[Seppo.git] / lib /
1 (*
2 * _ _ ____ _
3 * _| || |_/ ___| ___ _ __ _ __ ___ | |
4 * |_ .. _\___ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| |
5 * |_ _|___) | __/ |_) | |_) | (_) |_|
6 * |_||_| |____/ \___| .__/| .__/ \___/(_)
7 * |_| |_|
9 * Personal Social Web.
11 * Copyright (C) The #Seppo contributors. All rights reserved.
13 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
16 * (at your option) any later version.
18 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 * GNU General Public License for more details.
23 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
27 let ( let* ) = Result.bind
28 let ( >>= ) = Result.bind
30 let pre = "app/var/db/"
31 let fn = pre ^ "o/p.s"
32 let fn_id_cdb = Mapcdb.Cdb (pre ^ "o/id.cdb")
33 let fn_url_cdb = Mapcdb.Cdb (pre ^ "o/url.cdb")
34 let fn_t_cdb = Mapcdb.Cdb (pre ^ "o/t.cdb")
36 (** An id consists of a page name and number and an index within *)
37 module Id = struct
38 let uri_to_b id =
39 id |> Uri.to_string |> Bytes.of_string
41 (** defined by a name and a number. *)
42 type page = string * int
44 (** An ID consists of a page and an index within *)
45 type t = page * int
47 let to_page_i id : (t,string) result=
48 if id |> Uri.scheme |> Option.is_none
49 && id |> |> Option.is_none
50 && id |> Uri.path |> St.is_prefix ~affix:"o/"
51 then
52 let jig = "%-%/" |> Make.Jig.make in
53 match id |> Uri.path |> Make.Jig.cut jig,
54 id |> Uri.fragment with
55 | Some [b;j] , Some i ->
56 (try
57 Ok ((b,j |> int_of_string)
58 , i |> int_of_string)
59 with Failure e -> Error e)
60 | _ -> Error "no index given"
61 else
62 Error "must be like o/p-23/#42"
63 end
65 (* a tuple of two (file) positions *)
66 module TwoPad10 = struct
67 let length = 28
68 type t = int * int
70 let to_string (a,b : t) =
71 (* write a canonical s-expression in one go *)
72 let r = Printf.sprintf "(10:0x%08x10:0x%08x)" a b in
73 assert (length == (r |> String.length));
76 let decode (sx : Csexp.t) : (t,'a) result =
77 let h2i = int_of_string in
78 match sx with
79 | Csexp.(List [Atom p0; Atom p1]) -> Ok (h2i p0, h2i p1)
80 | _ -> Error "couldn't decode"
82 let decode_many l : t list =
83 let h2i = int_of_string in
84 l |> List.fold_left (fun init e ->
85 match e with
86 | Csexp.(List [Atom p0; Atom p1]) -> (h2i p0, h2i p1) :: init
87 | _ -> init) []
88 |> List.rev
90 let fold_decode a (_ : (Csexp.t,'a) result) =
93 let from_channel ic =
94 match Csexp.input_many ic with
95 | Error _ -> []
96 | Ok l -> decode_many l
98 let from_file = File.in_channel from_channel
100 let from_page_i ?(prefix = pre) (((fn,j),i) : Id.t) : (t,string) result =
101 let jig = prefix ^ "%/%.s" |> Make.Jig.make in
102 let l : t list = [fn;j |> string_of_int]
103 |> Make.Jig.paste jig
104 |> Option.get
105 |> from_file in
106 try Ok (i |> List.nth l)
107 with _ -> Error "not found"
109 let from_id ?(prefix = pre) id : (t,string) result =
111 |> Id.to_page_i
112 >>= from_page_i ~prefix
114 let strut (p0,p1 : t) =
115 assert (p0 >= 0);
116 assert (p1 - p0 - 6 >= 0);
117 let l0,l1 = match p1 - p0 - 6 with
118 | 0 as n -> 0,n - 0
119 | 10 as n -> 1,n - 1
120 | 101 as n -> 1,n - 2
121 | 1_002 as n -> 1,n - 3
122 | 10_003 as n -> 1,n - 4
123 | 100_004 as n -> 1,n - 5
124 | 1_000_005 as n -> 1,n - 6
125 | 10_000_006 as n -> 1,n - 7
126 | 100_000_007 as n -> 1,n - 8
127 | 1_000_000_008 as n -> 1,n - 9
128 | n ->
129 let n' = n |> float_of_int in
130 let dec' = n' |> log10 |> floor in
131 let dec = n' -. dec' |> log10 |> int_of_float in
132 0,n - dec
134 let fil = 'x' in
135 let r = Csexp.(List [Atom (String.make l0 fil); Atom (String.make l1 fil)]) in
136 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s %d" "Storage" "strut" (p1-p0));
