3 ## Author: zorbathut, smariot, vipersniper, nesher
4 ## Notes: Calculates an optimal route for you to follow while questing.
5 ## Notes-deDE: Berechnet eine optimale Route für dich, der du während dem Questen folgen kannst.
6 ## Notes-frFR: Calcule un itinéraire optimal pour vous de suivre.
7 ## Notes-esES: Calcula la mejor ruta a seguir para usted.
8 ## Notes-esMX: Calcula la mejor ruta a seguir para usted.
9 ## Notes-koKR: 노선에 대한 계산을 수행합니다.
10 ## Version: Development Version
11 ## OptionalDeps: Cartographer_Waypoints, TomTom, !Swatter
12 ## SavedVariables: QuestHelper_Version QuestHelper_SaveVersion QuestHelper_Locale QuestHelper_Quests QuestHelper_Objectives QuestHelper_FlightInstructors QuestHelper_FlightRoutes QuestHelper_Pref QuestHelper_UID QuestHelper_SaveDate QuestHelper_SeenRealms QuestHelper_Errors QuestHelper_Collector QuestHelper_Collector_Version
13 ## SavedVariablesPerCharacter: QuestHelper_KnownFlightRoutes QuestHelper_Home QuestHelper_CharVersion QuestHelper_Flight_Updates
14 ## X-Website: http://www.quest-helper.com/
15 ## X-Embeds: AstrolabeQH, ChatThrottleLib
17 # Explanation of optional deps:
18 # Cartographer and Tomtom are there so I can link with their arrows properly.
19 # Swatter really likes intercepting all error messages and not letting them through. Since I want to intercept my own messages, I go after Swatter so I can insert my hook earlier on.
21 # That is a pile of saved variables. Let me try to explain them better.
24 # QuestHelper_Version: The version of Questhelper last used. Largely irrelevant.
25 # QuestHelper_SaveVersion: Save file data structure version number.
26 # QuestHelper_Locale: Locale last used to touch the file. Irrelevant and misleading and dangerous.
27 # QuestHelper_Quests: Quest database
28 # QuestHelper_Objectives: "Objectives". Eugh. I hate that catchall. Monsters, items, objects, and events, in one huge horrible pile.
29 # QuestHelper_FlightInstructors: List of known flight instructors.
30 # QuestHelper_FlightRoutes: List of known flight routes, with travel time.
31 # QuestHelper_SeenRealms: Realms that have been seen by the player (largely exists to catch private servers)
32 # QuestHelper_SaveDate: Date of last shutdown.
33 # QuestHelper_Collector_Version: Originally part of the new system, now just hanging around until I believe it vanishing won't cause problems.
36 # QuestHelper_Collector: Most new data. In one huge horrible pile, but a *properly categorized* huge horrible pile
39 # QuestHelper_Pref: User preferences
40 # QuestHelper_UID: User unique ID
41 # QuestHelper_Errors: List of errors seen
43 # Everything under "Old data gathering" will go away once the new data gathering is in place.
45 # Per-character stuff needs to be consolidated as well, which will happen in some future version. I need to see how it handles *removing* variables. And yeah we're adding more per-character stuff already argharblrghab
47 # Exists just for load-profiling's sake
50 # Loads before everything else so we can catch errors in everything else
60 ChatThrottleLib\ChatThrottleLib.xml
88 # Basic utilities used for miscellaneous things, also creates the QH frame
91 # This is kind of a lot of files.
120 # Memory management, depends on nothing, calls nothing. I don't mention when things depend on this - it's not as extensively used as it used to be, but it's still under basic-utilities.
123 # Patterns for parsing the GlobalString patterns. Depends on nothing, calls nothing. Honestly, it's better than collect_pattern, I should probably be using it there. I need util_ or something.
126 # Event manager module. Depends on nothing, calls no external functions.
129 # Database module. Depends on nothing, calls no external functions.
132 # Timeslice module. Depends on nothing, calls no external functions besides a few basic system-API things.
135 # Graph module. Depends on nothing, calls no external functions.
139 # Routing module. Depends on Timeslice and Filters, calls almost no external functions (handles its own get-player-position stuff via RetrieveRawLocation, but that's it.)
144 routing_controller.lua
145 # this segment uses the menu system as well
148 # Filters. Pays attention to QH_pref but not a lot more.
152 # New tooltip system. Depends on nothing, calls nothing besides WoW UI.
156 # Quest module. Depends on Database, Routing, Patterns, Tooltip, and Event Manager, interfaces with WoW UI.
159 # Map and minimap dodads. Old code. Depends on nothing, interfaces with WoW UI.
162 # New coordinator system. Depends on pretty much everything.
188 collect_achievement.lua
204 collect_bitstream.lua