Merge branch 'master' of git://
[QuestHelper.git] / error.lua
1 QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] = "Development Version"
2 QuestHelper_Loadtime["error.lua"] = GetTime()
4 --[[
5 Much of this code is ganked wholesale from Swatter, and is Copyright (C) 2006 Norganna. Licensed under LGPL v3.0.
6 ]]
8 local debug_output = false
9 if QuestHelper_File["error.lua"] == "Development Version" then debug_output = true end
11 QuestHelper_local_version = QuestHelper_File["error.lua"]
12 QuestHelper_toc_version = GetAddOnMetadata("QuestHelper", "Version")
14 local origHandler = geterrorhandler()
16 local QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher = { }
18 local startup_errors = {}
19 local completely_started = false
20 local yelled_at_user = false
22 local first_error = nil
24 QuestHelper_Errors = {}
26 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.TextError(text)
27 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format("|cffff8080QuestHelper Error Handler: |r%s", text))
28 end
31 -- ganked verbatim from Swatter
32 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns()
33 local addlist = ""
34 for i = 1, GetNumAddOns() do
35 local name, title, notes, enabled, loadable, reason, security = GetAddOnInfo(i)
37 local loaded = IsAddOnLoaded(i)
38 if (loaded) then
39 if not name then name = "Anonymous" end
40 name = name:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "")
41 local version = GetAddOnMetadata(i, "Version")
42 local class = getglobal(name)
43 if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:lower()) end
44 if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:sub(1,1):upper() end
45 if not class or type(class)~='table' then class = getglobal(name:upper()) end
46 if class and type(class)=='table' then
47 if (class.version) then
48 version = class.version
49 elseif (class.Version) then
50 version = class.Version
51 elseif (class.VERSION) then
52 version = class.VERSION
53 end
54 end
55 local const = getglobal(name:upper().."_VERSION")
56 if (const) then version = const end
58 if type(version)=='table' then
59 local allstr = true
60 for k, v in pairs(version) do
61 if type(v) ~= "string" then allstr = false end
62 end
64 if allstr then
65 version = table.concat(version,":")
66 end
67 elseif type(version) == 'function' then
68 local yay, v = pcall(version)
70 if yay then version = v end
71 end
73 if (version) then
74 addlist = addlist.." "", v"..tostring(version).."\n"
75 else
76 addlist = addlist.." ""\n"
77 end
78 end
79 end
80 return addlist
81 end
83 local error_uniqueness_whitelist = {
84 ["count"] = true,
85 ["timestamp"] = true,
88 -- here's the logic
89 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors()
90 if completely_started then
91 while next(startup_errors) do
92 _, err = next(startup_errors)
93 table.remove(startup_errors)
95 if not QuestHelper_Errors[err.type] then QuestHelper_Errors[err.type] = {} end
97 local found = false
99 for _, item in ipairs(QuestHelper_Errors[err.type]) do
100 local match = true
101 for k, v in pairs(err.dat) do
102 if not error_uniqueness_whitelist[k] and item[k] ~= v then match = false break end
104 if match then for k, v in pairs(item) do
105 if not error_uniqueness_whitelist[k] and err.dat[k] ~= v then match = false break end
106 end end
107 if match then
108 found = true
109 item.count = (item.count or 1) + 1
110 break
114 if not found then
115 table.insert(QuestHelper_Errors[err.type], err.dat)
121 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_RegisterError(typ, dat)
122 table.insert(startup_errors, {type = typ, dat = dat})
123 QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors()
126 function QuestHelper_ErrorPackage(depth)
127 return {
128 timestamp = date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
129 local_version = QuestHelper_local_version,
130 toc_version = QuestHelper_toc_version,
131 game_version = GetBuildInfo(),
132 locale = GetLocale(),
133 mutation_passes_exceeded = QuestHelper and QuestHelper.mutation_passes_exceeded,
134 stack = debugstack(depth or 4, 20, 20),
138 StaticPopupDialogs["QH_EXPLODEY"] = {
139 text = "QuestHelper has broken. You may have to restart WoW. Type \"/qh error\" for a detailed error message.",
140 button1 = OKAY,
141 OnAccept = function(self)
142 end,
143 timeout = 0,
144 whileDead = 1,
145 hideOnEscape = 1
148 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(loud, o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, ...)
149 local msg = o_msg or ""
151 -- We toss it into StartupErrors, and then if we're running properly, we'll merge it into the main DB.
