typically manually entered by customer accounting."/>
30332 <eAnnotations source=
30333 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Used in place of actual computed estimated average when history of usage is not available, and typically manually entered by customer accounting."/>
30335 </eStructuralFeatures>
30336 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"revenueKind" eType=
30338 <eAnnotations source=
30339 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(Accounting) Kind of revenue, often used to determine the grace period allowed, before collection actions are taken on a customer (grace periods vary between revenue classes)."/>
30341 <eAnnotations source=
30342 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(Accounting) Kind of revenue, often used to determine the grace period allowed, before collection actions are taken on a customer (grace periods vary between revenue classes)."/>
30344 </eStructuralFeatures>
30346 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"Customer" eSuperTypes=
30347 <eAnnotations source=
30348 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation receiving services from ServiceSupplier."/>
30350 <eAnnotations source=
30351 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation receiving services from ServiceSupplier."/>
30353 <eAnnotations source=
30354 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Organisation receiving services from ServiceSupplier."/>
30355 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Organisation receiving services from ServiceSupplier."/>
30357 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30358 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
"#//IEC61968/Customers/CustomerAgreement" eOpposite=
30359 <eAnnotations source=
30360 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All agreements of this customer."/>
30362 <eAnnotations source=
30363 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All agreements of this customer."/>
30365 </eStructuralFeatures>
30366 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vip" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30368 <eAnnotations source=
30369 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this is an important customer. Importance is for matters different than those in 'specialNeed' attribute."/>
30371 <eAnnotations source=
30372 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this is an important customer. Importance is for matters different than those in 'specialNeed' attribute."/>
30374 </eStructuralFeatures>
30375 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"ErpPersons" upperBound=
30376 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfERPSupport/ErpPerson" eOpposite=
30377 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"EndDevices" upperBound=
30378 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Metering/EndDevice" eOpposite=
30379 <eAnnotations source=
30380 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices of this customer."/>
30382 <eAnnotations source=
30383 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All end devices of this customer."/>
30385 </eStructuralFeatures>
30386 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Works" upperBound=
30387 eType=
"#//IEC61968/Work/Work" eOpposite=
30388 <eAnnotations source=
30389 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All the works performed for this customer."/>
30391 <eAnnotations source=
30392 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All the works performed for this customer."/>
30394 </eStructuralFeatures>
30395 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
30396 containment=
30397 <eAnnotations source=
30398 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this customer."/>
30400 <eAnnotations source=
30401 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Status of this customer."/>
30403 </eStructuralFeatures>
30404 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"PlannedOutage" eType=
30405 eOpposite=
30406 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"pucNumber" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30408 <eAnnotations source=
30409 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Public utility commission (PUC) identification number."/>
30411 <eAnnotations source=
30412 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if applicable) Public utility commission (PUC) identification number."/>
30414 </eStructuralFeatures>
30415 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
30416 upperBound=
"-1" eType=
30417 eOpposite=
30418 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"specialNeed" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30420 <eAnnotations source=
30421 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if customer organisation has special service needs such as life support, hospitals, etc."/>
30423 <eAnnotations source=
30424 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if customer organisation has special service needs such as life support, hospitals, etc."/>
30426 </eStructuralFeatures>
30427 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"TroubleTickets" upperBound=
30428 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Informative/InfOperations/TroubleTicket" eOpposite=
30429 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
30431 <eAnnotations source=
30432 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of customer."/>
30434 <eAnnotations source=
30435 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of customer."/>
30437 </eStructuralFeatures>
30439 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
30440 <eLiterals name=
30441 <eLiterals name=
"refuse" value=
30442 <eLiterals name=
"sewerage" value=
30443 <eLiterals name=
"electricity" value=
30444 <eLiterals name=
"heat" value=
30445 <eLiterals name=
"internet" value=
30446 <eLiterals name=
"rates" value=
30447 <eLiterals name=
"time" value=
30448 <eLiterals name=
"water" value=
30449 <eLiterals name=
"gas" value=
30450 <eLiterals name=
"tvLicence" value=
30453 <eSubpackages name=
"LoadControl" nsURI=
30454 nsPrefix=
30455 <eAnnotations source=
30456 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as demand-side management using load control equipment. These classes are generally associated with the point where a service is delivered to the customer."/>
30458 <eAnnotations source=
30459 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package is an extension of the Metering package and contains the information classes that support specialised applications such as demand-side management using load control equipment. These classes are generally associated with the point where a service is delivered to the customer."/>
