Automated update from:
[QuestHelper.git] / lang / enus.lua
1 -- Note: This file is used as fallback for locales that don't exist.
3 --[[
7 All '%' characters mark the position where some text is to be inserted.
9 Following this character is some alphabetical text controlling how the data is
10 to be interpreted, which may be empty.
12 Following that is either a number, the index to the data to insert, or
13 brackets containing some text to transform, which may recursively contain
14 other transformed text.
16 Examples:
18 Inserts first argument into string without changing it.
20 %h1
21 Inserts first argument into string and highlights it.
23 %(Hello World)
24 Inserts the text 'Hello World' into the string. Not entirely useful,
25 as you could simply just write 'Hello World'.
27 %h(Hello World)
28 Inserts the text 'Hello World', highlighted so that it stands out.
30 %h(%q(%(cla)%(ss)))
31 This convoluted example demonstrates nesting.
32 First 'cla' and 'ss' are converted into 'class', this is made
33 quoted, converting it into '"classes"', and then this is highlighted.
35 Transformations:
38 Highlight some text. Bewarned that highlighting already highlighted text
39 doesn't work as expected.
42 Insert a time, argument is interpreted as a number representing seconds.
45 Insert a percentage. Argument should be a number between 0 and 1, text
46 will be shaded from red at 0% to green at 100%.
49 Quotes some text.
52 Inserts a Lua quoted and escaped string.
54 These transformations can made to do different things depending on the locale,
55 if you're translating and need something changed, please ask.
59 -- If the client is using this locale, then strings from this table will always be used, regardless of
60 -- the locale selected for displayed text.
61 QuestHelper_ForcedTranslations.enUS =
64 QuestHelper_Translations.enUS =
66 -- Displayed by locale chooser.
67 LOCALE_NAME = "English",
69 -- Messages used when starting.
70 LOCALE_ERROR = "The locale of your saved data doesn't match the locale of your WoW client. To use QuestHelper you'll need to either change the locale back, or delete the data by typing %h(/qh purge).",
71 ZONE_LAYOUT_ERROR = "I'm refusing to run, out of fear of corrupting your saved data. "..
72 "Please wait for a patch that will be able to handle the new zone layout.",
73 DOWNGRADE_ERROR = "Your saved data isn't compatible with this version of QuestHelper. "..
74 "Use a new version, or delete your saved variables.",
75 HOME_NOT_KNOWN = "Your home isn't known. When you get a chance, please talk to your innkeeper and reset it.",
76 PRIVATE_SERVER = "QuestHelper does not support private servers.",
77 PLEASE_RESTART = "There was an error starting QuestHelper. Please exit World of Warcraft entirely and try again.",
78 NOT_UNZIPPED_CORRECTLY = "QuestHelper was installed incorrectly. We recommend using either the Curse Client or 7zip to install. Make sure subdirectories are extracted.",
79 PLEASE_DONATE = "%h(QuestHelper currently survives on your donations!) Anything you can contribute is appreciated, and only a few dollars a month ensures that I'll keep it updated and working. Type %h(/qh donate) for more information.",
80 HOW_TO_CONFIGURE = "QuestHelper does not yet have a working settings page, but can be configured by typing %h(/qh settings). Help is available with %h(/qh help).",
81 TIME_TO_UPDATE = "There may be a %h(new QuestHelper version) available. New versions usually include new features, new quest databases, and bugfixes. Please update!",
83 -- Route related text.
84 ROUTES_CHANGED = "The flight routes for your character have been altered.",
85 HOME_CHANGED = "Your home has been changed.",
86 TALK_TO_FLIGHT_MASTER = "Please talk to the local flight master.",
88 WILL_RESET_PATH = "Will reset pathing information.",
89 UPDATING_ROUTE = "Refreshing route.",
91 -- Special tracker text
92 QH_LOADING = "QuestHelper is loading (%1%)...",
93 QH_FLIGHTPATH = "Recalculating flightpaths (%1%)...",
94 QUESTS_HIDDEN_1 = "Quests may be hidden",
95 QUESTS_HIDDEN_2 = "(\"/qh hidden\" to list)",
97 -- Locale switcher.