137 assert ((p1-p0) == (r |> Csexp.to_string |> String.length));
141 (* hydrate entry (from main storage) *)
142 let fold_of_twopad10 ?(fn = fn) a p =
143 (* read entry from main storage *)
144 let of_twopad10 (p0,p1 : TwoPad10.t) : (Csexp.t,'a) result =
145 let ipt ic =
146 seek_in ic p0;
147 assert (pos_in ic = p0);
148 let r = Csexp.input ic in
149 assert (pos_in ic = p1);
152 fn |> File.in_channel ipt
154 let ( >>= ) = Result.bind in
156 |> TwoPad10.decode
157 >>= of_twopad10
158 >>= Rfc4287.Entry.decode)
159 :: a
161 module Page = struct
162 type t =
164 let jig = pre ^ "%/%.s" |> Make.Jig.make
166 let of_fn fn : t option =
167 match fn |> Make.Jig.cut jig with
168 | Some [a;b] ->
169 assert (a |> St.is_prefix ~affix:"o/");
170 Some (a,b |> int_of_string)
171 | _ -> None
173 let to_fn (a,b : t) =
174 assert (a |> St.is_prefix ~affix:"o/");
175 [a;b |> string_of_int]
176 |> Make.Jig.paste jig
177 |> Option.get
179 let to_posn (p : t) : TwoPad10.t list =
181 |> to_fn
182 |> TwoPad10.from_file
184 let find_max ?(prefix = pre) (dir,_ : t) : t option =
185 assert (dir |> St.is_prefix ~affix:"o/");
186 assert (not (dir |> St.is_suffix ~affix:"/"));
187 let mx = File.fold_dir (fun c fn ->
188 (try Scanf.sscanf fn "%d.s" (fun i -> i)
189 with _ -> -1)
190 |> max c,true)
191 (-1) (prefix ^ dir) in
192 if mx < 0
193 then None
194 else Some (dir,mx)
196 let jig2 = "%-%/" |> Make.Jig.make
198 let of_id = Id.to_page_i
200 let modify_idx fu (a,x : t) : t =
201 (a,x |> fu)
203 let pred = modify_idx Int.pred
204 let succ = modify_idx Int.succ
206 let to_int = function
207 | Some (_,x : t) -> x
208 | _ -> -1
210 (* the next id and page *)
211 let next_id ~items_per_page (dir,_ as pa : t) : (Uri.t * t) =
212 (* Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s %s" "Storage" "next_id" dir); *)
213 assert (dir |> St.is_prefix ~affix:"o/");
214 assert (not (dir |> St.is_suffix ~affix:"/"));
215 let bytes_per_item = TwoPad10.length in
216 (* get the previously highest index number and name *)
217 let _ = pa |> to_fn |> Filename.dirname |> File.mkdir_p File.pDir in
218 let pg,i =
219 match pa |> find_max with
220 | None ->
221 (* Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s first %s" "Storage" "next_id" dir); *)
223 | Some (di,pg) ->
224 assert (di |> String.equal dir);
225 let pa = (dir,pg) in
226 let i = (try (pa |> to_fn |> Unix.stat).st_size
227 with _ -> 0) / bytes_per_item in
228 if i < items_per_page
229 then pg,i
230 else pg+1,0
232 assert (pg >= 0);
233 assert (i >= 0);
234 assert (i < items_per_page);
235 let j = "%-%/#%" |> Make.Jig.make in
236 let v = [dir;pg |> string_of_int;i |> string_of_int] in
237 let id = v |> Make.Jig.paste j |> Option.get |> Uri.of_string in
238 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s %a" "Storage" "next_id" Uri.pp id);
239 assert (id |> Uri.to_string |> St.is_prefix ~affix:"o/");
240 id,(dir,pg)
242 let apnd (_,b as pa) pos =
243 assert (b >= 0);
244 assert (TwoPad10.length == (pos |> Bytes.length));
246 |> to_fn
247 |> File.out_channel_append (fun oc -> output_bytes oc pos)
249 let append (pa : t) (pos : TwoPad10.t) =
250 let by = pos
251 |> TwoPad10.to_string
252 |> Bytes.of_string in
253 by |> apnd pa;
256 let _remake fn ix =
257 (* add csexp entry to .s and return (id,position) tuple *)
258 let add_1_csx oc sx =
259 let ol = pos_out oc in
260 sx |> Csexp.to_channel oc;
261 let ne = pos_out oc in
262 let id = match sx |> Rfc4287.Entry.decode with
263 | Error _ -> None
264 | Ok r -> Some in
265 (id,(ol,ne)) in
266 (* if Some id call fkt with id->(ol,ne) *)
267 let add_1_p fkt = function
268 | (None,_v) -> Logr.warn (fun m -> m "add a strut?")