30461 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"ConnectDisconnectFunction" eSuperTypes=
30462 <eAnnotations source=
30463 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A function that will disconnect or reconnect the customer's load under defined conditions."/>
30465 <eAnnotations source=
30466 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A function that will disconnect or reconnect the customer's load under defined conditions."/>
30468 <eAnnotations source=
30469 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"A function that will disconnect or reconnect the customer's load under defined conditions."/>
30470 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"A function that will disconnect or reconnect the customer's load under defined conditions."/>
30472 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isDelayedDiscon" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30474 <eAnnotations source=
30475 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true, the switch may disconnect the service at the end of a specified time delay after the disconnect signal had been given. If set false, the switch may disconnect the service immediately after the disconnect signal had been given. This is typically the case for over current circuit-breakers which are classified as either instantaneous or slow acting."/>
30477 <eAnnotations source=
30478 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true, the switch may disconnect the service at the end of a specified time delay after the disconnect signal had been given. If set false, the switch may disconnect the service immediately after the disconnect signal had been given. This is typically the case for over current circuit-breakers which are classified as either instantaneous or slow acting."/>
30480 </eStructuralFeatures>
30481 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"rcdInfo" eType=
30482 containment=
30483 <eAnnotations source=
30484 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information on remote connect disconnect switch."/>
30486 <eAnnotations source=
30487 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Information on remote connect disconnect switch."/>
30489 </eStructuralFeatures>
30490 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"eventCount" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EInt"
30492 <eAnnotations source=
30493 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Running cumulative count of (connect or disconnect) events, for the lifetime of this function or until the value is cleared."/>
30495 <eAnnotations source=
30496 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Running cumulative count of (connect or disconnect) events, for the lifetime of this function or until the value is cleared."/>
30498 </eStructuralFeatures>
30499 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30500 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30502 <eAnnotations source=
30503 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true and if reconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens automatically. If false and if reconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens manually."/>
30505 <eAnnotations source=
30506 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true and if reconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens automatically. If false and if reconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens manually."/>
30508 </eStructuralFeatures>
30509 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30510 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30512 <eAnnotations source=
30513 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true and if disconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens automatically. If set false and if disconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens manually."/>
30515 <eAnnotations source=
30516 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true and if disconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens automatically. If set false and if disconnection can be operated remotely, then the operation happens manually."/>
30518 </eStructuralFeatures>
30519 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"Switches" upperBound=
30520 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Wires/Switch" eOpposite=
30521 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30522 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30524 <eAnnotations source=
30525 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if disconnection can be operated locally) If set true, the operation happens automatically, otherwise it happens manually."/>
30527 <eAnnotations source=
30528 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"(if disconnection can be operated locally) If set true, the operation happens automatically, otherwise it happens manually."/>
30530 </eStructuralFeatures>
30531 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30532 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30534 <eAnnotations source=
30535 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true and if reconnection can be operated locally, then the operation happens automatically. Otherwise, it is manually."/>
30537 <eAnnotations source=
30538 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"If set true and if reconnection can be operated locally, then the operation happens automatically. Otherwise, it is manually."/>
30540 </eStructuralFeatures>
30541 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isConnected" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30543 <eAnnotations source=
30544 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this function is in the connected state."/>
30546 <eAnnotations source=
30547 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if this function is in the connected state."/>
30549 </eStructuralFeatures>
30551 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
30552 <eAnnotations source=
30553 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of remote connect disconnect function."/>
30555 <eAnnotations source=
30556 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of remote connect disconnect function."/>
30557 <details key=
"CIMDataType" value=
30559 <eAnnotations source=
30560 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Details of remote connect disconnect function."/>
