Made purge command reset the locale of the saved data, and added files for 0.44 release.
[QuestHelper.git] / lang_enus.lua
1 -- Note: This file is used as fallback for locales that don't exist.
3 --[[
7 All '%' characters mark the position where some text is to be inserted.
9 Following this character is some alphabetical text controlling how the data is
10 to be interpreted, which may be empty.
12 Following that is either a number, the index to the data to insert, or
13 brackets containing some text to transform, which may recursively contain
14 other transformed text.
16 Examples:
18 Inserts first argument into string without changing it.
20 %h1
21 Inserts first argument into string and highlights it.
23 %(Hello World)
24 Inserts the text 'Hello World' into the string. Not entirely useful,
25 as you could simply just write 'Hello World'.
27 %h(Hello World)
28 Inserts the text 'Hello World', highlighted so that it stands out.
30 %h(%s(%(cla)%(ss)))
31 This convoluted example demonstrates nesting.
32 First 'cla' and 'ss' are converted into 'class', this is made
33 plural, converting it into 'classes', and then this is highlighted.
35 Transformations:
37 Makes a string plural.
40 Highlight some text. Bewarned that highlighting already highlighted text
41 doesn't work as expected.
44 Insert a time, argument is interpreted as a number representing seconds.
47 Insert a percentage. Argument should be a number between 0 and 1, text
48 will be shaded from red at 0% to green at 100%.
51 Quotes some text.
54 Inserts a Lua quoted and escaped string.
56 These transformations can made to do different things depending on the locale,
57 if you're translating and need something changed, please ask.
61 -- If the client is using this locale, then strings from this table will always be used, regardless of
62 -- the locale selected for displayed text.
63 QuestHelper_ForcedTranslations.enUS =
66 QuestHelper_Translations.enUS =
68 -- Displayed by locale chooser.
69 LOCALE_NAME = "English",
71 -- Messages used when starting.
72 LOCALE_ERROR = "The locale of your saved data doesn't match the locale of your WoW client.",
73 ZONE_LAYOUT_ERROR = "I'm refusing to run, out of fear of corrupting your saved data. "..
74 "Please wait for a patch that will be able to handle the new zone layout.",
75 DOWNGRADE_ERROR = "Your saved data isn't compatible with this version of QuestHelper. "..
76 "Use a new version, or delete your saved variables.",
77 HOME_NOT_KNOWN = "Your home isn't known. When you get a chance, please talk to your innkeeper and reset it.",
79 -- This text is only printed for the enUS client, don't worry about translating it.
80 ALTERED_INDEX = "!!! QuestHelper_IndexLookup entry needs update: [%Q1] = {%2, %3, %4}",
81 ALTERED_ZONE = "!!! QuestHelper_Zones entry needs update: [%1][%2] = %Q3 -- was %4",
83 -- Route related text.
84 ROUTES_CHANGED = "The flight routes for your character have been altered.",
85 HOME_CHANGED = "Your home has been changed.",
86 TALK_TO_FLIGHT_MASTER = "Please talk to the local flight master.",
88 WILL_RESET_PATH = "Will reset pathing information.",
89 UPDATING_ROUTE = "Refreshing route.",
91 -- Locale switcher.
92 LOCALE_LIST_BEGIN = "Available Locales:",
93 LOCALE_CHANGED = "Locale changed to: %h1",
94 LOCALE_UNKNOWN = "Locale %h1 isn't known.",
96 -- Words used for objectives.
97 SLAY_VERB = "Slay",
98 ACQUIRE_VERB = "Acquire",
100 OBJECTIVE_REASON = "%1 %h2 for quest %h3.", -- %1 is a verb, %2 is a noun (item or monster)
101 OBJECTIVE_REASON_FALLBACK = "%h1 for quest %h2.",
102 OBJECTIVE_REASON_TURNIN = "Turn in quest %h1.",
103 OBJECTIVE_PURCHASE = "Purchase from %h1.",
104 OBJECTIVE_TALK = "Talk to %h1.",
105 OBJECTIVE_SLAY = "Slay %h1.",
106 OBJECTIVE_LOOT = "Loot %h1.",
108 ZONE_BORDER = "%1/%2 border",
110 -- Stuff used in objective menus.
111 PRIORITY = "Priority",
112 PRIORITY1 = "Highest",
113 PRIORITY2 = "High",
114 PRIORITY3 = "Normal",
115 PRIORITY4 = "Low",
116 PRIORITY5 = "Lowest",
117 SHARING = "Sharing",
118 ENABLE = "Enable",
119 DISABLE = "Disable",
120 IGNORE = "Ignore",
122 IGNORED_PRIORITY_TITLE = "The selected priority would be ignored.",
123 IGNORED_PRIORITY_FIX = "Apply same priority to the blocking objectives.",
124 IGNORED_PRIORITY_IGNORE = "I'll set the priorities myself.",
126 -- Custom objectives.