98 LOCALE_LIST_BEGIN = "Available Locales:",
99 LOCALE_CHANGED = "Locale changed to: %h1",
100 LOCALE_UNKNOWN = "Locale %h1 isn't known.",
102 -- Words used for objectives.
103 SLAY_VERB = "Slay",
104 ACQUIRE_VERB = "Acquire",
106 OBJECTIVE_REASON = "%1 %h2 for quest %h3.", -- %1 is a verb, %2 is a noun (item or monster)
107 OBJECTIVE_REASON_FALLBACK = "%h1 for quest %h2.",
108 OBJECTIVE_REASON_TURNIN = "Turn in quest %h1.",
109 OBJECTIVE_PURCHASE = "Purchase from %h1.",
110 OBJECTIVE_TALK = "Talk to %h1.",
111 OBJECTIVE_SLAY = "Slay %h1.",
112 OBJECTIVE_LOOT = "Loot %h1.",
114 OBJECTIVE_MONSTER_UNKNOWN = "unknown monster",
115 OBJECTIVE_ITEM_UNKNOWN = "unknown item",
117 ZONE_BORDER = "%1/%2 border",
119 -- Stuff used in objective menus.
120 PRIORITY = "Priority",
121 PRIORITY1 = "Highest",
122 PRIORITY2 = "High",
123 PRIORITY3 = "Normal",
124 PRIORITY4 = "Low",
125 PRIORITY5 = "Lowest",
126 SHARING = "Sharing",
127 SHARING_ENABLE = "Share",
128 SHARING_DISABLE = "Don't Share",
129 IGNORE = "Ignore",
130 IGNORE_LOCATION = "Ignore this location",
132 IGNORED_PRIORITY_TITLE = "The selected priority would be ignored.",
133 IGNORED_PRIORITY_FIX = "Apply same priority to the blocking objectives.",
134 IGNORED_PRIORITY_IGNORE = "I'll set the priorities myself.",
136 -- Custom objectives.
137 RESULTS_TITLE = "Search Results",
138 NO_RESULTS = "There aren't any!",
139 CREATED_OBJ = "Created: %1",
140 REMOVED_OBJ = "Removed: %1",
141 USER_OBJ = "User Objective: %h1",
142 UNKNOWN_OBJ = "I don't know where you should go for that objective.",
143 INACCESSIBLE_OBJ = "QuestHelper has been unable to find a useful location for %h1. We've added a likely-impossible-to-find location to your objectives list. If you find a useful version of this object, please submit your data! (%h(/qh submit))",
145 SEARCHING_STATE = "Searching: %1",
146 SEARCHING_LOCAL = "Local %1",
147 SEARCHING_STATIC = "Static %1",
148 SEARCHING_ITEMS = "Items",
150 SEARCHING_ZONES = "Zones",
151 SEARCHING_DONE = "Done!",
153 -- Shared objectives.
154 PEER_TURNIN = "Wait for %h1 to turn in %h2.",
155 PEER_LOCATION = "Help %h1 reach a location in %h2.",
156 PEER_ITEM = "Help %1 to acquire %h2.",
157 PEER_OTHER = "Assist %1 with %h2.",
159 PEER_NEWER = "%h1 is using a newer protocol version. It might be time to upgrade.",
160 PEER_OLDER = "%h1 is using an older protocol version.",
162 UNKNOWN_MESSAGE = "Unknown message type '%1' from '%2'.",
164 -- Hidden objectives.