152 local terror = QuestHelper_ErrorPackage()
154 terror.message = msg
155 terror.addons = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns()
156 terror.stack = o_stack or terror.stack
157 terror.silent = not loud
159 QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_RegisterError("crash", terror)
161 if first_error and first_error.silent and not first_error.next_loud and not terror.silent then first_error.next_loud = terror first_error.addons = "" end
162 if not first_error or first_error.generated then first_error = terror end
164 QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors()
166 if (--[[debug_output or]] loud) and not yelled_at_user then
167 --print("qhbroken")
168 StaticPopupDialogs["QH_EXPLODEY"] = {
169 text = "QuestHelper has broken. You may have to restart WoW. Type \"/qh error\" for a detailed error message.",
170 button1 = OKAY,
171 OnAccept = function(self)
172 end,
173 timeout = 0,
174 whileDead = 1,
175 hideOnEscape = 1
178 StaticPopup_Show("QH_EXPLODEY")
179 yelled_at_user = true
183 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_GenerateReport()
184 if first_error then return end -- don't need to generate one
186 local terror = QuestHelper_ErrorPackage()
188 terror.message = "(Full report)"
189 terror.addons = QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.GetAddOns()
190 terror.stack = ""
191 terror.silent = "(Full report)"
192 terror.generated = true
194 first_error = terror
197 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.OnError(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, o_etype, ...)
198 local errorize = false
199 local loud = false
200 if o_msg and string.find(o_msg, "QuestHelper") and not string.find(o_msg, "Cannot find a library with name") then loud = true end
202 for lin in string.gmatch(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "([^\n]*)") do
203 if string.find(lin, "QuestHelper") and not string.find(lin, "QuestHelper\\AstrolabeQH\\DongleStub.lua") then errorize = true end
206 if string.find(o_msg, "SavedVariables") then errorize, loud = false, false end
207 if string.find(o_msg, "C stack overflow") then
208 if loud then errorize = true end
209 loud = false
212 if loud then errorize = true end
214 if errorize then QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(loud, o_msg, o_frame, o_stack) end
216 --[[
217 if o_msg and
220 string.find(o_msg, "QuestHelper") -- Obviously we care about our bugs
222 or (
223 string.find(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "QuestHelper") -- We're being a little overzealous and catching any bug with "QuestHelper" in the stack. This possibly should be removed, I'm not sure it's ever caught anything interesting.
224 and not string.find(o_msg, "Cartographer_POI") -- Cartographer started throwing ridiculous numbers of errors on startup with QH in the stack, and since we caught stuff with QH in the stack, we decided these errors were ours. Urgh. Disabled.
227 and not string.match(o_msg, "WTF\\Account\\.*") -- Sometimes the WTF file gets corrupted. This isn't our fault, since we weren't involved in writing it, and there's also nothing we can do about it - in fact we can't even retrieve the remnants of the old file. We may as well just ignore it. I suppose we could pop up a little dialog saying "clear some space on your hard drive, dufus" but, meh.
228 and not (string.find(o_msg, "Cannot find a library with name") and string.find(debugstack(2, 20, 20), "QuestHelper\\AstrolabeQH\\DongleStub.lua")) -- We're catching errors caused by other people mucking up their dongles. Ughh.
229 then
230 QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ExplicitError(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack)
231 end]]
233 return origHandler(o_msg, o_frame, o_stack, o_etype, unpack(arg or {})) -- pass it on
236 seterrorhandler(QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.OnError) -- at this point we can catch errors
238 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CompletelyStarted()
239 completely_started = true
241 -- Our old code generated a horrifying number of redundant items. My bad. I considered going and trying to collate them into one chunk, but I think I'm just going to wipe them - it's easier, faster, and should fix some performance issues.
242 if not QuestHelper_Errors.version or QuestHelper_Errors.version ~= 1 then
243 QuestHelper_Errors = {version = 1}
246 QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CondenseErrors()
249 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_CompletelyStarted()
250 QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher.CompletelyStarted()
255 -- and here is the GUI
257 local QHE_Gui = {}
259 function QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate()
260 QHE_Gui.ErrorTextinate()
261 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetText(QHE_Gui.Error.curError)
262 QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:UpdateScrollChildRect()
263 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:ClearFocus()
266 function TextinateError(err)
267 local tserr = string.format("msg: %s\ntoc: %s\nv: %s\ngame: %s\nlocale: %s\ntimestamp: %s\nmutation: %s\nsilent: %s\n\n%s\naddons:\n%s", err.message, err.toc_version, err.local_version, err.game_version, err.locale, err.timestamp, tostring(err.mutation_passes_exceeded), tostring(err.silent), err.stack, err.addons)
268 if err.next_loud then
269 tserr = tserr .. "\n\n---- Following loud error\n\n" .. TextinateError(err.next_loud)
271 return tserr
274 function QHE_Gui.ErrorTextinate()
275 if first_error then
276 QHE_Gui.Error.curError = TextinateError(first_error)
277 else
278 QHE_Gui.Error.curError = "None"
282 function QHE_Gui.ErrorClicked()
283 if (QHE_Gui.Error.selected) then return end
284 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:HighlightText()
285 QHE_Gui.Error.selected = true
288 function QHE_Gui.ErrorDone()
289 QHE_Gui.Error:Hide()
293 -- Create our error message frame. Most of this is also ganked from Swatter.