127 RESULTS_TITLE = "Search Results",
128 NO_RESULTS = "There aren't any!",
129 CREATED_OBJ = "Created: %1",
130 REMOVED_OBJ = "Removed: %1",
131 USER_OBJ = "User Objective: %h1",
132 UNKNOWN_OBJ = "I don't know where you should go for that objective.",
134 SEARCHING_STATE = "Searching: %1",
135 SEARCHING_LOCAL = "Local %1",
136 SEARCHING_STATIC = "Static %1",
137 SEARCHING_ITEMS = "Items",
139 SEARCHING_ZONES = "Zones",
140 SEARCHING_DONE = "Done!",
142 -- Shared objectives.
143 PEER_TURNIN = "Wait for %h1 to turn in %h2.",
144 PEER_LOCATION = "Help %h1 reach a location in %h2.",
145 PEER_ITEM = "Help %1 to acquire %h2.",
146 PEER_OTHER = "Assist %1 with %h2.",
148 PEER_NEWER = "%h1 is using a newer protocol version. It might be time to upgrade.",
149 PEER_OLDER = "%h1 is using an older protocol version.",
151 UNKNOWN_MESSAGE = "Unknown message type '%1' from '%2'.",
153 -- Hidden objectives.
154 HIDDEN_TITLE = "Hidden Objectives",
155 HIDDEN_NONE = "There are no objectives hidden from you.",
156 DEPENDS_ON_SINGLE = "Depends on '%1'.",
157 DEPENDS_ON_COUNT = "Depends on %1 hidden objectives.",
158 FILTERED_LEVEL = "Filtered due to level.",
159 FILTERED_ZONE = "Filtered due to zone.",
160 FILTERED_COMPLETE = "Filtered due to completeness.",
161 FILTERED_USER = "You requested this objective be hidden.",
162 FILTERED_UNKNOWN = "Don't know how to complete.",
164 HIDDEN_SHOW = "Show.",
165 DISABLE_FILTER = "Disable filter: %1",
166 FILTER_DONE = "done",
167 FILTER_ZONE = "zone",
168 FILTER_LEVEL = "level",
170 -- Nagging. (This is incomplete, only translating strings for the non-verbose version of the nag command that appears at startup.)
171 NAG_SINGLE = "1 %2", -- %1 == count (will be 1), %2 == what
172 NAG_PLURAL = "%1 %s2",
174 NAG_MULTIPLE_NEW = "You have information on %h1 new and %h2 updated %h(%s3).",
175 NAG_SINGLE_NEW = "You have new information on %h1.",
176 NAG_ADDITIONAL = "You have additional information on %h1.",
178 NAG_NOT_NEW = "You don't have any information not already in the static database.",
179 NAG_NEW = "You might consider sharing your data so that others may benefit.",
181 NAG_FP = "flight master",
182 NAG_QUEST = "quest",
183 NAG_ROUTE = "flight route",
184 NAG_ITEM_OBJ = "item objective",
185 NAG_OBJECT_OBJ = "object objective",
186 NAG_MONSTER_OBJ = "monster objective",
187 NAG_EVENT_OBJ = "event objective",
188 NAG_REPUTATION_OBJ = "reputation objective",
190 -- Stuff used by dodads.
191 PEER_PROGRESS = "%1's progress:",
192 TRAVEL_ESTIMATE = "Estimated travel time:",
194 WAYPOINT_REASON = "Visit %h1 en route to:",
196 -- QuestHelper Map Button
197 QH_BUTTON_TEXT = "QuestHelper",
198 QH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP1 = "Left Click: %1 routing information.",
199 QH_BUTTON_SHOW = "Show",
200 QH_BUTTON_HIDE = "Hide",
203 QuestHelper_TranslationFunctions.enUS =
205 -- %1 will insert a copy of argument 1, converted to a string.
206 [""] = tostring,
208 -- %s1 will insert a copy of argument 1, made plural.
209 -- A value of 'cake' will be inserted as 'cakes'.
210 ["s"] = function(data)
211 if string.find(data, "|r$") then -- String ends in a colour termination code.
212 if string.find(data, "s|r$") then
213 return string.sub(data, -3).."es|r"
214 else
215 return string.sub(data, -3).."s|r"
217 else
218 if string.find(data, "s$") then
219 return data.."es"
220 else
221 return data.."s"
224 end,
226 -- Highlight: "%h1" will insert a highlighted copy of argument 1, converted to a string.
227 ["h"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:HighlightText(tostring(data)) end,
229 -- Time: "%t1" will insert argument 1 as a number representing seconds.
230 -- A value of 9296 will for example be inserted as '2:34:56'.
231 ["t"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:TimeString(tonumber(data)) end,
233 -- Percentage: "%p1" will insert argument 1 as a number representing a fraction.
234 -- A value of .3183 will for example be inserted as '31.8%'.
235 ["p"] = function(data) return QuestHelper:PercentString(tonumber(data)) end,
237 -- Quote: "%q1" will insert argument 1 as quoted text.
238 ["q"] = function(data) return string.format("ā€œ%sā€", data) end,
240 -- Lua quote: "%Q1" will insert argument 1 as a quoted lua string.
241 ["Q"] = function(data) return string.format("%q", data) end