165 HIDDEN_TITLE = "Hidden Objectives",
166 HIDDEN_NONE = "There are no objectives hidden from you",
167 DEPENDS_ON_SINGLE = "Depends on '%1'",
168 DEPENDS_ON_COUNT = "Depends on %1 hidden objectives",
169 DEPENDS_ON = "Depends on filtered objectives",
170 FILTERED_LEVEL = "Filtered due to level",
171 FILTERED_GROUP = "Filtered due to group size",
172 FILTERED_ZONE = "Filtered due to zone",
173 FILTERED_COMPLETE = "Filtered due to completeness",
174 FILTERED_BLOCKED = "Filtered due to incomplete prior objective",
175 FILTERED_UNWATCHED = "Filtered due to not being Tracked in the Quest Log",
176 FILTERED_USER = "You requested this objective be hidden",
177 FILTERED_UNKNOWN = "Don't know how to complete",
179 HIDDEN_SHOW = "Show",
180 HIDDEN_SHOW_NO = "Not showable",
181 HIDDEN_EXCEPTION = "Add exception",
182 DISABLE_FILTER = "Disable filter: %1",
183 FILTER_DONE = "done",
184 FILTER_ZONE = "zone",
185 FILTER_LEVEL = "level",
186 FILTER_BLOCKED = "blocked",
187 FILTER_WATCHED = "watched",
189 -- Nagging. (This is incomplete, only translating strings for the non-verbose version of the nag command that appears at startup.)
190 NAG_MULTIPLE_NEW = "You have %h(new information) on %h1, and %h(updated information) on %h2.",
191 NAG_SINGLE_NEW = "You have %h(new information) on %h1.",
192 NAG_ADDITIONAL = "You have %h(additional information) on %h1.",
193 NAG_POLLUTED = "Your database has been polluted by information from a test or private server, and will be cleared on startup.",
195 NAG_NOT_NEW = "You don't have any information not already in the static database.",
196 NAG_NEW = "You might consider sharing your data so that others may benefit.",
197 NAG_INSTRUCTIONS = "Type %h(/qh submit) for instructions on submitting data.",
199 NAG_SINGLE_FP = "a flight master",
200 NAG_SINGLE_QUEST = "a quest",
201 NAG_SINGLE_ROUTE = "a flight route",
202 NAG_SINGLE_ITEM_OBJ = "an item objective",
203 NAG_SINGLE_OBJECT_OBJ = "an object objective",
204 NAG_SINGLE_MONSTER_OBJ = "a monster objective",
205 NAG_SINGLE_EVENT_OBJ = "an event objective",
206 NAG_SINGLE_REPUTATION_OBJ = "a reputation objective",
207 NAG_SINGLE_PLAYER_OBJ = "a player objective",
209 NAG_MULTIPLE_FP = "%1 flight masters",
210 NAG_MULTIPLE_QUEST = "%1 quests",
211 NAG_MULTIPLE_ROUTE = "%1 flight routes",
212 NAG_MULTIPLE_ITEM_OBJ = "%1 item objectives",
213 NAG_MULTIPLE_OBJECT_OBJ = "%1 object objectives",
214 NAG_MULTIPLE_MONSTER_OBJ = "%1 monster objectives",
215 NAG_MULTIPLE_EVENT_OBJ = "%1 event objectives",
216 NAG_MULTIPLE_REPUTATION_OBJ = "%1 reputation objectives",
217 NAG_MULTIPLE_PLAYER_OBJ = "%1 player objectives",
219 -- Stuff used by dodads.
