github/workflows/pycopy-test: Upgrade Pycopy to 3.6.1.
[ScratchABlock.git] /
1 import sys
2 import copy
3 from collections import defaultdict
6 class Graph:
7 """Nodes in a graph are identified by IDs and contain property dictionaries.
8 A graph maps node ID to node properties:
10 node_props = G[node_id]
12 A specific node property thus can be accessed as:
14 prop_val = G[node_id][prop_name]
16 The "default" property, a "value" of node, is by convention in a property named
17 "val".
19 Edges in a graph are identified by a pair of node IDs. They also have associated
20 property dictionary:
22 edge_props = G[(node_id1, node_id2)]
24 """
26 directed = True
28 def __init__(self):
29 self._nodes = {}
30 self._edges = {}
31 self._succ = defaultdict(list)
32 self._pred = defaultdict(list)
33 self.first_node = None
34 # Graph-level properties
35 self.props = {}
37 def add_node(self, node, **attrs):
38 """Add node to a graph. node is an ID of a node (usually lightweight
39 scalar value, but can be any immutable value). Arbitrary attributes
40 can be associated with a node, e.g. "val" attribute for node's "value".
41 """
42 if node in self._nodes:
43 self._nodes[node].update(attrs)
44 else:
45 self._nodes[node] = attrs
46 # Many algos need proper-entry graph, and if graph is not
47 # (e.g., has a loop backedge to entry), it's not possible
48 # to detect such entry without explicit pointing or
49 # heuristics. We use the latter here - first node added is
50 # an entry.
51 if self.first_node is None:
52 self.first_node = node
54 def remove_node(self, node):
55 for s in self._succ[node][:]:
56 self.remove_edge(node, s)
57 for p in self._pred[node][:]:
58 self.remove_edge(p, node)
59 del self._nodes[node]
60 del self._succ[node]
61 del self._pred[node]
63 def node(self, n):
64 return self._nodes[n]
66 # Allow to index graph to access node or edge data
67 # graph[node], graph[from_n, to_n]
68 def __getitem__(self, idx):
69 if isinstance(idx, tuple):
70 return self.edge(*idx)
71 else:
72 return self.node(idx)
74 def set_node_attr(self, node, attr, val):
75 self._nodes[node][attr] = val
77 def get_node_attr(self, node, attr, default=Ellipsis):
78 if default is Ellipsis:
79 return self._nodes[node][attr]
80 else:
81 return self._nodes[node].get(attr, default)
84 def add_edge(self, from_node, to_node, **attrs):
85 """Add edge between 2 nodes. If any of the nodes does not exist,
86 it will be created."""
87 if (from_node, to_node) in self._edges:
88 self._edges[(from_node, to_node)].update(attrs)
89 else:
90 self.add_node(from_node)
91 self.add_node(to_node)
92 self._edges[(from_node, to_node)] = attrs
93 self._succ[from_node].append(to_node)
94 self._pred[to_node].append(from_node)
96 set_edge = add_edge
98 def remove_edge(self, from_node, to_node):
99 del self._edges[(from_node, to_node)]
100 self._succ[from_node].remove(to_node)
101 self._pred[to_node].remove(from_node)
103 def edge(self, from_node, to_node):
104 return self._edges[(from_node, to_node)]
106 def has_edge(self, from_node, to_node):
107 return (from_node, to_node) in self._edges
109 def is_back_edge(self, from_node, to_node):
110 raise NotImplementedError
111 # This is not correct a test. And edge like that can be a cross edge
112 # too. To properly distinguish back edge from cross, combination of
113 # pre-order number and post-order number is required.
114 #return self[from_node]["postno"] < self[to_node]["postno"]
116 def is_empty(self):
117 return not self._nodes
119 def succ(self, n):
120 "Return successors of a node."
121 return self._succ[n][:]
123 def sorted_succ(self, n):
124 """Return successors ordered the way that successor with labeled
125 edge comes first. Assumes 2 succesors."""
126 succ = self.succ(n)
127 if len(succ) < 2:
128 return succ
129 assert len(succ) == 2
130 if self.edge(n, succ[0]).get("cond") is None:
131 succ = [succ[1], succ[0]]
132 return succ
134 def pred(self, n):
135 "Return predecessors of a node."
136 return self._pred[n][:]
138 def degree_out(self, n):
139 return len(self._succ[n])
141 def degree_in(self, n):
142 return len(self._pred[n])
144 def __contains__(self, val):
145 if isinstance(val, tuple):
146 return val in self._edges
147 else:
148 return val in self._nodes
150 def nodes(self):
151 "Iterate over nodes."
152 return self._nodes.keys()
154 def nodes_props(self):
155 "Iterate over pairs of (node, node_properties)."
156 return self._nodes.items()
158 def iter_sorted_nodes(self):
159 return sorted(self._nodes.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
161 def edges(self):
162 "Iterate over edges."
163 return self._edges.keys()
165 def edges_props(self):
166 "Iterate over pairs of (edge, edge_properties)."