269 | (Some id,v) -> fkt (Id.uri_to_b id, v |> TwoPad10.to_string |> Bytes.of_string) in
270 (* - read all csexps from the source *)
271 let ic = open_in_gen [ Open_binary; Open_rdonly ] 0 fn in
272 let* sxs = Csexp.input_many ic in
273 close_in ic;
274 (* copy fn content as csexps to tmp file fn' *)
275 let fn' = fn ^ "~" in
276 let oc = open_out_gen [ Open_binary; Open_wronly ] File.pFile fn' in
277 let cp_csx oc sxs sx = (add_1_csx oc sx) :: sxs in
278 let pos = List.fold_left (cp_csx oc) [] sxs in
279 close_out oc;
280 (* recreate cdb *)
281 let none _ = false in
282 let add_all fkt = List.iter (add_1_p fkt) pos in
283 let _ = Mapcdb.add_many none add_all ix in
284 (* swap tmp for real *)
285 Unix.rename fn' fn;
286 Ok fn
288 open Rfc4287
290 (* all but o/p/, unnumbered (dummy -3) *)
291 let other_feeds (e : Entry.t) : t list =
292 let day (Rfc3339.T iso) = ("o/d/" ^ String.sub iso 0 10,-3) in
293 let open Category in
294 let tag init (_,(Term (Single t)),_) = ("o/t/" ^ t,-3) :: init in
295 day e.published
296 :: (e.categories |> List.fold_left tag [])
298 (* all but o/p/, numbered *)
299 let next_other_pages ~items_per_page (e : Entry.t) : t list =
300 let page init item =
301 let _,pg = next_id ~items_per_page item in
302 pg :: init
305 |> other_feeds
306 |> List.fold_left page []
308 let find (pos : TwoPad10.t) (base : string) : t option =
309 let compare (inner0,inner1) (outer0,outer1) =
310 (* Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s (%i,%i) (%i,%i)" "Main.Note.Delete" "" in0 in1 out0 out1); *)
311 assert (inner0 <= inner1);
312 assert (outer0 <= outer1);
313 if inner1 < outer0
314 then (-1)
315 else if inner0 > outer1
316 then 1
317 else 0
319 let union posn =
320 match posn with
321 | [] -> (0,0)
322 | (a0,a1) :: _ ->
323 let b0,b1 = posn |> St.last in
324 (* Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s (%i,%i) (%i,%i)" "Main.Note.Delete" "dirty.range" p00 p01 p10 p11); *)
325 assert (a0 <= a1);
326 assert (b0 <= b1);
327 assert (a0 <= b1);
328 (a0,b1)
330 let includes (outer0,outer1) (inner0,inner1) =
331 (* Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s (%i,%i) (%i,%i)" "Main.Note.Delete" "dirty.spans" in0 in1 out0 out1); *)
332 (* assert (r = (0 == compare (in0,in1) (out0,out1))); *)
333 inner0 >= outer0 && inner1 <= outer1
335 let rec bsearch (pos : TwoPad10.t) (p,i0 : t) (p1,i1 : t) =
336 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s (%s,%i) (%s,%i)" "Main.Note.Delete" "dirty.find.bsearch" p i0 p1 i1);
337 assert (p |> String.equal p1);
338 assert (i0 <= i1);
339 let m = p , (i0 + i1) / 2 in
340 match m
341 |> to_posn
342 |> union
343 |> compare pos with
344 | 0 -> Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s found: (%s,%i)" "Main.Note.Delete" "dirty.find.bsearch" p ((i0+i1)/2));
345 Some m
346 | -1 -> bsearch pos (p,i0) m
347 | 1 -> bsearch pos m (p1,i1)
348 | _ -> failwith __LOC__
350 Option.bind
351 (find_max (base,-11))
352 (fun mx ->
353 let mx' = mx
354 |> to_posn
355 |> union in
356 (* at first examine the most recent page *)
357 if includes mx' pos
358 then Some mx
359 else let _,mx'1 = mx' in
360 (* then binary search all *)
361 let all = (0,mx'1) in
362 if includes pos all
363 then (let p,_ = mx in
364 bsearch pos (p,0) mx)
365 else None)
368 open Rfc4287
370 (* all logical feed urls, xml+json, (including the main feed) outbox etc. *)
371 let feed_urls (e : Entry.t) =
372 let db = Uri.make ~path:"o/d/" () in
373 let day (Rfc3339.T iso) =
374 let p = String.sub iso 0 10 in