220 PEER_PROGRESS = "%1's progress:",
221 TRAVEL_ESTIMATE = "Estimated travel time:",
223 WAYPOINT_REASON = "Visit %h1 en route to:",
224 FLIGHT_POINT = "%1 flight point",
226 -- QuestHelper Map Button
227 QH_BUTTON_TEXT = "QuestHelper",
228 QH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP1 = "Left Click: %1 routing information.",
229 QH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP2 = "Right Click: Show Settings menu.",
230 QH_BUTTON_SHOW = "Show",
231 QH_BUTTON_HIDE = "Hide",
233 MENU_CLOSE = "Close Menu",
234 MENU_SETTINGS = "Settings",
235 MENU_ENABLE = "Enable",
236 MENU_DISABLE = "Disable",
237 MENU_OBJECTIVE_TIPS = "%1 Objective Tooltips",
238 MENU_TRACKER_OPTIONS = "Quest Tracker",
239 MENU_QUEST_TRACKER = "%1 Quest Tracker",
240 MENU_TRACKER_LEVEL = "%1 Quest Levels",
241 MENU_TRACKER_QCOLOUR = "%1 Quest Difficulty Colours",
242 MENU_TRACKER_OCOLOUR = "%1 Objective Progress Colours",
243 MENU_TRACKER_SCALE = "Tracker Scale",
244 MENU_TRACKER_RESET = "Reset Position",
245 MENU_FLIGHT_TIMER = "%1 Flight Timer",
246 MENU_ANT_TRAILS = "%1 Ant Trails",
247 MENU_WAYPOINT_ARROW = "%1 Waypoint Arrow",
248 MENU_MAP_BUTTON = "%1 Map Button",
249 MENU_ZONE_FILTER = "%1 Zone Filter",
250 MENU_DONE_FILTER = "%1 Done Filter",
251 MENU_BLOCKED_FILTER = "%1 Blocked Filter",
252 MENU_WATCHED_FILTER = "%1 Watched Filter",
253 MENU_LEVEL_FILTER = "%1 Level Filter",
254 MENU_LEVEL_OFFSET = "Level Filter Offset",
255 MENU_ICON_SCALE = "Icon Scale",
256 MENU_FILTERS = "Filters",
257 MENU_PERFORMANCE = "Route Workload Scale",
258 MENU_LOCALE = "Locale",
259 MENU_PARTY = "Party",
260 MENU_PARTY_SHARE = "%1 Objective Sharing",
261 MENU_PARTY_SOLO = "%1 Ignore Party",
262 MENU_HELP = "Help",
263 MENU_HELP_SLASH = "Slash Commands",
264 MENU_HELP_CHANGES = "Change Log",
265 MENU_HELP_SUBMIT = "Submitting Data",
267 -- Added to tooltips of items/npcs that are watched by QuestHelper but don't have any progress information.
268 -- Otherwise, the PEER_PROGRESS text is added to the tooltip instead.
269 TOOLTIP_WATCHED = "Watched by QuestHelper",
270 TOOLTIP_QUEST = "For Quest %h1.",
271 TOOLTIP_PURCHASE = "Purchase %h1.",
272 TOOLTIP_SLAY = "Slay for %h1.",
273 TOOLTIP_LOOT = "Loot for %h1.",
275 -- Settings
276 SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_ON = "Will use %h1 to show objectives.",
277 SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_OFF = "Won't use %h1 to show objectives.",
278 SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_ARROW = "QuestHelper Arrow",
279 SETTINGS_ARROWLINK_CART = "Cartographer Waypoints",
281 SETTINGS_PRECACHE_ON = "Precache has been %h(enabled).",
282 SETTINGS_PRECACHE_OFF = "Precache has been %h(disabled).",
286 SETTINGS_MENU_CARTWP = "%1 Cartographer Arrow",
287 SETTINGS_MENU_TOMTOM = "%1 TomTom Arrow",
294 -- I'm just tossing miscellaneous stuff down here
295 DISTANCE_YARDS = "%h1 yards",
296 DISTANCE_METRES = "%h1 metres"
299 QuestHelper_TranslationFunctions.enUS =
301 -- %1 will insert a copy of argument 1, converted to a string.
302 [""] = tostring,
304 -- Highlight: "%h1" will insert a highlighted copy of argument 1, converted to a string.
305 ["h"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:HighlightText(tostring(data)) end,
307 -- Time: "%t1" will insert argument 1 as a number representing seconds.
308 -- A value of 9296 will for example be inserted as '2:34:56'.
309 ["t"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:TimeString(tonumber(data)) end,
311 -- Percentage: "%p1" will insert argument 1 as a number representing a fraction.
312 -- A value of .3183 will for example be inserted as '31.8%'.
313 ["p"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:PercentString(tonumber(data)) end,
315 -- Quote: "%q1" will insert argument 1 as quoted text.
316 ["q"] = function(data) return string.format("ā€œ%sā€", data) end,
318 -- Lua quote: "%Q1" will insert argument 1 as a quoted lua string.
319 ["Q"] = function(data) return string.format("%q", data) end