example.com -> example.org
[Seppo.git] / bin / cgi.ml
1 (*
2 * _ _ ____ _
3 * _| || |_/ ___| ___ _ __ _ __ ___ | |
4 * |_ .. _\___ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| |
5 * |_ _|___) | __/ |_) | |_) | (_) |_|
6 * |_||_| |____/ \___| .__/| .__/ \___/(_)
7 * |_| |_|
9 * Personal Social Web.
11 * cgi.ml
13 * Copyright (C) The #Seppo contributors. All rights reserved.
15 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
18 * (at your option) any later version.
20 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 * GNU General Public License for more details.
25 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
29 open Seppo_lib
30 open Astring
32 let ( let* ) = Result.bind
33 let ( >>= ) = Result.bind
34 let ( >>| ) a b = match a with
35 | Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
36 | Ok a -> b a
38 let post_limit_b = 2 * 1024
40 (* Handle incoming HTTP requests.
42 * Has the
43 * - brue force mitigation ban,
44 * - initial setup,
45 * - asset restore,
46 * - URL router (dispatch),
47 * - session enforcement
48 * - /ping loop
49 * and delegates to the logic in Iweb (UI webinterface) or Is2s (ActivityPub Server to Server endpoint)
51 * Still does a Lwt_main.run that preferably owuld be outside
53 let handle uuid tnow ic (req : Cgi.Request.t) : Cgi.Response.t =
54 let t0 = Sys.time() in
55 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s %a %s %s %s" "Cgi" "handle" Uuidm.pp uuid req.remote_addr req.request_method req.path_info);
56 assert (not (req.path_info |> St.is_prefix ~affix:("/" ^ Cfg.seppo_cgi)));
57 (** redirect to password reset if non exists *)
58 let redir_if_passwd_nonex (r : Cgi.Request.t) =
59 let loc = Iweb.Passwd.path in
60 if Auth.fn |> File.exists
61 || r.path_info |> String.equal loc
62 then Ok r
63 else
64 (* start a 'recovery' session *)
65 let* _,sec = Cfg.ServerSession.create tnow
66 |> Option.to_result ~none:Http.s500' in
67 let header = [ Iweb.ClientCookie.new_session ~tnow sec req Auth.dummy ] in
68 Cfg.seppo_cgi ^ loc |> Http.s302 ~header
69 and restore_assets lst r =
70 let _ = Assets.Const.restore_if_nonex File.pFile lst in
71 Ok r
72 and
73 (** URL router and HTTP middleware. *)
74 dispatch (r : Cgi.Request.t) =
75 (* Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s path_info '%s'" "Cgi" "handle.dispatch" r.path_info); *)
77 let (* send_file ct p = p
78 |> File.to_string
79 |> Http.clob_send uuid ct
80 and *) (** Send an asset from inside the binary *)
81 send_res ct p = match p |> Res.read with
82 | None -> Http.s500
83 | Some b -> Http.clob_send uuid ct b
84 and send_res' ct (Auth.Uid _,(r : Cgi.Request.t)) =
85 match match r.path_info with
86 | "/people" as p -> p ^ ".xml" |> Res.read
87 | _ -> None with
88 | None -> Http.s404
89 | Some s -> Http.clob_send uuid ct s
90 and ases = Iweb.ases tnow
91 and auth = Iweb.uid_redir
92 and ban = Ban.escalate Ban.cdb
93 and base () = (* lazy, may not exist yet *) Cfg.Base.(from_file fn) |> Result.get_ok
94 and csrf_ck v = Iweb.Token.(check fn v)
95 and csrf_mk v = Ok Iweb.Token.(create ~uuid fn, v)
96 and form (r : Cgi.Request.t) ic v =
97 match r.content_length with
98 | None -> Http.s411
99 | Some n -> if n < 0 || n > post_limit_b
100 then Http.s413
101 else try
102 Ok (ic |> Html.Form.of_channel n, v)
103 with _ -> Http.s400
104 and rt = Lwt.return
105 and tz = Timedesc.Time_zone.(local () |> Option.value ~default:utc)
106 and s302
107 ?(qs="")
108 ?(header = [])
110 r.script_name ^ p ^ qs
111 |> Http.s302 ~header in
112 let re = match r.path_info, r.request_method |> Cohttp.Code.method_of_string with
113 | ("/doap.rdf" as p, `GET) -> p |> send_res Http.Mime.text_xml |> rt
114 | ("/LICENSE" as p, `GET)
116 | ("/var/lock/challenge" as p, `GET) -> let f = "app" ^ p in f |> send_file Http.Mime.text_plain |> rt
118 | ("/version" as p, `GET) -> p |> send_res Http.Mime.text_plain |> rt
119 | "/activitypub/actor.xml", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>| Iweb.Actor.get ~base uuid
120 | "/activitypub/actor.xml", `POST -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= form r ic >>= csrf_ck >>| Iweb.Actor.post ~base uuid tnow