294 QHE_Gui.Error = CreateFrame("Frame", "QHE_GUIErrorFrame", UIParent)
295 QHE_Gui.Error:Hide()
296 QHE_Gui.Error:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent", "CENTER")
297 QHE_Gui.Error:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP")
298 QHE_Gui.Error:SetHeight(300)
299 QHE_Gui.Error:SetWidth(600)
300 QHE_Gui.Error:SetBackdrop({
301 bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/ChatBubble-Background",
302 edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/ChatBubble-BackDrop",
303 tile = true, tileSize = 32, edgeSize = 32,
304 insets = { left = 32, right = 32, top = 32, bottom = 32 }
306 QHE_Gui.Error:SetBackdropColor(0.2,0,0, 1)
307 QHE_Gui.Error:SetScript("OnShow", QHE_Gui.ErrorShow)
308 QHE_Gui.Error:SetMovable(true)
310 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "QHE_GuiProxyFrame")
311 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame:SetParent(QHE_Gui.Error)
312 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.IsShown = function() return QHE_Gui.Error:IsShown() end
313 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.escCount = 0
314 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.timer = 0
315 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame.Hide = (
316 function( self )
317 local numEscapes = QHE_Gui.numEscapes or 1
318 self.escCount = self.escCount + 1
319 if ( self.escCount >= numEscapes ) then
320 self:GetParent():Hide()
321 self.escCount = 0
323 if ( self.escCount == 1 ) then
324 self.timer = 0
328 QHE_Gui.ProxyFrame:SetScript("OnUpdate",
329 function( self, elapsed )
330 local timer = self.timer + elapsed
331 if ( timer >= 1 ) then
332 self.escCount = 0
334 self.timer = timer
337 table.insert(UISpecialFrames, "QHE_GuiProxyFrame")
339 QHE_Gui.Drag = CreateFrame("Button", nil, QHE_Gui.Error)
340 QHE_Gui.Drag:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPLEFT", 10,-5)
341 QHE_Gui.Drag:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPRIGHT", -10,-5)
342 QHE_Gui.Drag:SetHeight(8)
343 QHE_Gui.Drag:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\FriendsFrame\\UI-FriendsFrame-HighlightBar")
345 QHE_Gui.Drag:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() QHE_Gui.Error:StartMoving() end)
346 QHE_Gui.Drag:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() QHE_Gui.Error:StopMovingOrSizing() end)
348 QHE_Gui.Error.Done = CreateFrame("Button", "", QHE_Gui.Error, "OptionsButtonTemplate")
349 QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetText("Close")
350 QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -10, 10)
351 QHE_Gui.Error.Done:SetScript("OnClick", QHE_Gui.ErrorDone)
353 QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg = QHE_Gui.Error:CreateFontString("", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormalSmall")
354 QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetJustifyH("LEFT")
355 QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error.Prev, "TOPLEFT", -10, 0)
356 QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetPoint("LEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "LEFT", 15, 0)
357 QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetHeight(20)
358 QHE_Gui.Error.Mesg:SetText("Select All and Copy the above error message to report this bug.")
360 QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "QHE_GUIErrorInputScroll", QHE_Gui.Error, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
361 QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", QHE_Gui.Error, "TOPLEFT", 20, -20)
362 QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("RIGHT", QHE_Gui.Error, "RIGHT", -30, 0)
363 QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetPoint("BOTTOM", QHE_Gui.Error.Done, "TOP", 0, 10)
365 QHE_Gui.Error.Box = CreateFrame("EditBox", "QHE_GUIErrorEditBox", QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll)
366 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetWidth(500)
367 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetHeight(85)
368 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetMultiLine(true)
369 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetAutoFocus(false)
370 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetFontObject(GameFontHighlight)
371 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", QHE_Gui.ErrorDone)
372 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnTextChanged", QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate)
373 QHE_Gui.Error.Box:SetScript("OnEditFocusGained", QHE_Gui.ErrorClicked)
375 QHE_Gui.Error.Scroll:SetScrollChild(QHE_Gui.Error.Box)
377 function QuestHelper_ErrorCatcher_ReportError()
378 QHE_Gui.Error.selected = false
379 QHE_Gui.ErrorUpdate()
380 QHE_Gui.Error:Show()