First attempt of defining the main arch.
[SoftCat.git] / SoftCat / SoftCat.cbp
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
2 <CodeBlocks_project_file>
3 <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
4 <Project>
5 <Option title="SoftCat" />
6 <Option pch_mode="2" />
7 <Option compiler="gcc" />
8 <Build>
9 <Target title="Debug">
10 <Option output="bin/Debug/SoftCat" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
11 <Option object_output="obj/Debug/" />
12 <Option type="1" />
13 <Option compiler="gcc" />
14 <Compiler>
15 <Add option="-g" />
16 </Compiler>
17 <Linker>
18 <Add library="/usr/lib/" />
19 <Add library="/usr/lib/" />
20 <Add library="/usr/lib/" />
21 <Add library="/usr/lib/" />
22 </Linker>
23 </Target>
24 <Target title="Release">
25 <Option output="bin/Release/SoftCat" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
26 <Option object_output="obj/Release/" />
27 <Option type="0" />
28 <Option compiler="gcc" />
29 <Compiler>
30 <Add option="-O2" />
31 </Compiler>
32 <Linker>
33 <Add option="-s" />
34 </Linker>
35 </Target>
36 </Build>
37 <Compiler>
38 <Add option="-Wall" />
39 </Compiler>
40 <Linker>
41 <Add library="GL" />
42 <Add library="X11" />
43 </Linker>
44 <Unit filename="main.cpp">
45 <Option target="Release" />
46 </Unit>
47 <Extensions>
48 <code_completion />
49 <debugger />
50 </Extensions>
51 </Project>
52 </CodeBlocks_project_file>