30561 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Details of remote connect disconnect function."/>
30563 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isArmConnect" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30565 <eAnnotations source=
30566 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the RCD switch must be armed before a connect action can be initiated."/>
30568 <eAnnotations source=
30569 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the RCD switch must be armed before a connect action can be initiated."/>
30571 </eStructuralFeatures>
30572 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30573 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/RealEnergy" unsettable=
30574 <eAnnotations source=
30575 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Warning energy limit, used to trigger event code that energy usage is nearing limit."/>
30577 <eAnnotations source=
30578 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Warning energy limit, used to trigger event code that energy usage is nearing limit."/>
30580 </eStructuralFeatures>
30581 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30582 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30584 <eAnnotations source=
30585 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if voltage limit must be checked to prevent connect if voltage is over the limit."/>
30587 <eAnnotations source=
30588 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if voltage limit must be checked to prevent connect if voltage is over the limit."/>
30590 </eStructuralFeatures>
30591 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30592 eType=
"#//IEC61970/Domain/Voltage" unsettable=
30593 <eAnnotations source=
30594 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage limit on customer side of RCD switch above which the connect should not be made."/>
30596 <eAnnotations source=
30597 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Voltage limit on customer side of RCD switch above which the connect should not be made."/>
30599 </eStructuralFeatures>
30600 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isArmDisconnect" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30602 <eAnnotations source=
30603 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the RCD switch must be armed before a disconnect action can be initiated."/>
30605 <eAnnotations source=
30606 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the RCD switch must be armed before a disconnect action can be initiated."/>
30608 </eStructuralFeatures>
30609 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"isEnergyLimiting" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30611 <eAnnotations source=
30612 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the energy usage is limited and the customer will be disconnected if they go over the limit."/>
30614 <eAnnotations source=
30615 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if the energy usage is limited and the customer will be disconnected if they go over the limit."/>
30617 </eStructuralFeatures>
30618 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"armedTimeout" eType=
30620 <eAnnotations source=
30621 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Setting of the timeout elapsed time."/>
30623 <eAnnotations source=
30624 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Setting of the timeout elapsed time."/>
30626 </eStructuralFeatures>
30627 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"powerLimit" eType=
30629 <eAnnotations source=
30630 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limit above which the connect should either not take place or should cause an immediate disconnect."/>
30632 <eAnnotations source=
30633 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Load limit above which the connect should either not take place or should cause an immediate disconnect."/>
30635 </eStructuralFeatures>
30636 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30637 eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30639 <eAnnotations source=
30640 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if load limit must be checked to issue an immediate disconnect (after a connect) if load is over the limit."/>
30642 <eAnnotations source=
30643 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if load limit must be checked to issue an immediate disconnect (after a connect) if load is over the limit."/>
30645 </eStructuralFeatures>
30646 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"usePushbutton" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EBoolean"
30648 <eAnnotations source=
30649 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if pushbutton must be used for connect."/>
30651 <eAnnotations source=
30652 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"True if pushbutton must be used for connect."/>
30654 </eStructuralFeatures>
30655 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"energyLimit" eType=
30657 <eAnnotations source=
30658 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit of energy before disconnect."/>
30660 <eAnnotations source=
30661 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Limit of energy before disconnect."/>
30663 </eStructuralFeatures>
30664 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
30665 eType=
"#//CIMDateTime" unsettable=
30666 <eAnnotations source=
30667 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Start date and time to accumulate energy for energy usage limiting."/>
30669 <eAnnotations source=
30670 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Start date and time to accumulate energy for energy usage limiting."/>
30672 </eStructuralFeatures>
30676 <eSubpackages name=
"IEC62325" nsURI=
30677 nsPrefix=
30678 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MarketParticipant" eSuperTypes=
30679 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MarketRoles" upperBound=
30680 eType=
"#//IEC62325/MarketRole" eOpposite=
30681 <eAnnotations source=
30682 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All roles of this market participant."/>
30684 <eAnnotations source=
30685 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All roles of this market participant."/>
30687 </eStructuralFeatures>
30689 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"IEC62325CIMVersion" eSuperTypes=
30690 <eAnnotations source=
30691 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEC 62325 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
30693 <eAnnotations source=
