1 // Our tests must be properly configured before they will work
4 // SquirrelJME uses a different test framework, so we cannot rely on
5 // Gradle to correctly pick it up
6 scanForTestClasses = false
7 includes = ['**' + '/*Test', '**' + '/Test*', '**' + '/Do*',
8 '*Test', 'Test*', 'Do*']
10 // Make the standard streams always show
11 testLogging.showStandardStreams = true
13 // Use TestNG but make sure our custom factory is always picked up
14 // so that tests work properly
16 { TestNGOptions options ->
17 // Need to specify the suite which contains the factory so that
18 // it will detect all of the tests and run them accordingly
19 options.suiteXmlFiles = [project(":emulators:emulator-base").
20 projectDir.toPath().resolve("src").resolve("main").
21 resolve("resources").resolve("squirreljme.xml").toFile()]
24 // Reduce the usages of signals within the JVM
27 // Force JNI to be extra-checked, as debugging it is more difficult
28 // and can randomly cause issues
29 jvmArgs += "-Xcheck:jni"
31 // All classes should be verified
32 jvmArgs += "-Xverify:all"
34 // Compile classes and methods as they are reached