I will crack your bones and destroy all you hold dear
[QuestHelper.git] / collect.lua
1 QuestHelper_File["collect.lua"] = "Development Version"
2 QuestHelper_Loadtime["collect.lua"] = GetTime()
4 local debug_output = false
5 if QuestHelper_File["collect.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end
7 local QuestHelper_Collector_Version_Current = 6
9 QuestHelper_Collector = {}
10 QuestHelper_Collector_Version = QuestHelper_Collector_Version_Current
12 local EventRegistrar = {}
13 local OnUpdateRegistrar = {}
14 local TooltipRegistrar = {}
16 local frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
18 local function OnEvent(_, event, ...)
19 local tstart = GetTime()
20 for _, v in pairs(EventRegistrar[event]) do
21 v(...)
22 end
23 QH_Timeslice_Increment(GetTime() - tstart, "collect_event")
24 end
26 frame:UnregisterAllEvents()
27 frame:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)
29 frame:Show()
31 local function EventHookRegistrar(event, func)
32 QuestHelper: Assert(func)
33 if not EventRegistrar[event] then
34 frame:RegisterEvent(event)
35 EventRegistrar[event] = {}
36 end
37 table.insert(EventRegistrar[event], func)
38 end
40 local function OnUpdateHookRegistrar(func)
41 QuestHelper: Assert(func)
42 table.insert(OnUpdateRegistrar, func)
43 end
45 local suppress = false
47 -- real tooltips don't use this function
48 local SetTextScript = GameTooltip.SetText
49 GameTooltip.SetText = function (...)
50 suppress = true
51 SetTextScript(...)
52 suppress = false
53 end
55 local OriginalScript = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnShow")
56 GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", function (self, ...)
57 if not suppress then
58 if not self then self = GameTooltip end
60 local tstart = GetTime()
61 for k, v in pairs(TooltipRegistrar) do
62 v(self, ...)
63 end
64 QH_Timeslice_Increment(GetTime() - tstart, "collect_tooltip")
65 end
67 -- anything past here is not my fault
69 if OriginalScript then
70 return OriginalScript(self, ...)
71 end
72 end)
74 local function TooltipHookRegistrar(func)
75 QuestHelper: Assert(func)
76 table.insert(TooltipRegistrar, func)
77 end
79 local API = {
80 Registrar_EventHook = EventHookRegistrar,
81 Registrar_OnUpdateHook = OnUpdateHookRegistrar,
82 Registrar_TooltipHook = TooltipHookRegistrar,
83 Callback_Location_Raw = function () return QuestHelper:Location_RawRetrieve() end,
84 Callback_Location_Absolute = function () return QuestHelper:Location_AbsoluteRetrieve() end,
87 local CompressCollection
89 function QH_Collector_Init()
90 QH_Collector_UpgradeAll(QuestHelper_Collector)
92 for _, v in pairs(QuestHelper_Collector) do
93 if not v.modified then v.modified = time() - 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 end -- eugh. Yeah, we set it to be a week ago. It's pretty grim.
94 end
96 QuestHelper_Collector_Version = QuestHelper_Collector_Version_Current
98 local sig = string.format("%s on %s/%s/%d", GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version"), GetBuildInfo(), GetLocale(), QuestHelper:PlayerFaction())
99 local sig_altfaction = string.format("%s on %s/%s/%d", GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version"), GetBuildInfo(), GetLocale(), (QuestHelper:PlayerFaction() == 1) and 2 or 1)
100 if not QuestHelper_Collector[sig] or QuestHelper_Collector[sig].compressed then QuestHelper_Collector[sig] = {version = QuestHelper_Collector_Version} end -- fuckin' bullshit, man
101 local QHCData = QuestHelper_Collector[sig]
102 QuestHelper: Assert(not QHCData.compressed)
103 QuestHelper: Assert(QHCData.version == QuestHelper_Collector_Version_Current)
104 QHCData.modified = time()
106 QH_Collect_Util_Init(nil, API) -- Some may actually add their own functions to the API, and should go first. There's no real formalized order, I just know which depend on others, and it's heavily asserted so it will break if it goes in the wrong order.