30694 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"IEC 62325 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
30696 <eAnnotations source=
30697 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"IEC 62325 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
30698 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"IEC 62325 version number assigned to this UML model."/>
30700 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"date" eType=
30702 <eAnnotations source=
30703 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
30705 <eAnnotations source=
30706 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is YYYY-MM-DD for example for January 5, 2009 it is 2009-01-05."/>
30708 </eStructuralFeatures>
30709 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"version" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30711 <eAnnotations source=
30712 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC62325CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For example IEC62325CIM10v03."/>
30714 <eAnnotations source=
30715 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Form is IEC62325CIMXXvYY where XX is the major CIM package version and the YY is the minor version. For example IEC62325CIM10v03."/>
30717 </eStructuralFeatures>
30719 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"MarketRole" eSuperTypes=
30720 <eAnnotations source=
30721 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Role of a market player."/>
30723 <eAnnotations source=
30724 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Role of a market player."/>
30726 <eAnnotations source=
30727 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Role of a market player."/>
30728 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"Role of a market player."/>
30730 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"status" eType=
30731 containment=
30732 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EReference" name=
"MarketParticipants" upperBound=
30733 eType=
"#//IEC62325/MarketParticipant" eOpposite=
30734 <eAnnotations source=
30735 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All market participants with this role."/>
30737 <eAnnotations source=
30738 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"All market participants with this role."/>
30740 </eStructuralFeatures>
30741 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"kind" eType=
30743 <eAnnotations source=
30744 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of role an organisation plays in a market."/>
30746 <eAnnotations source=
30747 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Kind of role an organisation plays in a market."/>
30749 </eStructuralFeatures>
30751 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EEnum" name=
30752 <eLiterals name=
30753 <eLiterals name=
"complianceMonitor" value=
30754 <eLiterals name=
"standardsDeveloper" value=
30755 <eLiterals name=
"interchangeAuthority" value=
30756 <eLiterals name=
"energyServiceConsumer" value=
30757 <eLiterals name=
"planningAuthority" value=
30758 <eLiterals name=
"other" value=
30759 <eLiterals name=
"purchasingSellingEntity" value=
30760 <eLiterals name=
"competitiveRetailer" value=
30761 <eLiterals name=
"transmissionOwner" value=
30762 <eLiterals name=
"transmissionServiceProvider" value=
30763 <eLiterals name=
"generatorOperator" value=
30764 <eLiterals name=
"balancingAuthority" value=
30765 <eLiterals name=
"loadServingEntity" value=
30766 <eLiterals name=
"transmissionPlanner" value=
30767 <eLiterals name=
"distributionProvider" value=
30768 <eLiterals name=
"reliabilityAuthority" value=
30769 <eLiterals name=
"resourcePlanner" value=
30770 <eLiterals name=
"generatorOwner" value=
30773 <eSubpackages name=
"PackageDependencies" nsURI=
30774 nsPrefix=
30775 <eAnnotations source=
30776 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package shows all the root level subpackage dependencies of the combined CIM model."/>
30778 <eAnnotations source=
30779 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"This package shows all the root level subpackage dependencies of the combined CIM model."/>
30781 <eClassifiers xsi:
"ecore:EClass" name=
"PackageDependenciesCIMVeresion" eSuperTypes=
30782 <eAnnotations source=
30783 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The version of dependencies description among top level subpackages of the combined CIM model. This is not the same as the combined packages version."/>
30785 <eAnnotations source=
30786 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The version of dependencies description among top level subpackages of the combined CIM model. This is not the same as the combined packages version."/>
30788 <eAnnotations source=
30789 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The version of dependencies description among top level subpackages of the combined CIM model. This is not the same as the combined packages version."/>
30790 <details key=
"Profile documentation" value=
"The version of dependencies description among top level subpackages of the combined CIM model. This is not the same as the combined packages version."/>
30792 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"vesion" eType=
"ecore:EDataType http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore#//EString"
30794 <eAnnotations source=
30795 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The version of the main subpackages of the combined CIM model. The format is simply an integer. The version (and date) initial values should be updated any time the dependencies in the model change and require an actual change to the diagrams within this package."/>
30797 <eAnnotations source=
30798 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"The version of the main subpackages of the combined CIM model. The format is simply an integer. The version (and date) initial values should be updated any time the dependencies in the model change and require an actual change to the diagrams within this package."/>
30800 </eStructuralFeatures>
30801 <eStructuralFeatures xsi:
"ecore:EAttribute" name=
"date" eType=
30803 <eAnnotations source=
30804 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date of last change to the main package dependencies in format YYYY-MM-DD. This is updated when the version attribute is updated."/>
30806 <eAnnotations source=
30807 <details key=
"Documentation" value=
"Date of last change to the main package dependencies in format YYYY-MM-DD. This is updated when the version attribute is updated."/>
30809 </eStructuralFeatures>