167 return self._edges.items()
169 def entries(self):
170 # Will also return single disconnected nodes (which are entries
171 # by all means).
172 entries = [n for n in self._nodes if not self._pred[n]]
173 return entries
175 def entry(self):
176 e = self.entries()
177 assert len(e) == 1, "Expected single entry, instead multiple: %r" % e
178 return e[0]
180 def exits(self):
181 # TODO: Will also return single disconnected nodes
182 return [n for n in self._nodes if not self._succ[n]]
184 def exit(self):
185 e = self.exits()
186 assert len(e) == 1, "Expected single exit, instead multiple: %r" % e
187 return e[0]
189 def move_pred(self, from_node, to_node):
190 """Move all predecessor edges from one node to another. Useful in
191 graph transformations involving node folding."""
192 for p in self.pred(from_node):
193 self.add_edge(p, to_node, **self._edges[(p, from_node)])
194 self.remove_edge(p, from_node)
196 def move_succ(self, from_node, to_node):
197 """Move all succesor edges from one node to another. Useful in
198 graph transformations involving node folding."""
199 for p in self.succ(from_node):
200 self.add_edge(to_node, p, **self._edges[(from_node, p)])
201 self.remove_edge(from_node, p)
203 def __repr__(self):
204 return "<Graph nodes=%r edges=%r pred=%r succ=%r>" % (self._nodes, self._edges, self._pred, self._succ)
206 def print_nodes(self, stream=sys.stdout):
207 "Print nodes of a graph with all attributes. Useful for debugging."
208 for i, info in self.iter_sorted_nodes():
209 print("%s\t%s" % (i, info))
211 def reset_numbering(self, prop="postno"):
212 for n, info in self._nodes.items():
213 info[prop] = None
215 def _number_postorder_bidi(self, node, num, prop_name, next_func):
216 self.set_node_attr(node, prop_name, True)
217 next_nodes = next_func(node)
218 # TODO: If not using reverse, numbering changes to less natural, but
219 # algos which depend on postorder should not?
220 next_nodes.sort(reverse=True)
221 for n in next_nodes:
222 if not self.get_node_attr(n, prop_name, None):
223 num = self._number_postorder_bidi(n, num, prop_name, next_func)
224 self.set_node_attr(node, prop_name, num)
225 if prop_name == "postno":
226 self._postorder[num - 1] = node
227 #print("Setting %s to %s" % (node, num))
228 num += 1
229 return num
231 def number_postorder(self, node=None, num=1):
232 "Number nodes in depth-first search post-order order."
233 self.reset_numbering()
234 self._postorder = [None] * len(self._nodes)
235 if node is None:
236 node = self.first_node
237 return self._number_postorder_bidi(node, 1, "postno", self.succ)
239 def number_postorder_from_exit(self, node):
240 "Number nodes in depth-first search post-order, from exit."
241 self.reset_numbering("postno_exit")
242 return self._number_postorder_bidi(node, 1, "postno_exit", self.pred)
244 def number_postorder_forest(self):
245 "Number nodes in depth-first search post-order order."
246 self.reset_numbering()
247 entries = self.entries()
248 num = 1
249 for e in entries:
250 num = self.number_postorder(e, num)
252 def iter_postorder(self):
253 return iter(self._postorder)
254 #return sorted(self._nodes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]["postno"])
256 def iter_rev_postorder(self):
257 return reversed(self._postorder)
258 #return sorted(self._nodes.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1]["postno"])
260 def copy(self):
261 # TODO: not optimal
262 return copy.deepcopy(self)
264 def __eq__(self, other):
265 if self._nodes != other._nodes:
266 return False
267 if self._edges != other._edges:
268 return False
269 return True
272 def find_all_nodes_on_path(cfg, from_n, to_n):
273 """Find set of nodes which lie on all paths from from_n to to_n.
274 from_n and to_b can be a same node to process a loop. Result includes
275 from_n and excludes to_n, if they are different nodes (but node
276 looping to itself gives result of itself).
278 on_path = set()
280 stack = [(from_n, [from_n])]
281 while stack:
282 cur_n, path = stack.pop()
283 succ = cfg.succ(cur_n)
284 postno = cfg.get_node_attr(cur_n, "postno")
285 assert postno is not None
286 print("Considering %s, postno: %s, succ: %s, cur path: %s" % (cur_n, postno, succ, path))
288 if not succ:
289 print("Found sink path, pruning")
291 for s in succ:
292 if s == to_n:
293 on_path.update(path)
294 print("Found full path, joining all path nodes")
295 else:
296 no = cfg.get_node_attr(s, "postno", None)
297 if no is None:
298 print("Unmarked node detected (edge %s->%s)" % (cur_n, s))
299 assert False
300 if no < postno:
301 stack.append((s, path + [s]))
302 else:
303 # prune path
304 print("Found far backedge (%s, %s), pruning this path" % (cur_n, s))
305 return on_path