121 | "/activitypub/actor.xml/icon", `GET -> r |> Iweb.Actor.Icon.get ~base uuid
122 | "/activitypub/announce", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Announce.get ~base uuid tnow |> rt
123 | "/activitypub/dislike", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Like.get ~undo:true ~base uuid tnow |> rt
124 | "/activitypub/inbox.jsa", `POST -> r |> Is2s.Inbox.post ~base uuid tnow ic
125 | "/activitypub/like", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Like.get ~base uuid tnow |> rt
126 | "/backoffice/", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= Iweb.Health.get ~base uuid |> rt
127 | "/http", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>| Iweb.Http_.get ~base uuid tnow
128 | "/login", `GET -> r |> csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Login.get uuid |> rt
129 | "/login", `POST -> r |> form r ic >>= csrf_ck >>= Iweb.Login.post uuid tnow ban |> rt
130 | "/logout", `GET -> r |> ases >>= Iweb.Logout.get uuid |> rt
132 | "/note", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Note.get uuid |> rt
134 | "/notifyme", `GET -> r |> Result.ok >>| Iweb.Notifyme.get ~base uuid tnow
135 | "/passwd", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Passwd.get uuid |> rt
136 | "/passwd", `POST -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= form r ic >>= csrf_ck >>= Iweb.Passwd.post uuid tnow |> rt
137 | "/people", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= send_res' Http.Mime.text_xml |> rt
138 | "/ping", `GET -> r |> Iweb.Ping.get ~base uuid
139 | "/edit", `GET
140 | "/post", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Post.get ~base uuid |> rt
141 | "/edit", `POST
142 | "/post", `POST -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= form r ic >>= csrf_ck >>| Iweb.Post.post ~base uuid tnow
143 | "/profile", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= csrf_mk >>= Iweb.Profile.get uuid |> rt
144 | "/profile", `POST -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= form r ic >>= csrf_ck >>= Iweb.Profile.post uuid tnow |> rt
145 | "/search", `GET -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= Iweb.Search.get ~base uuid |> rt
146 | "/session", `GET -> r |> ases >>= Iweb.Session.get uuid |> rt
147 | "/timeline/", `GET -> "p/" |> Http.s302 |> rt
148 | "/tools", `GET -> Http.s501 |> rt
149 | "/tools", `POST -> Http.s501 |> rt
150 | "/webfinger", `GET -> r |> Iweb.Webfing.get uuid
151 | "/", `GET -> ".." |> Http.s302 |> rt
152 | "", `GET when "" = r.query_string -> Http.s302 "." |> rt
153 | "", `GET -> (let ur = r |> Cgi.Request.path_and_query in
154 (* shaarli compatibility *)
155 match "do" |> Uri.get_query_param ur with
156 | Some "login" -> s302 Iweb.Login.path
157 | Some "logout" -> s302 Iweb.Logout.path
158 | Some "configure" -> s302 Iweb.Profile.path
159 | _ ->
160 (* accessing random urls leads to a ban, eventually *)
161 ban tnow r.remote_addr;
162 Http.s404
163 ) |> rt
164 | _, `GET when r |> Iweb.Timeline.can_handle -> r |> ases >>= auth >>= Iweb.Timeline.get ~tz ~base uuid tnow |> rt
165 | _, `GET when r |> Iweb.Webfing.can_handle ~prefix:"/@" -> r |> Iweb.Webfing.do_handle ~prefix:"/@" |> rt
166 | _, `GET when r |> Iweb.Webfing.can_handle ~prefix:"/acct:" -> r |> Iweb.Webfing.do_handle ~prefix:"/acct:" |> rt
167 | _, `HEAD -> Http.s405 |> rt
168 | _ ->
169 (* accessing random urls leads to a ban, eventually *)
170 ban tnow r.remote_addr;
171 Http.s404 |> rt in
172 re |> Lwt_main.run
174 (** Unite Ok and Error and write response. *)
175 merge (x : (Cgi.Response.t, Cgi.Response.t) result) : Cgi.Response.t =
176 let (status,_,_) as x = match x with
177 | Ok x -> x
178 | Error x -> x in
179 Logr.info (fun m -> m "%s.%s %a dt=%.3fs HTTP %s %s %s -> localhost%a"
180 "Cgi" "handle"
181 Uuidm.pp uuid
182 (Sys.time() -. t0)
183 (status |> Cohttp.Code.string_of_status)
184 req.request_method
185 req.remote_addr
186 Uri.pp (req |> Cgi.Request.path_and_query));
187 x in
188 Ok req
189 >>= Ban.(check_req (prepare_cdb cdb) tnow)
190 >>= Iweb.redir_if_cgi_bin
191 >>= Assets.Const.(restore_assets all)
192 >>= redir_if_passwd_nonex
193 >>= dispatch
194 |> merge