375 Uri.make ~path:(p ^ "/") () |> Http.reso ~base:db in
377 let tb = tagu in
378 let open Category in
379 let tag (_,(Term (Single p)),_) =
380 Uri.make ~path:(p ^ "/") () |> Http.reso ~base:tb in
382 let obox = Uri.make ~path:(Ap.apub ^ "outbox/") () in
383 defa
384 :: obox
385 :: (e.published |> day)
386 :: (e.categories |> tag)
388 let climb a : string =
390 |> String.split_on_char '/'
391 |> (fun _ -> "../")
392 |> String.concat ""
394 let make_feed_syml (unn,b : Page.t) fn' =
395 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s %s/%d %s" "Storage" "make_feed_syml" unn b fn');
396 let ld = unn ^ "/" in
397 let ln = ld ^ (Filename.basename fn') in
398 let fn = (unn |> climb) ^ fn' in
399 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "ln -s %s %s" fn ln);
400 let open Unix in
401 ((* should we take measures to only ever unlink symlinks? *)
402 try unlink ln
403 with Unix_error(ENOENT, "unlink", _) -> ());
404 (try mkdir ld File.pDir
405 with Unix_error(EEXIST, "mkdir", _) -> ());
406 symlink ~to_dir:false fn ln;
407 (fn, ln)
409 (* return a list of Page.t the entry is part of *)
410 let save
411 ?(items_per_page = 50)
412 ?(fn = fn)
413 ?(fn_id_cdb = fn_id_cdb)
414 ?(_fn_url_cdb = fn_url_cdb)
415 ?(_fn_t_cdb = fn_t_cdb)
416 (e : Rfc4287.Entry.t) =
417 let rel_edit_for_id id : Rfc4287.Link.t =
418 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s id %a" "Storage" "save.rel_edit_for_id" Uri.pp id);
419 let path = Cfg.seppo_cgi ^ "/edit" in
420 let f = id |> Uri.fragment |> Option.value ~default:"" in
421 assert (f != "");
422 let query = [("id",[id |> Uri.to_string])] in
423 {href = Uri.make ~path ~query ();
424 rel = Some Link.edit;
425 rfc7565 = None;
426 title = None} in
427 let id,(a,b as ix) = Page.next_id ~items_per_page ("o/p",-3) in
428 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s id: %a fn_x: %s%d" "Storage" "save" Uri.pp id a b);
429 assert (Rfc4287.defa |> Uri.to_string |> String.equal (a ^"/"));
430 assert (id |> Uri.to_string |> St.is_prefix ~affix:"o/p-");
431 assert (a |> String.equal "o/p");
432 assert (b >= 0);
433 let e = {e with id;
434 links = (id |> rel_edit_for_id) :: e.links} in
435 (* append entry to global storage .s and record store position *)
436 let p0 = try (Unix.stat fn).st_size with _ -> 0 in
437 let mode = [ Open_append; Open_binary; Open_creat; Open_wronly ] in
438 fn |> File.out_channel_append ~mode (fun oc ->
440 |> Rfc4287.Entry.encode
441 |> Csexp.to_channel oc);
442 let p1 = (Unix.stat fn).st_size in
443 let pos = (p0,p1) |> Page.append ix in
444 let _ = Mapcdb.add (Id.uri_to_b pos fn_id_cdb in
445 Logr.warn (fun m -> m "@TODO append url->id to urls.cdb");
446 e,ix,pos
448 let from_channel (p0,_ : TwoPad10.t) sc =
449 seek_in sc p0;
450 sc |> Csexp.input >>= Entry.decode
452 let overwrite fn (p0,p1 as pos : TwoPad10.t) =
454 |> File.out_channel_patch
455 (fun oc ->
456 seek_out oc p0;
457 assert (p0 == pos_out oc);
458 pos |> TwoPad10.strut |> Csexp.to_channel oc;
459 assert (p1 == pos_out oc) )
461 (* overwrite in primary storage *)
462 let delete
463 ?(fn = fn)
464 id : (Rfc4287.Entry.t, string) result =
465 Logr.debug (fun m -> m "%s.%s %a" "Storage" "delete" Uri.pp_hum id);
466 let* pos = id |> TwoPad10.from_id in
467 let* r = fn |> File.in_channel (from_channel pos) in
468 overwrite fn pos;
469 Ok r
471 let select ?(fn = fn) id : (Rfc4287.Entry.t, string) result =
472 Logr.warn (fun m -> m "%s.%s %a" "Storage" "select" Uri.pp_hum id);
473 let* pos = TwoPad10.from_id id in
474 fn |> File.in_channel (from_channel pos)