107 QH_Collect_Merger_Init(nil, API)
108 QH_Collect_Bitstream_Init(nil, API)
110 QH_Collect_Location_Init(nil, API)
111 QH_Collect_Patterns_Init(nil, API)
112 QH_Collect_Notifier_Init(nil, API)
113 QH_Collect_Spec_Init(nil, API)
115 QH_Collect_LZW_Init(nil, API)
117 QH_Collect_Achievement_Init(QHCData, API)
118 QH_Collect_Traveled_Init(QHCData, API)
119 QH_Collect_Zone_Init(QHCData, API)
120 QH_Collect_Monster_Init(QHCData, API)
121 QH_Collect_Item_Init(QHCData, API)
122 QH_Collect_Object_Init(QHCData, API)
123 QH_Collect_Flight_Init(QHCData, API)
124 QH_Collect_Quest_Init(QHCData, API)
125 QH_Collect_Warp_Init(QHCData, API)
127 QH_Collect_Loot_Init(QHCData, API)
128 QH_Collect_Equip_Init(QHCData, API)
129 QH_Collect_Merchant_Init(QHCData, API)
131 if not QHCData.realms then QHCData.realms = {} end
132 QHCData.realms[GetRealmName()] = (QHCData.realms[GetRealmName()] or 0) + 1 -- I'm not entirely sure why I'm counting
134 if true then -- this will be disabled in most public releases, or set to a very rare probabalistic thing
135 if not QHCData.routing_dump then QHCData.routing_dump = {} end
136 local nt = {}
137 table.insert(QHCData.routing_dump, nt)
138 QH_Collect_Routing_Dump = nt
141 -- So, why do we delay it?
142 -- It's simple. People are gonna update to this version, and then they're going to look at the memory usage. Then they will panic because omg this version uses so much more memory, I bet that will somehow hurt my framerates in a way which is not adequately explained!
143 -- So instead, we just wait half an hour before compressing. Compression will still get done, and I won't have to deal with panicked comments about how bloated QH has gotten.
144 -- addendum: yeah naturally I'm getting all sorts of panicked comments about how bloated qh has gotten, sigh
145 API.Utility_Notifier(GetTime() + (debug_output and 0 or (30 * 60)), function() CompressCollection(QHCData, QuestHelper_Collector[sig_altfaction], API.Utility_Merger, API.Utility_LZW.Compress) end)
148 function QH_Collector_OnUpdate()
149 local tstart = GetTime()
150 for _, v in pairs(OnUpdateRegistrar) do
153 QH_Timeslice_Increment(GetTime() - tstart, "collect_update")
158 --- I've tossed the compression stuff down here just 'cause I don't feel like making an entire file for it (even though I probably should.)
160 local noncompressible = {
161 modified = true,
162 version = true,
165 local squarify
167 local seritem
169 local serializers = {
170 ["nil"] = function(item, add)
171 add("nil")
172 end,
173 ["number"] = function(item, add)
174 add(tostring(item))
175 end,
176 ["string"] = function(item, add)
177 add(string.format("%q", item))
178 end,
179 ["boolean"] = function(item, add)
180 add(item and "true" or "false")
181 end,
182 ["table"] = function(item, add)
183 add("{")
184 local first = true
185 for k, v in pairs(item) do
186 if not first then add(",") end
187 first = false
188 add("[")
189 seritem(k, add)
190 add("]=")
191 seritem(v, add)
193 add("}")
194 end,
197 seritem = function(item, add)
198 QH_Timeslice_Yield()
199 serializers[type(item)](item, add)
202 local function DoCompress(item, merger, comp)
203 if debug_output then QuestHelper: TextOut("Item condensing") end
204 local ts = GetTime()
206 local target = {}
207 for k, v in pairs(item) do
208 if not noncompressible[k] then
209 target[k] = v
213 local mg = {}
214 seritem(target, function(dat) merger.Add(mg, dat) end)
216 local tg = merger.Finish(mg)
217 if debug_output then QuestHelper: TextOut(string.format("Item condensed to %d bytes, %f taken so far", #tg, GetTime() - ts)) end
218 mg = nil
220 local cmp = {}
221 local cmptot = 0
223 local doublecheck = ""
224 for chunk = 1, #tg, 1048576 do
225 local fragment = tg:sub(chunk, chunk + 1048575)
226 doublecheck = doublecheck .. fragment
227 local ite = comp(fragment, 256, 8)
228 cmptot = cmptot + #ite
229 table.insert(cmp, ite)
231 QuestHelper: Assert(doublecheck == tg)
233 if #cmp == 1 then cmp = cmp[1] end
235 for k, v in pairs(target) do
236 if not noncompressible[k] then
237 item[k] = nil
240 item.compressed = cmp
242 if debug_output then QuestHelper: TextOut(string.format("Item compressed to %d bytes in %d shards (previously %d), %f taken", cmptot, type(cmp) == "table" and #cmp or 1, #tg, GetTime() - ts)) end
245 CompressCollection = function(active, active2, merger, comp)
246 for _, v in pairs(QuestHelper_Collector) do
247 if v ~= active and v ~= active2 and not v.compressed then
248 QH_Timeslice_Add(function ()
249 DoCompress(v, merger, comp)
250 CompressCollection(active, active2, merger, comp)
251 end, "compress")
252 break