[RRG-proxmark3.git] / .vscode / tasks.json
2     // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
3     // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
4     "version": "2.0.0",
5     "windows": {
6         "options": {
7             "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
8             "env": {
9                 "PATH": "${workspaceFolder}/../../msys2/mingw64/bin;${workspaceFolder}/../../msys2/usr/local/bin;${workspaceFolder}/../../msys2/usr/bin;${workspaceFolder}/../../msys2/bin",
10                 "MSYSTEM": "MINGW64"
11             }
12         }
13     },
14     "tasks": [
15         {
16             "label": "all: Make & run",
17             "type": "shell",
18             "command": "make -j && ./pm3",
19             "problemMatcher": [
20                 "$gcc"
21             ],
22             "group": {
23                 "kind": "build",
24                 "isDefault": true
25             }
26         },
27         {
28             "label": "choose: Make",
29             "type": "shell",
30             "command": "make ${input:componentType} -j",
31             "problemMatcher": [
32                 "$gcc"
33             ],
34             "group": "build",
35         },
36         {
37             "label": "client: Debug: make",
38             "type": "shell",
39             "command": "make client -j DEBUG=1 SANITIZE=1",
40             "problemMatcher": [
41                 "$gcc"
42             ],
43             "group": "build",
44         },
45         {
46             "label": "client: Debug: clean & make",
47             "type": "shell",
48             "command": "make client/clean && make client -j DEBUG=1 SANITIZE=1",
49             "problemMatcher": [
50                 "$gcc"
51             ],
52             "group": "build",
53         },
54         {
55             "label": "fullimage: Make & Flash",
56             "type": "shell",
57             "command": "make fullimage && ./pm3-flash-fullimage",
58             "problemMatcher": []
59         },
60         {
61             "label": "BOOTROM: Make & Flash",
62             "type": "shell",
63             "command": "make bootrom && ./pm3-flash-bootrom",
64             "problemMatcher": []
65         },
66         {
67             "label": "Run client",
68             "type": "shell",
69             "command": "./pm3",
70             "problemMatcher": []
71         },{
72             "label": "fullimage: clean & make debug",
73             "type": "shell",
74             "command": "make armsrc/clean && make armsrc/all DEBUG_ARM=1",
75             "problemMatcher": [
76                 "$gcc"
77             ],
78             "group": "build",
79         }
80     ],
81     "inputs": [
82         {
83             "type": "pickString",
84             "id": "componentType",
85             "description": "What Makefile target do you want to execute?",
86             "options": [
87                 "all",
88                 "client",
89                 "bootrom",
90                 "fullimage",
91                 "recovery",
92                 "clean",
93                 "install",
94                 "uninstall",
95                 "style",
96                 "miscchecks",
97                 "check",
98             ],
99             "default": "all"
100         }
101     ]